Quanta Microsystems WV202 WV202 WiMAX IAD User Manual WV202 Ver 1 0 GN

Quanta Microsystems, Inc. WV202 WiMAX IAD WV202 Ver 1 0 GN


Manual Part 2

Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
5.3 Call Service
In this section we will describe all the call service supported in this IAD, and you can set the items
for line1 (FXS1) and line2 (FXS2).Please refer the following sub-section, it will guides you how to set it.
Call Waiting
The Call Waiting feature allows you to accept an incoming call while you are already on a phone call.
This feature places your first call on hold while you answer the second incoming call. You also have the
ability to disable Call Waiting on a per call basis or permanently.
Call Forwarding
The Call Forwarding feature allows you to forward all calls to a designated forwarding number
immediately. Your phone will not ring or provide call waiting when Call Forwarding is enabled.
Call Attended Transfer
The Attended Transfer feature allows you to transfer a call to any phone number. You can speak to both
parties before connecting.
Call Transfer
A call transfer is a telecommunications mechanism that enables a user to relocate an existing call to
another telephone or attendants console by using the transfer button and dialing the required location. The
transferred call is either announced or unannounced.
If the transferred call is announced, the desired party/extension is notified of the impending transfer. This
is typically done by putting the caller on hold and dialing the desired party/extension; they are then
notified and, if they choose to accept the call, it is transferred over to them.
On the other hand, an unannounced transfer is self-explanatory: it is transferred without notifying the
desired party/extension of the impending call. It is simply transferred to their line by way of a “transfer”
key on the operator’s phone or by keying in a string of digits which achieves the same function.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
Call Hunting
The Call Hunting service let you to forward incoming call to a Call Hunting Group. Non-Answered calls
will automatic forward to next pre-selected number sequenced after Call Hunting Timeout.
Call Repeat
Call Repeat eliminates wasted time and frustration dialing busy numbers. You are trying to reach someone
and the line is busy repeatedly. Instead of dialing the number over and over, let Repeat Call do the dialing.
Do Not Disturb
The Do Not Disturb function allows a caller to listen to a standard voicemail message, which simply states
you are away from your desk or the office at this time. The caller is never aware that you have Do Not
Disturb activated on your phone, so they will not be offended. You can later return the phone calls when it
is more convenient for you.
Hot Line
Hot Line provides a way for a user to call a designated phone number without dialing any number. Once
the user picks up the handset of the line which is setup as a “Hot Line”, the system will automatically dial
the pre-set number and connect the caller to the pre-set place.
Caller ID
Caller ID (Caller Identification or CID, and more properly Calling Number Identification—CNID) is a
telephony intelligent network service that transmits the caller’s telephone number and (in some places) the
caller’s name to the called party’s telephone equipment during the ringing signal or when the call is being
set up but before the call is answered.
Reject Anonymous Call
The Reject Anonymous Call feature allows you to block incoming calls that do not reveal the caller’s
Caller ID information.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
5.3.1 Call Service for All Line
It is a feature on telephone network. If a calling party places a call to a called party which is otherwise
engaged, and the called party has the call waiting feature enabled, the called party is able to suspend the
current telephone call and switch to the new incoming call, and can then negotiate with the new or the
current caller an appropriate time to ring back if the message is important, or to quickly handle a separate
incoming call.
Field Description Default value
Call Waiting Disabled / Enabled the call waiting function
Call Waiting Timeout Assign the time interval from 10 to 300. Default setting is 30
seconds. If set the value to 300, it will has no timeout limit.
Call Hunting Group A hunt group is a grouping of telephone lines (usually incoming)
that are set up to receive calls in a particular order if a line is busy.
For example:
Line 1 - First in hunt group
Line 2 - Second in hunt group
If line 1 is busy and a call comes in, then that call will be routed to
line 2, depending on the time interval you specified in Call
Hunting Timeout field.
a. If both lines 1 and 2 are busy, then reply a busy tone to the
b. If both lines are available and no one pick up the call, the
hunting sequence will be Line 1 Line 2 Line 1…looping
until anyone pick-up the call or the caller hang-up.
Select the port number to join the hunting group:
a. FXS Port 0: The phone line plug in ATA Line 1 port.
b. FXS Port 1: The phone line plug in ATA Line 2 port.
Call Hunting Timeout Time interval for routing the incoming call in the group
Call Repeat Activity
Time If the number you are calling is busy and there is no Call Waiting
feature. The Repeat Call service allows you to connect to a busy
number which is become free.
Repeat Call will automatically attempt to place the call in the
specified activity time.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
5.3.2 Call Service for Per Line
Field Description Default value
Line1 / Line2
Call Transfer Option Indicates whether the remote end is allowed to transfer the call to a
third party. There are two types: Restricted and Allowed
Allowed /
Call forward Option Indicates whether the remote end is allowed to forward the call to a
third party. There are two types: Restricted, and Allowed.
Allowed /
Call Forward Always
URI Assigns a phone number; if you want all incoming calls of the port
always be redirected.
Call Forward on Busy
URI Assigns a phone number. When the port is busy, the incoming call will
be redirected to the specified phone number.
Call Forward on
NoAnswer URI Assigns a phone number. When the port is no answer, the incoming
call will be redirected to the specified phone number.
Call Forward on
NoAnswer Timeout When the phone is ring a long time, the incoming call will timeout
and redirected to the specified phone number that is fill in “Call
Forward on NoAnswer URI”. Default setting is 180 seconds.
30 /
Do Not Disturb Enable/Disable the do not disturb function. Disabled /
Hot Line Hot Line provides a way for a user to call a designated phone number
without dialing any number. Once the user picks up the handset of the
station which is setup as a “Hot Line”, the system will automatically
dial the pre-set number and connect the caller to the pre-set place.
For example, assuming that the station number 101 in the factory is
set as hotline to Warehouse “A”.
The Hot Line service let you make call to designate number directly
Disabled /
Hot Line URI Input the URI value for hot line.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
Anonymous Call Enable this feature can make an anonymous outgoing call. Your
caller ID will not display.
Disabled /
Reject Anonymous
Call Coming Once Reject Anonymous Call Coming is in place, your telephone
will not accept calls from anyone who has a non-listed number or
Caller ID blocking activated on their phone. The caller will heard
two short beeps.
Disabled /
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
5.4 FXS Port Setting
FXS (Foreign Exchange Station) is the interface on a VoIP device for connecting directly to telephones,
fax machines, or similar device and supplies ring, voltage, and dial tone.
5.4.1 FXS Port Setting for All Line
This IAD supports 7 types of Caller ID scheme as below:
¾ DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency): DTMF is an example of a multi-frequency shift keying
(MFSK) system. Today DTMF is used for most call setup to the telephone exchange, at least in
developed regions of the world, and trunk signaling is now done out of band using the SS7 signaling
¾ FSK Bellcore: The Bellcore standard is used in United States, Australia, China, Hong Kong and
Singapore. It uses the 1200 baud Bell 202 tone modulation and the first bit of data is transferred
after receiving the first ring tone.
¾ FSK ETSI: The European Telecommunications -1 and -2, and ES 200 778-1 and -2, the latter
replacing ETS 300 778-1 & -2) allows 3 physical transport layers (Bellcore, BT and CCA)
combined with 2 data formats (MDMF & SDMF), plus the DTMF system and a no-ring mode for
meter-reading and the like. It's more of a recognition that the different types exist than an attempt to
define a single "standard".
¾ Japan CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation): It is published by Japan ETSI. The Caller
ID information is received from the service provider before the first ring. Set the ring event in the
application to occur on or after the first ring. The ring event indicates reception of the CLIP Caller
ID information from the CO.
¾ Japan JCLIP (Japanese Calling Line Identity Presentation): It is published by Japan NTT.
¾ BT: British Telecom developed their own standard, which wakes up the display with a line reversal,
then sends the data as CCITT V23 modem tones in a format similar to MDMF. It is used by BT,
wireless networks like the late Ionica, and some cable companies.
¾ Brazil DTMF: DTMF used in Brazil.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
Field Description Default value
Caller ID Type Select a type from the pull-down menu to suit the standard of different
area. The Caller ID is usually involved in telecommunication
equipment. Consult your telecommunication service providers before
configure this parameter.
Caller ID Type 2 Select a type from the pull-down menu to suit the standard of different
area. The Caller ID is usually involved in telecommunication
equipment. Consult your telecommunication service providers before
configure this parameter.
Caller ID Power
Level Assign the Caller ID Power Lever from 0 to 100.
Caller ID Display There are two types to display the caller information on the screen.
Before Ring, the caller id information is displayed before first ring.
After Ring, the caller id information is displayed between first ring
and second ring. Default setting is Before Ring.
Before Ring
Caller ID Type 1
Alerting Signal Type 1 alerting signal is used to detect CID when device is
ON-HOOK. Default setting is No Alert.
a. DTAS = Dual Tone Alert Signal
b. RPAS = Ring Pulse Alert Signal
c. LR = Line Reversal
d. LR-DTAS = Line Reversal + Dual Tone Alert Signal
Caller ID Type 2
Alerting Signal Type 2 alerting signal is used to detect CID when device is
OFF-HOOK. Default setting is No Alert.
a. DTAS = Dual Tone Alert Signal
b. RPAS = Ring Pulse Alert Signal
c. LR = Line Reversal
d. LR-DTAS = Line Reversal + Dual Tone Alert Signal
Caller ID
Replacement Flag Enabled / Disabled to replace the caller ID when caller ID length is
greater than 7 bytes. Disabled
Caller ID
Replacement Prefix Replace the caller ID with the Prefix string.
Caller ID
Replacement String Replace the caller ID with the specify string.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
5.4.2 FXS Port Setting for Per Line
Table 1 Receive/Transmit Voice Gain Value
Level Decibel
1 -24dB
2 -18dB
3 -12dB
4 -6dB
5 -2.5dB
6 0dB (default setting)
7 3.5dB
8 6db
Field Description Default value
Line1 / Line2
Dial Method There are two methods for dialing. FTMF only or PULSE only DTMF only /
DTMF only
Ring Impedance This IAD support 8 type of Ring Impedance. Select a type from the
pull-down menu.
600ohm /
Hook Flash Detect
Upper Bound Hook-flash indicates the condition when a request for voice
conference and is recognized as a quick off-hook/on-hook/off-hook
cycle. The maximum time to detect hook flash
600 /
Hook flash detect
Lower Bound The minimum time to detect hook flash
100 /
Voice Tx Level Sets a specific sound intensity for transmitting sound. Select a level
from 1 to 8, default setting is 6. Table 1 lists the receive/transmit voice
gain value for reference. The “gain” means increase in the power of
electrical signal, measures by decibel.
6 /
Voice Rx Level Sets a specific sound intensity for receiving sound. Select a level from
1 to 8, default setting is 6. Table 1 lists the receive/transmit voice gain
value for reference. The “gain” means increase in the power of
electrical signal, measures by decibel.
6 /
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
5.5 FAX Setting
The T.38 FAX procedure is used for the changeover from VoIP to fax mode during a call. The SIP will
establish a normal VoIP call using INVITEs with SDP field to support T.38 detail.
Field Description Default value
Line1 / Line2
T.38 Option This IAD supports 2 T.38 options:
a. Voice and T.38 FAX Relay: Choose this option; transfer voice
with user selected CODEC priority, and transfer FAX message
with T.38.
b. Voice and FAX Pass Through: Choose this option; transfer voice
with user selected CODEC priority, and transfer FAX message
with G.711/Ulaw.
Voice and FAX
Pass Through /
Voice and FAX
Pass Through
FAX Tone Detection
Mode To set the FAX tone will be detected in the following 3 modes:
a. Caller
b. Callee
c. Caller or Callee
Caller or Callee /
Caller or Callee
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
5.6 General Dialing Setting
Field Description Default value
Inter-digit Timeout If no other number is being dialed within this interval, this IAD
will terminate this call. Assign the time interval from 1 to 20
First-digit Timeout If you pick up the phone without dialing any number within this
period of time, the tone will be changed to busy tone. Assign the
time interval from 1 to 60 seconds.
Attended Transfer
Keys to be pressed to initiate a attended transfer call.
Three Way
Conference Code Keys to be pressed to initiate a 3-ways call.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
Blind Transfer Code Keys to be pressed to initiate a blind transfer call.
Call Waiting Cancel
(Per Call) Code
Keys to be pressed to cancel the call waiting function for per call. *70
Forward Always
Active Code
Keys to be pressed to active the forward always function.
Forward Always
Deactive Code
Keys to be pressed to deactive the forward function in always.
Forward Busy Active
Keys to be pressed to active the forward function when it is busy.
Forward Busy
Deactive Code Keys to be pressed to deactive the forward function when it is
Forward Noanswer
Active Code Keys to be pressed to active the forward function when it is no
Forward Noanswer
Deactive Code Keys to be pressed to deactive the forward function when it is no
Do Not Disturb
Active Code
Keys to be pressed to active the no disturb function.
Do Not Disturb
Deactive Code
Keys to be pressed to deactive the no disturb function. *79
Call Return Code
Keys to be pressed to call return the last incoming call. *69
Call/Block Caller ID
Active Code
Keys to be pressed to active the anonymous call or the block caller
ID function for all call. *67
Call/Block Caller ID
Deactive Code
Keys to be pressed to deactive the anonymous call or the block
caller ID function for all call. *68
Call/Block Caller ID
(Per Call) Active
Keys to be pressed to active the anonymous call or the block caller
ID function for per call. *81
Call/Block Caller ID
(Per Call) Deactive
Keys to be pressed to deactive the anonymous call or the block
caller ID function for per call. *82
Reject Anonymous
call incoming Active
Keys to be pressed to active the reject in coming call function
when the incoming call ID is anonymous for all call. *77
Reject Anonymous
call incoming
Deactive Code
Keys to be pressed to deactive the reject in coming call function
when the incoming call ID is anonymous for all call. *87
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
Call Repeat/Call
Back on Busy Active
Keys to be pressed to active the call repeat or call back on busy
function *66
Call Repeat/Call
Back on Busy
Deactive Code
Keys to be pressed to deactive the call repeat or call back on busy
function *86
Screen Last Incoming
Call Code
Keys to be pressed to screen the last incoming call. *60
Send # Enable: send the digit number at end of dial string is sent to the
Disable: the digit number at end of dial string is taken as a
Reset to Default Code Keys to be pressed to reset the dialing code to default settings. *47991
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
5.7 Dial Plan
The VOIP dial plan allows VOIP calls made with leading digits and length matching the policy
specified to be dialed out immediately. The following dial plan syntax definition is used to
define phone specific dialing behavior. A phone dial plan is important for the phone to know
when an entered number is complete and therefore the call should be initiated.
Field Description Default value
Applied Port Select the port to apply the policy. There are three types to set:
a. 0: means the line1 (FXS1)
b. 1: means the line2 (FXS 2)
c. All: Means all line
Digit Sequence Digit map is defined by a case insensitive string. It is a set of digits or
timers, or as an expression over which the gateway will attempt to
find a shortest possible match. The following constructs can be used
in each numbering scheme:
Individual keys: 0, 1...9, *, and #
Timer: The symbol “t” matching a timer expiry. The value is defined
in Inter-digit Timeout field.
Wildcard: The symbol “x” which matches numeric digit (0 to 9).
Range: One or more keys enclosed between square brackets (“[”and
Sub-range: Two numeric digits separated by a hyphen (“-”) which
matches any digit between and including the two. The sub-range
construct can only be used inside a range construct.
Repetition: A period (“.”) which matches an arbitrary number,
including zero, of occurrences of the preceding construct.
Policy There are two policies to select:
Dial Immediately / Prefix Substitute
Dial Immediately
Note Input the description of this policy
Change Click “Change” button to modify one of the list routes and to change
the value.
Add Click “Add” button to add more routes for different target domain
Edit Click “Edit” button to edit the route date.
Delete Click “Delete” button to delete the unneeded routes.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
5.8 Phone Book
Phone Book lets you define a button or a set of buttons to link to a specific number defined in Phone Book.
The speed dial is used to set up a list of telephone numbers and SIP addresses for the frequently called
callee. In this list, a shorter number is assigned to the called party instead of original phone numbers or
addresses. The module supports up to 10 speed dial numbers.
Field Description Default value
SpeedDial Digit The ID numbers for a speed dial entry.
10 speed dial numbers are supported as #0,#1,#2,……,#9
Phone URI Assign the SIP address or PSTN number of the called party
Note Input the description of this speed dial.
Change Click “Change” button to modify one of the list routes and to change
the value.
Add Click “Add” button to add more routes for different target domain
Edit Click “Edit” button to edit the route date.
Delete Click “Delete” button to delete the unneeded routes.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
5.9 Call Screen
Call Screen lets you program your phone to reject calls from a list of phone numbers. This feature allows
you to screen incoming calls and/or outgoing calls, based on the pre-defined lists you create. You can
modify the lists at anytime. Your phone does not ring with “screened” calls.
Field Description Default value
Line1 / Line2
Reject Incoming
Phone URI
Input the phone URI to reject the incoming call from this URI.
Reject Outgoing
Phone URI
Input the phone URI to reject the outgoing call to this URI.
Change Click “Change” button to modify one of the list routes and to change
the value.
Add Click “Add” button to add more routes for different target domain
Edit Click “Edit” button to edit the route date.
Delete Click “Delete” button to delete the unneeded routes.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
6. Information
¾ System Information
¾ WiMAX Status
¾ Routing Table
¾ Call Detailed Record
¾ Line Status
¾ Packet Statistic
¾ System Log
6.1 System Information
Click System Information to display system status, WiMAX status and LAN/WAN information.
This page displays the current information for the device. It will display the LAN, WAN, and system
firmware information. This page will display different information for you, according your WAN setting
(Static IP, DHCP).
If your WAN connection is set up for Dynamic IP address, there will be a Release button and Renew
button. Use Release to disconnect from your ISP and use Renew to connect to your ISP.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
6.2 WiMAX Status
The WiMAX status pages can show all the service flows between WV202 and BS. User also can read the
bandwidth, frequency, FFT size and the other WiMAX parameters
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
¾ Click the “StopSS” button, WV202 will stop the WiMAX connection after 2 seconds.
¾ Click the “StartSS” button, WV202 will try to connect with BS according to the previous known
preamble index.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
¾ Click the “Show SF Detail: button, WV202 will show the detail information of the selected service
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
6.3 Routing Table
A routing table contains the information necessary to forward a packet along the best path toward its
destination. Each packet contains information about its origin and destination. When a packet is received,
a network device examines the packet and matches it to the routing table entry providing the best match
for its destination. The table then provides the device with instructions for sending the packet to the next
hop on its route across the network.
Field Description Default value
Destination The IP address of the packet’s final destination
The destination can be an IP address or a class-based, sub netted,
or super netted network ID.
Gateway The IP address to which the packet is forwarded
Netmask Includes directly-attached subnets, indirect subnets that are not
attached to the device but can be accessed through one or more
hops, and default routes to use for certain types of traffic or when
information is lacking.
Flags Possible flags include:
a. U: route is up
b. H: target is a host
c. G: use gateway
d. C: cache entry
e. !: Reject route
Metric A number used to indicate the cost of the route so that the best
route, among potentially multiple routes to the same destination,
can be selected.
Ref Number of references to this route
Use Number of references to this route
Ifac Interface to which packets for this route will be sent.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
6.4 Call Detail Record
This IAD keeps records for all calls. The Call Detail Record contains information related
to a telephone call, such as the origination and destination addresses of the call, the time
the call started and ended, the duration of the call, among other details of the call.
Table 2 Code Definition for Disconnect Reason
Code Definition
1000 Unknown error.
1001 Can’t handle a new call.
1002 Normal release by remote end.
1003 User cancelled the call.
1004 Response Accepted
1005 Forbidden.
1006 User not found/Gone
1007 Request timeout
1008 Conflict.
1009 Request entity too large.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
100a Media type unsupported.
100b Unsupported extension
100c User temporarily unavailable.
100d Call leg does not exist
100e Address is ambiguous/too long /incomplete.
100f User busy
1010 Bad event
1011 Request pending
1012 Internal Server Error
1013 Service not Implemented
1014 Bad Gateway
1015 Service Unavailable
1016 Gateway Timeout
1017 Busy Everywhere
1018 User declined the call.
1019 Does Not Exist Anywhere
101a Not Acceptable
2000 No more new calls are acceptable on the endpoint
2001 Poor media quality
2002 Parsing the remote SDP msg failed
2003 No codecs matching with remote end.
2004 No more processing power available
2005 Remote SDP is not received.
2006 Disconnection after blind transfer.
2007 Callee pattern not matched with listed digitmap
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
6.5 Line Status
This window displays the FXS ports and SIP registered status. Click on Refresh button
to retrieve the status.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
6.6 Packet Statistic
A packet is the fundamental unit of information carriage in all modern computer networks that use packet
switching technologies. Each packet is then transmitted individually and can even follow different routes
to its destination. Once all the packets forming a message arrive at the destination, they are recompiled
into the original message.
The device keeps statistic of the data traffic that it handles. You are able to view the amount of Receive
and Sent packets that passes through the device on both the WAN port and the LAN ports. The traffic
counter will reset when the device is rebooted.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
6.7 System Log
The log file keeps a running log of events and activities occurring on the device. The log always displays
recent logs. When the device is rebooted, the logs would not be cleared.
The system log can be screen with 2 types of criteria, Priority and Category. This IAD supports
eight priorities and three categories.
Field Description Default value
Priority To decide which priority level of the log data will be shown.
There are 8 levels to select:
All / Emergence / Alert / Critical / Error / Warning / Notice / Info /
Category To decide which category type of the log data will be shown.
There are 4 types to select:
All / Kernel / Process / VoIP
Refresh To refresh the log data
Save config Save the log to file
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
¾ Save log to file
Step1. Click the “Save config” button.
Step2. Click the “Save” button to save the log file.
Step3. Select the path on your disk and input the file name to save it.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
7. Management
¾ Administrator Account
¾ System Log Setting
¾ Date / Time
¾ Ping Test
¾ Config
¾ Provisioning
7.1 Administrator Account
The administrator account can access the management interface through the web browser. Only the
administrator account has the ability to change account password.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
Field Description Default value
Administration This IAD allows administrator access the Web interface remotely.
Enable this feature; specify the remote port and IP as well.
HTTP port for remote Specify http port number for control this IAD Web interface
HTTPS port for
remote Specify https port number for control this IAD Web interface
administration only
from IP
Specify remote IP address
Update Update the remote administration data.
Access Level There are 3 access level to set: admin / user / guest
Username Username is a text-field where the user can enter the name of the
new login account to be added, or a new string to rename an
existing login account.
Password This parameter holds the Password used for authentication with the
Confirm Password Re-type the password.
Change Click change button to modify an existed item.
Add Click add button to add a new item
Edit Click edit button to edit the existed item.
Delete Click delete button to delete the unneeded item.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
7.2 System Log Setting
Field Description Default value
System log Enable/Disable the feature.
Storage Type Select the storage type: RAM or Flash
Kernel Log Level Assign the message level to be sent to syslog server.
There are 8 message levels to set:
0 Emergence / 1 Alert / 2 Critical / 3 Error / 4 Warning / 5 Notice /
6 Info / 7 Debug
4 Warning
Total Log Size Specify the size of the system log file.
There are 3 different size to set: 4 Kbytes / 8 Kbytes / 12 Kbytes
Remote Log Enable/Disable the remote log feature.
Remote Log Server
Enter the IP Address of remote log server your.syslog.server
Remote Log Server
Enter the port number of remote log server. 514
Log to Remote and
Local Enable: Both local and remote sites will keep system log file.
Disable: Only remote log server can keep the system log file. Disable
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
7.3 Date/Time
The "system time" setting is used by the unit for synchronizing scheduling services and system logging
activities. You will need to set the time zone corresponding to your location. The time can be set manually
or the device can connect to a NTP (Network Time Protocol) server to retrieve the time. You may also set
Daylight Saving dates and the system time will automatically adjust on those dates.
NTP (network time protocol) is a protocol that allows local computers to synchronize the clocks. When a
NTP client initiates a time request exchange with the NTP server, the client can adjust its local clock to
exactly match the clock at the server’s computer. Accurate time information is critical for monitoring the
device with system log. The device will synchronize itself with an external NTP server automatically
When one of the following conditions occurs:
9 Rebooting the device
9 The Expires time having run out
You will need to set the time zone corresponding to your location. The time can be set manually or the
device can connect to a NTP server to retrieve the time. You may also set Daylight Saving dates and the
system time will automatically adjust on those dates.
Note: The Time Zone does not adjust automatically to the North America daylight saving time.
Adjust the value manually when needed. -4 is the time zone with daylight saving and -5 is
without daylight saving. The value can also be modified through the configuration file.
¾ NTP Time Server
Field Description Default value
Date Time Set By a. Manual Time Setting – If you choose this item, then go to the
fields of Date Value Setting and Time Value Setting for setting
b. NTP Time Server – If you choose this item, then go to the filed
of NTP Server Address to assign the domain name for NTP
NTP Time Server
Time Zone GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is World Time and the basis of
every world time zone which sets the time of day and is at the
centre of the time zone map. GMT sets current time or official
time around the globe. According to the location, select a time
zone from the pull-down menu.
Singapore, Taipei
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
¾ Manual Time Setting
Daylight Saving Daylight Saving Time begins for most of the United States at 2:00
a.m. on the first Sunday of April. Time reverts to standard time at
2:00 a.m. on the last Sunday of October. In the U.S., each time
zone switches at a different time. In the European Union,
Summer Time begins and ends at 1:00 a.m. GMT. It begins the last
Sunday in March and ends the last Sunday in October. In the EU,
all time zones change at the same moment.
NTP Update Interval Configure how often to updates its system clock. This setting is
based on hour inside the registry.
NTP Server 1 Assign the domain name of the NTP Server 1.
NTP Server 2 Assign the domain name of the NTP Server 2.
Field Description Default value
Date Time Set By a. Manual Time Setting – If you choose this item, then go to the
fields of Date Value Setting and Time Value Setting for setting
b. NTP Time Server – If you choose this item, then go to the filed
of NTP Server Address to assign the domain name for NTP
NTP Time Server
Time Zone GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is World Time and the basis of
every world time zone which sets the time of day and is at the
centre of the time zone map. GMT sets current time or official
time around the globe. According to the location, select a time
zone from the pull-down menu.
Singapore, Taipei
Daylight Saving Daylight Saving Time begins for most of the United States at 2:00
a.m. on the first Sunday of April. Time reverts to standard time at
2:00 a.m. on the last Sunday of October. In the U.S., each time
zone switches at a different time. In the European Union,
Summer Time begins and ends at 1:00 a.m. GMT. It begins the last
Sunday in March and ends the last Sunday in October. In the EU,
all time zones change at the same moment.
Date value Setting Assign the day value from the pull-down menus.
Time Value Setting Assign the time value from the pull-down menus.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
7.4 Ping Test
This useful diagnostic utility can be used to check if a computer is on the Internet. It sends ping packets
and listens for replies from the specific host. Enter in a host name or the IP address that you want to ping
(Packet Internet Groper) and click Ping.
yahoo.com or
Ping Destination – Assign a legal IP address.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
7.5 Config
All the system settings can be saved to a file and then use this file to restore in the future. You also can
reset this WiMAX IAD to factory default setting.
Field Description Default value
Save All settings can be saving to a local file. Click the Save button to
save the configuration.
Restore Specify the path of Config file, then click Restore button to
restore as device configuration for IAD.
Factory Default This function is used to restore all the parameters back to factory
default setting.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
7.6 Provisioning
This page is used to upgrade WV202 system firmware. WV202 has two firmware parts, one is for system
board and the second is for WiMAX adapter. User can upgrade them separately. Before upgrade, please
make sure that the firmware you want to upgrade is saved on the local hard drive of the computer. Click
on “Browse” button to select the local hard drive and click “Upload” button for the upgrade.
There are two ways to update firmware.
9 Upload the firmware to system manually. However, for the user may not familiar with the
product, recommend to enable Auto-provisioning.
9 Auto-provisioning mechanism is a way which can check for latest firmware and then
upgrade it automatically. It enables a system always run with a newest or stable firmware.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
Field Description Default value
IAD Firmware File Specify the path of IAD firmware file for uploading.
WiMAX Firmware
Specify the path of WiMAX firmware file for uploading.
Provisioning Update
at each Bootup
Enable: Update firmware at each bootstrap. Disable
Provisioning Periodic
update Enable: IAD will check server for new firmware by the provision
periodic update timeer and update firmware if new firmware is
Provision Method Provisioning priority defines the provisioning/upgrade server
priority. There are 4 items to set:
HTTP first / TFTP first / HTTP only / TFTP only
HTTP first
Provision Group
Input the provision group name WiMAX
Provision Config
This will download General config file only. General Only
Provision Periodic
update timer The timer to update the firmware. It can be set from 1 hour to 48
Provision Retry
Interval This IAD will retry with 2nd-Priority protocol to get firmware
image after 1st-Priority protocol timeout. The value can be set in
the range from 30 seconds to 3600 seconds.
Provision Retry Limit Set the retry times.
Config File Provisioning
HTTP Server Address Provisioning HTTP Server Address is set to default your HTTP
provisioning server. This server is used for transacting all
configuration files using HTTP protocol.
HTTP Server Port This is the HTTP port to be used for the HTTP Provisioning
HTTP Directory The directory of the firmware file.
TFTP Server Address Provisioning TFTP Server Address is set to default your TFTP
provisioning server. This server is used for transacting all
configuration files using TFTP protocol.
TFTP Server Port Provisioning TFTP server ports are set to port 69 (1st-Priority),
port 100 (2nd-Priority) and port 200(3rd Priority). These are TFTP
ports used on the TFTP servers and their order of priority.
TFTP Directory The directory of the firmware file.
Image File Provisioning
HTTP Server Address Provisioning HTTP Server Address is set to default your HTTP
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
provisioning server. This server is used for transacting all
configuration files using HTTP protocol.
HTTP Server Port This is the HTTP port to be used for the HTTP Provisioning
HTTP Directory The directory of the firmware file.
TFTP Server Address Provisioning TFTP Server Address is set to default your TFTP
provisioning server. This server is used for transacting all
configuration files using TFTP protocol.
TFTP Server Port Provisioning TFTP server ports are set to port 69 (1st-Priority),
port 100 (2nd-Priority) and port 200(3rd Priority). These are TFTP
ports used on the TFTP servers and their order of priority.
TFTP Directory The directory of the firmware file.
Quanta Computer Inc. IEEE802.16e WiMAX IAD (WV202)
User Manual
211, Wen Hwa 2nd Rd., Kuei Shan Hsiang, CONFIDENTIAL
Tao Yuan Shien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Classification: proprietary information
8. Logout
¾ Logout
¾ Reboot
8.1 Logout
If you need to logout administrator right for web-access, please click the Logout link. The web system
management interface will auto–logout with 1800 sec default value.
8.2 Reboot
There is software reboot button. You can click it for reboot if necessary.
It will take about 50 seconds to reboot and auto go to the login web page after boot up.

Navigation menu