REV IT Sport REVITSP RC Car User Manual
REV-IT Sport RC Car
User Manual
REPAIRS ON INFLATABLE TOP (PVC MATERIAL) Louie the Mao-c Patch moan lot included wfih car. Louie hole or damped area mP: Using soapy water will help pinpoint woolen see) Make an see to be moo-ed ls elem and completely ay. Make an the inhteble top is tully defined and lies Ml. To deflate the man body at car, imply open me an on left veer at ca. To Mele top at my, coat plug and sou-en base at innetim/delhllon valve Avoid wrying out repairs in the min of it direct emignt, Bl PeelInemingmoneoflmMeo'cPetch-eendpreeeflnmovvaeetoberepoied 7< Fa hell was well 1 hour More nfllllngv w NOT WER-INFLATE. i‘PNr‘ 9" WARRANTY All REV-IT sport" products an! backed by a 90 day Imlted warmly hem me drivel date 11 mm. Detedive products returned to REV-ff soon" it oflginel packaging wltn all names end om menu-l will be replaced or repaired Defeaive products returned to REV—0T soon“ missing accessories or original packaging will be mleoed or melted at ow option during the 90 dry wry period. Save these and all Instructions that came with your new IRE product for future reference and check with our website at www.rev-ltspurt.cum periodically for updates and special notices. If you have questions please feel free to visit or contact our customer service representatives at 1 800 788-7625. Customer service hours of operation: M-F, 8am-5pm, Pacific Time Zone. Mmmmndmmnflfl-MMm-amm hmumwmmmmmwuaww Charging and re-charying the battery should be performed by an adult or under adult supervision. CHARGE l INSTALL BATTERIES CAR 1 INITIAL BATTEFI'V CHARGE: Locate battery and bettay auger maimed m the boat and connect battery to battery charger Plug bettery charge into well hltiul chm shoud be 12 how: 2. INSTALL BATTERY: Locate the large battery put-l on bottom oi ml base and twist mobs to alone the pens. Pace battery In battery compartment. Securely anew connector trnrn calm connector on battery meunng n locks mo place. 3 FlE-CHARGING BATTFRV‘ Rel-nave penal and disconnect bettery from can To disconnect the may squeeze the whlte uh end unplug bath was, Renae battery and plug into battery charger. Pug benery auger into well, Wye 4-8 You; m:AM-ylunphl§ ell-I’rwhen net In unlinyeremeve mwmmmum when-vetlnmlnydw'ertebeueedvdththeteymldlemulemmmlnedhrpetentielha:- erde.mud-new“theoebleeroerd.un.eeeieeueeret~vperte.aedhat.lntheevemeleueh dama|e,iheteymuetnetbeueedmtlmt¢a-a.ehaebeenprepenym (MM-GRIP CONTROLLER 1 You w! need eiw M bulletin (induded) to power the gunrwtp controller. 2, Locate the laws buttery penal on the bottom 01 the gm-gnp controller. Slide cover oft and Install 6 M banana mug close attention to the polarity. mum-"whimMthtmeermtpdefltywedmeneeenblem from the toy. fhe an m are not to be lbort-elredtad. ‘The hcluded M em- are to get you started. Replace the.- with Ore-h bath-tee in soon - pea-ilk. INFLATETHECAR t.Makemmfindeflmoflwmmleflmadeotthewlsoonulete'ycloeed,andtighttuevdidmrtmmeecapnq. 2 Insert elr pump mule hto the infiebon vme tbund on the right may at the or end ti ca body until car like: shape DO NOT OVER-IMMTE (Car may m ‘poop-ng' sounds as the vinyl expands on male] Mellon.) Close mtlat-on verve liwty. (Product Brno-1d be aegntty Nev-unrated to: best pedormaneej 3, Insert ill punt: mute nettle infiebon vme found on thetop ohm wand fill wtoo untII toptikes shape, 00 NOT OVEHJWLATE. Close lnlhtlon valve tightly, Make sure that the deflation up on the lett rear slde o! the car 3 cunptuely cloeed, and m to avoid a: from ”(way ego-ping, wmmvmmufl—wmhmmmmmm, BASIC OPERATION ‘Do not force the flooring wheel Antenna beyond it‘s turning point. 11 or isn‘t Ming straight. edlusl trim comml wider Velcro eectlrm between front wheels on car's base A Glynn/VA 0 Not recommended ior children under 8 years old. As with all electrical products, precautions should be observed during handling and use to prevent electrical shock. 0 Charging and re-charging the battery should be performed by an adult or under adult supervision. - Keep all electrical parts and baMries away irom water. 0 Use alkaline cell batteries ior bed periormance. Don't mix old and new batteries. Don‘t mix standard (carbon-inc), alkaline or rechargeable batteries. Don‘t mix dii'ierent brands of batteries together. 0 Do not intentionally crash. 0 Do not drive car Into people or animals. 0 Do not attempt to jump car. . Do not atbmpt to sit or ride on product. Serious injury can reedt. 0 Product made to dive on smooth su'iaces such as sidewalks or pavement. Keepawayiromwatenmudand grass. - Keep car away from all sharp objects. 0 Do not ovenhflate. 0 Not a flotation or life-saving device. Do not operate near pools - Slide ON/OFF switch on bus ol car to: ON mm sound or ON without mm (see Gag-m'), Make sue to slide swildr to OFF or VIM poulm when not m use. 0" OFF . m” mm b. ml“ or dim o, pmmy' - To awe car FORWARD squeeze the trigger for engine acceleration. Release trigger for braking . For maximum speed press the TURBO button on the gun-qup controls. Mile wig trigger F-c-c- Note: - For REVERSE push trigger toward, Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly ' U“ ”' W‘W W“ “m" °" "‘ '"‘"' °' °°""“"" ‘° ”“ LE” °’ ”6” ' ' ' 0 To operate one-wary voice transmitter - pee: and hold down me TALK button on the gun-qua controller and speak Imo the approved by the party responsmle for comPI'anoe COUId VOId microphone mm on the left side at controller. For optimum pedurmylca stand 15-201.“ away from w to avoid rm. the user's authority to operate the equipment. - Press the REV-[T button on the gqurip controllu to hear cont-nous vowing cl eng'ns 0 Press the Pl’T—STOP button on me gungrlp summer to near authentic pfl slop sounds. NOTE: For Safety, sound features can onry be used We car is slandng soll NOTE Aoorounste range a iw-ISO loci. ti car 3 not opersllng smoothly move to a oviierem sfee so make sure batteries are ifesh and charged, 130 Central Ave.o Suite 100 o Grapevine, Texas 76051 Phone: 1 (817) 310-0369 Fax: 1(949) 666-5433 fi Dear Silvia; We will add the following FCC text as a supplement to our instruction manual for the lRCOI6-and IRC014 RC cars: (NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: D Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. El Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. El Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is needed. El Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. ) Kind Regards. hip-— Eric McClure Vice President, Product Development www.REV-ITsport.c0m l 949 76643166 Office 1 949 2788362 mobile 1 949 666-5433 fax
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