Racom MR400 VHF Radio Modem User Manual Manual

Racom VHF Radio Modem Manual


Table of ContentsIntroduction ..................................................................................................................................................  31. Radio Modem MR400 .............................................................................................................................  4Radio Part MR400 .........................................................................................................................................  5Modem Part ............................................................................................................................................  53. MR 400 Connectors ...................................................................................................................................... 6Antenna .................................................................................................................................................... 6Serial Interface ....................................................................................................................................... 6RS232, RS422 and RS485 Connectors.....................................................................................  6Distinguishing Data Modules by Colour ..........................................................................................  6Ethernet .................................................................................................................................................... 7Analog and Binary Inputs and Outputs .......................................................................................... 7Labelling ...........................................................................................................................................  7Parameters ..................................................................................................................................... 7Supply Connector ....................................................................................................................................... 8Information LED ..................................................................................................................................  8Service Connector ................................................................................................................................  94. Table of Technical Parameters ..............................................................................................................  105. Dimensional Diagram ..............................................................................................................................  116. Labelling Radio Modems .......................................................................................................................  127. Conditions for MR400 Operation ............................................................................................................ 13Radio modem instalation and maintenence ................................................................................................  13Conditions of Liability for Defects and Instructions for Safe Operation of Equipment ............................  14Declaration of Conformity .........................................................................................................................  15Limitations of Use ......................................................................................................................................  16List of Figures1. Radio modem MR400 .............................................................................................................................. 33.1. Service connector connections ..........................................................................................................  93.2. View of radio modem – description of connectors, model with DSUB (Canon)connectors and with terminals .................................................................................................................... 105.1. Mechanical dimensions of MR400 ..................................................................................................  126.1. Serial codes of products ....................................................................................................................... 13List of Tables3.1. Table of data cable connections ........................................................................................................  73.2. Table for distinguishing LEDs for RxD and TxD by colour .......................................................  73.3. Table of Ethernet to cable connector connections .......................................................................  83.4. Table of digital and analog input and output parameters ........................................................... 83.5. Table of service connector connections ..........................................................................................  94.1. Table of technical parameters ............................................................................................................. 13
IntroductionThis operator manual serves as the primary document for familiarising users with the parameters of the radio modem, itsproperties, modifications and with the parameters of interfaces. In order to master all the functions of the radio modemand the MORSE system you should refer to other documents.Figure 1. Radio modem MR400 (MR300, MR160)3
1. Radio Modem MR400 (MR300, MR160)MR 400, MR300 and MR160 are conceptually new radio modems designed for transmitting data in the VHF and UHFbands.  The radio modem uses 4-state FSK modulation providing for a maximum signalling rate of 21.68 kbit/s.  Theradio modem is of modular design with one to four standard RS232 ports (an RS422 or RS485 port can be used inplace of two of them) available to the user. The configuration can be extended by an Ethernet interface and also by amodule with analog and digital inputs/outputs, which is  normally provides two analog inputs and outputs and twodigital  inputs and outputs. The radio data  transceiver module can be  configured to an arbitrary frequency of thetransmitter  and  receiver   within the 3.2  MHz frequency range in a 12.5  kHz  channel raster.   The  receiving andtransmitting frequencies are mutually independent and are derived from the frequencies of four Phase-Locked Loopsprogrammed by the transceiver microprocessor. Channel settings are stored in the transceiver EEPROM memory andthe   FLASH   memory   module   of   the   modem  whose   central   processor   controls   the   operation   of   the   transceivermicroprocessor. The RF output power of the radiomodem transmitter’s high frequency signal is software-configurablein sixteen steps from 0.1 to 5 W. The software configuration of MR400 is backward compatible with that of the MR25radio modem.  A description of software control and configuration of the MR25 is available in publications describingMORSE Firmware.ImportantATTENTION! The radio modem is equipment which can only be operated in the Czech Republic on the basisof   Permission   to   operate   transmitting   radio   stations   issued   by   the   Department   of   Frequency   SpectrumManagement at the Czech Telecommunication Office.4
2. Description of FunctionsRadio Part MR400The architecture of MR400 (MR300, MR160) radio modems resolves most of the requirements placed on a topquality   user   friendly  radio   modem   with   a   very   short   switching   time   between   receiving  and   transmitting.Frequency synthesis enables software selection of an arbitrary channel from the given frequency range. Theoperation of the radio part is controlled and diagnosed by the microcontroller. The receiving part of the radiomodem is a double-conversion superheterodyne. The overall selectivity is divided between both intermediatefrequency levels.  The first filter carries out the necessary channel pre-selection which ensures the linear functionof   the   following  second mixer and  intermediate frequency  amplifier.  The  second  filter   has  the   attenuationcharacteristic necessary for channel selection in the used channel spacing of 25 kHz (12.5 kHz).  Logic circuits,switching the radio part between modes of receiving and transmitting, have high noise immunity and switchrespective   blocks   sequentially.   This   minimises   transient   parasite   states   and   optimises   bandwidth   duringswitching.  Switching to the transmitting mode is blocked when the frequency synthesiser is out of lock or theinternal temperature exceeds a hardware set limit or the supply voltage falls below the value ensuring properfunctioning of the device.Modem PartThe control microcomputer has 4 MB of FLASH memory and 16 MB of RAM memory available. The batterybackup-ed real-time clock, detector of supply voltage failure and watch-dog circuits belong amongst the othercircuits of this block. If there is a supply voltage failure the fact is recorded into memory with the respectivetimestamp thanks to the charge stored in electrolytic capacitors. The user therefore has information availableabout the time and duration of possible faults caused by power failures. It is possible to connect equipment withsignalling rates up to 115.2 kbit/s to the modem via the RS232 data interface. RS232 interface converters areprotected against overvoltage with TRANSIL elements.  A lithium battery is used for backing up in the modempart. Important warning – a risk of explosion!The lithium battery must not be replaced by an incorrect type. When in doubt, leave the replacement tothe manufacturer.5
3. MR 400 ConnectorsAntennaThe antenna connector is of the N type, female, impedance 50 Ohm. The antenna cable must be fitted with anappropriate mate. We recommend using the RG213 50 Ohm cable. The H1000 cable should be used when thelength of the antenna feeder exceeds 25 m.ImportantCAUTION.   The   radio   modem   should   be   powered   only   when   the   antenna   (or   artifical   load)   isconnected. Otherwise it could lead to damage to the radio part of the modem.Serial InterfaceAccording to the configuration of the radio modem it is possible to use a terminal block or DSUB 9 (Canon)connectors for connecting data cables via the serial interface. See Chapter 6 Labelling radio modems.RS232, RS422 and RS485 ConnectorsTable 3.1. Table of data cable connectionsTerminals RS232 DSUB9F RS422 Canon RS4221 CTS 8 TxD- 72 RTS 7 TxD+ 33 RxD 2 RxD- 84 TxD 3 RxD+ 25 GND 5 GND 5When RS485 interface is needed, the RS422 pin layout applies. It is necessary to shortcut TxD- to RxD- andTxd+ to RxD+ to obtain the respective Data-, Data+ RS485 signals.Distinguishing Data Modules by ColourFor RS232 RxD is the output from the radio modem (approx. -8V when inactive) and TxD is the input to theradio modem (according to the RS 232  standard). Hardware  versions  of the interface  can be distinguishedaccording to the colours of LED diodes next to the connector.Table 3.2. Table for distinguishing LEDs for RxD and TxD by colourType of interface Colour (RxD / TxD)RS232 red / greenRS232 optically coupled orange / greenRS422/485 optically coupled orange / yellow6
EthernetConnector RJ-45 for Ethernet 10BaseT and 100BaseT corresponds to the EIA TIA T568B standard. InformativeLED diodes indicate: Tx  –  output from CU Rx  –  input to CU 100  –  if lit the 100BaseT LINK network isindicated – indicates correctly connected F.D. link – indicates full duplex operation. A “straight” cable is neededfor connecting to the Ethernet network via the hub (repeater) or switch-hub (router).  A “crossed” cable is mostlyused when just two devices are connected “back-to-back”. E.g. MR400 to MC100, MR400 to a PC, etc. Thefollowing table contains connector connections and colours of conductors. For the crossed cable the order ofconductors on one side is the same as for the direct cable.Table 3.3. Table of Ethernet to cable connector connections.PIN Signal Direct cable Crossed cable1 TX+ white - orange white - green2 TX- orange green3 RX+ white - green white - orange4 — blue blue5 — white - blue white - blue6 Rx- green orange7 — white - brown white - brown8 — brown brownAnalog and Binary Inputs and OutputsLabellingIndividual terminals of terminal blocks are labelled:Connector A OUT  - analog outputs Connector A IN  - analog inputs Connector D OUT  - digital outputs Connector D IN  - digital inputs From left to right: 1. input / output + 1. input / output - 0. input / output + 0. input / output - Terminal UP – From left to right: + - if a voltage of +2.4 to 15 V is brought to this terminal the radio modemactivates, firmware carries out the pre-programmed step according to settings in configuration (wake up fromsleep mode). Sleep mode is resolved by individual SW settings GND.ParametersTable 3.4. Table of digital and analog input and output parameters2 × optically coupled digital output Bipolar solid state switch(max. 30 V/500 mA)Passive2 × optically coupled digital input 2.4 – 15 V log. 1 0 – 2.4 V log. 0 Passive2 × optically coupled analog output 0 – 20 mA Rz max = 250 Ohm Passive2 × optically coupled analog input 0 – 20 mA/4 – 20 mA SW switchable (inputimpedance 60 Ohm)PassiveAnalog inputs 0 and 1 have connected terminals ”-” (minus), which are galvanically isolated from the modemGND. Analog outputs 0 and 1 have connected terminals ”-” (minus), which are galvanically isolated from themodem GND.Supply ConnectorTerminals of this connector are labelled in the standard manner. Only DC voltage in the range from 10.8 to 15.6V can  be connected to  the device. Voltages outside this range may damage the radio modem. Terminal PI(power indicator): if the radio modem is fed from the MS2000 power supply information from this source is7
passed to this terminal about the method of supply; level TTL0 – 230 V AC supply, TTL1 – battery supply. Ifthe radio modem is supplied in another manner the method of supply is deduced according to the voltage (thevalue from which the supply is considered as supply from a battery can be set in SW).Information LEDInformation LED diodes next to the supply connector: RF Tx — radio modem transmits RS SYNC — radio modem received message header which was destined for itThree following LED (signal strength): ON ON ON  — RSS <85 (stronger signal) OFF ON ON  — RSS 85 to 95 OFF OFF ON  — RSS 95 to 115 OFF OFF OFF  — RSS > 115 POWER ON — radio modem is correctly suppliedService ConnectorThe service connector is used for temporary connections of the service cable during local adjustment of radiomodem parameters. Upon attaching the connector (connecting to the RS232 link (RxD,TxD, GND)) the radiomodem automatically switches to service mode and the SCC0 disconnects.ImportantATTENTION! The service mode is not suitable for normal operation.Table 3.5. Table of service connector connections1 AF_OUT Output of modulation from radio2 SER_RxD RS232 RxD according to standard RS2323 SER_TxX RS232 TxD4 MOD_BSB Input modulation to radio5 GND Ground 6 PTT Transmitter ONFigure 3.1. Service connector connections8
Figure 3.2. View of radio modem — description of connectors, model with DSUB(Canon) connectors and with terminalsO9
4. Table of Technical ParametersTable 4.1. Table of technical parameters                      TYPE                                                     EU                                                 USAFrequency range MR400: 380 – 470 MHzMR300: 290 – 380 MHz MR160: 136 – 180 MHz406 – 412 MHz, 421 – 512 MHzChannel spacing 25 kHz or 12.5 kHzMethod of setting the working frequency Software in the range 3.2 MHzMTBF (mean time between failures) 60 000 hoursSwitching time transmitting/receiving  < 1.5 msOperating range of temperature -25 to +55 °CNominal supply voltage 13.8 VSupply voltage range 10.8 to 15.6 VConsumption Receiving 380 mA (eth. module +40 mA, I/O module +50 mA)Transmitting 1.6 A / 1 W, 2.0 A / 5 WMechanical dimensions 208 × 108 × 63 mm (including DIN rails 71 mm)184 × 108 × 63 mm (short version)Weight 1.30 kgAntenna connector N – femaleReceiver sensitivity for BER 10-3 Better than -107 dBmOutput performance software adjustable 0.1 – 5 WMax. speed of modulation for transmitting 21.68 kbit/s in channel 25 kHz10.84 kbit/s in channel 12.5 kHzOptional modules1. a 2. slot – 1×RS232 galv. sep. or unseparated, or                    1×RS422/RS485 galvanically separated3. slot – 2×RS2324. slot – Ethernet 10/100 Mbps 5. slot – input  outputs (analog and digital)COMPLIES WITH STANDARDSRadio parametersEMC (electromagnetic compatibility)Electrical safetyUse in mobile environmentsFCC PART90                           406 – 412 MHz, 421 – 512 MHzRSS119                                    406 – 412 MHz, 421 – 512 MHzETSI EN 300 113-1 V1.4.1:2002                       380 – 470 MHzETSI EN 301489-5 V1.2.1:2000CSN EN 60 950:2001UN Regulation No.10 (EHK No.10)10
5. Dimensional DiagramFigure 5.1. Mechanical dimensions of MR40011
6. Labelling Radio ModemsFigure 6.1. Serial codes of products12
7. Conditions for MR400 OperationRadio modem installation and maintenenceRadio modems MR400 (MR300, MR160) shall always be installed by personell who have been trained by RACOM orby an authorised representative of RACOM. Information contained in the documentation, including this manual, can notfully substitute the training required. MR400 as such does not require any regular maintenance when properly installed.A functional wireless data network, however, does require permanent maintenance/management performed by qualifiedand trained personnel.RACOM and/or its authorised partners around the world provide both the training and technical support necessary.When a remote access to the networkis enabled by the customer, the majority of maintenance issues can be handleddirectly by RACOM's technical support team.Important:CAUTION!The installation may contain a rechargeable backup battery. When replacing the old battery, a correct type ofrechargeable battery must be used. Otherwise there is a risk of explosion. Follow the manufacturer's instructions forhandling used batteries.13
Conditions of Liability for Defects andInstructions for Safe Operation of Equipment.Please read these safety instructions carefully before using the product:•In order to comply with FCC's RF exposure limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure, the antennaused for this device must be fixed-mounted on outdoor permanent structures and must not  be co-located oroperating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.•Liability for defects does not apply to any product that has been used in a manner which conflicts with theinstructions contained in this operator manual, or if the case in which the radio modem is located has beenopened, or if the equipment has been tampered with.•The radio modem can only be operated on frequencies stipulated by the body authorised by the radio operationadministration in the respective country and cannot exceed the maximum permitted output power. RACOM isnot responsible for products used in an unauthorised way.•Equipment mentioned in this operator manual may only be used in accordance with instructions contained in thismanual.  Error-free and safe operation of this equipment is only guaranteed if this equipment is transported,stored, operated and controlled in the proper manner. The same applies to equipment maintenance.•In  order  to  prevent  damage to   the   radio modem  and   other terminal  equipment the supply  must always  bedisconnected upon connecting or disconnecting the cable to a radio modem data interface. It is necessary toensure that connected equipment has been grounded to the same potential. Before connecting the supply cablethe output source voltage should be disconnected.•When   using   rechargeable   batteries   as   back-up   supplies   manufacturers   instructions   for   these   rechargeablebatteries should be adhered to at all times.•Upon disposal of the radio modem at the end of its service life regulations related to the disposal of electronicequipment must be adhered to.14
Declaration of ConformityRACOM  s. r. o. hereby declares that its radio modem MR400 (MR300, MR160) product complies with the  basicrequirements and other respective measures of regulation 1999/5/EC. This equipment therefore bears the CE marking.The warning exclamation mark in the circle marks the radio modem as class 2 equipment denoting radio equipment withpossible limitations or with requirements on authorisation to use radio equipment in certain countries.15
Limitations of Use.The MR400 radio modem has been developed for the frequency range 380 – 512 MHz. Specific Specific subranges areapproved to be used in each country or region. A radio modem user must keep in mind that this radio device cannot beoperated without the permission of the respective local radio spectrum administrator who provides a specific frequencyfor use and issues the appropriate permission for this. ImportantUsers   of  MR400  radio  modems  in   North America must  be  aware  that   because the   406.0   –  406.1  MHzfrequency range is reserved only for the government the use of radio modems on these frequencies is strictlyforbidden without proper permission.16
DISCLAIMER:RACOM s. r. o.(hereinafter referred to as RACOM) is the exclusive owner of all rights to this operator manual. All rights reserved. Any duplicationof this manual in any way, shape or form, or translation to any other language (without the prior written consent of the owner of therights) is strictly forbidden. RACOM retains the right to make changes to the technical specification or functions of this product or toterminate production of this product, or to terminate service support of this product without advance written notice to the customer.RACOM firmware is available  free  of  charge. Source  code  is the property  of RACOM and is not   available to  any  user. Anycommercial use   of the  software with  this licence  is  strictly  forbidden.  Changes to software  and documentation   are forbidden.RACOM   firmware  is   released   with  the   intention   that  it   will   be   useful,  however   without   any   specific   guarantees.   Under  nocircumstances is the author or any other company or person responsible for incidental,  accidental or related damage arising as aresult of the  use of this  product.   RACOM does   not provide the  user  with any  form  of  guarantee containing   assurance  of  thesuitability and applicability of the product for any particular purpose. RACOM products are not developed, designed or tested foruse in applications which directly affect the health and life functions of humans or animals and RACOM does not provide anyguarantee if company products are used in such applications.17

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