RCA LED32C33RQ User Manual LCD TV Manuals And Guides 1310120L
User Manual: RCA LED32C33RQ LED32C33RQ RCA LCD TV - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your RCA LCD TV #LED32C33RQ. Home:Electronics Parts:Rca Parts:Rca LCD TV Manual
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Pa_No_;RNQ332R0217 ModelN_,_be_ Piea_ registe_ Please keep your your the_eria[ number rece[vewarranty The serial humor product safes receipt at www,rca_com and keep _he r_ord of and the date of purcha_ [_@rde_" to parts a_d _rv[cel is iocated at the back of the TV, Serial Homber[ N_mero de serie de Date of Purchase/ Fecha de la cempra Child Safety Guide Caution and Warning FCC Notice ......................................................... 2 Safety Precautions ? Preparation for ......................................................... Your New _ ................ , Congratulations on your purchase! As you enjoy your new product, please keep these s_[eb/tips in mind: Till llSgll TV Stand TV Installation Signal ........................................ _ sc]avs are Connection ....................................... r_oauldr r_urcna_,as, r_owevel _u:w_nrlee, _n rr:_ _ooe_ # t%* oanel ?,_o_s o_ ns_ll_ Cable Connections ...................................................... • Yla r,ar_l dls_la_s rho_ a_e 7r,o_ro_rraielv Side Panel Connections = oe.s_._ :.aua_or_ cn_s or car,_ mc 11!11MMIIIII¢IURlll dlsolc_vs c_:e not ob/avs according _.ua_a o ,,:a rn_.,rac on r_es'_r_rs bookcases lull ¢111f1! Jacks Explanation Keypad and Front ................................................... !'_ • Instructions xtr fil all Pdtow th_ mc_¢_ulodu,er's recore_nrmdallon_ ,ders_and dl ::losed _,_s_,,x:lions for o_oc_ b climb on ol ola./wi_" _tlalse !1+._1 rx_nd dlsr_la..,s on/uI+lilul_ c_esl d dr t; _hrllfIhe sr_f_ _le _t_ o_ slc_r suf'n _ls ..... Rem_mber ihat cbld'en Learning about Remote _'1/1 _slalla_io:_ and usa oF you. {h ooPel dlsolov. • Don't allcrv_ children Remote Control l_ 1 f_rl_llrrf/ llllO liltlll '_ (_@_e _ I r_au una ................................................. X:_ Panel r'r)lrl_ or@ _ste One size do_,s NOT TV shdve_ _aII ovc-r _nd ca,,se _ u_ ! _,_ _onsum@r @le(:ltotTcs i_d_ s_f, % C_lnl_ll(._d re/Stl¢_,ll'l_ _o,daLte ers so lho_ the/cannot be ou|ed or 9,aao_a _g a pro€ram be _ake_ to olace _onnected : Io te _specialy o_ i_s all FIo uarM :_,nc_s #hildr_ Initial Setup Basic Operations 151]oo!>i_. ................................................ i v %I]F'JF'! IIl_ ........................................ c_:,laci 3ham_ _a 4_t !Ij_]] IMD -_I-_ -) iI llFOgfg$_l OSD Menu Operations I,Al{tl .......................... Frequenly Asked Questions ,t ExplaPations ,--_ ]!!_h tl/ I"F_'ICtl Wall Mounting Warranty _eDob _ea_l_ed _ Some a_ msDlbt_n. _lat _ctr_l disolavs } '! {FAQI) ............... ..................................... V-Chip Rating Product • A m_nim_m o_ lwo _s a[ _roctr_r_ g(l]LJ ........................................................... Troubleshooting Media yogi are ntr_un/_n<] _e d_crv ............................ :t[;!rlw _i¢(!y_l ................................................................ USB ms'rslJ_tior wolI w%io o [_IXI/Iil_f (/I}lJ ............................................................. k_i:t,Hd relaiB,t _bout _,d_,ss_ond i_...................................... I_I£CfflI!IbC Ol}T sv o N1_£_ suit. thai _ .............................................. Play Miatrl(] 1!?_I lJ>[TII,>IIII .................................. r ........................................ ....................................... Unit Specification _x A_ .......................... i::l ...................................... _S Specification.. Card ............................ 1 Muchas graclas por su use del presente producto! Cuando usted disfruta de su nuevo producto, pot favor tenga en cuenta los consejos de seguridad: WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. CAUTION: CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS NOT EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY THE PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FCC RULES COULD AVOID THE USERS AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THIS EQUIPMENT. i AL FABRICANTE LE IMPORTA! " La _ndu$_d_ ele_r6_i_8 _n_etenimJento de _a DO NOT del co_somidor esta Comomme_d_ agradabl_ y _SgUr_: a hac_r e_ AJUSTAR HASTA SEGURtDAD - u_ _n_ f_o NO eS adeC_add _a_ _orJo_ S_ga 1as te_omend_¢_one_ de fabr_ca_tepara la_n_b_ac_an s_gura v @ uso de _u mon_o_ de _an_a_a _lana - Lea _ cu_d_dO y _t_e_d_ Dm_io de es_ _mducto_ - No _erm_a NO doqu_ facilme_t_ _ _s n_nns a su_ [od_ _as i_uccio_e_ adtun_as pa_ FCC Information e_ u_o The a_ equ_po (} tug_r co_ mucuses _ _e_v_s_o_e_ _os_non_es a_ pa_a p_aRa en e m_e_e como esc_an, a_{ _om_ una _6moda o_ " Recuerde qua _o_ n_no_ puede_ _eg ar a sef exd_tados a_ vet _a pro_ma@6n_ e_pe_iaJman|e er_ a_ mo_iLo_ da _t_a[!_ pla_a _m_s grahd_ q_e vida_,_ Cu _do se tiene, _e em_ez_ _r _er _ in_ta[_r e_ mo_t_r _r_d_ _o se p_e_e _mpujar, _at_ner a_ _s_a_o del cam_no _ e_bar abajo _qU_©rT_T a C_ass se _ueae u_a_ ! I I _S O_n B dic Ta/device. T_CJ a_w_ toL_sd to _ursuant to Pdt comc}w 15 at the w_ _ F(YC _j/es /fleeTs foF _hee_ _!m_9 are de_gn_ _o p_ov_oe reasonas_e I_o_e_ o_ ' a£_al_st ha/m_ _!°_terferenc_ In a res_del_t a/ q%(aJ ato_] Th/£ e "}U_T_ent se_,e_at_ _s_ s_qd Ca/_ _adats _'£do treabency e¢_ accoraan@9 _r_ T_e _nsTrt_cT_or_s may r_d/o ,Corr_u;_catic_s_ _ow_e,_e_ arc _ _ol/i-_staseo aide _JSeQ ;l cat,a@ harnm_ _,t_e_]ce [o there is r_o Guarantee that " E_ caJdado se _iena Q_e empe_.ar par e_am!_r _odo_ _os cdrdanes y _apte$ oor_ec_ado_ al moni[o_ de _t_la nla_a papa q_e do _e puedan _rat o aga_rar pot )as n _o_ CUdO_. c_q oeoe_ern4n_ e_coul_eo Io _ MONTAJE DE PARED: SI USTED DECIDE A MONTAR SU _ONITOR DE PANTALLA PLANA A LA PARED. SIEMPRE: ro_ovss _ - _soder_ = Sff_a _ada_ _ss _strucc_o_es O_eS_dSS p _ e_ fabnna_e d_ mu_u_ _7 $ur[t_Gg i_ss @CtO_DFe_}T OTTand _6 co_rect the i_e_6_sce b )_6 On, TF_ user{s _ _TS0_ ot the _@asbr@s 0_ ¢@ocate the rexce_vl_ y 8_lTetql_a. v T_aT TO Wrl_C/_ I_]@ ¢ec@v÷F S_ ua_ed _JeRe a/_a a_ dude so,st@ _ _ab_ds_ o_ts _t_tar $_]_tame_le su morl{to_ d_ ma_taIla p!nna contac_e a su distr buidor care ta _nstal_d6n p_o_e_Fona_ - _OF SU_ ?ha de_ _ or 8_ _S CO_3_eCT64J_ @x_@d rad_o/_ V T_cx_tc _ FO_¸ @x_D_@ _ TOt" ¢_@_D - Com_uSDS Qu_ _ _stad a_ot}da _a 84st_ _O_S_GO el manlto_ as sdae_Jad_ Atgu _o_ _t_l'ltaies de _a pared no _on dls_ados pard sat motltados a parades COd _scho_es de deem o Is vieja con_rscci6n de blo_oe de ce_i_ SI usted e_b_ _nsegu_o_ con _a_ S _n {nsta_ado_ _ro_es_d_al " PO_ to rnanos dos personas _e _e_u_en _a£_alI_ plSr_S p_ade set pesado_ pate _a _nsta_ac_a_ LOS _t_to_$ Reded these _ fiat 1]st_u_;tiens _JS@this 80D_US _l_/LlfaCtu_er e _r_ct_s Or bo1Z@Ti 8re _ov_ded _ot be b/oc_d Caution: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover or back, NO user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personn_. 2 S_ote apd fo_ Veqt/lat_orh Or COVer_3d, 8 _y_a©_i-_]_Pr}a_d.eofa _o F_Ot _ST;]_ _'_@a_8rw 9, [JO _1_ d_t@a_ _e £_y w_t_ [he rug OiJ_pose op_;_l[_ge/i_ the c_qef _aCK to e_sbr@ rella_e o[ _atior_ op_/_s _! _8.+ Sou_e$ ao r_OT US@ spoL_ _o_ers_iTi;_a; %_ch as r_TQ_ at the _ _/zed _ever _ _. oo_ sL4ace _ai Or grOL wJ_g_tvpe as power-a_s_4}_y CO_(_ o¢ pu_/s a_zPageo, _qua _sas L,6_ 8_@o Or ob_cts have fa/[_i_ ;Pro the e_pes6_ 15 [ _s _atbs, TO _86e o_ mc SIL_@. _OeS IV Sn@Jlo _ ooeFal_] the aDDIX_tUS g_O] ooe_aTe on_v f_em the tva_ _'ras be_!r _or s ab_araTus IfUST _ S_U_@_ _e accor_af_ce ,&_m the *_fsTa_aT_or_ nST_'L_S_LOeS 24 Io r_k_ce the psk at _ect¢lc 25. p_ug ff an nus_ oe manTa_ outsde ar,lef_a sur_: me _w®x_a _eo or c_b!e or came "otec_on age_ns_ voltage S_..;tio¢ 810 of the N_/ona! orov_o ®-. _n_omsa_en aria suppom_g snTeqna wee smJe_are, a scnarge Sh_1 me _OUI_Om_ at eel_t6# Din of USER'S s 'st:era sys_n is colsnexsTea s greu,,aea _o p_o_sae sorre Setu_ su _es _a 8J_[-_J[J5%'_}e ctsarges E sctdca/(}gde. ANSFNFPA NO,7C ree_;,ec; gn un_< sge '_ 1_p_" A[_a}n_ eT g et the X_r*q r_ g_OLiR_P_ lend.in cotqauctors. GUIDE OUICK START GUIDE PATENT CARD IO [q_ [%/, be O_ [rio Ff_3ST w_re TO ar _ocaT_o_s OT TV Table Stand Ple_ "q _ @7 Component T /s £ d # vcPo sUr:ta :,e::; Video ConnectiOn T[_ p dtu_e be_0w S _m example vdeo aCk @ a connection PC usrg the o':_mponent T se Output pa_ e of oth_ AV dev[_ How to Obtain Various Kinds of Input Sources O_rat The e_Apt ps_el (£ ether devk_ Connecting HDMt deviCe (Best Video QualRy) 1"0 oo_ _eCta HDMi de_4ce sch as a DVD payer, pase ©ense_ct rise HDMI1/DVL 2 ac_ os the side of 1%'10 _e eu'@ut iacks of devce 'ea HDMI c_le: TO ooI_n_[ a DV/devce, va DV p@l c,f PC, or Cevee ard HDM iack d TV: 1. Co!Sqect the HDM/i/DV{ iac_ On the s}de of TVto tie F_dJ[s>_ df PC via HDM/DV! ca_b: 2, Connect _i_e UAUDfO-R aaI< on rhea de of !%'to,be _die outpt£ _8ck d 9ompdte_ _ZeB ac@o ca_e dua-_ehaxse RCA iacks to 35ram sts_eo a@; e_ _i_e U,AUD_O-B ack,} HDMI Connection The p etureb@ow is a_ exs-np e of a co_*,'_ectien usiisg/:_-8HDM vdea ac_ 5 0n of 'rv CAUTION: +'Used batlerieS sheud be e_>vc_J: + K_e# o_t d ch£d exfs l÷3ch Keypad If yOb your Buttons Ce_eoT _ Pecans your 1o se€rete remote, many you C&_! _s8 t_e _ey_£1 _ttoes , Whys +et us 9the remote controi for a long time, remove the _e_ o's 2bin the _._it. ef_ o_V features. Remote Control Reception Angle -1 Use yo_r nemote co hol w_h_p tee d,stanee and angle r,9 +_ge shown dl dl dl iNPUT: MENU: }sls_ stse Source Select I_s,* D+e@avs the l V Man Menu C]_: Seer,S Or) T_'V'ougrl tee _)!aef_et Is1/n _tTe I V m@r_J g'_STG_P, K aCTS _e_ne uD 8_ow oe tl_@ remote _ Dt%_ e_o Ce_S oe Uses TO s@ e_cl meM_ ODT_OnS Ch'_: S+7_e9 dOW_ it _CTS _e Y_e sown ee_ee[ m@rl_ Tnrougr} tl_e Ch_+f_e _ _, +o the I V mer_u _rQW O;_ [ne Re_mOTe ceF_lro_ ap_ c81/oe _err uses TO un+versaI Remote Con+rot Code List For UrRverse_ x /panwsg Man_+eJ for F_emot.e cooes bas_e Co_trc D ar_os +_STeOso< a+no refw I_etnJet@r_ tot chaoqleg OOTIODS + Cedes for D/q£C;V: Codes Codes for re" Tree Warner Cabie; Co× Comrfe+n_ee%oee: VOL_ De_easestr_e !ef_ arrow o_ tt%e f_ote Codes _* CcxIe_ for lot Oomca st: 10178 DSR Nt_work: 627 vol_e. It} the COtqtrol _d _%/o_o eyst_ I_ 8cts +_K_TPe cRe _e iJSed to select,_ meeL_ Codeefor ODT_O_S. (_}: _urns TV o@te moss. MOL+: ]_¢reas_s the volurNe, r_ t+_ ]3/meeu system ii _CT,S I:_ Y_e FiGht _,tfre _ OP t_e r_mote coqwel aI_d c_[_ L3_ use_ to 8d_Jeet reertu POWER the TV c "t and Foe 0t 7_ Vet zen: 10178 0205. 0178 10178 0! 78 0057 8493 oft Front Panel Are_J_ _,_tlete _)Dtr©l r%weriStandbv iTloae_ log n2ared Work _ @sl_ece _F_o_ca%_g: L_I% _I OOf _%_ 5 Tee rsyeerK o') emole _tw_ _r _e, _G i_" reQ Wrier? the _3 I_e r_T S_G_ _V _s _ ,%te_(J_3 r%/ 5 el% Remote Centre; Buttons c >elr_ MUTE (_): Red_#ee minmnum _eve; [% ZL Inserhn 9 Batteries + bieFNO • _n [ne Remote ,e T[_e COVer CT DaKOP by 1,1tlngTqe cover nserT two _AA battenes, + P_e(_ the cover v+ b_eas_ tc . elf _Jn re.flea+ _-,l_'_ote CeD4& O_ST_]e [}aeK maK_£g sure 116 ST [l_e I_oo[e _s@a_mes +_ ano {>eF}wol _ are beck if the [emote control does nol work, check = _re trPs _bO_t_@S _+. - COrrecT + A_e the L_Jtt_.& weft/O;S,? + Is tb_-e &n A6 e >_ver%_e[tlre?" these I_o_ets: _s ice [;owe COK}D}ug_eo _o¢ + _s TDG_e&qv _KOrTereec_ or [ )CK 1leer T_te reFfX3I_ 30_tr@ eeDeor the o/un_ re ITS 0775 Jse ac ©ontrol _o c _e_ate the ;set [% CHAer CHv: Scs_-_s _9or¢lowF_ Tn_O___gr_me _:%r_s once PIC_RE: SOUND: SLEEP: TO C_t_e In@ CnSYln_ Choosing _d Channel c4 _[_'6£_TC_%_sr_@ _rs_ up o_ oown: o_@8s a¢_o nolo ! Tuning To Analog Channels _w_es _}c<+/ 9_ Tt}e _ mne_ _fter whmh TbeTV w shut oft /AP_8_a_ogchaep_BasaoI_aFl_urn_c_b@xjl_n_l_w_? ctH_a/_]_r_e_r wm nc_ cI_anr screa_ _ Telea_s' _ sine mode see page A"_ leo_T_r_e arTe pre.%s PN [_-R butt@_ [o C_ ......... 8} c 1 r_o_e _o waTaq ceelr(:)_ 8nalo{g :ParlI_ A51 7ass "5"L '_1 "_N_ _[4 _P,s_,Jer]c_ souqa _/J_ h_¢:'£ / ay fs,(RJt r Tuning TO D@tal Channels eUTZO/1ORP@FeeToCO_}TFe Fe< ex_]',p;a, r_N[_N_ {_}(_}q_u[z_%esao_'%Jw}<}era_ TO WalO_ _;:a_09 Oft rer_)_e coi_ro k3e_ ©qsftIl_ D _1_1 '_ efes_"3 _ i_ seQueI_e_ '¸ _'1 _ " -- Char g_ngChannels Directly Y@J Carl use OH" '2_r_on _o rncrez¢se c_anh_ :_crea_ _ :l_alsr;6_ r_ul'c_ber. Wh_ _ CCSD _Orl tlse u_: ciure appears The P_oiureMe°_ooptors sixsyto thevd@ the _T_n °AMand V_DEO INt:_JT s_ect des; A_Ipsoture U_@rs c_ @pied t0 ea@ in[s._: for B@ R_sSs MENU on the _mote S_ec¢ P@ar¢ sore the Man m®_. the El1 IER/doW_ b_e_ tO r;_66_d to PiCIU_E _e _ Press USe uddOwn _o ee_Ee the _un t On you rseed _ss ENTER @ rgbt Sound Settings ' So_!_d Mode Choosethe p_set sow_d mode of pd P¢ S1a_@, Sort, Uset, Bynam C Ooy _ Us_" mode yo_ es_ a4tu_ Bass Trebie B_ar_ce, BaSS _ _st t/ebess _'poeelst of P,! seer@. Treble Adiust the treie e@_epor,eet W TV sound. Belar_ee:AdjusttheLalaeebet_/eenthedtal_drlgbt ¢h_r_r eL Surround Mode Creates a 3B se_ed surrod_d d_s a@ d@ est'4_ceme@. _ens sta sdard stereo m_erla wtb Auto Volume Set a@O vo Lime C@-_tre oeioff_ Use p/down b choose ¢he fur_ctbn pu _seeO,_}ress EN]_ __ow b ad/ust oFenter a sub meil_. _be s_© mee@ mage exp_an@tOn ale shOe_r_ba ow. If a_s_abe_ _lse _he text" at _he bettom of ech Analog Sound @ r*ght e_sd S@ect saO9 IV aud_ sou@ type ave abe n]V _ode} Stere Mor_o @ SAP (on_y eoreen fo_ heap: Digital Sound Picture Settings Sebct dgta IV nude iaqg age %9e En@ Sh, FroseL e Spa'_s {O@y avai @ie br DTV ch_nr_@. P cture Mode Oh@:oe the pros@ visL4 mode of your fV: Digital Audio Output Shar##sess. Cl8@6_s !e Power Sa_4ng mode can @£xease ih® p @_?er_r8 Stage on, 8 Lock Parental Control _he sev÷-_6and gaphc equa zs_ a!ews ybu b aaiust tiSeSudb FS_eSsthe ielt 0r dght amsw t_ Se e_ t_i;e f_equescy (io0Hz, 250RZ 500H7 1i4Hz 2KHz_ 8KHz i 0KHz} you want to adusS Use S_e Up of d0v_rt ae'ow t_ adust _ease enter your 1eurdiy_ password vv_this me_'8 keys 0--g NOte Re _ egn4; _..s:, %. *,/)Yds ....... O;}O0 * A_t¢# _nioc_rlg, the i_emsi_ pa_'_l:a centre m_-_u @:_nbe us_£d Lock and _)Urr_ Channel Menu Led<. Cfeer ©havens Lst Sub-me!s!s V-Chip Te ©baSsi CHANNEL Mc_sUer_abbs you t o search Yew sdxded_ channds; _ is Pre s ENTER e dght a_m,w to ®_ter V:c_ip sub-r_enu, fe!ow: the deta as me_ s. US V-Chip USe _p4doWs to @xs0Se tl-8 fc iCtion ye_. need press ENTER Or rght arrow to adu_ or ester a sub me u, [hesub menu maae arid exPian_ eh a_e sbewn 8ebw Movie Channel List Dspiays "/eXT[}{_g@_0¢ r_ore geTetbs Rating use aeow _6 _s _o select The r_ _ _ev@you wan_ Tr_COCK eress a chas_ne iist it shows the cu_rc_t cha¢_ne S Favorite List Fer exame_e ¢,'h_ Displays _ favorite Chsnne! list. itShows the current favodte Cha_nels, T,d RaHn9 s/nl_/ar wffh M( _e _-_al_r_ A_er ad!ust/lc sress bXl I TOexit the me_ Channel Se_ings Go 10 ci;ane_ s÷ttng PG- 13 s IxocKe<-_ _? NC- 1 7 asd X wit ca ,31COKES8T_ne sam@ T_n_e. }less M_NU tc x;_um o ub meiio C_ne_: PI_S up/dei,_r_ a_row _OSw4ch the ¢h&q/_e/FOU w@il to edit; Skip; Set ff the cu est charmS} is Sk@ped Favorite; Set d t_e o trent cha-_e s the layette Charade/;, Label; Ent_ aot are@ lab_! to r_r ame the cu_l ci a l'_eL Mature A__O/er_(_2 Or}Iv TV-14 signal Type Sekeot your TV Sgn_ ty_ L Adult Language TV PT_, _*;e_t s Ou,dance Sug.]es_6d IS_yents [_l'sng/y Cauilon_J S Sexual S_tuatens t;VG Gep_._'_ A_;@ence V V_oence I-V-Y7 ) m.cled to (?_s }dre" 7 Ye_% and Older A,r 0 Cebie Auto Channel Search E×ec.,¢e an ac_o dna_n_ search (_e page 7, Parental Menu V-Y #V _astasy V_ol_ce A_}Ch_dren For more rating explanation, see p_ge 12, Th÷ Setup Menu enabies you b Ock pnsg*-am with sp_sial rs:,neent panel key baaed end ni_£ sou_'ee _ess MEnU a_/d choose PARENTAL fromthe Mawr In_. Press t_ ENteR/down b_xtte_ to _ocned to F_REN'KAL meu Canada V-Chip PressEN_FRorn_ntar_ewto_terUSV4_ ;rat gs _er_u ¢m_c_scent _}_STWO suo_menus: bag sn @t_eg and _r_ch Hat,-] Engtish :_ss Rating PN __H oT _gnT S_Towto ente_ bng_sn r_]T_}[__T}@F>LL USe arrov_ K( s _o sseeT TSe raifl_Y_eve_ y s.'_wan_ _o o_ocK sress EN]ER to lecW_bek the fating fe_eL It y_u nuve _;_ocKee a _e_#_ eve _aT_n¢}_ The ts_gr_erre§_gs w_ _se D_oc>_ec_ too _-or exame_e w_e_ 4_ *s _bcked 14<_ aed 18+ wl_ be _Soe_,ed at rfe same T_n',_ Frencln Rating Press ENTFR o_ nepal arrow to t_ter Frend_ rail g S_m arwthErq shR_ _g Note; <'M_l_ 7 _?_; ?TOZY) ;L_T,f}T t/¢_ _ iTy'b,_j_S _ _ _ the D,'e, tcTb _nu _Y_et t; bF,; U Block Unrated Show Block ai_ the unraEd Digital Caption Type program. _@SS _1_t/r Sea 8_e_ _s_o¢ls To Choose [,©br mat_u _a[_quageor_ss r{]e _6_][_T a_-o_?4UY_T_ T_e a_goa@_ yo_ q_aO a_}ea_s. Source Lock a,vai_al_e [ahgvages: b}_SOOl_Ol__}ews yOL_TO ICe< or UP/OCK[[}e !n_JI s@Jrce, II]@ soume blocked can ec_ Be @ones from iesbt _st o_%}ess_,©u_r/o_£ i_seco_r£_ oareo:a_ oassworo u_@ _J_¢ c_ _,_s.} arrow TOS_}T Je_ocw ,T TOesource Menu _ng ,sb F_'eecb alsd S_sdn*sI_ Transparency ,%_ ower off hctve 9va_ag the _ong, to an. tb_ sef_st _V "?¢ W_I shot Doe_at_on Off aft_ Wo_-er a 3-hour elf" to execute @e%@t reset c aym¢_ to [V s s_l, A ;_d _ter had POWER b_tton aortae@nee and for three, co,or " - Make Check - ] he sde ssco"_ds and referr_ TO me sure the the most convenient way to view at_ aRT_i_rla TO the IV acK TO view _>t£ Tree Ioca_ sr_R_]e_s, 'rOLl _llay I}ec_ TO _}UI'S_'}3Se aq ael_lr_a 110_e _fo@sattort a_ut a st6_na setue_ V/SI_ WV_,_ _i%t_lpa¢?eb_org for ass_£tanee ¢6 Jse _e <_@ve the _ STa_r)t_ aeio_oo oo_ To receive I_1 G_tq[ k)e8_ d/gffa_ 4 [0 _ • ava;_able are av_D_e • to _,ou nave of that TOt @/ c_a_N@s o g_a_ n_@_ s :ra_/o_ @_[a_ ceanea w_en zf_r_g Tr}e urea mT _ ;6£tse consug TPe {_ot eo_ve Tee oroe etn o_ our _,us_o_n@ a_K)ve ,ou _t_ ou_sllarse T_%eDOX _0 e4%s_re _ c_le_*l_s channel from _g [V a_K}_O_ _V l_sfx?[ or_ o_ in _ eenca has C_ar_Pe TINT,S [he Pr DCXSTWA a digital Bar • use off ._se Tee tee o_ctur8 S_gnaF mc_/E or sign f] IXe remeTe aria COFTFO_IC _otr 5 eoqT_3}_ _ an nr_s but the TV is on and mere Scr_n. #rat opson Me_ sea, us, sound on PAR{-NTAJ We eO oev¢_ _SP_C_6<] make s_e the e_£m_ T_en presb nay [_ _NRU[ set _ncorrectM and ct_oose the Go to _9e 10 hgn_ 9 for 9_O_I%STeleT_OnS C :tnr_e_ rnav seethe" be bfa_sk. TO s€_rcl [_ Tee Channel sea,r; or c _aer_ we* stabll/h vd_ Cab_es _ea. [_de. ct_res _om _derna_ mavbeg_aooeloTneVaeo so_snected to the d_ce or Tae _re conn_Tea %mo_,g hrst then cbe'J Tee correcmess ape Fe cc s/seers 1o roe v@luw vaeo/rl CO_f}DO_X_)_ qo@_t the three Y gree_ seoula oe CiJoRecl ;ortesoo_sd_Pcj {[*<_t _aO_% OI_ Toe S_Oe Ot _I_ I\ 3h@c_ the anT_ma _x_nnee_ons Make e_re a_ et the cnu_-_e g_- lO TO8 c_3_es are IV" }acK un _ Je o'_ vou_" IV, ]ryad_usr'¢_gtheeole_featureste_rrlrove. There is no sound [he bee4_ cdt t_orm_a i OaK e_ Tl'}e IO£ ed for ale a_]alog TOt ,%o_te bq¢_xoecTea _ck luf Ion %' sprit, the ea w vkoeo ca_e acK et_ IRe s_ae o_ x lr ]_d, bar . _ to d s@av the DO _OCKeO _a_saoec }aa n_: _T source the Signa_ Type _"-" I)/SP/A'/b_J_O ma _ab_es _8 qoi coqo_'leo L;h@ck the connec'_on channel? n_ qt CO_'_t" _ the screen1 A_S "A rs C£L-O_ A "D' s d/so_a_£d tot a @%ta} enar_se ou_'ou_ wu_s I'd t yo_ can e ] y gel []a(]K 8_a Wllffe inal ou 5, cont]r<:ieaTe_Dur]V service orok_ oe _ r_ [n_ le the AC The so md is fine. but the o_cture _s ooor. _se a_]a [vJve Q[_IT_ prog_T_[_'}_ ¢r3u aye v_ do I tell an analog c_oe ate) oe _urneo or]. Ke no :na_ge ua_nq e P,eyra_n esT@_a8 as mer/[_oGeg is oe[_ ] WF@I Ty[ _ et r'Paqr_s c g_Ta} vtoeo, L,O_STaCl ,our )r SaT@_Te ero%_erTo tP_ &qa channel [_d _ShOg4ng the o_ for s¢2rareh'_6<_ chan_6_s, sab- to uncnee_ Je_[ce cllg K_ _ege DUr_OC_IO_},T_{S_Pa;%TIC4p_ogr_T_@_S_UWT_cnoca uaN _ aD _%ear]a NOt@: Siena _ _ou Are yot IPj rl@ _O USe aO _I_DUI SOUrce _? For usng other v_deoiaudio device Are there other ways to view High Definition (HD) video? the ehatlP@_S, S_ Problems oaee el} the [s a "No High Definition (HD] video? a_x_ Q_gga u@_a tee AC cord is eluggea wal oul_et rrla_e sure Sd, eet the There Press _Ke acsua EN_I:;_ How [}<_q!en6 or € 3r}ear,_ "_nm_s_@t( Tb a 7v' can't _do enb _ 'node _ he/%_ wg wi!l batumed off, "To restore turn }oar_eCT e_[ch N71@Fe aye a_y _O[H6_S [[S_ _}0W. _f the }_S_ooes _he setlmgs - _S¢_fJee O_ S b/a_k oN 8;sD_aqce, :lr_cv_ _Idc_ a_ TV Problems W_e OSD's er,T_F_g aq_ _F, U%O Cl_aPe@ 1V _s a_so searcP4r_g _e¢Tfce -_rc_s EN1 bR G_tton to _;t_vate x._tout eel, _ound and the ean_ /4H_ S[£_ Tg scTeeo or- off on l_o oowa_ Audio Only :mw_nPa aY_alog Identifying What's ,our Power Off r_£on Wress EN[ER buttoe wm ge _es_ io laclo¢_ _Ol_nee_ both _ Cfw, n£e}s snan_a_ s sg,4%Pgs All Reset parma pregr_l_m_l]_, L;Qava_ _9_e '" " 10 -rr,_nute no s_gea 1_, We _ue Bask is lurned ol_ _t T_rf ater/a_ Teat rr_s_v oaren_s wou_o _no u_ss_Tar: e for cr-eo_n _der 14 Pa_ _TSare PARENTAL M___ _._ndoress _NTPR tc mcnec_ TI_e%C_qrt_ STa_S uPolJ._ the IV from the AS:}[ ow_ ter 10 m eL&_._and thes p_ug _T back. Turn _e IV on at*d1 w again sson_ y urg,_o _e ex_ose gremer care ,_ men_[o_£ _ m_s _ogram are cau_lo_ec agrees1 _eE_Pgcn_/u_6_ uloer TI_eage Ot 14 watc_ _}allr_nded. Tbs "_xogram cc#_ta_eso__eor more of ttle fo Iow;_1g aria The TV turns off unexpectedly. • _ he _ ecTmn_c eT a power r ths abno ureter surge. en cmcu_T rr BV na,_ Wet 30 secorrJs aed oeea then ac_varc_J turn the oeo_se IV on nouqn_ coesu_ a aL _F_eo T_-PG aga.n i- _fc_ps Treque_r@ _ tee voltage l_ your r suse r_'_ey oe ma_ If the othe_ e e_oe_c eo[liom_r_t {4 tH_es or CO_Tee_s te_ss. V_o etloo Gu,deUses: May }e_r,a_n _f_TeF]se :loesn't c F_] _ 3eel nv_ IRe • the bait,sreds in the remote seo_rectlv Rut new b_es rna_ nor rJe _oeo You are expedencina Controls. If tr_e cm/_g Ma_e Menu Ceulo _so m/ts _!_ss C_3_:K Tee s_-" omecm at the _T/ay be wee n the remote oroblems don't work M_NU on t _, :leas some While rise effects m_ougrl the your mav of F]ad_Ty e_ cor_s_a_o Spe_6e}}_ H3av oe eras. Other acGe_ cao_e TOt a _r cl_Idro¢" r _q eaF[ ef th@ a_dl÷flce. V/_e_ob to 9"_e_T1_ which oo 9 <}th_oete_ ( SU[d [_bt({:g'_ a yo<_gs{ Cc_ttent G@dcq nes: there m8 _s raT_31Ty 8F_a _O nUO_B, o_ _nsra_eo C8+ (Chi|dre_t accestab/e for Vio_enoe Guide 8 and older): P_'osra_lw'fllng _ey}er_ }c£ss{ae_'r=q chTdrc_ 8 years &nu o_sr To wa_cl on tlqe_ owH nes: Violate w/I not be ooffra, ed &¢ t_se nrefen-ed with V-Oh o!Parental , OU n>_ust/oo_ our _nsoTe €le[_d£'or_s tr_e set1 _gs Go to the se}ect PARENTAL tc _ sr/ow e@sd to fUR eour tr_ub_esr!ooting t_y rebootln_ tV tlYo_/gls sect } our Pd me serd_ Neto oe sea fnat _oTn Oq otter ot violc__ce tl_e w_[ be cor_seol__ec_% Pmc_ramrr_og pro_ss ag_n [_'q'<_JTe_% Crl/grer reEf,s%re S_}es has a tee)OUT YOu _nt_eoae;1T _-;s_sx_¢_t et low OT I_e Oteer ecTs Gofl¢_qt intended fer &sack ll'e Photo _ T_/e ft/@ O_ To/de_ A a_ow "_N[_R 100 Warnings: System F_ ol'eressl -_ -lois lw)t b<_ H lai_v;!o _9le llu_ernatl I%" set m8 fall. 3 _he _a} w_io,e ]u o_ree_3 s Tar l-qourffl_9 we*qht of iv If seals DI_S oI_ vva_a t r sa_facea w_w_ vo_ca_ fsFeeTF#] mUST Isaw set _ousr} Par examole _e e_q hie. Do qot s_aee ale a_d DlaS_e_LX}_'G_ ¢ cc t/_e ff_eunt _@fQIe n _ 3 aqtach_tsg :>_g can I_ IY_e ease fo vv& _eaT_l_ Source Do not c ace the r}ace 3aBtac_e to The USa af_cJ ©RCKWO¢_ _mage te wa/s a_ _ai_i auol_ as screwst e_ofe.%_or se t_e_'e TV sea( a_yr_'m_g Veer tOe_as_o_ - 1V n a tocat_on e_l!_>n_ Tr_sdbc¢_S tel" away# 1ram e ecIrlc shoc_ _ele or_x_r _o _o_a upe×oe£ted fal] _ o1 t__e IV set do awe' trr_rr_ the ScFeel_ [ al_o_ TO t7o¢enI the Dngonal _II Di!_f:lay _ze 31.5 ¢8slsolss qev_ce ind t_;s Am#mcan O_ fV Jar_ria_d AI S(]/NISC _s la_>e _o >ol la(£ scMfl_ is _ot (}_ _se s_ror ] ro_ce on iV o_"we; mourrt after esta_ ng 10. Be sure te ur Pu9 tt-_e _ V b(dote/l_stal{ir_g. K¢_2p ar}}¢b*R9 snare _o_se are a/}( or wo_a1_on @sd @CA UL_ _X_IT SOa'_C the ab_*aral_ss _oo (x bad r_on_ce coils,on d@4ce. sure [ef al_cl-ters ma_ storage of _oas Of d$_t8 o_ foe a_e used ate fe make tbla tee{as era' ifnoer JT_6_'W_SeTPe VHF: 213 COal//el o FAT32 _,utiotl a#_ L;£._ re _*re. cot o_a,0e _x4#ee sr_oulo _]e K@_ _se. _Tmay cause cF_ei_age 3 (X have .feTe w_F _such s_sere r',,tm s_e insTa_t_ 9 hales. s )_6_a_ pt'o@elns Do Isc,,+ ease al_ which s_; @I}_yF_ TO _]o_cJ T}]@ (7" seft OT ameI'_._TsDg_ Al_db Ou_ X '1 × i9:2'H 2&9'W x i7 ;4*pi _31 x 8:9'D Wi!h_xi I l i 167K£_S) 1 W_hou! 1_1 LBS (5.SKGS} s!al_d Power ! (_seS_r_ot_ri Notice; less hail Sp_ifieati_s are 1 £6W subject Unt]ns_ailatJ0e. 'D s_]d W_ght I to change without inS_aI}ati@ and aqus_en[ e_eustbmer I I | I I I 7£0p sOs-c_ 2&rYW lS.SLBS At the _irce d service proof of purchase such as odgha_ receipt, wili_ required Only 3T' LCD size and above are appiicablefor in-hom_ce trice: 1 1368 X 7_ D
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