Quanzhou Wouxun Electronics WOUXUN06 TWO-WAY RADIO User Manual 2

Quanzhou Wouxun Electronics Co., Ltd. TWO-WAY RADIO Users Manual 2


Users Manual 2

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Document ID1484333
Application ID25cv9rjgoQy9OnmEExgwYA==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual 2
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize297.55kB (3719346 bits)
Date Submitted2011-06-16 00:00:00
Date Available2011-06-16 00:00:00
Creation Date2011-06-03 14:58:54
Document Lastmod2011-06-03 14:59:20
Document TitleUsers Manual 2

2. in frequency mode, press m +number key m and the screen wtll display EEK-{175 7
Press enter, and the screen Will display Press “or a to seiect R-CTC function.
Press enter Press “ or a to select OFF to turn oi‘i‘ CTCSS, while select one CFCSS value from
67Hz to 2541H1. Press to confirm and press ED return to standby.
>> This transceiver IS With 50 groups UCSS Please see appendixti) crcss frequency sheet.
Setting transmitting CTCSS/DCS (TX-CDC)--- MENU 9
There are 2 options:
T-DCS: Setting transmitting DCS
T-CTC: Setting transmitting CTCSS
and the screen will displa
Press mam enter, and the screen will display Pressuor “to select T—DCS function
Press may enter and press a or a to select OFF to turn off DCS. While select one DCS value from
D023N to D754N Press W to confirm and press return to standby
1. In frequency mode, pressm +number key
Pinlessianal FM Tlansceive
)) This transceiver is with 105 groups DCS Please see appendixfl) D C 5 Code sheet DXXXN (from D023N to
D754N) means positive code while DXXXI (From DOZSi to D754l) means negative code
2. In frequency mode, pressm +number key at and the screen will display
enter, and the screen will display Press u or “to select T—CTC function
Press enter and press 0 or n and se ec 0 turn off crcss, while select one CTCSS value
from 67Hz to 25mm. Press i to confirm and press return to standby.
» This transceiver is With 50 groups crcss. Please see appendix('l) crcss frequency sheet
Setting sidekey - MENU 10
This menu is for the setting of the below two functions
1. PF1
There are 5 options:
Radio: Radio function SCAN= Scan function LAMP: Lamp function
BATT—V: Batterypack voltage prompt OFF: Turn off the key function
2. PFZ
There are 3 options:
ALARM: Start distant urgency alarm function 505: 505 function
OFF: Turn off the key function
1.1 Program PF1 as FM radio function:
' Turn on FM Radio: In standby mode, press PF1 to turn on. The screen Will displays
FM radio will search the radio stations automatically while the green light is flashing It will stop till a
radio station is searched FM radio Will stay the searched radio station to receive
' Tune radio stations: In FM radio mode, press And FM radio will automatically tune while the
green light is flashing till a radio station is searched And press B /“ to fine tune the radio
- Save radio stations: When a radio station has been searched, please press And the screen will
Protesslonal rm Transcelve
Then please input a number key between ~ m . The radio station WIii be stored into the chip.
So that you can listen the stored radio station directly
The transceiver is With two groups of FM radio channels for storing.
For example, if you want to save 881 MHz on channel 8 of the 1st group, please press W + m .
If you want to save this frequency on ch I
fthe 2nd group, firstly please select the 2nd storage.
Press and the screen will display SO the transceiver will be switched to the 2nd
storage. Then press + (in to save
In FM radio rnode, press number key 1
. z to channel 8 of 2nd group.
~ to listen to the saved radio station You can swttch
over lst and 2nd storage to listen to the saved radio station Via key
- Exit the Radio: press PF1 again to em the radio mode.
When FM radio is working, the current frequency or channel is still in standby mode The transceiver will
automatically return to transceiver mode when receiiiing signals After the signal disappears for 5 seconds, the
transceiver will automatically return to FM radio mode. when FM radio is working, press to check the
current frequency. After pressing PTT to transmit, the transceiver will return to FM radio mode after sseconds.
1.2 Program PF1 to scan function:
in standby, press PF1 to enter scan mode (Scan mode is settled on the scan mode setting
Via Menu14). Press any key to stop scan.
1.3 Program PF1 to lamp function:
in standby, press PF1 to turn on lamp function And press PM again to turn off lamp
1.4 Program PF1 to BA'IT-V function:
in standby press PF1 to start up the batterypack voltage prompt function. The screen Will display
the current batterypack voltage
» Press key to exit the function
The above mentioned functions:
m and the screen Will displa
Press enter, the screen Will display
. Press 0 or a select one otSCAN/RADIO/LAMP/BATT—V/OFFfunctions, Press to
confirm. Press- return to standby.
In standby, press GEM +nurnber keys 1
4“ enter, and the screen Will displa
2.1 Program PF2 to alarm function:
In standby, hold on PF2 tor Zseconds, the speaker will sound alarm and the transceiver will transmit
alarm code, and meanwhile the red light flickers Press PF2 again to exit this function
2.2 Program PF2 to 505 function:
In standby, hold on PF2 for Zseconds, and the transceiver will transmit alarm tone.
The above mentioned functions
in standby, pressfim +number keys 3 and the screen will displa
Press enter, and the screen Will display
Press u or G select one orALARM/SOS/orrfunctions Press mm to confirm, press
return to standby.
. Press n and the screen Will display
)) Each transmitting lasts 10seconds The interval is 5minute5. Press any key to exit this function.
Setting keypad autolock (AUTOLK) ---- MENU 11
There are two options' manuai iock and auto ioek We can set most of the keys unworkabie in order
to prevent from pressing a key wrongiy.
ON: “ON“ means setting keypad autoiock function After settlng this function, the keypad Wi” be
automatcaily iocked if there is no any operation in 15 seconds. Hoid on m for more than 2 seconds
to uniock the keypad
))Manua| iock in standby, hoid on for more thanzseconds to iock keyboard, and press .touniock
the keypad.
OFF: Turn off auto iock.
In frequency mode, press @ + number keys and the screen wili display L/V’U‘LH .
Press enter, press B /fl to select ON for turning on autoiock or on: for turnrng err autoiock
Press @ to confirm, then press mm return to standby
Setting auto backlight (ABR) ---- MENU 12
This function is for operating the transceiver easily at nights.
>> When the keypad and the screen are riiurnmated, the backlrght wiii he automatcaily extrngulshed after
5seconds if wrtheut pressing any key Backirght runctren is not wprkabie when transmitting or receiving
in standby, press ”PM + number keys ‘ and the screen Wi” dlspia
Press enter, press u / a to seiect ON for turning on auto backiight or seiect OFF for turning
off backlight.
Press to confirm, then press-to return to standby
Setting frequency offset (FRQOFF) ---- MENU 13
There are 1 options:
1. SFT—D: Shift frequency direction
2. OFFSET: Offset frequency
1.5FT—D means as followings:
a.The transmitting frequency is higher than receiving frequency. The shift frequency direction is
positive u)
b.The transmitting frequency is lower than receiving frequency The shift frequency direction is
negative. (-)
c. Turn off the shift frequency direction function. (OFF)
in standby, press GEN + number keys-
Press m enter, and the screen will displa
Press m enter, press u / fl and Select +/ OFF Press to confirm, then press -to return
to standby.
i and the screen Will display l-ppggp; E .
>> The transmitting frequency by the offset frequency should be available within the originai frequency range
Please adyust the receiving frequency or the offset frequency accordingly, so that the transceiver can transmit
on the available transmitting frequency
offset frequency is the difference between the transmitting frequency and the receiving frequency The
Press 0 key, the screen Wiii display
offset frequency range for the transceiver is from 0 to 69.950MHZ.
In standby, press + number keys and the screen will display ZF DUFF
Press WED enter, the screen will display
Press enter, press a / a or number keys to select the desired offset frequency.
Press M to confirm, then press m to return to standby.
The offset frequency setting and the shift frequency direction are ON LV workable in frequency mode,
in order to program the transceiver to work separateiy on different transmitting and receiinng
‘I. Setting receiVing frequency.
2. Setting shift frequency direction and offset frequency
3. Setbng CTCSS/DCS frequency (if necessary) 34
For example, the receiving frequency of a repeater is 460.025MH1 The receivmg CTCSS is 69.3Hz The
transmitting frequency is 450.025MH1
1. Setting receiving frequency in frequency mode, input- +-
2. Setting shift frequency direction. in frequency mode, enter MENU‘iS “SFT”(Please refer P28) and
select “+" direction
3. Setting transmitting CTCSS/DCS' in frequency mode, enter MENU9 ”TVCTC” (Please refer P21 and
select ”69 3”)
)) in order to use this function easily, you can memorize the above frequency and related data into channels In
this case, you do not need to reset Please refer MENui9(P41-P42) to learn how to memorize the channels
Setting scan mode (SC-REV) ---- MENU 14
In order to receive the calling, the transceiver Will stop scanning on the frequencyfor memon/ channel)
that is detected signals. According to the selected restored method, the transceiver Will resume or stop
scanning. There are three optional scan modes
TO: After a signal is detected, the transceiverWill resume scanning if there is no operation in 5 seconds
CO: After a signal is detected, the transceiver Will stop scanning, 3 seconds after a signal disappears, the
transceiver will resume scanning.
SE: The transceiver will stop scanning when a signal is detected
In standby, press m + number keys and the screen will display qr P
Press enter, press u / n to select TO, CO or SE.
Press GE, to confirm, then press to return to standby,
)) Holding on for 2 seconds to enter scan mode.
Setting power on message (PONMSG) ---- MENU 15
There are three optional display modes when powering on:
FULL: Full display BATT-V: Display the current batterypack voltage MSG“ WELCOME
In standby, press + number keys and the screen Will display
Press enter, press u/ a to select FULL/BATT—V/ MSG.
Press to confirm, then press to return to standby.
Setting stopwatch function (SECOND)
In standby mode, press and number keys 1 ,the screen Will display
Press enter, and then press 6 / a to select ON or OFF Press -to confirm, then press
to return to standby
How to use stopwatch:
When the stopwatch function is turned on, press once to count time Press any key to stop counting
time. Press to resume.
>> When the stopwatch stops counting time, press any key (except ) to exit stopwatch function.
Work mode (CH-MDF) --- MENU 17
There are two work modes for option as followings.
1. Frequency rnode (FREQ)
2. Channel mode
(DChannel mode (CH) ®Frequency + channel number mode (CH FREQ)
(3)Channel name mode (NAME)
>> You need to input the password to sWiteh «requency rnode to channel rnode While the three work modes in
channoi mode can be sWitched over eaeh other Without inputting password.
» The switching password is set Via programming software
» The switching password is inyaiid(sWitching password function is cancelled) when it is rnade up or “000000“
The switching password is vaiid when it is not rnade up or “000000
Frequency mode (FREQ) and Channel mode changeable
®lnvalid password
in standby, press , the screen will display .
Press M enter, then press 0 / a to select your desired work mode, and then press M to
®Valid password
in standby, press the screen will display
Press Mil enter, then press 3/ “to select your desired work mode Press to confirm, the
screen will dispiay six bar
After inputting password, the work mode is changed to the
mode you selected.
>> Please make sure you have memorized at least one channel and one channel name before changing channel
mode and channel name mode
>> Shortcut change over frequency mode and channel mode.
in standby pressm l Q . lf you never set password, the work mode can be changed over directly If you
have set password. you need to input the password firstly. and then the work mode can be changed
Channel name edit (CHNAME) --- MENU 18
Channel name edit:
1. Channel name can be made up of 26 charactersz-Z) or 10 Arabic numeral5(O-9) freely.
2 The maximum channel name lS made up of 6 digits(frorn’l digit to 6 digits)
3. Selecting H means this digit is blank
Editing method:
1. Via programming software
2 Via keypad of the transceiver
When you edit channel name, please kindly followings:
1. At least one channel has been memorized.
2 The transceiver works in channel mode
3 After entering the channel name edit function,pressu to select the characters. and pressflto
select the edited position.
Editing steps:
1 If the transceiver works in frequency mode, please set the work mode as CH or CHFREQ mode
(See Menu 17).
z Firstly please select the channel you want to edit, and presS-+
+m+m, and then the
screen Will display 6 bars. Press“ to select the desired characters, and then press fl. and then
press “ again to select the 2nd character and so on. After the Sixth character is selected, pressM
to confirm;and then press. to exit the function. And the screen will display this channel name And
the right corner of the screen Will display this channel nurnher
3 If the transceiver works in “CH“ mode of channel mode, please change the display mode to “NAME“
mode Via MENU 17
Setting memory channels (MEM-CH) ---- MENU 19
When the transceiver works in frequency mode or in standby mode, you can input the frequency and
the parameter that you want to memorize into the channels
Press .+ numberkeys l at, and the screen will display
Press enter, press“ / a to select channel number And then press. to memorize. There
Will be voice prompt when the memorizing is successful.
Press an to exit This channel is co-frequency channel If you want to memorize the dis-frequency
channel, please repeat the above steps After pressing mto confirm the memorized channel, the voice
Will prompt "Transmitting memony”.
For example, if you want to memorize the receiving frequency 450.025MH1 and the transmitting
frequency 460.025MHZ into channel 20. The operation procedures are as followings:
‘I. When the transceiver works in frequency mode, input til 6 2 i
+ then press til or Dr B to select CH-ZO. Press key to confirm. Vaice will
prompt when the memorizing is successful. Press to ext
2. Then input l El m , and then press-+ » + + Mto memorize this
frequency into the channel. The transceiver Will voice prompt "Transmitting memory“. And press
to exit
Prolessiorrai FMTi
3. The dis-frequency channel is memorized at last.
» If you want to memorize CTCSS/Dcs, DTMF functions into the memory channels, please set the functions
before memorizing channels 50 that the functions can be memorized together With the frequency into the
» Transmitting memory only can be memorized the transmitting frequencies If you want to memorize the
functions into the memory channels, please memorize the functions together With receiving memory into the
>> In frequency rnode, oniy when the channei is empty, you can do transmittingsreceiving memory manually
Otherwise you only can do the transmitting memory if the channel is not empty, please delete the channel
information before doing transmittingStreceiving memory
» Vou can also set the parameters via programming software besides manual memorizing
Delete channel (DEL-CH) ---- MENU 20
in standby, press M + number keys 6 , and the screen Will displa
Press enter, press u/ a to select the channel that you want to delete, press l
The selected channel and channel parameters are deleted Press to return to standoy
to confirm.
ANI ID Code edit (IDEDIT)----MENU 21
in frequency mode, press m and number keys 2
the screen wtii displa
Press enter, input your desired ANi ID Code directly. And then pressm to confirm, press
ta return to standby.
)> ANI iD code can be edited by 36 digits freely. ANi iD code is ranged from 0007999999
Setting DTMF (SETDTF)—---MENU 22
There are five options:
P'I'r-ID: Setting ANI lD CODE transmit delay
OPTSIG: Setting DTMF signaling
SPMUTE: Setting mute mode
ART: Setting ringtime
DTMFST: Setting DTMF sidetone
1. Setting ANI ID code means the AM ID code transmitting status when pressing PTi key once to
(151-30: Preset ANi transmitting delay time from “i to 3D Uriit.’iODms
®0FF= Transmitting ANi ID code manuaiiy
In standby mode, press GEN and number ke s 2“
, the screen WiII display
Press enter, and the screen wrli displa . Press 0/0 to seiect PTT—lD function.
Press enter, and then press 0 / n to seiect the aiiowed delay transmitting time rdrANi ID
code from 1 to 30 Or seiect OFF to transmit ANi ID code manuaiiy Press. to Confirm, then press
to return to standby.
2. Select if you want to turn on DTMF function. if you seiect this function, seiective calis, group cails and
ail calls functions are avaiiabie
in standby mode, pressm and number keys the screen Will dispiay
Press enter, and the screen thI dispia Press 0 / “to seiect OPTSOG function,
Press -enter, and then press “ rn to seiect "ON“ to turn on DTMF signaling or “OFF“ to turn
off DTMF signaling. Then press to confirm, press-to return to standby
3. The mute mode means the mode or turning on the speaker There are three options for turning on the
s eaker:
p 44
QT: When the transceiver receives the signal that is strong enough to open squelch and is matched
With CTCSS/DCS, the speaker Will be opened. if the transceiver is not set CTCSS/DCS, the speaker
Will be opened when the transceiver receives the signal that is strong enough to open squelch.
QT + DT: When the transceiver receives the signal that is suitable for QT conditions and is matched
with DTMF signaling, the speaker will be opened.
QT X DT: When the transceiver receives the signal that is suitable for QT or QT+ DT conditions, the
speaker Will be opened
in standby mode, press and number ke s 2 the screen will displa
Press enter, and the screen will display Press u / n to select SPMUTE function
Press enter, and then press a / a to select one of QT or QT+DT or QT X DT
Then press m to confirm, and press ‘to return to standby.
4.Ringtime setting means the speaker will sound clear ring prompt when receiving correct DTMF
encoding signaling.
in standby mode, press-and number keys 2 , the screen Will display
Press u / n to select ART function.
t ringtime from 0 to 10.
Press enter, and the screen WiII display
Press enter, and then press a / n
Then press to confirm, and press mto return to standby
5. DTMF sidetone setting means if the speaker is turned on when transmitting DTMF signaling
and hear the according DTMF tone from the speaker.
There are 4 options as followings:
®DT-ST: Key sidetone is turned on when transmitting.
(DANI-Sfi ANl ID code sidetone is turned on when transmitting.
®DT+AN|: Both of key sldetone and ANI lD code sidetone are turned on when transmitting on
©0FF: Turn off all
In standby mode, press-and number keys 2 , and the screen Will displa
Press enter, and the screen will displa Press n / a to select DTMFST function.
Press enter, and then press 0 / n to select one function of DTST/ANLST/DTfiANl/OFF
Then press Mm confirm, and press .to return to standby.
All calls, group calls and selective calls
There are ANI ID code transmission, ANI ID code edit and DTMF decoding functions. Without the
assistance of the other communication equipments, the all calls, group calls and selective calls are
available between the groups
Before using all calls, group calls and selective calls function, you need to set as followings:
1. ANI ID CODE edit Note: Every transceiver In the same group should be edited a unique ANI ID
ANl ID CODE:ID--XXX(3 digits) ID--XXXX(4 digits) ID--XXXXX(5 digits) ID--XXXXXX(6 digits)
x xxxxx
ID ‘If ‘If
f Group NO mark A uni'quc ANI ID CODE
From ‘l (a 9 group, From 0000049999,
Maximum“ 9 groups Maximum:1000000 dlgll’s
This Is how to set ANl lD CODE.
The steps of setting ANI ID CODE“
Press number key to mpul
li l
" " AN ID Code from 0007999999
Pressn cram selectlransmited
-> EIIII -> ANI ID Cudedelaytimefrum’lm 30 -> -'> U”
_> a“ _> PressunrflloselecIDTMFlo _> MENU _> Em
Press B nrflto select mute mode ‘
.> l‘lEIIU .> DHQT .> mail .> mi
_> MENU _> zroe'i‘sagrfliaseiecnheringrim _>
-> Eill
Press B urflto select DT+ANI in
turn an keypad simian: and AM ID
code srdeiene
-> iiEuii ->
iiii ->
» Any transceiver in the same group should be with the same frequency point and parameter
How to operate
a. How to use all calls func .
Hold on PTT key to transmit After transmitting ANi ID Code, input -+ keys directly.
b. How to use group calls function:
Hold on PTT key to transmit After transmitting ANi ID Code, input “Group NO “- +-
c. How to use selective calls function:
Hold on PTT key to transmit After transmitting ANl ID Code, input the AM lD Code of the selective
transceiver that you want to speak to
Note: If you press number key to transmit DTMF code while holding on PTT key to transmit, the
transmission will be delayed for Zseconds And then the transmission Will stop.
Protessional w Transceive
Inspection, stun, kill and monitor function
Inspection: Manager can use this function when he/she wants to know whether his/her staff are on
duty Manager Will transmit inspection signals, and the transceiver in the group will reply to the
manager automatically(what they reply is their ANI lD CODE)
Stun:Manager can use this function when he/she only wants to let his/her mermbers Just receive but
can not transmit Manager only needs to transmit Signaling to stun the memebers‘ transceiver. So that
the stunned transceivers only can receive but can not transmit
Kill: When the transceiver is lost or some accidents happen, in order to disable the transceiver, manager
can use this function to kill the transceiver. So that the transceiver can not transmit or receive.
Monitor: Manager can use this function when he/she wants to know what his/her group members are
doing at the moment, When manager transmits the monitor signaling, the members' transceiver in the
group will transmit automatically, then manager can hear the member‘s voice.

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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PDF Version                     : 1.6
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XMP Toolkit                     : 3.1-701
Modify Date                     : 2011:06:03 14:59:20+08:00
Create Date                     : 2011:06:03 14:58:54+08:00
Metadata Date                   : 2011:06:03 14:59:20+08:00
Format                          : application/pdf
Document ID                     : uuid:269f0c10-ff2f-471e-9ed3-ff18bbfbc6e8
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Page Count                      : 13
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