Radio Shack 21-1670 CB Transceiver User Manual

RadioShack Corporation CB Transceiver

user manual

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g 2146701111 1 Tuc‘ Mnr 3 15:28:40199T
Sports CB Walkie-Talkie
Please read before using lhls equipment.
FCC ID: AA021~1670
= a l
y 2146701111 2 Tu; Mar 3 15:28:40199T
‘ "l’
Your RadioShack TROZBB Sports CB
Walkie-Talkie is a portable, easy-to-use,
two-way radio that you can carry almost
anywhere. it is ideal tor around the
house‘ in your car or boat, on camping
trips, or at your business tor security pe-
lrols or warehouse communication.
Your TRC~23l3 has these features:
[IO-Channels, 57Wett - makes available
the lull range 0 CB charmeIs with the
maximum transmit power allowed tor a
handheld CB, 1
Water Resistant —— makes it perfect tor
outdoor use The water-resistant. heavy-
texturc, and soil—grip case make It easy to
hold and ideal for use in the rain or any-
where it's wetr
Digital Phaee—Locked-Loep (PLL) Fre—
quency Synthesizer — provides reliable
and exact tuning. GD
Adjustable Squelch — eliminates back-
ground noise.
Flexible Antenna with BNC Connector
-—- provides excellent reception and trans
mission, and is designed to help prevent
antenna breakage The connector also
lets you easily connect an optional anten-
Push Button Channel Selectors — pro-
vide maximum convenience when select-
~ing channels. ‘
, A .
Battery Test indicator — lights when
batteries are in good condition.
Bulk-In Modulation Limiter Circuit -—-
automatically adjusts to a variety of voice
levels to ensure a clear transmission,
ii: use Tandy ccvpersllo».
All mam: Haunted,
Rndieshuck i- e mglllemfl trademark
we try T-nwy Carper-Hon.
FCC ID: AA021—1670
n ‘ N . 1
i 21-1670.l'm ‘3 TuclMar 3 15:28:40199T
i (1)
Autematic Noise Limiter — reduces
norse caused by nearby electrical equip-
meni such as molors or aulomolive igni-
tion systems.
2-Digit Channel Display w highly visi-
ble. day or night, and aulomelicelly lums
oil lo save power.
Power/Charging Jack —- lets you power
your THC—238 from an AC or DC power
source (using an oplional adapter). so you
can use the THC-238 in your house orcar
wrlhaul draining the bafleriesi And, leis
you charge nickelcadmium ballerias
Wilhoul removing (ham lrom the THC-238.
N Dies:
0 The CB requires nine alkaline orlen
nickel-cadmium AA batteries.
- This CB radio is water reslslanl, not
H walerprool. Do not submerge it in
l i « water. a)
We recommend you record Ihs THC-
233’5 serial number here. The number is
on lhe CB's back panel.
Serial Numbér
FCC ID: AA021—1670
i i
i ‘,
. _‘ t t
21-1670J'm 4 Tue Mar‘ 3 15128310199?
The Federal Cummunicaiions Commis-
sion (FCC) does not require you to have a
license to operaie this CB radio. However,
the FCC does require the! you read and
know Part 95 of FCC Rules These rules
apply to the operation ot a Class D CB re»
dto, We enclosed a copy uf Part 95 wiih
your THC-238.
Warning: Do not open the CB to make
any internal adjustments. A 08 Is set up to
transmit a reguiaied signal on an as-
signed iraquency. ii is against the law to
atier or adjust the settings |nStdS the unit
to exceed these limitations.
To be safe and sure:
~ Never open your TRC’ZSH'S case
- Never change or replace anything In
' our THC-East
v e
Your TR0238 might cause TV or radio
inierference even when it is operating
properly. To determine if yourTRC~285 Is
causing the Interference. turn off your
TRC~238t It the interference goes away,
your THCrZGB is causing It. Try to elimi-
nale ihe interference by:
- Moving your THC-238 away from the
~ Connecting your THC-288 to an out-
Iei that is an a different e|ectricai cir-
cuit from the receiver (I1 you are
, a using an optional AC adapter)
- Coniacitng your iocai Hadjoshack
store for help
FCC ID: AA021—1670
i ~ 1
i 21-1670,fm 5 Tuq Mar 3 15:28:401998
,, ‘
Powering the CB
lmponanl lnlormalion About me
POWER Jack .
Using Bakeries
Testing lhe Battery Power
Recharging Nickel-Cadmium
Using AC Power
Using Vehicle Ballevy Power
Connecting 9 ex 9 nenna
Connecting an Optional Antenna 14
Rncsiving Transmissions
and Adjusling Squslcn
Transmilling .
CB Operation Tips
Common Uses for a
Business Uses
Personal Uses .
CB Counesy
Maximum Range
Using Common m—Codes
FCC ID: AA0217167O
‘1 21467011“ 6 Tucfivrar 3159.8:40199is
You can power your THC-238 trom any
at these sources:
- Nine AA alkaline batteries (not sup-
plied) wiih the one supplied dummy
- Tun rechargeable AA nickel-
cudmtum batteries (not supplied)
- Standard AC power (using an op-
tlenal tween Dc adapter)
~ Vchlclu battmv power (using an op-
tionoltas-vott power nerd)
The THC-238 has a slide switch (NI-CD!
ALKALlNE) inside the battery compart-
ment that lets you set the POWER jack to
provide power to the THC-238 or charge
the rechargeable batteries in the battery
It Is important that you properly set NI-cD/
) ‘- ALKALINE before you connect any power
device to the POWER lack:
- Set it to ALKALINE before you conv
. nest on external power source (AC
outlet or vehicle battery power). This
disconnects the internal batteries.
. Set it to nl-co only when you can-
nect a battery charger to the POWER
jack to charge installed rechargeable
FCC ID: AA021»1670
l ' -. i
r 21-i670Im 7 Tue Mar 3 15:28:40 199g
l i"
Warning: To avoid injuring yourself or
damaging the THC—238. connect a
battery charger to the PowEnjack only
when nickel-cadmium batteries are In-
stalled (see “Recharging Nickel-Cad-
mium Batteries“ an Page 9), Never try .
to recharge non-rechargeable batteries. r
They could get very hot and explode.
Note: You can connect an external power
source to the POWER jack. regardless of
the type of batteries you install.
You can power the TRC~238 from nine
AA alkaline batteries (such as Fla-
dioShack Cat. N04 23-552) with the me
supplied dummy batteries, or ten re-
chargeable AA nickel-cadmium batteries
(such as Cat No. 23-125).
‘ ‘ v’ Cautions: ‘ {I}
- Always use fresh, or lreshly charged.
batteries of the required size and
M79- _
- Do not mix old and new batteries,
diflerent types of batteries (standard,
alkaline. er rechargeable), or re»
chargeable batteries of different ca-
Follow these steps to install the batteries.
1. Loosen the battery compartment
cover screws and till to open it. -
FCC ID: AA02171670
FCC ID: AA021—1670
1 21407041“ 3 Tun; lVIar 3 15:28:40 199
l ‘l
2. SCI Nl-CDIALKALINE inside the bal-
lery compartment to malch lha bal-
lory type you are inslalling.
3. lnsert "me AA alkaline balleries and
lhe supplied dummy batteries, or Ian
AA nickel-cadmium batteries, as in-
drcmad by the polanry symbols (+
and —) marked on lhe back of the
Mme: Beforé yau use nlckel-cadmium
balleries, yqu need (a charge them
(see “Rebharging Nickel-Cadmlum
Balleries" on Page 9),
4. Replace the cover.
- ll you will not be using lhe THC-238
with balleriss lor several monlhs, re-
move the batteries.
. Dispose of old ballerles promptly
and properly.
Testing the Battery Power
‘ K‘ 1. Turn on the TRC»238 By rotating
VOLUME clockwise until it cllpks.
l . ‘ l l
l 2i— 19l Tue Mair 315:28:40199
l l f!)
2. Hold down BATr CHECK/DISPLAY. if
tor lights, there is enough battery
power to operate the 05. ii the indi-
cator is dim or does not light, replace
or recharge the batteries.
Recharging Nickel-Cadmium
Ycu can use a battery charger. such as
Radiushack Cat, No. 23-249 (not sup-
"w plied), to charge or recharge nickel- a}
' cadmium batteries while they are inside
the TRCQSB'S battery compartment‘
Do not use the THC-239 while you are
charging the nickel-cadmium baiiaries.
- Use only the recommended battery
charger tr: recharge the batteries in
the THC-2384 other chargers could
damage your THC-238 or the batieb
ms. .
~ - Be careiul not to ouereharge nickei-'
cadmium batteries.
- To prevent damage to réchargeable
nickeivcadmium batteries. never
charge them in an area where the
temperature is above 90'F (32'0) or
below 40'F (4.5'0).

FCC ID: AA021—167O
FCC ID: AAO2171670
2146704111 10 Tue Mar 315:28:4019
Follow these steps to charge nickel-
cadmium batteries in (he THC-238,
14 if the TRCvZBEl is on, tum VOLUME
fully counterclockwise until it clicks to
turn it alt
2. Set NlrcD/ALKALINE inside the bat-
tnry campnflmenl to Nt-CD.
3. Ll“ Off the THC-238's POWER Jack
cover on the side at the THC-238
and connect the battery charger's
barrtel plug to the POWER jack. Then
plug the battery charger’s plug Into a
standard AC outlet.
lt takes about 20 hours to charge
new or lully discharged nickel-
cadmium batteries. Subsequent
charges take about 1.5 hours.
. Note: You can use an external charger
"(such as cm. Not 23-134, not suppllad) to
recharge the nickel—cadmium batteries.
Alter removlng ma batteries tram the
THC-238. lollow the instructions that
come with the external charger.
Irnpomnt: Your THC-238 can use nickel-
cudrnium batteries. At the end of the bat-
tcrles' uselul life, they must be recycled or
disposed ol properly. Contact your local.
2146701111 11 Tue Mar 3 15:28:4019 8
county, or state hazardous waste man- ""‘ '
agement authorities lor lnlormation on re‘
cycling or disposal programs in your area.
Some options that might be available are:
municipal curbside collection. drop-oil
boxes at retailers such as your local Fla-
dioShack store, recycling collection cen-
ters, and mail-back programs.
You can power the THC-238 from slan-
dard AC power using an optional 12-volt
DC adapter that provides 1 ath
- The adapter must be able to deliver
12 volts and at least “l amp, its cen-
ter tip must be set to positive, and
the barrel plug must correctly (it the
TRO-Zas’s POWER jack. The recom-
mended adapter meets these specie
llcations. Using an adapter that does
not meet these specifications could
damage the THC-233 or the adapter.
- To help prevent an electrical short,
unplug the adapter from the AC oul~
let before you unplug the adapter
item the THC-238.
Follow these steps to connect the TEC-
238 lo AC power.
it Connect the adapter's 5.5 mm outer
diameter/2.1 mm inner diameter her-
rel plug to the adapter's cord, setting
TIP to + (positive).
r ‘ .
' a A‘
21~1670.I'm 12 Tue Mar 3 15:23:4019f8
l J
2, Set NLCDIALKALINE inside the bat-
tery compartment to ALKALINE
3. Lift off the TRO-ZSB’S POWER jack
cover and conned lhe adapter's bar-
rel plug to the POWER jack.
4. Plug me other end of the adapter
into a sxandard AC outIeL
You can power your THOZaB "am your
vehicle’sfigaretIe-lighter socket with an
ophonaMZfl-volt DC power card (such as
Cat. No. 270-1533).
' You must use a DC fused cord lhat
delivers at was! 1 amp of automcuve
power. Ms center lip must be sel (o ,
1 f positive, ils plug must correclly fit Ihe fl}
' THC-2335 POWER jack, and u mus!
be tuse»pro\ected wilh a z-amp (use.
The recommended power cord
meets muse specilicaliuns. Using a
power cord lhal does no! mssl these
specificaliuns couid damage lhe
THC-238 or the power cord.
' When you finish using (he THC—238.
unplug lhe power cord from the
cigareflefightar socket befcre you
disconnect it from your THC-238.
1. Sat NI-CDIALKALINE inside the hat
7 ~ fiery compartmenllo ALKALINE
FCC ID: AAO21-167O
i ' _ '
g 21-l670.l'm 13 Trio Mar 3 15:28:4019fs
: t )
2. Li“ oif the THC-2395 POWER jack
cover and Insert the power card's 5.5
mm outer diameter/2,1 mm inner di-
ameter barrel plug into the POWER
3. Plug the power cord's other and into
your vehicle's cigarette-lighter sock-
Note: It the TRC~238 does not oper-
ate when you use the DC power
cord. unplug the cord lrom the
cigarette-lighter socket and clean
any ashes or debris from the socket
1 i < If your THC-235 slill does not work, {I}
check the fuse In the DC power cord
and replace it if necessary‘
FCC ID: AA021-1670
1 21467041“ 14 Tu; Mar 3 l5:28:4019 8
‘ al)
Your walkle-talkie comes with a helical ' " ""
antenna that is ideal lor most applications.
However, the walkie-tfllkie's BNC anten-
na connector makes it easy to connect
other typos of antennas, too. See “Con-
necting an Optional Antenna.‘
Follow these steps to connect the sup-
plied antenna.
1. Position the antenna’s connector
over thelANT jack on the walkie-
2. Slide the slot in the antenna connec-
tor over the antenna jack’s tab on top
or the walkio~talkia
3. Press down and turn the antenna's
base clockwise until it locks into
_ To improve reception (in remote areas.
for axampley you can connect a mobile
or base-station antenna (not supplied) to
your TRO-Zasr Your local RadioShaok
store sells a wide variety ol antennas.
Choose the one that best meets your
FCC ID: AA02171670
‘ ~ l
21-1670Im 15 Too Mar 3 1512824019T8
. k|)
When deciding on a mobile or base-
station antenna and its location, consider
the lollowing: ‘
~ The antenna should be mounted as
high as possible.
' The antenna and antenna cable
should be as tar as possrble Irorn
sources of electrical noise (applianc-
es, ignition systems, gauges, and so
- The antenna should be vertical tor
the best performance.
When connecting an optional antenna. el—
woys use 50-ohm coaxial cable. such as
HG-SB or HG-B. For lengths over 50 feel,
use HG»8 low-loss dielectric coaxial ca-
bio. ll tho coaxial cable's connector does
not ht on the THC-2138's antenna jack, you
might also need a PL-259—to-BNC anten-
na plug adapter, such as Cat No. 278-
120. 613
Your local FladioShack store carries a
wide variety of coaxial antenna cable and
Follow the mounting instmctions supplied
with the antenna. Then route the antenna
cable to the THC-238. and connect it to
the AMT luck on the top of the THC-238
(see "Connecting the Flexible Antenna"
on Page 14).
._ - Do not run the cable over sharp edg-
es or moving parts.
- Do not run the cable nek‘t to power
. cables or other CB antenna cables.
- Do not run the cable through a vehi< .
cle’s engine compartment or other
areas that produce extreme heat.
- Follow all cautions and warnings in- 1
ctuded with the antenna,
FCC ID: AA021-1670
FCC ID: AAO21-1670
2146701311 16 Tu; Mm" 3 15:28:4019 3
Warning: Whén Instatllng or removing a
base station CB antenna‘ use extreme
caution. It the; antsnna starts to tall, let it
go! It could contact overhead power Itnes.
If the antenna touches the power line.
contact with ths‘antenna. mast, cable or
guy wires can cause electrocution and
deathl Call the pbwer company to remove
the antenna. DO NOT attempt to do so
2146701111 17 “EM“ 3 15:51:21 19%8
Before you use yourTHC~238, you should
know how Io use ll slfaclively and courts-
ously. The section “CB Operallon Tips" on
Page 20 contains Information lhal wlll
help you get more snjoymenl from your
Important: An anlenna musl be cunnecl-
ed to the THC-238 belore you can use il.
1. Turn on Ihe THC-238 by rolallng
VOLUME clackwise unlil it clicks.
2. Press UP or DOWN until the desired
channel appears on the display.
FCC ID: AA02171670
: < ‘ l
f 21-1670‘fm l8 Tiic Mar 315:28:4019T8
5 < ‘l
The channel number appears briefly
men fades away lo preserve baiiely
powerr To display the channel num-
ber {or a longer lime, hold down
Note: Hold down UP or DOWN in rap-
idly seleci a channel.
Important: Channel 9 is reserved for
meiorlsi asslsiance and lor repen-
ing emergency inlormalien about ac-
cidents. hazardous road conditions,
and so on‘ Always give emergency
messages priority on Channel 9. {B
3. Adiusi VOLUME unlil you hear a hiss-
ing sound or a iransmlssion‘
4. Hoiale SQUELCH clockwise until any
hiss siops. This lets you hear irans~
missions wilhoui backgmund noisa.
r ‘ Note: Be suns noi ‘lo roiata
SQUELCH loo lar clockwise. Doing
so mighi prevent me TRC-éaa irom
. receiving transmissions,
54 To turn all lha THC-235, turn VOL-
UME toward OFF uniil ii clicks.
FCC ID: AA021—1670
2146701111 19 TEE Mar 3 15:28:4019f8
1. Follow Steps 1-4 In “Receiving Trans»
missions and Adiusllng Squelch" on
Page 17.
2. Hold (he walkieJalkie 2 to 3 inches
from your mouth. Hold down P'fl'
(push lo talk} and speak lnla lha mi-
crophone on lhe lronl ol lhs THC~
238 in a normal voice. Do nol speak
loo loudly Thai does nol make your
slgnal any stronger. and might dislon
your transmisslon.
When you finish speaking, release
PTT. ‘
Note: The TRC-238‘s modulation cir-
cult aulomalically adjusts the micro-
phnne‘s senslflvlly [or a wide variely
ul voice‘levels.
.A 1 To Iurn loft ma THC-233, lurn VOL-
UME toward OFF until it clicks.
FCC ID: AA021—1670
i . ., |
j 2]-l( 20 Tue Mar 3 15:28:4019f8
Like most acliviiies. CB radio has its cus~
toms and counasies. The following tips
wili help you gel the most enioymem from
your TRC~2GB.
Business Uses
- Truck drivers and delivery personnel
can learn road and lraific conditions
and get assistance in locating desti-
nalions. A CB radio is also good
company on (hose “long hauls."
~ On conslruciion crews, a CB radio
quickly pays for Itsell when you are
calling for additional materials or cu-
ordil’laiing the aciivllles oi diflarent
work crews.
. - For securily uliicers. a CB radio is $
more lhan a convenience -— i1 is a
musl for both salely and efficiency.
Personal Uses
. Keep in touch wilh home while driv-
ing lo work, to the store, or to a so~
cial aolivily. Lei your family know you
are lied up in lrallic or |hal you wlll
stop by lhe slow on the way homei
~ Ii you are a two-car (or more) lamlly,
CB radios are great for communicat-
ing with family members while lhey
, ‘1 are in ihelr cars. -
- Comam friends or neighbors — find
out "whal‘s happening' or plan a gel-
' iogolhor.
' Ever have car trouble or run out of
gas on the highway? What an assur-
ance ii is to be able in radio lor as-
FCC ID: AA021—167O
y .
i 21-i(>70.ftn 21 Tee Mar 3'15:28:4O 19 8
l (P '
' Camping. fishing, and other sports
are more iun with a CB radio, Locate
a lrlend or find out "what's cooking"
back at camp.
~ Wait lor a pause in someone eise's
transmission beiore you ask (or a
- it you do not receive an answer to
your call atter a second attempt, sign
oil and wait severai‘minutes betore
trying again, 1
0 D0 nol hold down the transmit button
when you are not talking. (This is
called dead keying.)
- Aesisi callers with directions, intor~
matiun about road conditions. and
\ any other reasonable requests. 11
The maximum range and quality of CB
transmissions vary depending on Ihese
conditions: t
- Amount of power in the batteries
- The surrounding terrain — moun-
tains and tall buildings limit the range
~ Weather conditions
- The number of nearby CBs operal-
ing on ihe same channel
. Standing wave ratio (SWFi) between
the antenna and the OB \
To ensure maximum range. always keep
fresh alkaline batteries or fully charged
nickel—cadmium batteries in your THC-
238 when using battery power.
FCC ID: AA02171670
i 21— 22 TkTac Mar 3 15:28:40 l9f8
( }
4 l
Citizen's band operalors have largely
adopted the 10-codes for standard ques-
lions and answers, Their use pannlls fast-
er communication and helps prevent
misunderstanding in nuisy areas.
Code Meaning
rs nd your mes-
10-2 Your signal ls goodl
10-3 Slop lransmilling.
10-4 Message recelved and under-
10,5 . Relaylnlormallonlo
lD~6 I am busy,
1031 Out of service. {j}
108 In service.
10-9 Repeal lasl massagel
10-10 Negative (No).
1041 in service.
1042 Stand by.
10-13 Report condi-
10-14 lnformation.
10—1 5 Message delivered,
‘—- .
104 6 Reply lo massagel
1047 En rouls.
10-15 Urgent.
, 10-19 Conlacl
10-20 My localion is .
10-21 Call by telephone,
1022 Canoe! last message.
10-23 Arrived at the scene.
FCC ID: AA021—1670
, 2146704111 ‘23 mi; Mar 315:28:4019%8
; u
Code Meanlng
10-24 Assignmenlcomplem
1026 Estimaled lime of arrival is
10-30 Use caullon.
10-31 Pick up.
10-33 Emergency traffic. Clear lhe
10-34 The lime is
Mole: Although this (able lists lhs 10~
codas‘ meanings in me form 0! a state-
menl. [hay can also be phrased as ques»
tions (10-6: Are you busy7. 10-20: What is
your [ocallon7).
FCC ID: AA021»1670
FCC ID: AA021-1670
" 2146701111 2?
k!) j
lf your TFIC~238 is not working as it
should, lollow Ihese suggestions lo see if
you can elimlnale lhe problem. "you can-
not lake lhe THC-238 to your local
Radioshack slore for assislancs.
Trouble wilh
Be sure the THC~235 is
lumed on.
Be sure VOLUME I5
lumed up.
adjusled properly.
Be sure SQUELCH is
Be sure you are not
presslng PTT on (he
side cl lhs TRO~238.
Be sure lhe anlanna is
securely connected lo
(he THC-239.
Clean and tighten all
Be sure you are fully
pressing P'l'l' on lhe
side cf Ihs THO-238,
does not
work when
conneclsd to
DC power
Be sure the metal lip on
Be sure lhe fuse In the
DC powercord‘s plug is
nol blown.
the adapter is firmly al-
Tue Mar 3 15:28:40 19?
i 2146701111 25 Tu]; Mar 315:28:4019 8
l r )
l \
Your HadioShack THC-238 Sports CB
Walkie‘Talkie is an example of superior
design and crailsmanship. The ioilowlng
suggestions will help you care for your
"FRO-238 so you can enjoy it for years.
Keep the THC-238 dry. Ii il
gels wel, wipe ii dry immedi~
alely. Liquids might contain
minerals thai can corrode
the electronic circuils.
Handle the THC-235 yently
W and carelully. Dropping it
u can damage circuit boards
and cases and can cause
the THC-23810 work improp-
Use and store the TROZSB
only in normal lemparalure
environments. Temperature
extremes can shorten lhs Iile {9
of eieolmnlo devices, dam
age balleries, and distort or
mell plastic pans.
Keep the THC-238 away
irom dust and din, which can
‘cause premature wear oi
Wipe" the THC-235 wiih a
damp cloth occasionally lo
keep it looking new, Do not
f», use harsh chemicals. clean-
ing solvents, or strong dolor-
, *. gents lo clean the THC-238.
Modifying or tampering with the TRC»
238'5 inlomal components can cause a
mallunclion and might invalidate its war-
ranty and void your FCC aulhorlzallon to
use ii. If your THC»238 is not performing
as ll should. take it to your local Fia-
dioShack store lor assistance. ‘
FCC ID: AA021—167O
_ 21-1670Im 26 Tun-Mar 315593419 8
i ii)
Coverage 26365-21405 MHz
(Maximum) .. anv
tor 10 as (S+N)/N
Adjacent Channei Rejection 45 dB
Squelch Adjustable
(ram 1 itV—1 mV
Audio Output 400 Miiliwalt
(10% THD)
Current Drain ..... 95 mA— 500m
Tran smltter
Coverage ..... 26965—21405 MHZ
Power Input (slaw DC) . . 5 Watts
Power Output .. . 5.7 Watts
‘ Spurious Emission —67 dB or Better
“xi * Type of Modulation ..... A3 {1}
Frequency Tolerance 1100 Hz
Antenna impedance .. 50 Ohms
Antenna Length
(Maximum) . 10 inches
(254 mm)
Current Drain .. 650 mA—SOO mA
Size (HWD) .. 77/5 x 3 x 2m inches
(200 x 73 x 57 mm)
Weight: -.
,With Batteries . 1 “16010524 9)
’ ”Without Batteries 14.5 oz (420 g)
Specifications are typical: indivifiuai units
might vary. Specifications are subject to
change and improvement without notice.
FCC ID: AA021»1670
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leltad NInuly-Duy Warranty
me nmdmfl rs wa-mrm by n-mosw ugmnsl mnmflamuv-
nne oereaa rn mum-I m worm-ammo most mrmll use my
finclyisn)davs1vom Ihe duh an ouroruse «rem anorosn-ok
mmmnyewneo slurs! um uumnnud Rank-isms: hunchir
rm me dummy Exam-r AS FRQVVDED nansm. Rm
(urrsnmk names N0 EXPflFSS mnnmnes AND Aw
wrmcn wmnmncs, murmur. moss nr Mm
cnmmmuw AND FIINESS run A MmlcuL/m pun.
POSE, AHE mum IN nunlmoN To me DUHA'VION or
WI": WRHTEN umrsn wanmrmss oormwzn
mmm on Aw mMEn PERSON on anw wnm as,
DlnEcm on wnmecm av use on PERFORMANCE
OF ms nuan on wsms om of Am BREACH or
DAMAGES nesumm; mom wconvmrtucs. Loss 0:
we, mu, PnDr’ERW. REVENUE. on PHOFVT on ANY
lenFct snscm, mcmrsum. on couseouemm
DAMAGES. EVEN lF neuioswm ms 55m ADVISED OF
ms Fossrwuw OF SUCN DAMAGES.
some stares oe um anew ms urmuanom er. how long on Im~
phed wnnumy mu or me medium“ 01 momnl or omn- V
quumml llmrmgnl no me mm nmulllnm of own-won- my
“ex apply A» we.
m me mm a! 5 mm Men wnm m. "new WM.
mko uw means: one (he mesmck in!" room a; wool M
pmmuse dais w my nmoshack non, mulosnoak will. u no
. mien. unvcas mneme preweeu by rm (n) cum-SI nu mm
4 a hybmdud rcvuirwmwl chemo ler pens and labor. (or replace 6}
me moms! wuhnnu er me sumsaulmlul sum of my Mum
Ihu purchase Mon, NI "when pens and nmduns, and urea
"1:15 on winch e mlufld I: "mus, eeme me progeny 0! nor
mosh“. New or mmflmflw mm and Dlnduvu may be
usufl H1 me omemnoe er wullfllv some, Rewind 01 vs-
olom 9M; and producll m wane-“ea vm Ihs ram-Mm oi
the origin?! wnnunly perm Von will on chum-fl lcl "Dali w
mnmcnmnm m mo From-a mm mo: me alumna" at me
rm warmnly eeea mlwvur (n) oameea m iamrs caueeo by
or summon- m an: ol 5m, mun. “deem. mrause, m-
pmm nr aomrmar nave, teams in «mew inilmclvons. lm-
woos! lmullabon M mmonmoo. Mumion‘ tanning oramer
madman 0! mm Velma! nr cuwflfll; (n) my rennin olmr
Hum mew 91de by n Hmlnsmlm mmreau Same! a,
cam (c) wnwmablns such as mee- w eanenee: (an ooameno
owners: (a) Unnspuflallm, smppmp ur mswnm oom. or (u
cusl: or moon mmuvul, inn-flaw». lump mviu amp
mom or mama-mm
ma mummy gives you snncilk: loom
mm: nllvul «mm mm varvhom 5mm!
“ndelmckO‘ mm unlulh De w .
, mo mmckmonm En Sulw mo. Fen Woflh‘ n ma:
We Sam 9 What We Sell W?
m and you «my am:
A Divislon or Tandy Corporation
Fan Worm, Texas 7510:
um; Pnnted m Hung Kong
FCC ID: AAO21-1670

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
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