Qixiang Electron Science and Technology ST-5189V1 Vehicle Radio; Brand: Soontone; Model: ST-5189 User Manual 1

Qixiang Electron Science& Technology Co., Ltd Vehicle Radio; Brand: Soontone; Model: ST-5189 1


User Manual

Download: Qixiang Electron Science and Technology ST-5189V1 Vehicle Radio; Brand: Soontone; Model: ST-5189 User Manual                1
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Qixiang Electron Science and Technology ST-5189V1 Vehicle Radio; Brand: Soontone; Model: ST-5189 User Manual                1
Document ID1446960
Application IDTPBxPIN82lKH8e4IY+jf4g==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2011-04-12 00:00:00
Date Available2011-04-12 00:00:00
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Document Author: Administrator

Thank you for choosing this m 'vehicle transceiver,
m" always Provides high quality Radio products, this
Transceiver is no exception. As you learn how to use this
transceiver. you will find that m' is pursuing "user
friendliness", For example, each time you change the Menu
No. in Menu mode, you will see a text message on the display
that lets you know what you are configuring.
Though user friendly, this transceiver is technically sophis-
ticated and some features may be new to you. Consider this
manual to be a personal tutorial from the designers. Allow the
manual to guide you through the Ieaming process now. then
act as a reference in the coming years .
Your need
is our service purpose!
Please observe the following precautions to prevent fire,
personal injury, and/or transceiver damage:
Do not attempt to use your transceiver while driving; it IS
simply too dangerous.
This transceiver is designed for a 13.8 V power source.
Never use a 24 V battery to power the transceiver.
Do not place the transceiver in excessively dusty. humid
or wet areas, nor on unstable surfaces.
Please make it away from interferential devices (such as
TV, generator etc.) when interfering by external.
Do not expose the transceiver to long periods ofdirect
sunlight nor place it close to heating appliances.
If an abnormal odor or smoke is detected coming from the
transceiver. turn OFF the power immediately. Ensure the
transceiver is safe. then send it to service station for
Do not transmit with high output power for extended periods:
the transceiver may overheat,
QIxIang Election Salons 6 Technology Co.,Ltd.
www. qx—tele. com
Your stem radlo generates RF electromagnetlc energy durlng transmt mode Thls radro rs oesrgneo tar and classlred as "Occupetlonal
A Use Only, meanrno u must be used only dunno the course or employment by lndlvlduals aware of the hazards, and the ways to mlmmlze
such hazaer Thls radlo ls NOT intended tor use by the "General Populatlon" ln an uncontrolled envlrorlment.
Tnls ratio has been tested and computes Wlth the FCC RF exposure llmlts tor "Occupahonal Use Only“ ln addltlon, your ST6189 radlo compiles wrlh the tollowrrlg
Standards and Guldellnes wrlh regard to RF energy and eleclremegnetlc energy levels and eyeluatron or suen levels for exposure to humans
l FCC oer Bulletln 65 Edluon 9701 Supplement C, Evaluatlng Compllanoe wrlh FCC Guldellnes tor Human Exposure to Radlo Frequency Elerxrorragnellc Flelds
l American National Standards Insmute (095 14 992). lEEE sandard lcr Safety Levels wnh Respect to Human Exposure 170 Radio Frequency Eledromagnelic Fields. 3
kHz tn 300 GHZ
I American Natlonal Sandards Instltute (095 371992), IEEE Recommended Prachoe for the Measurement OI Potentially Hazardous Eledmmagrlellc Fleidy RF and
I The followlng aocessones are authorrzeu for use with thls product Use or aooessorres ottrer than those (llsted rn ttre lrlstructlnrl) specmed may result ln RF erposure
levels exceedan the Foc requlremerls for wlreless RF exposure
To ensure that your expose to RF electromagnetlc energy rs wrlhrn the Fcc allowable Ilmrts tor oeoupatronal use, always adhere to the
followan guldellnes:
I Do NOT operate the radro wrthoul a proper antenna attached, as lhrs may damaged the raulo and may also douse you to exoeed FCC RF exposure lrmlrs A proper
antenna rs the antenna suppled wlth thls rauro py lhe manuraolurer or antenna speem-lly auttronzed by he manuraclurer ror use wrttr thrs radlcl
I Do NOT lransmlts lor more than we or total radro use trnre (“50%duty cycte') Transmntlng more than was or the trme can cause FCC RF exposure oomplrarree
requrrements to be exceeded The radro rs transmlttrng when the “TX mot-tor lrghrs red You can cause the rape to transmlt by presmg ttre "PTT' swrtm
I ALWAYS keep the antenna al least so cm away rrom the body when transmlltrng
The lnrorrnatlon lsted abcwe proyldes the user wtth the lntormatlon needed to make hlm or her amre or RF eyposlne, and what to do to assure that ttns radlo operates
with the FCC RF exposure limits of this ladle.
Electromagnetic Interference/Com patibility
Durlng transmusslohsy your ST—5189 radlo generates RF energy that can posslbly cause lntel'ferenoe Wlth other dedlces or systems. To avold such lhterterehce, turn off the
radio ln areas where slgrls are posted to do so. DO NOT operate the transmltter in areas that are sensltlve to electromagnetlc radlatloh such as hosp‘nals‘ aircraft, and
blasting sltes
Occupational/Controlled Use
The radlo transmllter rs used ln srtuatrons ln whloh persons are exposed as consequence of ttrelr employment prwlded lhose persons are fully aware or the potenlral for
exposure and can exerclse control over their exposure
PREFACE Micmphone - ~
PREPARATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Selecting channel 11
Mobile installation ----------------------------- 3 Selecting channel group 41-12
DC power cable connection Adjusting the volume ----------------------------- 11
Mubile operation Adjusting the squelch 12
Fixed station aperallon Monitor ------------- -12
ReplflCIflg fuses-- Transmlttlng -------------------------------------- 12
Antenna connection ' Receiving .............
Accessory connections """""""""""""""""""" 7 ADVANCED OPERATION
External Speaker """"""""""""""" 7 mass and DOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14.15
Mlcrophone ----------------------------------- 7 CTCSS -14
Front panel Scan setting - 45
Rear panel “ Normal awn - 15-18
Service 19
Cleaning - - 20
S—Ione code ----------------------- TROUBLE SHOOTING
Select pre-axlstad number to call SPECIFLCA‘I‘IONS —
lnput call number manually ta call -
Channel all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17
Emergency call received from other radio
or calling system
ANl funotlon .........
Grab channel ---------
Busy channel lockout ,
TIme-out Timer ~--~
General lnlormatinn
This now radio has many world adv-flood and reliable functions; it represents the Innovation and pntflnlity principle
of QMANG Company. Functions as follows:
6 The front panel display uses 16X2 dot-matrix LCD and nighl 0 CTCSSIDCS encode/decode per channel (can be dillerenl
lighting aid lo enable you to gel informalion am] time. enoodeldeoode hues). Heeling extra oallirg fi'om other Radio.
0 200 channels which can be split up into 1 to 10 scanning 0 Programmablo busy channel Lori-out.
groups. each group can program a priority scanning.
_0 Scanning—Normal scan. ACS scan. priority scan and A68
0 5w. 25W. 5aw Transmitter power could be changed through priority scan.
turning button.
0 0.3 pV Receiver sensitivity. 0 channel Scanning look function
0 AflOPfino balanced miner 10 imprwe ”ii-interference abilily- 0 Built-in 5-TONE signal, storing 100 numbers at most. ll -n
be used for group cell. selective call. ANI. auto-answer
0 Each channel has 1G+7 words to edit channel remark. etc
0 Automallc relaylru search (ACS). 0 Emergency Gall function.
0 Grabbing channel fundion. 0 Exterior alarm storm and alarm lrigger (Optional).
suppusn Accessomes 2 -
Carefully unpack the radio, and confirm the following Items In addition to this manual, you'd better kup
the packing.
° ST-5189 Mobile Radio 0 Mlcrophone (QMP—DZ) 0 Mounling 0 DC power cable wIlh fuse
bracket (QMMZ) holder (QPL—OZ)
jg” ”/
’ v
' Microphone 0 Hexagon SEMS ' Self-lapping screws - Spare fuses (a pair) 0 Flatwasherl
hanger (QMH-OZ) screws (M4x8mm) (M5x20mm)4pcs 2pm (OF-02) spring-washer
4pcs (QSS-02A) (QSS-(lzB) (QSS-OZD)
®fi$ an E W»
' Programing Cable ° Programing software 0 Regulaled power supply 0 Car antenna
(QXPL-oa) (QCD-OZ) (QRP-01) . (GOA-01)
To Install the transceiver, select a safe, convenient location
inside your vehicle that minimizes danger to your passengers
and yourself while the vehicle Is In motion. Consider Installing
the unit at an appropriate. position so that knees or legs will
not strike it during sudden braking ofyour vehicle. Try to pick
a well ventilated location that is shielded from direct sunlight.
1.Insta|l the mounting bractnet In the vehicle using the supplied
self-tapping screws (4 pee), tlet washers (4 pee). and spring
washers (4 pcs).
O The bracket must be installed so that the 3 screw hole positions
on the side ofthe mounting bracket are towards the near otthe
g s-r-upnawrsmxmm)
@ Sunrawmr
@ Finns-her
0 NOTE: Locate the power Input connector as close to the
transceiver as possible.
The vehicle battery must have a nominal rating of 12 V.
Never connect the transceiver to a 24 V battery. Be sure to
use a 12 V vehicle battery that has sufficient current capacity.
lfthe current to the transceiver is ineutticient, the display may
darken during transmission, or transmit output power may drop
1. Route the DC power cable supplied with the transceiver
directly to the vehide's battery tenninale using the shortest
path from the transceiver.
0 It using a noise filter, It should be Install-d with an Insulator
to prevent tt from touching metal on the vehicle.
0 We recommend you do not use the cigarette lighter socket
as some u'garette lighter sockets introduce an urlacwptable
voltage drop.
U The entire length ofthe cable mufl be dressed so it is isolated
from heat. moisture, and the engine secondary (high voltage)
Ignltlcn system/ cables.
2. Atter the cable Is In place, wrap heat-resistant tape around
the (use holder to protect it from moisture and tie down
the full run ofcable.
3.To preventthe risk of short circuits, disconnect other wiring
trom the negative (-) battery terminal before connecting
the transceiver.
2. Position the transceiver, then Insert and tighten the sup-
plied hexagon SEMS screws and flat washers .
0 Double chedt that all hardware 3 tightened to prevent vehicle
vhretton from loosering the bradretor transceiver.
' Ddennl'n the appropriate angle ofthe "Brim using the
3 screw hole positions on the side at the mounting bracket.
4. Confirm the conem polarity of the connediofls. then attam
the power able in the battery terminals; red mnnede in
the positive (+) tenrilal and black connects to the negative
(-) tenninel.
' Use the full length ctthe cools wiihout cutting oii‘ excess even
ifths cable is longer than required. In particular. never remove
the fuse holders from the cable.
5. Reconnect any wiring removed from the negative terminal.
6. Connect the DC power cable to the transceivers power
supply connector.
' Press the commit“ tinniy together until the lock'ng tab clicks.
In order to use this transceiver lur fixed station operation,
you will need a separateflw V DC power supply (not included).
The recommended current capacity at your power supply Is
12 A.
1. Connect the DC power cable to the regulated DC power
supply and ensure that the polarities are conect (Red:
positive. Black: negative).
0 Do not dlrefily connect the transceiver to an AC outlet.
0 Use the supplied no power table to connect the transceiver
to a regulated power supply.
e Do not substitute a cable with smaller gauge wires.
Fuse Locetton Fuse Current Rating
Supplied Ameeeory DC
power cable
Only usefum of the specified type and rating; otherwise
the transceiver could be damaged.
Ifyou use the transceivertbra long period when we vehicle
battery is not fully charged. or when the engine is OFF. the
battery may become discharged, and will not have sufficient
reserves to startlhe vehicle. Avoid using the transceiverunder
these conditions.
Before operating. install an eliicient. well-tuned antenna.
The success of your Installation will depend largely on the
type at antenna and its correct installation.The transceiver
can give excellent results lithe antenna system and Its Insta-
llation are given carelul attention.
2. Connect the transceiver‘s DC power connectortc the
ccnnedor on the DC power cable.
e Preee m- connectors lbmiy tngetha unllI th- chtlng teb cllclu.
(1 NOTE:
0 Before connecting the DC power supplyto me transceiver;
he sure to swltch the transceiverand the DCpowersuppIy
make all connections.
If the fuse blows. determine the cause. then correct the
problem. After the problem is resolved, replace the fuee.lf
newly installed tuses continue to blow. disconnect the power
cable and contact your authorized m ' dealer or an
authorized m ' service center for assistance.
Use a 500 impedance antenna and low-lose coeth feed
line that has a characteristic Impedance of 500. to match
the transceiver Input Impedance. Coupling the antenna to
the transceiver via feed lines having an Impedance other than
500 reduces the efficiency oflhe antenna system and can
cause interference to nearby broadcast television receivers,
radio receivers, and otherelectronic equipment.
0 Transmitting without first connecting an antenna orother
matched load may damage the transceiver. Always con-
nect the antenna to the transceiver before transmitting.
to reduce the risk of lire. electric shock. and transcehrer
Them are many possible antenna location: on a car.Four
ct Ihe most populsrare shown and discussed on the followira:
If you plan in use an external speaker, choose a speaker
with an impedance 01 an. The external epsaksrjack ecoepie
a 3.5 mm (1/8") mono (2-oondudor) plug.
External speaker adopt BTL double ports as output, please
care about the connecting way. The speaker can not conned
with thegmund, ofliemlse rhespeekerwillbe faultThe wrong
connecfirig way as the following picture:
Nob: mhmtlcn mmowmemmncflcm almonontpmelcomlt. mummmncflom norduru'ibcdnanm
pmvmdin in. appmpliah mum arms iurrueflun manual.
For voice ccmmunitalions. conned a microphone equ'pped
with an $pin modular plug Into Ihe modular sodret on the front
oi ihe main uniLPress firmly on the plug until the locking lab
Attach the supplied microphone hanger in an appropriate
location using lhe screws Included In the screw set
n. as...“
win MU)
To utilize the optional (ix-5189 soflware. you musi first
connect the transceiver In your PC using an optional pre-
urernming cable QXPL-OZ (vie ihe microphone jack).
Please vIin hm:lew.qx-tele.com for down loading
oxs1s9 software free.
(Q "ore.-
Ask your dealer about purchasing a Programming cable.
CHFliil'EL 25Itl
77. SNE+5T 56?B9
0 Power switchlvclume oonilol Iliunlng control imoh'
[Nou z]
- Turn this key can adjust the volume level
OFres and hold this layfcrz second ioswlmh clinanscelver. as
piclure on me right:
! Turn thin key leil or m in adjtm channel and relevenl iunctlonl
Nah: ‘I'urn lhh by only In a email angle but no! sen“. A:
pictur- on in: right: 66
Rome end release again and again in ieguleie a sailslylng value,
0 Microphone conneclion
0 Connect to Microphone ior voice Communication.
0 Dinplly Screen
. 1axz iwc rows of do! niahix displaying diversified menus and
user‘s information
0 Spa-liar
- For tapers-ting prompting and communication.
9 EMERG Kay' [Nos- 21
0 Emergency call key when cenimnt wlih emergency. press this
key. Ireneceiver will autumtieauy nunsmit.
0 Ii will inimmil ihe data pressinblished by user ic make 5 cm-
ergency call,
6 CALL Key‘ [Note 2]
0 Ceiling key. filler pressing this key, ilwill lrenemit the calling
numbers preeelebl'niied by user.
a CHAN kny
' Frees once. hack to channel mode. press and hold for longer
period in open squelch.
o SCAN key
0 Press once . transceiver begins ic scan. mess and hold for a
Icrw period to usually delete lire wning drannel “defied.
9 cLR key
OPressihisite'ytotum Miceswpwilhoulsloiingcunem
0 Anhnnl connector
0 Connect an external amna [page 6] here. When transmitting.
the entom- swtem or load would be 500.
6 Dita cable
1 Connect this cable to mar connector, as external alarm spring
(OptIflnaI parts)
9 “ml DC cable
- Connect a 13.5V DC power source hereuu the lupplled DC
power able [Page 4]
0 SP (Speaker) Jack
0 If desired, connect an optional external speaker for oeleerer
eudh. this jack swept: a 3.5mm (1/8') mono [z-mnduetor) plug
see [Page 7].
- 6
1. press and hold [VOL] key 2 Sine power supply is ofl
- When switch ofi the power , it shows as tollows:
0 Radio will store the current channel and parameters when
turning oft. and use them on next lime when turning on.
2.Press [VOL] or [CLR] to switch the transceiver power on.
a Radio sounds ringing single beep, shows and return various
status end parameters remained in last time when turning ofi.
' Press [CHAN] key once, let it back to channel mode.
0 Turn clockwise or anfi-dodrwise [VOL] adjusting knob, to select the
channel needed
Repeatedly press [MENU] key, until it shows as below to get
into selecting channel group options
Turn [VOL] adjusting knob to select the channel group needed.
Press [CHAN] or [CLR] key to return to the normal working
0 NT (Push-to-Telk) much
0 Pun end hold to hsnerrit,Relule Io limitl-
6 Mic
This transceiver has 200 channels which can be split up
into 10 channels groups most. When these 200 channels
have not been divided. then the above operations will not
appeal this display.
Press [VOL] to enter into adjusting volume menu. it shows
0 Turn [VOL] knob clockwise . to increase volume, anticlockwise
to reduce volume.
0 There are 16 levels in total on volume (more ”It". more powe-
rful volume being output), adjust the suitable output level through
Iuning the knob.
‘ When adjusting the volume, speaker sounds single beep as
the level changes, which is used to test volume enough or not.
- Press [CHAN] or [cm] to exit volume adjusting mode.
The purpose of Squelch is to mute the speaker when no
signals are present, with the squelch level correctly set, you
will hear sound only while actually receiving signals. The
higherthe selected squelch Ievel,the strongerthe signals
must he to receive.
Please choose the suitable squelch level according to the
RF noise condition.
1.Repeatedly press [MENU] key until it shows as below,
getting into squelch level setup menu.
2.Turn [VOL] knob to a Just the squelch level
' Select the level at whim the background noise is just eliminated
when no signal is presented.
O The higher the Ievel,the strongerthe signals must be to receive.
016 dilterent levels can be set.(0ne piece ol ‘v' is the minimum
level; 16 ienes at ‘*" is the maximal level; Default seIting is 4
pieces )
3.Press [CHAN] or [CLR] to exit squelch adjusting mode.
l Press and hold [CHAN] key until background noise appears.
0 Turn [VOL] knob to change the volume of background noise.
Q NOTE: Use monitor function to know whether channel is
busy and listen in weaker signals
1.To transmit, hold the microphone approximately 5cm from
your mouth, then press and hold Mic [P11], and speak into
the microphone in your normal tone oI Voice.
You may sometimes want to hear calls from only specific
persons or groups. In this case. use Selective Call. This tra-
nsceiver is equipped with CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded
Squelch System) and DOS [Digital Coded Squelch].These
Selective Calls allow you to ignore (not hear) unwanted calls
from other persons who are using the same frequency. The
transceiver unmutes only when it receives a signal having the
same CTCSS tone or 005 code.
g i: .
mzwzhcv. azshx
e The red lamp on the panel lights when transmitting.
. lfyou press Mic [P1'I'] while you are beyond the rrequency
coverage range. the red lamp flashes.
3 When you finish speaking, release Mic [PTI'].
if you continuously uansmit for longer than the TOT time,
default is 2 minutes { page 18), the internal time—out timer
generates a warning Deep and the transceiver stops transm-
ittinan this case, release [P117 and let the transceiver cool
down fora while, then press [P117 again to resume transmission.
- When the radio receives signals,Whose strength is stronger
enough to reach the rate ersqueich. The radio will hear incoming
opposite party meanwhile green iemp lights.
0 more:
When green lamp lights, but speaker is not opened, please
check whether volume setting is correct, if it is correct it
indicates radio has diflerent tone setup with caller party, please
check and set up renewed/y.
Q more:
CTCSS and DOS do not cause your conversation to be
private or scramble. It only relieves you from listening to un-
desired conversation
0 crcss
ACTCSS tone is a sub-audible tone and is selectable from
among the 51 tone frequencies listed in the table. The list
includes 37 EIA standard tones and 14 non-standard tones.
When CT 033 is ON, you will hear calls only when the selected
CTCSS tone is received. To answer the call, press and hold
Mic [P11], then speak to the microphone.
(1 NOTE:
0 You cannot use the CTCSS and Tone! DCS functions sim-
ultaneously. Switching the CTCSS function ON after having
activated the Tone/DES functions deactivates the Tone/DOS
0 If you select a high CTCSS frequency, receiving audio or
noise that contains the same fiequency portions may cause
CTCSS to function incorrectly. To prevent noise from causing
this problem, select an appropriate squelch level (page 11}.
o The CTCSS Mnction can be programmed into any data of
67-259. 1Hz. Please note that in order to avoid interfering
each other, the adjacent frequency spacing should be
appropriate during programming
Available c-rcss tone frequency
51 tone frequency (Hz)
67.0 85.4 107.2 136.5 165.5 186.2 210.7 254-1
69.4 88.5 110.9 141.3 167.9 189.9 218.1 259-1
71.9 91.5 114.8 146.2 171.3 192.8 225.7
74.4 94.8 118.8 151.4 173.8 196.6 229.1
77.0 97.4 123.0 156.7 177.3 199.5 233.6
79.7 100.0 127.3 159.8 179.9 203.5 241.8
82.5 103.5 131.8 182.2 183.5 206.5 250.3
0 ocs
DCS is similar to CTCSS. However, instead of using an
analog audio tone, it uses a continuous sub-audible digital
waveform that represents a 3—digit octal number.You can select
a DOS code from among the 104 DOS codes listed in the table
When DCS is ON, you will hear calls only when the selected
DCS code is reoeived. To answer the call, press and hold Mil:
[PTI']. then speak into the microphone.
Sean is a useful function for hands-off monitoring of your
favorite frequencies. By becoming comfortable with all types
of scan, you will increase your operating efficiency.
This transceiver provides the following types of scans.
O Normal Scan: scans every channel in the group
0 Priority Scan: checks the activities on the priority channel(Pr)
when scan every normal channel.
0 Ace Scan:Scans repeater channels automatically
0 SCAN serum;
1.Add, delete, priority channel setting
Press [MENU] key repeatedly until it shows as following:
Now press[SCAN] key, ‘SCA: OFF" will change as following:
OFF —> ON —> FRY
' OFF: Channel can‘t be acaned
0 ON: Channel can be smnad
' FRY: Channel wlll be scaned preferentially (at current scan
groups )
Select different channel to set scan by tuming [VOL] control
knob. Press [cLR] or [CHAN] to exit setting. There is only one
priority scan in every channel group. When you set the second
priority channel, the first priority channel will change to normal
scan channel
(1 NOTE.-
You cannot use the DCS function and CTCSS/ Tone fun-
ctions simultaneously. Switching the DCS function ON after
having activated the CTCSS/ Tone functions deactivates the
CTCSS/ Tone functions.
The avaiable DCS codes are shown in the following table.
104|ype chCSocde
023 085 132 202 255 331 413 465 612 731
025 071 134 212 281 332 423 468 824 732
026 072 143 223 263 343 431 503 627 734
031 073 145 225 265 346 432 508 631 743
032 074 152 228 266 351 445 518 $2 754
036 114 155 243 271 356 446 523 654
043 115 158 244 274 384 452 526 662
047116 162 245 306 385 454 532 664
051 122 165 246 311 371 455 545 703
053 125 172 251 315 411 462 565 712
05-1 131 174 252 325 412 464- 808 723
3; NOTE: The above scan a ' needs PC programming
software to turn on, othenm‘seit can‘t enter setting.
2.Delete scan channel temporarily
When you recetve a undesrted signal In the seen you -n
press [SCAN] key, until the "Beep" sound comes out. then it
will delem the channel from the scan group temporarily.
The channel will be resume to the scan group athertuming
art/off the radio.
0 Admitsqueldl level More us'ng sun function. Seton too low
squelch will uuee scan stopping at am:-
Normal scan Is to scan the channel which has been joined
in the channel group.
Lawn start
Press [SCAN] key the green lamp on the panel flashe.
eoen starts.
2.scen close
Frees [SCAN] key In the situation ofscan, then seen stops
and the green lamp stops flashing at the same time.
0 There must be one channel at least in the glow that can enter
scan when it sans B efledive dgnal ,lwi|| flop on this channel.
Frees [PTI'] key, rtwiII use this channel to start to mmm-
- when the effusive signal disappears. the device 90 on waning
within resumed time(defiult is so) wtlidl has been set.
a The channel scan time can be programmed by son (default is o The penod end rnmtAcs sun all be pmgrernmed byaollwere.
100ms).lf the limo is too short, itwill miss sign-I. If the time Deleult period is 2 weeks, delault lime is is.
Is too long It will delay the progress of sun. I 5-TONE
' 523" m “ha"“e‘s °“ "m ”m mm“ 9m“ “mg" 5” ln-buIIt 5-TONE standard seleelng all cede. It an be used
- Il there is cross recs in -hui|t. the device will deeede and f°f single cell, “TWP 03"- “law“? “fl"v “WWW cell, auto-
nlleve of mm err-r receiving dgnal. IF an code is wrong, it alarm. ANl- 6 Tone sets 55 lailWingi
will go on aeanlng. ZVEl1
When sun starts, It will sun priority channel firstly, then swn DIVEI
normal channel. EEA
This function can scan the repeater signal automatically and EXTEN
check If there Is some repeater signal around can be used.
Press channel which has been programmed toAcS in the group
to Search the available repeater signal.
When receive available repeater signal the show will be
In-built 100 pie-programmed call numbers and (all identi—
You can program any kind of numbers and inlorrnations
for call and call identification in advance.
5“ '°'l°‘”i"9: 0 seuecr PRE-EXISI'ED NUMBER To CALL
“35 5“ 1.Prese[NENu]key repeatedly until It shows as lolluwlng:
"m“ mar m
Here. press [PIT] in operaire repeater. if it ain‘t seen available a
repeal” slgnal, the show M" be as following: 2.Tum[VOL]eontrul to select tire-programmed mil number.
it] CilrllilEI. 3.Preee[CALL| transmit the call number.
- llure per-casted number I: empty, It will be uneleu fer [cALL]
Then return key
e There ere1s enennele at must in mews scan gmupa. _ ' L1 be pwmmm “ 3” mm"
”3m [MENU] key repeatedly until it shuws as lollowing: O When Radio receive an available cell. the yelluw lamp on the
panel will llalh and the speaker will emit prompt sound.
0 Press [CLR] to mule prompt sound and quench yellow lamp
2.Tum [VOL] control to Ielt on and on, show as lolluwlng: to em normal 00mm". “r H 5m”: as hummngz
3_Prsss [CALL] agaln show as following: 0 RECEIVING EMERGENCY CALL FROM OTHER
The callers name or ID NUMBER is displayed, the yellow
459i” the need “we or number by adjusting [VOL] AUX lamp flashes. Press the CLR key to stop call ringing
contml knob. and lamp flashing.
5.Mave value to right by pressing [CALL]
G.Alter Inputtlng all the five values, then prees[cALL]
key to transmit number I ANI FUNCTION
“LP-ass [CLRI w ciearva'ue '" ”WW WSW“- This radio can use 5-TONE to realize ANI function. When
0 CHANNEL CALL channel has been programmed in halveANI function. press
Press[CALL]key. It will transmit the call number which has [Pm key to transmit the pre-programmed 5-TONE code,
been lira-existed In the channel- _ ANI function will displaylhe eellers inrenneiion allerihe called
e [CALulrey must be pie-programmed h [BALLSELEIZ‘T] nmm. parly decodes.
Press [EMERG] key, it will send to pre-programmed
emergent number in order.
olEMER01kay must be programmed to EMERG function.
olEMERG] can be ple-existed 10 numberat most
When radio receive an available repeater signal, press
a programmed grabbing channel funfiion key itwill immediately
grab channel autematimlly to make sure mntinuous mmmun-
isstion after the repeater signal disappears.
This function is used to prevent transmitting on a channel
or frequency that somebody else is currently using.
When turned ON, an error beep sounds and you mnnot
transmit even if you press Mio [P111 while another party is
using the channel or trequenqr.
The Tune-out ‘I'lmer limits the time of each transmission to
0-2408. Default Is 1205. Just before the transceiver stops the
transmission, a wamlng beep sounds. This function Is nesssssry
to protect the tranweiver from thermal damage.
This produd has been factory aligned and tested to specifi-
catlon before shipment. Under normal circumstances, the tran-
sceiver will operate in accordance with these instructions. All
adjustable trimmers, coils, and resistors in the transceiver were
preset at the factory. They should only be readjusted by a
qualified teohnio'an who is femiliarwith this transceiver and hes
the necemry test equipment. Attempting service or alignment
without tactory author-tion ssh void the transceiver wananty.
When operated propeny, the transceiver will provide years
of service and enjoyment without requiring further realignment.
The Information In this section gives some general service
prowdures requinng little or no test equipment.
If it is ever necessary to return this equipment to your dealer
or service center for repal', pack It In its original box and packing
material. Include a full description of the problems experienced.
Include yourtelephone number, fax number, and e—nall address
(if available) along with your name and address in case the
service Investigating your problem.
Do not return accessory ims unless you feel they are directly
related to the service problem.
You may return this produd Ior service to the authorized
m'dealer from whom you purchased it. or any
authorized m'flmm mnler. Acopy of the service
report will be returned with the transceiver.
Please do not send subassernblles or printed circuit boards;
send the complete transoeivenTag all remmed items with
your name and call sign for Identification. Please mention
the model and serial number of the transceiver in any com-
munication regarding the problem.
If you desire to correspond on a technier or operational
problem, please make your note short, complete, and to the
point Help us help you by providing the following:
0 Model and serial number of equipment
0 Question or problem you are having
s other equipment in your station psrtainiru tn the problem
s Meter readings
s Other related Inlamtatlnn (menu setup. mode. trequenw. key
sequence to induce mlfundion, etc.)
0 Do not pack the equipment in cmshed newspapers for
0 Manama damage may result during rough handllng or
0 Record me date of purchase, serial number and dealer from
whom this pmdud was purchased.
0 Forycurownlnfbflnaflon, retalna Mtttenreeardofanymalnt—
enance performed on his product.
0 Mendalnrlngwermntysenllcepleaselncludeaphotowpy
ol the bIII cfsele, or other prccf-of-purdrese showing the
date of sale.
The keys, controls, and case ofthe transceiver are likely
to become soiled utter extended use. Remove the controls
from the transceiver end dean them with e neutral detergent
and wenn water. Use a neutral detergent (no strong chemicals)
end a damp cloth in clean the case.
W Don'tuee impregnant,such as benzene,alcchel shew-aiding
to denngl the surface Mdevtec
The problems described in the following tables are commonly encountered operational maltunctions. These types
of difficulties are usually caused by improper hook-up, accidental incorrect control settings, or operator error due to
incomplete programming. These problems are usually not caused by circuit failure. Please review these tables and
the appropriate section(s) of this instruction manual before assuming your tmnsceiver is defective.
Probable Cause Corrective Action
1 Banner: the standard DC power supply cable
The transceiver will not power
correctly. Connect the Red heed to positive
up after connecting a 13.8V DC 1' 12m; “me “as “m"ec'e" terminal end the black to negative terminal.
Power supply and pressing the ' 2.Leok for the cause of the clown fuses. After
[VOL] ( r) h. Nothing 2. One or more at the power cable
inspecting and the correcting any problems and
appears on the display fuse are open. correcting any problems, Install a new tusets)
with the same ratings.
. . . The supply voltage requirement is13.BV DCt15%
The display rs too drm. even
though you w a high The supply voltage Is the low (11.7V to15.6V). If the Input voltage Is outside this
. range. adjust your regulated power supply and/or
“9mm“ “we" check all power cable connections
The Mic plug was "M Inserted Turn otfthe power and then insert Mic In and
completely Into the tront panel lock the extemel fi'xed screw P g
Gan-ml Trans-ulnar
Output pvwer 5w. 25W. sow
TX qumcy 135~|75MHz VHF TX Cumint <10A (50W)
Ram“ Modulation FM
Fraqusnw Control PLL 23h 25m" 300 salami": 3115 115/061
Frequency stanimy 5ppm '° Pm” ( .- )6
. . . FM Nolce JUGS/12.5KHZ
Channel Number ZOOChennels (dlvtded mm 10 gmups)
Roserve 100 caHing number Ham": “SOdB
channel space 12.5KHz Max. Deviation 2.5KHzISKHz
Power Supptye DC 13.2'Vt15% Adjacent shannat Power <-50dBd12.5KHz
Squeleh Method camer wave, CTCSS. Doss-Tone S'flf‘ T'me <70m Sec
Usable Temperature . . TIme-out Tlmer O-ZAOSec
-10 ~ +60
Range 6 c Rancher
Louder speaker BTL output method 56 15 , 0.25uV(12dE stNAD EIA)
Dlmsnslon 150x155x40mm "s' “V 0.5uV (zoos StNAD Ersfiypicat
Weight 1KG Audio Rm 30041000qu1 ,-3dE) sea/on:
Spedflmtlons are subject to change without notioe due to Audio Power output >2W@1°%
advancements in technology. FM Noios 40dE/12.5KHz
Setecfiv'ny >GOdEI12.5KHz
Intarmodulation >60dB
spurious Rsieotion >70dB
Win- Win
Qixians Eloctrun Sdanu Ct Technotogy Co.,Lfid.
Mdzthlang Eulldhg Tanwd lndumal Zona.Luo|Ieng
Diminpu-nzhou 362°11,Fuiilfl,mlll
Websmewww qx-fstenm

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