RCA LED60B55R120Q User Manual LED TV Manuals And Guides 1307131L
User Manual: RCA LED60B55R120Q LED60B55R120Q RCA LED TV - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your RCA LED TV #LED60B55R120Q. Home:Electronics Parts:Rca Parts:Rca LED TV Manual
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_ p_,,_r_upp_oordor plugI_d_m_*¢llquldh_ b_ _lll+d I S Thl_ W _h_Idb+o_t_d on_+r®the_ o+rf_,,,+r_upp_ Before Turning On TV Oheck Accessories Checktheac_ofles thatatepackedwithyour_,/ P_rt.o: R.03+_Rm 0+ USEa'SOOIDg_OIO_TAaTOOIDgPATE_ITOAaD i S_l_et Se]_t _ Loe_Joll a fiat _qahie ]rNtruetbrN 7 Nter pNe]r w4_n _ your table p]ar]ng W to p]ar_ }our W et P_ ¢o]]_,, the SaCeN the W p ro_fly you r_ n eonn_t the W w4th r_,,e r r_+ s osD _+nuolmrmJm,s.................................................... _,lJu_t Th_ OSD_r_n ...................................................... P_tur* M÷nu ................................................................... _ur,clM÷nu .................................................................... Ch_nn*l M_nu ................................................................. g_ Ngg++_+,a2"_g_ Ngur_ S_fety _utl_l td]]]ng _,ul, M÷nu ................................................................... /0 w LED_)B55R1 ,,OQ I__r _g_l v,4th theWg_nd8eparat&l frorrl A the _b]net ar cording S_r_p pu _ not hlng pulllr O or climbing on let eH]drel, r]]lrlb or [_ng t[_ W i1_, raueo on the W AN,,_, q the W p]ar_ the TO _tup the W to tt_ In_trur¢lon_ Stop O_ p]ar _ t[_ W W on a gturd/]_¢e] 8_b]e 8Llffaee t[_t can had the Weight o¢ W _d ]¢ p_lble _ure the War__dlng tothe]nstruct]on ba_,,(Note: The LOD panel ¢8e_ _Olrl[_]ng d_,q, on table grand ba_s,, a _¢t piece cloth _ earr_ r ugh]Ol, out to pr_ the In_al_lon ent the LED _rr_ged Fr+quentlyA+k+d<_u++tlo._ {FA<_+) ............................ /1 Troum++hooU.g ............................................................ /1 V-Cl,lpRmh,gExplanatlo._ .......................................... /2 U:_ V Ch,pR_ll,/_ S_t_n/.................................................. /2 WmlMountingU.Jtsp+_Jn_tJo,,................................. /s USBMedl_Pl_y............................................................. /S iMuchasgracas pot su usa del presenteproducto] ProductSl_Cm_mlon.................................................... / S Cuandousteddisfru_ade su nuevo producto,por WarrantyC_rd................................................................ / 4 favortenga en cuenta _osconsejosde segurid_d: _+ 8t°P Take thel, 8 No the ]B_ B_R the P_ align t[_ _r_¢_ ho]eg o¢ t[_ B_R and the W and 6 8er _¢,_ Into the 6 hoNg _1 the r_R and tighten th_n Connecting YPbPr Component (Better Video Quality) T_:nn_ I t a _ _r ponent d_lce O_n nect the _M_NE_ 9_h a_ a DMD pl_er IN y/p_, pr Jack on the foll_ _de Keypad Buttons the_ of W to the ,_deo _pu,J_,_ o_d_ce,_a,_deo _b_e_g,_nb_ue and,ed_ 20_nnect Notice the h AUDIO the Idt channel R Ja_k_ orlthe Jack _ld Ja,k_ndp_u_s _e ,÷J T_ketheb_se_ _ _,gnfou,ho_of,he_ _ndfou,sc,_holes oftheneck_ Inee_ ,he_,e,o the_ck_a_,dthenInee_ the4sc,_ a_,d_gh,en ,_m, device side of W plug8 are white } _r w to operate rr an} w features to the audio ar_J the right _ hanrlel ComponentVideo Connection _e picture f_l_ 19an exar r pie of a connection _deo_ck _11/g the corr ponent IN PUT: DISpI_ _ g t f_ _ur ee Sel_t U_q _>_tffo_t_2_llst _ In theW rrenu >sterl _a_te I Universal Remote _ Control Code List , N_theup_,,_ onthe,e,,ote ,_,nt,_ _nd_, be_J to _ect oth_ AV d_ Ice top panel to cho_e ope,_ono_w Connecting AV Composite device (Good Video Quality) nrlect 1 Conn_t 20_nn_ a compoe_e the t the AV COMPOSITE h AUDIO d_lce 8uch Jack on the &_ a _D side R Jacks on the side _pu, jae_ofd_ce,_ _ud_o _b_e Notl¢9 chalnel tf_ leR d_nr_lJa_k Jack _ld plugs and pl_ ale of W of W are wh_e pla}_ to tf_ the pre_ INPUT Input s_r_9 huron }ou need on rerr ore control See page foll_J _ld_ through arr_ the chal/n_ i1_ ii/the W rr erlu _terr on the rerr ote _)rlt r d and _n be u_J VOL*: Ir_r_ the _olurr e h/the W rr erlu >_terr right arr_ on the rerr ote control and _an be used to or 7 _91_ W options VOL.: D_r_ leR arf_ _lthe options _OWER _m to tf_ and done option9 S_n9 d_l like tf_ d_n e_t ,,_,uoptions How to Obtain Various Kinds of Input Sources A_er c_nnectl_19 rr_lu C_: It arte the _olurr e h/the rer/ore _)nt rol and (e }: murT_ the W _ and It act_ el_t For Unb et_al aer/ore O_ntrd br_ld9 I_ted bel_ please u_ ac corr par_qrg r_)de and refer to } our Urlb er_al Rerr ore O_nt rol Uger Manual for f_,lr Ii,et r uctlon for ch_glrlg W _)de to _erate the W to n_de_ like the rr enD W r/enu >_terr It act_ like the 0_1 be _J to _lect i]_nu , O_de_ * O_de_ for DIRECW: 0178 10178 for _rr e Warner Cable: 0178 * O_de_ • O_de_ • O_de_ • Code_ for Cox for C_r for DI_I for FI_ O_r r r lunl_tl_s: r_t 10178 Ne_k 627 Ve,zon: 0205 10178 0178 0_7 _9S 0775 off Front Panel i]_deLighto_ v_n theW_or1 RelicteControl Sengor aer/ote @ntrolIR9errorwhlrhrecel_P these output audio the right red _e o_pu,panel ofother d_lce Composite The _rr picture ba_ _site vid_ Vid_ Connecting HDMI device (Best Video Quality) Connection is an example jack of a conn_tion using -_-il! the TO @nrlect a HDMI HDMII/_I HDMI cable 2 Jack on the side To _nrlect a _1 via _1 ja_ o_w: d_lce d_ Ice 9uch of a_ a _D W pin} Pr pl_e outp_ Bck_ to the poR of PC or D_ O_nn_t the of d_q_9 _4a k on the side of W 2 Conr _¢¢ the h AUDIO R Jack _1 _le 91de of W ou_s_ Jark of corr puter with a_lb rable {dual to _ 51flrr stereo Jack or the L AUDIO R Jack) to the DVI r_ to the audio channel mrA Ol • i i Ii Inserting Batteries in the Remote Ice a nd H DMI • 1 conr_¢¢ the HDMII/_IJa_ vb HDMI DVI _able - Rerr_Pthec_Prof_tet_ablnonthef_ckofthererlote_ntrol i of • IngeR_o_Aba_erle rra_l/gsurethepo_r_l_(+and )are Jack Turning On and Off Conn_t tlDMI Connection ja_k pcture I _ f_l 9 an e_rr I p e o a connect I f on _1/g I I_ t e _ h HDMI ,Id the W the ARer AC _rd _¢lng to p_er off the i Adjusting Volume the _D W LCD for 5 s_)r_js W At thl }ou _11 time tf_ W turn on W ] II 7 (On Screen Dl_lay_ is r _t used t he ar r_ idt,_lght carl _leo wor k a Digital Sound _lect dlg_a _ audio (on_ _ allable for D_ B[ock lar g_ge d _nnel) type English Fren_ h or Span_h Block Digital Audio Output _t the audio outp_ option acceding to b#e a8 Off _M or Raw }our pe_er ar r plller PI_ _t this Pr_ _nd graphic equaJ_er all_ }_ to adjust the audb settings You _n select one of the eq_l_er pr_ete R_k _z) or cr_te }our _ persona pr_et _0 the le_ or right S_ 1K_ 2_ up or d_ arr_ arr_ 4K_ to adjust to sel_t the fr_n¢_ 10K_)/OLIWant (100_ to adJLl£_ the Channel Menu _e _annaMenu en_l_,outo ea,cb,l_,_nd÷JIt,_n,_ a_ allab_ In W n_de on_ the Ma{n rr_)u Pre£_ the C_NNEL n_nu Adjust the OSD Screen _e C_D (On functlo_ Screen Dlsp_}9 rr_lu _ble }ou to appr_ch to Pre_ M_U E_ER,'d_n and oh_£e bu_on to CHANNEL proee_ to It from the W TO uge OSD menu 8}eter _ _1 the _ttln_ _ EN_R bu_on to ar¢l_ate a_Jlo onl_ tr _e The W will are ar_ pr¢lerr s when IK_ bele_ If the IK_ doe S_% Ice ,_nter imrr _lat W _ u_,d_ntoc_t_ fu,,ct_n youneedp̧ree_E_ER_ right _,,_ toadjusto,ente,_sub _enu__b menuI_e and _plan_tlon a,esh_n bel_ Sound Settings • Sound Mode _JJ_t Bang Ch_ Treble the pre_t 9ound rr ode of }our PxpBnatlon are £h_n Closed Caption b_ T_meZone sel_t yourtimezone:_n _,tral M_n_ln Pa_lc_as_ a_. _m_ N_oundl_ Atlantic AutoOlock Sel_ta_o_ocko_o_ Au,ocl_kh_s_ timeto_ta_a,dtime_r® DWelgnal_ _,_ehron_eyourW II not a} uslrg _e the product the pr_lerr please call _r _nsuff Custer the _er Problems _ u_,d_nto cho_et_ run.Ionyouneedp̧re_sE_ERor rl_t _,,_to adlero,ente,_subm_u__e _ubmenuImagea_ _planatl_a,e sh_n bel_ I_a_l_ble_ u_ thet_t at thebet,® o__eh sc,ee_o,help_ Picture Settings the prier Brlghtr _ _b_lrr_e of }our W: The W oan,t be turned on _an adJ_t Contra t, @olor f or t hr ee 8_3nd£ Cr_t_ a 9D _ur_ _rround '1 , and (H D) rr aterBl Analog Sound sel_ta,_l_w audiosou,._ _peSte,eoMono _ _ _,_ a_a.aUe Ir,W,,_de Tint and s_,p,,e_ Chan_e_to _,e, sa,_ng ,,odecandec,_tbe po,,e, ,_,nsu,,pt_r, _ 8 dlgl_l Jack to _4_ e an anten_ antenna _tup) org for a£_ls_nce _tl°ns _e a' allable In d_ fr_ I_ dlgl_l (See page 4 for Id{ng what uslr g a ceEaJn _ of rid ant enna dmlce woA II/p_ _urce I, _ • I The able }ou can also uee a Display , b_ton _r_n to dlsph} the @anna An *A Is dlspla> ed f_ _r look an ara{_ then rray but the prep9 be et In_r picture IaP_ re¢_l} and Go ch_ the right to page 9 for the _nnectl_ is poor to well }our or W the)rr are a}_ueconnoted It Is due £_11_ first then d_eck to wr the_gl} _4deo the _rr_tr_ For • Che_theantenra conn_tlons Ma_sureallofthecableare • the DISP_Y corner of t_ _m_ AV Inp_ t he } ell_ qdeo cable _n nect_ t o t he } ell_ VIdeo In Jark _ the Ide of }_r W For Corr ponent Ii_put the three Y Pb Pr _4deo cabl_ (red blue and gf_n) should be _nr _ct to the _rr_pond{ng Inp_ Jacks _the side of }our W channel? R_ right is fine }ou b_Pnot_nl_ected r_nnecteJ Check How do I tell an analog channel from a digital Caption sound that _bl_ an a,_t enna a_ n_ntl_d r_rn_l_ _e SlgnalT}#e option de'lied Ii/£t r uctlo_ ' ff}°u c_ °n_getblack andwhite plrture_°rrexternal d_4¢_ eo ? _ll_g w_h d_pand,Ichen_nc_,ent Auto Volume set_u,o_ou,,e,_,nt,_ _vo. W to tf_ _ Inp_ neeJ to purcha set t_ box to rece_ e dlg_al_ _J_ Contart }our cable set% _ e pr_lder or _elllte pr_lder to purche_e dlgl_l pr_ralnrr Ing and _e t_ln _nnect the box to ensure }ou are _I_lng c_nr_l In t_ best wa> £_ar_Ja fd ter_ on the W i is a No Sign_ signon screen ; ' Are}°utr_lngt°_eanlnput_ur_w_hn°d_4¢_c°nn_teJt° It? For using oth_ qde_'audlo d_4¢_ r_ake sure the Pxterna{ a,/antenna Y_ r_> Are there other ways to view High Definition frorn turn Conn_t ch_nels anal°g Balance Surround Mode st_nd_dM_e Use,D_,I, _e, _,_,__Or,S InUse, }ou b_ton What's the most convenient way to view High Definition(HD)video? _lde Cho_e pO_tER i n_re Ii/f orrr atl_ abo_ VI£_ w¢_ ar_t enn_eb _s, adlu_the_s r_np_,entOtW_ur.J Mode; _ld appllar _w _e_ n_nu and rh_e to _ Only the way use u_'d_nto cho_ethe_netlon youn_d pros _TERor ,ghta,,_ toad_u_o, ente,a sub ,_nu_Thesub _u ,_age _¢_ure __j ClOCk Menu PIcture a_p._Jto ead,hp_ the I get £}our croon but sel_tthe _, _ouwanttoadlu<,, Dlgl_l CC_le ,,e,,uwl,h nor rr al pie> Ing _ and can ¢ DigitalCCSlyle P,e_s le_,l_ht_,,_ togotodl_alcl_J ,_ptlon s_e _ub,,enu pip the the on my screen dlgl_l doeed captbn pr_et, Default _ou _n adlLl_q the digit al rl_ed Audio _e bars _nt na _9orrratw .aptlon_e Pros EN_R bLmon to ex_ Llte re_t will be r_et to fa¢_or_ defdult Picture are there Mo£_dg_vdeo DigitalCC Preset _e Setup Menu lete_ou c_,_t_ Ww_h_ou, p,_e,en,_Se_,, S_IJp _orr t_ _ln Menu Pr_£ EN_R,'d_n button to proc_ to s_u_,,enu dlgapp_r Why rid of them? program Confirm¸ Inputthen_ pa_d _ga_ntooon_rm Remote _lectyourRemote: _ Remote1 orRe,_te2Thlelefor_p_l pur_se Keypad L_k _lectth_®tl_ toblockor unblock theWs sue panelbu_ons eothatth_ cant_ used Source L_k _ls ®tlonall_ tolockorunl_ktheIn_ source_e sour_bl_e_dcannotbeoh_enfr® Inpu,.stunits youInp_ the_rre_ par_t_l_,_d Useup,'d_narr_ tos_e_ the_u,_ pros_R toI_k _ u,,l_ekIt C_ear Channel Ust _ls option a_l_to _e._e cle_Channel U_tfunction_ls Unctl_w.Ir_et thewholeW _tem to_eto_d_au_noton_ ree_OSDmenu_ 250_ U_ Show Change Password Cha_g_th_pas_,ordof paren_4menu OldPlN_I,/p_th_oldp_ord EqualizerSettings _e seen _equen¢_ (_ Pop Unrated all the LI,]r at _ DownloadableRating Clear Downl_d_ble D_ta A_,ateor d_nload_bl_ r_tingda_if_,a_l_bl_ at t_ top _ _nr_l _rr,_ connoted Tr_ adjusting the There NoteSln.÷tbea,_l_ Whame,._h_sbe_,cuto. _,e,_e,_e 11 is no _und to the W Jack on side of }our col_ f_ture to hnpr_P but the picture is fine _ndrightaudioou,p__rre_ly_e leec_nnelcable Iswhite and ,_ ,Igh,channel _ble Is,ed,Please ms.oh thecables _d Jacks acco,dhg ,o.hel,colo_ Hun,d,_ _uenoso__u_d_ _o el r,,odu_,o i • Ifyou,audio_urce_s on__el_ek_ Isa_no__d_source ,_ su,e y_ h_'epl_g÷dtheconn.,ion Into,h÷_dlo InL Jack _hl,eontheW _ Thebuttonsonthe side paneldon't work • _leot the t_ck The • _} Turn W pad L_ the W _,lrns k function _land off 115the pAN_TAL Menu at_J consult a qualm_J ) et_dce at_J Skipping atus of r _nt_l Thestereo_und perfotrrante isbad • _ rr a} be a w_k £_atlon IJ_ tl_ _UND Menu Sou,._ _sMono A black • Cl_ed S_P C_¢_ed): un_able _n_ln for _hlldren s_re under Interne _xual sit _t AudJe_}ce}: bt_ (S) or Intenge _ Iolen_w M_t _rent_ _en_nt_ of vlolenc_ lang_ge at_ _ th_,e Intended_o,adul,_nc_ box appeals on the screen ¢_ptlonlng fright be on Ch_k Cl_ Caption n_nu Go to _ge 10 for nh_e h_t r uctlon_ would fll_d thl _ual content In the }our • d_¢_ and r_3n nect p_er cord _)d plugging If a No Slgt_l" rr _ge re.ending C_)t act the _,the,ass_n_ If }Oh h_e bla_ ba_ It aes_ the p_er b> unpl_glng the _ agah_ app_t£ on _r_n tl_ HDMI d_lce rr andacturer of the HDMI de, Ice for on _h Ide of }_r p_ture rva,lch Playing the W _an not dlgp_> a full oreen In_ge) the d_loe }_ o_)nect ed might h_e a switch or a trenu option ail_lr)g _ hange the plF_ure q_llb o_put t_ will fix thl9 Cho_e 72_ or 10_1 Th e Remote cent ro l do_n't work • S_r ethltg rrlght be blocking be_n the rell_te sengor on the fr_it pat_l of the W Isn t }Oh to elt her _r _ntent _ c_t _ el, _ Q_dal_¢e): #ograththlng Int et_J_ which r_r ote c_itrol and the Ma_ sure there 19 a Nn cen_ of for a g_)era] audl_)ce but whlFh ira> not be sul_ble for }ounger child fen (ut_Jer age of 8) P_ent£ t_> cons_Jer 9on_ content inappr_rlate for ungupe_ _j ,_r)g _ children aged 8 19 VIo_nce G uldellt_s: the eff_t9 acce_ble of _ldent for chlfJt aot_ _her Prl 8 }_t_ at_ C_t _t @er to Guideline: are expenenoing problems wit h V Chip/Parental acce_ble Controls • Ir ll_te _ the _ln oh_k What rating Hrr _£ don t work } ou t/u£_ I_ Menu (press MENU on }our ren_te) the se_lngs el@ ca1 k tl_ s£tlngs Go to the el_t P_ENTAL to I do? or on_ dangerous wa} to re.be acre which #1_ cot_lFt rra_ ee watch on their or enF_utage on ta_slon n_ age of 8 for chHdf_ ur_Jer Guidelines Careful a_entlon I _ld to th_r_ which children s senee of secuflb and well being _ere win n_d to run }our W thresh tl_ _tup process again To r el_ot, unplug the p_er _orr the wall outlet or p_er strip _ep }our w unplugg÷J _o,cord _ou,_,,_nu,es sen plug htbeW and tu,n_or, _ hid be t_ or unr eallgtlc offeneb h/nature e language _her nudlb or C_it Pxual _it Guideline: _re will If _le pr_l_r b fNe] If the pr¢l_r r_r _1_ then P_ than 10 degf_s for mounting w_h must h_ Pl_ee _ _)tact i H_'e_tI_°_ _ara Hey. -- E_ER' Se_lrg for / _)to v_tl_l dlt P_ tlon e e_h _trengm whir * Daces • Productos • Da_os en el pfodu to 6ebido a as i.-&ge es de grabadas ,-od de bi_os ficados a o neor_o _ehome_os ados do a a oos produc n_tufal_z_ os ncluy_ndo Ot he_wl_ to hold 4 If s_re during _s d d_erent mounting _rsu_ _p_catlo_ vath q_llleJ (_ch a_ sr_¢s) profe£91ona_ to 'Photo up and pre_ seated p_ce _ In a location where _ dl_l_ or _4bratlon Made for Today _ to el_t _eral file _4_ and Set tlng' set varl@ options t hu_ _b_ll9 In order to _old un_×_t_ _r ong f_oe on _ or wall 10 Be ure to unplug t[_ _ [_f_e In£_aHIng _ep _ffhltg sharp _¢a_ ffo_ the screen _nel to pr_Pnt the s_ng A_er Ir_lllng If there h ar_ n_J to r_P the _ablnet con_r_ the qualified prof e_l_le 11 • D_l_e _uete_e o_n_tu_ _,,ol_d_butnotI_mite_ te fa]ll_ of the _ et n_unt after Installing do not i P_ne_d_ Cob_r_ura-LEDLeD ESJ__a_J_ UM_J_D_ ESSL 0MOO¥ SXCL_SI\O DE_R_TI_ _PLIC_L__ _STEPRODUCTO EN CO_ EEUUIn_ e_f_,,_nte _ee_tepr_ucte ,e_h_z_ _esu p,od_o_CA _g_rem_ u,,_entre_uto._z_®d_ _e_i_odeRC_p_,__nreemp_r _ _nt_l_ LEDy__e_ TOD_SLASG_R_NTI_S IMP_CITAS DECOME_C_AL _ZACIO_ O_OO_EI_DPAR__ PRO_OS_TO _r_ _r_, _u_lq_ier delete de_m_te_lom_nodee_T_ CO_ DE_E UUIn_ sue_g_nt_ o_tr_ti_t_ C_mo Ob_enerS_rvE_i_ G_R_T_U_IT_D_DEL0NCOYEXCLUS VO_MEDIO for for SIId_ho_ and THISLIMITED _Ra_W Photo JPG/JPEG files coverage- Pa_s Fer_ _e_ or 12_th_r_l d_ o_u,_h_e_o_y_ RC_ _r_u_t _,e_,il_ _y _n_iz_ RC__e_ice_ente,_Jth_ _ew FileS'/_temfonrat PAR_ IS_HESOLE_D E×¢USI_E or _t ou_ o_tJon _furbJ_h_d T___cem_nt par(s __d__ _o D SCL¢IMS ALL OTHER WARraNTIES EXPRESSED S_MIDOR _ DE CORP RE EE ARACION _U IRe O REE_PL_ZO no ser_ RESPONSABJLIDADES so_ e }da en _J se rJge per I_s Leyes de) Estado de diara S_ VOPRONIBIDO pOR LA LEY AP CABLE CUALQUIER GARAN_[A IM£LICITA DE Centre de Se_Jc_o enMexico) Setvic_os C(_putac_o,,ales _ranc sco D[az Cov_ rub_s _e Mexce S.A. de C.V. # 33 Ciudad S_t _li_e _ MOO FY TH_ SCORE 0 THISLIMITED W_R_W PROV_ES THESOLE_D i _ LIM E T_D& ' RC_............. _u_o_ THIS THE _ LIMITED CONTA NED STATE _1 _ #&RRANW HEREIN OF INS ARE ANA _'I_R_ AND _ THE GOVERNED o_u_d_eol_t_,en_1_o _ _o_1_o EXCEPT TO _I_A_& .... DISCLAIMERS BY THE T_E LaWS OF EXTENT ST.T ST.T. 0_ _0_ ,÷_., _1__,:, PAR& UN LIMIT_D_ TAMB EN POEDE TENER OTROS DEREC_OS QUE PUEDEN, _RIA_ DE ESTADO _S_DOJ_ a_ LIZACION O DONEIDAD P_RT CULAR ESTAR_ THIS CO_SEQU_T_AL D_Aa_S_ISlN_ OUT O_T_EUSE to CO _ERCla PROPOSITO pedc_o deg_ a't_a(S)menconado _,_ orr,enteEsta EX_ND E i ii _rd pl_se CO OR ME_C_A_T_SlL_W ORF_TNESS FO__ _ARTICU_R IMPUE_ _CLUD_G_L I_PUE_ W_RANTIES O_ i PURPOSE_ _O\ ER_L ORWRI_EN INFORMATION GIVE_B¥O_CO_PUS _C ITS_GE_TS_DE_ENDENT i da_,age totheUSBere,aged_,e a_,dRCaI not,_po_slble_o,a_ da_,age to _ losso__a _,the USB_to_age d_lce are used r_ke ure I_ liable EL DEE _ROOUOTO F_TS2 Do_t tun,o. theWo,d_nnect USBst_aged_e whl_theW the p_ nuevasoreac_,dicona_as oanuestraopc6n para[epa,ar se_ic°deRCA pafaun reef, p_ yase_ conpa_ _ua_qu erdefecto delr,ateriaJ ooa_o deobra enei elevsor $is _elevis°r es rfepa abeq elePrc_c_ _ar_una_nidad an me de olra _ _ _ Ccbe_ura/ Rec_mb]¢_ Dufante uopelodede12meses d_e laf_c_adecc_]#r a desupod_1o RC¢pagare_r _ au_cemoauto,zadode o mare Music playback and pros _TER' ha_pe_ 9 ' bit the n US_ Commercial Use Excluded the Slideshow select 'M_la _ou _n E_ER' Press arr_ (&/_) and }ou vail be g_en these _s a,es_feande,_tl,_ S B_orea_achlng thebasetow_le_urethe[_l_ forancho_ _e Inkeeping withtheInstalling rul__h_wleethere ms>Pxl£_ sorre potentlal problen_ 6 Donotp_cea_ heating e_r_ u_Jer _our te_elonOreL_It c_ ca_efire 7 Donotp_cethe_ n_ranything ddpplng T_an_J_ e_ andh_h vol_ge wlr_e[_uld[_keptfar_¢a_fromthe_par_u_ too Or elseIt n_ ,auee c,eepage electS, _h_k_ bad,essence Do not I en materiales tJ$oCo_ercial E×clu$i6n Es_g_r_nt[a Imu3das61o se_pl_ a losproduc usutifizados Pa_usepersonal o ynocurare odesus_rodudos __!izados cc_rnesinsttucio_lesor-el _ales odealqulef eerie,_en_e_ ,e_,_=,,e_DELuse SE P_ODUCTO O • quailed h [_P unauni_ad eacondid_dade -sine-eddieos_pedor _ig_a Purchase Purcnase_USAcan,)otl_ I selltedn Podc( D,_r c_a_d_ierchased se_i_ed ofCc_nb_ of _'exico/p nc_Sde Mexico _anflu(be INCReaSE or surface whole weight of _ _t For e_rr pie concrete wall and brickwork are eligible Do not p_oe the n_ul_t on _ft wall£ such a earth wall9 _ld p_terb_d be no ¢ _it _it Cua_on_r Suppo_Menu atW_ r_comor updatedFA_orconact Canadian French V Chip Rating System RCACu,_orl_r SuppoE attheupp_tnumb_ pro,ldedIn}our lg+ {Adag:Prograrrrnlng Isforadulte onbThisprogram contains /€arrant> ,ard 1 2 _ustalned _4ol_,ce orPxtrerne_ _4olent s_nes See n_re The wal_ £ tr@ Do not _t up t_ wall rr ount _ }OLlr_ prof _elo_l for In_alBtl_ The _ should not be mounted on walls a_le to C (C_,_Edfe_}: Intended ,el_,'Islon, Weonly p,o,'Ide the In_aHlng s_,lonsbu, not the wa, mou_,l,_ l_you _edthe _oun,_ pl_ec_u__,h,_Io_l d_, _o, aVE_ wa,mount We _,ongly sugg_,,o se, the wa,_un,_,he_Ip_en,s o_ w _t ma_ _ An_ r eallstlc Irlt etsl_ and Guidelines Vlolenr_ t hr_t _ &t files select _u_,,_,_ok Media Support Specification Note: be _n children d eplF_lon9 of ' Iolen¢_ will be It#requerlt, dl9_1 eet of I_ will sh_ the _)nsequence of #le acte Other @_ntent There will be no pr ofanlb nudlb or s_x_l _r_t er_t Pr_ramrrlng • In Media 2 wolen,> culde.r,es wole,_w.Inotbe_o_,_,÷J _st_*p,efe,,÷J YOU Media setting • Pre£e art_(_ 1 _re Photo (_,'_)to • y_ oar_ d]r_t _ o_n and p_ua_& photo pr_ or pla} IId_h_ Warnings: und_£_o_ }ounger ,_et_ ira> be _E of the audlet#e Vblence G uldellne£ Will c_lt sin ver_ little qdence either pl_8_l or, eFual or etlotlonal WIll be 9_tb e to therr _ wh_ h @uf] #_hterla } _nger cUll] will not depict r _llgtlc cen_ of _4olen¢_ which mlnhnlze or gb_ the and pre£e damage tod_ _ people¸ C We suggest that you_p your W atleast 2 _6l_hes_,_ _om the wa,,o _,_'en, cable In,e_e,ence Deplctl_ of __fllct andor aggr e£91on vail be IIin_ and r_ate: n_} Include phygI¢_l rant a% or SLipemat uralvlolen¢_ _l_r Content Guidelines Me> contain Ii_#equent thlld pr ofanlb or tr IId_ SLIgg_t_e language Could algo con_ln brief _wne of nud_ _,er "Music optionto_1_,photo _es ag_g,ou_ ,'¢h.e notdeI_,,ed spec_ f_ ,h.d,enItIs ol_f pa*h • se ,_,ote,,_ notbe_l,,÷Jdl,_t_attheW to el_t • _e file _ folder list will h_ a file or folder Pros _TER Oth__,,,en, C.ulde.n_, Ma_ Guldellt_: back • Pre£9 art_ nudl_and'o,s_×ualactM_ The,e,_,uld_e_uent useo_p,o_anl_ pQ n_n fashion seHi_e indu_ing bu_no_haltedo day,age _esungfron e>p_ure (o oois _reh_Jr oidtyor sa • In_bHty(oreceive a sM_adueo _r_ler_snotcased by[hepr_ur1 Da_]age to theproducl de toimages burn({nto thesCrOd _ I........... I ....... I.................. I pret_ o_laence and_ _uld teensVldence Ma_ c_,talnInte_e _ne de_w_bGuideline, n_,u,e,_n_ and_l_llesues In a r_ll_tlc (_,'_) •_72d* _,_2e,_1,#%u_#?,;,f_,,,_,fo'[_ ,_,4 ,,e whichn_, no,besu_able_,l_,e,_ unde,theageo_14 Pa,en_.a,e andthe,a_l÷_ a,e_,n,_c_,nected _p,®l_,s
Source Exif Data:File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 4 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Fri Apr 11 07:18:34 2014 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools