Radio Shack 2000524 User Manual Draft Owners Manual
RadioShack Corporation Draft Owners Manual
Draft Owners Manual
FEATURES “— Your FladioShack , Handheld Trunking Scanner is one of a new generation of scan- ners designed to track Motorola Type I and Type II (such as Smartnet and Privacy Plus) and hybrid ana- log trunking systems, which are extensively used in many 800 MHz communication systems. Trunking communications systems let a large group of 2-way radio users (or even different groups of 2-way ra- dio users) efficiently use a large range of frequencies. Instead of selecting a specific frequency for a transmis- sion, the user simply selects a talk group. The trunking system automatically transmits the call on the first available frequency. and also sends (on a different fre- quency called a data channel) a code that uniquely identifies that transmission. Since the trunking system might send a call and its re- sponse on different frequencies, it is difficult to listen to trunked communications using a regular scanner. The PRO-91 lets you select and monitor the data channel frequency sent with a 2-way radio transmission, so you can hear the call and response for that user and more easity “follow! the conversation. The scanner also lets you scan conventional trans- missions, and is preprogrammed with service banks for convenience. By pressing a single button, you can quickiy search those frequencies most commonly used by public service and other agencies without te- dious and complicated programming, This scanner gives you direct access to over 30,000 exciting frequencies. including police and fire depart» ments, ambulance services, and amateur radio servic- es. and you can change your selection at any fime. Your scanner also has these special features: TrIpIeConversion Circuitry — vinually eliminates any interference from IF (intermediate frequency) im- ages. so you hear only the selected frequency. 0 rm Tandy Corporation. All Right: named. a-urosruoir I; - mgr-moo trldmmrk usoo by Tandy Corporation. Hypormrch and Hyperscln m insomnia and by Tandy corporation. Five Channel-Storage Banks — you can store up to 30 channels in each of 5 different banks to group chan- nels so you can more easily identify calls, Five Scan Lists — you can store up to 50 trunking IDs in each trunk tracking bank. Two-second Scan Delay — delays scanning for about 2 seconds oelore moving to another channel, so you can hear more replies that are made on the same chan» nel. Lock-Out Function — lets you set your scanner to skip over specrtied channels or frequencies when scan- ning or searching. and skip over IDs when tracking trunked systems. Priority Channels — lets you program one channel in each bank (5 in all) and then have the scanner check that channel every 2 seconds while it scans the bank, so you don‘t miss transmissions on those channels. Five Service Banks — frequencies are preset in sepa- rate police (lire/emergency), aircraft, harn. marine, and weather banks, to make it easy to locate specific types of calls. Hypersearchm — lets you set the scanner to search at up to 300 steps per second. The normal search speed is 100 steps per second, Hyperscanm — the scanner automatically scans up to 50 channels per second in frequency bands with 5 kHz steps. to help you quickly find interesting broadcasts. Key Lock — lets you lock the scanner's keys to help prevent accidental changes to the scanners program- ming. Data Signal Skip w lets you set the scanner to skip non-modulated or data signals (such as tax or modem transmissions) during searches. This lets the scanner avoid non—voice signals. making a search faster. Disconnect Tone Detect — the scanner automatically tunes to the trunking data channel when it receives a disconnect transmission. Vou can turn this oil. to let you continuously monitor a channel with a weak trans- mission where conversations are often disconnected, s/r Manual Access - leis you directly access any chan- Your scanner can receive these bands: "3L Frequency step Transmission . _ , Flange (MHz) (kHz) LIquId-Crystal Display — makes it easy to View and 2949 7 5 10-Meter Ham Band change programming inlormation. 297—50 5 VHF Lo Display Backllght — makes the scanner easy to read 50—54 5 6M5ief Ham Band in low-light situations. 108—1 36.9750 125 Ajmrafl _ 5 Milita Land Mobiie Flexible Antenna with awe Connector — provides 137 1“ 5 2_Megr Ham Band excellent reception and is designed to help prevent an» ”4448 . tenna breakage. Or, you can connect an external an- 143—174 5 VHF H' tenna. 406—420 12.5 Federal Government 420—450 125 70-cm Ham Band Monitor ”Memories — let you temporarily store up to 5 450470 125 UHF Standard Band “memes or IDS" 470—512 12.5 UHF "11 Band Memory Backup — keeps the lreouencies stored in 606—956 12.5 Faggichazqweicept gammy lor an extended time it the PRO-91 loses pow- cellular band ' IXQO—[aeo we Three Power Options — let you power the scanner . using internal batteries, external AC power using an We recommend you record your scanners serial num- optional AC adapter/charger, or DC power using an up- her here. The number IS on the back panel. tional Dc cigarette-lighter power cable. Serial Number: Key Confirmation Tones — the scanner sounds a tone when you perform an operation correctly, and an error tone it you make an error. Battery Save -— saves battery power when the scan- ner does not detect any transmissions lor more than 5 seconds when a channel is manually selected. Battery Low Alert — warns you when battery power gets low. FCC NOTICE Vour scanner might cause radio or TV interference even when it is operating properly. To determine whether your scanner is causing the interference, turn of! your scanner. It the interference goes away, your scanner is causing it. Try the following methods to eliminate the interference: - move your scanner away from the receiver - connect your scanner to an outlet that is on a dit- terent electrical circuit from the receiver - contact your local RadioShack store lor help Note: Mobile use at this scanner is unlawtul or requires a permit in some areas. Check the laws in your area. SCANNING LEGALLY Your scanner covers trequencies used by many difter- ent groups including police and fire departments, am- bulance services, government agencies, private companies. amateur radio serv-ces, military opera- tions, pager services. and wrreline (telephone and tele- graph) service providers. It is legal to listen to almost every transmission your scanner can receive. Howev- er. there are some transmissions you should never in- tentionally listen to. These include: - telephone conversations (cellular, cordless, or other private means ol telephone signal transmis- sion) - pager transrmssrons . any scrambled or encrypted transmissions According to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), you are subject to fines and possible im- prisonment tor intentionally listening to, using, or di- vulging the contents ol such a transmission unless you have the consent of a party to the communication (un- less such activity is otherwise illegal), This scanner is designed to prevent reception 01 illegal transmissions, in compliance With the law which re- quires that scanners be manufactured in such a way as to not be easily modifiable to pick up those transmis- sions. Do not open your scanners case to make any modifications that could allow it to pick up transmis- sions that it is not legal to listen to. Doing so could sub- ject you to legal penalties. We encourage responsible, legal scanner use. PREPARATION POWER SOURCES You can power yourscanner from any of three sources: - Inlemal batteries (not supplied) - Standard AC power (using an optional AC adapter) - Vehicle battery power (using an optional DC adapter) Using Internal Batteries You can power your scanner using four AA batteries. For the longest operation and best periorrnance, we recommend alkaline batteries (such as Cat. No. 23- 552). You can also use four rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries (Cat, No, 23-125) Betore you use nickel-cad- mlum batteries, you must charge them (see “Charging Nickel-Cadmium Batteries" on Page 12)4 Follow these steps to install batteries. 1A Tum VOLUME/OFF counterclockwise until it clicks to make sure the power is tumed oil, (6°69 2 Slide up and hold the tab on the back of the scan- ner. then pull up the battery compartment cover. 10 at If you are installing alkaline batteries. use a pointed obiect such as a pencil to set ALKALINE 4 JACK P NI-CD inside the compartment to ALKALINE. Or, it you are installing nickelNI- co to Nl-cD, install the nickel-cadmium batteries in the scanner, and connect an external AC or DC adapter to the scanner’s POWER jack (see "Using AC Powef‘ on Page 13 or “Using Vehicle Battery Powef on Page 14), Warning: Do not connect either adapter to the scanner ti non-rechargeable batteries (such as alkalrne batter- ice) are installed in the scanner and ALKALINE 4 JACK b Nl-CD IS set to Nl-CD, or you are unsure oi the switch's position, Non-rechargeable batteries will get hot and can even explode it you try to recharge them, Before you use nickel-cadmium batteries for the first time, charge them at least 24 hours to bring them to a lull charge. Discharged batteries take about 10 to 18 hours to fully recharge. It you use the scanner while the batteries are charging, charging takes longer. Notes: - Nickel-cadmium batteries last longer and deliver more power it you occasionally let them fully dis- charge. To do this, simply use the scanner until it beeps every 15 seconds and Ban: Lo llashes. - To prevent damage to nickel-cadmium batteries, never charge them in an area where the tempera- ture is above 113'F or below 40'F. 12 —__ Important: At the end oi a rechargeable battery/s use- ful liie, it must be recycled or disposed oi properly. Con- tact your local, county, or state hazardous waste management authorities lor information on recycling or disposal programs in your area, Some options that might be available are: municipal curb-side collection, drop-oil boxes at retailers such as your local Ra- dioshaok store, recycling collection centers, and mail- back programs Uslng AC Power You can power the scanner lrom a standard AC outlet using an optional AC adapter (such as Cat, No, 273- 1 665} Warning: Do not use an AC adapters polarized plug with an extension cord, receptacle, or other outlet un- less the blades can be lully inserted to prevent blade exposure. Cautions: - The recommended AC adapter supplies 9 volts and delivers at least 300 milllamps, It has a barrel plug with a center negative tip that correctly fits the soanner’s POWER jack. Using an adapter that does not meet these specilications could damage the scanner or the adapter. - To protect your scanner and AC adapter, always plug the adapter into the scanner belors you plug it into the AC outlet, and always unplug the adapter lrom the AC outlet before you unplug it from the scanner. - ll batteries are installed, make sure the battery switch inside the battery compartment is set to the correct position (see “Using Internal Batteries” on Page 10). 13 1. Turn VOLUME/OFF counterclockwise until it clicks to make sure the power is turned oil. 2. Plug the adapter's 3.4 mm outside diameter/1.3 mm inside diameter barrel plug into your scanner‘s powsn jack 3. Plug the other end oi the adapter into a standard AC outlet It rechargeable batteries are installed and ALKALINE 4 JACK P NI-cb is set to NI-CD, the adapter powers the scanner and recharges the batteries at the same time. Uslng Vehicle Battery Power You can power the scanner from your vehicle‘s battery power using an optional DC adapter such as Cat, No. 270-1 560. Cautions: 0 The recommended DC adapter supplies 9 volts and delivers at least 300 milliamps. It has a barrel plug with a center negative tip that correctly fits the scanner‘s POWER jack. Using an adapter that does not meet these specifications could damage the scanner or the adapter. - To protect your vehicle’s electrical system, always plug the adapter into the scanner belore you plug it into your vehicle’s cigarette-lighter socket. Always unplug the adapter irom the vehicle's cigarette-lighter socket before you unplug it from the scanner, - If batteries are installed, make sure the battery switch inside the battery compartment is set to the correct position (see “Using Internal Batteries" on Page 10), 14 1. Turn VOLUME/OFF counterclockwise until it clicks to make sure the power is turned 0". 2, Set the adaptefs voltage switch to 9V, 3. Connect the 3.4 mm outer diameter/13 mm inner diameter tip to the adapter cord. matching TiP to —. 4. Plug the adaptei’s barrel plug into your scannefs POWER iacki 5. Plug the other end at the adapter into your vehi- cle‘s cigarette-lighter socket lt you have installed rechargeable batteries and set ALKALINE 4 JACK P Nl—CD to NI—CD, the adapter powers the scanner and recharges the batteries at the same time Note: It the scanner does not operate property when you use a DC adapter, unplug the adapter irom the cig- arette-lighter socket and clean the socket to remove ashes and debris. 15 CONNECTING THE ANTENNA To attach the supplied flex-ole antenna to the connec- tor on the top of your scanner, align the slots around the antennas connector with the tabs on the scanner’s BNC connector. Then slide the antennas connector down over the scanners connector and rotate the an- tenna connector’s outer ring clockwise until it locks into place. Connecting an Optional Antenna The scanner's ENC connector makes it easy to cort~ neot a variety oi optional antennas (such as an external mobile antenna or outdoor base station antenna). Vour local Radioshack store sells a variety ol antennas. Note: Always use 50»ohm coaxial cable. such as HG» 58 or FlG-B, to connect an outdoor antenna. It the dis- tance lrorn the scanner to the antenna is over 50 feet. use RG-a low-loss dielectric coaxial cable. If your an< tenna’s cable does not have a BNC connector, your lo- cal RadioShack store carries a variety of BNC adapters. 16 CONNECTING AN EARPHONEI HEADPHONES For private listening, you can plug an earphone or mono headphones (such as Cat. No. 33-178 or 20-210) into the A lack on top of your scanner. This automati— oally disconnects the internal speaker. Listening Safely To protect your hearing, follow these guidelines when you use an earphone or headphones. - Do not listen at extremely high volume levels. Extended high-volume listening can lead to perma- nent hearing loss. - Set the volume to the lowest setting before you begin listening. After you begin listening, adjust the volume to a comfortable level, - Once you set the volume. do not increase it. Over time, your ears adapt to the volume level. so a vol- ume level that does not cause discomlon might still damage your hearing. Traffic Safety Do not use an earphone or headphones with your scan- ner when operating a motor vehicle in or near traffic. Doing so can create a traflic hazard and could be illegal in some areas. If you use an earphone or headphones with your scan- ner, be very carelul. Do not listen to a continuous broadcast, Even though some earphones/headphones let you hear some outside sounds when listening at normal volume levels. they still can present a traffic hazard. 17 CONNECTING AN EXTENSION SPEAKER In a noisy area, an extension speaker (such as Cat. No. 21-549), positioned in the right place. might pro- vide more comlortable Iistenlng. Plug the speaker cables ‘la-inoh (3.5-mm) mini-plug into your scanners A jack, ATTACHING THE BELT CLIP You can attach the supplied belt clip to make your scanner easier to use when you are on the go. Use a Phillips screwdriver and the supplied screws to attach the belt clip to the scanner. Then slide the clip over your belt or waistband. 18 ABOUT YOUR SCANNER Once you understand a tow simple terms we use in this manual and tamllian‘ze yourselt with your scanner‘s fea- tures. you can put the scanner to work for you. You simply determine the type of communications you want to receive. then set the scanner to scan those commu- nicotionso A hequenoy is the tuning location of a station (ex- pressed in kHz or MHz). To find active frequencies. you use the search function, Besldes searching within a frequency range you deter- mine, you can also search your scanner‘s service banker Service banks are preset groups of trequencies categorized by type at service. For example, many am- ateur radio frequencies are located in the HAMZ service bank. When you find a frequency, you can store it into a pro- grammable memory location called a channel. Chan- nels are grouped into channel-storage banks. (This scanner has 5 channel-storage banks of 30 channels each). You can then scan the channel-storage banks to see it there is activity on the trequencies stored there. Or, when you find a lrequency. you can store it into a temporary memory location called a monitor memory until you decide whether or not to move it to a channel. Just keep in mind — you search frequencies and scan channels. You can also use your scanner to track trunked trans- missions (see ‘Tmnk Tracking" on Page 40). 19 A LOOK AT THE KEYPAD Your scanneRs keys might seem confusing at first, but this information should help you understand each keys function. HOLD — holds the frequency search: holds on the cur- rent ID in the tmnk tracking mode, SCAN — scans through the stored channels. MAN (tn-null) — stops scanning and lets you directty enter a channel number or frequency. FROG (program) — stores frequencies into channels; programs the thinking frequency, lleet map, and ID memories. TRUNK — switches between conventional and trunk tracking. uumsnc (search) — starts a limit search; searches a specified lrequency range to lind frequencies; search- es for another active ID while tmnk tracking. DATA — turns on or off the data signal skip feature; moves through menu settings while tmnk tracking. PHIORn'v/ltls (Hyperse-rch) — sets and turns on and off the priority leaturs; turns on and off Hypersearch. L—Ou‘rlsls (march skip) — lets you lock out selected channels or skip specified frequencies during a search; lets you lock out a selected ID while trunk tracking. KEYLOCKI — locks the keypad to prevent acciden- tal program changes; turns on the display light for 15 seconds. 20 DELAY — programs a 2~second delay tor the selected channel. a limit search, or each service scan; programs a 5-second delay while trunk tracking. 7 — searches down through a selected frequency range during a frequency search; selects options during program operation; changes the ID location number while trunk tracking. A — searches up through a selected frequency range during a frequency search; selects options during pro- gram operation; changes the ID location number while trunk tracking. Number Keys —each key has a single-digit label and a range of numbers. The single digits are used to enter a channel, lreouency. service bank, or to number. The range of numbers (31-60, for example) are used to en- ter the channels that make up a memory bank. MON/CLEAR” -— stores frequencies into monitor mem- ories during a search; recalls frequencies lrcm monitor memories when programming a channel; stores searched IDs into monitor memories or selects options while tmnk tracking; enters a decimal point or clears an incorrect entry, svc (servlccyE (enter) — starts a service bank search: enters frequencies into channels. A LOOK AT THE DISPLAY The display has indicators that show the scanner‘s cur- rent operating status. A good look at the display will help you understand how your scanner operates. LISTBANK | 2 x 0 ssvcmpeu Burton/l. muNKuoN llllllllllllllll - - fl I‘ll-Ur! 7111" £133 a aria/3a "3 sum um mu PHI uo on now DATASVSEARDNA BANK — appears with numbers (1-5). The numbers show which channel-storage banks are turned on for scanning. TRUNK — appears when the scanner is set lor trunk tracking. 21 —_ - (trunking channel activity bars) , each represents a received trunking frequency or a data lrequency while trunk tracking. -1- — appears when the weather service band is se- lected. -2- — appears when the amateur radio service band is selected. -3- — appears when the marine service band is se- lected. —4- — appears when the air service band is selected. -5- — appears when the police service band is se- Iected. fl — appears when a priority channel is selected. BATT. Lo — blinks when the scanners battery is low. DATA — appears when the data skip function is active; appears when the disconnect tone detect lunction is off in the trunk tracking mode. SCAN — appears when you scan channels. LIST — appears with numbers (1—5) during trunk tracking. Numbers with a bar under them show which ID scan list banks are turned on lor scanning. svc — appears during a service search, SEARCH — appears during a limit search and ID search, and blinks when you monitor IDs. FRI — appears when the priority leature is turned on, HOLD — appears when you manually select a channel or when the scanner is holding during a search, Did! — appears when you program a delay. L/o — appears when you manually select a channel or frequency you locked out. K/ L (keylock) — appears when you lock the keypad. 22 xxx-ox- — appears when you make an entry error. non —- appears during search modes or when you se- lect a monitor memory. The number to the right oi this indicator shows the current monitor memory number, HAN — appears when you press MAN. PGM — appears while you store a frequency into a channel, while you enter a frequency range during a limit search, or when you program trunking frequen- cies, tleet maps, or ID memories while trunk tracking. HYPER —-— appears while Hyperscan or Hypersearch is active during a direct or limit search. V and A — appears during a limit. direct, or service search, indicating the search direction. B — appears when the battery save lunction is active (during conventional scanning only), UNDERSTANDING BANKS Service Banks The scanner is preprogrammed with all the trequencies allocated to the weather, ham, marine, aircraft, and p0- lice (tire/emergency) services. This is handy lor quickly finding active lrequencies instead of doing a limit search (see “Service Bank Search" on Page 29). Channel Storage Banks To make it easier to identity and select the channels you want to listen (0, channels are divided into 5 banks of 30 channels each. Use each channel-storage bank to group lrequencres. such as those lor the police de- partment, lire department, ambulance services, or air~ craft (see "Guide to the Action Bands” on Page 60). 23 OPERATION For example. the police department might use lour ire- quencies, one for each side oi town. You could pro- gram the police frequencies starting wrth Channel 1 (the first channel in bank 1), and program the lire de- partment frequencies starting with Channel 31 (the first channel in bank 2). Monitor Memories The scanner also has 5 temporary memory locations called monitor memories. You can use these monitor memories to temporarily store lrequencies while you decide whether to store them into a channel. This is handy for quickly storing an active lrequency when you search through an entire band (see “Searching For and Temporarily Storing Active Frequencies" on Page 27). While you are searching frequencies, the 5 numbers at the too oi the display indicate the 5 monitor memories, HON appears and the number beside it that ilashes in- dicates the currently active monitor memory, 24 TURNING ON THE SCANNER AND SETTING SQUELCH Note: Make sure the scanner‘s antenna is connected before you turn it on. 1. Turn SOUELCH fully counterclockwise. 2. Turn VOLUME/OFF clockwise until it clicks and you hear a hissing sound. 3. Press MAN (manual) to stop the scanner from scanning, turn SOUELCH clockwise, then leave it set’to a point just after the hissing sound stops, QOO? éé ea Q®®8§ ©©d®® mm. mm we mmimmm 25 STORING KNOWN FREQUENCIES INTO CHANNELS Good references for active frequencies are Fla- dioShack's “Beyond Police Call," “Aeronautical Fre- quency Directory," and “Maritime Frequency Directory." We update these directories every year. so be sure to get a current copy. Follow these steps to store frequencies into channels, 1. Press MAN, enter the channel number where you want to store a frequency, then press FROG. The channel number appears. 2. Use the number keys and - to enter the frequency (including the decimal point) you want to store. 3. Press E to store the frequency into the channel. 0555 pan i-u won “40 O©®®® mm mm mm m—iw win “®®® new m: in" nu ©®®® mm- m; Vii Notes: - if you entered an invalid frequency in Step 2. Error appears and the scanner beeps three times. Simply enter the frequency again. 26 ~ Your scanner automatically rounds the entered frequency to the nearest valid frequency. For example, if you enter a irequency of 151.473. your scanner accepts it as 151 A75. - Press DELAY if you want the scanner to pause 2 seconds after a transmission ends before it pro» ceeds to the next channel (see “Delay" on Page 34). The scanner also stores this setting in the channel. 4. If you want to program the next channel in sequence. press FROG and repeat Steps 2 and 3. SEARCHING FOR AND TEMPORARILY STORING ACTIVE FREQUENCIES if you do not have a reference to frequencies in your ar- ea, use a limit. direct, or same search to find a trans- mission. Also see “Guide to the Action Bands" on Page 60. Notes: While doing a limit, direct, or service bank search, you can press: - DELAV if you want the scanner to pause 2 seconds after a transmissmn ends before it proceeds to the next frequency (see “Delay" on Page 34). - am if you want the scanner to skip data signals (such as tax or modem signals) and search only for audio (voice) signals (see “Skipping Data Signals" on Page 39). Limit Search A limit search lets you search Within a speCiiic range of frequencies. —L— appears during a limit search. 1. Press PHOG, then LIMIT. Lo and 29.000 MB: appear. 27 2. Enter the frequency that is the lower limit of the range you want to search (including the decimal point). then press E. 3. Press unit Hi and 956 . 000 MHz appear. 4. Enter the frequency that is the upper limit of the range you want to search (including the decimal point). then press E again. 5. Press V to search from the upper to the lower limit, or A to search from the lower to the upper limit. 6. When the scanner stops on a transmission. quickty press either: - HOLD to stop search- ing so you can listen to the transmission. HOLD appears. 0 MON/CLEAR to store the displayed fre- quency into the cur- rent monitor memory. nm t-u n—q .©(DG m L” n-Iaa m-u .@®G maxi-w mu Inn ©®G nan-mm 7&1 To release hold and continue searching, press HOLD or hold down V or A for at least 1 second. Or. it you did not press HOLD. simply press 7 or A to continue searching. Direct Search Direct search lets you search up or down trorn the cur- rently displayed frequency. 1. Press MAN, 2. Use the number keys to enter the frequency you want to start the search from. Press o to enter a decimal point. 28 Notes: 0 If you want to start the search from a frequency already stored in one of your scanner‘s chan- nels, press MAN or FROG. use the number keys to enter the channel number. then press MAN or PROG again. it you enter an invalid frequency, the scanner displays Error. Simply repeat this step. 3. Press 7 to search downward or A to search upward from the selected frequency. -d—. SEARCH. and V or A appear. waves {l etern- @!@§© it? 4. When the scanner stops on a transmission, quickly press emier: - HOLD to stop searching so you can listen to the transmission. HOLD appears. - MON/CLEAR to store the displayed frequency into the current monitor memory. To release hold and continue searching, press HOLD or hold down V or A for at least 1 second. Or. if you did not press HOLD. simply press V or A to continue searching. Note: To step through the frequencies while HOLD is displayed. press 7 or A, Service Bank Search You can search for weather. ham. marine, aircraft. or police (tire/emergency) transmissions even if you do not know the specific frequencies being used in your ar- ea. The scanner is preprogrammed with all the frequen- cies allocated to these services. To use this feature. press svc. svc appears and the scanner searches through the weather service band. To select a diflerent service bank. press the desired service bank key (th. HAMz. MRNa. AIFM. or POLS). The corresponding ser- vice band number(-1—. -2-. -3-. —A-. or -5-) ap- pears. and the scanner starts searching the band. 29 When the scanner stops on a transmission, quickly press eithen - HOLD to stop searching so you can listen to the transmission. HOLD appears. 0 MON/CLEAR to store the displayed lrequency into the current monitor memory. To release hold and continue searching, press HOLD or hold down V or A lor at least 1 second. Or, if you did not press HOLD, simply press V or A to continue searching. Note: Because there are many different lrequencies al- located to fire and police departments, it takes several minutes to search all these lrequenoies. Search Skip Memory You can skip up to 20 specified lrequenoies during a limit or direct search and up to 20 specified lrsquencies during a service bank search. This lets you avoid un- wanted frequencies or ones you have already stored in a channel To skip a frequency. press sis when the scan- ner stops on the frequency during a limit. direct, or service search. The scan- ner stores the frequency in memory and automatical- Iy resumes the search. mun mmm To clear a single frequency from skip memory so the scanner once again stops on it during a limit, direct, or service bank search: 1. Press HOLD to hold the search. 2. Press V or A to select the lrequency. L/o ap- pears. 3. Press SIS. L/o disappears. To clear all the skip frequencies at once while search— ing, press HOLD, then hold down srs until the scanner beeps twice (about 3 seconds). 30 Notes: - If you marked all frequencies to be skipped within the search range, the scanner beeps 3 times and does not search. 0 It you program more than 20 frequencies to skip. each new lreouency replaces one you already stored, starting from the first frequency you stored. - Press V or A to select a skipped lrequency while HOLD appears. L/o appears when you select a skipped frequency. LISTENING TO THE MONITOR MEMORIES You can listen to the fre- quency you stored in any one at the five monitor we not: m memories by pressing $®70 ©@ MAN. MON/CLEAR, then , m n... n." the number at the moni» D Q E) tor memory you want to 3' W" M" “M“ "" listen to (1—5). 2. E) 9. 9? EC» G) (D Q . - mu W Note. To listen to the G) G) id monitor memories, the priority channel leature must be turned off (see “Prioritf on Page 35). MOVING A FREQUENCY FROM A MONITOR MEMORY TO A CHANNEL 1. Press MAN. MAN W appears. m """‘ , f) 2. Enter the number of 2) m ‘_ Q the channel where @ © 6 you want to store the w" n-m rm- mu in frequency in a moni- E) (D E @ use.“ m. m. m. tor memory. then Q Cc) G) (D @ press FROG. PGM Wm- m appears. 31 3. Press MON/CLEAR and enter the number of the monitor memory that contains the lrequency you want to store. 4. Press E. The scanner stores the lrequency into the selected channel. SCANNING THE STORED CHANNELS To begin scanning channels, press SCAN. The scanner scans through all non-locked channels in the activated banks. (See “Locking Out Channels" on Page 35 and “Turning Channel-Storage Banks On and Olf' on Page 34). When the scanner finds a transmission, it stops on it. When the transmission ends, the scanner resumes scanning Notes: 0 Il you have not stored lrequencies into any chan— nels. the scanner does not scan. - It the scanner picks up unwanted. partial, or very weak transmissions, turn souELcn clockwise to decrease the scanners sensitivity to these signals. ll you want to listen to a weak or distant station, turn SOUELCN counterclockwise. 0 Il SQUELDH is adjusted so you always hear a hiss- ing sound. the scanner does not scan properly. - To scan in the tmnk tracking mode, see “Scanning a Trunked Bank" on Page 44. MANUALLY SELECTING A CHANNEL You can continuously monitor a single channel without scanning. This is uselul it you hear an emergency broadcast on a channel and do not want to miss any details — even though there might be periods of si- lence — or ii you want to monitor a specific channel. Follow these steps to manually select a channel. 1. Press MAN. 2. Enter the channel number. 3. Press MAN again, 32 Or. if your scanner is scanning and stops at the desired channel. press MAN one time. (Pressing MAN additional times causes your scanner to step through the chan- nels.) To resume automatic scanning, press SCAN. 33 SPECIAL FEATURES DELAY Many agencies use a two-way radio system that might have a period 01 2 or more seconds between a query and a reply. To keep lrorn missing a reply on a specific channel, you can program a 2-second delay into any channel or frequency. The scanner continues to moni- tor the channel frequency for 2 seconds alter the trans- mission stops before resuming scanning or searching. To program a 2-second delay: - If the scanner is scanning and stops on an active channel where you want to store a delay, quickly press DELAV before it continues scan- ning again, DLY appears. - If the desired channel is not selected, manually select the channel. then press DELAY. DLY ap- pears, ~ it the scanner is searching, press DELAV while the scanner is searching. DLY appears and the scanner automatically adds a 24second delay to every frequency it stops on in that band. To turn off the 2-second delay. press DELAY while the scanner is monitoring a channel. scanning. or search- ing. DLY disappears. TURNING CHANNEL-STORAGE BANKS ON AND OFF You can turn each channel-storage bank on and off. When you turn oft a bank. the scanner does not scan any of the 30 channels in that bank. While scanning, press the number key that corre- sponds to the bank you want to turn on or oil. Numbers appear at the top of the display. showing the currently selected banks. 34 The scanner scans all the channels within the displayed banks that are not locked out (see “Locking Out Chan- nels"). Notes: - You can manually select any channel within a bank, even il that bank is turned off. - You cannot turn oil all banks. One bank must always be active. LOCKING OUT CHANNELS You can increase the scanning speed by locking out channels that have a continuous transmission, such as a weather channel. To lock out a channel, manually select the channel, then press L-OUT. L/o appears. Note: You can still manually select locked out chan- nels. To remove the lockout lrom a channel. manually select the channel, then press Sis. L/o disappears. To unlock all channels in the banks that are turned on. press MAN to stop scanning, then hold down L-OUT un- til the scanner beeps twice. PRIORITY The priorhy feature lets you scan through channels and still not miss important or interesting calls on specific channels, You can program one stored channel in each bank as a priority channel (for up to a total of 5 stored channels). It the priority feature is turned on, as the scanner scans the bank. it checks that bank's priority channel every 2 seconds lor activity. The scanner automatically designates each bank's first channel as its priority channel. Follow these steps to select a different channel in a bank as the priority chan- net. 35 1. Press FROG. 2. Enter the channel number you want to select as the priority channel. then press PRIORITY. E appears to the right oi the channel number. W4 5??? ... 1355 501311301733. EGG eraser: 3. Repeal Steps 1 and 2 for the channel in each bank you want to program as a priority channel, To review all priority channels, press FROG, then re- peatedly press PRIoer'Y to see the numbers ol the pri- ority channels, To turn on the priority leature, press PRIORITY during scanning. PRI appears. Every 2 seconds the scanner checks the priority channel in each bank that is turned on. To turn all the priority feature. press PRIORITV. PRI disappears. Notes: - The priority leature must be turned oil to listen to the monitor memories or to use the data skip fea- ture. - You can lock out pri» ority channels. ll you lock out all priority channels. Loc out appears when you turn on the priority feature. EiflfUL/l- 36 —_——— USING THE KEYLOCK Once you program your scanner, you can protect it lrom aocidenlal program changes by turning on the keylock leature. When looked. the only controls that op— erate are SCAN, MAN, KEYLOCK, VOLUME/OFF. and SQUELCH. Note: The keylock does not prevent the scanner from scanning channels. To turn on the keyloclo hold down KEVLOCK until K/L appears. To turn it all. hold down KEVLocK until Kl L disappears, 620395 G: E]! Blfiiel Q1 9985836] 0! USING THE DISPLAY BACKLIGHT You can turn on the display light tor easy viewing at night. Press —: to turn on the display light lor 15 sec» onds. To turn all the light before 15 seconds elapse. press the button again. CHANGlNG SEARCH SPEEDS The PRO-91 has two search speeds. Normal Search Hypersearch 100 steps/second 300 steps/second To switch between the normal and Hypersearch speeds during limit search or direct search, press HIS. HYPER appears during Hypersearch. Note: You can use Hypersearch only in the 5 kHz step bands (29-54 MHz and 137—174 MHz). 37 __ TURNING THE KEY TONE OFF/ON To turn on the key tone, lollow these slaps. 1. Turn off the scanner. 2. While holding down L-Ou‘r/SIS, turn on the scan- ner, OPP bBEP appears. To turn the key tone back on. repeat these steps. on 1:33? appears. TURNING THE BATTERY SAVE FUNCTION OFF/ON To save battery power when a channel is manually se- lected or while you program the scanner, the scanner automatically sets itself to a standby (battery save) mode it no button is pressed lor more than 5 seconds and no signal is received. appears when battery save is set to on. While the battery save mode is set to on, the scanner repeatedly turns oft the internal power lor 1 second, then turns it back on for about ‘/2 second to check for a transmission The scanner is preset with the battery save mode set to on, but you can tum it all or back on. Note: The battery save mode does not work it the pri- ority function is on. even it a channel is manually se- lected. To turn the battery save lunction off or back on. turn off the scanner, then hold down PRIORITY and turn on the scanner, - OFF SAVE briefly appears when battery save has been turned oll. - on SAVE brielly appears when battery save has been turned on. 38 ————_ SKIPPING DATA SIGNALS You can set the scanner so it skips nonmodulated or data signals (such as tax or modern transmissions) dur- ing a search or scan. Note: Since data signals are not generally found in the air band, this feature does not work in the air band. To tum on the data skip leature, be sure the priority lea- ture is turned off (see “Priority" on Page 35), then press m. ETTA appears. To turn oil the feature, press m again. ETTA disappears. 39 TRUNK TRACKING Your scanner is designed to track transmissions on Motorola Type I, Type II, and hybrid analog trunking systems, which are extensively used in 800 MHz com- munications. Remember these important points when tracking transmissions: - Your scanner monitors Type II systems by default. However, you can change this if the system in your area is different (see “Types of Tmnking Systems" below and “Scanning Type I and Hybrid Trunked Systems" on Page 51 for more lnlormation). - Your scanner cannot track transmissions on non- Motorola trunking systems. 0 Your scanner cannot track an 800 MHz trunked system and scan conventional frequencies at the same time. . The lrequencies lor many of the 800 MHz public salety systems are listed in the separate “National Public Salety Trunked System Frequency Guide" included with your PRO-91. TYPES OF TRUNKING SYSTEMS Your tmnk tracking scanner can monitor two basic types at systems — Type land Type II. Instead of se- lecting a specific frequency to transmit on, a trunked system chooses one of several frequencies in a 2-way radio users talk group when that user presses PTI’ (push to talk). Thus. trunking systems allocate a low tre- quencies among many different users. but the way Type I and Type II systems do this is slightly diflerent, One important distinction between these systems is the amount ol data transmitted by each radio when its pusteto~talk (Pl‘l’) button is pressed. In a Type I sys- tem, the radio‘s ID and its current afliliation (the trunk system it belongs to) are both transmttted. In a Type II system. only the radios ID is transmitted Why the dillerence? In Type I systems, each radio in the trunk group individually transmits its own affiliation. while the trunk system maintains a database that de- termines each radio's afliliation(s) in Type II systems. Another diflerence between the systems is that Type I systems are arranged in a fleet-subfleet hierarchy. For example, it is possible for a city using a Type I system to designate 4 lleets, each with a subfleets. 40 The fleets might be the police department, the tire de- partment, utilities, and city administration. The police might decide to lurther divide its fleet into subtleets such as dispatch, tactical operations, detectives, north, south, east and west side patrols, and supervisors. All the available police radios would then be assigned to one oi the police sublleets, letting the police centralize their communications and control the type of users on a single system. Determining the exact fleet-sublleet hier- archy tor a particular area is relerred to as lleet map programming. The disadvantage of a Type 1 system is that the briel burst ol data sent when a user transmits must contain the radlo's ID and its fleet and subtleet. This is three times the amount of data a Type II system radio sends. Since the data capacity ol Type I systems is limited and the amount ol data increases with each user, Type I systems usually accommodate fewer users than Type II systems. Nevertheless, Type I systems are still in use. There are also hybrid systems which are a combination ol both Type I and Type It. Your scanner defaults to monitor Type ll systems, but you can change to Type I or a hybrid of Type I and Type II systems by selecting a preprogrammed lleet map or creating a custom lleet map lor your area (see “Scanning Type I and Hybrid Trunked Systems" on Page 51). You do not need to determine the lleet»subf|eet hierar- chy for Type II systems unless you are tracking hybrid systems that contain both Type I and Type II systems. SETTING THE SCANNER TO THE TRUNK TRACKING MODE Press TRUNK to switch between conventional scanning and trunk tracking, oat—u |~m ai-on ui-cn “é“l ®©®®® m-m ill-150 wit- BEE new mu im- an 41 _————-— SETTING SQUELCH FOR THE TRUNK TRACKING MODE Your scannefs squelch setting is automatically adjust- ed during trunk tracking. which means it is not neces- sary to manually adjust squelch while tracking trunkect transmissions. However. the squelch setting can affect how fast your scanner acquires the data channel, and. in some instances, can prevent your scanner from ac- quiring the data channel at all. We recommend you set souELcu to this position before selecting a trunked bank. PRO-91 VOtUME SOUELCH Note: You can change this setting, it necessary, to pro- vide better performance in your area. STORING TRUNKED FREQUENCIES Before you set up your scanner to track a trunkect sys- tem. consuder the following: - Valid trunked system frequenCIes range from 851.0000—8683875 in 12.5 kHz steps. - You can use any of your scanner’s banks as either a trunk tracking bank or conventional scanning bank. but you cannot mix the two. ~ The scanner only scans one trunked system at a time. Although you can store frequencies for more than one trunked system in one of your scanner’s banks, the scanner only scans the frequencies associated with the first data channel it finds. 42 _—_—— Before scanning a trunked system’s transmissions, you must store the tmnked system's frequencies in one of the banks in your scanner by following these steps. 1. Press FROG then TRUNK. TRUNK appears and one or more bank numbers flash. l l Si (3: Slalfll-‘Eli l ©i®l®i® (Emilia olosos Start-329: Q 2. Select the bank you want to store the trunked sys- tem‘s frequencies in by pressing a number key. The scanner automah‘caliy selects the first channel in the bank when you select the bank. 3. Use the number keys to enter one of the trunkeci system's frequencies, then press E. TRUNK, BANK and the bank number, the channel number. and the frequency appear. Note: If you entered an invalid frequency, the scanner beeps, the channel number flashes and Error appears. If this happens, press c to clear the frequency, then repeat this step, war : 3135'er1“ rout/o 4. Press either PROG or A to select the next channel in the bank. 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until all frequencies have been entered in that bank. 43 6. Press sue to begin searching for the trunk’s data channel (the channel that oontrols the trunk). SEARCH flashes as the scanner searches tor the data channel. While the scanner looks through the Irequencies, you see them on the display. When the scanner finds the data channel, it begins trunk tracking. SCANNING A TRUNKED BANK You can scan one trunked bank at a time. Once you have stored frequencies tor a trunked system in one or more of the 5 available banks and you are scanning conventional (non-trunked) frequencies, IolIow these steps to begin trunk scanning, 1. Press TRUNK. The numbers for all banks flash, along with BANK and TRUNK. GI [034MB ifiitfifi otatatex Q1 create: or 2. Use the number keys to enter the number tor the trunked bank you want to scan, then press sac, The scanner searches for a data channel. When the scanner finds it, it begins trunk tracking. If you entered all of the trunk’s frequencies, you should be able to follow conversations between broadcasters even when they change frequen- cies. IDs. which represent different service groups, appear. 3. To return to conventional scanning, press TRUNK again. 44 Hint: While scanning, you will not know exactly who the IDs are assigned to until you listen awhile or until you locate ID lists in irequency guides or on internet sites such as Within a few minutes. you can usually Iigure out if what you are listening to is a police, fire, or emergency medical 2-way radio user. Other IDs might take some time. but determining who each ID represents is half the fun of trunk tracking! Monitoring an Active ID When the scanner stops on a transmission, you can hold the scanner on that transmission. 1A Press HOLD. HOLD appears and the scanner stays on the current IDA I@@@55 um am mg m. um .@®®® um m- um» um aw? 2. If you want to listen to a different ID, use the num- ber keys to enter the ID you want to hold. 3, Press HOLD again. HOLD and the channel number flash and the scanner monitors that ID, 4. When you want to stop the hold and resume searching for a data channel so you can continue trunk tracking, press see. Note: You can also lollow these steps to hold on an ID while scanning a scan list. See “Scan Lists“ on Page 49. Temporarily Storing an ID Into the Monitor ID Memory 1. When your scanner stops on an ID you want to store, press MON/CLEAR. The scanner stores the ID into the monitor ID memory. 2. Press sac to resume searching. Note: To program the ID stored in the monitor ID mem- ory into the ID scan list, see “Scan Lists" on Page 49. 45 Locklng Out le As with conventional scanning. it is possible to lock out unwanted trams. This is particularty important in trunk- ed systems because signals you cannot listen to (such as water meters, door alarms, traflic signals, and en» crypted signals) are assigned 105 just like other users. You can have up to 100 IDs locked out at one time. Note: It you lock out an ID while searching, it is also looked out of the scan Iist(s), See 'Scan Lists" on Page 49, To lock out an ID, press L—OUT when the ID appears. The ID is locked out, and the next active ID appears, Unlocking a Single ID 1. Hold down L-OUT until you hear two short beeps. 2. Repeatedly press v or A to select the ID you want to unlock. 3. Press L-OUT. The ID is unlocked, and the next locked ID or -- --- (it there are no other locked IDs) appears. 4. Press see to continue the scanner's prevrous function. Unlocking All IDs Hold down L-OUT until you hear two short beeps. Then press E to unlock all the IDs at once. The scanner beeps twice. Note: When you unlock all the 103, the scan list ap- pears. Press SCAN to scan the IDs stored in your scan lists or press she to continue the scanners previous function. For more information about scan lists. see “Scan Lists” on Page 49. 46 Using Trunk Tracking Scan Delay Many trunked systems have a period ol 2 or more see onds between a query and a reply. You can program a S-second delay to hold on an ID tor 5 seconds to wait tor a reply. The scanner continues to monitor the Ire- quency tor 5 seconds after the transmission stops be— fore resuming scanning. Press DELAV to turn trunk tracking scan delay on or on. DLY appears when trunk tracking scan delay is set. @65” am «a m: m- .©®®® w" e...- um- rm “GGJGJ Note: It you consistently miss responses even with trunk tracking scan delay set, you might need to change the default system type or the fleet map you are using. See “Scanning Type I and Hybrid Trunked Sys- terns" on Page 51, Monitoring IDs You can use your scanner‘s display to monitor the Ire- quencies in a trunked system tor activity. You cannot hear conversations in this mode, but this is an excellent way to determine which talk groups are the most active. To set the scanner to monitor IDs, hold down MON! CLEAR until SEARCH and the channel number flash. and all active talk group IDs appear in quick succes- sion. To stop monitoring IDs. press snc again. ”cf; "(73 Note: When you monitor IDs, locked»out IDs also ap- pean 47 a —— CHANNEL ACTIVITY BARS SCAN us'rs Your scanner has 20 channel activity indicators (bars) When you program trunked lrequencies into a bank which show the activity taking place on a tmnked sys- (see ‘Ston'ng Tninked Frequencies" on Page 42). your tern. You can see how many frequencies are belng . scanner sets up 5 scan lists into which you can store used and generally monitor how much communication your favorite IDs, Each list can contain up to 10 IDs. so traffic is occurring. you can store a total ol 50 IDs lor each trunk tracking bank (250 IDs it you use all banks as tmnking banksl). Each lrequency you store in a trunking bank has a cor- Scan lists help you organize trunking system users into responding activity bar. However. since there are only categories. For example, you might use List 1 for police 20 bars. but you can store up to 30 lrequencies. some IDs. List 2 tor lire department IDs. List 3 for emergency bars might Indicate more than one lrequency it the medical service IDs. and so on, Once IDs are stored in trunked system you are scanning has more than 20 Iisw. you can scan them like you scan conventional channels 1 channels. You can program me into scan lists manual~ t Iy. during a search, or automatically. 0 The bar that remains on steadily even when there 3“ are no current transmissions represens the ire- quency being used as me dam channel‘ . Manually Storing IDs into Scan Lists 1. Select the thinking bank you want (see ‘Scanning a Trunked Bank" on Page 44). 2. Alter the scanner begins trunk tracking, press MAN. A number showing the current scan list appears steadily at the top of the display. and bars which show activity in other banks appear, o The bar that flashes when an [0 appears repre sents the lrequency being used by the radio to transmit what you are currently heanngi @@“@e ”WEE? @ m m m m 3, Press MAN then repeatedly press A or V to select the ID scan list location (shown at the top at the display) where you want to store an ID. Then. press FROG to select the ID you want to store. 0 It a bar turns on but you do not hear a conversa- tion. the channel is probably being used tor a tele- phone interconnect call or a private call. or the bar might be a locked-out ID. Your scanner does not monitor these types of calls. ID Scan Llst ¢L.—a ‘ “SJ " new IQ! lBiBI Qt .l@ ale Brett-3:9: on Si 6! E)! 0: Qt 0 It the scanner is holding on an ID which is not active. the other activity bars turn on and oil as other QTOUPS use the system. 4. Enter the Type II ID you want to store, then press Er 43 49 ____ Or, to enter a Type l ID: a. Use the number keys to enter the block number and fleet number, then press a. b. Enter the subfleet number, then press E. Note: To clear a mistake while entering an ID, press othen E, then start over at Step 1. 5. Repeatedly press FROG or A to select the next scan list location you want to program. Then repeat Step 4 to enter another ID. Moving IDs to Scan Lists 1. Press HAN. MAN appears. 2. Select the ID scan list location where you want to store the "De. Then press FROG. PGM appears. 3, Press MON/CLEAR. A monitor lD appears. 4. Press E. The scanner stores the IDs into the selected ID scan lists. Deleting a Stored ID 1. Press FROG. PGM appears, 2. Repeatedly press A or V to select the scan list location (shown at the top at the display) you want to delete. 3. Press 0 then E. ——h SCANNING THE SCAN LISTS Press SCAN to begin scanning the lists you have stored. Note: It more than one of the scan IDs you have stored do not work, Error: llashes twice and the scanner beeps several times, then the scan list numbers appear at the top ol the display. If this happens, try deleting one ol the stored IDs (see “Deleting a Stored ID“ on Page 50). To remove a scan list from active scanning, use the number keys to enter the scan list’s number. The scan list number turns off, and the IDs in that list are not scanned. Note: One scan list must always be active, You cannot remove all ol the scan lists. To restore a scan list to active scanning, use the num» ber keys to enter its number again. Press SEC to return to the scanner‘s previous function. SCANNING TYPE I AND HYBRID TRUNKED SYSTEMS Your PRO<91 is set to scan Type II user le by delault. When you scan lrunked frequencies, each Type II user ID you see appears as an even number without a dash (such as 2160). Your PRO-91 can also scan Type I trunked systems. Each Type | ID appears as a three- or tour-digit number, lollowed by a hyphen, followed by a one- or two-digit number (such as 200-14). ll you notice a mix of odd- and even-user IDs (such as 6477, 2160, 6481, 5144, and 1167), then you are probably monitor- ing either a Type I or hybrid (a combination oi Type I and Type II user IDs) system (see “Types ol Trunking Systems" on Page 40). You might also notice that you are missing responses when you hold on an active lD. Unlike Type II systems, Type I and hybrid systems require a fleet map that sets specific tleet-subtleet parameters. It is easy to select a fleet map to scan; what is not always easy is selecting or programming a map that is being used in your panic- ular area. 51 When a Type I system is designed, the address inlor- mation tor all its user IDs is divided into 8 equal-size blocks, numbered 0—7. and each block is assigned a size code. When you set up your scanner to track a Type I system, you must choose a size code lor each block. When you have chosen a size code lor all 8 blocks. you will have duplicated the fleet map for the system you are tracking. ll you have chosen correctly, you will be able to track transmissions in that system. Each size code defines the number of Ileets. subfleefs, and IDs each block has. For example, you can see in the lollowing table that a size code ol 8-4 has one lleet. which is divided into is separate subfleets. and it has a total 01 512 individual IDs. The size codes selected by a Type I system designer depend on the specific needs of the system's users. Some organizations might want many subfleets with only a few radios each. while another organization might want only a few subIIeets, with many radios each. To scan Type I systems. you must select or program a fleet map with the same size code assignments as the trunked system. If you do this accurately, you will track all the fleet and sublIeet combinations used by the sys- tem. In other words. you will hear complete communi- cations while monitonng a tmnked system. Note: Preset fleet maps might be available at wwwtmnkscannencom. If you do not already know the size codes used. you will size Fleets Subfleefs IDs Blocks have to guess them. But since you do not have to ligure Us“ out all the blocks at once, this is not as hard as it _ I ' seems. Select a size code tor a block, then press sac. S 0 Reserved bOCk or Type I! IDS Now listen to the communications, If you decide you 5-1 123 4 16 1 are receiving most ol the replies to the conversations S-2 16 B 64 1 with IDs assigned to the block you just programmed, then you have probably selected the right size code 5-3 8 3 128 1 and can work on the next block of the map. S" 1 16 512 1 There are 16 preset lleet maps to choose from, and it is 3.5 54 4 32 1 best to start with these when setting up a Type I or hy- brid trunk tracking bank. If none ol the lollowing preset S45 32 B 32 1 fleet maps allow you to lollow complete conversations. 3.7 32 4 54 1 then you probably need to program your own Ileet map (see “Programming a Fleet Map” on Page 56). SB 16 4 128 1 5-9 3 ¢ 256 1 E1P1 E|P2 EIP3 S40 4 S 256 1 SIM Size Size Block Code Block Code Block Code 3-1 1 2 1 6 256 1 0 $11 0 $4 0 54 5-1 2 1 1 6 1024 2 1 SI ‘ ‘ S4 ‘ 54 5-1 3 1 1 6 2048 4 2 $1 ‘ 2 S4 2 54 5-14 1 1 6 4096 8 3 SI ‘ 3 $4 3 34 Each ID in me block is unique. The left-most digit is the 4 5“ 4 S“ 4 S“ block number in the ID. The next two digits identify 5 $11 5 $4 5 54 which fleet is active, and the last digitls) (alter the hy- 512 phen) identifies the sublleet, e 5“ 6 S“ 5 7 311 7 $4 7 ($121 52 53 E1 P1 3 E| P14 Block 23- Block 3130 0 83 0 SA 1 $3 1 $3 2 S1 1 2 $10 3 $4 3 $4 4 S4 4 S4 5 SO 5 54 L6 50 6 S I 2 7 SO 7 $12 Selecting a Preset Fleet Map 1, Set the scanner vor conventional scanning. press PHoG, then press TRUNK. 2. Select the bank where you want to store the preset fleet map by pressing a number key. 3. Press DATA @@UO@ u-n m. v-a- n—n nm 623? $9526? 4. Repeatedly press A or V to select E1. Then, when E1 flashes, press E. 55 4. Press DATA again. 5. Repeatedly press A or V to select the name at the map you want (such as BlP’l). The prepro- grammed fleet map appears. 6. Press E. then sec. The scanner then searches tor transmissions using the preset map you chose. Note: When the scanner searches lor transmissions, you see Type I fleet and sublleet le such as 10 0- 12, 100—9, 000-12, or 400-8. How do you know if the preset map you selected is cor- rect? Listen to see it you are tollowing complete oon~ versations. If not, try anomer preset map. Programming a Fleet Map 1. Set the scanner tor conventional scanning, press FROG, then press TRUNK. 2, Select the bank where you want to program the fleet map by pressing a number key. 3. Press DATA. 4. Matedly press A or V to select Bl, then press DATA. A preprogrammed lleet map appears. 5. Repeatedly press A or 7 until USr appears. Then pressE 591.636le ..-- l Feuéeééi USr i @©®§><§l ——J i 5.663! ease 6. Press D—ATA . 7. Repeatedly press A or V to select the size code tor the first block, then press E. The next available block appears. 8. Ftepeat Step 7 until you have selected a size code for each block you want to work with. 9. Press snc. The scanner exits the trunking pro- gramming mode, tunes the data channel, then begins to search using the map you programmed. Note- i you select size code 5-12, 5-13, or 8-14‘ these restrictions apply: - 8-12 can only be assigned to Blocks 0,2. 4. or 6, - S-ts can only be assigned to Blocks 0 and 4. - 8-14 can only be assigned to Block 0. Since these size codes require multiple blocks, you will be prompted tor the next available block when pro- gramming a ileet map. For example, it you assign Block 0 as an 8-12, the scanner prompts you tor bz‘ the next block available, instead ot b1. And if you assign Block 0 as an S44, you would not see another prompt because it uses all available blocks. Programming a Hybrid System A hybrid system is simply a Type 1 system with some of its blocks designated as Type II blocks. To program a hybrid system, tollow the steps listed in "Programming a Fleet Map” on Page 56. However, it you want a block to be Type II, select size code 5-0 in Step 7. Turning On/Off the Disconnect Tone Detect Function While trunk tracking, your scanner automatically tunes to the data channel when it detects a disconnect tone (a code that tells the trunking system that the transmitter has finished sending) on the voice channel. However. you can manually turn off this function so the scanner does not tune to the data channel when it receives a disconnect tone on the voice channel. This leature is useful when you listen to a weak trans- mission on which conversations are often disconnect- ed. 57 CARE AND MAINTENANCE Your RadioShack PRO-91 iso-Channel Handheld Trunking Scanner is an example of superior desngn and craftsmanship. The following suggestions will help you care lor your scanner so you can enioy it lor years. ® Modifying or tampering with the scanner‘s internal com- ponents can cause a malfunction, invalidate your scan- nefs warranty and void your FCC authorization to operate it. ll your scanner is not operating as it should, take it to your local RadioShack store for assistance. Keep the scanner dry. ll it gets wet, wipe it dry immediately. Liquids can contain minerals that can corrode the electronic circuits. Use only batteries ol the recommended size and type. Always remove old and weak batteries. They can leak chemicals that destroy electronic circuits. Handle the scanner gently and carelully. Dropping it can damage circuit boards and cases and can cause the scanner to work improperly. Use and store the scanner only in normal temperature environments. Temperature extremes can shorten the lite of electronic devices, damage batteries, and distort or melt plastic parts, Keep the scanner away from dust and dirt, which can cause premature wear ol pans. Wipe the scanner with a damp cloth occa- sionally to keep it looking new. Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the scanner.
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