Radio Shack 21-1804 User Manual 52043
RadioShack Corporation 52043
FCC ID: AA021—1804 APPENDIX 5 USERS MANUAL SIXTEEN (16) PAGE USER INSTRUCTIONS FOLLOW THIS SHEET USERS MANUAL FCC ID: AA021-1804 APPENDIX 5 Owner’s Manual 1 Cat. No. 21—1804 , Personal FM Transceiver I No License Required! I Transmit/Batiery lndlcator l Automatic Squelch l Paging Feature I Automatic Power Save RadioShack welcomes you to the next generation of personal communication —~ the Family Radio Service (FHS). FRS is a new license-free, twmway. short-range voice radio service that lets families and groups keep in touch with each other on specific reserved channels, ® RadioShackm ,_._——--—--—~ INTRODUCTION Your RadioShack Personal FM Transceiver IS a lightweight, palm-sized radio thai you can carry almosfl anywhere. Use It at shopping malls, amusement parks, or sports events to con- tact iamiiy and friends, or In a neighborhood watch for viral communications You can talk with another person who has an FRS radio set to the seme fre~ quency as your transceiver. You can select one frequency from 14 FRS channels. Your radio has auto—squelch, which means you won‘t hear anything on the channel unless someone is iransmifllng nearby on the same channel. But, you can turn off amo—squeich to hear weaker, distant transmissions (see Pages 44). Also. If you do not transmit for over 8 seconds, the radio auto- matically switches to a power save mode and returns to full power when it receives a trans mission or you press any key, ©1998 Tandy Corporation. All Flight: Reserved. Radloshack is a registered trademark used by ”Farm Corporation. ‘ We recommend you record your \ radio's serial number here. The number is on the radio's back panel. Serial Number. SETHNG THE CHANNEL Before using the transceiver, se- ‘Iecl a channel you want to use from 14 FHS channels. To pro- gram lhe channel, set the DP switch as shown below. 1. Slide off the battery com~ panmem cover in the direc- tion of the anew on the cover. 2. To select the desired chan- nel. set the switches as shown below. Example of Channel 9 :-_i Switch: l/oll 2/0" aloft 4/on ..h INSTALLING 4 BATTERIES Your radio uses four AAA batter— ies kx power. We recommend alkaline batteries (such as Ra- dIoShack Cat. No. 23658). You can also use rechargeable batteries (such as Cat. No. 28- 127) in the radia BeVore you use nickel—cadmium batteries, you must charge them (see “Charg- ing Nickel—Cadmlum Batteries” on Page 10} “— 1. Be sure the radio is off, then slide off the battery compartment cover in the direction of the anew on the cover. 2. if you are installing alka- line batteries, use a pointed object such as a pen to set NIIAL inside the compan- ment to AL. Or. if you are installing nickel—cadmium batteries, set it to Nl ’ Warning: Never set NVAL to NI if you are installing nonArechargeable baller- les. Non-rechargeable bal‘ ten‘es can gel not or explode if you try to recharge them. 3. Install the batteries, match- ing the polarity symbols (+ and —) inside the comoam menl. Then replace the cover. —_ __ ____.___...__—___———— Caution: Do not mix old and new batteries, diflerent types of batteries (standard, alkaline, or rechargeable), or rechargeable batteries of different capaclties. The radic’s range decreases as the battery power decreases To ensure maximum range, keep fresh batteries in the radio. USING THE BELT CLIP You can use the supplied belt clip to make your transceiver easier to use when you are on the go.. To remove the belt ctlp from the transceiver, while pulling the tab, slide the belt cllp down. transceiver. slide it up untll lt locks Into place. _—..-.-__——_—__n USlNG THE RADIO Connect an optional headset with microphone (such as Cat No. 19-312) or microphone and earphone communication head- set (such as Cat. No. 19-315) into the MIC and SPK jacks. Thls automatically disconnects the internal speaker and PTT. Or, you can connect a mono ear- phone (such as Cat. No. 33-177) into SK? jack. Antenna 19 To talk, hold down PTT (push to talk). Speak into the microphone when the TX indicator lights. When you finish speak ing. release PTr. Rotate to turn the trans» celver on and off and adiust the volume. A mel- ody sounds when you turn it on. Note: If the TX indicator fights When you are not holcfing down PTT. re- place or recharge the batteries. To hear eve hln . ”happenlng own1 a agen— Ughts when 1151. including weak y0u h'ansmnta transmissions. hold massage or down MON. Release press CALL. _MON to turn auto- squelch back on, You can cause a pagin- CHG tone to sound on an Jack (adios tuned to the same FRS channel as you set on your trans~ ceiver. To send a page, press CALL Important: The FCC (3005 not allow you to send a continuum tone ‘ tor more that 10 see Microphone ends at a time on FRS - trequencnest Therefore, do 001 hold down CALL Speaker for more than 10 sec— ends. 8 ’ 9 -———_ CHARGING NICKEL- CADMIUM BATTERIES The transceiver has a built-in circuit that lets you recharge ' nickel-cadmium batteries while they are in the transceiver. To charge the batteries. set NUAL to Nl. install the nickel-cadmium batteries in the transceiver, and connect an external AC adapter. such as RadioShack Cat. No. 273-1455, to the transceivers cHGlack. Warning: Do not connect the adapter to the transceiver it you have non-rechargeable batter- lea (such as alkaline batteries) installed in the transceiver and NlIAL is set to NI. Non-recharge- able batteries will get hot and can eve explode if you try to re- charge them Cautions: The recommended AC adapter supplies 9 volts and delivers at least 300 milllamps. ll has a barrel plug with a center ' negative tip that correctly fits ‘ the transceiver’s cue jack Using an adapter that does not meet these specifications could damage the transceiver or the adapter. _—————— __‘_______——— 1. Turn VOLUME counter- clockwise until it slide to make sure power Is turned off. 2. Plug the adapter's 6.5 mm outside diameter/2.1 mm inside diameter barrel plug into your (ransoeiver’s cue jack 3. Plug the other end of the adapter into a standard AC outlet. Betore you use nickel-cadmium batteries for the first time. 'charge them at least 24 hours to bring them to a full charge. Discharged bakeries take about 10 to 18 hours to fully recharge. Notes: - Nickel—cadmium baneries last longer and deliver ' more power it you occa- sionally let them fully dis- charge. - To prevent damaging nickel-cadmium batteries, nwer charge them in an area where the temperafl ture is above 113°F or below 40°F. 11 Important: At the end of a mehargeable battery’s useful life, it must be recycled or dis- posed of properly. Contact your local, county, or stale hazard- ous waste management author files for information on recycling or disposal programs in your area. Some options that might be available are: municipal curb-side collection. drop-off boxes at retailers such as your local RadioShack store, recy- cling eollsction centers. and»‘ mail-back programsl 12 SPECIFICATIONS Channel ....... W, 14 4625625 MHz 462.5873 mm W"... 462.6125 MHz A 4626375 MHz 462.6625 MHz _ 4826875 MHz 482 7125 MHz .. 467.5625 MHZ Channel 9: 467.5875 MHz Channai 10 467.6125 MHz Channel 11 467.6375 MHZ Channel 12 ” 467.6625 MHz Channel 13 467.6375 MHz Channel 14 . 467.7125 MHz Power Output” .......... 100 mW ERP Battery Life: Alkallna . . 24 Hours (1050 mAh) NiCd , . B‘Houts (250 mAh) Specifications are typlcal; inde- ual unIts rnlghl vary. Speclflcatlons are subjed to change and Im- provemen} without nohoe. _————— ________—- Modifying or tampering with the radio's internal components can cause a malfunction and might invalidate the radio's warranty and void your FCC authorization to operate it. I! your radio Is not pedonning as it should, take it to youv iocal RadioShack store for assisiance. CARE To eniay your mac lor along time: - Handle It gently. - Keep it away from dust mois- ture. and temperature ex- “811163. 0 Ciean it with a damp Clem. 00 i not use harsh chemicals. 14 FCC INFORMATION Important: Do not open your radio to make any inlemal ad- justments. Your radio is set up to transmit a regulated signal on an assigned frequency. It is against the law to alter or adjust the settings inside the radio to exceed those limitationsr Any adjustments made to your ra- dio must be made by a qualified technician using the proper test equipment. To be safe and sure: 0 Never open your radio‘s (3&9. - Never change or replace anything in your radio except the batteries, Your radio might cause TV or- radio interference even when it is operating properly. To deter- mine whether your radio is causing the interference, turn it off. It the interference goes away. your radio is causing it. Try to eliminate the interference by. - Moving your radio away from the receiver - Calllng your local Ra- dioSheck store tor help Using your transceiver as de- scribed in this manual exposes you to RF energy well below the F605 recommended llmllsr 15 Umiwd NinafV-DPV Warmniy 1m mivmmm by may-u nomil m damn mm; m mum and wutmamn'e ma" mum wmlm)my1nmm man”. an! um mama wuanu mm m Wm mafia-at mamm- w mu. Ex- can A! wovlogo HEREN, hasn‘t wuss N0 E‘WESS “(ARMS AND ANY lquJ W‘flRANYESv NCLUDNG ‘0‘035 OF WRCNMT. ANUTV mo ”mess re“ A nfltmun pun. nose Ans uun‘m w mamou To WE ounmou or THE warn“ Lumen WARFAM 715; ommusn uenzw Elczvr As noon/om was»: mu mm. M no mom on HEB-ONSBLTV To 01570068 on M 0mm PERSON oq ewm‘v wn‘u nespscr w my mm 15er Loss on fumes cwszn onecuv on wnnecm m use on azure-um cf 7»: vnooucv on mums our ofi Aw new of ms wmmnw. maven“. am“ NOT warren 10‘ Am amass fifimflnu mom mcouve- wines, Loss of has mu. woman Reva we, on mom 0a m NDfiEm’. SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, m nmssousmmg mamas, EVEN F Hannah-a HAS BEEN stEO 05 WE roams-unm- wen mamas. m.mumm ummwnwwm mum mm mm at m 4M m wow-4 u awn dim-wt, m m m mm. m on- mm my m to» a MA law mam. ymmmmmwm-mm» AA ma in range! w an Runny-d: will "up; n pmd m gm" we to my mam-ex m. mama wit-1 a win. un-u mm M mayw;<-)mmumny MM mummmwlm (Elwin-IMM- m-nmmmmwwwmmouquw m- m... m. u ~.w~4 ..... ma ”um-4 and amounts on ma. . v-w ): mm. wwmfl ho nape», w W m- w swam-n pm. ma ma. my 51 und I» m puma-w- al u... m», ma“. ammo o- mow-1m me M mmmimmmmmmmumm NM vmwubamwlermpnru-nhumd mom‘mmwhvflmflm 91me W; mu "mm, can. no! mar. u) may a m.- emm uy “mum-nu m m; m 90.1, mm. nas- um. mum, mum-v u m my“ m." a nun- ham-m has»! “mum av um mu. WIM man a: me- ham or m Wuhan-«hm m no-nulhu nun pump-m My - Rm Awwule s-Mol new, (q mun-non m .. man 9! mm": m awn-k annual: m Irv-won. mm a law-u court: a m m: nu max! nmu. mes-wen, an up man- mam-m untnmm. m, wan-my y».- yw mm: w- nun». m vw mm um am mm mm mm my mum sun- In mu. “bologna cummul mm», le.‘M "7° “mm'lvfi Bx _ Sub 5004 Foil Wm YX ”Wt We Samoa thr We Sell saw RadIOShack A Division of Tandy Carperation Fon Worm, Texas 76102 937430 9As Printed In Thailand MM“... FCC ID: AA021—1804 APPENDIX 6 TRANSMITTER ALIGNMENT TWO (2) PAGE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE FOLLOWS THIS SHEET TRANSMITTER TUNE—UP PROCEDURE FCC ID: AA021—1804 APPENDIX 6 7. Alignment instructions WARNING Any repairs or adjustments should be made under me supervision nfa qualified radio-telephone technician. TRANSMITTER 1. Power Supply Voltage The Power supply voltage should be set for 6.0 VDC measured at the radio during transmit. Periodically check the power supply voltage during the alignment procedure. 2. Frequency Setting Ar Connect a frequency oounter or Communications Service Monitor to the antenna connector through an RF power attenuator (5 watt minimum rating, 20 dB minimum attenuation). B. Depress the FIT switch. C. Adjust the TCXO-l tnrmner capacitor such that the output frequency is equal to the channel frequency with a maximum error of */— 200 Hz Release the PTT switch Output Power Alignment. Set the power supply voltage for 6.0 VDC. Cmneot a Curmnunicafions Service Monitor or a watt meter and dummy load to the antenna connector. Depress the PT’I‘ switch. To be convinced for 0.5 Walt(50 ohm load) output power with a maximum error of f 0.15 Watts, E. Release the FIT switch. we?” 90 4. Deviation Adjustment. A. Connect an audio generator . The audio frequency should be set at l KHZ. B. Connect an FM deviation meter or Communications Service Monitor to the antenna connector through an RF power attenuator (5 watt minimum rating, 20 dB minimum attenuafion). Set the monitor to read peak deviadoni Depress the FIT switch Adiust RV3 for +/— 2.5KHZ mam'rnurn deviation. Release the PM switch. moo RECEIVER NOTE: Insure that the pmper channel has been selecbed before proceding with the alignment procedure. 1. Power Supply Voltage The proper voltage for testing is 6.0 VDC. 2. Receiver Alignment A‘ Connect an RF signal generator or Communications Service Monitor m the antenna connector, B; Connect a SENAD meter and oscifloscme across the speaker terminals. (2 Set the output level of the RF signal generator for 747 dBm‘ the gamer awr should be set for +/* 15 KHZ deviation of a 1 KHz tune. D. Set the audio output level for 0,6 Vrms. by adjusting volume E, Adjust LII for maximum audio oumuto F. Adjust Lll for minimum audio distoxtion.
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