RCA LED24G45RQ User Manual LED TV Manuals And Guides 1405302L
User Manual: RCA LED24G45RQ LED24G45RQ RCA LED TV - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your RCA LED TV #LED24G45RQ. Home:Electronics Parts:Rca Parts:Rca LED TV Manual
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Part No.: RN0324R24002 @ @ @ @ @ @ ¢ @ @ @ @ @ Congratulations on your purchase! As you enjoy your new product, ple_sekeepthese s_fetytips in mind : @ CONTENTS @ @ @ @ @ The Issue e ¢ 07 @ ....Ot_e size }s a and does NOt f yo_r fa }or! k>r he @ i_e mar_u act_r_}r's panel safe ir_sta}iatot_ unders arid and use of @ d}spiay, @ @ How(_vei: fiat par_e displays are no aways support:ed on he proper stands of ir_sailed according o the R_anuh_; iJ_en:__eco,_,_menda_ions @ O2 Turning On and Off 07 e @ O4 Choosin{t 77'VChanr/el 07 Selecting Input Source 07 ir_struc furni fat panel displays ha are ]ar}propra ey siuaed on dresses bookcases st_eves desks speakers chess or cals r_'_ayfal! over and cause inj_ry @ 05 Channel Bar 08 05 Select TV Location Adjusting Volume 08 ¢ e @ This Hanufacturer e Cares! 08 @ Ihe consumer hon-e eiec nakir_g Cable Connections MODEL O5 Adjust the OSD Screen 08 05 Quick Menu 08 Side Panel Connections 05 Conrlecting ,,_/Composite video device Charlrlel Merlu 08 Picture Menu 05 08 indus _y is commit enjoyable and children ur(,_ and el(_vision ed t:o saef @ o ci}mb on or play w h @ sets @ ....los monitores de pan alla piana que se han ins aado inadecuadament en tocadores_ estar_ter£_s esantes esc_itorios orrs.dor_s baOle s o cantos se p_eder_ caer y causar el daf'_o corporal. @ @ @ @ _¢aH @ _ountin_ : ....Use rs mo_st_ th;:_ has abora or,>; (s_sch as UI @ ....Foiow a} ir_stn_c!ions @ ....If you i_ave IF YOU been CICICE TO @ conttec ed o he p_ne dsplr_y so tha t:hey ca'_not be p_iled or g_abbed by c_r ous ch IdI_}n @ recon-_m_nd_d by th_ disDay YOUR F_,T PANEL DISP_/Y, rnanufach_r(_r arid/or strNS ALWAYS Comporlerlt device Audio Menu 06 09 profess}ona @ Connecting HDMI device Time Menu 06 09 ....Make @ iAI Fabricante ....la 10 ndus @ s_sppi}ed by t:he display rsur_ a_}o_ t you abifty and wall rnount to safely fia pagel display cog Sonde hock a()[ you eaie he corttac a pro essonai of wo [x_pie are mozart ir_g he dispiav is appropria e cons!ruclioN, abou[ @ if you are ca,, be heavy al equpo o jugar con o No cioq _e los n/ol![tores quese puede c0mod _, de pal_l:a}ia p!a/_a en e! nueble issar fi_ci!mente eomo escalon, as[ eomo una - I::_(_}uerde que los n[fios )u_xJen }legal a ser exci ados al ver por porter o t_tai ir el rr_ort}otr d>nde no se pJede al eas ado de! calnino del e enlre cor_sum dor en n-ien!o de - El cu}dado se tiene ni echar abajo. os cordones y cables e_ :'_ plal_ / pits casa ai nor!itor agarral y segi_ro de Pared: que en/pezo eor_ectados que no se puedan de partials pot os n pc/encaminar plans todos a! n/o _itor de pa it i}a tirar o agorar conectados para qlJe no se pueden tirar o os elJr[osos. s USTED DECDE A MONTAR SU MONITOR DE PANrALLA PLANA LA PARED. S EMPRE or el fabrican!e de moni!or y/o islado per _r_ iaboralorio de pared isst:ala seg_ a Pe_t:e s_ isqo _ilo de pat al_._pl_._sa ....Compnsebe que ia pared adode se est_ montando el monet es adec_sada AIf,_tir_os n on qes de a park',_d no sot! d[seiiados para set montados a paredes con achoges de acero o a vea cot_s rucciOn de bioq_e de cet_za Si usled esri ir_se{luro contac e a _n ir_sta ador prr_fesionai @ @ _,'l_,'c rdr_ica ....Si used iese cualquie duda sobe su h,_}ilidad paa con acle a su distribudor paa a ns aiaeiOn p_ofes[onai @ Flat panel dspla.ys a subir rr_lJeb es y televisiones, ....Si{]a ,odas ms ns[rscc ones o,_{,_cidas per el fabricante de merci or y men!!le @ ion de este producto, a los nifios @ @ inslal}er are _{_quired f_._r nslalia - No peru/ira ,_qa }as en(!(_ :oda_:; }_s h'lr_tH_cc ones e} uso p/opio @ @ whe,e.... yo wa} is plra ....Use una men ura que se ha recomendadop ir_deper!d}en!e(como U L CSA Ell) @ rnan_facl_rers igs all yo_ le Importa a hacer _ontaje @ by ar_ r_d(},oor_dc_r_ ra comprometlda @ : CSA_E[L). doub[s COn r..ulc(_'" o vent . iea adjunt e/npujar, detener @ ir_s!:al}a ion _r hs s's,e ....A nir_nun Setup Menu airy NO e_ (_de,<_uado para lodes, @ @ MOUNT / na:!o fie e/npezar @ ....Car_} should be taken to ro_de all cords and cables WALL Ur_ una progranlaciCn, especia ne/_te en el nol![tor de pa _l:alla pia/!a "has grsnde que vials". El cudado se tiene que @ @ ConrlectingYPbPr reco nendacione _ de fabr cante papa Is i/_s aaciCn seo, u_a y ei isso de su nlon tot de p:/ntalla pia_a agradabie @ LED24G45RQ ror!cs en ertai,_,,:,_enl alow Ajustar Hasta Seguridad ....La exper}en( }a de entr_denl,,r_len o de clne er_casa es _sna endencia creciente yos star,des moni oF._}s de panta}a plarta son muy populares eN!bargo os l_,_oniores de panala pianat_o se han instalado s ernpre enos sopoKes adecuados o ir_saiado de acuerdo con a:s reconler_dac}ones de fa.bricante @ product, @ @ O5 osed ....Remember f_d chiidren can become t_xci ed while wa chng a program (_sp_dsiailyon a "larger han I}!_"fla panel display Care shoud be tak_._nto place or instal t:he dsplay wher<__ canno! be pushed p_ied ovec or kr_ockod down. ¢ @ 05 enc @ ¢ Setup TV]Ss,ble Stand use of lhis all ....Don't place fa. panel d}spays or_ furntur_ hr_1 can (}a,<@be used as s1(}ps such as a cl'te._1of drawers @ Check Accessories and ions for proper ....[Z)or_' @ read @ e ¢ O5 ....Carefuly Posibles Problemeas @ al. !ellow DB NI£OS= El O6_o y DoOnde Usted usual Su Mo_lftor d Panrltails Plan, Ma_;a[a Diferr end;is @ reconlmenda per f_svortongs en cuens_ los consejos de seguridsd: @ Tune Into Safety Fhe i_ome rhea er et!tertair_nlen experier!ce growing rend and larger fa panel displays poplJ ar pur(shases @ 02 @ @ @ Cuando usted disfru_:_ade su nuevo producto, @ @ @ iHuchas gracias per su use del presente producto! @ @ ....Per o r_,_enosdos personas se requie_{,_npara a ns alaciCn los n-oni ores de panial a plana pi_ede set pesados @ Lock Merlu O6 10 @ @ Caution @ O7 and Warning @ @ @ @ @ Please rn{Sis er your p_o(Juct a WWWorCaocom Keypad Buttons 07 Front Panel 07 12 @ @ @ @ _ '_:Ja 13 tie _ightr k:g flash wth arrowhead ymb(_l, wfhn an Product S_ecification Number prese_,ce equilateral prod ct 14 J oft_u atsg_e n insulated dangerou,, vo_ta!_e _;th to _ the s ir_[er, ded to alert the user the endo,,tre that may be of st_ff,cierIf tt ag_ rude to cons thte a rsk of electr / ............... L....... _ E " [ @ Serial c shock @ The exclarn_t @ of Purchase 2_,,_ intended importarlt instruct to ons or pont w}thir_ _snequilateral triangle alert the t_ser to the pYe e*'ce op_,atklg and mainten_rtce(evicing) }r' the liter,_ture accompa_ tints @ l_ies, @ these In!its am desig led to prey}de reasonable harmf_i i _ter!erence i_ a residential [ _staf[at}on. it os for a Ciass @ ih[s @ frequer_cy @ witl @ ] y ng the 7V @ MADE FOR TODAY This eqlJi::,me @ been tested B digital and found device, to com::,iy p rs}_a _t to Pal wth 15 o does cause _am!ful he,' + _f,ere_ce _o "ado or t;e eq_ipment t_e ger_erates, enegy aid, instn_ctior_s, Comm_nicat[o f _ot may proeM:ion aga r_st _ses arid can "ad ate nstailed and _sed in accordance ca _se harmful interference radio _s, However, there, s r_o G_ara ]tee tiat @ oad:ic_lar nslalla nterferer_ce will tot fay erie or Ino"e of the follow ng ineasures: Reorient or relocate the Ii_crease the separation Connect the eq_ ipmer!t that to which tie r_,ceNer Co _s_slt the dealer or rece[v[ _gantenna. between tie eq_lipmen a_d the receiver, [no al o_ let on a crc_it d ff<-,_rentfrom s con _ected, an ex)erienced radio/]N/technician for tel/::,, to radio @ @ nterfe/ence the FCC @ 1 of @ @ @ Date eq_}an!er_t @ Cauion:]_>red ice the riskof electro shock,do not remove coveror ba_k No i;ser,-serviceab[e parts nsde }_efe_ servicingto qual fed serviceperso*snel @ Please keep your sales recept and keep he reeo_) of the serial number a!td he dse of purchase in caller to receive warnan N par_s altd serv[ee. The serial no;tuber s foea e(:J at he baek of Ihe TM If thN F(tc Infotynafion cocker n a fen. Device complies with FDA "adiator_ performance CFR s_bchapter. Ca/tie _: (inv Nble) laser I:/ad atio ] wher_ opera. Do sot stare r_o beam. standards, 21 @ @ !7. Never push objects of any kirtd it!to this IV through as they may touch dangerous voltage or other ei_strcal could res/t the M [/fire or elect [c shock. Never spill q_id openirlgs [;arts tha! of arty kid flute ¢ @ @ @ ÷ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 1, Read these Ustr ctions, 18, Unph/g the TV from 2, Keep these instru(Nons. fiq_id or aero dealers. the wall o_£1e_ _ before cleanir!g, Use a damp Do not use @ cle!:h for clear_[/g, Yeur Connections 19, T}_is [V sho/Id 4, Follow all nstr_ct[ons. reso_;rce, fhs 5, Do let _se this appa'att s r/ear water, For example, do io use sear a ia_l/dry tb, i/ a wet basemert , or sear a swilnmng ::,ool, asd the like. as a bookcase mar_/f_clurers 20, Do riM: place this ]V on a_ unstable set}o/s 7. Do to block any ventilation the r_ ar_l act_lrer',_s i istr_ctions, back or bottom operat[ort o openings are provded the fV aid r_ _lst not trivet be blocked s[I n[lar surface. be blocked i from or covered, r_ear any heat stoves, ::,reduce for verttilat[or_, to protec to ens _re reliable overheating, he or otier sources sofa, s_ch "1% or oher as radiators, af::,/::,arat/;s (i]cl_;d heat ]g a nf::,iifiers) tha cart, sta Id, tripod, se"o_s or tie other. A 9ro_nd ::,ror_g, Ihe [;lug has two r_g y[se piing os wide blade or the of the polarized blades with or gra_;r_ding one wider thai Protect the ower cord two blades and a thirst 9re_r_d ng prong s provided from at pl_gs, convenience tiey exit fror_ the appa'ati_s, 1 !, O_iy being walked receptacles, 22. ]his bracke, r@_ry !:o so_eone, aid ::_,yyo_:rself b_ause ope ling to dangero/s high voltage or ig to q_al[ ied sewice d_,vice corn }lice w[h s si_bject to the not cause harmful! a_y rlterference _ndesi_ed opera foilowi Part 15 o the Fee _g two }llte terence, /eceNed, iota, personr/el, (!) t_[s device and (2) this d(;vice must !t as on or /}inched poir_t where specified man_fact_ may accept _g [ _terfere _ce !:_at r_ay cayuse [_Nase refer to Q_ck Star!: Gl_e of pi_sg r_ust by the tripod, bracket, or table spec[fNd by of ei(xstric shock, the greunding of center pin be ma rttar_ed. f an o/tside anle of the ina or cable Nat ona previd(_; []formatior_ with arid supporlillg stn;cture, d schar!tfe requiremer_ts sys!em [s co!_r_ected to the [k/, [ lectricai Code, ANSI/NF[6_\ respect to proper 9rotlrtdr_g (_,rour_dir_g of the eadin ur/it, sl/e of {_rotlnd[/g @ excesslve _;r_it, cor_nectio fo" the gro/;r_d[/g location i to grc)_lnd r_'_ elec redes, electrodes, of aid (See f[g_re A) r__ovr_g the ca/Wa ::,par,_;_t_ s should be noved with to for iong/;er ods e time, For added pretect Ightn}ng storms or when it [s le!T unused for long/)eriodr: wall o/tk_t arid disconr_ect _ni_sed prever_! damage e tine, unp/g 1: front tie a _tenr_a or cable ays!em, to the [M d_o to lightning a_d pewer Ref_r a[ serv[cin{_ to quali ied service ::}ersol/nel, liie Servcng have f_}len into the ap:)ara to rail s does no apparatus operate ]orma has been y or ]as dropp_. 15, his co _s_llt yo_lr r_)mete co/troi lhe Please only fr_,l/the type o power is lot applia sum the type ice dealer of power s ipply or local power baS_ery power. "_}f_r to the operat fV set shaf[ riot be exposed to drippillg 1_ your compa s_p/::qy home, _y, For ]g [nstrl_(No @ Further lr forr_la_:on Cables @ follow the @ to page @ comporter_ts, rot the power fV w[h fi_rt:!ter [/_forma [o], see [::,age 5 COMPO_,_NT % Pb, Pr L,-AUDIO,-R e COMPONENT video cable ¢ ¢ 6. @ ÷ HDMI oab[e :[/ ............................. {[:! MHL cable HDMI/MHL Go to page 6 @ ¢ @ SOUND PC re ti_e TV accordir/r_ to the [/str_;ctior-'. s/_ch as screws are ]e be!ow si_ppli(x_ YeA c, _)k) wit; VGA(_abe ¢ one: insert the M6 mounting mou _t[ _gscr_yw holes a_d fast_ scr_,ws r_to the tpper two wail Jtt,lfle( Lx:e_:/_glZ F!e fi"st step [r_ cor_r_ecting your TV is obtain[ _g tie signal. Your [M [ [ DS;4(:}45i_Q has a back panel, which alows you o receive a/aog al_d/or di(_[ta televsior_ char!]els [@efor_>co in_yctr!c_ your iV, de emd_e @ service va AN F/CA[_L[ _s[_tg a] ante h/L])B4/, !'e h/DB4i /(>go //': C / o' _1/,;, -,, h gi el / (/: )% _ o f_.•f,iM _ di _ /<_o' / _d(/}7 //,;, e h/[])f_•#/ cor_ _e_;_t_e bols a ]chors with ropes or cha r_s (Fgt re C). ._. /. irma or a cabie to ot)tai_t the sigr_ai. whe/_ ',,'ou :)o/_/_e:: ok?e/de'/ces Co/inecl ¢ of the back pael. analog char_ne}s, Co/r_ec! @ @ IV va coax[ai Ye_ are ready cable !:o receive on AN]YCABLE air local d[7[tai jack @ and @ Connecting A V Composite TV service the cable fV waif jack to TV via coax[ai cable AN IYCABLE jack of the back panel, local d g}tai a_d analog de_,4ce (Good t4_deoQua/it}l) or! _,'_>_are ready to "eceive o!/ air cha _r_els, Composite conr!ector will be shared }_> connect a con_pos te AV device, these with Con po/le _t Y connecter, s_ch as a DV[) piayer, foiiow steps: Bex wh}c/tse of setop :oryf,_ (:) <>/?_}/-@;; 7_/(//:>_:_;eo seal'e_ a special conned:ion, col/pal_y picase !,Conl_ect the COMPOSi] E jack oil the side o_t/::,_t jacks o device via video cable (yellow), of IV to the video No _ig_re B Figur_ ;),_i _ >//:>/e(: /_//tf,e s{!#)/o t ([_/@./,_ _e:_(_/ca/bf(_ c*_er_(:/ 2,Co _r!ect the L-AUDIO R jacks on the side of iV to the audo out/::,_rt iacks of d_vice via a_d[o cable. Notre the felt channel jack aid ::,ii_gs ale cha ]r_el iack and the side of fV to (green, bite and @ correc @ [y, @ s at exalnple o a con iect}on _sng yo_;r }V as corr,,_o @ @ @ rigit @ e_t/_o'eo 7?,';,/,',<: ci/_i:-c @ ,<,/L_;_/ @ @ the component @ Audio o_t: Corinect a coax al cable for distal and the iybt SOUND :Dse 3.5ram sereo raft%pin cable to co!_ !ed PC dNece VID/O : Use video cabe to cor_nect video files to TV. to [M. L=ANDIOoR_ OO_IPOSlT£: Co /rlect al AV de/ice that has composite video jacks, s',lc _as a VCR or a DVD piayer, ]b access device con leered to these jacks, press the INPUi b_ ton on your remote the_ press the _ /Ndown arrow to select AV, Press the ON b_tton at last to confim!, _ANDIO IN L: Left atd[o cortnector [S lJS)iJrJlly wh[e, use the._ left AUDIO fNPU f, TV A _te _na f',/oe AY g )core s/9_/h:_s/eg_//goe{: e (;o/7/:?os/ k'/deo n_/s k//_d ) k'/deo A_DIO IN R: Right atd[o cha _nel conr_ec [orl, The "gh attire co _r_ector is ust ally "ed, ANT/CABLE= Connect to "eceve the sg]al from yotr a /tenna or cable via coaxial cable, muNc/pholo files ...... _ower/$tand_r_y standby mode. _emote recew_s below @ @ cort _posi e video jack, s an example of a conn(Y;<:o] @ @ is done, to choose tress NPUI the npl£ buton on remote sour_e you teed, con roi S_c_ page 7, @ e ÷ @ @ @ @ e ¢ @ !, Conner 2, Conner @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I//dec Quality) i-_DMI/MHL High Definition the i AUDIO-R tack or_ the side o TV !:o t_e @ @ e @ MHL when Control Sensor: i_en!ote oontroi i ifrared "ay se,, ,,! by remote control. Codes for Cox Codes for Comcast: Codes for Dish Network: Codes for F[os Ver[zon: Communications: i Indic_bI' i the [N_ [s [/ i[:_ ser_sor, which 0178 10178 627 0205, 0057, 0493, 0775 Turning On and Off Con _ect tie Nolo': i'i ii!ili!!i i AC cord to power mode the LED LCD fV, At this time the and power ir-_db_-:_tor,,',.,illtur_ "ed, Use but o_ (O) on the top pane! of IV or on the remoe centre you ca] Tc( /OI 7"2)YTr>F )sP//?g inp_ i/!?c :)/Tf/ )/(J, i e : _Jsr_g the wgh begin ihg ]_mer c buttons For example, <'!", 'OK" on remote T_i_g To Digital digilal o oelect INPUT Displays the Sotece M_NU Displays the List, CH,& Scans _/:) thrc>_gb tie cha ]r_el I[s. I/the IV ment syslem, it acts ![ke the up arrow on the fV Mair_ Me/u. rt_MT)ber with co/trol, to w_Ich '1", "el/ote Cha/Iging C]a cha _r_ef"AS I ", in sequence, When r:tsr:+:ber beg[/_rtir_g with /urlleric at) irlput ar_aio{_ el]an/el Directly and CHv no OSD ir_ A," _<_//_o, "r)", buf!:ore directly, thefl the sub ilJml.)er "DS! e ! ", press '3", "¢o_1can _lse CilA to decrease (Or_ Scree _ Display) can also work as Ci-_A/Ci-_v "! ", ' ", chan b_tton to increase _el r_/n_ber, is _sed, the _p/dow ] arrows b_;ttons, Seals dow] throt gh he chan/el list, Ii the ]V menlJ system, acls f[ke the down arrow on th_ rcmoe co Itrol and ca/be @ @ -iDMi VOL-' e !ii!:!i_i_3iii!_iiiii! ;;;;$:;7@!! i_ii e @ e Source Select TV lJs(_J to select menu opt ons, AM VOL+ f icreases the voltlme, n tie TV nenll aystem, it acs Ike the right arrow on the remote control al_d can be Selecting lJsed to select me/tJ opl:ons, P"ess INPUT Decreases the voh_me, fn t_e V menu aystem, it acts Ike tie left arrow on the u_ note conoi aid can be _sed control to display (!) to select menl so_ree yo_ teed con irm. f_rns options. the fV on aid off, Use _p/dow] pres _-._tlast. rer_ ote co _trel and can be used to se!e_t menu OF,!:ions. OH _ fr-tp_st con rol [n seq_le/co, ]nels cha ine! _mber "A", press Oha_els For example, "OK" o/ wih d rectiy aid to watch analog control A dig[lei cha _r!ci ha,_ _,_cl]anr_el "-" t;,tJttorl o[/remote @ @ of a connec<:}on "5", the main @ is an exalnpie nt tuber i',/o!_ : A!#>< lgt there ia no _ a/og 7',/a/gi_/av;_//uL:_/e :OS/(s(:/ve/_, Tt/ /_ t?C;7(/)(; /e/ SO/'(_ (_O0/?S/i>/:_ _S(: e a(>d HDM! Connection tie ::>ct_re below vdeo ac<. the dgitai @ e/ /r; r_ (; >p,r_act (:,,gs!:*/ {:i17!:s i ca/Tir-s the _ 7:ir:) arTd /;o%o ,<,sL_l)a/ _'/a k_e :_;_in+: :aL>/:; at):7 haa UT+: £)(:r;t (i,of)k_y qi,7#/i ctr/ T_ning To A_alog Ohan_els ar_ analog c _a _r_el has a cha _nel n imber OK b'dtton to confirm. @ on the side of fV to the audio 7 hiDf_,•_/t-/igh L)( //,_i!ien f/;_ /Pn;>e(_/ int_ /,T blJttons press @ Link via MNLcable, jack yol_ can use the keypad fV features. @ o_ltp_lt tack o cor_ pt ter wth audio cable (d_laf-cha ]nel RCA jacks !:o 3,5ram stereo jack or the L ?_UD!O R jack). aL:(:_,'o/_i(?'rto ÷ the remote, rtany ¢ (Beet ]b connec a HDMI d_;vice, s_ch as a D_./D ;layer, please Connect the NDM}/MI L jack on the side of [_ to tie o_Jt/::,/_tjacks of d_e,ice via i-IDMf cable. port of Mobile fV to operate @ @ Connecting HDMI device on yol_r @ Basc Otx_retion of /\/, ¢ @ the connection or f_i top palel @ @ using I_dicator: fight ur; [I red L%Tht o_t whe/the TV [s ol. Sensor Choosing W Channel ff you can lot locate yore e @ ] _, pict_we \ How to Obtain Various Kinds of Input Sources @ Composite Video Connection eontrot PowedSta_dby ]V vvl e_ter sta _by Keypad Buttons After @ h',': >Uy c _ kl,: Remote ii !:l_r ] on IM agars, @ @ _ , star1 gtde. chan/lel co inec or!, fhe ief! aJdio for morlo atJ(Jio solJrcer:>, be aiJm to @ @ @ ::,itgs are red, and a_gle, se_> the quick a_sdio V/_b/_r (Oom_'_o_e_t Video}: ]hey f)rovide good t>bttlre quality because the vdeo s[qnal is se/:::,arated rite three compo/e its. Use three video t_rade or compon_/_t video cables for the co inec on. When using Y/Pb/P', make strn yo/cort/ect eft aid "iqh atd[o cables to the AUDIO iN It_/L jacks. _dB.* Con _ect yo/r USB s orage device to e_joy on yo_r fV (/\lso used for servce purpose), @ @ w]ite co _trol distance @ @ sing worNng o<r 5 seconds @ A, Antenna @ Digital o @ @ @ ]o connect a compt ter, follow these steps: 1,Con ]ect the VGA port o_ the back o IV to the VGA o_tl::::,_t jack of d(>vice via Ds_b !Spin cable. 2,Con _ect t[_e PC SOUNi} lack on h_ back of IV to t_e at_do o_ tptlt tack of comp_ter w[h a_dio cable (3..Smm). Front Panel VGA: Connect your comptiler or ethel device wth a V(}A output to this lack tsing a 15 pin, Dsub cabf(_, @ @ ......... ......... foilow head/::,hor_e for pers_or_ai audo, f*ower (:_'_i//7)/? _)!_/] in _?e N(_' :)o/d TtA @ @ @ a computer Note: If yot want o tse your fV as a mo the maxin_un! "esoh_t[o _for LED24G45RQ Conr_ect a 3.Smm jack. @ aid @ @ @ _ther_ (Fgtlrr} B), _:_ 'N'%-_:/<:;/_, a(' the pic1_o_ below is an exam::4e of a con/i_x:lio video> jack. riot @ @ @ e @ @ Step /',/o_: @ ar_._ red, Component Video Connection @ with IM). the COMPONENT IN Y/Pb/Pr jack ol o_1: _1: iacks of device via video cable @ i',/ote: D,:> ot o/I g 27e AC c(/: secl as a DVD player, @ r_d_,r to the t ser',_sglide f;-_steni;_g comportents s_c_ ¢ @ lhe _er_t devce, @ @ (Note: 1 ,Conner the video red). ) @ @ a cort_po cha ]nel }ack and pitgs TV on a st_/nJy, Al_d }f l_ossible, ]b con lect these sops: ÷ service/)revider, of fV Quality) ¢ or sateil}te the weight (,Better/,",,_:_eo @ @ cart hold panel of otfler device, device @ @ Aide Oaulio _: Pushug pulling or climbing on the It/ n!_y case the TV f;-_llir!c_.Do r_ct let c/ idren chnb or hale on he fM Aiw_ys f)iace ti_e that Y£t_Pr Component e @ a set top box, you may need to call your cable smi_ace Connecting 2,()onlect the LAUDiON jacka on tie side o IM otheaudo o_tput iacks of d(>vice via a_dio cable. Notice the let channel jack and pl_Jgs ale white aid tie If you tse ieve}, stable Connecting ÷ 7ideo/A_ldio cable and Using cable -___ jJ @ @ COMPOSIT_ L-AUDIO,oR The output @ Strap [V obj{_ets filled wih liq/ ea the satiety p_rpose 10, fV may f_il, ca_sng damage other hazards, I_ese ope _irtgs shoukt by placir_g the I_/oil a bed, 8, Do r_ot install registers, openUgs, hstail n accor_iance wth Slots and ope _irtgs n the cabinet near or over a "adfator or rack tit!less proper yen i}at[or_ is provided [nstrt c 1o/s have b_x_,n adhered to, or table. The 6. Cican only wgh dry cloth. i_,v'er be/::,laced fV shot ld sot be p'lac ,'tton el not used display)is the _emote the channe co@o!, bar w[li appear soree/, it d s@ays !he c arent channei% descrbes tie items (:>rltie c[ anrg hr. 0 t 4- ATS6 t Air :3 OSD o/the Bottom ef tie inferrr atbp,, The fd owing fist approao approac Menu ce@a ns menus Jab@ tile ma _,sett _,gs bat may be most poss[biy and frequently _,ed, Peas MENU on the mxote al@ then yoi w[li see file k/le _,u showhg (:>l_you Picture A is d s@ayed, channel, channel ATSC-1 B_gHshfStereo sd DS0 ti_e curre@ Displays whether ff Dbplays Dspays Display Jan°@ 07d0 S4 _,to choo._;e the fu _,et on you press eftiight arrow to QUICK Sleep MENU Timer 4 Off e e List is If 4&_ Move this space e Pregram) e Channel signal resolution. tie screen t[_ CC st/tus Menu enabbs it s avaifabb in ff node frol_ tie Main [neni, CHANNEl nenu, aspect ratio, (on or off). Display.'; c arent program e Menu The Channel you to seamh, oh, Press Pess view a@ MENt/and tie eKidewl edt choose bu!ton channel CHANNEl to breceed @ to e e (]ate and tirTe, e Adjusting Volume Pre.'s the vet/VO[ volume, if yol want Auto Searl button te switch o/ tie remote contrel to adjust the solnd off, press MUTE, When OSD (On Screen Dis i?) is not ised, asVe[ AJe[ b ttons, EPG (Ebctronb Press guide ti_e ara;ws arrows the fV Channel Signal CHANNEL program playing the electronic The ebetren[c prelect, Air _" rill Good @ e e I Ipidewn to choose the fund[e 7e use OqD rnen] use left/right arrew [)[splay) men system AU[)K), Press the up and dewl an optbn TIME, RETtP a/few if necessary, ef tie beltom option e! eacl the MENtl To exit yet to appre_c er[ remote and CHANNE[ press OWdewn the !e move press you've to a dfferent eK or ight h[ghlgled, screen 1or hdb. epton arrev/to f[ ava[labb, display !he use the text at ]e return to tie p'evh s Tenu btton. CaD , [_e menu will char Displ/y repeatedly ur',t[I tb _nls e ÷ sear(;h, m .;K to stlow and press or hide the e e e rv chssneL ÷ chsnefs, Press ()K to 4 Wam-i Sereerl Sze 4 Wide _, Noise Reduction <_ Low _, Oynam e Contrast 4 Low Video '_ Video Sound Mode asb menu. press The detaied OK or @ht expanatop, are Choose the S!ar uC{S:/tse ct cg Surreund you wa@ (1001qz, to adjust. ?50Hz s s _ Eastern _ On Audo e Only v Clock English Use up/dewl_ arrew 2014/1/18 _ to choose !o adjust Z)Wn s wrongly. shouk/_e are there bare o_ _y eeree% a_d san @ Off Duration @ comlee !o the eorn_sponding @ i_pl! jacks [ get rid !:o 1:is \/jack s @ on side of your %( of them? adj ist} ig the color/eatuF!s Off @ Most digi!:a} video is self a lg/} format whicl fib your scree i, but is son e in es sent P 4/3 wh}ei_ does i_o fil yoir sores/, It de :beds on low the statbn or devce connec ed !:o your \/is feneatfing tie vdeo, If there are ba_e on the sores i, Cheek Scree i size in the h_t ire node !:o try a dif!erent t',;m lat tha! may elbhlah! the bars. Some bars can't be remow_d becau_'e o[ the way the k;imat b selt by the breadcaqtm, The fermat change _"as; you c ioosn screen dze type in the picture mode and the for nat iype is dis@ayed _-_!" the botto n of the scu_m. For tom inl_,;rn!a ion on screen size, 9o to page 9, There Why - The sound selq]gs X:)r_ i ik)rm81io i, does when eka_r/el [ try search te t_e to fi_'_d a let the[_ ef t[/_ere% eharmeB_ _'/_eth[r_g there? ie _e eo_ 6 but the piet_re is fi_e_ @ @ ]!e souid might :be mu!ed, ty mslom sound, _ressing gle MU°E :) it!on to @ s F_r using AV or Corn snen , remember !:o connect the device's }e_ and light audio ouput correctly, The ie_!:cha ine! cable is white and the right channel cable is rod, P}ease mash gle eabies and jacks aeeoMbg s Se_eet Remote control doee#t the f Inction @ !o !heir cobl s. s may not be set eorrediy. s Go to [:)age 9/or @ s Seine ehanneb cio!!'t carry progralls':_ing, such as video On Dema id, When channels ale inava[iabie, your \/scree i }s blank or appears like snow. Y',_I probably want to mint:v{ _.these chalthe!s ko!tl your ehal]nel list. Re!tiow_ these P the C _annel Lst Me/u, P!or ration, Why does ff take at first time? a long ti_e whe_ Go to page 8 !or nora [ seam[_ t_e If youl audio seuroe ias ol}y one ask or is a (Hion@ audio source, take sure you bve )lugged !he so in_dol_ ilto the Audo In L jack (whi@ on the ]M @ @ @ The b@tone o_ the 9arml e[de defft worL The side panel may be Iosked (disabed) !un_ on the \L eha_eB s Use the mmee control to If you have bol:i analog and digital channeb, the iV }s looking br all avaifabb channeb il the cha inel Bt. If you do have digital ehannele, the T\/b also searching for scralnbled chart ie!s, non scrambled e[st _eis, and eadq s ib d]annel press in the PARENTAL eo itre Menu s@ OK to uneheek the iocki ig status. Unplug the \/fionl ,ln_ the \/on _ t5 See. yel please consult eai! el Cus!o the ter 5, i0, !5, 30, 60, 90 enter s andby ! 20 node explanation are !80,240 after times °_e mHiote cord clirec iy at the \L may not be aimed he bat efies in the mlnote may be weak, bcorn_c iy, Put l_ew batteries i the mince, de;K, Ye_ are experie_ebg 9reMorse with or installed be ab i@ _al, can't work i_o tally, sober a certaB Eastea, Central, Mountain, Indfand, Pacfh Alaska, or not approved in !he PAREN °AL tentroB. If tile raing Im[ts don't work, you tusl bek tile setti _gs. Go to !he Main Meni ( _ress MENU oi_ yoir remete), select Pi\REN 7\L soS'o! !o check the setti igs, What eBe Hawaii, Parr ca, 9 section and nothing has Note I:@ a[br a reboot, you may need !:o rut! your ]V threug[! the seti) preeess attain, To reboot, ilpli 9 gle x:wer cord from ti_e wall o@ef or power strp, Keep your T\/ irl@ugged h_r aboit 5 minutes, !ur/i t on, See if ti_e xoblem is fixed, ]hel plig Menu. he dale paue[ nay be ioeked (disabled). Use !he emoe !o turn oil the T\/, The stereo 9erterma_ee [e bad. in ti_e T\/and ae centre! box agpeare on the screen. Closed but the TV ie on a_d there captioning Go to page might _e on, 10 for more Cheek ilst/le,io C}osed C ipion i_ ,he SETUP is. with the HD_[ ]!e Signal lype option may :be set i _eornsly, cleta}ie(J [ istr let:re is, - he chanr!e may be b!a ik, %/to change another channel. search - Make sure the HDMI dev[e (DVD, vi@_) garrler, etc,) is turned o_ and the cables aref}IIely oen i_d_. ale to h, Before attaching the base to wall ensure tie holes for a d_ors are in keepin!_ with the installng riles. Ot _erwise t_ere nay exist some pc en%[ probbms, source under your tebis[on, Or else, 7, Do not place the iV near a ?thhg dripping, ira _sducers and h[gl vofta!:e wbs she id be kept far away fror_ the apparahls too, Or ebb it ay cause creep /go, electrk; sho(;k or bid esenaFse, ff in a k:>uatior_ where collision ti_e ehanl_el ff a 'No aga[_ or But tim picture Signal" nessage sift respond ng, Contact fudher assista °_ce, appears on screen , t_e HDMI the aiart_ tact aer of the iE)Mf cievbe device for ie 9eel. If you (;an o y ge bask and w e pc u es f _ exte a dev_e !ha yo i've eol_neeted to yea V, nay}> t s die !o the vdeo have the biaci i\/can bars !ot on each a fl side screen efy(xt mage) pbhte (which !he devce you Caption syslem, until Closed o _ vbration is 9, I/ orde _ to avoid unexpected fali[ng of tb FV set, do not any strong force en ni or wait molnt aber insla rlg, 10. Be stae to ta!::/k_g tie fV bnfore instal ng, Keep anything or sharp away fr(:> _1tie screen panel to prove it tie scu[firlg, s All the set[hgs defu£ pit Move < dtc tie _<:ti_i on, the ff will display a })ie backgreund when there is no hard tb cabinet, arrow to select a tins period Power Off', The f\/wilt whib no signal We suggtet (Off ! M}n 5 M-_, !0 you turn on this fl#bn @ / />/ iV(_/ C(i _ SVt r?sr;/;y_ F( !/ P u.(dr,';(//es sy_A:/:e;,_s }si t/'} ' flTs a//m 9 _ay @ O 4@ s/;/;(e ( with nu_ eh: keys O-g,/,_ 7 ¢ ¢ t_e items in parer_tal central px/ea/rt men_ can be _ised, @ €,aft rUUi<:<9) o p ( v@ Tt cab/( _ mr{ ,r{, preview, Playing _,o; ?Va i,,'_s_ ;:'g6 # ,' s he YTce back "Pheto" to h}ghiight the funcfon Ioek, Change @ear e!tanne[ you led @ and press PasswoM Keypad Media e I [st sub menu. e pre[÷!rred service, At the tree of service proof of pure iase sd_ oliginal recept, will be required. Ony 3/'" CD size a@ above as an! @ :eo i} LL:B so (/e d:;,t::e sk: ;r :h,/ a, by TV-Y ' A Children UaB Fie Storage System USB flash format FAT32 drive ce@ai s twe af:,E {O T%Y7 ' Drectedto (i[dreri Years and Older TV-G GerlenlAudence t t#, bi Block Unrated Bbck air the unrated program. Clear Dol#n/oadab/e Data Activate MENU t(> "@vn 't//?: )<: ti:_ : _t/ [, Show or dowr set,at (tiy }ae k)/dabb Keypad Lock Sdect ti_[s optbn D i Sex la[ly Explict Oialogue they ca ral:[r_g dat/. to beck (x f avaifabb. inb e(;k tie hi% sk:]e parcel b ttons 't be used. Channel L.iet allows yol to execu!e will reset t_e wheb ff s f ...... w _.+eL Channei ,_ .t r to factory (]efa It (not (}lear syste only reset OSD menu). ? t. , Adult Lan@age S Sexla[ Situ@ons V Volence Remote sebct yea p rpose, t T%PG Parents Gudance Sugqested T%14 Parents Strongly Cautioned R/ ren!ote: O., # r'.._ote, e ....... hs _ or relrtote2, e for specb[ Fantasy Violerlce : T%MA : M41re Aud erlce Oily Movie Rating Use arrow keys to select OK to h:;k/He(;k @tis, tie hgher PC 1S is becked, time. . the rating level you want to [)l()ck What's video? press fie rating evek ff yel have blocked a ower level rat[nqs wii! be bocked too For exa r p e, wP en [], [/e 17 and X w be blocked at tie s/me G the most ee_ve_JeN way to view Nbh Detir@ior_ (HD) Co _neet an a _enna !o ti_e °V h_:)l! jack !_::_ vow flee ioeal digi al channel Yx_ nlay need to pumhase all ante ina, (See }:)age for In@e uk_mlat[on about al!tenna se ip), Vist www,antennaweb,org tel ass}stance in deriding what type of anten ia to cse to receive the ioea} digital allan ies available to you. After entering youl location, thb mapping _legmn tells you w!reh analog and digital stations am available ldlg a eea}n ante ina. Get, era Au_ier_e{no re r._ k>r_s) local Parentai9u @nce suggested PG PGIS R kC17 Parentss rongly caut oned Are there ether ways to view High _efi_iti@_{N#) video? Bes des usii_g an antenna as mentioned above, yol can alSO use a se Restrcted Ch dren unde 17 top box to ieeeive digital video. s,tol }_ beaccom/an e_ by an aduit Con act your eabb service _rev[dm or satellte provider !:o pulchase dig tal pregrar:_lning and have them eol_neet ti_e box to el_sum yol am ko ch idmn net age 17 v[evvh _g ehal_l_els i_ !he besl way. X Adukson y @ chased in b iito o,her _io clue ?se @ @ @ @ involve a@ ebdeet n ateliab o @ s to products ised for persona[ lse bsed for nstitu bnal, eo!tln_ercial or ; i_,e) of purchase of your se, er[od of 12 mort1 /s from date of @ re rose of ys;r PC!\ bred sot, we wiil bay a_ aldherized RCA ._::ervce center for the e new, (:a at our option, e any defects e e tebvis}on s I mepab_bb we wil previde of the saree er be!ter medel, How to Obtah shp obra el e! televisor. iimitsda pata fines _se )ersorsl sttuciena[es, see se aplica a ios p_od_ ctos o, y r:e c;bre eemetda[es @ebertura%_ ODAS Duran e tin periodo de ! 2 mess desde ia festa de co npra de su plodueto RCA, pagammos un ee itre autorizado de se_vdo de PC!\ para un em_,p!azar ia pantala LED It}D, ya sea son mntslia nueva o maeondieionada, o a westra option, pare mpalar eualqGer del_!eto del es reparabe que fe pre:)oreionara una u_dad Si su teievb@ maco @[c[o mda cle! O IDONEIDAD I:>/\R ICUlAR). PARA UN PROPOSI CORP DE EE.UU,, Ine,, sis agen ee, contratk Pciependbn es, nT_msen eomereial!tes n odifear Servieie ;n _r)_e_ o Re!\ mayolistaq una garan o nLislq@eroto temere ia ii aurae el alealae cie eta gara@a responsabb eonsecuentes EN CORP EEUU,, REPRESENT7\rlVES, EMPLOYEES, Rf fAIL A GUAP/\I'4TY OR INCREASE. fXPAND OF]HE CD pane -teeded in yol;l television, you wth to repar If ymr a refill )ished So.be For asdsl:anee (U,S,A) if you pure iased RCA pred ;of P U,S,A, _iease call ! 8889/76722. irlt ]HIB BE LIABI.[ FOR DAMAGE,S ARISING OU] USE OF] HEP RODUC r OR ARIBING OU] Y AND ]HE HEREIN ARE GOVERNED DIgoI BY ]HE I!\WS OF A fTRfT\CH AIMERS "@ @ e e ]HIS PERIOD@) srl WARRANTY FOFIH FROM SIA]E LIMI] ED ABOVE. GI\/Kg YOU BPEOIFIC LEGAL RIGH] S AND YOll ALgO MAY H/WE O]HER RIGH] S ]HAT VARY 87_S and i/ss(f iied?_ f)Ja(qn, #ssnss Pi\R] ICUI/\R mendonado px/_f,r J:}y ON _gcs 76 7 Corporation de eompra O IDONEIDAD P/\RA UN PROPOSI] O [ S[7\RA LIMITADA A LIMITAIDA pnriodo de gs antia (S) antefiounenlm. B'ta gamnt}a fe dolga y UP n, norltaje y ajuste de co _tro,es dei t'iie _te e instrt cciones de ft rxhbr_ambnte, de la exposb e Or ViSi Www.ma.coFi t q(J !77 _, (:t FO'# del eolrlprobante Elernentos i)anos e @ e ]O SLATE. F(Ln /7 IA LEY APLICABI f as biias y les fl s[b!e:_ de repl este al el erlte, FXCEPr TO ]HE _XrEN] PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE lAW, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHAN 17\BILITY OR FI] NF,SS FOR A WARRANTY IDADES eontenida garantia limitada no cubre los siguierltes temas: CONTAINED OF ]HE ,%17\[E OF INDIANA. PARTICUI AR PURPOSE IS LIMITED ]O APPLICABLE I IMI]g\DA Y RESPONSABII pre mk o, Solo se ies data sewcie !anFl_K) y n@s gr;:tlides, OR IMPLIED VV/\RPANTY ON THIS PRODUC[ LIMI] ED WARRAN] O gamntia expresa o ON lIMITED WARf_ANTY PROVIDES ]HE SOLE AND fXCLUSIVE ON CORP US, INC. SHALL Ne] espedfieoe Se requ[ere OR LIMI] ED WARRAN W, ,SPf O,IAL INCIDENTAL OR CON£f(}UENTIAL tecrlico para _l repa acion) pare el o ms iltautes DEL USe DEL PRODUerO se rige pol las Leyes de! E ro[>orciona(ia por el representan e cie eervisio, usted >uede Ifevar su >reducto i ul ee_re de eervicio au!:@kado, o >ue[e eolici,:ar en e! eervicio a domic[b (adm[r!istrador deter ninara ÷;i e[ xoduc o se encue itm en fu @onanlie ito en casa o dnbe set flevado cie vue!ta a smv[c[o local servicio REMEDIO DE REPARACION O REEMH AZO per danes espeeiales, incidentaies BSfT\ GARANTIA El repress ital, Al!lpiiar o ihnitada. IA LIMI 7\f)A DEL UNICO Y fXCLUSIVe DEL PRODUCrO, bpfieita as al_tes de ve itas, empleados, ininoristas, crer DI-R[ftAN O NO h_h;m adol! vmbal o escrita _or _ar!e I:>am as[stenda en Eslados UnUos (E.U.A) si scrape ei E,U.A, hvor deflama/al: ! 8889776722 o vdte: wwwm.a.eom e @ e udiaza LAS GAf_ANTIAS IMPLICI 7\S DE COMERCIAL I/ACION LeD ta mial o mane de obra en la panta[ia cie su te!evsor. e de estepreduefo, e ialquier eta gas/l_tia, e× _msada o ira@ cada (INCLUYENDO u lidad @ e e s con DE GARAN] IA APLICABLE A ESTE PRODUO] O. EN PARA EL CONSUMIDOR @ di za,qes todos os pred_ chbs _tiiizSos o de alquibr. ES]% GARAN] IA LIMli'}gl)A ES EL UNICO Y PXCLUSIVO CORP EE.UU,, Ine,, e! k/briean S[ su te}evbor es irmparabb que le prepom onara ula macor@ieionada dd misleo modelo o s ;perioh de erl eua qubr I Reea_bbe Dun]rite ul pefiodo de 12 moses desde ia fecla de compra cie su predudo RC/\, pagammos a un cenlre a@:orizado de sewBo de RCA pala un menlp!azar ya sea con tortes nuevas o leacondiconadas, o a nuesl:ra optic i, pare repaint e lalquier deleeto del material o nano de Paael garanth Es[a CAftAN REMEDY FOR ]HE CONBUMER OF R[ W\IR OR REPI AOEMENTOF FXPREBbED e s e e [ ED ul_ciad [nciuyendo o n sn(:ac[ones, [xehder_ sta Obtener WHOLE ,SALE DIS rRIBU] ORP; OR ANY OTHER THIRD - Pa_ or workma ula Uae Oo_ereial Inodelo o euper or e IS ]-HE SOLE AND fYCLUSIVE E Te ]HIS PRODUOR ON CORP U% INC., GIVEN BY ON OORP US, INC., I]g AGEN] S, INDEPENDENT ©o_emge efurbished le _roporemmra )or raps as Bmadas de servicio qle _(:>i/apl[ql de!eete et "nate@ies 0 "narle (Je obra. @e_e o e/<_/tT' t>i,/et/, telnv sion is ;nrepairable we will previde of the same or better model. in matetiai que garan ia. OTHER VYARRANTIE,% EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED W/\RIYq] IES OF MERCHANTT\BILITY OR FI] NESB FOR A yola teievision is ;nrtpaira[bb we w J![t of the sa'ne or }better "r!ode. o nano de obra en e! te!evison El mpresentante de Servido rev[sara sus opciones para el smvieio, Para sc comodidad fe ofreeemes tres forts de obeN@ S@V[C[Ode _ Labor date el nlatm[ales a etros p,reduotos, (:e la nat n}eza, DERIVADOS DE UNA VIOla\CION WARP/\N [Y APPLI(}ABI frorn ddeco a, danes tkmo s pug)oses, J-HIS LIMITED W/\Rrt/\N]W ef 12 nenths el cargo de mane de obm pare repalar eua[qub o hooKpo@des a fenomenes @ less ttlan 26W de1%'n i> Durante ul pefiodo de 12 mess desde ia fecla de co 18ra de su predueto PC!\, pagammos a un eenlm au1:or}zado de sew}do de RCA @ 6.2LBS(2.8KGS) (:,)ha ¢oberturaoTmbaje @ li nted warranty ou}y appies does l!ot cover any predtct re/al • w_eh bore no bnitado @ @ rnodifbades Danes (: ebidos Oebertu_a s @ Mexh;o/Pl Ptoduotos @ @ of Origbal Use [xeladed s @ e e e which 1 pm._s @ @ iship. Oommemial 22.4%' × 13.3'}1 × 2.6'9 brecl ct, we wit pay at! a ;!herized RCA charge to tepah" any defects rl "natetia[s ¢ e e , Pmgralnmbgres riotedto adults !tg Sett ng del m[smo modelo o s lperior. @ due to images bun_ }ire the screen. Daalage due to acts of nature, damage or fbodi ig, Headphone×L DigitalAudio Out × 1 1920 × 1080 For a period @ iY set may fa[i. 3, The wails for mour@ng Aiuat have enough strer_gth to hokt the wheb weght ef ]V set. F:er exarr ble, cex_'re!e wall and br ekwerk a fe 8arts, by US Ratings maeondidonada @ Product Component × 1 HDM × 1 AV × 1, PC Audio irl x 1 e er blay sl deshew, Data es } reparabie @ Damage doe to !dsuse, abuse, negiige ice or l_egi@;t illduding h;t, filnit< +50(: +32 <' . +122 <' StorageHurqktity: Lessthan85%RH (No condensation) e ter 6arts, Downloadabb S} su teiev}sor @ Batteries , -20(:--+60_: -4<'.+140 <' Operating Temperaklre is @ Not Covered Your limited wananty : VHF : 2-.1{4 UHF : 144;9 CATV : 1.135 Storage Temperature is , @ e .... . ft![Ebn _ Y('e _r,_ S'E 7>)t_u_h f_r,hqt f yvr_: PrOgmT/rinq may not be suihb e for [ ch_Idr@und,r the age(if :1 Programrinq is no s@tabfe 1or ;ans . @ @ s will be 9[yen several op!k/ts s by yeursei[, Rating 0 @ s and bress "eft. H_rn/ngs I. Do not set up the wail !neunt qualified pref,ess[or',als for [nstalBt[o/, Down oadaMe Move v s Iock @ 7!/' or <:/tco'tr_et ]HE MANUEgeruRER Jp, Press ar'(e,y(_/v) Press ar'ow (._/_) to select Mac' ] he fib er folder }}st w}i[ show ;p. or f _der, Pros s s LOCK WCNIP s for t' 7, <.>ffits r,/,d'gba ks @ ca{so e es/r_( a /o/7 I G s Control center ,')<, ro t/sTY:' (s< t #7 fho {)(}7//'/o, Return P oqram _h,g conta _sthem6 or content /tblch may no besuabb 1orwelters .rider age (if 4 @ earth @ 12mm F( _ :i'//_/_>;7/rst, menu, Pesa ()14. to enter US V nhip tt rS._; mell, sub rnenils: rv mtng and Movie R>gng. ]-he sew}ee representative will F!view your options br service, As a eolwenience we offer three ways I:o obtain wananty service, You may mail your pro(:uet to the address _revided by the smv[ce s @ PHOTO @ 7,} sub s ¢ tebvis on, f put refurbbhed l°tt 'he V @lip us V--Chip pand key board an] nput so irce, Press MENU on the s_!ote and c _oose Lock Menu froln tb Main Menu, Aess ti_e down buS.on to Style _ Pa enta[ Gudance 4 it, s @ @ (k,nera proq arnmhg, setable forall a.@ eces French ¢ Type Setbng G I/de ¢ @ i%iiiiTi;iii!ii@_!_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii!! ii_i/tilria¸u¸¸"_'¸x¸¸x¸*'' !e./e er ino(;k Restr et movie and TV p ograms ¢ ©overage )r'/( o _u _loek t_e inpt_t so ace, The when e @ 8 q(_ Ok( to eek (}K to eter f blue seamen e s P;,_ :,7/_ }) you to b(k f rog amming generalyconsideredacceptilb e[or cbifd en8 yearsand overto wad/on tbeirown shut off after that period e @ / ores Press s Lock Menu and Rourne phase USB 20 @ abws Pro/tammi/g ntended for ch Idren und,r age 8 PG _tal _en I, source bh:;ked can r!o[ be chosen from iT) l! list clnbss y( u put the cerrect parental password. Use upi(]own arrew te select the s Off Parental @ s This option c C8 ! Setting s Power OK el right arrow to use V chib @ @ ength Chaege Canada %CNIP @ eaption Off Block @ @ e i M4 screws_ PIN !he PIN of pare rr e_, I, Use arrow keys te select the PIN @ <_ CC Off or hide dosed _ Change @ s 100 x 75 input _j_ ating s its'n,7 "USB Media P}ay" "nenu wi[[ appear VESA 4 your 4dgit !o select B! e Back on or off, If t_e Blue Back is Who _,the Parental Show s ! !. After installing, if there is a? nee(] to ffove ÷ @rials, cot',tact tb (balified bro,es Connecting 100 mm LED24G45RQ Change Char/go s Caption O [nglish you walt te Sock, press OK to }(x kiun}ock file rat[n!i have bbcked a bwer bvel rating the igher athgs wll too. Fer exa rr) e, who _,P(:} s blocked, 14r p,d !84 w[} at the same h_e. List USV CHIP yo_ ueed @ @ Lock Chalrle @ _/:>/:>_, rt Me]u a www, ca,ecru or updated fT_Qs or eo itae RCA C istemer S ippor! a the s ippor! _lmber prevded yoir W_rranty card, s - It n!ay be a weak st4 on. Uee the AUDIO Menu aid ant AI elog So;@ Mole. A Naek Se}eet the Keypad bck fcnc ion }i the If\RENTAL and press OK to iI dleek the ioeking status. sour@ (Dehu!t @ @ - Check the walt outlet, make sum the AC o l!put works nounaliy and stably, e color @ @ Make sum the AC cord }s @ugged }1, There is _o piet_re or eo_d Sig_aF eig_ or_ esteem the mount @ °ie channe! Hay :be skipped }1 e lan lel list in CHANNEL Check the :)lock[ _g and skip@ _g sta!'us of chart leL em The detai @ 4, If spare parts of differs _t specificat ons (slch as screws) ised during mour@ng consult with q la@ed professionals n@ke sure tlese parts ale safe and ef[ective, 8, Do not place i[abb to @ppen, ea_ [ do? If you've been threugh t_e B_ubbshootin fixed your problem, try reboot n9 yoir T\/, e ¢ s @ tumed ind opaci y (Dd, dt @ @ Atiartu, s °he elaine! may :be b!oeked centre! Menu. to exec@e 7 eOSL)s @ Lec K ¢ time zone, yeu san Set Time zene eft @ eha_eL Set the CC background OK boon Red, G_een, s e badty: 9}i- the CC backgro Trans#s enc]/ ]o choose your menu tra @)a/ency mode, press the bft/@ht arrow int[! the trar_sparenuy you need appears: 0%, 2h%, 7h% ! 00%, s t_e countb/s 6, De d place any heating t can cause fire. V-¢hig/_are_tal Cba Remote s ¢ Min,), up, Zone Rhowing s Oafft TV Problems here White, OK o" right ¢ will aHtomalbally Press INPUT la bpe is fn_que it!y, !he voltage il your house fay rre_u, bress and Rpar_}sh, s nee<], press eK er right The wn perso to sob;! 4Ki-iz, you to adjust Sleep t'imer e meu, stab}i b first, then check the correc ne_s, F@ AV iripu1:, the yellow vdeo Ii_jack on !he side o your \L o[the Closed erley Time Menu Sleep ae tie apply input, remote, Check the connection eSD at !he top right cornel @ s s Pess the OK :)Litton to dispiay gle Cha i is! Bar, when Menu Transpa s graphic whether * CC Sze: Set the CC font size (Ddau[t, Norrnal, CC Font: Set tb CC/or',t (Deb lit, Font 0 7), Pess English @ e Red, Green, Blue, Yeik;w, Ma@mta, AN reeet e Change s Style Mode: Decide D[spiay Rtyb, F}ashing, 4 s Pess bit/right arrow to ge to digital clost:d caption @yb sub men i to select tie closed caption style, Sdect t_e bin ye_l want to adjust in Distal CC Style menu with upidowl_ arrows. After changing, yel can prevbw tie eapt[on style h the bo_tem, s Settings The seven%ard Ca#t/on ('C Opacity Menu Language e e Didta/ enu5 Rec, !h Rec, S0 Set, Canada V..Ch© Press eK er ight arrow to enter Canada V Chip ratings rne _,_, wh (_'h contains two slb menus: Englks _,Rating an(: F:re t'h Rathg. ¢ arrew to select capt[o°_ <][splay ce <:>-_ or ce eft, Digital Caption Type Pess b[t/ight arrow to select digital dosed ca bt[o°_ !ype: Rerv[ce!, Service2, SeMceS, Rerviee4, RerviceS, Rervice£ ec s £_ Move Audio up/ Setup Menu The Rehp Melu bks yol co@g file ]V with yeu preferences, Select R[ UP hem the Mail Menu. Pes_ OK/down button to proceed to R[ UPmertL e _/olume Equalizer Mode D[gita pess Display Press ieftir}gi!t e seconds. Set alto VOlfree 0@70 On/Of! S[ AUDD (needs to h.rrt off algo clock), OSD Diaplay Duration Pet the time low b_g to <][splay OSD 45 See, 60 See), s OSD Display * signal), your Wake L@ Pet the Wake Lip tree for your fU, after enters men(, you (;an ise the up2ewn and fall/fight arrew o°_t[_ re rote control to ad] ist it, @ ® ÷ Output Drv syr uhreize arrow to cop, fig the c irrent time, s _lerL On? The Audio Merit bts yocl adiust a_d[o outptg, Io access the Audio Meu, cress MENU on the remote, •......... arv theN sc-;/x.t t,A_a Io fe!n t[_e Man Meu, Pres_ OK/down b i!ton to proceed to Audio Language (fret time yol @ Audio Audio Menu AnaogAudo helps Clock Engibh Audio clock ¢ PC Setthgs (only available h PC mode} AHto Adjt s!: Adjust the PC picture diq:blay at_to!natically, Horizonta[ Position: Adi[ st t_e horizontal postion of pict ae, Vertical Position: Adjust t_e vert cal _osition of pict as, Clock: Adjust the clock o[ pict _/e, P _ase: Adjust ti!e phase of Jcture, Reset: Reset ali the Pn pitt ae s_ttings to factob, dda It, e e e cables }s not connected well, or they am eomleeted eha_el? to star@ard Auto ¢ &sound Color Mode This opton aiiows you to select one of three aldomatic color adjus nents: Cod for a bluer pabtte ef pbture colors; [iormal o _ Warm for a _edder palette of coot, Screen Size Screen Size: Select a screen aspect _ato, (!\va[iabb r;db: Wde, Ci/ema, Zoom, and Normal,) Phase choose tie ratio ti_at app[bs to your ? v/F_r ,; (;,_tsiW 1£?W/h) we':£ a/?ahb£ !_:/tai dc>/7(:£i(,f]8 Opam/c Contrst Sel dynal fc cortast eff/krw/MedhmiHigh, Vir/eo SUe f you connect t_e HDM iDV port of PC to HDMI jack of the ff and the video s grial is I 0SOp, pease ciioose the compatible video aty[e: Video, Graph c, dis/ppear, free1 a digital eYoff, e RAP or Mop, o only @ Audo ni tree dock dcrwn and I_ftir[ght @ the fdt and @ht channel, in iV mode), Digital atto @ ¢ for DiM channel). Au(:ho Select Rebd Capt_Dn !:%t y@w [u t[r_e manually ¢ Use Ip/down to choose tie f Inct on yel led press OK or right a/row to adil st or enter a sub menu. The deta ed exp}a lat on are shown bebw, f avai abb, is_:_ti}e text at tie bottom e[ eacl screerl Clock ¢ e _te[ iV sou@. compors°_t t_e balance f\/aHdie (only available ¢ Auto e Balance. Adjust Balance: sound s de I tell ¢ @ Seft Irebb: e Picture Menu Pres_ Hew e s Bass: Adjust Sound iV signal type: Air or Cabb, how stong Press Press the MENU bu!ton Mode PBTURE Type yet opt ens from the screen, e explanatbp, List Signal video meHu: Press the EXiT button, or enter you need e Select within The (]eta[bd Display." a channel bt, It shows the earet ge te iV ehannei directly il sb renu, uo _t/ol, the f/ore O[/ICK OCK Channel to tb DTY Signal( menu, chobes enabbs pre._s Or*( )utter/en to hi@ilight PBTURE, button. ati a@e e[snne} Show / Hide Enter sub-menu Adiust the OSD Screen / yeu need, press OK or ight a sub menu, Scan I-xectl!e ] he oaf) (On Screen ]V fl_rdions. the f inetb', e '4:8 can use bf!/@ht Auto p'ess _ to switci_ pages, arrow to adj ist er enter are shown below. tb Type program Fegram Jse each List DTV Signal Program Guido EPG button on the remote control wilt appear °1 ti!e ce iter of screen, guide gves Show / Nde feftMight can also werk Mode to choose s Cob _:_ Caption Charms or mone, Audio Picture ÷ e e @ channel in stereo (SecorJ tie to signal type. the c arent uha _nel s dgita[, will be SAP fang lage, button e e ÷ e e p,umbeM the cuaer_t being breadcasted the down arrow !o adius! shown [below. Mode Closed I is a d[!7 tal ( 1 is a sub channel Dbplay Press e Mode Sound if lls a d[g!_al c[ ar!riel, D s d[q:blayed, _or example, h the pictures above, A2 is an anabg screen. Use up/down e AW is anabg you a q_[ck way to Stereo 480 07:10 Sat CC channel and brev[des p oceed _,e edck ,Me a_, Use u b/dew need, press OK to rater a s_bmep_an(: adjust a s5 _Fenu, Ai If tie Quci Quk;k DfV Ot44/A2 Tie (on screen A2 t English 80 07:i0 Sst Jab@ when o e prestar SeFV(los fuera dei :)as et[gi _a, • E.tao.s s _'" t]nidosne pl;ede presta' El: Cemprado en de compra so@ cios en Mexico/So r)prade eB Mexhb presta/serv Ckb:_ eq r ,ta. s v, _ ) _. is a trademark d _eed _lder Iber_ee PeA te _ademarR Manage_r_e_t ON terperatb_, de
Source Exif Data:File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 2 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Fri May 30 07:02:11 2014 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools