Radio Frequency Systems 48750 Models 48750 & 48751 Cellular Repeaters User Manual Manual

Radio Frequency Systems Inc Models 48750 & 48751 Cellular Repeaters Manual


USERS MANUALFor48750 Series Cellular Repeater200 Pondview Drive, Meriden, CT 06450877 737-9675, Fax 203 821-3852,
CCooppyyrriigghhtt  11999933--RRaaddiioo  FFrreeqquueennccyy  SSyysstteemmss--AAllll  rriigghhttss  rreesseerrvveedd..
DisclaimerAll information and statements contained herein are accurate to the best of the knowledge of RadioFrequency Systems, but Radio Frequency Systems does not make any warranty with respectthereto, including without limitation any results which may be obtained from the products describedherein or the infringement by such products of any proprietary rights of any persons. Use orapplication of such information or statements is at the user’s sole risk, without any liability on the partof Radio Frequency Systems. Nothing herein shall be construed as license of or recommendation foruse which infringes upon any proprietary rights of any person. Product material and specificationsare subject to change without notice. All sales of the products described herein are subject to RadioFrequency Systems’s standard terms of sale and the specific terms of any particular sale.
USER’S MANUAL SERIES 48750 RF REPEATER AMPLIFIERSi Dwg 13863 / Rev. 5  TABLE OF CONTENTSGeneral Statements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------1MMPPEE  SSttaatteemmeenntt--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11FFiieelldd  AAlliiggnnmmeenntt  SSttaatteemmeenntt------------------------------------------------------------------- 22FFCCCC  aanndd  DDOOCC  CCeerrttiiffiiccaattiioonn----------------------------------------------------------------- 22Product Overview and General Information ----------------------------------------------------- --------3Block Diagram--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3Electrical and Mechanical Specifications ------------------------------------------------- 4Outline Drawing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4Automatic Gain Control---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5Table 1.  Typical Output Power------------------------------------------------------------ 5AGC Automatic Shutdown ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5Installation Issues---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------6Antenna Isolation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6Installation Proceedure ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7AC/DC Power---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7Diagnostics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8Test Points -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8Maintenance, Repair, and Warranty---------------------------------------------------------------- --------9Periodic Maintenance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9Returning Amplifiers For Repair------------------------------------------------------------ 9Limited Warranty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9
USER’S MANUAL SERIES 48750 RF REPEATER1 120556GENERAL STATEMENTSMMAAXXIIMMUUMM  PPEERRMMIISSSSIIBBLLEE  EEXXPPOOSSUURREE  LLIIMMIITTSSTTHHIISS  PPRROODDUUCCTT  IISS  CCAATTAAGGOORRIICCAALLLLYY  EEXXCCLLUUDDEEDD  FFRROOMM  RROOUUTTIINNEE  EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTTAALLEEVVAALLUUAATTIIOONN  AACCCCOORRDDIINNGG  TTOO  CCFFRR  4477  SSEECCTTIIOONN  11..11330077..RReeppeeaatteerrss  lliikkee  tthhee  4488775500  ggeenneerraattee  rraaddiioo  ssiiggnnaallss  aanndd  tthheerreebbyy  ggiivvee  rriissee  ttoo  eelleeccttrroommaaggnneettiicc  ffiieellddss..    TThheeiinnssttaalllleerr  iiss  eexxppeecctteedd  ttoo  hhaavvee  aa  ccoommpplleettee  uunnddeerrssttaannddiinngg  ooff  CCFFRR  TTiittllee  4477  sseeccttiioonnss  11..11330077  aanndd  11..11331100..    AAbbrriieeff  ddiissccuussssiioonn  ffoolllloowwss  bbuutt  iiss  nnoott  iinntteennddeedd  ttoo  bbee  aa  ssuubbssttiittuuttee..    AAddddiittiioonnaall  iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn  ccaann  aallssoo  bbeeoobbttaaiinneedd  ffrroomm  OOEETT  bbuulllliitteenn  6655..!!  AANNTTEENNNNAA  IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN  BBYY  QQUUAALLIIFFIIEEDD  TTEECCHHNNIICCAALL  PPEERRSSOONNNNEELL  OONNLLYY..!!  IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN  IINNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONNSS  AARREE  FFOORR  TTHHEE  PPUURRPPOOSSEE  OOFF  SSAATTIISSFFYYIINNGG  FFCCCC  RRFFEEXXPPOOSSUURREE  CCOOMMPPLLIIAANNCCEE  AANNDD  AARREE  NNOOTT  OOPPTTIIOONNAALL..!!  AALLLL  AANNTTEENNNNAASS  ((DDOONNOORR  AANNDD  SSEERRVVIICCEE))  AARREE  TTOO  BBEE  FFIIXXEEDD  MMOOUUNNTTEEDD  AANNDDPPHHYYSSIICCAALLLLYY  SSEECCUURREE  TTOO  OONNEE  LLOOCCAATTIIOONN..!!  MMAAXXIIMMUUMM  DDOONNOORR  AANNTTEENNNNAA  GGAAIINN  2288  DDBB!!  NNOONN--BBUUIILLDDIINNGG  MMOOUUNNTTEEDD  DDOONNOORR  AANNTTEENNNNAASS  MMUUSSTT  BBEE  GGRREEAATTEERR  TTHHEENN  1100MMEETTEERRSS  AABBOOVVEE  GGRROOUUNNDD..!!  MMAAXXIIMMUUMM  SSEERRVVIICCEE  AARREEAA  AANNTTEENNNNAA  EERRPP  IISS  11..00  WWAATTTT!!  MMIINNIIMMUUMM  SSEEPPEERRAATTIIOONN  TTOO  AANNYY  BBOODDYY  PPAARRTT  OOFF  AANNYY  PPEERRSSOONN  IISS  2255  CCMMTThheerree  aarree  ttwwoo  ttyyppeess  ooff  aanntteennnnaass  aattttaacchheedd  ttoo  tthhee  4488775500..    TThhee  ddoonnoorr  aanntteennnnaa  iiss  ttyyppiiccaall  rrooooff  mmoouunntteedd  aannddsseerrvviiccee  aanntteennnnaass  aarree  ttyyppiiccaallllyy  mmoouunntteedd  iinn  ppuubblliiccaallllyy  aasssseessaabbllee  aarreeaass..  AAllll  ooff  tthhee  aanntteennnnaass  aarree  ffiixxeeddmmoouunntteedd..    IInnssttaallllaattiioonn  ccoonnssiiddeerraattiioonnss  ffoorr  bbootthh  ooff  tthheessee  wwiillll  bbee  ddiissccuusssseedd  sseeppaarraatteellyy..DDoonnoorr  aanntteennnnaass  rreecceeiivvee  tthhee  BBaassee  ssiittee  TTXX  ssiiggnnaallss  aanndd  ttrraannssmmiitt  tthhee  mmoobbiillee  TTXX  ssiiggnnaallss  ((882244--884499  MMHHzz))bbaacckk  ttoo  tthhee  bbaassee  ssiittee  ((uupplliinnkk  ppaatthh))..    TThheessee  aarree  ttyyppiiccaallllyy  mmoouunntteedd  oonn  rrooooff  ttooppss  oorr  ttoowweerr  ssttrruuccttuurreess..    TThheemmaaxxiimmuumm  ccoommppoossiittee  ppoowweerr  ooff  tthhee  4488775500  uupplliinnkk  ppaatthh  iiss  11000000  mmWW  ((++3300  ddBBmm))..    SSeeccttiioonn  11..330077  ((bb))  ((11))eexxcclluuddeess  ffrroomm  rroouuttiinnee  eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall  eevvaalluuaattiioonn  ffaacciilliittiieess,,  ooppeerraattiioonnss,,  aanndd  ttrraannssmmiitttteerrss  tthhaatt,,  aaccccoorrddiinngg  ttoottaabbllee  11  ““CCeelllluullaarr  RRaaddiiootteelleepphhoonnee  SSeerrvviiccee””,,  aarree  lleessss  tthheenn  11000000  WW  EERRPP  ffoorr  bbuuiillddiinngg  mmoouunntteedd  aanntteennnnaass  aannddlleessss  tthheenn  11000000  WW  aanndd  ggrreeaatteerr  tthheenn  1100  mmeetteerrss  aabboovvee  ggrroouunndd  ffoorr  nnoonn--bbuuiilliiddnngg  mmoouunntteedd  aanntteennnnaass..    AAss  ssuucchh,,wwiitthh  aa  mmaaxxiimmuumm  ppoowweerr  ffrroomm  tthhee  4488775500  uupplliinnkk  ppaatthh  ooff  11000000  mmWW  ((++3300  ddBBmm))  aanndd  aa  mmaaxxiimmuumm  aanntteennnnaa  ggaaiinnooff  2288  ddBB,,  tthhee  ddoonnoorr  aanntteennnnaa  iinnssttaallllaattiioonn  wwiillll  nnoott  eexxcceeeedd  11000000  WWaattttss  ((++6600  ddBBmm))  aanndd  iiss  ccaattaaggoorriiccaallllyyeexxllccuuddeedd..HHoowweevveerr,,  aaccccoorrddiinngg  ttoo  sseeccttiioonn  11..11330077  ((bb))  ((11)),,  tthhee  aapppprroopprriiaattee  eexxppoossuurree  lliimmiittss  ooff  11..11331100  aarree  aapppplliiccaabbllee  ttooaallll  ffaacciilliittiieess,,  ooppeerraattiioonnss,,  aanndd  ttrraannssmmiitttteerrss..      AAss  ssuucchh,,  tthhee  MMPPEE  ((mmaaxxiimmuumm  ppeerrmmiissssaabbllee  eexxppoossuurree))  ooff  sseeccttiioonn11..11331100  aappppllyy  ttoo  tthhee  ddoonnoorr  aanntteennnnaa  iinnssttaallllaattiioonn..    OOEETT  BBuulllliitteenn  6655  pprroovviiddeess  ssoommee  mmeetthhooddss  ccaallccuullaattiinngg  tthheeppoowweerr  ddeennssiittyy  bbaasseedd  uuppoonn  tthhee  EERRPP  aanndd  ddiissttaannccee..    IItt  wwoouulldd  bbee  iimmppoossssiibbllee  ttoo  ccoovveerr  eevveerryy  ppoossssiibblleeccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn  iinn  tthhiiss  mmaannuuaall..    LLiikkeewwiissee  iitt  wwoouulldd  bbee  uunnrreeaassoonnaabbllee  ttoo  ddiiccttaattee  tthhee  eexxaacctt  ppaarraammeetteerrss  ffoorr  eevveerryyiinnssttaallllaattiioonn..  AAss  mmeennttiioonneedd  iinn  tthhee  bbeeggiinnnniinngg  ooff  tthhiiss  sseeccttiioonn,,  iitt  iiss  tthhee  rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy  ooff  tthhee  iinnssttaalllleerr  ttoo  kknnoowwaanndd  aassssuurree  tthhaatt  sseeccttiioonnss  11..11330077  aanndd  11..11331100  aarree  bbeeiinngg  mmeett..NNoonneetthheelleessss,,  aa  rreeccccoommeennddeedd  iinnssttaallllaattiioonn  sseennaarriioo  ffoorr  tthhee  ddoonnoorr  aanntteennnnaa  iiss  pprroovviiddeedd..    AAssssuummiinngg  aa  rrooooff  ttooppiinnssttaallllaattiioonn  aanndd  tthhaatt  tthhee  aarreeaa  iiss  uunnccoonnttrroolllleedd//  ggeenneerraall  ppooppuullaattiioonn  ((wwoorrssee  ccaassee)),,  tthhee  MMPPEE  aatt  882244  MMHHzz  iiss  ..554499
USER’S MANUAL  SERIES 48750 RF REPEATERDwg xxxxx / Rev.  1 2mmWW  ppeerr  ccmm22..    AA  hhiigghheerr  lleevveell  iiss  ssppeecciiffiieedd  ffoorr  ccoonnttrroolllleedd  aarreeaass  iinn  11..11331100  ttaabbllee  11  ((AA))..    UUssiinngg  aa  1100  ddBB  ggaaiinnyyaaggii  aanntteennnnaa  ((ttyyppiiccaall  iinn  aabboouutt  8800%%  ooff  iinnssttaallllaattiioonnss))  aanndd  aassssuummiinngg  tthhee  uupplliinnkk  iiss  bbeeiinngg  ddrriivveenn  ttoo  iittssmmaaxxiimmuumm  oouuttppuutt  ppoowweerr  ((++3300  ddBBmm)),,  tthhee  rreessuullttaanntt  EERRPP  iiss  ++4400  ddBBmm  oorr  1100,,000000  mmWW..    OOEETT  BBuulllliitteenn  6655pprroovviiddeess  tthhee  ffoorrmmuullaa  bbeellooww  ffoorr  ccaallccuullaattiinngg  tthhee  ppoowweerr  ddeennssiittyy  wwiitthh  tthhee  EEPPAA  rreeccccoommeennddeedd  ffaaccttoorr  ffoorr  ggrroouunnddrreellffeeccttiioonn::11..0055  EERRPP  //  ππ  RR22WWhheerree  RR  iiss  tthhee  ddiissttaannccee  ttoo  cceenntteerr  ((aannyy  bbooddyy  ppaarrtt  ooff  ppeerrssoonn))SSoollvviinngg  ffoorr  1100,,000000  mmWW  aatt  33  fftt..  ((9911..4444  ccmm))  wwee  ggeett  aa  ppoowweerr  ddeennssiittyy  ooff  ..44  mmWW  ppeerr  ccmm22..TThhee  yyaaggii  aanntteennnnaa  iinn  tthhiiss  sseennaarriioo  mmuusstt  bbee  mmoouunntteedd  iinn  ssuucchh  aa  wwaayy  tthhaatt  nnoo  bbooddyy  ppaarrtt  ooff  aannyy  ppeerrssoonn  mmaayy  ccoommeecclloosseerr  tthheenn  33  ffeeeett  iinn  tthhee  ddiirreeccttiioonn  ooff  tthhee  mmaaiinn  ppoowweerr  bbeeaamm..      TThhiiss  wwiillll  lliimmiitt  eexxppoossuurree  ttoo  wweellll  wwiitthhiinn  tthheeMMPPEESSeerrvviiccee  aanntteennnnaass  aarree  aallssoo  ffiixxeedd  mmoouunntteedd  aanndd  ccoovveerreedd  bbyy  tthhee  ssaammee  MMPPEE  ccoonnssiiddeerraattiioonnss  aass  tthhee  ddoonnoorraanntteennnnaa..    HHoowweevveerr,,  iitt  ccaann  bbee  aassssuummeedd  tthhaatt  tthhee  aarreeaa  iiss  aallwwaayyss  ggeenneerraall  ppooppuullaattiioonn//uunnccoonnttrroolllleedd  aanndd  tthhaatt  tthheemmiinniimmuumm  ddiissttaannccee  iinn  mmoosstt  iinnssttaallllaattiioonnss  wwiillll  bbee  lleessss  tthheenn  33  ffeeeett..    AAccccoorrddiinngg  ttoo  ttaabbllee  11  ((BB))  ooff  sseeccttiioonn11..11331100,,  tthhee  MMPPEE  ffoorr  ppoowweerr  ddeennssiittyy  aatt  889944  MMHHzz  ((wwoorrssee  ccaassee  ddoowwnnlliinnkk))  iiss  ..559966  mmWW  //  ccmm22..    TThhee  mmaaxxiimmuummppoowweerr  oouutt  ooff  tthhee  4488775500  oonn  tthhee  ddoowwnnlliinnkk  ((bbaassee  ttoo  sseerrvviiccee  aarreeaa))  iiss  ++3300  ddBBmm  ((11000000  mmWW))..    AAssssuummiinngg  nnooffeeeeddeerr  aabbllee  lloossss  aanndd  aa  sseerrvviiccee  aarreeaa  aanntteennnnaa  ggaaiinn  ooff  00  ddBB,,  aa  ssaavvee  mmiinniimmuumm  sseeppeerraattiioonn  ooff  2255  ccmm  ((1100  iinncchheess))iiss  rreeqquuiirreedd  ttoo  ssttaayy  wwiitthhiinn  tthhee  MMPPEE..11..0055  xx  11000000  mmWW  //  33..1144  xx  225522  ==  11005500  //  11996622..55  ==  ..553355  mmWW  //  ccmm22TThhuuss,,  tthhee  sseerrvviiccee  aarreeaa  aanntteennnnaass  sshhoouulldd  bbee  mmoouunntteedd  ssuucchh  tthhaatt  aa  nnoo  bbooddyy  ppaarrttss  ooff  aannyy  ppeerrssoonn  mmaayy  ccoommeecclloosseerr  tthhaatt  2255  ccmm..    TThhee  sseerrvviiccee  aarreeaa  aanntteennnnaa  ggaaiinn  iiss  00  ddBB  iinn  tthhee  eexxaammppllee  aabboovvee  bbuutt  mmaayy  bbee  iinnccrreeaasseedd  ttoommaakkee  uupp  ffoorr  ccaabbllee  aanndd//oorr  sspplliitttteerr  oorr  ttaapp  lloosssseess..    FFoorr  eexxaammppllee;;  iiff  aa  22  wwaayy  sspplliitttteerr  iiss  uusseedd  ttoo  pprroovviiddee  ffoorr  ttwwooaanntteennnnaass  iinn  ddiiffffeerreenntt  ppaarrttss  ooff  tthhee  sseerrvviiccee  aarreeaa,,  tthheenn  tthhee  aanntteennnnaa  ggaaiinn  mmaayy  bbee  iinnccrreeaasseedd  ttoo  33  ddBB  ttoo  mmaakkee  uuppffoorr  tthhee  lloossss  ooff  tthhee  sspplliitteerr  33..66  ddBB..    TThhee  mmaaxxiimmuumm  sseerrvviiccee  aarreeaa  aanntteennnnaa  ggaaiinn  ffoorr  aannyy  ssppeecciiffiicc  llooccaattiioonn  ccaann  bbeeccaallccuullaatteedd  bbyy::      00  ddBB  ++  aaccccuummuullaatteedd  lloosssseess  ttoo  tthhee  aanntteennnnaa..FIELD TUNE-UP, ALIGNMENT OR CALIBRATIONThe 48750 series of bi-directional amplifers are aligned and calibrated at the time of manufacture.These units are designed to retain this calibration for the useful life of the product.  There is no field tune-up or alignment necessary.FCC ID AND CANADA CERTIFICATION NUMBERS   The listed models have been tested and granted Certification by the FCC in accordance with Title 47,Part 22, and have been granted Certification by the DOC in accordance with RS 118, Issue 2.   The FCC identification number for each particular model appears on a label within the amplifierenclosure as required by the FCC.  Applicable FCC Identification and DOC Certification Numbers areshown in Table 1.FCC ID Number CANADA
USER’S MANUAL SERIES 48750 RF REPEATER3 120556IWD 48750 XXXX XXXXPRODUCT OVERVIEW and GENERAL INFORMATION   The 48750 series band specific Cellular Repeaters are designed to enhance radio communications inbuildings, basements, tunnels and other RF shielded environments.  The 48750 is tuned for A band onlyoperation, the 48751 is tuned for B band only.   These units work by receiving and amplifying the Base TX signals via a donor antenna directed at thedesired base site.  This RF path is called the ‘downlink”.  The amplified base TX signal is re-radiated viaantenna(s) or radiating cable into the “Service Area”.  Subscriber mobile RF signals are received by thesame service area radiating elements, amplifed in the “uplink”RF path to be radiated back to the base viathe donor antenna.Duplexing band pass filters direct the RF signal to the proper gain path.  Band selective down conversionfiltering is used to provide exceptional band edge rejection of the competitive spectrum.  Amplificationconsist of independent amplifiers in the Down and Up links respectively, as shown in the block diagram.Both links have AGC to prevent overdrive.  Manual gain adjustment is provided. The composite outputpower is set at the factory and limited by the AGC circuitry so that intermodulation signals will not exceed-13 dBm as specified by the FCC.   LED indicators provide visual diagnostics for the 48750 series.  DC and TTL Test points provide moreindepth information for set up and troubleshooting. Together with the diagnostics section of this manual,these features make field set up and repair fast and easy.
USER’S MANUAL  SERIES 48750 RF REPEATERDwg xxxxx / Rev.  1 4ELECTRICAL / MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSSSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIOONNSS  DDoowwnnlliinnkk  UUpplliinnkk4488775500  FFrreeqquueennccyy,,  MMHHzz886699--888800  //  889900--889911..55882244--883355  //  884455--884466..554488775511  FFrreeqquueennccyy,,  MMHHzz888800--889900  //  889911..55--889944883355--884455  //  884466..55--884499GGaaiinn,,  nnoo  AAtttteennuuaattiioonn,,  TTyypp..7799  ddBB7799  ddBBGGaaiinn  FFllaattnneessss,,  TTyypp..                                                                            ±±11..00  ddBB±±  11..00  ddBBMMaannuuaall  AAtttteennuuaattoorr  RRaannggee1155  ddBB1155  ddBBOOuuttppuutt  LLiimmiitteerr  RRaannggee,,  aauuttoommaattiicc**  2200  ddBB2200  ddBBNNooiissee  FFiigguurree,,  TTyypp..99..00  ddBB99..00  ddBBCCoommppoossiittee  PPoowweerr****++3300  ddBBmm++3300  ddBBmm                  CCDDMMAA,,  TTDDMMAA++2277  ddBBmm++2277  ddBBmmPPoowweerr  lliisstteedd  iiss  ffoorr  ssiinnggllee  cchhaannnneell  ooppeerraattiioonn..    PPoowweerr  ppeerr  cchhaannnneell  ffoorr  mmuullttiippllee  ssiiggnnaall  ooppeerraattiioonn  iiss  rreedduucceeddpprrooppoorrttiioonnaallllyy  ssuucchh  tthhaatt  ttyyppiiccaall  ppoowweerr  ppeerr  cchhaannnneell  ffoorr  88  cchhaannnneellss  ==  ++1188  ddBBmm,,  1166  cchhaannnneellss  ==  ++1144  ddBBmm,,3322  cchhaannnneellss  ==  ++1100  aanndd  6644  cchhaannnneellss  ==  ++66  ddBBmm..IImmppeeddaannccee                                              5500  OOhhmmssVVSSWWRR,,  iinnppuutt,,  bbootthh  ppoorrttss                                                                            11..55PPrrooppaaggaattiioonn  DDeellaayy,,  wwoorrssee  ccaassee  aatt  bbaanndd  eeddggee<<  33..00  mmiiccrroosseeccoonnddPPoowweerr  ,,  IEC-320 Socket  112200  VVAACC  @@  11..66  AAOOppeerraattiinngg  TTeemmppeerraattuurree,,  aammbbiieenntt    --3300  ttoo  ++5500°°  CCCCoonnnneeccttoorrss,,  RRFF                                                                                                                                                                                                  NN  FFeemmaalleeSSiizzee  LL  XX  WW  XX  DD,,wwaallll  mmoouunntt,,  4400  llbbss1133..55  XX  1188..00  XX  77..33    IInncchheessDDiiaaggnnoossttiiccss::TTTTLL,,  AAnnaalloogg  VVoollttaaggeessPPoowweerr  aanndd  FFaauulltt  LLEEDDss  pplluuss  1155  ppiinn  ddiiaaggnnoossttiiccss  ppoorrtt..AAllaarrmmss  ffoorr  eeaacchh  ccoommppoonneenntt,,  oovveerrddrriivvee  aanndd  oovveerr  tteemmppeerraattuurreeOOuuttppuutt  DDCCVV  ffoorr  AAGGCC  lleevveell  aanndd  OOuuttppuutt  ddeetteeccttoorrss,,  UUpplliinnkk  aanndd  DDoowwnnlliinnkkRReemmoottee  SShhuuttddoowwnn**  AAGGCC  cciirrccuuiittrryy  mmoonniittoorrss  tthhee  oouuttppuutt  ppoowweerr  aanndd  rreedduucceess  tthhee  ggaaiinn  ttoo  pprreevveenntt  oovveerrddrriivvee  oorr  oosscciillllaattiioonn..****  BBDDAA  oouuttppuutt  ppoowweerr  iiss  lliimmiitteedd  vviiaa  iinntteerrnnaall  cciirrccuuiittrryy  ttoo  aassssuurree  tthhaatt  IIMM  lleevveellss  ddoo  nnoott  eexxcceeeedd  --1133  ddBBmm..
USER’S MANUAL SERIES 48750 RF REPEATER5 120556INTERMODULATION PRODUCTS, AGC, AND OUTPUT POWER   A general requirement exists within 47 CFR 90, Subpart I and 47 CFR 22, Subpart K regardingemissions outside of any particular channel of operation.  As a general rule, there shall be no spuriousemissions greater than {43 + 10 Log10 (Power Out watts)} dB below the carrier Power Out (dB) level.This is always equivalent to a fixed level of -13 dBm maximum spurious emission.   Radio Frequency Systems has designed the 48750 amplifier line using a combination of an automaticgain control and a low distortion power amplifier to achieve maximum output while automaticallymaintaining spurious intermodulation levels below -13 dBm for any number of input channels.     AGC automatically varies the overall gain of the system by up to 20 dB.  The gain set by AGC is afunction of the total power present in the amplifier at the final output power amplifier stage.  The totalpower level is the sum of all signals within the applicable bandwidth.  This includes all active channels, allintermodulation products, and any other noise power in the band.   Table 4 lists the typical output power per channel which can be expected from the amplifier for a givennumber of active channels operating at equal input levels.  The numbers given in Table 4 are valid onlywhen operating within the active AGC region of the AGC amplifier stage.  Operation in the AGC regionoccurs for input power levels such that the sum of total input power plus the amplifier's maximum gainexceeds the stated maximum level for the given number of channels.  AGC will then actively limit the totaloutput power to the stated maximum levels.TABLE 1.  TYPICAL OUTPUT POWER                AGC AUTOMATIC SHUTDOWN   When the automatic gain control circuit reaches its control limit, power to the power amplifier stage iscut.  This feature ensures that spurious emissions are never allowed to exceed permissible levels.  Notethat only the path (Tx or Rx) which has reached its control limit is shut down.   Shutdown will only occur if the AGC control limit is reached and maintained for about a half second.Power is then cut for 5 to 7 seconds.  After this time-out, power is brought back on-line.  If the overloadcondition is still present, shutdown will again occur in about a half second.  This cycle will be repeateduntil the condition causing AGC to reach its limit is removed.  Conditions which can cause AGC to reach
USER’S MANUAL  SERIES 48750 RF REPEATERDwg xxxxx / Rev.  1 6its limit include the presence of one or more very strong channels, a strong in-band noise source, amplifieroscillation, etc.INSTALLATION ISSUESANTENNA ISOLATION   Proper implementation of the antennas is absolutely crucial to the repeater system.  Several importantissues must be considered when selecting and implementing the antennas.  The most importantconsideration, besides the obvious concerns for gain and area of coverage, is the antenna isolation.  RadioFrequency Systems Technical Support is available at 800-659-1880 to assist with antenna selection andinstallation considerations.   BASE STATION AND SERVICE AREA ANTENNA ISOLATION SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 20dB GREATER THAN THE MAXIMUM GAIN OF THE REPEATER AMPLIFIER.  If the isolation isless than the amplifier gain, then positive feedback sufficient for oscillation is present in the system.  Suchoscillations will overdrive one or both amplifier chains and continuously activate the AGC auto-shutdowncircuitry.  This situation will be apparent by all status LEDs lighting up and then quickly off every 5seconds.   Also, gain ripple as a function of frequency, antenna spacing, and antenna isolation is always present inthe system due to feedback.  The feedback is a function of the frequency and spacing (i.e., the standingwave between the antennas).  The magnitude of the ripple can be expected to be on the order of 5.7 dB fora 10 dB isolation-gain margin. 11 dB ripple for a 5 dB isolation margin, 1.7 dB ripple for a 20 dB margin,and 0.5 dB for a 30 dB isolation margin. The ripple goes to infinity at 0 dB margin thus indicating runawayoscillation.  In general the magnitude of ripple may be calculated from:Ripple = 20 LOG10 {(1 + [A] [B]) / (1 - [A] [B])}  dBwhere: [A] is the magnitude of the forward voltage gain of the repeater as a function of frequency.[B] is the feedback voltage "gain" magnitude as a function of frequency.Antenna isolation may be achieved by several means.  High-gain (high directivity) antennas usually have asignificant front-to-back ratio (isolation between front and back).  Additional decoupling can be achievedby spatially separating the antennas.  Other factors influencing isolation include multi-path reflections,structures, other antennas, passing vehicles, personnel proximity, etc.   Generally, for in-building applications with one outside antenna and one or more indoor antennas, theisolation due to spatial separation and the structure itself is adequate.  It is always best to measure theactual isolation under worst case conditions, if possible. The most direct way to measure the isolation isto inject a known signal into one antenna, and measure the coupled signal at the other antenna.  Thisshould be done across the applicable bandwidth to account for the frequency dependency of standingwaves.4488775500DDoonnoorrAAnntteennnnaaSSeerrvviicceeAAnntteennnnaa((ss))
USER’S MANUAL SERIES 48750 RF REPEATER7 120556INSTALLATION PROCEEDUREReview this entire manual   Do not apply power until antennas have been connected to botht eh base and service area ports! Install donor antenna, aligned with desired base site and measure base signal strength.The 48750 has sufficiniet filtering to prevent undesired signals from causing interference, however, itis best to use a directional donor antenna to reduce the chance for interfernece by directing the mobilesignals only towards the desired donor base site.The 48750 will work with a wide range of RF input signal levels.  Ideal levels on the down link are inthe range of –60 to –70 dBm.  These levels will provide the maximum output power while not causingsignificant ovedrive.! Connect the donor antenna to the 48750 via 50 ohm coaxial cable.Size and type of cable are a matter of choice.  Typically ½” Flexwell foam coax is used, plenum ratedfor inside buildings and work areas.  However, 7/8th cable may be used to reduce the longitudinal loss.½’ or smaller superflex cables are easier to install but have higher  longitudinal loss.! Install service area antenna(s).Determine the location and type of service area antennas is part of the distribution system design.Generally it is desired to minimize the amount of coax that has to be installed.  However, in buidlingswith extensive obstructions it may be neccesary to install several service area antennas  For assistancewith antenna placement contact RFS Applications Engineering. Observe MPE cautions whendetermining the type and location of all antennas (see section 1)!! Connect service antenna(s) via 50 ohm coaxial cableMultiple service area antenna(s)/radiating cable runs may be connected the 48750.  Splitters and tapsmay be used to accommodate unique distribution systems.! Mount the 48750 Repeater upright, make sure there is sufficient space above and below the unit to allowair to flow through the heat sink.  Check to make sure the AC power cord can reach the power source.Also provide adaquet bending room for the coxial cable.! Connect 50 ohm cables – donor antenna to “Base”, service antenna(s) to “Service”! Connect AC power to the 48750 and observe power and fault lightsAC / DC POWER  AC power is supplied through a standard 3-wire male plug connected through a standard IEC-320 plug.Connect this plug to any standard 3-wire 120 VAC outlet. A 5 x 20 mm, 3.15 amp fast blow fuse is usedto cut power in the event of a severe AC fault.  A 5 amp mini ATO fuse is used between the 28 VDCfrom the power supply and the control board which distributes the power to all components.  This islocated on the control board.   WARNING:  ALWAYS REMOVE POWER BEFORE CHECKING OR CHANGING FUSES.120 VAC can be lethal.  Always unplug the amplifier before servicing the interior.  Never insertconductive objects into any opening.  Do not remove or probe under the plastic safety cover over the ACterminals of the 24 VDC power supply.  Always use a standard 3-wire electrical outlet with safety groundfor AC power.
USER’S MANUAL  SERIES 48750 RF REPEATERDwg xxxxx / Rev.  1 8DIAGNOSTICS     A green power LED will light up when AC power is supplied.  If this fails, check power source and thethe AC fuse located in the EIC plug.  If the power source and fuse are OK then the internal switchingpower supply has failed and will need replacement.    The Red LED indicates a summary fault from any of the fault conditions identified in the Test Pointssection.  Specific action is describe in that section.TEST POINTSTThhee  DD--ssuubb  ccoonnnneeccttoorr  iiss  llooccaatteedd  oonn  tthhee  bboottttoomm  ooff  tthhee  uunniitt..    AA  DDCC  VVOOMM  ccaann  bbee  uusseedd  ttoo  qquuiicckkllyy  aasssseessss  tthheehheeaalltthh  ooff  tthhee  4488775500..    TThhee  ffoolllloowwiinngg  iiss  tthhee  DD--ssuubb  ppiinn--oouutt::11    RRxx  LLNNAA  AAllaarrmm,,  llooggiicc,,  llooww  ==  ffaauulltt22    TTxx  LLNNAA  AAllaarrmm,,  llooggiicc,,  llooww  ==  ffaauulltt33    RRxx  CCoonnvveerrtteerr  AAllaarrmm,,  llooggiicc,,  llooww  ==  ffaauulltt44    TTxx  CCoonnvveerrtteerr  AAllaarrmm,,  llooggiicc,,  llooww  ==  ffaauulltt55    RRxx  PPAA  AAllaarrmm,,  llooggiicc,,  llooww  ==  ffaauulltt66  TTxx  PPAA  AAllaarrmm,,  llooggiicc,,  llooww  ==  ffaauullttCCoonnddiittiioonnss  11  ––  66  rreeqquuiirree  uunniitt  ttoo  bbee  sseenntt  iinn  ffoorr  sseerrvviiccee77  TTeemmppeerraattuurree  AAllaarrmm,,  llooggiicc,,  llooww  ==  ffaauullttCChheecckk  ffoorr  aaiirr  ffllooww  ppaasstt  hheeaatt  ssiinnkk..    IIff  tthhiiss  ffaaiillss,,  sseenndd  uunniitt  iinn  ffoorr  rreeppaaiirr..88  AAGGCC  AAllaarrmm,,  llooggiicc,,  llooww  ==  ffaauullttIInnddiiccaatteess  oovveerrddrriivvee..    CChheecckk  ffoorr  eexxcceessssiivvee  iinnppuutt  ssiiggnnaall  oorr  iinnaaddeeqquuaattee  aanntteennnnaa  iissoollaattiioonn..99  DDiissaabbllee  ((iinnppuutt)),,  llooggiicc,,  hhiigghh  ==  ddiissaabblleeRReemmoottee  ddiissaabbllee  ffeeaattuurree1100    RRxx  AAGGCC  VVoollttaaggee,,  aannaalloogg,,  nnoo  AAGGCC  aapppprrooxx..  2266..55VVDDCC,,  FFuullll  AAGGCC  aapppprrooxx..  77..6655VVDDCC1111    TTxx  AAGGCC  VVoollttaaggee,,  aannaalloogg,,  nnoo  AAGGCC  aapppprrooxx..  2266..55VVDDCC,,  FFuullll  AAGGCC  aapppprrooxx..  77..6655VVDDCCPPiinnss  1100  aanndd  1111  pprroovviiddee  iinnddiiccaattiioonn  ooff  tthhee  aammoouunntt  ooff  AAGGCC  aatttteennuuaattiioonn..    FFuullll  AAGGCC  iinnddiiccaatteess  ssttrroonnggddrriivvee  ssiiggnnaall  oorr  ppoossssiibbllee  oosscciillllaattiioonn  aanndd  sshhoouulldd  bbee  aavvooiiddeedd..    CChheecckk  ddrriivvee  lleevveellss  aanndd  aanntteennnnaaiissoollaattiioonn..    RReedduuccee  mmaannuuaall  ggaaiinn  ttoo  rreellaaxx  AAGGCC  lleevveell  iiff  nneeeeddeedd..1122    RRxx  DDrriivvee  VVoollttaaggee,,  aannaalloogg,,  aapppprrooxx..  00  ttoo  33VVDDCC  @@  aapppprrooxx..  00..33VVDDCC  ppeerr  ddBB  wwiitthh  nnoo  AAGGCC,,  cchhaannggeess  vveerryylliittttllee  iinn  AAGGCC1133  TTxx  DDrriivvee  VVoollttaaggee,,  aannaalloogg,,  aapppprrooxx..  00  ttoo  33VVDDCC  @@  aapppprrooxx..  00..33VVDDCC  ppeerr  ddBB  wwiitthh  nnoo  AAGGCC,,  cchhaannggeess  vveerryylliittttllee  iinn  AAGGCC1144    GGrroouunndd1155  ++55VVDDCC,,  tthheerrmmaallllyy  ffuusseedd  ((sseellff--rreesseettttiinngg)),,  5500mmAA  mmaaxx..PPiinnss  1144&&1155  aarree  uusseedd  ttoo  ddrriivvee  aa  ddiiaaggnnoossttiiccss  mmoodduullee  wwhhiicchh  wwiillll  pprroovviiddee  LLEEDD  iinnddiiccaattiioonn  ooff  tthhee  DD--ssuubbppiinnss..
USER’S MANUAL SERIES 48750 RF REPEATER9 120556MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, AND WARRANTYPERIODIC MAINTENANCE   There is no maintenance for the 48750.  As long as the amplifiers are kept away from extremetemperatures and moisture, the amplifier should provide long-term, care-free operation.   However, as a system periodically check all RF connections for corrosion, strain damage, and tightnessand periodically check the AC power connections for integrityORDERING  &  RETURNING  COMPONENTS   For technical assistance call Radio Frequency Systems Sales Engineering at 1-800-659-1880.   For returns, repairs and ordering, contact Radio Frequency Systems Customer Service at1-800-321-4700 for a Return Authorization Number.  Be prepared to provide the model number and serialnumber of the BDA as well as a description of the symptoms of the problem.   Send components or units freight-paid with the Return Authorization Number on the outside of thepackage to: Radio Frequency Systems Corvallis4100 S.W. Research WayCorvallis, Oregon  97333LIMITED WARRANTY   The  Seller warrants that, at the time of shipment, the products manufactured by the Seller are free fromdefects in material and workmanship.  The Seller's obligation under this warranty is limited to replacementor repair of such products within one year from date of shipment.  No material is accepted for replacementor repair without written authority of the Seller.  Replacement or repair is made only after an examinationat the Seller's plant shows defective material or  workmanship at the time of manufacture.  All shippingcharges on the returned material must be prepaid by the Buyer.      The Seller is in no event liable for consequential damages, installation costs or other costs of any natureas a result of the use of the products manufactured by the Seller, whether used in accordance withinstructions or not.  The Seller is not liable for replacement of any product damaged by lightning.
USER’S MANUAL  SERIES 48750 RF REPEATERDwg xxxxx / Rev.  1 10   THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERS, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED.  Norepresentative is authorized to assume for the Seller any other liability in connection with the Seller'sproducts.

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