Qiyue Optronics RWBXXX65XXX UHD LED TV with WLAN User Manual 1
Shenzhen Qiyue Optronics Company Limited UHD LED TV with WLAN 1
- 1. user manual 1
- 2. user manual 2
- 3. user manual 3
user manual 1
INSTRUCTION MANUAL Before using the TV, please read this manual thoroughly, and retain it for future reference. i; . Smar‘TVirtuOSO Model: RNSMU6536 LISTED name “ms prudud rs manufaclured and sun: by Cums Infernalmnal nu RcA‘ fhc RCAIDgo‘ «new» aags (N‘ppcrand Ch‘ppcr) wage. are vcgrswrvd Iradcmavkscrfradcmarks M RCA TrademarkManagsmenf and are used unaemcense by Cums \Msrnahona‘ ua Any amerproduct serwce‘ company trade orpvoducmame and fogo referenced harem are neuherendovsed norspansored by RCATrademarkManagemenlorrfsamhafes‘ English CONTENTS SAFETY 1 PRECAUTION IMPORTANT SAFETY 2 INSTRUCTIONS ACCESSORIES 3 GETTING 3 STARTED Remole ControI 4 CONTROL FrontVIew 5 REFERENCE Side View 5 GUIDE Back VIEW 5 WALLMOUNT 7 INSTALLATION InstaIlaIion 8 Amenna Connecfion 9 AV Connection 9 YPbPr Connection 10 CONNECTIONS HDMI Connechon 10 Power Cord Connecuon 11 Optical audio output Connection 12 Putting The UmtOnAProperPIace 13 INITIALSETUP TurmngTheUnitOn ForThe FxrsITime 13 Source Selecnon 13 Picture Menu 14 Sound Menu 15 Function Menu 16 TVSETUP Time Menu 17 Option Menu 13 Lock Menu 20 ChanneI Menu 21 10 11 12 13 14 USB MEDIA PLAVER SMART TV OPERATION DISPLAY MODE SPECIFICATION TROUBLE* SHOOTING GUIDE CONTENTS Video FormaTS TV Symptom 22 24 26 27 28 SAFETY PRECAUTION * CAUTION MARKING WAS LOCATED ATTHE REAR PLACEMENT INFORMATION OPTHEAPPARATUS CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN DO NOT EXPOSE THIS UNIT T0 RAIN 0R MOISTURE AVIS RISDIIE DE CHIIC ELECTRIDUE-IIE PAS DUVRIII WARNING, TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER (DR BACK) NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTs INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL Tne lIghlnmg nasn with arrownead Symbol, A wIlhIn an egurIaIeraI (riangIejS intended (a aIerI Ine user Io the presence of uninsulaled “dangerous voIIege'ernrn Ine produors encIosure That may beOI SufiICIenI magmmde to consume a risk ofeIecmC Shack Io persons. a Tne echamaliOn pOIrII WIlhIn an eourlareraI TnangIe Is Intended to men the userIo The presence oI Imponam Operalmg and maImenance (servIcIng) inSITuCIIonS In the IrIeraIure accompanymg (he appIianCe ACADTIDN ~ DANGER OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY Is INCORRECTLY REPLACED REPLACE ONLY WITH THE SAME OR EQUIVALENT TvPE ‘USE OF CONTROLS ORADJUSTMENTSOR PERFORMANCEOF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIEDMAVRESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE A WARNING -TO REDUCE THE RISKOFFIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN ORMOISTURE TO REVENTFIRE DRSHOCKHAZARD‘ DO NOT vExPOSETHIS UNITTO RAINOR MOISTURE DO NOT PLACE OBJECTS FILLED WITH LIQUIDS ON OR NEARTHISUNIT ~SHouLDANVTROUBLEOCCUR‘ DISCONNECT THEAc POWERCORD AND REFERSERVICING TOAOUALIPIEDTECHNICIAN IEI ans egurpmen Is :- CIass II or pouoIe rnsulereg EIEcIncaI appIrsnee Ir has been aesrgneu In suen e waymaI rI dues noI requrre z szIety Cannecuan ro eIsmncaI eann ~Do noI use Inrs unrr rn pIaCesmaI are exIrerner hoLcoIm duSIyDThumId - Do noI lestTICI Ine armow onnrs unn by placing I| somewnere wnn poor aIrIIOw‘ by coverrng II wnn a slow. by pIaerng II on oeomng orcarpeIrng SAFETV INFORMATION -wnen connecIIng ororseonnecIrng Ine AC power Cord‘ gnp Ine pIug and nenne corp rrseII PuIIrng me card may damage II and oreaIe a nazara -wnen you are norgorng Io use Ine UnIHora Iong perrog qurne, dIsCDnnEcI Ine AC powercorg RATING PLATE LOCATION Tne raIIng pIale rs IooaIeo on Ine Tear oIIne unn FCC STATEMENTS NOTE ans umt nas been IesIeu and round Io compIy ern Ine Irrans Ior a CIass B dIgIlaI oeurce, pursuanI Io Fan 15 oIIne FCC Rules Tnese IrmrIs are deSIgned ID provrge reasunabIe proIecIron agaInSI harmlul rnIerIerenee In a resroenIraI rnsIaIIaIron ans uan generates, uses and can TadIaIe raaro Irequency energy and, rInoI rnsIaIIeo and used In accordance ern The rnsIruoI-onsu may cause narquI rnIerverenceroragro CDmmUnIcalIDn Hmwevev‘ Inere rs no guaranIee IneI rnIerIerenoe erI noI occur In a parIreuIar rnsIaIIaIrnn. mm mm dues cause narrrrIuI rnIerrerence (O TadIO theIevISIDn recepIron, wnren can be delermmed bylummg Ine uan oIIanu our Ine user Is encouraged Io Iry Io correcI Ine rnIerIerenee by one or more onne roIIowrng mezsmes rReorIenI orreIoeaIe Ine recervrng anIenna rIncreaSelhe separanon oeIween Ine uan and TeCerer -connecnne uan rnIo an outlelon a crow urIIerenI Trorn maI |D WhIch the recereT Is eonneeIeo , ConsuII Ine dealETOTan expETIEnced TadID/TV Iecnnreran Inr neIp A WARNING: Changes or rnourIroaIrons {a Inrs uan not expTeSst approved by Me parIy responsroIe loTcOmpIIancE CDuld voId Ine user auInorrLy {a Operate Ine uan HDITII” 'HDMI. the HDMI Iogo and HIghrDEIImIIDn MuIIrmegra ImeTIacE are Trademarks or TegIsteTEd Trademarks oI HDMI Lreensrng LLC ' IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS l)Read lnese lnsImcIlons 2]Keep these lnslruclluns alheedellwammgs 4)Falluw all lnslruollpns slob nol use thls apparalus nearwaler SJClean only wllh a dry cloth non nel block any venlllallon openlngs lnslall rn accordance wllh the manulaclurer's mslructrans amp nol lnslzll nearany neatsources such as radlalars‘ healreglslersl stoves or olner apparatus (lncludlng ampllllevs) tnal produce neal. 9)Do nol deleallbe solely purpose otlne polanzed urgrolmdlngrlype plug A polanzed plug nastwo blades wnn one wrderlnan me pmer Agroundrnglype plug has me blades and a lnnd groundlng prong Tnewme plade orlne tnlrd prong ls provlded toryoursarety lltne prowded plug does nel Ill lnlo your wall oullel, consull an eleclrlclan lor replacement ollne opselele eullel. lD)Pmlec|tlle power cordlrom belng walked on or pmpned parllcularly at plugs cenvemence receptacles and me bolnlwnere lney exll lrom lne apparalus lllOrlly use allachmems loecessorles Speculled by lne manulaolurer lzwse only will tne cam sland‘ Irlpod‘ brackeI, brlable specllled by tne manulaclurerl or sold wrln lne apparalus Wnen a carl l5 used, use cautlpn wnen movlng me new apparalus comb-nallon lo avold lnluryrrgm Ilpruver lJIUnplug |hl5 apparalus durmg llgmnlrlg Slprms erwnen unused rcrlong perluds or llme lAlRererall servlclng Io qualllled servlce personnel Servlcmglsrequlred whenlhe apparatusnas been damaged rn any way‘ such as the Power cord pr plug ls damaged, llquld nas been spllled orobleds nave lallen lnle lne apparatus‘ lne apparatus has been exposed lo raln or molslurel does noloperate normally‘ or nas been dropped lsl‘lhe marns plug l5 used as dlsoonnect devroe, lne disconnect dewce shall remaln readlly operable. PERSONAL SAFETY NOTICE C ALWAYS read and Iollow all lnstrucllons Iorthe Inslallatlon and use olIhe TV. . Place Ihe TV in a location IhaI ls level and slurdy . DO NOT place Ihe TV on alumllure wlIh drawers Ihat can be used as steps by small Chlldren C DO NOTalloW Chlldren to pull lhe TV or Cllmb on INS Iumllure where IheTV ls placed 0 Do NOTallow chlldren to play m from afar around the TV . ALWAYS route all lne cables conneclmg mlhe TV so the cables cannpl be eaSlIy pulled and grabbed by children. 0 When lnslalllng tneTVon a well please purenase aTv moum recommended by a profeSSlorlal 'rv mslaller, and Iollowlhe lnstallallon instruclions lnalcome wllh the TV mount 0 Belore installing the TV on awall, please check to make sure thewall structure can support tnewergnlollne TV and tne mount llrn doubt, please asklne advlcefrom a prolesslonal TV mstaller ACCESSORIES Please check and idemily the supp led accessorles Remote comm Eatlery(AAA) Warramy Card Insrmcnon Manua‘ Base skand Base sfiand screws GETTING STARTED USING THE REMOTE CONTROL Pom me remore comm anhe remme sensorlocmed on me man Wnen there rs a suung ammenr hgm source, we pelfermance dune mhaved remake sensor may be degraded causmg unrehame aperatlon Tne recommended elfechve msmnce ior remme operanon rs abom 15 feet 15 me|ers) To INSTALL THE BATTERIES 1 Open me baflery dour 2 Insen 2"AAA"baMenes BATTERVREPLACEMENT When the banenes become weak, the opevatmg d-srance dune vemole convo‘ rs greauy reduced and yen wm need (a rep‘ace me bauenes ACAUTION Danger m expmsmn w banery rs mcnrrecuy rep‘aced NOTES mne remote cantvlfl rs nor gmng «a be usedvar a mug mne, vemuve the bananas «a avmd damage caused by bakery leakage carrdsren Do nol mux md and new nauenes Do not mrx ALKAUNE‘ standard (CARBONVZWNC) or rechargeame (NICKELCADM‘UM) bauenes A‘ways vemuve bananas as seen as they become weak Weak bananas can \eak and severe‘y damage we remote CDMFD‘ WARNING A Do nolmspose bananas m a me Eauenes may expmde or \eak Eanenes snan no| be expdsed «o excesswe near such as sunshme, fire or «he hke k1 ,x2 x1 x1 x4 CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE REMOTE CONTROL \J wm 1w i) K?) C?" \/\ C\ r @IE@ Elfilfi) POWER(L'))' Turns the TV on or afl MUTE(|§<) Mute or restore the sound Numberbuflnns Cheeseme channet dtredly Deermatpernt tnpuune decrmatpernt ReturMEack) Remm to me pvevlcus‘yavlewed cnannet MENU Accesstne mam rnenu SOURCE seteetthernputseuree mode Navrganon buttons {Up/ann/LeR/Rtgmd Nevrgate tne menu ox Canfirm tne setecnon HOMEG)’ Enterlhe home page ExtT Extlme currentscrecn NETFUX Access the Netfltx rntenace VOLo/VOLV Increases or decreases tne TV vomme CHA/CHV cnange to the prevtous or next program an) \MPORTANTNOT‘CE Format : NEC Universal Remote Code: ZODF Code location Chan wro snowtne oetatteammrmauon EPG ans controt button does no‘ apnty to ttns pruducl REC(-) ans ccntret puuon cces netapptytotnrs product. MTS setect aestrea sauna output dependmg on tne bruadcashng enannet cc setup the mode 01 ctoseo cam-on suBTtTLE Accesstnesuutme CH LtsT Accessme enannet trst FAV Vtew your asstgned favome cnannets autck Access the muck menu cotorButtonstRED/GREENNELLowtaLUE) Execute tne prernptmnctron m spectfic mode PLAY/PAusE (um Pause er conltnue tne ptaypack. STOP (I ) Stop ptaypack FAST BACKWARD/FAST FORWARD («I») Fast revtew a! (est iorwzro Dependmg on the country where the TV is mstalled. cerlam apps may not be avaitabte The quick launch bullon on the remole control assomated with those apps will theretore network AH otherVuncttonamles oflhe remote wm work as deslgned CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE FRONTVIEW About remote con'rot wotktng otstance and angte‘ see next page Powct/Stattdby thdtcator Etue and red duatscutov LED tt shows red when the TV ts turned off and otue when mmed on Remote Controt Sensot Remote cottlrot tR sensor, whoh recetves ntrereo ray sent by remote oovttrot Remote Control Sensor Power/Standby Indicator SIDE VIEW cm: Scath up \Vttnttgh ihe channe ttst W the TV memt sVstent tt acts Me Are LAD :1 MW e" the temoie com at am} can be used to sctcct mottu opttotts CHv‘ Scans down through the charnet ttst tn :he tV menu “New tt acts the the dowtt atvow on the remote ountvot and can be useu to setect menu opttons VOLi: tv-cmscs -.hc Vntumc tn the TV mCt‘U Svs‘um tt eats ttku the rtgtt atrow on the tamotc Cu'titot and can be used to sotcct menu (muons VOL-Decreases he VGtume tn the tV menu system tt acts tKe the te‘t arrow on the remote comm and can be used to setect trtehu opttons OIINPUT When TVpewere't tong press thts builcttt [ct [\th on When TV ts on, tmg press thts mum to turn DH snm press thts button to eat out the tnput soutoc mom pt 05: the C4» button to setcct the Wm: mums and press the power art/ctr btmort agattt to cot‘f mt tte setectton CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE BACK VIEW OPTICAL D‘g‘la‘ TV sound OU‘DUI USE: conned me USE devwce Sucn as the (lash d‘SK |o access the TV mama function HDMI (ngn-Dennman Mumrnedla \meflace) meaes an uncompressed mgnal cannecuon VGA Connect the PC In these jacks M‘N‘ YPBPF Connect me YPDPV oulpuUacK a! me DVD or VCR RF Connect «0 recewe me swgnal from your amenna orcab‘e mvuugh a coaxlal cab‘e MINW AV Connect an AV device mat has campasuse wdea Jackssucn as 2 VCR or DVD Mayer Nme PCAUDIO IN and mmIAV share one pon‘ PC ammo and VPhPraumo shomd conneclfrom nus pan. EARPHONE Connedafl 5mm neadsetlarpersona‘ audm LAN:Connemhe \mevnet. WALL MOUNT INSTALLATION thTALttNG / REMOVINGTHEBASESTAND WARNTNG The LED ntsptay tsveryrragtteaha mus| he protected atatthmes when remuvtng the base stand Be sure that no hard at sharp Object or anythmg that could scratch or damage the LED dtsptay comes mta corttactwrth tt Do NOT exert pressure on the tront otthe umt atarty trme because the screen coutd crack. t Dtscanneetatt Games orcordscortnected tethe uhtt 2 taythe unttduwrt ah attat surraee wrth the hack stdetaetng up Ptease make sure to ptace a sett cushtonea malertat t such as a DtHow orthtck Ptece oHoam t beneath the screen 3 To remove the base stand‘ toasen screws uttthe hates then puH downwards to retease the base stand mum sum 0mm MLx95mm ms MOUNTINGON THEWALL Thts untt IsVESArcomphartL and t5 destgned ta be walhmuunted wt|h a VESArcompltartMS‘X a“ (400mm xzuomm) meunhhg kudestgnedmvflzhpane‘ TVs (nelsupplled) Length of Screw should benol exceed 10 mm NOTE Remove the base stand betore mounhrtg the mm on the wall a 16" a 8,, 9) Four mounting holes (size Ma screw) Installation Your TV is packaged with the stand and the cabinet separated. Before using the TV, install the stand as described below, or if you want to mount it to a wall, see page 7 for mounting advice; the wall mount itself is not supplied. IMPORTANT! - Make sure the TV set is unplugged from the power supply before installing or removing the stand. - The TV panel may be awkward to install on your own. We recommend you ask someone to help With installation and/or removal of the stand. Attaching the stand Step 1 Place a soft cushioned material on top of a flat surtace to prevent damaging the screen panel. Then place the TV monitor flat on top, with the screen side facing down, as illustrated on the right (1). ® Step 2 Align the screw holes on the stand and the bottom of the TV, as illustrated on the right (2). , Illll a Step 3 Tighten the screws (supplied) with a screwdriver to affix the stand ® to the panel, as illustrated on the — — — — — — — — right (3). NOTE: Do not apply excessive force as this may damage the screw holes. CONNECTIONS CONNECTINGATV ANTENNA/CAELE/SATELLITE Tourewreleyisron channelscorreclly‘ aslgnal musl be recelved lrom one ollnelollowrng sources. -An lndoororouldoovaerlalamenna , A cable syslem -Asalellnesyslem NOTE Forreceiving oveHherairTV broadcasts, we recommend lnalyeu use an exlernal flxed anlenna. Should you requlrelhe use oralempararyanlenna, please ensure mal you purchase an antenna wnn summenlabllnylorecewe lnweakslgnalareas Only when you are m close proxlmnylo a Hansmilter ©«flm wnlalemporaryanlennareproduceasrgnalas strongly asa fixed antenna Salelhle‘ cableorwanlenna cable la TV ANTENNA coNNECTINGANA/VDEVICE termlnal(cablenulmcluded) Tocunnecllo amerequlpmenlsuchasaVCR‘ camcorder‘ salelllle systemurcable‘ elc CONNECTING DEVICESWITHACOMPOSITE VIDEOOUTPUT To connecl AV devrces suen as a VCR, vldeo game system or camcorder. Cannecling maVCRIVidea Game Systemlcamcarder ConnectlheAUDIOlVlDEOcable(nollncluded)asshown Make sure you connecllnecablelremlneolnerequlpmenl(Aumo and vmzoounmlms unit (MmiAV) NOTE l Please relerlo lne usermanual rerlne olnerequlpmenlror morelnlormallon 2 Composlle vldeoinpul (shared wnn cempenenl) vcx/vmmaw: YnAUDIO lleEo OUTlacks smzm cmwzmhe reAunlorvao lNlacks CONNECTIONS CONNECTINGAHIGH-DEFINITION(HDJSOURCEUSING COMPONENT CONNECTION H-gn-Dennman (HD) Dewceswnh component vmeo amp-A must be counseled to me VPbFr Input ConneoT me camvonenlwdeu came and who came (nullncmded) as snown Make sure you oonneonbe compunemwden came and aumb cable hum «be othereqmpmem rcoMPoNENT our andAUDIO our) ‘0 me um| coMPoNENT \N NDTE wnen cunneclmga DVD playermlhete‘evwslon‘ me wanna vesamlmn \ssa‘e‘ydependem uoon Tneresoluuon supported byme DVD p‘ayerauached DVD playenesoxuuonsuaryTromasm to 1050p and (MsTexewsTon can suppen DVD p‘ayers up u: amaxnnum resohmon DHOBDP. ~ May requires subscription TonecewmgHDohannels, check wuth yourab‘elsate‘me serwceprewoenememns. TocoMPoNENT Aumo \macks To COMPONENT no souRcE V‘DEO ounacke qun eompanem vldeo empm (Dig Ial Cabl: Bux‘. To COMPONENT Aumo sazeune Receiver“ or To COMPONENT ouT Aacks external eueremee Ir HDa'funH) VIDEO Macks coNNEcTTNGAmen-DEFINITION (ND) SOURCE USING NDMI CONNECTION HDMI (HTgb Dehmuon Muunnema Innervaee) supports own video and audm on a smg‘e ougual eenneeuon foruse Mun DVD p‘ayers‘ DTV‘ seHDp boxes and mnermguax AVdewces HDM‘ was deve‘uped \D pmwde «bezecnnologTes oi High aanowmm DTguaI Cement Pyozecuon (HDcP) as we“ as DTguaT VTsua‘ \meflace (DV‘) ”1 one soeunoouon HDCP Is used «c pro|eu dIgHaI comem nansmmea and recewed by Dw-comnhamorHDM‘cDmpHammsmays HDMI has me capabnuy to sunpofl sTanuam. enhanced or mghadehmlmn wueo mus s|andard m mukvchanne‘ swwundrsuund aumo HDMT Vealures ”1::de uncompressed mgnax wdeu‘ a banowmb or up w 2 2 gigabytes persecond (wub HDTV swgna‘s)‘ one cunnemcr (mstead Msevera‘ mama: and connecwvs)‘ ano cammumcahon be|ween theAV source and AV devmes sum as DTVs Cannecnhe HDMT eaMe (um Included) as shown Make sure you conneu me cab‘eirom me sourceeumpmenu NDMT OUT ) lolmsuml ( HDMHN ) E HDMI CABLE (NOT \NCLUDED) "0 SOURCE wm. eemponem vldeo empm » - a: Cable Eux'. necewer- or To HDM‘ To HDM‘ exlernal avenue." Dunner) \N k W OUTJack 10 CONNECTIONS CONNECTING THE FOWERCORD YOU can powemn yourTV unubeme you make sure me power cord ‘5 meme: weH Mme same hme‘ p‘ezse checkmanhe med vouege Myourunu matches you! mm Vuuage NOTE -lnsen|ne powerpmglul‘ymmmesuckemuflfl (Mme pawerulug \s muse u pau‘d generme hem and causehre ) ~ Ensure my me pnwerpmg .e easHy accessxb‘e ‘Ensurelhe eanh pm on me pawev pmg \s secwew cannaaemo Dreveme‘acmca‘ shock '00 noHDuch me pflwcrvlug mm a mu hand mus may cause e‘eclncal shock) -uu nu| use any pawercard omerman mm pmwded wnh {msTV (Tms may cause we or e‘ecmca‘ shack) -Du nmdange me powevcom (Adamagcd card may cause me urclccmca‘ shock) -Dc not move me TVth the cord pmgged m me sockemuHeL -Du no! place a heavy clued on the card or New mecom nears mghrmmpevamre amen To AC waH ouna ~05 nDwasHhc we bond u cxccsswcwy, orslrc|ch u -Dc not mm on mecom Ham am we power p‘ug body when msmnuedmg com ~11» m use a damaged power plug ur socke| cum 11 CONNECTIONS Connection to a Home TheaterAudio System For BEST audio performance Connectmg lo a Home Theater Sysrern Dc‘by Digrta‘ can de‘iveropuma‘ 2 channe‘ stereo or surround sound wnn live discrele fu‘l rangechannels plus a 5mm channe‘ far a subwoufer Enjoy uptlma‘ sound reproduouon horn your system wnn a Do‘by Drgmal ampuner that incorporatesaougrtalopuoannput Canned Pram asunomme an optronardrgizar cab‘e drrecnytotne rerevrsron‘s ophca‘ audio oumutto \Ismn mrougn 3H moms exceptVGA Fwnmn (TheVGAdoes notsupoormrgnar audro) How To Selup Digrtar Audio Oulpm Press the MENU bunon on the remme contror Press me ngm > arrow butlon Io sored sound Press the dawn v arrow human to nrgnlrgnl DionaIAudio Oulput > Audro, PCM nuno Tm re :nonon merr norm Audra ouxom mm [m Optional dwgila‘ cab‘e Emiféfiéw (not included) Hon: Len Ham non Snmksr sumo my Surmund Come: on mus Hanan ‘NOTE Rererto me User Manua‘ (mm your name «healer Sumw eourpmem «or recommended audro Semngs 12 INITIAL SETUP PUTT‘NG THE UNIT ON A PROPER PLACE Whenyoulurnonyourleleviswon senor |nenrsmme, be sure to New men a soud slablesuriace To avmd danger, do not expose the TV |o waler, ora nea| source (eg lamp,cand\erradxator). Donolobs|ructthevenulauonand anhe remand besurem leave summem gapsaroundtheunn, TURNING THE UNIT ON FOR THE FIRST TIME Afteryou haveinma‘lycannected yourTV antenna or cable, turn me televis‘on ONr Ascreen wiH dismay askmg you to selecla Language‘ Country and \ntemel. (a OSD Language umry mm Mun“ Lineman. m .Junn, mm us Select opnon oiAuto Tumng underlne up and down keys Then press OK button on smlab‘e locatlon and the auto tumng wwll begln G) Am Search Ann SPavrh Chm \Tumng an .‘chranVM :unmevnannr‘a' m 5m sun 5m Carm‘ SOURCESELECTION 1. Pressme SOURCE button on the remote Comm“ 1. Use the Aaeruuon |0 se‘ecfi We op|ions (WAVCompcnenLHDMLUSB) and seled any of them usmg the 0K Duuon.(The screenwfllchange m youraesrred source). Input Source 1 TV AV Component HDM|1 HDMIZ D @@ N018 Before watchlng p‘ease makesure an necessary came: and devlces are Connected‘ 13 TVSETUP Picture Menu Press MENU button to display the main menu Press < / > button to select PICTURE in the main menuntwiu highlightthe first aplron Picture Picture Mo Sound Contrast Function Brightness T‘me Color Option Sharpness Tint Lock Backlig Channel Color Temperatt e Picture Mode: Choose among Sports, Normal‘ Mlld, Save and User. Thetollcwlng five items (Contrast, Brightness,Co|or,Sharpness and Tint) can be adjust onlywhen the picture models set to "User" mode, Contrast: Adjust the difference between light and dark areas uiihe picture Brightness: Adrusuhe llghtness orme picture ColonAdlustthe richness ofthe picture. Sharpness: Adjust the edge oithe picture Tint: (Onlyforsume sources) Amusune tint value uiihe color Backlight: Adlustthe backllghtvalue ofthe TV screen ColorTemperature: Select the overall colortorle otthe picture Choices are Cool, Standard and Warm 14 TVSETUP Sound Menu Press MENU bultan to dispiayihe main menu Press 4 I >but|on Io seiact SOUND in "la main menu‘ilwlli hlgnllgntthe firsl opllon. Picture Sound Mode Sound Balance Function AVL Surround Sound Time Video Description Option . . . Digitai Audio output LDCK Audio Languages Channel DAP Sound Mode: cnoose among standard, Music, Moviei Sports and User The value oi izol—lz, soon,i SKHz‘ sKi-izorioKl-lz can be adjusted only wtien the sound mode is set to "User"mode. Balance: Conlrol ttie sound balance oelween tne rigtil and left speaker AVL: Turn on lo adiusllne sound volume depending on the inputslgnal. Surround Sound: Heip to creale rich and widersuund lrom slerea sound sources Video Description: Turn on oiturn offtnevldeo description iunolion to help the blind orvlsuaiiyimpalred viewers DigitalAudio Output: Set the digilal audio output modelo PCM orAuto. Audio Languages: Set the primaryorsecondary di lal audio language corresponding to the slgnai. 15 TVSETUP Function Menu Press MENU button to display the main menu Press < / > button to seieot FUNCTION in tne main menu.iiwni nigniigniineiirstopiion. Picture Noise Reduction Sound MPEG Noise Reduction Aspect RENO Function Link Setup T‘me HDMI EDID 49 Option Netflix Deactivate Neiflix ESN Lock Netflix Version Channel EeManual Noise Reduction: Eiinnnate noise in the picture Choices are on, Low, Middie, Hign andAuto MPEG Noise Reduction: Eliminate noisegenerated wniie converting or compressing MPEG signais. Choices are on. Low, Middie and High Aspect Ratio: Select the aspecl ralio (dispiay proportiuns) according to yourvideo signai iype orpreierenee cnoioes are 4 3,16 9‘ Maine, Native and Panorama Note: his choices otaspect ra1io diflerbydiflerem regions orsouroes, LinkSetup: Command and oentroi HDMi devices connected to MTV set. 1 Enable Link: Turn on or turn euHDMi Linkiunction. 2 Auto Power On: Turn onto power on (heTV set automaticaiiywnen you turn on tne HDMldevice. 3 Aulu Standby Turn on In change tne HDMI device to standby mode auiomatieaiiy wnen you turn 0" tne TV set 4 Device Seiect: Seiect tne HDMI device irom tne deyice lisl HDMI EDID: SWitcn the version oi Extended Dispiay Identification Data. Netmx Deactive: LogoutyouryourNetnix user account, Nelflix ESN: Checklhe Nelfix ESN number NemixVersion: Check me Netflix sw version E-Manual: Eieclronlc Uesr Manuai vuou Deactivation: Logout yourvunu user account, TTS: Setup tne iunctien olTexiamrSound. 1 TTS: Turn on orturn diitneTTs iunetion. Tneioiiowing tour items can be adiusied only wnen TTS is turned on. 2 Verbosny Seiecitne verbosiiyieyei 3 Rate Support Select Ihe sound speed 16 TVSETUP Time Menu Press MENU button to dispiaylhe main menu Press 4 / >bulton to seieei TIME in the main menu,|iwiii highlightthefirsiopllon Picture Off Time Sound On Time Function Sieep Timer Auio Sieep Time Auto Sync 0pm” Clock 00:06 LDCK Time Zone Channel on Time: Seiupme repeal mode and ilmerlo iurn oiHhe TV set On Time: Setup the repeal mode and iimerm turn on iheTV sei. Sleep Timer: Sei 10 turn oifiheTVsel auiumatlcaliy Choices are 0", 1020,31180‘ 90‘ 120‘ 180 and 240 minutes Auto Sleep: Seiup (helimeriolum ofiihe TV setaulomallcaily when there IS no operaiiun Choices are 0", 4 hours‘ 6 hours and 8 hours Auto Sync: Turn on or iurn oiHhe iu nclion oiAulo Sync Clock: Setup the TV ciock (Dey‘ Monih, Year. Hourand Minute). ii is avaiiabie aniy when Auto Sync islumed oif. TimeZonn: Seiecl ihelime zone. It is avaiiabie oniywhenAum Sync is turned on 17 TV SETUP Option Menu Press MENU bulton to drsplaytne rnain rnenu Press < / > bulten to select OPTION in tne rnain menu‘ilwlll nignlignl lne lrrstoolion. Plcture OSD Language Sound OSD Tlme Function Closed Caption Reset Tlme Network 0W0" Software UpdateWSB) Lock Software Update(NetReady) Channel Network Update Information 050 Language: Seleetyourdesrred osn language. osu Time: Select the tlme to keep tne osn drsplay on the screen. Closed Caption: Setup tnefunotron olClosed Captron 1 cc Mode . Selectlne cc mode The tollowrng tnree rterns can‘l be adlusted when the cc Mode lstumed ofl. 2 Baslc Seleclron , Select the baslc cc type, 3 Advanced Seleclron .Selecltne advanced cc service Iype 4 Closed Capllon Optron rAdjuslthe detarled cc settrngs sucn as iont‘ colorand so on. Reset: Restore Menu optluns lo tne laclury detaulls, and restart lhe lnillal setup Note: Userdata on this TV will lose completely atteroperating tlnsteature, Network: 1 Status Check lne delarled inlormatlon alnetwork connection such as la MAC Address and so on 2 WI Selup to connec1 tne TV set to me Wrreless Network a LAN Semp lo connect lhe TV set to lne ered Nelwark Software Update (usa): Select to update Sottware lrorn use Software update (NetReady): Select to update software by network oon necllon. Network Update Information: Show network update lnfcrmation such as software Version and so on. 18 TVSETUP Option Menu How to connect to WIFI? Press MENU button to msplaytne mam menu Press 4 / > bultorl to se‘ect OPTION \n the mam menu, choose the Network After pressmg the OK button, select WIFI ((3 Network Do you wan to 55‘ Netme nguvanw |II Select to WIFI setting and turn on the WIFI, se‘ect your WIF‘ network and enter the password‘ then select the Setting to connect the WIFI. N you want to Connect a new W‘F‘ network‘ please se‘ect ID WIFI item and press the OK button Vrom the remote, iI wrll search some new WIFI network nearby the TV. select the WIFI network and enter the password to canned rt ruranu ann no qumu 1 2 x A s s 7 x 9 n Nunwrkiunngmaum 1 w e v t v u n : ”ugh.“ aungn. cal-mm 19
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : Yes Author : eng234 Create Date : 2018:06:07 17:17:30+08:00 Modify Date : 2018:06:07 17:17:34+08:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.4-c005 78.147326, 2012/08/23-13:03:03 Metadata Date : 2018:06:07 17:17:34+08:00 Creator Tool : CorelDRAW X6 Format : application/pdf Title : 未命名 -1 Creator : eng234 Document ID : uuid:31015d58-a2d6-47e8-92cf-74cbcb5de881 Instance ID : uuid:963616b5-114a-41b0-9d68-1726f8991642 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 11.0 (Windows) Page Count : 22EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools