RCA LED32G30RQ User Manual LED TV Manuals And Guides 1404536L
User Manual: RCA LED32G30RQ LED32G30RQ RCA LED TV - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your RCA LED TV #LED32G30RQ. Home:Electronics Parts:Rca Parts:Rca LED TV Manual
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Pad N®,: RNOSS2R24011 @ e ® @ e @ e e e @ @ ¢ Congratulations on your purchase! As you enjoy your new produ_, pleasekeepshesesafetydps in mind : @ @ @ e ® @ e @ @ The home theater ented.ainment experience growing trend and larger flat panel displays popular purchases. @ @ e is a and - One size does NOT fit all, follow the @ manufacturer's your br flat panel the safe instatation and use of ¢ display. @ 04 D ¢ However, flat panel dbplays are not always supported on the proper stands o1: installed according to the manula(;turer's recommendations. ¢ 07 Choosing TV Channel 07 e ¢ Fiat panel displays that are inappropriately sitJated on dressers bookcases, shelw_s, desks, speakers, chests or cats may fall over and cause injury @ @ O5 Selecting Input Source 07 e e Check Accessories MANUAL 05 Setup TVTable Stand Channel Bar 05 Select TV Location 08 Adjusting Volume 08 ¢ ¢ @ This Manufacturer Cares! ' 05 Cable Connections MODEL 08 O5 Adjust the OSD Screen 08 05 Quick Menu 08 05 Channel Menu 08 e The consumer electronics industrg is comnfitted making home entertainrnent enjoyable and safe. ¢ Side Panel Connections e Wall e Picture Menu 05 08 Component device Connecting HDMI device 06 Audio Menu 06 Time Menu 09 10 Lock Menu 10 Mounting e Please register your product 07 Frorlt Parlel 07 @ furniture and television to cNmb on or play with e sets. @ @ ¢ ¢ to : manufacturer and/or in fire er eb_;tric shock, 18. Unplug the ]V Never spin lquid ef any kind into 2, Krupp these hmsMucfions, frorn tie liquid or aere cleaners, 3, Heed aN warnings. 19, This FU should 4, FeNow aii ins_'rucfions, resoume, This IV S, Do not use this apparalus near waler, For example, do not use near a laundry tub, in a wel basernerA er near a swin_rnir_g pool, and the like. as a bookcase manufacturer's back er bottom eperalion are provided of the openings must ]V and o for ventilation+ protect not be blocked never be block_:t simlar suri_ce, by placing or covered, the S. Do not instaN near any heal registers, ste HDh?/ /ego, :>/ / 7s:,,'ere:7 s :7 ,}//,;, EiDMi ,_c7 TW ddpph-_g or splashing, No liquids, such as wxses, shall be placed en the IV set. f J £)sO'_ _ ,s; NL# :)O/(# we#7 (OUC 't)[ ohe/ (# wce,! o is an example of a connection uNng Ihe HDMI and/or digital Before, conr/ecting service Io oblain televbion your iV, channels determine via AN)/CABLE using an anlenna panel of othet \ device device Qua#ty) device, such as a DVD player, feNow 1,Connect the COMPONENT iN Y/Pb/Pr jack on the side of ]V 1:o the vide<) eulpul jacks of device via vide<) cable (green, blue and red), 2,Connect the L AUDIO-R jacks on the side of TV 1:othe audio output jacks of device via audio cable. Notice the left channel jack and plugs are while and the righl jack and plugs are red. ¢ &/eM: <7%, i_ , _l hs a/_ comeo n_s )etg, (A_/)/ayc qi#>' er t /_deo @ Component Video Connection ¢ @]e pictuls vid<>.ojack, ¢ below is an example 7Tis/drd o[ a conr/_;tion the and, feund instructions, uses if not may to cempiy and instaNed with pretection can the against radiate and used ca use harmful inslallation. radio in accerdance irflerference to radio to<:bs de pantalla tirar o agarrar coneclados tirar o cudosos. de monitor y/o Iistado pot un laboratorio de par-_talla i:>lar-_a, Los monitores de pantaNa plana puede set pesados. does cause harrnfui interference <{/_,: _<:>ss{inqi to radio er will nol occur headphone er an experienced radio/IV technician fer Device complies with FDA radiation performance CFR subchap er, Caulion: (hMsibb) Laser Radialion when open, Do nol slate into beam, standards, 21 ® ® e MHL: (Mobile High Definitio/_ link) To standard HDMI input, tlanslnit the video/audio from portable electronic devi< e (cellphone,digitN camera, digitN videe camera) te IV set, ® ® ® ARC: (/\udio Retuul Channel)Adopted in TV output ef digita audio, can be connected to the de',Acesupporting ARC, transmit g/e Dd sound to the devce, ® ® ® ® ® COMPONENT _/_bl_r_ Connect a device that has component vide<) jacks, such as a DVD player, Io access devbe connected to the '//Pb/Pr jack, press the INPUT bullon on your mmele; hen press the up/dewn arrow Io select Comporlenl, Press the OK butlon at last to confirrll. ® e Y/_bl_r ® ® b_x;ause the video sigrlal is separa ed into Ihree components, Use Ihree videe grade or cornponent video cables for the cennection. _emef_e receives ® ® When using '{/Pb/Pr_ make sum yeu cennect cables to Ihe AUDIO iN R/I jacks, Codes for Cox ® ® ® ® ® ® L=AUDIOoR_ COMPOSITe; Connec an AV device that has composite video jacks, such as a VCR or a DVD player, % access device connecled to these jacks, press the INPUT button on your rernote; hell press he up/down arrew to selecl /W. Press the OK bullon at lag to corlfirm, Codes for Comcast: Codes for Dish Network: Codes for Fios Verizon: Dd. {Alse used for service to enjoy audio, the dealer on your device for persenal in a Consult help, e ® ® ® e ® your USB slorage music/photo files Front Panel purpose), About IN ItDMI1/DVI, 2: (I Ngh-Definition Multimedia Inte@]ce) It prevides an uncompressed digital connection that caries bolh video and audb data by way of an integrated mini plug cable. (@o_po_e_t measures: Reerient or re.locale Ilse roceiving antenna, increase the separation between II_e equipment and Ihe roceiven Connect the equipment inlo an outbt on a circuit differenl frem tha o whbh the receiver is connected, _SB: ® ® using Ihe cornFx_nerll a 3,Smm by one or more of the following N_D Connect _Connect interference ® tDMI PNON_. trial h-lterference Video};They previde good picture quali y b_" and righl audio control remole werking angle, dislance and see the quick slart guide, R÷mote \\. Oontrot Indicator Power/S_a_dby ladicatar; Light up in red when slandby mode,, light oul whet/he IV is on, OanlIFal 8er_÷er_ Remote cenlrol ifframd ray sent by remote contr_)k Communications: 8enso_ PoweffStandby j the TV is in I1_ sensor, whicl-_ 0178 10178 627 0205, 0057, 0493, 0775 e AUDIO IN L; Left audio channel connection, The left audio cennector is usuaNy while, Fer mono audio sources, be sure to use the lefl AUDIO INPUf, e A_DIO cennector IN R= Right audio is usually red. ANT/OABL_; Connect cable via coaxial cabb, Audio out: channel cennection, The right audio Turning On and Off to receive the signal from your arlteru-la er Connect Connect a coaxial cable for digital audie output, the AC cerd 1:o power IV will enter standby Pewer cable button @ mode the LED LCD and power ((.I)) on the top 1:olurn er/the Ihe Ngnak al monitor plana para que ne se pueden e _igital ¢ per encaminar conectados to Part I S of the FCC Cornmunicalions, Ihem is no Guaranlee jack, era and pursuanl generales, energy However, ® ® ® ® ® @ The firs slep il_ connecting your Dd is obtaining the Ngnak _t_ur IV LED32G30RQ has a back panel, which aNows you to receive analog Wdeo channel _r_:7 his,! > D tT utu:> _ M ,its _;_ :ls _ @ @ fU, At this time the indica or will turn red, Use panel ef Pd or en the r_:_mete conlrol fU, After swilching off the fV for 5 secends, you can turn en Pd again, @ ¢ e A. Antenna ¢ Connect @ of he back panek analog channels, the antenna to rv via ceaxial Yeu are ready cable on AN I/CABLE jack 1:o receive air local dig/al and Connecting A V Composite ¢ C. Set-Ttqp eutput ¢ if you use a sel top box, you rnay nr£_d to call your cable ¢ or saleNte @ rder 1:<7the user's guide of s_ -top box, % connect device (Good Video Quality) service provider; which rot hi_g 2>e AC o/_: co/7!7oc/ior_s s_ ;_/:::/7 77}u, T'/:£x:s use a sp_ial uP/,'o_ ne s _peo/i cennection, will be shared with a cernpoNle/W device, Compenent such Y connector, as a DVD player, foNow these steps: I ,Connect Box the e COMPOSITE jack jacks ef device via video on the side <7[ IV to the video cable (y _llow), company please h_a' _d<:on_o//,'d_ed ;_//tte (/4.# _r}o':_/::x_b#: :::f_ann®i 2,Connect the L ALJDIO R jacks on the side of IV 1:o the audio eutput jacks of device via audio cable, Notice channel the left channel jack and plugs are while and the @ After ¢ er Dd top tanel @ Basic Op_x_ation of P4 #,/O AY _I/#H/ sigea/Has/eguiar J)/Ottg e_+ s:, rx:> er aiD7 %/sign,# r / u/a :>/,: ir_ A," e/ /_:a, ',as U S_J Ve A Tt/ i_It TC!iO/TS/<)/ se/rTe _:x/)a/Tsl_)/l : i#S_: ¢ J button ® e 100=l20v the INPUT ® ¢ @ to choose press e ¢ rv is done, @ e (_#_!_//t!,i ¢ cennecdon Choosing TV Channel Keypad Buttons ® e jack and plugs are red. ® e e right ® ® @ e Cable How to Obtain Various Kinds of Input Sources e Corot osite connector /Wore: lo ® @ B. Oable TVserdce Connect the cable FVwall jack to IV via coaNal cable on ANI/CABLE jack of the back panel, Yeu are ready o receive <)flair local digilai arxJ analog channels, @ of ::or nect / @ @ GOto page 6 _DMI cable f{},_....................._[T} M HL cable 2/ARC irA_rfT<:_: ue /fiemu/,, L£ e/ _ss_g Z[ C e ¢ a,'! DW po/t HDMI Connection e _COMPONENT video cable @ e o!y e @ @ <:a )/e/rars£:is So HF)/vff j, ck of TV /o/ ;_ #dO O U/_ It t? [ A N JO R _Ci( or 7'/£:t_i(©ar>d The output equipment particular @ _(PbPr Component tesled devbe, e e ConnecUng has been ¢ }s ¢ @ Go to page 6 HO_-DW cable ti[t_ r0f ¢ Step one: the rv tdangle ¢ Audio Cable !ii!i'i no se puede de monitor y montaje de pared. ¢ _aa_tenance(servk[ng) instruction in the poJReratu_e The excJarnatiorl nt w thin accompanying an equ/ateral ¢ i @ or clmbing on the ]V rnay cause the YV cNrnb or hang on he fV, Always place Ihe of e @ @ SYSTBM prese_ce @ and Using your Video/Audio cable @ e (Nmc_T 250,P_nTH) and the @ to page 6, ¢ ype balte_7 power, re/er to the eperating FV sel sham net filb_Swlh S Safety Strap Step two: I S, This TV should indicated instaNing. ¢ ¢ 810_20) to e Further See the below Select a fiat, slable table Io place your safely instructions when placing the IV, Connection @ Dd on a ._turdy, level stable or objects CTION unused sur_ges, 14, Re[er aN servbing $ B[ BCTRODE 1or thb it is left unus_uJ for long periods will prever/t storms of lime, protection wall Duller and disconnect [bb Guide to cam,, oul stand ¢ UNiT operatng use @ @ @ (NO I 3, Unplug Cables e movi-_g the carl/apparalus the e Select TV Location @ ef the masl electrodes, alet @ ¢ NO,70, and supporting structure, grounding of the lead in wire to an an enna discharge urfil, size ef grounding conduclors, location d to ¢ adapl Io your device, These lmits are designed 1:opa)vide reasenable harmfl.l inlerference in a mNdentiai inslallation, ¢ intended ¢ @ ¢ A TV and Setup TV Table Stand Please refer 1:o Quick Star to other devices Please foNow the lable to rises, ¢ flequency @ @ be sure the antenna or cable syslem is greunded pretection against voltage surges and builDup antenna the the risk of eleclric ef plug musl be mair_tained. 25, rl lanufactureK When a @ cennections box, etc,), Jacks ¢ yeur Ihe cables whicl_ @ e various Set top que empezar y cables de pantala or el fabricante ofrecidas pot el fabrieante ¢ This e @ walked receptacles, for they exit from the apparatus, 1 1, Drily cheese Guide) supports VCR, ¢ and a thiRJ greunding prong saflrty, If the provided plug does not fit inte your el_trician for replacement of Ihe obsolele outbt. particularly Slat @ type plug, A pelarb£:t Ihe (refer Io Qubk @ with Pad: 15 of the FCC Rules. Operafior_ Ihe feliowh-_g e @ Refer aii servicing 22, )his device ¢ Dd I EDS2G30RQ (such as DVD, se tiene if tlqis equipmelfl equipment @ e [M donde gel camine ni echat abajo, s_ USTED DECIDEA MONTAR SU MONITOR DE PANTALLA PLANA LA PARED. SIEMPRE Nns/s fer a Class B digitN ¢ @ with your de Pared: Thb @ e that are pack_ delener al castado agarrar pot k)s niflos Fcc Information ® @ Check the accessories pot poner o ins/alar el menblr ernpqar, al moniter ¢ e Check Accessories al vet en el/r/onitor de pantala El cuidade se tiene que ernpezar plana para que no se puedan - Por Io rnenos dos personas se requbren para la instalacbn. @ DI/s (/:lice @ estD. de casa y seguro. ¢ n the p_oduct endosue that may be of ufflde,,t The Jightnilg flash wth arrowhead symbol wi hi a/ magn rude to oflsRhte a rsk oreletd shok A 2 HL_MPDM @ censumidor @ e ¢ e Io the applance, 21. Do not allempl er removing covers cause cloth for cleaning, que k)s nifSes pu us vol age or other eleclricai los monitores El cuidado e @ e FOR TODAY a k)s nifSes a subir k)s cordones e @ about electr6nica a hacer _ontaje ¢ e ¢ MADE las instruccbnes y televisk)nes. No doque [e Importa - Use una mer_tura que se ha recomendadop independiente(como U L, CSA, EFL). e eq ] la e_aJ triangle Date of Purchase industria comprometida ¢ e e 14 - La @ listed by an independent @ e Serial Number iA[ Fabricante e ALWAYS : @ 13 tedas de esle preducto. una pregramacion, especialmente plana "m_s grange que vida", ÷ e Please k_p your sales rn<)eipt and keep the record of the serial number and the dale of purchase in ®rder t® receive warranty parts and service. [he serial number is located at the back ®f the TM y entienda para el uso prepio ¢ ¢ by the display NO es adecqado quese pued@ usar comoda, e connected to the panel display so that they cannot be pulled or grabbed by curious children_ PANEL DISP_Y, siga las segura y Ne permita ¢ @ YOUR F_T Seguridad para todos, muebles e - Care should be taken to route all cords and cables iF YOU OIClOE TO WALL MOUNT qo Lea (}on c'uidado @ @ e 12 Su recomendack)nes de labncante para la inslalacion el uso de su menRor de pantala plana adjuntas - Los motfitores do pantalla plana que se han instalado h_adecuadament en tocadores, estanterias estantes, escdtorios, oradores battle s o cartes se pueden eaer y eausar el dano eorporak ¢ - Don't place fiat panel displays on furniture that can easily be usc_i_as steps, such a_ a chest of drawers. Hasta Un tamaiio embargo, los monitores de pantaNa plana no se han instalado siempm en los soportes adecuados o instalado de acuerdo con las recomendaeiones de labrbante. ¢ product - A minimum of two people are required for i_stalation, Flat panel displays ear be heavy, @ @ at ww_'_._a.¢om enclosed - Make sure Ihat Ihe wall where you are mounting the dispb# is appropriate. Some block construction. unsure, contac[ a professional installer e ¢ Keypad Buttons all - IF you have aqy doubts about your ability to safely instal youi flat panel dis:>lay, contact youi retalei professienal installation. e 07 use of this children - Follow all instructions supplied by the display and wall mount manufacturers. e @ Setup Menu allow ¢ e 09 understand e - Don't o @ ConnectingYPbPr for proper - Use arnount lilqat has been recommended laboratory (such as ULCSA,ETL). ¢ Connecting #% Composite video device instructions and agradable @ LED32G30RQ read @ @ ' - Carefully - Remember that children can become excited while watcNng a program, espcciaty on a "larger than Iik}" fiat panel display Care should be taken to place or install the dbplay where it cann@: be pushed, pulled oveL or knocked down. e e 05 - La experiencia de entretenimiento de cine en casa es una tendencia creciente y los grandes monitores de pantalla plana son muy populates @ recomn/endafion Aiustar ¢ e Turning On and Off DE NI_OS_ El C6mo y Do6nde Usted usar Monitor de Psnnta/a P!ana Marocx La Diferrenda Posibles Problemeas @ Tune Into Safety @ 02 pot favor ten_ en cuenta los conseios de s%uridad: e The Issue e 07 Cuando usted disfruta de su nuevo producto, e e 02 iMuchas gracias )or su uso del presente producto! @ @ ¢ Connecting HDM/ device (BestVideoQuality) [b cennecl a HDMI device, such as a DVD player, please Conn_x;t the HDMI1/DVI/MHL, 2/ARC jack on the side of IV 1:o Ihe output jacks of devbe via HDMI cable, It> connect a DVI device, via DVI port ef PC er Devbe and HDMI jack ef IV: I, Connect he HDMI1/DVWMHI poN of PC via HDMI DUI cable, 2, Connect eutput the L AUDIO-R jack of computer 1:o 3,5rnm slereo wlh jack en the side of IV 1:o the DVI ® iNPUT Displays the Seurce M_NU Displays the CN_ Scans up through the channel list, In the DJ mer/u system, it acts like the up arrow ® ® ® ® Select List. IV Main Menu, rerHole contrel and can be used 1:oseled the number m_in butlon digtaJ en remole example+ When no OSD can also werk with centa)l, 1:o walch char_nel number on the Ohannela has a channel number nurnerb wih directly, and inpul the sub number analog channel control beginnh_g buRons "D'L Inpu then press a laM'. "D,S1 1"+ press "3", "I", "", in sequence, Directly You can use CIM, and CIIv to decrease (On Screen Display) as CNA/CNv channel is used, bulton 1:o increase number: the up/down arrows buttons, menu options, ® jack en the side of IV te the audio audio cable ® Ta _igital A digi al channel (dual channel RCA jacks jack er the L AUDIO_R jack). Pc cennect an ARC HDMI OUT devbe, please cennect i-_put pea of the devbe such as amplfbr, ® ® Source ® Increases Ihe volume, In the IV menu system, it acts like the right arrew on the remete cenlrel and can be Selecting Input Source used o select menu oplions, Press INPUT centrol 1:o display ® Decreases the volume. In the IM menu syslem, it acts like the left arrew on he remole centrel and can be used ® 1:o select menu options, ® [urns source you need and press OK to cenfirm, ¢ @ @ ® e ¢ @ e ¢ @ @ ¢ ® ® Select TV AV VOL+ ® @ i',/u e: 7 HD'4i/Hi2it L)eL,,iPun ,'vT_#_u_}eet, u ir!,>Ha(et/,s a co/, )_ct a :Do'v/<', o s,Tsr'/s;_ce/el flsn:>,'?7ik)g _r)c;>nee>saed :S'sola/ebi;_ i/ :]),7/?s:JS UT( > i_7(J ' ) arT(]J Y/O'lt ) aorta/y/,7 /@ :ram+: )/7)#: /TrTd ha:, Ute be:, ;D:,f,v;sy qsa#) Scans down through he channel Iisl, In the fM menu syslem, il acts like the down arrow en the rerrK)te control and can be used o select menu oplions, ® ® to Ihe HDMI OH_ VOL- the FV on and off, Use up/down button on Source arrows Component remote Select list, to highlight Ihe HDMI 1 HDMI 2 USB S..... @..... ti Channel Bar Press the OK button display)is on the remole not used, the channel control, when bar wU appear OSD (on screen on the Bottom AT$C4 Air 4:5 approach approached. Quick Air is analog, channel, channel ( A is displayed, 4=$/OO and D50 1 is a digital QUICK and freq_lently button I_/signal e e to Sound channel [s or mono, if channel is digital, {Second Closed Audio Time < OFF _' Lst @ Sees= @_Return Prograln) [T_e Channel Menu enablos It is available n IV you to seamh, mode only from tile Main menu, CHANNEl menu, Press view and edit channels, Press MENU and choose the OK/down button CHANNEl to )roceed -6-t the arrows left/right Channe EPG button on the remete corffrel, will appear [n the center of screen, guide gives the arrews to switch IV ppegram playi ig prelect, Type < Air Choose e _3_, Move to choose the function Show Adjust the OSD Screen menu system, PICTURE, button, Press each arrow to highlight AUDIO, [!ME, menu, from or lOCK arrow to mere If necessary, of the option the bottom of each _re.ss the MENU "lee exit an option SETUP on remote control, QUICK, and then CHANNEl, press OK/down the press you've to a different OK or right arrow highlighted, w}tt in to display If available, screen for help, re a£urn option the use the text at to the _re.vious inenu, button, OSD Channel repeatedly until the inenus The derailed explanaUon are or h/da the TV channel e e L/.st Signal chant els, Press OK to _ Vdeo Soft, User, [reble: Seer= @ _ Return the function you/eed, visual mode of your e of yoor TV: Only in User inode you can adjust Language Select digital R/audio component language type: EngNsh, french type: Steax>, SAP or Mono Output a 3D sound surreund from standard stereo inateria}, with Press the OK button te display the Chanllel Bar when (on screen display)is net used, screen, An 'W' }s displayed I eek at the top right cemer of the for an _nalog chanlleL A "D" is d spl _yed Cnra digit d cha reel, In DTV ci_ e;' 4!e ese;,e Display how strong are there bars en my screen_ asd ca_ I get rid ef them? Most digital video is sent ill a 16/g fermat which fills your screen, but s sometimes sent n 4/3 which does _et fill your screen, It depends oil how tile sla2iol_ or device corlnected te your ]V is lnrnlattillg the videe, If there are bars ol_ tile screen, Check Screen size ill the p}ctom mode to try a d fferent fonnat that may eliminate the bars, Sonle bars can't be removed beca_se o[ the way the fomlat is sent by the breadcaster, The ferma4 cha _ges as yeo choose screen size type ih tie piclum mode al_d t-_e ton nat type is displayed at the bollom of the scr_} _, Fnr nlore irffon nat}or_ oil screen size, go to page 9, Why does but channel _ehen I t_ search te t_ne find a let ef chasnels_ te the_ there's nethiag your TV signal is, Some chahnels don= carry pregrammi ig, such as video On Demand. When cha illele am unavailable, your Pd scu;en ie blank or appears; like sllew, You probably want to remeve these channele frem yeor channel list. Remove n/nnn rtiol L these /_ the Chanl_el Why does it take at first ti_'_e? a le_g time List Me_u, Ge to page 8 tnr more _,ehe_ Isearch the cha_aels color Normal button for three seconds. Volume Equalizer or of coler, The Picture Menu for the options contains menus appears. main and The Picture [\/ al_d VIDEO can be applied controls Menu to configure options INPUT apply selections. the to the graphic settings, equaNzer allows "You can select .Jazz) or create you to adiost one of the you _own equalizer personal Press the left or right arrew to select the frequency 1KHz, 2KHz, arrow 4KHz, 10KHz), you want the serif t,_r prod//: _, Select Picture. frem the Mah to p_oceed to PICTURE Pd, conl/ecl}ons, menu, inenu, _u;connected wrnngly, Select the Keypad lock fuhcton in the P/\REN [AI cenml and press OK to uncheck the locking status. Wdso but the from the Mail SETUP menu. Menu, _m ot/tpllt, Is access the and then select Audio to #roceed to Audio Time Zone _ Eastern Auto Clock < On Audio Language Analog _ de_'t _r_erko The side panel may be locked (d}sabled) turn on the f\L prees e e e _, English Menu Transparency L! i.t,stos,g, if you If you can only ge black and white pictures from external device that yeu've connected to your I\( m_ybe it is due to the video have the black bars on screen , the HDMI device ol the FIDMI device tcr @ @ , Diagonal Display Size , ]olevision System ,'_lS d e_ ,'70 O(.vtUl<.d /V _me'sdrs] h<' .we/t I ;_eeees(;/_o_ s/Dnc_e;_hons /aes,sr, b/,'to COnS i/t yeut he s(/_Z 4e'/? ;(sor_:,/et L_d__;is' /,>ca/ me/t u'e(>i u_>ak:r inr s, L/(\nr. ¢iW> //se,_je 4'e 0 eB;gest ec/!>red to set /f he, he 4!eli r)eis>; /r appropn/, ',dh equgr'en!s e /r sta/'/;,! g may ef Ten/pelaSne Press photo preview, on each side a fun scrcen of your image), picture list will show "OK" up, e and p_,ss "OK", Press arrow(_/_) opell and playback to view the file, Viuvv thumbnails tot P/_>4ng 1, Do not set up the wall mount by yourself, qualified professionals for b_stallation, Please contact 2, The Pd should not be mounted on walls or sudaces which have an angle more t_an 10 degrees with vertical dke.ction, Otherwise {which the dovice you the IRi sot may fall. e 3, The walls for mour_ting must have whole weigt t of TV set, For example, enough strength to hold the concrete wall and brickwork back list will show "OK" to playback Movie up, and press "OK", Pl_ss arrow(_/_) to select a file @ e the mlJsic file you selected. @ files e "OK" to playback the mavis file you selected. e e e @ Playing back Text Change Setting @ US V--Chip Press OK to enter US V Clip ratings menu, sub menus: rv rating and Movie Rating, _ which Return contains two TV Rating Similar with Movie Rating, After or press EXiT to exit t_e menu, adjusting, e files Similar to the photo menu, You con use TEX] "qenu to access dis:_lay text on your RCA rv, and @ @ e e :'/ae iie,se /e,vg_ Block );;!_h,;n Unrafed Show ;lfftg,' se,_/#abi,o'f)' Block all the unrated pregram, Clear Data Down/oad_'_b/e Activate or downloadable MENU to return r, setk_g rating data. if available. Ke2?)ad Lock Select this optio/_ to block press f _)ebe_u,_ae or unblock the TV's side _anel butto/s so that they calCt be used, i TV-Y All Children Channd List j TV--G j GeneralAud[ence j S j Sexual Situat ons menu), remote: Off, remote1 or remote2, this is for special i i i j TV-MA j Mature Audi.....Only j j j Movie RaM_g /Hse arrow keys to select the rating level you want to block, press What's rides? OK to IocWunlock the rating k,wel, If you have blocked a lower le.vel rating, the higher ratings will be blocked too, For example, when PG 13 is blocked, R, Ne 17 and X will be blocked at the same thne, Co mect _n _ntelm _to the fV Input jack to view free local digital channels, Ynu may need te puR:hase an antenna, (See page 5 Cnr nlom nh:ematier_ about aldenna eetup), Visit www, antennaweb,org for assistance }n deciding what type o[ antenna to use te receive the }oral digital cha/inels avalable te you, ......................................... G i[ 7%e you need and press e Keypad the _est ce_ve_[est way te vie_e Higb Def[nitie_ (N#} Genera} Audien e (no restri t ons) After entering ye_r }oration, this mapping program tells you which _l_alog and dig tal statiolls are available us}rig a certain antenna, local I arents arongly Are there other ways to uie_ Nigh Def[nitien(HD) rides? Resides using an antenna as mentiened abeve, you can Mso use a sn! @ the function LED [CD [ock j PG13 R_str eed R should e ¢ panel needed to i_-spair in your television. If your you with a refi_rbished unit Humidity , 0'(i-+50/O ON REMEDY fT)R THE CONSUMER OF REPAIR OR REPI AOEML[NEOF EXOEPr TO THIi EXTEN] PROHIBITIi[) BY APPI ICABLI$ lAW, ANY IMPLIED W/\RRAN] Y OF MEROHAN [ABII_IIM OR FITNESS FOt _< A we will cometciales IJMnADA THIS I IMrl ED w/gg _,AN[M PRO\/IDES THE}SOlE AND bXOI tJS}IVE THIS LIMITED WARRANTY AND THE DISCLAIMERS HHI_EIN ARE GOVErn, NED BY THE I.AWS OF THI_ S[AIE product, _xcl_sie_ e repair any defects in material or workmanship in your telovision, f your television is unl_pah\qble we will previde you with a returbished unit of the same or be_rter model, For a period de CebeAura-LE# es irreparable THIRD FXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRAN VY ON THIS PRODUC I, - LED cualqlJet DE GARANTIA API ICABI E A ESTE PRODUOf(}, una unidad servic}o pmfnrido, new,st parts pot rayos o inundaciones, Esla gerantia Ih'aitadn solo sc aplicn _ los productos para uso personal o, y no cubre tsrlos Io.q productos ES]A GAfV\NTIA Si so tel_.>visores irreparable que le preporniohars macondicienad _del rr_islno modele o super er. material o nlano de obm en la pan=alia de so televise/ INDEPENDENT SPFCIAL, INOIDEN [AL OR OONSI GUENTIAL I)AMAGES ARISING OUT replacement Oo_ereial pK)ductos, incluyendo def_.>ctodel nl rterial o mano de macondiciorlada, INfaRMATION A GUARANTY OR INCREASE, MODIf Y THE SCOPE OF THIS IIMITED THE PRODUC[ refurbished pare u;parar coalqoier obm en el televiser e e DISCI AIMS ALl For a period of 12 months from date of purchase of your RCA product, we will pay an authorized RCA service center for the at our option, _uestm opcien, @ SALbS REPREBENh_\FIVES, EMPI OYEES, RF[AII ORFArE a ol_s de a natumleza, Durante un periodo de 12 meses desde b_fecha de cempra de su pmduclo RCA, pag:selnos :_. un centre autorzado de servic}o de RCA pare orl reemplarar ya sea corl partes nuevas o r:.>acondicionadas, o a Durante un periodo de 12 meses desde b_fecha de cempra de su pmducte RCA, pagamnles un centre auterizade de servicie de RCA par_ un reenlplas'ar la pantalla LFD / CD, ya sea con pantalla nueva o e ON CORP US, INC,, FXPRESSED OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING ALl WHOLE SALE DISTRIBUTORS PARIY SHALl a, danos fir_es ir_stitucionales, / Reca_bies e IS THE SOLE AND EXCLUSME [Y APPI ICABI E ]O ]HIS PRODUC[ THE MANUI-_\C rURER OF THIS PRODUCI_ - Labor product, we will pay on author}zeal RCA charge to repair any defects in mater}a}s una unidad e W/\Rt_ANTIEP, a tenomenos Eeta GARAN] IA I IMI]?\DA DEL UNICO Y / XCI USIVO REMEDIO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MEROHANTABII_rrY For a period le preperciorlara Pasel e O]HER ©overage qua e 11.7LBS(5.3KGS) d ?s/g) _so es irreparable 12.6LBS(5.7KGS) End (E)i:e de ohm en el televiser Si su televiser e W/\R_i\N LJnidos, o incsrporados o male @ _xcladed THIS LIMITED WARRANIM en Estados modificados prestar no puede e Cede rentd purposes, less than 42W servicios no puede ¢ in nl _teri de or This limited wanan y only applie._ to prnducte used for per_;orlal use tnd dee!; net cover tny product ueed fnr h_stitutional, cemmersial er , With stand , 28.9W × 18.5"H x 7.3D Dimensions Without stand 28.9W x 17.4"H x 3.2'D , With stand Without stand _se de gmbadas flJera del pais en Mexico e e Cer¢_ercial ' x 768 Unidos [ as Ilamadas de se:vicio qua no irnpliquen detecto en materiales o mano de obra, to,lightning vrerklnanship, o prestar servicios en Mexice/Coruprado Danos debidos e in Mexice/Purchased cortlpradss per() no beitado e of Original imagenes Du/ante un periodo de 12 meses desde la fecha de colnpra de su pn)duclo RCA, pagaremos a u_ cel_tm autodzade de servicio de RCA el cargo de mano de obra para r_.>parsrco dquier d_.ffeclo en nlaleriales e e of Country a los problemas Cobe_ura-Trabajo e dnabilily to receive a sig lal due to preblems not caused by the pmducL outside servicios e e due to images burn1 into the screen, debido alas de compra original, Fj: Comprado en Estados Productos e of costomer mpl:_cemetlt rosen or incorporated Corporation prestar e or serviced Preductos //A3 7S 7{ !'?Sl iics rse ib' ON ¢ e pumhased use/:_/:_ e -Damage due to nl}SUSe, Fibuse, negli{jence or isJglect hK;hstihg but, not limi[erJto, damage renoltblg frem expos[Tre 1o moMus% hun kii{y or sail to the product et R(_'/9 [ 7d iY ({t::¢o(.m/)/i e h/structions proof of purnhase Only 37" ICI) Purchaee, Component/IdDMLnnodei 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i Weight Danos en el preducto e e for repair), B(}/a {W'S nf will mviow your eptions for service, , i Cab[e/Antennax 1 1366 In(apacidad para i_cibir la senal debido que no son causadas I)or el p/oducto, en la pantalla, h_ cehter Product modified Component × 1 [ HDMI x 2 + i Audi°inputi AV× 1 i A_dio OL_p{iti HeaSphon_ 17Di@talAudio5lit× { , + InterUce THIS WARRAN FY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS AND YOI_ ALSO MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHT.<}TH/\F VABY o lY\[E TO Slb, rE, F[_,OM ._ e GIVEN BY ON CORP US, INC,, rls AGENTS, e Press arrow (_/_) to select "MOVIE" and pm, ss "OK", The file or folder list will show up, Pl_ss arrow(_/_) to select a file or =cider, P/ass @ by US Ratings Piogrammb/grestrictedto adule. Remote select your _urpose, e e e Piogrammhlg isnot suitable for clsildrenunder theaqeo! j6_ only reset OSD menu can be used, PARTICUI AR PURPOS[), @ 6ans, 8ans_ @ control @ e The file or folder Data e e @ Produc e @ or play sUdeshow, Programmhsggenerallyconsid_*redacceptablefor children8yearsand oval to watch on theirown This option allows you to execute Clear Channel list funct on, This function will re.set t_e wh(>le PV systeln to factory default (not Ynu inay mail your product to the address provided by the service represent _Uve, you may take your preduct to a/_ authorized service center, or you nay request ill home service (servicer will detennine if preduct ie serviceable in home or must be taken back to lecal service Damage e to select a file , and you will be given several opdons Playing back Music fifes Press anx_w (4/_) to select "Mush" e e ke,ys 0_9,/'/ut: we oRer three ways to obtain d:3atterien and customer , -20 T - +60'(7 -4°], .. + 140_h Operating Temperature is e @ cu/se :A q c e Or/woaai, Warnings connected might have a switch or a T/enu option aNowing you to change the picture quality outpld that will fix this. Choose either 720p or 1080i, or folder, photo files, You can directly ro_g!y epec/ficatw The file or folder Move x @ Un-installation, instalhdion operating inetruction, 31,S inches American TV standard ! ATSC/NTSC system VldF ; 2-13 UHF ; 14_69 CATV : 1--135 Storage Temperature is Channel Coverage rv TEXT dabs, Clear Connection Video input MOVIE Gen_,ral e e Please SeP,_iee Your limited wananty ¢ MUSIC English e e retu/bished Items Not Covered e e 7n() n¢_,:/rroit Rating Downloadab_e e origh/al receipt, win be /equired, applicable for in home ::ervice, @ @ e I%_ con not display te Obtai_ preferred @ Media Play" rnenu will appear, or =cider, Press Go te page 8 for with numerb te highlight As a cenvenieiice RFinpu[ Playing back Photo fifes Press anx_w (_/_ ) to select "Photo" :i:_ss /,>/w:n;,ut7r;::/g].! s: n:k,ro:_::, If prublenls still occur, tun/ off your device and mcennect it, Reset the power by unplugging the power cord and ph_gg ng it again, to unlock the menu function, items }n palental FD{T32 @ (X g>b s :,qgu:i:net ;.<.i: knu'is._is 7Vai/<,::t :'36 ssm#v d :/Y)iY_rr_: 4*:;rahe oil and the cables are firmly conl i_;h;d, tie File System format e e Downloadable Clear e from the Main Menu, /)000 The service reprssehtative and select "USB', i i 4/s,is ,w 'O r t; e - Make sure the HDMI dovbe (B\/D, video)gaff/e< etc.} is turn_] )/;_s_, c, di_ USB flash drive ¢ ti B Ce_aectie_. @ Similar with Show e USB Storage r/at,_ <,r t;rU>[:,s,_:,l:_t/c/_< s length UnRated @ are show/ Centrol Fnr aeeistance (U,S,A) f yoo Mschaeed tJ,S,A, pleaee call I g8s g77-g722, Or v}si www,R:a,com r/r>v:cs, _,:/ F:O/t :: :;d rs:,p::: ,' :_>i/<: ,u;: r;art <:c to,o: i,::u_ a/, e e ]qeans e raUng menu, ; G @ New i e M6 screws, LOCK V-CHP e sps rogralnmillggenerally onsideredacceptablefor j @_Return e If the preblem remains, then please visit tile Customer Support Mel_u at www,R_a,com or u )dated _M\Qs or ce _tacl RCA Custemer Supporl al the support number previded in your Warral4y card, may be abnonnaL home ca/_t work @ e e 4, If spare parts of differs R specifications (s_lch as scrcws) used during mou ging, consult with qualified professionals make sure these pads are safe and effective, 8. Do not place liable to happen, I de? _< e OK button Parental @ cord The remote may not be aimed directly at the V\L A black with U Atlantic. are eligible, Do not place walls and plasterboard, failure Setting Press OK to enter V Chip sub menu, e Re_ete Change e e @ The @ source, D gital Capt on Stye e e e e Zone Move V-Chip e e e after thnos up, _" e e Use arrow keys to select the you want to block, press OK to IocWunlock the rating have blacked a Iowe_ level _ating, the higher radngs wiU too, For example, when P(} is blocked, 14 _ and 18 _will at the same time. Program/nillg intended for hildrell underage 8 e Closed Caption Press OK to enter closed caption sub menu, the detail as follow, e ore Off 8 Press OK button to execute reset to [V systena All the settings will be reset to farrow ddatflL ,",/,_te Fire (b.'l)s ,osf:>e_m'c ,_?/do/r/! _t,_ mfrv7,_i t! tie,_ct_, t )/>/','_ _n(.{ procured the [ock below, e Pd will automatically Showing Eastern, e Problems e ®1: explanation '_ your 4-d git PIN @ 15 Sec _;nqer Time of cha_aeL o_ the e e press OK or right The detailed Remote Change e Tsansparency To choose your menu transparency mode, press the left/right arrow until the transparency you need appears: 0%, 21}%,75% 100%, 2014/1/1 8 12:0 PM or enter a sub _enu, Set the sleep timer(Off, The It may be a vvesk statien, Use the AUI)IO M_lu and _>et/tnaleg Snu_d s Mene, bex appears e panel key board and input source, Press MENU on the remete and choose Iock Menu from the Mail Menu. Press the down burro/to and Spanish. O Lock e Lock Menu until ratin9 level level. If you be blocked be blocked Clear Channe_ List ec Backgre_ ind Opacity: Snt the CC background opacity (DefauR, Solid, Flashing, Translucent, Transparent), CC BackgK)und: Set the CC backgreund c(>lor (Default, White, Red, Green, Bkle, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan), At reset The lock Digital Press "INPUT" ly, the voltage ih yoor loose pert%r_aece @ Adopted in _' output of digital audio, con be connected to the device supporting ARC}, transmit the IRi sound to the dovice, press OK or right The detailed Language Move Use up/down eft usexpectedly. sousd OC Font: Sd the CO font (Ddauk, Font 0 - 7), CO Opacity Color: Set the CC opacity cobr (Default, Solk:J, Flashing, Translucent, Transparent). Faxt Color: Set the CC text color {Default, White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan), Min) fer 'No Signal Power Off", The IV will shot off after that pedod of time while no signal. We suggest you turn on this function when Blue Back is turned on, It may hurt the lED [CD panel if bkle screen is on for too long. @ Sebct to choose arrow to adjust shewn below, @ and try again, a cer_i_ Nom_al, Iarge, No Signal Power OFF Press lehMdght arrow to select a time period Blue Background Keypad e signal input Initial Setklp Wizard e @ Press Caption LOCK Parental Control e e turned on, the e If the ether electronic eqoipment ill your consult a q_al}f}ed service personnel on the CC Blue Back AH reset Menu @ Use the remote control to Unplug the ]M from the AC power for 10 minutes and th_l plug it back, turns la < e e OK to uncheck the locking status, [orn the T\/en to the settings LOCK English "You are experiencing ¢ e e e If your audio seus_e hae only one jack or b a (roche) audb eource, make sure you have plugged the connection into the Audio In L jack {white) on the [M 9anal to _roceed Menu Language Cosed SETUP you can change @ Small), Mode e ¢ to their colors, side burro/ Select English Rating Press OK to enter English r _ting menu. V-CHP ARC ...... /----/-----:- Wake Up 4_ Sound Tile batteries ill t_e renlole ma_/be weak, dead, or installed il_correctly, Put new batteries }n tie remote, e e - For ushlg/W or Componel_t, remember to connect the device's left _lld dght audo output norrectly, The left chanl_el cable is white ahd he rght channel cable [s red, Pin d_n mstch thn c _blesand jacke _ccord[ng en the Press OK/dow/ prderences, e e e OSD D splay e e is fine_ The sound might be muted, hy pu;ssh/g the MUTE bulton to r_,sto re so_nd, The but=arts IVwRh your ®I: csl<,>lel e whether @ Somelhl_g miglt be blecking between the remote control and tile n;mote sensor oil tie front palel of the T\L Make suu; there is a clear path, Menu Are you try}rig te use an input source with no device corlnected to it'? For usillg other videoM_udio device, make sure the external device works normally first, then pu;ss INPUT and cheose tile rght nput so_u:e, the picture SETUP Sac, 15 Sec, 30 Sec, MN Input Block @ @ ¢ h/put jacks Make sum all of tile cables picture Mode: D_ide Display Style, e Style function. e is fine_ but @ e Clock ¢ e e e e to the TV jack on side of yoor V\L is _e seund, to @ The side panel may be locked (disabled), Use the remete control to turn on the TM The seu_d The Sotup Menu lets you config the e in, but the Setup Menu e e Tile Audio Menu lets you aditlst audio Audio Menlh press MENU on tile remote, from tile Maill Menu. Press OK/dow/button I nerltl, e The charu/el may be skipped ill channel list ill CHANNEL Check the blockh ig and skipping sta!us of chanlleL - Check the wall outlet, make sur_.>the AC output works norltlally _lld stably, There is ne pictu_ er sound Signal" sig_ e_ screen. e e to adjust. Audio Menu e e Tie channel may be blocked control Menu. M_ke sure the AC cord is plugged 45 Sec, 60 Sac), 250Hz @ e_ e menu(b e Style CO Size: Set the CC font size (Ddault, @ Use the (100Hz, to adjust. Sleep Timer e hy adjusting the color features to impreve, There co/trol Duraffon ,_> Move The Time Menu lets you change the rv time settings, fe access the Tree Menu, press MENLI on tie "emote, aid then sei_;t Tilne from the Mah Menu. @ be turned Display Caption input, the tMne Y, Pb, Pr video cable.<; (red, blue, Check the antellna relnote (I.JseO, Pd In jack on the eide of your f\L on the side ofyoor o/the Cana@ V Ch© Press OK or light arrow to enter Ca _ada V Chip ladngs menu, which cor_tains two sub menus: English Rating and French Rating. Change e e e Check the col_nect}orl stability first, then check the corn;c= -_ess, Fer/W i/put, the yellow v}deo cable conl lects to the yellow Video I%r Component t arrow you can it, OSD presets laeset Off/Iow/Medhsm/High, the HDMIA }VI port of PC to HDMI jack of the signal is 1080p, please choose the compatible e to each input, MENLJ on the remote, If this happens hequen cau't and leftirigt e Press left/right arrew to go ts digital closed captien style sub-menu, to select the closed caprion style, Selrust the item yoo want to adjust in D gital CO Style menu wkh up/down arrews, After changing, you can preview the captbn style in the bottom, a s(:tio Time Menu _/'aUc o_ ,wy dc,q; e, ,":_ct k e in i>#e k a _;Uo£ dgn;U (:o/}a}Uonn Dynamic Contrast e All picture - The electe/nic pretectioh circuit may have been activated because power sorge, Wai 30 seconds and then turn the ]\/on again, The _ adjust e (3or/nect a USB /7 e!_,';../(.reeme i//t(>//Ded_k'/ /se @ Press OK button to adivate audio only made, The [V win output only sound and the lED [CD aanel will be turned ell, Ts restore, nom_al frequency e IV signal type: Air or Cable, cables is hot connected well, or thsy OSD and left/right @ Screen Size: Select a screen aspect ratio. (Availabb rada: Wide, Cinema, Zoom, and Normal.} Please choose the raUo that ap ::>lies contrast down e Only The seven band is aape./a#) e display Digital Caption Tjq)e Press left/right arrow to select digital closed caption type: Service1, Selvice2, Service3, Service4, Serviceh, Seraice6, e Audio This option allows you to select one of three automatic adiustments: Cool for a bluer palntte of picture colors; 77/a #,'_,B time (froln D]Ri signal), Set yota IV time manually e Set alto veil me central en/ofL =)be afin/r r_ re, re your e amplifier, deep and rich enhancement. Auto palntte helps yeu synchrenize Clock @ Croates Auto clock e e type as OFF, PCM or Raw, Please set this to your power Surround @ your disap:_ear, chansel? [V time to standard e {only h_ IV mode), according on/off, e e a digital s e or Spanish Output Audio auto clock Caption Display Press left/right arrow to select caption e @ fre_ Select e the left and right c anl el, for I)bd channel), Audio option of [M sound. between analog PV a s(.fio sound available of IX/sound. @ chassel @ e Audio Clock @ the balance Set the audio output Mode _ideo Note: rb,_amic. tile trebb Adjust {only available IV: mode the bass component Adjust Balance: _- soulKJ @ Auto @ Type Selec Prse's the OKidow/button 14ee_ de I tell as analeg @ ti Press Press the MENU button Low _ Tier: Adjust the balance between red al_d green Isvel (only available in NTSC signal). _ Sharp_ess: Adjust the sharpness level of picture. If you connect and the video @ OK to show a sub _enu, OK or right beble, Balance. Digital preset e e e Displays a channel list, It shows the current go to Pd channel directly n sub _enu, video The menu will clear from the screen, 4 consumptioll,) _ Bright_ess: Adiust the brightl_ess of picture. * ¢oHtrast: Adios= the contrast of color, _ Color: Adjust the richness of color, CoMr preset @ / Hide way the picture _er_u: Press the EXIT button, The do=ailed ex _lanat[o/ search, and press tie e @ on auto channel DTV Signal( the up and dowll che[ces press OK button to the a sub menu, OK or dght e Enter sub-menu enablos you to appreach you need, press Scan Execute Bass, Standard, Mevie, Ijser, I )yl_amic, Power Saving,{Only in User mode yoo can adjust Brightness, Contrast, Color, Tint and Sharpness. Changes to Power Saving mede can declease the power Set dynamic Wdeo Sty/s e arrow to adiust or enter are shown below, use left/right @ @ Auto Contrast @ to choose e @ Use up/dowl_ re use OSD _llJGood program program ose left/right Move for help. Picture Mode e pages, The OSD (On Scre.en Display) menu VV fla ictions, Dynamic e e @ Yot/con i_ Select e List Signal you l_eed, press e Bass: Adjust Warm for a redder Screen Size DTM Signal the electrx)nic The electrenic Standard, Analog e Press guide Low the press OK or right s EPG (Electronic Program Guide) < Choose arrow ts adjust or enter a sub menu, The dorailed explanation are shown below. If available, use the text at the bottom of each screen Show / Hide CHANNEL Wide Mode Use up/down e W con also work 4 Sound e e Auto Scan Display) is not used, f buttons. Warm ¢ e e Adjusting Volume {On Screen as VOI/MO[ Sze Noise Reduction e e to date and time. on the female control to adjust the sound off, press MUTE, When OSD < PICTURE ¢ e e e e e Channel Menu program Mode Screen 4_t. Caption Sleep MENU 43_+ Move this space the sigl a} rosolution, Dis :)lays current Press the VO[ MVOI - button vobme, If you want to switch Color Mode type. il_ sterea Mode or enter the funeHon e asd then you will see the Press the dcwn Picture to choose arrew to adjust shswn below, Mode Channe Displays the screen aspect rote, Display the CC status (on or off). Sat possibly Use up/down Video Stye @ If the current Displays scleen, Picture whether will be SAP language, _Jaz_=0t07:t0 csj <,>jej e ®!: being brcadcasted the ctarent 480i/480i or_ yate 1 is a sub chanl_el number). Display the current Dis:Jays you a quick way to that may be most MENU on the remote AIV analog English/Stereo Press Menu showing t's a digital channel, D is displayed, For exart _ple, in the picturos above, A2 is an ATSC-t the main settings and plevides e Stereo 480i Jan01 07:10 Sat CC If the channel menus proceed the Quick Menu. Use up/down to choose the function you i_eed, press OK to enter a sub _enu and press Jeff/right arrow to adjust a sub _enu, DW Dt44/A2 Menu contains _glist A2 English 480i Jan-01 07:10 Sat The Quick of the screen. It displays the cu_rer: channel's in=urn ration, The [ullowi describes the items on the channel bar, Dt4ot @ Quick Menu @ e Elementos no cubiertos per la garantia Iimitada Su garantia Iimitada no cubre los siguientes temas: e e e @ @ e LIMITED e tin instalacion, e instrucciones msntaje y ajuste de contreles de funcionamiento, as pilas y los fusibles de repuesto del clients ON Corp US, IncL 10920 Via Frontera, Ste 540 San Diego, CA 9212}', US,A, (_2014 ON Corpora=on al cliente, ROA is a trademark Danos por uso indebido, abuso, neglkjencia o descuido ncluyendo per() no Iiruitado a, los danos derivados BA$ ussd de la expos}cion ACA es una marcade ROA ]tademark Management SAS usada bao Iicencia de ON Co/po/a on a la humedad, la humedad o la sal, under ot RCA Iiselrlss te Trademark OI/ I'Vlasagel_ellt ¢orpsratisrl, d6r O Corporation r.
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 2 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Sun May 04 07:04:08 2014 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools