Radio Shack 1901127 Amateur Transceiver-Scanning Receiver User Manual users manual
RadioShack Corporation Amateur Transceiver-Scanning Receiver users manual
- 1. statement per 15 121a
- 2. users manual
users manual
3. INSTRUCTION MANUAL. Radiosllark. A Div, of'l'mdy Coup. we in: “gm 127 , m (fat. Nu. IB-HZ? OWNER'S MANUAL Pie-use read before operating this equipment. ll'l‘X'Zt-tZ 2 Meter llum PM Mobile Transceiver RadioSlwrktll) i‘liA‘l‘UliES Your ItadioShack ll‘ I x-m is a two-way 2 meter ham muhila transmit-tr [or use in your we hicle. Or you can cutmzcl a DC power supply and base station antenna to set up a base stati m in your home You can also connect optional equipment to your tmnsoeiver. such as an ex (m-unl spa-her. Yuur transceiver also has these advanced {anti-res: Digital Phase-Locked Loop lPLL) Frequency Synthesizer -- Provides the highly accurate and stable tuning Illuminated. Digital uisplay ~- Clearly shows the frequency. functions and signal “math. Stan -- Searches for active channels. Squclch Circuit -- compensates for signal fading and eliminates signal chopping. lixtcmal Sneaker jack -~ Lets you connect your Transceiver tn an extremal weaken Universal Mounting Bracket -~ Lets your mount your transceiver securely in your vehicle or file“ in your ltumc. INNOVATIVE ANI) NEW FEATURES The Il'I‘X~252 ieatures some of the most advanced and reliable eruineering available any when; Our design philosophy at "TX-252 is focused on developing innovative usable (alums. includlng the [allowing -' ,. 0 The "TX-252 comes eauloped with 38 CTCSS tone Encodlns and Decoding min The CTCSS ions can be decoded tor selective reoelvlng. ' to Memory channels ' Programmed memory Scan, press over any may memory channel. In the scan mode, the scan cycle will brim: any unorogntmmed channels CONTENTS lustallrilion ---- deiuShaclt, A Div. ot'Tandy Carp. Attaching the Microphone llolder ----- FCCID: “omen” Mounting the Transceiver Exhibim: Connecting an Antenna -- Connecting the Microphone ~~~~~ Connu'ting Optional Speaker ~ Using an lixwmal Speaker ------ Using Vehicle Battery Power ----- Using the “transceiver as a Base Station ----- ltawivinu 'I'veusniissions rind Adjusting Squelch ----- Transmitting ---" Basic Functions ~---' I. FUNCTION AGCESSED DIRECTLY ----- 2. FUNC'I'lON ACCT-25580 WITH FUNC KEY ----- A Quick Look at the controls ----- l’mm Pant-I ----- OFFNOLUMI SQUELCI! ----- REV ----~ VFO/f-SQ ----~ NIL/M5 ----- TUNE -- LCD Display ----- Microphone Socket ---- Rm: I'anel ----- timer Cable with Connector ----~ . External Speaker Jack ----- Antenna Connector -'—--- Micrnuhonc ----- I’E‘T ~~~~~ I-‘UNCMHZ and Monitor u“- CALL/S‘l’lil’ ' SCAN/Pm -- LOCK/$1 "FT ----- UNDOWN ----- LCD llisulay ----- Using 53min] Cuntmls ~~~~~ I'mgmmming Function and Features: ----- T-SQ ----- SCAN ----- . I’RI ----- KEY LOCK ----- SiiIFF/REI’EATBR OFFSET ----- MEMORY OPERATION ----- CHANNEL STEP ----- 0mm FUNCTION aml FEATURES —--~- Maintenance “n- Twmflflmllnfl """ thl'ushlck. A Div. art'nnaycm, Replacing the Fuse —————— FCC" 10: MONO! 127 Specifications .-___ Exhalmfl: — INS'l'AILA'l'ION AT'E’ACIHNG THE MICROPHONE HOLDER You can connect the microphone holder to either side of the transceiver or In another location in your vehicle. To another) the holder to either side of the transceiver. hmiwntally or vertically, secure the hulrlur to the side using this supplier] screws and lock washers. figure 1 To attathcti the hultler to nnnlher location in' the vehicle. such as the dashboard. fullutw these stem 1. Using the halt-hr as a template, rnartt the positions for tht: mcunting screw hull- at Lhz dcsired lucalion. ‘ 2 At each marked pnsilion. drill a hole slightly smaller than the sunulizd mwnting screws. Cautiun: Be careful not. in drill intu anything behind the "haunting surface. it Attach the holder at the mryunting location using the supplied machine sci-cw; and lock washmsr MOUNTING ’I‘IlF. TRANSCEIVER The must commnrn mounting Iocatiun far this Transccivzr is under a vehlda's dashboard. However, it you use the “TX-252 as a base station. you can place it. on a desk. shelf. or table (see "Using the Transceiver as 5 Base Statinn“). If you an: mounting the ‘l‘mnsccive'r In a vehicle. choose a Iocntinn where! ~ you can easily reach the T‘runscu‘ver. - Wire: and cnhltzs are clear of the vehicle‘s pedals or other movinn mm o The ‘I'ransccivm’ its not directly in front, ol’ heatlng vcnts. A All wires and cables can match their connection mints. Cautinn: tl‘ yau use the Transceiver in a vehicle, mount it securely to avoid damage to the Transceiver nr vehlclc or injury tn anyone in the vehicle during sudden starts or stops. Follow these steps to mount the Transceiver using the suwlied handwam |. Using the mounting bracket as a tunplate. mark the positiuns (or the screw holes on that mounting surface. figure 2 2 In each marked location. drill a hole slightly smallsr than the suwlled mounting screws. Caution: lie careful not to drill into oln‘ects behind the mounting surface. 3 Using a Phillips screwdriver, attach the mounting brnkct to the rrtuuntlnc surface with the suunlitxl mounting nut-ews and flat washers. figure 3 4. Attach the Transceiver w the mounting bracket using the suppliml rubber washers and mounting knobs. RadioShack. A Div. of'l'lm‘l)’ Coup. "W“ 4 rec u): MQISOI m L Exhibit !: I: i) CONNEC'l'ING I\N ANTENNA ‘I'hot'c are many different types of ‘I'ransceim' mttcnnns [or mobile “Millers. Bach antenna type has its own hmtcl'tts, so choose the one that best meets yuur needs. Your local Radioshlck stem sells a wide variety of antennas. Nate: it you are using this Transceiver as a base station, see “Using the Thnaceivu- as a Base Station". When yuu choose an antenna. keep in mind that for the best nerionnanee you should mount the antenna: 7 Its high as Dussible on the vehicle 0 As far as unssible (rum sources of electrical nuise n Vertically 4 Once yuu choose an antenna, follow its mounting instructions. Then mute the able in the transceiver and connect the cable to the ANT jack on the bad: of the transceiver. figure 5 Caulitmsf - Avoid muting the cable next tn sharp edges or muving parts. which might damage the cable. 0 [Jo not run the cable next. tn power cables or other radio antenna cables. . Du not run the cable thm-gh the engine cmpmment or other areas that produce extreme heat. To achieve yrmr radio‘s maximum range. the antenna's Standing Wave Rafio (SWR) must be adjusted. Yau can use an SWR mew (mt supplied) to adjust the SW for your antenna. Follow the instructions supplied with the SWR meter and antenna to adlust your antennn‘l S'Wll to the lowest pnssihle value. SW“ values at 2.01] are atria-ally acceptable. with readings of 15:1 or lower being more desirable Note: Using your mtlia with an antenna adjusted to a high SWR value might evmtually damage your radin CONNECTING 11 IE MICROPHONE 1. Insert the plug into the tniemphone jack and route the mlc plug screw clockwise on the from or the transceiver. figure 6 “flash“. A Div. ofTandy Corv- I’CCID: AAOIWIIW 2. Slide the micmplwne onto the microphtme holder. Extu'bttvl: figure 7 Caution: To disconnect the microphone [tom the transceiver, rotate. the mic plug mew wunterclockwisc. ‘l‘hen pull out the plug. Never pull on the microphone cable. CONNECTING OPTIONAL SPEAKERS You can connect an external speaker to yvur transceiver. Note? Connecting an external speaker disconnects the u'ansoeiver‘s internal speaker. USING I\N EXTERNAL SPEAKER The external speaker you use with the transceiver shwld have an impedance of 8 ohms and be able to handle 3 to 10 watts of flower. such as RadioShaek Cat. No. 21-549. The speaker cable must have a Ila-huh plug. ' To connect the external weaker to the transceiver, insert the speaker cable‘s plug‘ into the l-IX’I‘ jack on the luck of the Transceiver figure 3 USING VEHICLE BATTERY POWER Follow these steps to connect. the transceiver to vehicle balm flower. figure 9 1. Connect the red wire (with an in-Iine [use bottle-l onA‘the back of the transceiver ho a mint in your vehicle‘s fuse block that has power only when the ignition is in the ACE (accessory) or ON position. 2 Comm-t the black wire to a metal part of the vehirle‘s frame (chassis ground). Caution: Do not connect the black wire to a nonrmetallic (plastic) part, or to any part insulated from the vehicle's chassis by a non-metallic pm. USING THE TRANSCEIVER AS A BASE STATION Although this transceiver is designed mainly for mobile use. you can also use it. as a base station with an AC power strume. Fur base station installation, you need those items. . tz-vott In: power suwly that can supply at least 73mm. Comm: Most tZ-volt DC power nannies plug into a standard AC outlet to ptoduoe DC power. Before connecting your Transceiver to a l2-vott DC power manly. lead and follow the tnsll'llt‘llbm includod with the power supply. ' lam statlon antenna 0 Coaxlal antenna cable and connectors Note; Your local RatlioShack store carries coaxial antenna cable and connottor. 0 External 8-ohm speaker. Follow these stasis to install the Tranocdver as a base station figure 10 1. Mount the base station antenna as dmribed in its owner‘s manual. Warning: Use attrome caution when you install or runove a base station antanm. If the antenna starts to fall, let it go. It could contact, overheard power lines. It the anhitru'ia hunches a mwor line, contact with the antenna, mast. cable, or any wires can cause electrocution and death. Catt the power company to remove the antenna. DO NOT attamm to do so yourself. 2. Connect the antenna to the ANT jack on the back of the unit. 3 Connect the lranscciver's black power wire to the negative l-l terminal on the DC nowa- suuuly. ‘ 4. Connect the Iransccivu‘s red wire, with in-Iine (use holders. to the positive G) Wrminal on the DC power supply. 5. Connu-t the DC power supply to a standard AC outlet. RadioSh-ck, A Div. of Tandy Corp. FCC ID: AA 19mm Exhibit if: 55 F OPERATION , Bl‘ful'l.‘ you use your Transceiver, you should know how to use it effectively and onurteonsly. RECEIVING TRANSMISSIONS AND ADJUSTING SQUEI-CH I. Turn SOUELCH fully counterclockwise figure- 11 2 Turn on the transceiver by burning VOLUME clockwise. the display lights and the frequency appears. figure 12 3. Rotate main Tuning knob tu select a frequency. figure I3 4. To cut out background noise between transmissions, wait until there is no signal, than slnwly turn SQUT-llml clockwise until the background noise stunt. fiuurc 14 Note: To mceive very weak sigmls. turn SQUELCH counterdockwiue. You hear noise between transmissions. but you like hear weak transmissions (those are not strong enough to break through a higher squelch setting). 5 Adjust VOLUME to a comlortable listening level. 6 To turn at! the unit. turn VOLUME ouunterelockwlse until you hear it click. TRANSMITTING Note: We recommend you lry receiving beture you trunsmlt. l. Follow Steps 1 ~ 5 in “Roueivlnu Transmissions and Adjusting Squeleh.” 2. To transmit. pm the Talk button on the microphone. Hold the mlcronbene 3-3 inches from your mouth and speak in a normal tune of voice TX appears on the My alone with a bar graph which shows the relative shwsth at your transmission. , 3. It the LCD displays "B", the transmit frequency has exceeded the regal transmit rinse and the unit do not transmit. In such a case. the frequency must be changed to proper range for transmition. figum,v IS 3 When you finish transmitting. release the Talk huuon. TX and the signal strength bars clear (mm the display. it. Tn turn off the unit, VOLUME counterclockwise until you hear it click. BASIC FUNCTIONS l. FUNCTION ACCESS”) DIRECTLY Rnditfllnck, A Div. of Tandy Carp. FCC 1D: M01901127 Exhibit it: FUNC -- Amzs 2nd function 1 MHZ course / Pzi / Memory halal: I'Shiit f Chmnel Sign / 1550 / Power hi'luw. Ul’ ~~ Used in step up imumrcy. rmmury channel. chanuul step and off-set value of shift. DOWN -— Used in step dawn frequmcy. mummy channel. channel step and off-set value of shift. SCAN ~— Channel scan. Vtio -- l’rmumcy tuning mode. MR -— Memory recall. LOCK —- Key luck extent l’I‘T. CALI. —— Amss call channel. Ill-Iv ~-- Invert the TX and RX frequency. 2 FUNCTION ACCESSIEI) WITH THE FUNC KEY. "I-‘UNC -" Means that ores: l’UNC key at first and 2nd lunction kw tract. l-‘UNC o MHZ -- Used main tuning knob or up and down switch to change frequmcy in Mhz slop. l-‘UNC ‘ SCAN/Pill -- Dual channel watch I’UNC ‘ AIL/MS -- Memory save ‘ FUNC . CALL/STEP -- Selma channel Me]; Win. lOKhz, 12.5Khz, 151018, mm. ZSKhz FUNC ' I'i‘l‘ -- Tangle switch for T: power high-low ' NOTE 1 Turn power switch oil‘ (or been tom: control, pnwer swimh on again while I’l'T key is must-mi. (hen beep tone funcllon tum on. To nun on been none auxin. reveal. dam flnfl‘ "KJI'fl. ‘ CAUTION f To reset radio. tum power switch oil” and war switch on uglin while FUNC key is pressed. A QUICK LOOK AT Till-1 CONTROLS I-‘llON'I‘ PANEL figure 16 l. OFF/VOLUME -~ turns the radio on/oii and adjusts the volume. 2. SQUEILII -- Um squelch control knnb is used to eliminate noise, when no elcnel is absent. Normally this control Is adjusted clockwise to the noise litre-held level. 3. lit-IV -- during shirt operating is activated, this key Invert the Tx and Rx truancy. 4. Vl-‘O/T-Stl .. Vl’O (Variable hquncy Oscillator! is [muency tuning mode. FUNC 0 VI-‘O/l’~SQ select the deslmd tune signaling mode. When the "T" indicator is illuutimled in the display lhl: u'ansceiver will transmit the selected subaudible (one. When the “SQ" indicator is illuminated, the transceiver will both transmit the subsudlblc tune and will dosed squelch until lhe groper subautlible (one is received. 5 ML/MS Mcmm')‘ recall and Memory Save mode 6. TUNE ' the main tuning dial knot: rotated in either directiun to select lransmlmemivc frequemics. memory channels. transmit frequency uflsei and sub audilable tuna. 7. LCD DISPLAY imiiraics activated function and cum-n! trequuncy. "' “— 8 MICROPHONE SOCKET Radiosluck, A Div. of TandyCorp. FCC II): M0190! [27 Emu: #.- gill used tn inserted micmuhont: plug. REM! PANEL figun- i? 9. POWER (Emu? WITH CONNECTOR format: the supnl'ted power cable In this connector. 10 EXTERNAL SPEAKER JACK when an external speaker (Salim) is used, cunnect it. to this jack. ll. ANTENNA CONNECTOR used to connect the antenna to radio use a puss antenna plug with the mohm impedanm MICROPHONE figure Is It PTT -- the unit transmits when push to talk is depresstd. 2A l-‘LINCfMlIl AND MONITOR -- P‘UNC lazy is used to access secondary control functions ‘ and MHZ key. When this key is pressed (or over 1 let, MONITOR function oven squelch to monitor weak signal; 3. CALI/STEP u was a programmed cull (mummy (mum-y channel "enumfirunc + CALL/STEP selmt the desimd frequency control step. at SCAN/PR! -- nan-s: scannlng mode (VFO mu, mummy scan). FUNC + SCAN/FRI is A FRI mode (or dual watch 5 LOCK/Sun?!“ -— lock function on-ot’l switch. FUNC * DOCK/SHIFT is SHIFT mode. select the repeater oltset and dim-lion (0 or -). ti UP & DOWN -- imquency tunlnu. memory chunnei and frequency control stag selections. LEI) DISPLAY figure 19 l. FUNC ~~ indium secondary function access mode. 2. 'l‘ —- indicauzs CTCSS tone encoded for it the selected hone will be lnnxmiltud [or Inna squelch. 3 iSQ -- indicates that CTCSS (one decoder is nelivaled for fix. 4. c n - -- : indicates upper slde offset in duplex nude and U : Maia lower side ullscl. 5 LOW —~ indicates low power transmission. 6. Pltl -- indicates dual watch mode. 7. MN” -- display the sol/ml“! tmnsmit/m'eive l‘requmcies, channel step; elite! and _ sulmndtblo lune frequency. 8 ME —— imiiczlcs memory nude. 5) 8 -~ indicate scltttud memory channel and "B" [out 0! the legal transmit range). I0. HUSY ~— indicates signal being M’ijed. and MW“ squelch. amiosmt. A Div. ot'TIndy Corp. FCC ID: AADIBOI [27 min: at: II. 5/le LEVEL -- indicates relative received or transmitted signal strength ("rial is for reference wnmscs only and is net a true indicator of the units sensitivity or received signal strength). [2 ‘rx -~ indicates transmission. 13. ”IBCK" -' indicates luck. I4. SCAN -< ndicates scan mode. 15 75. 50. E ~- indicates channel frequemy. last two digiL. USING SPECIAL CONTROL PROGRAMMING I’UNC'NON ANI} FEATURES r\. W0 (Variable Frequency Oscillamr) mode. This mode is used to change irequenry using the main tuning dial or (JP/DOWN kw. II. A. AIOIIY much: A‘ Press the MIJMS key to select memory channel with mlin tuning dirt] or [JP/DOWN key. C CALL mode ' I’m-n the \'I"() nnxle or the memory made, call channel can be accessed by CALL key. "'C“ indicate the call channel. you can save your chosen frequency. shlit. time. etc. to the CALL t‘htmnttl with the same procedures used [or mnwy save. ‘I‘-SCJ TONI-2 FREQUENCY SELECTION (Suboudible Tone) Press the l-‘UNC key more than 1 seetmd and then press VFO/T—SQ key. Rotate the main tuning knob control or press the UP/DOWN switches on the micmtime until the desired lune intimacy summers in the dismay. Press the VFO key to return to VFO mode. l-ZNOODIEIIJIKDUF. TONI-TS figure 20 SCAN This radio has 2 scanning rrnidol. Scan stops maximum of 5 seconds when signal is'meivetl and restart scanning. A. \'l"0 SCAN This mode scan over the entire turning range at receiver. 1 Select the VFO mode 2. Press the SCAN/Pill lazy on the mix: to start scanning. 3. To change scan direction, tum the main knob or UP/DOWN on the mic. 4. To stay scanning. press the l’T’l‘ lazy or the scan key. M. MEMORY SACN This mode scan all progranuncd memory channels. 1. Press the MUMS lacy to select the memory mode. 2. Press the SCAN/Pitt key on the mic to start scanning. 3. Tu change scan direction, turn the main tuning limb or UWDOWN on the mic. 4 To stop scanning. press the PT"? key or the scan key. l’lil lUUAI. WA'I'Cl 1) Press the I’UNC key and then press the SCAN/Pill key to set. Drim‘ily. PHI will he lighted on tho lJCl). This mudc monitur the primary channel for 5 seconds and then change to the mundary channel for 0.5 seconds. When signal is received at secondary channel, the “whim ”mm to 7, mug, Thie l'naluru an“: that new nvmilnriml “flmry channel as ”Bushnell, A Div. ol‘l'lndy Corp. FCC ID: M0190! 127 Exhibit ll: $— use two radio. A. VFO l‘rim'ity This made sets up VITO frequency as the prim-fry channel. Select desirefi flattens? fur secondary channel aml press FU'NC + SCAN/FRI. Then select primary channel with main tuning khob ur UP/DOWN keys, wail. for IJW operating. B. Memory Priority This mode acts up your last. selected Mammy channel as the primury chi-rural. VFO frequency becomes the smvndnry channd. has FUNC ’ SCAN/PHI and MS hey. Then rmrmry channel number will he blink and select desired memory channel number wim main tuning knob or UPIIJOWN key. Wait [ur DW. Ci CALL Priority This made sets up your Drum-arrange! call channel as the primary cl'mnnnl. The ‘l'l’O frequency bummes (in: secondary channel. Press FUNC ‘ SCAN/Pm and CALI. key. Then “C" will be light and wail. fur DW. KEY LOCK The key lock runcrinn locks all key except P‘l"[‘ and IJOCK. press P'l'l‘ or LOCK no release ‘ knylock. Si llli‘l'lllEPEA‘l‘lill OFFSE’I' Tu select the Shift diremion U or -l and off-set (or Renata owntirm. pron the FUNC law and then pmss the VFO/l‘-SQ key. “-" marl: and the off-set value (in MHZ) will bu displayed. A. Changing all-set value Tum the main tuning knob or use the UP/lmwN hays on the mic to chance the oft-let value. oil-set can be set from lOOKhz - 7395th B. Setting Shin Direction FUNC . vm/r-su key and REV kw. "-" mull will be change to ”V. Press file FUNC‘VFO/T-SQ key again or the FIT kzy to relum la VFO. MEMORY OPERATION Memory l’mcedum 0 set the dcsimd frequency to memory writing, far examule 145.10 Mhz. 1. Press the FUNC key llu: LCD mlurn to VFO frequency. figure 22 7. Press lhu NIL/MS key. This is memory writing made LCD change to 145.10 Mhz again and memory channel number will be lighled. figure 23 3. H the memory Channel number is blinking. the my have no frequency data. Metmry channel number can he changed by UP/DOWN Rey ur main Inning knob. 4. At this time mess the MIIMS hey we more lime. on the w slate the fiequmcy (145.10 Mhzl. I'ugurr: 74 5. Cums to the VF!) modu. Reheat again above mucodurc. if you wanted memory the other lrmucm‘y. RudiuSh-ck. A Div. of Tandy Corp. FCC ID: MOIQO! 127 Exllibil 0: {SE ii The menu-y channel calamity is 0 - 9 ( to station channels]. Call Channel Memory Procedure I. Set the call channel timuency, for example 146.52 M112. 2. Press the FUNC key. 3 Press ML/MS key. 4. select “c" (call indication] on the minnow channel number with up or down switch or main tuning knob. 5 Mess the MUMS heroin: more time [or memory save. CHANNEL STEP Your transceiver has six selectable channel steps for VET) GK. 10K. 125K, 21K, 25K). The tactow sntn'na is SKhz. l. Press the I’UNC key, and then press STEP key. The display will show the current channel step selling. ‘ 2. Lise the main tuning knob or UP/DOWN keys to select one of the six steps. 1 Push the WON-SQ key ur the m key in mum in vro. Channel step the dismayed on the lL‘lJ as follow: 5Khz is shown as 5 IOKhz is shown as to l2.5Kh7, is shown as 12.5 lfiKhx is shown as 15 With is shown as 20 . 25Khz is shown as 25 Setting Transmit Power Transmit power levels are high (no display) and low (LOW displayed). High power is 25 watts and low power is It! watts To change the tnnsmh. power setting. mess the I’UNC ‘ I'l‘T key. 0mm FUNCTIONS and FEATURES I. Monitor function P111; and Mid the FUNC hey more than 0.5 sew-ids for monitor function and Swatch will be open to monitor weak signals. Release FUNC key for normal operation. 2. Beep To disable the beep Tune. tum the unit 0“ at first. While holding the PT‘l' key, turn the power switch ON aaaln. To enable the Bee» Tone. repent the above procedure. 3. Reset To Reset the radio. turn the power off and turn on again while holding the PUNC key. All features and luncljons back to the original factory setting and clear all memory. Facluly Setting VFO : 146.52 Mhr, CALI. : 146.52 th Memory Channels : Empty Shift i Nnne Offset 1 0.6 Mint Tune titanic/Decode -' Disabled Tum: Frequency 1 88.5 hz Channel Slag; t 5 Kb: Power 1 High ____ ‘__ Key Lock .' Oil’ lice“ i On RadiuShack, A Div. ofTandy Corp. FCC ll): AAOIWIITI taxi-nix at: at: MAINTENANCE Your Itarlioshack “TX-252 ’I'ranscoiver is an exanntle of superior design and craftsmanship. The following suggestions will help you care [or your transceiver. so you can enjoy it for years. ' Km: the Transmit-w dry. If it does get. wet. wipe it all immediately. Liquids can contain mint-rails that can corrode ehxtmnic circuits. Handle the Transceiver gently and carefully. Droppingvit can damage citouit boards and cases and can cause the Transceiver to work improperly. Keep the Transceiver away from dust and dirt, which can cause premature wear of m. Wine tho ‘i'ransceivtn' with er clamp cloth occasionally to keep it looking new. Do not use harsh chemicals. cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the Transceiver. Modifying or tampering with the “l‘rnnsoeiw's inlemnl components can cause a ntallunclinn and might invalidate its wolrontyr TROUBLESHOOTING It at any time you suspect that your Transceiver is not working as it should, refer to the following chart to see it you can eliminate the problem. If the problem persists, take the Transceiver to your local liadioshock store for lssistaneer Symptom -- Solution Trouble with rcccptlon ~~ Too much squelch 7 Adiust as flooded. Radio not on operating frequency Tuning 7 Switch to active Tuning. Microphone connected 7 Secure contractions. Antenna connected 7 Secure connections. trouble with transmission -- Trot-emission cable connected to antenna 7 Secure antenna wnmton All connections free of corrosion 7 Clan and tighten. Talk button l‘ully prettier! In 7 Press completely. Minnow-om- connector louse 7 Flnnly press in luck ltadiu dose not work at all w- Power connected 7 Secure connections Microphone ronnected 7 Secure connections. Fuses need replacing ? See ”lteplaclnu the theses". ll these solutions do not solve the problem. do not attempt repairs or adjustment yourself. The Transceiver should be serviced only by a qualified radio technician. it you still hove problems. tolse your 'I'ransuei\-er to a local Rodioshoelt slam for assistance REPLACING ‘I’Illi FUSES ll the ll’l‘x~252 stops operating. you might need to replace fire red Dower wiro's (use with the supplied spore fuse. Caution: I)» not use a fuse with ratings other than those specified here. Doing so might damage your transceiver. Follow these steps to wpluce your uaneeeiver's lute. l. Make sure the power some and transceiver are both oil. 2. Pull the latches span on the fuse holder until it. opens. Iiuonc 23 It It the [use is blown. replace it. use only a standard 1 1/4 x 1/4 inch last-aeting fuse with the pmper ruling. The [use must be 10 amps. Caution: The suwlievl {use has the proper ratings. Make sure you replace a {use only with another Fuse 0! the same rating. 47 Reossemblo the fuse holder by squeezing it. together until it snaps shut RIdipShttek. A Div. ozr'rmty Corp. Fccm- M0190“ 7 Exhibitt: QL SPECIFICATIONS GI, Ell/XI, Frequency "some '>~- - TX-MZQXJMIII to MDF-BfiMllz, RX'136.0(X)MH2 to 173mm l’rmumicy Control ., ‘~ Digital phase lock loop synthaizcr (Xx-rating Tcmmture Range ~~~~~ -4 F to ‘IZ’Z F Power ltcuuircmcnts ----~ 138V DC (t2 - I6 VOLTS DC. negative or positive ground) Antenna -- 50-ohmtmaxial connector) Micmpltvnt ~ Electric condmscr type Speaker ~~>~ 8~ohm. 3wutt Dimensions - —-- 5 3/25" x 2/5“ x 5 1/2" (130mm x 36mm x ldDmm) Wright u- - Iifidlhs (0.7Kgi Arccsun-ies ----- microphone hanger and mounting bracket RECEIVER Sensitivity [or IDcIB SIN ----- 0251117 Ot'crload Audio Fidelity at 6 dB Down ----- 450m - ZIOOIIZ Adjacent Channel Selectivity --~- de IF Rejection ----- 7068 or Imttm' Maximum Audio Output Power ----- 2.5watts at s-ohm Dummy Squulrh Itangc ----- Adjustable from 0.5uV to ImV Batten; Drain at m: signal ------ GDDmA [lutlcry Drain at Mon Output Power --‘-- LSA ‘l‘IlfWShII‘l‘I‘EIl Mun Output Power - Spurious timissiwn —— - -65dl3 or better Max frequency devi on ---~- ‘/— SKIIz flattery Drain : high 1 (ill. low 2 3A Sim-trunnion: am wulcal. individual units might vary. Specifications are subject to change and inmim-einunt without notice. high : Ewatts, low I ltMatts RadioSImt-k Limited warranty This moduct is warranted by radioshack against manufacturing defects in material and tv'trrkmallslltp under nonnal usr: for ninety (90) days from date of purchase from RadiuSh-ck company—owned stores and outhot'imd RadioShsck I‘mnchism and (inlets. EXCEPT'AS PROVIDED IIIEREIN, ItadioShack MAKES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABIIJT’Y AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ARE LIMITED IN DURATION T 0 THE DURATION OF TIIIE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTIES CONTAINED HEREIN, EXCEPT AS PROCTDED HEREIN. IladioShat-k SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY OR Rfil’flNSIBII—ITY T0 CUSTOMER on ANY OTHER PERSON OR I-‘.NTIT Y WITH RESPECT TO ANY “ABILITY. LOSS DAMAGE CAUSI'IIJ DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT 0]: ANY INDIRI-LC’I‘, SPECIAL. INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF ItadioShack HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Sonw statcs do not allow the limitations on how long an implled warranty lasts or the exclusion nl incidental or consutuential damages, so the above limitations or melodious may not amlly (0 you. In the event at a umducl detect during the warranty period, take the product and the IlzulioSliack sales receipt HS proof 0! purchase date to any ttadioShacIt store. deioshack will, at its untiun. unless uthmvisv: provided by law; (a) correct the defect by product, repair withnut charge for parts and tutu”: (bl mplace the pmdoct with one of the same or similar (It'aiuul tt'l refund the tmwhttst' mice. All mutated pans and products, and products on which a ml'und is madu, become the property of HadioShack. New or unconditioned parts and walnuts may be used in the wrtunnancc of warranty scrv'tcn. “attained or replaced parts and Radioshnck, A Div. oI'Tandy Corp. FCC ID: MDIDDI I2? Exhibit it“ 5 M products are warranted for the remainder oi the original warranty mind. You will be changed for repair or replacement of the product made after the expiration of'ule Warm-it]! period. This warranty that not cover- (a) damage or failure caused by ur mm in? acts of good. abuse. accident. misuse. inmroner or abnurmai usagc, failure to follow insh'ucliuns. imumpu- inslallalinrn or maintenance, alteration. lightning ur other incidence ol emcees voltage at current: (b) any repairs other than was: provided by a RadinSinck Authoriud Sch-vine I-‘amily‘. (c) consumables such as fuses or batteries; (d) cosmetic damage: (a) Mammalian. shipping or insurance costs; or (f) costs of product mmvni. insmilaliun, sew-Lip savice ' fldiuslmcnl or minslniia‘tioh. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from sun: In state RadioShack Customa- Relatiom, zoo Tartar, 6th Fiour. Fart Worm. TX'IGIUZ We Service What We Sell , RadioShack a divisiurn Tandy Cameraman Furl. Worth, Texasv 76102 12.499 Printed in korea‘ ‘ ‘ Tandy Corp. oSluck, A Div. of 2:1; 10: AAOISOI 117 Exhibit in: _ _
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Modify Date : 1999:09:16 11:39:19 Creator : Photoshop PDF Plug-in 1.0 Producer : Photoshop PDF Plug-in 1.0 Create Date : 1999:09:16 11:38:14 Page Count : 15EXIF Metadata provided by