Radio Shack 2000196 500 Channel Mobil Trunking Scanning RX User Manual Users manual
RadioShack Corporation 500 Channel Mobil Trunking Scanning RX Users manual
Users manual
20-196 O/MANUAL DRAFT OWNER’S MANUAL Cal. N04 20-196 PRO-2067 Mobile Trunkmg Scanner Ptease read before usmg (th equwpment Page 1 20-196 (Ii/MANUAL DRAFT FEATURES Your RadioSheck PRO-2067 ECO-Channel Mobile Trunking Scanner is one of a new generation of scanners designed to track Motorola(R) Type D and Type II (such as Smartnet and Privacy Plus) and hybrid analog trunking systems, plus GElEricsson (EDACS(R]) and EF Johnson (LTR(R)) type systems. which are extensrvely used in many communication systems. Trunking communications systems let a large group at z-way radio users (or even diherent groups of 2-way radio users) etfictently use a large range of irequenmes. instead of selecting a specific frequency for a transmission, the user simply selects a talk group, The trunking system automatically transmits the call on the first available frequency, and also sends (both as a sub audible code on that frequency and on a ditfererit frequency called a data channel) a code that uniquely identities th at trans mission. Since the trunking system might send a call and its response on different frequencies, it is difficult to listen to trunked communications usmg a regular scanner The PRO~2067 monitors the data sent With a 2-way radio transmission. so you can hear the call and response for that user and more easily ‘tollow" the conversation. The scanner also lets you scan conventional transmissions, and is preprogrammed with service search banks for oonvenience. By pressing a Single button, you can quickly search those frequenmes most commonly used by public service and 0\her agencies Without tedious and complicated programming. The scanner gives you direct access to over 333.000 frequencies including those used by poltce and fire departments, ambulance servtces, government agencies, air and amateur radio services (0) 2000 Tandy Corporation. All Flights Reserved. RadioShack is a regtslered trademark used by Tandy Corporation. Hypersearch and Hyperscan are trademarks used by Tandy Corporation. LTR is a registered trademark of EF Johnson, Motorola and PL are registered trademark of Motorola inc. EDACS is a registered trademark at GE/Ericsson Inc Page 2 20-196 O/MANUAL DRAFT Your scanner includes these spectal features: HyperscanTM and HypersearchTM - let you set the scanner to scan at up to 25 channels per second and search at up to 50 steps per second, to help you quickly find interesting transmissions Simultaneous Trunking Operation — tracks three trunktng systems. LTFi, Motorola and EDACS at the same time. as well as conventional systems Text lnput — lets you input the text on each channel, Trunk ID. Bank, or other memory so you can easily know about the transmisston you are hearing Private Line Receiving — decodes and displays the Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) tone Stgfial being transmrtted. Digital Private Line Reserving — decodes and displays the Digital Coded Squelch (DOS) being transmitted. 12-Character, 4-Line Dot-Matrix Display— shows you detailed operating intermatlon and lets you eastly program the scanner. to Channel-Storage Banks — let you store 50 channels in each bank to group channels so calls are easier to identity. Triple Converslon Superneterodyne Recenter — virtually eliminates any interlerence trom intermediate frequency (lF) lmages, so you hear only the trequency you select. Ten Preprogrammed Frequency Ranges — let you search tor transmissions within preset frequency ranges or Within ranges you set, to reduce search time and select interesting trequencies more quickly, Scan Delay — delays scanning for about 2 seconds before moving to another channel. so you can hear more replies that are made on the same channel. Page 3 20-196 O/MANUAL DRAFT Priority Channel — you can set the scanner to check one channel every 2 seconds so you do not mlss important calls ATT (Attenuate) Button — lets you program each memory to reduce the scanner's sensitivrty to strong local signals, to reduce interference or noise caused by these signals Weather Alert — automatically sounds the alarm tone to advrse ol hazardous weather conditions when it detects the alert signal on the local NOAA weather channel. Weather SAME — automatically sounds the alarm tone to alert you to hazardous weather conditions and displays the event text so you can see what the alert is for Look-Out Function — lets you set your scanner to Sklp over specified channels or frequencies when scanning or searching and skip over le when traclung lrunked systems DlN—E Size — you can install the scanner in the mounting space provided in many new vehicles Supplied Frequency Guide — lists the lrequencies for many of the public salety systems you can listen to Memory Backup 7 Keeps the lrequencres stored in memory for an extended time even without battery Data Cloning — lets you transfer the programmed data to another PROQDG‘I scanner. You can also upload or download the programmed data to or tram a PC usrng an optional interface kit. We recommend you record your scanner's serial number here This number lS on the scanner‘s back panel Serial Number * Page 4 20-196 OfMANL'AL DRAFT Your PRO-2067 scanner can receive these frequencies: , 2954 MHz . WIS-136.9875 MHz . 137-174 MHZ . 380612 MHZ .805-823.9875 MHz .849-858.9875 MHZ 894-960 MHZ This Owner’s Manual also inctuoes the section “A General Guide to Scanntng“ on Page XX to help you target irequency ranges in your service area so you can search (or a wide Variety of transmits. FCC NOTICE Your scanner might cause TV or radro interference even when it is operating properly. To determine whether your scanner is causing the interierence, turn oft your scanner. If the interference goes away, your scanner is causing the interference. Try the lollowing methods to eliminate the interference. . Move your scanner away train the TV or radio. Connect your scanner to an outlet that is on a difierem electrical circuit from the TV or radio. . Contact your local RadioShack store Ior help. If you cannot eliminate the interference, the FCC requires that you stop using your scannerc This device complies with Fan 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (i) This device must not cause harmtul interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference receivedx rncluding interference that may cause undesired operation. Note: Mobile use of this scanner is unlawful or requires a permit in some areas. Check the laws in your area. Page 5 20-196 Or’MANUAL DRAFT SCA NNl NG LEGAALLV Scanning is a fun and interesting hobby. You can hear police and fire departments, ambulance services government agencies, private companies amateur radio services“ aircraft, and milirery operations. It is legal in listen to almosi every transmission your scanner can receive. However, there are some electronic and wire communications mm are illegal to inienlionally intercept These include , telephone conversations (cellular, cordless or Diner private means oi telephone signal transmission) . pager transmissions . scrambled or encrypted transmissions According to the Federal Electromc Communicaiions Privacy Aci (ECPA), as amended, you could be lined and possibly imprisoned lcr lnlenlronally listening 10, using‘ or disclosing the contenis of such a transmission unless you have the cansenl 01 a party to the communication (unless such acuvity is orherwrse illegal). These laws change from time to time and there might be stare or local laws mar also aliecr legal scanner usage. Page 6 CONTENTS will add Page 7 20-196 O/MANL'AL DRAFT 20196 OlMANUAL DRAFT PREPARAT'ON lNSTALLtNG AN ANTEN NA You must install an antenna belore you can operate your scanner Your local Radioshack store sells a variety of scanner antennas for both mobile and basestation usei Choose the one that best meets your needs. Selecting an Antenna When deciding on a mobiie or base-station antenna and its location) consider these points: . The antenna should be as high as possible on a vehicle or the house iThe antenna and its cable should be as iar as possible from sources of electrical nolse (ignition systems, gauges, and so on) l The antenna should be vertical lor the best perionnance, Mounting an Antenna Once you choose an antenna. follow the mounting instructions supplied with the antenna. Then mute the antenna cable lo the scanner. Note To connect the antenna always use 50-ohm coaxial cable such as RG-SB or Flee For lengths over 50 leet, use HG-B low-loss dielectric coaxial cable your local RadioShack store carries a wide Variety ct coaxial antenna cable. Cautions i Do not run the cable over sharp edges or movnng parts that mnght damage it, . Do not run the cable next to power cables or other antenna cables, , Do not run the cable through a vehicle‘s engine compartment or other areas that produce extreme heat Page 8 2 U 196 OJ'MANUAL DRAFT Warning Use extreme caution when you install or remove an outdoor antenna. lt the antenna starts to tall, let it go! It could contact overhead power lines. lf the antenna touches a power line, contact With the antenna, mast. cable, or guy wires can cause electrocution and death. Call the power company to remove the antenna. DO NOT attempt to do so yoursell. MOUNTING THE SCANNER IN YOUR VEHlCLE Belore you install your scanner, read all the instructions in this owner‘s manual You should be able to answer all of these questions about your vehicle‘s electrical and sound systems: Which terminal in my vehicles (use box is for accessories? . How do l connect a wire to the tuse box? Also. be aware that installation in your vehicle might require cutting or modifying your vehicle. The most common mounting locations tor this scanner are in the space provided in or under your vehicle’s dashboard. it you use this scanner in a vehicle. you must mount it securely to avoid damage to the scanner or vehicle or injury to anyone in the vehicle during sudden starts or stops. When you choose a mounting location, be sure: . you can easily reach the scanner . all Wires and cables Wl" reach their connection paints , viires and cables will not interfere With the vehicle‘s pedals or other movmg parts . the Scanner is not directly in tront a! any heating vents Preparing the Mounting Area Before you mount the scanner‘ make sure you have all the necessary materials. Then contirm that the scanner fits your vehicle's mounting area. This scanner is a DlN,‘ and ‘. ZEABC — enters a 2 or tnputs characters A, B. or C. 5/JKL — enters a 5 or |nputs characters Jr K, Dr L 8/TUV — enters a B‘ or rnputs characters T. u, or V. Page 16 20-196 O/MANUAL D RAFT — enters a decrmal point (necessary when programming lrequenmes), space or hyphen (in Motorola type l code settlng), SIDEF A enters a 3, or inputs characters D, E, or F GIMNO — enters a 6‘ or inputs characters M, N, or O. 9/WXYZ — enters a 9x or ll'IleIS characters W, X‘ Y, or Z, ENTER — enters frequencles text, and so on. TRUNK — programs the trunking lD code or holds the trunkmg ID while scennlng, LJOUT [lock—out) — lets you lock-out a selected channel lets you Sklp a speclfiecl frequency durmg Search, or lets you locl<~oul a selected ID code. CLEAR — clears an mcorrect emry. FROG (program) — programs lrequencles into channels. Page 17 20-196 OIMANUAL DRAFT A LOOK AT THE DISPLAY A‘. [under ' ,— D “v mdiuawr Prm'itv new LJC.LU1 mummy "W1“ ”1” “C ‘md- , [11:5 Hummus m: amr manna] "1 ' Recemrg umde Juncawzr “gnu, mermkn md'u Lw \. ~71a mac 7— 11) new: zvmcam' HANNA], VC‘DE ‘PLJ’DQ’L“TR/METER HOD?) ]'riw'\’> Mam — 4Pr10r11§0FF SCAN MODE Mule scanmngk . 1 f"uuency r~ 5! band SHEEN “535 Math inuxmfi 5 C? ';r 13X1 Incuumr IID wdt SEARCEE MODE {whzlc receiving at P'L/DL/LT/‘MO/ED motel? Page 18 12 U- 196 Ol'DiIANUAL DRAFT UNDERSTANDlNG BANKS Channel Storage Banks To make it eaSier to identify and select the channels you want to listen to. channels are divided into 10 banks at 50 [00 to 49) channels each. Use each channel-siorage bank to group irequenCies, such as lhnse used by the police department lire department, ambulance sen/ices or aircrall [see ‘Guide to the Action Bands" on Page XX). For example, the polioe department might use lour trequencles, one lor each Side of town. You could prugram the police frequencies starting with Channel 000 (the first channel in bank 0) and program the fire department lrequencies starting with Channel 100 (the Iirsl channel in bank1). Search Banks This scanner is able to Search 10 Search banks. You can also replace a bank With one of the 60 rare-programmed search bands (For the deiault setting see “Searching a Preprogrammed Frequency Range" on Page XX), The loilowmg list shows the 60 pre-programmed search bands: Low Freq. (MHz) Hi Freq. (MHz) Step (KHz) Description 118.0000 136.9750 25 Air Band 108.0000 118.0000 25 Air Nav 460 6375 460.8825 25 Airlines 460 8750 4609750 25 Alarms 944 0000 952.0000 12 5 Broadcast Lll’lkS 42.9800 43.6500 20 Business 151.9850 153 7250 5 Business 450.9250 452.18?5 25 Business 453.9875 4549875 25 Business 460.9750 452 5500 25 Busmess 463.1750 455 0000 25 Business 851.0000 866 0000 12.5 Business 935.0000 944.0000 12 5 Busmess 33.0400 33.9800 20 Fire 29.7000 33.0400 5 Fixedfl‘i’lohile Page 19 33 9800 40 6000 920 0000 932.0000 952.0000 462.5500 467.5500 137.0000 148.0000 153.7250 158.6700 162 0000 173 4000 400 0000 453 0000 29.0000 50.0000 144.0000 420.0000 902.0000 150 9650 4629250 156 2500 161.7600 380.0000 806.0000 894.0000 161.5650 173.2250 450.0000 452.9625 462.7500 929 0000 42 0200 44 6000 450 0000 42 0200 50.0000 929.0000 935.0000 960.0000 452.7500 457 7500 144 0000 150 7750 156.2500 159.4850 173.2250 174.0000 420.0000 453 9875 297000 54 0000 1 48 0000 450 0000 923.0000 151.9850 463.1750 157.4250 161.9150 400 0000 023 9075 3020000 1 51 7600 1 73 4000 450.9250 452.9875 462.9250 932.0000 42 9600 45.6000 460 6375 12.5 25 25 25 50 12.5 2.5 12.5 25 25 12,5 20 20 25 Page 20 20— 196 OI‘MANUAL DRAFT FixedeobHe Fixed/Mobile Fixed erd aned GMRSIFHS G MRSIFRS Governmem Government Government Government Governmem Governmen! Governmsm Governmem Ham 10 m Ham 6 m Ham 2 m Ham 70 Cm Ham/ISM 330m Highways Medwcal Mame Band Marine Band Milwtary Mobile Unfis Moblle Umts News Medxa News/Film News Media Newspapers Paging Paging Poiice Po1icefFire PoricefFlre 866.0000 160.2150 455.0000 465.0000 157.4250 159 4650 452.1875 470 0000 150.7750 868.9875 1 61 5650 450.0000 470 0000 158.5700 160.21 50 452.9525 512.0000 150.9650 12.5 20-198 O/MANUAL DRAFT Palms/Fire Ratlroads Reptr bnputs Reptr Inpms TaxVTOw Taxi Taxw/Busses T <,Y,Z,w x y z ,-,¢5>_r@,‘y',&1’-$i’z.‘_LLl_>\_‘_ Space CL Back Space dx (0 ~< owmflmmbwm Note To emer Ihe underlmed charamers. press FUNC afier pressmg the numera‘ key, F1ND4NG AND STORING ACTIVE FREQUENCtES Vou can search for Iransrmssions wilhm ten ranges of frequencies, caHed a search bank. The search bank is dlvided mm 10 search bands. You can change 1he bands with the 60 pre- programmed search bands in the scanner (see “Search Banks‘ on Page XX) You can also change the search bank’s search vanges manuany. Notes“ . You can use me scanner’s deway feature whiie searching the serwce bank. See “Using the Deway Function' on Page XX. The scanner does no! search locked-out frequencies whrle searching ranges. Page 25 20-196 tit/MANUAL DRAFT SEARCHtNG A FREPROGRAMMED FREQUENCY RANGE The scanner cuntarns these preprogrammed search ranges, stored in search banks (0-9). Search Bank Search Range (MHz) Descriptton O 460—460,625 Police 1 153 725—156 000 Pohcewae 2 462.925—453 175 Medical 3 ”81100—13600 Aircratt z. 15642504 57.425 Marine 5 866.000—8683375 800 MHZ 6 50000—54000 6 Meter Ham 7 Macao—148.000 2 Meter Ham 8 440 COO—450.000 70 cm Ham 9 452 SEQ—462,725 User Barth Fotlow these steps to satect preprogrammed search ranges and search them tor active treq uencies 1 Press SEARCH. The scanner searches active search bank. add rtlustratron. Note: To reverse a search directron: press (UP key) or (DN key). 21 Ustng the number keys. enter the search hank number far each search range you want to select Or remove. 3. When the scanner finds an active trequency, it stops searchtngr To save the frequency into a channel in the channel storage bank {bank 9 only)‘ press FUNC then press ENTER. Stored @ 9xx appears on the dtspiay (xx: channel number) Press (UP key] or (DN key} to continue searching tor addrtionat active trequenciesr Notes Dunng searsh you can manually change the band mode or trequency Step See “Changing the Receive Mode” on Page XX or “Changing the trequency step” an Page M Page 26 20-196 OTMANUAL DRAFT . H bank 9 tn the channet storage banks does not contain any empty channets, Bank 9 tult appears on the displays tower ttne .To pause the search. press FUNC then press STEP. " PAUSED ‘“' appears on the disptay and the scanner stops frequency search To start search agatn. press FUND then press STEP again or just press SEARCH Staring a Frequency 10 a Specified Channet Fotlow (he steps to store a Wequency mm a specmed channet. 1 r When the scanner stops on the trequency, press PUNC. 2 Press TUNE. 3 Press MAN And select specmed channet ustng number key then press MAN agatn. 4. Press PROG, 5. Press PU NC‘ rhen press TUNE to store the frequency. 6. It destredr press SEARCH to return 10 Ihe search mode Changtng a Search Range wrtn One 0! the 60 Preprogrammed Ranges You can replace the search range with one at the 60 preprogrammed ranges 1 Press FUNC then press SEARCH to enter search pregram mode PSR and the search bank number 01 the curlen! range appear at the disptay’s upper left corner add tltustratton 2. Press (UP key) or (DN key) to setecl the desired search bank you want to reptaoe. Page 27 207196 OfMANL'AL DRAFT 3. Press FUNC then press 5. ”SR and the search bank number appear at the display‘s upper left corner. add illustration. 4 Press (UP key) or [DN key) key to select the preprograrnmed search range. 5 Press ENTER to replace the search range. Changing a Search Range Manually Follow these steps to change the search range manually. 1. Press FUNC then press SEARCH to enter search program mode. PSR and search bank number appear at the display’s upper left corner. 2. Press (UP key) or (DN key) Key to select the search bank number 3. Use tne number keys to enter the lower range you want to search and store, then press ENTER to store the frequency. 4 Use the number keys to enter the hrgher range you want to search and store then press ENTER again to store the frequency Notes: It you enter a hrgher frequency first then enter a lower frequency. the scanner automatically exchanges the trequencies on the display. It dtsplays the lower frequencies first and the higher frequency Second . It necessary. press TEXT and the appropriate number keys to input the character, SCANNlNG THE CHANNELS To begin scanning channels or to start scanning again altar monitoring a specitlc channel, press SCAN. Page 28 20-196 OJ‘MANUAL DRAFT Note: You must store lrequencles lnto channels belcre the scanner can scan them. The scanner does not scan empty channels The scanner scans through all channels (except those you have locked out) in the same banks (see “Locking Out Channels, Frequencies and Trunking lD“ an Page XX and “Turnrng Channel- Storage Banks Off and On” below. Turning Channel-Storage Banks on and On To turn off banks wnrle scannrng, press the bank’s number key untll the bank‘s number disappears. The scanner does not scan any ml the channels wrthln the banks you have turned 0". Notes . You cannot turn off all banks. There musl be at leasr one actrva bank l You can manually select any channel m a bank even it the bank rs turned off To turn on banks whlle scanning, press the number key untrl the bank 5 number appears. TuNlNG THE FHEEQUENCY MANUALLY lr deSlred. you can locale a lrequency manually The frequency found while searching can be watched To tune to the lrequency‘ lollow these sleps: l . Press TU NE 2, Use the number keys to enter the lrequency. 3, Press ENTER. 4 Press (UP keyl to move 1 slep up. Press (DN key) to mpvel step down. To move up or down in l MHz press =UNC then press (UP key) or (DN key) To save the lrequency into a channel (bank 9 only) press FUNC then press ENTER Stpred @ 930: appeals on the display (xx: channel n u rn per) Page 29 20-196 O/MANUAL DRAFT When the scanner stops on a frequency whrle searchrng. press FUNC then press TUNE. Press luP key) or (DN key) to tune the frequency Notes: The PRO-2067 cannot change the step frequency when ‘rt is in the TUNE mode. , You can change the reserving mode rn the TUNE mode. DELETING FREQUENCIES 1 Press MAN. 2. Use the number keys lo enter the channel has the frequency you want to delete. 3. Press MAN again. 4. Press PHOG to enter the program mode M changes to P on the display 5. Press FUNC. 6. Press CLEAR The lreouency number changes and the display shows 0 0000 MHz, LISTENlNG TO THE WEATHER BAND The FCC (Federal Communlcatlons Commission) has allocated channels for use by the Natronal Oceanus and Atmosphenc Adminrstratron (NCAA). Regulatory agencres rn other countries have also allocated channels lcr use by their weather reportrng authorities, NCAA and your local weather reponrng authority broadcast your local forecast and regronal weather inlorrnation on one or more 01 these channels Llstening to a Weather Channel To hear your local telecast and regional weather rnlormatton, press WX. Your scanner scans through the weather band. Your scanner should stop wrthrn a few seconds on your local weather broadcast. Page 30 20-196 O/MANUAL DRAFT WX Alert Feature This scanner can detect the weather alert tone The WX alert warns you of serious weather conditions by sounding an alarm it the weather senrice broadcasts the weather alert tunet To listen to the alert tone, press FUNC then press WX while you are listening to the WX channel The scanner scans WX channels and WX Standby appears on the display It the scanner detects the weather alert it sounds an alarm Press any key to mute the alarm To cancel the weather alert uperation‘ press FU NC then press WX again Receiving WX SAME li there is Spectfic Area Message Encoding (SAME code] while receiving a weather channel, the scanner sounds an alarm and indicates the weather event on the display, Press any key to cancel the alarm and listen to the reports. When the unit receives a message that does not conform to the listed codes the message Tune to TV or Radio appears on the display, To obtain SAME codes, you may Visit the National Weather Service web site at nttgy/wwwfiwsh caa gov'nwr‘rggexnw htrris‘sameta ble. Note: When you receive a same alert always tune to a local TV or radio station for details on the nature severity and time period 01 the alert. Page 31 207196 O/MANUAL DRAFT SPEClAL FEATURES USlNG THE DELAY FUNCTlON Many agenctes use a two-way radto system that might have a pause 0! several seconds between a query and a reply. To avoid mtssing a reply, you can program a Z-second delay Into any of your scanner’s channels or lrequencles. Then when the scanner stops on the channel or trequency. D appears on the display and the scanneroonttnues tct monttor the channelllrequancy lot 2 seconds alter the transmission steps before it resumes scanning or searching. You can program a 2-second delay in any of these ways it the scanner ts scanntng and stops on an acttve channel. qutckly press FUNC then press DELAY before tt starts to scan agatn if the desired channel ts not selected, manually select the channel then press FUNC then press DELAY _tr the scanner ts searchan and also stopped or paused‘ press FUNC then press DELAY to set a delay tn asearch bank. Note Delay ON ts the default when entering channels, LOCKlNG OUT CHANNELS FREQUENClES AND TRUNKING lD You can scan existtng channels or search lrequenctes faster by looking out channels or frequencies that have a conttnuous transmtssion, such as a weather channel Locking Out Channels To lock out a channel while scanning. press uOLJT when the scanner stops on the channel. To look out a channel manually, select the channel then press UOUT unttl L appears on the display, Note: You can sttll manually select lockedflut channels To remove the lockout lrom a channel manually select the channel and press L!OUT until L dlsappears from he display. Page 32 20-196 O/MANUAL DRAFT Rewewmg \he LockOut Channels To revnew the channels you locked out, press MAN. Press FUNC then press L/OUT. As you press FUNC then press uOUT, the scanner disprays ah rocked-cu! channels Lockmg out Frequencres To rock out a frequency during a search, press UOUT when the scanner stops on me frequency. The scanner rocks out the frequency, then continues searching Notes The scanner does nut store rocked—out frequencies dunng a search . You can hack our as many as 50 frequencres m each bank. if you try 10 men ou1mure. Memory furl! appears on the dismay. _ if you lock (M an frequencies m one search bank and this search bank rs only acnvated, Search up AH ranges locked out! appears on me drsplay and me scanner does not search. Heview‘mg Locked-Out Frequencres Follow these steps to lewew ihe frequencies wilhm a bank that you locked out 1 Press SEARCH to Stan search. 2 Press FUNC then press L/OUT‘ The locked-om frequency appear on the display If the search bank has no locked—out frequency, LJO Iis‘ is empxy. appears on the display. 3. Select search bank pressing FUNC then press (UP key)‘ 4, As you press (UP key), the scanner drsplays a” locked-out frequencies wrthin a bank. add illusiration. Page 33 20- 196 O/MANUAL DRAFT Clearing a Locked-Out Frequency To clear the locked-out irequency select the lockedvout irequency to use the locked-cut frequencies revrew function. then press CLEAR. The irequency unlock anti Unlocked appear on the display about 2 seconds. Then next locked out frequency appears It all locked out frequency clears within a bank, LJ’O list is empty. appears on the display. Clearing All Lock—Out Frequencies in One Search Bank 1. Press SEARCH. 2. Turn on only one search bank, the one in which you want to clear all locked-out frequencies. 3. Press FUNC then press 4. Confirm list clear? thES Press other key for NO. appears on the display. Press 1 to clear all lock-cut lrequencies and List cleared appears on the display for about 2 seconds. Press any key other than 1.l0 cancel clear, PFirOFilTY With the priority (eature, you can scan through programmed channels and still not miss an important or interesting call on a specific channel. When a channel is selected as the priority channel and priority is turned on, the scanner checks that channel every2 seconds, and stays on the channel ii there is activity until the activity stops The scanner is preset to select Channel 00 in Bank 8 as the priority channel You can program a diflerent channel as the priority channel Also you can program a weather channel as the priority channel. Note: It you program aWX channel as the priority channel, the scanner stays the priority channel only when the scanner detects the weather atert tone. Follow these steps to program a channel as the priority channel. \. Press MAN. Page 34 20-196 OFMANUAL DRAFT 2. Use the number keys to enter the channel number you want to program as the prioritychanneli Then press MAN again. 3. Press PUNC then press PHI. Pri appears on the display to the right of the frequency add illustration Notes: . Priority does not operate while trunking frequemies are being recetved. This scanner cannot set the priority channel it the receive mode is LT‘ MO or E1} Follow these steps to program a WX channel as the priority channel. 1 Press WXi 2. Select the weather channel you want to program as the priority channel. 34 Press FU NC then press PRl Pri appears on the display to the right oi the frequency To turn on the priority feature press PFll while scanning. Priority ON (Priority WX ll the priority channel is WX channel) appears about 3 seconds and P appear on the display The scanner checks the priority channel every 2 seconds. it stays on the channel i1 there is activity, Pri appears and S or M changes to P on the display. To turn oil the priority feature press FRI. Priority OFF appears on the display and P disappears from the display. Note that the priority channel always acts it it was in close mode‘ regaxdless ol the open closed setttng for the bank. This means that it the priority channel rs PL‘ and has PL code stored tor it, the priority function Will not activate unless the priority Signal has the matching PL coder ABOUT CTC SS/DC 5 Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System [CTCSS) and Digital Coded Squelch (DOS) are two methoos used to prevent interference by other radio communications. Page 35 20-196 QMANL'AL DRAFT CTCSS system is ax a. PL (Private Line) and 065 is a.l<.a DPL (Digital Private Line). Moreover. the DCS identtfies the transmission by a threedigil digitat code in the DPL mode instead of the tone. PL PL codes are low frequency audio tones that are used to differentiate dilferent users on the same channel PL codes are displayed according to the ElA standard CTCSS tones. These tones range trom 87 0 Hz to 254 1 Hz. Pl. codes are dtsplayed directly as a frequency. The user cannot enter the code directly. DPL [indicated as DL on the display) DPL works the same as PL but the dtflerence is whether the lone or the digital code is used. DPL. codes structure allows a maximum at 4096 codes, however. only about 100 codes are actually used. DPL codes are displayed as Dxxx — where xxx is an octal code, for example: D411. This is the industry standard. The user does not enter the code directly. The STEP key is pressed in channel programming mode to scroll through the range oi allowable values. Open and Closed Mode FL, DPL. LTFl. MOT. and ED modes are communication systems that some type of closed squelch. The scanner scans signals 01 all the modes when it lS set to open mode, When it is set to the closed mode, the scanner receives signals under the lollowing conditions: When the signal is in the AM or FM mode. . When the signal in the PL or DPL mode, the signal‘s ID code must match the programmed lD code. (When the lD code is set to NONE the scanner reoetves all signals on the channel ) .When the signal is in the LT. MO or ED mode. the signal’s lD code must match programmed ID code. (When ID code is set to NONE in LT and ED mode, the scanner receives all signals on the Channel t Page 36 Qt} 196 OiMANUAL DRAFT t Closed mode allows you to select which users or talk groups the scanner erI receive . When the signal is in the receive mode, the channel memory is not the same as the trunk memory 5 mode. add illustration The open or closed mode is set in each channel storage bank, + or , is displayed under the channel storage bank’s number while scanning Or, the status display shows the OPEN/CLOSED mode at the top line while the scanner is in manual mode or while the scanner is receivtng a signal during scanning. Open vs Closed Mode During scanning, the voice irequency band code is used in the PL, DL. LT‘ MO, and ED modes in addition to the normal squelch. When a bank is in closed mode, this scanner receives only transmissions with specified ID codes. When transmissions that have no ID code. or an lD code that does not match with the scanner‘s lD code, the scanner does not receive the signal FM and AM mode operate in both Closed or Open mode. In open scanning model all transmissions are accepted Decoded IDs are displayed. To change the OPENJCLDSE mode. tollow these steps 1 Press MAN. 2 To select the channel-storage bank press FUNC and (UP key) or (DN key), 3 Press FUNC then press 2 The display shows the message: “Bank OPEN’ er “Bank CLOSED “ 4. After that message disappears the 10‘“ rightmost digit at the top line oi the display changes irom +10 — or from — to +. Page 37 20— 196 OI MANUAL DRAFT CHANGING THE RECEIVE MODE The scanner IS preset 10 the most common AM or FM receive mode for each trequency range The preset mode IS correct In most cases. Huwever some amateur radio transmits and trunked systems do not operate in the preset mode. it you try to listen to a transmit when the scanner is not set to the correct receive mode. the transmit might sound weak or distorted It you want to listen to and watch the private tine or trunking transmission in the ctosed mode. you need to change the receive matte You can change a receive mode by pressing MODE. The receive mode changes as toiicws: Dispiay Description AM AM Mode FM FM Mode PL FM Mode Private Line (Wi1h STD—254.1 Hz PL code). DL FM Mode. Digitat Private Line (with 3- digit DPL code). L“ FM Mode, L1H Trunking System [with 6-digit ID code] MO FM Mode, Motoroia Trunking System with 4 or S-digit ID code]. ED FM Mode. EDACS Trunking System (with 4-digit ID code). CHANGING THE FREQUENCY STEP The scanner searches at a preset frequency step Ior each lrequency range Press STEP to change the step increment when movmg between frequencies of a search band Changeable frequency steps your scanner uses tor each frequency range. Range [MI—12) Search Step (kHz) 29000-54000 5. 10, 15, 20, 25. 30. 50, 100 108,000—1 36.9375 12 5 25. 50. 100 137.000-174000 5,10 15, 20,25, 30 50 100 380.000-512000 12.5. 25. 50, 100 5060003239875 12.5, 25, 50, 100 8490008689875 12.5. 25 50. 100 5940007960000 12.5.25. 50,100 Page 3a 20496 Or’MANUAL DRAFT UStNG THE ATTENUATOR Te reduce interterence pr noise caused by strong stgnats. you can reduce me scanners sensitivtty to these signals Press ATT untit A appears on the dtsptay to reduce the scanner's sensitivtty. Note tf you turn on lhts feature, Ihe scanner mtght not recetve weak stgnals To turn off the attenuator. press ATT agetn, A disappears trom the dtsptay. TURNING THE KEY TONE ON AND OFF Each ttme you press any of the scan ner‘s keys. the scanner sounds a tone. Fotlow these steps to turn the scannet’s Key lane of? or on. t. if the scanner ts on, turn VOLUME OFF/MAX counterclockwtse untt! tl ctrcks to turn it off 2. Turn VOLUME OFFIMAX clockwtse to turn tt on. Weiccme To Mutt-System Trunktng appears on the dtsplay, 3. To turn on the key tone, press 1 white the disptay shows Welcome To Muttt-System Trunktng. To turn off the key tone. press 2 white the display shows Welcome To Mutti»System Trunking. CHANGING THE DtSPLAY CONTRAST 1. Press MAN. 2. Press FUNC then press 9 Use UprDown keys to set contrast. appears on the dtsplay. 3. Press (UP key) or (DN key: key to setect the contrast. 4. Press ENTER to set the dtsplay contrast. Page 39 2 0-196 OI'MANUAL DRAFT CLON|NG THE PROGRAMMED DATA You can transfer the programmed tiara to and from another PRO-2067 usmg lhe supprred crane name. You can arse uproad or downroad the programmed dare 10 or [mm a PC using an opliunar PC 1menses “mt To done the data Yoch rhese steps. 1 Turn on the power or both scanners. 2. Canned ‘he supplred crane cabre to each scanner's PC/IF jack. 3 Press iUP keyr. Yes=l and No=other appear 4 Press r to send the dare to the other unit or press any other key to canoe! [he operation. 5 The scanner sends the data to the other, To exrl 1he clone mode. remuve the cable. After the cable is removed, the scanner execmes the software reset. Page 40 20496 OiMANL'AL DRAFT TRUNK TRACKlNG Your scanner is designed to track MotorolatR) Type l and Type It (such as Smartnet and Privacy Plus) and hybrid analog trunking systems, plus GElEricsson (EDACSt’FtJ) and EF Johnson (LTR(R)t type systems which are extensively used in many communication systems Trunking systems allocate a few trequencies among many diherent users When the mobile unit transmits a signal‘ one trequency is chosen from among the altocated frequencies in that trunking system. The lD code by which the user is identified is sent with the signal at the same time To receive trunking signals, you must store all the trunking group irequencies in one bank. lSee “Stonng Known Frequencies into Channels‘ on Page XXt) lt IS necessary to input lD codes in the iD memory (See “Finding and Storing Active Frequencies" on Page XX and ‘Setting and Receivmg Trunking Signals Without a Station lD Code” on Page XX) To listen to the transmission, the mode of the programmed channel must be the same as that of the trunking channel [LT M0, or ED] When an 1D code is received the lD tist tor the bank is searched, and it tound the text name stored tor the lD appears on the display, it not iound‘ scanning resumes immediateiy unless the bank is in open trunking mode THUNKING ID MEMORY Programming Trunking ID Codes You can program up to 100 trunking lD codes in each channel storage bankt (Total 1000 ID codes), It the scanner receives the Signal in the LTR, Motorola‘ and EDACS, and its lD code matches With the programmed ID code in the scanner. it receives the Signal in closed mode. However. in open mode you can receive the trunking signal Without knowing its lD code it D is stored With text name, name is displayed when ID code is received Page 41 20~ 196 OJMANUAL DRAFT LTR Trunking Codes LTFi trunking codes have a number at Iields, but only the area code, home repeater, and user lD are significant in identifying the user. The talk group ID codes are displayed while receiving a transmission and you can save it in memory. Area code — O or a 1 Home repeater — 01 through 20 User ID — 000 through 254 The LTR code is a six-digit numeric tieid: AHHUUU Where A is the area code HH is the home repeater and UUU is the user code Correct ranges are checked upon entry. Motorola Trunking Codes Motorola sub-fleet number for Type i or talk group [D codes for Type II is displayed while receiving a transmission and you can save it in memory Mainly Motorola Type II 15 used in the market. A 4- or 5-digit number is used tor the Type I sub-tree! number For example 1004, 100- 2, and 1 00-10 Type ll code is a 5-digil number that mus1 be diviSible by16 Examples of Type Ii Code 00016 00048 00272 18016 17616 19616 if you program an incorrect iD code, then the number IS automatically rounded to the nearest correct number. EDACS Trunking Codes EDACS talk group D codes are also displayed while receiving a transmission and you can save it in memory. It is a decrmal number from 0001 to 4095 Ii you enter an in-correct code the scanner displays Invalid ID Page 42 20-196 O/MANUAL DRAFT RECEWING THE TRUNKING SYSTEM How to Set Motorola Type l Systems To receive Type I trunking systems, afieet map is requlred to set the block number and slze code. Your PRO-2087 has a Type II Talk Group lD’s delault settlng. However. you can also scan the Type | Trunking System. In the Type I System, the address lnlormatlon to! all lts talk group lD’s IS dlvided into 8 equal-size blocks, from 0 to 7‘ and a srze code rs assigned to each block. When you set up your scanner Io track a Type I System you must choose the srze code based on the block number. You can get the block number through the Internet or published books. Sometimes the size code does not come wrth the block code; however, normally the size codes are arranged by he block number trom O to 7‘ Alter you choose the size code you can start programmlng. Note: if you select size code 842 5-13, or 8-14. these restrrcttons apply' - 8-12 can only be assigned to Blocks 0, 2, 4 or E. - S-1 3 can only be assigned to Blocks 0 and 4 - 8714 can only be assrgned to Block G. Smce these size codes require multiple blocks. you will be prompted for the next avarlable block when programmrng a fleet map For example if you assrgn Block 0 as an S-tz, the scanner prompts you lor Block 2, the next block awallable= instead of Block 1. And t! you assign Block O as an 3-14, you would not see another prompt because rt uses all avallable blocks, Block and Slze Codes Each size code defines the number at fleets and ms For example you can see in the tollewrng table that a srze code 8-4 has one fleet and a total of 512 lndivrdual IDs and uses 1 block cl 0 to Page 43 20-196 OMANUAL DRAFT Size Fleets Sub-119915 1D's Block Used $70 Reserved 1or Type N 5-1 128 4 16 1 372 16 8 64 1 8—3 8 8 128 1 3—4 1 16 512 1 5—5 84 4 32 1 3—6 32 B 32 1 $77 16 4 54 1 8—8 16 4 128 1 579 B 4 255 1 5—1 0 4 8 256 1 8—11 2 1 G 256 1 3—1 2 1 16 1024 2 5—1 3 1 1 5 2048 4 8—1 4 1 15 4096 B 1? you comd not olnlam s1ze code I1sts, lry some 01Ihese common size codes 5125 Code BLOCK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 0 $11 Sf- 54 S12 84 53 S10 51 1 811 S4 S4 7 54 S10 510 S1 2 S11 54 S4 S4 S12 S4 S11 32 3 S11 34 Sé S4 — 34 SA 82 4 S11 84 SA 54 54 S12 SS 5 811 S4 S4 S4 S4 — 54 SS 6 511 84 S12 34 S4 512 S4 S4 7 811 S4 — S4 54 84 54 Page 44 20-196 O/MANUAL DRAFT S‘rze Ccvde BLOCK 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 S4 50 84 SD SE 54 34 SS 1 S4 50 SO SO 83 SS 34 S10 2 SO SO SO 50 S11 S10 54 810 3 SO SO SO 50 S4 S4 511 S11 4 SC SD SO SO 54 54 S1 80 5 50 SD SO SO 50 84 SO SO 6 SO S4 SO SO 50 812 512 51 2 7 SO 54 SD S4 80 — 7 — Setting and Receiving Trunkrng Srgnals Without a Station ”3 Code 1. Press FROG. 2 Press FUNC. (UP key) or (DN key) to select a bank. Note: We suggest you use one bank for one trunking made. Do not mix drflevent trunklng modes ln one bank 3, Select the desired channel where you want to enter the first lrequency lor example 00, lf you want lo enter an EDACS system lrequency then you must match the syslem control channel and program channel in your PRO-2057ln1he correcl order For example the system eonlrol channel 1 has to be programmed ln channel 01 channel 2 is in channel 02 in your PRO»2057. Do not start to program from enannel DD 4, Enter a lrequency rnto the channel and press ENTER 5 Press MODE to select LT, MO, or ED mode, 6 Press (UP key) to select the next channel, 7 Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all system lrequencles are entered, Page 45 20-196 O/MANUAL DRAFT Ev Seiect open or closed mode. + or— appears JUSI before the recewmg mode For exampte +LT. Thts is Open and ‘JR mode setttng. Turn on Open mode by presstng FUNC then 2 if necessary. Press FUNC and 2 to toggte between the Open and Closed mode. 9. Press TRUNK to enter the D program mode 10 Press MODE to select LT For EF Johnson‘ N10 for Motorola or ED 1or EDACS (GE/Encsson) system to scan. 11 if you want to receive a Motorola Type 1 system. then you need to set the size code in this step it you want to receive another systems you can skip thts section and go to step 12. Program of Type I ID 5 a. Press FROG b. Press TRUNK. c, Press FUNC. d, Press 8 then you can see the ioliowing mdication on the display. add iliustratton. e Enter the size code reterrmg to the instruction on the dismay [see “Block and Size Codes” on page XX). Enterthe size code “X" and press ENTER for each entry. rt you made input mistake then press CLEAR and re-enter the correct size code 1. it you want to COHN'V’H the input, repeat Steps 3-3 and press ENTER, Each time you press ENTER you can confirm the size code. it you find an error, press CLEAR and begm agarn at Step 3. Note: To cancet the Molorota Type | prcgramming, press TRUNK. 12. Press SCAN to start scaontngi Page 46 20-198 OAMANUAL DRAFT 13. During scanning. press number keys to turn banks on and off For the best trunk scanning, turn on only the banks that you want to receive the trunking mode. 14. it it detects a station then the station ID is indicated at the bottom line OE the display as MO: XXXX or LT‘ XXXX. To store the station iD codes. press TRUNK during receiving the signal. Then the bottom line changes to iD stored. This means the code is stored and it the code starts from receiving mode as M01 or LT: then it is not stored yet 15. Press PRDG to confirm that the programmed receive mode matches the transmissions receive mode. it it is matches then T appears. it it does not match, the key operation is invalid. add liiustrafion Notes . Default setting of the bank is tor Motorola Type ii However, aher you set Type l and it you want to return to Type ii, press 15 at step e. . During you receive Motorola trunk system bank alter you set the trunk ID bank to Motorola. we suggest you to lock-out the oonlrol channel to avoid interterence However your scanner is designed automatically cancel the lockout when you once turn oil the power to avoid miss communications on the channel. You can Judge the control if the channel is buzz sound. Storing Known Station ID Codes to ID Bank 1 Press PFtOG 2. Press TRUNK. 3. To select the bank you want to store the ID, press FUNC. then press iUF‘ key) or (DN key). 4. Press MODE to seed LT MO. or ED mode. 5, Enter the numeric iD code and press ENTER. It necessary, use the decimal point tor a hymen Note it you made a mistake in Step 5 invalid ID, appears and the scanner beeps when you press ENTER Start again at Step 3. Page 47 20-196 O/MANUAL D RAFT 6. Press TEXT and enter the text name tor the ID and press ENTEFI. 7. To store the next ID memory in sequence, press (UP key) and repeat Steps 5 and 6 to enter more tD‘s 8, Press SCAN to start scanning Notes tor EDACS receiving: 1. During scanning erh the signal in EDACS mode. the entire I5 automatically muted until the scanner reserves the srgnai on the working channel. Therelore normaIIy adwst SQUELCH to the threshold position. 2 It you cannot receive an EDACS signai. then confirm if you can receive it m MANUAL mode. One of the channels in EDACS system IS used as the control channel and changes trequency It you receive the control channel whiIe changing the channels, you hear the stream of the data sound. If the scanner reserves the data channel then drspiay indicates ED1 CTR-Gt and the Signal mark at the bottom Irne. The Signet mark appears only when the scanner detects the data It there is no signal mark but the sound then try to find a position where you can receive strong signai that turns on the srgnai mark or try to use an external out door antenna When a control channeI is received. CTR-t appears and then CTR-t changes to the ID code when the ID code at the controi channel is decoded Alter making sure that your PRO-2067 decodes the code and the stgnai mark is on the display then press SCAN tcr wart tor incoming SignaIs 3 EDACS system uses digitai code for the trunking system control. To decode the digital code, the system needs better signal to horse ratio than other trunking systems such as LTFl or Motoroia system. Therefore the service area IS some time smailer than others, So that If you want to receive EDACS more steady then we suggest you to use an external antenna matched tor the frequency. Open or Close Trunking Mode Open mode can be selected on a per-bank basis. In open trunking mode. the ID Iist is used to look up ID names, but scannrng wiII stop on any ID code When closed. scanning wril stop onty on signais that have an ID code that is found in the ID Irst for the bank. Page 48 20-196 OIMANUAL DRAFT lD Hold You can set your scanner to follow a trunkth srgnal, whrch you wrsh to track while scanning, Hold down TRUNK more than 2 seconds. lD hold ON. appears on the drsplay. add rllustratlont Trunkr ng Elan ks Any bank can be a trunking bank, and more than one bank can be trunklng banks at the same time. To enter an EDACS frequency, the system channel number must match the channel where you want to program. ThlS rs very rmportant lor EDACS and rt the system channel does not match with your receivrng channel then it can not recerve EDACS communicattons To be a trunkrng bank, one or more channels must be programmed in the bank with a trunkrng mode (LTR, Motorola or EDACS). ln addition. the bank’s trunkrng mode (also LTP. Motorola or EDACS) must be the same as the trunkrng channel’s mode Lockrng Out Trunkrng ID Code To look out a trunking lD follow these steps: \. Press PROG 2 Press TRUNK 3. Use (UP key), (DN key) or PUNC to select the D code. Press (UP keyl or (DN key) to move lD memory and press PUNC then press (UP key) or (DN key) to move bank. 4. Press LIOUT to lock out the .D, L appears on the display. 5. To remove the lock out lrom trunking lD manually select the ID memory. and press LiDUT until l. drsappears from the drsplay. Fe ge 49 20-196 O’MANL'AL DRAFT Reurewmg Locked-Out ID To review the lD code you locked out wrlhin a bank‘ follow these slaps: 1 Press PROG then press TRUNK 2. Press FUNC then press L/OUT The locked out lD appears on the display ll the D memory bank has no locked out lD, you hear the low beep lane 3 Select search bank pressing FUNC then press (UP key) or (DN key). 4. As you press FUNC then press uOUT‘ lhe scanner dlsplays all lockedout frequencies wnhin a bank CLEARlNG TRUNKING lD CODE 1 Press FROG 2. Press TRUN K 3. Use the FU NC and (UP key} or (DN key) to select lhe ID code to clear llr 4. Press FUNC then press CLEAR Clearmg All ID Codes in One Bank You can clear all ID codes wrthrn a bank. Thls lets you qulckly delete all mmkrng lD code from a bank if, for example you want to use the bank lo slore a dlflerenl set of trunkan lD codes, ‘1. Press PROG. 2. Press TRUNK [0 emer ID memory mode. 3. Select lD bank using FUNC, (UP key) or (DN key). Page 50 207196 Or'MANUAL DRAFT 6. Press FUNC, then press 3‘ Confirm Iis1 clear? 1=YES Press mher key for NO. appears on the display 5. Press 1 to clear the aH trunking 1D codes wwhin a bank‘ Note To cance| me deleuon, press any key except 1. The scanner returns to the \D memory mode. Page 51 20-196 Or’iVlANUAL DRAFT A GENERAL GUIDE TO SCANNING Reception at the frequencies covered by your scanner lS mainly “Iine-ol-stght.“ That means you usually cannot near stations that are beyond the horizon. Guide To Frequenctes US Weather Frequenctes 162 400 1 62.475 162.525 162.425 162 BOO 162.550 162.450 Ham Radio Frequenctes Ham radio operators often transmit emergency lnlormatlon when other means 01 communication break down. The chart below shows the lrequencies the scanner receives that Ham radio operators normally use: Wavelength Frequencies (MHZ) 10—Meter 290007297000 6-Meter 50.000-54.000 Z-Meter 144.0004 48.000 70—cm 420 000-450 000 33-cm 902 DOG-928.000 Birdie Frequencies Every scanner has birdie trequencies Birdies are signals created inside the scanner’s receiver, These operating trequenctes might interfere with transmits on the sarne Irequencies. It you program one of these frequencies. you near only noise on trial frequency. ll the interference is not severe, you might be able to turn SQUELCH clockwise to cut out the birdie. Page 52 20-196 0 MANUAL DRAFT This scanner’s birdie irequenctes (in MHZ} are: birdie frequencies will add To find the birdies in your scanner, begin by disconnecting the antenna and rnovmg ll away from the scanner Make sure thal no other nearby radio or TV sets are turned on near me scanner. Use the search function and scan every lrequency range from lls lowest frequencylo the highest Occasionally, the searching will stop as if it had lound a Signal, often withoul any sound This is a birdie Make a lisl of all the birdies in your scanner for future reference, GUIDE TO THE ACTlON BANDS Typical Band Usage VHF Band Low Range 29.00-50JJO MHZ e~Meler Amaieur 50 00—5400 MHz U.S. Government 13100—14400 MHz ErMeler Amateur 1:14.0004 43 00 MHZ Hign Flange 148 00—1 74.00 MHz UHF Band Military Aircraft 380 Oil-384.00 MHZ U 8 Government 408.00—AZODO MHz TO-Cm Amateur 42030—45000 MHz Low Range 450.00—470 00 MHz FMVTV Audio Broadcasl. Wide Band 470.000—51200 MHZ BOO Band Law Enlorcamenl 806 DID—824.00 MHz Convenvonal Systems 35100—85800 MHz Conventional/Truman Systems 356 OO—BGTDOMHZ Public Salely 856 OO—EBQDD MHz Trunkeu Privale/General 894 (IO—96000 MHz Page 53 20-196 O/MANL'AL DRAFT Pru-nary Usage As a general rule, most ol the radro activity is concentrated on the followmg lrequencies VHF Band Actlvities Frequencres Government, Police. and Fire 153 785—155 980 MHz Emergency Serwces 158.7304 59.460 MHz Flarlroad lGODDO-lGlEOO MHZ UHF Band Acrrvitres Frequencies Land-Mobile “Paired" Frequencies 4500007470 000 MHZ Base Stallone 451025454350 MHZ Moblle Units 656.025—459350 MHZ Repeater Units 450 025—464375 MHz Control Stalions 465 DES—469975 MHZ Nule' Remote cantrol sralruns and mobile units operate at 5 MHz higher than their associated base slalions and relay repeater unrts BAND ALLOCATlON To help decide which lrequency ranges to scan use the following lrslrng cl the typical servrces that use the f'equencles your scanner receives These frequencies are sublect lo change, and rnrghl vary from area In area. For a more complete lisling refer to the RadiDShack "Police Call," “Aeronautical Frequency Directory." and ‘Marrl’rme Frequency Dlrectory’ available El your local FladioShack slore, Abbreviations Services AlR Mrcralt 8ch Boise (lD) Interagency Flre Cache BUS Business CAP Crvil Arr Patrol Page 54 CCA 038 CTSB FlRE HAM GOVT GMR GTR [ND MAR MARl MARS MED MlL MOV NEW NEWS Qt; POL PUB PSB PTR ROAD RTV TAX‘. TE LB TELC TE LM TOW TRAN TSB Common Earner Conventional Systems Conventional/Trunked Systems Fire Departrn enl Amateur (Ham) Radio Federal Government General Mobile Radio General Trunked industrial Services 20-196 O’MANUAL DRAFT (Manufacturing Construction, Farming and Forest Products) Mtlitary Amateur Radio Maritime Limited Coast (Coast Guard‘ Marine Telephone,) Shipboard Radio and Private Stations) Milttary Affiliate Radio System Emergencnyedical Services US. Military Mutton Picturei‘Video Industry New Mobile Narrow Relay Press (Newspaper Reporters) DiltF’etmleum industry Roiice Department Public Services (Public Safety‘ Lccai Government and Forestry Conservation) Public Safety Private Trunked Road & Highway Maintenance Radio,’TV Remote Broadcast Pickup Taxi Services Mobile Telephone Cordless Phones Teiephone Maintenance Tow Trucks Transportation Sen/ices (Trucks, Tow Trucks‘ Buses, Railroad: Other) Trunked Systems Page 55 Wm FM-TV Audbo Broadcast USXX Government Classified UTIL Power &Wa19r Ufllines WTHR Weather HIGH FREQUENCY (HF) 10-M etsr Arnaieur Band 29‘000—29 700 HAM VERY HIGH FREQUENCY (VHF) VHF-Low Band — (29—50 MHZ—m 5 kHz steps) 29800—30550 GOVT. N'IIL 30580731980 IND, PUB 32 000432990 GOVT MIL 33 DEG—33.980 BUS‘ IND, PUB 34 010—34‘990 GOVT, MIL 354020435 980 BUS, PUB, IND,TELM 36.000f35 230 GOVT, MIL. 36.250 Oil SpiII CIeanup 36270736990 GOVT, MIL 37020—37880 PU B, IND 38000—39000 GOVT, MIL 39 GEO—39.980 PUB 40000742000 GOVT‘ MIL, MARI 42‘020—42 940 POL 42.960—43 180 ND 43.220—43 680 TELM. IND‘ PUB 43.700—44 600 TRAN 4452046560 POI. PUB 46500—46390 GOVT, TELC 4702041400 PUB 47 420 American Red Cross 47v4dw494580 IND, PUB 49610—49990 MIL, TELC Page 56 20196 0 MANUAL DRAFT 6-Meter Amateur Band;(50-54 MHz) 50.000—54000 HAM Aircrah Band—(105437 MHz] 108.00-121 490 AIR 121.500 AIR Emergency 121510436975 MR U.S Government Band (137—144 MHz) 137 GOO—144.000 GOVT. MIL 2-Meter AmaIeur Band (144—148 M Hz) 144000445000 HAM VHF ngh Band(148—174MHz) 148.050—150 345 CAP. MAR. MIL 150.775—150.790 MED 150,81 5~1 50.980 TOW, OII Sp1l1 Cleanup 150 9957151475 HOAD. POL 151.490—151855 IND, BUS 151.985 TELM 152.0075 MED 152.0304 52 240 TELB 152.270—1 52.480 IND. TAX1.BUS 152.510—152 B40 TELE 1528704153020 IND, MOV 153.035—1 53.725 IND, OIL, UTIL 153 740—154A45 PUB, FIRE 154 490454570 IND, BUS 154.555 OH Spwll CIeanup 154.500—1 54.625 BUS 154.655—156 240 MED, ROAD. POL. PUB 156.2554 57 425 OIL. MARI 157.450 M ED 157.470—1 57.515 TOW Page 57 20-196 OJMANUAL DRAFT 157 530—157725 1 57.740 157 770455100 158130458460 1587907158700 158.730—159 465 158.480 159.495—161565 161 580-1 62.000 182 01257162350 152 two—162.550 162.5625—162 6375 162.6525 162.6875—1 53.225 163 250 153 2754166225 155 250 156 2757169 400 169.445—169 505 169.550—1 59 9875 170.000—170.150 170.175—170225 170 245—170.305 1703504170400 170.425—1 70.450 170.475 I70.4875r173.175 173.225-1 73.5375 173 5625—173.5B75 173 BOO—173.9875 IND, TAXI BUS TELB BUS.1ND.OIL,TELM, UT1L TELE POL. PUB ROAD OIL TRAN OlL. MARI, RTV GOVT. MIL. USXX WTHR GOVT, M11. USXX MED GOVT. MIL USXX MED GOVT M1L,USXX GOVT, HW. FIRE GOVT, B1FC Wire1ess Mikes. GOVT GOVT. MiL. USXX BlFC. GOVT. RTV, F1RE GOVT ereless Mlkes GOVT. M1L BIFC PUB GOVT. PUB. Wrreless Mikes MOV, NEWS. UT1L. MIL MIL. Medicaerrash Crews GOVT ULTRA HEGH FREQUENCY (UHF) U. 5. Government Band (406—420 MHz) 4061254119975 GOVT. USXX Page 58 20-196 O/MANUAL DRAFT 207196 O/h'IANUAL DRAFT 70-cm Ama1eur Band £420450 MHz) 420 GOO—450000 HAM LCM Band (450—470 MHZ) A50.050—450 925 RTV 451,025—452 025 ND OIL, TELM, UTlL 452.0375—45300 IND, TAXI, THAN TOW, NEWS 4530125454000 PUB. 0‘ L. 454 GEE—454,975 TELB 455‘050—455925 RTV 457.525—457 600 BUS 458.025—455 175 MED 460.0125—460 5375 FIRE POL) PUB 460 ESQ—462.175 BUS 4621875462450 BUS, ND 482 4625—462525 |ND,01L‘TELM, UT!L 462 5504162925 GMR, BUS 462.9375—453,1875 MED 4632004167925 BUS FM-TV Audit] Broadcast, UHF Wide Band [47045fi2 MHZ} (Channels 141hrcugh 59 in 5 MHz maps) 475.750 Channel 74 481.750 Channel 15 487,750 Cinema 16 493.750 Channel 17 499 750 Channel 7 B 565 750 Channm 19 511750 Channe‘ 20 Note‘ Some cities use the 470-512 MHz band Ior landfmoblle serwce Convenflonal Systems Band— Locally Asslgned 851 121254559875 058 Page 59 Conventwonalflrunkad Systems Band » Locahy Assigned 856.0125—860.9875 CTSB Trunked Systems Band — Locafly Assxgned 861012545653875 TSB Pubhc Sa1ely Band - Luca‘ly Assigned 856 0125—888.9875 PSB 33vCemwmeiev Amateur Band (902—928 MHz) 902 COO—928.000 HAM Frwate Trunked Band 935.0125—939 9875 PTR Genera\ Trunked Band 9400125—9409875 GTR Page. 60 20») 96 OVMANL'AL DRAFT 20-196 O/MANUAL DRAFT TROUBLESHOOTiNG If you have problems, here are some suggestions that mrghl help you eliminate the prublem ll they do not, take your scanner to your local RadioShack store tor assistance, PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY Scanner is on but SQUELCH is not adjusted correctly Turn SOUELCH clockwise WI" HUI scan. Scanner lS totally No power. Check the power cable or make sure inoperatrve. the AC adapter or DC cigarette lighter power cable is connected prnperly. Poor or no An antenna is not connected or Make sure an antenna IS connected (ECEDUQH. cannected lmurrectly. to Ihe scanner. Programmed frequencies are the Avoid programming birdie frequencies same as birdie Irequencles. at only select them manually in the scan mode, Stored trerrtuencies are the same Avoid stonng birdie frequencies or the scanner locks as “birdie" frequencies only select them manually See “Birdie Dn frequencies that Frequenciesr on Page XX. have an unclear transrmsslon. Keys do not work Undetermined endr. Turn the scanner nfl then on again, or or display changes reset the scanner See “Resetting/initializing the Scanner" on Page xx, Page 62 20-196 O/MANUAL DRAFT FlESETTlNGIINlTlALlZlNG THE SCANNER lithe scanners display locks up or does not work properly alter you connecta power source you might need to reset or initialize it Important: It you have problems lrrst try to reset the scanner. It that does not work‘ you can initialize the scanner; however, rnltlalizing clears all rntormation stored in the scanner’s memory, Resetting the Scanner 1 Turn all the scanner, then turn it on again. 2 insert a pointed object such as a straightened paper clip, into the reset opening on the side oi the scanner. Then gently press and release the reset button insrde the opening. add illustration lnmalizrr‘g the Scanner Important: ThlS procedure clears all information you stored ll’l the scanner‘s memory lnitialize the scanner only when you are sure the scanner is not working properly. 1.Turn off the scanner) then turn it on again. Welcome To Mum-System Trunking appears on the display. 2. Press 0 then ‘1 while the display shows Welcome To Mum-System Trunking. Initializing Please Wait appears on the display about 25 seconds. Page 63 20— 196 O/MANUAL DRAFT CARE AND MAlNTENANCE Your RadioShack PRO-2067 SOD-Channel Mobile Trunking Scanner is an example at superior design and cra1tsmanshlp. The following suggestions will help you care for your Scanner 30 you can enjoy it for years, Keep the scanner dry. lt it gets wet, wrpe it dry immediately. Liqurds can contarn minerals that can corrode the electronic circuits. Handle the scanner gently and carefully. Dropping it can damage circurl boards and cases and can cause the scanner to work rmproperly Use and store the scanner only in normal temperature envlronments. Temperature extremes can shorten the life 01 electronlc devices. damage batteries. and distort or melt plastlc pans. Keep the scanner away from dust and dirt. which can cause premature wear of parts. Wipe the scanner with a damp cloth occasionally to keep it Iooktng new. Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents or strong de|ergents to clean the scanner. Modlfymg or tampering with the scanner’s internal components can cause a malfunction, invalidate your scanner‘s warranty and void your FCC authorization to operate it it your scanner us not operating as it should, take rt to your local RadioShack store for assistance. Page 64 20-196 O/MANUAL DRAFT SPEC‘F‘CAT‘ONS Frequency Coverage Ham 29—30 MHz (m 5 kHz steps) VHF La 3050 MHz (m 5 kHz flaps] Ham 50—54 MHZ [m 5 kHz slaps) Awrcrah 1084 369875 MHZ (in 12.5 kHz steps) Government 137—144 MHZ (m 5 kHz steps) Ham 144—145 MHz (m 5 kHz sleps) VHF Hi 148—174 MHz [m 5 kHz flaps) Ham/Govemmenl 380—450 MHz [m 12‘5kH2 steps) UHF Lo 450—470 MHZ Em 12.5 kHz slaps) UHF Trunkmg 470—512 MHz (in 125 kHz steps) UHF Hi BOG—823.9875 MHz (in12 5 kHz steps) 84943689875 MHz (m 12.5 kHz steps] 894—960 MHz (in 12 5 kHz steps) Channels 01 Operation 500 (50 Channels x 10 Banks,1000 Trunking \D Memones} Number 01 Banks 10 Sensmvnty QDdB SJN). PM 29—54 MHz 0.3 ”V 108—1 36.9875 MHZ 03 MV 1377174 MHZ 05 11V 380—512 MHz 0.5 "V 8067960 MHz 0.7 w AM: 2&54 M Hz 1 MV 103—136 9875 MHZ 1 LIV 1377174 MHZ 1 5 MV 380—51 2 M Hz 2 AV 806—960 MHz 2 AN Se‘ectiva; +/—1 0 kHz —6 118 +148 kHz —50 118 Page 65 20-196 OrMANUAL DRAFT Spunnus Rajectlon Eat154 MHz FM) 40 dB Scanmng Rene Search Rate Delay Twme Intermediate Frequencwes (1F): 15 2m 3m Pncvity Samplwng Operatmg Temperature IF Rejection: 2575 MHz at154 MHz 21,4 MHZ 31154 MHz Squelch Sensmvity: Threshold (PM and AM} Tight (FM) Tight (AM) Antenna \mpedance Audra Oufiput Power (1 07/0 THD) Bum-an Speaker Power Reqm rem ems: Dimenswons (HWD) Weight (without antenna and batteries) Specifications are Typwca‘; wndwidua‘ umts might vary, Specwficabons are subjec‘ to change and improve men] Mthoul nolise Up 10 25 Channe‘s per second Up 10 50 Steps per second 2 seconds 257 5 MHZ 21.4 MHZ 455 kHz 2 seconds —4"10140° F[—2{1'\0 +60' 0) 60 GB 100 dB 05 w 25 dB 20 dB 50 Ohms 1.5 W 77mm B—ohm Dynamic Type +138V DC 2 ’ 6 HHS X 51}2\nches (50 x 170 x 140 mm) 32502 (920 9) Pa 59 66 BACK COVER FAG E Wavramy S. ADDR ESS Date Code Vender Code: GE—Q‘BD-3433 aned in Japan Page 67 20-196 O/MANL‘AL DRAFT
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