RF Ideas RDR7581 RFID / Card Reader User Manual Manual pcProxV5

RF Ideas Inc RFID / Card Reader Manual pcProxV5

User Manual

®pcProx,AIR ID®Enroll, andWiegandConvertersUSB & RS-232 Configuration Software for use withpcProx ®Proximity Readers,Wiegand to xxx Converters, andAIR ID®Enroll Contactless Smart Card Read-Only ReadersUser’s Manualwww.RFIDeas.compcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll Readers
© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.ii
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersEND-USER LICENSE AGREEMENTEnd-User License Agreement for RF IDeasTM SOFTWARE and HARDWARE -RF IDeas’pcProx®, AIR ID®, and pcProx Proximity Activated Systems.IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This End-User License Agreement("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a singleentity) and the manufacturer RF IDeas ("Manufacturer") with which youacquired the RF IDeas software and hardware product(s) identified above("PRODUCT"). The PRODUCT includes the pcProx Base Unit, AIR ID Enrollreader, computer software, the associated media, any printed materials, andany "online"or electronic documentation. By installing, copying or otherwiseusing the PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. TheSOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT includes the computer software,the associated media, any printed materials, and any "online"or electronicdocumentation. By installing, copying or otherwise using the PRODUCT, youagree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the termsof this EULA, RF IDeas is unwilling to license the PRODUCT to you. In suchevent, you may not use or copy the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THEPRODUCT, and you should promptly contact the vendor you obtained thisPRODUCT from for instructions on return of the unused product(s) for a refund.The products described in this publication are intended for consumerapplications. Radio interference can occur in any place at any time, and thusthe communications link may not be absolutely reliable. pcProx or RFID1356must be used so that a loss of communications due to radio interference orotherwise will not endanger either people or property, and will not cause theloss of valuable data. RF IDeas assumes no liability for the performance ofproduct. RF IDeas products are not suitable for use in life-supportapplications, biological hazard applications, nuclear control applications,or radioactive areas. None of these products or components, software orhardware, are intended for applications that provide life support or anycritical function necessary for the support of protection of life, propertyor business interests. The user assumes responsibility for the use of any ofthese products in any such application. RF IDeas, Inc. shall not be liable forlosses due to failure of any of these products, or components of theseproducts, beyond the RF IDeas commercial warranty, limited to the originalpurchase price.
© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.ivSOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSEThe PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyrighttreaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. TheSOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold.1. GRANT OF LICENSE. This EULA grants you the following rights: *Software. You may install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE PORTION OFTHE PRODUCT on the COMPUTER.* Network Services. If the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCTincludes functionality that enables the COMPUTER to act as a networkserver, any number of computers or workstations may access or otherwiseutilize the basic network services of that server. The basic network servicesare more fully described in the printed materials accompanying theSOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT.* Storage/Network Use. You may also store or install a copy of the computerSOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT on the COMPUTER to allow yourother computers to use the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT over aninternal network, and distribute the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THEPRODUCT to your other computers over an internal network. However, youmust acquire and dedicate a license for the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THEPRODUCT for each computer on which the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THEPRODUCT is used or to which it is distributed. A license for the SOFTWAREPORTION OF THE PRODUCT may not be shared or used concurrently ondifferent computers.2. DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS.* Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation and Disassembly. Youmay not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the PRODUCT, exceptand only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicablelaw notwithstanding this limitation.* Separation of Components. The PRODUCT is licensed as a single product. Itscomponent parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer.* Single COMPUTER. The PRODUCT is licensed with the COMPUTER as asingle integrated product. The PRODUCT may only be used with theCOMPUTER.* Rental. You may not rent or lease the PRODUCT without permission fromRF IDeas.* Software Transfer. You may permanently transfer all of your rights under thisEULA only as part of a sale or transfer of the COMPUTER, provided you retainno copies, you transfer all of the PRODUCT (including all component parts,the media and printed materials, any upgrades, this EULA and, if applicable,the Certificate(s) of Authenticity), AND the recipient agrees to the terms of thisEULA. If the PRODUCT is an upgrade, any transfer must include all priorversions of the PRODUCT.* Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights, RF IDeas may terminate thisEULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In suchevent, you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THEPRODUCT and all of its component parts.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll Readers3. UPGRADES. If the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT is anupgrade from another product, whether from RF IDeas or another supplier, youmay use or transfer the PRODUCT only in conjunction with that upgradedproduct, unless you destroy the upgraded product. If the SOFTWAREPORTION OF THE PRODUCT is an upgrade of a RF IDeas product, you nowmay use that upgraded product only in accordance with this EULA. If theSOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT is an upgrade of a component of apackage of software programs which you licensed as a single product, theSOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT may be used and transferred onlyas part of that single product package and may not be separated for use onmore than one computer.4. OEM COPYRIGHT. All title and copyrights in and to the PRODUCT(including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio,music, text and "applets,"incorporated into the PRODUCT), the accompanyingprinted materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THEPRODUCT, are owned by RF IDeas or its suppliers. The PRODUCT andSOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws andinternational treaty provisions. You may not copy the printed materialsaccompanying the PRODUCT.5. DUAL-MEDIA SOFTWARE. You may receive the SOFTWARE PORTIONOF THE PRODUCT in more than one medium. Regardless of the type or size ofmedium you receive, you may use only one medium that is appropriate for yoursingle computer. You may not use or install the other medium on anothercomputer. You may not loan, rent, lease, or otherwise transfer the othermedium to another user, except as part of the permanent transfer (as providedabove) of the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT.6. OEM PRODUCT SUPPORT. Product support for the PRODUCT is NOTprovided by RF IDeas Inc. or its subsidiaries. For product support, please referto the OEM suppliers support number provided in the documentation. Shouldyou have any questions concerning this EULA, or if you desire to contact OEMfor any other reason, please refer to the address provided in the documentationprovided.FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTIES AND SPECIAL PROVISIONSPERTAINING TO YOUR PARTICULAR JURISDICTION, PLEASE REFERTO YOUR WARRANTY BOOKLET INCLUDED WITH THIS PACKAGE ORPROVIDED WITH THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT PRINTED MATERIALS.
© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.viLimited WarrantyRF IDeas, Inc. warrants to the original buyer of this product, that the hardwareand related disk(s) are free of defects in material and workmanship for a periodof one year from date of purchase from RF IDeas or from an authorized RFIDeas dealer. Should the RF IDeas products fail to be in good working order atany time during the one-year period, RF IDeas will, at its option, repair orreplace the product at no additional charge, provided that the product has notbeen abused, misused, repaired or modified. This warranty shall be limited torepair or replacement and in no event shall RF IDeas be liable for any loss ofprofit or any commercial or other damages, including but not limited to special,incidental, consequential or other similar claims.No dealer, distributor, company, or person has been authorized to change oradd to the terms of this agreement, and RF IDeas will not be bound by anyrepresentation to the contrary. RF IDeas SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALLOTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOTLIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSOF PURPOSE. Since some states do not allow such exclusion of limitation ofincidental or consequential damages for consumer products, check the statuteof the state in which your business resides. This warranty gives you the specificlegal rights in addition to any rights that you have under the laws of the state inwhich your business resides or operates.ReturnsRF IDeas products which require Limited Warranty service during thewarranty period shall be delivered to the nearest authorized dealer or sentdirectly to RF IDeas at the address below with proof of purchase and aReturn Materials Authorization (RMA) Number provided by RF IDeastechnical support Dept. Replacement parts or complete boards become theproperty of RF IDeas.If the returned board or unit is sent by mail, the purchaser agrees to pre-paythe shipping charges and insure the board or unit or assume the risk of loss ordamage which may occur in transit. The purchaser is expected to employ acontainer equivalent to the original packaging.CopyrightCopyright by RF IDeas, Inc. 1997-2006. All rights reserved. Reproduction ordistribution of this document in whole or in part or in any form is prohibitedwithout express written permission from RF IDeas, Inc.TrademarksAll RF IDeas products are trademarks of RF IDeas, Inc. All other productnames or names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respectiveholders.DisclaimerThis User’s Guide is printed in the U.S.A. Any resemblance mentioned in theUser’s guide to persons living or dead, or to actual corporations or products ispurely coincidental. RF IDeas believes that the information contained in this
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll Readersmanual is correct. However, RF IDeas does not assume any responsibilityfor the accuracy of the content of this User Manual, nor for any patentinfringements or other rights of third parties. RF IDeas reserves the right tomake any modifications in either product or the manual without giving priorwritten notification.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersThank YouCongratulations on the purchase of your pcProx or AIR IDEnroll reader system. We at RF IDeas hope you enjoyusing your new reader system as much as we enjoyedcreating and developing it! Please share your commentsand suggestions for our future solutions!If you are interested in our OEM or IndependentDeveloper’s Programs, please call!Thank you,The Staff at RF IDeasNeed Assistance?Call: (847) 870-1723 Fax: (847) 483-1129E-mail: TechSupport@RFIDeas.comMail to:RF IDeas4238B Arlington Heights#244Arlington Heights, IL 60004
© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.2FCC Compliance StatementFCC ID: M9MPCPROXHUSB100 (HID USB model)FCC ID: M9MPCPROXH100 (HID RS-232 model)FCC ID: M9MPCPROXM101 (Indala model)FCC ID: M9MRDR6981 (AWID),FCC ID: M9MRDR6881 (Kantech, Indala, Casi-Rusco)FCC ID: M9MPCPROXP100 (Pyramid)FCC ID: M9MPCPROXC101 (Casi-Rusco model)FCC ID: M9MRFID1 356I100 (MIFARE/iCLASS models)FCCID: M9MRDR6091 (HID Low Power)FCC ID: M9MRDR7081 (iCLASS Module based)FCC ID: M9MRDR7181 (ICLASS Mifare and Other 13.56Mhz)Attention: Changes to this reader system not expressly approved byRF Ideas will void the User’s authority to operate the equipment.This product complies with FCC OET Bulletin 65 radiation exposureLimits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device mayNot cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyInterference received, including interference that may cause undesiredOperation.The reader may not recognized valid cards in the presenceOf a high RF fields. If the current reading are erratic, the user shall takethe following steps: move the equipment from any known transmittersnearby.Contact Tech support:Tel: (847)870-1723(Fax): (847)483-1129Email: techsupport@RFIDeas.com
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll Readers
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersTABLE OF CONTENTSEND-USER LICENSE A GREEMENTiiiSOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSEivLimited WarrantyviThank You 1FCC Compliance Statement2TABLE OF CONTENTS 1Proximity Activated Products 3AIR ID ® LT (Active Badge) 4Wiegand Converters4pcProx Reader Choices 4Understanding Wireless Identification ___ 6What is pcProx®Proximity Activated Identification?_ 6The pcProx Reader _________________________ 6The RS-232 Reader ________________________ 7Why is it necessary? __________________________ 7Identification Entry Errors ____________________ 8Magnetic stripe reader and card reliability________ 8How Does the System Work? ___________________ 8Who can benefit using the System?_________________ 8What is included with the pcProx or AIR ID Enroll Kit?8 What are the minimum system requirements? ---------- 9Hardware Installation10pcProx Badge (Passive badge users) 10Software Installation 11Software Configuration 11Configure pcProx Templates 12Configuration Choices12Connect Tab13Device Connect13
2© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Get/Set Internal Timing_____________________ 15Set Keystroke Data __________________________ 17FAC & ID Data ___________________________ 17Advanced Tab ______________________________ 20LED Control______________________________ 20Multiple USB Readers on a PC ______________ 21Enter Unique Address______________________ 21Software Developer Kit Mode________________ 22Characters Sent When Card is Removed ______ 24About Tab _________________________________ 25Version Information________________________ 25Card Formats Tab ______________________________ 26How to determine your format and masking ____ 27File Open __________________________________ 29File Save __________________________________ 29Save As ___________________________________ 29Auto-Run Operation __________________ 30Application Note: Log-on Reader _______ 32Overview __________________________________ 32Configuration Utility__________________________ 33Usage under Windows 98, 2000 and XP _________ 34Change Password_________________________ 34Log-on __________________________________ 35Unlocking the WorkStation __________________ 36Increasing Security __________________________ 37Security Due to Lost/Stolen Cards ____________ 37Security of the Card Data ___________________ 38Auto-Locking the Workstation__________________ 40What is Sonar Proximity Detection?___________ 40How Does the System Work? _______________ 41Who Can Benefit Using the System?__________ 42Troubleshooting _____________________ 43No Device Attached _________________________ 43Index _____________________________________ 44
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersProximity Activated ProductsRF I Deas offers a variety of wireless products for hands-free or contact-less identification and security. Pleasereview the following to choose which product best fitsyour need. If you do not see a solution, please contactus. There are several software developers licensing ourtechnology and the solution you are looking for mayalready be developed. We welcome your suggestions!
4© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Product FEATURE - BENEFITAIR ID ® LT (Active Great for multiple users sharing aBadge) computerEconomical solutionBadge transmits, Base Unit receivesAudit TrailTD2FTM Two-Factor AuthenticationWiegand Converters Wiegand <-> TTL, RS-485, RS-232,USB, EthernetSupervised Reader RS-485, Ethernet, Wireless (900Mhz,Extenders 2.4Ghz)AIR ID Enroll Read-only models read the CSN (cardAIR ID Writer serial number) and Page 0 of theAIR ID Playback iCLASS cards.ReadersRead/Write models are available foriCLASS contactless smart cards fromHID.pcProx Developer’s Complete API Kit supporting AIR ID, AIRKit ID LT, and pcProxPlatform independentDynamic range adjustmentRead/write ability with AIR IDPrivate labelAIR ID Aware Certification ProgrampcProx USB pcProx desktop proximity readercompatible with USB ports.Configuration application sets devicesas a keyboard, or for use with the AIR IDSDK.pcProx-232 Serial Port ModelpcProx-TTL and pcProx line of desktop proximity readersKeyboard Wedgecompatible with existing software, PLCs,Readers and hardware keyboard wedges(decoders).pcProx Reader ChoicesRF IDeas offers several proximity readers. The pcProxline is made of several output choices: (USB, TTL, RS-232, RS-485, Clock/Data). Within these are severalmodels that support the individual manufacturer’s
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll Readersproprietary technology (ex. HID, Indala/Motorola, Casi-Rusco, and others).The AIR ID Enroll, pcProx & pcProx USB readers are amore sophisticated design. The reader acceptscommands as well as sends output data to the port.Each reader can operate in synchronous (via thesoftware developer’s kit - SDK) or asynchronous mode.The SDK supports all readers and is available todevelopers.The AIR ID Enroll and pcProx RS-232 serial port readersoutput in an asynchronous mode outputs data in ASCIIformat. Data is ASCII formatted and there are models forhardware keyboard wedge devices traditionally found indata capture applications such as bar code readers. Thisreaders output at 9600,N,8,1 with no handshaking.
6© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Understanding Wireless IdentificationWhat is pcProx®Proximity ActivatedIdentification?The pcProx Configuration software together with thepcProx proximity reader makes up proximity activatedidentification system. This is used to identify users byusing their existing proximity token.Typical applications include:General identification of badge number into anyapplication,Enrollment of new employees or badges,Verification that badge ID numbers are written orhave the correct information,Logon reader that uses the proximity card numbera either the entire password or a portion of it,Purchase meals in cafeterias,And much more.The pcProx ReaderThe USB reader has two primary modes of operation.First it may be set up to operate as a USB keyboard. Inthis mode the user’s ID from the proximity token is readand is sent as keystrokes as if the user typed in the IDnumber using the keyboard. This is because the USBreader is actually implemented as a keyboard.Second, the reader may be set up for operation under theAPI (application programmer interface) as defined in thepcProx SDK. The pcProx reader attaches to the
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll Readerscomputer’s USB port. When a proximity token is read,the active application will receive the entire proximitytoken’s data.The Configuration application allows the user to specifywhich data bits from the proximity card are used to createan ASCII number. Additionally, the user may specifyadditional keystrokes to be sent.The RS-232 ReaderThe RS-232 reader has two primary modes of operation.First it may be set up to operate as a ASCII outputdevice. In this mode the user’s ID from the proximitytoken is read and is sent as a decimal number in ASCIIformat. RF IDeas offers software (SoftKBWedge) thatredirects the data into the keyboard’s buffer as if theuser typed in the ID number using the keyboard.Second, the reader may be set up for operation under theAPI (application programmer interface) as defined in thepcProx SDK. The pcProx reader attaches to thecomputer’s serial port. When a proximity token is read,the active application will receive the entire proximitytoken’s data.The Configuration application allows the user to specifywhich data bits from the proximity card are used to createan ASCII number. Additionally, the user may specifyadditional extra RS-232 characters may be sent.Why is it necessary?With the proliferation of PC’s, cash machines, securitysystems, and electronic locks, users are increasinglyburdened with the requirement of entering identificationinformation to gain access or show they have accessedsystems.
8© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.There are a few reasons for users to investigate thebenefits derived by using this system.Identification Entry ErrorsThe pcProx reader eliminates the burden andtypographical errors associated with manual entry.Magnetic stripe reader and card reliability Often timesemployee identification is done using magnetic stripetechnology. This technology is very inexpensive; howeverit is also prone to read problems due to wear and dirt. Thecards have a limited life since they get scratched easily.The readers pick up dirt and oils and this causes damageto the read head itself.Proximity technology is based on a contact-less interfaceand therefore is not subject to reliability issues. Usersexperience a short payback period since help desks andrepeated reads are no longer necessary.How Does the System Work?Each time proximity token is read, the LED on the pcProxwill change from red to green indicating success.Who can benefit using the System?Companies using proximity card/tokens for buildingaccess can immediately benefit since their employeeidentification cards may be useful outside of buildingsecurity. The majority of the costs (deployment andenrollment) are already recovered.What is included with the pcProx or AIR IDEnroll Kit?•HID, Indala/Motorola, Casi-Rusco or othercompatible proximity reader – or AIR ID Enroll13.56 contactless smart card reader.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReaderspcProx Configuration Application for Windows 98and Windows NT/2000/XP. You may downloadthe latest at www.RFIDeas.com using the‘Support’ button.Installation and User Manual on CD.What are the minimum systemrequirements?Pentium class PC with CD ROM drive32 MB RAM (25 MB hard disk space available forinstallation overhead and AIR ID software).1 available RS-232 or USB PortMicrosoft Windows 98, Windows 2000 or XP
10© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Hardware InstallationLocate an open USB or RS-232 port on the system. Plugthe connector into the PC’s (or available on anyperipheral) port.You may place the Base Unit next to your monitor, besideyour PC, or where you feel it is appropriate.pcProx Badge (Passive badge users)The pcProx badge is the same as your supplied passiveproximity badge for your facility access control system.Since the pcProx reader is independent of bit length, it iscapable of reading any existing proximity badge format.This is a passive badge and therefore requires no battery.Energy required for the badge is supplied by the pcProxBase Unit once the badge comes within range(approximately 1-4 inches)
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersSoftware InstallationIf there is a problem with the installation, allow the setupprogram to uninstall. Should you need to reinstall orremove the software, always use the Control Panel’sAdd/Remove Programs icon so the system is successfullyremoved, and reboot.Perform the usual entries associated with installingsoftware.Software ConfigurationIn this section you will:Configure any pcProx settings.
12© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Configure pcProx TemplatesThe application allows you to save templates (.HWG files)representing your configuration choices for retrieval at alater time. The templates may also be used to auto-run theapplication. To use the auto-run mode you need to save atemplate file and specify this as a command lineparameter (See Auto-Run Operation section below).Configuration ChoicesThere are many configuration setting choices in Allowsthe user to1. Choose between the pcProx operating as akeyboard or as an embedded device requiringthe SDK,2. Specify which bits read from the pcProx readerare used to construct the ASCII number,3. Specify if any additional keystrokes are added tothe ASCII number when it is sent to thekeyboard buffer,4. Set the data to a fixed length, and5. Set various timing parameters.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersConnect TabDevice ConnectConnect DeviceThis check box is used to connect the Configurationapplication to the internal storage in the device. Onceselected, you can read, modify, and write to the device.Once selected, the application will go out and retrievethe device’s current configuration.If you have a connect problem make sure the reader isconnected. If you are using the USB model, make sureyou are running a version of Windows that supports theUSB port. Check the www.RFIDeas.com web site for up todate support information.StatusThis field is used to display any error messages.
14© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Device FoundThis indicates the type of pcProx or AIR ID Enroll readerfound (RS-232 or USB). The configuration programautomatically checks for a USB reader first, and if it doesnot find one, it scans COM ports 1 through 8 for a serialport model.Reset to defaultsThis button is used to put the device back into a knowstate. All configuration settings are set back to theirfactory defaults.Con fig changedThis checkbox is selected by the program to indicate tothe user any modifications made to the configurationwhich have not been written to the device.Test RS--232Check this box to view ASCII card data in the fieldbelow. Note selecting this checkbox disables theconfiguration from working with the devices flashmemory. De-select this checkbox in order to continueconfiguring the reader.Read pcProxUse this button to read the device’s currentconfiguration.Write to pcProxThis button is used to write the configuration settingsdisplayed to the device.WARNING: Do not write the configuration while a card isbeing read on the reader. This may cause a connect error.If you receive this error, you may need to detach thereader and plug it back in to cure the error.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersGet/Set Internal TimingData is valid forThe time the card ID remains valid in the device. Oncethis time elapses, the card data is discarded. Theminimum value is 900.Inter-key 'Press' timeSets USB inter-key Press' time delay in msecs. This ishow long the key is held down.Inter-key 'Release' timeSets USB inter-key 'Release' time delay in msecs. Thisis the delay between keystrokes.Send Data Upon ReadImmediately sends the card data otherwise it is heldbased on the lock-out time below.
16© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Lock-out Time for Repetitive ReadsThis parameter can prevent the card’s data from beingsent continuously if the card is left on the reader.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersSet Keystroke DataFAC & ID DataThis top section of this tab is organized in a mannerconsistent with the way the card data is organized ongeneric proximity cards; Leading parity + facility code+ IDcode + trailing parity code.The bottom section allows the user to specify keystrokesto be added at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end ofthe card’s data.Strip Leading Parity bit countThe indicated number of Leading Parity bit(s) areignored. There are typically only 1 or 2 leading paritybits.Send FAC codeSelecting this checkbox will cause the FAC code to besent.
18© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Force data to lengthThis applies to both Facility and ID code data fields.Zeroes are added to the front of the data to create aspecific length. For example, if the data were 567 andthe length is set to 6, the output will be 000567.FAC fixed to this lengthZeroes are added to the front of the FAC portion of thedata to create a specific length.Send ID CodeSince there are two fields of data (ID and FAC) andsending at least one is necessary, this field really impliessend the ID and not the FAC data. If both fields need to besent, you need to select the ‘Send the FAC code’checkbox.Bit count of ID portion onlyThis field is used to define the bit count of ID portion ofthe card data. To retrieve this data properly, you willneed to also indicate and strip the Leading and Trailingparity bits.ID fixed to this lengthZeroes are added to the front of the ID portion of thedata to create a specific length.Enable FAC/ID characterThis checkbox indicates that a separator character willbe used between the FAC and ID codes.This char sent between FAC & IDThis field holds the character that will be placed betweenthe FAC and ID codes. Note there are 3 specialcharacters (hex 01, 02, 03) that can be specified. Theseadd an extra measure of difficulty in reproducing card datadirectly from the keyboard. It may be useful when usingthe proximity reader as a logon device. Please seeapplication note for more details.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersStrip Trailing Parity bit countThe indicated number of Trailing Parity bit(s) areignored. There is typically only 1 trailing parity bit.The following keystrokes are sent ahead of card dataYou may specify up to 2 keystroke characters that will beinserted in front of the card data. Note there are 3 specialcharacters (hex 01, 02, 03) that can be specified. Theseadd an extra measure of difficulty in reproducing card datadirectly from the keyboard. It may be useful when usingthe proximity reader as a logon device. Please seeapplication note for more details.Disable appending keystrokeThis checkbox tells the device to not append a characterto the end of data.This keystroke appended to dataIf the previous checkbox is not selected, this character willbe appended to the data. Note there are 3 specialcharacters (hex 01, 02, 03) that can be specified. Theseadd an extra measure of difficulty in reproducing card datadirectly from the keyboard. It may be useful when usingthe proximity reader as a logon device. Please seeapplication note for more details.
20© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Advanced TabLED ControlSDK Controls LEDUsing the SDK the software developer has the ability tocontrol the red/green/amber colors of the LED on the topof the reader.Normally, the reader goes from red to green when aproximity card is read (i.e. a proximity card being read by apcProx or AIR ID Enroll reader). This can be restricted bythe bit count. For example, if the user configures thereader to ‘read only 26 bit cards’ the LED will go greenwhen any HID 26 bit card is placed on the reader. A HID34 bit card, will not turn green.Selecting this feature will cause the LED colors to comeunder the control of the SDK, not the independent cardreading function.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersRed LEDWhen selected, the SDK has control of the RED state.Green LEDWhen selected, the SDK has control of the GREENstate.Multiple USB Readers on a PCThis section does not apply to the RS-232 readers sincethese are attached to individual COM ports.This field will show how many readers are attached tothe PC.User may attach up to 16 different pcProx-USB or AIR IDEnroll USB devices on their PC at one time. End usersmay determine the card reads from the various readers byconfiguring a ‘Leading Character’ to be inserted in front ofthe card data. You will need to attach one reader at a timein order to preset this particular’s reader ‘LeadingCharacters’. There is no way to use the unique addressingwithout working with the SDK (the software developer’skit).Enter Unique AddressThe Unique Address is for software developers whointend to attach more than one reader to a given system ata time. This feature allows the developer to talk toindividual reader and determine which reader the carddata came from.If you are a software developer, and have purchasedSDK, you will need to write a unique address into thereader. Once you have written the unique address, youcan selectively communicate with each device to learnwhich reader sent the card data stream.
22© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.SDK users will use this address field to enter theaddress for the attached reader. NOTE: Only 1 readermay be attached when this feature is used.List of Unique Reader AddressesThis drop down list box will show all attached readersthat have a unique address.Software Developer Kit ModeIf you are a software developer, and have purchasedSDK, you can change the mode of operation of thepcProx reader.For the USB reader this means from ‘keyboard’ to SDK.For the RS-232 reader this means from direct ASCIIoutput asynchronously to the SDK’s synchronous modeof polling.In the SDK mode, all data are inhibited. The card’s datamay be read using functions included in RF IDeas’ SDK.The SDK is sold separately and is useful to softwaredeveloper’s to tightly integrate their software with the cardreader. Please visit www.RFIDeas.com to learn more.The following features are useful to those who havepurchased the SDK.Get IDThis button is active when the ‘Disable Sendingkeystrokes as data’ is selected. Pressing this button, whilea proximity card is present on the reader, will read thecard’s data and display the result in the field next to thebutton.Raw DataThis field will contain the number of bits read from thecard (less the parity bits stripped) and show the card’sdata in hexadecimal format.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersFilter MaskIf the Filter Mask field is empty, the program will try to‘guess’ at the format for the card. Since there areliterally thousands of formats, this truly a guess.Facility CodeThe Facility Code will represent the decimal equivalentof the bits defined by an ‘F’ in the Filter Mask.ID CodeThe ID Code will represent the decimal equivalent of thebits defined by an ‘I’ in the Filter Mask.Example:NOTE: Any stripped parity bits will not be delivered usingthe GET ID function. Example: For a 26-bit card, if youhave 1 leading and 1 trailing parity bit set to be stripped(see Set Keystroke Data tab), the GET ID will return 24bits.
24© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.The button calls a SDK (software developer’s kit)function and shows how and application would use andsee data if the SDK were implemented.Example: Filter for a popular 26-bit Wiegandcard format is: "PFFFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP". Thishas:2 “P” - parity bits,8 “F” - facility code bits, and16 “I” - ID code bits.This will split the bit-stream into the facility and ID codes.Characters Sent When Card is RemovedThis applies only to the RS-232 reader.The RS-232 device is capable is sending two ‘Card Gone’characters whenever the card is removed. Use the pull-down character selector boxes to choose the desiredASCII characters. These characters will be sent once theLifetime hold (see Timings Tab) has elapsed.The SDK is a separate product from RF IDeas.Enable Output as HexadecimalThis checkbox allows the user to select a hexadecimalkeystroke data output as opposed to the standarddecimal.Read only cards with this bit countNo data is sent from the device unless the bit count ismatched. The total bits received from the card must matchthis bit count, parity bits included. If you select thischeckbox and set the field for 26, the reader will onlyrespond to 26 bit cards.Invert Wiegand DataThis feature is primarily for those using the HID version ofpcProx-U versions 2.2.1 as they will need to invert theWiegand data lines.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersIgnore H/W data inversion overrideThis feature is set only if the user needs to override theinvert the Wiegand data lines. Most users should use thisfeature unless their data is inverted.About Tab VersionInformationThis screen describes the version and copyrightinformation.This area shows the version of the firmware (device’ssoftware) as well as the version of the SDK library.
26© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.There are several bits constructed together which makeup the data sent from the proximity token to the reader.The reader reads all bits for any format card produced.The proximity token has several bits, and these will varyfrom customer to customer. There are literally hundredsof bit formats and lengths for proximity cards! The mostpopular is the 26-bit format card. There are actually 24bits of usable information as the first and last bits arereally parity bits to ensure data integrity.This is typical layout for a 26-bit card.PARITY BITThe leading and trailing 1-3 bits are usually the parity bits.For a 26-bit card, only 1 leading and 1 trailing parity bit isused.IDENTIFICATION CODE
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersImmediately following is the identification code. For a 26-bit card this is 16 bits.FACILITY CODEThe next bits are normally used as the facility code. For a26-bit card there are 8 bits.PARITY BITThe trailing 1-3 bits are usually a the parity bit(s).The software does not perform any data validationchecking. This is due to the fact that the data must beknown before the read in order to verify its validity.How to determine your format and maskingRule1: 1st Convert to BinaryRule 2: Card data format in binary is typically somethinglike:parity + facility code + employee ID + parityYou may have 1-3 parity bits at either end. It looks likeyou have 1 at the far end.As an example let’s assume you have a card and expectto receive the following number: 816159If all bits are selected you find waving the card results inthe following number:144238654Using the Calculator supplied with Windows, select thescientific mode and find the binary equivalents for eachof the above decimal numbers.MSB LSB1000100110001110100000111110 (144238654)11000111010000011111 (816159)Notice how deselecting the 1st 7 bits and the last paritybit results in the same binary number! Select bits 2
28© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.through 21 and deselect all others will provide the resultdesired for this customer’s format and example.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersFile OpenThis allows the user to retrieve a configuration previouslysaved. The HWG file is useful when more than onetemplate is helpful.All data associated with the configuration selections aresaved.File SaveAll data associated with the configuration selections aresaved to the Default.HWG file.Save AsAll data associated with the configuration selections aresaved to the user specified filename (.HWG ) file.
30© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Auto-Run OperationIn auto mode, the user specifies a configuration file (ex.Default.hwg) using a shortcut properties link as defined inthe Windows environment.First, the user makes all desired configuration settings.Second, once the settings are defined, the user creates a(.HWG) by using the Save As selection under the Filemenu system.Third, the user needs to create a shortcut link andspecify the (.HWG) configuration file in this link.Shortcut links can be created using the WindowsExplorer, selecting the pcProxConfig.exe file and then
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll Readersusing a right-click of the mouse. You will see a ‘CreateShortcut’ menu item.Fourth, once the shortcut is created, the Properties need tobe modified by adding the filename of the (.HWG) file afterthe quote in the target field as shown below.
32© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Application Note: Log-on ReaderOverviewThis document describes how the pcProx or AIR ID EnrollUSB proximity reader may be used as a log-on orautomatic password entry device without the need toinstall software at the client or server. The card canautomatically enter passwords into the operating system,login applications which require passwords and evenpassword protected web sites.NOTE: If you need a log-on solution that provides boththe username and password, please see RF IDeas AIRID Playback reader.This application is possible under Windows 98, 2000, andXP since Microsoft provides the necessary drivers torecognize and work with the USB interface of the proximityreader. Since Microsoft does not provide USB support forWindows NT, this approach will not work under NT.To the operating system, the reader is a USB keyboard.This is the basis for using it as a password entry device.In building access systems, the proximity card is used as apassword to unlock a door and permit entry. This relievesthe burden of the user having to type apassword or PIN in order to gain entry to a building. Theconcept for computer access is the same. The proximitycard data will serve as either part of, or the entirepassword.When the user is presented with a dialog field requesting apassword entry, the user will wave their proximity cardover the reader and the password field will be filled in bythe information read from the card or token.If higher security is desired, the password can be madeup of the proximity token data plus a user supplied PIN.This creates a two-factor authentication system
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll Readers(something you have and something you know) andprotects against lost or stolen password.Configuration UtilityThe following screen shot shows the configurationprogram supplied with the reader. This program simplyconfigures the reader. Once the configuration informationis set and written to the device, the device is ready fordeployment. The device will hold this information until it isupdated.Please refer to the User’s Guide for details on the usage ofthis application.The reader has internal storage memory that may beconfigured using the supplied configuration utility. Thismay be useful in sending additional keystrokes such as aTAB, or ENTER either before or after the card data.However, it is best to have no appending keysconfigured until you have reset all of your desiredpasswords using the card.
34© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Usage under Windows 98, 2000 and XPIn order to use the pcProx-USB reader as a logon deviceunder Windows there are a few considerations to review.Administrator ConsiderationsThe issues the administrator will face include: AutomaticChange Password. To increase security severalcompany have adopted a policy that requiresusers to change password every xx number ofdays. To keep this policy in place, you will need tohave users password include both the proximitydata as well as a user supplied PIN. The PIN isthe portion that the user will change periodically.Complex Passwords. To keep this policy inplace, you will need to have users passwordinclude both the proximity data as well as a usersupplied PIN. In this case, since the proximity datais completely numeric, any alpha and upper/lowercase letter constraints will be handled in the usersupplied PIN portion of the password.User Password Knowledge. If the policyrequires that the user have difficulty learningtheir entire password, the administrator mayconfigure parameters in the reader to make itmore difficult to re-produce the password. Seethe section labeled ‘Increasing Security’ below.User ConsiderationsThe user will first need to perform a changepassword-see below.Change PasswordTo use the pcProx reader as a password device the usermust first change their password. This operation is
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll Readersperformed differently for each operating system andapplication. Please refer to your User’s Manual fordetail.In general, you will enter your Old Password, and wavethe proximity token to fill in the New Password and ifapplicable, the Confirmation Password fields. If the newpassword is made up of the card data + a user suppliedPIN, you will need to add this PIN in both the NewPassword and Confirmation Password fields.If the pcProx reader is configured to append the ENTERkeystroke, you will have difficulty since the ENTERkeystroke will complete the operation before both fieldsare filled in. To avoid this, it will be necessary to re-configure the device for this Change Password operation.Once the user performs this operation, the card maynow be used as the password.Log-onThe operating system loads the USB driver prior tologon, leaving the device ready to function as a logondevice.
36© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.As with the Change Password operation describedabove, the user first makes sure the cursor is in thePassword field. Once the cursor is located, the userwaves the proximity token to fill in the Password field. Ifthe password is made up of the card data + a usersupplied PIN, you will need to add this PIN prior topressing the ENTER key.Unlocking the WorkStationThe following screen will appear slightly different for each ofthe operating systems (W98, 2000, and XP).The user should make sure the cursor is in thePassword field. If this dialog box comes up and the cursoris normally on the username field, you may have the userenter the TAB key, or define one of the pre-card datakeystrokes in the pcProx reader to send the TABkeystroke for you.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersOnce the cursor is in the Password field, the user maysafely wave their proximity token over the pcProx readerand the field is stuffed with the password. The user mayfinish off the operation by pressing the ENTER key, or thereader may be configured to add the ENTER keystroke asan appended keystroke.If the password is valid for this username account, theuser will be logged on.Increasing SecuritySecurity Due to Lost/Stolen CardsIf there is concern for logon impersonation as a result of alost or stolen proximity token, you may set up the usageas a two-factor authentication system.A two-factor authentication system is made up of1. Something you have (the proximity token), and2. Something you know (a PIN)The pcProx reader may be configured to allow operationunder either a one- or two-factor authentication system.
38© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.One-FactorIn a one-factor system, the user simply waves theproximity token. Therefore the reader may be configuredto add TAB keystrokes ahead of the data as well as aTAB or ENTER keystroke behind the data.Two-FactorIn a one-factor system, the user may enter the PIN eitherbefore or after the proximity token data is inserted into thefield. If the user adds the PIN before the token data, thereader may be configured to append the ENTERkeystroke.The two-factor approach is especially useful when using apolicy that insists on password construction rules orperiodic changing of passwordsSecurity of the Card DataIf there is a concern about individuals being able to readthe contents of the proximity token, and therebyreproduce the password, there are some additionalmeasures that can be taken.During the configuration process you may add additionalkeystroke characters to the card information that aredifficult to re-produce. These additional characters arelabeled special1, special2, and special3.As an example, here is a screen shot that configures thereader to insert non-printable keystroke characters at thebeginning, in the middle, and at the end of the card’sunique data.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersThe reader factory default, without the specialconfiguration, you would see: 15202752 in anyapplication.In pcProx and most text-based applications you wouldsee:??0007423?0000448?In Microsoft Word or Notepad it looks like:~ ~ 0007423~0000448~or depending on settings:0000975 0062336The login screen sees:*****************This makes it much more difficult for an end user to learnor share their password with another. In addition, you canhave the password includes ALL measures:Prox Card + User Supplied PIN + Reader Configuration
40© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Auto-Locking the WorkstationTo increase security when the user steps away, you canuse a screen saver but of course this can be a problemsince:1. It the time is set too short, it is annoying becauseit you get on a phone call or speak to someonewithout leaving the station it will lock. Users growtired of this since it can cause them to enter theirpassword 20 times more than necessary.2. If you set it too long, there is no security sincesomeone cam come up within a minute or two ofyou leaving and jump onto the open system.To improve the security the best solution is to use thepcProx-Sonar. This is a presence detector that usuallymounts to the top lip of the monitor. It sends thekeystrokes the user needs sent every time.1.7x1.7 inchWhat is Sonar Proximity Detection?This is an ultra-sonic proximity detector functioning as aUSB keyboard. The primary purpose is for detecting usersstepping away from a computer terminal they have
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll Readersun-locked (log-in active), and issuing keystrokes to lock orlog-off the session on the computer.Now when you walk away from your system, you willbenefit from a hands-free means of locking yourcomputer.How Does the System Work?The concept of the pcProx-Sonar is easy to understand.The unit incorporates a sophisticated ultrasonic sensor todetect the presence of the user.Your computer simply ‘thinks’ that the pcProx-Sonar is aUSB keyboard that is attached to your system. Thedevice sends programmable keystrokes to lock yourcomputer when you leave the workspace. It’s that simple.No more unattended and unlocked computers. The unitwill lock the system for you…and you can now do thishands-free!The objective is to detect two events. The most importantis the detection of you leaving the defined work zone ofyour computer. When the pcProx-Sonar detects that youhave left the work zone, the unit sends the keystrokesnecessary to lock your systems. For example, whenWindows 2000 users leave their workstations, they wouldnormally hit the CTL-ALT-DELEnter key sequence to locktheir systems. With the pcProx attached, the CTL-ALT-DEL-Enter keystrokes are automatically sent for the user.The second event is when you return to your work zone.The pcProx can now detect this event and send somepreparatory keystrokes for you. For example, on return totheir computer, Windows 2000 users must hit the CTL-ALT-DEL key sequence to prepare the computer for thepassword entry. Again, with the pcProx attached, it willnow send those keystrokes for you.
42© 1998-2006 RF IDeas, Inc.Who Can Benefit Using the System?Any company, institution, or hospital using passwords,biometrics or any form of computer access control thatneeds to secure stations without reliance on users ofcumbersome time-outs.
pcProx®and AIR ID®Enroll ReadersTroubleshootingIf your system is not working it could be for one of thefollowing reasons:No Device Attached1. Check to be sure the reader is plugged into theUSB or RS-232 port. When the PC is on and nocard being read, you will see the LED is red. Avalid proximity card will cause the led to turngreen, provided you have not set theconfiguration to read only certain bit lengths.2. If you are using the RS-232 model, make sureyou do not have another COM port softwarerunning – this prevents our software from seeingthe reader. Only one COM port application canown the RS-232 port at a time.3. Verify you have the correct model (pcProx) andthe software configuration screen agrees with thereader attached.4. Verify the Port agrees with the connector on thePC.5. If trouble continues, unplug the pcProx unit, usethe Control Panel’s Add/Remove Hardware toremove ‘General USB Device’, and reboot thePC. When your system is started, re-attach thepcProx USB and the OS should re-install theWindows driver automatically.
IndexAIR ID ® LT, 4AIR ID Developer’sKit, 4AIR ID SDK, 12API, 6, 7ASCI number, 12ASCII number, 12auto mode, 30auto-run, 12factory defaults, 14HID, 8HWG, 29HWG files, 12 inter-key, 15 internalstorage, 13Keyboard WedgeReaders, 4Leading Parity, 17log-in, 41log-off, 41 Motorola,8 PARITY BIT, 26passive badge, 10pcPROX Badge, 10requirements, 9SDK, 5, 24 Shortcut, 31templates, 12 TrailingParity, 19 uninstall, 11Windows 98, 9Windows driver, 43Windows NT/2000/XP,9

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