Raritan Computer Paragon P2 Umt1664M Users Manual 0A E

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User Manual
Paragon II
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User Manual
Paragon II
Copyright © 2003 Raritan Computer, Inc.
December 2003
Raritan Computer Inc.
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Somerset, NJ 08873
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FCC Information
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a commercial installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential environment may cause harmful
Product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
companies. Z-Series, Paragon, MasterConsole MX4, MasterConsole MXU2, MasterConsole II,
MasterConsole SMX, ConsoleSwitch and their respective logos are registered trademarks of Raritan
Computer, Inc. PS/2, RS/6000, and PC/AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines
Corporation. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Lexan is a registered
trademark of GE. Windows is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United
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property of their respective owners.
Japanese Approvals
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Ask for Technical Support – Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 8:00pm, EST.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction .................................................................. 1
Paragon II Overview...................................................................................................................1
Product Photos...........................................................................................................................2
Product Features........................................................................................................................3
Package Contents......................................................................................................................4
Chapter 2: Installation.................................................................... 5
Basic Installation ........................................................................................................................5
Initial Administrative Testing ......................................................................................................7
Paragon II Front Panel Display and Controls ............................................................................8
Initial Configuration ..................................................................................................................12
Using the OSUI for Initial Configuration...................................................................................12
Installing a Paragon System with a Single Base Unit..............................................................13
Installing a Cascaded Paragon System...................................................................................17
Installing a Paragon Stacking Switch ................................................................................20
Chapter 3: Operation – User Functions ........................................ 21
Selecting a Server....................................................................................................................23
User Customization..................................................................................................................26
User Profile Parameters and How to Change Settings.....................................................27
Help Menu................................................................................................................................28
Keyboard-Controlled OSUI Functions......................................................................................29
Information Menu .....................................................................................................................30
Chapter 4: Operation – Administrator Functions ......................... 31
The Administration Menu .........................................................................................................31
Guidelines for System Configuration .......................................................................................32
System Configuration...............................................................................................................32
User Configuration ...................................................................................................................34
Channel Configuration .............................................................................................................36
User Station Profile ..................................................................................................................38
Keyboard Type ..................................................................................................................38
Video Delay .......................................................................................................................38
Group Settings (Access Rights)...............................................................................................39
Recommendations ...................................................................................................................40
Network Settings......................................................................................................................41
Autoscanning and Autoskipping...............................................................................................42
Power Management.................................................................................................................43
Configuring and Naming the Power Strip..........................................................................43
Associating a Target with a Power Outlet .........................................................................43
Controlling Power to an Outlet...........................................................................................44
Paragon II Network Port...........................................................................................................44
Chapter 5: Paragon II and Z-CIM .................................................. 45
Connecting Z-CIMs as Tiers ....................................................................................................46
Chapter 6: IBM x330 ..................................................................... 49
Chapter 7: Configurations ............................................................ 51
Principles of Re-Connection ....................................................................................................51
Tiered Configurations...............................................................................................................52
Standard Tiering Configurations........................................................................................52
Stacked Configurations............................................................................................................54
Standard Stacking Configurations.....................................................................................55
Non-Standard Tier Configuration.............................................................................................58
Guidelines for Existing Firmware Versions........................................................................58
Illegal Configuration .................................................................................................................62
Loop-Back Configuration..........................................................................................................62
Appendix A: Specifications .......................................................... 63
CAT5 Cable Guidelines............................................................................................................64
Appendix B: User Station Direct Mode ........................................ 65
Appendix C: Configuration and Compatibility.............................. 67
Configuration Matrix.................................................................................................................67
Compatibility Matrix..................................................................................................................67
Appendix D: Paragon II Rack Mount ............................................ 69
Forward Mount.........................................................................................................................69
Rear Mount ..............................................................................................................................70
Appendix E: Using AUATC for RS-232 Access ............................. 71
Introduction to the AUATC .......................................................................................................71
Installing the AUATC................................................................................................................71
Operating the AUATC ..............................................................................................................72
Screen Layout ...................................................................................................................72
On-Line Mode....................................................................................................................73
Help Mode .........................................................................................................................73
Buffer Edit Mode................................................................................................................74
Configuring the AUATC............................................................................................................75
Troubleshooting the AUATC ....................................................................................................77
Appendix F: Emulating Sun Keys with a PS/2 Keyboard ............. 79
Appendix G: Troubleshooting....................................................... 81
Multi-Tier Installation................................................................................................................82
Appendix H: FAQ........................................................................... 83
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Paragon II Base Units ........................................................................................................2
Figure 2 P2-UMT832, P2-UST, and P2CIM-PS2.............................................................................2
Figure 3 Installation Diagram............................................................................................................6
Figure 4 Login Menu.........................................................................................................................7
Figure 5 Selection Menu...................................................................................................................7
Figure 6 Paragon II Front Panel Buttons..........................................................................................8
Figure 7 LCD Normal Display...........................................................................................................9
Figure 8 Power Up Clear Database..................................................................................................9
Figure 9 LCD Functions....................................................................................................................9
Figure 10 Function Selection............................................................................................................9
Figure 11 Display Ver. and SN.......................................................................................................10
Figure 12 User Station Test............................................................................................................10
Figure 13 Channel CIM (UKVM) Test............................................................................................10
Figure 14 Stacking Support............................................................................................................10
Figure 15 Set LCD Contrast ...........................................................................................................10
Figure 16 Auto Configure ...............................................................................................................11
Figure 17 Format of OSUI screens.................................................................................................12
Figure 18 Rear panel of a Paragon User Station and P2-UMT832M unit.....................................13
Figure 19 Login Menu for a P2-UMT832M.....................................................................................14
Figure 20 Selection Menu for a P2-UMT832M...............................................................................14
Figure 21 Administration Menu.......................................................................................................15
Figure 22 Channel Configuration Menu of a P2-UMT832M...........................................................16
Figure 23 Sample cascaded system ..............................................................................................17
Figure 24 Selection Menu...............................................................................................................18
Figure 25 Administration Menu.......................................................................................................18
Figure 26 Channel Configuration Menu for a P2-UMT832M..........................................................19
Figure 27 Login Menu for a P2-UMT832M.....................................................................................21
Figure 28 Selection Menu for a P2-UMT832M...............................................................................22
Figure 29 Selection Menu in order by Channel Port Number ........................................................23
Figure 30 Selection Menu in order by Name..................................................................................24
Figure 31 User Profile Menu...........................................................................................................26
Figure 32 Help Menu......................................................................................................................28
Figure 33 Information Menu ...........................................................................................................30
Figure 34 Administration Menu.......................................................................................................31
Figure 35 System Configuration Menu...........................................................................................32
Figure 36 The “left end” of the User Configuration Menu...............................................................34
Figure 37 The “right end” of the User Configuration Menu ............................................................35
Figure 38 The “left end” of the Channel Configuration Menu.........................................................36
Figure 39 The “right end” of the Channel Configuration Menu.......................................................37
Figure 40 User Station Profile Screen............................................................................................38
Figure 41 Network Settings Menu ..................................................................................................41
Figure 42 Connecting a Z-CIM as a Tier to Paragon II ..................................................................46
Figure 43 IBM x330 Tiered from a Paragon II Matrix Switch ........................................................49
Figure 44 Single Base Configuration..............................................................................................52
Figure 45 Multiple Base Configuration ...........................................................................................53
Figure 46 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT1664M and P2-UMT1664S............55
Figure 47 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT832M and P2-UMT832S................55
Figure 48 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT832M and P2-UMT832S................55
Figure 49 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT832M and P2-UMT832S................56
Figure 50 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT1664M and P2-UMT832S..............56
Figure 51 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT832M and P2-UMT1664S..............56
Figure 52 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT1664M and P2-UMT832S..............57
Figure 53 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT832M and P2-UMT1664S..............57
Figure 54 Triangle Configuration....................................................................................................59
Figure 55 Diamond Configuration...................................................................................................60
Figure 56 Redundant Configuration ...............................................................................................61
Figure 57 Recommended Redundant Configuration connection scheme......................................62
Figure 58 Illegal Loop-Back Configuration .....................................................................................62
Figure 59 Cat5 Cable Diagram.......................................................................................................64
Figure 60 Front rackmount of a P2 Base Unit................................................................................69
Figure 61 Front rackmount of a P2 User Station............................................................................69
Figure 62 Rear rackmount of a P2 Base Unit.................................................................................70
Figure 63 Rear rackmount of a P2 User Station ............................................................................70
Figure 64 AUATC screen layout (On-Line Mode) ..........................................................................72
Figure 65 Help screen ....................................................................................................................73
Figure 66 Buffer Edit Mode screen.................................................................................................74
Figure 67 Setup Communication Screen .......................................................................................75
Figure 68 Set Up Programmable Keys screen...............................................................................76
Chapter 1: Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of Raritan’s Paragon II! The Paragon family is about breaking away from
the traditional, expensive model of server management – one server, one dedicated monitor, one dedicated
keyboard. Paragon allows for a single user station (monitor, keyboard, and mouse) for multiple servers –
even servers of different platforms! Why not a pair of user stations, each of which can control multiple
servers? Why not many monitors or user stations for the same server? Why not access or display any of
your servers, anywhere in the world, with any of your user stations or monitors?
With our Paragon products, there’s no reason why not. We carry a broad line of robust solutions for all
these applications:
Do you have just two PCs and need an economical alternative to keeping two mice, keyboards, and
monitors on your desk? Or do you need to share many servers, including a mix of IBM PC, RS/6000,
Apple Macintosh, Sun Microsystems, and SGI types among multiple worldwide users with different
access levels?
Do you have to send video from one server to two different local monitors? Or do you need to send
video from multiple servers to dozens of remote monitors?
Does your switch have to sit solidly on a worktable and use regular everyday cables? Or does it have to
be mounted in an equipment rack, use convenient many-to-one cables, and have a rackmounted user
station that folds and slides into 1U of space?
No matter how large or small your setup, no matter how simple or how complex, Raritan is confident that
there is a Paragon system just right for you. The Paragon family from Raritan – the one-stop answer for all
your video and KVM switching and extension needs!
Paragon II Overview
The Paragon II is designed to perform heavy-duty multiple-user-to-many-server keyboard/video/mouse
(KVM) matrix switching without burdening you with big, confusing hydra-headed cables. Instead, the
Paragon II uses standard Category 5 unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cabling, like the type that is already
installed at many sites. It can connect users with servers across as much as 1000 ft. (304 m) of such cabling.
Paragon II systems consist of three components: Base Units, which do the matrix switching; Computer-
Interface Modules (CIMs) connected to each server; and User-Station Modules (User Stations) connected
to each set of user-station equipment.
There are a number of Base Unit models that support different numbers of directly attached users and
server CPUs:
Product code P2-UMT242 supports 2 users and 42 CPUs
P2-UMT442 supports 4 users and 42 CPUs
P2-UMT832M supports 8 users and 32 CPUs
P2-UMT1664M supports 16 users and 64 CPUs
There are also several different CIMs for different types of servers (all must output VGA video):
P2CIM-PS2 and ZCIM-PS2 support CPUs with IBM PS/2 type keyboard and mouse ports; Z-CIM has
an extra RJ-45 port to support a “local CPU” installed between a User Station and a Base Unit, as well
as chaining of ZCIMs for clustered access.
P2CIM-SUN supports CPUs with Sun type keyboard and mouse ports
P2CIM-USB and P2CIM-SUSB support CPUs with USB keyboard and mouse ports
AUATC supports CPUs connected through their RS-232 serial ports
There is one universal User Station (P2-UST) that supports PS/2, Sun, or USB keyboards and mice. (We
recommend that you use a Sun keyboard if there are any Sun CPUs in your system; if you must use a PS/2
keyboard to control Sun CPUs, please see Appendix F: Emulating Sun Keys with a PS/2 Keyboard for
additional information.) If you want to connect one user station to one CPU across a long stretch of CAT5
or higher cable, you can run such a cable between a “direct mode” User Station and a P2CIM-PS2 (please
see Appendix B: User Station Direct Mode for additional information).
Product Photos
Figure 1 Paragon II Base Units
Figure 2 P2-UMT832, P2-UST, and P2CIM-PS2
Product Features
2U design supports 16 users, 64 servers (model P2-UMT1664M)
1U design supports 8 users, 32 servers (model P2-UMT832M)
1U design supports 4 users, 42 servers (model P2-UMT442)
1U design supports 2 users, 42 servers (model P2-UMT242)
Expands to 32 users with Raritan’s UKVMP2 or CIMPAC8
Expands to 64 users with Raritan’s HUBPAC8
Locates users and servers up to 1,000 feet apart
Supports high-resolution video – up to 1600 x 1200
Supports up to 512 customized user profiles (with optional Memory Card)
Adds remote access over IP or modem with Raritan’s IP-Reach
Expands to 10,000 servers via multi-dimensional expansion (with optional Memory Card)
Stacking switches provide 100% non-blocked expansion with a single cable
Enclosed 19” rack mounts with included brackets
Simple plug-and-play auto-configure installation
Hot-swappable components with no impact on server operation
Platform-specific CIMs for PS/2, Sun, USB, Sun USB, ASCII/serial devices
Powerful, intuitive on-screen user interface for simple operation
Flexible, multi-level security for authorized server access
Three system operation modes - private, public, and share
Flash firmware upgrades via network port
Paragon Manager™ Windows application provides streamlined administration of Paragon II
infrastructure, including adding, deleting or modifying user profiles, event logging, and database
OSUI support for IBM x330 with C2T technology
Seamless compatibility with Raritan’s MasterConsole MXU2 and Z-Series 4200U
Administrator can logoff any connected user
Turn on, off, or reboot power to any connected device
Network admin port
Set power control permissions on a per outlet basis
Package Contents
Each Paragon Base Unit (P2-UMT242, P2-UMT442, P2-UMT832M, or P2-UMT1664M) ships with:
(1) Base Unit
(2) 20-ft. (6.1-m) CAT5 test cables
(1) Pair of rackmount brackets and associated screws
(1) 6-ft. (1.8-m) AC power cord
RUMT-1U-LM304 Rackmount kit
CAT5 admin cable
Raritan’s User’s Manual CD
Quick Setup and Installation Guide
The Paragon Stacking Units ship with:
(1) Stacking Switch
RUMT-1U-LM304 Rackmount kit
6” Stacking Cable (P2-UMT832M) or 12” Stacking Cable (P2-UMT1664M)
AC Power Cord
The Paragon User Station ships with:
(1) User-Station Module
(1) 6-ft. (1.8-m) AC power cord
(1) 6-ft. (1.8-m) AC power-extension cord for the attached monitor
(1) 10-ft. (3-m) DB9 male-to-female serial administration cable
Chapter 2: Installation
Important! The Paragon and all devices you want to attach to it must be unplugged and powered
OFF prior to installation.
Basic Installation
1. Connect power cord to the Main Switching Unit.
Optional Stacking Support:
Connect power cord to a Stacking Unit.
Connect one end of a stacking cable to the "Expansion Port Out" on the back of the Stacking Unit.
Connect the other end of the cable to the "Expansion Port" on the Main Switching Unit
Power ON all switching units
On the front panel LCD of the Main Switching Unit:
Press the [FUNC] button and use the [] and [] keys to select "Stacking Support." Press
the [ENT] button.
Select the total number of Stacking Units desired (0-3). Press the [ENT] button.
On the front panel LCD of the Stacking Unit:
Press the [FUNC] button and use the [] and [] keys to select "Set Stack ID." Press the
[ENT] button.
Assign the Stacking Unit ID using the [] and [] keys. Each Stacking Unit MUST HAVE
Press the [ENT] button (sequential order is not necessary).
2. Power ON the Main Switching Unit.
3. Connect one end of a Category 5e UTP cable to User Port #1 on the back of the Main Switching Unit.
Connect the other end of the cable to the “Cat5 Port” on the back of the User Station (P2-UST)
4. Connect a power cord to the User Station. Power ON the User Station.
5. Connect a PS/2 keyboard, mouse, and VGA monitor to the User Station. Power ON the monitor.
6. Connect one end of a Category 5e UTP cable to Channel Port #1 on the back of the Main Switching
Unit (or Stacking Unit, if attached). Connect the other end of the cable to the RJ45 port on a Computer
Interface Module (P2-CIM).
7. Connect the P2-CIM to server’s keyboard, video, and mouse ports.
8. Power ON server.
Repeat steps 3 through 8 for all other CPUs you want to attach.
Figure 3 Installation Diagram
Initial Administrative Testing
To verify that an attached server can be viewed and controlled through the Paragon system:
1. When you first power ON the Paragon Base Unit, an attached User Station, and the User Station’s
attached monitor; a Login Menu will be displayed on the monitor. Type admin (all lowercase) in the
User Name field and press the [Enter] key. Type raritan (all lowercase) in the Password field and
press the [Enter] key.
Note: The factory-default user names are user01 through up to user16 (depending on the model of the Base
Unit) for regular users and admin for the admin user. User names are not case-sensitive. By default, a
password is required only for the admin user, and that password is raritan. Passwords are case-sensitive.
Figure 4 Login Menu
2. The monitor will display an On-Screen User Interface (OSUI) Selection Menu with the port of the
connected CPU displayed in green. (It will have no default name – the Name field will be blank.)
Figure 5 Selection Menu
3. Use the up- and down-arrow keys on the user station’s keyboard to move the highlight to the green
server port and press the [Enter] key.
4. Normal server access and operation indicates a successful connection.
A video-gain adjustment is available to focus the video image, which can be especially useful if you are
using an LCD flat-panel monitor. To make this adjustment, activate the OSUI (if you have not done so
already) by rapidly pressing the keyboard’s [Scroll Lock] key twice. Use the [+] and [-] (plus- and minus-
sign) keys on the keyboard’s numeric keypad to adjust the video image until it appears to be in focus.
Paragon II Front Panel Display and Controls
The control buttons and LCD display on the Paragon II unit provide systems management and technical
support functions. For most situations, there is no need to use the front panel beyond viewing status.
Figure 6 Paragon II Front Panel Buttons
Front Panel Components and Functions:
1. The [ESC] button is used for canceling displayed function and returning system to normal state.
2. The [FUNC] button is used to select various functions.
3. The LCD displays system status and indicates functions that can be selected by pressing front panel
control buttons.
4. The [], [], [], and [] buttons are used for selecting or setting various options, depending on
function being performed.
5. The [ENT] button is used for confirming and executing selected function.
Start-Up Display:
When a Paragon II unit is powered ON, it performs a start-up test. It checks each channel and user port to
ensure proper operation.
Normal Display:
After start-up test, LCD panel displays two lines of messages:
1. Line 1: Running message: “Raritan Computer Paragon II: Paragon832/1 Ready”
For a Paragon II unit model P2-UMT832M, “Paragon832” is the default name of the Matrix Switching
Unit (this name may be changed through the System Configuration Menu).
2. Line 2: User port status message: “A/N User (1, 2, 3 …) None”
User port status displays a scrolling status of all user ports, one user port per second. The User’s active
channel, 1 through 256, is displayed after the user port number.
Raritan Computer Paragon II: Paragon832/1
A User (1, 2, 3 … 8) None
A=Active User # 1-8
- OR -
Raritan Computer Paragon II: Paragon832/1
N User (1, 2, 3, … 8) None
N=Non-Active User # 1-8
Figure 7 LCD Normal Display
Power Up Option:
If you hold down the [FUNC] button on the front panel of the Paragon II unit during Power Up, the
Paragon II unit will clear its database and reset to factory defaults. Confirm functions by pressing the [ENT]
button on the front panel.
Clear Database
Hit Ent/ESC?
Figure 8 Power Up Clear Database
Function Selection Screen:
Several administrative functions can be performed on the Function Selection Screen on the Paragon II
unit’s front panel.
Display Ver./SN
Test User UST1
Test Chan. UKVM
Test Stack Unit
Stacking Support
Set LCD Contrast
Set IP Address
Reset Unit
Figure 9 LCD Functions
Selecting a Function:
Press the [FUNC] button on the front panel of the Paragon II unit to enter Function Selection mode and use
the [] and [] buttons to scroll through the Function List. Press the [ENT] button on the front panel to
select displayed function and use the instructions below for each specified function. Press the [ESC] button
on the front panel at any time to return to Normal Display.
Function Menu
Display Ver./SN
Figure 10 Function Selection
1. Display Ver./SN (Firmware Version and Serial Number): Displays current version of firmware and
unit’s serial number.
Firmware: 2C1
SN: CPB80347
Figure 11 Display Ver. and SN
2. Test User UST1 (User Station): Used by administrator to check if user stations (UST1s) are
functioning properly. Press the [] or [] button to change user port number. Display will read “OK”,
“None”, or “Failed. Press [ESC] to return to normal display.”
If a “failed” condition is detected, make sure Category 5e UTP cable is installed properly and secured,
or try using another UST1 to see if UST1 under test has become defective.
Test User UST1
UST1: 3 OK
Figure 12 User Station Test
3. Test Channel UKVM (CIM UKVM): Used by administrator to check if CIM is functioning properly.
Press the [] or [] button to change channel number. Display will read “OK”, “None”, or “Failed.”
Press [ESC] to return to normal display.
If a “failed” condition is detected, make sure Category 5e UTP cable is installed properly and secured,
or try using another CIM (UKVM) to see if CIM under test has become defective.
Test Chan. UKVM
Figure 13 Channel CIM (UKVM) Test
4. Test Stack Unit: Press the [] or [] button to select the corresponding Stacking Unit ID for any
connected units. If there are no Stacking Units connected, the LCD will display “None”. If there are
Stacking Units connected, the LCD should read “Ok” for each unit. Press [ESC] to return to normal
5. Stacking Support: Press the [] or [] button to set the Stacking Unit ID number (0 – 3 for a P2-
UMT832M or “0” or “1” for a P2-UMT1664M). The default is set to “0” (no Stacking Units
connected). If you wish to add Stacking Units, this number must be equal to the number of Stacking
Units connected. Press [ESC] to return to normal display.
Stacking Support
Unit(s): 0-3
Figure 14 Stacking Support
6. Set LCD Contrast: Modifies contrast level of front panel LCD Display. Press the [] or [] button to
increase or decrease contrast, and press the [ESC] button to return to normal display.
Set LCD Contrast
Use Up/Down Keys
Figure 15 Set LCD Contrast
Note: LCD contrast can also be adjusted by holding the [
] button and pressing the [
] or [
] button at
any time.
7. Re-Configure: Paragon II will automatically configure the system as computers or devices are added
or removed. However, the system administrator can use this function to scan and re-configure the
system manually. When complete, it will return to normal display.
Searching Now…
Figure 16 Auto Configure
8. Set IP Address: As administrator, you may change Paragon II’s IP address directly from the front
panel of the device. The Paragon II’s current IP address will be displayed, along with a cursor. Use the
[]and []keys to move the cursor over digit-by-digit, and use the [] or []arrow keys to change
the value of that digit. Press the [ENT] button when the new IP address has been set. Press the [ENT]
button again to save changes and reboot the unit when asked to “Save Changes?” The unit will restart
with the new network address.
Note: Stacking units do not have their own databases and configurations settings, and likewise, do not have
their own network addresses. You cannot configure one using the front panel controls on UMT E units.
9. Reset Unit (Paragon II Unit Switch): Enables restart of Paragon II unit as if unit’s power had been
physically turned off and back on again. However, the Paragon II unit will not perform start-up test
unless ENT button is held down during restart.
With Paragon II unit firmware 2B1 and User Station (UST1) firmware 2K10 or higher, either a power
reset or a factory “function” reset can be performed from the front panel of the Paragon II unit using
shortcut button combinations.
Power Reset:
Hold the [] and [] buttons on the front panel of the Paragon II unit simultaneously for approximately
three seconds. When the front panel stops scrolling, release the buttons.
Factory “Function” Reset:
Hold the [] and [] buttons on the front panel of the Paragon II unit simultaneously while pressing the
[FUNC] button. When the front panel stops scrolling, release the [] and [] buttons, wait an additional
three seconds, then release the [FUNC] button.
Initial Configuration
Note: This section includes full instructions for how to install single Base Units, cascades of multiple base
units, or stacking switches. Follow the simplified procedure previously outlined in Basic Installation to
install a simple Paragon system with a single Base Unit. See Appendix B: User Station Direct Mode, to
install a “direct mode” User Station-to-CIM system with no Base Units. See Chapter 5: Paragon II and Z-
CIM to install a Z-CIM and a local PC in your system.
Using the OSUI for Initial Configuration
You will use the Paragon II On-Screen User Interface (OSUI) while you install the Paragon system, so here
are some basics of the OSUI to familiarize yourself before starting your installation. Once the User Station
and user-station equipment are in place and powered ON, activate the OSUI by rapidly pressing the default
hotkey ([Scroll Lock]) twice on an attached keyboard. Each OSUI menu contains the following sections: a
menu-title line, a menu/screen body (for text and fields), a prompt/message bar, and a status line that
consists of:
The current OSUI hotkey
Scan/Skip status
NCS ([Num Lock], [Caps Lock], and [Scroll Lock]) status indicator
A communication-speed indicator (“L” for low or “H” for high, which will depend on your Paragon
components) showing the communication speed between the User Station and Base Station.
Figure 17 Format of OSUI screens
Use function keys [F1], [F2], [F3], [F4], [F8], and [F12] to toggle between first-level menus. Press [F1]
while the OSUI is displayed to activate the Help Menu, a list of available help options. While the OSUI is
on screen, the user-station keyboard’s [Scroll Lock] LED indicator blinks.
Title Line
Body (for text
and fields)
Messages Banner
Status Line –
…the current OSUI hot
key activator (in this
case, the [Scroll Lock]
…Scan/Skip status
(if yellow, option is
ON; if white, option
is OFF)
…(N) Num Lock, (C) Caps Lock, (S) Scroll
Lock, followed by P2 Communication Speed
Indicator: (L) Low or (H) High (speed can
depend on your component versions)
Installing a Paragon System with a Single Base Unit
If installing a single Paragon Base Unit, keep in mind the maximum numbers of user stations and server
CPUs you can connect:
2 user stations and 42 CPUs to a P2-UMT242
4 user stations and 42 CPUs to a P2-UMT442
8 user stations and 32 CPUs to a P2-UMT832M
16 user stations and 64 CPUs to a P2-UMT1664M
Important! All Paragon components, CPUs, and monitors must be turned OFF and unplugged
before installation.
1. Initialize the Base Unit.
a. Run the Base Unit’s included power cord from the IEC 320 inlet on its rear panel to a working AC
b. Power ON the Base Unit.
2. Connect a User Station and its attached devices.
a. Connect one end of a CAT5 UTP cable to user port # 1 on the back of the Base Unit. Connect the
other end of the cable to the RJ-45 CAT5 port on the back of the User Station.
b. Run the User Station’s included power cord from the IEC 320 inlet on its rear panel to a working
AC outlet.
c. Power ON the User Station. It will power up and establish communication with the Base Unit.
d. Connect a PS/2 keyboard, PS/2 mouse, and VGA monitor to the User Station. (If there will be any
Sun CPUs in your system, you can connect a Sun keyboard and mouse later, after you have
configured the system for Sun input. To control Sun CPUs with a PS/2 keyboard, please see
Appendix F: Emulating Sun Keys with a PS/2 Keyboard for additional information.)
e. Plug in and power ON the monitor.
Figure 18 Rear panel of a Paragon User Station and
P2-UMT832M unit
3. Initially configure the User Station.
a. The Login Menu should be displayed on the User Station’s attached monitor. If the [Scroll Lock]
LED on the User Station’s attached keyboard is blinking, the Paragon is ready to accept hotkey
commands, which can be used with the OSUI to login, select servers, or administer the system.
Figure 19 Login Menu for a P2-UMT832M
If the monitor instead displays a “.....No connection to Paragon.....” message, the User Station is not
properly connected to the Base Unit. Check for loose connections and make sure you are using good,
intact CAT5 cables.
b. Type admin in the User Name field and press the [Enter] key. In the Password field, type the
default password raritan (all lowercase) and press the [Enter] key.
c. The OSUI’s Selection Menu will appear, indicating that the User Station is correctly installed.
Figure 20 Selection Menu for a P2-UMT832M
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each User Station you want to connect to the Base Unit.
5. Connect a P2CIM-PS2 and its server CPU.
a. Connect the cable strands of an appropriate P2CIM-PS2 to the desired ports on a server CPU:
i. P2CIM-PS2 (IBM PS/2 compatible CPUs): Plug the HD15 strand into the CPU’s HD15 VGA
video port. Plug the purple 6-pin mini-DIN keyboard strand into the CPU’s 6-pin mini-DIN
keyboard port. Plug the light green 6-pin mini-DIN strand into the CPU’s 6-pin mini-DIN
mouse port.
ii. P2CIM-SUN (Sun compatible CPUs): Plug the HD15 strand into the CPU’s HD15 VGA
video port. Plug the 8-pin mini-DIN strand into the CPU’s 8-pin mini-DIN keyboard/mouse
iii. P2CIM-USB (USB CPUs of any platform or P2 CIM-SUSB): Plug the HD15 strand into the
CPU’s HD15 VGA video port. Plug the USB Type A strand into one of the CPU’s USB Type
A ports.
iv. AUATC (serial CPUs, routers, etc.): Please see Appendix E: Using AUATC for RS-232
Access for installation instructions.
v. Z-CIM (local [single-user] IBM PS/2 compatible CPUs): Please see Chapter 5: Paragon II
and Z-CIM for installation instructions.
b. Plug in and power ON the CPU. If the P2CIM-PS2 is installed and operating properly, the
P2CIM-PS2’s green LED will start blinking: once per second while the P2CIM-PS2 is idle, more
quickly while data is passed in either direction.
c. Connect one end of a CAT5 UTP cable to RJ-45 port #1 on the back of the Base Unit. Connect the
other end of cable to the RJ-45 port on the P2CIM-PS2.
6. Configure the P2CIM-PS2 and the attached CPU.
a. The monitor attached to the User Station will display the Selection Menu; with the CPU you just
connected displayed in green. Use the up- and down-arrow keys to move the highlight to that entry
and press the [Enter] key. If you can access and operate the CPU normally, the P2CIM-PS2 is
connected successfully. Raritan recommends you give the server a meaningful system name at this
time, as described in the next steps.
Note: If your video image is fuzzy (especially if you are using an LCD flat-panel monitor), you can adjust
the video gain to focus the video image. If the OSUI is not already displayed, activate it by pressing the
[Scroll Lock] key twice rapidly, then use the numeric keypad’s [+] and [] (plus and minus) keys to adjust
the video image until it appears to be in focus.
b. Press [F5] to activate the Administration Menu. Use the up- and down-arrow keys to move the
highlight to the Port Configuration entry and press the [Enter] key to select it.
Figure 21 Administration Menu
c. The Channel Configuration menu will appear. Use the up- and down-arrow keys to move the
yellow highlight to the Name field for the channel port number where you installed the CPU and
press the [Enter] key. The highlight should turn light blue.
Figure 22 Channel Configuration Menu of a P2-UMT832M
d. Edit the name (it should turn green when you start typing). Press the [Enter] key when you finish,
and then press [S] to save the new name.
e. Press the [Enter] key to return to the Selection Menu. Verify that the new name appears in the
Selection Menu in green.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each P2CIM-PS2 and CPU you want to connect to the Base Unit’s channel
Installing a Cascaded Paragon System
Paragon II’s channel port capacity can be expanded by installing a cascade of Base Units. In a “two-tiered”
cascaded system, one or more subsidiary Base Units are connected to the channel ports of a master Base
Unit. If you fully populate a second tier, you can add a third tier by connecting additional subsidiary Base
Units to the channel ports of Base Units in the second tier. Three tiers is the maximum depth of a cascaded
system; only CIMs may be attached to the channel ports of Base Units in the third tier. A three-tier system
can accommodate up to 2048 CPUs.
Note: In cascaded configurations, the subsidiary Base Units in the third tier (if there is one) must be
powered ON first, then the subsidiary Base Units in the second tier, then the master Base Unit. User
Stations can be powered ON and OFF at any time as needed.
Figure 23 Sample cascaded system
1. Connect one end of a CAT5 UTP cable to user port #1 on the back of the master Base Unit. Connect
the other end of the cable to the RJ-45 CAT5 port on the back of the User Station. Connect a PS/2
keyboard, PS/2 mouse, and VGA monitor to the User Station. Do not plug in or turn on the User
Stations or monitors yet. (Do not attach anything to the Base Unit’s channel ports and do not plug it in
or turn it on yet.)
2. For each subsidiary Base Unit you want to attach directly to the master, run CAT5 UTP cables from
consecutive channel ports on the master Base Unit to the subsidiary Base Unit’s user ports.
3. If you are installing a third tier: Run CAT5 UTP cables from consecutive channel ports on a second-
tier Base Unit to the user ports on a third-tier Base Unit. Repeat for all other subsidiary Base Units in
the third tier.
4. Follow step 5 of Installing a Paragon System with a Single Base Unit to attach CIMs and CPUs to
the channel ports of any third-tier Base Units, any free channel ports on your second-tier Base Units,
and any free channel ports on your master Base Unit.
5. Following step 1 of Installing a Paragon System with a Single Base Unit, plug in and power ON any
third-tier Base Units, then plug in and power ON second-tier Base Units, then plug in and power ON
your master Base Unit. Following steps 2b, 2c, and 2e of Installing a Paragon System with a Single
Base Unit, plug in and power ON your User Stations and monitors. The master Base Unit should
automatically recognize the connected subsidiary Base Units and update its configuration. All monitors
should display the Login Menu. If any monitors instead display a “.....No connection to Paragon.....”
message, the User Station they are attached to is not properly connected to the master Base Unit.
Check for loose connections and make sure you are using good, intact CAT5 cables. (See Appendix A:
Specifications for UTP-cabling information.)
Note: If your video image is fuzzy (especially if you are using an LCD flat-panel monitor), you can adjust
the video gain to focus the video image. If the OSUI is not already on screen at a given monitor, activate it
by pressing the [Scroll Lock] key twice rapidly, then use the numeric keypad’s [+] and [] (plus and minus)
keys to adjust the video image until it appears to be in focus.
6. Configure the channel ports in your system. (Check the [Scroll Lock] LED on one of your user-station
keyboards. If it is blinking, the Paragon is ready to accept hotkey commands from that user station.
Hotkey commands can be used with the OSUI to login, select servers, or administer the system.)
a. At the Login Menu, type admin in the User Name field and press the [Enter] key. In the
Password field, type the default password raritan (all lowercase) and press the [Enter] key.
b. The monitor will display the Selection Menu, indicating that the User Station is correctly installed.
Figure 24 Selection Menu
c. Press [F5] to activate the Administration Menu. Use the up- and down-arrow keys to move the
highlight to the Channel Configuration entry and press the [Enter] key to select it.
Figure 25 Administration Menu
d. The Channel Configuration menu will appear. Use the up- and down-arrow keys and [PageUp]
and [PageDown] keys to approach channel ports to which subsidiary Base Units are connected.
These will be shown in white with their default device names in the Name column and their types
in the Device column: “P242” for a 2 x 42 Base Unit (P2-UMT242), “P442” for a 4 x 42 Base
Unit (P2-UMT442), “P832” for an 8 x 32 Base Unit (P2-UMT832M), or “P1664” for a 16 x 64
Base Unit (P2-UMT1664M).
Figure 26 Channel Configuration Menu for a P2-UMT832M
e. Continue using the up- and down-arrow keys and [PageUp] and [PageDown] keys to move the
yellow highlight to the Name field for the channel port number where a subsidiary Base Unit is
installed and press the [Enter] key. The highlight should turn light blue.
f. Type in the name you want to assign to the subsidiary Base Unit on this channel port (the
highlight should turn green when you start typing). Press the [Enter] key when finished, and then
press [S] to save the new name. All other paths (channel ports) by which that subsidiary Base Unit
is attached to the Base Unit above it will be given the same name automatically.
g. Press [F2] to reopen the Selection Menu; make sure that the channel port(s) of the second-tier
Base Unit are properly established. All paths to that Base Unit should be displayed in purple.
h. Press [F5] to return to the Administration Menu. Select Channel Configuration again. Select a
channel port that has been configured for the subsidiary Base Unit you just set up. Press [G] to
activate a dedicated Channel Configuration menu for the subsidiary Base Unit.
i. Edit the names of all server CPUs attached to this subsidiary Base Unit. Each highlight should turn
green as you start typing. Press the [Enter] key when finished with each name. Press [S] to save
all of the new names.
j. Press the [Enter] key to access the dedicated Selection Menu for that subsidiary Base Unit. Verify
that new names appear in the Selection Menu in green.
k. If you are configuring a second-tier subsidiary Base Unit, and there are any third-tier Base Units
attached to it, repeat steps c through j for a third-tier path. Press [S] to save the configuration.
Press [F2] to activate the third-tier Selection menu and verify that the third-tier Base Unit is
properly configured: Select a channel port for the second-tier path and press the [Enter] key, then
a channel port for the third-tier path and press the [Enter] key, then a channel port for a CPU
attached to the third-tier Base Unit and press the [Enter] key. If you can properly access and
operate the chosen CPU, the third-tier Base Unit is properly installed.
Note: Repeat step k for all remaining third-tier Base Units (if any) attached to this second-tier Base Unit.
l. Press [S] to save the configuration. Press [F2] to activate the Selection menu and verify that the
second-tier Base Unit is properly configured: Select a channel port for the second-tier path and
press the [Enter] key, then a channel port for a CPU attached to the second-tier Base Unit and
press the [Enter] key. If you can properly access and operate the chosen CPU, the second-tier
Base Unit is properly installed.
m. Repeat steps c through l for all remaining (if any) second-tier Base Units attached to the master
Base Unit.
n. Edit the names of any server CPUs directly attached to the master Base Unit and verify the master
Base Unit’s configuration as described in steps 6b through 6e of the section Installing a Paragon
II with a Single Base Unit, earlier in this chapter.
Important! If you rearrange a cascaded system or dismantle one and rebuild it differently later,
you must perform a soft reset on each Base Unit in the new cascade. A soft reset allows each
Base Unit to retain all user and system profiles, and to auto-detect the current status of its
channel port and user ports. Follow the installation steps in this section to install the new
cascade, but when you power on each Base Unit (which must be done in proper tier order), press
the [FUNC] and the [] buttons on the unit’s front panel until “Reset Unit” appears on the LED
panel. Press the [ENT] button to reset the unit. Starting with a subsidiary Base Unit in the third
tier (if there is one), power on the unit, press [FUNC] and [] until the LED panel flashes, then
press the [ENT] button, and wait until the LEDs cycle through and return to their original state.
Repeat for any other third-tier units, then all second-tier units, and finally the master unit.
Installing a Paragon Stacking Switch
Connect power cord to a Stacking Unit.
Connect one end of a stacking cable to the "Expansion Port Out" on the back of the Stacking Unit.
Connect the other end of the cable to the "Expansion Port" on the Main Switching Unit
Power ON all switching units
On the front panel LCD of the Main Switching Unit:
Press the [FUNC] button and use the [] and [] keys to select "Stacking Support." Press
the [ENT] button.
Select the total number of Stacking Units desired (0-3). Press the [ENT] button.
On the front panel LCD of the Stacking Unit:
Press the [FUNC] button and use the [] and [] keys to select "Set Stack ID." Press the
[ENT] button.
Assign the Stacking Unit ID using the [] and [] keys. Each Stacking Unit MUST HAVE
Press the [ENT] button (sequential order is not necessary).
Chapter 3: Operation – User Functions
User functions for configuration and operation of your Paragon II system are processed through the On-
Screen User Interface (OSUI). To activate the OSUI at any time, press the system’s hotkey (the factory
default is [Scroll Lock]) twice in quick succession.
Log on to access servers and other devices connected to the Paragon II system. The Login Menu is
automatically displayed on every user station monitor after the single or master Paragon II Base Unit is
powered on. To activate the Login Menu on a user-station monitor at any other time, press the system’s
hotkey (the factory default is [Scroll Lock]) twice in quick succession to activate the OSUI, then press
function key [F9].
Note: If a user station monitor displays the message “…No Connection to Paragon…” instead of the Login
Menu, either the User Station is not connected properly to the Base Unit, the Base Unit is powered OFF, or
the Base Unit is malfunctioning. Make sure that the cabling between the User Station and the Base Unit is
intact and is securely connected at both ends. Make sure that when you turn the Base Unit off and back on,
the LEDs run through the sequence described in step 1b of Chapter 2: Installation, Installing a Paragon
System with a Single Base Unit.
The Device ID field in the login menu will initially contain the single or master Base Unit’s default device
name: “Paragon II” followed by “2x42” for a P2-UMT242, “4x42” for a P2-UMT442, “8x32” for a P2-
UMT832M, or “16x64” for a P2-UMT1664M. (The Administrator can assign it a different name.) The
User Port is the number of the user port on the Base Unit – from 1 to 16 depending on the model – to which
this user and User Station are attached.
Figure 27 Login Menu for a P2-UMT832M
To log on at the Login Menu and start operating the system:
1. Type in the user name assigned to you by the System Administrator. (If user names have not been
assigned, use default names: user01 through user16, depending on the model, for regular users and
admin for the administrator. User names are not case-sensitive.) When finished, press the [Enter] key.
2. Paragon II will prompt you if a password is necessary. If so, type your password and press the [Enter]
key. The default password for the admin user is raritan (all lowercase; passwords are case-sensitive).
(We recommend changing this password right away; please see the section User Customization in this
chapter for additional information.)
3. The Selection Menu will appear. To view other menus, use the function keys as described in the Help
Menu section later in this chapter.
Figure 28 Selection Menu for a P2-UMT832M
Note: To Log out of the Paragon II system, press the function key [F9] while the OSUI is on-screen.
Selecting a Server
Immediately following user login, the Selection Menu appears. Users who are already logged in can
activate the Selection Menu by pressing the hotkey (the factory default is [Scroll Lock]) twice in quick
succession, then pressing function key [F2].
The Selection Menu lists devices sorted either by channel port-ID number (“Ch. ID) or alphabetically by
the name of the server or other device on that channel port (“Name”). You can toggle between these two
views by pressing [F12]. Default sorting is by channel port-ID number, but unless the system is re-
initialized, the last selected sort order will be shown the next time that the Selection Menu is activated.
Other columns in the channel port-ID view include “No” – the channel port’s “key number” (internally
assigned by the Paragon II and not changeable by user) and “Scn” – the individual scan-delay time in
seconds (unless the channel port has a subsidiary Base Unit attached to it, in which case the Scn column
will show “- -”.)
Figure 29 Selection Menu in order by Channel Port Number
Figure 30 Selection Menu in order by Name
The Selection Menu displays up to eight channel ports per page; total number of pages appears in the upper
right-hand corner, for example “Page 2/5 indicates that you are on the second of five pages. Use the
[PageUp] and [PageDown] keys on your keyboard to move between the pages. Once you have selected a
CPU as described on the following pages, Paragon II will switch to that channel port. If “ID Display” is
enabled, a display will appear to identify the chosen channel port for the number of seconds set at the top of
your screen.
To choose a server from the Selection Menu:
1. Press [F12] to toggle the menu to sort-order view of your choice (by channel port-ID number or
alphabetically by device name). The entry for the channel port you currently have selected (if any) will
be highlighted and will have a small red arrow to the left of its channel port name.
Note: In the channel port-ID view, the Selection Menu can display either all channel ports or only those
channel ports that the current user is allowed to select (the default view). If the system administrator has
set the “Display All Computers” option in the System Configuration menu (see Chapter 4: Operation –
Administrator Functions, System Configuration) toYes,” you can press [F10] to toggle between the
restricted and unrestricted views. In the unrestricted “all channel ports” view, the Paragon displays a red
“S” next to the scan rate of any channel port that the user is not permitted to access.
2. Use the up- and down-arrow keys (and, for longer lists, the [PageUp] and [PageDown] keys) to move
the highlight bar to the channel port you want to select, and then press the [Enter] key. Note that
although the highlight will move, the small red arrow to the left of the channel port name will remain
stationary, indicating the user’s currently-selected channel port, until a new selection is made.
a. In channel port-ID view, once all channel ports page are assigned, you can press the desired
channel port’s key number ([1] through [8]) to move the highlight to that channel port instantly.
b. In name view, you can type the first few characters of the desired channel port’s name to move the
highlight to the first channel port whose name begins with that character sequence.
3. Press the [Enter] key to select a channel port. If there is a server CPU attached to the channel port that
you are permitted to access, Paragon II automatically switches you to that channel port for normal
server operation, and the OSUI disappears. If there is a cascaded Base Unit attached to that channel
port, an additional dedicated OSUI Selection Menu will appear for that device; keep moving through
the Selection Menu layers until you reach the CPU you want.
Note: To return to the main Selection Menu from any second- or third-tier device-specific Selection Menu,
press the [Home] key on your keyboard once, or press the [Esc] key once or twice depending which tier
you are currently on.
Once you switch to a different channel port, you can continue switching by pressing the hotkey (factory
default is [Scroll Lock]) twice rapidly to activate the Selection Menu. If you want to return to your
previously selected channel port without seeing any OSUI menus, press the “previous channel port
command key (factory default is [Num Lock]) twice rapidly.
In the Selection Menu, each channel port’s availability is visually indicated by the following text colors.
(For additional information about Private Mode, Public View Mode, and PC Share Mode, please see the
section Operation Mode in Chapter 4: Administrator Functions, System Configuration.)
Black No device is connected or the connected device is powered OFF.
Green Server CPU is connected and the channel port is active and available.
However, if the Paragon system is in PC Share Mode, another user may
currently be accessing the server.
Red Channel port is unavailable, currently being accessed by another user.
(This happens only when the Paragon II system is in Private Mode.)
Yellow Channel port is unavailable for control (being controlled by another
user), but video can be viewed. (This happens only when the Paragon
system is in Public View Mode. Please refer to the paragraphs below for
information about other OSUI displays that appear when the system is in
Public View Mode.)
Purple A second- or third-tier cascaded Base Unit is connected to this channel
port (please see Chapter 2: Installation, Installing a Cascaded
Paragon II System).
White Channel port’s current status is unknown. This should not happen if the
Paragon II is operating normally.
When the system is set to Public View Mode, if one user has already selected a server, another user can
also select it, but the second user can only view video output, not control it or input any data with the
keyboard and mouse. In this mode, other OSUI graphic elements will appear on screen when you select
various CPUs:
When you select a server that someone else is already controlling, a message showing the name of the
server being viewed will appear on your monitor. It cannot be removed, but will disappear after three
seconds. Press [Esc] to return to the main Selection Menu.
If another user chooses to view the video of a server you have already selected, you will see a message
bearing that user’s name for three seconds, twice – first when the second user begins viewing and then
when the second user stops viewing.
User Customization
When the OSUI is active, invoke the User Profile Menu by pressing function key [F4]. This menu displays
Paragon II’s configuration and allows you to set preferred operating parameters for individual user
Figure 31 User Profile Menu
To view or change your user profile:
1. If the OSUI is not already active, activate it by pressing the hotkey (factory default is [Scroll Lock])
twice in quick succession.
2. Press [F4] to access the User Profile screen. The topmost fields are identifiers that cannot be changed
by the user:
a. The Connected field displays the name and channel port ID of the currently selected device or
server, if you are currently connected to a channel port.
b. The User field displays the user name you entered at login.
c. The User Port field shows which user port on the Base Unit your User Station and user station are
attached to.
d. The Admin field shows whether or not you have Administrator privileges.
e. The Group field displays the user’s group ID(s) (see Chapter 4, Operation – Administrator
Functions, Group Settings).
3. To change any of the other fields, use your keyboard keys to select the field you want to edit: Press
[Tab] to move forward through the editable fields, [Shift]+[Tab] to move backward, the up- and
down-arrow keys to move up and down, and the left- and right-arrow keys to move left and right.
Press the [Enter] key to begin editing; the highlighted area will turn green, and the prompt in the
prompt/message bar will change to “-Change Ent-Done ESC-Cancel.” Follow the instructions below
for interpreting and editing each specific User Profile parameter.
When finished, press either the [Enter] key to retain the changes (the highlighted area will turn yellow)
or press the [Esc] key to cancel the changes. The prompt in the prompt/message bar will change to
Save the changes (Y/N/ESC)” (It will do this before you leave the screen if you pressed a function
key.) Press [S] to save the changes to long-term memory, [N] to discard your changes, or [Esc] to
discard your changes and exit the menu.
Note: When you type in new numeric values, always use the number keys at the top of your keyboard rather
than the number keys on your keypad. Paragon does not support the keypad number keys.
User Profile Parameters and How to Change Settings
Scan Mode: Indicates how Paragon II determines the length of time to pause at each channel port
during autoscanning. Default setting is “Global” – the system pauses at each channel port for the same
length of time (length of your choosing). “Individual” setting indicates that the Administrator has set a
specific length of time for individual channel ports (as displayed in the Selection Menu). Use any of
the arrow keys to toggle between these values.
Global Scan Rate: If Scan Mode is set to Global,” this parameter determines the length of time that
the system pauses at each channel port while scanning. Using leading zeroes if necessary, type in a
two-digit number of seconds from 01 to 24, or use the up- and down-arrow keys to increment and
decrement the current value by 1 respectively. The default setting is 03.
ID Display: The ID Display is a small window that can appear on-screen to display the name and ID
of each channel port as you switch between them or scan them. Edit the two fields to determine how
the system will show you this window:
Possible values in the first field are “On” (ID Display is shown, the default value) and “Off” (ID
Display isn’t shown). Use any of the arrow keys to toggle between these values.
If the ID Display is set to “On,” the number in the second field indicates how many seconds it will
remain on-screen. Using leading zeroes if necessary, type in a two-digit number of seconds from
01 to 24, or use the up- and down-arrow keys to increment and decrement the current value by 1
respectively. If you type in a number greater than 24, the second field will be filled with a “- -”,
indicating that the ID Display will be shown at all times. The default setting is 03. If the ID
Display is set to “Off,” the number in this field will have no effect.
Green Mode: A “power-saving mode” that blanks the monitor screen if the user station is idle (no
keyboard or mouse activity) for a specified amount of time. You can edit the two fields to determine
how the system handles this feature:
Possible values in the first field are “On” (Green Mode is enabled and the screen is blanked after a
period of inactivity) and “Off” (Green Mode is disabled and the screen displays normal video
indefinitely). Use any of the arrow keys to toggle between these values.
If Green Mode is set to “On,” the number in the second field is how many minutes of inactivity
must elapse before Green Mode is triggered. Using leading zeroes if necessary, type in a two-digit
number of minutes from 01 to 99, or use the up- and down-arrow keys to increment and decrement
the current value by 1 respectively. The default setting is 05. If Green Mode is set to “Off,” the
number in this field will have no effect.
Hotkey: The keyboard key that, when pressed twice quickly, activates the OSUI. The four alternatives
are [Scroll Lock] (the default), [Caps Lock], the left [Alt] key, and the left [Shift] key. Use any of the
arrow keys to switch between the choices. You cannot select the key currently being used as the
Previous Channel Key (see below).
Display Position: This position indicates where the OSUI menus and ID Display appear on your
monitor. Move the highlight to “Menu” (for the OSUI) or “ID” (for the ID Display) and press the
[Enter] key to highlight it, then use the left-, right-, up-, and down-arrow keys to move the chosen
window as desired. When finished, press the [Enter] key to save the change.
Previous Channel Key: The keyboard key that, when pressed twice quickly, causes Paragon II to
return to the previously selected channel port (provided that that channel port is still available) without
going through the OSUI. The four alternatives are the left [Alt] key, the left [Shift] key, [Caps Lock],
[Num Lock] (the default), and “None” (no Previous Channel Key; function disabled). Use any of the
arrow keys to switch between the choices. You cannot select the key currently being used as the
Hotkey (see above).
Help: This parameter determines the format of the help message at the bottom of each OSUI menu. It
is always set to “Single Line” and cannot be selected or altered.
Local PC: Use any of the arrow keys to toggle Local PC Mode On or Off (the default) for the attached
User Station. Turn PC Mode “On” only if you have used a Z-CIM to attach a local PC between the
User Station and the Base Unit.
You can change, delete, or reinstate your password (if “Allow Blank Password” is set to “Yes”) while the
User Profile Menu is on-screen by pressing [P]. Type your old password at the first prompt. Type a new
password up to eight characters long at the next prompt, and press the [Enter] key. To delete your
password, press the [Enter] key without typing anything in the field. Confirm the new password by typing
it again at the third prompt; then either press the [Enter] key to save the new password or [Esc] to abort the
change and continue using the old password.
Note: Be careful when you change your password! If you forget or lose it, the Administrator has no way of
recovering or erasing it – your account will have to be deleted and recreated.
Help Menu
When the OSUI is open, activate the Help Menu by pressing function key [F1]. This menu displays a list of
the function keys and their help functions.
Figure 32 Help Menu
Keyboard-Controlled OSUI Functions
Use the following function keys to access the Paragon’s OSUI functions:
[F1] View the Help Menu
[F2] Access the Selection Menu in order to view or select channel ports or view group
IDs or scan rates
[F3] Access Power Control Menu for associated Channel
[F4] Access the User Profile Menu in order to view and change user-specific operating
[F5] Administrator only: View the Administration Menu
[F6] Administrator only: Toggle autoscan on or off
[F7] Administrator only: Toggle autoskip on or off
[F8] View the Information Menu to see the version numbers of the Paragon II’s
firmware and hardware, the number of accessible Base Units, the total number of
accessible servers, etc.
[F9] Log out of the Paragon system (logs user out and invokes the login screen)
[Shift] + [F9] If any OSUI screen is displayed; disconnect yourself from the active channel port
without logging out
[F10] If the administrator has set “Display All Computers” to “Yes” and the Selection
Menu is sorted by channel port ID, toggle the display of all channel ports
(including inaccessible ones) on or off
[F11] Unit Status Menu for connected Raritan Remote Power Control unit (available
only from Power Control Menu)
[F12] If you are at the Selection Menu: Toggle the Selection Menu between sorting the
channel port entries by name or by channel port ID
[Esc] Exit the OSUI (returns user to the Selection Menu, or to the login screen when no
channel port is selected)
If a user does not have administrator privileges, then functions [F5], [F6], and [F7] are displayed in
red in the Help Menu, indicating that these functions are not available to them.
If a system administrator has set Display All Computers to “No,” then [F10] is displayed in red in the
Help Menu for all users, indicating that this function is not available (even for administrators).
We recommend that you use a Sun keyboard if there are any Sun CPUs in your system, control Sun
CPUs with a PS/2 keyboard (see Appendix F: Emulating Sun Keys with a PS/2 Keyboard).
Information Menu
When the OSUI is open, activate the Information Menu by pressing function key [F8]. This menu displays
the “vital statistics” of the User Station that your user station is attached to, including its firmware and
hardware revisions, its serial number, which console port (user port) on the Base Unit attached to it, and the
number of KVM switches and PC CPUs that can be accessed through it.
Figure 33 Information Menu
Chapter 4: Operation – Administrator Functions
The Administration Menu
Administrators can use the Administration Menu to set security classes, maintain user names and privileges,
and manage the system configuration, including controlling user access to Paragon II and all connected
Note: Administrative user IDs assigned to group 00 have complete access to all of the Administration
Menu’s submenus. Other administrative users have limited access and cannot select the System
Configuration and User Configuration submenus.
To reach any of the Administration Menu’s submenus:
1. Log on using the admin user name (or your own user name if you have administrator privileges). The
default password for the admin user is raritan, all lowercase, but we recommend this password be
changed as soon as Paragon II is initially installed. The Selection Menu will appear.
2. Press [F5]. The Administration Menu will appear.
Figure 34 Administration Menu
3. Press any keyboard number from 1 through 5, or use the up- and down-arrow keys to move the
highlight to your desired option, and press the [Enter] key. This chapter describes the submenus that
Guidelines for System Configuration
Only one user should attempt to modify/update the System Administration Menu at one time
(especially the User Configuration and Channel Configuration options).
Z-CIMs should be added one at a time to a Z-CIM chain. The Administrator should read from message
banner that the database has been completely updated before adding a new Z-CIM.
If in a tier environment, make certain that the tiered units are powered ON before the base is powered
ON, e.g., 3rd tier, then 2nd tier, then base.
If updating the system is necessary at Installation, make certain all users have logged off.
System Configuration
Administrators can use the System Configuration Menu for setting certain global parameters.
1. From the Administration Menu, press [1] or use the up- and down-arrow keys to move the highlight to
“System Configuration” and press the [Enter] key. The System Configuration Menu will appear,
displaying the current parameters (described below and on the following pages).
2. Press the down-arrow or [Tab] key to move the highlight forward, or the up-arrow or [Shift] + [Tab]
to move the highlight backward to a desired field. Press the [Enter] key to edit the field. The
highlighted area will turn green. Some fields have character or numeric values you can type in; others
have values you can toggle between with the arrow keys. When editing is complete, either press the
[Enter] key followed by [S] to save your changes, or press [Esc] to abort the changes and continue
using the previous settings.
Figure 35 System Configuration Menu
Device ID: Type in the desired name for the single or master Paragon II Base Unit. It is important for
Base Units in a cascaded system with multiple Base Units to have distinctive names, so that users can
tell them apart. (The system will assign each Base Unit the default name “Paragon [users]x[channel
ports]”: each P2-UMT242 will be named “Paragon 242, each P2-UMT442 “Paragon 442,” etc.)
Display All Computers: This option can be “Yes” or “No” to respectively allow or disallow users
from viewing channel port listings for all connected devices through the OSUI, even if the user doesn’t
have the security privileges to access them. The factory-default setting is No.
Logoff Time Out: If enabled, the amount of time in minutes that a user station can remain inactive (no
keyboard or mouse activity) before the logged-in user at that station is logged out of the Paragon II
Possible values in the first field are “On” (logoff timeout is enabled) and “Off” (Logoff Timeout
is disabled – the default value). Use the up- and down-arrow keys to toggle between these values.
If Logoff Timeout is set to “On,” the number in the second field is the number of minutes of
inactivity that must elapse before the timeout is triggered and the user is logged out. Using leading
zeroes if necessary, type in a two-digit number of minutes from 01 to 99, or use the up- and down-
arrow keys to increment and decrement the current value by 1 respectively. The default setting is
05. If Logoff Timeout is set to “Off,” the number in this field will have no effect.
Operation Mode: Any of the three ways in which the Paragon system handles requests from multiple
users for access to the same channel port. Use the up- and down-arrow keys to switch between the
Private: A server or other device on a specific channel port can be accessed exclusively by only
one user at a time. No other users can see or control that device until its controlling user selects a
different channel port.
Public View: While one user is accessing a server or other device on a specific channel port, other
users can select that channel port and view the video output from that device, but only the first
user will have keyboard and mouse control. When the first user selects a different channel port, the
waiting user who is first to type or move his/her mouse is given keyboard and mouse control.
Status messages showing users’ identities appear on video-sharing users’ monitors when Public
View mode is in effect.
PC Share: A server or other device on a specific channel port can be selected and accessed by
more than one user, but only one user has keyboard and mouse control at any one time. If the PC
share timeout is enabled and the user in control is idle (no keyboard or mouse activity) for the
duration of the timeout, the waiting user who is first to type or move his/her mouse is given
keyboard and mouse control of the PC.
P-View Admin Silent: When Operation Mode is set to “Public View,” the user in control of a server
is normally notified when other users start and stop viewing the channel port’s video. However, when
P-View Admin Silent is set to “Yes,” administrators can view other users’ video without activating this
viewing-notification message. Use the up- and down-arrows to toggle between “Yes” and “No.” The
default setting is No.
PC Share Timeout: If Operation Mode is set to “PC Share” and more than one user has selected a
server, the first user to type or use his/her mouse will have control of the server. However, another user
can gain control of the server if the first user’s keyboard and mouse remain idle for the length of this
timeout. Using leading zeroes if necessary, type in a two-digit number of seconds from 01 to 99, or use
the up- and down-arrow keys to increment and decrement the current value by 1 respectively. The
default setting is 01.
Login Blank: If enabled, the amount of time in minutes that a user station can remain inactive (no
keyboard or mouse activity) at the Login Menu before the monitor goes blank. Press any of the keys on
the keyboard to restore normal video.
Possible values in the first field are “On” (login blank is enabled) and “Off” (login blank is
disabled – the default value). Use the up- and down-arrow keys to toggle between these values.
If the login blank is set to “On,” the number in the second field is how many minutes of inactivity
must elapse before the timeout is triggered. Using leading zeroes if necessary, type in a two-digit
number of minutes from 01 to 99, or use the up- and down-arrow keys to increment and decrement
the current value by 1 respectively. The default setting is 05. If the Logoff Timeout is set to “Off,”
the number in this field will have no effect.
Allow Blank Password: Determines whether a user can specify a blank password, that is, delete any
existing password and have no password at all. Use the up- and down-arrow keys to toggle between
Yes” (users may delete their existing passwords) and “No” (the default setting; starting with the first
time they change their password, users must always have a non-blank password). Newly created users
always start with no password, and must assign one to themselves during initial setup.
Default Login Name Blank: Determines whether the User Name field in the Login Menu will be
blank when the menu appears, or if the field will contain the default user name (the first available
userxy” name, where “xy” is a two-digit number with leading zeroes—“user01,” “user02,” and so on).
Use the up- and down-arrow keys to toggle between “Yes (the field is blank – the default value) and
No” (field contains the user name).
User Configuration
As administrator, use the User Configuration Menu to add, delete, and edit user names and security rights,
and to display the current connection status for each user.
Figure 36 The “left end” of the User Configuration Menu
This menu displays one user’s information in each row. There are two “sides” of this menu, indicated by
the right-pointing arrow at the top of the menu. The fields and columns on the “left side” of this menu:
User: Your user name. This field cannot be edited.
Name: The user names assigned to all user accounts. Except for the special user name “admin,” these
user names can be edited: You can type in new names up to eight alphanumeric characters long (not
Group: The ID numbers of the security groups to which users are assigned.
Adm: Indicates whether any given user has administrator privileges. You can use the up- and down-
arrow keys to toggle betweenYes” and “No” (the default setting).
Use the arrow keys, [Tab], [Shift] + [Tab], [PgUp] (page up), [PgDn] (page down), [Home], and [End] to
move within this menu and its submenus. Press the [Enter] key to edit a highlighted field; it will turn green.
When you finish editing a field, press either the [Enter] key to save the changes or press the [Esc] key to
abort changes.
Press the [Tab] key or the right-arrow key to move to the “right end” of the menu and display users’
connection information: The Connection column displays which channel port (if any) each active user is
currently connected to.
Figure 37 The “right end” of the User Configuration Menu
You can also perform three other functions at this menu:
Add a new user by pressing the [Insert] key. A new default user name will be added to the existing list
(for example, if users “user01” through “user25” already exist and a new one is added, its default name
will be “user26”); you can edit the name as desired. The maximum number of users is 127 (512 with
memory card); the default names of users added after “user99” will contain three digits.
Delete a user by moving the highlight to a user name and pressing [Delete]. Paragon II will ask for
confirmation; if you respond by pressing [Y], that user account will be deleted from the system.
A user with administrator privileges can log off another connected user by highlighting a user name
and pressing [L]. That user name will then be disconnected from the Paragon system.
Channel Configuration
As administrator, use the Channel Configuration Menu to edit or initialize a P2CIM-PS2. You can change
the device name, individual scan rate, device type, and group IDs associated with each server or device.
When you save Channel Configuration changes, Paragon II will update each affected P2CIM-PS2 as
Figure 38 The “left end” of the Channel Configuration Menu
This menu displays one channel port’s information in each row. If the Paragon system detects a powered
device on that channel port, it will display the text in that row in green; otherwise, it will display it in black.
There are two “sides” of this menu, indicated by the right-pointing arrow at the top of the menu. The fields
and columns on the “left side” of this menu:
ChID: The channel port’s channel port-ID number.
Name: The name of the device attached to that channel port. Device names are case-sensitive and may
be up to twelve alphanumeric characters long. As shown with channel port #1 in and elsewhere, you
may leave a device name blank if you wish, but Raritan does not recommend this.
Scn: Displays the device’s individual scan rate (the length of time that the system pauses while
scanning that channel port for any user with Scan Mode set to “Individual” rather than “Global”).
Using leading zeroes if necessary, type in a two-digit number of seconds from 01 to 24, or use the up-
and down-arrow keys to increment and decrement the current value by 1 respectively. The default
setting is 03.
Use the arrow keys, [Tab], [Shift] + [Tab], [PgUp] (page up), [PgDn] (page down), [Home], and [End] to
move within this menu and its submenus. Press the [Enter] key to edit a highlighted field; it will turn green.
When you finish editing a field, press either the [Enter] key followed by [S] to save the changes, or press
the [Esc] key to abort them.
While the cursor is in the Device column, press [Tab] or the right-arrow key to move to the “right end” of
this menu and display devices’ group information: The Group columns display which groups (if any) the
device has been assigned to.
Figure 39 The “right end” of the Channel Configuration Menu
User Station Profile
As administrator, select Option 4 from the Administration Menu to activate the User Station Profile to set
the global keyboard type and video delay.
Keyboard Type
The Paragon’s OSUI supports three types of keyboard mappings: Select either “English” – the default is
U.S. English, “French,” or “German”. If you prefer using a non-English keyboard, temporarily attach an
English-language keyboard; use any of its arrow keys to move the highlight to the “Keyboard Type” field,
press the [Enter] key to turn the highlight green, use any of the arrow keys to toggle the field to the correct
keyboard type, and press the [Enter] key again to select it. You can now swap in the type of keyboard you
want to use.
Video Delay
If your monitor switches too much between resolutions, or takes too long to sync up when you scan or
switch channel ports on Paragon II (if it is an LCD monitor), you can set a video delay for channel port
switching at your user station.
If you set the video delay to any number of seconds greater than zero, Paragon II will wait until a video
signal is constant for that number of seconds before passing it through to the monitor. To set video delay,
use any of the arrow keys to move the highlight to the “Video delay--switching” field, press the [Enter]
key to turn the highlight green, type in the desired two-digit delay from 00 to 30 seconds (or use the up-
and down-arrow keys to increment or decrement the field by 1), and press the [Enter] key again to select it.
When you finish making any changes to either of these values, press [S] to save the changes to memory, or
press [Esc] to abort them. The changes are applied only to your user station (the station at which the change
was made).
Figure 40 User Station Profile Screen
Group Settings (Access Rights)
To assign access rights to users and security levels to server CPUs in a Paragon system, assign users to user
groups with defined rights and CPUs to channel port groups with defined accessibility. Each group can
contain multiple users or CPUs. By default, all users start out assigned to user group 00 and all CPUs start
out assigned to channel port group 00. You can create groups numbered from 00 to 99 for both users and
CPUs; each user can belong to a maximum of five user groups and each CPU can belong to a maximum of
eight channel port groups.
Note: Cascade channel ports cannot be assigned to groups.
Available Group IDs for Assignment 00 – 99 00 – 99
Maximum Number of Group IDs Which Can Be
5 8
Users and computers communicate according to the following Group ID access rules:
00 00 through 99 (all computers)
For IDs 01 through 09:
0X through 0X 00, 0X; and X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, and X9
For example:
05 00, 05; and 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, and 59
For IDs 10 through 99:
X0 through X9 00, 0X, and exact same computer ID# as the user’s ID#
For example:
98 00, 09 and 98
00 00 through 99 (all users)
For IDs 01 through 09:
0X through 0X 00, 0X; and X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, and X9
For example:
08 00, 08; and 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, and 89
For IDs 10 through 99:
X0 through X9 00, 0X, and exact same user ID# as the computer’s ID#
For example:
12 00, 01, and 12
00 00 through 99 (all CPUs)
0x (01 through 09) 00, 0x, and x0 through x9
For example:
01 can access 00, 01, and 10 through 19;
02 can access 00, 02, and 20 through 29, etc.
xy (10 through 99) 00, 0x, and xy
For example:
10 can access 00, 01, and 10
23 can access 00, 02, and 23
97 can access 00, 09, and 97, etc.
00 00 through 99 (all users)
0x (01 through 09) 00, 0x, and x0 through x9
For example:
01 can be accessed by 00, 01, and 10 through 19
02 can be accessed by 00, 02, and 20 through 29, etc.
xy (10 through 99) 00, 0x, and xy
For example:
10 can be accessed by 00, 01, and 10
45 can be accessed by 00, 04, and 45
86 can be accessed by 00, 08, and 86, etc.
Systems Requiring High Security:
Raritan Computer recommends assigning IDs of 10 through 99 to computers requiring high protection.
This will make them less accessible than computers with IDs of 00 or 01 through 09.
Main System Administrator and Assistant Administrators:
Although any user may be assigned Administrative Privileges, Raritan recommends the user ID “00” for
the Main System Administrator, and user IDs 01 through 09 for Assistant Administrators. These IDs
provide a broader scope of access.
Correspondingly, Raritan recommends that those CPUs that all users will need to access, such as
application or document servers, be assigned to channel port group 00, and that servers needing the most
security protection be assigned to channel port groups from 10 to 99.
Network Settings
Configure the Paragon II’s network settings from the OSUI by pressing [F5] to activate the Administration
Menu. Select option 5, Network Settings to adjust the network settings of the device.
Figure 41 Network Settings Menu
Current IP Address: This field allows administrators to configure the Paragon II’s address on the
network. Use the arrow keys to scroll over to each byte and change the IP as needed. The default IP
address is
Net Mask: The net mask for the Paragon II unit is set at a default value of Reset this as
Gateway IP: This default is set to Reconfigure as needed.
Port No: Default is 3000.
Encryption: If you enable Encryption for the network port, communications between the Paragon II
unit and Paragon Manager clients run from an admin PC are encrypted with a 128-bit key. Default
setting is Off.
Keys (followed by 16 fields): These fields are designed to contain the hexadecimal encryption keys
used in encrypting network traffic. Only valid HEX values will be accepted in these fields. Default
value is set to 00.
After saving the changes, the Paragon II will automatically reboot with the new network settings.
When building a tiered system of Paragon II units, each Paragon II should be connected to the network with
a unique IP address. In such a system, changing the network settings through a user station will change the
network settings of the Paragon II that user station is physically connected to. For example, a P2-UST
connected to the base tier of a system will change the IP address only of that base unit, while a P2-UST
connected to a third tier Paragon II will change the IP address of that particular third tier unit.
It is essential to put all base units in a Paragon II system on the network, as firmware upgrades are pushed
across the system through TCP/IP. While the firmware upgrade needs to be sent only once to the base unit
to update the entire system, that base unit will be unable to upgrade the other units in the system if they do
not have properly configured network access.
Autoscanning and Autoskipping
As administrator, you can press [F6] to turn autoscanning on and off. When autoscanning is turned on,
Paragon II switches sequentially and automatically from one channel port to the next, displaying each
channel port’s video for the duration of the user’s global scan rate or the channel port’s individual scan rate
(see Chapter 3: Operation – User Functions, User Customization), starting over at port 1 when it reaches
the last channel port.
In a cascaded system, when the scan reaches a channel port to which a subsidiary Base Unit is attached, it
“drops down” to the subsidiary’s channel ports and scans them before resuming with the higher-level
channel ports.
To take keyboard and mouse control of the CPU on a given channel port, autoscanning must be turned off.
The word “Scan” at the bottom of the OSUI menus will appear in white when autoscan is off or yellow
when autoscan is on.
In Paragon II’s default setting, autoscanning will display all of system’s channel ports (including vacant
ones), except those occupied by CPUs that the user has not been granted the keyboard and mouse-control
rights for, that is, the CPUs that are not in one of the user’s permitted groups – see the section Group
Settings in this chapter. To allow a user to see CPUs that he or she cannot otherwise access, an
administrator must set “Display All Computers” to “Yes” (see the section System Configuration in this
chapter). To force the system to skip over vacant channel ports, an administrator must turn on autoskipping.
While logged in to Paragon II, administrators can press [F7] to turn autoskipping on and off. When
autoskipping is turned on, the Paragon will automatically skip vacant ports while autoscanning or when a
user tries to switch to such a port manually. The word “Skip” at the bottom of the OSUI menus will appear
in white when autoskip is off or yellow when autoskip is on.
Power Management
An administrator can control power to connected devices directly via the Paragon II OSUI. To use the
power management features of Paragon II, you will need Raritan’s Remote Power Control Unit in one of
three models, depending on your needs:
PCR8 – 8 port, 1U rack mount
PCS12 – 12 port, “zero-U” vertical mount
PCS20 – 20 port, “zero-U” vertical mount
A special Raritan Power CIM (P2CIM-PWR) is available for use with this power strip. Attach this CIM to
the RJ45 port on the Power Strip, and then connect the power strip in to an AC source. Connect the CIM to
one of the target ports on a UMT unit. The P2CIM-PWR is required for integration with the Paragon OSUI.
Configuring and Naming the Power Strip
Activate the Paragon II OSUI. The new power strip should appear in the appropriate channel port under the
name PCR8, PCS12, or PCS20, depending on the model type. The Power Strip will be treated exactly like
a second tier device.
1. Press [F5] to activate the Administrative Menu and select the Power Strip channel port for
2. Edit the name of the Power Strip as it is displayed in the OSD. The model type should already be
selected as the appropriate type.
3. Press [G] to configure the individual power outlets on the power strip.
Associating a Target with a Power Outlet
Since Paragon II cannot determine the type of device through a power outlet connection, associations of
targets with individual power outlets must be done manually.
1. Press [F5] to select the “Administration Menu” and select option 3, “Channel Configuration”
2. Highlight the connected power strip and press [G] to enter the “Outlet Configuration” Menu. The
outlet number corresponds to the number under the “Ch. ID” column.
3. Under the “Type” column, highlight an outlet and press [Enter] to configure the device type:
a. PWR: This is the default association type and refers to devices not connected to the Paragon II
system (a router or a monitor).
b. CPU: Select this type for all devices connected to the Paragon II system (including “non-server”
targets such as UMT switches).
4. Press the right arrow to highlight the name field then press [Enter] to configure the name of a target
associated with that outlet.
a. If the type is set to PWR, users will be able to change the name of the device as desired.
b. If the type is set to CPU, the OSD will request you to save changes (“Y/N/ESC”), then display a
“Select Powered Device” menu. This is an alphabetized list of all devices connected to the
Paragon II system, allowing the user to indicate which target is powered by the newly configured
5. Highlight the desired device and press [Enter]. The selectedtarget will be automatically associated
with that power outlet. The outlet name will be the Channel ID of the target. Press [S] to save the
6. Press the right arrow key to scroll to the next page of the configuration menu for setting security
groups for a power outlet. See Group Settings, earlier in this chapter for more information on setting
access rights. This allows administrators to limit who is authorized to control power to various targets.
The default setting for each group on that outlet is “- -“, which means no access to any user other than
the Admin user. Note, once a group ID setting is changed, it can never return to the original “- -“ state.
Controlling Power to an Outlet
The addition of a power strip to the Paragon II system allows administrators to control the power to targets
in two ways:
Controlling power from the Server Selection Menu:
Normal Paragon II operation involves browsing the list of devices in the OSUI and pressing [Enter] to
switch to that target. By pressing [F3] instead of [Enter] when a target is highlighted, Paragon II will check
that target for Power Strip associations:
If Paragon II does not detect any associations with that target, a message indicating ”No Outlets /
Access Denied” appears, and the action is cancelled.
If the target has associated power outlets, but the user is not authorized to control those outlets, a ”No
Outlets / Access Denied” message will appear and the action will be cancelled.
If Paragon II sees that this target is associated with at least one power outlet, it will switch to that target.
The OSUI will remain on-screen, displaying a list of power outlets associated with the target. This
allows users to see the target before power is cycled to it.
You will be given four choices from this menu: Power Off (X), Power On (O), Recycle Power
(R), and Select All (A)
If the target is powered OFF, pressing [O] will power ON the outlet instantly.
If the target is powered ON, pressing [X] or [R] will activate a confirmation dialog “Are you
sure (yes/no)?” As a safeguard, type in the whole word “yes”, to confirm cutting power to the
target. Typing in “y,” or anything other thanyes” will be accepted as a “no.”
In the case of a target associated with multiple outlets, such as a server with dual power
supplies, pressing [A] will highlight all the associated outlets, allowing them to be turned on,
off, or recycled simultaneously.
Controlling Power from the Outlet Selection Menu
A connected power strip is treated as a second tier device. The power strip, therefore, has its own device
menu consisting of “ports” for each power outlet with which power can be controlled on a per-outlet basis.
Navigate the Paragon II OSUI, select the Raritan Power Strip and press [Enter]. You will now be at
the “Outlet Selection” menu.
A list of outlets (up to 8 per page) will appear. Targets in green are switched ON; targets in black are
switched OFF.
As with the ”Server Selection” Menu, press [X], [O], or [R] to turn off, turn on, or recycle power to
the target respectively. Type “yes” to confirm turning off the power if you select [X] or [R].
Getting Power Strip Unit Status from the Outlet Selection Menu
At any time while navigating the “Outlet Selection” Menu, pressing [F11] will provide a status screen
showing certain parameters of the connected power strip. These parameters include:
Average power
True RMS Current
True RMS Voltage
Internal Temperature
Apparent Power
Maximum Detected
Outlet Circuit Breaker
Note: Unlike second tier channel ports, the power outlet “channel ports” will not appear in the list of
targets when the OSUI is in “channel port selection by Name” mode.
Paragon II Network Port
Paragon II contains a network port and is designed as a network-aware device. This network port is used to
communicate with Paragon Manager administrative software, packaged with the Paragon II unit (please
refer to Paragon Manager User Guide).
Chapter 5: Paragon II and Z-CIM
If you have a local PC CPU that you want only the user(s) at a certain user station to be able to access, but
you want that user station to be able to access the CPUs attached to the Paragon system as well, insert a
P2CIM-PS2 dual-access CIM between a User Station and a Base Unit.
To do this for a given user station:
1. If you have not already done so, install your Paragon system as described in Chapter 2: Installation.
2. Take the cable that connects the user station’s User Station to the Base Unit and disconnect it from the
Base Unit’s user port.
3. Connect the free end of this cable to the RJ-45 port labeled “UTP OUT” on the ZCIM-PS2.
4. Run another CAT5 cable from the RJ-45 port labeled “UTP IN” on the ZCIM-PS2 to the same user
port on the Base Unit from which you disconnected the other cable.
5. Plug the ZCIM-PS2’s HD15 strand into the HD15 VGA video port of the CPU you want the user
station to have local access to. Plug its purple 6-pin mini-DIN keyboard strand into the CPU’s 6-pin
mini-DIN keyboard port. Plug its light green 6-pin mini-DIN strand into the CPU’s 6-pin mini-DIN
mouse port.
6. Plug in and power ON the CPU. If the P2CIM-PS2 is installed and operating properly, the P2CIM-
PS2’s green LED will start blinking: once per second while the P2CIM-PS2 is idle, or more quickly
while data passes in either direction.
Once this installation is finished, activate Local PC Mode on the User Station:
1. Log on at the attached user station.
2. Press the hotkey ([Scroll Lock] is the default) twice in quick succession to activate the OSUI.
3. Press [F4] to activate the User Profile Menu (see Chapter 3: Operation – User Functions, User
4. Use [Tab] or the up- and down-arrow keys to move the highlight to the Local PC field.
5. Press the [Enter] key. The Local PC field will turn green.
6. Use the up- or down-arrow key to toggle the value of the field to “On.”
7. Press the [Enter] key. The highlight will turn yellow.
8. Press [S] to save the change and return to the User Profile Menu. If you do not wish to save changes,
press the [Esc] key to abort the change and return to the User Profile Menu.
Once Local PC Mode is turned on, you can access the dedicated local PC CPU from this user station by
pressing the [Home] key twice in quick succession while the OSUI is on-screen. The User Station will
immediately switch you to the local PC. To return to the Paragon system and its switched CPUs, activate
the OSUI by pressing the hotkey twice ([Scroll Lock] is the factory default), then press [F2] to activate the
Selection Menu and access any of the listed servers.
Connecting Z-CIMs as Tiers
The following diagram shows the final setup when connecting Z-Series Z4200U Z-CIMs as a tier:
Figure 42 Connecting a Z-CIM as a Tier to Paragon II
Important: Z-Series installation requires that each computer be assigned a channel name as it is
added to the Z-CIM chain. Computer channels are organized alphabetically by assigned name (or
the default name, the Z-CIM’s serial number), rather than in the order of their placement within the
Z-CIM chain. We recommend that installers assign channel names before connecting all
computers to eliminate any difficulty in locating the respective channel for each computer.
Note: When following the installation and configuration instructions below, sort the Selection Menu by
Channel ID Number, not by Name. Display the menu by pressing [F2] and change the sorting method by
pressing [F12].
All Paragon II components must be powered ON prior to Z-CIM tier installation. All computers in the Z-
CIM chain and all Z4200U components must be powered OFF prior to installation.
Connect a Z-CIM as a Tier:
1. Connect a Category 5e UTP cable to the channel port on the Paragon II unit reserved for the Z-CIM
2. Connect the other end of this Category 5e UTP cable to the UTP OUT port on a Z-CIM, which will be
the first Z-CIM in the chain.
3. Connect a computer to the first Z-CIM.
a. Connect the 6-pin mini-DIN keyboard and mouse and HD15 video connectors on the UKVMSPD
Z-CIM to computer’s keyboard, mouse, and video ports.
b. Place the Z-CIM Terminator in the Z-CIM’s UTP IN port.
c. Power ON computer.
For UKVMSC Z-CIM with local port:
a. Connect DB25 male end of CCPnn cable to DB25 female port on back of a Z-CIM (UKVMSC).
b. Connect other end to computer’s keyboard, video, and mouse ports.
Last Z-CIM
Z-CIM Terminator
Up to 42
Up to 42
Back of P2-UMT832
c. Place the Z-CIM Terminator in the Z-CIM’s UTP IN port.
d. Power ON computer.
e. Optional: Connect a local user console to the UKVMSC Z-CIM.
Perform Channel Configuration:
1. At a User Station Login Menu, type admin in the User Name field and press [Enter].
2. Type “raritan” (all lowercase) in the Password field and press [Enter].
3. Press [F5] to go the Administration Menu and select the Channel Configuration submenu.
4. Use the [] and [] or the [Page Up] and [Page Down] keys to highlight the Paragon II channel
where the Z-CIM was just added.
5. Ensure that the Device field reads Zseries.
6. If Zseries does not appear in the Device field:
a. Press [Tab] until the Device field is active, them press [Enter] - the highlight will turn green.
b. Use the [] and [] keys to change device type to Z-Series and press [Enter] - the green
highlight will return to yellow.
c. Press [S] to save the change, or press [Esc] to exit without saving.
7. If a more descriptive name is desired:
a. Hold the [Shift] key and press [Tab] to go back to the Name column, then press [Enter] - the
highlight will turn blue.
b. Edit the default name and press [Enter] - the highlight will turn green as you begin to type.
c. Press [S] to save the change, or press [Esc] to exit without saving.
8. Press [F2] to go to the Selection Menu to validate that the second-tier Z-CIM is properly configured.
Select the tiered Z-CIM device and press [Enter].
Name the Computer Channel on the Z-CIM tiered Selection Menu:
1. When viewing the Paragon II Selection Menu or any OSUI menu, press [F5] to go to the
Administration Menu.
2. Select the Channel Configuration submenu.
3. Select the Z-CIM device channel.
4. Press [G] to bring up a Channel Configuration menu for the Z-CIM chain.
5. Use the [] and [] keys to highlight the Name field of the computer just connected via Z-CIM. The
channel for this computer is displayed in green, and the highlight will turn yellow when it is selected.
6. Press [Enter] - the highlight will turn blue.
7. Type the desired computer name - the highlight will turn green as you begin to type.
8. Press [Enter] - the highlight will turn yellow.
9. Press [S] to save the new name.
Verify and Save Changes:
1. Press [F2] to return to the Selection Menu.
2. The Selection Menu will display with the new computer name highlighted in white.
3. Press [Enter] to switch to this selected computer.
4. Normal computer access and operation indicates a successful connection.
Note: Repeat the steps on the previous pages:
Connect Z-CIMs as a Tier
Perform Channel Configuration
Name the Computer Channel on the Z-CIM tiered Selection Menu
Verify and Save Changes
for each server to be added to the chain. Name and test each computer as it is added. Follow the steps
below to build the rest of the Z-CIM chain of servers.
Attach Z-CIM to Computer to be Added:
1. Connect the 6-pin mini-DIN keyboard and mouse and HD15 video connectors on the UKVMSPD Z-
CIM to computer’s keyboard, mouse, and video ports.
For UKVMSC Z-CIM with local port:
1. Connect CCPnn cable’s 6-pin mini-DIN and HD15 connectors to computer’s keyboard, mouse, and
video ports.
2. Connect DB25 male end of CCPnn cable to DB25 female port on back of Z-CIM (UKVMSC).
Attach new Z-CIM to the existing Z-CIM chain:
1. Remove Z-CIM Terminator from the last Z-CIM’s UTP IN port and set aside.
2. Connect a Category 5e UTP cable to UTP IN port on the Z-CIM that is currently last in the chain.
3. Connect the other end of this Category 5e UTP cable to the UTP OUT port on the next Z-
CIM/computer currently being added to the chain.
4. Place the Z-CIM Terminator in the added Z-CIM’s UTP IN port.
5. Power ON computer.
6. Optional: Connect a local user console to the UKVMSC Z-CIM.
Name Computer:
1. At the Selection Menu, press [F5] to go to the Administration Menu.
2. Select the Channel Configuration submenu.
3. Select the Z4200U device channel.
4. Press [G] to bring up a Channel Configuration menu for the Z-CIM chain.
5. Use the [] and [] keys to highlight the Name field of the computer just connected via Z-CIM. The
channel for this computer is displayed in green, and the highlight will turn yellow when it is selected.
6. Press [Enter] - the highlight will turn blue.
7. Type the desired computer name - the highlight will turn green as you begin to type.
8. Press [Enter] - the highlight will turn yellow.
9. Press [S] to save the new name.
Verify and Save Changes:
1. Press [F2] to return to the Selection Menu.
2. The Selection Menu will display with the new computer name highlighted in white.
3. Press [Enter] to switch to this selected computer.
4. Normal computer access and operation indicates a successful connection.
Important: At least half of all machines in the Z-CIM chain must be powered ON at any given time
in order for the Z-CIM chain to function properly. There must be enough power to support all of the
Z-CIMs in the chain.
CHAPTER 6: IBM X330 49
Chapter 6: IBM x330
Paragon II unit firmware versions 1P0 (UMT2161), 2C2 (UMT242, UMT442, and UMT8), or 3A2
(UMT1664) and User Station (UST1) firmware 4L2 or higher supports an IBM x330 chain of computers as
a second tier by utilizing IBM’s Cable Chaining Technology (C2T) and Raritan Computer Interface
Modules (CIMs), UKVMP-x330 or UKVMC-x330.
An IBM x330 rack of up to 42 servers can be accommodated for each Paragon II Matrix Switch channel
port. This Paragon II feature lets users name each x330 server in the rack and see that name in a Paragon II
Selection Menu, instead of utilizing blind x330 shortcut key switching techniques.
Figure 43 IBM x330 Tiered from a Paragon II Matrix Switch
Cat 5e Cable
Cat 5e Cable
Up to 8 User Consoles
IBM Break Out Cable
Install an IBM x330 Rack of Servers as a Tier to Paragon II:
1. Set up Paragon II following Basic Installation instructions, but reserve one channel port for each rack
of IBM x330 servers to be connected.
2. Connect a Category 5e UTP cable to the reserved channel port on the back of the Paragon II unit.
3. Connect the other end of the category 5e UTP cable to the RJ45 port on a Raritan CIM -
UKVMP-x330 or UKVMC-x330.
4. Attach the CIM to IBM Break Out Cable from the x330 rack.
a. Connect keyboard, monitor, and mouse cable legs attached to CIM to appropriate 15-pin female
video port and 6-pin mini-DIN mouse and keyboard ports on IBM Break Out Cable.
b. Connect DB25 male end of CCPnn cable to DB25 female port on UKVMC-x330.
c. Connect the other end of the CCPnn cable to appropriate 6-pin mini-DIN mouse and keyboard
ports, and HD15 video port on IBM Break Out Cable.
Set the IBM x330 Rack as a Second Tier Device:
1. From a User Station, login as admin, or use your user name if you have administrator privileges, and
enter your password.
2. Press the [F5] key to go the Administration Menu, then select Channel Configuration submenu.
3. Use the [] and [] or the [Page Up] and [Page Down] keys to select the channel to which the IBM
x330 rack is connected.
4. Press the [Tab] key to advance to the Device field - the highlighted area will be yellow.
5. Press the [Enter] key - the highlighted area turns green.
6. Use the [] and [] keys to change device type to IBM x330, then press the [Enter] key - the
highlighted area turns yellow.
7. Hold the [Shift] key and press the [Tab] key to go back to the Name column.
8. Press the [Enter] key and edit the default name.
9. Press the [S] key to save the new configuration.
Save and Verify Changes:
1. Press [F2] to go Selection Menu to validate that second-tier IBM x330 rack is properly configured.
Select and switch to one of the IBM x330 channels. Normal computer access and operation indicates a
successful connection.
2. Press [F5] to go to Administration Menu. Select Channel Configuration submenu. Select the IBM x330
channel. Press [G] to bring up a Channel Configuration menu of the IBM x330. Edit names for each
IBM x330 server in the rack.
3. Press [S] to save the new configuration.
Chapter 7: Configurations
When implementing complex tiered and stacked architectures for a Paragon system, there are important
guidelines describing the legal and illegal configurations among devices in a Paragon system, and the
procedures to make the system function in the appropriate manner that you must follow and procedures to
make the system function in an appropriate manner.
Principles of Re-Connection
Whenever a change is made to a connected tiered device, it is recommended that power to all devices
is recycled, if possible. This includes the device where the connection is changed directly, as well as all
devices below it in the system architecture.
The sequence of power recycling should start from highest tiered device and end with the Main base
unit. For example, in a “Single Base” configuration (only one UMT Matrix Switch as the base unit), if
a connection change is made at a device on the third tier, the sequence of power recycling should be as
The third tier device with the changed connection
The second tier device connected to the third tier device
The base unit
In the event that a change is required for an existing configuration, the chapter illustrates proper procedures
for adding or removing units and changing tier paths.
Tiered Configurations
Standard Tiering Configurations
Single Base Configuration
Definition of Single Base configuration:
Only UMT matrix switches can serve as base units.
The base unit must always be the latest released version, both in hardware and firmware.
A maximum of three (3) tiers, including the base unit, is permitted.
Devices that are not Paragon II Matrix Switches but have two or more channel ports, such as Raritan
MasterConsole or CompuSwitch, are treated as tier devices. These devices cannot act as base devices
in a Paragon II system and can be connected only to a base unit or to a second tier Paragon II.
Initialization of a single base configuration with tiered devices from upper to lower tier:
After all devices have been connected, power ON the devices from upper tier to lower tier.
After initialization, each tiered device has an updated database.
Guidelines for changing connections of tiered devices:
Example A: Relocating an upper-tier device (refer to red colored dotted line)
1. Disconnect some or all of the user ports on the tiered unit (UMT-3A) that connect to the channel ports
of the lower-tiered unit (UMT-2A) and re-connect the user ports to the channel ports of another lower-
tier unit (UMT-2B).
2. Recycle the power of tiered devices. This is recommended to build a clean database for the UMT
Matrix Switches. Sequence of recycling power is from the highest tier (tier 3) to the base unit. In our
example: UMT-3A UMT-2A UMT-2B UMT-Base.
3. The operation is the same for devices that are not UMT Matrix Switches.
Figure 44 Single Base Configuration
Non-UMT tier
UMT-3A UMT-3B Non-UMT tier
Non-UMT tier
UMT-2A UMT-2B Non-UMT tier
Multiple Base Configuration
Definition of Multiple Base configuration:
Two or more UMT Matrix Switches serve as base units.
The base unit must always be the latest released version, both in hardware and firmware.
A maximum of three (3) tiers, including the base unit, is permitted.
Upper-tier devices connect to two or more base UMTs.
Devices that are not UMT Matrix Switches but have two or more channel ports, such as Raritan
MasterConsole or CompuSwitch, are treated as tier devices. These devices cannot act as base devices
in a Paragon system and can be connected only to a base unit or a second tier UMT(s)
Initialization of a multiple base configuration with tiered devices
After all devices have been connected, power ON the devices from upper tier to lower tier.
After initialization, each tiered device has an updated database.
Guidelines for changing connections of tiered devices:
Example A: Relocating a 3rd tier device with multiple 2nd tier connections (refer to red colored dotted line
in diagram):
1. Disconnect some or all of the user ports on an upper-tier unit (UMT-3A) that connect to the channel
ports of a lower-tier unit (UMT-2A) and re-connect the user ports to the channel ports of lower-tier
unit (UMT-2B).
2. Change the cable connections of the upper-tier unit (UMT-3A).
3. Recycle the power of tiered devices. This is recommended to build a clean database for the UMT
Matrix Switches. Sequence of recycling power is from the highest tier (tier 3) to the base unit. In our
example: UMT-3A UMT-2A UMT-2B UMT-Base 1 UMT-Base 2.
Example B: Relocating a 2nd tier device with multiple base tier connections (refer to blue colored dashed
line in diagram):
1. Disconnect some or all of the user ports on a tiered unit (UMT-2C) that connect to the channel ports of
a base unit (UMT-Base 1) and re-connect those user ports to another base unit (UMT-Base 2).
2. Change the cable connections of the tiered unit (UMT-2C).
3. Recycle the power of tiered devices. This is recommended to build a clean database for the UMT
Matrix Switches. Sequence of recycling power is from the highest tier (tier 3) to the base unit. In our
example: UMT-2C UMT-Base 1 UMT-Base 2.
4. The operation is the same for devices that are not UMT Matrix Switches.
Figure 45 Multiple Base Configuration
UMT-Base 1 UMT-Base 2
Example A: Red Colored Dotted Line
Example B: Blue Colored Dashed Line
Stacked Configurations
Definition of stacking configuration:
The P2-UMT Stacking Switch, a new switch device required for stacking configurations, expands the
number of available channel ports in a single switch. It does not add user ports.
UMT Stacking Switch P2-UMT1664S has four 68-pin expansion ports. Two are input ports and
two are output ports. The P2-UMT832S has only one 68-pin expansion input port and one output
The P2-UMT1664M has two 68-pin expansion ports, and P2-UMT832M has one 68-pin expansion
port. These represent input ports.
One or more UMT Stacking switches connect to a P2-UMT Matrix Switch through stacking cables in a
daisy chain connection – that is, the expansion port of a P2-UMT832M connects to the expansion
output port of a P2-UMT832S, and the expansion input port of this P2-UMT832S connects to the
expansion output of another P2-UMT832S to form a daisy chain.
For purposes here, this P2-UMT Matrix Switch is called the Master Device, and the UMT Stacking
Switch is called the Stacking Device.
The Master Device can be a base unit or a tiered unit.
The stacking device that connects to a master device becomes an automatic extension of the
master unit.
System Constraints:
The base unit should be a P2-UMT1664M / P2-UMT832M Matrix Switch
The base unit must always be the latest release of P2-UMT Matrix Switch (hardware and firmware) in
a closed configuration system.
A Paragon I HW3 (with P2 firmware) can accommodate only one stacking switch.
Up to three P2-UMT832S stacking units can be connected to each P2-UMT832M matrix unit.
Only one P2-UMT1664S stacking units can be connected to each P2-1664M matrix unit.
A maximum of 128 channel ports (Master Device + Stacking Devices) is permitted. When a P2-
UMT1664M Matrix Switch acts as the Master Device, only one P2-UMT1664S Stacking Switch can
be in daisy chain with it. When a P2-UMT832M Matrix Switch acts as the Master Device, up to three
(3) P2-UMT832S Stacking Switches can be in the daisy chain.
A P2-UMT1664M can have only P2-UMT1664S Stacking Switches daisy chained to it. A P2-
UMT832M can have only P2-UMT832S Stacking Switches daisy chained to it. You cannot mix unlike
configurations of Master Devices and Stacking Switches. For example, you cannot use a P2-UMT832S
Stacking Switch with a UMT1664 Master Device and vice-versa.
P2-UMT1664M / P2-UMT832M Matrix Switch and UMT1664/UMT832 hardware III Matrix Switch
cannot act as Stacking Devices.
Base units can never act as stacking units.
Standard Stacking Configurations
Single Base with Stacking
Example A: Non-blocked System – P2-UMT1664M
Standard configuration – any user can access any channel port in the system.
Figure 46 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT1664M and P2-UMT1664S
Example B: Non-blocked System – P2-UMT832M
Standard configuration – any user can access any channel port in the system.
Figure 47 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT832M and P2-UMT832S
Example C: P2-UMT1664M Stacked and Tiered
Standard configuration – any user can access any channel port in the system.
Figure 48 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT832M and P2-UMT832S
P2-UMT1664M P2-UMT1664S
P2-UMT832M P2-UMT832S
P2-UMT832S P2-UMT832S
P2-UMT1664M P2-UMT1664S
Example D: P2-UMT832M Stacked and Tiered
Standard configuration – any user can access any channel port in the system.
Figure 49 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT832M and P2-UMT832S
Example E: Illegal Configuration
Figure 50 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT1664M and P2-UMT832S
Example F: Illegal Configuration
Figure 51 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT832M and P2-UMT1664S
P2-UMT832M P2-UMT832S
P2-UMT832S P2-UMT832S
Example G: Illegal Configuration
Figure 52 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT1664M and P2-UMT832S
Example H: Illegal Configuration
Figure 53 Stacking - Single Base Configuration with P2-UMT832M and P2-UMT1664S
P2-UMT1664M P2-UMT832S 1A
P2-UMT832S 1B
Non-Standard Tier Configuration
Guidelines for Existing Firmware Versions
Non-Standard tier configurations are those configurations supported by Paragon II, but require special
procedures in order to function properly. These include:
Triangle Configuration
Diamond Configuration
Redundant Configuration
When a Non-Standard tier configuration is detected, Paragon will do the following:
Display the message “Illegal Connect/Check CTxxxxxx” on the LCD panel, where CTxxxxxx is
the serial number of UMT that has the Non-Standard configuration on its user ports
Stop normal function and continue displaying the message until the connection is removed and the
unit is reset
While the UMT is trapped on the message, it will send the broadcasting message to all UST1s
every two (2) seconds, “Illegal connection on CTxxxxxx
The message will also appear on the OSD until the Non-Standard tier configuration is removed
After any re-connection subsequent to the Non-Standard tier configuration, all UMT Matrix
Switches should undergo a FUNC reset to clear the switch database. This procedure should be
performed starting from the third tier device down to the base unit.
Whenever a third tier UMT Matrix Switch is replaced, all of the second tier and base UMT Matrix
Switches should undergo a FUNC reset.
Whenever a second tier UMT Matrix Switch is replaced, all of the base UMT Matrix Switches
should undergo a FUNC reset.
Whenever a base UMT Matrix Switch is replaced, only the new UMT Matrix Switch should
undergo a FUNC reset.
Triangle Configuration
The following procedure must be followed to ensure this configuration functions properly:
After re-connection, all UMT Matrix Switches must undergo a FUNC reset to clear the switch
database. This procedure should be performed starting from the third tier device down to the base
Execute the FUNC reset in the following order: UMT-3A UMT-2A UMT-Base 1.
Figure 54 Triangle Configuration
UMT-Base 1
Diamond Configuration
The following procedure must be followed to ensure this configuration functions properly:
After re-connection, all UMT Matrix Switches should undergo a FUNC reset to clear the switch
database. This procedure should be performed starting from the third tier device down to the base
Execute the FUNC reset in the following order: UMT-3A UMT-2A UMT-2B UMT-
Base 1.
Figure 55 Diamond Configuration
UMT-Base 1
Redundant Configuration
The procedure outlined below must be followed to ensure this configuration functions properly:
After installation, all UMT Matrix Switches should undergo a FUNC reset to clear the switch
database. This procedure should be performed starting from the third tier device down to the base
Execute the FUNC reset in the following order: UMT-3A UMT-3B UMT-2A UMT-2B
UMT-Base 1 UMT-Base 2.
Whenever a third tier UMT Matrix Switch is replaced, all of the second tier and base UMT Matrix
Switches should undergo a FUNC reset.
Whenever a second tier UMT Matrix Switch is replaced, all of the base UMT Matrix Switches
should undergo a FUNC reset.
Whenever a base UMT Matrix Switch is replaced, only the new UMT Matrix Switch should
undergo a FUNC reset.
Figure 56 Redundant Configuration
UMT-Base1 UMT-Base2
In order to make a redundant configuration system operate more efficient, the following connection
scheme between tiers is recommended:
Assume there are two UMT Base devices, the UMT-Base1 and UMT-Base2
Assume there are three UMT second tier devices, the UMT-2A, UMT-2B, and UMT-2C
Channel connection of UMT-Base1
Channel ports 3*N+1 (1, 4, 7….) connect to UMT-2A user ports sequentially, starting from
user port 1
Channel ports 3*N+2 (2, 5, 8….) connect to UMT-2B user ports sequentially, starting from
user port 1
Channel ports 3*N (3, 6, 9….) connect to UMT-2C user ports sequentially, starting from user
port 1
Channel connection of UMT-Base2
Channel ports 3*N+1 (1, 4, 7….) connect to UMT-2A user port sequentially, starting from
user port 9 if UMT-2A has 16 user ports.
Channel ports 3*N+2 (2, 5, 8….) connect to UMT-2B user port sequentially, starting from
user port 9 if UMT-2A has 16 user ports.
Channel ports 3*N (3, 6, 9….) connect to UMT-2C user port sequentially, starting from user
port 9 if UMT-2A has 16 user ports.
Figure 57 Recommended Redundant Configuration connection scheme
Illegal Configuration
Illegal configurations are those that are not currently supported by Paragon. Please use one of the
configurations described in this chapter.
Loop-Back Configuration
This dead-loop setup will cause Server database conflict and should therefore never be used.
Figure 58 Illegal Loop-Back Configuration
Appendix A: Specifications
P2-UMT1664M 16 users x 64 server ports,
expansion slot, stacking port,
network port
11.41” (W) x 17.32” (D) x 1.75” (H)
290mm (W) x 440mm (D) x 44mm (H)
12.52 lbs
5.68 kg
50/60 Hz 0.6A
8 users x 32 server ports,
expansion slot, stacking port,
network port
11.41" (W) x 17.32" (D) x 1.75" (H)
290mm (W) x 440mm (D) x 44mm (H)
9.83 lbs
4.46 kg
50/60 Hz 0.6A
4 users x 42 server ports,
expansion slot, network port
11.41" (W) x 17.32" (D) x 1.75" (H)
290mm (W) x 440mm (D) x 44mm (H)
10.13 lbs
4.59 kg
50/60 Hz 0.6A
2 users x 42 server ports
11.41" (W) x 17.32" (D) x 1.75" (H)
290mm (W) x 440mm (D) x 44mm (H)
10.03 lbs
4.54 kg
50/60 Hz 0.6A
64 expansion server ports for
stacking with P2-UMT1664M
11.41” (W) x 17.32” (D) x 1.75” (H)
90mm (W) x 440mm (D) x 80 (H)
11.99 lbs
5.44 kg
50/60 Hz 0.6A
32 expansion server ports for
stacking with P2UMT832M
11.41" (W) x 17.32" (D) x 1.75" (H)
290mm (W) x 440mm (D) x 44mm
8.99 lbs
4.08 kg
50/60 Hz 0.6A
Analog access point with
PS/2, USB and Sun console
11.4” (W) x 10.1” (D) x 1.75” (H)
290mm (W) x 255mm (D) x 44mm
4.3 lbs
1.9 kg
50/60 Hz 0.6A
CIM for PS/2
1.3” (W) x 3.0” (D) x 0.6” (H)
32mm (W) x 77.4mm (D) x 15.6mm (H)
0.20 lb
0.07 kg
1.3” (W) x 3.0” (D) x 0.6” (H)
32mm (W) x 77.4mm (D) x 15.6mm (H)
0.13 lb
0.06 kg
1.3” (W) x 3.0” (D) x 0.6” (H)
32mm (W) x 77.4mm (D) x 15.6mm (H)
0.20 lb
0.07 kg
CIM for SUN USB 1.3” (W) x 3.0” (D) x 0.6” (H)
32mm (W) x 77.4mm (D) x 15.6mm (H)
0.148 lb
0.067 kg
CIM for Integrated Power
1.3” (W) x 3.0” (D) x 0.6” (H)
32mm (W) x 77.4mm (D) x 15.6mm (H)
0.066 lb
0.03 kg
CAT5 Cable Guidelines
Use only straight-through-pinned four-pair (eight-wire) Category 5 unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cables,
terminated with standard RJ-45 plugs, for the CAT5 cabling links in your Paragon system.
If your existing CAT5 site-wiring system meets these requirements, feel free to send the signals through
your site’s patch panels, existing wiring, etc., but you should keep the number of patches and splices to a
minimum to avoid degrading the video signals. Maximum end-to-end cabling distance from any CPU to
any user station should not exceed 1000 ft. (304 m).
Looking into an RJ-45 socket on any Paragon component, or looking at the cable plug from behind with the
tab on the bottom, Pin 1 should be on the left and Pin 8 on the right, and the wires should be arranged this
way, as per the TIA-568B standard:
Pin Color Function, Pair
1 White/Orange TX, Pair 2
2 Orange/White RX, Pair 2
3 White/Green TX, Pair 3
4 Blue/White RX, Pair 1
5 White/Blue TX, Pair 1
6 Green/White RX, Pair 3
7 White/Brown TX, Pair 4
8 Brown/White RX, Pair 4
Figure 59 Cat5 Cable Diagram
Appendix B: User Station Direct Mode
A Paragon User Station set to Direct Mode can be directly connected to a Paragon CIM, either temporarily
for emergency “crash cart” access or permanently for non-switched extension purposes, without having to
go through a Base Unit.
To make this kind of “Direct Mode” connection, take these steps:
1. If you have not already done so, follow the instructions in steps 5a and 5b of Chapter 2: Installation,
Installing a Paragon System with a Single Base Unit to attach the CIM to the CPU.
2. If you have not already done so, plug in and turn on the CPU.
3. Power off the User Station.
4. Run CAT5 cabling directly between the User Station and the CIM.
5. At the user station attached to the User Station, simultaneously press and hold the [Ctrl] and [Alt] keys.
6. Continue holding down these keys while you power on the User Station. The User Station should beep
twice; after the second beep, it should display a “DIRECT Mode: CIM connected” message on the
7. Release [Ctrl] and [Alt]. The “DIRECT Mode” message will continue to be displayed for ten seconds,
then disappear.
While the User Station is in Direct Mode, if the CAT5 cabling between the User Station and the P2CIM-
PS2 becomes disconnected at any point for more than three to four seconds, the User Station will exit
Direct Mode. To re-establish Direct Mode, repeat the above steps.
To return a User Station that’s in Direct Mode to normal operation, take these steps:
1. Power OFF the User Station.
2. Disconnect the opposite end of the CAT5 cabling from the CIM.
3. Connect the opposite end of the CAT5 cabling to a user port of a Base Unit.
4. Run other CAT5 cabling from the channel port of a Base Unit to the CIM.
5. Power ON the User Station.
Appendix C: Configuration and Compatibility
Configuration Matrix
As a general rule, the very latest hardware and firmware should reside on the lowest tier
Compatibility Matrix
on I Para
on II
onent HW1 HW2/2Z HW3 HW3M
P2CIMs Yes Yes Yes Yes
PD CIMs Yes Yes Yes Yes
Z-CIMs No Yes Yes Yes
P2-UST No No Yes
with 3.2 FW Yes
UST1 Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No Yes, with 3.2 FW Yes
on Mana
er No No Yes - via admin
3.2 Yes - via LAN
Network FW u
rade No No No Yes
rated Power Control No No Yes, with 3.2 FW Yes
Max Tar
ets - 1664 N/A N/A 2
048 10
Max Tar
ets - 832 750 2
048 2
048 10
Max Tar
ets - 442 N/A 2,048 2,048 10,000
Max Tar
ets - 242 N/A 2
048 2
048 2
Max Tar
ets - 2161 N/A 2
048 2
048 N/A
Max User Names 60 127 127 512
Note: Only one Stacking Unit can be connected per Paragon HW3 switch
Base/Lower Tiers
Paragon II
UMT1664S/832S UMTx HW3
w/3.2 FW
Paragon II UMT1664 /832
/442 /242
UMT1664S/832S Stack Stack Stack
UMTx HW3 w/3.2 FW XXX
UMTx HW3 w/Current FW XXXX
Other Current Paragon
Ready Devices
Appendix D: Paragon II Rack Mount
Paragon II User Stations and most Base Units can be mounted in 1U (1.75", 4.4 cm) of vertical space in a
standard 19" equipment rack; P2-UMT1664M Base Units can be mounted in 2U (3.5", 8.9 cm) of space. To
rackmount a Base Unit, use the brackets and screws that came with the unit; to rackmount a User Station,
use the RMKSMU rackmount kit. (If you lose or damage a Base Unit’s brackets, replace them with the
RMKSM1 kit [for any 1U Base Unit] or RMKSM2 [for a P2-UMT1664M].) You can mount a Base Unit or
User Station facing the front of the rack or facing the rear.
Forward Mount
1. Secure the cable-support bar to the back end of the side brackets using two of the included screws.
2. Slide the User Station or Base Unit between the side brackets, with its rear panel facing the cable-
support bar, until its front panel is flush with the “ears” of the side brackets.
3. Secure the User Station or Base Unit to the side brackets using the remaining included screws (three on
each side).
4. Mount the entire assembly in your rack and secure the side brackets’ ears to the rack’s front rails with
your own screws, bolts, cage nuts, etc.
5. When you attach cables to the connectors on the rear panel of the User Station or Base Unit, drape
them over the cable-support bar.
Figure 60 Front rackmount of a P2 Base Unit
Figure 61 Front rackmount of a P2 User Station
Rear Mount
1. Secure the cable-support bar to the front end of the side brackets, near the side brackets’ “ears,” using
two of the included screws.
2. Slide the User Station or Base Unit between the side brackets, with its rear panel facing the cable-
support bar, until its front panel is flush with the back edges of the side brackets.
3. Secure the User Station or Base Unit to the side brackets using the remaining included screws (three on
each side).
4. Mount the entire assembly in your rack and secure the side brackets’ ears to the rack’s front rails with
your own screws, bolts, cage nuts, etc.
5. When you attach cables to the connectors on the rear panel of the User Station or Base Unit, drape
them over the cable-support bar.
Figure 62 Rear rackmount of a P2 Base Unit
Figure 63 Rear rackmount of a P2 User Station
Appendix E: Using AUATC for RS-232 Access
Introduction to the AUATC
To use your Paragon II system to access a CPU or other device through an RS-232 port, attach one of our
RS-232 serial CIMs (product code AUATC) to the device’s serial port as described in the first section of
this Appendix. The AUATC is designed to emulate an ASCII terminal, converting keyboard input to RS-
232 data input and converting RS-232 data output for display on a VGA monitor. This conversion allows
any device that can be accessed by an ASCII terminal to be operated with a user station attached to your
Paragon system, across an end-to-end distance of up to 1000 ft. (305 m) as opposed to the normal RS-232
maximum of 50 ft. (15 m).
Here are some of the AUATC’s useful features:
It maintains eight pages of data in a circular buffer.
In its Buffer Edit Mode, you can edit data, copy it, mark it, and/or resend it to the server or other
In its On-Line Mode, you can operate the ASCII device as if it were attached to a text terminal.
It has twelve programmable keys for frequently performed character-string commands.
You can directly attach a local PS/2 or Sun user station (keyboard and monitor) if necessary.
Installing the AUATC
Take these steps to attach an AUATC to the serial port of a server CPU or other device and to your Paragon
1. Run an appropriate cable from the AUATC’s DB25 female DTE connector to the device’s serial port.
The type of cable will depend on what type of connector the port is and whether it’s pinned as DTE
(for a data source/destination such as a CPU) or DCE (for a data-communicating device such as a
modem). Here are the product codes of some cables we recommend if the port is:
a. DB9 male DTE (most PCs, some routers, etc.)
b. DB25 male DTE (some older PCs, routers, etc.)
c. DB25 female DCE (many external modems, etc.)
If the device has some other type of serial port, call Raritan Technical Support.
2. If you need temporary “crash cart” access or permanent local control, you can attach a local user
station (consisting of a keyboard and VGA monitor only) to the AUATC. The user station’s keyboard
can be either be PS/2 or Sun type; a Sun keyboard will require a special setting in the Setup Screen.
To install a local user station, plug a PS/2 keyboard into the AUATC’s 6-pin mini-DIN connector, or a
Sun keyboard into its 8-pin mini-DIN connector. Plug a VGA monitor into the AUATC’s HD15
Note: This local station will contend for keyboard control with the remote user stations attached to
Paragon User Stations based on a fixed one-second activity timeout. As soon as there has been no
keyboard activity from the local station for one second, a remote station can take keyboard control, and
vice versa.
3. Plug in and turn on the device. If possible, set it to communicate at 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, and
1 stop bit. (These don’t have to be the permanent serial settings, but the device must be set this way to
establish initial communication with the AUATC; later you can configure both the device and the
AUATC to better settings. If the device can’t be configured for these settings, you’ll need to
temporarily attach a CPU or other device that can be.)
4. Plug the AUATC’s power supply into the AUATC and a working AC outlet. If the AUATC is installed
and operating properly, the AUATC’s green LED will start blinking: once per second while the CIM is
idle, more quickly while it’s passing data in either direction.
5. Connect one end of a CAT5 UTP cable to the RJ-45 port on the AUATC. Connect the other end of the
cable to RJ-45 channel port #1 on the back of one of your Paragon Base Units, or to the RJ-45 port on
the back of a User Station if you want Direct Mode access (see Appendix B: User Station Direct
Mode for additional information).
If the CIM is installed properly and the attached device or port is configured correctly, you are ready to
start using the P2CIM-PS2 for your serial communication.
Operating the AUATC
Screen Layout
The AUATC produces eight-color video at 800 x 600 resolution, which can accommodate 32 lines of 80
text characters each. A typical ASCII terminal uses 24 lines, so the AUATC uses the eight extra lines to
provide system-status and help information. These eight lines are divided so that four are at the top of the
screen and four are at the bottom.
Figure 64 AUATC screen layout (On-Line Mode)
In line 1 of the top pane, the AUATC’s firmware version is displayed at the right.
In line 3 of the top pane, the cursor position and buffer-page number are displayed at the left and the
terminal type and data rate are displayed at the right.
In line 4 of the top pane, the communication status is displayed. This status can be:
On Line: The AUATC is communicating with the server and displaying the interactions in its
terminal-screen area
Help: If you press [Alt] + [F1], the Help screen will appear
Set Up: If you press [Alt] + [F2] or [Alt] + [F3], the AUATC enters Setup Mode
Buffer Edit: If you press [Alt] + [F4], the AUATC enters Buffer Edit Mode
In addition, the access type is shown at the right of line 4 of the top pane. The access type can be LOC
(the local keyboard/monitor user station is active), RMT (a remote Paragon user station is active), or
NO (there is no current user-station activity – the AUATC is idle and will grant keyboard and mouse
control to the first user station that attempts to assert it).
The four lines in the bottom pane display command keys specific to the current screen.
On-Line Mode
When you operate the AUATC in On-Line Mode, the main screen area displays your interactions with the
ASCII device, as if it were the screen of an ASCII terminal. Simultaneously, the data stream being output
by the device is stored in an eight-page circular buffer, so you can not only access and operate the device,
but you can also review its historical data as needed. Because the buffer is circular, it always retains the
most recent eight pages of data from the device; the newest data will overwrite the oldest data.
Conveniently, you may program any of the PC keyboard’s twelve function keys to trigger your most-often-
used data-stream commands. Pressing any key set this way causes Paragon II to send the corresponding
command to the device. During the online session, you can also send any of the following key
combinations (press and hold [Ctrl] or [Alt], press and release the command key, and release [Ctrl] or
[Alt]) to control your communication with the device or to access the AUATC’s help and setup screens:
[Ctrl] + [Break] (the [Pause/Break] key next to the [Scroll Lock] key): Resets both the AUATC and
the serial communication with the device.
[Ctrl] + [S] (not case-sensitive): Sends an X-OFF command to the device to temporarily stop it from
sending any data; until the flow is allowed to resume, all output data will be queued by the device. (If
the device doesn’t support X-ON/X-OFF flow control, this command has no effect.)
[Ctrl] + [Q] (not case-sensitive): Sends an X-ON command to allow the device to resume sending data
after being halted by the [Ctrl] + [S] command.
[Alt] + [F1]: Displays the Help screen.
[Alt] + [F2]: Displays the Setup screen.
[Alt] + [F3]: Displays the Set Up Programmable Keys screen.
[Alt] + [F4]: Switch to Buffer Edit Mode.
Help Mode
Figure 65 Help screen
Buffer Edit Mode
The AUATC stores the most recent eight pages of data from the attached ASCII device in a circular buffer.
After you switch the AUATC from On-Line Mode to Buffer Edit Mode by pressing [Alt] + [F4], you can
review the contents of the buffer by moving the cursor with the arrow keys, [PageUp], [PageDown],
[Home], and [End]. You can also edit the data in the buffer with [Insert], [Delete], [Backspace], and the
other keys listed in the Help screen.
Figure 66 Buffer Edit Mode screen
Configuring the AUATC
Press [Alt] + [F2] to activate the Setup Screen, where you can select your desired serial-communication
parameters (baud rate, etc.) and type of local video output. The initial parameters will always start at their
factory defaults, so make sure that the serial port or device to which the AUATC is attached is temporarily
configured for 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. (If the port or device cannot support all of
these settings, you must temporarily attach one that can.) Also, if you want to perform initial configuration
with a local user station, it must consist of a PS/2 keyboard and VGA monitor.
Available data-rate (“Baud Rate”) settings are 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19,200 bps. You can select even, odd,
or no (“None”) parity; 7 or 8 data bits; and 1 or 2 stop bits (but 7 data bits requires 2 stop bits). The
terminal type is fixed at VT100.
To force local VGA output even when your local keyboard is a Sun type, access the AUATC from a user
station with a PS/2 keyboard and a VGA monitor. Activate the Setup Screen and change the video option
from Sun keyboard to VGA. You can then access the AUATC from Sun type user stations.
Figure 67 Setup Communication Screen
To program any of your keyboard’s twelve function keys with commands or data items you frequently have
to send the device, activate the Set Up Programmable Keys screen by pressing [Alt] + [F3]. Once a string
(with a maximum length of sixteen characters) has been assigned to a key, pressing that key while in On-
Line Mode will send the entire string to the device.
Figure 68 Set Up Programmable Keys screen
Troubleshooting the AUATC
If you do not get a device prompt:
1. If the AUATC’s screen is displayed on your monitor with the top and bottom help windows, make sure
that it indicates On Line status. If not, press [Esc] to return to On-Line Mode.
2. Make sure that the AUATC and the attached device are both receiving power. The AUATC’s power
supply should be securely connected to both the AUATC and a working outlet. Its LED (next to the 6-
pin mini-DIN PS/2 mouse connector) should flicker quickly if data is being transmitted and blink once
per second at other times.
3. Make sure that the cable between the AUATC and the device is securely attached at both ends. This
must be the null-modem cable included with the AUATC or one just like it.
4. Make sure that the serial-communication settings of the AUATC match those of the device. Press [Alt]
+ [F2] to check the AUATC’s settings in its Setup Screen.
If you do not get any video or the video is degraded or distorted:
1. Make sure that all of your cables are connected securely.
2. Make sure that your monitor can handle 800 x 600 video resolution at a refresh rate of 60 Hz.
3. If you are at a remote user station’s monitor, make sure that you are not running CAT5 cable too far
end-to-end. The total length of CAT5 cabling from the serial device to the monitor should not be
greater than 1000 ft. (304 m).
4. If you are using a Sun keyboard at the local user station, the AUATC will, by default, try to output
legacy Sun compatible composite video on its HD15 connector. You must temporarily attach a PS/2
keyboard, press [Alt] + [F2] to activate the Setup Screen, and change the video setting so that the
AUATC outputs VGA video even when a Sun keyboard is attached.
Appendix F: Emulating Sun Keys with a PS/2
We recommend that you use a Sun keyboard and mouse at your user stations if there are any Sun CPUs in
your Paragon system. If you must use a PS/2 keyboard to control a Sun CPU attached to your Paragon
system, the Paragon is able to perform some keyboard emulation. To emulate most of the special “extra
keys that are present on Sun keyboards but not PS/2 keyboards, first press and hold either [Scroll Lock] or
the combination of [Ctrl] and [Alt]; these function as permanent Sun keystroke hotkeys.” (If [Scroll Lock]
is your OSUI hotkey or previous-channel key you will want to use [Ctrl] + [Alt].) Then press the
corresponding character on the PS/2 keyboard:
[F2] [Again]
[F3] [Props]
[F4] [Undo]
[F5] [Front]
[F6] [Copy]
[F7] [Open]
[F8] [Paste]
[F9] [Find]
[F10] [Cut]
[F11] [Help]
[F12] [Mute]
[*] on the keypad [Compose]
[+] on the keypad [Vol +]
[–] on the keypad [Vol –]
The one exception to this procedure is the Sun keyboard’s [Stop] character. To generate [Stop] with a PS/2
keyboard, hold down the [Pause/Break] key and press the letter [A].
Appendix G: Troubleshooting
No Power. Loose Power Cord.
Power switch is off.
Paragon II Matrix Switch or User Station (P2-UST) surge protection
invoked during a power recycling process. Power off unit, wait 20 seconds,
then power unit on.
All computers have no
video display.
Loose Category 5e UTP cable.
Loose monitor connection
P2-UST is connected and functioning properly if [Num Lock] key lights
keyboard’s Num Lock LED.
Monitor video display for
some connected
computers is distorted.
Monitor type does not match video output designation from computer.
Keyboard non-functional,
even though there is no
keyboard error at power
up. Cannot input to any
Loose keyboard connection to P2-UST1.
Loose Category 5e UTP cable.
Keyboard broken. Hot-swap with a new keyboard.
Repeated “Keyboard
ERROR” at computer
Loose cable from computer to CIM.
Loose Category 5e UTP cable.
Paragon II components may be out of order. Verify that computer works
with a keyboard directly connected. Contact Raritan Technical support for
Keyboard suddenly locks-
up when a particular
computer is selected, but
works normally when
other computers are
Loose keyboard cable connection.
Voltage spike (increase) or brown out (decrease) in power supply to
connected Paragon II Matrix Switch unit. Power down Switch, wait 20
seconds, then power on unit. Powering Switch from a UPS avoids variation
in power supply to Switch.
Repeated “MOUSE
FAILURE” at computer
Loose mouse cable from computer to CIM
Loose Category 5e UTP cable If error occurs only with new computers
being added to system, contact Raritan Technical Support for assistance
mouse emulation firmware may need to be upgraded for compatibility with
newer computers.
Mouse suddenly locks up
when a particular
computer is selected, but
works normally when
other computers are
Loose cable from computer to CIM.
Loose Category 5e UTP cable.
Paragon II components may be out of order. Verify that computer works
with a mouse directly connected. Contact Raritan Technical support for
On-Screen User Interface
(OSUI) non-functional.
Replace keyboard. OSUI works only with PS/2 or extended AT-style
Video is “fuzzy” or out of
Video Gain Adjustment is required (especially needed with LCD flat panel
Activate OSUI (by hitting [Scroll Lock] key twice rapidly.
Use numeric keypad [+] and [-] keys to adjust video image until in focus.
Multi-Tier Installation
In a multi-tier configuration, the order of powering ON is critical to proper function.
Last tier switches must be powered ON before the intermediate level of tier
Intermediate tier switches must be powered ON before the base Paragon II unit can be powered ON.
User Stations (UST1s) can be powered ON and OFF at any time as needed.
There is a five-second ON/OFF down time in the UST1 or Paragon II power cycle.
Appendix H: FAQ
What’s Different between
Paragon and Paragon II
What is the primary difference
between Paragon and Paragon II?
Paragon II is the next generation
of KVM switch. While it builds
upon the original Paragon
technology, it adds advanced
features including stacking,
integrated power management,
network firmware upgrade
capability and optional IP-access.
Backward Compatibility Will Paragon II work with my
current Paragon installation?
Yes. The new Paragon switch is
backwards compatible with older
Paragon components. Please
consult the Paragon II manual for
configuration and compatibility
Stacking Paragon II is a stackable switch.
Does this mean that I can stack
logical units to increase the
number of ports available?
Yes. Paragon II provides a
stacking capability that eliminates
the need to run cable between
logical ‘tiers’ and instead uses
only a single stacking cable.
I would like to eliminate all the
cables between cascaded Paragon
units. Can I do this?
Yes, with Paragon II you get
exclusive stacking capability that
allows you to increase port
density to 128 ports per switch.
Is the stacking cable that connects
base and expansion units together
common to all Paragon II
Yes, the stacking cable is
common to all Paragon II
What is the maximum length of
the stacking cable?
The maximum length of the
stacking cable is 1’.
Will stacking use up my ports
like cascading does?
No, you can stack Paragon II
units with just a single cable!
100% non-blocked access
without sacrificing server or user
How many Paragon II switches
can be stacked?
You can stack 4 P2-UMT832
switches (1 P2-UMT832M + 3
P2-UMT832S) and 2 P2-
UMT1664 switches (1 P2-
UMT1664M + 1 P2-UMT1664S).
Can you stack second and third
tier units?
Yes. Please consult the Paragon
II manual for configuration and
compatibility guidelines.
Administrative Capability Is there an easier way to upgrade
the firmware without having to
plug in a serial cable for each
Paragon component?
Yes, Paragon Manager allows
you to ‘push’ the firmware to any
device connected to Paragon II.
Paragon II has event logging
capabilities. Is there a way I can
save this to an offline file for
future auditing purposes?
Yes, Paragon Manager will allow
you to save and store all system
events to an appropriate text file.
Can I restore my saved Paragon
Overview files on Paragon II?
Yes, Paragon Manager can read
Paragon Overview files and
restore this information into a
Paragon II switch.
Does each unit have a network
port for firmware upgrades or just
the base?
All Paragon II switches have a
network port for firmware
upgrades. Each unit can be
assigned an IP Address and is
recognized by the Paragon
Manager software via the
Integrated Power Management What is “Integrated Power
Integrated Power Management is
a single, consolidated view (and
control of) Raritan Remote Power
Control Units connected to
Paragon II.
So I can access and control all my
connected Power Units via the
Paragon II OSD?
Yes! Paragon II lets you control
power to any connected device,
set security permissions on a per-
outlet basis, recycle power to
multi-power supply servers, and
get status information from each
connected strip.
Connecting Serial Devices I have a serially controlled device
(i.e. Unix server, hub). Can I use
Paragon II to access and control
this device?
Yes. Raritan's ASCII Terminal
Converter (AUATC) adapter will
convert the RS-232 connection to
PS/2 and VGA video. Connect
the AUATC to your serially
controlled device, then connect to
your Paragon II switch with UTP
Cable for access up to 1000 feet.
Connecting Macs and SUN I have Suns and/or Macs in
addition to PCs. Can I access and
control them all with Paragon II?
Yes. The Paragon II User Station
has built-in ports for PS/2, Sun,
or USB keyboards and mice. Use
Raritan’s SUN or Mac adapters to
convert keyboard and video ports
to PS/2 keyboard/mouse and
VGA video.
I have a Digital Alpha running
UNIX and another running
OpenVMS that use a special
LK111 or LK461 keyboard. How
will that affect operation with my
The Alphas will operate
flawlessly. Raritan's emulation
incorporates unique functions to
support LK111 or LK461
keyboard running UNIX and
I have a Digital Alpha running
UNIX and want to use a standard
PS/2 keyboard. How will that
affect operation with my switch?
Merely connect a Raritan
converter (AUKME) to any
Alpha running UNIX and all
computers will operate flawlessly
with a standard PS/2 keyboard.
Cabling What UTP cable does Raritan
recommend for use with Paragon
Paragon II will work with any
Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6, or Cat 7 cable.
Paragon II uses a very
sophisticated circuit to
automatically adjust signal to
ensure the highest quality video
and enhance the user experience.
Further, Paragon II has a manual
adjustment for finer granularity in
video adjustment that no other
KVM manufacturer offers.
Can I use standard Ethernet
(10BASE-T) cable?
No. Standard Ethernet cable does
not have the necessary bandwidth
characteristics for transmitting
high-quality video over long
Hot-key Functions Hot-key Functions - I don't want
to use the "scroll lock" to activate
hot-key. What are my options?
The hot-key activator can be
easily changed to a variety of
different keys. When in hot-key
mode, touch the desired new hot-
key activator followed by the
enter key.
Hot-plugging We have some mission critical
servers and there are occasions
when we may wish to disconnect
a server from the Raritan switch
and "hot-plug" a physical
keyboard and mouse to operate
the server. Is that possible?
Yes. Paragon II CIMs have “keep
alive” technology which allow
you to disconnect the switch
without losing keyboard and
mouse functionality. Simply
remove the UTP cable from the
Paragon II switch and connect
directly to the User Station for
“crash cart” access.
Trackball keyboard Can I use a trackball keyboard? You can plug any PS/2 keyboard
in the keyboard user port of a
Raritan KVM switch.
Connecting USB Devices My computer has USB
connectors. Can I connect it to a
Raritan KVM switch?
Yes, with the Paragon II User
Station, you can connect a USB
keyboard or mouse. Paragon II
also has CIMs that connect to
USB servers (P2CIM-USB,

Navigation menu