RODGER BAS0101-R Wireless Pee Alarm User Manual Manual BAS indb

Rodger BV Wireless Pee Alarm Manual BAS indb

User Manual

Wireless bedwe  ng alarm Product informa onUser manualWarrantyUK
2Thanks,  | for selec ng the Rodger bedwe  ng alarmIt is our experience that you will be successful by using this bedwe  ng alarm correctly. Please read all instruc ons before using the bedwe  ng alarm. •The Rodger bedwe  ng system is suitable for children over the age of 5 years. •When beginning the therapy, be mo vated, relaxed and confi dent. •Perform the alarm test so you and your child will become familiar with the opera on and sound of the bedwe  ng alarm. Repeat this before your child goes to sleep. •Make no contest of the therapy. This will cause stress and is counterproduc ve. •Place the bedwe  ng alarm a certain distance from the bed, so your child has to get out of bed to switch off  the alarm. •Give your child an occasional reward. A small present is a nice posi ve reinforcement that your child is doing well. •Use the Rodger bedwe  ng system every night un l there have been no “wet beds” for 14 consecu ve nights. •Successful treatment with the Rodger bedwe  ng system takes from a few weeks to a few months. Persistence is the key to success. •Do your best to use the alarm every night without interrup on. •If your child’s bedwe  ng condi on does not improve within 3 months, visit your doctor to rule out any medical condi ons. •Do not start the therapy if important events will take place soon, i.e. moving the family or the birth of a child. •Do not wake your child at night to go to the toilet. •Never punish your child; your child is not responsible for occasional accidents. •Do not prohibit your child from drinking before going to bed. Drinking less does not decrease the likelihood of bedwe  ng. However, it is preferable that your child does not drink coff ee, tea, or beverages containing carbona on or chocolate before going to bed. •In the early days of the treatment, a child who is a heavy sleeper might not wake up. You could choose another sound of the alarm. Another good solu on could be to sleep next to your child and help your child to wake up as soon as the alarm sounds. Make sure that your child stops the alarm and goes to the toilet. In  me, your child will “tune in” and do this more independently. •If relapse occurs, another short course will usually succeed. Store all parts together for future use. Remove ba ery before storing.Installa on bedwe  ng alarm •Pairing the transmi er and receiver. •Put the ba ery in the transmi er.
3GB •Place the plug in the receiver. •Plug the receiver into an electrical outlet and switch it on by pressing the central LED bu on (A), which will light up green. •Press the – and + bu ons (B + C) simultaneously for 3 seconds. The central LED bu on (A) will start blinking green: within 1 minute you have to connect the two push-bu ons of the transmi er with the metal strip (F) of the receiver. The transmi er and receiver are paired when the LED lights up green and the receiver gives a sound. Extra receivers can be paired with the transmi er in the same way.Se  ng alarm sounds: | For each alarm to make the same sound:Select the sound of your choice by pressing the SELECT- bu on (D). The last selected sound will be heard every  me the alarm goes off .To test the sound, connect the two push-bu ons of the transmi er with the metal strip (F) of the receiver. This will cause the alarm to sound and the LED (A) will start blinking red. | For each alarm to make a diff erent sound:Press the AUTO-bu on (E). With each alarm 1 of the 8 available sounds will be heard. | Range:The range of the receiver and the transmi er is maximum 30 meters (100 feet) in open air. Inside buildings, the range could be less than 30 meters (100 feet).Tips for use: •Always remove the transmi er immediately from a wet pant. This extends the life of the ba ery and prevents damage to the pants. •When the central LED bu on (A) lights up orange, the ba ery of the transmi er must be replaced. •Make sure to remove the transmi er from the pants before laundering. The warranty is voided if the transmi er has been in the washing-machine. •Remove the ba eries if the bedwe  ng alarm system will not be used for a long  me. •Other transmi ers nearby (e.g.: wireless baby-monitor, garage door openers, weather sta on, headset, etc.) can disturb the bedwe  ng alarm system. Change the frequencies of the other devices or remove them.
4 | Warning: •Keep suffi  cient ven la on while applying AC power source. •Please ensure yourselves of your local laws, regarding ba ery disposal.Alarm test:Put the receiver into an electrical outlet (or use ba eries).Make sure that the receiver is switched on and volume is adjusted (+ bu on (C)).Connect the two push-bu ons of the transmi er with the metal strip (F) on the receiver. This will cause the alarm to sound and the LED (A) will start blinking red.The alarm can be turned off  by pushing the central LED bu on (A).Pants | Laundering:The pants need to be washed before use. They become more absorbent. The pants can be machine washed and tumble dried. Do not wring! Avoid fabric so ener as well as chlorinated detergents. Over  me, residue may build up on the sensor contacts inside the pant. You simply need to soak the sensor pants for about 30 minutes in vinegar solu on (1 cup vinegar and 2 cups water). | Pants test: •Take a cup of lukewarm saltwater (1 teaspoon salt in 1 cup water). •Click the transmi er on the pant. •Put the receiver into an electrical outlet (or use ba eries). •Make sure that the receiver is switched on and volume is adjusted (+ bu on (C)). •Pour two teaspoons of this salty solu on on the front of the pants. This should cause the alarm to sound and the LED (A) will start blinking red. •The alarm can be turned off  by pushing the central LED bu on (A).Explana on instruc on pictograms1.  Plug receiver into the wall. Then turn it on and adjust the volume.2.  Pull on the underpants.3. A ach the transmi er to the underpants.4. Sleep well.5.  The receiver will sound an alarm when urina on occurs.6.  Get up, turn off  the alarm, remove the transmi er and go to the toilet.7.  Repeat steps 2 and 3, sleep well.8.  Wake up dry!!!
5GBExplana on success calendarDry: Slept throughDry: Visited toiletWet: Woke by alarmWet: Slept through alarmChild: Dry-night; child s cks on a s cker.Parents: Tick where appropriate.Online success calendarThe online success calendar is an interac ve version of the standard success calendar and is very mo va ng during the treatment. By using the online success calendar, you receive informa ve messages about the progress of the training.  A er a dry night, your child may choose a game of their choice as a reward. Further instruc ons:
6Vibra ng cushionFor children who are deaf or hard of hearing, a vibra ng cushion can be ordered to a ach to the alarm system (G). This vibra ng a achment can also be useful for children who need extra s mulus to respond to the alarm system. The vibra ng cushion can be placed under the pillow to alert your child that the alarm is sounding.Ma ress coversMa  ress covers protect your bed linen and keep your ma ress dry if the child wets the bed. Further informa on: ques ons about the bedwe  ng treatment or the use of the bedwe  ng alarm, please get in contact with your supplier.WarrantyRodger carries a one-year warranty, from receipt of the device by the purchaser, against manufacturer’s defects and against breakage or failure under normal use - at our discre on. This warranty does not cover damage caused by negligent act or failure to follow the instruc ons in the manual stated.This warranty is valid only if you are the original buyer and have the receipt. The warranty is not valid if repairs to the device are made by third par es. Rodger reserves the right to change specifi ca ons and warranty without prior no ce.

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