RECCO A Recco Detector User Manual User instructions

RECCO AB Recco Detector User instructions

User instructions

4 5R9 OVERVIEWRECCO TECHNOLOGYINTENDED USEThe RECCO R9 Detector equips organized rescue teams with advanced rescue technology to make the search for buried avalanche victims easier, faster, and safer. This User’s Guide contains an introduction to the RECCO Rescue System and provides detailed information on the use of the R9 Detector, including a variety of training tips to help you become an effective detector operator. It is up to you to practice and develop the basic and advanced skills necessary to use the R9 Detector effectively in an emergency. NOTE:  Before  using  the  R9  in  an  actual  emergency  response,  the  rescuer should have completed an appropriate avalanche-rescue training program.FEATURES •The R9 Detector is intended for use by organized rescue teams: ski patrols, mountain rescue, police, air rescue, park rangers, etc. •The R9 Detector enables both the RECCO search and an avalanche rescue beacon search to be performed simultaneously. One rescuer can complete two jobs.  •The R9 Detector’s slim size and lightweight allow for easy transport to an accident site. •The R9 Detector uses lithium-ion batteries for long storage life and top performance in all conditions.  •The R9 Detector is compatible with all RECCO reflectors, no matter their age.RECCO® ADVANCED RESCUE SYSTEMThe  RECCO®  Rescue  System  is  advanced  rescue  technology  that  enables fast searching and directional pinpointing of a victim’s precise location using harmonic  radar.  RECCO’s  two-part  technology  operates  on  the  principle  of frequency  doubling.  The  RECCO  reflector  doubles  the  detector’s  signal  and bounces  it  back  resulting  in  precise  directionality.  The  RECCO  detector operator can actually hear where the person is located. The system works on a  high  frequency,  which  enables  rapid  pinpointing  of  the  signal  and  directs rescuers on a straight path to the person. The RECCO System does not prevent avalanches nor does it guarantee location or survival  of a buried or lost  person. RECCO’s advanced technology assist organized rescue teams by enabling just a  few rescuers to search large  areas quickly.  The  search  time  is  slashed  from  hours  (and  in  some  cases  days)  to minutes. The system provides a simple way to equip winter enthusiasts with a basic rescue system. DETECTORThis lightweight, hand-held radar gun is intended for organized rescue teams as it enables the quick locating of a RECCO reflector-equipped person.Integrated  into the new R9  Detector  is  an  avalanche  rescue beacon receiver (457kHz).  This  innovation  allows  one  rescuer  to  search  simultaneously  for both RECCO reflectors and transmitting avalanche beacons. RECCO detectors are used by resort ski-patrols, helicopter skiing companies, helicopter  rescue  services,  national  parks,  and  mountain  rescue  teams worldwide.  This  global  network  also  enables  the  sharing  of  information, knowledge and skills that benefits all rescuers.REFLECTORThe RECCO  reflector is  a small,  passive transponder  consisting of  a copper aerial and a diode surrounded by protective weatherproof plastic. This wearable technology weighs less than four grams. RECCO reflectors are factory mounted to gear that is unlikely to be torn off in the event of an avalanche. The reflector never  needs to be switched on, will never  loose signal strength and  needs  no  batteries  to  function.  It  requires  no  maintenance  and  has  a virtually unlimited lifespan. The detector will work with all RECCO reflectors, anywhere in the world. More  than  200  manufacturers  permanently  affix  the  RECCO  reflector  into commercially available outerwear, helmets, boots, and protection gear. RECCO TECHNOLOGY    R9 OVERVIEW    GETTING STARTED - RECCO    GETTING STARTED - 457 RECEIVER
6 7R9 OVERVIEWR9 OVERVIEWDESCRIPTIONS1.  Power  Control  Switch.  Controls  the  RECCO  signal  power.  There  are 5 power levels.2.  Blue LED Light. Indicates relative power setting of detector. Steady light means full power. Flashing light means less than full power.3.  RECCO On/Off Switch. Turns detector on to full power. 4.  ALT  Switch.  Changes  the  RECCO  channel  for  use  when  two  RECCO detectors are being used simultaneously. 5.  Serial Number. 6.  457 Sensitivity Switch. Changes range of avalanche rescue beacon receiver. 7.  457 On/Off Switch. Turns avalanche rescue beacon receiver on. Can only be used when RECCO system is also on.8.  Handle. Folds into detector for storage.9.  Internal  Speaker.  Provides  acoustic  signal  of  detected  RECCO  reflector and/or received avalanche rescue beacon signal..10.  Battery  Compartment  and  Battery.  The  R9  uses  a  special  lithium-ion battery. 11.  Headphone Jack. For use of an external ear bud speaker.12.  Charging Port. Battery charger plugs into port. 13.  Security  Strap  Holder.  Provides  attachment  point  for  a  user  installed security strap or lanyard. Important: RECCO detectors should always be attached to the operator when used from an aircraft.CONTROLSRECCO R9 Detector controls. ON45715 - 60 m5 - 20 m0 - 6 mOFFONALTSENSITIVITYOFFRECCOXXX - XXXX123456791 01 11 21 38RECCO TECHNOLOGY    R9 OVERVIEW    GETTING STARTED - RECCO    GETTING STARTED - 457 RECEIVER
8 9GETTING STARTED — RECCOR9 OVERVIEWTHE BASICSWhen you direct the RECCO detector toward a RECCO reflector you will hear a pulsating, chirp-like tone. The RECCO System works on a high frequency, which  results  in  precise  directionality.  If  the  reflector  is  out  of  range,  or  if the  detector  is  not  pointed  toward  the  reflector,  you  will  only  hear  a  slight background noise. To activate the RECCO R9 Detector: •Flip the RECCO ON/OFF switch to ON. The detector starts at full power. •Slide the Power Control Switch at the top of the handle. Quickly tapping the switch to + increases power and to – decreases power. There are 5 power settings.  •Look at the blue LED light. A steady blue light means full power; a flashing blue light means less than full power.  •Activate the 457kHz (beacon) receiver function if necessary. The 457 function can only be used simultaneously with the RECCO function.TIP: Be aware if demonstrating the R9 Detector that activating the detector inside a building (or next to people equipped with electronic equipment) may cause  false  signals  in  multiple  directions  caused  by  electronic  interferences. Reducing  the  RECCO  power  by  two  to  three  levels  will  eliminate  the  false signals, but will also reduce significantly the range.FREQUENCY DOUBLINGThe  RECCO  Rescue  System  utilizes  harmonic  radar  to  precisely  locate  a person equipped with reflectors. The RECCO R9 Detector sends out a signal and when it hits the specially tuned RECCO reflector the frequency is doubled and bounced back. Frequency doubling. The opening angle of the antenna is about 30 degrees. SPECIFICATIONSPhysicalDimensions 21cm(L) x 19cm(W) x 5.5cm(H)Weight 950g with battery packAudioSpeaker Built-in 2 in 1 speakerHeadphone external, 2-prong earphoneControls and LightsSwitches RECCO on/offALT (RECCO channel change)457(kHz) Receiver on/off457(kHz) Power control, 3 stepsButtons RECCO power control: 5 stepsLights Blue LED: RECCO power indication  Steady – full power  Flashing – less than full powerPower SupplyBattery 1.6Ah Lithium-ion removable, rechargeable batteryOperating time 2 hoursOperating temperature –20º to +20ºCAC charger AC input/frequency: 100–240 VAC, 50/60HzRated output: 8VDC, 2A (typical)ChargingCharging time 2 hoursCharging indicator red – charginggreen – chargedLow battery alert Beeping alarm to change the battery:  1. single long beep, followed by  2. two long beeps, followed by  3. continual beeping RECCO TECHNOLOGY    R9 OVERVIEW    GETTING STARTED - RECCO    GETTING STARTED - 457 RECEIVER
10 11GETTING STARTED — RECCOGETTING STARTED — RECCOTIP: To achieve the best signal and best range when searching you must seek the best polarization or orientation between the RECCO detector and RECCO reflector. AIMING DETECTORSwing the detector slowly in front of you to your left and right for approximately 180 degrees across the front of your body. Be sure to direct the signal into the snow as if you are using a flashlight.  You should also turn your wrist 90 degrees as you swing the detector to benefit from the polarization of the signal.When you hear the chirp-like return signal orient the detector to the maximum signal  by  rotating  your  wrist.  Once  you  have  the  maximum  signal  do  not change the orientation of the detector or move the detector as you follow the signal. Reduce power as needed as you approach the reflector.Tip:  Do  not  be  in  a  hurry  to  turn  down  the  power.  Experienced  operators generally turn down the power once before needing to pinpoint.  DIRECTIONALITYThe  detector’s  high  frequency  and  directional  antenna  uses  harmonic  radar to generate a directional signal that allows the rescuer to quickly detect and precisely  locate  a  person  equipped  with  RECCO  reflectors.  Once  the  signal is  detected  you  can  follow  the  distinct  RECCO  tone  directly  to  the  person. RECCO’s  directionality  enables  rescuers  to  search  larger  areas  quickly  and efficiently. DETECTOR SIGNALThis simple diagram shows the working area of the detector. It is important you note that weaker signals are emitted to the sides and rear of the detector. These  lobes  can  result  in  false  signals  (interferences)  if  a  reflector,  including other  electronic  equipment,  is  close  to  the  detector.  (See  PERSONAL INTERFERENCES.) RECCO signal and working area of the detector. POLARIZATIONTo obtain optimal range the detector signal has been polarized, which means the  orientation  of  the  reflector  to  the  detector  has  a  considerable  affect  on signal strength. If you hold the detector antenna parallel to the long side of a RECCO reflector, the signal and range will be at maximum. If you rotate the detector  90  degrees,  you  will  receive a  minimum  signal  and  the  range  is correspondingly  less.  You  may  even loose the signal. Orientation of the detector tothereectorhasasignicant affect on the RECCO signal.Sweep detector across your body. Turn your wrist slightly as you sweep the detector across your body.  RECCO TECHNOLOGY    R9 OVERVIEW    GETTING STARTED - RECCO    GETTING STARTED - 457 RECEIVERMax signal                      Min signal
12 13GETTING STARTED — RECCOGETTING STARTED — RECCODirectiontoreectoralsoaffectsrange.Passing through air versus snowAir  has  little  affect  on  the  RECCO signal,  so  a  helicopter  is  a  great platform  from  which  to  search because the signal penetrates directly downward  into  the  snow.  Also  the helicopter  can  search  a  much  larger area  faster  and  easier  than  for  a rescuer  on  foot.  When  using  the detector on foot the signal must pass through much more snow to reach a given depth. To reach a buried victim at the same depth the helicopter-based detector  will  have greater range.Searching from the helicopter gives better range. ONE REFLECTOR OR TWO REFLECTORSRECCO recommends people always wear two reflectors, one on each side of the body to maximize the probability of detection and to increase range from all directions. In clothing the optimal placement is one reflector on the upper arm and one on the opposite lower leg. TwoRECCOreectorsimprovesdetectionandrange.RANGEIn simple terms the range of the RECCO System can be expressed as follows:Air  up to  200 mSnow  up to  20 mWater  up to  0.2 mSix  factors  affect  the  range  of  the  RECCO  System  and  for  you  to  use  the detector effectively and with confidence requires you to be aware of how and why range varies.FACTORS AFFECTING RANGEPower SettingsWhen you reduce the power—indicated by the flashing blue LED—the range will be reduced. The range may be reduced to zero if the power is set too low. A steady blue light means full power. A flashing blue light means less than full power. Orientation of reector to detectorWhen you hear a signal and the detector is oriented to the maximum signal, the range may still vary significantly depending upon how you approach the reflector. Approaching the long side of the reflector provides great range, but when you approach a reflector’s short side the range is significantly less.RECCO TECHNOLOGY    R9 OVERVIEW    GETTING STARTED - RECCO    GETTING STARTED - 457 RECEIVER
14 15GETTING STARTED — RECCOGETTING STARTED — RECCOTerrain features can block the RECCO signal. TIP: If the victim is buried in an area of rugged ground or if the surface of the avalanche debris is very irregular, use your RECCO detector as if you are searching with a flashlight. To conduct a thorough search you will need to get into depressions or search immediately along both sides of snow ridges. FUNCTION AND RANGE CHECKOn a  regular basis  you should  check the  detector function  and range.  In an open area free of electrical devices place a reflector on a wooden post or tree 150 centimeters above the snow surface. The range should be about 80 meters. Walk toward the reflector and turn down the power as needed. At the lowest power setting the range may drop to less than 1 meter.RangecheckwithaRECCOreector.(Ifplacingareectoronalivetree,mounttheRECCO reectoronathinwoodenboardandthenafxtothetree.)Density and water content of snowIncreasing  snow  density  (or  hardness)  reduces  the  range;  however,  the  most serious affect is from moisture or wetness caused by thaw or rain. Liquid water attenuates the signal and significantly reduces range. When snow turns wet—your gloves get wet making a snowball—range decreases notably. TIP: You should train in all types of snow conditions, so you can adjust your search strategies and search strip widths to match snow conditions.Possible shielding by victim’s bodyThe largest component of the human body is water, which attenuates  the  RECCO signal.  This  is  why  RECCO reflectors are always  located on  or  near  extremities:  near neck,  upper  arm,  or  on  or near  feet,  and  reflectors should  always  be  worn  in pairs:  one  on  left  side  and one on the right side. The body can shield the RECCO signal. Knowing the body can block the RECCO signal the detector operator can use this knowledge to manage interference caused by rescuers and recreationalists who are also equipped with RECCO reflectors. Simply keeping the operator’s body between the detector and other reflector-equipped rescuers will limit interference. (See PERSONAL INTERFERENCES.)Tip: Use your body as a shield between the detector and known reflectors to limit interference. Possible ground affects Rugged  ground  topography  can  make  for  challenging  search  settings. Avalanches  covering  rugged  or  irregular-shaped  ground  create  depressions, mounds,  and ridges of  snow.  In  some  cases  the  snow can be deep,  while  in other cases shallow snow may cover large terrain features. An avalanche victim pushed  against  a  large  rock  can  be  difficult  to  find  as  rocks  may  shield  the signal.  The  steep  rocky  sides  of  a  narrow  gully  can  also  block  the  RECCO signal if you are searching too far to the side. If you know or suspect the victim is buried in an area with an uneven ground surface you will have to adapt your search strategies to match the challenge. RECCO TECHNOLOGY    R9 OVERVIEW    GETTING STARTED - RECCO    GETTING STARTED - 457 RECEIVER
16 17GETTING STARTED — RECCOGETTING STARTED — RECCODETECTING ELECTRONIC DEVICESIn  some  circumstances  the  RECCO  detector  may  detect  other  electronic devices such as digital cameras, mobile telephones, two-way radios, avalanche transceivers, high-frequency RFID lift passes, snowmobiles, cars, etc. Even if these devices are turned off their electronics may act as a weak reflector. The range  from  these  devices  varies  typically  from  a  few  centimeters  to  several meters,  considerably  shorter  range  than  the  range  provided  by  RECCO reflectors. Successful detection of buried victims because of “other” electronics occurs every winter, so performing a RECCO search any time a buried person is thought to carry electronic equipment can be effective. (See SEARCHING WITH RECCO > Third Pass.)ALT SWITCHIf you use two RECCO detectors in close proximity their matching channels can cause signal interference. The ALT Switch on the back of the R9 Detector changes the RECCO channel. One detector’s ALT Switch should be up and the other detector’s switch in the down position. The position—up or down—on a single detector is not important.  BATTERY AND CHARGINGWhen fully charged the R9 Detector’s lithium-ion battery: •Provides 2 hours of search time.  •Can be recharged in 1–2 hours with the included AC charger. On the charger the red light means the battery is charging, and the green light means fully charged.  •Gives excellent cold weather performance.  •Can go at least 6 months between charges.After  any  use,  plug  the  R9  Detector  back  onto  its  charger.  To  restart  the charging process, flip the RECCO On/Off switch from off to on to off.IMPORTANT: Only use the R9 AC charger provided by RECCO to charge your R9 Detector battery.You can also place a reflector on the ground with the long side toward the detector. The range should be at least 10 meters. The range will increase as the reflector is raised above the ground. PERSONAL INTERFERENCESBecause  RECCO  detectors  emit  weak  energy  lobes  to  the  back  and  sides, electronic devices worn on the operator can sometimes be detected creating false positive  signals.  You  should  remove  as  much  personal  electronic  equipment as practical to eliminate  false signals. Your avalanche rescue transceiver  and handheld radio can be slipped around and worn on your back. Other electronic devices  such  as  cameras,  mobile  telephones,  pagers,  GPS  units,  boot-heater batteries, etc. should be removed. The wearing of RECCO reflectors by rescuers is discouraged, especially for the detector operator.  In  some garments reflectors  are  located in a  small  pocket and may be removed during rescues and trainings. If you cannot remove your reflector,  the  detector  operator  should  completely  cover  the  reflector  with  a RECCO Shield. This will enable you to perform the RECCO search. To check for interferences always: •Start at full power. •Aim detector toward the sky, there should be no signal.  •If you hear a signal, scan yourself, reduce power as needed to locate interference. •Remove or change the position of the offending device, or cover with a RECCO Shield. •Return to full power.Buried  objects  like  electrical  lines,  large metal  signs,  or  other  large  metal  objects  like construction  supplies  and  equipment,  and  lift towers can result in false signals. If such objects are buried in snow, probing or digging will likely be the only way to identify these signals. RECCO Shields are used to  coverRECCOreectors.RECCO TECHNOLOGY    R9 OVERVIEW    GETTING STARTED - RECCO    GETTING STARTED - 457 RECEIVER
18 19GETTING STARTED — 457 RECEIVERGETTING STARTED — RECCOTHE BASICSThe RECCO  R9 Detector  is also  equipped with  an analog  avalanche rescue beacon receiver (457kHz). This innovation allows you to search simultaneously for  both  RECCO  reflectors  and  transmitting  avalanche  beacons.  Additional information about searching with the 457kHz function can be found in Chapter 6, SEARCHING WITH RECCO AND 457. Rescuers practiced in using analog (acoustic-signal) beacons will quickly adopt this functionality. Rescuers with little or no practice with analog beacons will require training and practice. The  457kHz  antenna  is  located  along  the  bottom  of  the  detector’s  handle, perpendicular to the back of the detector. To use the 457 function the RECCO function must be turned ON. When the distinctive “beep” of the 457 signal is heard the R9 Detector operator may choose to locate the beacon with the detector, or use their own beacon. Another rescuer can also be assigned to locate the beacon. TIP: Try using the RECCO function during the fine search phase, even if the person does not have RECCO reflectors. Some  transceivers can act as weak reflectors and the RECCO function can make for a quick fine search. 457 RANGEThe range and signal strength for all avalanche rescue beacons is a function of the relative orientation of the antennas of the sending unit and the receiving unit.  Maximum  range  is  achieved  when  the  antenna  of  the  receiving  unit is  parallel  to  the  magnetic  field  of  the  sending  unit.  If  the  receiving  unit  is positioned at some angle to the magnetic field the range is reduced. When you perform a standard RECCO signal search and sweep the R9 Detector across your body you are changing the orientation of the 457 receiver antenna. This increases your chances of detecting a transmitting beacon. The  R9  Detector  is  equipped  with  3  relative  range  settings  for  457kHz searching:  •15–60 meters •5–20 meters •0–5 meters You can change the range settings as needed to maintain the received signal. LOW BATTERY WARNINGLithium-ion  batteries  are  smaller  and  lighter,  provide  more  voltage,  are  less affected by cold temperatures, and hold a charge much longer than other types of batteries; however, when nearly discharged the battery quickly shuts down power to preserve the battery. The R9 Detector provides you with a 3-level low battery alert. 1.  One long beep —change/charge battery immediately2.  Two long beeps—change/charge battery immediately3.  Continuous beeping—no search capabilityWARNING: Do not fully discharge the battery, this may damage the battery. You should change the battery immediately upon hearing the first long beep, or  plug  the  detector  into  its  AC  charger  and  power  supply.  Your  available searching time is very short until the detector turns itself off. If you need to change the battery, unclip the battery compartment on the back of the R9  Detector and carefully  lift out the  battery pack. You will  have  to pinch the connection clip to disconnect the battery from the detector. Inspect the  fittings  of  the  new  battery  pack  and  carefully  made  with  the  detector’s connection. You should hear a “click” when the connection is secure. Carefully reset the battery and wires before closing the compartment. RECCO recommends replacing the battery every 3 years regardless of use. To order new batteries, please contact RECCO AB (See CUSTOMER SERVICE for contact information.)RECCO TECHNOLOGY    R9 OVERVIEW    GETTING STARTED - RECCO    GETTING STARTED - 457 RECEIVER
20 21SEARCHING WITH RECCOSEARCHING WITH RECCOFirst PassYou should search the avalanche in corridors, and RECCO suggests making at least two passes, if necessary, to detect a signal. In some cases e.g., victim is not equipped with RECCO reflectors but may carry an electronic device, a third pass may be necessary. During each pass you walk a narrower search corridor and aim the detector more downward into the snow. For  the  first  pass,  under  typical  cold,  dry  snow  conditions,  use  20-meter wide  search  corridors  (10  meters  to  your  right  and  10  meters  to  your  left). When  searching  on  foot  you  should  aim  the  detector  at  the  snow  surface approximately 4 meters in front of you. Imagine searching an avalanche in the dark with a flashlight. As  you  walk  swing  the  detector  in  front  of  you  to  your  left  and  right  for approximately 180 degrees across the front of your body. It is important you swing the detector equally in both directions. Swing the detector at a somewhat slower pace then you are walking.Aiming the detector during the First Pass. The  RECCO  Rescue  System  can  be  used  effectively  from  foot,  skis,  and helicopters. Many different factors affect the way to search with the RECCO Rescue System. These recommendations are general and should be adapted to your organization’s methods and to the actual avalanche. Your strategies and tactics will sometimes change as conditions and circumstances change. There  are  four  phases  of  any  and  all search operations, including searching with the RECCO Rescue System.  •Signal Search: detecting the signal •Coarse Search: following the signal •Fine Search: getting very close •Pinpoint Search: precisely locating You should first learn to use the RECCO System with confidence on foot before using the detector from other platforms like skis and helicopters. Searching on foot is the best way to learn to use the system as it allows for systematic and careful use.  SIGNAL SEARCHSweepYour  first  attempt  to  detect  a signal  should  be  made  before you  move  onto  the  debris. From  some  distance  away—whether  above,  at  the  side,  or from  across  a  narrow  gully—make  several  sweeps  with  the detector.  At  the  same  time  turn your wrist to take advantage of the polarization. This technique is  especially  effective  in  small avalanches,  but  no  matter  the size of the avalanche, this simple search  technique  should  always be tried when you first approach and reach the avalanche debris. If you have no success with these first sweeps to detect a signal, the avalanche must be searched in a methodical and thorough manner.FirstPass,narrow avalanche.    FirstPass,wide avalanche.Sweep the detector completely across body during the First Pass. SEARCHING WITH RECCO    SEARCHING WITH RECCO AND 457    SEARCHING ON SKIS    SEARCHING FROM HELICOPTERSweep search.
22 23SEARCHING WITH RECCOSEARCHING WITH RECCOThird PassIn some incidents involving very deep burials, wet snow, or when the buried subject is not equipped with RECCO reflectors but is thought to carry some type  of  electronic  device  (digital  camera,  mobile  telephone,  two-way  radio, turned-off transceiver, etc.) a third pass may be needed. During your third pass, aim the detector  only  1  meter ahead and  swung  1  + 1 meters  to  both sides creating a 2-meter wide search corridor.Aiming during Third Pass.    COARSE SEARCHWhen you hear the tone, a chirp-like signal: 1.  Mark the spot. 2.  Orient the detector to the strongest tone.3.  Follow the signal. Do not turn or move the detector and do not reduce power too soon.FINE SEARCH As you get closer to the buried person: 1.  Reduce power as needed. 2.  Walk until the tone disappears. You should now be right above the victim.It is important to align your arm movements to the angle of the slope. If you do not, you run the risk of searching only the air rather than the snow.When no signal is detected on the First Pass, RECCO recommends a second pass and narrowing the search corridor by half. Align your arm movements to the angle of the slope.TIP: Have a second rescuer accompany the RECCO detector operator. This assistant follows several meters behind the operator and manages radio traffic, marks the search route with flags, and provides an extra set of eyes and ears to the detector operator. A marked first pass improves the quality of the second pass and highlights any not-searched areas. Second PassFor your second search pass reduce the corridor width by half to 10 meters (5 + 5 meters) and aim the detector more downwards, aiming about 2 meters in front of you. Also, only swing the detector about 90 degrees across your body.Aiming the detector during your Second Pass. Use less swing across body during the Second Pass.1 mSweep the detector  only slightly across body. SEARCHING WITH RECCO    SEARCHING WITH RECCO AND 457    SEARCHING ON SKIS    SEARCHING FROM HELICOPTERCoarseSearch,following the signal.
24 25SEARCHING WITH RECCOSEARCHING WITH RECCOWhen multiple victims are known or suspected you will have to: •Search the immediate area around the found victim, and  •Search back to the marked spot from where you first heard a signal to continue searching the rest of the avalanche. •Continue Signal Search pattern until all victims are found or the area is deemed to be clear.To  search  for  additional  victims  who  might  be  very  close  you  may  adopt techniques—Three  Circle  and  Micro-Search  Corridors—that  are  sometimes used in transceiver searches for multiple victims. Searching for multiple victims requires considerable practice.SEARCHING WITH TWO DETECTORSWhen searching a large avalanche two  detectors  may  be  used.  Use the Alt Switch to set each detector to  a  different  RECCO  channel. On one detector set the Alt Switch up  and  on  the  other  detector set  the  switch  down.  This  will eliminate potential  interference  if the detectors get too close to one another. It is also helpful to mark the  searched  routes  with  flags  to identify not-searched areas. WET SNOWThe  wetness  of  the  snow—liquid  water  present—can  have a significant affect on range. It is important  that  you  practice  in  wet  snow  conditions  so  you  can  judge the  approximate  range  of  the  RECCO  System.  In  general  you  will  need  to significantly  narrow  your  search  corridors  depending  upon  wetness.  The more wet the snow the narrower you should make the search corridors. Your methods are best gained from practice and experience. TIP: When searching wet snow you should make your search corridors one-half the width of dry snow conditions. PINPOINT SEARCH 1.  Hold the detector vertically.2.  Turn wrist to optimize polarization and signal.3.  Reduce the power control. 4.  Make rapid crisscross movements.5.  Mark the spot with the strongest signal. Pinpoint search. Unlike a transceiver search that requires a probe pole to pinpoint the target, RECCO’s directionality eliminates the need for a probe pole. However, a probe pole  may  be  invaluable  to  confirm  the  victim’s  location,  to  indicate  burial depth, and to provide a reference mark for digging to the victim.  TIP:  Generally,  faster  crisscross  movements  make  it  easier  to  pinpoint  the strongest signal. MULTIPLE VICTIMSRECCO’s  directional  search  beam makes the search for multiple victims easier.  Though the technology  makes the search easier, to successfully find all victims requires careful and systematic searching by the operator to be sure all areas have been thoroughly searched. In  some  situations  depending  upon the  orientation  of  reflectors  to  the detector,  you  may  detect  a  distant reflector than a close-in reflector.  It may be possible to detect a distant reectorthanaclose-inreector.SEARCHING WITH RECCO    SEARCHING WITH RECCO AND 457    SEARCHING ON SKIS    SEARCHING FROM HELICOPTERSearching with two detectors.
26 27SEARCHING WITH RECCO AND 457SEARCHING WITH RECCO AND 4577.  Pinpoint the buried victim’s precise location with a probe pole. 8.  Return back to the marked spot to continue the rest of the RECCO and transceiver search. When  a  457  signal  is  heard  you  can  continue  conducting  the  transceiver search—Coarse  and  Fine  Search  phases  by  using  either  the  grid  or  tangent methods—or you may ask for a second rescuer, if available, to finish the beacon search. Tangent-LineThe Tangent-line method can be used during the Coarse Search phase to follow the signal. When a beacon signal is detected:1.  Stop, hold steady the R9 Detector at belt level. 2.  Turn body from side to side to confirm the strongest beacon signal. 3.  Follow strongest signal for about 5 meters (~ 8 steps).4.  Repeat steps 1 to 3 several more times to follow the signal.5.  Switch down the 457kHz sensitivity, if possible before walking a new line. 6.  When the signal fades in all directions, start Fine Search using Bracket/Cross method.Bracket/CrossThe Bracket/Cross method can be used to complete both the Coarse and Fine Search phases:1.  Stop, and orient the R9 detector to the strongest beacon signal. Do not change this orientation.2.  Walk a straight line. As long as the signal gets stronger you are going toward the buried beacon. (If immediately the signal fades, turn around and walk the other direction.)3.  If the signal gets stronger, try decreasing the 457kHz sensitivity one step.4.  When the signal fades take 2–3 more steps to be sure the signal truly fades. If the signal increases again, take several more steps until the signal truly fades. 5.  Mark this spot.To use the 457kHz function the R9 Detector must be turned ON. If wearing an avalanche rescue beacon, your beacon needs to be worn on your back so your  body  can shield the RECCO signal,  and  if  using  the  457kHz  function your beacon must be turned OFF so not to interfere with the beacon search. Be sure to turn your beacon back to ON when the transceiver search is completed. NOTE:  Always  consider  cautiously  the  hazards  and  risks  of  turning  off  a rescuer’s avalanche rescue beacon. 457KHZ SEARCH WITH R9 DETECTORThe experienced analog-transceiver user will quickly adapt to using both the RECCO and 457 functions; however, rescuers with little or no experience with analog transceivers will need additional transceiver training and practice.With the RECCO function ON:1.  Set 457 range to 15–60 m.2.  Search in 20-meter wide (10+10) corridors.3.  Aim and move R9 Detector as in performing a RECCO Signal Search.4.  If a 457kHz signal is detected the operator will hear the distinguishing “beep” that differs from the RECCO chirp-like sound.5.  Mark the spot.6.  Follow the beacon signal by using either the “tangent-line” or the “bracket/cross” method to complete the Coarse and Fine Search phases, or you may use your own transceiver.Use either the tangent-line or bracket/cross methods to follow the beacon signal.XfadefadefadefadeFine Search using the cross method. SEARCHING WITH RECCO    SEARCHING WITH RECCO AND 457    SEARCHING ON SKIS    SEARCHING FROM HELICOPTER
28 29SEARCHING WITH RECCO AND 457 SEARCHING ON SKISThe  fundamentals  of  using  the  RECCO  detector  do  not  change  when  you use  the  detector  from  skis  or  a  snowboard*,  but  some  adjustments  in  your technique are required because on skies you typically travel faster.  •Decrease the width of your search corridors.  •Reduce the sideways swinging of your arm. •Aim the detector 2–3 meters ahead of you. •Adjust your search/skiing speed.Searching from skis requires less-wide search corridors and the detector should be aimed more downward into the snow. *  Riding  a  snowboard  across  actual  avalanche  debris  may  be  difficult,  and you may find it nearly impossible to maintain a systematic and effective search pattern. 6.  Do not change the orientation of the R9 detector, turn around and walk back along same line until the signal fades.7.  Go to the mid point between the two fade points. 8.  Do not change the orientation of the R9 detector and turn 90 degrees.9.  Walk a straight line perpendicular to your previous pass and go until the signal fades.10. Repeat steps 4 to 9 several times. After 3 crosses you will be ready for the Fine Search. 11. Perform the Fine Search with the R9 Detector close to the snow surface. 12. Typically with 2–3 additional crosses you will be ready to use your probe pole to pinpoint the buried person.TIP: Even if the transceiver-equipped victim does not have RECCO reflectors, performing  the  Fine  Search  phase  with  the  RECCO  function  may  be  faster than using a transceiver, if the RECCO detector can detect the transceiver. SEARCHING WITH RECCO    SEARCHING WITH RECCO AND 457    SEARCHING ON SKIS    SEARCHING FROM HELICOPTER
30 31SEARCHING FROM HELICOPTERThe RECCO detector is a very effective search tool when used from a helicopter as long as the operator is proficient and the pilot has awareness of the basic RECCO  search  strategies.  The  most  effective  results  are  obtained  when  the pilot has first been trained to use the detector on the ground. Before attempting to search from a helicopter, please contact RECCO AB for additional training materials and tips. Helicopter searching with the RECCO detector. When using the R9 Detector from a helicopter the 457kHz (beacon) antenna will  be  positioned  in  or  near  the  vertical  position.  The  operator  will  only need to rely on changes in signal volume. The vertical 457 antenna means the received signal strength will be independent of the sending unit’s orientation.  SEARCHING WITH RECCO    SEARCHING WITH RECCO AND 457    SEARCHING ON SKIS    SEARCHING FROM HELICOPTER
32 33TRAINING EXERCISESYou  should start  with simple search drills and  experience multiple  successes with  the  R9  Detector  before  adding  difficulty  and  complexity.  Your  initial drills should be done in large, open, flat areas, away from potential electrical interferences.  As  your  experience  and  confidence  increase,  drills  should  be made more challenging. Performing  detector  drills  and  including  the  RECCO  search  in  all  rescue simulations increases competency and proficiency. Below are some suggested drills that when done regularly will improve your ability and confidence with the RECCO Rescue System. FIRST TIME   DIFFICULTY: Objectives: To learn the basics of using the RECCO Rescue system: orientation, range, body shielding.Personnel:  2 people, one detector operator and one assistant. Equipment needed:1 RECCO detector. 1 RECCO training reflectorSetup:  A flat, open area free of electrical interference (buried or above ground power lines, buildings, lifts, or vehicles).Actions: 1.  Operator holds the detector steady and aimed forward at full power while an assistant holds a training reflector at shoulder height from about 20 to 30 meters away.2.  Assistant slowly turns the reflector 90 degrees, presents the short end, and covers the reflector with their hand. The assistant can also walk a line perpendicular to the detector going in and out of range. This will reveal the opening angle of the RECCO signal in air. In snow it will be less.3.  Assistant should then hold the reflector still while the operator stands in place and swings the detector across his or her body while rotating their wrist. When the RECCO tone is heard, they should stop swinging the detector, but reorient the detector to the strongest signal. The operator should always take advantage of the polarized signal and seek the detector position that produces the strongest tone.TRAINING EXERCISESPINPOINT  DIFFICULTY: Objectives: To learn the basics of pinpointing with the RECCO detector.Personnel:   1 person Equipment needed:1 RECCO detector1 training reflector1 probe pole — optionalSetup:  A small, flat, open area free of electrical interference (buried or above ground power lines, buildings, lifts, or vehicles).Actions: 1.  Place a training reflector on the snow surface and stand over the reflector while holding the RECCO detector vertically. Reduce the detector’s power and make rapid crisscross movements. The strongest signal will be directly over the reflector.2.  Stand 5 meters away with detector power at a low setting. Follow the signal toward the reflector and step over reflector. The signal will disappear. Turn around (or back up) and pinpoint as in action 1.  3.  Bury the reflector (in a backpack or on a target board) about 1 meter deep and repeat actions 1 and 2. TRAINING EXERCISES    RESCUE SIMULATIONS
34 35TRAINING EXERCISESWALK THE LINE  DIFFICULTY: Objectives: To experience how orientation affects range. •To learn to walk systematic search patterns. •To learn to use RECCO directionality to find multiple targets.Personnel: 1+ (3 or more make setup go faster)Equipment needed:1 RECCO detector12+ flags1–4 training reflectors1+ transmitting avalanche rescue beacon(s) – optionalSetup:  In a 100 x 100m area place wands/flags in a 20 x 20m grid. Mount reflectors to small blocks of wood or foam and randomly scatter in the search area. Actions: 1.  For initial search passes the reflectors should be visible on the snow surface. This allows novice operators to see and compare the orientation of reflectors with detection distance.2.  First search pass is done following the flags to establish 20x20m search corridors. A second search pass can be performed using the flags to guide operator in a 10x10m corridor. (If snow conditions are wet, search corridors should be reduced.)3.  To add difficulty, bury reflectors. 4.  To increase difficulty, bury reflectors at different depths.TRAINING EXERCISESSEARCH DRILL   DIFFICULTY: Objective:  To actively learn to use the RECCO detector to search a confined area, like an avalanche debris zone. Personnel:   1 personEquipment needed:RECCO detector1+ training reflector(s)1+ transmitting avalanche rescue beacon(s) – optional1 probe poleSetup:  A reasonably open 50 x 50m area (or larger) with a marked perimeter.Actions: 1.  Bury reflector(s) and transceiver (optional) separately under 1+ meter of snow. To provide reasonable probe targets to confirm the precise location the reflectors can be placed into backpacks or tethered and suspended beneath a 30x30cm board.2.  The detector operator can enter the search area from any location and conduct the RECCO search. 3.  Difficulty and complexity can be added by adding buried reflectors/transceivers, increasing the search area, and/or burying “other” electronic devices such as a radio, a digital camera, turned-off avalanche transceiver, or working amongst numerous trees, etc.NOTE: Whenever creating a search drill including “other” electronic devices, remember the detection range will be very limited to only a few meters at best. Be sure to carefully note the location of your buried devices. TRAINING EXERCISES    RESCUE SIMULATIONS
36 37TRAINING EXERCISESINTERFERENCE BY RESCUERS   DIFFICULTY:  Objective:  To experience the affects of and working around a few RECCO reflector-equipped rescuers. Equipment needed:RECCO detector3+ training reflectors3+ backpacks (empty)Setup:  A reasonably open 50 x 50m area (or larger) with a marked perimeter. Actions: 1.  Place reflectors in backpacks but bury only one backpack. The other two backpacks should be placed and visible near the sides of the search area. 2.  When experiencing a “rescuer’s” (backpack) signal the operator should practice adjusting his or her search pattern by using their body as a signal shield by keeping the other “rescuers” (backpacks) to their back.Variations:  Instead of using reflector-equipped backpacks, reflectors can be placed knowingly on a fellow rescuer who purposely but periodically walks into the way of the detector operator. TRAINING EXERCISESSEARCHING AMONGST PROBE LINES DIFFICULTY: Objective:  To learn how to search around a probe line with RECCO reflector-equipped rescuers. Equipment needed:RECCO detector7+ training reflectors (1 buried reflector and  6+ reflectors on probe line. 6+ pieces of bamboo poles (1.8m tall)1 roll of first aid tapeSetup:  An open 50 x 50m area (or larger).Actions: 1.  Use tape to affix a single reflector onto a single bamboo pole so that when pole is stuck into snow the reflector will be above the snow surface anywhere from 10cm to 150cm.2.  Place poles about 1m apart as if in a probe line.3.  Bury 1 reflector some distance away from the probe line.4.  With the RECCO detector search for the buried reflector while approaching the probe line from different directions.5.  Practice using your body as a shield between other rescuers, and practice aiming the detector to reduce interferences. TRAINING EXERCISES    RESCUE SIMULATIONS
38 39TRAINING EXERCISESMULTIPLE VICTIMS   DIFFICULTY: Objective:  To learn how to search for multiple and close by RECCO reflectors by practicing the Three Circle and Micro Search Corridor methods. Equipment needed:RECCO detector2+ training reflectors buried within 2 to 10 meters of each other 2+ marking flagsSetup:  An open area 50 x 50m (or larger).Actions: 1.  Mark the spot were you first hear a RECCO tone.2.  Find, pinpoint, and mark first RECCO target. 3.  Practice either or both the Three Circle and Micro Search Corridor methods to locate additional close by RECCO targets.4.  Mark these targets. 5.  Return back to the spot where you first heard the RECCO tone and continue the Signal Search across the rest of the search area.SELF TEST — PROFICIENCY   DIFFICULTY: An experienced detector operator should be able to locate two buried reflector-equipped targets (1m deep) in a 50x50 meter area in 5 minutes. RESCUE SIMULATIONSExperience shows that rescue teams successful with the RECCO Rescue System train regularly by performing detector drills and rescue simulations. Drills will instruct you to become a better RECCO detector operator. Rescue simulations will help you become a better rescuer by practicing in realistic avalanches and by integrating RECCO’s Advanced Rescue Technology with other technologies such as rescue dogs, transceivers, and probe lines, and rescuers. The RECCO Rescue System becomes efficient for rescuers—making your job easier, faster, and safer—when the detector is practiced in all rescue simulations.The purpose for rescue simulations is to implement a general rescue strategy by integrating people and technology to solve the four key elements of avalanche rescue: •Locate •Access/Extricate •Stabilize •TransportBefore  undertaking  any  rescue  simulation,  organizers  should  have  pre-established goals to be gained from the exercise. Simulations can be conducted in real time (as in an actual rescue) or in stop-action where specific components are run in real time, but then the activity is stopped and reviewed before moving onto the next element. All simulations should be made as realistic as possible. Here are some tips to improve realism to any avalanche rescue simulation.  •Search area should be about 100 x 100 meters. (This may seem large, but the median dimensions of the debris area for avalanche accidents in Switzerland are 90 x 90 m.)   •Buried targets should be at least 1 m deep, about the average burial depth of avalanche victims.  •Work on actual avalanche debris, when available. •Work in difficult weather conditions.  •Define simulation goals so the success of the simulation can be measured. •Include a medical component so rescuers practice excavating, assessing, and caring for an injured victim or victims.  •Involve other rescue or support teams to build and improve cooperation.TRAINING EXERCISES    RESCUE SIMULATIONS
40 41CARE OF R9 DETECTORDRYING THE DETECTORAfter  using  the  detector  for  a  prolonged  period  in  wet  snow  or  rain,  wipe off  excess  moisture  with  a  soft,  dry,  lint-free  cloth.  Leave  the  detector  out overnight in a  warm—room  temperature—area before  placing  back into it’s carrying case.  CLEANING THE DETECTORTo clean the  outside  of the detector,  use a soft,  damp,  lint-free cloth.  Avoid getting moisture in any openings. Do not spray liquids directly onto the detector, and do not  use aerosol sprays, solvents, or abrasives that  might damage the detector. STORING THE DETECTORIf leaving the detector in an equipment cache for a month or two, no special handing conditions are need. However, if you are going to store your detector for an extended period of time, say during the summer months, keep it in a cool, dry location (0ºC to 20ºC). COMMON MISTAKESSuccess  with  the  R9  Detector  and  your  confidence  in  the  RECCO  Rescue System is a direct function of your knowledge and practice with the detector, and with the level of integration of the RECCO System into your own rescue organization’s response plan. All technologies have limitations and practice with those devices in all types of conditions is the best way to identify potential limitations. The same is true of using the R9 Detector. Below are some common mistakes made by rescuers that limit their ability to utilize RECCO’s Advanced Rescue Technology to its fullest. Mistake CorrectionsInexperience by individual rescuers and rescue leaders. •Train regularly and in all types of conditions.  •Participate in all rescue simulations so RECCO operator works efficiently with all other rescue components. Personal Interference by improperly carrying electronic devices.  •Operator should remove all unnecessary electronic devices (mobile phones, cameras, pagers, batteries for boot heaters, etc.).  •Necessary devices like beacon and radio should be repositioned onto the operator’s back.  •Use RECCO Shields to cover reflector-equipped gear. CARE OF R9 DETECTOR    COMMON MISTAKES    TROUBLE SHOOTING
42 43COMMON MISTAKESMistake CorrectionsMissed Signal—signal search—caused by: •searching with reduced power. •not searching entire debris area. •aiming detector into air. •subject not equipped with RECCO reflectors. •Adjust power setting to full. •Think of the using the detector like you would use a headlamp. Irregular debris areas with significant mounds and depressions should receive extra search time.  •Search systematically and mark search route.  •Slow down your traversing search speed, especially when searching on skis.  •Be sure the detector is aimed toward the snow on your downhill side and not into open air.  •Narrow your search corridors when the snow is wet.  •Occasionally turn around and sweep detector behind you.  •Conduct a 3rd search utilizing 2m (1+1m) corridor.Lost Signal—coarse search  •Seek the best polarization by orienting to the strongest tone and then hold the detector still: do not keep swinging the detector.  •Do not turn down power too quickly.  •Pause for a moment when turning down power to be sure the signal tone is maintained.   Weak Signal—coarse search  •Orient to the strongest tone.  •Increase the power setting. •Raise the detector above your head. This can increase range and also reduces the length of snow the RECCO signal must penetrate. COMMON MISTAKESMistake CorrectionsLost Signal—fine and pinpoint searches •Hold detector in hand away from large computer watches and or metal bracelets.  •Aim away from skis, snowboard, boot buckles, boot heaters, etc.  •Use RECCO Shields.Interferences—fine and pinpoint searches •Increase power. •Aim away from skis, snowboard, boot buckles, boot heaters, etc.  •Use RECCO Shields.Interferences by Rescuers  •Search with your back to other rescuers. •Aim detector more downward into the snow, especially on your downhill side. Dropped Detector  •Use wrist leash attachment to secure detector to operator.CARE OF R9 DETECTOR    COMMON MISTAKES    TROUBLE SHOOTING
44 45TROUBLE SHOOTINGDETECTORProblem Likely Cause SolutionDetector does not turn onDead battery  •Check to be sure charger is plugged in to AC source and working properly. •With R9 Detector connected to charger, turn charger on by turning detector on–off–on. Limited search time Old battery Weak battery Bad battery •RECCO recommends replacing the  battery every 3 years. (Every battery is dated.)   •Change battery. •Charge battery. •Contact RECCO immediately.Limited range Missing antenna •Contact RECCO immediately. The R9 Detector will function but with reduced range. Repeated long beep signalWeak battery  •Change battery. •Charge battery.TROUBLE SHOOTINGINTERFERENCEProblem Likely Cause SolutionPersonal reflectors R9 Operator equipped with RECCO reflectors. •Cover reflector with RECCO Shield.  •Cut off reflector or cut open and cut antenna in two.  •Remove reflector from special pocket. (Option in some uniforms.) Personal interferences R9 Operator carrying other electronics: transceiver, radio, cell phone, camera, battery-powered boot heaters, boot buckles, etc. •Move necessary devices to your back where your body can act as a shield. •Remove unnecessary devices.  •Hold detector in other hand. •Aim away from feet/skis. Other rescuers Rescuers equipped with reflectors.  •Search with detector early before many other rescuers arrive.  •Stand with back to other rescuers using your body as shield. •Point the detector more downward into the snow. •Search marked sectors of the debris away from other people.  •Turn power down (last resort).CARE OF R9 DETECTOR    COMMON MISTAKE    TROUBLE SHOOTING
46 47CUSTOMER SERVICECUSTOMER SERVICEThe R9 Detector is a rescue device. You should ensure it is working properly by regular testing and inspection of the detector and charger. Effective  use  of  the  R9  Detector  is  directly  related  to  your  knowledge  and practice. Active participation in drills and rescue simulations on a regular basis will better prepare you for real-world rescues. If you have any questions or concerns about your R9 Detector or the RECCO Rescue System, please contact RECCO AB immediately. CONTACTRECCO AB Box 4028S-181 04 Lidingö, Sweden Phone: +46-8-731 59 50 Telefax: +46-8-731 05 60 info@recco.comCUSTOMER SERVICE

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