QFO Labs MX01 Mimix User Manual 2AAPN MX01 11405A MX01 QFO

QFO Labs Inc Mimix 2AAPN MX01 11405A MX01 QFO

2AAPN-MX01&11405A-MX01 QFO User Manual

Download: QFO Labs MX01 Mimix User Manual 2AAPN MX01 11405A MX01 QFO
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Document ID2085600
Application IDLQgqZaxwdjid0EbkLEsyWQ==
Document Description2AAPN-MX01&11405A-MX01 QFO User Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize384.62kB (4807727 bits)
Date Submitted2013-09-29 00:00:00
Date Available2013-09-30 00:00:00
Creation Date2013-09-17 09:30:24
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Document Lastmod2013-09-17 09:30:33
Document Title2AAPN-MX01&11405A-MX01 QFO User Manual
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Only for Ages 14+
onduct has small pans thal may pose a choklng hazald.
Rechalgeable Lllhlum Polymel (Llpol Bananas ale
dangelous and may explode If mlsuealed, ovemeated,
m lmplupefly lechavged lfa m banevyswellsolexpands,
slop uslng lmmedmely,
Always opeme nah wlxhln llne olslgm, lfclaft ls aural
slgm, lmmedlalelyshurdown poweno cvafl.
Thls devlce complles wlxh pm 15 ohhe FCC Rules
Opemlon .s sublect m m followlnq xwo condn‘lons:
mm; devlce may nm cause harmful lmevfevence
2M: devlce must accepl any mrevievence retell/ed,
lncludlng lntevfevence max may cause undesired opevauon
(£1588 mangle.
w L. n.4,... w... l y—Annhd
Welcome tn the world of QFO'.
Each QuadFlghlel' pmduu Includes me palemed “TllKrTDrFW”
MlMlX'commHevand a QFrl'quadcopKovwlm an lR“lasev”
luv veal mulllrplayev banle acnon.
FIGHTER afxiszzzrzzr'
Gemng Sxaned
am, um um Mmm an m: qmngmu Flight Modes _ Normal and Expe,
m «(a lndemavks uIQFD mm m:
M.....upuu.x,M...mu, usA GenevalTips and FAQs
Warranty and Regulations,
mama: by u 3 mm Nu 7331,23;
0mm u s m: Immuml New Pendmg
a are 1mm; 2m; AH "ng mew-i m mzm 3
- m1: gimmg mqulm m or mm. Quzdflghlux
Nevevflythe QM nearyouraranyone else’sface.
Keep mgm pam and sunoundmg free of spedawvs and
pets, they may be harmed or may damage the cvafl.
Keep (raft away from race and hair ax all times,
Keep fingersawayfiom moving mmvs
Beware , motors may get hot
Dp nm fly ifQH 0erme are damaged.
Do nm leave QM or Mvmx exposed to excessive heat
Do me dean QF-I m Mimix wnh sch/ems
Dp nm drop in, spray wim, or submerge in waxer.
Do nm anempx w remeve QM from dangerous p‘ims,
such as a roofer tree, wimaux Kaking safety pvecaurions
Remmmended for mdoov use in rooms wrrnoux breakab‘e
omens orfans,
Nox adwsabwe for oumoor use in indemem weathevov in
wind; over 10 mph.
Congvamlauuns on yum purchase anne QuadFIghKer
We desrgned me Mrmrxconnanernum me ground upw
pvowde an rmumve and excmng flymg experrenceyusx for
yau mrme Mlmlx mmmHevfovward, back, \efl, ar "gm and
me L1Hcranrespandsyusmke you mmkn should.¥ou fee‘
engaged and m comml And, wrcn mulup‘e QM (rah mar
each have menuwn \R”\asevs”, we have opened up a who‘e
new realm ufgamlng mar yau and your friends can enjay.
Tmnle (+1
Th umb Comm
cum vaw (L)
LED: IR Sensor
Thvonle < ) /
Landing ('
Gear ,'
Tnggcv m
“at?” (havge SumeED ( m Gamma
\ ,
Romy; Rmms
Mm usa Charge Pan /-
PowevBumm 7-.
Tum Se‘ezI/Radm Vaw Bunan O
Power Charging — QF-1
Tg chargerhe QF71,remove\he banery and pmg rr 'rnm rhe
banery charger thar came wixh xhe Quadrrghxer. The banery
charger can charge up (0 (WD baneries at a rrrne. Nexr, pmg
rhe charger imo a use armet usmg a micvarUSE (ab‘eIhe
charger has a red LEDthatwiH illuminare for each banery
rhar heed; ehargrng
encerhe battery rs My charged the red LED er mm off.
Ftu charging me QM harrery takes up re 45 minutes,
The LED on xhe QFVW bhnks and a sound plays when the QF71
banery needs (0 he re(havged or repraeeg.
Power Charging — Mim x
To charge rhe ermx, simply plug rhe commller mm a usa
pan using a rmcmrUSB cahle. A red LED on rhe Mlmlx er
rHurnrnace whrle :hargmg and rum aff once rhe binary
rhsrde the Mrrnrx rs quy charged,
The rechargeabre harrerres In both rhe Mlmlx and rhe QM
are shrppeg wrrh a half charge, Ftu charge rhe banenes m
ensure an opumal hrsrflrghx expenence
Fullychargmg rhe Mrmrxrahesrakes upru 45 rnrnures.
The red LED on rhe Mlmlx bhnksand a sound plays when rx
needsro be recharged.
Your Mim'ix and QFr1ave aheady paved with one anothei.
Shouid you wish to paivycuv QM with a oiiteient Mim'ix,
see the synohg steps in the FAQs.
Pre-Flight Check
Ensure that the Mimix is powered off and the thumb
contioi is all the way back towards you and down
Insemhe (havged battery into the QM and ping the
battery into the matthing (on hector,
The LED on the QM Wiii (ycie though the Steam colors
Indicating no radio connection tn the Mimix has been
Powering up
Tum on the Mlmix by messing the vound Ved powei humans
The an LED Wiii stop changing calm and the Mlmlx
LED wiH match the caiovofthe QFr‘i to Indicate that vadin
connection Is established. Pvess the biue team button on
the Mimix anytime and both the QFV‘I and Mimix wiH both
change aims {and teams).
Once the LEDS on the OFT and Mimix ave bath at the same
team (aim, the Mimix LED will aiso puise to Indicate Ifthe
Mimlxls ievei This indicates all systems ave go!
Pre-Launch Po ning TilHo-Fly and Throttle Comrol
Mace me an on a leve\ suvface m fmm ofyou wnn the chk‘y push me xhumb comm on me kip anhe Mnmx 3/4
nase (fmm) pomnng away from you, ohhe way up and away 6mm you w gex me QF71 m xakeoff.
Pumnhe Mnmx snmax n Isfaclnq me same dnecuon as Nmexhaanen launchmg offa solid surfaie you wm need m
me nose ufme QM “punch“memumb comm m ovdenu ovevcomeme ground
Level me ermx connoHev m youv hand unm me pu‘slng effen max xenas w make me QM unsxable neav me floor
“X“LED on me Mlmlx s‘awsand tums suhd. A solid, sxeady
“x“.nmcaxes max me contmllev .s leve\
You ave now ready my takeoff‘
Yilt-to-Fly and Throttle Control
Control the direction ofthe QF-l by nlnng the Mlmlx m the
dllectlon you want the QF-l to move
Remember that the movements are velatlve to the posltlonlng
of the nose (from) of the QF-l!
Control the helght ofthe QF-l by shght up and down
movements of the thumb tontml
Rotation Control (Yaw) and Landing
In addltlon to ttlt-to-fly controls, you also have "yaw“ (omvol
that allaws you to rotate the QF-l leh or nght
To operate yaw control, gently bump the thumb control
on the Mlmlx left or nght to adjust the yaw.
To land the QF-l, hovel over a flat area and gently reduce
the throttle to land,
Powering Down
Always remember to comprerely powerdown the rhumb
contror whenever the GM lands or crashes in order m
:omprexery srop the rotors!
To power offrhe Mirn‘rx, press and hold the power button
1mm me”X" LED on the nose of me Mrmrx mm; white,
Then rerease the power buuon.
To power affrhe QF71,ur\p\ug and remove rhe banery.
Be sure to pinch the bauery connecmr to rerease it
from rhe QF71. Purlrng on the bakery wrre when ix r5 nor
rereased can damage the banery or me QM.
Choosing Teams/Colors
You (an bame rum in the sky wrrh lwn or more (2P1;
The only hmix m rhe number xhat (an pray at the same Mme
rs rhe amount or availabre space, All rhose QM s (an be on
one of B drfierenr reams and rr is easy to swrteh (eams‘
Ta assrgn arrrerehr QuadFightersm drfferenneamx, each
player usenhe alueream bmmn reared on me bonom
onheir Mrmrx,
The player presxenhe alueream human to (yere through
rhe erghl (a) availabre ream color; umrr me Mrmix and cm
arsprays the desrred ream eararrarrhar p‘ayer's QuadFrghKer.
E l
Aerial Dogfighting Game
You can enTy shnma on on a dlffevenneam.
Flflng V0"? ”VI-“E?" Aha! one hTT hmn an opponem's IR \asev, your QM w."
Fire your mfvaved (IR) ~Tase.~eT your opponenTs by pvessmg wobble shghTTy and you! Mvmx wm sound The MT
The Tnggemn The Mvmx Ahenwo hTTs, yoquFeT wm be“damaged“and youyMnnTx
The \R“\asev”shoms euT a havm‘ess mvlslble (one ofenevgy WTII sound The NLVDHV QM Wm ‘05? some eonnoT.
much ITke youvTV vemmecormol Theenne uf”\asev"enevgy Ahenhvee hTTs, youv QM Wm ‘05? powev and befovced To
shTwTs ouT hem The nose (ham) ohhe an The MT sensor an land, and yum MunTx wm sound you have been downed,
youv opponem n on The mp uhhe canopy ohhe on SD, ny lfyuuv craft Ts dawned, snnnly pull The Thumb eonTmT all
To ann The nose ufyuuv om aT The mp”X“on The canopy of The way down mwavds you and Then ynu Wm be ab‘e To
youvopponem's QM Jump back mm The fighT.
Mace The on an a IeveT swface mm The nose (hem) facing
awayfiom you.
Normal vs. Expert Mode
Your Quadnghxe. comes pyesel ln”novmal"mode.“Novma
mooe hmns you m gemle nhs and banks, ltalso llmlrsthe
lhmnle lo enable mole connollaole lakeolls,
“Expevt“mude lemoves mDsK ufmese hmns and you le
find me on le become veryfasl and responslve, Be
caveful asme clashes can be spedamlav.
To swltih modes, slmply pull and hold lhemggey back unnl
you heal a beepThen pvess xhe Keam select ounon. The
Mlmlx le lax you know when mode you ave m loy slgm and
sounowhe mode ynll stay me sameeven afievyou powel oown,
Slart leamlng m fly in Normal mode, pradke taking off,
hoveving in one 5pm and landing.when you have masxeved
max, lhen pradite flying a square panern whlle you hold
a comma helghmhen, ny (ambin'lng mmicns lo fly
mangular pauems
As you pvadice you will nouee lhax you don'x have ‘0 mink
a lax, you (an feel how ix should move, Remember \ha‘ all
xhe M‘lmlx mml'ans are velaxlve \0 Me nose on xhe QM.
when the Mlmlx l5 po'lmirlg away from you on lefl and the
QM wlll go leftThesamefav golrlg vighL Em .nhe nose
onhe QM is polm'lng (award yaumking lhe Mimix left
aduaHy makenhe 0P1 move m in left, your vlghx.
wlm me erl's unlque deslgn you deal have m wony
abous mmng me (elllng, m fan maneuvellng youlQFrl
u) hovelorl (he celllng (an be an effecllve sxrategy
dullng banles.
when you filsl slan leammg, sxlik wsm gemle and small
movemems onhe Mlmlx and me xhumb (armol m ensure
a smoom llsgm. As yuu become a maslevand swnch m
“Expen” mode, you Wlll find aggvesslve moves can be very
fun and {hallenglng‘
Fm move ups you (an Vlsn qfolabsmm m walch
lrlsuuctlorlal VldeOS.
How dolpnirmyQFl mm mm dineremwmlx mmmlkr?
Unplug me banerylonhe QFrl. Pcwcl on me Mlmlx Hold down Um blue bunorl
on me bcnom olme Mlmlx umll me LED ls llaslsmg whlse Plug us me banevy
fovlhe QF-l you would hkc payed was the Mlmlx The LED on Um QH wsll
mm a sol-d seam calm and Mlmlxwlll makh mas (olol and begln pulsmg Thl:
lndlales palnng was swmsxl‘ul
Now dnlzhnnge fhsmnopy on my an?
The (anopy ssmply snaps an and offfol easy leplasemeas
Pull ouxwavd an each mm m gemly m we (anopy off lss mm ls ls easless lfyou
can pull all (our arm: ofme (anopy
auhc same ume Spam maples. bancvlcx and voml: arc ayallable a| youl
yesallel cl anlme as QFOLab: (om
Hnwda l mph“: m rams an my on .7
wmle mey may look me same, mm am “My klnds ol lows on the on. one
msaseseloekwaeandme same.msaseseoumeyslasmse Looklovme"x"and
|hc”0"arl me end alme voml ski“ and on me undcmdc of We mm an me
QM Always mzldl rhe"X"loe"0"on me am will me")<"ol lhe"0"en slse
vomv. Mm you have me tolled lam slmply pull me old lawns" and easelully
push on a new low! belng (awful nos (a bend slse moml Shah m push me hard
|o damagcmc momv
How long will the humerus lam
When new and My maygeame QM rep‘ateable mum mu ‘3“ 678 mmulex
dependmg on how aggresswe‘y you flyfihs ermx miema‘ banevy wm Ian
27: hmux befove u need; m be lemma They em lake up m as mmmex Ia
vecharge Consider buying addmonalqm replaceab‘e
banznex w you (an a‘way: have one (havged and veady
mm. 4:: Inud m "marge m. battery!
when Khe ven‘aceab‘e balmy u gemng \ow you wIH see me QM flashing
muddy and heave wammg mne ham (he Mwmwx When the ermx mam my
(evy \xgamng \owyou le hears dwflevenlwammgmnehummemmm
Whntinhe rung: olthemdin?
The vange depzndx on manymmgx, hm you (an mum on a vange of 1 coma
m a dvecx lme omghx bexween me Mwmlx and (he QH you may expenence
mom 0! \exx vange dependmg on (he mudmom m yam mgm zone, mm QFJ
expenences a has: M ram communicanons n le s‘ow‘yflash yam mam calm
and begmto powevdown
Haw da Iknaw I’m [hunting and mn'ng!
Vow Mumx wm flash whwe and you wm hear a mommy sound when you mm
m mggev When you m an opponem, mewom and Mnmxwm Ham yam mam
ca‘ovandmeywm heaven exp‘oxmn.
mo Labx' wavmmx mx mam agalnxl dgleu: m makna‘x and/uvwmkmnmhm H: mm
am 17' pmmnx: by m ungma‘ puvdvaxu .1 vepmled wnhm 3n day: mm mm af Wm“
(anmnty Peuud') \fnddmlemmd upon 99“."ng pkkage, m bummmauy
uncanny m wudunand avihd (Wu K mm mm mewnvmnty Peuud m H: Human,
mo Labxwa emhev n vepmuhe dekn n rm mm uxmg newuvvduvblxhed vewazgmem
pm. cu m “man we Dmduu WM a NEW Dmduu «me .x n ‘23:: (unmanaHy equlva‘em m
the nngmn‘ pmdudmvl) mm” my: mm m me imam“ ufm: puvzhaxe pm: uflh:
ungmn‘ pmdud A vgnlazgmem pmduzl av pam Indudmg a uernquabk pm mum m
uwldanz: Mm mxhumunx pwaeu by are um. nxxumu m vemnmmg wzvvanty uhhe
ungmn‘ pmdud when a ludunuwan x: :xdvzngzd, anyvephmmem mam bezamuyum
pmpuly m We ven‘kzd nun bewmgx pmpeny 0f am lab: when a mm mm .x gwen,
the nngmn‘ pmdud 7mm m vemmed m we Lszand became: am Labx‘pmnuty
Obtaining sum
Va ablam wnvvamy “Mm :annn am my; 1: XuppoRQJQFOLabX mm Wen: dumb: mg
mam om max mm m the "an": 0f me pvab‘zm A pmmnx: mum u mama AH
mpmv: and vewazgmemx mun beamhuuzed m mam Sum uphunx, uaumvamammy
m vexvunxenmu mey m ave yupamwmaehmy m memxtuhemm mm
mam av Danna m aumunud mm mm, pemm mmmmnx
Li .na Enluxluns:
(av/Hag: undev my mm anmmy x: mm tn the WM 5mg: 0f Amuwa, mdudmg
the mm arcmumm m the v s Vemmnex nquam, Puevm mm m the v s ngn
\xlandx m: mm Wavvamyfivphu my“: pmduu: manufanmed mam Lnbxmnt
(in n. \dennfizd hm: mo Labrmaemm Had: name, av \ugu mm (H mm uv‘hzw
pukagmg smumunug me mm dmvlbumv m m mm a: pevmmed by‘nw, umwdex
«m. pmdunx x: mm wmhuutwummy
um; ma Exam-am (mum
Tmswamnw doe: nox appww a) damagecaused oylauuvem oouow mwuwonx mam
m pvoaum uxeovme mslaHauon okomponenn, m damagecauxed oyamam abuse,
lexey rue. flocdxyemhquéke 0v crhev exxema‘ mm, <1 damage named by sevwce
pelfevmed oyanyone who ‘3 max a veprexenranve oo BvooksmnechFo I ahxydncceuone:
used m (amuncuon wwh . (ovum! producxye) a pvcducx 0v pm mu has been moomw w
akevmncuonahlycvcapabmwyv wemx mended Io be pevlodmaHy vephced byrhe pmchasev
dunng (he norma‘ Nechhe momunuuamg,wwnounmanon, ballene: ov | rosy g] any
pvouumom: u‘ mcmdmg. wwhoux hmlunon,floordemonslvauon mode‘und vemvbunea
menu, av n1 . producl mar u used commemaHy ov rev 1 commema‘ puvpoxe
mm»: anooxsmm NOR QFo \ “5us as x mm 5 FOR wcmmm 0R coNSFQUFNnAI
names; RFSUmNG mom w; us; or ms vRoDuCr, 0R Amsws cm or my 5mm or
Ms mmmy row; FerNT mum-rm av mm mm F mw, anooxsroNr AM: are
mas mm AIMS my AND nu srAmTch 0»: mm m: wmmmws, \Nm unwc, wwmouT
HMwmoN, wARRANnFs or mewr ABH m, an55 run A mum an waves; AND
mmwss AGNNSY mom 0»: | MN mums
Some xuxex omnowmemwon or hmlunon ohnmdenn‘ ov comequenna‘ domagescv
how \ong an \mphed wavvarwy has, so me move emux-ommmancnx my norzpmyxo
you mewavvanlygwe: you xpecmc \egél thlsand you maymo have ememgm Wm
vavy hem mm m slam
theflmpmenxmmp‘ wah pm vwvrhera M‘ei Ouem M Kuhymwxn'vhwmgxmwnde
(YUM;dewurviynalauxehvrflu‘ mom. m In mu am. rm mmnwawa Wm
mam;myoymmrmyum. unduvrdapnimn mwmnom nammmmymmwmm
mzywm m m mummy ta apex: mu om.
Ymsenmvmemraxbumutefl “any": mmmv‘vw‘rwmehmmlmaz mum am. mmm
vm u mm m m, rm. Wumyygymmwo. “Wm. avaumaw-gmnumvmm‘ Wm
WM vumenm mum" 7m Icmvmemgmeulu usenrfl an mm.”mummy.”ng
:ndmnormmuw w m m«(ova-"(ewwhmemmurrwngmnynuit mm \nrenrrenuoud a
WWW m Hnwuu mm o «symmmumom-mo“ wow u ivimmhvmsnfimaw u
m Eampn‘enxdonnuu ”mm mum-renown” Wm" m mum, mm 1." he 4.1mm by
mm;ouqmnmamoan meLxlvuenmmigmml’ymmvmkuhl mlflnmnubyornmmumaf
mnauvw w New“
4mm m mam». vuewmq mm
4mm. w xurman hexween m- eqmpmen! w MW
,(wmmnwmm m." ammo" imumm‘km‘x1mmmutawmmmemuwevumwnulrd
4mm».«ammmp.«mono D/Wu-(hmmnrm n. v
Ymsdewum'vvhuwwr mommy(www.mummxxmmmm a.“ on ‘Xsub‘eunnrnfu‘
yum m mndmvm m: dew" my my aunt mlefirm'tb, w KM dew" mm mm my mu-VVEVMKE
mducmgw «mm lymusnundunndDvumwvaftheflewu
mimmm mm.) uppimh mm mm, m m. dun (.mmmnm. my“ oh mm.“ a
unendmn b‘mnwx-el/nuwv‘m “am-u: ltpvéu-szprm txuowfmme-uchkd ”WNW.
avvhmme: m ipvimh min: (11va Mm. L’uv‘mlmawenautumn:inxfleuxmndmnm WW,
\u \‘appam‘ Mammy vwdmn‘debwm‘hae um Mu memau app.rmdpwIzup'erxwxbmm‘hge
”mom“.“Mm” y. “mung..Wmmym." mmvmmmvl‘lknumrnemem
lidwhummyllnhi “mum..."
“end Indouruurpawnnum-QumF‘ghlwuvM‘m‘llonHx-van- be‘owxm- \r-duxvycvuaa m min:
«mqumwupmmmm thsedwmexshuumbe my mum mmmmm mm Vnmuman
q ADHGHIER AIR comma: quwcomw

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