Radwin RW5XMOD RF module operating in the 4.9-5.8 GHz Band User Manual Manual r1

Radwin Ltd. RF module operating in the 4.9-5.8 GHz Band Manual r1


Manual r1

           AP0127730, AP0134760     RF Module Operating in the 4.9-5.8 GHz bands    REFERENCE GUIDE
Regulatory Compliance    FCC/IC - Compliance  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules and IC RSS standards. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This  equipment generates  uses  and  can  radiate  radio  frequency  energy  and,  if  not  installed  and  used  in accordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment  does  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  or  television  reception,  which  can  be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.   • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.   It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that when using the outdoor antenna kits, only those antennas certified with the product are used. The use of  any  antenna  other than  those  certified  with  the  product  is  expressly forbidden by FCC rules 47 CFR part 15.204 and IC RSS standards.   Il  est  de  la  responsabilité  de  l'installateur  de  s'assurer  que  lorsque  vous utilisez  les  kits  d'antennes  extérieures,  seules  les  antennes  certifiés  avec  le produit sont utilisés. L'utilisation d'une antenne autre que ceux qui sont  certifiés avec le produit est expressément interdite par la réglementation FCC partie 47 CFR 15.204 et IC normes RSS.      Outdoor  units  and  antennas  should  be  installed  ONLY  by  experienced installation professionals who are familiar with local building and safety codes and,  wherever  applicable,  are  licensed  by  the  appropriate  government regulatory  authorities.  Failure  to  do  so  may  void  the  product  warranty  and may expose the end user or the service provider to legal and financial Caution liabilities.  Resellers  or  distributors of  this  equipment  are  not  liable  for  injury, damage or violation of regulations associated with the installation of outdoor units  or  antennas.  The  installer  should  configure  the  output  power  level  of antennas according to country regulations and antenna type.           AP0127730, AP0134760 Reference Guide  i Warning      Avertissement
   Les  unités  extérieures  et  les  antennes  doivent  être  installés  que  par  des professionnels  expérimentés  d'installation  qui  sont  familiers  avec  les  normes locales et les codes de sécurité et, si applicable, sont agréées par les autorités gouvernementales de réglementation compétents. Ne pas le faire peut annuler    la garantie du produit et peuvent exposer l'utilisateur final ou le fournisseur de services  d'obligations  juridiques  et  financiers. Revendeurs ou distributeurs de ces équipements ne sont pas responsables des blessures, des dommages ou violation des règlements liés  à  l'installation des unités extérieures ou des antennes. L'installateur doit configurer le niveau de puissance  de  sortie  des  antennes  conformément  aux  réglementations nationales et le type d'antenne.     This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 354cm between the radiator and your body.  Warning           Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé à une distance minimale de 354cm entre le radiateur et votre corps.       The  module  is  granted  to  operate  under  FCC  certification  in  the  4.9  GHz and 5.8 GHz bands only.   Warning         This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  (1) This device may not cause harmful interference.   (2) This device must accept any interference received,  including interference that may cause undesired operation.    Cet appareil  est  conforme la  norme  d'Industrie Canada exempts de licence  RSS  (s).  Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:  1. Cet appareil ne peut pas causer d'interférences, et  2.  Cet  appareil  doit  accepter  toute  interférence,  y  compris  les  interférences  qui  peuvent causer un mauvais fonctionnement de l'appareil.   This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.  Cet appareil numrique de la classe B est conforme  la norme NMB-003 du Canada  AP0127730, AP0134760 Reference Guide ii  Prudence Avertissement    Warning Devices subject to RSS-210 Annex 9 shall not be capable of transmitting in the band 5600-5650 MHz.
           Overview  The  AP0127730,  AP0134760  is  an  RF  module  operating  in  the  4.9  –  5.8  GHz  frequency bands.  It  is a  TDD  OFDM  radio  supporting  5  MHz, 10  MHz,  20  MHz  and 40  MHz  channel bandwidths. The RF module cannot work as a stand-alone device. It can operate and be controlled only when attached to a digital main board and altogether assembled in an enclosure suitable for outdoor use. The assembly of the RF module attached to the digital main board is hereafter referred  to  as  ‘ODU’.  The  ODU  in  its  various  outdoor  enclosures  is  manufactured  by RADWIN. The  RF  module  is  certified  as  a  limited  modular  approval  type  with  the  FCC  ID: Q3KRW5XMOD and IC: 5100A-RW5XMOD.    Condition of Use  The  AP0127730,  AP0134760  RF  module  is  a  proprietary  radio  interface  and  can  only  be connected  to  digital  boards  manufactured  by  RADWIN.  The  ODU  resides  in  an  outdoor enclosure  also  manufactured  and  assembled  by  RADWIN  or  its  subcontractors.  The  RF module is not for sale to the general public.  FCC rules and IC Regulation Restrictions  The ODU firmware is factory programmed to operate under the FCC rules and Industry Canada regulation restrictions. The firmware is locked and inaccessible by any third party. As a result of the above the user interface allows both the installer and the user to control the ODU only within the boundaries of the regional restrictions.    Antennas  The AP0127730, AP0134760 RF module is certified with various antenna types covering both Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint systems up to 32 dBi gain.       AP0127730, AP0134760 Reference Guide 1
Certified Antennas Following  is  the  list  of  antennas  certified  for  use  with  the  AP0127730,  AP0134760  RF module:  Antenna Type Manufacturer Model Number Antenna Max Gain (dBi) Sector Dual Pole Integrated 120 Deg RADWIN Ltd. MT0128930 11 Sector Dual Pole 120 Deg RADWIN Ltd. RW-9061-5004 11 Sector Dual Pole Integrated 95 Deg RADWIN Ltd. AM0135060 12 Sector Dual Pole 90 Deg RADWIN Ltd. RW-9061-5001 14 Sector Dual Pole 60 Deg RADWIN Ltd. RW-9061-5002 16.5 Sector Dual Pole Integrated 90 Deg RADWIN Ltd. MT0125250 13 Flat Panel Dual Pole Integrated RADWIN Ltd. AM0119960 16 Flat Panel Dual Pole Integrated RADWIN Ltd. AM0111760 16.5 Flat Panel Dual Pole Integrated RADWIN Ltd. MT0070760 24 Flat Panel Dual Pole External RADWIN Ltd. RW-9612-5001 23 Flat Panel Dual Pole External RADWIN Ltd. RW-9622-5001 29 Dual Pole Dish RADWIN Ltd. RW-9721-5158 29 Dual Pole Dish RADWIN Ltd. RW-9732-4958* 32 Shark Fin Monopole RADWIN Ltd. RW-9401-5002 12.5   * Not applicable for 4.9 GHz band   Maximum Output Power  5725 – 5850 MHz band - FCC/IC The  maximum  output  power  can  be set  as  follows,  when  operating  in  the  5.8  GHz  band, under FCC and IC regulations. The power values are for PtP systems and PtMP systems with 0  to  6  dBi  total  antenna assembly  gain.  For PtMP  systems  the  total EIRP  is  limited  to  36 dBm. Therefore the output power of these systems, using higher than 6 dBi total antenna assembly gains will be reduced to comply with 36 dBm EIRP.  The highest conducted output power shall be limited to 30 dBm in all channel bandwidths        AP0127730, AP0134760 Reference Guide 2
4940 – 4990 MHz band - FCC/IC The maximum output power can be set as follows, when operating in the 4.9 GHz band, under FCC and IC. The power values shown below are for systems using 0 to 26 dBi total antenna assembly gain. Systems using 29 dBi antenna gain must reduce output power by 3 dB.     5 MHz: 25.0 dBm  10 MHz: 23.0 dBm  20 MHz: 24.0 dBm    5250 – 5350 MHz band – FCC/IC The  maximum  output  power  can  be set  as  follows,  when  operating  in  the  5.2  GHz  band, under IC regulations. The total EIRP limit is 30 dBm. The power values are for systems with 0 to 6 dBi total antenna assembly gain. For systems using higher than 6 dBi total assembly gain antennas the output power will be reduced to comply with 30 dBm EIRP.    5 MHz: 18.0 dBm  10 MHz: 20.0 dBm    20 MHz: 23.0 dBm  40 MHz: 24.0 dBm    5470 – 5725 MHz band – FCC/IC The  maximum  output  power  can  be set  as  follows,  when  operating  in  the  5.4  GHz  band, under IC regulations. The total EIRP limit is 30 dBm. The power values are for systems with 0 to 6 dBi total antenna assembly gain. For systems using higher than 6 dBi total assembly gain antennas the output power will be reduced to comply with 30 dBm EIRP.    5 MHz: 17.0 dBm 10 MHz: 20.0 dBm  20 MHz: 23.0 dBm  40 MHz: 24.0 dBm     5150 – 5250 MHz band – FCC The maximum output power can be set as follows when transmitting in the 5.1 GHz band, under FCC regulations.  The total EIRP limit for PtP applications is 53 dBm. The total EIRP limit for PtMP applications is 36 dBm. The total EIRP limit for PtMP applications when transmitting at elevations above 30° relative to the horizon is 21 dBm.    5 MHz: 24.0 dBm  10 MHz: 27.0 dBm    20 MHz: 28.0 dBm  40 MHz: 23.0 dBm    AP0127730, AP0134760 Reference Guide 3
US - OPERATION TO AVOID INTERFERENCE WITH TDWR  The US FCC, NTIA, FAA, and industry are working to resolve interference to Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR)  systems used near airports that has occurred  from some  outdoor wireless systems operating in the 5470  MHz  –  5725  MHz  band.  These  wireless  devices  are  subject  to  Section  15.407.  When  operating  as  a master device they are required to implement radar detection and DFS functions and radios must not transmit on channels which overlap the 5600-5650 MHz band used by TDWR.  Additional information is available from  the FCC’s Knowledge Database (KDB) Publication 443999 “Interim Plans to Approve UNII Devices Operating in the 5470-5725 MHz Band with Radar Detection and DFS Capabilities” available at https://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/kdb/GetAttachment.html?id=33781  the Wireless Internet Service Providers Association (WISPA) in coordination with Spectrum Bridge: http://www.spectrumbridge.com/udia/home.aspx. 5.4-GHz radios must be professionally installed. The professional installer must have the following expertise:  Understanding of the configurations outlined in Table 2: US FCC IDs and Industry Canada Certification Numbers and covered configurations, especially those applicable to the 5470-5725 MHz U-NII band.  Understanding of the master/slave operation of the RADWIN 2000, RADWIN 5000 and RADWIN 6000 family products into which the RF Module AP0127730 or AP0134760 is assembled (hereafter: ODU). The Master ODU determines the operating frequency of the radio link (Master and Slave).    Understanding of the devices frequency-scan selection settings and how they can be set to prevent scanning and therefore transmission on any specific frequencies.  Understanding of the option to set primary and two alternate frequencies on the Master ODU.  Ability to use the RADWIN Manager (hereafter: NMS) to set the primary and alternate transmit frequencies on the Master ODU, scanned frequencies on an Slave ODU, and Transmit Output Power of a radio.  Ability to use the NMS Spectrum View utility feature to observe the local RF environment.  Ability to determine if a radio is within 35 km (21.75 mi) of any Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) using the Search function available at http://www.spectrumbridge.com/udia/search.aspx, or using various mapping programs and the data from in Table 1: TDWR Location Information.  Ability to set the Master ODU's transmit frequency (frequencies, if using alternate frequencies) and Slave ODU's scanned frequencies at least 30 MHz (center-to-center) from any TDWR operating frequency or frequencies within 35 km of the radio.   To gain this expertise the following training is required:   Study of the documentation  Familiarization in a lab or test environment  Hands-on training with an experienced installer.  Procedure 1 provides the specific instructions to avoid interfering with TDWR when using 5.4GHz ODUs Procedure 1: Avoiding interference with Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) 1. Use standard installation procedures with the additional steps outlined below. 2. For each 5.4-GHz ODU, determine if it is within 35 km (21.75 mi) of any Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR). This can be done using the map search tool at http://www.spectrumbridge.com/udia/search.aspx, or other mapping tools using the data from Table 1.   AP0127730, AP0134760 Reference Guide       4
4. If a Master ODU is within 35 km (21.75 mi) of any TDWR, disable the primary transmit frequency (and alternate frequencies, if used) that are between 5570-5680 MHz. 5. If a Slave ODU is within 35 km (21.75) mi of any TDWR   Ensure its Master ODU isn’t using primary or alternate (if used) transmit frequencies that are within 5570-5680 MHz frequency range   Set the Slave ODU’s scanned frequencies to not include frequencies within 5570-5680 MHz frequency range Note, even if the Master ODU itself is more than 35 km from the TDWR, if any of its Slave ODUs are within 35 km, it must not operate within 5570-5680 MHz frequency range. Note, in some instances an ODU may be within 35 km of multiple TDWRs. In this case, the device must not use any frequency within 5570-5680 MHz frequency range. 6. Register each 5.4-GHz device operating within 35 km (21.75 mi) of any TDWR in the voluntary WISPA-sponsored database at http://www.spectrumbridge.com/udia/home.aspx. Note, this database may help expedite resolution of any interference to TDWRs. 7. Registration includes, at a minimum, Latitude, Longitude, and External Antenna Model. When registering a device, choose whether to allow General Access or to have the device information viewable only by you and government representatives.                    AP0127730, AP0134760 Reference Guide       5
Table 1: TDWR Location Information  State City Longitude Latitude Frequency Terrain Elevation (MSL) (ft) Antenna Height above Terrain (ft) AZ  PHOENIX  W 112 09 46  N 33 25 14  5610 MHz  1024  64  CO  DENVER  W 104 31 35  N 39 43 39  5615 MHz  5643  64  FL  FT LAUDERDALE  W 080 20 39  N 26 08 36  5645 MHz  7  113  FL  MIAMI  W 080 29 28  N 25 45 27  5605 MHz  10  113  FL  ORLANDO  W 081 19 33  N 28 20 37  5640 MHz  72  97  FL  TAMPA  W 082 31 04  N 27 51 35  5620 MHz  14  80  FL  WEST PALM BEACH  W 080 16 23  N 26 41 17  5615 MHz  20  113  GA  ATLANTA  W 084 15 44  N 33 38 48  5615 MHz  962  113  IL  MCCOOK  W 087 51 31  N 41 47 50  5615 MHz  646  97  IL  CRESTWOOD  W 087 43 47  N 41 39 05  5645 MHz  663  113  IN  INDIANAPOLIS  W 086 26 08  N 39 38 14  5605 MHz  751  97  KS  WICHITA  W 097 26 13  N 37 30 26  5603 MHz  1270  80  KY  COVINGTON CINCINNATI  W 084 34 48  N 38 53 53  5610 MHz  942  97  KY  LOUISVILLE  W 085 36 38  N 38 02 45  5646 MHz  617  113  LA  NEW ORLEANS  W 090 24 11  N 30 01 18  5645 MHz  2  97  MA  BOSTON  W 070 56 01  N 42 09 30  5610 MHz  151  113  MD  BRANDYWINE  W 076 50 42  N 38 41 43  5635 MHz  233  113  MD  BENFIELD  W 076 37 48  N 39 05 23  5645 MHz  184  113  MD  CLINTON  W 076 57 43  N 38 45 32  5615 MHz  249  97  MI  DETROIT  W 083 30 54  N 42 06 40  5615 MHz  656  113  MN  MINNEAPOLIS  W 092 55 58  N 44 52 17  5610 MHz  1040  80  MO  KANSAS CITY  W 094 44 31  N 39 29 55  5605 MHz  1040  64  MO  SAINT LOUIS  W 090 29 21  N 38 48 20  5610 MHz  551  97  MS  DESOTO COUNTY  W 089 59 33  N 34 53 45  5610 MHz  371  113  NC  CHARLOTTE  W 080 53 06  N 35 20 14  5608 MHz  757  113  NC  RALEIGH DURHAM  W 078 41 50  N 36 00 07  5647 MHz  400  113  NJ  WOODBRIDGE  W 074 16 13  N 40 35 37  5620 MHz  19  113  NJ  PENNSAUKEN  W 075 04 12  N 39 56 57  5610 MHz  39  113  NV  LAS VEGAS  W 115 00 26  N 36 08 37  5645 MHz  1995  64  NY  FLOYD BENNETT FIELD  W 073 52 49  N 40 35 20  5647 MHz  8  97  OH  DAYTON  W 084 07 23  N 40 01 19  5640 MHz  922  97  OH  CLEVELAND  W 082 00 28  N 41 17 23  5645 MHz  817  113  OH  COLUMBUS  W 082 42 55  N 40 00 20  5605 MHz  1037  113  OK  AERO. CTR TDWR #1  W 097 37 31  N 35 24 19  5610 MHz  1285  80  OK  AERO. CTR TDWR #2  W 097 37 43  N 35 23 34  5620 MHz  1293  97  OK  TULSA  W 095 49 34  N 36 04 14  5605 MHz  712  113  OK  OKLAHOMA CITY  W 097 30 36  N 35 16 34  5603 MHz  1195  64  PA  HANOVER  W 080 29 10  N 40 30 05  5615 MHz  1266  113  PR  SAN JUAN  W 066 10 46  N 18 28 26  5610 MHz  59  113  TN  NASHVILLE  W 086 39 42  N 35 58 47  5605 MHz  722  97  TX  HOUSTON INTERCONTL  W 095 34 01  N 30 03 54  5605 MHz  154  97  TX  PEARLAND  W 095 14 30  N 29 30 59  5645 MHz  36  80  TX  DALLAS LOVE FIELD  W 096 58 06  N 32 55 33  5608 MHz  541  80  TX  LEWISVILLE DFW  W 096 55 05  N 33 03 53  5640 MHz  554  31  UT  SALT LAKE CITY  W 111 55 47  N 40 58 02  5610 MHz  4219  80  VA  LEESBURG  W 077 31 46  N 39 05 02  5605 MHz  361  113  WI  MILWAUKEE  W 088 02 47  N 42 49 10  5603 MHz  820  113  Latitude and Longitude are specified in NAD 83 Last updated July 30, 2010       AP0127730, AP0134760 Reference Guide       6
Table 2: US FCC IDs and Industry Canada Certification Numbers and covered configurations1, 2                1. The table is relevant for all ODUs belonging to RADWIN 2000, RADWIN 5000 and RADWIN 6000 family products into which the RF Module AP0127730 or AP0134760 is assembled.  2. Under FCC ID: Q3KRW5XMOD, IC: 5100A-RW5XMOD  3. Excluding 5600-5650 MHz band  Radio parameters accessed by end-user  The following parameters can be accessed by user: 1. Output Power 2. Frequency channel 3. Channel bandwidth 4. Antenna gain in external antenna type device     AP0127730, AP0134760 Reference Guide       7 Channel BW [MHz] Center Freq. Range [MHz] 5 5255 - 5345 10 5260 - 5340 20 5265 - 5335 40 5275 - 5320 5 5475 - 57203 10 5475 - 57203 20 5480 - 57153 40 5500 - 56953 5 5727.5 - 5847.5 10 5730 - 5845 20 5735 - 5840 40 5745 - 5830 5 4942.5 – 4987.5 10 4945 – 4985 20 4950 - 4980 5 5157 - 5245 10 5162 – 5245 20 5165 – 5240 40 5172 - 5230

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