Radio Shack 4302101 40 Channel Analog Cordless Headset Phone User Manual
RadioShack Corporation 40 Channel Analog Cordless Headset Phone
User Manual
ua-Jm- m ; v4 - ”whim "m" Wl‘m I-IU ruu , ,=|_ w ru-‘Xu. ... NOV 22 ‘59 1.2247?” fifiPK 852 2735 5432! %= M‘Zeui/ZU/by I/w fi': £64,744, “$7 ”A”. A Max M: (hf/ft) 31¢344_, pwfiyfflfwfifl 117m fur \ M‘rawafl‘ ”if—é“ d-flflllm hfil Wham-W It l”, aim __,_ defl: \ "? PIS adv?“ f A6 $729 $— 045, mm ? Err" Cal. No. 13-2101 MW. OWNER'S MANUAL . Plus: read More using his qulpmum. ® RadioShacku é- ifi , -_.. v.71, arm 93-4 BalJnN—zeaa : 99 as 852 2355 1531 Bay . Pm Iku-JHN-m 211701 PM lIJI -I-K LII.) Hm I II:L IL! 4 mv 22 $9 12 A7?" mm 352 gram aasu (033411! raw: @ \é’tfimh rmxmwnwmun usm —é‘l . '? INTRODUCTION $— Warning: To proven“ fire or shock hazard do not ewnse this product to rain or moisiure. CAUTION A A nun-um uu‘nom 1c: nsnuca THE ngt fix ascmc SNOCK. no N coma on ”an. No u 15m- new PARTS museums“ . me To mums?“ ksfis‘qNNsI: This 1 ifs: val-Mod fiul‘fl Mk Fraser-co a! unin— eta-{go mu: mm: vi he mama's lndosura m "(Quest sv‘flamyflufl'flnfl' u emu-u n m n! //" _\ “fir meat. gq mom OI- product‘s an ’ i a‘. // Ihk sym Hf inI/:ndod Ia Nam you Ihal impsmm opem- & '? in l“ mumm- low-Imus are induud In an mn- \ mu lmnmym this pres-mt. \/ 1009 ~ My Mum figs". i 2 nu.m..u,uu-m-n:mmwmm. é; w— N— 4M 957. P483 P.22 23—1! __7 .--- .-..== +552 2738 543 FIN BBB 29- BS 552 2365 2551 a 987. no-Jm- ~ even a: m r'Kun nun-r“ Liv ruu / In. H.) - NW 22 ‘59 12:49" GM 35: claw e-uu <fl=a=qgr no; a lé’fimh Hell “MLNW 1L I'm 1:3er —‘é‘\ . F? ?_ Your Radiosnack Handslr» Phone combines the clarity 01 900 MHz communication with portability and‘corwe- nienee. The phone‘s cordless keypad clips to your belt or elnlhing so you can make and answer calls away from lhe base. n even swlvels up so you can dial a phone number! The headset keeps your hands free while,yuu lam. ‘f' . a‘ = \ The phone can display a caller‘s phongkngrnp‘efi‘ Ethe‘fi! available). and me dale and time'me’gll “smegma 11 can slore up to 40 records/3s; ptg’v/ldeq by yw local phone company to Calley‘Dsenfice'subscrib‘ers‘zf “$0511;th The phone dis- ]! you have 0 Viéltln v2 hfiefljur a new call when you plays incg ‘ yfille‘r- lam al a‘Qy (“59h _ /""“. ‘s _.-‘. . a D, My ; 7 “59111135 Shgleetmes Include: PIS GMFW- 1.0;Mé‘méty‘siaeed Dial — slaves up to 10 frequently callethone numbers for easy dialing, Receiver Volume Comm — les you adjust me volume you heal during a all. i we fie?— —?— new _.a.3_. _ . ' JFIN 2898 29.35 852 2365 .S-51=-| ran gaze 987 597. F FLBS warm-mu ‘ 1le m. a .- ._.. I’m." ADI-PK LIU r-w / |=L cm: Dqu F.“ j lézwmmmmmgm —é\ -? Ample Talk and Standby Time — when fully charged ' 204V m about 12 hours the supplied battery pmides abuu hours talk urno or 7 days of 5mm time. !_ Ringer Volume Control -— lets you choose high er low volume on the keypad‘s ringer. z’\ Dual Charging Slots — lets you charge a s‘parfihQuer‘y pack (not supplied). so the phone is Wreadghw ‘=. ) t, \ . . Ala-Channel Auto San -- mill/Mysem x I channel when you make opa‘ . r‘q ‘UQJI/ u. a \ \ ‘~. v“ Advanced Supengcjr~ciremw5pwde§ sound clav- ity compara/blefi at'okiegmd phone. ‘ t l pl; surf-"rm _. 3 ,.... \‘,// '-._; Sepurgx ‘AoceasaPrgxecfiofi Code — prevents olner cérqré'syphprle (sets/from using your phone line while m‘gybypau‘igpnme/bm. \ ‘. V“ 29 VM” COM-55K —— ensures that other éordless phone users ' ’ urinal use your phone line when the keypad is on the 95 >Pl$ (Aerdgvbaset Radial — lets you redial the last number dialed. with the touch of a button. £4 34». ‘l?— f%. fl? BHKMW tm : imam +852 2m 9439 99” l 2228 29 B? 852 2365 2521 987 has F.94 an arm—awn 07-04 mun un—r-x |.w ruu , NOV 22 ”59 12:49PM ”H4 E52 21.1! mm , , {a la. ,,_, 6 a é‘fimm "gel! mu;y.Nmn-nluw cssm _é'l . CONNECTING THE BASE Vou can puwer the base using the supplied 12V 300~mA AM...» Z'DIVMdI/w’ I: 'm. Clmlonsz ./\ You must use a Class 2 power sauce that A; uplieswnu daINgrs at hfifi Rs center up mus! the"! to p9§§N§ “add is plug must fit ihe phone' QWVADDMA ‘ja‘ck. The supplied adapter magis‘hwte‘sp “cation; sing an adapter lhat dog? “at Nee! érj‘pafihcafions could damagemg blsi oNhl a‘daptpr. - Alwaya'eom‘aci the As adaptér to the has. belure you domgm’uo Abner-her. When you finish. discon- fpggr-lfis aaa‘bler—trom Ac power before you discon- \ \ rpdfltfmm‘m/ébase . , ,. \ , F lo73 Ah".fl.~l-rn--. --- -. 17 s, . g \ é uilfllflu m0” Mfume-mill”, All?“ él . 4. Press DELETE again to clear the memory. Two long beeps sound to confirm Ihe number is deleled sup- cesslully. Or, press any other bunon to cancel the delefiopt Tim sfiw‘f bsz (M. CHAIN DIALING SERVICE NUMBERS For quick recall of numbers (or spa ecial ewice‘s burgh as allemale long dislanca or bank hone, \ 6 group of numbers in its mfimwfifim .\\““_ When calling spedaL séplcek, Niat fifirfifirvice‘s main number Wu: raffle appiqp/rmlé place in the call. press M can then mg number for the location whet: tn}zddmunammfiers are-stored. (’ _‘;/ { (43m: ‘l’i y'bu figs _pue dialirw. he sure you have stored a Boerpntr'xi/ruaholher memory Milan (we ”Using Tone Selvibas On a Pulse Line' an Page 23). i fig 01?— —i— fiw A--- mm +952 2730 S436 99”- ssz P 15 as—mN—"z' " : we as 13 352 2365 asm PJG ugwmrem Hw-Uu ”w.- ..,. ”n m- ..,., . ... . _ 'NOV 22 "33 “warm Hm car. map may g ‘ é u-nnun meal Mani-mm II, My 1»:er —él . _? CALLER lD OPERATION ?' ll you subscribe to Caller 10 same 1mm your phone company‘ the syslem automatically displays infomlion aboulcalls you receive and stores lhe inlarrnalicn in Call- - _ er ID memory. The system can store up to 40 umber z‘DI VWAN’ records (the most recent is 01). than replaces the oldest fk awfr'A/wv ‘ call with each new one. r" - The first line ol the caller lD record snawsfl’fioé‘alhng lime, date and the number a! allgw'Efissfian-‘libe shows the phone number ol lhedillérfi-{hl‘ltfilhl‘l'm shows the caller‘s name Lafiilafil‘fie‘eibijlemb Messages" on Page 32), ‘ \ ‘x; ‘x "‘ A v" ,. i \ ‘/m/ . Nole: |r you awpmgrarfimtg (nqsxsp when a call 15 received. sh! niaqlom "allyy‘ils programming and shows. céuervbfl’lprm , /- . ‘.' s \ /'~ _ (The cfiméenw indifllor flashes during an incom- ‘rrrg‘éalkafid m cm:- ll appears. The most caller lD rewind appaérs when ma phone rings, then m cam-s ll 0 finn remains on the display alter the last incoming calr. s' A $241 we fi— fl“ 73_umrr_rnnl= mzaa «ssz z73a erase sez 9.17 R15 ZE-JRN-EBBB 29:13 852 2365 22501 987 z» 93-JRN—2l92 29:14 852 2365 2501 0. NOV 22 "as Lc-aarw “v.43: “A H-.. ..~.- g ‘ é ‘3-ilfllh rues! “my.NI-tmn‘l5. my mum —él . Z—avml’n': CALL WAITING. If ynu subscribe in Call Waiting and a call comes in while you are on the phone. you hear a tone that indcatu on have anulher call. The syswn displ Waiting information of abvut 10 seconds. than slorlsfiho niormation. ‘ -\ \ ”A ‘\/_,./ \,/' K . CALLER ID MissszAbEsx fl \ \_ 2am”: PIS (jupé ‘f'Lq / ‘ \ clams“: nolappuranerym "vim! the display Inhlmnlian. (344 I D u I Thu umarahosc not to sand calm ID Maia A inbrrnatiom Tho alloy is not within a Cal-r ID ur- vicn urn. in é; w— 4P— fl" fl “Mane i1-mn ossz 2739 easa 952 pl; cmfrm. ms 58” F' 17 w—Jflv—am az-ay rxurl nan—rm my run , |=|_ nu cruxmur runs '? Z'D,vmafrr_-L< 1A 14:5 1; jw;i Appsars I! van have received I call (rum I'M same phene number more man once. & FL“ H 2 M m5: can. name stiller ID record. r”. Cal/bu 11) M‘- xm' (\ \!\ (Iafc MIOAM -. 1 » umlow’w 391. VCKZ-D' fa canarmrorharma” m; gm“ fii ' shuysfm° («JIM/s w of. 10 mi! Mzr'M/e? REgEWING CALLER ID RECORDS Each time you receive a all. your system atoms a Caller ID record that you can remew later, even during a call. Each record includes: - call number - time and date of me call it; ‘W fr»— ‘fl 22-N0‘J-1999 13185 +852 2732 8436 992 > PA? PJE BS-JRN-ZQGB 29114 952 2365 8521 992 22-NDU-1999 1.3125 a-ESZ 2736 9432 987. BS-JflN-EBBB 89315 852 2365 BSD]. 992 F.19 (7,5. flaw,“ ML 1} <7" ~ caller's telephone numbor (il availablo) ‘ caller's name (ll available) Follow these steps to revisw Caller ID records. 1. Make sure-TALK is not promo. A 2 Repeatedly prossA to roview acorns stoning from CALL u 01. or pressvto review retards sxaqrng. from tho most recent call. 3. To reviewtne latest call n Notes: ‘/~ - The loaypgdv-dp play‘sh_ ws the first 13 characters ol the callet’sn me ahd he‘last 15' dlglls ol the phone 8-D, vwdvr: ymbqix ‘/ / \) P15 C Mfw/W (- EmotypallgSBpaflrory locations do not appear. -\When the Ilsf's lull the oldest caller's information 's ramsa- fly the nowast one “I fiu g wrr —?— fl“ F.28 iéT-nm- mm ma,.mw-m m» «um _é' . —é>|@ DELETING CALLER IQ RECORDS 1 Make sure TALK is not pressed. Nora: You cannot delete regards during a call. 2. To Helele a singh racord, repeatedly pmss~ arvto 7 EMS; CALL I'D find the desired number then press DELETE. “(A qufm mml‘ appurs. ~ , Or. In delete a" records hold mynflq‘slqrfiséM ax fie M A ) ends. mus: um nppears/ // ,/ 3. Press DELErE again ta ephfrrm ha 668m. The key- pad sounds two (14mg M9656 lha‘ ur number swarm/m \ \ \ ‘ 1 \ \ ‘/ or, pres/enfbunon' ‘eifieruhan‘gELETEta cancel the _deienm§‘1'hejeypad abunfls three short bespa. (: / a. B m TOTH. P. 20 B3-JfiN—ZBGG 29:15 852 2365 2521 977. P22 exam—ma 11:59 mm THE FCC WANTS YOU TO KNOW in the unlikely event that your phone causes problems on the phone line. the phone company can temporarily discon- tinue your service. It this happens, the phone company attempts to notify you in advance. if advance notice is not practi- cal, the phone company notifies you as soon as possible and advises you of your right to file a complaint with the FCC. Also, the phone company can make changes to its lines. equipment, opera- tions. or procedures that could ailect the operation of this telephone. The tela- phone company notifies you oi these changes in advance. so you can take the necessary steps to prevent interruption ol your telephone service. This equipment complies with the lime tor a Class B digital device as specified in Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits pro- vide reasonable protection against ratfro and TV intarlerence In a residential area. However, your equipment might cause TV or radio intarlerence even when it is operating properly. To eliminate interior- ence. you can try one or more of the toi- Iowlng corrective meaauras: - Flooriant or relocate the receiving an- tonne. $— iDT-t-K LTD F'DD / TE. T0 k—fi‘. 27411693 7 of 54W. Km~fi fir. ! ‘ . Trimm- m u mummy. rm tum $— $— ‘ilr Zr - Increase the distance between the equipment and the radio or TV. - Use outlets on diiierant electrical cir- cuits tor the equipment and the radio or TV. Consult your local RedioSheck store it the problem still exists. LIGHTNlNG Your telephone has built-in lightning pro- tection to reduce the risk of damage irom aurgea in tetophone line and power line current. This lightning protection meets or excaeda FCC requirements However. lightning striking the telephone or power lines can damage yourtelephone. Lightning damage is not common. Never- thaieea.ilyou liveinanareathatheese- vero electrical atorrna. we suggest tint you unplug your phone beiore stonns to reduce the possibility oi damage. P.01 2 lDT—H< LTD PDD / TEL T0 27411693 P.Bl 7 1-Jm—2ooo 12: 34 FRD'I . ’é‘1¥ In.“ MJ-Iymlm mun —? —<§'g_ READ THIS BEFORE INSTALLATION We have dosigncd your p no to conform to fodenl regulafions. (I you can con- Ilnu. However, connect to the or from the phone this power drew as the equivalence number, or N is on the bottom of the device's rf re! areas). your phones might not 9. If ringer operation is Impaired, re- e a device from the fine FCC STATEMENT This telephone complies mm For! so or FCC Rules. You must, upon request, pro- videthe FOO regimmionnumboundfln REN to your phone company. These numbersmshownonlhebonomotmo ban. Note: You must not connect your phone to any of the knowing: ' coin-operated systems - party-lino systems ' most electronlc hey phone systems Wemlng: Changes or modifications to ma- unl! nor axprusly approved by Re- dioShack could void the users authorny to operate rho equipment. YnYnl D $- [21
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