Radio Shack 1501214 RF Modulator User Manual
RadioShack Corporation RF Modulator
User Manual
i5-12ta, .‘ nosemwacmmut, OWNER'SMANUALL-Henereedoehrelfltofiew CAUTION a. CAUTION: To amuce THE RISK OF ammo smoono‘raameoorenonamnom SERVlCEAALE mt'rs melee REFER simmers to oumneo PERSONNEL. Mme-tuned“ woman-mum“ Oomtogenmamwacaae. mwhwuimnmim- mmuwemmunm it mdw—hflmmmm Mnmwnwm proouct. NTRODUCTION 'our RadioShack Video RF Modulator is designed to conven the eparate audio and video signal! (lrom a Video camera. computer. ortable VCR. or satellite receiver, tor example) into VHF TV signals tat you can view on a TV set that has no AN (AudloNidao) inputs. “he FCC Wants You to Know ‘hls device complies with Fan is at the FCC Rules. Operation is uoiecl to the following two conditions: (i) This deuce may not cause armtul Intenerence. and (2) this device must accept any inienerenco mind. ihduo'ng intarlerence that may cause undesired operation. our modulator might cause TV or radio interlerence even when it is perating property. To determine whether your modulator is causing ie interterence. turn it oil. It the interlerenco goes away. your iodulator is causing it. ry to eliminate the interference by: ' moving your RF Modiaalor away lrorn the receiver - connecting your FlF Modulator to an outlet that is on a different electrical drmit from the receiver ' - contacting your local FledIoShack store ler help you cannot eliminate the intorlerence. the FCC requires that you top using your RF Modulator. Changes or modifications not xpressly approved by RadloShack oould void the user‘s FCC uthorizatlon to operate this equipment. iEQUIRED PARTS he following items (not supplied) are required to conned your RF lodulator to a video input source and your TV. a one'audiolvideo shielded cable with three phone connectors at eadi end (FladloShaok Cat. No. 15-1507), lllhe video source's ardiowhrutisstereowroneaudiolvideoshieldedcablewith two phone connectors eteachend (Cat. No.151504)iithe video source's audio output is monaural 0 two 75-ohm coaxial cables with F-type oonneaors - a 75mmo-300-ohm matching transrormer, il' yourTV does not have a VHF 75—ohm F-conneotor Note: The audio signal will be modulated to mono, whether the video source is stereo or monaural. Note to the CATV System installer: This reminder is provided lo cal the CATV system installers attention to article 820—22 ol the NEC that provides guidelines lor proper grounding and. in particular. specrlies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system at the building. as close to the point oi cable entry as practical, CONNECTlONS Figures 1—3 on page 2 illustrate typical configurations tor video sources COHVII'SIDH. - II your video source is stereo. plug the connectors on one end of a stereo AN cable into the video and audio input jack: on the RF Modulator, Plug the connectors on the cable's othe nd into the video and audio output pen on the Video aource. using the color coding on the connectors as a guide. ~ If your Video source is Monaural. plug the connectors on one end ol en AN cable into the video and audio input packs on the RF Modulator (using either the auoio R or i. two. Plug the cables other ends into the video and audio ilclts on the VIdDO source. Connect 75-ohm coaxial cables to the RF Modulator lollovring these gutdel-nes - ll your TV is already connected to another VHF input source (such as cable, an antenna._or a VCR, lor eirarripiei, disconnect the VHF input source‘s 75-ohm oeole lrom the TV's 75-ohm VHF/UHF termi rid reconnect it to the RF Modulator's ANT IN terminal. T on connect a 75-ohrn coaxial cable between the To TV terrriinal on the HF Modulator and the 75-ohrn VHF/UHF terminal on your TV. ' if your TV is not already connected to another VHF source. connect a 75-ohm coaxial table between the To TV terminal on the HF Moduletor and the 75-orim VHF/UHF terminal on your W, Note: it your TV has only SOD-ohm VHF screw terminals. use a 75-ohm-lo-300~ohrn mutating transformer to complete the oonnecn'on. When your connections are complete, plug the HF Modulator‘s pwreroord into a standard AC outlet. ' E)‘ RadiOShaCk. w—m“wwwuu;can— . '‘ Omanimunoumum. “Mum thufé 1 éhdfisme pmpermnnécfloris when'addwuriefivldeasoumsfimé ‘s’igfi'al‘f figure 1 figure 2 shows the proper connections when adding two video sources 10 the signal, Fignjjéz» n. n, w woeo m: mammal!$ . en. via. “an! ’ " Rum:- Cenm A-a swim ' Cl. No. 15-19“ cr. NA 45-131: an N: «9-123: figure 3 shows the pmper connections when adding three video sources to the signal. Figure 3 VIDEO RF MODULATOR cm. in. 15-11“ Ramon Comm! NE W ca. M 15-190! er use. 15-123: cauusazn ..... ,.-_._§____.;_. ._ A ,,,,,,, OPERATION 1. Turn on the TV and set it to either Channel 3 or 4. whichever is not used for regular broadcasts in your area. ' - 2. Set the RF Modulator’s CHANNEL 3/4 switch to the same channel you set the TV (3 or 4). 3. Turn on the connected video source and set OHMS 75/1 K on the HF Modulator to the position that gives the best picture. The video signal indlcator on the HF Modulator lights when the, modulator is receiving a signal from an AN source. If your video source is super video(S-Video) source, plug the S—Video connector onto the S-VIDEO input on the RF Modulator by using a S-Video cable. The OHMS 75/1K switch must be set to the 75 ohms position when S—VIDEO input is used. Note: You can not use both S—VIDEO input and VIDEO input at same time. Disconnect VIDEO input cable from the modulator or turn off the Video source when you use S-VIDEO input. CARE Keep the RF modulator dry: it it gets wet, Wipe it dry immediately. Use and store the HF modulator only in normal temperature envrron~ merits. Handle the RF modulator carefully; do not drop it. Keep the RF modulator away lrorn dust and dirt, and wipe it with a damp cloth occasionally to keep it looking new. Modifying or tampering with the HF modulator's internal components can cause a malfunction and might invalidate its warranty ‘and void your FCC authorization to operate it. It your FiF modulator is not perlorming as it should. take it to your local FiadioShack store lor assistance. SPECIFlCATlONS Video Carrier Output Level ..... 69 dB uV FIF Output Channels ,. 3 or 4 RF Output Impedance ....... 75 Ohms Video Input Impedance 75 Ohms/1 k Ohms (Switchable) Audio Input Impedance 13 :3 k Ohms TV to ANT Insertion Loss 50 - 806 MHz .. -2 dB S‘J/IS x 3‘/|5 x 17/is inches (me x 75 x 37 mm) 1 u: 2.5 oz 0,524 kg Dimensions Welght ..... Specifications are typical; individual units might vary. Specifications are subject to change and improvement without notice. Limited Ninety-Day Warranty Tnls product Is wamnled Ily Radlosrlacx agamsl manulaaunnq detecls In maIeI-Ial and wo'kmarl- snlp under men-la! use Ior mnely (90) days from me dale 0! purchase lroIrI Radloshack company- ewned stores and aulnanxed RaouSnacx Ilzncnlsees and dealers. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, RadleSnacx MAKES No EXPRESS wARRANTlES AND ANV IMPLIED WARRANTlES. INCLUDING THOSE OE MERCHANTAleITV AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ARE LIMITED IN DURATION To THE DURATION OF THE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTIES CONTAINED HEREIN. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN. Hmsnzck SHALL HAVE NO LIABIL- ITY OR RESPONSIEILITY To CUSTOMER DR ANv OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY WITH RE~ SPECT To ANY UAsluTY. LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED DIRECTLV OR lNDIFlECTLY av USE ON PERFORMANCE DE THE PRODUCT ON ARISING OUT OF ANY EREAQ-l OF THIS WAR- flANTY. INCLUDING. BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY OAMAGES HESUL‘HNG FROM INCONVE- NIENCE. Loss OF TIME, DATA. PROPERTY. REVENUE, OR PROFIT OR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL. INCIDENTAL. OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. EVEN IF RadieSnscx HAS BEEN AD~ VISED OF THE PDSSIEILITV OF SUCH DAMAGES. some States an nel allow limllanons an how long an Implied warranry lasls or me exclusm or lImIla~ Inn ol Inadenlal Dr consequennal dmuges. so Ine lbw/a llmllauons or exuusmns may rm anu'v In you. In Ine evenl ol a product delecl dunng me warranly perm. like In: preduc: and me Radel-Iack sales recelpl as great at plum dare lo any fiamsnack stole. Radrosnau will, aI lls nanon. un» less elnefwlse planned by raw Ia) wrrecl lne delen by product repalv wlmnul Charge In! pans and labor: (b) replace lne producl wIIn one el Inn same or sII-IlIlaI deslgn, of (C) reluna me purchase pace. All replaced Inns and graducls, 1nd products on when a relurld Is mane. became Ihe mp- erly ol Hamshacx, New or recnnomoned vans and plumes may be used In Ine peflolmzncu ol waIIamy see/Ice. Recalled or replaced pans and proaucls are warranled lo: Ine (emzlmef 01 me anglnal warlanly germ. Vuu mll he charged lo: vegan or replacemenl al me proaucl made aller lne expuallan or me warvarlly pened. Tnls warranty does neI cuver: (31 Gimme or (zllule caused by or allnbulaole Io acu at Goa. abuse, amoenl. msuse. Impreoer or abnomlil usage, (allure lo follow Insuuclmns. Imurdpu Installation or maImenande. allerauon, llgnlnmg or ulner Incleence ol excess voIIagd or current: In) any (epalrs umel lnan mes 9!!!th by a RadioSr-ank AIIIncrIzed Serylce Faculty; (c) consumables Such as fuses or wanes: (a) cum-lens damage; Ie) lramoorulnn. SthInq or Insurance deals: or (I) costs ol pmduc! removal, mslallanon. seI—up semee anyusxmerl! of relnslallauon. Thls wznanly ques you Specmc legal mm. and you may alsa have ever ngnls wnldn vary "om slave la slale. Hadiashalck euswmer Relalions. 200 Taylor Slreel. 6m Flw, Fun Wom, Tx 75102 rm
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2001:12:21 10:05:26+08:00 Create Date : 2001:12:21 09:54:16+08:00 Creator : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Page Count : 4 Mod Date : 2001:12:21 10:05:26+08:00 Creation Date : 2001:12:21 09:54:16+08:00 Producer : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Metadata Date : 2001:12:21 10:05:26+08:00EXIF Metadata provided by