Radio Shack 4303505 900 MHz Cordless Telephone User Manual

RadioShack Corporation 900 MHz Cordless Telephone

User Manual

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Mirror Download []Radio Shack 4303505 900 MHz Cordless Telephone User Manual
Document ID113593
Application IDbzJk/1+duat6Auw84S6Esg==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize75.22kB (940215 bits)
Date Submitted2000-08-16 00:00:00
Date Available2000-08-15 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-07-26 11:09:12
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2000-07-26 11:53:10
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

, A; . . a"
e l'é‘fisuumnmummfiummm
—? ‘ 900 MHz Cordless Telephone
with 1 a Mcmary Speed Dial
OWNER‘S MANUAL—Plus. run mum using "as animal.
Your nnnsnm 930 MHz Comm. Phone alter. [Pm Value! nu-
vanus in careless pnnr-o technology. 1L: headset jack Ms yen
connect an ominnal hams-l In: hams-Ira: mnvenienc! Mum
yen use mi 5mm. Ths hasw's spine-swing dsségn mak 1 pa!-
real for areas where space is Iimiafl. (a, '
) vouv phnne his mesa lemmas: 415i? Mai“. «
Amok Talk and standby 11m — gm m?lg%hcofiz
hours). me unified ballery nmrgfiugfdm 0! Wm or
7 flaw ul almdby ums.
Seen-m Anna-Pr '
Dflnneusemmmsglag' yr _
use. ‘\ “6:5?
1u-M ._ . DI w shuns up in 10 1requenlly called
me nu pr: a“ sling,
rm . ‘ ‘
10611211an ‘511» - aulurnafinauy salads a clear cnarmi ‘
when' main or snswsl a tail,
Heldul Jutk — led; you cumin: In oplicnll head“! (wail-hie
awauriocal HadioShuk alum) lnr hanwfvee canvznlenn.
A 3;
_ Mammy-u c-p-m
) ® Radehackc num#wm“fi".:.‘mmw 1
whim n.- by nus-m mum
TW fir 47157
an 363; papua}x_
JUL 13 "1M unis/rm HM up; man am
3 ' 4; Mlmawflmhmtum 1:51»: 4‘
Vclnml canned - lots yuu comm nu vain-we u! the sound you f
max mmuyn mo hands“
Page— I!!! you and 1 gaging signal (rum he base to 1h! band-
651 an "up heal: I mliphnd handset or nay- sammnz 1! me
) Your phone in ETLlimd to UL mndardt ma mom nu mum--
rec sun-um.
CAUTION: figure
ooNcrr nsmw . 053A“ up
we mhunuslsn ransom
‘5 ”1“! \< 111mm;- mm nu Almyeu w m: prw
Zl‘ ' ' ul wmmwfingmu- why! within m
“z ' 4 Mum ummm m1 minm n 91 swim
mumm- re WM! 3 m a nun: anon:
D: m cm m- mam: um
rm symau i mm m Worm mu mu impor-
|.n| nullllng AM mum-mun“ mun-am: m
haunt an my mum gummy-vying ml: pm.
) HQ
lE-IUL-ZBBE 16:45 4852 2733 3432 371: PAN
aa'd EEBIIVLZ cu "EL / (10d 0.1"! ”FLU! Lmd SSlLf m—flflf~8¥
a case “Bissau <- 1090 9932 259 Ema-19:9 cal 12/4
Q 16733151511. my: Mummy 1mm mm _ér .
5m device 111m you Comm 111 (he won: line 011W! power 1mm
111: 911-3112 E1111, W! 12121 to lhit new draw as me dwice‘l Vina"
fluIvuIAnee mmner. 51 BEN. Th- HEN is on "121 bonem ol the
11 you an usinn more man one anon! a: ether am: on me lino.
2116119 111111» BEN; It the 111111 Ls mare lmn my (three in run! I!-
eas). ynuwhnne mlghl 11111 ring I! ling-1 1190131011 is immune-
mnve a duiu Iron-11h: 11am;
T111- Elephant umplle: with Pansgfi?"
upun requtsl. provid- the FCC 111112:
19 your pham company. 1112=6_ $11 111115 mum of me 7
m- 1
Nola: You mnalngfinn ”1th$ my 011119 Iol'lwing:
0 win- id $6111; I
vigimhm key pram swan-vs
1111; F131: WANTS You To KNOW
In me 111]th event 1111! yuur phan- muu prufllsms an “12
phone I'ne. Ihe phene sumo-fly an lamporanTy discontinue your
service. 11 this happens. lhe pnom compnny Mp1! h: nufily you
in udvsnee, I! mam-u Ande- is no! mafia). the phone cumbauy
nulifiu nu as soon.“ 5106is and adds“ you 01er right ID
i m 1:
°11— 1— 119
iE-M-ZBEB 16:45 +352 273. 5432 982 15.24
SZ'd EESI‘H’AZ DI "E1 / Gad Ill—I ”1-101 I'DEH 68181 m—"IHI—ET
g uSad maLuaLNx <4 Lose 9993 as: =w=w9=s Oc/LZ/L
g Jé‘uamm he" Mud-p my mm 1:51)“
ifl—Jlil —?fiflfl 16152
Aim, Ihe pram gammy can make change: he is linen. equip-
menl, numinm. nr wage-lure: mar noun affect me operation a!
ll“! leiephone. The lelephone mummy "wiles you at mu
dung-e in advances. sir you can him the treasury slaps Io pre-
venl imermpiiufl M your tuieuhnne terviue‘
This Iii-Eur“!!! cvmnllfls with Aha Emu: 101 a Class B figilal dfl'
vice as specified in Parr 15 of FCC Rules Time limits urmflde
umnahle prorminn again-t main and TV inleflerenee m l resi-
dermal area. Huh/war, ynur equbmum might cause TV ofqnd‘w
imirference even when it is noeraunn pruueny. 57 |
lcrorwe. you can try one or more a! me ioiiewingkcn
. Heariamnrrpimzaxnme recawin hum
lime-selhediiliflcabe eman- gmenpnrlnevadlo
- Us; ouueis if'aine
You «emf-ms bum-in lighlning pm“ to fame mo risk or
damn-Tram surges in Human. Iim and pant llne current. This
ligmnhg prwoelien made or once-ads FCC mquir-mnnl. How-v-
el‘ Ignming striking in. wept-ans nr ficwer lines can damage
your laminar;
'852 2736 5436 577-
Dl 731 / Clad 0LT MH—lal 14081
v 353d 5>|3$HELNZ <— I-DQD ms: 298
22 291 ENZf'iflf-EI
our LE/A
s lémmwmm _& L 1
Liam Hmago' is run common anllhlllcsl, ii you flux in an . 2
AM mama severe Neal‘s-I slarmmo mgw mil you unplug ‘ _ '
your mom mu mulls anpluen In Mute in! posslbfliw a!
Maul-ding In Film rm
Yw am pm Ih! phone on s duk or labia. mount 3 an? slu-
uard wal plflln. or I'I'Iflllll' II sunny an e um,
Select - locaflon mu ls: ‘. fi
- rm: an easily “messiah Acé “I? .§ g
- era I=Iepnone fihéiétk" ié $> , {I
- wldlhemyulfiy min-i fi€fii ‘
- awning-4 ’
I Eryn menial Applism m-lal I ,
mimlbl‘i mrcams.ucullb' awn-mu »,
Tfiumé fittfli anew In! phone- my: II you have n ~
maulp =Silmlaiimls. w each Io we whim pmims lne ;
caution: TM nuwlltd Ac Idlplef nu dsslgrled spentliuliy Inl
) yeur plum. Uu urlly Ihe mum mpm.
Ia—Vlil 4mm mm 4852 am 9433 97" RES ‘1
SE d EGSI'WLZ UL 131 / add 011 XH—MU mad Mia! EEBZ-Tlf-BI
9 ass“ EMELHELNI <7 ID§D ssez ass Snuggle OG/IE/L lDEATBSBH ‘E
s I‘é“ «finanammuumwnam é
L? m,
- Your lelephnne canned: directly In I medal-r Itleplbne Ilne
1nd. ll your phone hm jack J: not a mum jack. ynu can
man; he winng yeumll. wiw jams and adapl’rs milnbh
zl you: local masnaek store. or. WI.) can let Ihe plwne
J WWW undue llu wirlm In: you.
- The usoc number 0! mm lo he imlllu is Rm
On a Desk
Ynu can pewanlle but using the suppred 12§D n§
1 Caullens: ~ fig? §%
] You must use gfi Maya mal swells:
-? & ;iti- r:
affirm lrs mum;
1L: plug mu! m In.
new: t , a The gupplien adiplel mean
lbs“ I m Usi n ndaplar mm does nnx mean
all?“ _ ens Id dimly! In: phone or the admin.
A summer In the mm before yuu am-
“war. When yuu finial, dilcunnzu me mph:
0 me! More you damn-d 1: Iran he plume.
' e slzps In plan me we on a desk or tub!- using an
supplied lam-1m.
) 1 Imm In: hymn lam ima the bug's upon I'D slot: as
shown. 1m plus dam on the buckefs dips and insen
Ihlm inlo In: din glam
18-JLL-EIBB 15:51 ‘652 2735 5433 977-
BB'd [651121212 01. TBA / (10d ELL—I XH-lClI mad
9 send banana <— 1053 Essa ass Magma
19:81 BEEZfTflf-St
OD/ lZ/L
7 / .
‘. > (if
G lé—lu sauna an mmmnww mm 7
f 2. Plug on: end ol the supplx'ea mndlr
Ill“ card h1e lb! TEL LINE jm an
lho link a! h ban.
__ 7.
3. Plug m- modular oerd’l cum and
) int: n moduli: phony fine lack 52:34.“ m u“ - l
4. law! lh‘ wpplizd Ac water's nnnol plug Gale |h= Dc 11V ‘
mm 1m on 1“. Dick 0! 01: use.
5. Route me adapters cord lhruugh lhe main rail
arm. "‘
5A Plug who ndupm inln a standard Ac ”‘Q' .
7 mmmbsemnmlnaw ‘
I On a Wall Plan on Well ‘ , “ ‘
% 1. lnsen lhn in»! base‘n lower a» i
slots ( %hmfzfs dlps and mm mm ‘
"103m \
pfiad shun madnlur cum imo me ‘IEI. ‘
_ ,. ‘ BS! ol ml bun.
3, In?“ {ll} fiuvplled AC aflimm’t him] plug mm (he 00 12V
”viii jw an In “an! m- bin
) L Raul! mt answers cm lhuugh um mum amavl an m
buxom 01 Ill: back".
& Plug Ina rnndulur and {me an wall plain in; then fig" me
mum's mum sols with the wall alum sands and ulidanl lbs 1
bun downward to sawu I. A“
15—JLL’EBEE 16: 51 +552 2733 3438 97K 9- 55 l'
4.8 d ESBt‘FPbZ OJ. E1 1 CICH (LU m-LGI was Tl :8‘E BEBE—111231
4 Bfled man-151mm <- Logo saga 398 =stgza uc/Lz/L rpaAr-oau
"A /
s ‘é‘mamnpxmv‘hunwnmm AéI .
$ 5, Plug Lnn amulet mm 1 shnfini Ac oullal. f
7. Pres: and lill WI um hlncsnf holder. lum it our and upelde
dwm a is 1mm sign has up. lhln slide ii back sown
imu it! slot.
a. un Ihe bug's |n1u|n| la a vufl‘ral pasih‘ofl.
Nah: Tomnunl m. phmflirmlyen a pull, you need Mucrm
(M suppliadl with head: lhll fn int: me hyhnle slots on but-
lam 01mg bass.
Fulluw the shoe under ‘On a Wll Plan orW —,
“ply muse addilienll inlwuliurm fig}
1. pm Mo holes fib- Inches 10“ Hogan.
7m mm a wow mg n u g e-\
Mlds mm aboul ‘m' "E a‘
~b \ ~
wsl. ~
3 _, av.-
al Fun on fulfill)!“
lied Iuig modular
Jayne lemon tn. am 11! m-
“, .
18~JuL—ZBBE 16:52 «552 273 “54m 977. azs
88's £65“sz 0). HI. / dud (LU m—ml was 12:51 NEE-TIPS!
9 653.1 EXEJJIELNI <- 1090 5932 298 ENd59=S OBI L214 ZDBATGOEH
a Ié 43-39flnrmln-m;.1umv.mxsxm —é‘ .
s 5554 5M51HELN1 
I" ran a Puln Line
) 1. Dial lheszrviu's main numher.
2. When lhe sad-vie» lit-mm, plus rowing. My awlinnnl
number: ywu dill urn some: lam signals.
3.1mm yuu ummele the all, pnsl ml: at mum Ihl karma
1: me has: The phone admlicly malt lo win filling.
V fib fl?
15-M-ZBEE 15:55 *€52 2739 3435 537- 9. 17
91 'd EEQI'NME ILL 111. / GUd Ql'l MH-LGI mild Vfltet EME—an~81 ‘
9L seed ”34143234: <» Last: 55:2 299 {mdssze GOIIZIL :p.f\'[e=>eu ‘
Jul. u: we u--~~ru an» mm M“ w». r
_\% ML
v? Usinangc $—
Yuu can an a page in (ha hundm n: hum it when it is away
mm m we and rm In all. To page Ih: hmdszl, pres: PAGE
on In hill. The nanflsm Pings Io! saw! ‘5 seconds. 74 than;
) human. pill. mi hnld PAGE. 1115 ran“ my! lnr abuu: 1
minule‘ Prusl my lay on m: handset ur PAGE on me But lo 5'-
leme i! soon-r.
MEMORY mums _
you an an up to 10 numbus el 15 digit! a e':
mom";- ,$%> 1} .
‘ 5‘ . 4” 7’
New: fig ‘ 3.
' To keep your accouns g, may? be ycu do m1 5
Mar: your pelsunal‘yt cfiei fies' men as bank- ,,_
by-pnofle in
. gal services (an As alternate
buy-anon), 51an me servicl's main ;
qefinevmry lemon and numbers fur um;-
1. Pub mm an the handsel.
) 2 DH m- dour-u numbedun to 15 agis inducing any pain!
g . ,, g
°|¢~ fir fl“
lB-IUL-2BEB 15155 4952 2735 5436 977- ? PJE
Lt'd ESSIIVLZ EU. ‘EJ. / Clad UPI >H—J.(Il NDEH VE:Et mag-"mun
4L vend 3154.14;an <- Logo see; zss =wass=e GDILZI‘ zpentaoeu
bf ,
~ 5a“
f l. Pres: [he memory lot-lien rumor (1-0) you want lo slow.
The maul 50:1an long beeps.
No“: 2! van hur three short been. yflu did not ulnre Ina
numb-v “unwary. SIM tguh lmm flap 1.
) 5. Wm: dmm be stored namn 1nd numb“ on IMO momury
label amid“,
Nolh u
- Mm km “Hen; wamlng ion: saunas um! them AEELS‘QFN
GATT minim "ashes, recharge u rep magma Ilirl
2 minulés. Of m. DTWHO "1“ H0! flu
. nyou moi-a: a can mm min 1me: m mam-1
my, press flu: he “swam 4 1:15?“ begin again :
al Ship 1.\ r J
- To BflIn19_ ‘bilv \ in mimum simply More a mw
hump vhfglgn‘amry ryle uin
Eri rin fiffigfl lr'nMemury Number
In “$1de lyslems, yen mm! dial in aces; min (5. foe
inn-16h wa‘l fat I new: dsl Inn. him you can dial an
nusian rum-r. You cm you it. new code mm the phan- J:
mmbec. mer. if you do. ysu shank! aha sim a plus. any - J-
) tbs 1mm Maw an” the amm- I'm rm. Iaannnm. Mir m- J
teriru 1h: um; code, puss “mun-us: 10 an!" I amen
is 1 ~ g
°|$~ J— 413W
mum-2mm 16:55 4552 2736 943. ST'H R15
BT‘d ESQT‘FWZ 0.L ‘EIL / (lad 61“! ”+1!” mad vast MIZfTJIflEII
BL I5¢d 5>|3LH3LNI <~ Logo 9533 255 swdngzs Doll-Ell. :Dol\te=eu l
0 I'é'rnsm- mu ”admin-Lyn.“ mm
WH—TH‘ —?HHH |F.:S7
EL 95rd fistHELNI <- 1590 see: 356
Dialing u Slam! Number
Pru: nut. thn you Mar In. dill hm. pr»! HEM man In
mammalian numb-v (ha). The phone dial: me number.
Chain Dlallng service Numbers
Tn quickly “can xpsnial semis numbsrs (such as alternate lung
emanc- or Bank uy phoflfl). 51m such gnup oi numhm in in
mm mummy matron. g
Whan ealing rancid sen/in, in! In! slmice'l m-l
men. a! (he Inpmprifle mace mean. rues- uiflm _
for me lumen when Ihe Addilvenamu wig?“ re n: v,” s
Tesling swréd Emergecy gr}
I! you slot. an numeracy s ‘ce depunmeni.
file dapunmlnt nr 5&1!qu 31:10 you won! In {m
lh! stared nu gabmku' rea.“ Ewing 1m lm mning or
any munin%a¢=fl “gnu perms. Romain on me lint
In explfii ¥n1$m can
0—52 2735 5438 982
Ill “81 / dad (1D m—Lfll mas
wast mam—51
col [BIL
a Lémusm mm Mnhlyn.“ mun _é’ .
We dn m1 and yen have any pmhlnm with yuur mlnpnom. WI
1! you an. mu luggnliens mm Mp.
Mm m- ung-n mu: m I»: ran.
Rik- Ih' batsman-v: Ell
The nmdsnidnu Ml wart
Mm sum m: phum'x
in! M! M: “In!
- m man and has. m1
1mm memnm mm (“mu
com-mm. mm: eon-ml mu. we-
rm alum "m "we“ inur-
cams and rum manners, Nor-mm
Bum 1nd nwmnulmum‘, I! Inc
hind-rem inc-om. nun on m
Man Ihl mun! dmv c: m. nu.
Hang w m! Miflm'numr.
Pm: en t chant! me ehunnfl.
171 n.” mun “nu flea ”an an. my R91 1 :
92 d SGSWPZZ (11 "BL / Odd CU." ”4-H” NIH 59:91 EBZZA'nf-EI '
oz sane $124.32qu <- Lagu 555: 259 fuseszs col tau. :Del\'[uaeu l:
$ "é1usnn- Pupil Mal-y‘lulyltwm hum é l .
Th: mg: ewes Mike we the use! Mlmn; it
rag-dumb munching a mum»
Ezra-u m Matti“! mu uuk.
You can vaccine cull. bu! su mnmuui coma“, in: ma
unnvl mm curl. W M “Ma you Mu (see "saving
he mam-g Mnfit' on Man n).
”you stilt have plenum. diamnnoa 1h. phmn. !l
an 1“ saw He warK DIODIW. 1h. lautt It cn HI‘Y
slnlllfion. I! van cannot find me mama
meal Hidibsl'llek More In! misuncn f?
CARE .! c" ' ~
Keep lhe phone my angel. My wmmmi-my. Mn
and state we j Mam-A pmluu equine-mun.
Handle "ii drop IL Keep the BMB EWW
v4 h a damp flu"! namely to
Mofiwurfiw 'wi|h1hs phone‘ 5 ‘mmnnl mmpan enls nu
mnjmmfia'm and m|gh| . l||dal= n: mum, and void
your F mmrhnlina In uperare it. ll your plum. I: not guflovm‘
in u it should. laka 11 w your [ml mmmk more lor mic-
|auee. If (he Innbla is filming m: rel-mu lines, the phone
company an alt you In dsconned you: phone unfil yum have re-
lnNnd 1h! pmlkm.
g a gt
0 9
m n. w..." .,-._- .a—~ ~Hwn flush m» n ~n
TZ'd EGQI'WLZ DJ. "BL I and an >H-J.GI mew 50:91 BEBE—TIPS”
lZ sBBa ExaLusLNI <- L090 5552 299 indesro 00! 12/1. wan-rasou
0 ‘éTdflilnMnM-Iq.myllwnznm $1 .
'? NOTES ?'
22 353g
i ,
banana <~ L090 gas: ass
0L "EL / add an MH—LCII “11:1 53:81 uazf'nr-sr
Eudora”. DO/LZIL maneaeu
j 1/5,ng 4A ._
47> %
g ,, é;
o a 5
Edi—263.1555 ease 273. £432 577. F.24 ‘
EZ'd 2691157242 0L "El. / 005 (Il‘l >iH—J.GI NDEH 92:91 Benz—11pm \
ea BBsd “3433334: <> lDSO 999.2 age ffld00:[_ oo/lz/L zpahtqfisa
j 1/5,ng 4A ._
47> %
g ,, é;
o a 5
Edi—263.1555 ease 273. £432 577. F.24 ‘
EZ'd 2691157242 0L "El. / 005 (Il‘l >iH—J.GI NDEH 92:91 Benz—11pm \
ea BBsd “3433334: <> lDSO 999.2 age ffld00:[_ oo/lz/L zpahtqfisa
j 1/5,ng 4A ._
47> %
g ,, é;
o a 5
Edi—263.1555 ease 273. £432 577. F.24 ‘
EZ'd 2691157242 0L "El. / 005 (Il‘l >iH—J.GI NDEH 92:91 Benz—11pm \
ea BBsd “3433334: <> lDSO 999.2 age ffld00:[_ oo/lz/L zpahtqfisa

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File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2000:07:26 11:53:10+08:00
Create Date                     : 2000:07:26 11:09:12+08:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
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