Radio Shack 1200255 Remote Sensor User Manual
RadioShack Corporation Remote Sensor
User manual
117mm lug! Wuhwwhy sepuumm; zuun mum 7 Channel SAME Weatheradio RadioShackg wwaadioshackmom“ Please read belore usmg (his equipment Owner’s Manual ”a v, FCC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Thls device complies with pan 15 oi the FCC Rules. Opelalicn is subject in me lollewmg lwu conditions: (1) this device may not cause nannlul in» lenerence, and (2) this device must accept any inlerlerenee received, in- cludlng lnlerlerence that may cause undesired operation Precinct. 7 Channel SAME Weatheradlu Model 12-255 HadioShack lou Tmockmarlon Fun Worth TX 76102 Responsi- ble pany Phuns 61746-3200 51m Puch Wednexliiw chllrmhn Ilrlmf) m4; m4 THE FCC WANTS YOU TO KNOW This Weameraaio complies wilh (he IlmllS [of a Class B dlgllal device as speafied in Fan 15 Df FCC Rules These Ilmils prow‘de reasonable pro- lecllon against radio and TV lnlerler- enoe in a residential area However. your Weatheradio might cause TV or radio interverence even when II is operafing properly. To elimr male intenerence, you can try fine ur more of lhe following corrective mea— sures: - recrlenl of relocale me receiving anlenna ~ increase lhe dlslance belwsen the Wealheradio and he radio Or TV ~ use oullels on diflerenl elecwcal cuculls lor lhe Wealheladro and the ladlo or TV ‘ oonsull your local Radio Shack store illhe problem still axisls Wamlng: Changes or modificalions lo Ihis unit not expressly approved by lhe party responsible {or compliance could veld the user’s authority to op- erate the equipment 6} mm unrest-m vaoullnn All mun mum Radlfllnacl dnfl Rldlcsmck m .. lama-u. mud in muesli-a vapuvnlon _J 12-155 (er Page} “(d)l=\d4y.5rplvlnhl tum» m 41 an El Contents Introduction Weather Alerts . . .. Lacking Out Undefined Weather Descnphons . NWS Weather Alert Descriptions t Understandlngthe FIPS Codes ,, . ,, Obtaimng Your Area-s FIPS Code(s) A Quick Lack at Your Weatheradlo Preparation .. Connectlng Power . Connecting the Weathered to AC Palmer . Installlng the Wealheradlo's Backup Battery t Installlng the Remote Sensor's Ballenes A. u t Selling the Clock Chooslng Locahons Mounting the Remole Sensor. Programming the Wealheradlo .. Testing the Weatheradlo . Manually Testlrlg the Alan Tone Test or Demo Alerts. v. Programming the Temperalure Sensor Resellmg Indoor/Outdoor Settlng °CJ°F . Semrlg the Remote Channel Vlewmg the Temperalure Dlsplay Operatlon u Llsterllrlg to a Weather Broadcast USlrlg the Alert Funcllon 17 Settlng the Alert Volume. , le Changing/Checklng the Alert Patlem lB Ehabling/Dtsabllng Alert Tones. la Revlewmg Overlapplng Alerts 20 Troubleshooting Care ........ Specification: , Contents 5 In) Page t minnow seamen I) 2000 in 43 AM El Introduction Your RadioShack 7 Channel SAME Weatheradio represents the latest generation at weather alert technolo— gy. Your Weatheradio uses SAME (soeoiiio Area Message Encoding) circuitry to provide compiete intmma» tion aoout weather conditions in your immediate area. so you are not bottle ered by aierts that do not affect you Your Weatheradio includes an Indoor thermometen Wireless outdoor ther- mometer and digltal clock SAME Operatlon ~ lets you pro» gram up to 15 FIPS (Federal intorma tton Processing System) codes into the Weatheradlo's memory, so alerts only sound when a weather emergen- cy is declared in those specific loca- tions Mlsud Alert Remlnder — sounds a tone every 10 seconds while an alert is active. to present you irom mISSIng an alert Alert Status Indicator: — help you determine at a glance the Noe ot alert the Waatneradto ls recetvmgv Traditional weather radios simply re- ceive the National Oceanic and Almo~ spheric Administration (NOAA) weather broadcast (usually within a SO-mile radius) then sound an alarm it any emergency code was transmit- ted along With the broadcast This means that people outSide an afiect- ed area are often alerted even though their area is not affected causing some to ignore Weather warnings that appty to flteir areas In 1994, NCAA began broadcasting Signals called FIPS (Federal Informa- tion Processing System) codes aiong with their standard weather broad— casls These codes identity the type at emergency and the specitio geo— graphtc area (such as a county) at tected by the emergency Vour Weatheradto receives, interprets. and displays intolmallon about the codes so you can determine I! the emergen- cy might atteot your area, Only SAME-compatible weather radios are able to take advantage ol this new technology. Each FIPS code identifies a specific geographic area defined by the Na- tional Weather Service (NWS), so your Weatheradio sounds an alert only when a weather emergency is declared in that area. This helps you more etficiently track the weather conditions in and around your area WEATHER ALERTS When the Weatheradio receives a weather alert: ~ it sounds an alert (siren or beep) Introduction - lt dlsplays a description or the alert and the alert duration - an lrldicator llghts Note: lr the Weatherauio receives more than one weather alert at the same time. it dlsplays lnlormation for each alert ln sequence. The alert descnpttons your Weathera» dlo can dlsplay are based on a list at specillc weather alert types published by the Nws For a list of all the alert descripttorls that your Weatheradto can dlsplay. sec “NWS Weather Alert nescnptions " Warning: The Nws uses sophtsttesl ed weather models tc delerrntne an alert‘s eflectlve tlrrler However. the end of an alert does not necessarily mean that the related weather emer- gency is over. Locking Out Undefined Weather Descriptions The NWS mlghl occasionally broad- cast several types of weather tnlor- matiorl lntertded tor commerctal or other non-private use This interma- tlon could lrlclude. for example. mes- sage Intended for automated weather services (such as those used by radio or TV stations) Your Wealherad‘to's memery does not contain a specific corresponding descriptlon {or the eig- rials related ta these commercial weather types. strn rat-<5 “lcdnutu4y.st1ocmter tmutht "1:43AM Additionally. your Weatheradlo is de- signed to recognize all common weather alert types currently used by the NWS. However, the NWS occa- sionally creates and broadcasts new alert types (tor whim the Weathers- dio‘s memory does not contain a spe- crltc, corresponding descnpttcn) it your Weatttoradto receives a signal tor a new alert type. it is preset (lr the alefl tunction is turned on) to dlsplay mtmrovm, the alert descrlption (EMERGENCY, STATEMENT, WARNING ctr WATCH), and TUNE TV. then sound an alert siren Depending on your prererence, you can tottow these steps to change the way the Weatheradio responds to new weather alen broadcasts. t Turn oft the Wealheradio by unplugging the AC adapler iron-t the AC outlet and crsconnectlng the 9V battery. 2. While holding down WEATHER lot about 2 seconds, turn on lhe Weatheradto by plugglng the AC adapter back Into the AC outlet, USER SETUP appears 3. Press “EMU to reset all the set- tlng to de'ault except SAME alert tone status DEFAULT ON than USER SETUP appears 4. Turn 0" the Weatheradlo. lnlroduclmn 5 ‘f i_z a; in Fugtb urdiieidiy,wenrm imam iounni NWS Weather Alert Descriptions Your Weatheradio can display lhese nws weather alen descriptions For easy ieierence. this Ilsl also shows lhe iype oi aien (siren or beep) Ihal sounds during each aien Weathermen Description Display Sound Avaiencne waining AvALANclm wummc siien Avnianche Weicn AVALANCHE WATcu siien Eiiuam Wammg nuzzm WARNING Siien CNHDEHQEYWEYNVVQ clvn. DANGER WARNING siien eminangeiwmcn ctvn. DANGER HATCH siren Ciiiii Emergency rm w siren defined In me Wealnevaaio‘s memory Nan. TUNE TV migni also "mm in: Weaineiznn nzs renewed s smai for; mndiliun not Colstieofi waininy COASTAL FLOOD WARNING Sir-n ceasuiFlwd w-icn COASTAL PLooD WATCH SWSH EmeigencyAciienwarning macsucy Airflow "WING Siren Emulgency AchoHTemefliV" mRGchY ACTION TERMINATION seep Eueuneimmdiai-iy BVACUATB mMBDn‘rBLY siren Fir. Warning Pm! WARNING SWIH Flash Fiew Smemenl PLASH noon seep Flash Fiend warning FLASH noon WARNING siren Flash Fiouq waicn PLAsu FLOOD WATcH siren Fieoa Siaiemeni HOOD sum"? Beep Fiaoa Warning FLOOD WARNING siien Fieoa Waicn FLOOD HATcl-i siien Huardcul Maienai Warning HAZARD mun“ WARNING siien Hazardous Mamialwaicn HAZARD HAT!!!“ HATCH Hiqn wind Warning HIGH WIND WARNING HIGH WIND WATCH Hiqii Wlfld mien siren Hurricane Siabemem mucm mnlcm WARNING HURRICANE WATCH Hurricane Warning i-iuiiicane Waicri Been introduction 11-255 [m mm \\cdu=>d4_v.>qwrmhtlI1,7lll)fl um AM sw- Yhunduvslcvm watch Ssvura Wealnev smemm Shullav mm.“ Warnmg Spec-u Mam lening spew Welthev Stalmm Tom-dc Warmng Weather/Alert Description Display Sound Immedlalg Evacuamn Wamim xmmnIArx vacuATIoN WARNING Swan Law EmmementWamng LAW monexHENT WARNING Sun Lemma Emuvgency Loch. AREA EMERGENCY Siren NahonalHazavd Wammg NATIONAL HAZARD WARNING Siren NalmnaHnYormahon Cent-N NATIONAL INFORMATION CENTER Swen Nauonawpemmcfisu NATIONAL EEEIoDIc TEST Beep Dramas/Demo DEMO MESSAGE Nuns flammogmawmzam wamnq RAnIomGIcAL mum» WARNING Swen Rad‘n‘ug‘ca‘Haxald mm. nAnxoLocchL NAzmm HATCH Sun Reqwed Mammy my 110va TEST Beep Rammed Weekly rm WEEKLY TEST Heap Seveve Thundevslurmwammg SEVERE Tmmmms'mnu WARNING Swan SEVERE mNDERsTc-Rn WATCH SEVERE “ATM" STATlmT sHBLTRR Ill-PLACE WARNING SPECIAL MARIN! WARNING Yumlda Walsh Bunamw Wammg Tfiunamw wucn vomno Wmn Wmler sum Wammg Wmler sxerm walm | Unrncogmzsms nu. endmg mm s Unrecogmume m enemy w."- E SPECIAL waA‘l'NBR STATMNT 5 w TORNADO WARNING Swen TORNADO NAT-cu Sun TSUNAMI NARNING Swen TSVNANI uATcu Sven Vavcarw Wlmmg voLcANo WARNING VOLCMlO MATCH HINT“ sTokH HARNING WINTER STORM WATCH UNKNOWN STATIHBNT UNKNOWN meNCY sc-v 5mm Swen Swen Unracogmnma P‘L mm mm A UNKNONN WATCH Swen umecogmmve nu. mm mm w uNRNoNN WARNING Swen lmmdudion e. 1 $71? filer—r , lZ—AS hi. mat “utincytt.l3.$tmmhfll we run AM Note: ll the Wealheradlo displays a warning (emergency) alert message. the WARNtNG indicator lights cone» spondingly. ll the Weatheradio dis» plays 3 Watch alert message, the WATCH indicator lights it the Wealhr eradlo displays a Statement alert message. the STATEMENT indicator lights. UNDERSTANDING THE FIPS CODES For the purpose or broadcastlng weather intermaliuh. the NWS has di- vlded the Untied States lnlo regions by state and county (or parish. where applicable) then asstgned a Graig“ FIPS code to identify each oounly or parish. For example. the code lot Tar- rartt County, ‘l'exas. is 043439. The first digit In a FIPS code identifies the county subdivision. the next two digits identity the state. and the last three digits identity the county or par- ish. Note: Most FIPS codes begin With 0, which means the code represents an entire county. The NWS. however. plans to eventually subdivide some large counties When thal happenst each subdivision Will be assigned a dtglt from 1-9. resultth In codes such 85148439.245A39.and so on. Your Weetheradio can receive all SAME alert Signals oroadoasl wrthln about a 50 ml|e radius. To receive SAME alerts and nroadcasls about wealher occurring only In particular counties wllhln that area, you can program up to is FIPS codes mm the Weameradio‘s memory. This lets you avoid heanng an alert thal applies to an area wimirt a 50 mile radius but not necessarily to your county or parish Obtaining Your Area’s FIPS Code(s) To obtain the FIPS code for the loca— iron you installed your Weatheredlo. conlacl your local Radioshack store or call the NWS toll tree at 1-888- NWR-SAME (14386974263) Your can also Visit the NWS website www.nws.noaa.govlnwr/I rid-x- nw.htm#umotabl¢ Note: "you are close to a county or parish line. you mlght want to obtain the codes tor the nearby counties or parishes. Hint: Since you can program up to 15 FIPS codes into the Weatheradlo‘s memory. you mtghl want lo oblain lhe codes lor other local areas that you frequently travel through (as long as those areas are wilhin a 50 mile radi- us oi your location and within an area covered by your local NWS broadcast slation). That way. you can program lhose codes lnlo lhe Wealheradlo and receive broadcasts covering those locations, loo lntroductmn 4T? nasal". Pagtg mummy.warm-1mm 1043 AM El A Quick Look at Your Weatheradio Please mscn Ji’a-fmnl mu] xldt View ||Ius|mlions has El Preparation CONNECTING POWER - Do not use rechargeable baller- ies in your Wealheradlo or Your Wealneradlc uses the supplied AC adapter [or normal operalbon. and one gv battery lnol supplied) tor ~ Never leave dead or weak baller- backup power when Ac power lens or is temporarlly dlsconnected. The re- mote sensor uses three AA ballenes (ncl supplled) for power For (he besl Dans. performance and longest life‘ we rec- ommend RadlcShack alkallne benef- les. Clutionl: Ihem. Nous: , use only fresh baneries of the requlrsd slze and recommended typev remole sensor ies In [he radlo or (he lemme sensor. Baltenes can leak charm- cals lhal can des'roy eletlromc . Dnsme o! ballenes Dlomplly and properly‘ do nal bury or burn . Always connect vhe Weathers» duo lo AC power (or normal use A Quick Look 31 Your Wealhsramo ll‘ fin" . l m m Fags ttt ntttmttlneepemm turn» m 0 AM - it the backup battery becomes weak‘ yeur Wealheradm mrgbt not sound a tone when an emer» gency or test alert IS broadcast. Test your radio's receptrcn pen» odtcally, and replace the battery it the tone does not sound. Connecting the Weatheradio to AC Power ‘l. insert the supplled AC adapters barrel plug tntct the ac av r tack on the back at the Wealheradiot 2 Plug the adapter into a slandard Ac outlet Tne backltgnt turns on. Installing the Weatheradio‘s Backup Battery 1 Press the tab On the Please-"wt battery" battery com- SeTt'tnacoAt/er pflflnwlll rt- t lttstmtnt than Illt ofl | y ' ten: the cover 2 Snap a 9\/ battery onto the bat- tery termtrtals trtstde the compart- mentt then place the battery trtstde the compartment 3. Replace the cover Motel: - when (Indoor battery low icon) flashes slowly, the Wealnerad‘to's backup battery ls low When (indoor battery low tcbn) llesnes quickly Ihe backup battery ts dead, or not installed in eitner case, replace the battery. ~ ti you only use battery power the Weatheradio‘s backllght ltghts (or 10 seconds each time you press a key, of remains on until the event time has expired ler the renewed alert message Installing the Remote Sensor‘s Batteries 1. Slide the channel swttch to select CH1, CH}, of CM] 2 Loosen Ihe screw on the ballery compart- ment covet, then slide the cover 0" in the directmn ol lhe arrow. Ptcesc add Battery tn- slallatlon Illustrallon hm 3. Install three AA batteries as trim- cated by lne polarity symbols (4 and —) marked InStde the com- panment. 4. Replace the cover and secure ll WIlh the Screw. Notes: . At temperatures below 4 “F (—20 °C)‘ we suggest usmg 70 Prebaretron lZvZSStln I'tlgell \\rcltllc~l1.ty.5t|fltmhtr ”JIM! |041AM RadioShack llthium batteries in the remote sensor. - ll lrerrlute sensor low battery lean) flashes in the Weathera» dlo's display and the remote sen» sar battery indicator repeatedly flashes twice ln 30 seconds. replace the batterles - The remote sensor sends data to the Weatheradicl once when the batterles are Installed. and every 30 seconds alter that. SETTING THE CLOCK 1. Repeatedly press menu wnen TEMPERATURE appears repeatedly press A or v until an cnocx appears. 2. Press > to set the time The hour diglts flash 3 Repeatedly press (or hold down) A or v to set the hour. Ar Press 7. The minute drglts flash Repeatedly press (or hold down) A or V to set the mm- utes 5. Press P. M or PM appears Press A or v to select AM or PM 6. Press P .A beep sounds. 7 Press MENU to return to the clock dlsplay. When there is no alen dlsplayed‘ the time continuously appears when an alert appears in the display press CLOCK to View Ihe films (or 10 sec- ends. CHOOSING LOCATIONS Caution: Do not place the Weathere- die or remote sensor where they will be ‘ direct sunlight. near electrlcel appliances. or heating/alt conditlon- mg vents You can set your Weatheradio on any tlat surface (such as a shell or counter top). For the best recepllcn, choose a locallon where: « rt can receive alert stgnals ‘ you can hear us alert lone (sea "Settlng the Alert Volume" on Page 13) ~ you can fully extend the built-tn antenna Note: Posltton the Wealheradlc away lrom obstructlons such as metal cabi- nets or bookshelves. Do not place the Weetheradio near any metal surlace such as a relngeretor, a metal door or wall. ora water plpe hldden behind a wall. Choose a location tor the remote sen» sor that ts within 20—30 yards at the Weatheradio‘ elther Indoors or out» doors, The construction of your home Preparation or oniee might attect the transmission range between the Wealheradlo and the remote sensor. it you have a choice or several locations, try each to see which provides the best perfor- mance. Note: The remote sensor is resistant to water damage. However, it is not waterproof and should not sub mergeo in water or put directly in rront or shower spray. Each time you install batteries in the remote sensor. it sends data and its indicator riashes once so you can check its transmission range. See "Setting the Remote Channer on PageiG. Mounting the Remote Sensor You can mount the remote sensor on a wall using two '/5 inch 13 mm) screws (not supplied) with heads that lit into the keyhole slots on the back olthe supplied mounting bracket. 1. Drill two holes ills inches apart. Thread a screw into each hole and let the heads extend about lI 0 Inch from the mounting surface. 2 Align the keyhole slots on the mounting bracket with the screws and slide the bracket downward to secure it 3. Slide the remote sensor into the mounting bracket. 51m Page i: ‘Aetirlestii Squat-nth" 3.3011! mum PROGRAMMING THE WEATHERADIO While programming your Weatheraa die, you can selecl a weather tre- qiiency, Ium the Misseo Alert Reminder on or off. one specify the geographiml areas for which you re- ceive Glens. Your Weatheradio is pre- programmed with Ihe seven NOAA broadcasl trequencles (channels l- 7) Depending on your location, you mlghl need to select a different chan- nel. Your Weatheradto is preset to receive any weather alen broadcast Within its reception range iabout a 50 mile radi- us In most locations). The first time you use your Wealheradio. It auto- matically scans lhe strongest channel and receives all SAME aierl signals broadcast within a 50 mile radius oi its location Nous: ~ The Weatheradio does not receive signals while it is being programmed. ~ ll you do not press a key ior 45 seconds. the Wealheradio stores all valid entries and exits the pie» grammtng mode. ' I! you make an Invalid entry, an error lone sounds. Prenaralioi-i 4i \/ ‘1’4711—2550n W t: wtttnarttysepemre. new martyr - ll you press MENU durlng pros grammrng, the Weatheradio stores art vatiu entries (except the crock settings) and exits the prugrammrng mode, Follow these steps to program the Wealheradio. 1. Connect the Weatheladlo to AC power 2 Press MENU. a. Repeatedty press A or v untll WEATHERADIO appears. 4. Press > same-r Cl-lappears. 5. Press D to enter channel setup Press A or V to select AUTO ur MANUAL channel setup. Automatlc Channel Setup: When AUTO appears. press ' . CHANNEL. SEARCHING... appears lf there ts an avatlable channel. CHANNEL X and AVAILABLE appear If there r‘s no avarlable channet. no CHANNEL. AVAILABLE, BACK TO and CHANNEL x (the preset chan- nel) then Auto appears and the Weetneradto beeps Manual Channel Setup: when MANUAL appears. press D . The preset channel appears Repealedly press A or v untrt the desired manner appears Press > to confirm your setee lion. A beep sounds and cm. x szngc‘r (ttre new selected channel) appears Then 55mm cu reappears. Note: I! you recetve 3 NOAA broadcast on more than one channel. the one with the best leceptlon might not be the one broadcasting tntermatron tor your locallnn Contact your Ibcal RadloShack store orthe NWS to tlnd oul whlch rrequency NCAA ls usrrrg to broadcast for rnrorma- lion regardrrrg your teeation, then selecl that channel . Repeatedly press A or v unlrt REMINDER appears, Press ’ to lurn the Mrssed NSF! Remlnder beep on or oft. REMINDER ON 07 REMINDER OPP appears. .Press A or v to toggle between REMINDER DN tbeep on) and REMINDER OFF (been 0"). then press t to confirm, A beep sounds and REMINDER appears. Note: It you enable the Mlssed Alert Remlnder beep. the lone sounds every 10 seconds after the broadcast ends unttt the alert lime expires. Preparaborr ‘g’fi'fm l." page n erlnml .,, warm n m. 1043 m 9. Press A 01 V urml RESPONSE LOC appears, lnen press >. Press A m v 10 toggle between SINGLE LOG, HUI.» TIPLE LOC and ALL LOCA- 110". SINGLE LOC: The Weather} dlo receives a SAME alert signal lor one FIPS code stored in me radio's memory. MULTIPLE 11°C: The Weath— eradlc receives SAME alen 5|g~ nals rm up to 15 FIPS nodes stored in me radio‘s memory Note: When you choose mm- TIPLE LOC or SINGLE LOC‘ LOCI 000000 appears ALL LOCATION: The Wealh- eradlo recelves all SAME alerl slgnals broadcast wrlhin about a 50-mile radlus Note: When ALL, LOCATION appears press P to selecl ALL LOCATION mode Then skip lo Step 16 111.11 you selected MULTIPLE LOC‘ press A or v 10 scroll through me 15 location codes 11, Press P to edit a local-on code. The llrsl dlgll ol the code flashes. 12 Press 1 cr b lo move lhe cur- sor backwards or lorwards. and A or V (o selectadlgll. 13. Press r Io confirm (he setting (and move 10 me nexl location code‘ if you selected MULTIPLE we) . Abeep sounds. 14 Repeal Steps 10 - 13 of you selected MULTIPLE LDC) to emer up to 15 FIPS codes |n memory. Press 1 m relurn to llle previous menu 15 Press > lo confirm your selec- uonl A beep sounds. IE. Press MENU. 1113 Waalheradlo stores all valid emnes and exits programmmgl TESTING THE WEATHERADIO In lhe Uniled $Iales, lhe NWS bread- casls a lesl alerl every week on Wednesday belween 11 AM and 1 PM. To [mu oul the specmc lest schedule in your area. conlacl your local NOAA or NWS office These ol- fices are usually Iisled ln (he lela- phone book under “US Government. Department 01 Commerce," lmponant: Clear reception of a wealher broadcasl srgnal does nol guaranlee man an emergency alerl W|II |rlgger your Wealheradio's alen luncuon. Be sure you cheese lhe proper Iocalion lor the Wealheradio and regularly check me Waalheradio lo be sure 11 Is operaling properly. Malabar- A", rznis lm Page 15 Wrdnfld: Manually Testing the Alert Tone r. Unplug the AC adapter (mm the AC outlet and disconnecl lhe 9v battery. 2 Hold down WEATHER and turn on the power by plugging the AC adapter back into the AC outlet, 05311 55109 appears. 3 Press A or V (0 choose BEEP TONE or SIREN TONE The Wealheradru suurrds the corre- sponding alert tone. 4. Press P to sllence the lone anu confirm your selectron. 5. Press MENU to clear (he Weath- eredlo's memory and restore the lactory sellings. BEIAULT 0)! appears then USER SETUP appears Test or Demo Alerts The NWS sends out dally and weekly lest slgnals you can use to confirm that your Wealheraoro ls working properly To find our the specific lesl schedule lrr your area Contact your local NOAA or NWS office When (he Wealheradio‘s alert lunc- tron rs lurneo on and the Wealheradio reserves a test broadcast lor a programmed FIPS code. it responds m one ol these ways smmm n, mm m a; AM uws Alert Type Demo Message Reqmted Weekly SAME (5! Required Mmlllly SAME Test Display Alen DEMO MESSAGE None WEEKLY TEST Beep |HOHTHLY TEST Beep PROGRAMMING THE TEMPERATURE SENSOR Paired wllh lhe remote sensor, your Wealheradio reglslers temperatures |ndoors and outdoors, When you set the Weathered-o and me remote sen- sor lo lhe same channel (1 - 3), your Wealheradio displays (he minrmum and maxrmum lemperarures, Vuu can also choose to display lhe lempera- lure m °C or “Fr lv While the clock appears. press MENU, TEMPERATURE appears, Press ’ . 2. Press A or v to selecl INDOOR OUTDOOR ”(T/”F. Dr Rmo‘rs CHANNEL Then press P . Resetting Indoor/Outdoor In INDOOR mode. you can reset the minimum and maximum tempera- lures let me Weatheradio's localron. In OUTDOOR mode. you can reset Prepararron 15 sl._ the mintmum and maxlmum tempera» three for the remote sensor's location. 1. When RESET mappeatsand MAX and [m icon] (lor INDOOR) or [cu-r tcon] (lot OUTDDOR) flash. press > to reset the maxi mum temperature A beep sounds and the maximum tem- perature resets to -- .- “c or "F. 2 P1255 A or V until RESET MIN appears. ram and |m icon] or [our icon] flash. 3. Press > to reset the mtmmum temperature. A beep sounds and the mimmum temperature resets to --.-‘Cor°!‘. 4 Press 4 appears. T EMPERATURB Settlng ”01°F 1. When °Cl°F appears repeatedly press D unttl the current tem- perature dtsplay formal (‘C or ‘P) appears 2. Press A or v to selecl the “C or “F formats then press b .Both tndoor and outdoor tempera- tures appear tn the selecled lor- mat, and a beep sounds, Settlng the Remote Channel For the remote sensor to operale. both the sensor and the Weatheradto s tm Peg: ltr Wednesddysrplflnlbfl mow m4; AM mus1 he set to the same channel. tt the Weathefadio does nol dtsplay the remote temperature afler 1 minute white the remote sensor ts ett (- - . - appears), that channel is clear and tree [or use If a remote temperature is displayed white the remote sensor ls ott. there is tnterterenoe on that channel To dear the Interference set the sensor and the Weatheradio to a dtl'ferent channel. 1. When 115»:ng then CHANNEL appears, press b Note: REMOTE and CHANNEL do not appear on the dtsplay at the same "me 2. Press A or v on the Weath- eradle to select a channel (1 - 3) that matches lhe channel set on the remote sensor (see “Install- ing lhe Remele Sensors Batter- ies“ on Page 10). 3. Press channel sounds, VIEWING THE TEMPERATURE DISPLAY The remote sensor sends tempere- ture data to the Weatheratxto every 30 seconds. The Wealheredte's rnternal sensor updales the manor tempera- ture every 10 seconds. } when the desired appears, A Deal: 15 Prepararrmr Note: ll the Weatheradlo loses pow» err all the stored lemperarures are last. film l‘agk‘ 17 W(dnndn}.5qurlnbfl new» in mm Press A to view the Indoor and am- door maximum temperatures for in seconds, of v to view the manor and 0.4er minimum Iamperatures Ior iOseoonds. Cl Operation To turn on the Weatheradlo. insen me supplied AC adapter‘s barrel plug mm the no av + jack on the back of the Weatheradlc‘ then plug the adapler mm a standard AC outlet. Nclus: - ll no signal lS renewed Irom the lemme Sensor In! t mlnuIe allel power ls connectedl - - appears Be sure the battery is properly installeol the sensor is Wlthln range 01 the Weathered-or and the sensor and lhe Weath- eredio are set to the same chan- nel ' lf the clock ls not set of a weather alert has not been received. -- AM flashes in the center 01 the display ~ ll 3 weather alert has been receivedr an alert message appears instead of the time To turn the Weatheradlo on, unplug the Ac adapter trorn the AC outlet. LISTENING TO A WEATH ER BROADCAST To lrslen lo a weather broadcast. press WEATHER, lnen adlusl VOLUME lo the desued Iislening level To turn on me wealher broadcast, press wen-um again USING THE ALERT FUNCTION To sel lhe Wealheradlo lo sound an alert when Ihe Nws broadcasts a wamlng‘ walcn. or statement. sel ALERT ONIOFF Io ALERT ON. A beep sounds and ALERT ON appears, Notes: . II you programmed more lhan one FIPS code into memory, be sure the Weatheradlo Is set to MULTIPLE Loc or ALL LOCATION mode, OlherWlse, the Wealheradlo only receives broadcasts tor lhe FIPS code you slored in lhe firsl memory posillon. Operation _a-*. ”7 +3”; ' ll severe weather threatens. do not well luv an alert tone Tum on the weather broadcasl and rrmnir tor the weather lnlormallon. To set me Weatheradlc so il does nol sound an alert, set the ALERT ourorr switch to ALERT OFF. Two beeps sound and ALERT an appears. Setting the Alert Volume To sel your Weatheradlo's alerl vol- ume turn on lhe alert lone, then ro- late VOLUME clockwlse to increase (or cuunlerclockwlse lo decrease) lhe volume. Note: We recommend you sel the alert volume to the highest volume setting. then decrease lt as needed Changing/Checking the Alert Pattern You can set me Weatheradlo to re- spond to an NWS alert broadcast ln one of two ways Volco — the Wealheradlo sounds an alert tor about 8 seconds then auto- matically turns on the weather (voice) broadcast tor 5 minutes. ll also dls- plays the alert descrlpllon (such as TORNADO WARNING} until (he alert‘s eflectlve tlrrle recelved as part 0! the NWS broadcast code expires An alert could be lrl effect lor several hours. 5m Fug: llt Wednesdaybqwrmhfl lmlm lu 41 AM Tone — me Wealheradlo sounds an alert for 5 mlnules and displays an alerl description unfil the alerl's eflec— five llme expires To Ium off lrle alert sooner, press wamen. To turn on me NWS voice broadcast. press WEATHER again. The Wealheradio automallcally ses Iects Tone me first time you lurn il on. To change the alen panern (or check wrum pallem ls currently selected)‘ 1 Whlle me clock appears, press menu then A or v unlll wenumm appears Then press b 2 Press A or v untll ALERT MODE appears. The currenlly selecled alert pattern (TON! or VOICE) appears, 3 To select lhe olner panern. press A or v solnal peltern (roux or VOICE) appears, 4. Press > agaln lo slore your selecllon, then press MENU, Enabling/Disabling Alert Tones You can turn on or oft some lypes ol alert tones received by your Weath- eradio. For example. you can lurn all me alert lone tor a volcano warning ll you do not Ilve near a volcano Note: The Weatheredlo sllll detects and alsplays the inlonnsllon even af- Operalron “r , 1:7sz m Fig: 1a Wedn<5d4ly.>qirmbfl mm. m u w (er you disable the (one 10! lhose 2, alerts You can set the Wealheradio so il does not suund an alen (one during 3. mese types or alerts: Warnings Avalanche B Izzfld Flash Flood Volcano Wrmer Storm ' Coastal Flood Flcud my. Wm Special Msnne Watches Flash Flood Caes|a| Flood Flood Avalanche Volcanu anter Sloan ngh Wlnd Hurricane Severe Thunderslovm stat-menu Flood Special Weather Hurricane Severe Wealhe' Flash Flood _*| Olhe! =__._ Required Monthly Test P”°"°°’D°"‘° 1. To enable Or disable alen (Onesl while me clock appears. press MENU men A 01 7 “Mil WEATHERADIO appears Then press P . Repealedly press A or v unm TONE DEFEAT appears Then press } . Repeatedly press A or v unm mums, 1-351, STATE- mam: ova'l'CH appears When WARNING appears, you can select: ~ AVALANCHE ~ auzzun ~ COASTAL noon ~ FLASH noon ~ Fuom) - HIGH wmn - SPECIAL MARINE - voncmo ' WIN": STORM When WATCH appears, you can select ' AVALANCHE ' COASTAL FLOOD ' FLASH FLOOD ' PMOD WATCH ' HIGH WIND ' HURRICANE ' SEVERE THUNDERSTORM ‘ VOLCANO ‘ WINTER STORM When sn‘rmsm appears. you can selecl: ' FLASH FLOOD ' FLOOD ~ HURRICANE ' SEVERE WEATHER ’ SPECIAL WEATHER Operation 19 - UNKNOWN When 1231 appears, you can select. - DEMO MESSAGE - MONTHLY TEST 4 Press P .A beep Suunds Press A ctr V to select the alert. 5. For each destred alert. press b . TONE ON 01 T0113 DPF appears 6. Press A or v to toggle between TONE ON and TONE OFF. then press b. A beep Sounds. 7. Press 4 to return to the prev-- ous rnehu category (WARNING. TEST, STATEMENT. or WATCH). 5 Once you have made all your selections for each alert type. press MENU to exlt The clock appears Reviewing Overlapping Alerts Your Weatheradio can store up to three dillerent alerts (wtth overlappmg ellective tlmest tn lls memory. It the Weatheradlo recetves a new alerl whlle a prevrcus alert ls still in effect. ll automatically dlsulays the new alert descripttan and sounds the corre- sponding tone 255 lm PflthO “cdnciday.5tplrmbfl tum» m aunt Note: While an alert is in effect. the earrespondmg alert indlcator lights 1. Press ’ to review the next mes— sage or 4 to rel/law the previ- ous message. 2 Press > In dlsplay the recelved alerts in the order recelved For example: 1st Alert — Flash Flood Warning. elleclive tar 3 hours 15 rmnutes. The red warnlng mdimtorlights lslmessage H FLASH FLOOD 2nd message WARNING stamessage 3 Hr. 15 Min. mtmessage I 3 szrs Slhmssage _ FLASH moon 2nd Alen -— Hurrican- Whtch. ellecltve tor 15 minutes. The yellow watch indicator llghls —| mm —| Sldmessage In Minutes _I 3 mm 3m Alert — Special wntzher statement. after:- ttve to! 6 hours. The green state» ment indicator lights. 217 Oyeralmrl fr? ‘w-“wz gum may wmncsdayehqmmhfl rum we) AM While reviewmg warning messages il you do no! press b or 4 hr 10 sec— 2nd message mama ands, lhe display returns in the most 3m message sTA'rxuxm- rew’my “may“ message‘ 151 message SPECIAL 4m message 51-1005 7 3 xvms am message spscxu. 5m message El Troubleshooting H your Weatheradwo IS nm wofking as ll should, lhese suggestions might help you e‘immate the problem. ll Ihe Wealhefadlo sllII does not operale normaHy‘ take H (0 your ‘oca‘ Ramoshack store [or assistance Prohltmlfl) Make Sule (he adaD'ev ls conneded o! Ihs bauenes ave Installed Adjust VOLUME No power No sound Mulhple FIFS codes are Shrem but (he Wealhefadio urfly responds to weather alert broadcasls For one code One or more FIF'S codes are stored in memory bur the 13er responds to weamer awl broadcasts «or areas not covered by those woes Make sure |he Wealhefadlo IS 591 lo HULTI PL! LOC See “Programmmg lhe Wealheradio' on Page 12 Make sure lhe Wealhefadm‘s AM. me made rs no( sen in memory See "Programming [he Wealheradlo” on Page |2. Make sure the lelempmg anrerm is fully exlendeu Make sure Ihe Ween-crease is sel to the NOAA channel lhal ls being broaccasl in you area See Programming the Wearnereaso- on Page 12 Na weather broadcast when you preis wennsa Troubleshoolrng 21 l a?» 44? ll—Ziiim r-rrgszz ‘Aadnc pll‘mhfl mum 1041 AM Problems“) Mneflhflti} The Weatheradin's Cunllmr cus alert tune saunas inter. mittenl or seems to warble. inn Weatheraflin wnshnfiy monitors lhe channel yrni set it It). even while ii is sounding a mnlimmus alen Each time ine Wrsailieradin receives a Signal on the channel. II pauses very briefly to mpare the slgnal against inose stored in its memary ii the Wealheradlu pauses llequenlly (depending on how oflen ii receives a signal), il might make ind Wezmeradio‘s mnirnnous aim The radio is not resnnnding properly to NWS weather alert broadcasts lone sound intermillenl This is (ml a mammalian 4 Maire sure you programmed the correct FIPS cadetsl into the Wethe-‘adm's inemcny. See “Programming ine Weaineranio‘ on Page i: Make sure ALERT 0" appears. lr rm set Ihe ALERT ONIDFF |o ALERT ON Make sure the Wealneiadio is set to receive new alert types. See 1ng Out Undefined Weather Descrip- tions on Page 5 CHECK OP (check opera~ tlon) appears ‘lhe Weathorardio has nol received any type at SAME alerl Signal (Include lesl 0! demo signals) for aboul one week Make sure [he FIPS coders) stored In memory are cur- reel. see Obtaining Vour Area‘s FIPS Coae(s)' on Page a Make sure me telescoping antenna is fully exlendsd CARE Keep the Wealheradlo dry. il it gets watt wlpe it dry immediately. Use and store the Weatheradlo only in normal temperature envrronments. the Weatheradio careiully, do nol drop it. Keep the Wealheradlo away lrom dust and dim and wipe it Wilh a Modifying or tampering With the Weatheradlo‘s inlemal components can cause a maltunclion. might invali- date its warrantyl and void your FCC authorization lo operate I| It your Weatheradlo is not pertormlng as ll shouldr lake ii to your local Handle damp cloth occasionally lo keep it Radiosnaok store [or assistance it looking new. lhe trouble is aflecllng the telephone lines. the phone company can ask you to disconnect your Wealneradln until you have resolved Ihe problem. 22 Troubleshooll‘ng /\ Tess (m Pay?! WrdiitzdavASupltzmbq mom nu; Aw 4” CI Specifications Frequency Coveraqu Channel ‘i . 152 400 MHZ Channel 2 A. 152 425 MHz Channel 3 . \52 450 MHz ChannelA 152475MH1® Channel 5 A 152 500 MHz Channel 6. . . 152 525 MHz Channei 7 162 550 MHz Receiving Sensinwiy (a! 12 dB SINAD) A. . A 03 uV FIPS Code sensitivity @ + /~ 3 kHz Devlalm190% Success Rale . . . A n 3 uV Signal to Noise Rana .. . .A A . A . .. ..A 40 dB channei Seieciwiiy .. . . . A A A 1/45 kHz‘ 4555 Power Output by Adapter (Maximum) . . A 250 mW Clock Accuracy. .. .. .. . .. . . .A A AA 0 57 Second Per Day Tempuralum Accuracy Weaineiadio —10(00°C.4 . ,.. A. . ...,, A 4/4 0 (a 40 ’C ./_ 2 40m 50 "C A 4/—4 Remote sensor. 40tc—ZO“C . . .. . A. . AA ¢/—5 —20 to 0 ‘C '/—4 0 lo 40 °C w/—2 ¢0 (c 50 “C . A . . A ./_4 50l070"C A .. A .... AA d—B Sample Cyclo (Approximate) Wealheradic A H) Seconds Ramole Sensor A A .A . , .. . , 30 Seconds Power supply lo! Wealheradia . DC 9V 300mA adaplar Power Supply lar Remote Sensor A .. . . . . . 3AA Balleries Eaiiery Back-up lorWeameradio .. .. . A . One 9-VoiiBaiiery Remuie Sensm RF Transmisswn Frequency , .A 43192 MHz Speakalions wz-zss rm pm 14 “cuvmuh_ 5mm." 1mm mum if Remote Sensm Tlansmissnon Range . . . mo Feel Antenfla , Telescoping RodANenna Dimensmns (HWD) Weamerzdm ,5'lzx4x29hs inches (|40x 10: x55 mm) Remote Sensor . . 4 x23h x ‘shsinches (101.6 x 70 x 24 mm) Wewgm . . . xxxx oz (xxx g) (Re. the specs. a! “Weight vendor will advise later 3! Proof stage.) Specmnauons ave lypwcal. mdividual and wmpvovememwxmom nolite. might vary. Specificalims are subject In change lenm mummy Wanamy w: product u mums by Richest-ac! mum m-wlmmv «has m mamul m Wrist-p undm "va mu m rm mnfly Wm am nom um um o| wcmsn "om RaMSMrII mushy-mod mm and "menus Radhshlck mm"; mu uni": zxcsn As FROVIDEO nmm Raoosmck “mes no sxvusss wanna-was AND ANY mum wmnwes mcrumw: Nos: of mzacmuumurv mu rvwsss son A nmcuun punaoss, ms LIMI‘ED m Dunnou 10 ms DURAN)" 0; WE wmnsu uwsn wmnmwes coNYAlNED usnsm Exes" AS Nov-Den nsnsm fittest-lack SNALL mvz up mam. w on aeschsnamw ro cusvousa onmvowsansnson oRENvmr wnn nsswficv w ANY uv Ammv. Loss ca mums: cAusen mean on monscvw av use 0k "Momma or M vacuum on Amsws our or my "sun or bus WARRAN"_1NCLUDING.M Nor unmet: m ANY DAMAGES assuuwc raw moonvmsncs. LOSS or me om. mom“. nsvswa oi Worn on ANV mmnscr. SPECIAL. museum ox consewfimm nmmzs svsu nr “awash-ck Ms BEEN ADVISED as m: mssamrv or soc" ounces do m anew “mm-W on m bony an mun-u win-my um 01 IN o-cmm a mum w New «nut-u! dumiges. some amnmmm, a «mam may am new no m m m- V“! m mam w.“ dung no wananly mm. M. me uodua w m. nan-mm wo virevm n mm! at much. . an. in My inasmu- rm. Fina-ovum -- al n mm min" «mm-s. umu by raw, m bun-m m. 4. <. w praaua mm mom mm In! m, new law (b) «mac. n.- mud m m m m, mm or mm mm or my Mannh- wrenm Mtg An mum rum m mm and roam; M w,» . mm x. mm mm we mama Rod-oSI-xt Nev; Vim-1mm! am one mums "mums m m- p-narmm. m van-my «awn. nmm of 1.9mm pans m mam an n and lo: ., wumd a! me Mam-I warn/fly pma m w n. cum-a «a 1m" on rmzmml a me mam me. am: an Own-nun m m- wlmmy pom m- wINamy am An cuur (am-mm mm mm mu annwnhl- rue-s 01cm mm “414ml, m. use, unplug-r a! momm mm. mm to mm awl-om M090: mmnnm o. mumm. autumn. hgnlmng or mm mun-nu cl mm mm a cutufll. a» m lupus on... mm mm mum w 1 mmsnnex Amnanua SQMc- Fm zm mum-rm sua- a sum 01 mm «11 Wan-cw. m msbnmnnn. "mm; m mum cam a v) mu 01 your mama. mum-m. w-w umw cqmmmlamnununlmn mg “ml, gm; yuu mm m rial-mam you my bohm w- "gnu my. vuv 1m mm a m:- imasmcx Cum-um tan-mm. zoo raw 5000ka “not PM worm. vx me: We Selvioe Whel We $91! vns |2>25§ r , A RadloShack Corporanon 000520223; Fort Worm‘ Texas 76102 Prinlea m China
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