Radio Shack 6004289T Evictor (Robot Warrior) User Manual users manual

RadioShack Corporation Evictor (Robot Warrior) users manual

users manual

Download: Radio Shack 6004289T Evictor (Robot Warrior) User Manual users manual
Mirror Download []Radio Shack 6004289T Evictor (Robot Warrior) User Manual users manual
Document ID161825
Application ID/f97iFfwhXKmEHnDScYauA==
Document Descriptionusers manual
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize16.82kB (210251 bits)
Date Submitted2001-07-26 00:00:00
Date Available2001-07-26 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-07-23 12:42:10
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-07-23 12:42:58
Document Titleusers manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

s ‘éfiaue he, Mu aunt
Ev/c for Rabat Warrior %
OWNERS MANUAL — Please read befan using this equipment,
Your Radlashack Euictcr Robot War-
rlar‘ moves and speaks lihe a real ra-
bofl Vou can have late at fun making it
march forward and backward ar spin
fling left and right. Speak into the
transmitter and watch the Evictor‘s
eyes and chest flash as it speaks with
your voice! The Evictar cantes in two
frequencies (27 and 49 MHz) sa it can
battle with cnather raaat check yaur
Eytctar‘s aax ta see which frequency
your rabnt uses.
Nate: vita need eight AA batteries
[not supplizd) to power the Eyictar
and ane 9v battery (nat supplied) ta
power its transmitter.
This device camplies with Part 15 af
the Fara/es. Operati is subject to
the fallawing two conditions: (1) this
device may no? cause harmful inter—
ference, and (2) this device must ac-
cept any interference received.
including interference that may cause
undesired opcrqfion.
Product» Ewclai Robot
Model: amazes
Respmslble Radieshaah
Pafly’ tooTniachmartan
Phana. m7415<§2fln
This equipment has been mtcd and
found to comply the limits for a
class B digital device, pursuant tc Part
15 of the FCCRu/Ar. Thrse limits are
designed ta provide reascmblz
prateetian against harmful TnTerfer~
ence in a residential installatian This
equipment generates, uses and can rue
diatc radia frequency energy and, if
nat installed and used in aecardance
wtth the tnstructicns, may cause
harmful interference ta radia commu-
However, there is na guarantee that
interference will nat cccut in a partic—
ular installatian.1f this equipment
does causz harmful llflef'fEI‘EME To
mdia ar television rzczpfium which
can be determined by turning the
equipmenf aff and an, the user is en-
couraged to try to correct the inter-
ference try one or mare cf me
following measures
t Reorient or relacate the receiving
~ Increase the separation bnwun
the equipment and receiver.
~ cansult your local Radioshack
stare ar an experienced radta/w
technician for help,
~ If yau cannat eliminate the inter-
feruice, the FCC requires that
you step using your Ev-ctar.
a mat Mdtnihdt are-ream, All Mum nets-yes
® RadioShacka“
taaisnaai .d adult-ck can re manuals
and t», Mum carp-net.
Q ‘éfaaaam he: Mann“, and. “111th
changes or madifieations not apressly npr
proved by hadiashaeh may cause interfzr—
ence and void the user‘s authority to
operate the equipment.
Warning: Dispose of old batteries pmmptiy
and properly: the not bury ar burn them.
- Use aniy fresh batteries at the
required sixe and r=cammendzd type
- Do nal mlx aid and new batteries, dite
ferznt types of batteries (standard,
alkaline, ar rechargeable), or recharge-
tibia batteries of different eapaeities.
- Never Imve. dead or weak batteries in
the Evictur or the transmitter.
~ If you will rm he using the Evietar far
several days, remove the batteries.
Batteries can leak chemicals that can
damage yaur robot's eleetranie parts.
In theTransrntHer
Vour transmitter requires ene w battery
(not supplied) for power. Fur the best pet‘s
formant; and longer! life, we recommend
Radicshack ntkalim batteries.
1, slide ONIOFF an the back of the trans-
mitter ta EFF.
2. slide the battery compartment cover
in ”1: direction (if the arrow to remove
Be Put the battery in the compartment as
indicated by the polnrlty symbals (.
and ~) marked inside
4. kzplucz the crave? and snap i' into
When the transmitter‘s range decreases,
replace its battery.
in the Evicter
Your Erietar requires eight AA alkaline bat-
teries (net supplied) tar power. For 1he
best performance and iangest life, we ree-
ammend Radioshack alkaline batteries
1. Set ONIOFF an the back at the robot to
2, Use a Phillips screwdriver to loosen the
screws from the battery compartment
saver on each fact, then remave the
3. Put 2 AA batteries in each campnrt-
ment, as indicated by the palarity syntr
hols (t and -) marked inside
4. Replace the covers and secure the
5 Slide the battery aampartment latch
on the rabm‘s back eaunterelaehwise,
then lift the compartment saver.
% column: The cover is hinged no not 2. Set ONIOFF on the back of the Tmns— f
try to remove it warm to on. The Evicmr performs a
system check.
6, Put fuur‘ AA bufler‘ies In the campurt»
menh as indicated by Ihz polariTy symr
hols (e and ») marked inside.
'sy em Cluck'
7 Close the sole» and tum file ldteii A
clockwise to secure lf
s p, avg?"
Whanyuur Evldor moves slowly or does not ”is;
work prnper‘ly, replace its batteries. : w
“Mow, Backward” The Ev'iuar mavu
backward wi'h flush
Snap the supplied armor plates imo firm pu- m“’”“'§L"3 W”
slum shown an the Evietor‘s shoulder-s, el- fia- m
bows, and knees. s s
m 5mm spins
right with flushing
‘ l , s s»
m -Mf ,
~ Uf 31W"
“Screen Chatk" The lights in the
Evldor‘s the“ flush
' 2&2
3. Use the main cantral button (below the
transmitters microphone) to nominal
TM. Evicfor's movemzms. The Evic‘ror‘
speeks flta message whlch matches iis
movement its eyes and chest flash,
The supplied single-muzzle and three- and you hear an mrfhsMkfrls sound»
muule laser guns are mierchungmblz.
slide eithergun's comm» into the slot in
‘ F
- Hold down A fa make the Evinnr
robot‘s right hand. slide the other gun‘s "W" WW“
Cami/actor inle the slot in lthe robot's left 4 H0“ dawn v to makz "w 5mm
“WM" move backward.
DR; VI NG THE EV! CTOR - Hold down < To make the Evidur spin
wi-int :N l ‘lnth E'tr‘nth i
“1.319 m" P “y WK ‘ m ° ' ° - Halli dawn , To make the Evictor spin
1,5 foN/OFF nnflt buck ”V E ' V‘
recon, E “f g V“ » kzlznsathz buttenlomekeliie
Eviction stop.
ii 3 lg
St‘ngk Muzllx
Sun Assembly
You can order replacement parts for your
robot at ynur local Radioshack stare Sim-
piy identify the partis) you need from the
exploded view, then find the part number
Receiver Battery Door
z" / H
Transniirrer Z7MH1
Single. Muuir Gun Assembiy
shouidzr Aminr
gs g, Wm:
night Le; Amior
t imgiguerww
M ii radii!
Owner‘s Manual
fifl’wmfi- ; Pig”
Thml um!-
sun Mummy
keep the Evictor dry; if it geTs wen wipe is
dry immediately. Use and store vl'iz Evictnr
only ih normal temperature =nvironmrits.
Handle the Evicfur carefully; do not drop it
keep the Evictor away from dusv and dirt,
and wipe it with a damp cloth occasionally tr
kup iv iorking new
mdifymg or tampering with the Evictar‘s
internai components can cause a innifunc-
tion and might invaiidan its warranty and
void ynur FCC awhorimfion h rpernte it.
If your Evictor is not performing er it
shouid, tnhe IV to your imi Radinslmck
store for assiflnncz.
lelted Ninety-Day wamnly
1m mm: \s wmma my maushm mm manulnvluriru ductile m matsfla‘ and workman—
m under normal use my mnsfiy (am am 1mm m; an: m purchase 1mm Mmsmck cnmpany~
emu sums Ind unnamed Rmmsmck (mack-m and mm EXCEPT As women
nsasw, amasnm MAKES NO EXPRESS wARRANnEs AND ANV mama: man/tunes
meDvNG mass as mzncmmmanuw mu amass run A PAwncuun PURPosE,
ARE uwsn w nuwmou To me nunmuu as we meEN umnsn wmmmss
CON'mNED “mew sxcsvr AS PfiovlnED HEREIN, macshm sum HAVE No uAmL~
n-v on REsPoNsnaquv m cusmmsn ck ANV omen mason on ENYHV wxm as.
sPEcT m ANY Lmsmw, LOSS on DAMAGE cwsED mean on wmamm Ev use
on PERFORMANCE a; me PRODUCT on mswe OUT cF Am anew-4 or ms WAR?
mm. mcwuwa BUT NOT LIMITED TO. ANV mamas REsumNs mom Noam/5
mmcs, Loss or mug nm‘ PROPEHYY, REVENUE. ofi whom an my mmnED‘L
spscm mcmEN'YAL on CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. EVEN u: momma ms am. My
vxsso as THE Possmm cssum mmegs.
Same mm do not am Iwulanons an m (an; an imwied warrirw Lasts m m exclusion or mm
«inn mwuww uvwnsequemim damagefl‘ mm: nnnv; mum’s uremusvnns my N11 lppVy b
m ma mm m . mum dalacl mm livv wmmy win law an. mum and ma mmnsmnk
was WM as prom alum-muse dam w my Hamish-m stal Radish-m mm, m m mm un-
us. omarwrst named by w Us) mm m- am“ by pmdumlwmrvfluwuv mm w parts and
mm (m lmhu m- wdm wmn mls at the same a sum. 4.5- 0. (v) mum) ms pumas:
pfice AI! remand pa“! um mums and plududx on men 3 mm 4: math. mm 0!- WW-
my a Ramoshm New or NWfldilinnnd pans and mom may a; med m m panomncn m
wsmmy serving Mama a! refined pans and mm, m wanna-d m m. remand-r a! m.
mm wnnunky mm. m Mn he chilgud (or repair w rem-acumen! urme wanna mm mm",
sxplraflcn 01 ms wsuunty peflud
ms um», um notes”! (a) Gimme mam caused by walmwlanls m smsofl'md muse,
mam misuse. wmnrwemr abnormm usage, mash mum“ mwwhm mum“ m m-
m ‘nmummns, may mum“ av mummy-em manna, mm; m Wm mmdwu 019x—
am vmrage or mm“: (b) any mm olnev my. Muse prev/idea by . mama-ck “mama
stbs new (a) mnsumflh‘m Jun" .s mm m batteries; m culmvbc 61mm: L.) human;-
"an, imaging nrlmumnc' mm or (u can; 01 vrvduct mum-I. “mum. may mice aqua!-
1m wnrmmy was you specmc legal mm and you may at» haw Wm aw: vlnid' vary 1mm
mm m
Hamesnnnk Cunmmvfiamfims. 2m: more.“ em Flew. m wm rxmoz
We Service W1 We Sell my
Radmshnck Corpormian mm
Fm Wmh, szus 76102 pnma in cm
flak 4k fl

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
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PDF Version                     : 1.4
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Modify Date                     : 2001:07:23 12:42:58+08:00
Create Date                     : 2001:07:23 12:42:10+08:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Page Count                      : 6
Mod Date                        : 2001:07:23 12:42:58+08:00
Creation Date                   : 2001:07:23 12:42:10+08:00
Producer                        : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Metadata Date                   : 2001:07:23 12:42:58+08:00
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: AAO6004289T

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