RSI VIDEOTECHNOLOGIES WP01 Alarm panel User Manual UserManual 1

RSI VIDEOTECHNOLOGIES Alarm panel UserManual 1



Page 1/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc  NOTICE Date : vendredi 27 mars 2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for W Central command mode with Terminal Document : N:\Agrément\Tuto produit RSI pour Labo\VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.0.doc Version : V 1.0 Référence : CentraleW.RSI Notice d'utilisation centrale W pour la certification.doc Etat :       Rédaction       Terminé       Approuvé  N° TPr  Libellé des travaux liés Projet Code 0030 Suivi agrement CE & EN VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI FCM  Auteurs Vérificateurs Approbateurs Signatures D. LEVAL     Diffusion interne Pour information interne Diffusion externe Société D. URLACHER    T. PETRI    J-L BUCHER    J-M REIBEL    S. FINCK     Résumé  Operating Instructions for W panel in command mode    HISTORIQUE DU DOCUMENT  Version Date (J-M-A) Initiales auteurs Objet de la modification Chapitre 1.0 02-02-2015 GeEu Création 1... 1.1 24-02-2015 DaLe MAJ info Ethernet 8 1.2 27-03-2015 GeEu MAJ mode usine 2
Page 2/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc  REFERENCES  Référence Nom       ABREVIATIONS  Abréviation Désignation       SOMMAIRE  1. BILL OF MATERIAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.1 HARDWARE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. TEST ENVIRONMENT SET-UP ............................................................................................................................................... 3 3. RF COMMANDS WITH TERMINAL....................................................................................................................................... 7 4. AUS VERSION ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 4.1 INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.2 FREQUENCY  MAPPING ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 4.3 PACKETS FORMATS .................................................................................................................................................................. 9 5. US VERSION .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 5.1 TUNE UP INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 5.2 FREQUENCY  HOPPING ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 5.3 PACKETS FORMATS ................................................................................................................................................................ 12 6. EUROPE VERSION ................................................................................................................................................................... 13 6.1 TUNE UP INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 6.2 PACKETS FORMATS ................................................................................................................................................................ 14 7. GSM COMMANDS WITH TERMINAL ................................................................................................................................. 15 8. ETHERNET COMMANDS WITH TERMINAL .................................................................................................................... 16
Page 3/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc 1.  BILL OF MATERIAL 1.1  Hardware   Computer with USB    RSI panel to test   Batteries    External power supply (if required by the tests)  1.2  Software   Terminal (like Hyperterminal, Putty …)   Driver for the USB key (on the commercial videofied USB key) (Silicon labs CP210x driver can be found here).   2.  TEST ENVIRONMENT SET-UP   Disconnect the power supply, USB and the battery
Page 4/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc    Press the RESET button while connecting the battery Hold down the INIT button until the status LED is turned off.        Plug the ribbon to the RSI panel
Page 5/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc    Connect the peripheral USB key to the computer and plug the ribbon in the USB key     Search and note the STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port number (STM32 Virtual COM Port driver must be installed)       Launch and configure the Terminal application.   Config : -  Baudrate : 38400 -  Data bits : 8 -  Stop bit : 1 -  No Parity and no flow control   Optional : -  Force terminal Local echo
Page 6/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc     Display status and version number   Command : u
Page 7/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc  3.  RF COMMANDS WITH TERMINAL  Unmodulated carrier transmission mode: 1:  Enter command ‘RCxx’ with xx the correct channel number.   xx : 0 to 3 for EU version and 0 to 24 for US or AUS version (see below). 2: Enter command ‘RTX’ for start transmission. To stop the transmission, enter command ‘RS’.   Modulated carrier transmission mode: 1:  Enter command ‘RCxx’ with xx the correct channel number.   xx : 0 to 3 for EU version and 0 to 24 for US or AUS version (see below). 2: Enter command ‘RTXM’ for start transmission. To stop the transmission, enter command ‘RS’.   Hopping frequency transmission mode : 1:  Enter command ‘RCxx’ with xx the correct channel number.   xx : 0 to 24 for US or AUS version (see below). 2: Enter command ‘RTXH’ for start transmission. To stop the transmission, enter command ‘RS’.
Page 8/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc  4.  AUS VERSION 4.1  Information  Min. Typical Max. Unit Comments Frequency Band      ISM Band 915  928 MHz  Center Frequency  921.5  MHz  Bandwidth  12.5  MHz  Spectral Dispersion  FHSS    Channel Number  25    Frequency Separation between channels  500  kHz  Center Frequency Channel n  915,5 +0,5 n  MHz n : 0 to 24 Frequency Accuracy at 25°C   ±12 ppm  Frequency Stability over temperature :    ±10 ppm (- 10 to + 55°C / ref. 25°C) Channel Modulation      Modulation Type  GFSK    Deviation  ±70  kHz  -20dB Bandwidth  243 500 kHz RBW:30kHz / VBW:30kHz Binary Rate  38,67  kbps ~ 19,8MHz/8/64 RF Power      (Conducted Measurements) TX Power 15 17.5 20 dBm Delivered to the antenna Installation Attenuation  6  dB For optimal efficiency RX Sensitivity  -103  dBm
Page 9/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc 4.2  Frequency  mapping Channel n Frequency (MHz) Pseudo Random Rank 0 915.5 0 1 916.0 10 2 916.5 6 3 917.0 16 4 917.5 22 5 918.0 24 6 918.5 3 7 919.0 5 8 919.5 2 9 920.0 18 10 920.5 14 11 921.0 20 12 921.5 12 13 922.0 1 14 922.5 23 15 923.0 11 16 923.5 15 17 924.0 9 18 924.5 7 19 925.0 17 20 925.5 21 21 926.0 19 22 926.5 4 23 927.0 8 24 927.5 13   4.3  Packets formats A given message is divided in several packets (fixed length = 10 bytes). The preamble packets are transmitted first and contain longer preamble bytes for easier synchronization of the receiver. The following data packets contain the payload (5 bytes). The total number of packets is variable.  Preamble packet : 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 11110010 type | hop | chan# 8-bit 8-bit learn learn learn learn learn learn sync-P xx   | flag |  ccccc syst Id_lo syst Id_hi        Usage :          pairing 00 | preamb | async hop flag + channel # hop=0 : default   hop table       std preamb 01 | preamb sync | hop flag+ down-counter hop=1 : alternate  hop table       resync 11 | preamb | async hop flag + channel #  Data packet : 01010101 01010101 01000001 type | dwn cntr data1 data2 data3 data4 data5 CRC-8 learn learn sync-D 10  |   dddddd (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)                                                                                   Dwell time: 2.068 ms  Blank time: ~206.9µs   (*) The data bytes may have any values, included consecutive ‘0’ or ‘1’. These cases shall not affect the clock recovery function.
Page 10/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc  5. US VERSION  5.1  Tune Up Information  Min. Typical Max. Unit Comments Frequency Band      ISM Band 902  928 MHz  Center Frequency  915.3  MHz  Bandwidth  22  MHz  Spectral Dispersion  FHSS    Channel Number  25    Frequency Separation between channels  900  kHz  Center Frequency Channel n  904,5 +0,9 n  MHz n : 0 to 24 Frequency Accuracy at 25°C   ±12 ppm  Frequency Stability over temperature :    ±10 ppm (- 10 to + 55°C / ref. 25°C) Channel Modulation      Modulation Type  FSK   ou GFSK Deviation  ±120  kHz  -20dB Bandwidth 250   kHz Min FCC value for 25 ch Binary Rate  38,67  kbps ~ 19,8MHz/8/64 RF Power      (Conducted Measurements) TX Power 15 17.5 20 dBm Delivered to the antenna Installation Attenuation  6  dB For optimal efficiency RX Sensitivity  -103  dBm
Page 11/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc  5.2  Frequency  Hopping  Pseudorandom Frequency Hopping Sequence Each device contains a table to store the values of all 25 channels. The channels are arranged in a pseudo random sequence has described in the table here below (the channels are numbered from 1 to 25).  Channel n Fequency (MHz) Pseudo Random Rank 0 904.5 0 1 905.4 10 2 906.3 6 3 907.2 16 4 908.1 22 5 909.0 24 6 909.0 3 7 910.8 5 8 911.7 2 9 912.6 18 10 913.5 14 11 914.4 20 12 915.3 12 13 916.2 1 14 917.1 23 15 918.0 11 16 918.9 15 17 919.8 9 18 920.7 7 19 921.6 17 20 922.5 21 21 923.4 19 22 924.3 4 23 925.2 8 24 926.1 13   Equal Hopping Frequency Hopping Use Each device handles a pointer which indicates the next channel to be used. This pointer is incremented at each hope and it returns to the value 1 after the value 25.  In this way, all channel are used the same amount of time, in average.  Please note that not all channels are used for each transmission.
Page 12/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc 5.3  Packets formats  A given message is divided in several packets (fixed length = 10 bytes). The preamble packets are transmitted first and contain longer preamble bytes for easier synchronization of the receiver. The following data packets contain the payload (5 bytes). The total number of packets is variable.  Preamble packet : 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 11110010 type | hop | chan# 8-bit 8-bit learn learn learn learn learn learn sync-P xx   | flag |  ccccc syst Id_lo syst Id_hi        Usage :          pairing 00 | preamb | async hop flag + channel # hop=0 : default   hop table       std preamb 01 | preamb sync | hop flag+ down-counter hop=1 : alternate  hop table       resync 11 | preamb | async hop flag + channel #   Data packet : 01010101 01010101 01000001 type | dwn cntr data1 data2 data3 data4 data5 CRC-8 learn learn sync-D 10  |   dddddd (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)  w                                                                                 Dwell time: 2.068 ms  Blank time: ~206.9µs   (*) The data bytes may have any values, included consecutive ‘0’ or ‘1’. These cases shall not affect the clock recovery function.
Page 13/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc 6.  EUROPE VERSION   6.1  Tune Up Information  Min. Typical Max. Unit Comments Frequency Band      ISM Band 868,1  869,1 MHz  Bandwidth  2  MHz  Channel Number  5    Frequency Separation between channels 300   kHz  Frequency Accuracy at 25°C   ±12 ppm  Frequency Stability over temperature :    ±10 ppm (- 10 to + 55°C / ref. 25°C) Channel Modulation      Modulation Type  GFSK    Deviation  50  kHz  Binary Rate  19,53  kbps Low speed video  38,4  High speed video  9,76  Wiselink RF Power      (Conducted Measurements) TX Power  17  dBm Delivered to the antenna Installation Attenuation  6  dB For optimal efficiency RX Sensitivity  -106,3  dBm     Data frequencies Channel n Fequency (MHz) 0 868,1 1 868,5 2 868,8 3 869,1    Video frequencie Channel n Fequency (MHz) 0 869,531
Page 14/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc   6.2  Packets formats  Preamble packet : Division asynchronous format Préamb 1 Préamb 2 Préamb 3 Préamb 4 Préamb 5 Préamb 6 Préamb 7 Préamb 8 Préamb 9 Préamb 10 Préamb 11 Préamb 12 Préamb 13 Préamb 14 Préamb 15 Sync 1 Sync 2 01010101 01010101  01 010101  0101 0101 010101 01  01010101 01010101  01 010101 0101 0101 010101 01  01010101 01010101  01 010101  0101 0101 010101 01 01010101 01010101 01 010101  0101 0111 111111 00  00000001 Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 Octet 5 Octet 6 Octet 7 Octet 8 Octet 9 Octet 10 Octet 11 Octet12 Octet 13 Octet 14 Octet 15 Octet 16 Octet 17 Octet 18 Octet 19 Octet 20 Octet 21 Introduction on 18 bytes Pattern synchro 3 oct. Division SPI format    Payload : Division asynchronous format Sign+len Sign+type adresse data data . . .  . . .  . . .  0 ss 1 0 ssstt   ttt1 0era aaaaa1 0x  xxxxxxx1 0xxxxxxx  x1 0xxxxx xxx1 0xxx xxxxx1 0 x   xxxxxxx1 Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 Octet 5 Octet 7 Octet 8 Octet 9 Octet 10 Octet … Division SPI format
Page 15/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc 7.  GSM COMMANDS WITH TERMINAL  Starting GSM module : Command : ‘M1’   Stopping GSM module : Command : ‘M7’   Enter PIN code : Command : ‘AT+CPIN=0000’ with 0000 the correct PIN code   Band selection for registration in GSM simulator : 1:  Start the GSM module with the command « M1 », a confirmation message must be displayed. 2:  Enter « AT#AUTOBND=0 » 3:  Enter « AT#BND=x » with « x » as follow : <band>: 0 - GSM 900MHz + DCS 1800MHz 1 - GSM 900MHz + PCS 1900MHz 2 - GMS 850MHz + DCS 1800MHz  3 - GMS 850MHz + PCS 1900MHz 4:  Save these settings : enter « AT&W » 5:  Stop the GSM module : « M7 », a confirmation message must be displayed. 6:  Wait 5 seconds  7:  Start again the GSM module with the command « M1 », a confirmation message must be displayed.  Now the GSM module is ON and well set.
Page 16/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc 8.  ETHERNET COMMANDS WITH TERMINAL  Starting Ethernet module Command : “WIZ1”                                Configuration of the local IP address of the module - Command :  “WIP”                      Now, it’s possible to do a « ping » at this address  Stopping Ethernet module Command : “WIZ0“
Page 17/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc  Configuration of the local IP address of the PC -
Page 18/18  Radio Systèmes Ingénierie - 25 rue Jacobi Netter - 67200 STRASBOURG          27/03/2015 VideoFreeCamSystem.RSI User manual for WIP Central command mode with Terminal_V1.2.doc   It’s necessary to take a null modem cable.  Starting “ping” command Open “command prompt”     Enter command : “ping –t” and press on “Enter”      Stopping “ping” command Press on “Ctrl + C“

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