Radio Shack 2000514 Scanning Receiver User Manual users manual

RadioShack Corporation Scanning Receiver users manual

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Document ID69570
Application IDxiMwqvXeXMMgjGbBJPZ5sA==
Document Descriptionusers manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize124.46kB (1555762 bits)
Date Submitted1999-11-12 00:00:00
Date Available2000-02-07 00:00:00
Creation Date1999-11-11 15:03:59
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod1999-11-11 15:06:58
Document Titleusers manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

20-514 Owner's Manual Draft
Cat. N04 20-514
PNease read before using this equipment.
ZOO-Channel Racing Scanner
Page 1
20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
Your new FlaoioShack PRO-89 ZOO-Channel Ftace Scanner lets you in on all the action in
the pits at the big race or on the streets of your home town. This scanner gives you direct
access to over 33,500 exciting frequencies, including those used by partiCipants and staff at
auto races, police and fire departments, ambulance services, and amateur radio services.
You can select up to 200 channels to scan, and you can change your selection at any time.
The secret to your scanner’s ability to scan so many frequencies is its custom-designed
microprocessor — a tiny, built-in computer. Your scanner also has these special features:
Five Service Banks — lets you search preset frequencres in separate fire/police, air, ham
radio, car race, and marine banks. to make it easy to locate specific types of calls.
Two-Second Scan Delay — delays scanning for 2 seconds before moving to another channel,
so you can hear more replies.
Ten Channel-Storage Banks — you can store up to 20 channels in each of 10 diflerenl banks.
to group channels so you can more easily identify calls.
20 Monitor Memories — let you temporarily save up to 20 frequencies you locate during a
search, so you can move selected frequencies to channel storage later.
Memory Backup - keeps the channel frequencies stored in memory for about 1 hour during
a power loss,
Triple Conversron Supemeterodyne Receiver — virtually eliminates any interference from
intermediate frequency (IF) images, so you hear only the frequency you select.
HeperSearcl-i TM and HyperScan TM — let you set the scanner to search at up to 50 steps
per second and scan at up to 25 channels per second, to help you qurcldy find interesting
Duplicate Frequency Check — automatically notifies you if you are about to store a frequency
you have already stored, to help avoid wasting storage space.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
Direct Search — lets you search for new and unlisted frequencies starting from a specified
Priority Channel — lets you deSignate a channel to be scanned every two seconds so you do
not miss important calls.
Weather Band Key — scans 7 pre-programrnecl weather frequencies to keep you informed
about correct weather conditions.
Weather Alert ~ automatically sounds the alarm tone to advise of hazardous weather
conditions when it detects the alert signal on the local NOAA wealher channel.
Lock-Out Function — lets you set your scanner to skip over speciliw channels or
lrequencies when scanning or searching,
Key Lock — lets you lock the scanner‘s keys to help prevent accidentally changing the
scanner‘s programming.
Two Supplied Antennas with BNC Connector — lets you select the antenna that best meets
your needs. The supplied stub antenna helps your scanner receive strong tocai signals and
makes the scanner easy to carry and use at events. The supplied flexible antenna provides
excellent reception and is designed to help prevent antenna breakage
Liquid Crystal Display — makes it easy to view and change programming information,
Display Backlight — makes the scanner easy to read ll'i low light situations.
Three Power Options - let you power the scanner from internal batteries (non-rechargeable
batteries, rechargeable batteries, or external AC power (using optional adapters).
(c) 2000 Tandy Corporation.
All Flights Reserved.
RadioShack is a registered trademark used by Tandy Corporation.
Hypersearch and Hyperscan are trademarks used by Tandy Corporation.
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20614 Owner‘s Manual Draft
We recommend you record your scanner’s serial number here. This number is on the
scanner's back panel.
Serial Number:
Your PRO-89 scanner can receive all at these frequencies:
. 2954 MHz
JCS-136.9875 MHZ
. 137-174 MHZ
. 380-512 MHz
.806-823.9875 MHZ
.849-868.9875 MHZ
. 894-960 MHZ
This Owner’s Manual also includes the section “A General Scanning Guide‘ to help you
target frequency ranges in your service area so you can search for a wide variety of
Your scanner might cause TV or radio interference even when it is operating properly. To
determine whether your scanner is causing the interference, turn all your scanner, If the
interterence goes away, your scanner is causing the interference. Try the following methods
to eliminate the interference
. Move your scanner away from the TV or radio.
. Connect your scanner to an outlet that is on a dillerent electrical Circuit from the TV or
. Contact your local RadioShack store for help.
If you cannot eliminate the interference, the FCC requires that you stop using your scanner.
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20-514 Owner's Manual Draft
This device complies with Part 15 ot the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the ioIIowing
conditions: (1) This device must not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
Note: Mobile use of this scanner is unlawful or requires a permit in some areas. Check the
laws in your area.
Scanning is a tun and interesting hobby. You can hear police and tire depanments,
ambulance services. government agencies, private companies, amateur radio services,
aircraft, and military operations. It is legal to listen to almost every transmission your
scanner can receive. However, there are some electronic and wire communications that are
illegal to intentionally intercept. These include:
. telephone conversations (cellular, cordless, or other private means 01 telephone signal
. pager transmisSions
. scrambled or encrypted transmissions
According to the Federal Etecrronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), as amended, you
could be fined and possible imprisoned for intentionally listening to. using. or disclosing the
cements at such a transmission uniess you have the consent of a party to the
communication (unless such actiVity is otherwise illegal]. These laws change from time to
time and there might be state or local laws that also affect legal scanner usage.
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20-514 Owner's Manual Draft
WW add
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20514 Owner’s Manual Draft
You can power your scanner lrom any of three sources:
. internal batteries (not supplied — see ‘Using Batteries')
. standard AC power (with an optional AC adapter — see ‘Using Standard AC Power“ on
Page 9)
. vehicle battery power (with an optional DC adapter - see ‘Using Vehicle Battery Power" on
Page 9)
. Connecting an AC or DC adapter to the scanner disconnects internal batteries when you
use the supplied non»rechargeable battery holder, but it does not disconnect internal
batteries when you use the supplied rechargeable battery holder.
. I1 you lnstall the rechargeable battery holder, you can operate the scanner and recharge
the rechargeable batteries at the same time. See ‘Using Batteries“ and “Charging
Rechargeable Batteries' on Page 10.
. If the scanner stops working properly alter connecting it to power, try resetting it. See
‘Resettingllnitializmg the Scanner" on Page 54.
Using Batteries
You can power the PRO-89 with four AA batteries. For the longest operation and best
performance, we recommend alkaline batteries, available at your local RadioShack store.
You can use either the supplied non-rechargeable black battery holder, or the supplied
rechargeable yellow battery holder. If using the rechargeable battery holder, we recommend
nickel-cadmium batteries or nickelvmetal hydride batteries.
Warning: Never install nonrechargaable batteries in the rechargeable battery holder. Non-
rechargeahle batteries can get hot or explode il you try to recharge them.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft:
Note: You must charge rechargeable batteries before using either the first time. See
“Charging Rechargeable Batteries' on Page 10.
Follow these steps to install batteries.
1. Press down on the battery compartment cover on the rear 01 the scanner and slide the
cover in the directton of the arrow to remove it
add illustration.
2. Pull up the battery holder out oi the battery compartment.
add illustration.
3. if you are installing individual batteries, insert tour AA batteries in the battery holder as
indicated by the polarity symbols [+ and ») marked on the holder.
. Use only tresh batteries of the required size and recommended type.
. Always remove old or weak batteries. Batteries can leak chemicals that destroy electronic
. Do not mix old and new battertes, different types of batterres (alkaline or rechargeable), or
rechargeable batteries at different capacities.
4. Put the battery holder into the compartment.
add illustration.
Caution: The battery holder tits only one way inside the battery compartment. Do not force it.
5. Replace the cover.
When battery power is low, B appears and the scanner beeps continuously. When battery
power is exhausted, the scanner turns ltsell off. Replace all tour non-rechargeable batteries,
or recharge the rechargeable batteries. See ”Changing Rechargeable Batteries' on Page
Page 8
20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft:
Caution: Always dispose of old batteries promptly and properly. Do not bury or burn them.
Using Standard AC Power
To power the scanner from AC power, you need AC adapter (Cat. No. 273-1787)
Warning: Do not use an AC adapters polarized plug with an extension cord‘ receptacle, or
other outlet unless the blades can be fully inserted to prevent blade exposure.
You must use an AC adapter that supplies 9 volts and delivers at least 300 milliamps. it
center tip must be set to posture. and its plug must correctly fit the scanner’s PWR jack The
recommended adapter meets these specifications Using an adapter that does not meet
these specifications could damage the scanner or the adapter.
. When you finish using the AC adapter, disconnect it from the AC outlet first, then
disconnect it from the scannert
Plug the adaptet‘s 1.75 mm inner diameter/4.8 mrn outer diameter barrel plug into the
scanners FWNR jack. Then plug the adapters power module into a standard AC outlet.
add illustration.
Using Vehicle Battery Power
To power the scanner from your vehicle‘s cigarettevlighter sockst‘ you need a DC adapter,
such as Cat No 273-1810,
. You must use a DC adapter that supplies (regulated) 9 volts and delivers at least 300
militarnps. its center tip must be set to positive. and its plug must correctly lit the scanner's
PWR jack. The recommended adapter meets these specifications. Using an adapter that
does not meet these specitlcations could damage the scanner or the adapter.
‘ To protect your vehicle‘s electrical system, always plug the adapter into the scanner before
you plug it into your vehicle's cigarette-lighter socket Always unplug the adapter tram the
vehicle’s cigarette-lighter socket belore you unplug it from the scanner.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
add illustration.
1. Connect the DC adapter’s 1.75 mm inner diameter/11.8 mm outer diameter barrel plug to
the adapter‘s cable, with the tip set to positive.
2. Set the adapter‘s voltage switch to 9V.
3. Insert the barrel plug into the scanners PWR iack.
4. Plug the other end or the adapter into your vehicle‘s cigarette-lighter socket.
Note: it the scanner does not operate properly when you connect a DC adapter, unplug the
adapter from the cigaretteiighter socket and clean the socket to remove ashes and other
Charging Rechargeable Batteries
Your scanner has a built-in charging circuit that lets you charge rechargeable batteries while
it is in the scanner. To charge rechargeable batteries, simply connect an appropriate AC
adapter (Cat. No. 273-1767A) to the PW Ft jack.
It takes between 14—16 hours to recharge rechargeable batteries (Ni-Cd Battery: 700
mAH) that is fully discharged. You can operate the scanner while recharging the
rechargeable batteries, but c’narglng takes longer.
. Do not overcharge nickel-cadmium batteries. if you overcharge the Ni~Cd batteries, it will
get hot or short the life time,
, Rechargeable batteries last longer and deliver more power it you occasionally let them fully
discharge. To do this. simply use the scanner until El appears on the display. Then fully
charge the rechargeable batteries.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
Important: At the end of a rechargeable battery’s uselul life, it must be recycled or disposed
of properly. Contact your local, county, or state hazardous waste management authorities for
information on recycling or disposal programs in your area. Some options that might be
available are: municipal curb-side collection, drop-oil boxes at retailers such as your local
FtadioShack store, recycling collection centers, and mailvback programs.
The supplied stub antenna helps your scanner receive most strong transmissions at events
and makes the scanner easier to carry and use. The supplied tlexible antenna provides
slightly better reception and helps your scanner receive strong local signals. You can attach
either of the supplied antennas or an optional antenna to the scanner.
Follow these steps to attach the supplied llexlble antenna to the antenna jack on the top 01
your scanner.
add illustration.
1. Align the slots around the antenna’s connector with the tabs on the antenna jack,
2. Press the antenna down over the jack and turn the antenna’s base clockwise until it looks
into place.
Connecting an Optional Antenna
The antenna connector on your scanner makes it easy to use the scanner with a variety of
antennas. such as an external mobile antenna or outdoor base station antenna. Your local
RadioShack store sells a variety 01 antennas.
Always use sovchm coaxial cable. such as RG<58 or FlG-E, to connect an outdoor antenna.
For lengths over 50 feet, use RG-S low-loss dielectric coaxial cable. it your antenna's cable
does not have a BNC connector, you Will also need a BNC adapter (also available at your
local FladloShack store).
Follow the installation instructions supplied with the antenna. route the antenna cable to the
scanner, then connect it to the antenna jack.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
Warning: Use extreme caution when installing or removing an outdoor antenna. If the
antenna starts to tail, let it go! it could contact overhead power lines. If the antenna touches
a power line, contact with the antenna, mast, cable or guy wirfi can cause electtocution and
death! Call the power company to remove the antenna. Do not attempt to do so yourself.
For private listening. you can plug an earphone or mono/stereo headphones (such as Cat,
No. 153-177 or 20-210) into the (headphone symbol) Jack on top of your scanner. This
automatically disconnects the internal speaker.
add illustration.
Listening Safely
To protect your hearing, lollow these guidelines when you use an earphone or headphones:
. Do not listen at extremely high volume levels. Extended high-volume listening can lead to
permanent hearing loss.
, Set the volume to the lowest setting before you begin listening. After you begin listening,
adiust the volume to a comfortable level.
. Once you set the volume, do not increase it. Over time, your ears adapt to the volume level,
so a volume level that does not cause discomlort might still damage your heanng.
Traliic Salety
Do not wear an earphone or headphones while you drive a vehicle or ride a bicycle. This can
create a traffic hazard and can be illegal in some areas.
Even though some earphones and headphones let you hear some outside sounds when
you listen at normal levels. they still can present a traffic hazard.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
m a noisy area. an amplified speaksr (such as Cal. No. 21-541) might provide more
com1ortab‘e fistsning. Plug the speaker cable's fllB—Wnch (3.5 mm) mini-plug into your
scanner's (head phone symbm) jack.
add xllustratinn.
You can use the ball 0pr attached to the back of the scanner for hands-free carrying When
you are on the go. SimpWy ste the belt clip aver your belt or waistband.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
Once you understand a few simple terms used in this manual and familiarize yourself with
your scanner’s features, you can put the scanner to work for you, You Simply determine the
type of communications you wantto receive, then set the scanner to scan them,
A frequency is the tuning location of a station {expressed in kHz or MHz). To find active
frequencies, you can use the search function.
You can also search the service-search banks, which are preset groups at frequencies
categorized by type of service.
When you find a frequency, you can store it into a programmable memory locatEon called a
channel, which is grouped with your other channels in a channel-storage bank You can then
scan the channel‘storage banks to see it there is activity on the lrequencles stored there.
Each time the scanner finds an active frequency, it stays on that channel until the
transmission ends.
Your scanner's keys might seem confusing at first, but this information should help you
understand each ksy‘s function
add illustration.
CAR—lets you store car numbers and frequenoes in the scanner’s channels, add and
delete frequencies lrom car numbers, display car numbers, and listen to the channel where
a car number is stored. Each time CAFl key is oresseo, the mode will change as Iollows:
Manual Mode --> Car Number lnput Mode »-> Car Number Display mode -->
Car Number input Mode --> Manual Mode -->
BAND—lets you search preprogremmed servlce banks.
PRl/ALEFlT—tums the priority function on and off, or sets the WX alert mode.
WX—scans through the 7 ore-programmed weather channels.
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20-514 Owner's Manual Draft
SCAN—scans through the programmed channels.
MAN—stops scanning and lets you directly enter a channel number.
A and V—beglns searching up or down for active traquencies or selects the direction when
you scan channels.
LjO FtVW, L/Ct—lets you review locked~out frequencies, or lets you lock out selected
channels/frequencies so they will not be scanned or searches.
MON/CL—accesses the 20 monitor memories or clears an incorrect entry.
1rO/LlGHT —Iocks[unlocks the keypad to prevent accidental entries (wilhout SCAN.
MAN, and LIGHT key), or turns the display’s backiight on or otlr
PGM—programs frequencies into channels.
Number Keys—each key has a single-digit label and a range of numbers. Use the digits on
the keys to enter the numbers for a channel or a frequency. Use the range at numbers
above the key (21-40, for example) to select the channel in a channel-storage bank. See
“Understanding Service BanksiBankstemories.”
DELAYL—programs a 2-second delay lor the selected channel, or enters a decimal point
(necessary when programming trequencies).
EMT—enters frequencies into channels.
The display has indicators that show the scanner’s current operation. A quick look at the
display wrll help you understand how to operate your scanner.
add illustration.
n—o — appears when you lock the keypad.
BANK — appears with numbers (1—10). Bank numbers with a her under them show WhICh
ones are turned on tor scanning. See “Understanding Service Banks/BanksMemories.’
MRN — appears when you search the marine service bank.
CAM — appears when you store car numbers and frequencies in the scanner‘s channels,
add and delete Irequencies from car numbers, display car numbers, and move to the
channel where a car number is stored.
WX— appears when you scan the weather channels.
FDIPD - appears when you search the tirejpolice service bank.
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20514 Owner‘s Manual Drafi
AIR — appears when you search the air service hank.
HAM — appears when you search the ham radio service bank.
A or V —- indicates the search or scan direction.
M — flashes with a number (1-20) to show which monitor memory you are listening to.
CH — the digits that precede this indicator (1-200 and F] show which channel the scanner is
tuned to
B — appears when the batteries are low.
L/O — appears when you manually select a channel you locked-out while scanning or you
review a locked out frequency.
SRCH — appears during service bank and direct frequency searches.
SCAN - appears when you scan channels.
MAN - appears when you manually select a channel.
PGM — appears while you program frequencies into the scanner's channels.
F'Ftl — appears when you turn on the priority feature.
DLY — appears when you program a 2-eecond delay.
Error — appears when you make an entry error.
—dUPL- — appears when you try to store a frequency that is already stored in another
-d< - appears during a direct frequency search.
-b» - appears during a service bank frequency search.
ON — appears when you listen to the car race service bank.
CAr No,_ _ _ — appears when you input the car number.
Ch-FU LL - appear when you try to enter a frequency during a search when all channels are
F L-cut — appears when you start direct search from a locked out frequency.
FLo -FULL — appears when you try to lockout a frequency during a search when 50
frequencies are already locked out.
L-r -— appears when you reView the lockedcut frequencies.
dEFAULt — appears when you remove all the lock out tag from the service bank frequencies.
FLO ALL-CL — appears when you remove all the locked-out frequencies during a service
bank/direct search.
P - when the scanner is tuned to a priority channel.
ALErt — appears when the scanner is watching the WX alert tone.
On Air — appears when you turn on the on air programming mode,
WirEd - appears when you turn on the wired programming mode.
StArt — appears when the scanner starts wired or on air programming.
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204314 Owner’s Manual Draft
C-Error — appears when the scanner received check sum error during wired or on air
D-Error — appears when the scanner finds data error during wired or on air programming.
End — appears when the scanner finishes wired or on air programming.
oFF tonE — appears when you set the key tone on.
on tonE - appears when you set the key tone on.
on P,-SA — appears when you setthe power save function on.
OFF P.-SA — appears when you set the power save tunctin ori.
Service Bank
This scanner is preprogrammed with the frequencies aliocated by iirelpolice, aircraft ham
radio, car race, and marine services, in these service banks, you can search through the
frequencies and store them in channels for firelpoirce, aircraft, ham radio‘ and car race
banks, This is handy for quickiy finding active irequencies instead 01 searching through an
entire band.
Note: The frequencies in the scanner’s service bank are preset. You cannot change them.
Group Frequency range (MHz) Step (kHz)
1 33420-33380 20
37320-37420 20
39020-39980 20
42020-42940 20
44620-45550 40
45340-41060 40
45080—46500 20
2 153770454130 60
154.145-154445 15
154.650-154950 15
Page 17
20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
155 010155370 60
155.415-1 55.700 15
155.7304 56.210 60
158.730-159210 60
3 453.0375-4539625 12.5
458.0375-4585625 12.5
460.0125-460.6375 12.5
465.01 2541555375 12.5
4 856.2125-8603875 25
866.0125-8689875 12.5
Frequency range (MHZ) Slap (kHz)
108.000-1 36.9375 125
Amateur Radio
Group Frequency range (MH 2) Sisp (kHz)
1 29000-29700 5
2 50000-54000 5
3 144000448000 5
4 420000450000 125
Group Frequency range (MHz) Step (kHz)
1 150.995-151 995 5
152.8704 53.725 5
154.490-154525 5
460000470300 12.5
851 5625
853.1 525
Page 18
855 0375
555.51 25
Frequency (MHz)
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20-514 Owner‘s Manual Drafi
15735001161 £500
1 56.6750
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20614 Owner’s Manual Draft
20614 Owner's Manual Draft
87 15737501161 3750
33 1574250
ChannelrStorage Banks
To make it easier to identify and select the channels you want to listen to, channels are
divtded into 10 banks of 20 channels each. Use each channel-storage bank to group
lrequencies, such as those used by the police department, fire depenment‘ ambulance
services, or aircraft [see “Guide to the Action Bands“ on Page 44). For example, the police
department might use tour frequencies, one for each side of town. You could program the
police frequencies starting with Channel | (the first channel in bank 1) and program the fire
department frequencies starting with Channel 21 (the first channel in bank 2]
Monitor Memories
The scanner also has 20 monitor memories that you can use to temporarily store
frequencies while you decrde whether to save them into channels. This is handy tor quickly
storing an active frequency when you are seardiing through an entire hand. You can store a
frequency into a monitor memory during a service bank, or direct search. See “Finding and
Storing Active Frequencies.‘
You can select monitor memories manually but you cannot scan them. See 'Listenmg to
Monitor Memories.”
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20-514 Owner's Manual Draft
1. Turn SOU ELCH tuliy counterclockwise until the indicator points to NW before you turn on
the scanner.
add illustration.
2. To turn on the scanner. turn VOLUME clockwise until you hear a hissing sound.
3, Turn SOUELCH clockwise, iust until the hissing sound stops.
. To listen to a weak or distant station, turn SQU ELCH counterclockwise. it reception is poor,
turn SQUELCH clockwise to cut out weak transmissions.
. It SQUELCH is adjusted so you always hear a hissing sound, the scanner does not scan or
search properly.
4. To turn sit the scanner when you finish, turn VOLUME counterclockwise to OFF.
Good references for active frequencies are the RadioShaok Police Call, Aeronautical
Frequency Directory, and Maritime Frequency Directory. We update these directories every
year. so be sure to get a current copy.
Follow these steps to store frequencies into channels.
1. Press PGM, enter the channel number (1—200) where you want to store a frequency,
then press PGM again. The channel number appears.
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20-514 Owner‘s Manual Draft
2. Use the number keys and .to enter the frequency {including the decimal paint} you want
to store.
add illustration.
3. Press ENT to store the frequency into the channel.
. if you made a mistake in Step 2, Error appears and the scanner beeps when you press
ENT. Simply start again from Step 2
. Your scanner automatically rounds the entered frequency down to the closest valid
frequency. For example, if you enter a frequency for 151,473, your scanner accepts it as
. if you entered a. frequency that is already stored in another channel, the scanner beeps
three times and displays the lowest channel number where the frequency is already stored,
and —dUPL— flashes. After 3 seconds, the frequency flashes. If you want to store the
frequency anyway press ENT again. Press MOMCL to clear this entry.
. Press .]DELAY it you want: the scanner to pause 2 seconds on this channel after a
transmission ends before it proceeds to the next channel (see “Delay” on Page 37). The
scanner also stores this setting in the channel.
4. To program the next channel in sequence, press PGM and repeat Steps 2 and 3.
Searching the Service Banks
Vour scanner contains groups oi preset frequencies called service banks, Each service bank
is associated with a specific activity (see “Servrce Bank” on Page 17), You can search for
lire/police, air, ham, car race. and marine transmissions even it you do not know the specific
frequencies that are used in your area. Then you can store the frequencies you found into
the scanner’s channels or monitor memories.
. You can use the scanner’s deiayleature while searching the service banks. see “Delay" on
Page 37.
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20-514 Owner's Manual Draft
. This procedure uses HAM, FDl'FD, CAFl, and MR service banks. it you want to listen to
marine bank, see “Listening to a Marine Bank.”
1. Press BAND. The last selected band name (such as HAM), SRCH. frequency and the
group number (it any) appear on the display.
2. To select a different band, repeatedly press BAND until the desired band name appears
on the display. After about 2 seconds, the scanner begins searching rapidly in that band for
an active lrequency.
. To reverse the search direction at any time, hold down (UP Key) or (DN key) for about 1
. To search the band up or down in small increments (see “Service Bank" on Page 1710!
frequency steps), repeatedly press and release (UP key) or (DN key).
. To pause the search while receiving a signal press and release (UP key) or (DN key). To
continue the search, hold down (UP key) or (DN key).
. To quickly move upward or downward through the lrequencies, press and hold down (UP
key) or (DN key). The scanner tunes through the frequencies until you release (UP key) or
(DN key).
3, If needed, select your desired search group using number keys.
4. When the scanner ilnds an active frequency, it stops searching and displays the
irequency‘s number. To store the displayed frequency in the lowest available channel, press
PGM then press ENT. The channel and frequency flash twice, and the scanner stores the
displayed trequency. The scanner then continues to search for frequencies.
. it there is no empty channel, Ch-FULl. appears after PGM pressed. To store more
trequenmes, you must clear some channels. See ‘Ciesring a Stored Channel" on Page 29.
To continue searching atter Ch-FULL appears, press and hold clown (UP key) or (DN key).
. it you entered a lrequency that is already stored in another channel. -dUPL- (duplicate) and
the lowest-numbered channel containing the duplicate frequency flash on the display for
about 3 seconds, If you want to store the frequency anyway, press ENT again. You can then
delete the frequency later. See “Clearing a Stored Channel' on Page 29.
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20-514 Owner's Manual Draft
To store the displayed frequency in the channel which you select, press PGM, press channel
number you wish to enter the channel, then press PGM. The channel number flashes. If this
channel programmed already, channel number and programmed frequencyappears about 2
seconds. Then, the channel number flashes and new irequency appears. Press ENT to
program new frequency, or press CLJMON to cancel. If you press ENT, the channel and
frequency flash twice. and the scanner stores the displayed frequency. The scanner
continues to search for irequenc'res.
5. To store the displayed frequency in the monitor memory, press MOMCL. The monitor
memory number, M and the frequency flash twice.
6, To search for another active frequency in the selected band. hold down (UF‘ key) or (DN
key) tor about 1 second. To select a different band and search for another active frequency,
repeat Steps 26.
Using Direct Search
During a direct search. the scanner searches up or down, starting from a frequency you
specify. Follow these steps to use direct search.
Note: You can use the scanner's delay feature while using direct search.
1. Press MAN or PGM. then enter the frequency you want to use as a starting point for the
Note: To start from a frequency already stored in one of your scanner’s channels, press
MAN or PGM, enter the desired channel number, then press MAN or PGM again.
Hold down (UP key) or [DN key) for about 1 second to search up or down. -d—, SRCH. and
(UP) or (DN) appear on the display,
add illustration.
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20-514 Owner's Manual Draft
.To reverse the rapid search direction at any time, hold down (UP key} or (DN key) for about
1 second,
. To search up or down in small increments (in steps 5, 12.5, or 25 kHz), press and release
(UP key) or (DN key).
, To pause the Search, press and release (UP key) or (DN key), To continue the search, hold
down (UP key) or (DN key) for about I second
. To quickly move upward or downward through the frequencies, press and hold down (UP
key) or (DN key). The scanner tunes through the frequencies until you release (UP key) or
(DN key),
2. When the scanner finds an active frequency, it stops searching and displays the
frequency’s number. To store the displayed frequency in the lowest available Channel,
press FGM then press ENT. The channel and frequency flash twice, and the scanner
stores the displayed frequency. Then the scanner continues to search lcr lrequencies.
A If there is no empty channel, Ch-FU LL appears. To store more frequencies, you must clear
some channels. See “Clearing a Stored Channel“ on Page 29. To continue searching after
Ch»FULL appears, press and hold down (UP key) or (DN Key) lor about 1 second.
, if you entered a frequency that is already stored in another Channel, »dUPL— (duplicate) and
the lowest-numbered channel containing the duplicate lrequency flash on the display for
about 3 seoonds. if you want to store the frequency anyway. press ENT again,
To store the displayed frequency in the channel which you select, press PGM, press
channel number you wish to enter the channel, then press PGM. The channel number
flashes. If this channel was programmed already, channel number and programmed
frequency appears about 2 seconds. Then, the channel number flashes and new
frequency appears. Press ENT to program new frequency, or press CUMON to cancel. If
you press ENT, the channel and lrequency flash twice, and the scanner stores the
displayed frequency. The scanner continues to search for frequencies.
3. To store the displayed frequency in the monitor memory, press MON/CL. M, the monitor
memory number, and the freq usncy flash twice.
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20-514 Owner's Manual Draft
4. To search for another active frequency, hold down (UP key) or (DN key) tor about 1
Listening to the Monitor Memory
To recall a frequency stored in the monitor memory, press MAN then MON/CL. M, monitor
memory number, and CH flash and the current monitor memory frequency appears on the
display. To select other monitor memories, enter the desired monitor memory‘s number
(1—20). then press MONrCL again. The selected monitor memory's irequency appears.
add illustration.
Moving a Frequency irom the Monitor Memory to a Channel
1. Press PGM, enter the channel number where you want to store the frequency. then press
PGM. PGM and the selected channel number appear on the display.
2. Press MON/CL. M, a monitor memory number. and CH flash, and the monitor memory
irequency appear on the display.
3. Enter the desired monitor memory’s number (1—20), then press MON/Ci. again, The
selected monitor memory‘s frequency appears.
4. Press ENT. The scanner stores the frequency in the selected channel.
5. To move another monitor memory frequency to the next channel, press F'GM and repeat
Steps 2—4.
Page 2’?
20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft:
To set the scanner to continuously scan through all channels with stored lrequencies, simply
press SCAN. SCAN and (UP) appear on the display, and the scanner begins to rapidly scan
up until it finds an active frequency.
add illustration.
It the scanner finds an active frequency, it stops and displays that channel and frequency
number, then it automatically begins scanning again when the transmission ends on that
. To reverse the scanning direction, press (UP key) or (DN key).
. To set the scanner to remain on the current channel for 2 seconds after the transmission
ends, see “Delay" on Page 37.
, To set the scanner to remain on the current channel, even after the transmission stops,
press MAN at any time during the transmission so MAN appears and SCAN disappears
from the display (see “Monitoring a Stored Channel" on Page 29).
, To lock out channels so the scanner does not stop tor a transmission on those channels,
see ‘Locking out Channels and Frequencies’ on Page 37.
To turn off a channel-storage bank (1—10), press SCAN to see which banks are currently on.
Storage banks are on when they have a bar underneath them and off when no bar appears
underneath them. Press the bank’s number key so the her under the bank’s number
Note: The scanner does not scan any of the channels within the banks you have turned 011.
To turn on a channel-storage bank (1—10), press SCAN, and then press the bank‘s number
key so a bar appears under the bank’s number.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Drafi
, You cannot turn off all banks. There must be at least one active bank.
. You can manually select any channel in a bank. even it the bank is turned off.
. When you turn on the bank while scanning, the scanner moves to the selected bank's
channel and continues scanning.
You can continuously monitor a spemtlc channel without scanning. This is useful if you hear
an emergency transmission on a channel and do not want to miss any details — even though
there might be periods of silence — or if you simply want to monitor that channel.
Follow these steps to manually select a channel.
1. Press MAN.
2. Enter the channel number (1—200).
3. Press MAN again,
If you no longer want a frequency stored in a channel (and you do not want to replace that
frequency with a different one), follow these steps to clear the stored frequency.
1. Press MAN to stop frequency search or scanning.
2. To select the desired channel number, use the number keys to enter that channel number
(1—200), then press MAN.
3. Press PGM. PGM appears.
4. Press 0, then press ENT. The frequency number changes to 0000000 on the display to
indicate the channel is cleared.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft:
5. To clear another channel, use the number keys to enter that channel number (1—200),
then press PGM again. Or, repeatedly press PGM until the desired channel number appears.
Then repeat Step 4.
To listen to the marine bank, repeatedly press BAND until MRN appears on the display.
To change the channel manually, press and release (UP key) or (DN key).
Press and hold (UP key) or (DN key) about 2 seconds, the scanner scans through the
marine bank. MAN disappears and SCAN appears on the display. To change the scanning
direction, press (UP key) or (DN key)
To continue changing the channel manually, press and hold (UP key) or (DN key) about 2
seconds. You press two digits number keys (see page 19, Marine service bank), the scanner
moves to selected marine channel within marine manual mode.
To hear your local forecast and regional weather information. press WX, Ycur scanner
begins to scan through the weather band.
Your scanner should stop within a few seconds on your local weather broadcast. If the
broadcast is weak, you can press WX again to resume scanning,
Channel Frequency (MHZ)
Page 30
20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
WX Alert Feature
This scanner can detect the wealher alert tons, The WX alert warns you of serious wealher
conditions by sounding an alarm if the weather service broadcasts the weather alert tone.
To listen to Ihe alert tone. press PRIIALEHT whlle you are listening to “we WX channel.
ALEn appears on the display. If the scanner detects the weather alert, it sounds an alarm.
Press any key to mute the alarm. To cancel the weather alert operation, press PHI/ALERT
Page 31
20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
The PHD-89 is specially designed to help you listen to communications at auto races.
Drivers and their pit crews and corner watchers. pace car drivers, security officers,
emergency personnel, track officials, and representatives of governing organizations such
as NASCAH, SCCA. and NHRA all use radios to communicate with each other during a race.
You might also hear transmissions from the news media and reporters, local police
departments, and paramedics and doctors at the local hospital. You can even listen to
transmisSions by parking lot employees at the track, so you can find the best possible
parking place when you arrive.
This scanner stores a car number and frequency in each at the scanner’s channels,
associate one or more frequencies stored in channels with a car number, and recall any
frequencies associated with that car number by entering the number. You can store one car
number by itseit, one car number and frequency, or one frequency by itsell in each channel
(tor up to 200 car numbers and frequencies).
For example, if you want to listen to communications between the driver of car number 24
and that driver‘s pit crew, find all the trequencies used by the driver’s team by using the
steps in “Searching the Sen/ice Banks’ on Page 23, using the supplied frequency guide,
“Using Direct Search" on Page 25, or using frequencies you already know, then store a car
number and the frequencies associated with that car number in the scanner‘s channels.
Then, you can display the car number as you scan those frequencies by using the
information in “Scanning by Car Number“ on Page 35.
You can store a car number and frequency in each of the scanner’s channels, and you can
recall any frequencies associated with the car number by entering the number. You can
store one car number in each channel (tor up to 200 car numbers),
Note: After you store a car number and a trequency, you can store additional triequencies
then associate those frequencies With the same car number. See “Adding Frequencies to a
Car Number" on Page 33.
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20-514 Owner's Manual Draft
Follow these steps to store a car number and frequency.
1. Press CAFl. CAR# and CA! No. — — — appears.
2 Enter the car number. it the number is one or two digits, enter the number, then press
CAR. If the number is three digits, enter the number only. The car number and - - —. — — —
r if you add one or more leading zeros to a single-digit car number, your scanner recognizes
them as different car numbers. For example, you can enter 5 for one car number, 05 tor
another car number. and 005 for another car number.
. To clear the display, press CLJMON before you press CAR.
3 Enter the frequency (including the decimal point) you want to associate with the car
number by using the number keys and JDELAY
4. Press ENT to store the lfequency. The car number and frequency are stored in the first
available channel.
Adding Frequencies to a Car Number
Follow these steps to select a car number then associate additional frequencies with that car
1A Press CAR. CAR# and CAr No, _ _ _ appears.
2. Enter the car numberr if the number is one or two digits, enter the number, then press
CAR. if the number is three digits. just enter the number, The car number and the first
frequency associated with that number appears
3. Repeatedly press (UP) or (DN) until _ _ _,_ _ _ appears.
4. Enter the frequency (including the decimal point) you want to associate with the displayed
car number by using the number keys and JDELAY.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
5. Press ENT to store the frequency. The lrequency is associated with the car number you
Adding a Car Number to the Channel
You can assign the car number afier you program the lrequency into the channel.
1. Select channel you want to store the car number with MAN and number keys.
2. Press CAR twice. CARY? appears on the display.
3. Hold down PGM then CAR. — —- flashes.
4. Enter the car number.
5. Press ENT to program the car number.
Changing the Stored Car Number
1. Select channel you want to change the car number with MAN and number keys.
2. Press CAR twice.
3. Hold down PGM then CAR. The car number flashes.
4. Enter the car number.
5. Press ENT to program the car number.
Wewing Frequencies Associated with a Ca: Number
After you store a car number and associate frequencies with that number. you can View all
frequencies associated with the number.
1. Press MAN then CAH. CAR# and CAr No. __ _ appears.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
2. Enter the car number. II the number is one or two digits, enter the number, then press
CAR. It the number is three digits, just enter the number. One 0! the frequencies associated
with the car number appears.
3. Repeatedly press (UP) or (DN) to View each of the frequencies associated with the car
number you entered.
Deleting 3 Frequency from a Car Number
1. Recall the car number.
2, Repeatedly press (UP) or [DN) until the irequenoy you want to delete appears
3 Press PGM.
4. Press 0 then press ENT.
Once you store car numbers into channels, you can set the scanner so it displays the car
numbers you assigned to the channels as ll. scans them.
To scan by car number. repeatedly press CAR until BANK and CAFW appear, then press
SCAN. As the scanner scans channels, the car numbers you stored appear in the order you
stored them into their channels, from the low! to the highest channel
. If no car number is assigned to a channel, — — — appears instead of the car number.
. It SQUELCH ls adjusted so you always hear a hissing sound, the scanner does not scan
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
H you are listening lo a channe‘ and want to know what car number you are hearing; simply
press CAR 1wice. \f a car number has been associaled with this frequency the car number
and frequency appean Press CAR twice to reium to normal channel fistening
To see what car numbers are stored, press MAN then CAR, Ihen repeatedly press ENT The
car numbers (from Iowesf channel number to highest) show.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
Many agencies use a two-way radio system that has a period oi several seconds between a
query and a reply. To avoid missing a reply, you can program a 2-seoond delay into any
channel or frequency. When your scanner stops into any channel or lrequency with a
programmed delay, DLY appears and lhe scanner continues to monitor thal lrequency for 2
seconds alter the lransmission stops before resuming scanning or searching.
You can program a z-secono delay in any of these ways:
. lithe scanner is scanning and stops on an active channel, quickly press JDELAY before it
continues scanning again.
. It the desired channel is not selected. manually selecl the channel. then press JDELAY.
. ll lhe scanner is searching, press .IDELAY. DLY appears and the scanner automatically
adds a 2-seoond delay to every transmission it stops on in lhal band.
To lurn oil the 2-seoond delay, press JDELAY while lhe scanner is monitoring the channel or
frequency. DLY disappears from the display.
You can increase the eflective scanning or search speed by locking our individual channels
or lrequencies that have a continuous transmission, such as a weather channel (See “US
Weather Frequencies" on Page 43) or birdie lrequency (see “Birdie Frequencies" on Page
Locking Out Channels
To lock out a channel while scanning, press and release LIO/UO RVW when the scanner
stops on the channel.
To look out a channel manually, select lhe channel then press and release LIO/L/O RVW
until LIO appears on the display.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Dtat’c
To remove the lock out from a channel, manually select that channel again, then press
L/O/L/O FlVW so L410 disappears from the display.
. Your scanner automatically locks out empty channels,
. You can still manualty select locked-out channels.
. Marine service bank uses channel lock out.
Locking Out Frequemies
To look out a Frequency during a service bank, or a direct search. press UOJL/O FtVW when
the scanner stops on the frequency. The scanner looks out the lrequericy then continues
searching. You can lock out frequencies in both direct search and service bank searches.
Note: You can lock out as many as 50 trequencies during a search. II you try to lock out
more FLo -FULL appears on the display (see “Reviewing Locked-Out Frequencies” and
‘Removing All Lockout Tags From Frequencies')
Follow these steps to remove the lock out tag lrorn a lrequency.
1. Stan a service bank or direct search.
2. Press L/OIUO HVW l_-r appears on the display.
3. Repeatedly press (UP) er (DN) until the frequency you want to remove the lock out lrom is
4. Press LjO/L/O FlVW. The lrequency you want to remove the lock out from disappears.
If there is another locked-out lrequencyt it appears on the display. If there are no more
locked-out frequencies, L—r 000.0000 appfirs on the display.
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20-5E4 Owner's Manual Draft
Reviewing Locked-Out Frequencies
To review the frequencies you locked-out, hold down LlO/LJ‘O HVW at least 2 seconds
during a search. L-r appears. As you press (UF' key) or (DN key), the scanner displays all
lockedout frequencies. When you reach the highest lrequency, the scanner beeps twice
and returns to the lowest looked-out frequency.
Removing Ali Locked-Out Tags From Frequencies
1. Start a serwce bank or direct search. See “Using Direct Search" on Page 25.
2. To review lhe frequencies you locked-out, hold down UOIUO FlVW for about 2 seconds
during the search. L-r appears on the display.
3. Hold down MONICL then LIOJLJ'O FlVW. FLo ALL-CL appears on the display.
4 Press ENT to clear ali the lock out irequericies. The Irequency clears and 000.0000
appears. If you do not want to clear lock out tags, press MON/CL to continue reviewing all
the iockout frequencies
Removing All Lockout Tags from Frequencies in All Service Banks
1. Start a service bank or direct search. See ‘Using Direct Search” on Page 25.
2. To review the frequencies you locked-out, hold down LlOJLJO RVW for about 2 seconds
during the search, L-r appears on the display.
3. Hoid down MON/CL then press BAND. dEFAULt appears on the display.
4. Press ENT to clear the lucked-out frequencies in aii the service banks (except marine
bank). it you do not want to ciear the lock out tags. press MON/CL lo cantirius reviewing the
lockout frequencies in the service banks.
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft:
Usmg the priority leature, you can scan through the programmed channels and stili not miss
an important or interesting call on a speCific channel.
Follow these steps 10 program a priority channel as follows:
1. Press PGM, then press FRI/ALERT. PCH appears on the display
2, Enter the lrequency with numeral keys.
3. Press ENT.
If you listen to a channel or frequency and you want to move this trequency to the priority
channel, hold ENTthen PHIflALERT. PCH and frequency flash twice. (It the scanner displays
PGM, this function does not operate.)
To turn on the priority feature, press F‘Rl/ALERT during scanning. PHI appears on the
display. The scanner checks the priority channel every “ND seconds and stays on the
channel if there is activity PCH appears on the display whenever the scanner is set to the
priority channel.
To turn off the priority feature, press FRI. F'Fil disappears from the display.
It you program the WX frequency into the priority channel, the scanner can detect the WX
alert tone while priority feature is on. When the scanner detects the WX alert tone, ALErt
flashes on the display. To cancel the alert tone, press any key, and the scanner watches the
WX channel.
It the scanner does not detect a signal within 5 seconds after you manually select a channel,
the scanner enters the power-saving standby mode. P.—SA appears on the display. In the
standby mode, the scanner rests tor1 second then checks tor a signal tor ”2 second. using
only 40 percent of the normal power consumption. The scanner continues this until you
press any button or it receives a sign i.
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204514 Owner’s Manual Drafi
Turning the PowerSaving Mode On and Off
Follow these steps to turn the scanner's power-saving mode off or on.
1. If the scanner is on, turn VOLUME counterclockwise until it clicks to turn it elf.
2. While you press and hoid down the 3 and EMT keys, turn on lhe scanner,
3. The display shows on P.-SA or oFF R-SAthen release 3 and EMT
You can turn on the display’s backiight for easy viewing in the dark. Press and release
LIGHT to turn on the display tight for 5 seconds. To turn off the light belore il automatically
turns off, press LIGHT againl
The scanner is preset to sound a tone each time you press one of its keys (except LIGHT),
You can turn the key tone off or back on.
i. If the scanner is on, turn VOLUME counterclockwise until it clicks to turn it off.
24 Whiie you hold down 2 and EMT, turn on the scanner.
3. The display shows oFF tonE or on tonE, then release 2 and EMT.
Once you program your scanner, you can protect it Irom accidental program changes by
turning on the keyiock feature. When the Keypad is locked. the only controls thal operate are
Note: The keylock does not prevent the scanner from scanning channels or monitoring a
single channei, whichever featu re you last seiected,
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207514 Owner's Manual Dxafi
To turn on the keylock‘ hold down [key symbot Ram/LIGHT for about 3 seconds until the
scanner beeps three times and (key symbol) appears on the display. To turn it oft, hold down
(key symbot key)/LIGHT for about 3 seconds until the scanner beeps three times and (key
symbot) dtsappears from the display.
A data interface ki! (not supplied) lets you program the scanner with frequencies stored in a
computer program. Contacl your tucal RadioShack store for more information.
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20-514 Owner's Manual Drafi
Reception 01 the frequencies covered by your scanner is mainly “iine-of-sigh‘t.’ This means
you usually cannot hear stations that are beyond the horizon.
US Weather Frequencies
162.400 162.425 152.450 162.475
162.500 162.525 162550
Ham Radio Frequencies
Ham radio operators often transmit emergency information when other means 01
communication break down. The following chad shows the lrequencies this scanner
receives that ham radio operators normally use:
Wavelength Frequency (MHZ)
10 meters 29000-29700
6 meters 50000-54000
2 meters 144000448000
70 cm 420000450000
33 cm 902000928000
Note: Your scanner cannot receive AM transmissions on these bands.
Birdie Frequencies
Every scanner has birdie frequencies — signals created Meets the scannefs receiver, which
might interfere with transmissions on the same irequenctes. it you program one of these
frequencies, you hear only noise on that frequency, It the interference is not severe, you
might be abie to turn SQUELCH clockwise to cut out the birdie.
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20514 Owner's Manual Draft
To find the birdies in your scanner:
. Disconnect the antenna and move it away from the receiver. Make sure that no other
nearby radio or TV sets are turned on near the scanner,
. Search in each lrequency band lrom its lowest lrequenw to the highest. Occasionally, the
searching will stop as if it had found a signal. often without any sound. That is a birdie.
. Make a list of all the birdies in your particular scanner tor future reference.
The birdie frequencies to watch for on the PHO»79 are:
birdie frequencies will add
United States Broadcast Bands
In the United States, there are several broadcast bands. The standard AM and FM bands
are probably the most well knawn. There are also tour television audio broadcast bands —
the lower three transmit on the VH F band and the lourth transmits on the U HF band.
Typical Band Usage
HF Band (zoo—30,0 MHz)
10-Meter Amateur 29002970 MHz
High Flange 2970-2990 MHZ
VHF Band (13000—30000 MHZ)
Low Range 30.00—50.DD MHz
s-Meter Amateur 5030-5430 MHz
US. Government 13100-14400 MHZ
2-Meter Amateur 14430-14800 MHz
High Range 14800-17400 MHz
UHF Band (300.30 MHz—3.0 GHZ)
Military Aircraft 380.00-38400 MHz
U 3. Government “EDD-420.00 MHz
7&Centimeter Amateur 42000-45000 MHz
Page 44
20-5 14 Owner’s Manual Draft
Low Range 45000—47000 MHz
FM-TV Audlo Broadcast,
Wide Band 47000-51200 MHz
800 Band Law Enforcement 80600-82400 MHZ
Conventional Systems 85100-85600 MHz
Conventional/Trunked Systems 85600-86100 MHz
Public Safety 86600-86900 MHZ
Trunked PrivatelGeneral 5940096000 MHz
Primary Usage
As a general rule, must of the radio activity is concentrated on the following lrequencies:
VHF Band
Activities Frequencies (MHz)
Government, Police, and Fire 153.785—155380
Emergency Servlces 158.730—159460
Flailroad 160.000—161.900
UHF Band
Actlvities Frequencies (MHz)
Land-Mobile “Paired“ Frequencies 450000470000
Base Statlon 451 toms—454.950
Mobile Units 456.025—459.950
Relay Repeater Units 460.025—464.975
Remote Control Stations 465.025—469.975
Note: Remote control stations and mobile units operate at 5 MHz higher than their
assomated base stations and relay repeater units.
Specrtied Intervals
Frequencies in different bands are acoessrble only at specific lntewals. For example:
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
Frequency Range(s) Speoilied Interval
29—54 MHZ and 137—174 MHz 5.0 kHz Steps
108—1 368875, 380—512 and 806—960 MHz \2.5 kHz Steps
Note: In service bank search, the frequency interval is not the same as specified above. See
“Service Banks” on Page XX.
To help decide which frequency ranges to scan, use the following listing of the typical
services that use the frequencies your scanner receives These frequencies are subject to
change, and might vary from area to area. For a more complete listing, refer to Police Call,
available at your local RadoShaek store.
Abbreviations Services
AiFt Aircraft
BiFC Boise (lD) lnteragency Fire Cache
BUS Business
CAP Civil Air Patrol
CCA Common Carrier
CSB Conventional Systems
CTSB ConventionallTrunked Systems
FIRE Fire Department
HAM Amateur (Ham) Radio
GOVT Federal Government
GMFt General Mobile Radio
GTFi General Trunked
IN D Industrial Services
(Manufacturing, Construction Farming, Forest Products)
MAR Military Amateur Radio
MAFtl Maritime Limited Coast
(Coast Guard, Marine Telephone, Shipboard Radio,
Private Stations)
MARS Military Affiliate Radio Systems
MED EmergencyflMedicaI Services
MIL U.S. Military
Page 46
20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft,
MOV Motion Picture/Video Industry
NEW New Mobiie Narrow
NEWS Relay Press (Newspaper Reporters)
Oi L OiIVPetfoIeum Industry
POL Police Department
PUB Public Services
(Public Safety, Local Govt, Forestry Conservation)
PSB Public Safety
PTFt Private Tmnked
ROAD Road & Highway Maintenance
RTV Radio/TV Remote Broadcast Pickup
TAXI Taxi Services
TELB Mobile Teiephone
(Aircraft, Radio Common Carrier, Landiine Companies)
TELC Cordiese Phones
TEUiA Teiephone Maintenance
TOW Tow Trucks
TFiAN Transportation Services
(Trucks, Tow Trucks. Buses, Railroad, Other)
TSB Trunked Systems
TVn FM-TV Audio Broadcast
USXX Government Ciassrfied
UTi L Power & Water Utiiities
WTHR Weather
High Frequency (HF) Hi — (3 MHz—30 MHz)
to-Meter Amateur Band — (28.0-29 7 MHz)
29000-29700 HAM
Very High Frequency {VHF} — (30 MHz—300 MHZ)
Low Band - (297—50 MHz - in 5 kHz steps)
29700-29790 IND
2980030550 GOVT, MIL
30580-31380 IND‘ PUB
Page 47
32000-32990 GOVT, MM.
33020-33980 BUS, IND, PUB
34010-34990 GOVT, MIL
35020-35980 BUS, PUB, IND, TELM
3600066230 GOVT, MIL
36.250 Oil Sp‘m Clean-Up
36270-35390 GOVT, MIL
37020-37380 PUB. IND
36000-39000 GOVT, MIL
39020-39980 PUB
40000-42000 GOVT, MIL, MAFN
42020-42340 PO L
42950-43180 IN D
43220-43680 TELM, iND, PUB
43700-44600 THAN
44520-46580 POL, PUB
46600-45990 GOVT, TELC
47020-47400 PUB
47.420 American Red Cross
47440-49580 ‘ND, PUB
49610-49390 M H_, TE LC
s—Meter Amateur Band — (50—54 MHz)
50.00-5400 HAM
Awroraft Band — (108—136 MHZ)
108.000-121490 NH
121.500 AIR Emergency
121.510-1 36.975 AIR
U.S Government Band (138—144 MHz)
137.0004 44.000 GOVT, Mil.
Z—Meter Amateur Band - (144—146 MHZ)
144.000—1 48.000 HAM
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20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
20-514 Owner‘s Manual Draft
VHFvHi Band (140—174 MHZ)
148050450345 CAP, MAR, MIL
150.775-150.790 MED
150.815-150365 TOW
150.980 Oil Spi1l Clean-Up
1511995451130 ROAD
151.145-151.475 POL
151 .490-151 355 ND, BUS
151 385 TELM
152.0075 MED
152.030-152240 TELB
152270452465 1ND, TAXI
152.480 BUS
152.51 0-1 52.340 TELB
152 870451020 1ND, MOV
153.035—153.725 ND, 010 UTH.
153.740-154.445 PUB, FIRE
154.490-154.570 IND, BUS
154.585 011 Spill Clean-Up
154500454625 BUS
1546554156240 MED, ROAD, POL, PUB
156.255 OlL
156.275-1 57.425 MAFll
157.450 MED
157.470-157515 TOW
157.530-157.725 IND, TAXI
157.740 BUS
157.770-158.100 TELB
158.130-158.460 BUS. IND. OIL, TELM, UTIL
158.490-158700 TELE
158730459465 POL, PUB. ROAD
159.480 OIL
159.495-161565 THAN
161 580 OIL
161.6004 62.000 MARI, FlTV
162012545235 GOVT, MIL. USXX
Page 49
20—514 Owner's Manual Draft
162400462550 WTHF!
162.56254626375 GOVT, MIL USXX
162.6625 MED
162 6875-1 63.225 GOVT, MIL. USXX
163.250 MED
163.275-1 66.225 GOVT, MIL, USXX
166.250 GOVT. HTV, FIRE
166.2754 69.400 GOVT. BIFC
169.445 Wireless Mics
169.500 GOVT
169.505 Wirsiess Mics
169.554 69.9375 GOVT, MIL, USXX
170.000 E'lFC
170.025-170.150 GOVT. RTV, F1 RE
170.175—170225 GOVT
170.2454 70.305 Wireless Mics
170.350-1 70.400 GOVT, MIL
170425470450 BIFC
170.475 PUB
170.4375-173.175 GOVT. PUB, Wireless Mics
173.225-1 73.375 MOV, NEWS, UTEL
1 73.3875—1 73.5375 MIL
173.5625-1735375 MIL, Medical/Crash Crews
173.60-173.9875 GOVT
Ultra High Frequency (UHF) (300 MHz—3 GHz)
Military Aircraft Band (31931—3839 MHz)
3800004333900 Coast Guard
US. Government Band [406—450 MHZ)
406.125-419975 GOVT, USXX
70-cm Amaksur Band (420—450 MHz)
4200004511000 HAM
Page 50
Low Band (450-470 MHz)
451 0254452025
453.0125-453 9875
20-514 Owner's Manual Draft
FM-TV Audio Broadcast, UHF Wide Band (470—512 MHz)
(Channels 14 Ihmugh 20 in 6 MHz steps)
481 750
Channei 14
Chennai 15
Chennai 16
Channel 17
Channei 18
Channel 19
Channei 20
Note: Some cities use the 470—512 MHz band for land/mobils sen/ice.
Conventionai Systems band - Localiy Assigned
ConventionaifTrunked Systems Band - Locaiiy Assigned
Page 51
20-514 Owner‘ 5 Manual Draft
Trunked System Band — Locaiiy Assigned
— Locaiiy Assigned
Pubiic Safely Band
865.01258539875 FEB
33 Centimeter Amateuv Band (902-923 MHz)
902 000-928 000 HAM
Privaie Trunked band
935 0125-939 9875 PTR
Generai Trunked Band
940.0125-9409875 GTR
z) or in
an be expressed in frequency (kHz or MH
he necessary
an heip you make i
ocaiion of a simian c
The tuning i
The ioliowing
gih (meters).
intermalion c
1 MHZ (miiiion) - 1000 kHz (thousand)
To convert MHz 10 kHz, multipiy the number of MHz by 1,000:
30.62 MHZ x 1000 = 30,620 kHz
to MHz, divide the number 01 kHz by “300.
To ccmveri 6mm kHz
127,800 kHzJ1000-127B MHZ
iets, divide 300 by the number of MHz.
To convert MHz 10 me
300 i 50 MHz - 6 meters
Page 52
20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
if your scanner is not working as it should, these suggestions might help you eliminate the
problem. It the scanner still does not operate properly, take it to your local RadioShack store
for assistance.
Scanner is totally
Poor or no reception
The batteries are dead, Replace the batteries with fresh
ones, or recharge the rechargeable
The optional AC or DC Be sure the adapter is fully inserted
pewer adapter ls not into the PWFl iack,
Improperly connected Be sure the antenna is property
antenna, connected.
Programming frequencres Avoid programming lrequencles
are the same as birdie listed under “Birdie Frequencies" on
lrequencies. Page 43 or only select them
Keys do not work or
display changes.
Undetermined error. Turn the scanner off then on again.
or reset the scanner (see
“Hessttlngllnitiaiizlng the Scanner“
on Page 54].
Page 53
20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
Scanner is on but will not SQUELCH s not Adjust SQUELCH clockwise (see
scan. correctly adjusted. ‘Turnlng on the Scanner/Setting
Volume and Squelch' on Page 22).
In the scan mode, lhe Birdies. Avoid programming frequencies
scanner locks on listed under ‘Birdie Frequencies“
frequencies that have on Page 43 or only listen to them
an unclear transmission manually.
If the soanner’s dlsplay locks up or does not work properly after you connect a power source.
you might need to reset or initialize the scanner.
Important it you have problems, first try to reset the scanner (see “Resetting the Scanner").
H that does not work, you can initialize the scanner (see ‘Initializing the Soanner‘ on Page
55): however, this clears all inlormation stored in your scanner’s memory.
Resetting the Scanner
1.Turn off the scanner, then turn it on again.
2. Insert a pelnted object. such as a straightened paper clip. into the reset opening on the
side 01 the scanner (as shown) and gently press then release the reset button inside the
add illustration.
Note: It the scanner still does network properly. you might need to initialize the scanner (see
'Inltializing the Scanner”).
Page 54
20-514 Owner‘s Manual Draft
initializing the Scanner
important: This procedure clears all information you stored in the scenner‘s memory.
Initialize the scanner only when you are sure the scanner is not working properly
1. Turn off the scanner, then turn it on again.
2. Hold down MON/CL.
3, While holding down MON/CL insert a polnted object, such as a straightened paper clip,
into the reset opening on the side of the scanner and gently press then release the reset
button ihSlde the opening. The display should clean
4. When the display reappears. release MONfCL.
Note: You must release the reset button belore releasing MON/CL, otherwise the memory
might not clear.
Page 55
204514 Owner’s Manual DraPc
Your RadioShack PRO-89 200-Channei Portabie Ftace Scanner is an example oi superior
desrgn and craftsmanship. The lollowing suggestions wrll help you care for your PRO—89 so
you can enjoy it {or years.
Keep the PRO-89 dry lf it gets wet, Wipe it dry immediately. Liquids might contain minerals
that can corrode the electronic circuits.
Use and store the PRO-89 only in normal temperature environments. Temperature extremes
can shorten the lite ol electronic devices, damage batteries, and distort or melt plastic parts.
Keep the PRO—89 away from dust and dirt, which can cause premature wear 01 parts.
Handle the PRO-89 gently and carefully. Dropping it can damage circuit boards and cases
and can cause the PRO-89 to work improperly.
Use only fresh batteries of the required size and recommended type. Batteries can leak
chemicals that damage your PRO-89's electronic parts.
Wipe the PRO-89 with a damp cloth occasionally to keep it looking new. Do not use harsh
chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the PHD-89.
Modifying or tampering with the scanner's internal components can cause a mallunction and
might invalidate its warranty and void your FCC authorization to operate it. li your scanner is
not performing as it should. take it to your local FiadioSnack store for assistance.
Page 56
Frequency Coverage.
Channeis of Operation
Sensitivity (20 dB SIN):
29-54 MHz
10841363875 MHZ
137-174 MHZ
380-512 MHZ
806-960 MHz
+14 0 kHz
+1418 kHz
Spurious Rejection
Scanning Rate
Search Plate
Delay Time
Intermediate Frequencies (IF):
1 st
20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
29-293? MHz (5.0 kHz Sleps)
29.7—50 MHz (5.0 kHz Steps)
50-54 MHz (5.0 kHz Steps)
108-1 36.9875 MHZ (12.5 kHz Sieps)
137444 MHz (5 kHz Steps)
144-143 MHz (5 kHz Steps)
143-174 MHz (5 kHz Steps)
380-450 MHz (125 kHz Steps)
450-470 MHz (12.5 kHz Steps)
470-512 MHZ (12.5 kHz Steps)
806-623.9875 MHz (12.5 kHz Steps)
Sits—866.9875 MHZ (12.5 kHz Steps)
394-960 MHz(12.5 kHz Steps)
200 Channels and 20 Monitor Memories
0.3 LN
10 UV
0.5 UV
05 UV
0.5 LIV
-6 dB
-50 dB
40 dB (FM at154 MHz)
Up In 25 Channels/Second
Up to 50 Steps{Second
2 Seconds
257.5 MHZ
2) .4 M Hz
455 kHz
Page 57
IF interierence Ratio (257.5 MHz)
Squeich Sensitivity:
Tight (FM)
Tight (AM)
Antenna impedance
Audio Output Power (10% THD)
Built-in Speaker
Power Requirements
Current Drain (Squelohed)
Operating Temperature
Dimen5ions (HW D)
Supplied Accessories
Specifications are typical; individual units might vary. Specifications are subject to change
and improvement without notice.
20-514 Owner’s Manual Draft
60 dB M154 MHZ
Less than 0.3 uV
[S+N),’N 30 dB
(S+N)/N 20 dB
50 Ohms
190 mW Nominal {battery use)
240 mW Nominal (external AC power use)
i Sis inch (36 mm) s-ohm, Dynamic Type
+6 V DC, 4 AA Batteries
AC Adapter (Cat. No. 273-1767A}
75 mA
+14Ft0 +140F
(-1 cc to +eocy
511/16 x 21/2 X1 318 inches
[145 x 63 x 34 mm)
Approx. 7.5 oz.
(220 9) without Antenna
2 kinds Antenna,
Battery Holder
Rechargeable Battery Holder
Frequency Guide
Page 58

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 1999:11:11 15:06:58-06:00
Create Date                     : 1999:11:11 15:03:59-06:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Producer                        : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Page Count                      : 58
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FCC ID Filing: AAO2000514

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