Radio Shack 2000432 User Manual Draft Copy of Owners Manual
RadioShack Corporation Draft Copy of Owners Manual
Draft Copy of Owners Manual
User Manual DRAFT COPY OF THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL ub307-15 15 Your PRO~2051 scanner can receive all at these bands: Type: or Trunsmlnlon: Frequency Range 29—297 MHI |0~Meler Amateur Ftadio 29.7—50 MHZ VHF Lo 50—54 MHI 6-Meler Ham Bind lob—135.975 MHz |37-Ml MHz Military Land Mobile 2~Meter Ham Band VHF Hi 144—145 MHZ ”5—174 MHZ Federal Government 406-420 MHZ 420—450 MHz 450—470 MHZ 470—512 MHz UHF Standaid Band UHF '|" Band 806—824 MHZ Public Service “W 851—869 MHZ except 896—956 MHz Cellular Band L— Note: See "Specifications” on Page 47 lor more inlormation about the scan- ners lrequency steps. (“Hut $4.92») refit) /75.7s~ 2/5775 Mm. 2/6 — zzwls W1; 23: — X'fifiWS Hit; luo — Izoo Mm INTERFERENCE Your scanner might cause TV or radio interlerence even when it is operating properly. To determine it your scanner is causing the interference, turn oil your scanner. It the Intenerence goes away, your scanner is causing it. Try to eliminate the Interterence by: - Moving your scanner away lrom the receiver - Connecting your scanner to an outlet that is on a diiterent electri- cal circuit lrorn the receiver -Conlacting your local Fla- dioShack store tor help It you cannot eliminate the interter— ence. you may be required to stop us- Ing your scanner. We recommend you record your scan- nefs serial number here. The number is on the scannefs back panel. Serial Number SCANNING LEGALLY: Use ol scanners must contorm to the requirements oi the law at the country where they are utilized. Always check that your intended use is legally per- mitted. RedioSl-iack and its subsidiar- ies cannot be held responsible lor illegal use at scanners. CONTENTS —__—h Preparation Connecting an Antenna Connecting the Supplied Antenna Connecting an Outdoor Antenna Connecting Power Using AC Power Using Your Vehicle's Battery Power . Connecting an Extension speaker .. Connecting an Earphone/Headphones Listening Salely Understanding Your Scanner A Look at the Front Panel A Look at the Display Understanding Banks Channel storage Banks Service Banks .. Understanding Trunking . Operatlon .. Turning On the Scanner and Setting Squelch Storing Known Frequencies into Channels Searching Service Banks Limit Search Scanning the Stored Channels . Manually Selecting a channel Clearing 3 Frequency from a Channel Speclal Features Delay Turning Channel-Storage Banks On and 0" Locking Out Channels and Frequencies . Locking Out Channels Locking Out Frequencies Turning the Key Tone Onion Changing Search Speeds Skipping Data Signals Priority .. Trunk Tracking Types oi Trunking Systems .. Setting the Scanner to the Trunk Tracking Mode . Setting Squelch tor the Trunk Tracking Mode Programming Trunked Frequencies Scanning a Trunked Bank . Monitoring an Active ID Locking Out IDs .. Unlocking a Single ID Unlocking All IDS Using Trunk Tracking Scan Delay Monitoring le . Channel Activity Indicators Scan Lists .. Manually Storing IDs into Scan Lists .. Storing IDs Into Scan Lists While Searching Automatically Storing an ID in a Scan List Location Deleting a Stored ID Scanning the Scan Lists Scanning Type I and Hybrid Trunked Systems . Selecting a Preset Fleet Map . Programming 3 Fleet Map .. Programming a Hybrid System ..... Turning On/Oll the Disconnect Tone Detect Function . 126 .25 33 33 33 A General Guide to Scan ‘ng Guide to Frequencies . National Weather Frequencies Canadian Weather Frequencies Birdie Frequencies Frequency Conversion Troubleshooting Resetting the Scanner 45 46 Care and Maintenance . PREPARATION This scanner is designed primarily lor use in the home as a base station. You can place it on a desk, shell, or table. Your scanner‘s front teel laid up or down. Adjust them to give you the The scanner’s sensitivity depends on the antenna’s length and various envi- ronmental conditions. For the best re~ ceplion ol the transmissions you want to hear. adlust the antenna's length. best view of the display. Frequency Antenna Length 0 29—54 MHZ Extend tuily o ‘ tDB—l 74 MHz Collapse one segment \ 406—956 MHZ Collapse bolh segments Your scanner’s display is protected during shipment by a piece ol blue lilm. Peel oil this film belore you use the scanner. CONNECTING AN ANTENNA Connecting the Supplied Antenna You must install an antenna before you can operate the scanner. The supplied telescoping antenna - helps your scanner receive strong lo- cal signals. To instail the antenna. screw it clockwise into the hole on the scanner‘s top. Connecting an Outdoor Antenna Instead ol the supplied antenna, you can connect an outdoor base-station or mobile antenna (not supplied) to your scanner using a BNC connector. Your local FladioShack store sells a variety ot antennas Choose the one that best meets your needs. when deciding on a mobile or base- station antenna and its location. con sider these points: - The antenna should be as high as possible on the vehicle or building - The antenna and its cable should be as lar as possible lrom sources of electrical noise (appliances, other mdios, etc). - The antenna should be vertical lor the best performance. To connect an optional base-station or mobile antenna. lirst remove the sup~ plied antenna trorn the scanner. AI- ways use 50-ohm coaxial cable, such as RG-sa or FlG-a. to connect the base-station or mobile antenna. For lengths over 50 test. use FIG-8 low- loss dielectric coaxial cable. ll the an- tenna cable’s connector does not llt in the ANT. jack. you might also need a Molorola-to-BNC antenna plug adapt- er. Your local RadioShack store car- ries a wide variety ol coaxial antenna cable and connectors. Once you choose an antenna, lollow the mounting instructions supplied with the antenna. Then route the antenna‘s cable to the scanner and connect the cable to the ANT. jack on the back ol the scanner. Cautions: - Do not run the cable over sharp edges or moving parts that might damage it. - Do not run the cable next to power cables or other antenna cables. Warning: Use extreme caution when you install or remove an out- door antenna. It the antenna starts to tail, let it got it could contact overhead power lines. If the anten‘ na touches a power line, contact with the antenna. mast, cabte, or guy wires can cause electrocution and death. Call the power compa- ny to remove the antenna. DO NOT attempt to do so yourselt, CONNECTING POWER Using AC Power The scanners supplied AC adapter lets you power the scanner lrom a standard AC outlet. To connect power to the scanner, insert the AC adapter‘s barrel plug into the DC 12V jack on the back oi the scanner, then plug the AC adapter into a standard AC outlet. Cautions: ~ The supplied AC adapter supplies 12 volts DC power and delivers 500 milliamps. Its center tip is set to positive. and its plug properly his the scanners Dc izv jack. Using an adapter that does not meet these specifications could damage the scanner or the adapter. ——————_—.—_ - Be sure to connect the AC adapter to the scanner before you connect it to an AC outlet. and disconnect the AC adapter trorn the AC outlet before you disconnect it lrom the scanner. Warning: Do not use the AC adapt- er‘s polarized plug with an extension cord receptacle unless the blades can be luIIy inserted to prevent blade ex- posure. Using Your Vehicle‘s Battery Power if your AC power lails (during an emergency, lor example), you can power your scanner trom your vehi- cle’s cigarette lighter socket With an optional DC cigarette lighter power ca- ble. To connect an optional DC cigarette lighter power cable. insert its barrel plug into the 00 12V jack on the back oi the scanner. then plug the power cable into your vehicle's cigarette lighter socket. Cautions: 0 Il you use a DC cigarette lighter power cable With the scanner, it must supply 12 volts and at least 500 milliamps of DC automotive power. Its center tip must be set to positive. and its plug must cor- rectly lit the DC 12V jack on the back at the scanner. Using a power cable that does not meet these specifications could dam» age the scanner or the power cable, - it you use a cigarette lighter power cable and your vehicle's engine is running. you might hear electrical noise lrom the engine while scan ning. This is normal. Note: Mobile use at this scanner is unlawiul or requires a permit in some areas. Check the laws in your area. CONNECTING AN EXTENSlON SPEAKER In a noisy area. an amplilied extension speaker. positioned in the right place, might provide more comlonable listen- ing. Plug the speaker cable‘s 3.5 mm (‘la-inch) plug into your scanner’s A lack. Note: Connecting an external speaker disconnects the scanner's internal speaker. CONNECTING AN EARPHONEI HEADPHONES For private listening. you can connect an earphone or headphones with a 3.5 mm (Vi-inch) plug to the (\ jack on the tram or the scanner. This automat- ically disconnects the internal speak- er. Listening Safely To protect your hearing. follow these guidelines when you use an earphone or headphones. . Do not listen at extremely high volume levels. Extended high-vol- ume listening can lead to perma- nent hearing loss, Set VOLUME to the lowest setting beiore you begin listening. After you begin listening. adjust VOL- UME to a comtortable level. Once you set VOLUME. do not increase it. Over time, your ears adapt to the volume level, so a vol- ume level that does not cause dis- comlort might still damage your hearing. UNDERSTANDING YOUR SCANNER Once you understand a few simple terms we use in this manual and familiarize yoursell with your scanner’s features, you can put the scanner to work tor you. Vou simply determine the type oi communications you want to receive, then set the scanner to scan them. A trequency is the tuning location 01 a station (expressed in kHz or MHz), To lind active frequencies. you can use the search tunction. You can also search the service-search banks, which are preset groups or tre- ouencies categorized by type at service. When you lind a frequency, you can store it into a programmable memory location called a channel, which is grouped with your other channels in a channel-storage bank. You can then scan the channel-storage banks to see it there is activity on the trequencies stored there. Each time the scanner linds an active irequency, it stays on that channel until the transmission ends, A LOOK AT THE FRONT PANEL Your scanner's keys might seem contusing at tirst. but this inlormalion should help you understand each key's lunction. Note: same ol the scanner‘s keys perform more than one lunclion and are marked With more than one label. The steps in this Owner's Manual show only the label on the key appropriate to the action being pertormed. VOLUME Turns the scanner on or oil and adjusts the volume. SOUELCH Adjusts the scanner‘s squelch. SCAN MANUAL TRUNK SVC tservtce) PRIORITY/SPEED Number Keys ‘/CLEAR E (enter) LIMIT/V DELAY SEARCH UO/SKIP (lock out/sklpi Scans through the stored channels. Stops scanning and lets you directly enter a channel number or lrequency. SWitches between conventional and trunk tracking modes, Selects a service bank. Sets and turns on and on the priority leature; turns the HyperSearch mode on and all. Each key has a single-digit label and a range 0! num- bers. The single digits are used to enter a channel. lrequency, or ID number. The range at numbers (31— 60, lor example) indicates the channels that make up a memory bank. Enters a decimal point. Clears an entry. Enters lrequencies tnto channels or enters |Ds into a scan Ilsl. Sets the lrequency range; sets the search direction and holds a frequency search. Programs a 2-second delay lor the selected channel, a limit search. or each service scan. Also programs a s-second delay in the trunk tracking mode, Searches a specilied frequency range to lind lrequen- cies; searches lor another active ID in the trunk track- ing mode. Lets you lock out selected channels or lrequencies; lets you lock out a selected ID in the trunk tracking mode. HOLD/A Holds on the current ID tn the trunk tracking mode; sets the search direction and holds the lrequency search. DATA /AL EL“! Turns the data signal skip leature on or all or checks the current trunking bank in the trunk tracking mode qlp‘r Il- yw aim or rim Jug 5c the, FANh/l~3°/ rt Is A LOOK AT THE DISPLAY marl tics by mi (0) (a 01) /<7 The display has indicators that show the scanners current operating status A good look at the display will help you understand how your scanner operates. LIST BANK 1 z a 4 s s 7 a 910 PUB POLICE FIRE/EMG AIR wx TRUNK Illllllllllllll llIlllllllllll E III III III III _I _ _ _ _rr:ii I_l!_l l_l.l_l l_ll_l _lMHz SCAN MANUAL PRI HOLD DELA DATA L/O VSEARCH A LIST Appears With a number (1—5) to indicate the list num- oer. 5mm Appears with numbers (1—10) to indicate the scan bank. PUB Appears when you search ihe public salety service bank. source Appears when you search the police service bank. FIRE/EMS Appears when you search the lire/emergency servrce bank, AIR Appears when you search the air service bank. wx Appears when you search the weather service bank. TRUNK Appears when the scanner is in trunk tracking mode. (channel activity indicator) SCAN MANUAL PRI HOLD DELAY DATA L/O (lockout) VSEARCHA Error Shows which control/voice channels are currently active. Appears when a priority channel is selected Appears when you scan channels. Appears when you set the scanner to its manual mode. Appears when the priority leature is turned on. Appears when the scanner is in the hold mode during a search. Appears when you program a delay, Appears when the data skip lunction is active; ap- pears when the Disconnect Tone Detect lunction is art in the tnink tracking mode, Appears when you manually select a channel, trequen- cy. or 1D you locked out. Lights steadily during a limit search, service search. and ID Search and blinks while Hypersearch is active and when you monitor IDs, The arrow indicates the Search direction. Appears when you make an entry error. UNDERSTANDING BANKS Channel Storage Banks To make it easier to identity and select the channels you want to listen to. channels are divided into 20 banks of 50 channels each. Use each channel- storage bank to group frequencies. such as those used by the police de- panment, lire department, ambulance services, or aircraft. For example, the police department might use tour lre- quencies. one tor each side of town. You could program the police lrequen- cies starting with Channel 1 (the first channel in bank 1) and program the tire department trequencies starting with Channel 3t (the tirst channel In bank 2), Service Banks The scanner is preprogrammeo with the lrequencies allocated by public satety, police. tire/emergency‘ aircraft. and weather services. This is handy tor quickly linding active lrequenctes ' instead ol searching through an entire band (see "Searching Service Banks" on Page t7). UNDERSTANDING TRUNKING In the past. groups that broadcast tre- quently. such as police departments, were restricted to transmitting on just a few lrequencies. This resulted in heavy trattic and often required 2-way radio users to wait tor a specilic tre- quency to clear belore transmitting. Trunked systems allow more groups of 2-way radio users to use tewer ire- quenctss, Instead ol selecting a we citic lrequency to transmit on. a trunked system chooses one ot sever- al lrequencies when the 2-way radio user presses PTT (push to talk). The system automatically transmits the call on that lrequency. and also sends a code that identities that 2-way radio usefs transmission on a data channel. You can set this scanner to monitor the data channel lrequency. so you can hear both the call and response transmissions for that 2-way radio user and therelore tollow the conver- sation. (You cannot listen to the data channel itself in the trunk mode.) OPERATION TURNING ON THE SCANNER AND SETTING SQUELCH I. Turn SQUELCH and VOLUME tully counterclockwise. RadloShack n [i 2. Turn VOLUME back clockwise until you hear a hissing sound. 3. Turn SQUELCH clockwise. then leave it set to a point just atter the hissing sound stops. Notes: - It the scanner thI not scan. turn SQUELCH lurther clockwise. ~ ll the scanner picks up unwanted, partial. or very weak transmis- sions, turn sQuELCH clockwise to decrease the scanner’s sensitiVity to these signals. Ii you want to lis- ten to a weak or distant station, turn SQUELCH counterclockmse. . It SQUELCH is adiusted so you always hear a hissing sound, the scanner does not scan properly. STORING KNOWN FREQUENCIES INTO CHANNELS RadioShack sells a variety ot Regional Frequency Guides to help you identity active irequencies in your area. Check your local store for details. Note: To store trunking system ire- quencies, see “Programming Tmnked Frequencies” on Page 27. Follow these steps to store frequen- cies into channels. 1. Press MANUAL, enter the channel number (1—300) where you want to store a trequency, then press MANUAL again. The channel num- ber appears. 2. Use the number keys and , to enter the Irequency (including the decimal point) you want to store. g: IHNDDD ... 3. Press E to store the frequency into the channel. T NHDDD .. Notes: ~ It you made a mistake In Step 2, Error appears and the scan- ner beeps when you press E. Simply start again Irom Step 2. ' Your scanner automatically rounds the entered Irequency to the nearest valid trequency. For example. it you enter a ire- quency oi 151.4373. your scan- ner accepts it as 151.475, ~ II you entered a lrequency that is already stored in another channel, the scanner beeps three times and displays the lowest channel number where the irequency is already stored. II you want to store the ire- quency anyway, press E again. ~ Press DELAY it you want the scanner to pause 2 seconds on this channel after a transmission ends belore it proceeds to the next channel (see "Delay' on Page 21). The scanner also stores this setting in the channel. 4. It you want to program the next channel in sequence, press MAN- UAL and repeat Steps 2 and 3. SEARCHING SERVICE BANKS You can search tor public service. po- lice, tire/emergency, aircrait, and weather transmissions even it you do not know the specilic frequencies that are used in your area. And. you can store any at the trequencies you lind into channels. Your scanner has the lollowing pre- programmed service banks. - PUBLIC — contains 140 public service frequencies - POLICE — contains 2,392 police lrequencies ' FIRE/EMG — contains 197 tire and emergency service irequen» cies ' AIR — contains 2,319 aircraft and air service frequencies - WX — contains 7 weather Ire- quencies To select a service bank, press svc. A service bank’s name (PUB, P0— LICE, FIRE/ENG. AIR. Or wx) and one oi the preset public service Ire- quencies appear. Alter a 2-second de- lay, searching begins, To select another service bank. re- peatedly press svc until the scanner displays the name ol the bank you want to use. Notes: - To skip data signals flit as modern signals), press DATA. See “Skipping Data Signals" on Page 23. 0 Because lrequencies are not always assigned to the same ser» vices everywhere, you might hear transmissions lrorn one service in another service group. Press SEARCH to start searching im- mediately or to continue searching it you want to skip a lreguency. During service-search, you can press HOLD to pause the searching. noun appears Press A or V to move up or down one step, or press SEARCH to resume searching. Follow these steps to store trequen- cies into channels. 1. Press MANUAL. 2. Use the number keys to enter the channel number (Hype) where you want to store the irequency, then press MANUAL. 3. Press sVC then SEARCH to select a service bank and begin searching. 4. When the scanner stops on a transmission. press HOLD. The lreouency appears 5. Press E to store the lrequency into the channel. LIMIT SEARCH it you do not know a lrequency to store, you can search tor transmis- sions within a range at frequencies you select. called the limit search range. Then you can store any inter- esting lrequencies you lind into chan- nels. 1 Press MANUAL. enter the channel number where you want to store a lrequency, then press MANUAL again. The channel number appears. 2 Use the number keys and , to enter the irsquency that is the lower limit at the range you want to search. 3. Press LIMIT, we; —. tarsal] DDEl .. an. .,.._....a...a......... 4. Use the number keys and , to enter the irequency that is the upper limit of the range you want to search. 5. Press LIMIT. then press SEARCH, The scanner begins to search from the lower limit to the upper limit. 6. When the scanner stops on a transmission, quickly press either: ' E to store the displayed lre- quency into the channel. The scanner stores the lrequency. - A or V to stop searching so you can listen to the transmis- sion, HOLD appears. To release hold and continue searchingr press SEARCH. Notes: ~ To step through the Irequencies while HOLD appears, press A or V. - ll you tune to a search skip ire- quency, L/o appears. See “Lock- ing Out Channels and Frequencies" on Page 22. - To skip data signals (such as modem signals), press m. See “Skipping Data Signals" on Page 23. SCANNING THE STORED CHANNELS To begin scanning channels, press SCAN. The scanner scans through all non-locked channels in all banks that are turned on. then stops on the ltrst transmission it linds, When the trans- mission ends, the scanner resumes scanning, Notes: - Channels with no lrequencres are automatically locked out during scanning. - To scan in the trunk tracking mode. see “Scanning a Trunked Bank" on Page 28. MANUALLY SELECTING A CHANNEL You can continuously monitor a single channel without scanning. This is use- ful it you hear an emergency broad- cast on a channel and do not want to miss any details ~ even though there might be periods oi silence — or it you want to monitor a specilic channel. Follow these steps to manually select a channel. 1. Press MANUAL. 2. Enter the channel number, 3. Press MANUAL again. Or, it your scanner is scanning and stops at the desired channel, press MANUAL one time. (Pressing MANUAL additional times causes your scanner to step through the channels.) To resume scanning, press SCAN. CLEARING A FREQUENCY FROM A CHANNEL I. Press MANUAL. 2. Use the number keys to enter the channel number containing the lrequency you want to delete. Then press MANUAL again. Ct, Press 0, then press E, The ire- quency is deleted. SPECIAL FEATURES —-—__—__ DELAY Many agencies use a two-way radio system that might have a period at 2 or more seconds between a query and a reply. To keep lrorn missing a reply, you can program a 2-second delay into any channel or lrequency. The scanner continues to monitor the lre- quency lor 2 seconds alter the trans- mission stops belore resuming scanning or searching. To program a Z-second delay: ~ ll the scanner is scanning chan- nel-storage banks and stops on an active channel where you want to store a delay, quickly press DELAV belore scanning resumes, DELAY appears. - It the desired channel is not selected. manually select the channel, then press DELAV. DELAY appears. - If the scanner is searching, press DELA! DELAY appears and the scanner automatically adds a 2- second delay to every transmis- sion it stops on in that band or limit range, To turn olt the 2-second delay, press DELAY while the scanner is monitoring the channel or searching service banks or limit ranges. DELAY disap- pears. TURNING CHANNEL- STORAGE BANKS ON AND OFF You can turn each channel~storage bank on and on. When you turn on a bank, the scanner does not scan any ol the go channels in that bank. While scanning, press the number key that corresponds to the bank you want to turn on or oil. it the bank number is on, the bank is turned on and the scanner scans all channels within that bank that are not locked out. It the bank number is oil. the scanner does not scan any ol the channels Within that bank. Notes: ' You can manually select any channel within a bank, even ll lhat bank ls turned all. ' You cannot turn all all banks. One bank is always active. LOCKING OUT CHANNELS AND FREQUENCIES You can scan existing channels or Search Irequencies lasler by locking out channels or frequencies that have a continuous transmission, such as a weatherchannel. Note: It you iust want to skip over a lengthy transmission (such as a mo- dern signal}, see "Skipping Data Sig- nals" on Page 23. Locking Out Channels To lock out a channel whrle scanning. press IJO when the scanner stops on the channel. To lock out a channel manually. select the channel and press U0 until L/O appears. Note: You can still manually select locked-out channels. To remove the lockout lrom a channel. select the channel and press UO until L/o disappears. To remove the lockout lrom all chan- nets in the channel-storage banks that are turned on, press MANUAL (0 stop scanning, then hold down LIO until the scanner beeps twice. Locking Out Frequencies To lock out a lrequency during a limit search or service bank search. press L/O when the scanner stops on the lrequency. The scanner locks out the lrequency, then continues searching. To lock out a lrequency manually, se- lect the frequency and press uo until L/O appears. Notes: - The scanner does not display locked-out lrequencies during a search. ~ L/o appears when you select a locked-out lrequency. ~ You can lock out up to /WIrequen- cies during a limit searcl. and 20 during a service bank search. it you try to lock out more lrequen- cies, the Iirsl locked-out lrequency is automatically unlocked. To remove the lockout lrom a fre- quency, select the lrequency then press L/o. L/o disappears. To remove the lookout lrom all Ire» quencies. while searching, press HOLD then hold down U0 until the scanner beeps twice (about 2 sec- onds). TURNING THE KEY TONE ON AND OFF To turn the key tone oll, turn oil the scanner. Then. while holding down UO/SKIF, turn on the scanner. OF bEEP appears. To turn the key tone back on, repeat the above procedure. oN bEEP ap- pears. CHANGING SEARCH SPEEDS The PRO-ZOSL has two search speeds for a limit search. Normal Search Hyperseamh 100 steps/second 300 steps/second To switch between the normal and Hy- perSearch speeds. during a limit search. press SPEED, SEARCH llash- es during HyperSearch. ~AID<..~ irLtLlClizltJ‘ xsvmny’” Note: You can use HyperSearch only in the 5 kHz step bands (29—54 MHz and 137474 MHz). SKIPPING DATA SIGNALS You can set the scanner so it skips nonmodulated or data signals (such as modern transmissions) during a scan or search. Note: Since data signals are not gen~ erally Iound in the air hand. this tea- ture does not work in the air service bank. To turn on the data skip leature. be sure the priority Ieature is turned oll &“Priority' on Page 23), then press DATA. DATA awrs. To turn ott the teature, press DATA again DATA dis- appears. PRIORITY The priority leature lets you scan through channels and still not miss im- ponant or interesting calls on specilic Channels. You can program one stored channel in each bank as a pri- ority channel (lor up to a total ol lO stored channels). As the scanner scans the bank. it the priority leature is tumed on. the scanner checks the pri~ ority channel lor activity every 2 sec- onds. The scanner automatically desig- nates each bank's first channel as its priority channel. Follow these steps to select a ditlerent channel as the priori- ty channel for a bank. 1. Press MANUAL. 2. Enter the channel number you want to select as the priority chan- nel. then press MANUAL again. a, Hold down PRIORITY until the scanner beeps twice, E appears to the right Oi the channel number. Lg_5t_ i~i~tooo .. 4. Repeat Steps 2—3 Ior the channel in each bank you want to program as a priority channel. To turn on the priority lealure, press PRIORITY during Scanning. mu ap- pears. As you scan the bank, the scanner checks the bank's priority channel every 2 seconds in each bank that is turned on, staning lrom the low- est to the highest~numbered priority channel. To turn all the priority feature, press PRIORITY, FRI disappears. Notes: ~ The priority leature must be turned oil to use the data skip lea- ture (see “Skipping Data Signals" on Page 23). ~ You can lock out priority channels. ll ou lock out all priority channels, CH Loo Out appears when you turn on the priority feature. TRUNK TRACKING Your scanner is designed to track transmissions on Motorola Type I, Type II, and hybrid analog trunking systems, which are extensively used in 800 MHz communications Remem- ber these important points when track- ing transmissions: ~ Your scanner monitors Type ti sys- tems by delault. However, you can change this it the system in your area is ditierent (see "Types ol Trunking Systems" on this page and “Scanning Type I and Hybrid Trunked Systems“ on Page 34 lor more information). ~ Your scanner cannot track trans- missions on non-Motorola trunk- ing systems. - Your scanner tracks an 800 MHz trunked system or scans trequen- cies in conventional mode. but it cannot do both at the same time, TYPES OF TRUNKING SYSTEMS Your trunk tracking scanner can moni- ‘tor two basic types oi systems —— Type land Type ll. Instead of selecting a specific lrequency to transmit on, a tmnked system chooses one oi sever- al irequencies in a 2-way radio users talk group when that user presses PTT (push to talk). Thus, trunking sys- tems allocate a lew lrequencies among many difierent users, but the way Type 1 and Type II systems do this is slightly difierent. One important distinction between these systems is the amount oi data transmitted by each radio when its PTI' button is pressed. In a Type I system. the ra- dio's ID and its current affiliation (the trunk system it belongs to) are both transmitted. In a Type II system, only the radios ID is transmitted. Why the dillerence? In Type I sys- tems. each radio in the trunk group in- dividually transmits its own alliliatton, while the trunk system maintains a da- taoase that determines each radio‘s alliliation(s) in Type II systems. Another dillerence between the sys- tems is that Type I systems are ar- ranged in a lleet-sublleet hierarchy For example. it is possible tor a city using a Type l system to designate 4 Ileets. each with B sublleets. The tieets might be the police depart- ment. the tire department, utilities, and city administration. The police might decide to lurther divide its fleet into sublleets such as dispatch, tactical operations, detectives, north, south. east and west side patrols, and super- visors. All the available police radios would then be assigned to one oi the police sublleets. letting the police cen< tralize their communications and con- trol the type oi users on a single system Determining the exact ileet- sublleet hierarchy tor a particular area is relerred to as fleet map program- Ming. ———_.—_— The disadvantage ol 3 Type I system is that the briet burst oI data sent when a user transmits must contain the radio’s ID and its Ileet and sub- Ileet. This is three times the amount oi data a Type II system radio sends. Since the data capacity at Type I sys- tems is limited and the amount of data increases with each user. Type I sys- tems usually accommodate fewer us- ers than Type II systems. Never- theless. Type I systems are still in use. There are also hybrid systems which are a combination oi both Type I and Type It. Your scanner detaults to mon- itor Type II systems, but you can change to Type I or a hybrid oI Type t and Type II systems by selecting a preprogrammed Iteet map or creating a custom Ileet map Ior your area (see “Scanning Type I and Hybrid Trunked Systems” on Page 34). Vou do not need to determine the Ileet-subtleet hierarchy Ior Type II sys- tems unless you are tracking hybrid systems that contain both Type I and Type II systems. SETTING THE SCANNER TO THE TRUNK TRACKING MODE Press TRUNK to switch between the scanner‘s conventional and trunk tracking modes. SETTING SQUELCH FOR THE TRUNK TRACKING MODE The squelch setting can affect how Iast your scanner acquires the data channel. and. in some instances, can prevent your scanner Irom acquiring the data channel at all. Adjusting SQUELCH is necessary to track trans- missions precisely. ./e recommend you set SQUELCH to this position beIore selecting a trunked bank. he Lg Note: You can change this setting. it necessary. to provide better pertor- mance in your area. PROGRAMMING TRUNKED FREQUENCIES Before you program your scanner to track a tiunked system. consider the tollowtng: - Valid trunked system Irequencies range irom 851.0000—868.9875 in 12.5 kHz steps. ~ You can use any 0! your SCaflanS banks as either a trunk tracking bank or conventional scanning bank. but you cannot mix the two. - The scanner only scans one trunked system at a time. Al- though you can store Irequencies tor more than one trunked system in one at your scanner‘s banks, the scanner only scans the Ire- quencies associated with the Iirst data Channel it Iinds Before scanning a trunked system‘s transmissions, you must store the trunked system's frequencies in one oi the banks in your scanner by Iollowing these steps, 1. Hold down TRUNK until the scan- ner beeps twice. BANK. TRUNK and the bank numbers flash, 2. Select the bank you want to store the trunked system‘s Irequencres in by pressing a number key. The scanner automatically selects the tirst channel in the bank. 3. Use the number keys to enter the trunked system's Irequencies. then press E. has in res- o—r Note: It you entered an invalid lre- quency in Step 3, the scanner beeps. the channel number ilashes and Error appears, II this happens. press CLEAR to clear the frequency, then repeat Step 3. Err-a- WL.-—--ut....m._..__m MEEEIE -Eé@i3 4. Press either MANUAL or A to select the next channel in the Zbank. © 51321238 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until all lre- quencies have been entered. SCANNING A TRUNKED BANK You can scan one trunked bank at a time. Once you have stored lrequen» cies tor a trunked system in one or more ol the 20 available banks and you are scanning non»trunked ire- quencies, lollow these steps to begin trunk scanning, 1. Press TRUNK, The indlcators lor all banks llash. 2. Use the number keys to enter the number tor the trunked bank you want to scan, then press SEARCH to begin searching lor the‘trunk‘s data channel (the channel that controls the trunk). smell ilashes as the scanner searches (or a data channel. when the scanner linds it. it begins trunk tracking. If you entered all at the trunk's ire- quenmes, you should be able to lollow conversations between broadcasters even when they change lrequenaes. IDs. which represent ditlerent service groups. appear Note: To see the bank currently ln use lor about 5 seconds. press DATA whlle ln the trunk tracking mode. 3. To return to conventional scan- nlng. press TRUNK again. Hint: While scanning, you Will not know exactly whom the le are as- signed to until you llsten awhile or until you locate ID Ilsls in frequency guides or on internet sites such as Within a lew minutes. you can usually ligure out il what you are listening to is a police, lire. or emergency medical 2-way ra- dio user. Other 105 mlght take some time, but determining whom each ID represents is hall the lun of trunk tracking! Monitoring an Active ID When the scanner stops on a trans- mission, you can hold the scanner on that transmission. 1. Press HOLD. HOLD appears and the scanner stays on the current ID. 2. Il you want to listen to a diflerent ID, use the number keys to enter the ID you want to hold, LIST 1 appears 3. Press HOLD again. HOLD flashes and the scanner monitors that ID. 4. When you want to stop the hold and resume searching tor a data channel so you can contlnue trunk tracking, press SEARCH Note: You can also lollow these steps to hold on an 10 while scanning a scan list. See "Scan Lists" on Page 32. Looking Out 105 As WIth conventional scannlng, it ls possible to lock out unwanted trallic This is partlcularly important ln trunk- ed systems because signals you can- not Iisten to (such as water meters. door alarms, traffic signals. and en- crypted signals) are assigned IDs just like other users. You can have up to 100 le locked out at one time. Note: ll you lock out an ID while searchlng. it is also locked out 01 the scan list(s). See "Scan Lists" on Page 32. To lock out an ID, press L/O when the ID appears. The ID is locked out, and the next ac tive ID appears, Unlocking a Single ID 1. Hold down U0 until you hear two short beeps. 2. Repeatedly press V or A to select the ID you want to unlock. 3. Press LIO. The ID is unlocked and the next locked ID appears. 4. Press SEARCH to continue the scanner's previous lunclion. Unlocking AII IDs Hold down LIO until you hear two short beeps. Then press E to unlock all the IDs at once. The scanner beeps twice. Note: When you unlock all the IDs, the scan list mode appears. Press SCAN to scan the IDs stored in your scan lists or press SEARCH to contin- ue the scanners previous lunction. For more inlormation about scan lists. see “Scan Lists" on Page 32. Using Trunk Tracking Scan Delay Many trunked systems have a period ol 2 or more seconds between a query and a reply. You can program a 5- second delay so the scanner holds on an ID Ior 5 seconds to wait tor a reply. The scanner continues to monitor the lrequency tor 5 seconds after the transmission stops belore resuming scanning. Press DELAY to turn trunk tracking scan delay on or oil. Dam! appears when trunk tracking scan delay is set. Note: It you consistently miss re- sponses even with trunk tracking scan delay set, you might need to change the detault system type or the fleet map you are using. See “Scanning Type I and Hybrid Trunked Systems" on Page 34. “— Monitoring le You can use your scanner‘s display to monitor the lrequencles in a tmnked system tor activity. You cannot hear conversations in this mode, but this is an excellent way to determine which talk groups are the most active. To set the scanner to monitor IDs, hold down SEARCH until the scanner beeps twice. SEARCH (lashes, and all active talk group IDs appear in succession. To stop monitoring IDs. press SEARCH again. Note: When you monitor IDs, locked- out IDs also appear. CHANNEL ACTIVITY .INDICATORS Your scanner has 30 channel activity indicators (bars) which show the activ- ity taking place on a trunked system. You can see how many lrequencies are being used and generally monitor how much communication traffic is co» curring. Each lrequency you store in a trunking bank has a corresponding activity indi- cator. - The indicator that remains on steadily even when there are no current transmissions represents the frequency being used as the data channel. ill-mi? ' The indicator that lIashes when an ID appears represents the he quency being used by the radio you are currently hearing. I 5&2 - ll an indicator turns on but you do not hear a conversation, the chan- nel is probably being used lor a telephone interconnect call or a private call. or the Indicator might be a locked-out ID. Your scanner does not monitor these types of calls. ~ I! the scanner is holding on an ID which is not active, the other activ- ity indicators turn on and oil as other groups use the system. SCAN LISTS When you program trunked lrequen- cies into a bank (see “Programming Trunked Frequencies" on Page 27), your scanner sets up 5 scan lists into which you can store your lavorite IDs, Each list can contain up to to IDs, so you can store a total or 50 tDs lor each trunk tracking bank (500 IDs it you use all banks as trunking banksl). Scan lists help you organize tnmking system users into categories. For ex- ample. you might use List 1 lor police IDs. List 2 tor lire department IDs. List a tor emergency medical service IDs. and so on. Once 105 are stored in lists. you can scan them like you scan conventional channels. You can pro- gram le into scan lists manually, dur- ing a search. or automatically. Manually Storing IDs into Scan Lists 1. Select the trunking bank you want (see “Scanning a Trunked Bank" on Page 28). 2. Aiter the scanner begins trunk tracking, press MANUAL. A scan list number appears at the top at the display, and a bar shows the channel activity. Scln List Number 3. Repeatedly press A or V to select the scan list location (shown at the top 0! the display) you want to pro- gram. 4, Enter the Type ll ID you want to store. then press E. Or. to enter a Type l ID: 3. Use the number keys to enter the block number and the lleel number. then press ,. 1). Enter the sublIeet number. then press E, Note: To clear a mistake while entering an ID. press CLEAR. then start over at Step 4. 5. Repeatedly press MANUAL or A to select the next scan list location you want to program. Then repeat Step 4 to enter another ID. Storing IDs into Scan Lists While Searching Follow these steps to select a scan list location and store an lD during a search. 1, When your scanner stops on an lD you want to store. press PRIOR- ITY The currently selected scan list memory location tlashes. 2. Press E to store the lD in the selected scan list memory loca- tion. Or, repeatedly press A or V to select the scan list memory location you want, then press E. 3. Press SEARCH to resume search- ing Automatically Storing an ID in 3 Scan List Location To display a scan list location and store an to in that location during a search. press PHIORITV to display the current scan list location. then press E when your scanner stops on an ID you want to store. . To store an ID In the tirst available scan list location during a search, press E at any time. Deleting a Stored ID 1. Press MANUAL. 2. Repeatedly press A or V to select the scan list location (shown at the top ol the display) you want to delete. Scan List Location El fiaae T E) mirage {gt SCANNING THE SCAN LISTS Press SCAN to begin scanning the lists you have programmed, SCAN scrolls on the display. Note: It more than one at the scan IDs you have stored do not work. Error tlashes twice and the scanner beeps several times, then the scan list num- bers appear at the top ol the display a') “ To remove a scan list lrorn active scanning, use the number keys to en~ ter the scan Iist's number. The scan list indicator turns oil, and the le in that list are not scanned. Note: You cannot remove all the scan lists. One scan list must always be ac- tive. To restore a scan list to active scan- ning. use the number keys to enter its number again. Press SEARCH to return to the scan- ner’s previous function. SCANNING TYPE I AND HYBRID TRUNKED SYSTEMS Your PRO‘ZOSO is set to scan Type II user IDs by delault. When you scan trunked lrequencies. each Type ll user ID you see appears as an even num» ber without a dash (such as 2160). Your PRO-2050 can also scan Type I trunked systems. Each Type I I0 ap- pears as a three- or low-digit number, lollowed by a hyphen, lollowed by a one- or two-digit number (such as 200-14). Il you notice a mix at odd- and even~ user IDS (such as 6477. 2160, 6431, 6144. and 1167). then you are proba- bly monitoring either a Type I or hybrid (a combination oi Type I and Type II user IDs) system. (See “Types ol Trunking Systems" on Page 25.) You might also notice that you are missing responses when you hold on an active ID. Unlike Type II systems. Type I and hybrid systems require a lleet map that sets specilic lleetAsub- lleet parameters. It is easy to select a tleet map to scan; what is not always easy is selecting or programming a map that is being used in your particu- lar area. When a Type | system is designed, the address iniormation Ior all its user IDs is divided into 8 equal-size blocks, numbered 0—7, and each block is as- signed a size code. when you set up your scanner to track a Type | system, you must choose a size code tor each block. When you have chosen a size code (or all 8 blocks, you will have du- plicated the fleet map lor the system you are tracking. Il you have chosen correctly, you will be able to track transmissions in that system. ———__— Each size code defines the number ol lleets, sublleets, and IDs each block has. For example, you can see in the IoIIowing table that a size code ol 54 has one Ileet, which is divided into 15 separate sublleets, and it has a total OI 512 individual IDs. Size Fleets Sub IDs Block fleets Used SO Reserved block Ior Type II I05 31 128 4 16 1 $2 16 B 64 1 S3 5 B 1 28 1 $4 1 16 512 1 S5 S4 4 32 1 SG 32 E 32 I S7 32 4 64 1 SS 1 6 4 128 1 SS 8 4 256 t 510 4 B 256 1 Si 1 2 is 256 1 S12 1 16 1024 2 513 1 1S 2048 4 SI 4 1 1 S 4096 8 Each ID in the block is unique. The left-most digit is the block number in the ID. The next two digits identity which lleel is active. and the last dig- it(s) (alter the hyphen) identifies the subfleet. The size codes selected by a Type | system designer depend on the spe- citic needs ol the system's users, Some organizations might want many sublleets with only a lew radios each, while another organization might want only a lew sublieets, with many radios each, To scan Type | systems. you must select or program a Ileet map with the same size code assignments as the trunked system. It you do this accurately. you will track all the lleet and sublleet combinations used by the system. In other words, you will hear complete communications while moni- toring a trunked system. Note: www.1runkscanner,com plans to make preset lleet maps available as they become known. It you do not already know the size codes used, you will have to guess them. But since you do not have to lig- ure out all the blocks at once, this is not as hard as it seems. Select a size code tor a block, then press SEARCH. Now listen to the communications. ll you decide you are receiving most or the replies to the conversations with IDs assigned to the block you just pro- grammed. then you have probably se- lected the right size code and can work on the next block oi the map. “E“ There are 15 preset lleel maps lo _ ‘ choose from, and it is best to slarl with Block 35; Bleak 313159 E1915 EH?“ these when setting up a Type I or hy- Block Size Block size brid trunk (racking bank. ll none OI Ihe 4 SO 4 30 Code Code lollowmg preset lleet maps allow you 5 so 5 so 0 $4 0 $3 to follow complete conversations, then you probably need to program your 6 5° 5 54 ‘ S‘ ‘ S‘° own lleel map (see “Programming 3 7 so 7 $4 2 $4 2 $10 Fleet Map on Page 33) 3 S“ 3 S” a," E|P2 EIPII E1P1z 4 SH 4 so Block Size Block size BM“ 3:52 am" gig; 5 3° 5 5° 0°“ Code 5 512 s 512 0 Sn 0 S4 0 S4 0 5° 7 e 7 _ ' S” 1 $4 1 ‘ S0 1 SD 5 I ' P FI QM i e earn a reset ea 3 2 SH 2 $4 EiP7 EiPs i 2 so 2 so 9 p 3 Sn 3 34 Block 5m Block Size 3 SO 3 so 1. Press SCAN, then hold down code Code 4 SO 4 SO TRUNK until the scanner beeps 4 S" 4 S4 twice. BANK. TRUNK and (he 5 3“ 5 34 0 8‘0 0 S‘ 5 SD 5 SO bank numbers flash. 5 sn 5 54 ‘ 5‘0 ‘ S‘ 5 50 6 50 Zr Selecl the bank where you wani 10 m 1 fl b 7 s" 7 54 2 S“ 2 52 7 5° 7 S“ 21222“? $2225? ma” V 3 54 3 52 4 34 4 53 EIP13 sum 3 Press DATA“ 5 S4 5 $3 \ Block Slze Black Size 6 S4 6 S4 . Code Code 7 54 7 $4 0 $3 0 SA ; I 53 | 53 ewe Ele ‘ 2 sn 2 Sn) 4. Repeatedly press A or v ro select 3 $4 3 54 E1 Type | and hybrid), lhen press Black Size Block Size DATA again. Code Code 4 4 54 S4 Note: To select Type ll, press E 0 S4 0 so 5 so 5 54 when 32 appears_ 1 S4 1 so a so 6 $12 2 SO 2 SD 7 SO 7 ~ 3 so 3 so an .——.._—_—_— 5, Repeatedly press A or V to select the name ol the map you want (such as ne7), then press E. The scanner then searches for trans- missions using the preset map you chose. Note: when the scanner searches tor transmissions, you see Type I tleet and sublleet IDs such as 100—12, 100-9, 000-12, or 400-8. How do you know it the preset map you selected is correct? Listen to see it you are lollowing complete conver- sations. It not. try another preset map. Programming a Fleet Map 1. Hold down TRUNK until the scan» ner beeps twice. BANK. TRUNK and the bank number flash. 2. Select the bank where you want to program the lleet map by pressing a number key 3 Press DATA. 4. Ftepeatedly press A or V until E1 appears, then press DATA, 5, Repeatedly press A or V until Us: appears. on 5. Press DATA. 7A Repeatedly press A or v to select the size code tor the lirst block, then press E. The next available block appears. 8, Flepeat Step 7 until you have selected a size code tor each block you want to work with. 9. Press SEARCH. The scanner exits the trunking programming mode, tunes the data channel, then begins to search using the map you programmed. Note: It you select size code 812. $13, or 814. these restrictions apply: - 812 can only be assigned to Blocks 0, 2. 4, or 6. s 513 can only be assigned to Blocks 0 and 4. - 814 can only be assigned to Block 0. Since these size codes require multi~ ple blocks, you Will be prompted tor the next available block when pro- gramming a lleet map. For example, it you assign Block 0 as an $12. the scanner prompts you tor b2, the next block available. instead ot bl. And it you assign Block 0 as an $14, you would not see another prompt be- cause it uses all available blocks. Programming 3 Hybrid System A hybrid system is simply a Type | system with some oi its blocks desig- noted as Type II blocks. To program a hybrid system. lollow the steps listed in “Programming a Fleet Map.” How- ever. it you want a block to be Type II, select size code so in Step 7. TURNING ON/OFF THE DISCONNECT TONE DETECT FUNCTION While trunk tracking, your scanner au- tomatically tunes to the data channel when it detects a disconnect tone (a code that tells the trunking system that the transmitter has tinished sending) on the voice channel. However, you can manually turn on this lunctton so the scanner does not tune to the data channel when it receives a disconnect tone on the voice channel. Notes: ~ You can also manually set the scanner so it always stays on the voice channel (even when a dis- connect tone is transmitted on that channel or there is no signal at all) by setting SOUELCN so you hear a hissing sound, - You cannot use the disconnect tone detect lunction it you are pro- gmmming a trunking lreguency or a tleet map. To turn the disconnect tone detect lunction on, set the scanner to trunk track then press svc. The scanner beeps and m tlashes for about 5 seconds. To set your scanner so it again auto~ mattcally tunes the data channel when it detects a disconnect tone. press svc. on A GENERAL GUIDE TO SCANNING “ Reception at the Irequencies covered by your scanner is mainly “line-ot-sight." That means you usually cannot hear stationsythat are beyond the horizon. GUIDE TO FREQUENCIES National Weather Frequencies 162.400 162.475 162.525 162.425 162 500 152 550 162.450 Canadian Weather Frequencies ISLGSO 161.775 163.275 Note: These three frequencies are not pre-programmed in the weather service bank but can be manually programmed into a channel. Birdie Frequencies Every scanner has birdie trequencies. Birdies are signals created inside the scan- ner‘s receiver. These operating lrequencies might interfere with broadcasts on the same trequencies. It you progmm one at these frequencies, you hear only noise on that trequency. II the interterence is not severe, you might be able to turn SQUELCH clockwise to cut out the birdie. This scanner's birdie trequencies (in MHZ) are: 171.25 406 7625 4073125 413.175 413225 To find the birdies in your indlvidual scanner, begin by disconnecting the antenna and moving it away irom the scanner. Make sure that no other nearby radio or TV sets are turned on near the scanner. Use the search Iunction and search every ire» quency range lrom its lowest frequency to the highest. Occasionally, the searching will stop as it it had found a signal. otten without any sound. That is a birdle. Make a list or all the birdies in your scanner tor luture relerence. ———__— FREQUENCY CONVERSION The tuning location of a station can be expressed in lrequency (kHz or MHZ) or in wavelength (meters). The lollowing lnlormation can help you make the necessary conversions. 1 MHZ (million) = 1000 kHz (thousand) To convert MHz to kHz, multlply the number ot megahertz by 1,000: 9.62 (MHZ) x 1000 : 9620 kHz To convert lrom kHz to MHz, divide the number at kilohenz by 1,000: 2780 (kHz) «- 1000 = 2.780 MHZ To convert MHZ to meters, divide 300 by the number OI rnegahenz: 300 e 7.1 MHZ = 42.25 meters TROUBLESHOOTING ll your scanner is not working as it should, these suggestions might help you elimi- nate the problem, Il the scanner still does not operate properly. take it to your local HadiOShack store tor assistance. PROBLEM Possuats CAUSE REMEDV PHOELEM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY Scanner is on but will not scan. SQUELCH Is not CD!- rectly adjusted. Adjust SQUELCH clock- wise. Only one channel or no channels are stored. Store lrequencles into more than one channel. Scanner is totally inoper- alive. No power. Make sure the scanner is plugged into a working AC or DC outlet. Scanner will not track a trunked system. (continued) The data lrequency ls missing. Find the data lrequency (see “Programming Trunked Frequencies" on Page 27). The system you are try- ing to track is a Type 1 system, and the scanner is set to scan Type II sys- tems. Set the scanner to receive Type I trunked trequencies, See “Scam ning Type I and Hybrid Trunked Systems” on Page 34. The AC or DC adapter is not connected. Be sure the adapters barrel plug is lully inserted into the DC 12V iack. Scanner Will not stop while scanning a scan list. The iDs you have stored are not active Scan another transmis- sion, The scanner must be reset. Reset the scanner (see "Flesetting lhe Scanner" on Page 45). Poor or no reception All antenna Is not con- nected or connected incorrectly. Make sure an antenna is connected to the scan- ner. Error appears. Programming error. Reprogram the lie- quency correctly, includ- ing the decimal point. Scanner will not acquire a data channel. $QUELCH Is not COP rectly adiusted lor trunk tracking. Adiust squelch lor trunk tracking. See “Setting Squelch tor the Trunk Tracking Mode" on Page 26. The lrequency used tor the data channel is miss- ing. Add the lrequency used lor the data channel to the lrequency list. (see "Programming Trunked Frequencies" on Page 27). In the scan mode, the scanner locks on ire- quencies that have an unclear transmission. Programmed irequencies are the same as “birdie" lrequencies. Avoid programming ire- quencies listed under "Birdie Frequencies" on Page 40 or only listen to them manually. Scanner will not track a trunked system. The transmission might not use a system that can be tracked by your scanner Scan another transmis- SIOI’i. Missing replies to con- versations. The system you are try- ing to track is a Type I system, and the scanner is set to scan Type II sys- tems. Set the scanner to receive Type I trunked Irequencies, See “Scan- ning Type i and Hybrid Trunked Systems" on Page 34, A’l PROBLEM POSS|BLE cAusE REMEDY Missing replies to con- versations. (continued) The selected lieet map is incorrect. Try another preset fleet map or program your own lleet map (see “Scanning Type I and Hybrid Trunked Systems" on Page 34). Not all oi the trunk's lre- quencies have been entered. Enter all ol the trunk's lrequencles Channel activity indica- tors are lighting but no sound is heard. The transmission might be a private or telephone interconnect call. The scanner does not scan these types ol transmis- sions. Scan lor another trans» mission. The ID is looked out. Unlock the ID (see "Unlocking a Single ID” on Page 30 or“Unlocklng All IDs" on Page 30). RESETTING THE SCANNER You might need to reset the scanner ii any at the iotlowmg occur: - The scanners display locks up. - The scanner does not work prop- erty alter you connect power. - The scanner is dropped or sub- jected to a physical or electrical shock. Caution: This procedure clears all the information you have programmed into the scanner. Use this procedure only when you are sure your scanner is not working properly. 1. Turn all the scanner. 2. While you press and hold down 2 and 9. turn on the scanner. fiBéB QQ Nil Pmm Elli] Elll] rm $0 in Note: It takes about 10 seconds until the reset is completed. CLEAY.‘ ap- pears during resetting. Caution: Do not turn oil the scanner while you reset IL A: CARE AND MAINTENANCE Your FtadioShack PRO-2051 VHF/UHF/Air/BOOMHz [wot-Channel TrunkTracke, Horne Scanner is an example of superior design and craftsmanship. The lollowmg suggestions will help you care tor your scanner so you can enjoy it for years. Keep the scanner dry. If it gets wet, wipe it dry immediately. Liquids can contain minerals that can corrode the electronic circuits. Handle the scanner gently and carefully. Dropping it can damage cir~ cult boards and cases and can cause the scanner to work improperly. distort or melt plastic parts. Keep the scanner away lrorn dust and dirt, which can cause premature wear at pans. Use and store the scanner only in normal temperature environments. ‘ Temperature extremes can shorten the tile of electronic devices and Wipe the scanner with a damp cloth occasionally to keep it looking new. Do not use harsh chemicals. cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the scanner. Modifying or tampering with the scanner's internal components can cause a mal< function and might invalidate the scanners warranty and void your unit's FCC authorization to operate it. It your scanner is not operating as it should, take it to your local FladioShack store tor assistance. 46
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