Red Hat 8 1 Users Manual Configuration And Command Reference
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Red Hat Directory Server 8.1 Configuration and Command Reference Ella Deon Lackey Publication date: April 28, 2009, updated on February 11, 2010 Configuration and Command Reference Red Hat Directory Server 8.1 Configuration and Command Reference Edition 8.1.10 Author Copyright © 2009 Red Hat, Inc. Ella Deon Lackey Copyright © 2009 Red Hat, Inc.. The text of and illustrations in this document are licensed by Red Hat under a Creative Commons Attribution–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license ("CC-BY-SA"). An explanation of CC-BY-SA is available at In accordance with CC-BY-SA, if you distribute this document or an adaptation of it, you must provide the URL for the original version. Red Hat, as the licensor of this document, waives the right to enforce, and agrees not to assert, Section 4d of CC-BY-SA to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. Red Hat, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Shadowman logo, JBoss, MetaMatrix, Fedora, the Infinity Logo, and RHCE are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. Java® is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates. XFS® is a trademark of Silicon Graphics International Corp. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. MySQL® is a registered trademark of MySQL AB in the United States, the European Union and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 1801 Varsity Drive Raleigh, NC 27606-2072 USA Phone: +1 919 754 3700 Phone: 888 733 4281 Fax: +1 919 754 3701 About This Reference ix 1. Directory Server Overview .............................................................................................. ix 2. Examples and Formatting ............................................................................................... ix 2.1. Command and File Examples ............................................................................... ix 2.2. Tool Locations ..................................................................................................... ix 2.3. LDAP Locations ................................................................................................... ix 2.4. Text Formatting and Styles ................................................................................... x 3. Additional Reading ......................................................................................................... xi 4. Giving Feedback ............................................................................................................ xii 5. Documentation History ................................................................................................... xii 1. Introduction 1.1. Directory Server Configuration ...................................................................................... 1.2. Directory Server Instance File Reference ....................................................................... 1.3. Using Directory Server Command-Line Utilities .............................................................. 1.4. Using Directory Server Command-Line Scripts ............................................................... 1 1 1 1 1 2. Core Server Configuration Reference 3 2.1. Overview of the Directory Server Configuration .............................................................. 3 2.1.1. LDIF and Schema Configuration Files ................................................................. 3 2.1.2. How the Server Configuration Is Organized ......................................................... 6 2.2. Accessing and Modifying Server Configuration ............................................................... 7 2.2.1. Access Control for Configuration Entries ............................................................. 7 2.2.2. Changing Configuration Attributes ...................................................................... 8 2.3. Core Server Configuration Attributes Reference ........................................................... 10 2.3.1. cn=config ........................................................................................................ 10 2.3.2. cn=changelog5 ................................................................................................ 71 2.3.3. cn=encryption .................................................................................................. 75 2.3.4. cn=features ..................................................................................................... 77 2.3.5. cn=mapping tree .............................................................................................. 78 2.3.6. Suffix Configuration Attributes under cn="suffixName" ........................................ 78 2.3.7. Replication Attributes under cn=replica, cn="suffixDN", cn=mapping tree, cn=config .................................................................................................................. 79 2.3.8. Replication Attributes under cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config ............................................................. 85 2.3.9. Synchronization Attributes under cn=syncAgreementName, cn=WindowsReplica,cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config .............................. 94 2.3.10. cn=monitor .................................................................................................... 97 2.3.11. cn=replication ................................................................................................. 99 2.3.12. cn=sasl ......................................................................................................... 99 2.3.13. cn=SNMP .................................................................................................... 100 2.3.14. SNMP Statistic Attributes .............................................................................. 102 2.3.15. cn=tasks ...................................................................................................... 104 2.3.16. cn=uniqueid generator .................................................................................. 120 2.4. Configuration Object Classes .................................................................................... 120 2.4.1. changeLogEntry (Object Class) ...................................................................... 120 2.4.2. directoryServerFeature (Object Class) ............................................................. 121 2.4.3. nsBackendInstance (Object Class) .................................................................. 122 2.4.4. nsChangelog4Config (Object Class) ................................................................ 122 2.4.5. nsContainer (Object Class) ............................................................................. 123 2.4.6. nsDS5Replica (Object Class) .......................................................................... 123 2.4.7. nsDS5ReplicationAgreement (Object Class) .................................................... 124 iii Configuration and Command Reference 2.4.8. nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement (Object Class) ......................................... 2.4.9. nsMappingTree (Object Class) ........................................................................ 2.4.10. nsSaslMapping (Object Class) ...................................................................... 2.4.11. nsslapdConfig (Object Class) ........................................................................ 2.4.12. passwordpolicy (Object Class) ...................................................................... 2.5. Legacy Attributes ...................................................................................................... 2.5.1. Legacy Server Attributes ................................................................................ 2.5.2. Legacy Replication Attributes .......................................................................... 126 128 128 129 129 131 132 134 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference 3.1. Server Plug-in Functionality Reference ...................................................................... 3.1.1. 7-bit Check Plug-in ........................................................................................ 3.1.2. ACL Plug-in ................................................................................................... 3.1.3. ACL Preoperation Plug-in ............................................................................... 3.1.4. Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in .......................................................................... 3.1.5. Binary Syntax Plug-in ..................................................................................... 3.1.6. Boolean Syntax Plug-in .................................................................................. 3.1.7. Case Exact String Syntax Plug-in ................................................................... 3.1.8. Case Ignore String Syntax Plug-in .................................................................. 3.1.9. Chaining Database Plug-in ............................................................................. 3.1.10. Class of Service Plug-in ............................................................................... 3.1.11. Country String Syntax Plug-in ....................................................................... 3.1.12. Distinguished Name Syntax Plug-in ............................................................... 3.1.13. Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in ........................................................ 3.1.14. Generalized Time Syntax Plug-in .................................................................. 3.1.15. HTTP Client Plug-in ..................................................................................... 3.1.16. Integer Syntax Plug-in .................................................................................. 3.1.17. Internationalization Plug-in ............................................................................ 3.1.18. JPEG Syntax Plug-in .................................................................................... 3.1.19. ldbm database Plug-in .................................................................................. 3.1.20. Legacy Replication Plug-in ........................................................................... 3.1.21. MemberOf Plug-in ........................................................................................ 3.1.22. Multi-master Replication Plug-in .................................................................... 3.1.23. Octet String Syntax Plug-in ........................................................................... 3.1.24. OID Syntax Plug-in ...................................................................................... 3.1.25. Password Storage Schemes ......................................................................... 3.1.26. Postal Address String Syntax Plug-in ............................................................ 3.1.27. PTA Plug-in ................................................................................................. 3.1.28. Referential Integrity Postoperation Plug-in ..................................................... 3.1.29. Retro Changelog Plug-in .............................................................................. 3.1.30. Roles Plug-in ............................................................................................... 3.1.31. Schema Reload Plug-in ................................................................................ 3.1.32. Space Insensitive String Syntax Plug-in ......................................................... 3.1.33. State Change Plug-in ................................................................................... 3.1.34. Telephone Syntax Plug-in ............................................................................. 3.1.35. URI Syntax Plug-in ...................................................................................... 3.1.36. Views Plug-in ............................................................................................... 3.2. List of Attributes Common to All Plug-ins ................................................................... 3.2.1. nsSlapdPlugin ................................................................................................ 3.2.2. nsslapd-pluginPath ......................................................................................... 3.2.3. nsslapd-pluginInitfunc ..................................................................................... 3.2.4. nsslapd-pluginType ........................................................................................ 143 143 143 144 144 145 145 146 146 147 147 147 148 148 149 149 150 150 150 151 151 152 152 153 153 153 154 155 156 156 157 158 158 159 159 160 160 160 161 161 162 162 162 iv 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.2.5. nsslapd-pluginEnabled ................................................................................... 3.2.6. nsslapd-pluginId ............................................................................................. 3.2.7. nsslapd-pluginVersion ..................................................................................... 3.2.8. nsslapd-pluginVendor ..................................................................................... 3.2.9. nsslapd-pluginDescription ............................................................................... Attributes Allowed by Certain Plug-ins ....................................................................... 3.3.1. nsslapd-pluginLoadNow .................................................................................. 3.3.2. nsslapd-pluginLoadGlobal ............................................................................... 3.3.3. nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-type ...................................................................... 3.3.4. nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-named .................................................................. Database Plug-in Attributes ....................................................................................... 3.4.1. Database Attributes under cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config ................................................................................................................................ 3.4.2. Database Attributes under cn=monitor, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config ................................................................................................................ 3.4.3. Database Attributes under cn=NetscapeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config and cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config ....................... 3.4.4. Database Attributes under cn=database, cn=monitor, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config .............................................................................................. 3.4.5. Database Attributes under cn=default indexes, cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config .............................................................................................. 3.4.6. Database Attributes under cn=monitor, cn=NetscapeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config .............................................................................................. 3.4.7. Database Attributes under cn=index, cn=NetscapeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config and cn=index, cn=UserRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config ................................................................................................................ 3.4.8. Database Attributes under cn=attributeName, cn=encrypted attributes, cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config .................................. Database Link Plug-in Attributes (Chaining Attributes) ................................................. 3.5.1. Database Link Attributes under cn=config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config ................................................................................................................ 3.5.2. Database Link Attributes under cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config .............................................................................. 3.5.3. Database Link Attributes under cn=database_link_name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config .............................................................................. 3.5.4. Database Link Attributes under cn=monitor, cn=database instance name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config ............................................................ Retro Changelog Plug-in Attributes ............................................................................ 3.6.1. nsslapd-changelogdir ..................................................................................... 3.6.2. nsslapd-changelogmaxage (Max Changelog Age) ............................................ Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in Attributes ...................................................... 3.7.1. dnaFilter ........................................................................................................ 3.7.2. dnaMagicRegen ............................................................................................. 3.7.3. dnaMaxValue ................................................................................................. 3.7.4. dnaNextRange ............................................................................................... 3.7.5. dnaNextValue ................................................................................................ 3.7.6. dnaPrefix ....................................................................................................... 3.7.7. dnaRangeRequestTimeout ............................................................................. 3.7.8. dnaScope ...................................................................................................... 3.7.9. dnaSharedCfgDN ........................................................................................... 3.7.10. dnaThreshold ............................................................................................... 162 163 163 163 163 164 164 164 164 165 165 165 178 179 186 188 191 192 194 195 196 198 202 204 205 206 206 207 207 207 208 208 209 209 209 210 210 211 v Configuration and Command Reference 3.7.11. dnaType ....................................................................................................... 3.8. MemberOf Plug-in Attributes ..................................................................................... 3.8.1. memberofattr ................................................................................................. 3.8.2. memberofgroupattr ......................................................................................... 211 211 212 212 4. Server Instance File Reference 4.1. Overview of Directory Server Files ............................................................................ 4.2. Backup Files ............................................................................................................ 4.3. Configuration Files .................................................................................................... 4.4. Database Files ......................................................................................................... 4.5. LDIF Files ................................................................................................................ 4.6. Lock Files ................................................................................................................ 4.7. Log Files .................................................................................................................. 4.8. PID Files .................................................................................................................. 4.9. Tools ........................................................................................................................ 4.10. Scripts .................................................................................................................... 213 213 214 214 214 216 216 217 217 217 218 5. Log File Reference 5.1. Access Log Reference .............................................................................................. 5.1.1. Access Logging Levels .................................................................................. 5.1.2. Default Access Logging Content ..................................................................... 5.1.3. Access Log Content for Additional Access Logging Levels ................................ 5.1.4. Common Connection Codes ........................................................................... 5.2. Error Log Reference ................................................................................................. 5.2.1. Error Log Logging Levels ............................................................................... 5.2.2. Error Log Content .......................................................................................... 5.2.3. Error Log Content for Other Log Levels ........................................................... 5.3. Audit Log Reference ................................................................................................. 5.4. LDAP Result Codes .................................................................................................. 219 219 220 220 227 229 229 230 231 232 235 237 6. Command-Line Utilities 6.1. Finding and Executing Command-Line Utilities ........................................................... 6.2. Using Special Characters .......................................................................................... 6.3. Command-Line Utilities Quick Reference ................................................................... 6.4. ldapsearch ............................................................................................................... 6.5. ldapmodify ................................................................................................................ 6.6. ldapdelete ................................................................................................................ 6.7. ldappasswd .............................................................................................................. 6.8. ldif ........................................................................................................................... 6.9. dbscan ..................................................................................................................... 239 239 239 240 240 256 262 267 273 274 7. Command-Line Scripts 7.1. Finding and Executing Command-Line Scripts ............................................................ 7.2. Command-Line Scripts Quick Reference .................................................................... 7.3. Shell Scripts ............................................................................................................. 7.3.1. bak2db (Restores a Database from Backup) .................................................... 7.3.2. cl-dump (Dumps and Decodes the Changelog) ................................................ 7.3.3. db2bak (Creates a Backup of a Database) ...................................................... 7.3.4. db2ldif (Exports Database Contents to LDIF) ................................................... 7.3.5. db2index (Reindexes Database Index Files) .................................................... 7.3.6. dbverify (Checks for Corrupt Databases) ......................................................... 7.3.7. ds_removal .................................................................................................... 7.3.8. ldif2db (Import) .............................................................................................. 277 277 277 279 280 281 282 282 283 284 285 286 vi 7.3.9. ldif2ldap (Performs Import Operation over LDAP) ............................................. 7.3.10. monitor (Retrieves Monitoring Information) ..................................................... 7.3.11. repl-monitor (Monitors Replication Status) ...................................................... 7.3.12. pwdhash (Prints Encrypted Passwords) ......................................................... 7.3.13. restart-slapd (Restarts the Directory Server) .................................................. 7.3.14. restoreconfig (Restores Administration Server Configuration) .......................... 7.3.15. saveconfig (Saves Administration Server Configuration) .................................. 7.3.16. start-slapd (Starts the Directory Server) ......................................................... 7.3.17. stop-slapd (Stops the Directory Server) ......................................................... 7.3.18. suffix2instance (Maps a Suffix to a Backend Name) ....................................... 7.3.19. vlvindex (Creates Virtual List View Indexes) ................................................... 7.4. Perl Scripts .............................................................................................................. 7.4.1. (Restores a Database from Backup) ................................................ 7.4.2. (Dumps and Decodes the Changelog) ............................................. 7.4.3. (Creates a Backup of a Database) ................................................... 7.4.4. (Creates and Generates Indexes) ................................................. 7.4.5. (Exports Database Contents to LDIF) ................................................ 7.4.6. (Regenerate memberOf Attributes) ...................................... 7.4.7. (Import) ........................................................................................... 7.4.8. (Log Converter) .............................................................................. 7.4.9. .................................................................................................. 7.4.10. ...................................................................................... 7.4.11. (Establishes Account Status) ........................................... 7.4.12. (Activates an Entry or Group of Entries) .................................... 7.4.13. (Inactivates an Entry or Group of Entries) ............................... 7.4.14. (Adds Attributes for Fine-Grained Password Policy) ............. 7.4.15. ...................................................................................... 7.4.16. ................................................................................................ 7.4.17. (Monitors Replication Status) .................................................. 7.4.18. (Reload Schema Files Dynamically) .................................... 7.4.19. ................................................................................................... 7.4.20. ......................................................................................... 7.4.21. (Check for Corrupt Databases) .................................................... 287 288 288 291 291 292 292 292 293 293 294 294 295 296 297 298 298 300 300 302 305 308 310 310 311 312 313 313 314 317 317 319 321 A. Using the ns-slapd Command-Line Utilities A.1. Overview of ns-slapd ................................................................................................ A.2. Finding and Executing the ns-slapd Command-Line Utilities ........................................ A.3. Utilities for Exporting Databases: db2ldif .................................................................... A.4. Utilities for Restoring and Backing up Databases: ldif2db ............................................ A.5. Utilities for Restoring and Backing up Databases: archive2db ...................................... A.6. Utilities for Restoring and Backing up Databases: db2archive ...................................... A.7. Utilities for Creating and Regenerating Indexes: db2index ........................................... 323 323 323 323 325 326 327 327 Glossary 329 Index 343 vii viii About This Reference Red Hat Directory Server (Directory Server) is a powerful and scalable distributed directory server based on the industry-standard Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Directory Server is the cornerstone for building a centralized and distributed data repository that can be used in an intranet, over an extranet with trading partners, or over the public Internet to reach customers. This reference covers the server configuration and the command-line utilities. It is designed primarily for directory administrators and experienced directory users who want to use the command-line to access the directory. After configuring the server, use this reference to help maintain it. The Directory Server can also be managed through the Directory Server Console, a graphical user interface. The Red Hat Directory Server Administrator's Guide describes how to do this and explains individual administration tasks more fully. 1. Directory Server Overview The major components of Directory Server include: • An LDAP server – The LDAP v3-compliant network daemon. • Directory Server Console – A graphical management console that dramatically reduces the effort of setting up and maintaining your directory service. • SNMP agent – Can monitor the Directory Server using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). 2. Examples and Formatting Each of the examples used in this guide, such as file locations and commands, have certain defined conventions. 2.1. Command and File Examples All of the examples for Red Hat Directory Server commands, file locations, and other usage are given for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit) systems. Be certain to use the appropriate commands and files for your platform. To start the Red Hat Directory Server: service dirsv start Example 1. Example Command 2.2. Tool Locations The tools for Red Hat Directory Server are located in the /usr/bin and the /usr/sbin directories. These tools can be run from any location without specifying the tool location. 2.3. LDAP Locations There is another important consideration with the Red Hat Directory Server tools. The LDAP tools referenced in this guide are Mozilla LDAP, installed with Red Hat Directory Server in the /usr/lib/ ix About This Reference mozldap directory on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit) (or /usr/lib64/mozldap for 64-bit systems). However, Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems also include LDAP tools from OpenLDAP in the /usr/ bin directory. It is possible to use the OpenLDAP commands as shown in the examples, but you must use the -x argument to disable SASL, which OpenLDAP tools use by default. 2.4. Text Formatting and Styles Certain words are represented in different fonts, styles, and weights. Different character formatting is used to indicate the function or purpose of the phrase being highlighted. Formatting Style Purpose Monospace font Monospace is used for commands, package names, files and directory paths, and any text displayed in a prompt. This type of formatting is used for anything entered or returned in a command prompt. Monospace with a background Italicized text Any text which is italicized is a variable, such as instance_name or hostname. Occasionally, this is also used to emphasize a new term or other phrase. Bolded text Most phrases which are in bold are application names, such as Cygwin, or are fields or options in a user interface, such as a User Name Here: field or Save button. Other formatting styles draw attention to important text. NOTE A note provides additional information that can help illustrate the behavior of the system or provide more detail for a specific issue. IMPORTANT Important information is necessary, but possibly unexpected, such as a configuration change that will not persist after a reboot. WARNING A warning indicates potential data loss, as may happen when tuning hardware for maximum performance. x Additional Reading 3. Additional Reading The Directory Server Administrator's Guide describes how to set up, configure, and administer Red Hat Directory Server and its contents. this manual does not describe many of the basic directory and architectural concepts that you need to deploy, install, and administer a directory service successfully. Those concepts are contained in the Red Hat Directory Server Deployment Guide. You should read that book before continuing with this manual. When you are familiar with Directory Server concepts and have done some preliminary planning for your directory service, install the Directory Server. The instructions for installing the various Directory Server components are contained in the Red Hat Directory Server Installation Guide. Many of the scripts and commands used to install and administer the Directory Server are explained in detail in the Red Hat Directory Server Configuration, Command, and File Reference. Also, Managing Servers with Red Hat Console contains general background information on how to use the Red Hat Console. You should read and understand the concepts in that book before you attempt to administer Directory Server. The document set for Directory Server contains the following guides: • Red Hat Directory Server Release Notes contain important information on new features, fixed bugs, known issues and workarounds, and other important deployment information for this specific version of Directory Server. • Red Hat Directory Server Deployment Guide provides an overview for planning a deployment of the Directory Server. • Red Hat Directory Server Administrator's Guide contains procedures for the day-to-day maintenance of the directory service. Includes information on configuring server-side plug-ins. • Red Hat Directory Server Configuration, Command, and File Reference provides reference information on the command-line scripts, configuration attributes, and log files shipped with Directory Server. • Red Hat Directory Server Installation Guide contains procedures for installing your Directory Server as well as procedures for migrating from a previous installation of Directory Server. • Red Hat Directory Server Schema Reference provides reference information about the Directory Server schema. • Red Hat Directory Server Plug-in Programmer's Guide describes how to write server plug-ins in order to customize and extend the capabilities of Directory Server. • Using Red Hat Console gives an overview of the primary user interface and how it interacts with the Directory Server and Administration Server, as well as how to perform basic management tasks through the main Console window. • Using the Admin Server describes the different tasks and tools associated with the Administration Server and how to use the Administration Server with the Configuration and User Directory Server instances. For the latest information about Directory Server, including current release notes, complete product documentation, technical notes, and deployment information, see the Red Hat Directory Server documentation site at xi About This Reference 4. Giving Feedback If there is any error in this Configuration, Command, and File Reference or there is any way to improve the documentation, please let us know. Bugs can be filed against the documentation for Red Hat Directory Server through Bugzilla, Make the bug report as specific as possible, so we can be more effective in correcting any issues: • Select the Red Hat Directory Server product. • Set the component to Doc - cli-guide. • Set the version number to 8.1. • For errors, give the page number (for the PDF) or URL (for the HTML), and give a succinct description of the problem, such as incorrect procedure or typo. For enhancements, put in what information needs to be added and why. • Give a clear title for the bug. For example, "Incorrect command example for setup script options" is better than "Bad example". We appreciate receiving any feedback — requests for new sections, corrections, improvements, enhancements, even new ways of delivering the documentation or new styles of docs. You are welcome to contact Red Hat Content Services directly at 5. Documentation History Revision July 29, 2010 Ella Deon Lackey 8.1.10 Adding information about setting an idle timeout period for large databases for the replication user, per Bugzilla #618055. Revision 8.1.9 February 11, 2010 Ella Deon Lackey Clarifying how passwordUnlock works, per Bugzilla #552377. Changing thensDirectoryServerTask object class to extensibleObject, per Bugzilla #555787. Adding extra reference to the 64-bit tools directory, per Bugzilla #554972. Revision 8.1.8 January 11, 2010 Ella Deon Lackey Adding section on nsslapd-cachememsize and the import buffer size, per Bugzilla #531043. Revision 8.1.7 October 10, 2009 Fixing two plug-in descriptions. Ella Deon Lackey Revision 8.1.6 September 19, 2009 Ella Deon Lackey Removing the silent configuration parameters for the script, per Bugzilla #514231. xii Documentation History Revision 8.1.5 September 9, 2009 Ella Deon Lackey Removing any references to the Directory Server Gateway or Org Chart. Revision 8.1.4 September 4, 2009 Ella Deon Lackey Correcting the directory paths for configuration LDIF files, per Bugzilla #521139. Revision 8.1.3 August 26, 2009 Ella Deon Lackey Adding information about setting database and entry cache memory sizes and clarifying the units of measurement for the attributes, per Bugzilla #503615. Revision 8.1.2 August 4, 2009 Ella Deon Lackey Changed the default on the nsslapd-cache-autosize parameter to 0, per Bugzilla #514282. Revision 8.1.1 July 19, 2009 Ella Deon Lackey Expanding the description of dnaNextRange, Bugzilla #512557. Revision 8.1.0 April 28, 2009 Initial draft for version 8.1. Ella Deon Lackey xiii xiv Chapter 1. Introduction Directory Server is based on an open-systems server protocol called the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). The Directory Server is a robust, scalable server designed to manage large scale directories to support an enterprise-wide directory of users and resources, extranets, and e-commerce applications over the Internet. The Directory Server runs as the ns-slapd process or service on the machine. The server manages the directory databases and responds to client requests. This reference deals with the other methods of managing the Directory Server by altering the server configuration attributes using the command line and using command-line utilities and scripts. 1.1. Directory Server Configuration The format and method for storing configuration information for Directory Server and a listing for all server attributes are found in two chapters, Chapter 2, Core Server Configuration Reference and Chapter 3, Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference. 1.2. Directory Server Instance File Reference Chapter 4, Server Instance File Reference has an overview of the files and configuration information stored in each instance of Directory Server. This is useful reference to helps administrators understand the changes or absence of changes in the course of directory activity. From a security standpoint, this also helps users detect errors and intrusion by highlighting normal changes and abnormal behavior. 1.3. Using Directory Server Command-Line Utilities Directory Server comes with a set of configurable command-line utilities that can search and modify entries in the directory and administer the server. Chapter 6, Command-Line Utilities describes these command-line utilities and contains information on where the utilities are stored and how to access them. In addition to these command-line utilities, Directory Server also provides ns-slapd commandline utilities for performing directory operations, as described in Appendix A, Using the ns-slapd Command-Line Utilities. 1.4. Using Directory Server Command-Line Scripts In addition to command-line utilities, several non-configurable scripts are provided with the Directory Server that make it quick and easy to perform routine server administration tasks from the commandline. Chapter 7, Command-Line Scripts lists the most frequently used scripts and contains information on where the scripts are stored and how to access them. 1 2 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference The configuration information for Red Hat Directory Server is stored as LDAP entries within the directory itself. Therefore, changes to the server configuration must be implemented through the use of the server itself rather than by simply editing configuration files. The principal advantage of this method of configuration storage is that it allows a directory administrator to reconfigure the server using LDAP while it is still running, thus avoiding the need to shut the server down for most configuration changes. This chapter gives details on how the configuration is organized and how to alter it. The chapter also provides an alphabetical reference for all attributes. 2.1. Overview of the Directory Server Configuration When the Directory Server is set up, its default configuration is stored as a series of LDAP entries within the directory, under the subtree cn=config. When the server is started, the contents of the cn=config subtree are read from a file (dse.ldif) in LDIF format. This dse.ldif file contains all of the server configuration information. The latest version of this file is called dse.ldif, the version prior to the last modification is called dse.ldif.bak, and the latest file with which the server successfully started is called dse.ldif.startOK. Many of the features of the Directory Server are designed as discrete modules that plug into the core server. The details of the internal configuration for each plug-in are contained in separate entries under cn=plugins,cn=config. For example, the configuration of the Telephone Syntax Plug-in is contained in this entry: cn=Telephone Syntax,cn=plugins,cn=config Similarly, database-specific configuration is stored under cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config for local databases and cn=chaining database,cn=plugins,cn=config for database links. The following diagram illustrates how the configuration data fits within the cn=config directory information tree. Figure 2.1. Directory Information Tree Showing Configuration Data 2.1.1. LDIF and Schema Configuration Files The Directory Server configuration data are stored in LDIF files in the /etc/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name directory (/etc/opt/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name on HP-UX). Thus, 3 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference if a server identifier is phonebook, then for a Directory Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit), the configuration LDIF files are all stored under /etc/dirsrv/slapd-phonebook. This directory also contains other server instance-specific configuration files. Schema configuration is also stored in LDIF format, and these files are located in the /etc/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/schema directory (/etc/opt/dirsrv/slapd->instance_name on HPUX). The following table lists all of the configuration files that are supplied with the Directory Server, including those for the schema of other compatible servers. Each file is preceded by a number which indicates the order in which they should be loaded (in ascending numerical and then alphabetical order). Configuration Filename Purpose dse.ldif Contains front-end Directory Specific Entries created by the directory at server startup. These include the Root DSE ("") and the contents of cn=config and cn=monitor (ACIs only). 00core.ldif Contains only those schema definitions necessary for starting the server with the bare minimum feature set (no user schema, no schema for any non-core features). The rest of the schema used by users, features, and applications is found in 01common.ldif and the other schema files. Do not modify this file. 01common.ldif Contains LDAPv3 standard operational schema, such as subschemaSubentry, LDAPv3 standard user and organization schema defined in RFC 2256 (based on X.520/X.521), inetOrgPerson and other widely-used attributes, and the operational attributes used by Directory Server configuration. Modifying this file causes interoperability problems. User-defined attributes should be added through the Directory Server Console. 05rfc2247.ldif Schema from RFC 2247 and related pilot schema, from "Using Domains in LDAP/X500 Distinguished Names." 05rfc2927.ldif Schema from RFC 2927, "MIME Directory Profile for LDAP Schema." Contains the ldapSchemas operational attribute required for the attribute to show up in the subschema subentry. 10presence.ldif Legacy. Schema for instant messaging presence (online) information; the file lists the default object classes with the allowed attributes that must be added to a user's entry in order for instant-messaging presence information to be available for that user. 4 LDIF and Schema Configuration Files Configuration Filename Purpose 10rfc2307.ldif Schema from RFC 2307, "An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network Information Service." This may be superseded by 10rfc2307bis, the new version of rfc2307, when that schema becomes available. 20subscriber.ldif Contains new schema elements and the Nortel subscriber interoperability specification. Also contains the adminRole and memberOf attributes and inetAdmin object class, previously stored in the 50ns-delegatedadmin.ldif file. 25java-object.ldif Schema from RFC 2713, "Schema for Representing Java® Objects in an LDAP Directory." 28pilot.ldif Contains pilot directory schema from RFC 1274, which is no longer recommended for new deployments. Future RFCs which succeed RFC 1274 may deprecate some or all of 28pilot.ldif attribute types and classes. 30ns-common.ldif Schema that contains objects classes and attributes common to the Directory Server Console framework. 50ns-admin.ldif Schema used by Red Hat Administration Server. 50ns-certificate.ldif Schema for Red Hat Certificate Management System. 50ns-directory.ldif Contains additional configuration schema used by Directory Server 4.12 and earlier versions of the directory, which is no longer applicable to current releases of Directory Server. This schema is required for replicating between Directory Server 4.12 and current releases. 50ns-mail.ldif Schema used by Netscape Messaging Server to define mail users and mail groups. 50ns-value.ldif Schema for servers' value item attributes. 50ns-web.ldif Schema for Netscape Web Server. 60pam-plugin.ldif Reserved for future use. 99user.ldif User-defined schema maintained by Directory Server replication consumers which contains the attributes and object classes from the suppliers. Table 2.1. Directory Server LDIF Configuration Files 5 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference 2.1.2. How the Server Configuration Is Organized The dse.ldif file contains all configuration information including directory-specific entries created by the directory at server startup, such as entries related to the database. The file includes the root Directory Server entry (or DSE, named by "") and the contents of cn=config and cn=monitor. When the server generates the dse.ldif file, it lists the entries in hierarchical order in the order that the entries appear in the directory under cn=config, which is usually the same order in which an LDAP search of subtree scope for base cn=config returns the entries. dse.ldif also contains the cn=monitor entry, which is mostly read-only, but can have ACIs set on it. NOTE The dse.ldif file does not contain every attribute in cn=config. If the attribute has not been set by the administrator and has a default value, the server will not write it to dse.ldif. To see every attribute in cn=config, use ldapsearch. Configuration Attributes Within a configuration entry, each attribute is represented as an attribute name. The value of the attribute corresponds to the attribute's configuration. The following code sample is an example of part of the dse.ldif file for a Directory Server. The example shows, among other things, that schema checking has been enabled; this is represented by the attribute nsslapd-schemacheck, which takes the value on. dn: cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: extensibleObject objectclass: nsslapdConfig nsslapd-accesslog-logging-enabled: on nsslapd-enquote-sup-oc: off nsslapd-localhost: nsslapd-schemacheck: on nsslapd-port: 389 nsslapd-localuser: nobody ... Configuration of Plug-in Functionality The configuration for each part of Directory Server plug-in functionality has its own separate entry and set of attributes under the subtree cn=plugins,cn=config. The following code sample is an example of the configuration entry for an example plug-in, the Telephone Syntax plug-in. dn: cn=Telephone Syntax,cn=plugins,cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: nsSlapdPlugin objectclass: extensibleObject cn: Telephone Syntax nsslapd-pluginType: syntax nsslapd-pluginEnabled: on 6 Accessing and Modifying Server Configuration Some of these attributes are common to all plug-ins, and some may be particular to a specific plug-in. Check which attributes are currently being used by a given plug-in by performing an ldapsearch on the cn=config subtree. For a list of plug-ins supported by Directory Server, general plug-in configuration information, the plugin configuration attribute reference, and a list of plug-ins requiring restart for configuration changes, see Chapter 3, Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference. Configuration of Databases The o=NetscapeRoot and cn=UserRoot subtrees under the database plug-in entry contain configuration data for the databases containing the o=NetscapeRoot suffix and the default suffix created during setup, such as dc=example,dc=com. These entries and their children have many attributes used to configure different database settings, like the cache sizes, the paths to the index files and transaction logs, entries and attributes for monitoring and statistics; and database indexes. Configuration of Indexes Configuration information for indexing is stored as entries in the Directory Server under the following information-tree nodes: • cn=index,o=NetscapeRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config • cn=index,cn=UserRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config • cn=default indexes,cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config For more information about indexes in general, see the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. For information about the index configuration attributes, see Section 3.4.1, “Database Attributes under cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config”. 2.2. Accessing and Modifying Server Configuration This section discusses access control for configuration entries and describes the various ways in which the server configuration can be viewed and modified. It also covers restrictions to the kinds of modification that can be made and discusses attributes that require the server to be restarted for changes to take effect. 2.2.1. Access Control for Configuration Entries When the Directory Server is installed, a default set of access control instructions (ACIs) is implemented for all entries under cn=config. The following code sample is an example of these default ACIs. aci: (targetattr = "*")(version 3.0; acl "Configuration Administrators Group"; allow (all) groupdn = "ldap:///cn=Configuration Administrators,u=Groups, ou=TopologyManagement, o=NetscapeRoot";) aci: (targetattr = "*")(version 3.0; acl "Configuration Administrator"; allow (all) userdn = "ldap:///uid=admin, ou=Administrators, ou=TopologyManagement, o=NetscapeRoot";) aci: (targetattr = "*")(version 3.0; acl "Local Directory Administrators Group"; allow (all) groupdn = "ldap:///ou=Directory Administrators, dc=example,dc=com";) 7 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference aci: (targetattr = "*")(version 3.0; acl "SIE Group"; allow(all) groupdn = "ldap:///cn=slapd-phonebook, cn=Red Hat Directory Server, cn=Server Group,, dc=example,dc=com, o=NetscapeRoot";) These default ACIs allow all LDAP operations to be carried out on all configuration attributes by the following users: • Members of the Configuration Administrators group. • The user acting as the administrator, the admin account that was configured at setup. By default, this is the same user account which is logged into the Console. • Members of local Directory Administrators group. • The SIE (Server Instance Entry) group, usually assigned using the Set Access Permissions process the main console. For more information on access control, see the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 2.2.2. Changing Configuration Attributes Server attributes can be viewed and changed in one of three ways: through the Directory Server Console, by performing ldapsearch and ldapmodify commands, or by manually editing the dse.ldif file. NOTE Before editing the dse.ldif file, the server must be stopped; otherwise, the changes are lost. Editing the dse.ldif file is recommended only for changes to attributes which cannot be altered dynamically. See Section, “Configuration Changes Requiring Server Restart” for further information. The following sections describe how to modify entries using LDAP (both by using Directory Server Console and by using the command line), the restrictions that apply to modifying entries, the restrictions that apply to modifying attributes, and the configuration changes requiring restart. Modifying Configuration Entries Using LDAP The configuration entries in the directory can be searched and modified using LDAP either via the Directory Server Console or by performing ldapsearch and ldapmodify operations in the same way as other directory entries. The advantage of using LDAP to modify entries is changes can be made while the server is running. For further information, see the "Creating Directory Entries" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. However, certain changes do require the server to be restarted before they are taken into account. See Section, “Configuration Changes Requiring Server Restart” for further information. NOTE As with any set of configuration files, care should be taken when changing or deleting nodes in the cn=config subtree as this risks affecting Directory Server functionality. 8 Changing Configuration Attributes The entire configuration, including attributes that always take default values, can be viewed by performing an ldapsearch operation on the cn=config subtree: ldapsearch -b cn=config -D bindDN -w password • bindDN is the DN chosen for the Directory Manager when the server was installed (cn=Directory Manager by default). • password is the password chosen for the Directory Manager. For more information on using ldapsearch, see Section 6.4, “ldapsearch”. To disable a plug-in, use ldapmodify to edit the nsslapd-pluginEnabled attribute: ldapmodify -D cn="directory manager" -w password dn: cn=Telephone Syntax,cn=plugins,cn=config changetype: modify replace: nsslapd-pluginEnabled nsslapd-pluginEnabled: off Restrictions to Modifying Configuration Entries and Attributes Certain restrictions apply when modifying server entries and attributes: • The cn=monitor entry and its child entries are read-only and cannot be modified, except to manage ACIs. • If an attribute is added to cn=config, the server ignores it. • If an invalid value is entered for an attribute, the server ignores it. • Because ldapdelete is used for deleting an entire entry, use ldapmodify to remove an attribute from an entry. Configuration Changes Requiring Server Restart Some configuration attributes cannot be altered while the server is running. In these cases, for the changes to take effect, the server needs to be shut down and restarted. The modifications should be made either through the Directory Server Console or by manually editing the dse.ldif file. Some of the attributes that require a server restart for any changes to take effect are listed below. This list is not exhaustive; to see a complete list, run ldapsearch and search for the nsslapdrequiresrestart attribute. For example: ldapsearch -p 389 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -s sub -b "cn=config" "(objectclass=*)" | grep nsslapd-requiresrestart nsslapd-cachesize nsslapd-certdir nsslapd-dbcachesize nsslapd-dbncache nsslapd-plugin nsslapd-changelogdir nsslapd-changelogmaxage nsslapd-changelogmaxentries nsslapd-port nsslapd-schemadir nsslapd-saslpath nsslapd-secureport 9 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsslapd-tmpdir nsSSL2 nsSSL3 nsSSLclientauth nsSSLSessionTimeout nsslapd-conntablesize nsslapd-lockdir nsslapd-maxdescriptors nsslapd-reservedescriptors nsslapd-listenhost nsslapd-schema-ignore-trailing-spaces nsslapd-securelistenhost nsslapd-workingdir nsslapd-return-exact-case nsslapd-maxbersize 2.3. Core Server Configuration Attributes Reference This section contains reference information on the configuration attributes that are relevant to the core server functionality. For information on changing server configuration, see Section 2.2, “Accessing and Modifying Server Configuration”. For a list of server features that are implemented as plug-ins, see Section 3.1, “Server Plug-in Functionality Reference”. For help with implementing custom server functionality, contact Directory Server support. The configuration information stored in the dse.ldif file is organized as an information tree under the general configuration entry cn=config, as shown in the following diagram. Figure 2.2. Directory Information Tree Showing Configuration Data Most of these configuration tree nodes are covered in the following sections. The cn=plugins node is covered in Chapter 3, Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference. The description of each attribute contains details such as the DN of its directory entry, its default value, the valid range of values, and an example of its use. NOTE Some of the entries and attributes described in this chapter may change in future releases of the product. 2.3.1. cn=config General configuration entries are stored in the cn=config entry. The cn=config entry is an instance of the nsslapdConfig object class, which in turn inherits from extensibleObject object class. 10 cn=config nsslapd-accesslog (Access Log) This attribute specifies the path and filename of the log used to record each LDAP access. The following information is recorded by default in the log file: • IP address of the client machine that accessed the database. • Operations performed (for example, search, add, and modify). • Result of the access (for example, the number of entries returned or an error code). For more information on turning access logging off, see the "Monitoring Server and Database Activity" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. For access logging to be enabled, this attribute must have a valid path and parameter, and the nsslapd-accesslog-logging-enabled configuration attribute must be switched to on. The table lists the four possible combinations of values for these two configuration attributes and their outcome in terms of disabling or enabling of access logging. Attribute Value Logging enabled or disabled nsslapd-accesslog-loggingenabled on Disabled empty string nsslapd-accesslog nsslapd-accesslog-loggingenabled on Enabled filename nsslapd-accesslog nsslapd-accesslog-loggingenabled off Disabled empty string nsslapd-accesslog nsslapd-accesslog-loggingenabled off Disabled filename nsslapd-accesslog Table 2.2. dse.ldif File Attributes Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any valid filename. Default Value /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/access Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-accesslog: /var/log/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/access nsslapd-accesslog-level (Access Log Level) This attribute controls what is logged to the access log. 11 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values • 0 - No access logging • 4 - Logging for internal access operations • 256 - Logging for connections, operations, and results • 512 - Logging for access to an entry and referrals • 131072 - Provides microsecond operation timing • These values can be added together to provide the exact type of logging required; for example, 516 (4 + 512) to obtain internal access operation, entry access, and referral logging. Default Value 256 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-accesslog-level: 256 nsslapd-accesslog-list (List of Access Log Files) This read-only attribute, which cannot be set, provides a list of access log files used in access log rotation. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-accesslog-list: accesslog2,accesslog3 nsslapd-accesslog-logbuffering (Log Buffering) When set to off, the server writes all access log entries directly to disk. Buffering allows the server to use access logging even when under a heavy load without impacting performance. However, when debugging, it is sometimes useful to disable buffering in order to see the operations and their results right away instead of having to wait for the log entries to be flushed to the file. Disabling log buffering can severely impact performance in heavily loaded servers. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on 12 cn=config Parameter Description Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-accesslog-logbuffering: off nsslapd-accesslog-logexpirationtime (Access Log Expiration Time) This attribute specifies the maximum age that a log file is allowed to reach before it is deleted. This attribute supplies only the number of units. The units are provided by the nsslapd-accessloglogexpirationtimeunit attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) A value of -1 or 0 means that the log never expires. Default Value -1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-accesslog-logexpirationtime: 2 nsslapd-accesslog-logexpirationtimeunit (Access Log Expiration Time Unit) This attribute specifies the units for nsslapd-accesslog-logexpirationtime attribute. If the unit is unknown by the server, then the log never expires. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values month | week | day Default Value month Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-accesslog-logexpirationtimeunit: week nsslapd-accesslog-logging-enabled (Access Log Enable Logging) Disables and enables accesslog logging but only in conjunction with the nsslapd-accesslog attribute that specifies the path and parameter of the log used to record each database access. For access logging to be enabled, this attribute must be switched to on, and the nsslapdaccesslog configuration attribute must have a valid path and parameter. The table lists the four possible combinations of values for these two configuration attributes and their outcome in terms of disabling or enabling of access logging. 13 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Attribute Value Logging Enabled or Disabled nsslapd-accesslog-loggingenabled on Disabled empty string nsslapd-accesslog nsslapd-accesslog-loggingenabled on Enabled filename nsslapd-accesslog nsslapd-accesslog-loggingenabled off Disabled empty string nsslapd-accesslog nsslapd-accesslog-loggingenabled off Disabled filename nsslapd-accesslog Table 2.3. dse.ldif Attributes Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-accesslog-logging-enabled: off nsslapd-accesslog-logmaxdiskspace (Access Log Maximum Disk Space) This attribute specifies the maximum amount of disk space in megabytes that the access logs are allowed to consume. If this value is exceeded, the oldest access log is deleted. When setting a maximum disk space, consider the total number of log files that can be created due to log file rotation. Also, remember that there are three different log files (access log, audit log, and error log) maintained by the Directory Server, each of which consumes disk space. Compare these considerations to the total amount of disk space for the access log. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 | 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647), where a value of -1 means that the disk space allowed to the access log is unlimited in size. Default Value -1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-accesslog-logmaxdiskspace: 100000 14 cn=config nsslapd-accesslog-logminfreediskspace (Access Log Minimum Free Disk Space) This attribute sets the minimum allowed free disk space in megabytes. When the amount of free disk space falls below the value specified on this attribute, the oldest access logs are deleted until enough disk space is freed to satisfy this attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 | 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value -1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-accesslog-logminfreediskspace: -1 nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsync-enabled (Access Log Rotation Sync Enabled) This attribute sets whether access log rotation is to be synchronized with a particular time of the day. Synchronizing log rotation this way can generate log files at a specified time during a day, such as midnight to midnight every day. This makes analysis of the log files much easier because they then map directly to the calendar. For access log rotation to be synchronized with time-of-day, this attribute must be enabled with the nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsynchour and nsslapd-accessloglogrotationsyncmin attribute values set to the hour and minute of the day for rotating log files. For example, to rotate access log files every day at midnight, enable this attribute by setting its value to on, and then set the values of the nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsynchour and nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsyncmin attributes to 0. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsync-enabled: on nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsynchour (Access Log Rotation Sync Hour) This attribute sets the hour of the day for rotating access logs. This attribute must be used in conjunction with nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsync-enabled and nsslapd-accessloglogrotationsyncmin attributes. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config 15 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Valid Range 0 through 23 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsynchour: 23 nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsyncmin (Access Log Rotation Sync Minute) This attribute sets the minute of the day for rotating access logs. This attribute must be used in conjunction with nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsync-enabled and nsslapd-accessloglogrotationsynchour attributes. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 through 59 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsyncmin: 30 nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtime (Access Log Rotation Time) This attribute sets the time between access log file rotations. The access log is rotated when this time interval is up, regardless of the current size of the access log. This attribute supplies only the number of units. The units (day, week, month, and so forth) are given by the nsslapd-accessloglogrotationtimeunit attribute. Although it is not recommended for performance reasons to specify no log rotation since the log grows indefinitely, there are two ways of specifying this. Either set the nsslapd-accesslogmaxlogsperdir attribute value to 1 or set the nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtime attribute to -1. The server checks the nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsperdir attribute first, and, if this attribute value is larger than 1, the server then checks the nsslapd-accessloglogrotationtime attribute. See Section, “nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsperdir (Access Log Maximum Number of Log Files)” for more information. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 | 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647), where a value of -1 means that the time between access log file rotation is unlimited. Default Value 1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtime: 100 16 cn=config nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtimeunit (Access Log Rotation Time Unit) This attribute sets the units for the nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtime attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values month | week | day | hour | minute Default Value day Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtimeunit: week nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsize (Access Log Maximum Log Size) This attribute sets the maximum access log size in megabytes. When this value is reached, the access log is rotated. That means the server starts writing log information to a new log file. If the nsslapdaccesslog-maxlogsperdir attribute is set to 1, the server ignores this attribute. When setting a maximum log size, consider the total number of log files that can be created due to log file rotation. Also, remember that there are three different log files (access log, audit log, and error log) maintained by the Directory Server, each of which consumes disk space. Compare these considerations to the total amount of disk space for the access log. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 | 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647), where a value of -1 means the log file is unlimited in size. Default Value 100 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsize: 100 nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsperdir (Access Log Maximum Number of Log Files) This attribute sets the total number of access logs that can be contained in the directory where the access log is stored. Each time the access log is rotated, a new log file is created. When the number of files contained in the access log directory exceeds the value stored in this attribute, then the oldest version of the log file is deleted. For performance reasons, Red Hat recommends not setting this value to 1 because the server does not rotate the log, and it grows indefinitely. If the value for this attribute is higher than 1, then check the nsslapd-accessloglogrotationtime attribute to establish whether log rotation is specified. If the nsslapdaccesslog-logrotationtime attribute has a value of -1, then there is no log rotation. See Section, “nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtime (Access Log Rotation Time)” for more information. 17 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value 10 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsperdir: 10 nsslapd-accesslog-mode (Access Log File Permission) This attribute sets the access mode or file permission with which access log files are to be created. The valid values are any combination of 000 to 777 (these mirror the numbered or absolute UNIX file permissions). The value must be a 3-digit number, the digits varying from 0 through 7: • 0 - None • 1 - Execute only • 2 - Write only • 3 - Write and execute • 4 - Read only • 5 - Read and execute • 6 - Read and write • 7 - Read, write, and execute In the 3-digit number, the first digit represents the owner's permissions, the second digit represents the group's permissions, and the third digit represents everyone's permissions. When changing the default value, remember that 000 does not allow access to the logs and that allowing write permissions to everyone can result in the logs being overwritten or deleted by anyone. The newly configured access mode only affects new logs that are created; the mode is set when the log rotates to a new file. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 000 through 777 Default Value 600 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-accesslog-mode: 600 nsslapd-allow-unauthenticated-binds An unauthenticated bind is a bind where the user supplies a username but not a password. For example, running an ldapsearch without supplying a password option: 18 cn=config /usr/lib/mozldap/ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -b "dc=example,dc=com" -s sub "(objectclass=*)" When unauthenticated binds are allowed, the bind attempt goes through as an anonymous bind (assuming anonymous access is allowed). The nsslapd-allow-unauthenticated-binds attribute sets whether to allow an unauthenticated bind to succeed as an anonymous bind. By default, unauthenticated binds are disabled. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-allow-unauthenticated-binds: on nsslapd-attribute-name-exceptions This attribute allows non-standard characters in attribute names to be used for backwards compatibility with older servers, such as "_" in schema-defined attributes. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-attribute-name-exceptions: on nsslapd-auditlog (Audit Log) This attribute sets the path and filename of the log used to record changes made to each database. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any valid filename Default Value /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/audit Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-auditlog: /var/log/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/audit For audit logging to be enabled, this attribute must have a valid path and parameter, and the nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled configuration attribute must be switched to on. The table lists the four possible combinations of values for these two configuration attributes and their outcome in terms of disabling or enabling of audit logging. 19 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Attributes in dse.ldif Value Logging enabled or disabled nsslapd-auditlog-loggingenabled on Disabled empty string nsslapd-auditlog nsslapd-auditlog-loggingenabled on Enabled filename nsslapd-auditlog nsslapd-auditlog-loggingenabled off Disabled empty string nsslapd-auditlog nsslapd-auditlog-loggingenabled off Disabled filename nsslapd-auditlog Table 2.4. Possible Combinations for nsslapd-auditlog nsslapd-auditlog-list Provides a list of audit log files. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-auditlog-list: auditlog2,auditlog3 nsslapd-auditlog-logexpirationtime (Audit Log Expiration Time) This attribute sets the maximum age that a log file is allowed to be before it is deleted. This attribute supplies only the number of units. The units (day, week, month, and so forth) are given by the nsslapd-auditlog-logexpirationtimeunit attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) A value of -1 or 0 means that the log never expires. Default Value -1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-auditlog-logexpirationtime: 1 20 cn=config nsslapd-auditlog-logexpirationtimeunit (Audit Log Expiration Time Unit) This attribute sets the units for the nsslapd-auditlog-logexpirationtime attribute. If the unit is unknown by the server, then the log never expires. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values month | week | day Default Value week Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-auditlog-logexpirationtimeunit: day nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled (Audit Log Enable Logging) Turns audit logging on and off. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled: off For audit logging to be enabled, this attribute must have a valid path and parameter and the nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled configuration attribute must be switched to on. The table lists the four possible combinations of values for these two configuration attributes and their outcome in terms of disabling or enabling of audit logging. Attribute Value Logging enabled or disabled nsslapd-auditlog-loggingenabled on Disabled empty string nsslapd-auditlog nsslapd-auditlog-loggingenabled on Enabled filename nsslapd-auditlog nsslapd-auditlog-loggingenabled off Disabled empty string nsslapd-auditlog nsslapd-auditlog-loggingenabled off Disabled filename nsslapd-auditlog Table 2.5. Possible combinations for nsslapd-auditlog and nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled 21 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsslapd-auditlog-logmaxdiskspace (Audit Log Maximum Disk Space) This attribute sets the maximum amount of disk space in megabytes that the audit logs are allowed to consume. If this value is exceeded, the oldest audit log is deleted. When setting a maximum disk space, consider the total number of log files that can be created due to log file rotation. Also remember that there are three different log files (access log, audit log, and error log) maintained by the Directory Server, each of which consumes disk space. Compare these considerations with the total amount of disk space for the audit log. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 | 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647), where a value of -1 means that the disk space allowed to the audit log is unlimited in size. Default Value -1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-auditlog-logmaxdiskspace: 10000 nsslapd-auditlog-logminfreediskspace (Audit Log Minimum Free Disk Space) This attribute sets the minimum permissible free disk space in megabytes. When the amount of free disk space falls below the value specified by this attribute, the oldest audit logs are deleted until enough disk space is freed to satisfy this attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 (unlimited) | 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value -1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-auditlog-logminfreediskspace: -1 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsync-enabled (Audit Log Rotation Sync Enabled) This attribute sets whether audit log rotation is to be synchronized with a particular time of the day. Synchronizing log rotation this way can generate log files at a specified time during a day, such as midnight to midnight every day. This makes analysis of the log files much easier because they then map directly to the calendar. For audit log rotation to be synchronized with time-of-day, this attribute must be enabled with the nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsynchour and nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsyncmin attribute values set to the hour and minute of the day for rotating log files. 22 cn=config For example, to rotate audit log files every day at midnight, enable this attribute by setting its value to on, and then set the values of the nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsynchour and nsslapdauditlog-logrotationsyncmin attributes to 0. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsync-enabled: on nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsynchour (Audit Log Rotation Sync Hour) This attribute sets the hour of the day for rotating audit logs. This attribute must be used in conjunction with nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsync-enabled and nsslapd-auditloglogrotationsyncmin attributes. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 through 23 Default Value None (because nsslapd-auditloglogrotationsync-enabled is off) Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsynchour: 23 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsyncmin (Audit Log Rotation Sync Minute) This attribute sets the minute of the day for rotating audit logs. This attribute must be used in conjunction with nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsync-enabled and nsslapd-auditloglogrotationsynchour attributes. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 through 59 Default Value None (because nsslapd-auditloglogrotationsync-enabled is off) Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsyncmin: 30 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationtime (Audit Log Rotation Time) This attribute sets the time between audit log file rotations. The audit log is rotated when this time interval is up, regardless of the current size of the audit log. This attribute supplies only the 23 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference number of units. The units (day, week, month, and so forth) are given by the nsslapd-auditloglogrotationtimeunit attribute. If the nsslapd-auditlog-maxlogsperdir attribute is set to 1, the server ignores this attribute. Although it is not recommended for performance reasons to specify no log rotation, as the log grows indefinitely, there are two ways of specifying this. Either set the nsslapd-auditlogmaxlogsperdir attribute value to 1 or set the nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationtime attribute to -1. The server checks the nsslapd-auditlog-maxlogsperdir attribute first, and, if this attribute value is larger than 1, the server then checks the nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationtime attribute. See Section, “nsslapd-auditlog-maxlogsperdir (Audit Log Maximum Number of Log Files)” for more information. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 | 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647), where a value of -1 means that the time between audit log file rotation is unlimited. Default Value 1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationtime: 100 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationtimeunit (Audit Log Rotation Time Unit) This attribute sets the units for the nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationtime attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values month | week | day | hour | minute Default Value week Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationtimeunit: day nsslapd-auditlog-maxlogsize (Audit Log Maximum Log Size) This attribute sets the maximum audit log size in megabytes. When this value is reached, the audit log is rotated. That means the server starts writing log information to a new log file. If nsslapdauditlog-maxlogsperdir to 1, the server ignores this attribute. When setting a maximum log size, consider the total number of log files that can be created due to log file rotation. Also, remember that there are three different log files (access log, audit log, and error log) maintained by the Directory Server, each of which consumes disk space. Compare these considerations to the total amount of disk space for the audit log. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config 24 cn=config Parameter Description Valid Range -1 | 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647), where a value of -1 means the log file is unlimited in size. Default Value 100 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-auditlog-maxlogsize: 50 nsslapd-auditlog-maxlogsperdir (Audit Log Maximum Number of Log Files) This attribute sets the total number of audit logs that can be contained in the directory where the audit log is stored. Each time the audit log is rotated, a new log file is created. When the number of files contained in the audit log directory exceeds the value stored on this attribute, then the oldest version of the log file is deleted. The default is 1 log. If this default is accepted, the server will not rotate the log, and it grows indefinitely. If the value for this attribute is higher than 1, then check the nsslapd-auditloglogrotationtime attribute to establish whether log rotation is specified. If the nsslapdauditlog-logrotationtime attribute has a value of -1, then there is no log rotation. See Section, “nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationtime (Audit Log Rotation Time)” for more information. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value 1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-auditlog-maxlogsperdir: 10 nsslapd-auditlog-mode (Audit Log File Permission) This attribute sets the access mode or file permissions with which audit log files are to be created. The valid values are any combination of 000 to 777 since they mirror numbered or absolute UNIX file permissions. The value must be a combination of a 3-digit number, the digits varying from 0 through 7: • 0 - None • 1 - Execute only • 2 - Write only • 3 - Write and execute • 4 - Read only • 5 - Read and execute • 6 - Read and write 25 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference • 7 - Read, write, and execute In the 3-digit number, the first digit represents the owner's permissions, the second digit represents the group's permissions, and the third digit represents everyone's permissions. When changing the default value, remember that 000 does not allow access to the logs and that allowing write permissions to everyone can result in the logs being overwritten or deleted by anyone. The newly configured access mode only affects new logs that are created; the mode is set when the log rotates to a new file. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 000 through 777 Default Value 600 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-auditlog-mode: 600 nsslapd-certdir (Certificate and Key Database Directory) This is the full path to the directory holding the certificate and key databases for a Directory Server instance. This directory must contain only the certificate and key databases for this instance and no other instances. This directory must be owned and allow read-write access for the server user ID. No other user should have read-right access to this directory. The default location is the configuration file directory, /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name. Changes to this value will not take effect until the server is restarted. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Absolute path to any directory which is owned by the server user ID and only allows read and write access to the server user ID Default Value /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name Syntax DirectoryString Example /etc/dirsrv/slapd-phonebook nsslapd-certmap-basedn (Certificate Map Search Base) This attribute can be used when client authentication is performed using SSL certificates in order to avoid limitations of the security subsystem certificate mapping, configured in the certmap.conf file. Depending on the certmap.conf configuration, the certificate mapping may be done using a directory subtree search based at the root DN. If the search is based at the root DN, then the nsslapd-certmap-basedn attribute may force the search to be based at some entry other than the root. The valid value for this attribute is the DN of the suffix or subtree to use for certificate mapping. For further information on configuring for SSL, see the "Managing SSL" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 26 cn=config nsslapd-config This read-only attribute is the config DN. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any valid configuration DN Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-config: cn=config nsslapd-conntablesize This attribute sets the connection table size, which determines the total number of connections supported by the server. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Operating-system dependent Default Value The default value is the system's max descriptors, which can be configured using the Section, “nsslapd-maxdescriptors (Maximum File Descriptors)” attribute. Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-conntablesize: 4093 Increase the value of this attribute if Directory Server is refusing connections because it is out of connection slots. When this occurs, the Directory Server's error log file records the message Not listening for new connections -- too many fds open. A server restart is required for the change to take effect. It may be necessary to increase the operating system limits for the number of open files and number of open files per process, and it may be necessary to increase the ulimit for the number of open files (ulimit -n) in the shell that starts the Directory Server. See Section, “nsslapdmaxdescriptors (Maximum File Descriptors)” for more information. nsslapd-counters The nsslapd-counters attribute enables and disables Directory Server database and server performance counters. There can be a performance impact by keeping track of the larger counters. Turning off 64-bit integers for counters can have a minimal improvement on performance, although it negatively affects long term statistics tracking. This parameter is enabled by default. To disable counters, stop the Directory Server, edit the dse.ldif file directly, and restart the server. 27 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-counters: on nsslapd-csnlogging This attribute sets whether change sequence numbers (CSNs), when available, are to be logged in the access log. By default, CSN logging is turned on. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-csnlogging: on nsslapd-ds4-compatible-schema Makes the schema in cn=schema compatible with 4.x versions of Directory Server. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-ds4-compatible-schema: off nsslapd-enquote-sup-oc (Enable Superior Object Class Enquoting) This attribute is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Directory Server. This attribute controls whether quoting in the objectclass attributes contained in the cn=schema entry conforms to the quoting specified by Internet draft RFC 2252. By default, the Directory Server conforms to RFC 2252, which indicates that this value should not be quoted. Only very old clients need this value set to on, so leave it off. Turning this attribute on or off does not affect Directory Server Console. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off 28 cn=config Parameter Description Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-enquote-sup-oc: off nsslapd-errorlog (Error Log) This attribute sets the path and filename of the log used to record error messages generated by the Directory Server. These messages can describe error conditions, but more often they contain informative conditions, such as: • Server startup and shutdown times. • The port number that the server uses. This log contains differing amounts of information depending on the current setting of the Log Level attribute. See Section, “nsslapd-errorlog-level (Error Log Level)” for more information. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any valid filename Default Value /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/errors Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-errorlog: /var/log/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/errors For error logging to be enabled, this attribute must have a valid path and filename, and the nsslapderrorlog-logging-enabled configuration attribute must be switched to on. The table lists the four possible combinations of values for these two configuration attributes and their outcome in terms of disabling or enabling of error logging. Attributes in dse.ldif Value Logging enabled or disabled nsslapd-errorlog-loggingenabled on Disabled empty string nsslapd-errorlog nsslapd-errorlog-loggingenabled on Enabled filename nsslapd-errorlog nsslapd-errorlog-loggingenabled off Disabled empty string nsslapd-errorlog nsslapd-errorlog-loggingenabled off Disabled filename nsslapd-errorlog Table 2.6. Possible Combinations for nsslapd-errorlog Configuration Attributes 29 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsslapd-errorlog-level (Error Log Level) This attribute sets the level of logging for the Directory Server. The log level is additive; that is, specifying a value of 3 includes both levels 1 and 2. The default value for nsslapd-errorlog-level is 16384. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values • 1 — Trace function calls. Logs a message when the server enters and exits a function. • 2 — Debug packet handling. • 4 — Heavy trace output debugging. • 8 — Connection management. • 16 — Print out packets sent/received. • 32 — Search filter processing. • 64 — Config file processing. • 128 — Access control list processing. • 1024 — Log communications with shell databases. • 2048 — Log entry parsing debugging. • 4096 — Housekeeping thread debugging. • 8192 — Replication debugging. • 16384 — Default level of logging used for critical errors and other messages that are always written to the error log; for example, server startup messages. Messages at this level are always included in the error log, regardless of the log level setting. • 32768 — Database cache debugging. • 65536 — Server plug-in debugging. It writes an entry to the log file when a server plug-in calls slapi-log-error. • 131072 — Microsecond resolution for timestamps instead of the default seconds. • 262144 — Access control summary information, much less verbose than level 128. This value is recommended for use when a summary of access control processing is 30 cn=config Parameter Description needed. Use 128 for very detailed processing messages. Default Value 16384 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-errorlog-level: 8192 nsslapd-errorlog-list This read-only attribute provides a list of error log files. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-errorlog-list: errorlog2,errorlog3 nsslapd-errorlog-logexpirationtime (Error Log Expiration Time) This attribute sets the maximum age that a log file is allowed to reach before it is deleted. This attribute supplies only the number of units. The units (day, week, month, and so forth) are given by the nsslapd-errorlog-logexpirationtimeunit attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) A value of -1 or 0 means that the log never expires. Default Value -1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-errorlog-logexpirationtime: 1 nsslapd-errorlog-logexpirationtimeunit (Error Log Expiration Time Unit) This attribute sets the units for the nsslapd-errorlog-logexpirationtime attribute. If the unit is unknown by the server, then the log never expires. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values month | week | day Default Value month 31 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-errorlog-logexpirationtimeunit: week nsslapd-errorlog-logging-enabled (Enable Error Logging) Turns error logging on and off. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-errorlog-logging-enabled: on nsslapd-errorlog-logmaxdiskspace (Error Log Maximum Disk Space) This attribute sets the maximum amount of disk space in megabytes that the error logs are allowed to consume. If this value is exceeded, the oldest error log is deleted. When setting a maximum disk space, consider the total number of log files that can be created due to log file rotation. Also, remember that there are three different log files (access log, audit log, and error log) maintained by the Directory Server, each of which consumes disk space. Compare these considerations to the total amount of disk space for the error log. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 | 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647), where a value of -1 means that the disk space allowed to the error log is unlimited in size. Default Value -1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-errorlog-logmaxdiskspace: 10000 nsslapd-errorlog-logminfreediskspace (Error Log Minimum Free Disk Space) This attribute sets the minimum allowed free disk space in megabytes. When the amount of free disk space falls below the value specified on this attribute, the oldest error log is deleted until enough disk space is freed to satisfy this attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config 32 cn=config Parameter Description Valid Range -1 (unlimited) | 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value -1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-errorlog-logminfreediskspace: -1 nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsync-enabled (Error Log Rotation Sync Enabled) This attribute sets whether error log rotation is to be synchronized with a particular time of the day. Synchronizing log rotation this way can generate log files at a specified time during a day, such as midnight to midnight every day. This makes analysis of the log files much easier because they then map directly to the calendar. For error log rotation to be synchronized with time-of-day, this attribute must be enabled with the nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsynchour and nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsyncmin attribute values set to the hour and minute of the day for rotating log files. For example, to rotate error log files every day at midnight, enable this attribute by setting its value to on, and then set the values of the nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsynchour and nsslapderrorlog-logrotationsyncmin attributes to 0. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsync-enabled: on nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsynchour (Error Log Rotation Sync Hour) This attribute sets the hour of the day for rotating error logs. This attribute must be used in conjunction with nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsync-enabled and nsslapd-errorloglogrotationsyncmin attributes. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 through 23 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsynchour: 23 33 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsyncmin (Error Log Rotation Sync Minute) This attribute sets the minute of the day for rotating error logs. This attribute must be used in conjunction with nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsync-enabled and nsslapd-errorloglogrotationsynchour attributes. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 through 59 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsyncmin: 30 nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationtime (Error Log Rotation Time) This attribute sets the time between error log file rotations. The error log is rotated when this time interval is up, regardless of the current size of the error log. This attribute supplies only the number of units. The units (day, week, month, and so forth) are given by the nsslapd-errorloglogrotationtimeunit (Error Log Rotation Time Unit) attribute. Although it is not recommended for performance reasons to specify no log rotation, as the log grows indefinitely, there are two ways of specifying this. Either set the nsslapd-errorlogmaxlogsperdir attribute value to 1 or set the nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationtime attribute to -1. The server checks the nsslapd-errorlog-maxlogsperdir attribute first, and, if this attribute value is larger than 1, the server then checks the nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationtime attribute. See Section, “nsslapd-errorlog-maxlogsperdir (Maximum Number of Error Log Files)” for more information. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 | 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647), where a value of -1 means that the time between error log file rotation is unlimited). Default Value 1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationtime: 100 nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationtimeunit (Error Log Rotation Time Unit) This attribute sets the units for nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationtime (Error Log Rotation Time). If the unit is unknown by the server, then the log never expires. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config 34 cn=config Parameter Description Valid Values month | week | day | hour | minute Default Value week Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationtimeunit: day nsslapd-errorlog-maxlogsize (Maximum Error Log Size) This attribute sets the maximum error log size in megabytes. When this value is reached, the error log is rotated, and the server starts writing log information to a new log file. If nsslapd-errorlogmaxlogsperdir is set to 1, the server ignores this attribute. When setting a maximum log size, consider the total number of log files that can be created due to log file rotation. Also, remember that there are three different log files (access log, audit log, and error log) maintained by the Directory Server, each of which consumes disk space. Compare these considerations to the total amount of disk space for the error log. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 | 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) where a value of -1 means the log file is unlimited in size. Default Value 100 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-errorlog-maxlogsize: 100 nsslapd-errorlog-maxlogsperdir (Maximum Number of Error Log Files) This attribute sets the total number of error logs that can be contained in the directory where the error log is stored. Each time the error log is rotated, a new log file is created. When the number of files contained in the error log directory exceeds the value stored on this attribute, then the oldest version of the log file is deleted. The default is 1 log. If this default is accepted, the server does not rotate the log, and it grows indefinitely. If the value for this attribute is higher than 1, then check the nsslapd-errorloglogrotationtime attribute to establish whether log rotation is specified. If the nsslapderrorlog-logrotationtime attribute has a value of -1, then there is no log rotation. See Section, “nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationtime (Error Log Rotation Time)” for more information. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value 1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-errorlog-maxlogsperdir: 10 35 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsslapd-errorlog-mode (Error Log File Permission) This attribute sets the access mode or file permissions with which error log files are to be created. The valid values are any combination of 000 to 777 since they mirror numbered or absolute UNIX file permissions. That is, the value must be a combination of a 3-digit number, the digits varying from 0 through 7: • 0 - None • 1 - Execute only • 2 - Write only • 3 - Write and execute • 4 - Read only • 5 - Read and execute • 6 - Read and write • 7 - Read, write, and execute In the 3-digit number, the first digit represents the owner's permissions, the second digit represents the group's permissions, and the third digit represents everyone's permissions. When changing the default value, remember that 000 does not allow access to the logs and that allowing write permissions to everyone can result in the logs being overwritten or deleted by anyone. The newly configured access mode only affects new logs that are created; the mode is set when the log rotates to a new file. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 000 through 777 Default Value 600 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-errorlog-mode: 600 nsslapd-groupevalnestlevel This attribute is deprecated, and documented here only for historical purposes. The Access Control Plug-in does not use the value specified by the nsslapdgroupevalnestlevel attribute to set the number of levels of nesting that access control performs for group evaluation. Instead, the number of levels of nesting is hard-coded as 5. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to 5 Default Value 5 Syntax Integer 36 cn=config Parameter Description Example nsslapd-groupevalnestlevel: 5 nsslapd-idletimeout (Default Idle Timeout) This attribute sets the amount of time in seconds after which an idle LDAP client connection is closed by the server. A value of 0 means that the server never closes idle connections. This setting applies to all connections and all users. Idle timeout is enforced when the connection table is walked, when poll() does not return zero. Therefore, a server with a single connection never enforces the idle timeout. Use the nsIdleTimeout operational attribute, which can be added to user entries, to override the value assigned to this attribute. For details, see the "Setting Resource Limits Based on the Bind DN" section in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. NOTE For very large databases, with millions of entries, this attribute must have a high enough value that the online initialization process can complete or replication will fail when the connection to the server times out. Alternatively, the nsIdleTimeout attribute can be set to a high value on the entry used as the supplier bind DN. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-idletimeout: 0 nsslapd-instancedir (Instance Directory) This attribute is deprecated. There are now separate configuration parameters for instance-specific paths, such as nsslapd-certdir and nsslapd-lockdir. See the documentation for the specific directory path that is set. nsslapd-ioblocktimeout (IO Block Time Out) This attribute sets the amount of time in milliseconds after which the connection to a stalled LDAP client is closed. An LDAP client is considered to be stalled when it has not made any I/O progress for read or write operations. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) in ticks Default Value 1800000 37 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-ioblocktimeout: 1800000 nsslapd-lastmod (Track Modification Time) This attribute sets whether the Directory Server maintains the modification attributes for Directory Server entries. These are operational attributes. These attributes include: • modifiersName - The distinguished name of the person who last modified the entry. • modifyTimestamp - The timestamp, in GMT format, for when the entry was last modified. • creatorsName - The distinguished name of the person who initially created the entry. • createTimestamp - The timestamp for when the entry was created in GMT format. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-lastmod: on WARNING This attribute should never be turned off. If the nsslapd-lastmod is set to off, then generating nsUniqueIDs is also disabled, replication does not work, and other issues may arise. If for some reason this attribute were set to off, the solution is to export the database to ldif (db2ldif or or from the console), set the value to on, and import the data. The import process assigns each entry a unique id. nsslapd-ldapiautobind (Enable Autobind) The nsslapd-ldapiautobind sets whether the server will allow users to autobind to Directory Server using LDAPI. Autobind maps the UID or GUID number of a system user to a Directory Server user, and automatically authenticates the user to Directory Server based on those credentials. The Directory Server connection occurs over UNIX socket. Along with enabling autobind, configuring autobind requires configuring mapping entries. The nsslapd-ldapimaprootdn maps a root user on the system to the Directory Manager. The nsslapd-ldapimaptoentries maps regular users to Directory Server users, based on the parameters defined in the nsslapd-ldapiuidnumbertype, nsslapd-ldapigidnumbertype, and nsslapd-ldapientrysearchbase attributes. Autobind can only be enabled if LDAPI is enabled, meaning the nsslapd-ldapilisten is on and the nsslapd-ldapifilepath attribute is set to an LDAPI socket. 38 cn=config Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-ldapiautobind: off nsslapd-ldapientrysearchbase (Search Base for LDAPI Authentication Entries) With autobind, it is possible to map system users to Directory Server user entries, based on the system user's UID and GUID numbers. This requires setting Directory Server parameters for which attribute to use for the UID number (nsslapd-ldapiuidnumbertype) and GUID number (nsslapd-ldapigidnumbertype) and setting the search base to use to search for matching user entries. The nsslapd-ldapientrysearchbase gives the subtree to search for user entries to use for autobind. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values DN Default Value The suffix created when the server instance was created, such as dc=example,dc=com Syntax DN Example nsslapd-ldapientrysearchbase: ou=people,dc=example,dc=om nsslapd-ldapifilepath (File Location for LDAPI Socket) LDAPI connects a user to an LDAP server over a UNIX socket rather than TCP. In order to configure LDAPI, the server must be configured to communicate over a UNIX socket. The UNIX socket to use is set in the nsslapd-ldapifilepath attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any directory path Default Value /var/run/dirsrv/slapd-example.socket Syntax Case-exact string Example nsslapd-ldapifilepath: /var/run/slapdexample.socket 39 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsslapd-ldapigidnumbertype (Attribute Mapping for System GUID Number) Autobind can be used to authenticate system users to the server automatically and connect to the server using a UNIX socket. To map the system user to a Directory Server user for authentication, the system user's UID and GUID numbers should be mapped to be a Directory Server attribute. The nsslapd-ldapigidnumbertype attribute points to the Directory Server attribute to map system GUIDs to user entries. Users can only connect to the server with autobind if LDAPI is enabled (nsslapd-ldapilisten and nsslapd-ldapifilepath), autobind is enabled (nsslapd-ldapiautobind), and autobind mapping is enabled for regular users (nsslapd-ldapimaptoentries). Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any Directory Server attribute Default Value gidNumber Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-ldapigidnumbertype: gidNumber nsslapd-ldapilisten (Enable LDAPI) The nsslapd-ldapilisten enables LDAPI connections to the Directory Server. LDAPI allows users to connect to the Directory Server over a UNIX socket rather than a standard TCP port. Along with enabling LDAPI by setting nsslapd-ldapilisten to on, there must also be a UNIX socket set for LDAPI in the nsslapd-ldapifilepath attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-ldapilisten: off nsslapd-ldapimaprootdn (Autobind Mapping for Root User) With autobind, a system user is mapped to a Directory Server user and then automatically authenticated to the Directory Server over a UNIX socket. The root system user (the user with a UID of 0) is mapped to whatever Directory Server entry is specified in the nsslapd-ldapimaprootdn attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any DN Default Value cn=Directory Manager Syntax DN 40 cn=config Parameter Description Example nsslapd-ldapimaprootdn: cn=Directory Manager nsslapd-ldapimaptoentries (Enable Autobind Mapping for Regular Users) With autobind, a system user is mapped to a Directory Server user and then automatically authenticated to the Directory Server over a UNIX socket. This mapping is automatic for root users, but it must be enabled for regular system users through the nsslapd-ldapimaptoentries attribute. Setting this attribute to on enables mapping for regular system users to Directory Server entries. If this attribute is not enabled, then only root users can use autobind to authenticate to the Directory Server, and all other users connect anonymously. The mappings themselves are configured through the nsslapd-ldapiuidnumbertype and nsslapd-ldapigidnumbertype attributes, which map Directory Server attributes to the user's UID and GUID numbers. Users can only connect to the server with autobind if LDAPI is enabled (nsslapd-ldapilisten and nsslapd-ldapifilepath) and autobind is enabled (nsslapd-ldapiautobind). Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-ldapimaptoentries: on nsslapd-ldapiuidnumbertype Autobind can be used to authenticate system users to the server automatically and connect to the server using a UNIX socket. To map the system user to a Directory Server user for authentication, the system user's UID and GUID numbers must be mapped to be a Directory Server attribute. The nsslapd-ldapiuidnumbertype attribute points to the Directory Server attribute to map system UIDs to user entries. Users can only connect to the server with autobind if LDAPI is enabled (nsslapd-ldapilisten and nsslapd-ldapifilepath), autobind is enabled (nsslapd-ldapiautobind), and autobind mapping is enabled for regular users (nsslapd-ldapimaptoentries). Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any Directory Server attribute Default Value uidNumber Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-ldapiuidnumbertype: uidNumber 41 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsslapd-listenhost (Listen to IP Address) This attribute allows multiple Directory Server instances to run on a multihomed machine (or makes it possible to limit listening to one interface of a multihomed machine). There can be multiple IP addresses associated with a single hostname, and these IP addresses can be a mix of both IPv4 and IPv6. This parameter can be used to restrict the Directory Server instance to a single IP interface. If a hostname is given as the nsslapd-listenhost value, then the Directory Server responds to requests for every interface associated with the hostname. If a single IP interface (either IPv4 or IPv6) is given as the nsslapd-listenhost value, Directory Server only responds to requests sent to that specific interface. Either an IPv4 or IPv6 address can be used. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any local hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 address Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-listenhost: NOTE On HP-UX the hostname value can be a relocatable IP address. nsslapd-localhost (Local Host) This attribute specifies the host machine on which the Directory Server runs. This attribute is used to create the referral URL that forms part of the MMR protocol. In a high-availability configuration with failover nodes, that referral should point to the virtual name of the cluster, not the local hostname. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any fully qualified hostname. Default Value Hostname of installed machine. Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-localhost: nsslapd-localuser (Local User) This attribute sets the user as whom the Directory Server runs. The group as which the user runs is derived from this attribute by examining the user's primary group. Should the user change, then all of the instance-specific files and directories for this instance need to be changed to be owned by the new user, using a tool such as chown. The value for the nsslapd-localuser is set initially when the server instance is configured. 42 cn=config Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any valid user Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-localuser: nobody nsslapd-lockdir (Server Lock File Directory) This is the full path to the directory the server uses for lock files. The default value is /var/lock/ dirsrv/slapd-instance_name. Changes to this value will not take effect until the server is restarted. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Absolute path to a directory owned by the server user ID with write access to the server ID Default Value /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-lockdir: /var/lock/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name nsslapd-maxbersize (Maximum Message Size) Defines the maximum size in bytes allowed for an incoming message. This limits the size of LDAP requests that can be handled by the Directory Server. Limiting the size of requests prevents some kinds of denial of service attacks. The limit applies to the total size of the LDAP request. For example, if the request is to add an entry and if the entry in the request is larger than two megabytes, then the add request is denied. Be cautious before changing this attribute. The server should be restarted for changes in this attribute to take effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 - 2 gigabytes (2,147,483,647 bytes) Zero 0 means that the default value should be used. Default Value 2097152 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-maxbersize: 2097152 43 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsslapd-maxdescriptors (Maximum File Descriptors) This attribute sets the maximum, platform-dependent number of file descriptors that the Directory Server tries to use. A file descriptor is used whenever a client connects to the server and also for some server activities, such as index maintenance. File descriptors are also used by access logs, error logs, audit logs, database files (indexes and transaction logs), and as sockets for outgoing connections to other servers for replication and chaining. The number of descriptors available for TCP/IP to serve client connections is determined by nsslapd-conntablesize, and is equal to the nsslapd-maxdescriptors attribute minus the number of file descriptors used by the server as specified in the nsslapd-reservedescriptors attribute for non-client connections, such as index management and managing replication. The nsslapd-reservedescriptors attribute is the number of file descriptors available for other uses as described above. See Section, “nsslapd-reservedescriptors (Reserved File Descriptors)”. The number given here should not be greater than the total number of file descriptors that the operating system allows the ns-slapd process to use. This number differs depending on the operating system. If this value is set too high, the Directory Server queries the operating system for the maximum allowable value, and then use that value. It also issues a warning in the error log. If this value is set to an invalid value remotely, by using the Directory Server Console or ldapmodify, the server rejects the new value, keep the old value, and respond with an error. Some operating systems let users configure the number of file descriptors available to a process. See the operating system documentation for details on file descriptor limits and configuration. The dsktune program (explained in the Directory Server Installation Guide) can be used to suggest changes to the system kernel or TCP/IP tuning attributes, including increasing the number of file descriptors if necessary. Increased the value on this attribute if the Directory Server is refusing connections because it is out of file descriptors. When this occurs, the following message is written to the Directory Server's error log file: Not listening for new connections -- too many fds open See Section, “nsslapd-conntablesize” for more information about increasing the number of incoming connections. NOTE UNIX shells usually have configurable limits on the number of file descriptors. See the operating system documentation for further information about limit and ulimit, as these limits can often cause problems. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to 65535 Default Value 1024 Syntax Integer 44 cn=config Parameter Description Example nsslapd-maxdescriptors: 1024 nsslapd-maxsasliosize (Maximum SASL Packet Size) When a user is authenticated to the Directory Server over SASL GSS-API, the server must allocate a certain amount of memory to the client to perform LDAP operations, according to how much memory the client requests. It is possible for an attacker to send such a large packet size that it crashes the Directory Server or ties it up indefinitely as part of a denial of service attack. The packet size which the Directory Server will allow for SASL clients can be limited using the nsslapd-maxsasliosize attribute. This attribute sets the maximum allowed SASL IO packet size that the server will accept. When an incoming SASL IO packet is larger than the nsslapd-maxsasliosize limit, the server immediately disconnects the client and logs a message to the error log, so that an administrator can adjust the setting if necessary. This attribute value is specified in bytes. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 (unlimited) to the maximum 32-bit integer value (2147483647) on 32-bit systems -1 (unlimited) to the maximum 64-bit integer value (9223372036854775807) on 64-bit systems Default Value 2000000 (2MB) Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-maxsasliosize: 5000000 nsslapd-maxthreadsperconn (Maximum Threads per Connection) Defines the maximum number of threads that a connection should use. For normal operations where a client binds and only performs one or two operations before unbinding, use the default value. For situations where a client binds and simultaneously issues many requests, increase this value to allow each connection enough resources to perform all the operations. This attribute is not available from the server console. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to maximum threadnumber Default Value 5 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-maxthreadsperconn: 5 45 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsslapd-nagle When the value of this attribute is off, the TCP_NODELAY option is set so that LDAP responses (such as entries or result messages) are sent back to a client immediately. When the attribute is turned on, default TCP behavior applies; specifically, sending data is delayed so that additional data can be grouped into one packet of the underlying network MTU size, typically 1500 bytes for Ethernet. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-nagle: off nsslapd-outbound-ldap-io-timeout This attribute limits the I/O wait time for all outbound LDAP connections. The default is 300000 milliseconds (5 minutes). A value of 0 means that the server does not impose a limit on I/O wait time. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to the maximum 32-bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value 300000 Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-outbound-ldap-io-timeout: 300000 nsslapd-plug-in This read-only attribute lists the DNs of the plug-in entries for the syntax and matching rule plug-ins loaded by the server. nsslapd-port (Port Number) This attribute gives the TCP/IP port number used for standard LDAP communications. To run SSL/TLS over this port, use the Start TLS extended operation. This selected port must be unique on the host system; make sure no other application is attempting to use the same port number. Specifying a port number of less than 1024 means the Directory Server has to be started as root. The server sets its uid to the nsslapd-localuser value after startup. When changing the port number for a configuration directory, the corresponding server instance entry in the configuration directory must be updated. The server has to be restarted for the port number change to be taken into account. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to 65535 46 cn=config Parameter Description Default Value 389 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-port: 389 NOTE Set the port number to zero (0) to disable the LDAP port if the LDAPS port is enabled. nsslapd-privatenamespaces This read-only attribute contains the list of the private naming contexts cn=config, cn=schema, and cn=monitor. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values cn=config, cn=schema, and cn=monitor Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-privatenamespaces: cn=config nsslapd-pwpolicy-local (Enable Subtree- and User-Level Password Policy) Turns fine-grained (subtree- and user-level) password policy on and off. If this attribute has a value of off, all entries (except for cn=Directory Manager) in the directory is subjected to the global password policy; the server ignores any defined subtree/user level password policy. If this attribute has a value of on, the server checks for password policies at the subtree- and userlevel and enforce those policies. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-pwpolicy-local: off nsslapd-readonly (Read Only) This attribute sets whether the whole server is in read-only mode, meaning that neither data in the databases nor configuration information can be modified. Any attempt to modify a database in readonly mode returns an error indicating that the server is unwilling to perform the operation. 47 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-readonly: off nsslapd-referral (Referral) This multi-valued attribute specifies the LDAP URLs to be returned by the suffix when the server receives a request for an entry not belonging to the local tree; that is, an entry whose suffix does not match the value specified on any of the suffix attributes. For example, assume the server contains only entries: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com but the request is for this entry: ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com In this case, the referral would be passed back to the client in an attempt to allow the LDAP client to locate a server that contains the requested entry. Although only one referral is allowed per Directory Server instance, this referral can have multiple values. NOTE To use SSL and TLS communications, the referral attribute should be in the form ldaps://server-location. Start TLS does not support referrals. For more information on managing referrals, see the "Configuring Directory Databases" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any valid LDAP URL in the form ldap://serverlocation Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-referral: ldap:// nsslapd-referralmode (Referral Mode) When set, this attribute sends back the referral for any request on any suffix. 48 cn=config Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any valid LDAP URL in the form >ldap://server-location Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-referralmode: ldap:// nsslapd-reservedescriptors (Reserved File Descriptors) This attribute specifies the number of file descriptors that Directory Server reserves for managing non-client connections, such as index management and managing replication. The number of file descriptors that the server reserves for this purpose subtracts from the total number of file descriptors available for servicing LDAP client connections (See Section, “nsslapd-maxdescriptors (Maximum File Descriptors)”). Most installations of Directory Server should never need to change this attribute. However, consider increasing the value on this attribute if all of the following are true: • The server is replicating to a large number of consumer servers (more than 10), and/or the server is maintaining a large number of index files (more than 30). • The server is servicing a large number of LDAP connections. • There are error messages reporting that the server is unable to open file descriptors (the actual error message differs depending on the operation that the server is attempting to perform), but these error messages are not related to managing client LDAP connections. Increasing the value on this attribute may result in more LDAP clients being unable to access the directory. Therefore, the value on this attribute is increased, also increase the value on the nsslapdmaxdescriptors attribute. It may not be possible to increase the nsslapd-maxdescriptors value if the server is already using the maximum number of file descriptors that the operating system allows a process to use; see the operating system documentation for details. If this is the case, then reduce the load on the server by causing LDAP clients to search alternative directory replicas. See Section, “nsslapd-conntablesize” for information about file descriptor usage for incoming connections. To assist in computing the number of file descriptors set for this attribute, use the following formula: nsslapd-reservedescriptor = 20 + (NldbmBackends * 4) + NglobalIndex + ReplicationDescriptor + ChainingBackendDescriptors + PTADescriptors + SSLDescriptors • NldbmBackends is the number of ldbm databases. • NglobalIndex is the total number of configured indexes for all databases including system indexes. (By default 8 system indexes and 17 additional indexes per database). • ReplicationDescriptor is eight (8) plus the number of replicas in the server that can act as a supplier or hub (NSupplierReplica). 49 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference • ChainingBackendDescriptors is NchainingBackend times the nsOperationConnectionsLimit (a chaining or database link configuration attribute; 10 by default). • PTADescriptors is 3 if PTA is configured and 0 if PTA is not configured. • SSLDescriptors is 5 (4 files + 1 listensocket) if SSL is configured and 0 if SSL is not configured. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to 65535 Default Value 64 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-reservedescriptors: 64 nsslapd-return-exact-case (Return Exact Case) Returns the exact case of attribute type names as requested by the client. Although LDAPv3compliant clients must ignore the case of attribute names, some client applications require attribute names to match exactly the case of the attribute as it is listed in the schema when the attribute is returned by the Directory Server as the result of a search or modify operation. However, most client applications ignore the case of attributes; therefore, by default, this attribute is disabled. Do not modify it unless there are legacy clients that can check the case of attribute names in results returned from the server. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-return-exact-case: off nsslapd-rewrite-rfc1274 This attribute is deprecated and will be removed in a later version. This attribute is used only for LDAPv2 clients that require attribute types to be returned with their RFC 1274 names. Set the value to on for those clients. The default is off. nsslapd-rootdn (Manager DN) This attribute sets the distinguished name (DN) of an entry that is not subject to access control restrictions, administrative limit restrictions for operations on the directory, or resource limits in general. There does not have to be an entry corresponding to this DN, and by default there is not an entry for this DN, thus values like cn=Directory Manager are acceptable. 50 cn=config For information on changing the root DN, see the "Creating Directory Entries" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any valid distinguished name Default Value Syntax DN Example nsslapd-rootdn: cn=Directory Manager nsslapd-rootpw (Root Password) This attribute sets the password associated with the Manager DN. When the root password is provided, it is encrypted according to the encryption method selected for the nsslapdrootpwstoragescheme attribute. When viewed from the server console, this attribute shows the value *****. When viewed from the dse.ldif file, this attribute shows the encryption method followed by the encrypted string of the password. The example shows the password as displayed in the dse.ldif file, not the actual password. WARNING When the root DN is configured at server setup, a root password is required. However, it is possible for the root password to be deleted from dse.ldif by directly editing the file. In this situation, the root DN can only obtain the same access to the directory is allowed for anonymous access. Always make sure that a root password is defined in dse.ldif when a root DN is configured for the database. The pwdhash command-line utility can create a new root password. For more information, see Section 7.3.12, “pwdhash (Prints Encrypted Passwords)”. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any valid password encrypted by any one of the encryption methods which are described in Section, “passwordStorageScheme (Password Storage Scheme)”. Default Value Syntax DirectoryString {encryption_method }encrypted_Password Example nsslapd-rootpw: {SSHA}9Eko69APCJfF nsslapd-rootpwstoragescheme (Root Password Storage Scheme) This attribute sets the encryption method used for the root password. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config 51 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Valid Values Any encryption method as described in Section, “passwordStorageScheme (Password Storage Scheme)”. Default Value SSHA Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-rootpwstoragescheme: SSHA nsslapd-saslpath Sets the absolute path to the directory containing the Cyrus-SASL SASL2 plug-ins. On HP-UX systems, the Directory Server cannot use the system SASL libraries because they are either not provided or are not the correct version. Setting this attribute allows the server to use custom or nonstandard SASL plug-in libraries. This is usually set correctly during installation, and Red Hat strongly recommends not changing this attribute. If the attribute is not present or the value is empty, this means the Directory Server is using the system provided SASL plug-in libraries which are the correct version. If this parameter is set, the server uses the specified path for loading SASL plugins. If this parameter is not set, the server uses the SASL_PATH environment variable. If neither nsslapd-saslpath or SASL_PATH are set, the server attempts to load SASL plugins from the default location, /usr/lib/ sasl2. Changes made to this attribute will not take effect until the server is restarted. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Path to plugins directory. Default Value Platform dependent Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-saslpath: /usr/lib/sasl2 nsslapd-schema-ignore-trailing-spaces (Ignore Trailing Spaces in Object Class Names) Ignores trailing spaces in object class names. By default, the attribute is turned off. If the directory contains entries with object class values that end in one or more spaces, turn this attribute on. It is preferable to remove the trailing spaces because the LDAP standards do not allow them. For performance reasons, server restart is required for changes to take effect. An error is returned by default when object classes that include trailing spaces are added to an entry. Additionally, during operations such as add, modify, and import (when object classes are expanded and missing superiors are added) trailing spaces are ignored, if appropriate. This means that even when nsslapd-schema-ignore-trailing-spaces is on, a value such as top is not added if top is already there. An error message is logged and returned to the client if an object class is not found and it contains trailing spaces. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config 52 cn=config Parameter Description Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-schema-ignore-trailing-spaces: on nsslapd-schemacheck (Schema Checking) This attribute sets whether the database schema is enforced when entries are added or modified. When this attribute has a value of on, Directory Server will not check the schema of existing entries until they are modified. The database schema defines the type of information allowed in the database. The default schema can be extended using the object classes and attribute types. For information on how to extend the schema using the Directory Server Console, see the "Extending the Directory Schema" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. WARNING Red Hat strongly discourages turning off schema checking. This can lead to severe interoperability problems. This is typically used for very old or non-standard LDAP data that must be imported into the Directory Server. If there are not a lot of entries that have this problem, consider using the extensibleObject object class in those entries to disable schema checking on a per entry basis. NOTE Schema checking works by default when database modifications are made using an LDAP client, such as ldapmodify or when importing a database from LDIF using ldif2db. If schema checking is turned off, every entry has to be verified manually to see that they conform to the schema. If schema checking is turned on, the server sends an error message listing the entries which do not match the schema. Ensure that the attributes and object classes created in the LDIF statements are both spelled correctly and identified in dse.ldif. Either create an LDIF file in the schema directory or add the elements to 99user.ldif. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-schemacheck: on nsslapd-schemadir This is the absolute path to the directory containing the Directory Server instance-specific schema files. When the server starts up, it reads the schema files from this directory, and when the schema is modified through LDAP tools, the schema files in this directory are updated. This directory must 53 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference be owned by the server user ID, and that user must have read and write permissions to the directory. The default value is the schema subdirectory of the Directory Server instance-specific configuration directory, /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/schema. Changes made to this attribute will not take effect until the server is restarted. nsslapd-schemareplace Determines whether modify operations that replace attribute values are allowed on the cn=schema entry. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off | replication-only Default Value replication-only Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-schemareplace: replication-only nsslapd-securelistenhost This attribute allows multiple Directory Server instances to run on a multihomed machine (or makes it possible to limit listening to one interface of a multihomed machine). There can be multiple IP addresses associated with a single hostname, and these IP addresses can be a mix of both IPv4 and IPv6. This parameter can be used to restrict the Directory Server instance to a single IP interface; this parameter also specifically sets what interface to use for SSL/TLS traffic rather than regular LDAP connections. If a hostname is given as the nsslapd-securelistenhost value, then the Directory Server responds to requests for every interface associated with the hostname. If a single IP interface (either IPv4 or IPv6) is given as the nsslapd-securelistenhost value, Directory Server only responds to requests sent to that specific interface. Either an IPv4 or IPv6 address can be used. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any secure hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 address Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-securelistenhost: nsslapd-securePort (Encrypted Port Number) This attribute sets the TCP/IP port number used for SSL/TLS communications. This selected port must be unique on the host system; make sure no other application is attempting to use the same port number. Specifying a port number of less than 1024 requires that Directory Server be started as root. The server sets its uid to the nsslapd-localuser value after startup. The server only listens to this port if it has been configured with a private key and a certificate, and nsslapd-security is set to on; otherwise, it does not listen on this port. 54 cn=config The server has to be restarted for the port number change to be taken into account. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to 65535 Default Value 636 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-securePort: 636 nsslapd-security (Security) This attribute sets whether the Directory Server is to accept SSL/TLS communications on its encrypted port. This attribute should be set to on for secure connections. To run with security on, the server must be configured with a private key and server certificate in addition to the other SSL/TLS configuration. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-security: off nsslapd-sizelimit (Size Limit) This attribute sets the maximum number of entries to return from a search operation. If this limit is reached, ns-slapd returns any entries it has located that match the search request, as well as an exceeded size limit error. When no limit is set, ns-slapd returns every matching entry to the client regardless of the number found. To set a no limit value whereby the Directory Server waits indefinitely for the search to complete, specify a value of -1 for this attribute in the dse.ldif file. This limit applies to everyone, regardless of their organization. NOTE A value of -1 on this attribute in dse.ldif file is the same as leaving the attribute blank in the server console, in that it causes no limit to be used. This cannot have a null value in dse.ldif file, as it is not a valid integer. It is possible to set it to 0, which returns size limit exceeded for every search. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value 2000 Syntax Integer 55 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Example nsslapd-sizelimit: 2000 nsslapd-ssl-check-hostname (Verify Hostname for Outbound Connections) This attribute sets whether an SSL-enabled Directory Server should verify authenticity of a request by matching the hostname against the value assigned to the common name (cn) attribute of the subject name (subjectDN field) in the certificate being presented. By default, the attribute is set to on. If it is on and if the hostname does not match the cn attribute of the certificate, appropriate error and audit messages are logged. For example, in a replicated environment, messages similar to the following are logged in the supplier server's log files if it finds that the peer server's hostname does not match the name specified in its certificate: [DATE] - SSL alert: ldap_sasl_bind("",LDAP_SASL_EXTERNAL) 81 (Netscape runtime error -12276 Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does not match the server's certificate.) [DATE] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=SSL Replication Agreement to host1" ( Replication bind with SSL client authentication failed: LDAP error 81 (Can't contact LDAP server) Red Hat recommends turning this attribute on to protect Directory Server's outbound SSL connections against a man in the middle (MITM) attack. NOTE> DNS and reverse DNS must be set up correctly in order for this to work; otherwise, the server cannot resolve the peer IP address to the hostname in the subject DN in the certificate. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-ssl-check-hostname: on nsslapd-threadnumber (Thread Number) Defines the number of operation threads that the Directory Server creates at startup. The nsslapdthreadnumber value should be increased if there are many directory clients performing timeconsuming operations such as add or modify, as this ensures that there are other threads available for servicing short-lived operations such as simple searches. This value may also need increased if there are many replication agreements or chained backends (database links). This attribute is not available from the server console. 56 cn=config Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to the maximum number of threads supported by the system Default Value 30 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-threadnumber: 60 nsslapd-timelimit (Time Limit) This attribute sets the maximum number of seconds allocated for a search request. If this limit is reached, Directory Server returns any entries it has located that match the search request, as well as an exceeded time limit error. When no limit is set, ns-slapd returns every matching entry to the client regardless of the time it takes. To set a no limit value whereby Directory Server waits indefinitely for the search to complete, specify a value of -1 for this attribute in the dse.ldif file. A value of zero (0) causes no time to be allowed for searches. The smallest time limit is 1 second. NOTE A value of -1 on this attribute in thedse.ldif is the same as leaving the attribute blank in the server console in that it causes no limit to be used. However, a negative integer cannot be set in this field in the server console, and a null value cannot be used in the dse.ldif entry, as it is not a valid integer. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range -1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) in seconds Default Value 3600 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-timelimit: 3600 nsslapd-tmpdir This is the absolute path of the directory the server uses for temporary files. The directory must be owned by the server user ID and the user must have read and write access. No other user ID should have read or write access to the directory. The default value is /tmp. Changes made to this attribute will not take effect until the server is restarted. nsslapd-versionstring This attribute sets the server version number. The build data is automatically appended when the version string is displayed. 57 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any valid server version number. Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-versionstring: Red Hat-Directory/8.1 nsslapd-workingdir This is the absolute path of the directory that the server uses as its current working directory after startup. This is the value that the server would return as the value of the getcwd() function, and the value that the system process table shows as its current working directory. This is the directory a core file is generated in. The server user ID must have read and write access to the directory, and no other user ID should have read or write access to it. The default value for this attribute is the same directory containing the error log, which is usually /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name. Changes made to this attribute will not take effect until the server is restarted. nsSSLclientauth (Client Authentication) This attribute sets whether client authentication (also called certificate-based authentication) is allowed to the Directory Server. If this attribute is set to required, then the Console cannot be set to require SSL because certificate-based authentication is not supported in the Console. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values off | allowed | required Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsSSLclientauth: allowed passwordAllowChangeTime This attribute specifies the length of time that must pass before the user is allowed to change his password. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any integer Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example passwordAllowChangeTime: 5h 58 cn=config passwordChange (Password Change) Indicates whether users may change their passwords. This can be abbreviated to pwdAllowUserChange. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example passwordChange: on passwordCheckSyntax (Check Password Syntax) This attribute sets whether the password syntax is checked before the password is saved. The password syntax checking mechanism checks that the password meets or exceeds the password minimum length requirement and that the string does not contain any trivial words, such as the user's name or user ID or any attribute value stored in the uid, cn, sn, givenname, ou, or mail attributes of the user's directory entry. Password syntax includes several different categories for checking: • Minimum number of digit characters (0-9) • Minimum number of ASCII alphabetic characters, both upper- and lower-case • Minimum number of uppercase ASCII alphabetic characters • Minimum number of lowercase ASCII alphabetic characters • Minimum number of special ASCII characters, such as !@#$ • Minimum number of 8-bit characters • Maximum number of times that the same character can be immediately repeated, such as aaabbb • Minimum number of character categories required per password; a category can be upper- or lowercase letters, special characters, digits, or 8-bit characters This can be abbreviated to pwdCheckSyntax. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off 59 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Syntax DirectoryString Example passwordCheckSyntax off passwordExp (Password Expiration) Indicates whether user passwords expire after a given number of seconds. By default, user passwords do not expire. Once password expiration is enabled, set the number of seconds after which the password expires using the passwordMaxAge attribute. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example passwordExp: on passwordExpirationTime This attribute specifies the length of time that passes before the user’s password expires. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values Any date, in integers Default Value none Syntax GeneralizedTime Example passwordExpirationTime: 200909011953 passwordExpWarned This attribute is used to indicate that a password expiration warning has been sent to the user. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value none Syntax DirectoryString Example passwordExpWarned: true passwordGraceLimit (Password Expiration) This attribute is only applicable if password expiration is enabled. After the user's password has expired, the server allows the user to connect for the purpose of changing the password. This is called 60 cn=config a grace login. The server allows only a certain number of attempts before completely locking out the user. This attribute is the number of grace logins allowed. A value of 0 means the server does not allow grace logins. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values 0 (off) to any reasonable integer Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example passwordGraceLimit: 3 passwordGraceUserTime This attribute counts the number of attempts the user has made with the expired password. This is an operational attribute, meaning its value is managed by the server and the attribute is not returned in default searches. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values none to any reasonable integer Default Value none Syntax Integer Example passwordGraceUserTime: 1 passwordHistory (Password History) Enables password history. Password history refers to whether users are allowed to reuse passwords. By default, password history is disabled, and users can reuse passwords. If this attribute is set to on, the directory stores a given number of old passwords and prevents users from reusing any of the stored passwords. Set the number of old passwords the Directory Server stores using the passwordInHistory attribute. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example passwordHistory: on passwordInHistory (Number of Passwords to Remember) Indicates the number of passwords the Directory Server stores in history. Passwords that are stored in history cannot be reused by users. By default, the password history feature is disabled, meaning that 61 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference the Directory Server does not store any old passwords, and so users can reuse passwords. Enable password history using the passwordHistory attribute. To prevent users from rapidly cycling through the number of passwords that are tracked, use the passwordMinAge attribute. This can be abbreviated to pwdInHistory. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 2 to 24 passwords Default Value 6 Syntax Integer Example passwordInHistory: 7 passwordIsGlobalPolicy (Password Policy and Replication) This attribute controls whether password policy attributes are replicated. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example passwordIsGlobalPolicy: off passwordKeepHistory This attribute sets whether a password history is maintained for users. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values 0 (no history) or 1 (keep history) Default Value 0 Syntax DirectoryString Example passwordKeepHistory: 1 passwordLockout (Account Lockout) Indicates whether users are locked out of the directory after a given number of failed bind attempts. By default, users are not locked out of the directory after a series of failed bind attempts. If account lockout is enabled, set the number of failed bind attempts after which the user is locked out using the passwordMaxFailure attribute. 62 cn=config This can be abbreviated to pwdLockOut. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example passwordLockout: off passwordLockoutDuration (Lockout Duration) Indicates the amount of time in seconds during which users are locked out of the directory after an account lockout. The account lockout feature protects against hackers who try to break into the directory by repeatedly trying to guess a user's password. Enable and disable the account lockout feature using the passwordLockout attribute. This can be abbreviated to pwdLockoutDuration. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) in seconds Default Value 3600 Syntax Integer Example passwordLockoutDuration: 3600 passwordMaxAge (Password Maximum Age) Indicates the number of seconds after which user passwords expire. To use this attribute, password expiration has to be enabled using the passwordExp attribute. This can be abbreviated to pwdMaxAge. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) in seconds Default Value 8640000 (100 days) Syntax Integer 63 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Example passwordMaxAge: 100 passwordMaxFailure (Maximum Password Failures) Indicates the number of failed bind attempts after which a user is locked out of the directory. By default, account lockout is disabled. Enable account lockout by modifying the passwordLockout attribute. This can be abbreviated to pwdMaxFailure. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to maximum integer bind failures Default Value 3 Syntax Integer Example passwordMaxFailure: 3 passwordMaxRepeats (Password Syntax) Maximum number of times the same character can appear sequentially in the password. Zero (0) is off. Integer values reject any password which used a character more than that number of times; for example, 1 rejects characters that are used more than once (aa) and 2 rejects characters used more than twice (aaa). Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to 64 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example passwordMaxRepeats: 1 passwordMin8Bit (Password Syntax) This sets the minimum number of 8-bit characters the password must contain. NOTE The 7-bit checking for userPassword must be disabled to use this. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to 64 64 cn=config Parameter Description Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example passwordMin8Bit: 0 passwordMinAge (Password Minimum Age) Indicates the number of seconds that must pass before a user can change their password. Use this attribute in conjunction with the passwordInHistory (number of passwords to remember) attribute to prevent users from quickly cycling through passwords so that they can use their old password again. A value of zero (0) means that the user can change the password immediately. This can be abbreviated to pwdMaxFailure. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to valid maximum integer Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example passwordMinAge: 150 passwordMinAlphas (Password Syntax) This attribute sets the minimum number of alphabetic characters password must contain. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to 64 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example passwordMinAlphas: 4 passwordMinCategories (Password Syntax) This sets the minimum number of character categories that are represented in the password. The categories are lower, upper, digit, special, and 8-bit. For example, if the value of this attribute were set to 2, and the user tried to change the password to aaaaa, the server would reject the password because it contains only lower case characters, and therefore contains characters from only one category. A password of aAaAaA would pass because it contains characters from two categories, uppercase and lowercase. The default is 3, which means that if password syntax checking is enabled, valid passwords have to have three categories of characters. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config 65 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Valid Range 0 to 5 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example passwordMinCategories: 2 PasswordMinDigits (Password Syntax) This sets the minimum number of digits a password must contain. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to 64 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example passwordMinDigits: 3 passwordMinLength (Password Minimum Length) This attribute specifies the minimum number of characters that must be used in Directory Server user password attributes. In general, shorter passwords are easier to crack. Directory Server enforces a minimum password of eight characters. This is long enough to be difficult to crack but short enough that users can remember the password without writing it down. This can be abbreviated to pwdMinLength. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 2 to 512 characters Default Value 6 Syntax Integer Example passwordMinLength: 6 PasswordMinLowers (Password Syntax) This attribute sets the minimum number of lower case letters password must contain. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to 64 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer 66 cn=config Parameter Description Example passwordMinLowers: 1 PasswordMinSpecials (Password Syntax) This attribute sets the minimum number of special, or not alphanumeric, characters a password must contain. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to 64 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example passwordMinSpecials: 1 PasswordMinTokenLength (Password Syntax) This attribute sets the smallest attribute value length that is used for trivial words checking. For example, if the PasswordMinTokenLength is set to 3, then a givenname of DJ does not result in a policy that rejects DJ from being in the password, but the policy rejects a password containing the givenname of Bob. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to 64 Default Value 3 Syntax Integer Example passwordMinTokenLength: 3 PasswordMinUppers (Password Syntax) This sets the minimum number of uppercase letters password must contain. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to 64 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example passwordMinUppers: 2 passwordMustChange (Password Must Change) Indicates whether users must change their passwords when they first bind to the Directory Server or when the password has been reset by the Manager DN. This can be abbreviated to pwdMustChange. 67 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example passwordMustChange: off passwordResetDuration This attribute sets the amount of time that must pass after login failures before the server resets the password retry count to zero. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) in seconds Default Value 600 Syntax Integer Example passwordResetDuration: 600 passwordResetFailureCount (Reset Password Failure Count After) Indicates the amount of time in seconds after which the password failure counter resets. Each time an invalid password is sent from the user's account, the password failure counter is incremented. If the passwordLockout attribute is set to on, users are locked out of the directory when the counter reaches the number of failures specified by the passwordMaxFailure attribute (within 600 seconds by default). After the amount of time specified by the passwordLockoutDuration attribute, the failure counter is reset to zero (0). This can be abbreviated to pwdFailureCountInterval. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) in seconds Default Value 600 Syntax Integer 68 cn=config Parameter Description Example passwordResetFailureCount: 600 passwordRetryCount This attribute counts the number of consecutive failed attempts at entering the correct password. This is an operational attribute, meaning its value is managed by the server and the attribute is not returned in default searches. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 0 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example passwordRetryCount: 3 passwordStorageScheme (Password Storage Scheme) This attribute sets the type of encryption used to store Directory Server passwords. The following encryption types are supported by the Directory Server: • CLEAR means the password is stored in cleartext, with no hashing or encryption. This scheme must be used in order to use SASL DIGEST-MD5. • SSHA (Salted Secure Hash Algorithm), the default, is the recommended method because it is the most secure. There are several bit sizes available: 140 bits (the default), 256, 384, and 512. • SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) is included only for backward compatibility with 4.x Directory Servers; do not use this algorithm. • MD5 (Message Digest algorithm 5) is a commonly used standard hashing algorithm. • CRYPT, the UNIX crypt algorithm, is provided for compatibility with UNIX passwords. NOTE Passwords cannot be encrypted using the NS-MTA-MD5 password storage scheme. The storage scheme is still present but only for reasons of backward compatibility. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. passwordUnlock (Unlock Account) Indicates whether users are locked out of the directory for a specified amount of time or until the administrator resets the password after an account lockout. The account lockout feature protects 69 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference against hackers who try to break into the directory by repeatedly trying to guess a user's password. If this passwordUnlock attribute is set to off and the operational attribute accountUnlockTime has a value of 0, then the account is locked indefinitely. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example passwordUnlock: off passwordWarning (Send Warning) Indicates the number of seconds before a user's password is due to expire that the user receives a password expiration warning control on their next LDAP operation. Depending on the LDAP client, the user may also be prompted to change their password at the time the warning is sent. This can be abbreviated to pwdExpireWarning. For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) in seconds Default Value 86400 (1 day) Syntax Integer Example passwordWarning: 86400 retryCountResetTime This attribute specifies the length of time that passes before the passwordRetryCount attribute is reset. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config Valid Range 1 to any reasonable integer Default Value none Syntax Integer Example retryCountResetTime: 15 70 cn=changelog5 2.3.2. cn=changelog5 Multi-master replication changelog configuration entries are stored under the cn=changelog5 entry. The changelog behaves much like a database, and it has many of attributes also used by the ldbm databases. The primary cache-related memory attribute, nsslapd-cachememsize, has a default value of 10485760 bytes, which is 10 MB. This parameter is tuned for a single backend replicated to a single consumer. When more backends are replicated or when one backend is replicated to more than one consumer, tune the nsslapd-cachememsize so that its value is 5000000 times the number of replication agreements initiated from the server (5000000 * no_of_repl_agreements). The relationship between the values assigned to the nsslapd-dbcachesize and nsslapdcachememsize parameters should be the same as the relationship that is described in the database tuning section. The cn=changelog5,cn=config entry is an instance of the extensibleObject object class. NOTE Two different types of changelogs are maintained by Directory Server. The first type, which is stored here and referred to as the changelog, is used by multimaster replication; the second changelog, which is actually a plug-in and referred to as the retro changelog, is for compatibility with some legacy applications. See Section 3.1.29, “Retro Changelog Plug-in” for further information about the Retro Changelog Plug-in. nsslapd-changelogdir This required attribute specifies the name of the directory in which the changelog database is created. Whenever a changelog configuration entry is created, it must contain a valid directory; otherwise, the operation is rejected. The GUI proposes by default that this database be stored in /var/lib/ dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/changelogdb. WARNING If the cn=changelog5 entry is removed, the directory specified in the nsslapdchangelogdir parameter, including any subdirectories, are removed, with all of their contents. NOTE For performance reasons, store this database on a different physical disk. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=changelog5,cn=config 71 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Valid Values Any valid path to the directory storing the changelog Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-changelogdir: /var/lib/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/changelogdb nsslapd-changelogmaxage (Max Changelog Age) This attribute sets the maximum age of any entry in the changelog. The changelog contains a record for each directory modification and is used when synchronizing consumer servers. Each record contains a timestamp. Any record with a timestamp that is older than the value specified in this attribute is removed. If this attribute is absent, there is no age limit on changelog records. For information on the changelog, see Section, “nsslapd-changelogdir”. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=changelog5,cn=config Valid Range 0 (meaning that entries are not removed according to their age) to maximum 32-bit integer (2147483647) Default Value 0 Syntax DirectoryString IntegerAgeID where AgeID is s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days, and w for weeks Example nsslapd-changelogmaxage: 30d nsslapd-changelogmaxentries (Max Changelog Records) This attribute sets the maximum number of records the changelog may contain. If this attribute is absent, there is no maximum number of records the changelog can contain. For information on the changelog, see Section, “nsslapd-changelogdir”. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=changelog5,cn=config Valid Range 0 (meaning that the only maximum limit is the disk size) to maximum 32-bit integer (2147483647) Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-changelogmaxentries: 5000 72 cn=changelog5 changes This attribute contains the changes made to the entry for add and modify operations in LDIF format. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.8 Syntax Binary Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Changelog Internet Draft changeLog This attribute contains the distinguished name of the entry which contains the set of entries comprising the server’s changelog. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.35 Syntax DN Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Changelog Internet Draft changeNumber This attribute is always present. It contains an integer which uniquely identifies each change made to a directory entry. This number is related to the order in which the change occurred. The higher the number, the later the change. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.5 Syntax Integer Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Changelog Internet Draft changeTime This attribute defines a time, in a YYMMDDHHMMSS format, when the entry was added. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.77 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server changeType This attribute specifies the type of LDAP operation, add, delete, modify, or modrdn. For example: changeType: modify OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.7 Syntax DirectoryString 73 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Changelog Internet Draft deleteOldRdn In the case of modrdn operations, this attribute specifies whether the old RDN was deleted. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.10 Syntax Boolean Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Changelog Internet Draft filterInfo This is used by the changelog for processing replication. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.206 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server newRdn In the case of modrdn operations, this attribute specifies the new RDN of the entry. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.9 Syntax DN Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Changelog Internet Draft newSuperior In the case of modrdn operations, this attribute specifies the newSuperior attribute of the entry. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.11 Syntax DN Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Changelog Internet Draft targetDn This attribute contains the DN of the entry that was affected by the LDAP operation. In the case of a modrdn operation, the targetDn attribute contains the DN of the entry before it was modified or moved. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.6 Syntax DN 74 cn=encryption Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Changelog Internet Draft 2.3.3. cn=encryption Encryption related attributes are stored under the cn=encryption,cn=config entry. The cn=encryption,cn=config entry is an instance of the nsslapdEncryptionConfig object class. nsSSLSessionTimeout This attribute sets the lifetime duration of a TLS/SSL. The minimum timeout value is 5 seconds. If a smaller value is set, then it is automatically replaced by 5 seconds. A value greater than the maximum value in the valid range below is replaced by the maximum value in the range. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=encryption, cn=config Valid Range 5 seconds to 24 hours Default Value 0, which means use the maximum value in the valid range above. Syntax Integer Example nsSSLSessionTimeout: 5 nsSSLclientauth This attribute sets how clients may use certificates to authenticate to the Directory Server for SSL connections. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=encryption, cn=config Valid Values off | allowed | required off means disallow certificate-based authentication allowed means clients may use certificates or other forms of authentication required means clients must use certificates for authentication Default Value allowed Syntax DirectoryString Example nsSSLclientauth: allowed nsSSL2 Supports SSL version 2. SSLv2 is deprecated, and Red Hat strongly discourages using it. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. 75 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Entry DN cn=encryption, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsSSL2: off nsSSL3 Supports SSL version 3. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=encryption, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example nsSSL3: on nsSSL3ciphers This multi-valued attribute specifies the set of encryption ciphers the Directory Server uses during SSL communications. For more information on the ciphers supported by the Directory Server, see the "Managing SSL" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=encryption, cn=config Valid Values For SSLv3: • rsa_null_md5 • rsa_rc4_128_md5 • rsa_rc4_40_md5 • rsa_rc2_40_md5 • rsa_des_sha • rsa_fips_des_sha • rsa_3des_sha • rsa_fips_3des_sha For TLS: • tls_rsa_export1024_with_rc4_56_sha 76 cn=features Parameter Description • tls_rsa_export1024_with_des_cbc_sha Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Use the plus (+) symbol to enable or minus (-) symbol to disable, followed by the ciphers. Blank spaces are not allowed in the list of ciphers. To enable all ciphers — except rsa_null_md5, which must be specifically called — specify +all. Example nsslapd-SSL3ciphers: +RSA_NULL_MD5, +RC4_56_SHA,-RC4_56_SHA For more information, see the "Managing SSL" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide 2.3.4. cn=features There are not attributes for the cn=features entry itself. This entry is only used as a parent container entry, with the nsContainer object class. The child entries contain an oid attribute to identify the feature and the directoryServerFeature object class, plus optional identifying information about the feature, such as specific ACLs. For example: dn: oid=2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9,cn=features,cn=config objectClass: top objectClass: directoryServerFeature oid: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9 cn: VLV Request Control aci: (targetattr != "aci")(version 3.0; acl "VLV Request Control"; allow( read, search, compare, proxy ) userdn = "ldap:///all";) creatorsName: cn=server,cn=plugins,cn=config modifiersName: cn=server,cn=plugins,cn=config createTimestamp: 20090129132357Z modifyTimestamp: 20090129132357Z oid The oid attribute contains an object identifier assigned to a directory service feature. oid is used as the naming attribute for these directory features. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.215 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server 77 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference 2.3.5. cn=mapping tree • Configuration attributes for suffixes, replication, and Windows synchronization are stored under cn=mapping tree,cn=config. Configuration attributes related to suffixes are found under the suffix subentry cn=suffix, cn=mapping tree,cn=config. For example, a suffix is the root entry in the directory tree, such as dc=example,dc=com. • Replication configuration attributes are stored under cn=replica, cn=suffix, cn=mapping tree,cn=config. • Replication agreement attributes are stored under cn=replicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffix,cn=mapping tree,cn=config. • Windows synchronization agreement attributes are stored under cn=syncAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffix,cn=mapping tree,cn=config. 2.3.6. Suffix Configuration Attributes under cn="suffixName" Suffix configuration attributes are stored under the cn=suffix entry. The cn=suffix entry is an instance of the nsMappingTree object class which inherits from the extensibleObject object class. For suffix configuration attributes to be taken into account by the server, these object classes (in addition to the top object class) must be present in the entry. The suffix DN should be quoted because the suffix DN contains characters such as equals signs (=), commas (,), and space characters that must be quoted or escaped to appear as a value in another DN. nsslapd-state Determines how the suffix handles operations. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=suffix, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values backend | disabled | referral | referral on update backend means the backend (database) is used to process all operations. disabled means the database is not available for processing operations. The server returns a "No such search object" error in response to requests made by client applications. referral means a referral is returned for requests made to this suffix. referral on update means the database is used for all operations except update requests, which receive a referral. Default Value backend Syntax DirectoryString 78 Replication Attributes under cn=replica, cn="suffixDN", cn=mapping tree, cn=config Parameter Description Example nsslapd-state: backend nsslapd-backend Gives the name of the database or database link used to process requests. This attribute can be multi-valued, with one database or database link per value. This attribute is required when the value of the nsslapd-state attribute is set to backend or referral on update. The value should be the name of the backend database entry instance under cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config. For example: o=NetscapeRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config Parameter Description Entry DN cn=suffix, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Any valid partition name Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-backend: userRoot 2.3.7. Replication Attributes under cn=replica, cn="suffixDN", cn=mapping tree, cn=config Replication configuration attributes are stored under cn=replica, cn=suffix, cn=mapping tree, cn=config. The cn=replica entry is an instance of the nsDS5Replica object class. For replication configuration attributes to be taken into account by the server, this object class (in addition to the top object class) must be present in the entry. For further information about replication, see the "Managing Replication" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. nsDS5Flags This attribute sets replica properties that were previously defined in flags. At present only one flag exists, which sets whether the log changes. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values 0|1 0 means no changes are logged 1 means changes are logged Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example nsDS5Flags: 0 79 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsds5DebugReplicaTimeout This attribute gives an alternate timeout period to use when the replication is run with debug logging. This can set only the time or both the time and the debug level: nsds5debugreplicatimeout: seconds[:debuglevel] Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Any numeric string Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsds5debugreplicatimeout: 60:8192 nsDS5ReplConflict Although this attribute is not in the cn=replica entry, it is used in conjunction with replication. This multi-valued attribute is included on entries that have a change conflict that cannot be resolved automatically by the synchronization process. To check for replication conflicts requiring administrator intervention, perform an LDAP search for (nsDS5ReplConflict=*). For example: ldapsearch -D cn=directory manager -w password -s sub -b dc=example,dc=com "(|(objectclass=nsTombstone)(nsDS5ReplConflict=*))" dn nsDS5ReplConflict nsUniqueID Using the search filter "(objectclass=nsTombstone)" also shows tombstone (deleted) entries. The value of the nsDS5ReplConflict contains more information about which entries are in conflict, usually by referring to them by their nsUniqueID. It is possible to search for a tombstone entry by its nsUniqueID. For example: ldapsearch -D cn=directory manager -w password -s sub -b dc=example,dc=com "(| (objectclass=nsTombstone)(nsUniqueID=66a2b699-1dd211b2-807fa9c3-a58714648))" nsDS5ReplicaAutoReferral This attribute sets whether the Directory Server follows configured referrals for the database. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5ReplicaAutoReferral: on nsDS5ReplicaBindDN This multi-valued attribute specifies the DN to use when binding. Although there can be more than one value in this cn=replica entry, there can only be one supplier bind DN per replication agreement. 80 Replication Attributes under cn=replica, cn="suffixDN", cn=mapping tree, cn=config Each value should be the DN of a local entry on the consumer server. If replication suppliers are using client certificate-based authentication to connect to the consumers, configure the certificate mapping on the consumer to map the subjectDN in the certificate to a local entry. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Any valid DN Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5ReplicaBindDN: cn=replication manager, cn=config nsDS5ReplicaChangeCount This read-only attribute shows the total number of entries in the changelog and whether they still remain to be replicated. When the changelog is purged, only the entries that are still to be replicated remain. See Section, “nsDS5ReplicaPurgeDelay” and Section, “nsDS5ReplicaTombstonePurgeInterval” for more information about purge operation properties. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Range -1 to maximum 32-bit integer (2147483647) Default Value Syntax Integer Example nsDS5ReplicaChangeCount: 675 nsDS5ReplicaId This attribute sets the unique ID for suppliers in a given replication environment. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Range 0 to 65534 Default Value Syntax Integer Example nsDS5ReplicaId: 1 nsDS5ReplicaLegacyConsumer If this attribute is absent or has a value of false, then it means that the replica is not a legacy consumer. 81 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value false Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5ReplicaLegacyConsumer: false nsDS5ReplicaName This attribute specifies the name of the replica with a unique identifier for internal operations. If it is not specified, this unique identifier is allocated by the server when the replica is created. NOTE It is recommended that the server be permitted to generate this name. However, in certain circumstances, for example, in replica role changes (master to hub etc.), this value needs to be specified. Otherwise, the server will not use the correct changelog database, and replication fails. This attribute is destined for internal use only. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Default Value Syntax DirectoryString (a UID identifies the replica) Example nsDS5ReplicaName: 66a2b699-1dd211b2-807fa9c3-a58714648 nsDS5ReplicaPurgeDelay This attribute controls the maximum age of deleted entries (tombstone entries) and state information. The Directory Server stores tombstone entries and state information so that when a conflict occurs in a multi-master replication process, the server resolves the conflicts based on the timestamp and replica ID stored in the change sequence numbers. An internal Directory Server housekeeping operation periodically removes tombstone entries which are older than the value of this attribute (in seconds). State information which is older than the nsDS5ReplicaPurgeDelay value is removed when an entry which contains the the state information is modified. Not every tombstone and state information may be removed because, with multi-master replication, the server may need to keep a small number of the latest updates to prime replication, even if they are older than the value of the attribute. 82 Replication Attributes under cn=replica, cn="suffixDN", cn=mapping tree, cn=config This attribute specifies the interval, in seconds, to perform internal purge operations on an entry. When setting this attribute, ensure that the purge delay is longer than the longest replication cycle in the replication policy to preserve enough information to resolve replication conflicts and to prevent the copies of data stored in different servers from diverging. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Range 0 (keep forever) to maximum 32-bit integer (2147483647) Default Value 604800 [1 week (60x60x24x7)] Syntax Integer Example nsDS5ReplicaPurgeDelay: 604800 nsDS5ReplicaReferral This multi-valued attribute specifies the user-defined referrals. This should only be defined on a consumer. User referrals are only returned when a client attempts to modify data on a read-only consumer. This optional referral overrides the referral that is automatically configured by the consumer by the replication protocol. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Any valid LDAP URL Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5ReplicaReferral: ldap:// nsDS5ReplicaRoot This attribute sets the DN at the root of a replicated area. This attribute must have the same value as the suffix of the database being replicated and cannot be modified. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Suffix of the database being replicated, which is the suffix DN Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5ReplicaRoot: "dc=example,dc=com" nsDS5ReplicaTombstonePurgeInterval This attribute specifies the time interval in seconds between purge operation cycles. 83 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Periodically, the server runs an internal housekeeping operation to purge old update and state information from the changelog and the main database. See Section, “nsDS5ReplicaPurgeDelay”. When setting this attribute, remember that the purge operation is time-consuming, especially if the server handles many delete operations from clients and suppliers. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Range 0 to maximum 32-bit integer (2147483647) in seconds Default Value 86400 (1 day) Syntax Integer Example nsDS5ReplicaTombstonePurgeInterval: 86400 nsDS5ReplicaType Defines the type of replication relationship that exists between this replica and the others. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values 0|1|2|3 0 means unknown 1 means primary (not yet used) 2 means consumer (read-only) 3 consumer/supplier (updatable) Default Value Syntax Integer Example nsDS5ReplicaType: 2 nsDS5ReplicaReapActive This read-only attribute specifies whether the background task that removes old tombstones (deleted entries) from the database is active. See Section, “nsDS5ReplicaTombstonePurgeInterval” for more information about this task. A value of 0 means that the task is inactive, and a value of 1 means that the task is active. The server ignores the modify request if this value is set manually. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=replica,cn="suffixDN”,cn=mapping tree,cn=config Valid Values 0|1 Default Value Syntax Integer Example nsDS5ReplicaReapActive: 0 84 Replication Attributes under cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config nsds5Task This attribute is used to launch a replication task, such as dumping the database contents to LDIF. This is used internally by the Directory Server supplier. nsState This attribute stores information on the state of the clock. It is designed only for internal use to ensure that the server cannot generate a change sequence number (csn) inferior to existing ones required for detecting backward clock errors. 2.3.8. Replication Attributes under cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config The replication attributes that concern the replication agreement are stored under cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config. The cn=ReplicationAgreementName entry is an instance of the nsDS5ReplicationAgreement object class. Replication agreements are configured only on supplier replicas. cn This attribute is used for naming. Once this attribute has been set, it cannot be modified. This attribute is required for setting up a replication agreement. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Any valid cn Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example cn: MasterAtoMasterB description Free form text description of the replication agreement. This attribute can be modified. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Any string Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example description: Replication Agreement between Server A and Server B. nsDS5ReplicaBindDN This attribute sets the DN to use when binding to the consumer during replication. The value of this attribute must be the same as the one in cn=replica on the consumer replica. This may be 85 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference empty if certificate-based authentication is used, in which case the DN used is the subject DN of the certificate, and the consumer must have appropriate client certificate mapping enabled. This can also be modified. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Any valid DN (can be empty if client certificates are used) Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5ReplicaBindDN: cn=replication manager, cn=config nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod This attribute sets the method for the server to use to bind to the consumer server. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values SIMPLE | SSLCLIENTAUTH The SIMPLE bind method requires a DN and password. Default Value SIMPLE Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod: SIMPLE nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime This attribute sets the amount of time in seconds a supplier should wait after a consumer sends back a busy response before making another attempt to acquire access. The default value is three (3) seconds. If the attribute is set to a negative value, Directory Server sends the client a message and an LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM error code. The nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime attribute works in conjunction with the nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime attribute. The two attributes are designed so that the nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime interval is always at least one second longer than the interval specified for nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime. The longer interval gives waiting suppliers a better chance to gain consumer access before the previous supplier can re-access the consumer. Set the nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime attribute at any time by using changetype:modify with the replace operation. The change takes effect for the next update session if one is already in progress. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config 86 Replication Attributes under cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config Parameter Description Valid Values Any valid integer Default Value 3 Syntax Integer Example nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime: 3 nsDS5ReplicaChangesSentSinceStartup This read-only attribute shows the number of changes sent to this replica since the server started. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Range 0 to maximum 32-bit integer (2147483647) Default Value Syntax Integer Example nsDS5ReplicaChangesSentSinceStartup: 647 nsDS5ReplicaCredentials This attribute sets the credentials for the bind DN (specified in the nsDS5ReplicaBindDN attribute) on the remote server containing the consumer replica. The value for this attribute can be modified. When certificate-based authentication is used, this attribute may not have a value. The example shows the dse.ldif entry, not the actual password. If this value over LDAP or using the Console, set it to the cleartext credentials, and let the server encrypt the value. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Any valid password, which is then encrypted using the DES reversible password encryption schema. Default Value Syntax DirectoryString {DES} encrypted_password Example nsDS5ReplicaCredentials:{DES} 9Eko69APCJfF08A0aD0C nsDS5ReplicaHost This attribute sets the hostname for the remote server containing the consumer replica. Once this attribute has been set, it cannot be modified. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config 87 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Valid Values Any valid host server name Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5ReplicaHost: nsDS5ReplicaLastInitEnd This optional, read-only attribute states when the initialization of the consumer replica ended. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ is the date/time in Generalized Time form at which the connection was opened. This value gives the time in relation to Greenwich Mean Time. The hours are set with a 24-hour clock. The Z at the end indicates that the time is relative to Greenwich Mean Time. Default Value Syntax GeneralizedTime Example nsDS5ReplicaLastInitEnd: 20090504121603Z nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStart This optional, read-only attribute states when the initialization of the consumer replica started. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ is the date/time in Generalized Time form at which the connection was opened. This value gives the time in relation to Greenwich Mean Time. The hours are set with a 24-hour clock. The Z at the end indicates that the time is relative to Greenwich Mean Time. Default Value Syntax GeneralizedTime Example nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStart: 20090503030405 nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStatus This optional, read-only attribute provides status for the initialization of the consumer. There is typically a numeric code followed by a short string explaining the status. Zero (0) means success. 88 Replication Attributes under cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values 0 (Consumer Initialization Succeeded), followed by any other status message. Default Value Syntax String Example nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStatus: 0 Total update succeeded nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateEnd This read-only attribute states when the most recent replication schedule update ended. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ is the date/time in Generalized Time form at which the connection was opened. This value gives the time in relation to Greenwich Mean Time. The hours are set with a 24-hour clock. The Z at the end indicates that the time is relative to Greenwich Mean Time. Default Value Syntax GeneralizedTime Example nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateEnd: 20090502175801Z nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStart This read-only attribute states when the most recent replication schedule update started. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ is the date/time in Generalized Time form at which the connection was opened. This value gives the time in relation to Greenwich Mean Time. The hours are set with a 24-hour clock. The Z at the end indicates that the time is relative to Greenwich Mean Time. Default Value Syntax GeneralizedTime Example nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStart: 20090504122055Z 89 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStatus This read-only attribute provides the status for the most recent replication schedule updates. The format is a numeric code followed by a short string. Zero (0) means success. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values 0 (no replication sessions started), followed by any other error or status message Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStatus: 0 replica acquired successfully nsDS5ReplicaPort This attribute sets the port number for the remote server containing the replica. Once this attribute has been set, it cannot be modified. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Port number for the remote server containing the replica Default Value Syntax Integer Example nsDS5ReplicaPort:389 nsDS5ReplicaReapActive This read-only attribute specifies whether the background task that removes old tombstones (deleted entries) from the database is active. See Section, “nsDS5ReplicaTombstonePurgeInterval” for more information about this task. A value of zero (0) means that the task is inactive, and a value of 1 means that the task is active. If this value is set manually, the server ignores the modify request. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values 0|1 Default Value Syntax Integer Example nsDS5ReplicaReapActive: 0 90 Replication Attributes under cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh Initializes the replica. This attribute is absent by default. However, if this attribute is added with a value of start, then the server initializes the replica and removes the attribute value. To monitor the status of the initialization procedure, poll for this attribute. When initialization is finished, the attribute is removed from the entry, and the other monitoring attributes can be used for detailed status inquiries. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values stop | start Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh: start nsDS5ReplicaRoot This attribute sets the DN at the root of a replicated area. This attribute must have the same value as the suffix of the database being replicated and cannot be modified. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Suffix of the database being replicated - same as suffixDN above Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5ReplicaRoot: "dc=example,dc=com" nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime This attribute sets the amount of time in seconds a supplier should wait between update sessions. The default value is 0. If the attribute is set to a negative value, Directory Server sends the client a message and an LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM error code. The nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime attribute works in conjunction with the nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime attribute. The two attributes are designed so that the nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime interval is always at least one second longer than the interval specified for nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime. The longer interval gives waiting suppliers a better chance to gain consumer access before the previous supplier can re-access the consumer. • If either attribute is specified but not both, nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime is set automatically to 1 second more than nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime. • If both attributes are specified, but nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime is less than or equal to nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime, nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime is set automatically to 1 second more than nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime. 91 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference When setting the values, ensure that the nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime interval is at least 1 second longer than the interval specified for nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime. Increase the interval as needed until there is an acceptable distribution of consumer access among the suppliers. Set the nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime attribute at any time by using changetype:modify with the replace operation. The change takes effect for the next update session if one is already in progress. If Directory Server has to reset the value of nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime automatically, the value is changed internally only. The change is not visible to clients, and it is not saved to the configuration file. From an external viewpoint, the attribute value appears as originally set. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Any valid integer Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime: 0 nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList This allowed attribute specifies any attributes that are not replicated to a consumer server. Fractional replication allows databases to be replicated across slow connections or to less secure consumers while still protecting sensitive information. By default, all attributes are replicated, and this attribute is not present. For more information on fractional replication, see the "Managing Replication" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Range Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList: (objectclass=*) $ EXCLUDE salary userPassword manager nsDS5ReplicaTimeout This allowed attribute specifies the number of seconds outbound LDAP operations waits for a response from the remote replica before timing out and failing. If the server writes Warning: timed out waiting messages in the error log file, then increase the value of this attribute. Find out the amount of time the operation actually lasted by examining the access log on the remote machine, and then set the nsDS5ReplicaTimeout attribute accordingly to optimize performance. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config 92 Replication Attributes under cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config Parameter Description Valid Range 0 to maximum 32-bit integer value (2147483647) in seconds Default Value 600 Syntax Integer Example nsDS5ReplicaTimeout: 600 nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo This attribute sets the type of transport used for transporting data to and from the replica. The attribute values can be either SSL, which means that the connection is established over SSL, or LDAP, which means that regular LDAP connections are used. If this attribute is absent, then regular LDAP connections are used. This attribute cannot be modified once it is set. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values SSL | LDAP Default Value absent Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo: LDAP nsDS5ReplicaUpdateInProgress This read-only attribute states whether or not a replication update is in progress. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS5ReplicaUpdateInProgress: true nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule This multi-valued attribute specifies the replication schedule and can be modified. Changes made to this attribute take effect immediately. Modifying this value can be useful to pause replication and resume it later. For example, if this value to 0000-0001 0, this in effect causes the server to stop sending updates for this replication agreement. The server continues to store them for replay later. If the value is later changed back to 0000-2359 0123456, this makes replication immediately resume and sends all pending changes. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config 93 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Valid Range Time schedule presented as XXXX-YYYY 0123456, where XXXX is the starting hour, YYYY is the finishing hour, and the numbers 0123456 are the days of the week starting with Sunday. Default Value 0000-2359 0123456 (all the time) Syntax Integer Example nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule: 0000-2359 0123456 nsDS50ruv This attribute stores the last replica update vector (RUV) read from the consumer of this replication agreement. It is always present and must not be changed. nsruvReplicaLastModified This attribute contains the most recent time that an entry in the replica was modified and the changelog was updated. 2.3.9. Synchronization Attributes under cn=syncAgreementName, cn=WindowsReplica,cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config The synchronization attributes that concern the synchronization agreement are stored under cn=syncAgreementName, cn=WindowsReplica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config. The cn=syncAgreementName entry is an instance of the nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement object class. For synchronization agreement configuration attributes to be taken into account by the server, this object class (in addition to the top object class) must be present in the entry. Synchronization agreements are configured only on databases that are enabled to synchronize with Windows Active Directory servers. cn nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateEnd description nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStart nsDS5ReplicaBindDN (the Windows sync manager ID) nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStatus nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod nsDS5ReplicaPort nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime nsDS5ReplicaRoot nsDS5ReplicaChangesSentSinceStartup nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime nsDS5ReplicaCredentials (the Windows sync manager password) nsDS5ReplicaTimeout nsDS5ReplicaHost (the Windows host) nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo nsDS5ReplicaLastInitEnd nsDS5ReplicaUpdateInProgress nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStart nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStatus nsDS50ruv Table 2.7. List of Attributes Shared Between Replication and Synchronization Agreements 94 chronization Attributes under cn=syncAgreementName, cn=WindowsReplica,cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config nsds7DirectoryReplicaSubtree The suffix or DN of the Directory Server subtree that is being synchronized. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=syncAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Any valid suffix or subsuffix Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS7DirectoryReplicaSubtree: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com nsds7DirsyncCookie This string is created by Active Directory Dirsync and gives the state of the Active Directory Server at the time of the last synchronization. The old cookie is sent to Active Directory with each Directory Server update; a new cookie is returned along with the Windows directory data. This means only entries which have changed since the last synchronization are retrieved. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=syncAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Any string Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS7DirsyncCookie::khDKJFBZsjBDSCkjsdhIU74DJJVBXDh nsds7NewWinGroupSyncEnabled This attribute sets whether a new group created in the Windows sync peer is automatically synchronized by creating a new group on the Directory Server. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=syncAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS7NewWinGroupSyncEnabled: on nsds7NewWinUserSyncEnabled This attribute sets whether a new entry created in the Windows sync peer is automatically synchronized by creating a new entry on the Directory Server. 95 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Entry DN cn=syncAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS7NewWinUserSyncEnabled: on nsds7WindowsDomain This attribute sets the name of the Windows domain to which the Windows sync peer belongs. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=syncAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Any valid domain name Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS7WindowsDomain: DOMAINWORLD nsds7WindowsReplicaSubtree The suffix or DN of the Windows subtree that is being synchronized. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=syncAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config Valid Values Any valid suffix or subsuffix Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsDS7WindowsReplicaSubtree: cn=Users, dc=domain, dc=com winSyncInterval This attribute sets how frequently, in seconds, the Directory Server polls the Windows sync peer to look for changes in the Active Directory entries. If this entry is not set, the Directory Server checks the Windows server every five (5) minutes, meaning the default value is 300 (300 seconds). This value can be set lower to write Active Directory changes over to the Directory Server faster or raised if the directory searches are taking too long. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=syncAgreementName, cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config 96 cn=monitor Parameter Description Valid Values 1 to the maximum 32-bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value 300 Syntax Integer Example winSyncInterval: 600 2.3.10. cn=monitor Information used to monitor the server is stored under cn=monitor. This entry and its children are read-only; clients cannot directly modify them. The server updates this information automatically. This section describes the cn=monitor attributes. The only attribute that can be changed by a user to set access control is the aci attribute. If the nsslapd-counters attribute in cn=config is set to on (the default setting), then all of the counters kept by the Directory Server instance increment using 64-bit integers, even on 32-bit machines or with a 32-bit version of Directory Server. For the cn=monitor entry, the 64-bit integers are used with the opsinitiated, opscompleted, entriessent, and bytessent counters. NOTE The nsslapd-counters attribute enables 64-bit support for these specific database and server counters. The counters which use 64-bit integers are not configurable; the 64-bit integers are either enabled for all the allowed counters or disabled for all allowed counters. connection This attribute lists open connections. These are given in the following format: connection: A:YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ:B:C:D:E For example: connection: 31:20010201164808Z:45:45::cn=directory manager • A is the connection number, which is the number of the slot in the connection table associated with this connection. This is the number logged as slot=A in the access log message when this connection was opened, and usually corresponds to the file descriptor associated with the connection. The attribute dTableSize shows the total size of the connection table. • YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ is the date and time, in GeneralizedTime form, at which the connection was opened. This value gives the time in relation to Greenwich Mean Time. • B is the number of operations received on this connection. • C is the number of completed operations. • D is r if the server is in the process of reading BER from the network, empty otherwise. This value is usually empty (as in the example). 97 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference • E this is the bind DN. This may be empty or have value of NULLDN for anonymous connections. currentConnections This attribute shows the number of currently open and active Directory Server connections. totalConnections This attribute shows the total number of Directory Server connections. This number includes connections that have been opened and closed since the server was last started in addition to the currentConnections. dTableSize This attribute shows the size of the Directory Server connection table. Each connection is associated with a slot in this table, and usually corresponds to the file descriptor used by this connection. See Section, “nsslapd-conntablesize” for more information. readWaiters This attribute shows the number of connections where some requests are pending and not currently being serviced by a thread in Directory Server. opsinitiated This attribute shows the number of Directory Server operations initiated. opscompleted This attribute shows the number of Directory Server operations completed. entriessent This attribute shows the number of entries sent by Directory Server. bytessent This attribute shows the number of bytes sent by Directory Server. currenttime This attribute shows the current time, given in Greenwich Mean Time (indicated by GeneralizedTime syntax Z notation; for example, 20090202131102Z). startTime This attribute shows the Directory Server start time given in Greenwich Mean Time, indicated by GeneralizedTime syntax Z notation. For example, 20090202131102Z. version This attribute shows the Directory Server vendor, version, and build number. For example, Red Hat/8.1.1 B2009.274.08. 98 cn=replication threads This attribute shows the number of threads used by the Directory Server. This should correspond to nsslapd-threadnumber in cn=config. nbackEnds This attribute shows the number of Directory Server database backends. backendMonitorDN This attribute shows the DN for each Directory Server database backend. For further information on monitoring the database, see the following sections: • Section 3.4.8, “Database Attributes under cn=attributeName, cn=encrypted attributes, cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config” • Section 3.4.4, “Database Attributes under cn=database, cn=monitor, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config” • Section 3.4.6, “Database Attributes under cn=monitor, cn=NetscapeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config” • Section 3.5.4, “Database Link Attributes under cn=monitor, cn=database instance name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config” 2.3.11. cn=replication This entry has no attributes. When configuring legacy replication, those entries are stored under this cn=replication node, which serves as a placeholder. 2.3.12. cn=sasl Entries which contain SASL mapping configurations are stored under cn=mapping,cn=sasl,cn=config. The cn=sasl entry is an instance of the nsContainer object class. Each mapping underneath it is an instance of the nsSaslMapping object class. nsSaslMapBaseDNTemplate This attribute contains the search base DN template used in SASL identity mapping. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=mapping_name, cn=mapping, cn=sasl, cn=config Valid Values Any valid DN Default Value Syntax IA5String Example nsSaslMapBaseDNTemplate: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com 99 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsSaslMapFilterTemplate This attribute contains the search filter template used in SASL identity mapping. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=mapping_name, cn=mapping, cn=sasl, cn=config Valid Values Any string Default Value Syntax IA5String Example nsSaslMapFilterTemplate: (cn=\1) nsSaslMapRegexString This attribute contains a regular expression used to map SASL identity strings. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=mapping_name, cn=mapping, cn=sasl, cn=config Valid Values Any valid regular expression Default Value Syntax IA5String Example nsSaslMapRegexString: \(.*\) 2.3.13. cn=SNMP SNMP configuration attributes are stored under cn=SNMP,cn=config. The cn=SNMP entry is an instance of the nsSNMP object class. nssnmpenabled This attribute sets whether SNMP is enabled. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=SNMP, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example nssnmpenabled: off nssnmporganization This attribute sets the organization to which the Directory Server belongs. 100 cn=SNMP Parameter Description Entry DN cn=SNMP, cn=config Valid Values Organization name Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nssnmporganization: Red Hat, Inc. nssnmplocation This attribute sets the location within the company or organization where the Directory Server resides. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=SNMP, cn=config Valid Values Location Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nssnmplocation: B14 nssnmpcontact This attribute sets the email address of the person responsible for maintaining the Directory Server. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=SNMP, cn=config Valid Values Contact email address Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nssnmpcontact: nssnmpdescription Provides a unique description of the Directory Server instance. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=SNMP, cn=config Valid Values Description Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nssnmpdescription: Employee directory instance nssnmpmasterhost nssnmpmasterhost is deprecated. This attribute is deprecated with the introduction of net-snmp. The attribute still appears in dse.ldif but without a default value. 101 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Entry DN cn=SNMP, cn=config Valid Values machine hostname or localhost Default ValueSyntax DirectoryString Example nssnmpmasterhost: localhost nssnmpmasterport The nssnmpmasterport attribute was deprecated with the introduction of net-snmp. The attribute still appears in dse.ldif but without a default value. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=SNMP, cn=config Valid Values Operating system dependent port number. See the operating system documentation for further information. Default Value Syntax Integer Example nssnmpmasterport: 199 2.3.14. SNMP Statistic Attributes Table 2.8, “SNMP Statistic Attributes” contains read-only attributes which list the statistics available for LDAP and SNMP clients. Unless otherwise noted, the value for the given attribute is the number of requests received by the server or results returned by the server since startup. Some of these attributes are not used by or are not applicable to the Directory Server but are still required to be present by SNMP clients. If the nsslapd-counters attribute in cn=config is set to on (the default setting), then all of the counters kept by the Directory Server instance increment using 64-bit integers, even on 32-bit machines or with a 32-bit version of Directory Server. All of the SNMP statistics attributes use the 64bit integers, if it is configured. NOTE The nsslapd-counters attribute enables 64-bit integers for these specific database and server counters. The counters which use 64-bit integers are not configurable; 64-bit integers are either enabled for all the allowed counters or disabled for all allowed counters. Attribute Description AnonymousBinds This shows the number of anonymous bind requests. UnAuthBinds This shows the number of unauthenticated (anonymous) binds. 102 SNMP Statistic Attributes Attribute Description SimpleAuthBinds This shows the number of LDAP simple bind requests (DN and password). StrongAuthBinds This shows the number of LDAP SASL bind requests, for all SASL mechanisms. BindSecurityErrors This shows the number of number of times an invalid password was given in a bind request. InOps This shows the total number of all requests received by the server. ReadOps Not used. This value is always 0. CompareOps This shows the number of LDAP compare requests. AddEntryOps This shows the number of LDAP add requests. RemoveEntryOps This shows the number of LDAP delete requests. ModifyEntryOps This shows the number of LDAP modify requests. ModifyRDNOps This shows the number of LDAP modify RDN (modrdn) requests. ListOps Not used. This value is always 0. SearchOps This shows the number of LDAP search requests. OneLevelSearchOps This shows the number of one-level search operations. WholeSubtreeSearchOps This shows the number of subtree-level search operations. Referrals This shows the number of LDAP referrals returned. Chainings Not used. This value is always 0. SecurityErrors This shows the number of errors returned that were security related, such as invalid passwords, unknown or invalid authentication methods, or stronger authentication required. Errors This shows the number of errors returned. Connections This shows the number of currently open connections. ConnectionSeq This shows the total number of connections opened, including both currently open and closed connections. BytesRecv This shows the number of bytes received. BytesSent This shows the number of bytes sent. EntriesReturned This shows the number of entries returned as search results. 103 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Attribute Description ReferralsReturned This provides information on referrals returned as search results (continuation references). MasterEntries Not used. This value is always 0. CopyEntries Not used. This value is always 0. 1 CacheEntries CacheHits 1 SlaveHits If the server has only one database backend, this is the number of entries cached in the entry cache. If the server has more than one database backend, this value is 0, and see the monitor entry for each one for more information. If the server has only one database backend, this is the number of entries returned from the entry cache, rather than from the database, for search results. If the server has more than one database backend, this value is 0, and see the monitor entry for each one for more information. Not used. This value is always 0. 1 CacheEntries and CacheHits are updated every ten (10) seconds. Red Hat strongly encourages using the database backend specific monitor entries for this and other database information. Table 2.8. SNMP Statistic Attributes 2.3.15. cn=tasks Some core Directory Server tasks can be initiated by editing a directory entry using LDAP tools. These task entries are contained in cn=tasks. Each task can be invoked by updating an entry such as the following: dn: cn=task_id, cn=task_type, cn=tasks, cn=config ... In Red Hat Directory Server deployments before Directory Server 8.0, many Directory Server tasks were managed by the Administration Server. These tasks were moved to the core Directory Server configuration in version 8.0 and are invoked and administered by Directory Server under the cn=tasks entry. There are seven tasks that are managed under the cn=tasks entry: • cn=import • cn=export • cn=backup • cn=restore • cn=index • cn=schema reload task • cn=memberof task 104 cn=tasks The common attributes for these tasks are listed in Section, “Task Invocation Attributes for Entries under cn=tasks”. The cn=tasks entry itself has no attributes and serves as the parent and container entry for the individual task entries. IMPORTANT Task entries are not permanent configuration entries. They only exist in the configuration file for as long as the task operation is running or until the ttl period expires. Then, the entry is deleted automatically by the server. Task Invocation Attributes for Entries under cn=tasks Five tasks which administer Directory Server instances have configuration entries which initiate and identify individual operations. These task entries are instances of the same object class, extensibleObject, and have certain common attributes which describe the state and behavior of Directory Server tasks. The task types can be import, export, backup, restore, index, schema reload, and memberof. cn The cn attribute is used to identify a new task operation to initiate. The cn attribute value can be anything, as long as it defines a new task. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=task_type, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any string Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example cn: example task entry name nsTaskStatus This attribute contains changing information about the status of the task, such as cumulative statistics or its current output message. The entire contents of the attribute may be updated periodically for as long as the process is running. This attribute value is set by the server and should not be edited. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=task_type, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any string Default Value Syntax case-exact string 105 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Example nsTaskStatus: Loading entries.... nsTaskLog This entry contains all of the log messages for the task, including both warning and information messages. New messages are appended to the end of the entry value, so this attribute value grows larger, without erasing the original contents, by default. Successful task operations, which have an nsTaskExitCode of 0, are only recorded in the nsTaskLog attribute. Any non-zero response, which indicates an error, may be recorded in the error log as an error, but the error message is only recorded in the nsTaskLog attribute. For this reason, use the information in the nsTaskLog attribute to find out what errors actually occurred. This attribute value is set by the server and should not be edited. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=task_type, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any string Default Value Syntax Case-exact string Example nsTaskLog: example... nsTaskExitCode This attribute contains the exit code for the task. This attribute only exists after the task is completed and any value is only valid if the task is complete. The result code can be any LDAP exit code, as listed in Section 5.4, “LDAP Result Codes”, but only a 0 value equals success; any other result code is an error. This attribute value is set by the server and should not be edited. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=task_type, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values 0 (success) to 97 1 Default Value 1 Syntax Integer Example nsTaskExitCode: 0 Any response other than 0 is an error. nsTaskCurrentItem This attribute shows the number of subtask which the task operation has completed, assuming the task can be broken down into subtasks. If there is only one task, then nsTaskCurrentItem is 0 while the task is running, and 1 when the task is complete. In this way, the attribute is analogous to a 106 cn=tasks progress bar. When the nsTaskCurrentItem attribute has the same value as nsTaskTotalItems, then the task is completed. This attribute value is set by the server and should not be edited. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=task_type, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values 0 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value Syntax Integer Example nsTaskCurrentItem: 148 nsTaskTotalItems This attributes shows the total number of subtasks that must be completed for the task operation. When the nsTaskCurrentItem attribute has the same value as nsTaskTotalItems, then the task is completed. This attribute value is set by the server and should not be edited. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=task_type, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values 0 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value Syntax Integer Example nsTaskTotalItems: 152 nsTaskCancel This attribute allows a task to be aborted while in progress. This attribute can be modified by users. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=task_type, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value Syntax Case-insensitive string Example nsTaskCancel: true ttl This attribute sets the amount of time (in seconds) the task entry will remain in the DSE after the task has finished or aborted. Setting a ttl attribute allows the task entry to be polled for new status 107 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference information without missing the exit code. Setting the ttl attribute to 0 means that the entry is not cached. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=task_type, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values 0 (cannot be cached) to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example ttl: 120 cn=import An LDIF file or multiple LDIF files can be imported through the command line by creating a special task entry which defines the parameters of the task and initiates the task. As soon as the task is complete, the task entry is removed from the directory. The cn=import entry is a container entry for import task operations. The cn=import entry itself has no attributes, but each of the task entries within this entry, such as cn=task_ID, cn=import, cn=tasks, cn=config, uses the following attributes to define the import task. An import task entry under cn=import must contain the LDIF file to import (in the nsFilename attribute) and the name of the instance into which to import the file (in the nsInstance attribute). Additionally, it must contain a unique cn to identify the task. For example: dn: cn=example import, cn=import, cn=tasks, cn=config objectclass: extensibleObject cn: example import nsFilename: /home/files/example.ldif nsInstance: userRoot As the import operation runs, the task entry will contain all of the server-generated task attributes listed in Section, “Task Invocation Attributes for Entries under cn=tasks”. There are some optional attributes which can be used to refine the import operation, similar to the options for the ldif2db and scripts: • nsIncludeSuffix, which is analogous to the -s option to specify the suffix to import • nsExcludeSuffix, analogous to the -x option to specify a suffix or subtree to exclude from the import • nsImportChunkSize, analogous to the -c option to override starting a new pass during the import and merge the chunks • nsImportIndexAttrs, which sets whether to import attribute indexes (with no corollary in the script options) • nsUniqueIdGenerator, analogous to the -g option to generate unique ID numbers for the entries • nsUniqueIdGeneratorNamespace, analogous to the -G option to generate a unique, name-based ID for the entries 108 cn=tasks nsFilename The nsFilename attribute contains the path and filenames of the LDIF files to import into the Directory Server instance. To import multiple files, add multiple instances of this attribute. For example: nsFilename: file1.ldif nsFilename: file2.ldif Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=import, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any string Default Value Syntax Case-exact string, multi-valued Example nsFilename: /home/jsmith/example.ldif nsInstance This attribute supplies the name of the database instance into which to import the files, such as NetscapeRoot or slapd-example. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=import, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values The name of a Directory Server instance (any string) Default Value Syntax Case-exact string Example nsInstance: userRoot nsIncludeSuffix This attribute identifies a specific suffix or subtree to import from the LDIF file. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=import, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any DN Default Value Syntax DN, multi-valued Example nsIncludeSuffix: ou=people,dc=example,dc=com nsExcludeSuffix This attribute identifies suffixes or subtrees in the LDIF file to exclude from the import. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=import, cn=tasks, cn=config 109 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Valid Values Any DN Default Value Syntax DN, multi-valued Example nsExcludeSuffix: ou=machines,dc=example,dc=com nsImportChunkSize This attribute defines the number of chunks to have during the import operation, which overrides the server's detection during the import of when to start a new pass and merges the chunks. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=import, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values 0 to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value Syntax Integer Example nsImportChunkSize: 10 nsImportIndexAttrs This attribute sets whether to index the attributes that are imported into database instance. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=import, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value true Syntax Case-insensitive string Example nsImportIndexAttrs: true nsUniqueIdGenerator This sets whether to generate a unique ID for the imported entries. By default, this attribute generates time-based IDs. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=import, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values none (no unique ID) | empty (time-based ID) | deterministic namespace (name-based ID) Default Value empty Syntax Case-insensitive string Example nsUniqueIdGenerator: 110 cn=tasks nsUniqueIdGeneratorNamespace This attributes defines how to generate name-based IDs; the attribute sets the namespace to use to generate the IDs. This option is useful to import the same LDIF file into two Directory Server instances when the entries need to have the same IDs. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=import, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any string Default Value Syntax Case-insensitive string Example nsUniqueIdGeneratorNamespace: example cn=export A database or multiple databases can be exported through the command line by creating a special task entry which defines the parameters of the task and initiates the task. As soon as the task is complete, the task entry is removed from the directory. The cn=export entry is a container entry for export task operations. The cn=export entry itself has no attributes, but each of the task entries within this entry, such as cn=task_ID, cn=export, cn=tasks, cn=config, uses the following attributes to define the export task. An export task entry under cn=export must contain the name of the database to export (in the nsInstance attribute) and the name of the LDIF file to write the output to (in the nsFilename attribute). Additionally, it must contain a unique cn to identify the task. For example: dn: cn=example export, cn=export, cn=tasks, cn=config objectclass: extensibleObject cn: example export nsInstance: userRoot nsFilename: /home/files/example.ldif As the export operation runs, the task entry will contain all of the server-generated task attributes listed in Section, “Task Invocation Attributes for Entries under cn=tasks”. There are some optional attributes which can be used to refine the export operation, similar to the options for the db2ldif and scripts: • nsIncludeSuffix, analogous to the -s option, to specify the suffixes to include in the exported LDIF files • nsExcludeSuffix, analogous to the -x option, to exclude the specified suffixes from the exported LDIF files • nsUseOneFile, analogous to the -M option, to break up the exported suffixes into individual LDIF files • nsExportReplica, analogous to the -r option, to indicate whether the exported database is used in replication • nsPrintKey, analogous to the -N option, to set whether to print the entry IDs as the entries are processed by the export operation 111 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference • nsUseId2Entry, analogous to the -C option, to set whether to use only the main index, id2entry, to list the entries to export • nsNoWrap, analogous to the -U option, to set whether to wrap long lines in the LDIF file • nsDumpUniqId, analogous to the -u option, to set whether to include the unique IDs with the entries when they are exported nsFilename The nsFilename attribute contains the path and filenames of the LDIF files to which to export the Directory Server instance database. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=export, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any string Default Value Syntax Case-exact string, multi-valued Example nsFilename: /home/jsmith/example.ldif nsInstance This attribute supplies the name of the database instance from which to export the database, such as NetscapeRoot or userRoot. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=export, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values The name of a Directory Server instance (any string) Default Value Syntax Case-exact string, multi-valued Example nsInstance: userRoot nsIncludeSuffix This attribute identifies a specific suffix or subtree to export to an LDIF file. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=export, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any DN Default Value Syntax DN, multi-valued Example nsIncludeSuffix: ou=people,dc=example,dc=com nsExcludeSuffix This attribute identifies suffixes or subtrees in the database to exclude from the exported LDIF file. 112 cn=tasks Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=export, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any DN Default Value Syntax DN, multi-valued Example nsExcludeSuffix: ou=machines,dc=example,dc=com nsUseOneFile This attribute sets whether to export all Directory Server instances to a single LDIF file or separate LDIF files. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=export, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value false Syntax Case-insensitive string Example nsUseOneFile: true nsExportReplica This attribute identifies whether the exported database will be used in replication. For replicas, the proper attributes and settings will be included with the entry to initialize the replica automatically. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=export, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value false Syntax Case-insensitive string Example nsExportReplica: true nsPrintKey This attributes sets whether to print the entry ID number as the entry is processed by the export task. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=export, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value true Syntax Case-insensitive string Example nsPrintKey: false 113 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsUseId2Entry The nsUseId2Entry attribute uses the main database index, id2entry, to define the exported LDIF entries. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=export, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value false Syntax Case-insensitive string Example nsUseId2Entry: true nsNoWrap This attribute sets whether to wrap long lines in the LDIF file. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=export, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value false Syntax Case-insensitive string Example nsNoWrap: false nsDumpUniqId This attribute sets that the unique IDs for the exported entries are not exported. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=export, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value false Syntax Case-insensitive string Example nsDumpUniqId: true cn=backup A database can be backed up through the command line by creating a special task entry which defines the parameters of the task and initiates the task. As soon as the task is complete, the task entry is removed from the directory. The cn=backup entry is a container entry for backup task operations. The cn=backup entry itself has no attributes, but each of the task entries within this entry, such as cn=task_ID, cn=backup, cn=tasks, cn=config, uses the following attributes to define the backup task. A backup task entry under cn=backup must contain the location of the directory to which to copy the archive copy (in the nsArchiveDir attribute) and the type of database being backed up (in the nsDatabaseTypes attribute). Additionally, it must contain a unique cn to identify the task. For example: 114 cn=tasks dn: cn=example backup, cn=backup, cn=tasks, cn=config objectclass: extensibleObject cn: example backup nsArchiveDir: /export/backups/ nsDatabaseType: ldbm database As the backup operation runs, the task entry will contain all of the server-generated task attributes listed in Section, “Task Invocation Attributes for Entries under cn=tasks”. nsArchiveDir This attribute gives the location of the directory to which to write the backup. The backup directory here should usually be the same as the one configured in the nsslapd-bakdir attribute. If this attribute is not included with the cn=backup task, the task will fail with an LDAP object class violation error (65). Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=backup, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any local directory location Default Value Syntax Case-exact string Example nsArchiveDir: /export/backups nsDatabaseTypes This attribute gives the kind of database being archived. Setting the database types signals what kind of backup plug-in the Directory Server should use to archive the database. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=backup, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values ldbm database Default Value ldbm database Syntax Case-exact string Example nsDatabaseType: ldbm database cn=restore A database can be restored through the command line by creating a special task entry which defines the parameters of the task and initiates the task. As soon as the task is complete, the task entry is removed from the directory. The cn=restore entry is a container entry for task operations to restore a database. The cn=restore entry itself has no attributes, but each of the task entries within this entry, such as cn=task_ID, cn=restore, cn=tasks, cn=config, uses the following attributes to define the restore task. 115 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference A restore task entry under cn=restore must contain the location of the directory from which to retrieve the archive copy (in the nsArchiveDir attribute) and the type of database being restored (in the nsDatabaseTypes attribute). Additionally, it must contain a unique cn to identify the task. For example: dn: cn=example restore, cn=restore, cn=tasks, cn=config objectclass: extensibleObject cn: example restore nsArchiveDir: /export/backups/ nsDatabaseType: ldbm database As the restore operation runs, the task entry will contain all of the server-generated task attributes listed in Section, “Task Invocation Attributes for Entries under cn=tasks”. nsArchiveDir This attribute gives the location of the directory to which to write the backup. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=restore, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any local directory location Default Value Syntax Case-exact string Example nsArchiveDir: /export/backups nsDatabaseTypes This attribute gives the kind of database being archived. Setting the database types signals what kind of backup plug-in the Directory Server should use to archive the database. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=restore, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values ldbm database Default Value ldbm database Syntax Case-exact string Example nsDatabaseType: ldbm database cn=index Directory attributes can be indexed though the command line by creating a special task entry which defines the parameters of the task and initiates the task. As soon as the task is complete, the task entry is removed from the directory. The cn=index entry is a container entry for index task operations. The cn=index entry itself has no attributes, but each of the task entries within this entry, such as cn=task_ID, cn=index, cn=tasks, cn=config, uses the following attributes to define the backup task. An index task entry under cn=index can create a standard index by identifying the attribute to be indexed and the type of index to create, both defined in the nsIndexAttribute attribute. 116 cn=tasks Alternatively, the index task can be used to generate virtual list view (VLV) indexes for an attribute using the nsIndexVLVAttribute attribute. This is the same as running the vlvindex script. For example: dn: cn=example presence index, cn=index, cn=tasks, cn=config objectclass: extensibleObject cn: example presence index nsIndexAttribute: "cn:pres" dn: cn=example VLV index, cn=index, cn=tasks, cn=config objectclass: extensibleObject cn: example VLV index nsIndexVLVAttribute: "by MCC ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" As the index operation runs, the task entry will contain all of the server-generated task attributes listed in Section, “Task Invocation Attributes for Entries under cn=tasks”. nsIndexAttribute This attribute gives the name of the attribute to index and the types of indexes to apply. The format of the attribute value is the attribute name and a comma-separated list of index types, enclosed in double quotation marks. For example: nsIndexAttribute: attribute:index1,index2 Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=index, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any attribute The index type, which can be pres (presence), eq (equality), approx (approximate), and sub (substring) Default Value Syntax Case-insensitive string, multi-valued Example nsIndexAttribute: "cn:pres,eq" nsIndexAttribute: "description:sub" nsIndexVLVAttribute This attribute gives the name of the target entry for a VLV index. A virtual list view is based on a browsing index entry (as described in the Administrator's Guide), which defines the virtual list base DN, scope, and filter. The nsIndexVLVAttribute value is the browsing index entry, and the VLV creation task is run according to the browsing index entry parameters. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=index, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any attribute The index type, which can be pres (presence), eq (equality), approx (approximate), and sub (substring) 117 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Default Value Syntax Case-insensitive string, multi-valued Example nsIndexAttribute: "cn:pres,eq" nsIndexAttribute: "description:sub" cn=schema reload task The directory schema is loaded when the directory instance is started or restarted. Any changes to the directory schema, including adding custom schema elements, are not loaded automatically and available to the instance until the server is restarted or by initiating a schema reload task. Custom schema changes can be reloaded dynamically, without having to restart the Directory Server instance. This is done by initiating a schema reload task through creating a new task entry under the cn=tasks entry. The custom schema file can be located in any directory; if not specified with the schemadir attribute, the server reloads the schema from the default /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/schema directory. IMPORTANT Any schema loaded from another directory must be copied into the schema directory or the schema will be lost when the server. The schema reload task is initiated though the command line by creating a special task entry which defines the parameters of the task and initiates the task. As soon as the task is complete, the task entry is removed from the directory. For example: dn: cn=example schema reload,cn=schema reload task, cn=tasks, cn=config objectclass: extensibleObject cn:example schema reload schemadir: /export/schema The cn=schema reload task entry is a container entry for schema reload operations. The cn=schema reload task entry itself has no attributes, but each of the task entries within this entry, such as cn=task_ID, cn=schema reload task, cn=tasks, cn=config, uses the schema reload attributes to define the individual reload task. cn The cn attribute is used to identify a new task operation to initiate. The cn attribute value can be anything, as long as it defines a new task. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=schema reload task, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any string Default Value Syntax 118 DirectoryString cn=tasks Parameter Description Example cn: example reload task ID schemadir This contains the full path to the directory containing the custom schema file. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=schema reload task, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any local directory path Default Value /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/schema Syntax DirectoryString Example schemadir: /export/schema/ cn=memberof task The memberOf attribute is created and managed by the Directory Server automatically to display group membership on the members' user entries. When the member attribute on a group entry is changed, all of the members' associated directory entries are automatically updated with their corresponding memberOf attributes. The cn=memberof task (and the related script) is used to create the initial memberOf attributes on the member's user entries in the directory. After the memberOf attributes are created, then the MemberOf Plug-in manages the memberOf attributes automatically. The memberOf update task must give the DN of the entry or subtree to run the update task against (set in the basedn attribute). Optionally, the task can include a filter to identify the members' user entries to update (set in the filter attribute). For example: dn: cn=example memberof, cn=memberof task, cn=tasks, cn=config objectclass: extensibleObject cn:example memberof basedn: ou=people,dc=example,dc=com filter: (objectclass=groupOfNames) As soon as the task is complete, the task entry is removed from the directory. The cn=memberof task entry is a container entry for memberOf update operations. The cn=memberof task entry itself has no attributes, but each of the task entries beneath this entry, such as cn=task_ID, cn=memberof task, cn=tasks, cn=config, uses its attributes to define the individual update task. basedn This attribute gives the base DN to use to search for the user entries to update the memberOf attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=memberof task, cn=tasks, cn=config 119 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Parameter Description Valid Values Any DN Default Value Syntax DN Example basedn: ou=people, dc=example, dc=com filter This attribute gives an optional LDAP filter to use to select which user entries to update the memberOf attribute. Each member of a group has a corresponding user entry in the directory. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=memberof task, cn=tasks, cn=config Valid Values Any LDAP filter Default Value (objectclass=*) Syntax DirectoryString Example filter: (l=Sunnyvale) 2.3.16. cn=uniqueid generator The unique ID generator configuration attributes are stored under cn=uniqueid generator,cn=config. The cn=uniqueid generator entry is an instance of the extensibleObject object class. nsState This attribute saves the state of the unique ID generator across server restarts. This attribute is maintained by the server. Do not edit it. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=uniqueid generator, cn=config Valid Values Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsState: AbId0c3oMIDUntiLCyYNGgAAAAAAAAAA 2.4. Configuration Object Classes Many configuration entries simply use the extensibleObject object class, but some require other object classes. These configuration object classes are listed here. 2.4.1. changeLogEntry (Object Class) This object class is used for entries which store changes made to the Directory Server entries. 120 directoryServerFeature (Object Class) To configure Directory Server to maintain a changelog that is compatible with the changelog implemented in Directory Server 4.1x, enable the Retro Changelog Plug-in. Each entry in the changelog has the changeLogEntry object class. This object class is defined in Changelog Internet Draft. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.1 Required Attributes 1 objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry. changeNumber 2 3 The time at which a change took place. 4 The type of change performed on an entry. changeTime changeType targetDn Contains a number assigned arbitrarily to the changelog. 5 The distinguished name of an entry added, modified or deleted on a supplier server. Allowed Attributes 6 changes Changes made to the Directory Server. 7 deleteOldRdn 8 newRdn A flag that defines whether the old Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) of the entry should be kept as a distinguished attribute of the entry or should be deleted. New RDN of an entry that is the target of a modrdn or moddn operation. 9 newSuperior Name of the entry that becomes the immediate superior of the existing entry when processing a MODDN operation. 2.4.2. directoryServerFeature (Object Class) This object class is used specifically for entries which identify a feature of the directory service. This object class is defined by Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.40 121 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Required Attributes Attribute Definition objectClass Gives the object classes assigned to the entry. Allowed Attributes Attribute Definition cn Specifies the common name of the entry. multiLineDescription Gives a text description of the entry. oid Specifies the OID of the feature. 2.4.3. nsBackendInstance (Object Class) This object class is used for the Directory Server backend, or database, instance entry. This object class is defined in Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.109 Required Attributes Attribute Definition objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry. cn Gives the common name of the entry. 2.4.4. nsChangelog4Config (Object Class) In order for Directory Server 8.1 to replicate between Directory Server 4.x servers, the Directory Server 8.1 instance must have a special changelog configured. This object class defines the configuration for the retro changelog. This object class is defined for the Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.82 122 nsContainer (Object Class) Allowed Attributes Attribute Definition cn (common Name) Gives the common name of the entry. 2.4.5. nsContainer (Object Class) Some entries do not define any specific entity, but they create a defined space within the directory tree as a parent entry for similar or related child entries. These are container entries, and they are identified by the nsContainer object class. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.104 Required Attributes Attribute Definition objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry. cn Gives the common name of the entry. 2.4.6. nsDS5Replica (Object Class) This object class is for entries which define a replica in database replication. Many of these attributes are set within the backend and cannot be modified. Information on the attributes for this object class are listed with the core configuration attributes in chapter 2 of the Directory Server Configuration, Command, and File Reference. This object class is defined in Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.108 Required Attributes 10 objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry. 123 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsDS5ReplicaId Specifies the unique ID for suppliers in a replication environment. nsDS5ReplicaRoot Specifies the suffix DN at the root of a replicated area. Allowed Attributes cn Gives the name for the replica. nsDS5Flags Specifies information that has been previously set in flags. nsDS5ReplicaAutoReferral Sets whether the server will follow configured referrals for the Directory Server database. nsDS5ReplicaBindDN Specifies the DN to use when a supplier server binds to a consumer. nsDS5ReplicaChangeCount Gives the total number of entries in the changelog and whether they have been replicated. nsDS5ReplicaLegacyConsumer Specifies whether the replica is a legacy consumer. nsDS5ReplicaName Specifies the unique ID for the replica for internal operations. nsDS5ReplicaPurgeDelay Specifies the time in seconds before the changelog is purged. nsDS5ReplicaReferral Specifies the URLs for user-defined referrals. nsDS5ReplicaTombstonePurgeInterval Specifies the time interval in seconds between purge operation cycles. nsDS5ReplicaType Defines the type of replica, such as a read-only consumer. nsDS5Task Launches a replication task, such as dumping the database contents to LDIF; this is used internally by the Directory Server supplier. nsState Stores information on the clock so that proper change sequence numbers are generated. 2.4.7. nsDS5ReplicationAgreement (Object Class) Entries with the nsDS5ReplicationAgreement object class store the information set in a replication agreement. Information on the attributes for this object class are in chapter 2 of the Directory Server Configuration, Command, and File Reference. This object class is defined in Directory Server. Superior Class top 124 nsDS5ReplicationAgreement (Object Class) OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.103 Required Attributes objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry. cn Used for naming the replication agreement. Allowed Attributes description Contains a free text description of the replication agreement. nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh Initializes a replica manually. nsds5debugreplicatimeout Gives an alternate timeout period to use when the replication is run with debug logging. nsDS5ReplicaBindDN Specifies the DN to use when a supplier server binds to a consumer. nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod Specifies the method (SSL or simple authentication) to use for binding. nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime Specifies the amount of time in seconds a supplier should wait after a consumer sends back a busy response before making another attempt to acquire access. nsDS5ReplicaChangesSentSinceStartup The number of changes sent to this replica since the server started. nsDS5ReplicaCredentials Specifies the password for the bind DN. nsDS5ReplicaHost Specifies the hostname for the consumer replica. nsDS5ReplicaLastInitEnd States when the initialization of the consumer replica ended. nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStart States when the initialization of the consumer replica started. nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStatus The status for the initialization of the consumer. nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateEnd States when the most recent replication schedule update ended. nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStart States when the most recent replication schedule update started. nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStatus Provides the status for the most recent replication schedule updates. nsDS5ReplicaPort Specifies the port number for the remote replica. nsDS5ReplicaRoot Specifies the suffix DN at the root of a replicated area. nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime Specifies the amount of time in seconds a supplier should wait between update sessions. 125 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList Specifies any attributes that will not be replicated to a consumer server. nsDS5ReplicaTimeout Specifies the number of seconds outbound LDAP operations will wait for a response from the remote replica before timing out and failing. nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo Specifies the type of transport used for transporting data to and from the replica. nsDS5ReplicaUpdateInProgress States whether a replication schedule update is in progress. nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule Specifies the replication schedule. nsDS50ruv Manages the internal state of the replica via the replication update vector. nsruvReplicaLastModified Contains the most recent time that an entry in the replica was modified and the changelog was updated. 2.4.8. nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement (Object Class) Stores the synchronization attributes that concern the synchronization agreement. Information on the attributes for this object class are in chapter 2 of the Red Hat Directory Server Configuration, Command, and File Reference. This object class is defined in Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.503 Required Attributes 11 objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry. cn Gives the name of the synchronization agreement. Allowed Attributes 12 description Contains a text description of the synchronization agreement. nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh Initiates a manual synchronization. nsds5debugreplicatimeout Gives an alternate timeout period to use when the synchronization is run with debug logging. nsDS5ReplicaBindDN Specifies the DN to use when the Directory Server binds to the Windows server. 126 nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement (Object Class) nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod Specifies the method (SSL or simple authentication) to use for binding. nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime Specifies the amount of time in seconds the Directory Server should wait after the Windows server sends back a busy response before making another attempt to acquire access. nsDS5ReplicaChangesSentSinceStartup Shows the number of changes sent since the Directory Server started. nsDS5ReplicaCredentials Specifies the credentials for the bind DN. nsDS5ReplicaHost Specifies the hostname for the Windows domain controller of the Windows server being synchronized. nsDS5ReplicaLastInitEnd States when the last total update (resynchronization) of the Windows server ended. nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStart States when the last total update (resynchronization) of the Windows server started. nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStatus The status for the total update (resynchronization) of the Windows server. nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateEnd States when the most recent update ended. nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStart States when the most recent update started. nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStatus Provides the status for the most recent updates. nsDS5ReplicaPort Specifies the port number for the Windows server. nsDS5ReplicaRoot Specifies the root suffix DN of the Directory Server. nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime Specifies the amount of time in seconds the Directory Server should wait between update sessions. nsDS5ReplicaTimeout Specifies the number of seconds outbound LDAP operations will wait for a response from the Windows server before timing out and failing. nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo Specifies the type of transport used for transporting data to and from the Windows server. nsDS5ReplicaUpdateInProgress States whether an update is in progress. nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule Specifies the synchronization schedule. nsDS50ruv Manages the internal state of the Directory Server sync peer using the replication update vector (RUV). nsds7DirectoryReplicaSubtree Specifies the Directory Server suffix (root or sub) that is synced. 127 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference nsds7DirsyncCookie Contains a cookie set by the sync service that functions as an RUV. nsds7NewWinGroupSyncEnabled Specifies whether new Windows group accounts are automatically created on the Directory Server. nsds7NewWinUserSyncEnabled Specifies whether new Windows user accounts are automatically created on the Directory Server. nsds7WindowsDomain Identifies the Windows domain being synchronized; analogous to nsDS5ReplicaHost in a replication agreement. nsds7WindowsReplicaSubtree Specifies the Windows server suffix (root or sub) that is synced. nsruvReplicaLastModified Contains the most recent time that an entry in the Directory Server sync peer was modified and the changelog was updated. winSyncInterval Sets how frequently, in seconds, the Directory Server polls the Windows server for updates to write over. If this is not set, the default is 300, which is 300 seconds or five (5) minutes. 2.4.9. nsMappingTree (Object Class) A mapping tree maps a suffix to the backend. Each mapping tree entry uses the nsMappingTree object class. This object class is defined in Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.110 Required Attributes Attribute Definition objectClass Gives the object classes assigned to the entry. cn Gives the common name of the entry. 2.4.10. nsSaslMapping (Object Class) This object class is used for entries which contain an identity mapping configuration for mapping SASL attributes to the Directory Server attributes. This object class is defined in Directory Server. 128 nsslapdConfig (Object Class) Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.317 Required Attributes objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry. cn Gives the name of the SASL mapping entry. 13 nsSaslMapBaseDNTemplate nsSaslMapFilterTemplate 14 15 nsSaslMapRegexString Contains the search base DN template. Contains the search filter template. Contains a regular expression to match SASL identity strings. 2.4.11. nsslapdConfig (Object Class) The nsslapdConfig object class defines the configuration object, cn=config, for the Directory Server instance. This object class is defined in Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.39 Required Attributes Attribute Definition objectClass Gives the object classes assigned to the entry. Allowed Attributes Attribute Definition cn Gives the common name of the entry. 2.4.12. passwordpolicy (Object Class) Both local and global password policies take the passwordpolicy object class. This object class is defined in Directory Server. Superior Class top 129 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.13 Required Attributes Attribute Definition objectClass Gives the object classes assigned to the entry. Allowed Attributes Attribute Definition 16 passwordMaxAge Sets the number of seconds after which user passwords expire. 17 passwordExp Identifies whether the user's password expires after an interval given by the passwordMaxAge attribute. passwordMinLength 18 passwordKeepHistory passwordInHistory Sets the minimum number of characters that must be used in passwords. 19 Sets whether to keep a password history for a user. 20 Sets the number of passwords the directory stores in the history. 21 passwordChange passwordWarning passwordLockout Identifies whether or not users is allowed to change their own password. 22 Sets the number of seconds before a warning message is sent to users whose password is about to expire. 23 passwordMaxFailure Identifies whether or not users are locked out of the directory after a given number of failed bind attempts. 24 Sets the number of failed bind attempts after which a user will be locked out of the directory. 25 passwordResetDuration Sets the period of time before the server resets the retry count to zero. 26 passwordUnlock Sets whether a user is locked out until the password is reset by an administrator or whether the user can log in again after a given lockout duration. The default is to allow a user to log back in after the lockout period. passwordLockoutDuration 28 passwordCheckSyntax 130 27 Sets the time, in seconds, that users will be locked out of the directory. Identifies whether or not the password syntax is checked by the server before the password is saved. Legacy Attributes Attribute Definition passwordMustChange 29 Identifies whether or not to change their passwords when they first login to the directory or after the password is reset by the Directory Manager. 30 passwordStorageScheme Sets the type of encryption used to store Directory Server passwords. 31 passwordMinAge Sets the number of seconds that must pass before a user can change their password. passwordResetFailureCount passwordGraceLimit 32 33 Sets the number of grace logins permitted when a user's password is expired. 34 passwordMinDigits Sets the minimum number of numeric characters (0 through 9) which must be used in the password. 35 Sets the minimum number of alphabetic characters that must be used in the password. 36 Sets the minimum number of upper case alphabetic characters, A to Z, which must be used in the password. 37 Sets the minimum number of lower case alphabetic characters, a to z, which must be used in the password. passwordMinAlphas passwordMinUppers passwordMinLowers 38 passwordMinSpecials passwordMin8bit Sets the time, in seconds, after which the password failure counter will be reset. Each time an invalid password is sent from the user's account, the password failure counter is incremented. Sets the minimum number of special ASCII characters, such as !@#$., which must be used in the password. 39 passwordMaxRepeats Sets the minimum number of 8-bit characters used in the password. 40 Sets the maximum number of times that the same character can be used in row. 41 passwordMinCategories Sets the minimum number of categories which must be used in the password. 42 passwordMinTokenLength Sets the length to check for trivial words. 2.5. Legacy Attributes The attributes were standard with Directory Server 4.x and older. This are still included with the schema for compatibility, but are not for current versions of the Directory Server. 131 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference 2.5.1. Legacy Server Attributes These attributes were originally used to configure the server instance entries for Directory Server 4.x and older servers. LDAPServer (Object Class) This object class identifies the LDAP server information. It is defined by Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.35 Required Attributes Attribute Definition objectClass Gives the object classes assigned to the entry. cn Specifies the common name of the entry. Allowed Attributes Attribute Definition description Gives a text description of the entry. l (localityName) Gives the city or geographical location of the entry. ou (organizationalUnitName) Gives the organizational unit or division to which the account belongs. seeAlso Contains a URL to another entry or site with related information. generation Store the server generation string. changelogmaximumage Specifies changelog maximum age. changeLogMaximumSize Specifies maximum changelog size. changeLogMaximumAge This sets the maximum age for the changelog maintained by the server. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.200 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server 132 Legacy Server Attributes changeLogMaximumConcurrentWrites This attribute sets the maximum number of concurrent writes that can be written to the changelog. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.205 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server changeLogMaximumSize This attribute sets the maximum size for the changelog. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.201 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server generation This attribute contains a byte vector that uniquely identifies that specific server and version. This number is used to distinguish between servers during replication. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.612 Syntax IA5String Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server nsSynchUniqueAttribute This attribute is used for Windows synchronization. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.407 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server nsSynchUserIDFormat This attribute is used for Windows synchronization. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.406 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server 133 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference 2.5.2. Legacy Replication Attributes These attributes were originally used to configure replication for Directory Server 4.x and older servers. Some forms of replication, like consumer-initiated replication, are no longer supported. WARNING These attributes are for reference only. Do not attempt to configure replication using these attributes. See Section 2.4.6, “nsDS5Replica (Object Class)” and Section 2.4.8, “nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement (Object Class)” for attributes to configure replicas and replication agreements. cirReplicaSource (Object Class) The cirReplicaSource is an object that is used for consumer-initiated replication. This object class is defined by Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.11 Required Attributes Attribute Definition objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry. cn Specifies the common name of the supplier server. Allowed Attributes Attribute Definition cirReplicaRoot Stores the root suffix to be replicated. cirHost Identifies the host of the supplier. cirPort Identifies the port of the supplier. cirBindDN Specifies the bind DN. cirUsePersistentSearch Specifies a flag whether or not to use the persistent search. cirUseSSL Specifies a flag whether or not to use SSL. cirBindCredentials Specifies a password of cirBindDN. cirLastUpdateApplied Timestamp of the last replica update. cirUpdateSchedule Schedule when the replica update occurs. cirSyncInterval Identifies the interval to do synchronization. 134 Legacy Replication Attributes Attribute Definition cirUpdateFailedAt Stores the timestamp of the last failed update attempt. cirBeginORC Sets whether the database deletes its contents before beginning replication. replicaNickname Identifies the name for the replication agreement. replicaEntryFilter Identifies the entries to be replicated. replicatedAttributeList Identifies attribute list to be replicated. cirBeginORC For online replication creation (ORC), the consumer server can dump its entire database and allows the supplier to send it completely fresh information. The cirBeginORC attribute sets whether the consumer deletes its database. Its values are either start or stop. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.90 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server cirBindCredentials For consumer-initiated replication, this attribute is used to identify the bind password for the replication identity. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.85 Syntax IA5String Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server cirBindDN For consumer-initiated replication, this attribute gives the username for the server to bind to the supplier as. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.82 Syntax DN Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server cirHost For consumer-initiated replication, this contains the hostname of the supplier server. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.80 Syntax DirectoryString 135 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server cirLastUpdateApplied For consumer-initiated replication, this attribute stores the change number of the last change sent to the consumer. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.86 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server cirPort In consumer-initiated replication, this attribute gives the port number of the supplier. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.81 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server cirReplicaRoot In consumer-initiated replication, this attribute gives the DN of the subtree to replicate. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.79 Syntax DN Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server cirSyncInterval In consumer-initiated replication, this sets the time interval between sending updates. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.89 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server cirUpdateFailedAt For consumer initiated replication, this attribute shows the time of the last failed updated attempt. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.88 Syntax DirectoryString 136 Legacy Replication Attributes Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server cirUpdateSchedule For consumer-initiated replication, this attribute sets the schedule for replication. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.87 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server cirUsePersistentSearch This attribute sets whether to use persistent connections with consumer-initiated replication. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.83 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server cirUseSSL For consumer-initiated replication, this attribute sets whether to use SSL. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.84 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server LDAPReplica (Object Class) This object class defined replication for 4.x and older servers. This object class is defined in Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.36 Required Attributes Attribute Definition objectClass Gives the object classes assigned to the entry. 137 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Attribute Definition cn Specifies the common name of the entry. Allowed Attributes Attribute Definition description Gives a text description of the entry. localityName Gives the city or geographical location of the entry. ou Gives the organizational unit or division to which the account belongs. seeAlso Contains a URL to another entry or site with related information. replicaroot Stores the root suffix to be replicated. replicaHost Stores the replica server's host name. replicaPort Stores the replica server's port number. replicaBindDn Stores the bind DN for the replica server. replicaCredentials Stores a password of replicaBindDn. replicaBindMethod Specifies the bind method. replicaUseSSL Specifies a flag whether or not to use SSL. replicaUpdateSchedule Schedule when the replica update occurs. replicaUpdateReplayed Stores the last replicated change number. replicaUpdateFailedAt Stores the timestamp of the last failed update attempt. replicaBeginORC Sets whether to delete existing databases before beginning replication. replicaNickname Identifies the name for the replication agreement. replicaEntryFilter Identifies the entries to be replicated. replicatedAttributeList Identifies attribute list to be replicated. replicaCFUpdated Stores the status of copiedFrom. replicaAbandonedChanges Contains change numbers which are not replicated. replicaLastRelevantChange Stores the last relevant change. replicaAbandonedChanges This attribute contains change numbers for modifications or entries which are not replicated. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.218 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued 138 Legacy Replication Attributes Defined in Directory Server replicaBeginOrc For online replication creation (ORC), the consumer server can dump its entire database and allows the supplier to send it completely fresh information. The replicaBeginOrc attribute sets whether the consumer deletes its database. Its values are either start or stop. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.50 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server replicaBindDn For consumer-initiated replication, this attribute gives the username for the server to bind to the supplier as. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.58 Syntax DN Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server replicaBindMethod This attribute sets the method for the server to use to bind to the consumer server. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.53 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server replicaCFUpdated This attribute stores the status of the copiedFrom attribute on an entry. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.217 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server replicaCredentials This attribute contains the password associated with the replica bind DN. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.202 Syntax Binary 139 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server replicaEntryFilter This attribute contains an LDAP filter to use to identify the entries to be replicated. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.203 Syntax IA5String Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server replicaHost This attribute contains the hostname of the replica server. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.197 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server replicaLastRelevantChange This attribute stores the last relevant change in an entry. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.408 Syntax Integer Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server replicaNickName This attribute contains the friendly name for the replication agreement. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.204 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server replicaPort This attribute contains the port number of the replica server. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.48 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued 140 Legacy Replication Attributes Defined in Directory Server replicaRoot This attribute sets the DN at the root of a replicated area. This attribute must have the same value as the suffix of the database being replicated and cannot be modified. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.57 Syntax DN Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server replicatedAttributeList This attribute specifies any attributes that are replicated to a consumer server. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.240 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server replicaUpdateFailedAt This attribute contains the time and date of the most recent replication failure. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.49 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server replicaUpdateReplayed This attribute stores the change number of the most recently replicated change. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.51 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server replicaUpdateSchedule This contains the replication schedule. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.52 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued 141 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference Defined in Directory Server replicaUseSSL This attribute sets whether to use a secure connection (SSL) for replication. OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.54 Syntax DirectoryString Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued Defined in Directory Server 142 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference This chapter contains reference information on Red Hat Directory Server plug-ins. The configuration for each part of Directory Server plug-in functionality has its own separate entry and set of attributes under the subtree cn=plugins, cn=config. dn: cn=Telephone Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: nsSlapdPlugin objectclass: extensibleObject cn: Telephone Syntax nsslapd-pluginPath: libsyntax-plugin nsslapd-pluginInitfunc: tel_init nsslapd-pluginType: syntax nsslapd-pluginEnabled: on Some of these attributes are common to all plug-ins while others may be particular to a specific plugin. Check which attributes are currently being used by a given plug-in by performing an ldapsearch on the cn=config subtree. All plug-ins are instances of the nsSlapdPlugin object class, which in turn inherits from the extensibleObject object class. For plug-in configuration attributes to be taken into account by the server, both of these object classes (in addition to the top object class) must be present in the entry, as shown in the following example: dn:cn=ACL Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config objectclass:top objectclass:nsSlapdPlugin objectclass:extensibleObject 3.1. Server Plug-in Functionality Reference The following tables provide a quick overview of the plug-ins provided with Directory Server, along with their configurable options, configurable arguments, default setting, dependencies, general performance-related information, and further reading. These tables assist in weighing plug-in performance gains and costs and choose the optimal settings for the deployment. The Further Information section cross-references further reading, where this is available. 3.1.1. 7-bit Check Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name 7-bit check (NS7bitAtt) DN of Configuration Entry cn=7-bit check, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Checks certain attributes are 7-bit clean Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on 143 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Plug-in Parameter Description Configurable Arguments List of attributes (uid mail userPassword) followed by "," and then suffixes on which the check is to occur. Dependencies None Performance Related Information None Further Information If the Directory Server uses non-ASCII characters, such as Japanese, turn this plug-in off. 3.1.2. ACL Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name ACL Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=ACL Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Description ACL access check plug-in Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Access control incurs a minimal performance hit. Leave this plug-in enabled since it is the primary means of access control for the server. Further Information See the "Managing Access Control" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 3.1.3. ACL Preoperation Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name ACL Preoperation DN of Configuration Entry cn=ACL preoperation, cn=plugins, cn=config Description ACL access check plug-in Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies Database Performance Related Information Access control incurs a minimal performance hit. Leave this plug-in enabled since it is the primary means of access control for the server. Further Information See the "Managing Access Control" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 144 Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in 3.1.4. Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=Attribute Uniqueness, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Checks that the values of specified attributes are unique each time a modification occurs on an entry. For example, most sites require that a user ID and email address be unique. Configurable Options on | off Default Setting off Configurable Arguments To check for UID attribute uniqueness in all listed subtrees, enter uid "DN" "DN".... However, to check for UID attribute uniqueness when adding or updating entries with the requiredObjectClass, enter attribute="uid" MarkerObjectclass = "ObjectClassName" and, optionally requiredObjectClass = "ObjectClassName". This starts checking for the required object classes from the parent entry containing the ObjectClass as defined by the MarkerObjectclass attribute. Dependencies Database Performance Related Information Directory Server provides the UID Uniqueness Plug-in by default. To ensure unique values for other attributes, create instances of the Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in for those attributes. See the "Using the Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in" in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide for more information about the Attribute Uniqueness Plugin. The UID Uniqueness Plug-in is off by default due to operation restrictions that need to be addressed before enabling the plug-in in a multimaster replication environment. Turning the plug-in on may slow down Directory Server performance. Further Information See the"Using the Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in" in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 3.1.5. Binary Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Binary Syntax 145 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Plug-in Parameter Description DN of Configuration Entry cn=Binary Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Syntax for handling binary data Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information 3.1.6. Boolean Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Boolean Syntax DN of Configuration Entry cn=Boolean Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Syntax for handling booleans Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information 3.1.7. Case Exact String Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Case Exact String Syntax DN of Configuration Entry cn=Case Exact String Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Syntax for handling case-sensitive strings Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. 146 Case Ignore String Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Further Information 3.1.8. Case Ignore String Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Case Ignore String Syntax DN of Configuration Entry cn=Case Ignore String Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Syntax for handling case-insensitive strings Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information 3.1.9. Chaining Database Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Chaining Database DN of Configuration Entry cn=Chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Enables backend databases to be linked Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information There are many performance related tuning parameters involved with the chaining database. See the "Maintaining Database Links" section in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Further Information A chaining database is also known as a database link. Database links are described in the "Configuring Directory Databases" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 3.1.10. Class of Service Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Class of Service 147 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Plug-in Parameter Description DN of Configuration Entry cn=Class of Service, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Allows for sharing of attributes between entries Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plug-in. Leave this plug-in running at all times. Further Information See the "Advanced Entry Management" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 3.1.11. Country String Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Country String Syntax Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=Country String Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Syntax for handling countries Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information 3.1.12. Distinguished Name Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Distinguished Name Syntax DN of Configuration Entry cn=Distinguished Name Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Syntax for handling DNs Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. 148 Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Further Information 3.1.13. Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in Plug-in Information Description Plug-in Name Distributed Numeric Assignment (DNA) Configuration Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config Description Distributed Numeric Assignment plugin Configurable Options on | off Default Setting off Configurable Arguments Dependencies None Performance Related Information None Further Information Table 3.1. Details of Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in 3.1.14. Generalized Time Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Generalized Time Syntax DN of Configuration Entry cn=Generalized Time Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Syntax for dealing with dates, times and time zones Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information The Generalized Time String consists of a four digit year, two digit month (for example, 01 for January), two digit day, two digit hour, two digit minute, two digit second, an optional decimal part of a second, and a time zone indication. Red Hat strongly recommends using the Z time zone indication, which indicates Greenwich Mean Time. 149 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference 3.1.15. HTTP Client Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name HTTP Client DN of Configuration Entry cn=HTTP Client, cn=plugins, cn=config Description HTTP client plug-in Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies Database Performance Related Information Further Information 3.1.16. Integer Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Integer Syntax DN of Configuration Entry cn=Integer Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Syntax for handling integers Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information 3.1.17. Internationalization Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Internationalization Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=Internationalization Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Enables internationalized strings to be ordered in the directory Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments The Internationalization Plug-in has one argument, which must not be modified, which 150 JPEG Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description specifies the location of the /etc/dirsrv/ config/slapd-collations.conf file. This file stores the collation orders and locales used by the Internationalization Plug-in. Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information See the "Internationalization" appendix and the section on "Searching an Internationalized Directory" in the "Finding Directory Entries" appendix in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 3.1.18. JPEG Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name JPEG Syntax Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=JPEG Syntax,cn=plugins,cn=config Description Syntax for JPEG data. Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information 3.1.19. ldbm database Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name ldbm database Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Implements local databases Configurable Options Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information See Section 3.4, “Database Plug-in Attributes” for further information on database configuration. 151 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Plug-in Parameter Description Further Information See the "Configuring Directory Databases" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 3.1.20. Legacy Replication Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Legacy Replication Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=Legacy Replication plug-in, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Enables a current version Directory Server to be a consumer of a 4.x supplier Configurable Options on | off Default Setting off Configurable Arguments None. This plug-in can be disabled if the server is not (and never will be) a consumer of a 4.x server. Dependencies Database Performance Related Information None Further Information See the "Managing Replication" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 3.1.21. MemberOf Plug-in Plug-in Information Description Plug-in Name MemberOf Configuration Entry DN cn=MemberOf Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config Description Manages the memberOf attribute on user entries, based on the member attributes in the group entry. Configurable Options on | off Default Setting off Configurable Arguments memberofattr sets the attribute to generate in people's entries to show their group membership. memberofgroupattr sets the attribute to use to identify group member's DNs. Dependencies None Performance Related Information None Further Information Table 3.2. Details of MemberOf Plug-in 152 Multi-master Replication Plug-in 3.1.22. Multi-master Replication Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Multi-master Replication Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=Multimaster Replication plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Enables replication between two current Directory Servers Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies Database Performance Related Information Further Information Turn this plug-in off if one server will never replicate. See the "Managing Replication" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 3.1.23. Octet String Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Octet String Syntax DN of Configuration Entry cn=Octet String Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Syntax for handling octet strings Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information 3.1.24. OID Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name OID Syntax Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=OID Syntax,cn=plugins,cn=config Description Syntax for object identifiers (OID). Configurable Options on | off 153 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Plug-in Parameter Description Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information 3.1.25. Password Storage Schemes The cn=Password Storage Schemes entry is a container entry, not a plug-in entry itself. All of the plug-ins used for encryption are stored under this entry. The supported schemes change as new encryption methods are added; to view the complete and current list, list the entries under cn=Password Storage Schemes, cn=plugins, cn=config: /usr/lib/mozldap/ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -w secret12 -p 389 -b "cn=Password Storage Schemes,cn=plugins, cn=config" -s sub (objectclass=*) The different password storage scheme plug-ins are stored in entries named in the format: cn=Storage Scheme Name Plugin,cn=Password Storage Schemes,cn=plugins,cn=config For more information on using the different password storage schemes, see the "User Account Management" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. CAUTION Do not modify the configuration of the password scheme plug-ins. Red Hat recommends leaving these plug-ins running at all times. Storage Scheme Name Usage Notes CLEAR This encryption method is required for using SASL. CRYPT This storage scheme is not very secure and is included only for compatibility with legacy servers and to allow migration. DES This encryption scheme is used only for reversible encryption and is available for certain plug-ins; this is not intended for password storage. MD5 This storage scheme is not very secure and is included only for compatibility with legacy servers and to allow migration. NS-MTA-MD5 The NS-MTA-MD5 password storage scheme cannot be used to encrypt passwords. The storage scheme is still present for backward 154 Postal Address String Syntax Plug-in Storage Scheme Name Usage Notes compatibility for any entries stored in the directory with passwords encrypted with the NSMTA-MD5 password storage scheme. SHA If there are no passwords encrypted using the SHA password storage scheme, this plug-in can be turned off. Instead of encrypting passwords with the SHA password storage scheme, Red Hat recommends choosing SSHA instead because it is more secure. SHA256 Use SHA256 or higher to encrypt passwords because these are stronger encryption schemes. SHA384 This storage scheme is recommended for password storage because of its strength. SHA512 This storage scheme is recommended for password storage because of its strength. SSHA This is recommended instead of SHA because it is a stronger encryption screen. However, Red Hat recommends using at least the SSHA256 storage scheme or higher because these are stronger schemes. SSHA256 Use SSHA256 or higher to encrypt passwords because these are stronger encryption schemes. SSHA384 This storage scheme is recommended for password storage because of its strength. SSHA512 This storage scheme is recommended for password storage because of its strength. Table 3.3. Password Storage Plugins 3.1.26. Postal Address String Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Postal Address Syntax DN of Configuration Entry cn=Postal Address Syntax,cn=plugins,cn=config Description Syntax used for handling postal addresses Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. 155 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Plug-in Parameter Description Further Information 3.1.27. PTA Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Pass-Through Authentication Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=Pass Through Authentication, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Enables pass-through authentication, the mechanism which allows one directory to consult another to authenticate bind requests. Configurable Options on | off Default Setting off Configurable Arguments ldap:// Dependencies None Performance Related Information Pass-through authentication slows down bind requests a little because they have to make an extra hop to the remote server. See the "Using Pass-through Authentication" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Further Information See the "Using the Pass-through Authentication Plug-in" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 3.1.28. Referential Integrity Postoperation Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Referential Integrity Postoperation DN of Configuration Entry cn=Referential Integrity Postoperation, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Enables the server to ensure referential integrity Configurable Options All configuration and on | off Default Setting off Configurable Arguments When enabled, the post-operation Referential Integrity Plug-in performs integrity updates on the member, uniqueMember, owner and seeAlso attributes immediately after a delete or rename operation. The plug-in can be reconfigured to perform integrity checks on all other attributes: • Check for referential integrity. 156 Retro Changelog Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description -1= no check for referential integrity 0= check for referential integrity is performed immediately Positive integer= request for referential integrity is queued and processed at a later stage. This positive integer serves as a wakeup call for the thread to process the request at intervals corresponding to the integer (number of seconds) specified. • Log file for storing the change; for example /var/log/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/referint. • All the additional attribute names to be checked for referential integrity. Dependencies Database Performance Related Information The Referential Integrity Plug-in should be enabled only on one master in a multimaster replication environment to avoid conflict resolution loops. When enabling the plug-in on chained servers, be sure to analyze the performance resource and time needs as well as integrity needs; integrity checks can be time consuming and demanding on memory and CPU. All attributes specified must be indexed for both presence and equality. Further Information See the "Managing Indexes" chapter for information about how to index attributes used for referential integrity checking and the "Configuring Directory Databases" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 3.1.29. Retro Changelog Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Retro Changelog Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=Retro Changelog Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Used by LDAP clients for maintaining application compatibility with Directory Server 4.x versions. Maintains a log of all changes occurring in the Directory Server. The retro changelog offers the same functionality as the changelog in the 4.x versions of Directory Server. This plug-in exposes the cn=changelog suffix to clients, 157 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Plug-in Parameter Description so that clients can use this suffix with or without persistent search for simple sync applications. Configurable Options on | off Default Setting off Configurable Arguments See Section 3.6, “Retro Changelog Plug-in Attributes” for further information on the two configuration attributes for this plug-in. Dependencies None Performance Related Information May slow down Directory Server update performance. Further Information See the "Managing Replication" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 3.1.30. Roles Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Roles Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=Roles Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Enables the use of roles in the Directory Server Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies Database Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information See the "Advanced Entry Management" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 3.1.31. Schema Reload Plug-in Plug-in Information Description Plug-in Name Schema Reload Configuration Entry DN cn=Schema Reload,cn=plugins,cn=config Description Task plug-in to reload schema files Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information 158 Space Insensitive String Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Information Description Further Information Table 3.4. Details of Schema Reload Plug-in 3.1.32. Space Insensitive String Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Space Insensitive String Syntax DN of Configuration Entry cn=Space Insensitive String Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Syntax for handling space-insensitive values Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information This plug-in enables the Directory Server to support space and case insensitive values. This allows applications to search the directory using entries with ASCII space characters. For example, a search or compare operation that uses jOHN Doe will match entries that contain johndoe, john doe, and John Doe if the attribute's schema has been configured to use the space insensitive syntax. For more information about finding directory entries, refer to the "Finding Directory Entries" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 3.1.33. State Change Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name State Change Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=State Change Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Enables state-change-notification service Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None 159 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Plug-in Parameter Description Performance Related Information Further Information 3.1.34. Telephone Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Telephone Syntax DN of Configuration Entry cn=Telephone Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Syntax for handling telephone numbers Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information 3.1.35. URI Syntax Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name URI Syntax DN of Configuration Entry cn=URI Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config Description Syntax for handling URIs (Unique Resource Identifiers), including URLs (Unique Resource Locators) Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies None Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information 3.1.36. Views Plug-in Plug-in Parameter Description Plug-in Name Views Plug-in DN of Configuration Entry cn=Views,cn=plugins,cn=config 160 List of Attributes Common to All Plug-ins Plug-in Parameter Description Description Enables the use of views in the Directory Server databases. Configurable Options on | off Default Setting on Configurable Arguments None Dependencies Database Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plugin. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in running at all times. Further Information 3.2. List of Attributes Common to All Plug-ins This list provides a brief attribute description, the entry DN, valid range, default value, syntax, and an example for each attribute. 3.2.1. nsSlapdPlugin Each Directory Server plug-in belongs to the nsSlapdPlugin object class. This object class is defined in Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.41 Required Attributes Attribute Definition objectClass Gives the object classes assigned to the entry. cn Gives the common name of the entry. 1 nsslapd-pluginPath Identifies the plugin library name (without the library suffix). 2 nsslapd-pluginInitfunc Identifies an initialization function of the plugin. 3 nsslapd-pluginType nsslapd-pluginId Identifies the type of plugin. 4 Identifies the plugin ID. 5 nsslapd-pluginVersion nsslapd-pluginVendor Identifies the version of plugin. 6 Identifies the vendor of plugin. nsslapd-pluginDescription nsslapd-pluginEnabled 8 7 Identifies the description of the plugin. Identifies whether or not the plugin is enabled. 161 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference 3.2.2. nsslapd-pluginPath This attribute specifies the full path to the plug-in. Plug-in Parameter Description Entry DN cn=plug-in name, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid path Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-pluginPath: uid-plugin 3.2.3. nsslapd-pluginInitfunc This attribute specifies the plug-in function to be initiated. Plug-in Parameter Description Entry DN cn=plug-in name, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid plug-in function Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-pluginInitfunc: NS7bitAttr_Init 3.2.4. nsslapd-pluginType This attribute specifies the plug-in type. See Section 3.3.3, “nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-type” for further information. Plug-in Parameter Description Entry DN cn=plug-in name, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid plug-in type Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-pluginType: preoperation 3.2.5. nsslapd-pluginEnabled This attribute specifies whether the plug-in is enabled. This attribute can be changed over protocol but will only take effect when the server is next restarted. Plug-in Parameter Description Entry DN cn=plug-in name, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString 162 nsslapd-pluginId Plug-in Parameter Description Example nsslapd-pluginEnabled: on 3.2.6. nsslapd-pluginId This attribute specifies the plug-in ID. Plug-in Parameter Description Entry DN cn=plug-in name, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid plug-in ID Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-pluginId: chaining database 3.2.7. nsslapd-pluginVersion This attribute specifies the plug-in version. Plug-in Parameter Description Entry DN cn=plug-in name, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid plug-in version Default Value Product version number Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-pluginVersion: 8.1 3.2.8. nsslapd-pluginVendor This attribute specifies the vendor of the plug-in. Plug-in Parameter Description Entry DN cn=plug-in name, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any approved plug-in vendor Default Value Red Hat, Inc. Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-pluginVendor: Red Hat, Inc. 3.2.9. nsslapd-pluginDescription This attribute provides a description of the plug-in. Plug-in Parameter Description Entry DN cn=plug-in name, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Default Value None 163 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Plug-in Parameter Description Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-pluginDescription: acl access check plug-in 3.3. Attributes Allowed by Certain Plug-ins 3.3.1. nsslapd-pluginLoadNow This attribute specifies whether to load all of the symbols used by a plug-in immediately (true), as well as all symbols references by those symbols, or to load the symbol the first time it is used (false). Plug-in Parameter Description Entry DN cn=plug-in name, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value false Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-pluginLoadNow: false 3.3.2. nsslapd-pluginLoadGlobal This attribute specifies whether the symbols in dependent libraries are made visible locally (false) or to the executable and to all shared objects (true). Plug-in Parameter Description Entry DN cn=plug-in name, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value false Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-pluginLoadGlobal: false 3.3.3. nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-type Multi-valued attribute used to ensure that plug-ins are called by the server in the correct order. Takes a value which corresponds to the type number of a plug-in, contained in the attribute nsslapdpluginType. See Section 3.2.4, “nsslapd-pluginType” for further information. All plug-ins with a type value which matches one of the values in the following valid range will be started by the server prior to this plug-in. The following postoperation Referential Integrity Plug-in example shows that the database plug-in will be started prior to the postoperation Referential Integrity Plug-in. Plug-in Parameter Description Entry DN cn=referential integrity postoperation, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values database Default Value 164 nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-named Plug-in Parameter Description Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-type: database 3.3.4. nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-named Multi-valued attribute used to ensure that plug-ins are called by the server in the correct order. Takes a value which corresponds to the cn value of a plug-in. The plug-in with a cn value matching one of the following values will be started by the server prior to this plug-in. If the plug-in does not exist, the server fails to start. The following postoperation Referential Integrity Plug-in example shows that the Views plug-in is started before Roles. If Views is missing, the server is not going to start. Plug-in Parameter Description Entry DN cn=referential integrity postoperation, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Class of Service Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-named: Views nsslapd-pluginId: roles 3.4. Database Plug-in Attributes The database plug-in is also organized in an information tree, as shown in Figure 3.1, “Database Plugin”. Figure 3.1. Database Plug-in All plug-in technology used by the database instances is stored in the cn=ldbm database plug-in node. This section presents the additional attribute information for each of the nodes in bold in the cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config information tree. 3.4.1. Database Attributes under cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config This section covers global configuration attributes common to all instances are stored in the cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config tree node. 165 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference nsLookThroughLimit This performance-related attribute specifies the maximum number of entries that the Directory Server will check when examining candidate entries in response to a search request. The Directory Manager DN, however, is, by default, unlimited and overrides any other settings specified here. It is worth noting that binder-based resource limits work for this limit, which means that if a value for the operational attribute nsLookThroughLimit is present in the entry as which a user binds, the default limit will be overridden. Attempting to set a value that is not a number or is too big for a 32-bit signed integer returns an LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM error message with additional error information explaining the problem. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range -1 to maximum 32-bit integer in entries (where -1 is unlimited) Default Value 5000 Syntax Integer Example nsLookThroughLimit: 5000 nsslapd-idlistscanlimit This performance-related attribute, present by default, specifies the number of entry IDs that are searched during a search operation. Attempting to set a value that is not a number or is too big for a 32-bit signed integer returns an LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM error message, with additional error information explaining the problem. It is advisable to keep the default value to improve search performance. For a more detailed explanation of the effect of ID lists on search performance, refer to the "Managing Indexes" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 100 to the maximum 32-bit integer value (2147483647) entry IDs Default Value 4000 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-idlistscanlimit: 4000 nsslapd-cache-autosize This performance tuning-related attribute, which is turned off by default, specifies the percentage of free memory to use for all the combined caches. For example, if the value is set to 80, then 80 percent of the remaining free memory would be claimed for the cache. To run other servers on the machine, then set the value lower. Setting the value to 0 turns off the cache autosizing and uses the normal nsslapd-cachememsize and nsslapd-dbcachesize attributes. 166 Database Attributes under cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config NOTE If the nsslapd-cache-autosize attribute and nsslapd-cache-autosizesplit attribute are both set to high values, such as 100, then the Directory Server may fail to start and return an error message. To fix this issue, reset the nsslapdcache-autosize and nsslapd-cache-autosize-split attributes to a more reasonable level. For example: nsslapd-cache-autosize: 60 nsslapd-cache-autosize-split: 60 Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 0 (turns cache autosizing off) to 100 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-cache-autosize: 80 nsslapd-cache-autosize-split This performance tuning-related attribute specifies the percentage of cache space to allocate to the database cache. For example, setting this to 60 would give the database cache 60 percent of the cache space and split the remaining 40 percent between the backend entry caches. That is, if there were two databases, each of them would receive 20 percent. This attribute only applies when the nsslapd-cache-autosize attribute has a value of 0. NOTE If the nsslapd-cache-autosize attribute and nsslapd-cache-autosizesplit attribute are both set to high values, such as 100, then the Directory Server may fail to start and return error message. To fix this issue, reset the nsslapdcache-autosize and nsslapd-cache-autosize-split attributes to a more reasonable level. For example: nsslapd-cache-autosize: 60 nsslapd-cache-autosize-split: 60 Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 0 to 99 Default Value 50 (This will not necessarily optimize operations.) Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-cache-autosize-split: 50 167 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference nsslapd-dbcachesize This performance tuning-related attribute specifies the database index cache size, in bytes. This is one of the most important values for controlling how much physical RAM the directory server uses. This is not the entry cache. This is the amount of memory the Berkeley database backend will use to cache the indexes (the .db4 files) and other files. This value is passed to the Berkeley DB API function set_cachesize. If automatic cache resizing is activated, this attribute is overridden when the server replaces these values with its own guessed values at a later stage of the server startup. For more technical information on this attribute, see the cache size section of the Berkeley DB reference guide at env_set_cachesize.html. Attempting to set a value that is not a number or is too big for a 32-bit signed integer returns an LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM error message with additional error information explaining the problem. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 500 kilobytes to 4 gigabytes for 32-bit platforms and 500 kilobytes to 2^64-1 for 64-bit platforms Default Value 10000000 (bytes) Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-dbcachesize: 10000000 nsslapd-db-checkpoint-interval This sets the amount of time in seconds after which the Directory Server sends a checkpoint entry to the database transaction log. The database transaction log contains a sequential listing of all recent database operations and is used for database recovery only. A checkpoint entry indicates which database operations have been physically written to the directory database. The checkpoint entries are used to determine where in the database transaction log to begin recovery after a system failure. The nsslapd-db-checkpoint-interval attribute is absent from dse.ldif. To change the checkpoint interval, add the attribute to dse.ldif. This attribute can be dynamically modified using ldapmodify. For further information on modifying this attribute, see the "Tuning Directory Server Performance" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. This attribute is provided only for system modification/diagnostics and should be changed only with the guidance of Red Hat technical support or Red Hat professional services. Inconsistent settings of this attribute and other configuration attributes may cause the Directory Server to be unstable. For more information on database transaction logging, refer to the "Monitoring Server and Database Activity" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 10 to 300 seconds 168 Database Attributes under cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Parameter Description Default Value 60 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-db-checkpoint-interval: 120 nsslapd-db-circular-logging This attribute specifies circular logging for the transaction log files. If this attribute is switched off, old transaction log files are not removed and are kept renamed as old log transaction files. Turning circular logging off can severely degrade server performance and, as such, should only be modified with the guidance of Red Hat Technical Support or Red Hat Professional Services. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-db-circular-logging: on nsslapd-db-debug This attribute specifies whether additional error information is to be reported to Directory Server. To report error information, set the parameter to on. This parameter is meant for troubleshooting; enabling the parameter may slow down the Directory Server. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-db-debug: off nsslapd-db-durable-transactions This attribute sets whether database transaction log entries are immediately written to the disk. The database transaction log contains a sequential listing of all recent database operations and is used for database recovery only. With durable transactions enabled, every directory change will always be physically recorded in the log file and, therefore, able to be recovered in the event of a system failure. However, the durable transactions feature may also slow the performance of the Directory Server. When durable transactions is disabled, all transactions are logically written to the database transaction log but may not be physically written to disk immediately. If there were a system failure before a directory change was physically written to disk, that change would not be recoverable. The nsslapd-db-durable-transactions attribute is absent from dse.ldif. To disable durable transactions, add the attribute to dse.ldif. 169 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference This attribute is provided only for system modification/diagnostics and should be changed only with the guidance of Red Hat Technical Support or Red Hat Professional Services. Inconsistent settings of this attribute and other configuration attributes may cause the Directory Server to be unstable. For more information on database transaction logging, refer to the "Monitoring Server and Database Activity" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-db-durable-transactions: on nsslapd-db-home-directory This is usually applicable to Solaris only, and is used to fix a situation in Solaris where the operating system endlessly flushes pages. This flushing can be so excessive that performance of the entire system is severely degraded. For users of other systems, to move the database to another physical location for performance reasons, use this parameter to specify the home directory. This situation will occur only for certain combinations of the database cache size, the size of physical memory, and kernel tuning attributes. In particular, this situation should not occur if the database cache size is less than 100 megabytes. If the Solaris host seems excessively slow and the database cache size is around 100 megabytes or more, then use the iostat utility to diagnose the problem by monitoring the activity of the disk where the Directory Server's database files are stored. There are three conditions required before resetting the nsslapd-db-home-directory attribute: • The disk is heavily used (more than 1 megabyte per second of data transfer). • There is a long service time (more than 100ms). • There is mostly write activity. If these are all true, use the nsslapd-db-home-directory attribute to specify a subdirectory of a tempfs type filesystem. The directory referenced by the nsslapd-db-home-directory attribute must be a subdirectory of a filesystem of type tempfs (such as /tmp). However, Directory Server does not create the subdirectory referenced by this attribute. This directory must be created either manually or by using a script. Failure to create the directory referenced by the nsslapd-db-home-directory attribute will result in Directory Server being unable to start. Also, if there are multiple Directory Servers on the same machine, their nsslapd-db-homedirectory attributes must be configured with different directories. Failure to do so will result in the databases for both directories becoming corrupted. 170 Database Attributes under cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config The use of this attribute causes internal Directory Server database files to be moved to the directory referenced by the attribute. It is possible, but unlikely, that the server will no longer start after the files have been moved because not enough memory can be allocated. This is a symptom of an overly large database cache size being configured for the server. If this happens, reduce the size of the database cache size to a value where the server will start again. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid directory name in a tempfs filesystem, such as /tmp Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-db-home-directory: /tmp/slapdphonebook nsslapd-db-idl-divisor This attribute specifies the index block size in terms of the number of blocks per database page. The block size is calculated by dividing the database page size by the value of this attribute. A value of 1 makes the block size exactly equal to the page size. The default value of 0 sets the block size to the page size minus an estimated allowance for internal database overhead. For the majority of installations, the default value should not be changed unless there are specific tuning needs. Before modifying the value of this attribute, export all databases using the db2ldif script. Once the modification has been made, reload the databases using the ldif2db script. WARNING This parameter should only be used by very advanced users. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 0 to 8 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-db-idl-divisor: 2 nsslapd-db-logbuf-size This attribute specifies the log information buffer size. Log information is stored in memory until the buffer fills up or the transaction commit forces the buffer to be written to disk. Larger buffer sizes can significantly increase throughput in the presence of long running transactions, highly concurrent applications, or transactions producing large amounts of data. The log information buffer size is the transaction log size divided by four. 171 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference The nsslapd-db-logbuf-size attribute is only valid if the nsslapd-db-durabletransactions attribute is set to on. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 32K to maximum 32-bit integer (limited to the amount of memory available on the machine) Default Value 32K Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-db-logbuf-size: 32K nsslapd-db-logdirectory This attribute specifies the path and directory name of the directory containing the database transaction log. The database transaction log contains a sequential listing of all recent database operations and is used for database recovery only. By default, the database transaction log is stored in the same directory as the directory entries themselves, /var/lib/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/db. For fault-tolerance and performance reasons, move this log file to another physical disk. The nsslapd-db-logdirectory attribute is absent from dse.ldif. To change the location of the database transaction log, add the attribute to dse.ldif. For more information on database transaction logging, refer to the "Monitoring Server and Database Activity" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid path and directory name Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-db-logdirectory: /logs/txnlog nsslapd-db-logfile-size This attribute specifies the maximum size of a single file in the log in bytes. By default, or if the value is set to 0, a maximum size of 10 megabytes is used. The maximum size is an unsigned 4-byte value. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 0 to unsigned 4-byte integer Default Value 10MB Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-db-logfile-size: 10 MB 172 Database Attributes under cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config nsslapd-db-page-size This attribute specifies the size of the pages used to hold items in the database in bytes. The minimum size is 512 bytes, and the maximum size is 64 kilobytes. If the page size is not explicitly set, Directory Server defaults to a page size of 8 kilobytes. Changing this default value can have a significant performance impact. If the page size is too small, it results in extensive page splitting and copying, whereas if the page size is too large it can waste disk space. Before modifying the value of this attribute, export all databases using the db2ldif script. Once the modification has been made, reload the databases using the ldif2db script. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 512 bytes to 64 kilobytes Default Value 8KB Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-db-page-size: 8KB nsslapd-db-spin-count This attribute specifies the number of times that test-and-set mutexes should spin without blocking. WARNING Never touch this value unless you are very familiar with the inner workings of Berkeley DB or are specifically told to do so by Red Hat support. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 0 to 2^31-1 Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-db-spin-count: 0 nsslapd-db-transaction-batch-val This attribute specifies how many transactions will be batched before being committed. This attribute can improve update performance when full transaction durability is not required. This attribute can be dynamically modified using ldapmodify. For further information on modifying this attribute, refer to the "Tuning Directory Server Performance" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 173 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference WARNING Setting this value will reduce data consistency and may lead to loss of data. This is because if there is a power outage before the server can flush the batched transactions, those transactions in the batch will be lost. Do not set this value unless specifically requested to do so by Red Hat support. If this attribute is not defined or is set to a value of 0, transaction batching will be turned off, and it will be impossible to make remote modifications to this attribute via LDAP. However, setting this attribute to a value greater than 0 causes the server to delay committing transactions until the number of queued transactions is equal to the attribute value. A value greater than 0 also allows modifications to this attribute remotely via LDAP. A value of 1 for this attribute allows modifications to the attribute setting remotely via LDAP, but results in no batching behavior. A value of 1 at server startup is therefore useful for maintaining normal durability while also allowing transaction batching to be turned on and off remotely when desired. Remember that the value for this attribute may require modifying the nsslapd-db-logbuf-size attribute to ensure sufficient log buffer size for accommodating the batched transactions. NOTE The nsslapd-db-transaction-batch-val attribute is only valid if the nsslapd-db-durable-transaction attribute is set to on. For more information on database transaction logging, refer to the "Monitoring Server and Database Activity" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 0 to 30 Default Value 0 (or turned off) Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-db-transaction-batch-val: 5 nsslapd-db-trickle-percentage This attribute sets that at least the specified percentage of pages in the shared-memory pool are clean by writing dirty pages to their backing files. This is to ensure that a page is always available for reading in new information without having to wait for a write. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 0 to 100 Default Value 40 Syntax Integer 174 Database Attributes under cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Parameter Description Example nsslapd-db-trickle-percentage: 40 nsslapd-db-verbose This attribute specifies whether to record additional informational and debugging messages when searching the log for checkpoints, doing deadlock detection, and performing recovery. This parameter is meant for troubleshooting, and enabling the parameter may slow down the Directory Server. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-db-verbose: off nsslapd-dbncache This attribute can split the LDBM cache into equally sized separate pieces of memory. It is possible to specify caches that are large enough so that they cannot be allocated contiguously on some architectures; for example, some systems limit the amount of memory that may be allocated contiguously by a process. If nsslapd-dbncache is 0 or 1, the cache will be allocated contiguously in memory. If it is greater than 1, the cache will be broken up into ncache, equally sized separate pieces of memory. To configure a dbcache size larger than 4 gigabytes, add the nsslapd-dbncache attribute to cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config between the nsslapddbcachesize and nsslapd-db-logdirectory attribute lines. Set this value to an integer that is one-quarter (1/4) the amount of memory in gigabytes. For example, for a 12 gigabyte system, set the nsslapd-dbncache value to 3; for an 8 gigabyte system, set it to 2. This attribute is provided only for system modification/diagnostics and should be changed only with the guidance of Red Hat technical support or Red Hat professional services. Inconsistent settings of this attribute and other configuration attributes may cause the Directory Server to be unstable. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values 1 to 4 Default Value 1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-dbncache: 1 175 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference nsslapd-directory This attribute specifies absolute path to database instance. If the database instance is manually created then this attribute must be included, something which is set by default (and modifiable) in the Directory Server Console. Once the database instance is created, do not modify this path as any changes risk preventing the server from accessing data. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid absolute path to the database instance Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-directory: /var/lib/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/db nsslapd-import-cachesize This performance tuning-related attribute determines the size, in bytes, of the database cache used in the bulk import process. Setting this attribute value so that the maximum available system physical memory is used for the database cache during bulk importing optimizes bulk import speed. Attempting to set a value that is not a number or is too big for a 32-bit signed integer returns an LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM error message, with additional error information explaining the problem. NOTE A cache is created for each load that occurs. For example, if the user sets the nsslapd-import-cachesize attribute to 1 gigabyte, then 1 gigabyte is used when loading one database, 2 gigabytes is used when loading two databases, and so on. Ensure there is sufficient physical memory to prevent swapping from occurring, as this would result in performance degradation. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 500 kilobytes to 4 gigabytes for 32-bit platforms and 500 kilobytes to 2^64-1 for 64-bit platforms Default Value 20000000 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-import-cachesize: 20000000 nsslapd-import-cache-autosize This performance tuning-related attribute automatically sets the size of the import cache (importCache) to be used during the command-line-based import process of LDIF files to the database (the ldif2db operation). 176 Database Attributes under cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config In Directory Server, the import operation can be run as a server task or exclusively on the commandline. In the task mode, the import operation runs as a general Directory Server operation. The nsslapd-import-cache-autosize attribute enables the import cache to be set automatically to a predetermined size when the import operation is run on the command-line. The attribute can also be used by Directory Server during the task mode import for allocating a specified percentage of free memory for import cache. By default, the nsslapd-import-cache-autosize attribute is enabled and is set to a value of -1. This value autosizes the import cache for the ldif2db operation only, automatically allocating fifty percent (50%) of the free physical memory for the import cache. The percentage value (50%) is hardcoded and cannot be changed. Setting the attribute value to 50 (nsslapd-import-cache-autosize: 50) has the same effect on performance during an ldif2db operation. However, such a setting will have the same effect on performance when the import operation is run as a Directory Server task. The -1 value autosizes the import cache just for the ldif2db operation and not for any, including import, general Directory Server tasks. NOTE The purpose of a -1 setting is to enable the ldif2db operation to benefit from free physical memory but, at the same time, not compete for valuable memory with the entry cache, which is used for general operations of the Directory Server. Setting the nsslapd-import-cache-autosize attribute value to 0 turns off the import cache autosizing feature - that is, no autosizing occurs during either mode of the import operation. Instead, Directory Server uses the nsslapd-import-cachesize attribute for import cache size, with a default value of 20000000. There are three caches in the context of Directory Server: database cache, entry cache, and import cache. The import cache is only used during the import operation. The nsslapd-cache-autosize attribute, which is used for autosizing the entry cache and database cache, is used during the Directory Server operations only and not during the ldif2db command-line operation; the attribute value is the percentage of free physical memory to be allocated for the entry cache and database cache. If both the autosizing attributes, nsslapd-cache-autosize and nsslapd-import-cacheautosize, are enabled, ensure that their sum is less than 100. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range -1, 0 (turns import cache autosizing off) to 100 Default Value -1 (turns import cache autosizing on for ldif2db only and allocates 50% of the free physical memory to import cache) Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-import-cache-autosize: -1 177 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference nsslapd-mode This attribute specifies the permissions used for newly created index files. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any four-digit octal number. However, mode 0600 is recommended. This allows read and write access for the owner of the index files (which is the user as whom the ns-slapd runs) and no access for other users. Default Value 600 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-mode: 0600 3.4.2. Database Attributes under cn=monitor, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Global read-only attributes containing database statistics for monitoring activity on the databases are stored in the cn=monitor, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config tree node. For more information on these entries, refer to the "Monitoring Server and Database Activity" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. dbcachehits This attribute shows the requested pages found in the database. dbcachetries This attribute shows the total cache lookups. dbcachehitratio This attribute shows the percentage of requested pages found in the database cache (hits/tries). dbcachepagein This attribute shows the pages read into the database cache. dbcachepageout This attribute shows the pages written from the database cache to the backing file. dbcacheroevict This attribute shows the clean pages forced from the cache. dbcacherwevict This attribute shows the dirty pages forced from the cache. 178 r cn=NetscapeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config and cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config 3.4.3. Database Attributes under cn=NetscapeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config and cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config The cn=NetscapeRoot and cn=userRoot subtrees contain configuration data for, or the definition of, the databases containing the o=NetscapeRoot and o=userRoot suffixes. The cn=NetscapeRoot subtree contains the configuration data used by the Administration Server for authentication and all actions that cannot be performed through LDAP (such as start/stop), and the cn=userRoot subtree contains all the configuration data for the user-defined database. The cn=userRoot subtree is called userRoot by default. However, this is not hard-coded and, given the fact that there are going to be multiple database instances, this name is changed and defined by the user as and when new databases are added. The cn=userRoot database referenced can be any user database. The following attributes are common to both the cn=NetscapeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config and the user database, such as cn=userRoot or cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config subtrees. nsslapd-cachesize This attribute has been deprecated. To resize the entry cache, use nsslapd-cachememsize. This performance tuning-related attribute specifies the cache size in terms of the number of entries it can hold. However, this attribute is deprecated in favor of the nsslapd-cachememsize attribute, which sets an absolute allocation of RAM for the entry cache size, as described in Section, “nsslapd-cachememsize”. Attempting to set a value that is not a number or is too big for a 32-bit signed integer (on 32-bit systems) returns an LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM error message with additional error information explaining the problem. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. NOTE The performance counter for this setting goes to the highest 64-bit integer, even on 32-bit systems, but the setting itself is limited on 32-bit systems to the highest 32-bit integer because of how the system addresses memory. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 1 to 2 -1 on 32-bit systems or 2 -1 on 64-bit systems or -1, which means limitless Default Value -1 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-cachesize: -1 32 63 179 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference nsslapd-cachememsize This performance tuning-related attribute specifies the size, in bytes, for the available memory space for the entry cache. The simplest method is limiting cache size in terms of memory occupied. Activating automatic cache resizing overrides this attribute, replacing these values with its own guessed values at a later stage of the server startup. 9 The BerkeleyDB documentation offers a good explanation of what the entry cache is, along with management information like how to monitor the cache with db_stat -m. NOTE The nsslapd-cachememsize attribute also defines the import buffer size. The import buffer size is automatically configured to be 80% of whatever the nsslapdcachememsize setting is. When importing databases with very large attributes, be sure to reset the nsslapd-cachememsize value to something high enough so that .80*cacheSize is enough to allow the import to proceed. Attempting to set a value that is not a number or is too big for a 32-bit signed integer (on 32-bit systems) returns an LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM error message with additional error information explaining the problem. NOTE The performance counter for this setting goes to the highest 64-bit integer, even on 32-bit systems, but the setting itself is limited on 32-bit systems to the highest 32-bit integer because of how the system addresses memory. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 500 kilobytes to 2 -1 on 32-bit systems and to 64 2 -1 on 64-bit systems Default Value 10,485,760 (10 megabytes) Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-cachememsize: 10485760 32 nsslapd-directory This attribute specifies the path to the database instance. If it is a relative path, it starts from the path specified by nsslapd-directory in the global database entry cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config. The database instance directory is named after the instance name and located in the global database directory, by default. After the database instance has been created, do not modify this path, because any changes risk preventing the server from accessing data. 9 180 r cn=NetscapeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config and cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Parameter Description Entry DN cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid path to the database instance Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-directory: /var/lib/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/db/userRoot nsslapd-readonly This attribute specifies read-only mode for a single back-end instance. If this attribute has a value of off, then users have all read, write, and execute permissions allowed by their access permissions. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-readonly: off nsslapd-require-index When switched to on, this attribute allows one to refuse unindexed searches. This performancerelated attribute avoids saturating the server with erroneous searches. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-require-index: off nsslapd-suffix This attribute specifies the suffix of the database link. This is a single-valued attribute because each database instance can have only one suffix. Previously, it was possible to have more than one suffix on a single database instance, but this is no longer the case. As a result, this attribute is single-valued to enforce the fact that each database instance can only have one suffix entry. Any changes made to this attribute after the entry has been created take effect only after the server containing the database link is restarted. 181 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Parameter Description Entry DN cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid DN Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-suffix: o=NetscapeRoot vlvBase This attribute sets the base DN for which the browsing or virtual list view (VLV) index is created. For more information on VLV indexes, see the indexing chapter in the Administrator's Guide. NOTE This attribute is only available to user databases like userRoot, not configuration databases like o=NetscapeRoot. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=index_name, cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid DN Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example vlvBase: ou=People, dc=example,dc=com vlvEnabled This attribute sets whether the browsing or virtual list view (VLV) index is enabled. For more information on VLV indexes, see the indexing chapter in the Administrator's Guide. NOTE This attribute is only available to user databases like userRoot, not configuration databases like o=NetscapeRoot. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=index_name, cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values 0 (disabled) | 1 (enabled) Default Value 1 Syntax DirectoryString 182 r cn=NetscapeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config and cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Parameter Description Example vlvEnbled: 0 vlvFilter The browsing or virtual list view (VLV) index is created by running a search according to a filter and including entries which match that filter in the index. The filter is specified in the vlvFilter attribute. For more information on VLV indexes, see the indexing chapter in the Administrator's Guide. NOTE This attribute is only available to user databases like userRoot, not configuration databases like o=NetscapeRoot. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=index_name, cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid LDAP filter Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example vlvFilter: (|(objectclass=*) (objectclass=ldapsubentry)) vlvIndex (Object Class) A browsing index or virtual list view (VLV) index dynamically generates an abbreviated index of entry headers that makes it much faster to visually browse large indexes. A VLV index definition has two parts: one which defines the index and one which defines the search used to identify entries to add to the index. The vlvIndex object class defines the index entry. This object class is defined in Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.42 Required Attributes Attribute Definition objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry. cn Gives the common name of the entry. vlvSort 10 Identifies the attribute list that the browsing index (virtual list view index) is sorted on. 183 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Allowed Attributes Attribute vlvEnabled Definition 11 Stores the availability of the browsing index. 12 vlvUses Contains the count the browsing index is used. vlvScope This attribute sets the scope of the search to run for entries in the browsing or virtual list view (VLV) index. For more information on VLV indexes, see the indexing chapter in the Administrator's Guide. NOTE This attribute is only available to user databases like userRoot, not configuration databases like o=NetscapeRoot. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=index_name, cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values 1 (onelevel or children search) 2 (subtree search) Default Value Syntax Integer Example vlvScope: 2 vlvSearch (Object Class) A browsing index or virtual list view (VLV) index dynamically generates an abbreviated index of entry headers that makes it much faster to visually browse large indexes. A VLV index definition has two parts: one which defines the index and one which defines the search used to identify entries to add to the index. The vlvSearch object class defines the search filter entry. This object class is defined in Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.38 Required Attributes Attribute Definition objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry. 184 r cn=NetscapeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config and cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Attribute Definition 13 vlvBase vlvScope Identifies base DN the browsing index is created. 14 Identifies the scope to define the browsing index. 15 vlvFilter Identifies the filter string to define the browsing index. Allowed Attributes Attribute Definition multiLineDescription Gives a text description of the entry. vlvSort This attribute sets the sort order for returned entries in the browsing or virtual list view (VLV) index. NOTE The entry for this attribute is a vlvIndex entry beneath the vlvSearch entry. For more information on VLV indexes, see the indexing chapter in the Administrator's Guide. NOTE This attribute is only available to user databases like userRoot, not configuration databases like o=NetscapeRoot. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=index_name, cn=index_name, cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any Directory Server attributes, in a spaceseparated list Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example vlvSort: cn givenname o ou sn vlvUses This attribute contains the count for the browsing or virtual list view (VLV) index. For more information on VLV indexes, see the indexing chapter in the Administrator's Guide. NOTE This attribute is only available to user databases like userRoot, not configuration databases like o=NetscapeRoot. 185 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Parameter Description Entry DN cn=index_name, cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values N/A Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example vlvUses: 800 3.4.4. Database Attributes under cn=database, cn=monitor, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config The attributes in this tree node entry are all read-only, database performance counters. All of the values for these attributes are 32-bit integers, except for entrycachehits and entrycachetries. If the nsslapd-counters attribute in cn=config is set to on, then some of the counters kept by the Directory Server instance increment using 64-bit integers, even on 32-bit machines or with a 32-bit version of Directory Server. For the database monitoring, the entrycachehits and entrycachetries counters use 64-bit integers. NOTE The nsslapd-counters attribute enables 64-bit support for these specific database and server counters. The counters which use 64-bit integers are not configurable; the 64-bit integers are either enabled for all the allowed counters or disabled for all allowed counters. nsslapd-db-abort-rate This attribute shows the number of transactions that have been aborted. nsslapd-db-active-txns This attribute shows the number of transactions that are currently active. nsslapd-db-cache-hit This attribute shows the requested pages found in the cache. nsslapd-db-cache-try This attribute shows the total cache lookups. nsslapd-db-cache-region-wait-rate This attribute shows the number of times that a thread of control was forced to wait before obtaining the region lock. nsslapd-db-cache-size-bytes This attribute shows the total cache size in bytes. 186 Database Attributes under cn=database, cn=monitor, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config nsslapd-db-clean-pages This attribute shows the clean pages currently in the cache. nsslapd-db-commit-rate This attribute shows the number of transactions that have been committed. nsslapd-db-deadlock-rate This attribute shows the number of deadlocks detected. nsslapd-db-dirty-pages This attribute shows the dirty pages currently in the cache. nsslapd-db-hash-buckets This attribute shows the number of hash buckets in buffer hash table. nsslapd-db-hash-elements-examine-rate This attribute shows the total number of hash elements traversed during hash table lookups. nsslapd-db-hash-search-rate This attribute shows the total number of buffer hash table lookups. nsslapd-db-lock-conflicts This attribute shows the total number of locks not immediately available due to conflicts. nsslapd-db-lock-region-wait-rate This attribute shows the number of times that a thread of control was forced to wait before obtaining the region lock. nsslapd-db-lock-request-rate This attribute shows the total number of locks requested. nsslapd-db-lockers This attribute shows the number of current lockers. nsslapd-db-log-bytes-since-checkpoint This attribute shows the number of bytes written to this log since the last checkpoint. nsslapd-db-log-region-wait-rate This attribute shows the number of times that a thread of control was forced to wait before obtaining the region lock. 187 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference nsslapd-db-log-write-rate This attribute shows the number of megabytes and bytes written to this log. nsslapd-db-longest-chain-length This attribute shows the longest chain ever encountered in buffer hash table lookups. nsslapd-db-page-create-rate This attribute shows the pages created in the cache. nsslapd-db-page-read-rate This attribute shows the pages read into the cache. nsslapd-db-page-ro-evict-rate This attribute shows the clean pages forced from the cache. nsslapd-db-page-rw-evict-rate This attribute shows the dirty pages forced from the cache. nsslapd-db-page-trickle-rate This attribute shows the dirty pages written using the memp_trickle interface. nsslapd-db-page-write-rate This attribute shows the pages read into the cache. nsslapd-db-pages-in-use This attribute shows all pages, clean or dirty, currently in use. nsslapd-db-txn-region-wait-rate This attribute shows the number of times that a thread of control was force to wait before obtaining the region lock. 3.4.5. Database Attributes under cn=default indexes, cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config The set of default indexes is stored here. Default indexes are configured per backend in order to optimize Directory Server functionality for the majority of setup scenarios. All indexes, except systemessential ones, can be removed, but care should be taken so as not to cause unnecessary disruptions. For further information on indexes, refer to the "Managing Indexes" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. cn This attribute provides the name of the attribute to index. 188 Database Attributes under cn=default indexes, cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default indexes, cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid index cn Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example cn: aci description This optional attribute provides a free-hand text description of what the index actually performs. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default indexes, cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example description:substring index nsIndex This object class defines an index in the backend database. This object is defined in Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.44 Required Attributes Attribute Definition objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry. cn Gives the common name of the entry. nsSystemIndex Identify whether or not the index is a system defined index. Allowed Attributes Attribute Definition description nsIndexType Gives a text description of the entry. 16 Identifies the index type. 189 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Attribute Definition 17 nsMatchingRule Identifies the matching rule. nsIndexType This optional, multi-valued attribute specifies the type of index for Directory Server operations and takes the values of the attributes to be indexed. Each desired index type has to be entered on a separate line. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default indexes, cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values • pres = presence index • eq = equality index • approx = approximate index • sub = substring index • matching rule = international index • index browse = browsing index Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsIndexType: eq nsMatchingRule This optional, multi-valued attribute specifies the ordering matching rule name or OID used to match values and to generate index keys for the attribute. This is most commonly used to ensure that equality and range searches work correctly for languages other than English (7-bit ASCII). This is also used to allow range searches to work correctly for integer syntax attributes that do not specify an ordering matching rule in their schema definition. uidNumber and gidNumber are two commonly used attributes that fall into this category. For example, for a uidNumber that uses integer syntax, the rule attribute could be nsMatchingRule: integerOrderingMatch. NOTE Any change to this attribute will not take effect until the change is saved and the index is rebuilt using db2index, which is described in more detail in the "Managing Indexes" chapter of the Directory Server Administrator's Guide). Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default indexes, cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config 190 Database Attributes under cn=monitor, cn=NetscapeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Parameter Description Valid Values Any valid collation order object identifier (OID) Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example nsMatchingRule: 2.16.840.1.113730. (For Bulgarian) nsSystemIndex This mandatory attribute specifies whether the index is a system index, an index which is vital for Directory Server operations. If this attribute has a value of true, then it is system-essential. System indexes should not be removed, as this will seriously disrupt server functionality. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default indexes, cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values true | false Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsSystemIndex: true 3.4.6. Database Attributes under cn=monitor, cn=NetscapeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config This section covers global, read-only entries for monitoring activity on the NetscapeRoot database. The attributes containing database statistics are given for each file that makes up the database. For further information, see the "Monitoring Server and Database Activity" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. dbfilenamenumber This attribute gives the name of the file and provides a sequential integer identifier (starting at 0) for the file. All associated statistics for the file are given this same numerical identifier. dbfilecachehit This attribute gives the number of times that a search requiring data from this file was performed and that the data were successfully obtained from the cache. dbfilecachemiss This attribute gives the number of times that a search requiring data from this file was performed and that the data could not be obtained from the cache. dbfilepagein This attribute gives the number of pages brought to the cache from this file. 191 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference dbfilepageout This attribute gives the number of pages for this file written from cache to disk. 3.4.7. Database Attributes under cn=index, cn=NetscapeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config and cn=index, cn=UserRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config In addition to the set of default indexes that are stored under cn=default indexes, cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config, custom indexes can be created for o=NetscapeRoot, o=UserRoot, and user-defined backend instances; these are stored under cn=index, cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config. Each indexed attribute represents a subentry under the cn=config information tree nodes, as shown in the following diagram: Figure 3.2. Indexed Attribute Representing a Subentry For example, the index file for the aci attribute under o=UserRoot appears in the Directory Server as follows: dn:cn=aci, cn=index, cn=UserRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config objectclass:top objectclass:nsIndex cn:aci nsSystemIndex:true nsIndexType:pres These entries share all of the indexing attributes listed for the default indexes in Section 3.4.5, “Database Attributes under cn=default indexes, cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config”. For further information about indexes, refer to the "Managing Indexes" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. nsSubStrBegin By default, for a search to be indexed, the search string must be at least three characters long, without counting any wildcard characters. For example, the string abc would be an indexed search while ab* would not be. Indexed searches are significantly faster than unindexed searches, so changing the minimum length of the search key is helpful to increase the number of indexed searches. This substring length can be edited based on the position of any wildcard characters. The nsSubStrBegin attribute sets the required number of characters for an indexed search for the beginning of a search string, before the wildcard. For example: abc* 192 apeRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config and cn=index, cn=UserRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config If the value of this attribute is changed, then the index must be regenerated using db2index. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=attribute_name, cn=index, cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any integer Default Value 3 Syntax Integer Example nsSubStrBegin: 2 nsSubStrEnd By default, for a search to be indexed, the search string must be at least three characters long, without counting any wildcard characters. For example, the string abc would be an indexed search while ab* would not be. Indexed searches are significantly faster than unindexed searches, so changing the minimum length of the search key is helpful to increase the number of indexed searches. This substring length can be edited based on the position of any wildcard characters. The nsSubStrEnd attribute sets the required number of characters for an indexed search for the end of a search string, after the wildcard. For example: *xyz If the value of this attribute is changed, then the index must be regenerated using db2index. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=attribute_name, cn=index, cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any integer Default Value 3 Syntax Integer Example nsSubStrEnd: 2 nsSubStrMiddle By default, for a search to be indexed, the search string must be at least three characters long, without counting any wildcard characters. For example, the string abc would be an indexed search while ab* would not be. Indexed searches are significantly faster than unindexed searches, so changing the minimum length of the search key is helpful to increase the number of indexed searches. This substring length can be edited based on the position of any wildcard characters. The nsSubStrMiddle attribute sets the required number of characters for an indexed search where a wildcard is used in the middle of a search string. For example: ab*z If the value of this attribute is changed, then the index must be regenerated using db2index. 193 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Parameter Description Entry DN cn=attribute_name, cn=index, cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any integer Default Value 3 Syntax Integer Example nsSubStrMiddle: 3 3.4.8. Database Attributes under cn=attributeName, cn=encrypted attributes, cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config The nsAttributeEncryption object class allows selective encryption of attributes within a database. Extremely sensitive information such as credit card numbers and government identification numbers may not be protected enough by routine access control measures. Normally, these attribute values are stored in CLEAR within the database; encrypting them while they are stored adds another layer of protection. This object class has one attribute, nsEncryptionAlgorithm, which sets the encryption cipher used per attribute. Each encrypted attribute represents a subentry under the above cn=config information tree nodes, as shown in the following diagram: Figure 3.3. Encrypted Attributes under the cn=config Node For example, the database encryption file for the userPassword attribute under o=UserRoot appears in the Directory Server as follows: dn:cn=userPassword, cn=encrypted attributes,o=UserRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config objectclass:top objectclass:nsAttributeEncryption cn:userPassword nsEncryptionAlgorithm:AES To configure database encryption, see the "Database Encryption" section of the "Configuring Directory Databases" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. For more information about indexes, refer to the "Managing Indexes" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 194 Database Link Plug-in Attributes (Chaining Attributes) nsAttributeEncryption (Object Class) This object class is used for core configuration entries which identify and encrypt selected attributes within a Directory Server database. This object class is defined in Directory Server. Superior Class top OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.316 Required Attributes objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry. cn Specifies the attribute being encrypted using its common name. 18 nsEncryptionAlgorithm The encryption cipher used. nsEncryptionAlgorithm nsEncryptionAlgorithm selects the cipher used by nsAttributeEncryption. The algorithm can be set per encrypted attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=attributeName, cn=encrypted attributes, cn=databaseName, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values The following are supported ciphers: • Advanced Encryption Standard Block Cipher (AES) • Triple Data Encryption Standard Block Cipher (3DES) Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsEncryptionAlgorithm: AES 3.5. Database Link Plug-in Attributes (Chaining Attributes) The database link plug-in attributes are also organized in an information tree, as shown in the following diagram: 195 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Figure 3.4. Database Link Plug-in All plug-in technology used by the database link instances is stored in the cn=chaining database plug-in node. This section presents the additional attribute information for the three nodes marked in bold in the cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config information tree in Figure 3.4, “Database Link Plug-in”. 3.5.1. Database Link Attributes under cn=config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config This section covers global configuration attributes common to all instances are stored in the cn=config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config tree node. nsActiveChainingComponents This attribute lists the components using chaining. A component is any functional unit in the server. The value of this attribute overrides the value in the global configuration attribute. To disable chaining on a particular database instance, use the value None. This attribute also allows the components used to chain to be altered. By default, no components are allowed to chain, which explains why this attribute will probably not appear in a list of cn=config, cn=chaining database, cn=config attributes, as LDAP considers empty attributes to be non-existent. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid component entry Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example nsActiveChainingComponents: cn=uid uniqueness, cn=plugins, cn=config nsMaxResponseDelay This error detection, performance-related attribute specifies the maximum amount of time it can take a remote server to respond to an LDAP operation request made by a database link before an error is suspected. Once this delay period has been met, the database link tests the connection with the remote server. 196 Database Link Attributes under cn=config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid delay period in seconds Default Value 60 seconds Syntax Integer Example nsMaxResponseDelay: 60 nsMaxTestResponseDelay This error detection, performance-related attribute specifies the duration of the test issued by the database link to check whether the remote server is responding. If a response from the remote server is not returned before this period has passed, the database link assumes the remote server is down, and the connection is not used for subsequent operations. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid delay period in seconds Default Value 15 seconds Syntax Integer Example nsMaxTestResponseDelay: 15 nsTransmittedControls This attribute, which can be both a global (and thus dynamic) configuration or an instance (that is, cn=database link instance, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config) configuration attribute, allows the controls the database link forwards to be altered. The following controls are forwarded by default by the database link: • Managed DSA (OID: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2) • Virtual list view (VLV) (OID: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9) • Server side sorting (OID: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473) Parameter Description Entry DN cn=config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid OID or the above listed controls forwarded by the database link Default Value None Syntax Integer Example nsTransmittedControls: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473 197 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference 3.5.2. Database Link Attributes under cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Default instance configuration attributes for instances are housed in the cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config tree node. nsAbandonedSearchCheckInterval This attribute shows the number of seconds that pass before the server checks for abandoned operations. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 0 to maximum 32-bit integer (2147483647) seconds Default Value 1 Syntax Integer Example nsAbandonedSearchCheckInterval: 10 nsBindConnectionsLimit This attribute shows the maximum number of TCP connections the database link establishes with the remote server. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 1 to 50 connections Default Value 3 Syntax Integer Example nsBindConnectionsLimit: 3 nsBindRetryLimit Contrary to what the name suggests, this attribute does not specify the number of times a database link retries to bind with the remote server but the number of times it tries to bind with the remote server. A value of 1 here indicates that the database link only attempts to bind once. NOTE Retries only occur for connection failures and not for other types of errors, such as invalid bind DNs or bad passwords. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config 198 Database Link Attributes under cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Parameter Description Valid Range 0 to 5 Default Value 3 Syntax Integer Example nsBindRetryLimit: 3 nsBindTimeout This attribute shows the amount of time before the bind attempt times out. There is no real valid range for this attribute, except reasonable patience limits. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 0 to 60 seconds Default Value 15 Syntax Integer Example nsBindTimeout: 15 nsCheckLocalACI Reserved for advanced use only. This attribute controls whether ACIs are evaluated on the database link as well as the remote data server. Changes to this attribute only take effect once the server has been restarted. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsCheckLocalACI: on nsConcurrentBindLimit This attribute shows the maximum number of concurrent bind operations per TCP connection. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 1 to 25 binds Default Value 10 Syntax Integer Example nsConcurrentBindLimit: 10 199 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference nsConcurrentOperationsLimit This attribute specifies the maximum number of concurrent operations allowed. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 1 to 50 operations Default Value 2 Syntax Integer Example nsConcurrentOperationsLimit: 5 nsConnectionLife This attribute specifies connection lifetime. Connections between the database link and the remote server can be kept open for an unspecified time or closed after a specific period of time. It is faster to keep the connections open, but it uses more resources. When the value is 0 and a list of failover servers is provided in the nsFarmServerURL attribute, the main server is never contacted after failover to the alternate server. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 0 to limitless seconds (where 0 means forever) Default Value 0 Syntax Integer Example nsConnectionLife: 0 nsOperationConnectionsLimit This attribute shows the maximum number of LDAP connections the database link establishes with the remote server. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 1 to n connections Default Value 20 Syntax Integer Example nsOperationConnectionsLimit: 10 nsProxiedAuthorization Reserved for advanced use only. This attribute can disable proxied authorization with a value of off. 200 Database Link Attributes under cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value on Syntax DirectoryString Example nsProxiedAuthorization: on nsReferralOnScopedSearch This attribute controls whether referrals are returned by scoped searches. This attribute can be used to optimize the directory because returning referrals in response to scoped searches is more efficient. A referral is returned to all the configured farm servers. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values on | off Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsReferralOnScopedSearch: off nsSizeLimit This attribute shows the default size limit for the database link in bytes. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range -1 (no limit) to maximum 32-bit integer (2147483647) entries Default Value 2000 Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-sizelimit: 2000 nsTimeLimit This attribute shows the default search time limit for the database link. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range -1 to maximum 32-bit integer (2147483647) seconds Default Value 3600 201 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Parameter Description Syntax Integer Example nsslapd-timelimit: 3600 3.5.3. Database Link Attributes under cn=database_link_name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config This information node stores the attributes concerning the server containing the data. A farm server is a server which contains data on databases. This attribute can contain optional servers for failover, separated by spaces. For cascading chaining, this URL can point to another database link. nsBindMechanism This attribute sets a bind mechanism for the farm server to connect to the remote server. A farm server is a server containing data in one or more databases. This attribute configures the connection type, either standard, SSL, or SASL. • empty. This performs simple authentication and requires the nsMultiplexorBindDn and nsMultiplexorCredentials attributes to give the bind information. • EXTERNAL. This uses an SSL certificate to authenticate the farm server to the remote server. Either the farm server URL must be set to the secure URL (ldaps) or the nsUseStartTLS attribute must be set to on. Additionally, the remote server must be configured to map the farm server's certificate to its bind identity. Certificate mapping is described in the Administrator's Guide. • DIGEST-MD5. This uses SASL with DIGEST-MD5 encryption. As with simple authentication, this requires the nsMultiplexorBindDn and nsMultiplexorCredentials attributes to give the bind information. • GSSAPI. This uses Kerberos-based authentication over SASL. The farm server must be connected over the standard port, meaning the URL has ldap, because the Directory Server does not support SASL/GS-API over SSL. The farm server must be configured with a Kerberos keytab, and the remote server must have a defined SASL mapping for the farm server's bind identity. Setting up Kerberos keytabs and SASL mappings is described in the Administrator's Guide. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=database_link_name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values empty EXTERNAL DIGEST-MD5 GSSAPI Default Value empty Syntax DirectoryString Example nsBindMechanism: GSSAPI 202 Database Link Attributes under cn=database_link_name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config nsFarmServerURL This attribute gives the LDAP URL of the remote server. A farm server is a server containing data in one or more databases. This attribute can contain optional servers for failover, separated by spaces. If using cascading changing, this URL can point to another database link. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=database_link_name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid remote server LDAP URL Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsFarmServerURL: ldap:// ldap:// nsMultiplexorBindDn This attribute gives the DN of the administrative entry used to communicate with the remote server. The multiplexor is the server that contains the database link and communicates with the farm server. This bind DN cannot be the Directory Manager, and, if this attribute is not specified, the database link binds as anonymous. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=database_link_name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Default Value DN of the multiplexor Syntax DirectoryString Example nsMultiplexorBindDn: cn=proxy manager nsMultiplexorCredentials Password for the administrative user, given in plain text. If no password is provided, it means that users can bind as anonymous. The password is encrypted in the configuration file. The example below is what is shown, not what is typed. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=database_link_name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid password, which will then be encrypted using the DES reversible password encryption schema Default Value Syntax DirectoryString Example nsMultiplexorCredentials: {DES} 9Eko69APCJfF 203 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference nshoplimit This attribute specifies the maximum number of times a database is allowed to chain; that is, the number of times a request can be forwarded from one database link to another. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=database_link_name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 1 to an appropriate upper limit for the deployment Default Value 10 Syntax Integer Example nsHopLimit: 3 nsUseStartTLS This attribute sets whether to use Start TLS to initiate a secure, encrypted connection over an insecure port. This attribute can be used if the nsBindMechanism attribute is set to EXTERNAL but the farm server URL set to the standard URL (ldap) or if the nsBindMechanism attribute is left empty. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=database_link_name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values off | on Default Value off Syntax DirectoryString Example nsUseStartTLS: on 3.5.4. Database Link Attributes under cn=monitor, cn=database instance name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config Attributes used for monitoring activity on the instances are stored in the cn=monitor, cn=database instance name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config information tree. headcount This attribute gives the number of add operations received. nsDeleteCount This attribute gives the number of delete operations received. nsModifyCount This attribute gives the number of modify operations received. 204 Retro Changelog Plug-in Attributes nsRenameCount This attribute gives the number of rename operations received. nsSearchBaseCount This attribute gives the number of base level searches received. nsSearchOneLevelCount This attribute gives the number of one-level searches received. nsSearchSubtreeCount This attribute gives the number of subtree searches received. nsAbandonCount This attribute gives the number of abandon operations received. nsBindCount This attribute gives the number of bind requests received. nsUnbindCount This attribute gives the number of unbinds received. nsCompareCount This attribute gives the number of compare operations received. nsOperationConnectionCount This attribute gives the number of open connections for normal operations. nsBindConnectionCount This attribute gives the number of open connections for bind operations. 3.6. Retro Changelog Plug-in Attributes Two different types of changelogs are maintained by Directory Server. The first type, referred to as simply a changelog, is used by multi-master replication, and the second changelog, a plug-in referred to as the retro changelog, is intended for use by LDAP clients for maintaining application compatibility with Directory Server 4.x versions. This Retro Changelog Plug-in is used to record modifications made to a supplier server. When the supplier server's directory is modified, an entry is written to the Retro Changelog that contains both of the following: • A number that uniquely identifies the modification. This number is sequential with respect to other entries in the changelog. 205 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference • The modification action; that is, exactly how the directory was modified. It is through the Retro Changelog Plug-in that the changes performed to the Directory Server are accessed using searches to cn=changelog suffix. 3.6.1. nsslapd-changelogdir This attribute specifies the name of the directory in which the changelog database is created the first time the plug-in is run. By default, the database is stored with all the other databases under /var/ lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/changelogdb. NOTE For performance reasons, store this database on a different physical disk. The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=Retro Changelog Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Values Any valid path to the directory Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example nsslapd-changelogdir: /var/lib/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/changelogdb 3.6.2. nsslapd-changelogmaxage (Max Changelog Age) This attribute specifies the maximum age of any entry in the changelog. The changelog contains a record for each directory modification and is used when synchronizing consumer servers. Each record contains a timestamp. Any record with a timestamp that is older than the value specified in this attribute is removed. If this attribute is absent, there is no age limit on changelog records, which is the default behavior since this attribute is not present by default. NOTE Expired changelog records will not be removed if there is an agreement that has fallen behind further than the maximum age. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=Retro Changelog Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 0 (meaning that entries are not removed according to their age) to the maximum 32 bit integer value (2147483647) Default Value 0 206 Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in Attributes Parameter Description Syntax DirectoryString Integer AgeID AgeID is s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days, or w for weeks. Example nsslapd-changelogmaxage: 30d 3.7. Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in Attributes The Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in manages ranges of numbers and assigns unique numbers within that range to entries. By breaking number assignments into ranges, the Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in allows multiple servers to assign numbers without conflict. The plug-in also manages the ranges assigned to servers, so that if one instance runs through its range quickly, it can request additional ranges from the other servers. Distributed numeric assignment is handled per-attribute and is only applied to specific suffixes and specific entries within the subtree. 3.7.1. dnaFilter This attribute sets an LDAP filter to use to search for and identify the entries to which to apply the distributed numeric assignment range. The dnaFilter attribute is required to set up distributed numeric assignment for an attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range Any valid LDAP filter Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example dnaFilter: (objectclass=person) 3.7.2. dnaMagicRegen This attribute sets a user-defined value that instructs the plug-in to assign a new value for the entry. The magic value can be used to assign new unique numbers to existing entries or to use as a standard setting when adding new entries. The magic entry should be outside of the defined range for the server so that it cannot accidentally be triggered. This attribute also does not have to a number, which can make it easier to assign. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range Any string Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString 207 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Parameter Description Example dnaMagicRegen: magic 3.7.3. dnaMaxValue This attribute sets the maximum value that can be assigned for the range. The default is -1, which is the same as setting the highest 64-bit integer. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32-bit integer on 32-bit systems and to the maximum 64-bit integer on 64-bit systems; -1 is unlimited Default Value -1 Syntax Integer Example dnaMaxValue: 1000 3.7.4. dnaNextRange This attribute defines the next range to use when the current range is exhausted. This value is automatically set when range is transferred between servers, but it can also be manually set to add a range to a server if range requests are not used. The dnaNextRange attribute should be set explicitly only if a separate, specific range has to be assigned to other servers. Any range set in the dnaNextRange attribute must be unique from the available range for the other servers to avoid duplication. If there is no request from the other servers and the server where dnaNextRange is set explicitly has reached its set dnaMaxValue, the next set of values (part of the dnaNextRange) is allocated from this deck. The dnaNextRange allocation is also limited by the dnaThreshold attribute that is set in the DNA configuration. Any range allocated to another server for dnaNextRange cannot violate the threshold for the server, even if the range is available on the deck of dnaNextRange. NOTE If the dnaNextRange attribute is handled internally if it is not set explicitly. When it is handled automatically, the dnaMaxValue attribute serves as upper limit for the next range. The attribute sets the range in the format lower_range-upper_range. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32-bit integer on 32-bit systems and to the maximum 64-bit integer on 64-bit systems for the lower and upper ranges 208 dnaNextValue Parameter Description Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example dnaNextRange: 100-500 3.7.5. dnaNextValue This attribute gives the next available number which can be assigned. After being initially set in the configuration entry, this attribute is managed by the Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in. The dnaNextValue attribute is required to set up distributed numeric assignment for an attribute. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32-bit integer on 32-bit systems and to the maximum 64-bit integer on 64-bit systems Default Value -1 Syntax Integer Example dnaNextValue: 1 3.7.6. dnaPrefix This attributes defines a prefix that can be prepended to the generated number values for the attribute. For example, to generate a user ID such as user1000, the dnaPrefix setting would be user. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range Any string Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example dnaPrefix: id 3.7.7. dnaRangeRequestTimeout One potential situation with the Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in is that one server begins to run out of numbers to assign. The dnaThreshold attribute sets a threshold of available numbers in the range, so that the server can request an additional range from the other servers before it is unable to perform number assignments. The dnaRangeRequestTimeout attribute sets a timeout period, in seconds, for range requests so that the server does not stall waiting on a new range from one server and can request a range from a new server. For range requests to be performed, the dnaSharedCfgDN attribute must be set. 209 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference Parameter Description Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32-bit integer on 32-bit systems and to the maximum 64-bit integer on 64-bit systems Default Value 10 Syntax Integer Example dnaRangeRequestTimeout: 15 3.7.8. dnaScope This attribute sets the base DN to search for entries to which to apply the distributed numeric assignment. This is analogous to the base DN in an ldapsearch. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range Any Directory Server entry Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example dnaScope: ou=people,dc=example,dc=com 3.7.9. dnaSharedCfgDN This attribute defines a shared identity that the servers can use to transfer ranges to one another. This entry is replicated between servers and is managed by the plug-in to let the other servers know what ranges are available. This attribute must be set for range transfers to be enabled. NOTE The shared configuration entry must be configured in the replicated subtree, so that the entry can be replicated to the servers. For example, if the ou=People,dc=example,dc=com subtree is replicated, then the configuration entry must be in that subtree, such as ou=UID Number Ranges, ou=People,dc=example,dc=com. The entry identified by this setting must be manually created by the administrator. The server will automatically contain a sub-entry beneath it to transfer ranges. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range Any DN Default Value None 210 dnaThreshold Parameter Description Syntax DN Example dnaSharedCfgDN: cn=range transfer user, cn=config 3.7.10. dnaThreshold One potential situation with the Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in is that one server begins to run out of numbers to assign, which can cause problems. The Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in allows the server to request a new range from the available ranges on other servers. So that the server can recognize when it is reaching the end of its assigned range, the dnaThreshold attribute sets a threshold of remaining available numbers in the range. When the server hits the threshold, it sends a request for a new range. For range requests to be performed, the dnaSharedCfgDN attribute must be set. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32-bit integer on 32-bit systems and to the maximum 64-bit integer on 64-bit systems Default Value 100 Syntax Integer Example dnaThreshold: 100 3.7.11. dnaType This attribute sets which attribute has unique numbers being generated for it. In this case, whenever the attribute is added to the entry without a value or with the magic number, an assigned value is automatically supplied. This is required to set up distributed numeric assignments for an attributes. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range Any Directory Server attribute Default Value None Syntax DirectoryString Example dnaType: uidNumber 3.8. MemberOf Plug-in Attributes Group membership is defined within group entries using an attribute such as member. Searching for the member attribute makes it easy to list all of the members for the group. However, group 211 Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference membership is not reflected in the member's user entry, so it is impossible to tell to what groups a person belongs by looking at the user's entry. The MemberOf Plug-in synchronizes the group membership in group members with the members' individual directory entries by identifying changes to a specific attribute (such as member) in the group entry and then carrying those changes over to a specific attribute in the entries for the members. 3.8.1. memberofattr This attribute specifies the attribute in the user entry for the Directory Server to manage to reflect group membership. The MemberOf Plug-in generates the value of the attribute specified here in the directory entry for the member. There is a separate attribute for every group to which the user belongs. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=MemberOf Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range Any Directory Server attribute Default Value memberOf Syntax DirectoryString Example memberofattr: memberOf 3.8.2. memberofgroupattr This attribute specifies the attribute in the group entry to use to identify the DNs of group members. By default, this is the member attribute, but it can be any membership-related attribute, such as uniqueMember or member. NOTE Any attribute can be used for the memberofgroupattr value, but the MemberOf Plug-in only works if the value of the target attribute contains the DN of the member entry. For example, the member attribute contains the DN of the member's user entry: member: uid=jsmith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com Some member-related attributes do not contain a DN, like the memberURL attribute. That attribute will not work as a value for memberofgroupattr, since the memberURL value is a URL and a non-DN value cannot work with the MemberOf Plug-in. Parameter Description Entry DN cn=MemberOf Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config Valid Range Any Directory Server attribute Default Value member Syntax DirectoryString Example memberofgroupattr: member 212 Chapter 4. Server Instance File Reference This chapter provides an overview of the files that are specific to an instance of Red Hat Directory Server (Directory Server) — the files stored in the /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name 1 directory. Having an overview of the files and configuration information stored in each instance of Directory Server helps with understanding the file changes (or lack of file changes) which occur in the course of directory activity. It can also help to detect errors and intrusion by indicating what kind of changes to expect and, as a result, what changes are abnormal. 4.1. Overview of Directory Server Files NOTE In examples and sample code, paths assume that the Directory Server is installed in on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit), which has an instance directory of /etc/ dirsrv/slapd-instance_name. If the Directory Server in a different platform, adjust the paths accordingly. The files, tools, and scripts used by Directory Server are in the locations listed in the following directories. File or Directory Location Backup files /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/bak Configuration files /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name Database files /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/db LDIF files /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/ldif Lock files /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name Log files /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name PID files /var/run/dirsrv Tools /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/lib/mozldap Instance directory /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name Table 4.1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5 (x86) File or Directory Location Backup files /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/bak Configuration files /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name Database files /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/db LDIF files /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/ldif Lock file /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name 1 The /lib directory only applies to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 32-bit systems. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64-bit systems, the directory is /lib64. 213 Chapter 4. Server Instance File Reference File or Directory Location Log files /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name PID /var/run/dirsrv Tools /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/lib64/mozldap6 Instance directory /usr/lib64/dirsrv/slapd-instance Table 4.2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5 (x86_64) File or Directory Location Backup files /var/opt/dirsrv/slapd-instance/bak Configuration files /etc/opt/dirsrv/slapd-instance Database files /var/opt/dirsrv/slapd-instance/db Runtime files /var/opt/dirsrv/instance LDIF files /var/opt/dirsrv/slapd-instance/ldif Log files /var/opt/log/dirsrv/slapd-instance Tools /opt/dirsrv/bin/ /opt/dirsrv/sbin/ Instance directory /opt/dirsrv/slapd-instance Libraries /opt/dirsrv/lib/ Table 4.3. HP-UX 11i (IA64) 4.2. Backup Files Each Directory Server instance contains the following directory and file for storing backup-related files: • /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/bak — This contains a directory dated with the instance_name, time and date of the database backup, such as instance_name-2009_05_02_16_56_05/, which in turn holds the database backup copy. • /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/dse_original.ldif — This is a backup copy of the dse.ldif configuration file from the time of installation. 4.3. Configuration Files Each Directory Server instance stores its configuration files in the /etc/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name directory. The configuration files in this directory are explained in Section 2.1, “Overview of the Directory Server Configuration”. 4.4. Database Files Each Directory Server instance contains the /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/db directory for storing all of the database files. The following is a sample listing of the /var/lib/ dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/db directory contents. 214 Database Files __db.001 __db.002 __db.003 __db.004 __db.005 DBVERSION NetscapeRoot/ log.0000000007 userRoot/ Example 4.1. Database Directory Contents • db.00x files — Used internally by the database and should not be moved, deleted, or modified in any way. • log.xxxxxxxxxx files — Used to store the transaction logs per database. • DBVERSION — Used for storing the version of the database. • NetscapeRoot — Stores the o=NetscapeRoot database created by default when the script is run. • userRoot — Stores the user-defined suffix (user-defined databases) created at setup; for example, dc=example,dc=com. NOTE If a new database is created (for example, testRoot) to store the directory tree under a new suffix, the directory named testRoot also appears in the /var/lib/ dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/db directory. The following is a sample listing of the NetscapeRoot directory contents. ./ entrydn.db4* parentid.db4* ../ givenName.db4* sn.db4* DBVERSION* id2entry.db4* uid.db4* aci.db4* nsUniqueId.db4* uniquemember.db4* ancestorid.db4* numsubordinates.db4* cn.db4* objectclass.db4* Example 4.2. NetscapeRoot Database Directory Contents The NetscapeRoot subdirectories contain an index_namedb4 file for every index currently defined in the database. In addition to these files, the NetscapeRoot and userRoot subdirectories contain the following files: • ancestorid.db4 — Contains a list of IDs to find the ID of the entry's ancestor. • entrydn.db4 — Contains a list of full DNs to find any ID. • id2entry.db4 — Contains the actual directory database entries. All other database files can be recreated from this one, if necessary. • nsuniqueid.db4 — Contains a list of unique IDs to find any ID. • numsubordinates.db4 — Contains IDs that have child entries. • objectclass.db4 — Contains a list of IDs which have a particular object class. • parentid.db4 — Contains a list of IDs to find the ID of the parent. 215 Chapter 4. Server Instance File Reference 4.5. LDIF Files Sample LDIF files are stored in the /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/ldif directory for storing LDIF-related files. Example 4.3, “LDIF Directory Contents” lists the /ldif directory contents. European.ldif Example.ldif Example-roles.ldif Example-views.ldif Example 4.3. LDIF Directory Contents • European.ldif — Contains European character samples. • Example.ldif — Is a sample LDIF file. • Example-roles.ldif — Is a sample LDIF file similar to Example.ldif, except that it uses roles and class of service instead of groups for setting access control and resource limits for directory administrators. NOTE The LDIF files exported by db2ldif or scripts in the instance directory are stored in /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/ldif. 4.6. Lock Files Each Directory Server instance contains a /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name directory for storing lock-related files. The following is a sample listing of the locks directory contents. exports/ imports/ server/ Example 4.4. Lock Directory Contents The lock mechanisms stored in the exports, imports, and server subdirectories prevent multiple, simultaneous operations from conflicting with each other. The lock mechanisms allow for one server instance to run at a time, with possible multiple export jobs. They also permit one ldif2db import operation at a time (not, because multiple operations can be run at any time) to the exclusion of all export and slapd server operations. If there are error messages indicating that the lock table is out of available locks (for example, libdb: Lock table is out of available locks), double the value of the nsslapd-db-locks attribute in the cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config entry. For example, if the current value is 10000, set it to 20000. If the problem persists, double the number again. To monitor the current and maximum number of locks, do a search on cn=database, cn=monitor, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config. For example: ldapsearch -h localhost -p 389 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -b "cn=database,cn=monitor,cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins,cn=config" objectclass=* | grep -- -locks: ) 216 Log Files For more information on using LDAP utilities, see the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 4.7. Log Files Each Directory Server instance contains a /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name directory for storing log files. The following is a sample listing of the /logs directory contents. access access.20090221-162824 access.20090223-171949 access.20090227-171818 access.20090228-171925 errors access.rotationinfo errors.20090221-162824 audit errors.rotationinfo audit.rotationinfo slapd.stats Example 4.5. Log Directory Contents • The content of the access, audit, and error log files is dependent on the log configuration. • The slapd.stats file is a memory-mapped file which cannot be read by an editor. It contains data collected by the Directory Server SNMP data collection component. This data is read by the SNMP subagent in response to SNMP attribute queries and is communicated to the SNMP master agent responsible for handling Directory Server SNMP requests. 4.8. PID Files and slapd-serverID.startpid files are created in the /var/run/ dirsrv directory when the server is up and running. Both files store the server's process ID. 4.9. Tools Directory Server tools are stored in three directories on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit): • /usr/bin • /usr/sbin • /usr/lib/mozldap The contents of those directories are listed below. Chapter 6, Command-Line Utilities has more information on command-line scripts. dbscan dbscan-bin ldif ldif-bin Example 4.6. /bin Contents ds_removal ds_unregister Example 4.7. /sbin Contents ldapcmp ldapcmp-bin ldapcompare-bin ldapdelete ldapmodify ldapmodify-bin ldappasswd-bin ldapsearch 217 Chapter 4. Server Instance File Reference ldapcompare ldapdelete-bin ldappasswd ldapsearch-bin Example 4.8. LDAP Tool Directory Contents 4.10. Scripts Directory Server command-line scripts are stored in the /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name directory. The contents of the /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name directory are listed in Example 4.9, “Instance Directory Contents”. Chapter 7, Command-Line Scripts has more information on command-line scripts. bak2db db2bak db2index db2ldif dbverify ldif2db ldif2ldap monitor Example 4.9. Instance Directory Contents 218 restart-slapd restoreconfig saveconfig start-slapd stop-slapd suffix2instance vlvindex Chapter 5. Log File Reference Red Hat Directory Server (Directory Server) provides logs to help monitor directory activity. Monitoring helps quickly detecting and remedying failures and, where done proactively, anticipating and resolving potential problems before they result in failure or poor performance. Part of monitoring the directory effectively is understanding the structure and content of the log files. This chapter does not provide an exhaustive list of log messages. However, the information presented in this chapter serves as a good starting point for common problems and for better understanding the information in the access, error, and audit logs. Logs are kept per Directory Server instances and are located in the /var/log/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name directory. 5.1. Access Log Reference The Directory Server access log contains detailed information about client connections to the directory. A connection is a sequence of requests from the same client with the following structure: • Connection record, which gives the connection index and the IP address of the client. • Bind record. • Bind result record. • Sequence of operation request/operation result pairs of records (or individual records in the case of connection, closed, and abandon records). • Unbind record. • Closed record. Every line begins with a timestamp — [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] — the format of which may vary depending on the platform. -0700 indicates the time difference in relation to GMT. Apart from the connection, closed, and abandon records, which appear individually, all records appear in pairs, consisting of a request for service record followed by a result record. These two records frequently appear on adjacent lines, but this is not always the case. The access logs have different levels of logging, set in the nsslapd-accesslog-level attribute. This section provides an overview of the default access logging content, log levels, and the content logged at different logging levels. • Section 5.1.1, “Access Logging Levels” • Section 5.1.2, “Default Access Logging Content” • Section 5.1.3, “Access Log Content for Additional Access Logging Levels” NOTE Directory Server provides a script which can analyze access logs to extract usage statistics and count the occurrences of significant events. For details about this script, 1 see the section. 219 Chapter 5. Log File Reference 5.1.1. Access Logging Levels Different levels of access logging generate different amounts of detail and record different kinds of 2 operations. The log level is set in the instance's nsslapd-accesslog-level configuration attribute. The default level of logging is level 256, which logs access to an entry, but there are five different log levels available: • 0 = No access logging. • 4 = Logging for internal access operations. • 256 = Logging for access to an entry. • 512 = Logging for access to an entry and referrals. • 131072 = Precise timing of operation duration. This gives microsecond resolution for the Elapsed Time item in the access log. This levels are additive, so to enable several different kinds of logging, add the values of those levels together. For example, to log internal access operations, entry access, and referrals, set the value of nsslapd-accesslog-level to 516 (512+4). 5.1.2. Default Access Logging Content This section describes the access log content in detail based on the default access logging level extract shown below. [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 filter="(mobile=+1 123 456-7890)" [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:52 -0700] conn=12 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:52 -0700] conn=12 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:52 -0700] conn=12 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:52 -0700] conn=12 filter="(uid=bjensen)" [21/Apr/2009:11:39:52 -0700] conn=12 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:52 -0700] conn=12 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:52 -0700] conn=12 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:53 -0700] conn=13 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:53 -0700] conn=13 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:53 -0700] conn=13 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:53 -0700] conn=13 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:53 -0700] conn=13 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:53 -0700] conn=13 dc=example,dc=com" [21/Apr/2009:11:39:53 -0700] conn=13 csn=3b4c8cfb000000030000 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:53 -0700] conn=13 2 fd=608 slot=608 connection from to op=0 BIND dn="cn=Directory Manager" method=128 version=3 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 op=1 SRCH base="dc=example,dc=com" scope=2 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=3 notes=U op=2 UNBIND op=2 fd=608 closed - U1 fd=634 slot=634 connection from to op=0 BIND dn="cn=Directory Manager" method=128 version=3 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 op=1 SRCH base="dc=example,dc=com" scope=2 op=2 ABANDON targetop=1 msgid=2 nentries=0 etime=0 op=3 UNBIND op=3 fd=634 closed - U1 fd=659 slot=659 connection from to op=0 op=0 op=1 op=1 op=2 BIND dn="cn=Directory Manager" method=128 version=3 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 EXT oid="2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.3" RESULT err=0 tag=120 nentries=0 etime=0 ADD dn="cn=Sat Apr 21 11:39:51 MET DST 2009, op=2 RESULT err=0 tag=105 nentries=0 etime=0 op=3 EXT oid="2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.5" Configuration_Command_File_Reference-Core_Server_Configuration_ReferenceCore_Server_Configuration_Attributes_Reference.html#Configuration_Command_File_Reference-cnconfignsslapd_accesslog_level 220 Default Access Logging Content [21/Apr/2009:11:39:53 -0700] conn=13 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:53 -0700] conn=13 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:53 -0700] conn=13 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:55 -0700] conn=14 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:55 -0700] conn=14 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:55 -0700] conn=14 in progress [21/Apr/2009:11:39:55 -0700] conn=14 version=3 mech=DIGEST-MD5 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:55 -0700] conn=14 dn="uid=jdoe,dc=example,dc=com" [21/Apr/2009:11:39:55 -0700] conn=14 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:53 -0700] conn=14 op=3 RESULT err=0 tag=120 nentries=0 etime=0 op=4 UNBIND op=4 fd=659 closed - U1 fd=700 slot=700 connection from to op=0 BIND dn="" method=sasl version=3 mech=DIGEST-MD5 op=0 RESULT err=14 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0, SASL bind op=1 BIND dn="uid=jdoe,dc=example,dc=com" method=sasl op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=97nentries=0 etime=0 op=2 UNBIND op=2 fd=700 closed - U1 Example 5.1. Example Access Log Connection Number Every external LDAP request is listed with an incremental connection number, in this case conn=11, starting at conn=0 immediately after server startup. [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 fd=608 slot=608 connection from to Internal LDAP requests are not recorded in the access log by default. To activate the logging 3 of internal access operations, specify access logging level 4 on the nsslapd-accesslog-level configuration attribute. File Descriptor Every connection from an external LDAP client to Directory Server requires a file descriptor or socket descriptor from the operating system, in this case fd=608. fd=608 indicates that it was file descriptor number 608 out of the total pool of available file descriptors which was used. [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 fd=608 slot=608 connection from to Slot Number The slot number, in this case slot=608, is a legacy part of the access log which has the same meaning as file descriptor. Ignore this part of the access log. [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 fd=608 slot=608 connection from to Operation Number To process a given LDAP request, Directory Server will perform the required series of operations. For a given connection, all operation request and operation result pairs are given incremental operation numbers beginning with op=0 to identify the distinct operations being performed. 3 Configuration_Command_File_Reference-Core_Server_Configuration_ReferenceCore_Server_Configuration_Attributes_Reference.html#Configuration_Command_File_Reference-cnconfignsslapd_accesslog_level 221 Chapter 5. Log File Reference [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 In Section 5.1.2, “Default Access Logging Content”, we have op=0 for the bind operation request and result pair, then op=1 for the LDAP search request and result pair, and so on. The entry op=-1 in the access log generally means that the LDAP request for this connection was not issued by an external LDAP client but, instead, initiated internally. Method Type The method number, in this case method=128, indicates which LDAPv3 bind method was used by the client. [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 op=0 BIND dn="cn=Directory Manager" method=128 version=3 There are three possible bind method values: • 0 for authentication • 128 for simple bind with user password • sasl for SASL bind using external authentication mechanism Version Number The version number, in this case version=3, indicates the LDAP version number (either LDAPv2 or LDAPv3) that the LDAP client used to communicate with the LDAP server. [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 op=0 BIND dn="cn=Directory Manager" method=128 version=3 Error Number The error number, in this case err=0, provides the LDAP result code returned from the LDAP operation performed. The LDAP error number 0 means that the operation was successful. For a more comprehensive list of LDAP result codes, see Section 5.4, “LDAP Result Codes”. [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 Tag Number The tag number, in this case tag=97, indicates the type of result returned, which is almost always a reflection of the type of operation performed. The tags used are the BER tags from the LDAP protocol. [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 Tag Description tag=97 A result from a client bind operation. tag=100 The actual entry being searched for. tag=101 A result from a search operation. tag=103 A result from a modify operation. tag=105 A result from an add operation. 222 Default Access Logging Content Tag Description tag=107 A result from a delete operation. tag=109 A result from a moddn operation. tag=111 A result from a compare operation. tag=115 A search reference when the entry on which the search was performed holds a referral to the required entry. Search references are expressed in terms of a referral. tag=120 A result from an extended operation. Table 5.1. Commonly-Used Tags NOTE tag=100 and tag=115 are not result tags as such, and so it is unlikely that they will be recorded in the access log. Number of Entries nentries shows the number of entries, in this case nentries=0, that were found matching the LDAP client's request. [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 Elapsed Time etime shows the elapsed time, in this case etime=3, or the amount of time (in seconds) that it took the Directory Server to perform the LDAP operation. [21/Apr/2009:11:39:51 -0700] conn=11 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=3 notes=U An etime value of 0 means that the operation actually took milliseconds to perform. To have microsecond resolution for this item in the access log, enter a value of 131328 (256+131072) in the nsslapd-accesslog-level configuration attribute. LDAP Request Type The LDAP request type indicates the type of LDAP request being issued by the LDAP client. Possible values are: • SRCH for search • MOD for modify • DEL for delete • ADD for add • MODDN for moddn • EXT for extended operation 223 Chapter 5. Log File Reference • ABANDON for abandon operation If the LDAP request resulted in sorting of entries, then the message SORT serialno will be recorded in the log, followed by the number of candidate entries that were sorted. For example: [04/May/2009:15:51:46 -0700] conn=114 op=68 SORT serialno (1) The number enclosed in parentheses specifies the number of candidate entries that were sorted, which in this case is 1. LDAP Response Type The LDAP response type indicates the LDAP response being issued by the LDAP client. There are three possible values: • RESULT • ENTRY • REFERRAL, an LDAP referral or search reference Unindexed Search Indicator The unindexed search indicator, notes=U, indicates that the search performed was unindexed, which means that the database itself had to be directly searched instead of the index file. Unindexed searches occur in three scenarios: • When the nsslapd-idlistscanlimit was reached within the index file used for the search. • When no index file existed. • When the index file was not configured in the way required by the search. NOTE An unindexed search indicator is often accompanied by a large etime value, as unindexed searches are generally more time consuming. VLV-Related Entries When a search involves virtual list views (VLVs), appropriate entries are logged in the access log file. Similar to the other entries, VLV-specific entries show the request and response information side by side: VLV RequestInformation ResponseInformation RequestInformation has the following form: beforeCount:afterCount:index:contentCount If the client uses a position-by-value VLV request, the format for the first part, the request information would be beforeCount: afterCount: value. ResponseInformation has the following form: 224 Default Access Logging Content targetPosition:contentCount (resultCode) The example below highlights the VLV-specific entries: [07/May/2009:11:43:29 [07/May/2009:11:43:29 [07/May/2009:11:43:29 [07/May/2009:11:43:29 -0700] -0700] -0700] -0700] conn=877 conn=877 conn=877 conn=877 op=8530 op=8530 op=8530 op=8530 SRCH base="(ou=People)" scope=2 filter="(uid=*)" SORT uid VLV 0:5:0210 10:5397 (0) RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0 In the above example, the first part, 0:5:0210, is the VLV request information: • The beforeCount is 0. • The afterCount is 5. • The value is 0210. The second part, 10:5397 (0), is the VLV response information: • The targetPosition is 10. • The contentCount is 5397. • The (resultCode) is (0). Search Scope The entry scope=n defines the scope of the search performed, and n can have a value of 0, 1, or 2. • 0 for base search • 1 for one-level search • 2 for subtree search For more information about search scopes, see "Using ldapsearch" in Appendix B, "Finding Directory Entries", in the Red Hat Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Extended Operation OID An extended operation OID, such as EXT oid="2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.3" or EXT oid="2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.5" in Example 5.1, “Example Access Log”, provides the OID of the extended operation being performed. Table 5.2, “LDAPv3 Extended Operations Supported by Directory Server” provides a partial list of LDAPv3 extended operations and their OIDs supported in Directory Server. Extended Operation Name Description OID Directory Server Start Replication Request Sent by a replication initiator to indicate that a replication session is requested. 2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.3 Directory Server Replication Response Sent by a replication responder in response to a Start Replication Request Extended Operation or an End Replication Request Extended Operation. 2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.4 225 Chapter 5. Log File Reference Extended Operation Name Description OID Directory Server End Replication Request Sent to indicate that a replication session is to be terminated. 2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.5 Directory Server Replication Entry Request Carries an entry, along with its state information (csn and UniqueIdentifier) and is used to perform a replica initialization. 2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.6 Directory Server Bulk Import Start Sent by the client to request a bulk import together with the suffix being imported to and sent by the server to indicate that the bulk import may begin. 2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.7 Directory Server Bulk Import Finished Sent by the client to signal the 2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.8 end of a bulk import and sent by the server to acknowledge it. Table 5.2. LDAPv3 Extended Operations Supported by Directory Server Change Sequence Number The change sequence number, in this case csn=3b4c8cfb000000030000, is the replication change sequence number, indicating that replication is enabled on this particular naming context. Abandon Message The abandon message indicates that an operation has been aborted. [21/Apr/2009:11:39:52 -0700] conn=12 op=2 ABANDON targetop=1 msgid=2 nentries=0 etime=0 nentries=0 indicates the number of entries sent before the operation was aborted, etime=0 value indicates how much time (in seconds) had elapsed, and targetop=1 corresponds to an operation value from a previously initiated operation (that appears earlier in the access log). There are two possible log ABANDON messages, depending on whether the message ID succeeds in locating which operation was to be aborted. If the message ID succeeds in locating the operation (the targetop) then the log will read as above. However, if the message ID does not succeed in locating the operation or if the operation had already finished prior to the ABANDON request being sent, then the log will read as follows: [21/Apr/2009:11:39:52 -0700] conn=12 op=2 ABANDON targetop=NOTFOUND msgid=2 targetop=NOTFOUND indicates the operation to be aborted was either an unknown operation or already complete. Message ID The message ID, in this case msgid=2, is the LDAP operation identifier, as generated by the LDAP SDK client. The message ID may have a different value than the operation number but identifies the same operation. The message ID is used with an ABANDON operation and tells the user which client operation is being abandoned. 226 Access Log Content for Additional Access Logging Levels [21/Apr/2009:11:39:52 -0700] conn=12 op=2 ABANDON targetop=NOTFOUND msgid=2 NOTE The Directory Server operation number starts counting at 0, and, in the majority of LDAP SDK/client implementations, the message ID number starts counting at 1, which explains why the message ID is frequently equal to the Directory Server operation number plus 1. SASL Multi-Stage Bind Logging In Directory Server, logging for multi-stage binds is explicit. Each stage in the bind process is logged. The error codes for these SASL connections are really return codes. In Example 5.1, “Example Access Log”, the SASL bind is currently in progress so it has a return code of err=14, meaning the connection is still open, and there is a corresponding progress statement, SASL bind in progress. [21/Apr/2009:11:39:55 -0700] conn=14 op=0 BIND dn="" method=sasl version=3 mech=DIGEST-MD5 [21/Apr/2009:11:39:55 -0700] conn=14 op=0 RESULT err=14 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0, SASL bind in progress 4 In logging a SASL bind, the sasl method is followed by the LDAP version number and the SASL mechanism used, as shown below with the GSS-API mechanism. [21/Apr/2009:12:57:14 -0700] conn=32 op=0 BIND dn="" method=sasl version=3 mech=GSSAPI NOTE The authenticated DN (the DN used for access control decisions) is now logged in the BIND result line as opposed to the bind request line, as was previously the case: [21/Apr/2009:11:39:55 -0700] conn=14 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 dn="uid=jdoe,dc=example,dc=com" For SASL binds, the DN value displayed in the bind request line is not used by the server and, as a consequence, is not relevant. However, given that the authenticated DN is the DN which, for SASL binds, must be used for audit purposes, it is essential that this be clearly logged. Having this authenticated DN logged in the bind result line avoids any confusion as to which DN is which. 5.1.3. Access Log Content for Additional Access Logging Levels This section presents the additional access logging levels available in the Directory Server access log. In Example 5.2, “Access Log Extract with Internal Access Operations Level (Level 4)”, access logging level 4, which logs internal operations, is enabled. 4 #Configuration_Command_File_Reference-Default_Access_Logging_Content-Version_Number 227 Chapter 5. Log File Reference [12/Jul/2009:16:45:46 +0200] conn=Internal op=-1 SRCH base="cn=\22dc=example,dc=com \22,cn=mapping tree,cn=config"scope=0 filter="objectclass=nsMappingTree"attrs="nsslapdreferral" options=persistent [12/Jul/2009:16:45:46 +0200] conn=Internal op=-1 RESULT err=0 tag=48 nentries=1etime=0 [12/Jul/2009:16:45:46 +0200] conn=Internal op=-1 SRCH base="cn=\22dc=example,dc=com \22,cn=mapping tree,cn=config"scope=0 filter="objectclass=nsMappingTree" attrs="nsslapd-state" [12/Jul/2009:16:45:46 +0200] conn=Internal op=-1 RESULT err=0 tag=48 nentries=1etime=0 Example 5.2. Access Log Extract with Internal Access Operations Level (Level 4) Access log level 4 enables logging for internal operations, which log search base, scope, filter, and requested search attributes, in addition to the details of the search being performed. In the following example, access logging level 768 is enabled (512 + 256), which logs access to entries and referrals. In this extract, six entries and one referral are returned in response to the search request, which is shown on the first line. [12/Jul/2009:16:43:02 +0200] conn=306 fd=60 slot=60 connection from to [12/Jul/2009:16:43:02 +0200] conn=306 op=0 SRCH base="dc=example,dc=com" scope=2 filter="(description=*)" attrs=ALL [12/Jul/2009:16:43:02 +0200] conn=306 op=0 ENTRY dn="ou=Special [12/Jul/2009:16:43:02 +0200] conn=306 op=0 ENTRY dn="cn=Accounting Managers,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com" [12/Jul/2009:16:43:02 +0200] conn=306 op=0 ENTRY dn="cn=HR Managers,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com" [12/Jul/2009:16:43:02 +0200] conn=306 op=0 ENTRY dn="cn=QA Managers,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com" [12/Jul/2009:16:43:02 +0200] conn=306 op=0 ENTRY dn="cn=PD Managers,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com" [12/Jul/2009:16:43:02 +0200] conn=306 op=0 ENTRY dn="ou=Red Hat Servers,dc=example,dc=com" [12/Jul/2009:16:43:02 +0200] conn=306 op=0 REFERRAL Connection Description The connection description, in this case conn=Internal, indicates that the connection is an internal connection. The operation number op=-1 also indicates that the operation was initiated internally. [12/Jul/2009:16:45:46 +0200] conn=Internal op=-1 ENTRY dn="cn=\22dc=example,dc=com\22, cn=mapping tree, cn=config" Options Description The options description (options=persistent) indicates that a persistent search is being performed, as distinguished from a regular search operation. Persistent searches can be used as a form of monitoring and configured to return changes to given configurations as changes occur; this is explained more in the ldapsearch chapter of the Administrator's Guide. Both log levels 512 and 4 are enabled for this example, so both internal access operations and entry access and referrals being logged. [12/Jul/2009:16:45:46 +0200] conn=Internal op=-1 SRCH base="cn=\22dc=example,dc=com \22,cn=mapping tree,cn=config"scope=0 filter="objectclass=nsMappingTree"attrs="nsslapdreferral" options=persistent 228 Common Connection Codes 5.1.4. Common Connection Codes A connection code is a code that is added to the closed log message to provide additional information related to the connection closure. Connection Code Description A1 Client aborts the connection. B1 Corrupt BER tag encountered. If BER tags, which encapsulate data being sent over the wire, are corrupt when they are received, a B1 connection code is logged to the access log. BER tags can be corrupted due to physical layer network problems or bad LDAP client operations, such as an LDAP client aborting before receiving all request results. B2 BER tag is longer than the nsslapdmaxbersize attribute value. For further information about this configuration attribute, see Section, “nsslapd-maxbersize (Maximum Message Size)”. B3 Corrupt BER tag encountered. B4 Server failed to flush data response back to client. P2 Closed or corrupt connection has been detected. T1 Client does not receive a result within the specified idletimeout period. For further information about this configuration attribute, see Section, “nsslapd-idletimeout (Default Idle Timeout)”. T2 Server closed connection after ioblocktimeout period was exceeded. For further information about this configuration attribute, see Section, “nsslapdioblocktimeout (IO Block Time Out)”. U1 Connection closed by server after client sends an unbind request. The server will always close the connection when it sees an unbind request. Table 5.3. Common Connection Codes 5.2. Error Log Reference The Directory Server error log records messages for Directory Server transactions and operations. These may be error messages for failed operations, but it also contains general information about the processes of Directory Server and LDAP tasks, such as server startup messages, logins and searches of the directory, and connection information. 229 Chapter 5. Log File Reference 5.2.1. Error Log Logging Levels The error log can record different amounts of detail for operations, as well as different kinds of information depending on the type of error logging enabled. 5 The logging level is set in the nsslapd-errorlog-level configuration attribute. The default log level is 16384, which included critical error messages and standard logged messages, like LDAP results codes and startup messages. As with access logging, error logging levels are additive. To enable both replication logging (8192) and plug-in logging (65536), set the log level to 73728 (8192 + 65536). NOTE Enabling high levels of debug logging can significantly erode server performance. Debug log levels, such as replication (8192) should only be enabled for troubleshooting, not for daily operations. Setting Console Name Description 1 Trace function calls Logs a message when the server enters and exits a function. 2 Packeting handlings Logs debug information for packets processed by the server. 4 Heavy trace output Logs when the server enters and exits a function, with additional debugging messages. 8 Connection management Logs the current connection status, including the connection methods used for a SASL bind. 16 Packets sent/received Print out the numbers of packets sent and received by the server. 32 Search filter processing Logs all of the functions called by a search operation. 64 Config file processing Prints any .conf configuration files used with the server, line by line, when the server is started. By default, only slapd-collations.conf is available and processed. 128 Access control list processing 2048 Log entry parsing. 5 Logs schema parsing debugging information. Configuration_Command_File_Reference-Core_Server_Configuration_ReferenceCore_Server_Configuration_Attributes_Reference.html#Configuration_Command_File_Reference-cnconfignsslapd_errorlog_level_Error_Log_Level 230 Error Log Content Setting Console Name Description 4096 Housekeeping Housekeeping thread debugging. 8192 Replication Logs detailed information about every replication-related operation, including updates and errors, which is important for debugging replication problems. 16384 Default Default level of logging used for critical errors and other messages that are always written to the error log, such as server startup messages. Messages at this level are always included in the error log, regardless of the log level setting. 32768 Entry cache Database entry cache debugging. 65536 Plug-ins Writes an entry to the log file when a server plug-in calls slapi-log-error, so this is used for server plug-in debugging. 131072 262144 Microsecond resolution for timestamps instead of the default seconds. This cannot be enabled in the Directory Server Console. Access control summary Summarizes information about access to the server, much less verbose than level 128. This value is recommended for use when a summary of access control processing is needed. Use 128 for very detailed processing messages. Table 5.4. Error Log Levels 5.2.2. Error Log Content The error log format is simpler than the access log entries. It is also more flexible because the kind of information returned depends on the service or operation which is writing the log entry. Generally, error log entries contain the following elements: • A timestamp, such as [05/Jan/2009:02:27:22 -0500], although the format varies depending on the platform. The ending four digits, -0500, indicate the time difference in relation to GMT. 231 Chapter 5. Log File Reference • The plug-in being called, for internal operations. • Functions called by the plug-in, for internal operations. • Messages returned by the plug-in or operation, which may include LDAP error codes, connection information, or entry information. Frequently, the messages for an operation appear on multiple lines of the log, but these are not identified with a connection number or operation number. Example 5.3, “Error Log Excerpt” shows excerpts from an error log at the default logging level, which includes some task information, critical errors, and server startup messages. [05/Jan/2009:02:27:22 -0500] slapi_ldap_bind - Error: could not send bind request for id [cn=repl manager,cn=config] mech [SIMPLE]: error 91 (Can't connect to the LDAP server) [06/Jan/2009:17:52:04 -0500] schemareload - Schema reload task starts (schema dir: default) ... [06/Jan/2009:17:52:04 -0500] schemareload - Schema validation passed. [06/Jan/2009:17:52:04 -0500] schemareload - Schema reload task finished. [07/Jan/2009:15:54:08 -0500] - libdb: write: 0xb75646e5, 508: No space left on device [07/Jan/2009:15:54:08 -0500] - libdb: txn_checkpoint: log failed at LSN [22 7649039] No space left on device [07/Jan/2009:15:54:08 -0500] - Serious Error- - - Failed to checkpoint database, err=28 (No space left on device) [07/Jan/2009:15:54:08 -0500] - *** DISK FULL *** [07/Jan/2009:15:54:08 -0500] - Attempting to shut down gracefully. [07/Jan/2009:15:54:08 -0500] - slapd shutting down - signaling operation threads [07/Jan/2009:15:54:08 -0500] - slapd shutting down - closing down internal subsystems and plugins [07/Jan/2009:15:54:11 -0500] - Waiting for 3 database threads to stop [07/Jan/2009:15:54:11 -0500] - All database threads now stopped [07/Jan/2009:15:54:12 -0500] - slapd stopped. Red Hat-Directory/8.1.4 B2008.310.1012 (/etc/dirsrv/slapd-example) [07/Jan/2009:22:18:41 -0500] - Red Hat-Directory/8.1.4 B2008.310.1012 starting up [07/Jan/2009:22:18:44 -0500] memory allocator - cannot calloc 0 elements; trying to allocate 0 or a negative number of elements is not portable and gives different results on different platforms. [07/Jan/2009:22:18:44 -0500] - slapd started. Listening on All Interfaces port 389 for LDAP requests Example 5.3. Error Log Excerpt 5.2.3. Error Log Content for Other Log Levels The different log levels return not only different levels of detail, but also information about different types of server operations. Some of these are summarized here, but there are many more combinations of logging levels possible. Replication logging is one of the most important diagnostic levels to implement. This logging level records all operations related to replication and Windows synchronization, including processing modifications on a supplier and writing them to the changelog, sending updates, and changing replication agreements. Whenever a replication update is prepared or sent, the error log identifies the replication or synchronization agreement being specified, the consumer host and port, and the current replication task. 232 Error Log Content for Other Log Levels [timestamp] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="name" (consumer_host:consumer_port): current_task For example: [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): {replicageneration} 4949df6e000000010000 {replicageneration} means that the new information is being sent, and 4949df6e000000010000 is the change sequence number of the entry being replicated. Example 5.4, “Replication Error Log Entry” shows the complete process of sending a single entry to a consumer, from adding the entry to the changelog to releasing the consumer after replication is complete. [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] - _csngen_adjust_local_time: gen state before 496799220001:1231526178:0:0 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] - _csngen_adjust_local_time: gen state after 49679b200000:1231526688:0:0 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_add_csn_inprogress: successfully inserted csn 49679b20000000010000 into pending list [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Purged state information from entry uid=mreynolds,ou=People, dc=example, dc=com up to CSN 495e5d73000000010000 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_update_ruv: successfully committed csn 49679b20000000010000 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): State: wait_for_changes -> wait_for_changes [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): State: wait_for_changes -> ready_to_acquire_replica [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): Trying non-secure slapi_ldap_init_ext [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): binddn = cn=directory manager, passwd = {DES}iRDGwYacBXFTnmlzPU01WQ== [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): No linger to cancel on the connection [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): Replica was successfully acquired. [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): State: ready_to_acquire_replica -> sending_updates [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] - csngen_adjust_time: gen state before 49679b200002:1231526688:0:0 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] - _cl5PositionCursorForReplay (agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864)): Consumer RUV: [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): {replicageneration} 4949df6e000000010000 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): {replica 1 ldap://} 494aa17d000000010000 496797f3000000010000 00000000 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] - _cl5PositionCursorForReplay (agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864)): Supplier RUV: [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): {replicageneration} 4949df6e000000010000 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): {replica 1 ldap://} 494aa17d000000010000 49679b20000000010000 49679b20 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864) - session start: anchorcsn=496797f3000000010000 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - changelog program agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): CSN 496797f3000000010000 found, position set for replay [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864) - load=1 rec=1 csn=49679b20000000010000 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): replay_update: Sending modify operation (dn="uid=mreynolds,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" csn=49679b20000000010000) 233 Chapter 5. Log File Reference [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): replay_update: Consumer successfully sent operation with csn 49679b20000000010000 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864) - clcache_load_buffer: rc=-30990 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): No more updates to send (cl5GetNextOperationToReplay) [09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] - repl5_inc_waitfor_async_results: 0 5 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:49 -0500] - repl5_inc_result_threadmain starting [09/Jan/2009:13:44:49 -0500] - repl5_inc_result_threadmain: read result for message_id 5 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:49 -0500] - repl5_inc_result_threadmain: result 3, 0, 0, 5, (null) [09/Jan/2009:13:44:49 -0500] - repl5_inc_result_threadmain: read result for message_id 5 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:49 -0500] - repl5_inc_waitfor_async_results: 5 5 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:50 -0500] - repl5_inc_result_threadmain: read result for message_id 5 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:51 -0500] - repl5_inc_result_threadmain exiting [09/Jan/2009:13:44:51 -0500] agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864) - session end: state=5 load=1 sent=1 skipped=0 [09/Jan/2009:13:44:51 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): Successfully released consumer [09/Jan/2009:13:44:51 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): Beginning linger on the connection [09/Jan/2009:13:44:51 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): State: sending_updates -> wait_for_changes Example 5.4. Replication Error Log Entry Plug-in logging records every the name of the plugin and all of the functions called by the plugin. This has a simple format: [timestamp] Plugin_name - message [timestamp] - function - message The information returned can be hundreds of lines long as every step is processed. The precise information recorded depends on the plug-in itself. For example, the ACL Plug-in includes a connection and operation number, as shown in Example 5.5, “Example ACL Plug-in Error Log Entry with Plug-in Logging”. [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] NSACLPlugin - conn=24826500108779577 op=10 (main): Allow search on entry(cn=replication,cn=config): root user [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - <= slapi_vattr_filter_test 0 [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] NSACLPlugin - Root access (read) allowed on entry(cn=replication,cn=config) [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] NSACLPlugin - Root access (read) allowed on entry(cn=replication,cn=config) [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] NSACLPlugin - Root access (read) allowed on entry(cn=replication,cn=config) [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - slapi_filter_free type 0x87 [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - => get_filter_internal [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - EQUALITY [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - <= get_filter_internal 0 [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] get_filter - before optimize: [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] get_filter - after optimize: [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] index_subsys_assign_filter_decoders - before: (objectClass=nsBackendInstance) [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] index_subsys_assign_filter_decoders - after: (objectClass=nsBackendInstance) [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - => slapi_vattr_filter_test_ext [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - => test_substring_filter [09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] EQUALITY Example 5.5. Example ACL Plug-in Error Log Entry with Plug-in Logging 234 Audit Log Reference NOTE Example 5.5, “Example ACL Plug-in Error Log Entry with Plug-in Logging” shows both plug-in logging and search filter processing (log level 32). Many other kinds of logging have similar output to the plug-in logging level, only for different kinds of internal operations. Heavy trace output (4), access control list processing (128), schema parsing (2048), and housekeeping (4096) all record the functions called by the different operations being performed. In this case, the difference is not in the format of what is being recorded, but what operations it is being recorded for. The configuration file processing goes through any .conf file, printing every line, whenever the server starts up. This can be used to debug any problems with files outside of the server's normal configuration. By default, only slapd-collations.conf file, which contains configurations for international language sets, is available. [09/Jan/2009:16:08:18 collations.conf [09/Jan/2009:16:08:18 default [09/Jan/2009:16:08:18 en en-US [09/Jan/2009:16:08:18 en-CA [09/Jan/2009:16:08:18 en-GB -0500] - reading config file /etc/dirsrv/slapd-server/slapd-0500] - line 46: collation "" "" "" 1 3 2.16.840.1.113730. -0500] - line 57: collation en "" "" 1 3 2.16.840.1.113730. -0500] - line 58: collation en CA "" 1 3 2.16.840.1.113730. -0500] - line 59: collation en GB "" 1 3 2.16.840.1.113730. Example 5.6. Config File Processing Log Entry There are two levels of ACI logging, one for debug information and one for summary. Both of these ACI logging levels records some extra information that is not included with other types of plug-ins or 6 7 error logging, including connection and operation information. Show the name of the plug-in, the bind DN of the user, the operation performed or attempted, and the ACI which was applied. The debug level shows the series of functions called in the course of the bind and any other operations, as well. Example 5.7, “Access Control Summary Logging” shows the summary access control log entry. [09/Jan/2009:16:02:01 -0500] NSACLPlugin - #### conn=24826547353419844 op=1 binddn="uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" [09/Jan/2009:16:02:01 -0500] NSACLPlugin - conn=24826547353419844 op=1 (main): Allow search on entry(ou=people,dc=example,dc=com).attr(uid) to uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com: allowed by aci(2): aciname= "Enable anonymous access", acidn="dc=example,dc=com" Example 5.7. Access Control Summary Logging 5.3. Audit Log Reference The audit log records changes made to the server instance. Unlike the error and access log, the audit log does not record access to the server instance, so searches against the database are not logged. The audit log is formatted differently than the access and error logs and is basically like a timestamped LDIF file. The operations recorded in the audit log are formatted as LDIF statements: 6 7 logs-reference.html#Configuration_Command_File_Reference-Default_Access_Logging_Content-Connection_Number logs-reference.html#Configuration_Command_File_Reference-Default_Access_Logging_Content-Operation_Number 235 Chapter 5. Log File Reference timestamp: date dn: modified_entry changetype: action action:attribute attribute:new_value replace: modifiersname modifiersname: dn replace: modifytimestamp modifytimestamp: date - LDIF files and formats are described in more detail in the "LDAP Data Interchange Format" appendix 8 of the Administrator's Guide . Several different kinds of audit entries are shown in Example 5.8, “Audit Log Content”. ... modifying an entry ... time: 20090108181429 dn: uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com changetype: modify replace: userPassword userPassword: {SSHA}8EcJhJoIgBgY/E5j8JiVoj6W3BLyj9Za/rCPOw== replace: modifiersname modifiersname: cn=directory manager replace: modifytimestamp modifytimestamp: 20090108231429Z - ... modifications to o=NetscapeRoot from logging into the Console ... time: 20090108182758 dn: cn=general,ou=1.1,ou=console,ou=cn=directory manager,ou=userpreferences,,o=netscaperoot changetype: modify replace: nsPreference nsPreference:: IwojVGh1IEphbiAwOCAxODoyNzo1OCBFU1QgMjAwOQpXaWR0aD03NzAKU2hvd1 N0YXR1c0Jhcj10cnVlClNob3dCYW5uZXJCYXI9dHJ1ZQpZPTI3OApYPTI5OApIZWlnaHQ9NTE4Cg == replace: modifiersname modifiersname: cn=directory manager replace: modifytimestamp modifytimestamp: 20090108232758Z - ... sending a replication update ... time: 20090109131811 dn: cn=example2,cn=replica,cn="dc=example, dc=com",cn=mapping tree,cn=config changetype: modify replace: nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh: start replace: modifiersname modifiersname: cn=directory manager 8 ../ag/LDAP_Data_Interchange_Format.html 236 LDAP Result Codes replace: modifytimestamp modifytimestamp: 20090109181810Z - Example 5.8. Audit Log Content The audit log does not have any other log level to set. 5.4. LDAP Result Codes LDAP has a set of result codes with which it is useful to be familiar. Result Code Defined Value Result Code Defined Value 0 SUCCESS 48 INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATIO 1 OPERATION_ERROR 49 INVALID_CREDENTIALS 2 PROTOCOL_ERROR 50 INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS 3 TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED51 BUSY 4 SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED52 UNAVAILABLE 5 COMPARE_FALSE 53 UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM 6 COMPARE_TRUE 54 LOOP_DEFECT 7 AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED 64 NAMING_VIOLATION 8 STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED 65 OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION 9 LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS 66 NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NONLEAF 10 REFERRAL (LDAP v3) NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN 11 ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 68 (LDAP v3) ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS 12 UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION 69 (LDAP v3) OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBIT 13 CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED 71 (LDAP v3) AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS (LDAP v3) 14 SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS 80 OTHER 16 NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE 81 SERVER_DOWN 17 UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE 85 LDAP_TIMEOUT 18 INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING 89 PARAM_ERROR 19 CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION 91 CONNECT_ERROR 20 ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS 92 LDAP_NOT_SUPPORTED 21 INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX 93 CONTROL_NOT_FOUND 32 NO_SUCH_OBJECT 94 NO_RESULTS_RETURNED 33 ALIAS_PROBLEM 95 MORE_RESULTS_TO_RETURN 34 INVALID_DN_SYNTAX 96 CLIENT_LOOP 35 IS_LEAF 97 REFERRAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 67 237 Chapter 5. Log File Reference Result Code Defined Value 36 ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM Table 5.5. LDAP Result Codes 238 Result Code Defined Value Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities This chapter contains reference information on command-line utilities used with Red Hat Directory Server (Directory Server). These command-line utilities make it easy to perform administration tasks on the Directory Server. 6.1. Finding and Executing Command-Line Utilities The ldapsearch, ldapmodify, ldapdelete, and ldappasswd command-line utilities are provided as a separate package, called either mozldap-tools or mozldap6-tools, and the utilities are installed in /usr/lib/mozldap or /usr/lib/mozldap6, respectively. Depending on the package installed on the system, add the path to the PATH environment variable to use the command-line utilities. NOTE For most Linux systems, OpenLDAP tools are already installed in the /usr/bin/ directory. These OpenLDAP tools are not supported for Directory Server operations. For the best results with the Directory Server, make sure the path to the Mozilla LDAP tools comes first in the PATH or use the full path and file name for every LDAP operation. To use Mozilla LDAP tools, ensure that /usr/lib/mozldap or /usr/ lib/mozldap6 appears in the PATH variable before /usr/bin. These OpenLDAP tools can be used for Directory Server operations with certain cautions: • The output of the other tools may be different, so it may not look like the examples in the documentation. • The OpenLDAP tools require a -x argument to disable SASL so that it can be used for a simple bind, meaning the -D and -w arguments or an anonymous bind. • The OpenLDAP tools' arguments for using TLS/SSL and SASL are quite different than the Mozilla LDAP arguments. See the OpenLDAP documentation for instructions on those arguments. The ldif and dbscan command-line utilities are stored in the /usr/bin directory. 6.2. Using Special Characters When using the ldapsearch command-line utility, it may be necessary to specify values that contain characters that have special meaning to the command-line interpreter, such as space ( ), asterisk (*), and backslash (\). When this situation occurs, enclose the value in quotation marks (""). For example: -D "cn=Barbara Jensen, ou=Product Development, dc=example,dc=com" Depending on the command-line interpreter, use either single or double quotation marks for this purpose. See the operating system documentation for more information. Additionally, commas in DN values must be escaped with a backslash. For example: 239 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities -D "cn=Patricia Fuentes, ou=people, dc=example,dc=Bolivia\, S.A." 6.3. Command-Line Utilities Quick Reference The following table provides a summary of the command-line utilities provided for Directory Server. Command-Line Utility Description ldapsearch Searches the directory and returns search results in LDIF format. For details on this tool, see the "Finding Directory Entries" appendix in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. ldapmodify Adds, deletes, modifies, or renames entries. All operations are specified using LDIF update statements. For details on this tool, see "Adding and Modifying Entries Using ldapmodify" in the "Creating Directory Entries" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. ldapdelete Deletes entries in the directory. For information on using this utility, see "Deleting Entries Using ldapdelete" in the "Creating Directory Entries" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. ldappasswd Changes users passwords with the password change extended operation. For more information on the password extended change operation, see the "Managing the Password Policy" section of the "Managing User Accounts and Passwords" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. ldif Automatically formats LDIF files and creates base 64-encoded attribute values. For details on this tool, see appendix A in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. dbscan Analyzes and extracts information from a Directory Server database file. Table 6.1. Commonly-Used Command-Line Utilities 6.4. ldapsearch ldapsearch is a configurable utility that locates and retrieves directory entries via LDAP. This utility opens a connection to the specified server using the specified distinguished name and password and locates entries based on a specified search filter. Search scopes can include a single entry, an entry's immediate subentries, or an entire tree or subtree. Search results are returned in LDIF format. • Syntax • Commonly-Used ldapsearch Options • Persistent Search Options 240 ldapsearch • SSL Options • SASL Options • Additional ldapsearch Options Syntax ldapsearch -b basedn -s scope [ optional_options ] "(attribute=filter)" [ optional_list_of_attributes ] For any value that contains a space ( ), the value should be enclosed in double quotation marks. For example: -b "ou=groups, dc=example,dc=com" Option Description optional_options A series of command-line options. These must be specified before the search filter, if used. "(filter)" An LDAP search filter as described in Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Do not specify a search filter if search filters are supplied in a file using the -f option. optional_list_of_attributes A list of space-separated attributes that reduce the scope of the attributes returned in the search results. This list of attributes must appear after the search filter. For a usage example, see the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. If a list of attributes is not specified, the search returns values for all attributes permitted by the access control set in the directory with the exception of operational attributes. Table 6.2. ldapsearch Syntax To return operational attributes as a result of a search operation, they must be explicitly specified in the search command. To retrieve regular attributes along with explicitly-specified operational attributes, specify an asterisk (*) in addition to the operational attributes. Commonly-Used ldapsearch Options Table 6.3, “Commonly-Used ldapsearch Options” lists the most commonly used ldapsearch command-line options. The most common ldapsearch usage specifies the host and port number, bind DN and password, scope, base DN, and a filter that returns every entry under the search base: ldapsearch -b basedn -s sub -h host -p port -D binddn -w password "(objectclass=*)" 241 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Option Description -b Specifies the starting point for the search. The value specified here must be a distinguished name that currently exists in the database. This option is optional if the LDAP_BASEDN environment variable has been set to a base DN. The value specified in this option should be provided in double quotation marks. For example: -b "cn=Barbara Jensen, ou=Product Development, dc=example,dc=com" The root DSE entry is a special entry that contains a list of all the suffixes supported by the local directory. To search this entry, supply a search base of "", a search scope of base, and a filter of "objectclass=*". For example: -b "" -s base "objectclass=*" -D Specifies the distinguished name with which to authenticate to the server. This option is optional if anonymous access is supported by the server. If specified, this value must be a DN recognized by the Directory Server, and it must also have the authority to search for the entries. For example: -D "uid=bjensen, dc=example,dc=com" -g Specifies that the password policy request control not be sent with the bind request. By default, the new LDAP password policy request control is sent with bind requests. The ldapsearch tool can parse and display information from the response control if it is returned by a server; that is, the tool will print an appropriate error or warning message when a server sends the password policy response control with the appropriate value. The criticality of the request control is set to false to ensure that all LDAPv3 servers that do not understand the control can ignore it. To suppress sending of the request control with the bind request, include -g on the command-line. -h 242 Specifies the hostname or IP address of the machine on which the Directory Server is ldapsearch Option Description installed. If a host is not specified, ldapsearch uses the local host. For example: -h mozilla -l Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for a search request to complete. For example: -l 300 Regardless of the value specified here, ldapsearch will never wait longer than is allowed by the server's nsslapd-timelimit attribute, unless the authenticated user is the Directory Manager. The default value for the nsslapd-timelimit attribute is 3600 seconds. See Section, “nsslapdtimelimit (Time Limit)” for more information. -p Specifies the TCP port number that the Directory Server uses. For example: -p 1049 The default is 389. If -Z is used, the default is 636. -s Specifies the scope of the search. The scope can be one of the following: • base searches only the entry specified in the -b option or defined by the LDAP_BASEDN environment variable. • one searches only the immediate children of the entry specified in the -b option. Only the children are searched; the actual entry specified in the -b option is not searched. • sub searches the entry specified in the b option and all of its descendants. That is, perform a subtree search starting at the point identified in the -b option. This is the default. -w Specifies the password associated with the distinguished name that is specified in the -D option. For example: -w diner892 If this option is not specified, anonymous access is used. 243 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Option Description If a dash (-) is used as the password value, the utility prompts for the password after the command is entered. This avoids having the password on the command line. -x Specifies that the search results are sorted on the server rather than on the client. This is useful to sort according to a matching rule, as with an international search. In general, it is faster to sort on the server rather than on the client. -z Specifies the maximum number of entries to return in response to a search request. For example: -z 1000 Normally, regardless of the value specified here, ldapsearch never returns more entries than the number allowed by the server's nsslapdsizelimit attribute, unless the authenticated user is the Directory Manager. However, this limitation can be overridden by binding as the root DN when using this commandline argument. This is because binding as the root DN causes this option to default to zero (0). The default value for the nsslapdsizelimit attribute is 2000 entries. See Section, “nsslapd-sizelimit (Size Limit)” for more information. Table 6.3. Commonly-Used ldapsearch Options Persistent Search Options A persistent search leaves the search operation open after the initial search results are returned. This allows the entries returned in the search to remain in cache and updates to be transmitted and included as they occur. Persistent searches leave the ldapsearch open until the client closes the connection. Using persistent searches is described in the "Finding Directory Entries" appendix of the 1 Administrator's Guide . ldapsearch -r -C PS:changetype[:changesonly[:entrychgcontrols]] -b dc=example,dc=com objectclass=* In the access logs, a persistent search is identifies with the tag options=persistent. 1 Option Description -C Runs the ldapsearch as a persistent search. -r Prints all of the output from the ldapsearch command from the buffer immediately. This ../../ag/persistent-search.html 244 ldapsearch Option Description is useful with the -C for persistent searches because it prints any entry modifications without delay and without the search hanging. It can also be used with other ldapsearches, not only persistent searches. PS:changetype Specifies which types of changes to entries allow the entry to be returned in the persistent search. There are four options: • add • delete • modify • moddn (modrdn) • all changesonly Sets whether to return all existing entries which match the search filter (0) or only to return matching entries when the entry is modified (1). The default is 1. entrychgcontrols Sets whether to send entry change controls, additional information about the modification made to the entry. If the value is set to 0, then only the entry is returned. If the value is set to 1, then a line is added to the entry as it is returned to the persistent search that lists the changetype performed on the entry. The default is 1. Table 6.4. Persistent Search Options SSL Options The following command-line options can be used to specify that ldapsearch use LDAPS when communicating with an SSL-enabled Directory Server or used for certificate-based authentication. These options are valid only when LDAPS has been turned on and configured for the Directory Server. For information on certificate-based authentication and creating a certificate database for use with LDAP clients, see the "Managing SSL" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. In addition to the standard ldapsearch options such as the base (-b), scope (-s), and filter, the follow options are required to run an ldapsearch command using SSL: • -p with the Directory Server secure port • -Z to specify to use SSL (or, alternatively, -ZZ or -ZZZ to specify Start TLS) • -P to give certificate database's filename and path • -N to give the SSL certificate name • -K to specify the private key database's filename and path • -W to give the password to the private key database 245 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Option Description -3 Specifies that hostnames should be checked in SSL certificates. -I Specifies the SSL key password file that contains the token:password pair. -K Specifies the absolute path, including the filename, of the private key database of the client. The -K option must be specified when the key database has a different name than key3.db or when the key database is not under the same directory as the certificate database, the cert8.db file (the path which is specified with the -P option). -m Specifies the path to the security module database, such as /etc/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/secmod.db. This option only need to be given if the security module database is in a different directory than the certificate database itself. -N Specifies the certificate name to use for certificate-based client authentication, such as N "Server-Cert". If this option is specified, then the -Z, -P, and -W options are required. Also, if this option is specified, then the -D and -w options must not be specified, or certificatebased authentication will not occur, and the bind operation will use the authentication credentials specified on -D and -w. -P Specifies the absolute path, including the option, of the certificate database of the client. This option is used only with the -Z option. When used on a machine where an SSL-enabled web browser is configured, the path specified on this option can be that of the certificate database for the browser. For example: -P /security/cert.db The client security files can also be stored on the Directory Server in the /etc/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name directory. In this case, the -P option would call out a path and filename similar to the following: -P /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/clientcert.db 246 ldapsearch Option Description -Q Specifies the token and certificate name, which is separated by a semi-colon (:) for PKCS11. -W Specifies the password for the private key database identified in the -P option. For example: -W secret If a dash (-) is used as the password value, the utility prompts for the password after the command is entered. This avoids having the password on the command line. -W - Prompts for the password for the token database. -Z Specifies that SSL is to be used for the search request. -ZZ Specifies the Start TLS request. Use this option to make a cleartext connection into a secure one. If the server does not support Start TLS, the command does not have to be aborted; it will continue in cleartext. -ZZZ Enforces the Start TLS request. The server must respond that the request was successful. If the server does not support Start TLS, such as Start TLS is not enabled or the certificate information is incorrect, the command is aborted immediately. Table 6.5. Additional SSL ldapsearch Options SASL Options SASL mechanisms can be used to authenticate a user, using the -o the required SASL information. To learn which SASL mechanisms are supported, search the root DSE. See the -b option in Table 6.3, “Commonly-Used ldapsearch Options”. Option Description -o Specifies SASL options. The format is -o saslOption=value. saslOption can have one of six values: • mech, the SASL authentication mechanism • authid, the user who is binding to the server (Kerberos principal) • authzid, a proxy authorization (ignored by the server since proxy authorization is not supported) 247 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Option Description • secProp, the security properties • realm, the Kerberos realm • flags The expected values depend on the supported mechanism. The -o can be used multiple times to pass all of the required SASL information for the mechanism. For example: -o "mech=DIGEST-MD5" -o "authzid=test_user" o "authid=test_user" Table 6.6. SASL Options There are three SASL mechanisms supported in Red Hat Directory Server: • CRAM-MD5, described in Table 6.7, “Description of CRAM-MD5 Mechanism Options” • DIGEST-MD5, described in Table 6.8, “Description of DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism Options” • GSSAPI, described in Table 6.9, “Description of GSSAPI SASL Mechanism Options” Required or Optional Option Description Example Required mech=CRAM-MD5 Gives the SASL mechanism. -o “mech=CRAM-MD5” Required authid=authid_value Gives the ID used to authenticate to the server. authid_value can be the following: • UID. For example, msmith. -o “authid=dn:uid=jsmith, ou=People, dc=example, dc=com" • u: uid. For example, u: msmith. • dn: dn_value. For example, dn: uid=msmith,ou=People, Optional secprop=value The secprop attribute sets the security properties for the connection. The secprop value can be any of the following: • None • noplain — Do not permit mechanisms susceptible to simple passive attack. 248 -o "secprop=noplain,minssf=1,maxbufsize=512" ldapsearch Required or Optional Option Description Example • noactive — Do not permit mechanisms susceptible to active attacks. • nodict — Do not permit mechanisms susceptible to passive dictionary attacks. • forwardsec — Require forward secrecy. • passcred — Attempt to pass client credentials. • noanonymous — Do not permit mechanisms that allow anonymous access. • minssf — Require a minimum security strength; this option needs a numeric value specifying bits of encryption. A value of - 1 means integrity is provided without privacy. • maxssf — Require a maximum security strength; this option needs a numeric value specifying bits of encryption. A value of - 1 means integrity is provided without privacy. • maxbufsize — Set the maximum receive buffer size the client will accept 249 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Required or Optional Option Description Example when using integrity or privacy settings. Table 6.7. Description of CRAM-MD5 Mechanism Options Required or Optional Option Description Example Required mech=DIGEST-MD5 Gives the SASL mechanism. -o “mech=DIGESTMD5” Required authid=authid_value Gives the ID used to authenticate to the server. authid_value can be the following: • UID. For example, msmith. -o “authid=dn:uid=msmith,ou=People,o=exampl • u: uid. For example, u: msmith. • dn: dn_value. For example, dn: uid=msmith,ou=People, Optional secprop=value The secprop attribute sets the security properties for the connection. The secprop value can be any of the following: • None • noplain — Do not permit mechanisms susceptible to simple passive attack. • noanonymous — Do not permit mechanisms that allow anonymous access. • minssf — Require a minimum security strength; this option needs a numeric value specifying bits of encryption. A value of - 1 means integrity is provided without privacy. 250 -o “secprop=noplain,noanonymous, maxssf=128,minssf=128” ldapsearch Required or Optional Option Description Example • maxssf — Require a maximum security strength; this option needs a numeric value specifying bits of encryption. A value of - 1 means integrity is provided without privacy. The maximum value is 128. Table 6.8. Description of DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism Options Required or Optional Option Description Example Required mech=GSSAPI Gives the SASL mechanism. -o “mech=GSSAPI” NOTE Have the Kerberos ticket before issuing a GSSAPI request. Optional secprop=value The secprop attribute sets the security properties for the connection. The secprop value can be any of the following: • None -o “secprop=noplain,noanonymous, maxssf=56,minssf=56” • noplain — Do not permit mechanisms susceptible to simple passive attack. • noanonymous — Do not permit mechanisms that allow anonymous access. 251 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Required or Optional Option Description Example • minssf — Require a minimum security strength; this option needs a numeric value specifying bits of encryption. A value of - 1 means integrity is provided without privacy. • maxssf — Require a maximum security strength; this option needs a numeric value specifying bits of encryption. A value of - 1 means integrity is provided without privacy. The maximum value is 56. Table 6.9. Description of GSSAPI SASL Mechanism Options Additional ldapsearch Options Option Description -1 Leaves out the opening version: 1 line from the LDIF output. -A Specifies that the search retrieve the attributes only, not the attribute values. This option is useful to determine if an attribute is present for an entry and the value is not important. -a Specifies how alias dereferencing is completed. Values can be never, always, search, or find. The default value is never. -B Print non-ASCII values using the old output format (attrName=attrValue). -c Specifies the getEffectiveRights control authzid. For example: dn:uid=bjensen,dc=example,dc=com A value of "" means the authorization ID for the operation. A value of dn: means anonymous -E 252 Reports the bind identity used for the search. ldapsearch Option Description -e Minimizes the base-64 encoding for the values of returned entries. -F Specifies a different separator. This option allows a separator other than a colon (:) to separate an attribute name from the corresponding value. For example: -F + -f Specifies the file containing the search filters to be used in the search. For example: -f search_filters option to supply a search filter directly to the command line. For more information about search filters, see Appendix B, "Finding Directory Entries", in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. -G Conducts a virtual list view search. This option can set the number of entries before or after the search target and the index or value of the first entry returned. For example, a value operation that sorts by surname, -G 20:30:johnson, returns the first entry with a surname equal to or less than johnson, in addition to 20 entries that come before it and 30 entries that come after it. If there are fewer matching entries in the directory than the before or after number requested by the search, all available entries before/after the search target that match the search criteria are returned. An index operation which sorts by surname, G 20:30:100:0, returns from the 80th through 130th entries sorted by sn. Use 0 as the fourth value for the count number unless you know how many entries the VLV index has. -H Prints the help information. -i Specifies the characterset to use for commandline input. The default is the characterset specified in the LANG environment variable. Use this option to perform the conversion from the specified characterset to UTF8, thus overriding the environment variable setting. 253 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Option Description This argument can input the bind DN, base DN, and the search filter pattern in the specified characterset. ldapsearch converts the input from these arguments before it processes the search request. For example, -i no indicates that the bind DN, base DN, and search filter are provided in Norwegian. This argument only affects the command-line input; that is, if a file containing a search filter (with the -f option) is specified, ldapsearch will not convert the data in the file. -J Send an arbitrary control. This option can be used in the following format to retrieve access control information on a specific entry: -J control OID:boolean criticality:dn:AuthID • control OID is the OID for the get effective rights control, • boolean criticality specifies whether the search operation should return an error if the server does not support this control (true) or if it should be ignored and let the search return as normal (false). • AuthId is the DN of the user whose rights to check. -j filename Contains the name of a file containing the password for the bind DN. -k Bypasses converting the password to UTF8. -M Manages smart referrals. This causes the server not to return the smart referral contained on the entry but, instead, to return the actual entry containing the referral. Use this option to search for entries that contain smart referrals. For more information about smart referrals, see the "Configuring Directory Databases" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. -n Specifies that the search is not actually to be performed, but that ldapsearch is to show what it would do with the specified input. -O Specifies the maximum number of referral hops ldapsearch should automatically follow. For example: 254 ldapsearch Option Description -O 2 -R Specifies that referrals are not to be followed automatically. By default, referrals are followed automatically. -S Specifies the attribute to use as the sort criteria. For example: -S sn Use multiple -S arguments to further define the sort order. In the following example, the search results will be sorted first by surname and then by given name: -S sn -S givenname The default is not to sort the returned entries. -T Specifies that no line breaks should be used within individual values in the search results. -t Specifies that the results be written to a set of temporary files. With this option, each attribute value is placed in a separate file within the system temporary directory. No base-64 encoding is performed on the values, regardless of the content. -U Creates file URLs for the files produced by the t option. -u Specifies that the user-friendly form of the distinguished name be used in the output. -V Specifies the LDAP version number to be used on the search. For example: -V 2 LDAPv3 is the default. An LDAPv3 search cannot be performed against a Directory Server that only supports LDAPv2. -v Specifies that the utility is to run in verbose mode. -w - Prompts for the password for the bind DN. -Y Specifies the proxy DN to use for the search. This argument is provided for testing purposes. For more information about proxied authorization, see the "Managing Access Control" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 255 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Option Description -X Specifies the getEffectiveRights control specific attribute list, where attributes are separated by spaces. For example: "nsroledn userPassword" Table 6.10. Additional ldapsearch Options 6.5. ldapmodify ldapmodify makes changes to directory entries via LDAP. • Syntax • Commonly-Used ldapmodify Options • SSL Options • SASL Options • Additional ldapmodify Options Syntax ldapmodify optional_options ldapmodify [ -D binddn ] [ -w passwd ] [ -acmnrvFR ] [ -d debug_level ] [ -h host ] [ -p port ] [ M auth_mechanism ] [ -Z/ZZ/ZZZ ] [ -V version ] [ -f file ] [ -l number_of_ldap_connections ] [ entryfile ] Commonly-Used ldapmodify Options Option Description -a Adds LDIF entries to the directory without requiring the changetype:add LDIF update statement. This provides a simplified method of adding entries to the directory. This option also allows directly adding a file created by ldapmodify. -B Specifies the suffix under which the new entries will be added. -D Specifies the distinguished name with which to authenticate to the server. The value must be a DN recognized by the Directory Server, and it must also have the authority to modify the entries. For example: 256 ldapmodify Option Description -D "uid=bjensen, dc=example,dc=com" This option cannot be used with the -N option. -f Option that specifies the file containing the LDIF update statements used to define the directory modifications. For example: -f modify_statements If this option is not supplied, the update statements are read from stdin. For information on supplying LDIF update statements from the command-line, see the "Creating Directory Entries" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. -g Specifies that the password policy request control not be sent with the bind request. By default, the new LDAP password policy request control is sent with bind requests. The ldapmodify tool can parse and display information from the response control if it is returned by a server; that is, the tool will print an appropriate error or warning message when a server sends the password policy response control with an appropriate value. The criticality of the request control is set to false to ensure that all LDAPv3 servers that do not understand the control can ignore it. To suppress sending of the request control with the bind request, include -g on the command-line. -h Specifies the name of the host on which the server is running. For example: -h cyclops -p Specifies the port number that the server uses. For example: -p 1049 The default is 389. If -Z is used, the default is 636. -q Causes each add to be performed silently as opposed to being echoed to the screen individually. 257 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Option Description -w Specifies the password associated with the distinguished name specified in the -D option. For example: -w mypassword If a dash (-) is used as the password value, the utility prompts for the password after the command is entered. This avoids having the password on the command line. Table 6.11. Commonly-Used ldapmodify Options SSL Options Use the following command-line options to specify that ldapmodify is to use LDAP over SSL (LDAPS) when communicating with the Directory Server. LDAPS encrypts data during transit. Also, use these options for certificate-based authentication. These options are valid only when SSL has been turned on and configured for the Directory Server. For more information on certificate-based authentication and on creating a certificate database for use with LDAP clients, see the "Managing SSL" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Ensure that the Directory Server's encrypted port is specified when using these options. Option Description -3 Specifies that hostnames should be checked in SSL certificates. -I Specifies the SSL key password file that contains the token:password pair. -K Specifies the path, including the filename, of the private key database of the client. Either the absolute or relative (to the server root) path can be specified. The -K option must be used when the key database has a different name than key3.db or when the key database is not under the same directory as the certificate database, the cert8.db file (the path for which is specified with the -P option). -N Specifies the certificate name to use for certificate-based client authentication. For example: -N Server-Cert If this option is specified, then the -Z and W options are required. Also, if this option is specified, then the -D and -w options must not be specified, or certificate-based authentication will not occur, and the bind operation will use the 258 ldapmodify Option Description authentication credentials specified on -D and w. -P Specifies the absolute path, including the filename, of the certificate database of the client. This option is used only with the -Z option. When used on a machine where an SSL-enabled web browser is configured, the path specified on this option can be pointed to the certificate database for the web browser. For example: -P /security/cert.db The client security files can be stored on the Directory Server in the /etc/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name directory. In this case, the -P option calls out a path and filename similar to the following: -P /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/clientcert.db -Q Specifies the token and certificate name, which is separated by a semicolon (:) for PKCS11. -W Specifies the password for the certificate database identified on the -P option. For example: -W serverpassword -Z Specifies that SSL is to be used for the directory request. -ZZ Specifies the Start TLS request. Use this option to make a cleartext connection into a secure one. If the server does not support Start TLS, the command does not need aborted; it will continue in cleartext. -ZZZ Enforces the Start TLS request. The server must respond that the request was successful. If the server does not support Start TLS, such as Start TLS is not enabled or the certificate information is incorrect, the command is aborted immediately. Table 6.12. ldapmodify SSL Options SASL Options SASL mechanisms can be used to authenticate a user, using the -o the required SASL information. To learn which SASL mechanisms are supported, search the root DSE. See the -b option in Table 6.3, “Commonly-Used ldapsearch Options”. 259 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Option Description -o Specifies SASL options. The format is -o saslOption=value. saslOption can have one of six values: • mech, the SASL authentication mechanism • authid, the user who is binding to the server (Kerberos principal) • authzid, a proxy authorization (ignored by the server since proxy authorization is not supported) • secProp, the security properties • realm, the Kerberos realm • flags The expected values depend on the supported mechanism. The -o can be used multiple times to pass all of the required SASL information for the mechanism. For example: -o "mech=DIGEST-MD5" -o "authzid=test_user" o "authid=test_user" Table 6.13. SASL Options See SASL Options for ldapsearch for information on how to use SASL options with ldapmodify. Additional ldapmodify Options Option Description -b Causes the utility to check every attribute value to determine whether the value is a valid file reference. If the value is a valid file reference, then the content of the referenced file is used as the attribute value. This is often used for specifying a path to a file containing binary data, such as JPEG. For example, to add a jpegPhoto attribute, specify the -b option on the ldapmodify call. In the LDIF provided to ldapmodify, include a line like the following: jpegPhoto: /tmp/photo.jpeg 260 ldapmodify Option Description ldapmodify reads the contents of the photo.jpeg file into the jpegPhoto attribute being added to the entry. As an alternative to the -b option, use the :< URL specifier notation, which is simpler. For example: jpegphoto:< file:///tmp/myphoto.jpg Although the official notation requires three ///, the use of one / is accepted. NOTE The :< URL specifier notation only works if LDIF statement is version 1 or later, meaning version: 1 is inserted in the LDIF file. Otherwise, the file URL is appended as the attribute value rather than the contents of the file. For further information on the LDIF format, see the "Managing Directory Entries" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. -c Specifies that the utility run in continuous operation mode. Errors are reported, but the utility continues with modifications. The default is to quit after reporting an error. -H Lists all available ldapmodify options. -M Manages smart referrals. This causes the server not to return the smart referral contained on the entry but, instead, to apply the modification request directly to the entry. Use this option to add, change, or delete a directory entry that contains a smart referral. For more information about smart referrals, see the "Configuring Directory Databases" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. -n Specifies that the entries are not actually to be modified but that ldapmodify is to show what it would do with the specified input. -O Specifies the maximum number of referral hops to follow. For example: 261 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Option Description -O 2 -R Specifies that referrals are not to be followed automatically. -v Specifies that the utility is to run in verbose mode. -V Specifies the LDAP version number to be used on the operation. For example: -V 2 LDAPv3 is the default. An LDAPv3 operation cannot be performed against a Directory Server that only supports LDAPv2. -Y Specifies the proxy DN to use for the modify operation. This argument is provided for testing purposes. For more information about proxied authorization, see the "Managing Access Control" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Table 6.14. Additional ldapmodify Options 6.6. ldapdelete ldapdelete performs delete operations on directory entries via LDAP. • Syntax • Commonly-Used ldapdelete Options • SSL Options • SASL Options • Additional ldapdelete Options Syntax ldapdelete [ optional_options ] Commonly-Used ldapdelete Options Option Description -D Specifies the distinguished name with which to authenticate to the server. The value must be a DN recognized by the Directory Server, and it must also have the authority to delete the entries. For example: 262 ldapdelete Option Description -D "uid=bjensen, dc=example,dc=com" For more information on access control, see the "Managing Access Control" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. The -D option cannot be used with the -N option. dn Specifies the dn of the entry to delete. -g Specifies that the password policy request control not be sent with the bind request. By default, the new LDAP password policy request control is sent with bind requests. The ldapdelete tool can parse and display information from the response control if it is returned by a server; that is, the tool will print an appropriate error or warning message when a server sends the password policy response control with the appropriate value. The criticality of the request control is set to false to ensure that all LDAPv3 servers that do not understand the control can ignore it. To suppress sending of the request control with the bind request, include -g on the command-line. -h Specifies the name of the host on which the server is running. For example: -h cyclops The default is localhost. -p Specifies the port number that the server uses. The default is 389. If -Z is used, the default is 636. -w Specifies the password associated with the distinguished name specified in the -D option. For example: -w mypassword The default is "", or anonymous. If a password is not sent on the command line and the server requires one, the command prompts for one. It is more secure not to provide a password on the command line so that it does not show up in clear text in a listing of commands. Table 6.15. Commonly-Used ldapdelete Options 263 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities SSL Options Use the following options to specify that ldapdelete use LDAPS when communicating with the Directory Server or to use certificate-based authentication. These options are valid only when LDAPS has been turned on and configured for the Directory Server. For more information on certificate-based authentication and how to create a certificate database for use with LDAP clients, see the "Managing SSL" and "Managing SASL" chapters in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Ensure that the Directory Server's encrypted port is set when using these options. Option Description -3 Specifies that hostnames should be checked in SSL certificates. -I Specifies the SSL key password file that contains the token:password pair. -K Specifies the path, including the filename, of the private key database of the client. Either the absolute or relative (to the server root) path can be used. The -K option must be used when the key database has a different name than key3.db or when the key database is not under the same directory as the certificate database, the cert8.db file (the path for which is specified with the -P option). -N Specifies the certificate name to use for certificate-based client authentication. For example: -N Server-Cert If this option is specified, then the -Z and W options are required. Also, if this option is specified, then the -D and -w options must not be specified, or certificate-based authentication will not occur, and the bind operation will use the authentication credentials specified on -D and w. -P Specifies the absolute path, including the filename, of the certificate database of the client. This option is used only with the -Z option. When used on a machine where an SSL-enabled web browser is configured, the path specified on this option can be pointed to the certificate database for the web browser. For example: -P /security/cert.db The client security files can be stored on the Directory Server in the /etc/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name directory. In this case, 264 ldapdelete Option Description the -P option calls out a path and filename similar to the following: -P /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/clientcert.db -Q Specifies the token and certificate name, which is separated by a semicolon (:) for PKCS11. -W Specifies the password for the certificate database identified on the -P option. For example: -W serverpassword -Z Specifies that SSL is to be used for the delete request. -ZZ Specifies the Start TLS request. Use this option to make a cleartext connection into a secure one. If the server does not support Start TLS, the command does not need to be aborted; it will continue in plain text. -ZZZ Enforces the Start TLS request. The server must respond that the request was successful. If the server does not support Start TLS, such as Start TLS is not enabled or the certificate information is incorrect, the command is aborted immediately. Table 6.16. ldapdelete SSL Options SASL Options SASL mechanisms can be used to authenticate a user, using the -o the required SASL information. To learn which SASL mechanisms are supported, search the root DSE. See the -b option in Table 6.3, “Commonly-Used ldapsearch Options”. Option Description -o Specifies SASL options. The format is -o saslOption=value. saslOption can have one of six values: • mech, the SASL authentication mechanism • authid, the user who is binding to the server (Kerberos principal) • authzid, a proxy authorization (ignored by the server since proxy authorization is not supported) • secProp, the security properties 265 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Option Description • realm, the Kerberos realm • flags The expected values depend on the supported mechanism. The -o can be used multiple times to pass all of the required SASL information for the mechanism. For example: -o "mech=DIGEST-MD5" -o "authzid=test_user" o "authid=test_user" Table 6.17. SASL Options See SASL Options for ldapsearch for information on how to use SASL options with ldapdelete. Additional ldapdelete Options Option Description -c Specifies that the utility must run in continuous operation mode. Errors are reported, but the utility continues with deletions. The default is to quit after reporting an error. -f Specifies the file containing the distinguished names of entries to be deleted. For example: -f modify_statements Omit this option to supply the distinguished name of the entry to be deleted directly to the command-line. -H Lists all available ldapdelete options. -M Manages smart referrals. This causes the server not to return the smart referral contained on the entry but, instead, to delete the actual entry containing the smart referral. For more information about smart referrals, see the "Configuring Directory Databases" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. -n Specifies that the entries are not actually to be deleted, but that ldapdelete is to show what it would do with the specified input. -O Specifies the maximum number of referral hops to follow. For example: -O 2 There is no maximum number of referral hops. 266 ldappasswd Option Description -R Specifies that referrals are not to be followed automatically. By default, the server follows referrals. -v Specifies that the utility is to run in verbose mode. -V Specifies the LDAP version number to be used on the operation. For example: -V 2 LDAPv3 is the default. An LDAPv3 operation cannot be performed against a Directory Server that only supports LDAPv2. -Y Specifies the proxy DN to use for the delete operation. This argument is provided for testing purposes. For more information about proxied authorization, see the "Managing Access Control" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Table 6.18. Additional ldapdelete Options 6.7. ldappasswd Use ldappasswd to set or change user passwords in Directory Server. • Syntax • ldappasswd-specific Options • General ldappasswd Options • SASL Options • Examples Syntax ldappasswd [ options ] [ user ] user is the authentication identity, typically a DN. If not specified, the distinguished name specified by the -D option (bind name) is used. ldappasswd-specific Options Option Description -A Specifies that the command should prompt for the user's existing password. 267 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Option Description -a Specifies the user's existing password. For example: -a old_password -S Specifies that the command should prompt for a new password for the user. -s Specifies a new password for the user. For example: -S new_password Specifies a file from which to read the new password. For example: -T -T new_password.txt Specifies a file from which to read the user's existing password. For example: -t -t old_password.txt Specifies the password associated with the distinguished name specified in the -D option. For example: -w -w mypassword Table 6.19. ldappasswd-specific Options General ldappasswd Options NOTE The ldappasswd utility requires confidentiality. If the messages are not encrypted with SSL, TLS, or an appropriate SASL mechanism, the server will not perform the request. Option Description -3 Specifies that hostnames should be checked in SSL certificates. -D Specifies the distinguished name with which to authenticate to the server. This value must be a DN recognized by the Directory Server, and it must also have the authority to delete the entries. For example: -D "uid=bjensen, dc=example,dc=com" 268 ldappasswd Option Description The -D option cannot be used with the -N option. For more information on access control, see the "Managing Access Control" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. -g Specifies that the password policy request control not be sent with the bind request. By default, the new LDAP password policy request control is sent with bind requests. The ldappasswd tool can parse and display information from the response control if it is returned by a server; that is, the tool will print an appropriate error or warning message when a server sends the password policy response control with the appropriate value. The criticality of the request control is set to false to ensure that all LDAPv3 servers that do not understand the control can ignore it. To suppress sending of the request control with the bind request, include -g on the command-line. -h Specifies the name of the host on which the server is running. For example: -h cyclops The default is localhost. -I Specifies the SSL key password file that contains the token:password pair. -K Specifies the path, including the filename, of the private key database of the client. This can be the absolute or relative (to the server root) path. The -K option must be used when the key database is not called key3.db or when the key database is not in the same directory as the certificate database (that is, the cert8.db file, the path for which is specified with the -P option). -N Specifies the certificate name to use for certificate-based client authentication. For example: -N Server-Cert If this option is specified, then the -Z and -W options are required. 269 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Option Description If this option is specified, then the -D and -w options must not be specified, or certificatebased authentication will not occur, and the bind operation will use the authentication credentials specified by -D and -w. -P Specifies the absolute path, including the filename, of the certificate database of the client. This option is used only with the -Z option. When used on a machine where an SSL-enabled web browser is configured, the path specified on this option can be that of the certificate database for the browser. For example: -P /security/cert.db The client security files can also be stored on the Directory Server in the /etc/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name directory. In this case, the -P option would call out a path and filename similar to the following: -P /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/clientcert.db -p Specifies the port number that the server uses. The default is 389. If -Z is used, the default is 636. -Q Specifies the token and certificate name, which is separated by a semicolon (:) for PKCS11. -W Specifies the password for the certificate database identified on the -P option. For example: -W serverpassword -w Specifies the password associated with the distinguished name that is specified in the -D option. For example: -w diner892 The default is "", or anonymous. If a password is not sent on the command line and the server requires one, the command prompts for one. It is more secure not to provide a password on the command-line so that it does not show up in clear text in a listing of commands. 270 ldappasswd Option Description -Z Specifies that SSL is to be used for the search request. -ZZ Specifies the Start TLS request. Use this option to make a cleartext connection into a secure one. If the server does not support Start TLS, the command does not need to be aborted; it will continue in cleartext. -ZZZ Enforces the Start TLS request. The server must respond that the request was successful. If the server does not support Start TLS, such as Start TLS is not enabled or the certificate information is incorrect, the command is aborted immediately. Table 6.20. General ldappasswd Options SASL Options SASL mechanisms can be used to authenticate a user, using the -o the required SASL information. To learn which SASL mechanisms are supported, search the root DSE. See the -b option in Table 6.3, “Commonly-Used ldapsearch Options”. Option Description -o Specifies SASL options. The format is -o saslOption=value. saslOption can have one of six values: • mech, the SASL authentication mechanism • authid, the user who is binding to the server (Kerberos principal) • authzid, a proxy authorization (ignored by the server since proxy authorization is not supported) • secProp, the security properties • realm, the Kerberos realm • flags The expected values depend on the supported mechanism. The -o can be used multiple times to pass all of the required SASL information for the mechanism. For example: -o "mech=DIGEST-MD5" -o "authzid=test_user" o "authid=test_user" Table 6.21. SASL Options See SASL Options for ldapsearch for information on how to use SASL options with ldappasswd. 271 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Examples The following examples provide show how to perform various tasks using the ldappasswd command. The Directory Manager changes the password of the user uid=tuser1,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com to new_password over SSL. ldappasswd -Z -h myhost -P /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/cert8.db -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w admpassword -s new_password "uid=tuser1,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" Example 6.1. Directory Manager Changing a User's Password Over SSL The Directory Manager generates the password of the user uid=tuser2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com over SSL. ldappasswd -Z -h myhost -P /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/cert8.db -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w admpassword "uid=tuser2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" Example 6.2. Directory Manager Generating a User's Password NOTE For more information on newly-generated passwords, see the "Managing the Password Policy" section of the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. A user, tuser3, changes the password from old_newpassword to new_password over SSL. ldappasswd -Z -h myhost -P /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/cert8.db -D "uid=tuser3,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" -w old_password -a old_password -s new_password Example 6.3. User Changing His Own Password A user, tuser4, authenticates with the user certificate and changes the password to new_password over SSL. ldappasswd -Z -h myhost -P /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/cert8.db -W dbpassword -N "uid=tuser4" -K /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/key3.db -s new_password Example 6.4. User Authenticating With a User Certificate and Changing His Password A user, tuser5, authenticates with DIGEST-MD5 and changes the password to new_password. ldappasswd -h myhost -o “mech=DIGEST-MD5” -o “authid=dn:uid=tuser5,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com” -w old_password -s new_password Example 6.5. User Authenticating with DIGEST_MD5 and Changing His Password A user, who has already authenticated by Kerberos, prompts for the new password. This is not performed over SSL. 272 ldif ldappasswd -h myhost -o "mech=GSSAPI" -S Example 6.6. User Already Authenticating by Kerberos Prompts for a New Password 6.8. ldif ldif automatically formats LDIF files and creates base-64 encoded attribute values. Base-64 encoding makes it possible to represent binary data, such as a JPEG image, in LDIF. Base-64 encoded data is represented using a double colon (::) symbol. For example: jpegPhoto:: encoded data In addition to binary data, other values that must be base-64 encoded can identified with other symbols, including the following: • Any value that begins with a space. • Any value that begins with a single colon (:). • Any value that contains non-ASCII data, including newlines. The ldif command-line utility will take any input and format it with the correct line continuation and appropriate attribute information. The ldif utility also senses whether the input requires base-64 encoding. • Syntax • Options Syntax The ldif command has the following format: ldif [ -b ] [ attrtypes ] [ optional_options ] Options Option Description -b Specifies that the ldif utility should interpret the entire input as a single binary value. If -b is not present, each line is considered to be a separate input value. As an alternative to the -b option, use the :< URL specifier notation. For example: jpegphoto:< file:///tmp/myphoto.jpg Although the official notation requires three ///, the use of one / is accepted. 273 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities Option Description NOTE The :< URL specifier notation only works if LDIF statement is version 1 or later, meaning version: 1 is inserted in the LDIF file. Otherwise, the file URL is appended as the attribute value rather than the contents of the file. Table 6.22. ldif Options 6.9. dbscan The dbscan tool analyzes and extracts information from a Directory Server database file. See Section 4.4, “Database Files” for more information on database files. Database files use the .db2, .db3, and .db4 extensions in their filename, depending on the version of Directory Server. • Syntax • Options Syntax dbscan -f filename [ options ] Options Option Parameter Description -f filename Specifies the name of the database file, the contents of which are to be analyzed and extracted. This option is required. Dump the database as raw data. -R size -t Specifies the entry truncate size (in bytes). Table 6.23. Common Options NOTE The options listed in Table 6.24, “Entry File Options” are meaningful only when the database file is id2entry.db4. 274 dbscan Option Parameter Description -K entry_id Specifies the entry to ID to look up. Table 6.24. Entry File Options NOTE The index file options, listed in Table 6.25, “Index File Options ”, are meaningful only when the database file is the secondary index file. Option Parameter Description -k key Specifies the key to look up in the secondary index file. -l size Sets the maximum length of the dumped ID list. The valid range is from 40 to 1048576 bytes. The default value is 4096. -G n Sets only to display those index entries with ID lists exceeding the specified length. -n Sets only to display the length of the ID list. -r Sets to display the contents of the ID list. -s Gives the summary of index counts. Table 6.25. Index File Options Examples The following are command-line examples of different situations using dbscan to examine the Directory Server databases. dbscan -f /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/db/userRoot/id2entry.db4 Example 6.7. Dumping the Entry File dbscan -f /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/db/userRoot/cn.db4 Example 6.8. Displaying the Index Keys in cn.db4 dbscan -r -f /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/db/userRoot/mail.db4 Example 6.9. Displaying the Index Keys and the Count of Entries with the Key in mail.db4 dbscan -r -G 20 -f /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/db/userRoot/sn.db4 Example 6.10. Displaying the Index Keys and the All IDs with More Than 20 IDs in sn.db4 275 Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities dbscan -s -f /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/db/userRoot/objectclass.db4 Example 6.11. Displaying the Summary of objectclass.db4 dbscan -r -f /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/db/userRoot/ vlv#bymccoupeopledcpeopledccom.db4 Example 6.12. Displaying VLV Index File Contents dbscan -f /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/changelogdb/c1a2fc02-1d11b2-8018afa7fdce000_424c8a000f00.db4 Example 6.13. Displaying the Changelog File Contents dbscan -R -f /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/db/userRoot/uid.db4 Example 6.14. Dumping the Index File uid.db4 with Raw Mode In this example, the common name key is =hr managers, and the equals sign (=) means the key is an equality index. dbscan -k "=hr managers" -r -f /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/db/userRoot/cn.db4 =hr %20managers 7 Example 6.15. Displaying the entryID with the Common Name Key "=hr managers" dbscan -K 7 -f id2entry.db4 id 7 dn: cn=HR Managers,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: top objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames cn: HR Manager ou: groups description: People who can manage HR entries creatorsName: cn=directory manager modifiersName: cn=directory manager createTimestamp: 20050408230424Z modifyTimestamp: 20050408230424Z nsUniqueId: 8b465f73-1dd211b2-807fd340-d7f40000 parentid: 3 entryid: 7 entrydn: cn=hr managers,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com Example 6.16. Displaying an Entry with the entry ID of 7 276 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts This chapter provides information on the scripts for managing Red Hat Directory Server, such as backing-up and restoring the database. Scripts are a shortcut way of executing the ns-slapd interface commands that are documented in Appendix A, Using the ns-slapd Command-Line Utilities. 7.1. Finding and Executing Command-Line Scripts Most Directory Server-related scripts are located in the /usr/lib/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name directory for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit) (and in /usr/lib64/ dirsrv/slapd-instance_name on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64-bit systems). A few are located in the /usr/bin directory. The exact locations are listed in Section 7.2, “Command-Line Scripts Quick Reference”. When scripts request either a directory name or a filename, always provide the absolute path. The scripts assume the dse.ldif file is located in the /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name directory. 7.2. Command-Line Scripts Quick Reference The following shell and Perl scripts are located in either the /usr/lib/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name (for 32-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux) or /usr/lib64/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name (for 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux) directory. Shell Script Description bak2db Restores the database from the most recent archived backup. db2bak Creates a backup of the current database contents. db2ldif Exports the contents of the database to LDIF. db2index Reindexes the database index files. dbverify Checks backend database files. ldif2db Imports LDIF files to the database. Runs the ns-slapd command-line utility with the ldif2db keyword. ldif2ldap Performs an import operation over LDAP to the Directory Server. monitor Retrieves performance monitoring information using the ldapsearch command-line utility. restart-slapd Restarts Directory Server. restoreconfig Restores by default the most recently saved Administration Server configuration to NetscapeRoot partition. saveconfig Saves Administration Server configuration stored in the NetscapeRoot database to the /var/ 277 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts Shell Script Description lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/bak directory. start-slapd Starts Directory Server. stop-slapd Stops Directory Server. suffix2instance Maps a suffix to a backend name. Checks backend database files. vlvindex Creates and generates virtual list view (VLV) indexes. Table 7.1. Shell Scripts in /usr/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name or /usr/lib64/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name Perl Script Description Restores the database from the most recent archived backup. Creates a backup of the current database contents. Creates and regenerates indexes. Exports the contents of the database to LDIF. Regenerates the memberOf on user entries to reflect changes in group membership. Imports LDIF files to a database and runs the ns-slapd command-line utility with the ldif2db keyword. Provides account status information to establish whether an entry or group of entries is locked. Activates an entry or a group of entries by unlocking them. Deactivates an entry or a group of entries. Adds relevant entries required for the finegrained (user- and subtree-level) password policy. Reloads schema dynamically into the server instance. Checks backend database files. Table 7.2. Perl Scripts in /usr/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name or /usr/lib64/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name Script Name Description Perl or Shell Script cl-dump Dumps and decodes the changelog. Shell 278 Shell Scripts Script Name Description Perl or Shell Script Dumps and decodes the changelog. Perl ds_removal Removes a server instance. Shell Analyzes the access logs of a Directory Server to extract usage statistics and count the occurrences of significant events. Perl Migrates a Directory Server 7.1 instance to Directory Server 8.1. Perl pwdhash Prints the encrypted form of a password using one of the server's encryption algorithms. If a user cannot log in, use this script to compare the user's password to the password stored in the directory. Shell Re-registers a Directory Server instance with the local Administration Server. Perl Removes a Directory Server instance. Perl repl-monitor Provides in-progress status of replication. Shell Provides in-progress status of replication. Perl Creates or recreates a Directory Server instance. Perl Creates a new Directory Server instance and local Administration Server instance. Perl Table 7.3. Scripts in /usr/bin 7.3. Shell Scripts This section covers the following scripts: • Section 7.3.1, “bak2db (Restores a Database from Backup)” • Section 7.3.2, “cl-dump (Dumps and Decodes the Changelog)” • Section 7.3.3, “db2bak (Creates a Backup of a Database)” • Section 7.3.4, “db2ldif (Exports Database Contents to LDIF)” • Section 7.3.5, “db2index (Reindexes Database Index Files)” 279 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts • Section 7.3.6, “dbverify (Checks for Corrupt Databases)” • Section 7.3.7, “ds_removal” • Section 7.3.8, “ldif2db (Import)” • Section 7.3.9, “ldif2ldap (Performs Import Operation over LDAP)” • Section 7.3.10, “monitor (Retrieves Monitoring Information)” • Section 7.3.12, “pwdhash (Prints Encrypted Passwords)” • Section 7.3.11, “repl-monitor (Monitors Replication Status)” • Section 7.3.13, “restart-slapd (Restarts the Directory Server)” • Section 7.3.14, “restoreconfig (Restores Administration Server Configuration)” • Section 7.3.15, “saveconfig (Saves Administration Server Configuration)” • Section 7.3.16, “start-slapd (Starts the Directory Server)” • Section 7.3.17, “stop-slapd (Stops the Directory Server)” • Section 7.3.18, “suffix2instance (Maps a Suffix to a Backend Name)” • Section 7.3.19, “vlvindex (Creates Virtual List View Indexes)” Some of the shell scripts can be executed while the server is running. For others, the server must be stopped. The description of each script below indicates whether the server must be stopped or if it can continue to run while executing the script. When a shell script has a Perl equivalent, there is a cross-reference to the section describing the equivalent Perl script. 7.3.1. bak2db (Restores a Database from Backup) Restores the database from the most recent archived backup. To run this script, the server must be stopped. Syntax bak2db [ backupDirectory ] [ -n backend ] Options Option Description backupDirectory Gives the backup directory path. -n backendInstance Optional. Specifies the backend name, such as userRoot, which is being restored. This option is only used for filesystem replica initialization or 280 cl-dump (Dumps and Decodes the Changelog) Option Description to restore a single database; it is not necessary to use the n option to restore the entire directory. Table 7.4. bak2db Options For information on the equivalent Perl script, see Section 7.4.1, “ (Restores a Database from Backup)”. For more information on restoring databases, see the "Populating Directory Databases" chapter in the Red Hat Directory Server Administrator's Guide. For more information on using filesystem replica initialization, see the "Managing Replication" chapter in the Red Hat Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 7.3.2. cl-dump (Dumps and Decodes the Changelog) Troubleshoots replication-related problems. cl-dump is a shell script wrapper of to set the appropriate library path. Syntax cl-dump [ -h host ] [ -p port ] [ -D bindDn ] [[ -w bindPassword ] | [ -P bindCert ]] [ -r replicaRoots ] [ -o outputFile ] [ -c ] [ -v ] cl-dump [ -i changelogFile ] [ -o outputFile ] [ -c ] Options Without the -i option, the script must be run when the Directory Server is running from a location from which the server's changelog directory is accessible. Option Description -c Dumps and interprets CSN only. This option can be used with or without the -i option. -D bindDn Specifies the Directory Server's bind DN. Defaults to cn=Directory Manager if the option is omitted. -h host Specifies the Directory Server's host. This defaults to the server where the script is running. -i changelogFile Specifies the path to the changelog file. If there is a changelog file and if certain changes in that file are base-64 encoded, use this option to decode that changelog. -o outputFile Specifies the path, including the filename, for the final result. Defaults to STDOUT if omitted. -p port Specifies the Directory Server's port. The default value is 389. -P bindCert Specifies the path, including the filename, to the certificate database that contains the certificate used for binding. -r replicaRoots Specifies the replica-roots whose changelog to dump. When specifying multiple roots, use 281 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts Option Description commas to separate roots. If the option is omitted, all the replica roots will be dumped. -v Prints the version of the script. -w bindPassword Specifies the password for the bind DN. Table 7.5. cl-dump Options For information on the equivalent Perl script, see Section 7.4.2, “ (Dumps and Decodes the Changelog)”. 7.3.3. db2bak (Creates a Backup of a Database) Creates a backup of the current database contents. This script can be executed while the server is still running. Syntax db2bak [ backupDirectory ] For information on the equivalent Perl script, see Section 7.4.3, “ (Creates a Backup of a Database)”. 7.3.4. db2ldif (Exports Database Contents to LDIF) Exports the contents of the database to LDIF. This script can be executed while the server is still running, except with the -r option. To export the replication state information, shut down the server first, then run db2ldif with -r. For information on the equivalent Perl script, see Section 7.4.5, “ (Exports Database Contents to LDIF)”. For the shell scripts, the script runs the ns-slapd command-line utility with the db2ldif keyword. Ellipses (...) indicate that multiple occurrences are allowed. Syntax db2ldif [[ -n backendInstance ] | [ -s includeSuffix ]] [ [ -x excludeSuffix ] ] [ -r ] [ -C ] [ -u ] [ -U ] [ -m ] [ M ] [ -a outputFile ] [ -1 ] [ -N ] [ -E ] Options Either the -n or the -s option must be specified. By default, the output LDIF will be stored in one file. To specify the use of several files, use the option -M. Option Description -1 Deletes, for reasons of backward compatibility, the first line of the LDIF file which gives the version of the LDIF standard. 282 db2index (Reindexes Database Index Files) Option Description -a outputFile Gives the name of the output LDIF file. -C Uses only the main database file. -E Decrypts encrypted data during export. This option is used only if database encryption is enabled. -m Sets minimal base-64 encoding. -M Uses multiple files for storing the output LDIF, with each instance stored in instance filename (where filename is the filename specified for -a option). -n backendInstance Gives the instance to be exported. -N Specifies that the entry IDs are not to be included in the LDIF output. The entry IDs are necessary only if the db2ldif output is to be used as input to db2index. -r Exports the information required to initialize a replica when the LDIF is imported. Using this option requires that the server be stopped first, then run the db2ldif command. The LDIF file which is created with db2ldif can be imported using ldif2db. When it is imported, if the -r option was used, than the database is automatically initialized as a replica. See Section 7.3.8, “ldif2db (Import)” for information on importing an LDIF file. -s suffix_name Names the suffixes to be included or the subtrees to be included if -n has been used. -u Requests that the unique ID is not exported. -U Requests that the output LDIF is not folded. -x suffix_name Names the suffixes to be excluded. Table 7.6. db2ldif Options 7.3.5. db2index (Reindexes Database Index Files) Reindexes the database index files. Ellipses indicate that multiple occurrences are allowed. For information on the equivalent Perl script, see Section 7.4.4, “ (Creates and Generates Indexes)”. Syntax db2index [[ -n backendInstance ] | [ -s includeSuffix ]] [ -t [attributeName{:indextypes(:mathingrules)}] ] [ -T vlvAttribute ] 283 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts Usage Here are a few sample commands: • Reindex all the database index files: db2index • Reindex cn and givenname in the database instance userRoot: db2index -n userRoot -t cn -t givenname • Reindex cn in the database where the root suffix is dc=example,dc=com: db2index -s "dc=example,dc=com" -t cn Options Option Description -n backendInstance Gives the name of the instance to be reindexed. -s includeSuffix Gives suffixes to be included or the subtrees to be included if -n has been used. -t attributeName{:indextypes(:mathingrules)} Names of the attributes to be reindexed. Optionally, this can include the index type (eq, pres, sub, approx) and a matching rule OID. -T vlvAttributeName Gives the names of the VLV attributes to be reindexed. The name is the VLV index object's common name in cn=config. Table 7.7. db2index Options 7.3.6. dbverify (Checks for Corrupt Databases) Verifies the backend database files. If the server crashes because of a corrupted database, this command can be used to verify the integrity of the different database files to help isolate any problems. 284 ds_removal IMPORTANT Never run dbverify when a modify operation is in progress. This command calls the BerkeleyDB utility db_verify and does not perform any locking. This can lead to data corruption if the script is run at the same time as a modify. If that occurs, an entry will be recorded in the error log: DB ERROR: db_verify: Page 3527: out-of-order key at entry 42 DB ERROR: db_verify: DB->verify: db/mstest2/uid.db4: DB_VERIFY_BAD: Database verification failed Secondary index file uid.db4 in db/mstest2 is corrupted. Please run db2index(.pl) for reindexing. Run db2index -t uid to avoid rebuilding all of the indexes or export and reimport all of the databases using db2ldif and ldif2db. dbverify is a shell script wrapper of to set the appropriate library path. Syntax dbverify [ -a /path/to/database_directory ] Options Option Description -a path Gives the path to the database directory. If this option is not passed with the command, then it uses the default database directory, /var/lib/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/db. Table 7.8. dbverify Options For information on the equivalent Perl script, see Section 7.4.21, “ (Check for Corrupt Databases)”. 7.3.7. ds_removal The ds_removal tool removes a single instance of Directory Server. The server instance usually must be running when this script is run so that the script can bind to the instance. It is also possible to force the script to run, which may be necessary if there was an interrupted installation process or the instance is corrupted or broken so that it cannot run. When the instance is removed, it is shutdown and all of its configuration files are removed. Certificate database files, like cert8.db and key3.db, are not removed, so the remaining instance directory is renamed removed.slapd-instance. Syntax ds_removal [ -f ] -s instance_name -w manager_password 285 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts Options Option Parameter Description Forces the removal of the instance. This can be useful if the instance is not running but must be removed anyway. -f -s instance_name The name of the instance to remove. -w manager_password The Directory Manager password to use to bind to the instance. 7.3.8. ldif2db (Import) Runs the ns-slapd command-line utility with the ldif2db keyword. To run this script, the server must be stopped. Ellipses indicate that multiple occurrences are allowed. For information on the equivalent Perl script, see Section 7.4.7, “ (Import)”. NOTE ldif2db supports LDIF version 1 specifications. An attribute can also be loaded using the :< URL specifier notation; for example: jpegphoto:< file:///tmp/myphoto.jpg Although the official notation requires three ///, the use of one / is accepted. For further information on the LDIF format, see the "Managing Directory Entries" chapter in the Red Hat Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Syntax ldif2db [[ -n backendInstance ] | [ [ -s includeSuffix ] ...]] [ -x excludeSuffix ] [ [ -i ldifFile ] ] [ -O ] [ -g string ] [ -G namespaceId ] [ -E ] Options Option Description -c Merges chunk size. -E Encrypts data during import. This option is used only if database encryption is enabled. -g string Generates a unique ID. Type none for no unique ID to be generated and deterministic for the generated unique ID to be name-based. 286 ldif2ldap (Performs Import Operation over LDAP) Option Description By default, a time-based unique ID is generated. When using the deterministic generation to have a name-based unique ID, it is also possible to specify the namespace for the server to use, as follows: -g deterministic namespace_id namespace_id is a string of characters in the format 00-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Use this option to import the same LDIF file into two different Directory Servers and the contents of both directories should have the same set of unique IDs. If unique IDs already exist in the LDIF file being imported, then the existing IDs are imported to the server, regardless of the options specified. -G namespaceId Generates a namespace ID as a name-based unique ID. This is the same as specifying the -g deterministic option. -i ldifFile Gives the names of the input LDIF files. When multiple files are imported, they are imported in the order they are specified on the command line. -n backendInstance Gives the instance to be imported. Ensure that the specified instance corresponds to the suffix contained by the LDIF file; otherwise, the data contained by the database is deleted, and the import fails. -O Requests that only the core database is created, without attribute indexes. -s includeSuffix Gives the suffixes to be included or to specify the subtrees to be included if -n has been used. -x excludeSuffix Gives the suffixes to be excluded. Table 7.9. ldif2db Options 7.3.9. ldif2ldap (Performs Import Operation over LDAP) Performs an import operation over LDAP to the Directory Server. To run this script, the server must be running. Syntax ldif2ldap [ -D rootdn ] [ -w password ] [ -f filename ] 287 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts Options Option Description -D rootdn Gives a user DN with root permissions, such as Directory Manager. -f filename Gives the name of the file to be imported. When importing multiple files, the files are imported in the order they are specified on the command line. -w password Gives the password associated with the user DN. Table 7.10. ldif2ldap Options 7.3.10. monitor (Retrieves Monitoring Information) Retrieves performance monitoring information using the ldapsearch command-line utility. Syntax monitor monitor Options There are no options for this script. For more information on the ldapsearch command-line utility, see Section 6.8, “ldif”. 7.3.11. repl-monitor (Monitors Replication Status) Shows in-progress status of replication. repl-monitor is a shell script wrapper of to set the appropriate library path. For more information on the Perl script, see Section 7.4.17, “ (Monitors Replication Status)”. Syntax repl-monitor [ -h host ] [ -p port ] [ -f configFile ] [ -u refreshUrl ] [ -t refreshInterval ] [ -r ] [ -v ] Options Option Description -h host Specifies the initial replication supplier's host. The default value is the current hostname. -f configFile Specifies the absolute path to the configuration file, which defines the connection parameters used to connect to LDAP servers to get 288 repl-monitor (Monitors Replication Status) Option Description replication information. For more information about the configuration file, see Configuration File Format. -p port Specifies the initial replication supplier's port. The default value is 389. -r If specified, causes the routine to be entered without printing the HTML header information. This is suitable when making multiple calls to this routine — such as specifying multiple, different, unrelated supplier servers — and expecting a single HTML output. -t refreshInterval Specifies the refresh interval in seconds. The default value is 300 seconds. This option must be used with the -u option. -u refreshUrl Specifies the refresh URL. The output HTML file may invoke a CGI program periodically. If this CGI program in turn calls this script, the effect is that the output HTML file would automatically refresh itself. This is useful for continuous monitoring. See also the -t option. The script has been integrated into Red Hat Administration Express, so that the replication status can be monitored through a web browser. -v Prints the version of this script. Table 7.11. repl-monitor Options Configuration File Format The configuration file defines the following: • The connection parameters for connecting to the LDAP servers to get replication information; specifying this information is mandatory. • The server alias for more readable server names; specifying this information is optional. • The color thresholds for time lags; specifying this information is optional. The format for the configuration file is shown below. [connection] host:port:binddn:bindpwd:bindcert host:port:binddn:bindpwd:bindcert ... [alias] alias = host:port alias = host:port ... [color] lowmark = color 289 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts lowmark = color The connection section defines how this tool may connect to each LDAP server in the replication topology to get the replication-agreement information. The default binddn is cn=Directory Manager. Simple bind will be used unless bindcert is specified with the path of a certificate database. A server may have a dedicated or shared entry in the connection section. The script will find out the most matched entry for a given server. For example, if all the LDAP servers except host1 share the same binddn and bindpassword, the connection section will need to contain just two entries: [connection] *:*:binddn:bindpassword: host1:*:binddn1:bindpassword1: In the optional alias section, use aliases such as Supplier1, Supplier2, and Hub1, to identify the servers in the replication topology. If used, the output shows these aliases, instead of http(s)://hostname:port. The CSN time lags between suppliers and consumers can be displayed in different colors based on their range. The default color set is green for 0-5 minutes lag, yellow for 5-60 minutes lag, and pink for a lag of 60 minutes or more. The connection parameters for all the servers in a replication topology must be specified within one configuration file. One configuration file, however, may contain information for multiple replication topologies. Because of the connection parameters, the replication monitoring tool does not need to perform DES decryption of the credentials stored in the Directory Server. Each line in this file could either be a comment started with the # character or a connection entry of the format: host:port:binddn:bindpwd:bindcert • host, port, and binddn can be replaced with relevant values or *, or omitted altogether. If host is null or *, the entry may apply to any host that does not have a dedicated entry in the file. If port is null or *, the port will default to the port stored in the current replication agreement. If binddn is null or *, it defaults to cn=Directory Manager. • bindcert can be replaced with the full path to the certificate database, null, or *. If bindcert is omitted or replaced with *, the connection will be a simple bind. For example, the configuration file may appear as follows: #Configuration File for Monitoring Replication Via Admin Express [connection] *:*:*:mypassword [alias] M1 = C1 = C2 = [color] 0 = #ccffcc 5 = #FFFFCC 290 pwdhash (Prints Encrypted Passwords) 60 = #FFCCCC A shadow port can be set in the replication monitor configuration file. For example: host:port=shadowport:binddn:bindpwd:bindcert When the replication monitor finds a replication agreement that uses the specified port, it will use the shadow port to connect to retrieve statistics. 7.3.12. pwdhash (Prints Encrypted Passwords) Prints the encrypted form of a password using one of the server's encryption algorithms. If a user cannot log in, use this script to compare the user's password to the password stored in the directory. Syntax pwdhash [ -D config_directory ] [ -H ] [[ -s scheme ] | [ -c comparepwd ]] [ password ] Options Option Description -D config_directory Gives the full path to the configuration directory. -c password Gives the hashed password string to which to compare the user's password. -s scheme Gives the scheme to hash the given password. -H Shows the help. Table 7.12. pwdhash Options For more information on the different storage schemes, such as SSHA, SHA, CRYPT, and CLEAR, see the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. 7.3.13. restart-slapd (Restarts the Directory Server) Restarts the Directory Server. Syntax restart-slapd Options There are no options for this script. Exit Status Exit Code Description 0 Server restarted successfully. 1 Server could not be started. 2 Server restarted successfully but was already stopped. 291 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts Exit Code Description 3 Server could not be stopped. Table 7.13. restart-slapd Exit Status Codes 7.3.14. restoreconfig (Restores Administration Server Configuration) Restores, by default, the most recently saved Administration Server configuration information to the NetscapeRoot partition under the /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/ directory. To restore the Administration Server configuration, do the following: 1. Stop the Directory Server. 2. Run the restoreconfig script. 3. Restart the Directory Server. 4. Restart the Administration Server for the changes to be taken into account. Syntax restoreconfig Options There are no options for this script. 7.3.15. saveconfig (Saves Administration Server Configuration) Saves Administration Server configuration information to /var/lib/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/bak directory. This script will only run if the server is running. Syntax saveconfig Options There are no options for this script. 7.3.16. start-slapd (Starts the Directory Server) Starts the Directory Server. It might be a good idea to check whether the server has been effectively started using the ps command because it could sometimes be that the script returned while the startup process was still on-going, resulting in a confusing message. Syntax start-slapd 292 stop-slapd (Stops the Directory Server) Options There are no options for this script. Exit Status Codes Exit Code Description 0 Server started successfully. 1 Server could not be started. 2 Server was already started. Table 7.14. start-slapd Exit Status Codes 7.3.17. stop-slapd (Stops the Directory Server) Stops the Directory Server. It might be a good idea to check whether the server has been effectively stopped using the ps command because it could sometimes be that the script returned while the shutdown process was still on-going, resulting in a confusing message. Syntax stop-slapd Options There are no options for this script. Exit Status Exit Code Description 0 Server stopped successfully. 1 Server could not be stopped. 2 Server was already stopped. Table 7.15. stop-slapd Exit Status Codes 7.3.18. suffix2instance (Maps a Suffix to a Backend Name) Maps a suffix to a backend name. Syntax suffix2instance [ -s suffix ] Options Option Description -s Suffix to be mapped to the backend. Table 7.16. suffix2instance Options 293 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts 7.3.19. vlvindex (Creates Virtual List View Indexes) To run the vlvindex script, the server must be stopped. The vlvindex script creates virtual list view (VLV) indexes, known in the Directory Server Console as browsing indexes. VLV indexes introduce flexibility in the way search results are viewed. VLV indexes can organize search results alphabetically or in reverse alphabetical order, making it easy to scroll through the list of results. VLV index configuration must already exist prior to running this script. Syntax vlvindex [ -d debugLevel ] [[ -n backendInstance ] | [ -s suffix ]] [ -T vlvTag ] Options Either the -n or the -s option must be specified. Option Description -d debugLevel Specifies the debug level to use during index creation. Debug levels are defined in Section, “nsslapd-errorlog-level (Error Log Level)” -n backendInstance Gives the name of the database containing the entries to index. -s suffix Gives the name of the suffix containing the entries to index. -T vlvTag VLV index identifier to use to create VLV indexes. The Console can specify VLV index identifier for each database supporting the directory tree, as described in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Define additional VLV tags by creating them in LDIF and adding them to Directory Server's configuration, as described in the Red Hat Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Red Hat recommends using the DN of the entry for which to accelerate the search sorting. Table 7.17. vlvindex Options 7.4. Perl Scripts This section describes the following Perl scripts: • Section 7.4.1, “ (Restores a Database from Backup)” • Section 7.4.2, “ (Dumps and Decodes the Changelog)” • Section 7.4.3, “ (Creates a Backup of a Database)” • Section 7.4.4, “ (Creates and Generates Indexes)” • Section 7.4.5, “ (Exports Database Contents to LDIF)” • Section 7.4.6, “ (Regenerate memberOf Attributes)” 294 (Restores a Database from Backup) • Section 7.4.10, “” • Section 7.4.7, “ (Import)” • Section 7.4.8, “ (Log Converter)” • Section 7.4.11, “ (Establishes Account Status)” • Section 7.4.12, “ (Activates an Entry or Group of Entries)” • Section 7.4.13, “ (Inactivates an Entry or Group of Entries)” • Section 7.4.14, “ (Adds Attributes for Fine-Grained Password Policy)” • Section 7.4.16, “” • Section 7.4.17, “ (Monitors Replication Status)” • Section 7.4.18, “ (Reload Schema Files Dynamically)” • Section 7.4.19, “” • Section 7.4.20, “” • Section 7.4.21, “ (Check for Corrupt Databases)” 7.4.1. (Restores a Database from Backup) Restores a database from a backup. Syntax [ -v ] -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } -a backupDirectory [ -t databaseType ] [ -n backend ] Options The script creates an entry in the directory that launches this dynamic task. The entry is generated based upon the values provided for each option. Option Description -a backupDirectory The directory of the backup files. -D rootdn Gives the user DN with root permissions, such as Directory Manager. The default is the DN of the Directory Manager, which is read from the nsslapd-root attribute under cn=config. -j filename The name of the file containing the password. -n backendInstance Specifies the backend name, such as userRoot, which is being restored. This option is only used for filesystem replica initialization or to restore a single database; it is not necessary to use the -n option to restore the entire directory. 295 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts Option Description -t databaseType The database type. The only possible database type is ldbm. -v Verbose mode. -w password The password associated with the user DN. -w - Prompts for the password associated with the user DN. Table 7.18. Options 7.4.2. (Dumps and Decodes the Changelog) Troubleshoots replication-related problems. NOTE is in the /usr/bin directory. Syntax [ -h host ] [ -p port ] [ -D bindDn ] [ -w bindPassword | -P bindCert ] [ -r replicaRoots ] [ -o outputFile ] [ -c ] [ -v ] -i changelogFile [ -o outputFile ] [ -c ] [ -v ] Options Without the -i option, the script must be run when the Directory Server is running from a location from which the server's changelog directory is accessible. Option Description -c Dumps and interprets change sequence numbers (CSN) only. This option can be used with or without the -i option. -D bindDn Specifies the Directory Server's bind DN. Defaults to cn=Directory Manager if the option is omitted. -h host Specifies the Directory Server's host. Defaults to the server where the script is running. -i changelogFile Specifies the path to the changelog file. If there is a changelog file and if certain changes in that file are base-64 encoded, use this option to decode that changelog. -o outputFile Specifies the path, including the filename, for the final result. Defaults to STDOUT if omitted. -p port Specifies the Directory Server's port. The default value is 389. 296 (Creates a Backup of a Database) Option Description -P bindCert Specifies the path, including the filename, to the certificate database that contains the certificate used for binding. -r replicaRoots Specifies the replica-roots whose changelog to dump. When specifying multiple roots, use commas to separate roots. If the option is omitted, all the replica roots will be dumped. -v Prints the version of the script. -w bindPassword Specifies the password for the bind DN. Table 7.19. command options 7.4.3. (Creates a Backup of a Database) Creates a backup of the database. Syntax [ -v ] -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } [ -a dirName ] [ -t db_type ] Options The script creates an entry in the directory that launches this dynamic task. The entry is generated based upon the values provided for each option. Currently, the only possible database type is ldbm. Option Description -a dirName The directory where the backup files will be stored. The /var/lib/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/bak directory is used by default. The backup file is named according to the year-month-day-hour format (YYYY_MM_DD_hhmmss). -D rootdn The user DN with root permissions, such as Directory Manager. The default is the DN of the Directory Manager, which is read from the nsslapd-root attribute under cn=config. -j filename The name of the file containing the password. -t The database type. Currently, the only possible database type is ldbm. -v Verbose mode. -w password The password associated with the user DN. -w - Prompts for the password associated with the user DN. Table 7.20. Options 297 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts 7.4.4. (Creates and Generates Indexes) Creates and generates the new set of indexes to be maintained following the modification of indexing entries in the cn=config configuration file. Syntax [ -v ] -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } -n backendInstance [ -t attributeName(:indextypes(:mathingrules)) ] [ -T vlvAttributeName ] Options The script creates an entry in the directory that launches this dynamic task. The entry is generated based upon the values provided for each option. Option Description -D rootdn Gives the user DN with root permissions, such as Directory Manager. -j filename The name of the file containing the password. -n backendInstance Gives the instance to be indexed. If the instance is not specified, the script reindexes all instances. -t attributeName{:indextypes(:mathingrules)} Gives the name of the attribute to be indexed. If omitted, all the indexes defined for the specified instance are generated. Optionally, this can include the index type (eq, pres, sub, approx) and a matching rule OID. -T vlvAttributeName Gives the names of the VLV attributes to be reindexed. The name is the VLV index object's common name in cn=config. -v Verbose mode. -w password Gives the password associated with the user DN. -w - Prompts for the password associated with the user DN. Table 7.21. Options 7.4.5. (Exports Database Contents to LDIF) Exports the contents of the database to LDIF. This script creates an entry in the directory that launches this dynamic task. The entry is generated based upon the values provided for each option. Ellipses indicate that multiple occurrences are allowed. Syntax [ -v ] -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } { -n backendInstance | -s includeSuffix ... } [ -x excludeSuffix ... ] [ -a outputFile ] [ -N ] [ -r ] [ -C ] [ -u ] [ -U ] [ -m ] [ E ] [ -1 ] [ M ] 298 (Exports Database Contents to LDIF) Options To run this script, the server must be running, and either the -n or -s option is required. Option Description -1 Deletes, for reasons of backward compatibility, the first line of the LDIF file that gives the version of the LDIF standard. -a outputFile Gives the filename of the output LDIF file. -C Uses only the main database file. -D rootdn Gives the user DN with root permissions, such as Directory Manager. -E Decrypts encrypted data during export. This option is used only if database encryption is enabled. -j filename The name of the file containing the password. -m Sets minimal base-64 encoding. -M Uses multiple files for storing the output LDIF, with each instance stored in instance filename (where filename is the filename specified for -a option). -n backendInstance Gives the instance to be exported. -N Suppresses printing sequential numbers. -r Exports the information required to initialize a replica when the LDIF is imported. The LDIF file which is created with can be imported using When it is imported, if the -r option was used, than the database is automatically initialized as a replica. See Section 7.4.7, “ (Import)” for information on importing an LDIF file. -s includeSuffix Gives suffixes to be included or the subtrees to be included if -n has been used. -u Requests that the unique ID is not exported. -U Requests that the output LDIF is not folded. -v Verbose mode. -w password Gives the password associated with the user DN. -w - Prompts for the password associated with the user DN. -x excludeSuffix Gives suffixes to be excluded. Table 7.22. Options 299 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts 7.4.6. (Regenerate memberOf Attributes) Regenerates and updates memberOf on user entries to coordinate changes in group membership. To run this script, the server must be running. The script creates an entry in the directory that launches this dynamic task. Syntax -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } -b baseDN [ -f filter ] [ -v ] Options Option Description -b baseDN The DN of the subtree containing the entries to update. -D rootdn Gives the user DN with root permissions, such as Directory Manager. The default is the DN of the Directory Manager, which is read from the nsslapd-root attribute under cn=config. -f filter An LDAP query filter to use to select the entries within the subtree to update. If there is no filter set, then the memberOf attribute is regenerated for every entry in the subtree. -j filename The name of the file containing the password. -v Verbose mode. -w password The password associated with the user DN. -w - Prompts for the password associated with the user DN. Table 7.23. Options 7.4.7. (Import) To run this script, the server must be running. The script creates an entry in the directory that launches this dynamic task. The entry is generated based upon the values provided for each option. Ellipses indicate that multiple occurrences are allowed. Syntax [ -v ] -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } { -n backendInstance | -s includeSuffix } [ -x excludeSuffix ] [ -O ] [ -c ] [ -g string ] [ -G namespaceId ] [ -i filename ] [ -E ] Options 300 (Import) Option Description -c Merges chunk size. -D rootdn Specifies the user DN with root permissions, such as Directory Manager. -E Decrypts encrypted data during export. This option is used only if database encryption is enabled. -g string Generates a unique ID. Type none for no unique ID to be generated and deterministic for the generated unique ID to be name-based. By default, a time-based unique ID is generated. When using the deterministic generation to have a name-based unique ID, it is also possible to specify the namespace for the server to use, as follows: -g deterministic namespaceId namespaceId is a string of characters in the format 00-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Use this option to import the same LDIF file into two different Directory Servers and the contents of both directories should have the same set of unique IDs. If unique IDs already exist in the LDIF file being imported, then the existing IDs are imported to the server, regardless of the options specified. -G namespaceId Generates a namespace ID as a name-based unique ID. This is the same as specifying the -g deterministic option. -i filename Specifies the filename of the input LDIF files. When multiple files are imported, they are imported in the order they are specified on the command line. -j filename Specifies the path, including the filename, to the file that contains the password associated with the user DN. -n backendInstance Specifies the instance to be imported. -O Requests that only the core database is created without attribute indexes. -s includeSuffix Specifies the suffixes to be included or specifies the subtrees to be included if -n has been used. -v Specifies verbose mode. 301 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts Option Description -w password Specifies the password associated with the user DN. -w - Prompts for the password associated with the user DN. -x excludeSuffix Specifies the suffixes to be excluded. Table 7.24. Options 7.4.8. (Log Converter) Analyzes the access logs of a Directory Server to extract usage statistics and count the occurrences of significant events. It is compatible with log formats from previous releases of Directory Server. For information on access logs, see Section 5.1, “Access Log Reference”. NOTE is in the /usr/bin directory. The tool will extract the following information from access logs: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Number of restarts Total number of connections Total operations requested Total results returned Results to requests ratio Number of searches Number of modifications Number of adds Number of deletes Number of modified RDNs Persistent searches Internal operations (with verbose logs) Entry operations (with verbose logs) Extended operations Abandoned requests Smart referrals received (verbose logs) VLV (virtual list view) operations VLV unindexed searches Server-side sorting operations SSL connections Performance lowering operations: Entire database searches Unindexed searches (details optional) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FDs (file descriptors) taken FDs returned Highest FD taken Disruptions: Broken pipes Connections reset by peer Unavailable resources (and detail) Total binds and types of binds Most frequent occurrence lists (optional) Error and return codes Failed logins Connection codes Client IP addresses and connection codes Bind DNs Base DNs for searching Search filters Etimes (elapsed operation time) Longest etimes Nentries (number of entries in result) Largest Nentries Extended operations Most requested attributes Recommendations (optional) Table 7.25. Information Extracted from Access Logs The tool displays two types of statistics useful for monitoring and optimizing directory usage: • Simple counts of events such as the total number of binds and the total number of searches provide overall usage information. This is the basic information that the tool will always print. 302 (Log Converter) • Lists of the most frequently occurring parameters in LDAP requests provide insight into how the directory information is being accessed. For example, lists of the top ten bind DNs, base DNs, filter strings, and attributes returned can help administrators optimize the directory for its users. These lists are optional because they are computation intensive: specify only the command-line options required (see Options). Some information that is extracted by the script is available only in logs from current releases of Directory Server; the corresponding values will be zero when analyzing logs from older versions. In addition, some information will only be present in the logs if verbose logging is enabled in the Directory Server. For more information, see Section, “nsslapd-accesslog-level (Access Log Level)”. The following issues will affect the output and performance of this tool: • Some data extracted from logs depend on connection and operation numbers that are reset and no longer unique after a server restarts. Therefore, to obtain the most accurate counts, the logs to be analyzed should not span the restart of the Directory Server. • Due to changes in access log format in current releases of Directory Server that affected operation numbers, the tool will be more accurate logs from current versions when processing large amounts of access logs. • For performance reasons, it is not recommended to run more than one gigabyte of access logs through the script at any one time. Syntax [ -S startTimestamp ] [ -E endTimestamp ] [ -d mgrDN ] [ -X ipAddress ] [ -v ] [ -h ] [ -s size_limit ] [ -V ] [ -efcibaltnxgjuyp ] [ accessLog ] Options Table 7.26, “ Options” describes the command-line options. Option Description -d mgrDN Specifies the distinguished name (DN) of the Directory Manger in the logs being analyzed. This allows the tool to collect statistics for this special user. The mgrDN parameter should be given in double quotes ("") for the shell. When this parameter is omitted, will use the default manager DN of the Directory Server, "cn=Directory Manager". -E endTimestamp Specifies the end timestamp; the timestamp must follow the exact format as specified in the access log. -h Displays the usage help text that briefly describes all options. -s number Specifies the number of items in each of the list options below. The default is 20 when this parameter is omitted. For example, -s 10 -i 303 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts Option Description will list the ten client machines that access the Directory Server most often. This parameter will apply to all lists that are enabled, and it will have no effect if none are displayed. -S startTimestamp Specifies the start timestamp; the timestamp must follow the exact format as specified in the access log. -v Displays the version number of the script. -V Enables verbose output. With this option, will compute and display all of the optional lists described in Table 7.27, “ Options to Display Occurrences” -X ipAddress Specifies the IP address of a client to exclude from the statistics. This client will not appear in lists of IP addresses (the i flag), and the connection codes it generates will not be tallied in the total connections (default statistic) nor in the connection code details (the c flag). For example, an administrator may want the server to ignore the effect of a load balancer that connects to the Directory Server at regular intervals. This option may be repeated to exclude multiple IP addresses. accessLog The name of a file that contains the access log of the Directory Server. Wildcards can be used in the filename. It is also possible to specify multiple filenames. However, the statistics are computed over the set of all logs, so all logs should pertain to the same Directory Server. The tool ignores any file with the name access.rotationinfo. Table 7.26. Options Table 7.27, “ Options to Display Occurrences” describes the options that enable the optional lists of occurrences. Specify only those required; specifying a large number of options can produce excessive output and affect execution speed. These parameters can be specified in any number and in any order, but they must all be given together as a single option on the command line, such as abcefg. The lists are always output in the order in which they appear in the following table, regardless of the order in which they are given on the command line. Option Description e Lists the most frequent error and return codes. f Lists the bind DNs with the most failed logins (invalid password). 304 Option Description c Lists the number of occurrences for each type of connection code. i Lists the IP addresses and connection codes of the clients with the most connections, which detects clients that may be trying to compromise security. b Lists the most frequently used bind DNs. a Lists the most frequent base DNs when performing operations. l Lists the most frequently used filter strings for searches. t Lists the longest and most frequent etimes (elapsed operation time). n Lists the largest and most frequent nentries (entries per result). x Lists the number and OID of all extended operations. r Lists the names of the most requested attributes. g Lists the details of all abandoned operations. j Gives recommendations based on data collected from the log file. u Gives operation details about unindexed searches. y Lists connection latency details, which indicates the overall connection latency. p Lists open connection ID statistics, which indicates the FDs that are not yet closed. Table 7.27. Options to Display Occurrences 7.4.9. The script is used to migrate a Directory Server 7.1 instance to Directory Server 8.1. Migration can happen between instances on on the same machine, on different machines, or on different platforms. IMPORTANT Do not run for the new Directory Server 8.1 instance before running the migration script if you are migrating from a 7.1 server. If you are upgrading from a Directory Server 8.0 server, do not run Run -u instead. 305 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts NOTE This script only migrates a Directory Server instance, not an Administration Server. Information can be passed with the script or in an .inf file, same as the setup scripts. Both the .inf parameters and command-line arguments are described in the silent configuration section of the Installation Guide. Syntax --oldsroot=server_directory [ --actualsroot=server_directory ] [ --instance=instance_name ] [ --file=name ] [ --cross ] [ --debug ] [ --log=name ] General.ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd=password Options Option Alternate Options Description General.ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd=password Required. This is the password for the configuration directory administrator of the old Directory Server (the default username is admin). --oldsroot -o Required. This is the path to the server root directory in the old 7.1 Directory Server installation. The default path in 7.1 servers is /opt/redhatds/. --actualsroot -a This is used for migrating between two machines to specify the real path to the current server root directory in the old 7.1 Directory Server installation if that directory is mounted on a networked drive or tarballed and moved to a relative directory. In that case, the oldsroot parameter sets the directory from which the migration is run (such as machine_new:/migrate/ opt/redhat-ds/), while the actualsroot parameter sets the server root, (/opt/ redhat-ds/). 306 Option Alternate Options Description --instance -i This parameter specifies a specific instance to migrate. This parameter can be used multiple time to migrate several instances simultaneously. By default, the migration script migrates all Directory Server instances on the machine. --file=name -f name This sets the path and name of the .inf file provided with the migration script. The only parameter is the General.ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd parameter, which is the configuration directory administrator's password. Any other configuration setting is ignored by the migration script. --cross -c or -x This parameter is used when the Directory Server is being migrated from one machine to another with a different architecture. For crossplatform migrations, only certain data are migrated. This migration action takes database information exported to LDIF and imports into the new 8.1 databases. Changelog information is not migrated. If a supplier or hub is migrated, then all its replicas must be reinitialized. --debug -d[dddd] This parameter turns on debugging information. For the -d flag, increasing the number of d's increases the debug level. --logfile name -l This parameter specifies a log file to which to write the output. If this is not set, then the migration information is written to a temporary file, named / tmp/migrateXXXXX.log. To disable logging, set /dev/ null as the logfile. 307 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts 7.4.10. The script is used to migrate a Directory Server 7.1 instance to Directory Server 8.1. Migration can happen between instances on on the same machine, on different machines, or on different platforms. This script migrates both the Directory Server instances and the Administration Server for the 7.1 deployment. IMPORTANT Do not run for the new Directory Server 8.1 instance before running the migration script if you are migrating from a 7.1 server. If you are upgrading from a Directory Server 8.0 server, do not run Run -u instead. Information can be passed with the script or in an .inf file, same as the setup scripts. Both the .inf parameters and command-line arguments are described in the silent configuration section of the Installation Guide. Syntax --oldsroot=server_directory [ --actualsroot=server_directory ] [ --instance=instance_name ] [ --file=name ] [ --cross ] [ --debug ] [ --log=name ] General.ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd=password Options Option Alternate Options Description General.ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd=password Required. This is the password for the configuration directory administrator of the old Directory Server (the default username is admin). --oldsroot -o Required. This is the path to the server root directory in the old 7.1 Directory Server installation. The default path in 7.1 servers is /opt/redhatds/. --actualsroot -a This is used for migrating between two machines to specify the real path to the current server root directory in the old 7.1 Directory Server installation if that directory is mounted on a networked drive or tarballed and moved to a relative directory. In that 308 Option Alternate Options Description case, the oldsroot parameter sets the directory from which the migration is run (such as machine_new:/migrate/ opt/redhat-ds/), while the actualsroot parameter sets the server root, (/opt/ redhat-ds/). --instance -i This parameter specifies a specific instance to migrate. This parameter can be used multiple time to migrate several instances simultaneously. By default, the migration script migrates all Directory Server instances on the machine. --file=name -f name This sets the path and name of the .inf file provided with the migration script. The only parameter is the General.ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd parameter, which is the configuration directory administrator's password. Any other configuration setting is ignored by the migration script. --cross -c or -x This parameter is used when the Directory Server is being migrated from one machine to another with a different architecture. For crossplatform migrations, only certain data are migrated. This migration action takes database information exported to LDIF and imports into the new 8.1 databases. Changelog information is not migrated. If a supplier or hub is migrated, then all its replicas must be reinitialized. --debug -d[dddd] This parameter turns on debugging information. For the -d flag, increasing the number of d's increases the debug level. --logfile name -l This parameter specifies a log file to which to write the output. 309 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts Option Alternate Options Description If this is not set, then the migration information is written to a temporary file, named / tmp/migrateXXXXX.log. To disable logging, set /dev/ null as the logfile. 7.4.11. (Establishes Account Status) Provides account status information to establish whether an entry or group of entries is inactivated. Syntax [ -D rootdn ] [ -w password | -w - | -j filename ] [ -p port ] [ -h host ] -I DN [ -? ] Options Option Description -D rootdn Specifies the Directory Server user DN with root permissions, such as Directory Manager. -h host Specifies the hostname of the Directory Server. The default value is the full hostname of the machine where Directory Server is installed. -I DN Specifies the entry DN or role DN whose status is required. -j filename Specifies the path, including the filename, to the file that contains the password associated with the user DN. -p port Specifies the Directory Server's port. The default value is the LDAP port of Directory Server specified at installation time. -w password Specifies the password associated with the user DN. -w - Prompts for the password associated with the user DN. -? Opens the help page. Table 7.28. Options 7.4.12. (Activates an Entry or Group of Entries) Activates an entry or group of entries. 310 (Inactivates an Entry or Group of Entries) Syntax [ -D rootdn ] [ -w password | -w - | -j filename ] [ -p port ] [ -h host ] -I DN [ -? ] Options Option Description -D rootdn Specifies the Directory Server user DN with root permissions, such as Directory Manager. -h host Specifies the hostname of the Directory Server. The default value is the full hostname of the machine where Directory Server is installed. -I DN Specifies the entry DN or role DN to activate. -j filename Specifies the path, including the filename, to the file that contains the password associated with the user DN. -p port Specifies the Directory Server's port. The default value is the LDAP port of Directory Server specified at installation time. -w password Specifies the password associated with the user DN. -w - Prompts for the password associated with the user DN. -? Opens the help page. Table 7.29. Options 7.4.13. (Inactivates an Entry or Group of Entries) Inactivates, and consequently locks, an entry or group of entries. Syntax [ -D rootdn ] [ -w password | -w - | -j filename ] [ -p port ] [ -h host ] -I DN [ -? ] Options Option Description -D rootdn Specifies the Directory Server user DN with root permissions, such as Directory Manager. -h host Specifies the hostname of the Directory Server. The default value is the full hostname of the machine where Directory Server is installed. -I DN Specifies the entry DN or role DN to deactivate. 311 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts Option Description -j filename Specifies the path, including the filename, to the file that contains the password associated with the user DN. -p port Specifies the Directory Server's port. The default value is the LDAP port of Directory Server specified at installation time. -w password Specifies the password associated with the user DN. -w - Prompts for the password associated with the user DN. -? Opens the help page. Table 7.30. Options 7.4.14. (Adds Attributes for Fine-Grained Password Policy) Adds entries required for implementing the user- and subtree-level password policy. For instructions on how to enable this feature, see the Red Hat Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Syntax [ -D rootdn ] [ -w password | -j filename ] [ -p port ] [ -h host ] -U userDN -S suffixDN [ -v ] [ -? ] Options Option Description -D rootdn Specifies the Directory Server user DN with root permissions, such as Directory Manager. The default value is cn=directory manager. -h host Specifies the hostname of the Directory Server. The default value is localhost or the full hostname of the machine where Directory Server is installed. -j filename Specifies the path, including the filename, to the file that contains the password associated with the user DN. -p port Specifies the Directory Server's port. The default value is 389 or the LDAP port of Directory Server specified at installation time. -S suffixDN Specifies the DN of the suffix entry that needs to be updated with subtree-level password policy attributes. -U userDN Specifies the DN of the user entry that needs to be updated with user-level password policy attributes. 312 Option Description -v Verbose mode. -w password Specifies the password associated with the user DN. -? Opens the help page. Table 7.31. Options 7.4.15. The script can be used for two things: • Registering an existing Directory Server instance with a different Administration Server or Configuration Directory Server. • Creating a new, local Administration Server when only a Directory Server was installed previously. IMPORTANT The script does not support external LDAP URLs, so the Directory Server instance must be registered against a local Administration Server. Syntax [ --debug ] [ --log=name ] Options Option Alternate Options Description --debug -d[dddd] This parameter turns on debugging information. For the -d flag, increasing the number of d's increases the debug level. --logfile name -l This parameter specifies a log file to which to write the output. If this is not set, then the setup information is written to a temporary file. To not use a log file, set the file name to / dev/null. 7.4.16. The script removes a single instance of Directory Server. The server instance usually must be running when this script is run so that the script can bind to the instance. It is also possible to force the script to run, which may be necessary if there was an interrupted installation process or the instance is corrupted or broken so that it cannot run. 313 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts When the instance is removed, it is shutdown and all of its configuration files are removed. Certificate database files, like cert8.db and key3.db, are not removed, so the remaining instance directory is renamed removed.slapd-instance. Syntax [ -f ] -i instance_name Options Option Parameter Description Forces the removal of the instance. This can be useful if the instance is not running but must be removed anyway. -f instance_name -i The name of the instance to remove. 7.4.17. (Monitors Replication Status) Shows in-progress status of replication. NOTE is in the /usr/bin directory. Syntax [ -h host ] [ -p port ] [ -f configFile ] [ -u refreshUrl ] [ -t refreshInterval ] [ -r ] [ -v ] Options Option Description -f configFile Specifies the absolute path to the configuration file, which defines the connection parameters used to connect to LDAP servers to get replication information. For more information about the configuration file, see Configuration File Format. -h host Specifies the initial replication supplier's host. The default value is the current hostname. -p port Specifies the initial replication supplier's port. The default value is 389. 314 (Monitors Replication Status) Option Description -r If specified, causes the routine to be entered without printing the HTML header information. This is suitable when making multiple calls to this routine — such as specifying multiple, different, unrelated supplier servers — and expecting a single HTML output. -t refreshInterval Specifies the refresh interval in seconds. The default value is 300 seconds. This option must be used with the -u option. -u refreshUrl Specifies the refresh URL. The output HTML file may invoke a CGI program periodically. If this CGI program in turn calls this script, the effect is that the output HTML file would automatically refresh itself. This is useful for continuous monitoring. See also the -t option. The script has been integrated into Red Hat Administration Express, so that the replication status can be monitored through a web browser. -v Prints the version of this script. Table 7.32. Options Configuration File Format The configuration file defines the following: • The connection parameters for connecting to the LDAP servers to get replication information; specifying this information is mandatory. • The server alias for more readable server names; specifying this information is optional. • The color thresholds for time lags; specifying this information is optional. The format for the configuration file is shown below. [connection] host:port:binddn:bindpwd:bindcert host:port:binddn:bindpwd:bindcert ... [alias] alias = host:port alias = host:port ... [color] lowmark = color lowmark = color The connection section defines how this tool may connect to each LDAP server in the replication topology to get the replication-agreement information. The default binddn is cn=Directory Manager. Simple bind will be used unless bindcert is specified with the path of a certificate database. 315 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts A server may have a dedicated or shared entry in the connection section. The script will find out the most matched entry for a given server. For example, if all the LDAP servers except host1 share the same binddn and bindpassword, the connection section will need to contain just two entries: [connection] *:*:binddn:bindpassword: host1:*:binddn1:bindpassword1: In the optional alias section, use aliases such as Supplier1, Supplier2, and Hub1, to identify the servers in the replication topology. If used, the output shows these aliases, instead of http(s)://hostname:port. The CSN time lags between suppliers and consumers can be displayed in different colors based on their range. The default color set is green for 0-5 minutes lag, yellow for 5-60 minutes lag, and pink for a lag of 60 minutes or more. The connection parameters for all the servers in a replication topology must be specified within one configuration file. One configuration file, however, may contain information for multiple replication topologies. Because of the connection parameters, the replication monitoring tool does not need to perform DES decryption of the credentials stored in the Directory Server. Each line in this file could either be a comment started with the # character or a connection entry of the following format: host:port:binddn:bindpwd:bindcert • host, port, and binddn can be replaced with relevant values or *, or omitted altogether. If host is null or *, the entry may apply to any host that does not have a dedicated entry in the file. If port is null or *, the port will default to the port stored in the current replication agreement. If binddn is null or *, it defaults to cn=Directory Manager. • bindcert can be replaced with the full path to the certificate database, null, or *. If bindcert is omitted or replaced with *, the connection will be a simple bind. For example, the configuration file may appear as follows: #Configuration File for Monitoring Replication Via Admin Express [connection] *:*:*:mypassword [alias] M1 = C1 = C2 = [color] 0 = #ccffcc 5 = #FFFFCC 60 = #FFCCCC A shadow port can be set in the replication monitor configuration file. For example: host:port=shadowport:binddn:bindpwd:bindcert 316 (Reload Schema Files Dynamically) When the replication monitor finds a replication agreement that uses the specified port, it will use the shadow port to connect to retrieve statistics. 7.4.18. (Reload Schema Files Dynamically) Manually reloads the schema files used by the Red Hat Directory Server instance either in the default location or in user-specified locations. To run this script, the server must be running. The script creates an entry in the directory that launches this dynamic task. Syntax -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } [ -d schema_directory ] [ v] Options Option Description -d schema_directory Gives the full path to the directory where the schema file is located. If this is not specified, the script uses the default schema directory, /etc/ dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/schema. IMPORTANT If schema files are not in the default directory, then Directory Server will not use them the next time it restarts unless is run again. -D rootdn Gives the user DN with root permissions, such as Directory Manager. The default is the DN of the Directory Manager, which is read from the nsslapd-root attribute under cn=config. -j filename The name of the file containing the password. -v Verbose mode. -w password The password associated with the user DN. -w - Prompts for the password associated with the user DN. Table 7.33. Options 7.4.19. The script is used to create a Directory Server instance. Running this script with the -u option after the instances are configured updates the configuration with the latest installed packages. 317 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts NOTE This script only creates a Directory Server instance, not an Administration Server. For the new instance to work, there has to be an Administration Server and Configuration Directory Server installed on another machine. Information can be passed with the script or in an .inf file. If no options are used, the launches an interactive configuration program. Both the .inf parameters and command-line arguments are described in the silent configuration section of the Installation Guide. Syntax [ --debug ] [ --silent ] [ --file=name ] [ --keepcache ] [ --log=name ] [ --update ] Options Option Alternate Options Description --silent -s This runs the register script in silent mode, drawing the configuration information from a file (set with the --file parameter) or from arguments passed in the command line rather than interactively. --file=name -f name This sets the path and name of the file which contains the configuration settings for the new Directory Server instance. This can be used with the -silent parameter; if used alone, it sets the default values for the setup prompts. --debug -d[dddd] This parameter turns on debugging information. For the -d flag, increasing the number of d's increases the debug level. --keepcache -k This saves the temporary installation file (.inf) that is created when the register script is run. This file can then be reused for a silent setup. This file is always generated, but is usually deleted once the install is complete. The file is created as a log file named / 318 Option Alternate Options Description tmp/setuprandom.inf, like /tmp/setuplGCZ8H.inf. WARNING The cache file contains the cleartext passwords supplied during setup. Use appropriate caution and protection with this file. --logfile name -l This parameter specifies a log file to which to write the output. If this is not set, then the setup information is written to a temporary file. To not use a log file, set the file name to / dev/null. --update -u This parameter updates existing Directory Server instances. If an installation is broken in some way, this option can be used to update or replace missing packages and then re-register all of the local instances with the Configuration Directory. 7.4.20. The script is used to create a Directory Server instance and a new Administration Server instance. Running this script with the -u option after the instances are configured updates the configuration with the latest installed packages. Information can be passed with the script or in an .inf file. If no options are used, the launches an interactive configuration program. Both the .inf parameters and command-line arguments are described in the silent configuration section of the Installation Guide. Syntax [ --debug ] [ --silent ] [ --file=name ] [ --keepcache ] [ --log=name ] [ --update ] 319 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts Options Option Alternate Options Description --silent -s This runs the register script in silent mode, drawing the configuration information from a file (set with the --file parameter) or from arguments passed in the command line rather than interactively. --file=name -f name This sets the path and name of the file which contains the configuration settings for the new Directory Server instance. This can be used with the -silent parameter; if used alone, it sets the default values for the setup prompts. --debug -d[dddd] This parameter turns on debugging information. For the -d flag, increasing the number of d's increases the debug level. --keepcache -k This saves the temporary installation file (.inf) that is created when the register script is run. This file can then be reused for a silent setup. This file is always generated, but is usually deleted once the install is complete. The file is created as a log file named / tmp/setuprandom.inf, like /tmp/setuplGCZ8H.inf. WARNING The cache file contains the cleartext passwords supplied during setup. Use appropriate caution and protection with this file. 320 (Check for Corrupt Databases) Option Alternate Options Description --logfile name -l This parameter specifies a log file to which to write the output. If this is not set, then the setup information is written to a temporary file. To not use a log file, set the file name to / dev/null. --update -u This parameter updates existing Directory Server instances. If an installation is broken in some way, this option can be used to update or replace missing packages and then re-register all of the local instances with the Configuration Directory. 7.4.21. (Check for Corrupt Databases) Verifies the backend database files. If the server crashes because of a corrupted database, this script can be used to verify the integrity of the different database files to help isolate any problems. IMPORTANT Never run when a modify operation is in progress. This command calls the BerkeleyDB utility db_verify and does not perform any locking. This can lead to data corruption if the script is run at the same time as a modify. If that occurs, an entry will be recorded in the error log: DB ERROR: db_verify: Page 3527: out-of-order key at entry 42 DB ERROR: db_verify: DB->verify: db/mstest2/uid.db4: DB_VERIFY_BAD: Database verification failed Secondary index file uid.db4 in db/mstest2 is corrupted. Please run db2index(.pl) for reindexing. Run db2index -t uid to avoid rebuilding all of the indexes or export and reimport all of the databases using db2ldif and ldif2db. Syntax [ -a /path/to/database_directory ] [ -? ] Options Option Description -a path Gives the path to the database directory. If this option is not passed with the verify- 321 Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts Option Description command, then it uses the default database directory, /var/lib/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/db. -? Table 7.34. Options 322 Opens the help page. Appendix A. Using the ns-slapd Command-Line Utilities Chapter 7, Command-Line Scripts discussed the scripts for performing routine administration tasks on the Red Hat Directory Server (Directory Server). This appendix discusses the ns-slapd commandline utilities that can be used to perform the same tasks. The ns-slapd command-line utilities all perform server administration tasks, and, while it can be argued that they allow a greater degree of flexibility for users, Red Hat recommends using the command-line scripts described in Chapter 7, Command-Line Scripts A.1. Overview of ns-slapd ns-slapd is used to start the Directory Server process, to build a directory database from an LDIF file, or to convert an existing database to an LDIF file. For more information on starting and stopping the Directory Server, importing from LDIF using the command-line, and exporting to LDIF using the command-line, refer to the "Populating Directory Databases" chapter in the Red Hat Directory Server Administrator's Guide. A.2. Finding and Executing the ns-slapd Command-Line Utilities The ns-slapd command-line utilities are stored in /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name NOTE In order to execute the command-line utilities, set the library paths set in the command-line scripts. A.3. Utilities for Exporting Databases: db2ldif Exports the contents of the database to LDIF. Syntax ns-slapd db2ldif -D configDir -a outputFile [ -d debugLevel ] [ -n backendInstance ] [ r ] [ -s includeSuffix ] [ -x excludeSuffix ] [ -N ] [ -u ] [ -U ] [ -m ] [ -M ] [ -E ] With this command, enter the full path to the configuration directory, /etc/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name. Either the -n or the -s option must be specified. Options Option Description -a outputFile Defines the output file in which the server saves the exported LDIF. This file is stored by default in the directory where the command-line utility resides. 323 Appendix A. Using the ns-slapd Command-Line Utilities Option Description -d debugLevel Specifies the debug level to use during the db2ldif runtime. For further information, refer to Section, “nsslapd-errorlog-level (Error Log Level)”. -D configDir Specifies the location of the server configuration directory that contains the configuration information for the export process. This must be the full path to the configuration directory, /etc/ dirsrv/slapd-instance_name. -E Decrypts an encrypted database during export. This option is used only if database encryption is enabled. -m Sets minimal base-64 encoding. -M Uses several files to store the output LDIF, with each instance stored in instance filename, where filename is the filename specified in option -a. -n backendInstance Specifies the name of the backend instance to be exported. -N Specifies that entry IDs are not to be included in the LDIF output. The entry IDs are necessary only if the db2ldif output is to be used as input to db2index. -r Exports replication state information. The server must be shut down before exporting using this option. -s includeSuffix Specifies the suffix or suffixes to include in the export. There can be multiple -s arguments. -u Specifies that the unique ID will not be included in the LDIF output. By default, the server includes the unique ID for all entries with a unique ID in the exported LDIF file. Only use this option to use the exported LDIF to initialize a 4.x consumer server; otherwise, this option does not cause the server to create a unique ID for entries but simply takes what already exists in the database. -U Outputs the contents of the database without wrapping lines. -x excludeSuffix Specifies a suffix or suffixes to exclude in the export. There can be multiple -x arguments. If neither -s or -x is not specified, the server exports all suffixes within the database. When using both -x and -s options with the same suffix, the -x operation takes precedence. Exclusion always takes precedence over inclusion. If the LDIF file will be imported into 324 Utilities for Restoring and Backing up Databases: ldif2db Option Description the configuration directory, do not exclude o=NetscapeRoot. Table A.1. db2ldif Options A.4. Utilities for Restoring and Backing up Databases: ldif2db Imports LDIF files to the database. Syntax ns-slapd ldif2db -D configDir -i ldifFile [ -d debugLevel ] [ -g string ] [ -n backendInstance ] [ -O ] [ -s includeSuffix ] [ -x excludeSuffix ] [ -E ] Enter the full path to the server configuration directory (configdir). ldifFile is the name of the file containing the LDIF to be imported. There is an example LDIF file under the /var/lib/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name/ldif directory. Either the -n or the -s option must be specified. Options Option Description -d debugLevel Specifies the debug level to use during runtime. For further information, refer to Section, “nsslapd-errorlog-level (Error Log Level)”. -D configDir Specifies the location of the server configuration directory that contains the configuration information for the import process. This must be the full path to the configuration directory, /etc/ dirsrv/slapd-instance_name. -E Decrypts an encrypted database during export. This option is used only if database encryption is enabled. -g string Generates a unique ID. Type none for no unique ID to be generated and deterministic for the generated unique ID to be name-based. By default, a time-based unique ID is generated. When using the deterministic generation to have a name-based unique ID, it is also possible to specify the namespace for the server to use, as follows: -g deterministic namespaceId namespaceId is a string of characters in the format 00-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 325 Appendix A. Using the ns-slapd Command-Line Utilities Option Description Use this option to import the same LDIF file into two different Directory Servers and the contents of both directories should have the same set of unique IDs. If unique IDs already exist in the LDIF file being imported, then the existing IDs are imported to the server, regardless of the options specified. -i ldifFile Specifies the LDIF file to be imported. This option is required. There can be multiple -i arguments to import more than one LDIF file at a time. When importing multiple files, the server imports the LDIF files in the order they are specified on the command line. -n backendInstance Specifies the name of the backend to be imported. -O Specifies that no attribute indexes are created for the imported database. If this option is specified and the indexes need to be restored later, the indexes have to be recreated by hand. See the Directory Server Administrator's Guide for further information. -s includeSuffix Specifies the suffix or suffixes within the LDIF file to import. -x excludeSuffix Specifies suffixes within the LDIF file to exclude during the import. There can be multiple -x arguments. This option can selectively import portions of the LDIF file. If both -x and -s are used with the same suffix, -x takes precedence. Exclusion always takes precedence over inclusion. If -x or -s are not specified, then all available suffixes will be imported from the LDIF file. To import the LDIF file into the configuration directory, do not exclude o=NetscapeRoot. Table A.2. ldif2db Options A.5. Utilities for Restoring and Backing up Databases: archive2db Restores database from the archives. Syntax ns-slapd archive2db -D configDir -a archiveDir 326 Utilities for Restoring and Backing up Databases: db2archive Options Option Description -D configDir Specifies the location of the server configuration directory that contains the configuration information for the index creation process. This must be the full path to the configuration directory, /etc/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name. -a archiveDir Specifies the archive directory. Table A.3. archive2db Options A.6. Utilities for Restoring and Backing up Databases: db2archive Backs up all databases to the archives. Syntax ns-slapd db2archive -D configDir -a archiveDir Options Option Description -D configDir Specifies the location of the server configuration directory that contains the configuration information for the index creation process. This must be the full path to the configuration directory, /etc/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name. -a archiveDir Specifies the archive directory. Table A.4. db2archive Options A.7. Utilities for Creating and Regenerating Indexes: db2index Creates and regenerates indexes. Syntax ns-slapd db2index -D configDir [ -d debugLevel ] -n backendName -t attributeName[:indexTypes{:matchingRules}] [ -T vlvTag ] Options Option Description -d debugLevel Specifies the debug level to use during index creation. For further information, refer to 327 Appendix A. Using the ns-slapd Command-Line Utilities Option Description Section, “nsslapd-errorlog-level (Error Log Level)”. -D configDir Specifies the location of the server configuration directory that contains the configuration information for the index creation process. This must be the full path to the configuration directory, /etc/dirsrv/ slapd-instance_name. -n backendName Specifies the name of the backend containing the entries to index. -t attributeName[:indextypes(:mathingrules)] Specifies the attribute to be indexed as well as the types of indexes to create and matching rules to apply, if any. If the matching rule is specified, an index type must be specified. This option cannot be used with -T. indexTypes specifies a comma-separated list of indexes to be created for the attributes. matchingRules is an optional, comma-separated list of the OIDs for the languages in which the attribute will be indexed. This option is used to create international indexes. For information on supported locales and collation order OIDs, see the Appendix "Internationalization" in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. -T vlvTag Specifies the VLV tag to use to create VLV indexes. The Console can be used to specify VLV tags for each database supporting the directory tree, as described in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide. Additional VLV tags can be defined by creating them in LDIF and adding them in the Directory Server configuration. This options cannot be used with t. Table A.5. db2index Options 328 Glossary A access control instruction See ACI. access control list See ACL. access rights In the context of access control, specify the level of access granted or denied. Access rights are related to the type of operation that can be performed on the directory. The following rights can be granted or denied: read, write, add, delete, search, compare, selfwrite, proxy and all. account inactivation Disables a user account, group of accounts, or an entire domain so that all authentication attempts are automatically rejected. ACI An instruction that grants or denies permissions to entries in the directory. See Also access control instruction. ACL The mechanism for controlling access to your directory. See Also access control list. All IDs Threshold Replaced with the ID list scan limit in Directory Server version 7.1. A size limit which is globally applied to every index key managed by the server. When the size of an individual ID list reaches this limit, the server replaces that ID list with an All IDs token. See Also ID list scan limit. All IDs token A mechanism which causes the server to assume that all directory entries match the index key. In effect, the All IDs token causes the server to behave as if no index was available for the search request. anonymous access When granted, allows anyone to access directory information without providing credentials, and regardless of the conditions of the bind. approximate index Allows for efficient approximate or "sounds-like" searches. attribute Holds descriptive information about an entry. Attributes have a label and a value. Each attribute also follows a standard syntax for the type of information that can be stored as the attribute value. attribute list A list of required and optional attributes for a given entry type or object class. authenticating directory server In pass-through authentication (PTA), the authenticating Directory Server is the Directory Server that contains the authentication credentials of the requesting client. The PTA-enabled host sends PTA requests it receives from clients to the host. 329 Glossary authentication (1) Process of proving the identity of the client user to the Directory Server. Users must provide a bind DN and either the corresponding password or certificate in order to be granted access to the directory. Directory Server allows the user to perform functions or access files and directories based on the permissions granted to that user by the directory administrator. (2) Allows a client to make sure they are connected to a secure server, preventing another computer from impersonating the server or attempting to appear secure when it is not. authentication certificate Digital file that is not transferable and not forgeable and is issued by a third party. Authentication certificates are sent from server to client or client to server in order to verify and authenticate the other party. B base distinguished name See base DN. base DN Base distinguished name. A search operation is performed on the base DN, the DN of the entry and all entries below it in the directory tree. bind distinguished name See bind DN. bind DN Distinguished name used to authenticate to Directory Server when performing an operation. bind rule In the context of access control, the bind rule specifies the credentials and conditions that a particular user or client must satisfy in order to get access to directory information. branch entry An entry that represents the top of a subtree in the directory. browser Software, such as Mozilla Firefox, used to request and view World Wide Web material stored as HTML files. The browser uses the HTTP protocol to communicate with the host server. browsing index Speeds up the display of entries in the Directory Server Console. Browsing indexes can be created on any branch point in the directory tree to improve display performance. See Also virtual list view index . C CA See Certificate Authority. cascading replication In a cascading replication scenario, one server, often called the hub supplier, acts both as a consumer and a supplier for a particular replica. It holds a read-only replica and maintains a changelog. It receives updates from the supplier server that holds the master copy of the data and in turn supplies those updates to the consumer. 330 certificate A collection of data that associates the public keys of a network user with their DN in the directory. The certificate is stored in the directory as user object attributes. Certificate Authority Company or organization that sells and issues authentication certificates. You may purchase an authentication certificate from a Certification Authority that you trust. Also known as a CA. CGI Common Gateway Interface. An interface for external programs to communicate with the HTTP server. Programs written to use CGI are called CGI programs or CGI scripts and can be written in many of the common programming languages. CGI programs handle forms or perform output parsing that is not done by the server itself. chaining A method for relaying requests to another server. Results for the request are collected, compiled, and then returned to the client. changelog A changelog is a record that describes the modifications that have occurred on a replica. The supplier server then replays these modifications on the replicas stored on replica servers or on other masters, in the case of multi-master replication. character type Distinguishes alphabetic characters from numeric or other characters and the mapping of upper-case to lower-case letters. ciphertext Encrypted information that cannot be read by anyone without the proper key to decrypt the information. class definition Specifies the information needed to create an instance of a particular object and determines how the object works in relation to other objects in the directory. class of service See CoS. classic CoS A classic CoS identifies the template entry by both its DN and the value of one of the target entry's attributes. client See LDAP client. code page An internal table used by a locale in the context of the internationalization plug-in that the operating system uses to relate keyboard keys to character font screen displays. collation order Provides language and cultural-specific information about how the characters of a given language are to be sorted. This information might include the sequence of letters in the alphabet or how to compare letters with accents to letters without accents. consumer Server containing replicated directory trees or subtrees from a supplier server. consumer server In the context of replication, a server that holds a replica that is copied from a different server is called a consumer for that replica. 331 Glossary CoS A method for sharing attributes between entries in a way that is invisible to applications. CoS definition entry Identifies the type of CoS you are using. It is stored as an LDAP subentry below the branch it affects. CoS template entry Contains a list of the shared attribute values. See Also template entry. D daemon A background process on a Unix machine that is responsible for a particular system task. Daemon processes do not need human intervention to continue functioning. DAP Directory Access Protocol. The ISO X.500 standard protocol that provides client access to the directory. data master The server that is the master source of a particular piece of data. database link An implementation of chaining. The database link behaves like a database but has no persistent storage. Instead, it points to data stored remotely. default index One of a set of default indexes created per database instance. Default indexes can be modified, although care should be taken before removing them, as certain plug-ins may depend on them. definition entry See CoS definition entry. Directory Access Protocol See DAP. Directory Manager The privileged database administrator, comparable to the root user in UNIX. Access control does not apply to the Directory Manager. directory service A database application designed to manage descriptive, attributebased information about people and resources within an organization. directory tree The logical representation of the information stored in the directory. It mirrors the tree model used by most filesystems, with the tree's root point appearing at the top of the hierarchy. Also known as DIT. distinguished name String representation of an entry's name and location in an LDAP directory. DIT See directory tree. DM See Directory Manager. DN See distinguished name. DNS Domain Name System. The system used by machines on a network to associate standard IP addresses (such as with hostnames (such as Machines normally get the 332 IP address for a hostname from a DNS server, or they look it up in tables maintained on their systems. DNS alias A DNS alias is a hostname that the DNS server knows points to a different host�specifically a DNS CNAME record. Machines always have one real name, but they can have one or more aliases. For example, an alias such as www.yourdomain.domain might point to a real machine called realthing.yourdomain.domain where the server currently exists. E entry A group of lines in the LDIF file that contains information about an object. entry distribution Method of distributing directory entries across more than one server in order to scale to support large numbers of entries. entry ID list Each index that the directory uses is composed of a table of index keys and matching entry ID lists. The entry ID list is used by the directory to build a list of candidate entries that may match the client application's search request. equality index Allows you to search efficiently for entries containing a specific attribute value. F file extension The section of a filename after the period or dot (.) that typically defines the type of file (for example, .GIF and .HTML). In the filename index.html the file extension is html. file type The format of a given file. For example, graphics files are often saved in GIF format, while a text file is usually saved as ASCII text format. File types are usually identified by the file extension (for example, .GIF or .HTML). filter A constraint applied to a directory query that restricts the information returned. filtered role Allows you to assign entries to the role depending upon the attribute contained by each entry. You do this by specifying an LDAP filter. Entries that match the filter are said to possess the role. G general access When granted, indicates that all authenticated users can access directory information. GSS-API Generic Security Services. The generic access protocol that is the native way for UNIX-based systems to access and authenticate Kerberos services; also supports session encryption. 333 Glossary H hostname A name for a machine in the form machine.domain.dom, which is translated into an IP address. For example, is the machine www in the subdomain example and com domain. HTML Hypertext Markup Language. The formatting language used for documents on the World Wide Web. HTML files are plain text files with formatting codes that tell browsers such as the Mozilla Firefox how to display text, position graphics, and form items and to display links to other pages. HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The method for exchanging information between HTTP servers and clients. HTTPD An abbreviation for the HTTP daemon or service, a program that serves information using the HTTP protocol. The daemon or service is often called an httpd. HTTPS A secure version of HTTP, implemented using the Secure Sockets Layer, SSL. hub In the context of replication, a server that holds a replica that is copied from a different server, and, in turn, replicates it to a third server. See Also cascading replication. I ID list scan limit A size limit which is globally applied to any indexed search operation. When the size of an individual ID list reaches this limit, the server replaces that ID list with an all IDs token. index key Each index that the directory uses is composed of a table of index keys and matching entry ID lists. indirect CoS An indirect CoS identifies the template entry using the value of one of the target entry's attributes. international index Speeds up searches for information in international directories. International Standards Organization See ISO. IP address Also Internet Protocol address. A set of numbers, separated by dots, that specifies the actual location of a machine on the Internet (for example, ISO International Standards Organization. K knowledge reference 334 Pointers to directory information stored in different databases. L LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Directory service protocol designed to run over TCP/IP and across multiple platforms. LDAP client Software used to request and view LDAP entries from an LDAP Directory Server. See Also browser. LDAP Data Interchange Format See LDAP Data Interchange Format. LDAP URL Provides the means of locating Directory Servers using DNS and then completing the query via LDAP. A sample LDAP URL is ldap:// LDAPv3 Version 3 of the LDAP protocol, upon which Directory Server bases its schema format. LDBM database A high-performance, disk-based database consisting of a set of large files that contain all of the data assigned to it. The primary data store in Directory Server. LDIF LDAP Data Interchange Format. Format used to represent Directory Server entries in text form. leaf entry An entry under which there are no other entries. A leaf entry cannot be a branch point in a directory tree. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol See LDAP. locale Identifies the collation order, character type, monetary format and time / date format used to present data for users of a specific region, culture, and/or custom. This includes information on how data of a given language is interpreted, stored, or collated. The locale also indicates which code page should be used to represent a given language. M managed object A standard value which the SNMP agent can access and send to the NMS. Each managed object is identified with an official name and a numeric identifier expressed in dot-notation. managed role Allows creation of an explicit enumerated list of members. management information base See MIB. mapping tree A data structure that associates the names of suffixes (subtrees) with databases. 335 Glossary master See supplier. master agent See SNMP master agent. matching rule Provides guidelines for how the server compares strings during a search operation. In an international search, the matching rule tells the server what collation order and operator to use. MD5 A message digest algorithm by RSA Data Security, Inc., which can be used to produce a short digest of data that is unique with high probability and is mathematically extremely hard to produce; a piece of data that will produce the same message digest. MD5 signature A message digest produced by the MD5 algorithm. MIB Management Information Base. All data, or any portion thereof, associated with the SNMP network. We can think of the MIB as a database which contains the definitions of all SNMP managed objects. The MIB has a tree-like hierarchy, where the top level contains the most general information about the network and lower levels deal with specific, separate network areas. MIB namespace Management Information Base namespace. The means for directory data to be named and referenced. Also called the directory tree. monetary format Specifies the monetary symbol used by specific region, whether the symbol goes before or after its value, and how monetary units are represented. multi-master replication An advanced replication scenario in which two servers each hold a copy of the same read-write replica. Each server maintains a changelog for the replica. Modifications made on one server are automatically replicated to the other server. In case of conflict, a time stamp is used to determine which server holds the most recent version. multiplexor The server containing the database link that communicates with the remote server. N n + 1 directory problem The problem of managing multiple instances of the same information in different directories, resulting in increased hardware and personnel costs. name collisions Multiple entries with the same distinguished name. nested role Allows the creation of roles that contain other roles. network management application Network Management Station component that graphically displays information about SNMP managed devices, such as which device is up or down and which and how many error messages were received. network management station See NMS. 336 NIS Network Information Service. A system of programs and data files that Unix machines use to collect, collate, and share specific information about machines, users, filesystems, and network parameters throughout a network of computers. NMS Powerful workstation with one or more network management applications installed. Also network management station. ns-slapd Red Hat's LDAP Directory Server daemon or service that is responsible for all actions of the Directory Server. See Also slapd. O object class Defines an entry type in the directory by defining which attributes are contained in the entry. object identifier A string, usually of decimal numbers, that uniquely identifies a schema element, such as an object class or an attribute, in an objectoriented system. Object identifiers are assigned by ANSI, IETF or similar organizations. See Also OID. OID See object identifier. operational attribute Contains information used internally by the directory to keep track of modifications and subtree properties. Operational attributes are not returned in response to a search unless explicitly requested. P parent access When granted, indicates that users have access to entries below their own in the directory tree if the bind DN is the parent of the targeted entry. pass-through authentication See PTA. pass-through subtree In pass-through authentication, the PTA directory server will pass through bind requests to the authenticating directory server from all clients whose DN is contained in this subtree. password file A file on Unix machines that stores Unix user login names, passwords, and user ID numbers. It is also known as /etc/passwd because of where it is kept. password policy A set of rules that governs how passwords are used in a given directory. PDU Encoded messages which form the basis of data exchanges between SNMP devices. Also protocol data unit. 337 Glossary permission In the context of access control, permission states whether access to the directory information is granted or denied and the level of access that is granted or denied. See Also access rights. pointer CoS A pointer CoS identifies the template entry using the template DN only. presence index Allows searches for entries that contain a specific indexed attribute. protocol A set of rules that describes how devices on a network exchange information. protocol data unit See PDU. proxy authentication A special form of authentication where the user requesting access to the directory does not bind with its own DN but with a proxy DN. proxy DN Used with proxied authorization. The proxy DN is the DN of an entry that has access permissions to the target on which the clientapplication is attempting to perform an operation. PTA Mechanism by which one Directory Server consults another to check bind credentials. Also pass-through authentication. PTA directory server In pass-through authentication (PTA), the PTA Directory Server is the server that sends (passes through) bind requests it receives to the authenticating directory server. PTA LDAP URL In pass-through authentication, the URL that defines the authenticating directory server, pass-through subtree(s), and optional parameters. R RAM Random access memory. The physical semiconductor-based memory in a computer. Information stored in RAM is lost when the computer is shut down. rc.local A file on Unix machines that describes programs that are run when the machine starts. It is also called /etc/rc.local because of its location. RDN The name of the actual entry itself, before the entry's ancestors have been appended to the string to form the full distinguished name. Also relative distinguished name. read-only replica A replica that refers all update operations to read-write replicas. A server can hold any number of read-only replicas. read-write replica A replica that contains a master copy of directory information and can be updated. A server can hold any number of read-write replicas. 338 referential integrity Mechanism that ensures that relationships between related entries are maintained within the directory. referral (1) When a server receives a search or update request from an LDAP client that it cannot process, it usually sends back to the client a pointer to the LDAP sever that can process the request. (2) In the context of replication, when a read-only replica receives an update request, it forwards it to the server that holds the corresponding read-write replica. This forwarding process is called a referral. relative distinguished name See RDN. replica A database that participates in replication. replica-initiated replication Replication configuration where replica servers, either hub or consumer servers, pull directory data from supplier servers. This method is available only for legacy replication. replication Act of copying directory trees or subtrees from supplier servers to replica servers. replication agreement Set of configuration parameters that are stored on the supplier server and identify the databases to replicate, the replica servers to which the data is pushed, the times during which replication can occur, the DN and credentials used by the supplier to bind to the consumer, and how the connection is secured. RFC Request for Comments. Procedures or standards documents submitted to the Internet community. People can send comments on the technologies before they become accepted standards. role An entry grouping mechanism. Each role has members, which are the entries that possess the role. role-based attributes Attributes that appear on an entry because it possesses a particular role within an associated CoS template. root The most privileged user available on Unix machines. The root user has complete access privileges to all files on the machine. root suffix The parent of one or more sub suffixes. A directory tree can contain more than one root suffix. S SASL An authentication framework for clients as they attempt to bind to a directory. Also Simple Authentication and Security Layer . schema Definitions describing what types of information can be stored as entries in the directory. When information that does not match the schema is stored in the directory, clients attempting to access the directory may be unable to display the proper results. 339 Glossary schema checking Ensures that entries added or modified in the directory conform to the defined schema. Schema checking is on by default, and users will receive an error if they try to save an entry that does not conform to the schema. Secure Sockets Layer See SSL. self access When granted, indicates that users have access to their own entries if the bind DN matches the targeted entry. Server Console Java-based application that allows you to perform administrative management of your Directory Server from a GUI. server daemon The server daemon is a process that, once running, listens for and accepts requests from clients. Server Selector Interface that allows you select and configure servers using a browser. server service A process on Windows that, once running, listens for and accepts requests from clients. It is the SMB server on Windows NT. service A background process on a Windows machine that is responsible for a particular system task. Service processes do not need human intervention to continue functioning. SIE Server Instance Entry. The ID assigned to an instance of Directory Server during installation. Simple Authentication and Security Layer See SASL. Simple Network Management Protocol See SNMP. single-master replication The most basic replication scenario in which multiple servers, up to four, each hold a copy of the same read-write replicas to replica servers. In a single-master replication scenario, the supplier server maintains a changelog. SIR See supplier-initiated replication. slapd LDAP Directory Server daemon or service that is responsible for most functions of a directory except replication. See Also ns-slapd. SNMP Used to monitor and manage application processes running on the servers by exchanging data about network activity. Also Simple Network Management Protocol. SNMP master agent Software that exchanges information between the various subagents and the NMS. SNMP subagent Software that gathers information about the managed device and passes the information to the master agent. Also called a subagent. 340 SSL A software library establishing a secure connection between two parties (client and server) used to implement HTTPS, the secure version of HTTP. Also called Secure Sockets Layer. standard index index maintained by default. sub suffix A branch underneath a root suffix. subagent See SNMP subagent. substring index Allows for efficient searching against substrings within entries. Substring indexes are limited to a minimum of two characters for each entry. suffix The name of the entry at the top of the directory tree, below which data is stored. Multiple suffixes are possible within the same directory. Each database only has one suffix. superuser The most privileged user available on Unix machines. The superuser has complete access privileges to all files on the machine. Also called root. supplier Server containing the master copy of directory trees or subtrees that are replicated to replica servers. supplier server In the context of replication, a server that holds a replica that is copied to a different server is called a supplier for that replica. supplier-initiated replication Replication configuration where supplier servers replicate directory data to any replica servers. symmetric encryption Encryption that uses the same key for both encrypting and decrypting. DES is an example of a symmetric encryption algorithm. system index Cannot be deleted or modified as it is essential to Directory Server operations. T target In the context of access control, the target identifies the directory information to which a particular ACI applies. target entry The entries within the scope of a CoS. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The main network protocol for the Internet and for enterprise (company) networks. template entry See CoS template entry. time/date format Indicates the customary formatting for times and dates in a specific region. TLS The new standard for secure socket layers; a public key based protocol. Also Transport Layer Security. 341 Glossary topology The way a directory tree is divided among physical servers and how these servers link with one another. Transport Layer Security See TLS. U uid A unique number associated with each user on a Unix system. URL Uniform Resource Locater. The addressing system used by the server and the client to request documents. It is often called a location. The format of a URL is protocol://machine:port/document. The port number is necessary only on selected servers, and it is often assigned by the server, freeing the user of having to place it in the URL. V virtual list view index Speeds up the display of entries in the Directory Server Console. Virtual list view indexes can be created on any branch point in the directory tree to improve display performance. See Also browsing index. X X.500 standard 342 The set of ISO/ITU-T documents outlining the recommended information model, object classes and attributes used by directory server implementation. Index Symbols 00core.ldif ldif files, 4 01common.ldif ldif files, 4 05rfc2247.ldif ldif files, 4 05rfc2927.ldif ldif files, 4 10presence.ldif ldif files, 4 10rfc2307.ldif ldif files, 5 20subscriber.ldif ldif files, 5 25java-object.ldif ldif files, 5 28pilot.ldif ldif files, 5 30ns-common.ldif ldif files, 5 50ns-admin.ldif ldif files, 5 50ns-certificate.ldif ldif files, 5 50ns-directory.ldif ldif files, 5 50ns-mail.ldif ldif files, 5 50ns-value.ldif ldif files, 5 50ns-web.ldif ldif files, 5 60pam-plugin.ldif, 5 99user.ldif ldif files, 5 ::, in LDIF statements, 273 A access log connection code, 229 A1 , 229 B1 , 229 B2 , 229 B3 , 229 B4 , 229 P2 , 229 T1 , 229 T2 , 229 U1 , 229 contents, 219 abandon message (ABANDON) , 226 change sequence number (csn) , 226 connection description (conn) , 228 connection number (conn) , 221 elapsed time (etime) , 223 error number (err) , 222 extended operation OID (oid) , 225 file descriptor (fd) , 221 format , 219 LDAP request type , 223 LDAP response type , 224 message ID (msgid) , 226 method type (method) , 222 number of entries (nentries) , 223 operation number (op) , 221 options description (options) , 228 SASL multi-stage binds , 227 scope of the search (scope) , 225 slot number (slot) , 221 sort (SORT) , 224 tag number (tag) , 222 unindexed search indicator (notes=U) , 224 version number (version) , 222 VLV-related entries , 224 LDAP result codes, 237 levels, 220, 227 sample 1 (level 256) , 220 statistics for monitoring and optimizing directory usage, 302 alias dereferencing, 252 ancestorid.db4 file, 215 B backendMonitorDN attribute, 99 backup files, 214 bak2db command-line shell script, 280 quick reference, 277 command-line perl script, 295 quick reference, 278 base, 273 base 64 encoding, 273 basedn, 119 binary data, LDIF and, 273 Browsing Indexes, 294 bytessent attribute, 98 343 Index C changelog multi-master replication changelog, 71 changeLog, 73 changelog configuration attributes changelogmaxentries, 72 nsslapd-changelogdir, 71 nsslapd-changelogmaxage, 72 changelog configuration entries cn=changelog5, 71 changeLogEntry, 120 changeNumber, 73 changes, 73 changeTime, 73 changeType, 73 cl-dump command-line shell script, 281 quick reference, 278 command-line perl script, 296 quick reference, 278 cn, 105 cn attribute, 85 cn=backup attributes nsArchiveDir, 115 nsDatabaseTypes, 115 configuration entry, 114 cn=changelog5 changelog configuration entries, 71 object classes, 71 cn=config general, 3 general configuration entries, 10 object classes, 10 cn=config Directory Information Tree configuration data, 3 cn=encrypted attributes, 194 attribute, 194 object class, 194 cn=encryption encryption configuration entries, 75 object classes, 75 cn=export attributes nsDumpUniqId, 114 nsExcludeSuffix, 112 nsExportReplica, 113 nsFilename, 112 nsIncludeSuffix, 112 nsInstance, 112 344 nsNoWrap, 114 nsPrintKey, 113 nsUseId2Entry, 114 nsUseOneFile, 113 configuration entry, 111 cn=import attributes nsExcludeSuffix, 109 nsFilename, 109 nsImportChunkSize, 110 nsImportIndexAttrs, 110 nsIncludeSuffix, 109 nsInstance, 109 nsUniqueIdGenerator, 110 nsUniqueIdGeneratorNamespace, 111 configuration entry, 105, 108 cn=index attributes nsIndexAttribute, 117 nsIndexVLVAttribute, 117 configuration entry, 116 cn=mapping tree object classes, 78 suffix and replication configuration entries, 78 cn=memberof task attributes basedn, 119 filter, 120 configuration entry, 119 cn=monitor object classes, 97 read-only monitoring configuration entries, 97 cn=restore attributes nsArchiveDir, 116 nsDatabaseTypes, 116 configuration entry, 115 cn=sasl object classes, 99 SASL configuration entries, 99 cn=schema reload task attributes schemadir, 119 configuration entry, 118 cn=SNMP object classes, 100 SNMP configuration entries, 100 cn=tasks attributes cn, 105 nsTaskCancel, 107 nsTaskCurrentItem, 106 nsTaskExitCode, 106 nsTaskLog, 106 nsTaskStatus, 105, 107 ttl, 107 entries, 104 task invocation configuration entries, 104 cn=backup, 114 cn=export, 111 cn=import, 105, 108 cn=index, 116 cn=restore, 115 cn=uniqueid generator object classes, 120 uniqueid generator configuration entries, 120 cn=UserRoot configuration, 7 command-line scripts, 277 finding and executing, 277 location of perl scripts, 278 location of shell scripts, 277, 308, 305 perl scripts, 294 , 295 , 296, 297 , 298 , 298, 300 , 300 , 310 , 310 , 311 , 312 , 314 , 317 , 321 quick reference, 277, 313, 313, 319, 317 shell scripts, 279 bak2db, 280 cl-dump , 281 db2bak , 282 db2index , 283 db2ldif , 282 dbverify, 284 ldif2db, 286 ldif2ldap , 287 monitor, 288 pwdhash , 291 repl-monitor, 288 restart-slapd , 291 restoreconfg , 292 saveconfig , 292 start-slapd , 292 stop-slapd, 293 suffix2instance , 293 vlvindex , 294 command-line utilities dbscan, 274 ds_removal, 285 finding and executing, 239 ldapdelete, 262 ldapmodify, 256 ldappasswd, 267 ldapsearch, 240 ldif, 273 configuration access control, 7 accessing and modifying, 7 changing attributes, 8 cn=UserRoot, 7 database-specific, 3 o=NetscapeRoot, 7 overview, 3 plug-in functionality, 6 configuration attributes changelog5 configuration attributes, 71 changing, 8 core server configuration attributes, 10 database link plug-in configuration attributes, 195 database plug-in configuration attributes, 165 encryption configuration attributes, 75 mapping tree configuration attributes, 78 monitoring configuration attributes, 97 overview, 6 plug-in functionality configuration attributes, 161 plug-in functionality configuration attributes allowed by certain plug-ins, 164 plug-in functionality configuration attributes common to all plug-ins, 161 replication agreement configuration attributes, 85 replication configuration attributes, 79 restrictions to modifying, 9 345 Index retro changelog plug-in configuration attributes, 205 SASL configuration attributes, 99 SNMP configuration attributes, 100 suffix configuration attributes, 78 synchronization agreement attributes, 94 task configuration attributes, 104 cn=backup, 114 cn=export, 111 cn=import, 105, 108 cn=index, 116 cn=memberof task, 119 cn=restore, 115 cn=schema reload task, 118 uniqueid generator configuration attributes, 120 configuration changes requiring server restart, 9 configuration entries modifying using LDAP, 8 restrictions to modifying, 9 configuration files, 214 location of, 7 configuration information tree dse.ldif file, 10 connection attribute, 97 connection code, 229 core configuration attributes passwordAllowChangeTime, 58 passwordExpirationTime, 60 passwordExpWarned, 60 passwordGraceUserTime, 61 retryCountResetTime, 70 core server configuration attributes backendMonitorDN, 99 basedn, 119 bytessent, 98 cn, 85, 105 connection, 97 current connection, 98 currenttime, 98 description, 85 dTableSize, 98 entriessent, 98 filter, 120 nbackends, 99 nsArchiveDir, 115, 116 nsDatabaseTypes, 115, 116 nsDS50ruv, 94 nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh, 91 nsDS5Flags, 79 346 nsDS5ReplConflict, 80 nsDS5ReplicaBindDN, 80 nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod, 86 nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime, 86 nsDS5ReplicaChangeCount, 81 nsDS5ReplicaChangesSentSinceStartup, 87 nsDS5ReplicaCredentials, 87 nsDS5ReplicaHost, 87 nsDS5ReplicaID, 81 nsDS5ReplicaLastInitEnd, 88 nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStart, 88 nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStatus, 88 nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateEnd, 89 nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStart, 89 nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStatus, 90 nsDS5ReplicaLegacyConsumer, 81 nsDS5ReplicaName, 82 nsDS5ReplicaPort, 90 nsDS5ReplicaPurgeDelay, 82 nsDS5ReplicaReapActive, 90 nsDS5ReplicaReferral, 83 nsDS5ReplicaRoot, 83 nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime, 91 nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList, 92 nsDS5ReplicaTimeout, 92 nsDS5ReplicaTombstonePurgeInterval, 83 nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo, 93 nsDS5ReplicaType, 84 nsDS5ReplicaUpdateInProgress, 93 nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule, 93 nsds5Task, 85 nsDumpUniqId, 114 nsExcludeSuffix, 109, 112 nsExportReplica, 113 nsFilename, 109, 112 nsImportChunkSize, 110 nsImportIndexAttrs, 110 nsIncludeSuffix, 109, 112 nsIndexAttribute, 117 nsIndexVLVAttribute, 117 nsInstance, 109, 112 nsNoWrap, 114 nsPrintKey, 113 nsruvReplicaLastModified, 94 nsSaslMapBaseDNTemplate, 99 nsSaslMapFilterTemplate, 100 nsSaslMapRegexString, 100 nsslapd-accesslog, 11 nsslapd-accesslog-level, 11 nsslapd-accesslog-list, 12 nsslapd-accesslog-logbuffering, 12 nsslapd-accesslog-logexpirationtime, 13 nsslapd-accesslog-logexpirationtimeunit, 13 nsslapd-accesslog-logging-enabled, 13 nsslapd-accesslog-logmaxdiskspace, 14 nsslapd-accesslog-logminfreediskspace, 15 nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsync-enabled, 15 nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsynchour, 15 nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsyncmin, 16 nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtime, 16 nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsize, 17 nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsperdir, 17 nsslapd-accesslog-mode, 18 nsslapd-allow-unauthenticated-binds, 18 nsslapd-attribute-name-exceptions, 19 nsslapd-auditlog-list, 20 nsslapd-auditlog-logexpirationtime, 20 nsslapd-auditlog-logexpirationtimeunit, 21 nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled, 21 nsslapd-auditlog-logmaxsdiskspace, 22 nsslapd-auditlog-logminfreediskspace, 22 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsync-enabled, 22 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsynchour, 23 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsyncmin, 23 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationtime, 23 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationtimeunit, 24 nsslapd-auditlog-maxlogsize, 24 nsslapd-auditlog-maxlogsperdir, 25 nsslapd-auditlog-mode, 25 nsslapd-backend, 79 nsslapd-certmap-basedn, 26 nsslapd-changelogdir, 71 nsslapd-changelogmaxage, 72 nsslapd-changelogmaxentries, 72 nsslapd-config, 27 nsslapd-conntablesize, 27 nsslapd-counters, 27 nsslapd-csnlogging, 28 nsslapd-ds4-compatible-schema, 28 nsslapd-errorlog, 29 nsslapd-errorlog-level, 30 nsslapd-errorlog-list, 31 nsslapd-errorlog-logexpirationtime, 31 nsslapd-errorlog-logexpirationtimeunit, 31 nsslapd-errorlog-logging-enabled, 32 nsslapd-errorlog-logmaxdiskspace, 32 nsslapd-errorlog-logminfreediskspace, 32 nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsync-enabled, 33 nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsynchour, 33 nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsyncmin, 34 nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationtime, 34 nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationtimeunit, 34 nsslapd-errorlog-maxlogsize, 35 nsslapd-errorlog-maxlogsperdir, 35 nsslapd-errorlog-mode, 36 nsslapd-groupvalnestlevel, 36 nsslapd-idletimeout, 37 nsslapd-instancedir, 37 nsslapd-ioblocktimeout, 37 nsslapd-lastmod, 38 nsslapd-ldapiautobind, 38 nsslapd-ldapientrysearchbase, 39 nsslapd-ldapifilepath, 39 nsslapd-ldapigidnumbertype, 40 nsslapd-ldapilisten, 40 nsslapd-ldapimaprootdn, 40 nsslapd-ldapimaptoentries, 41 nsslapd-ldapiuidnumbertype, 41 nsslapd-listenhost, 42 nsslapd-localhost, 42 nsslapd-localuser, 42 nsslapd-maxbersize, 43 nsslapd-maxdescriptors, 44 nsslapd-maxsasliosize, 45 nsslapd-maxthreadsperconn, 45 nsslapd-nagle, 46 nsslapd-outbound-ldap-io-timeout, 46 nsslapd-plug-in, 46 nsslapd-port, 46 nsslapd-privatenamespaces, 47 nsslapd-pwpolicy-local, 47 nsslapd-readonly, 47 nsslapd-referral, 48 nsslapd-referralmode, 48 nsslapd-reservedescriptors, 49 nsslapd-return-exact-case, 50 nsslapd-rootdn, 50 nsslapd-rootpw, 51 nsslapd-rootpwstoragescheme, 51 nsslapd-saslpath, 52 nsslapd-schema-ignore-trailing-spaces, 52 nsslapd-schemacheck, 53 nsslapd-schemareplace, 54 nsslapd-securelistenhost, 54 nsslapd-securePort, 54 nsslapd-security, 55 nsslapd-sizelimit, 55 nsslapd-ssl-check-hostname, 56, 56 nsslapd-state, 78 nsslapd-timelimit, 57 nsslapd-versionstring, 57 nsslapd-workingdir, 58 nssnmpcontact, 101 347 Index nssnmpdescription, 101 nssnmpenabled, 100 nssnmplocation, 101 nssnmpmasterhost, 101 nssnmpmasterport, 102 nssnmporganization, 100 nsSSL2 attribute, 75 nsSSL3 attribute, 76 nsSSL3ciphers attribute, 76 nsSSLclientauth, 58 nsSSLclientauth attribute, 75 nsSSLSessionTimeout attribute, 75 nsState, 85, 120 nsTaskCancel, 107 nsTaskCurrentItem, 106 nsTaskExitCode, 106 nsTaskLog, 106 nsTaskStatus, 105, 107 nsUniqueIdGenerator, 110 nsUniqueIdGeneratorNamespace, 111 nsUseId2Entry, 114 nsUseOneFile, 113 opscompleted, 98 opsinitiated, 98 passwordCheckSyntax, 59 passwordExp, 60 passwordHistory, 61 passwordInHistory, 61 passwordLockout, 62 passwordLockoutDuration, 63 passwordMaxAge, 63 passwordMaxFailure, 64 passwordMinAge, 65 passwordMinLength, 66 passwordMustChange, 67 passwordResetDuration, 68 passwordResetFailureCount, 68 passwordStorageScheme, 69 passwordUnlock, 69 passwordWarning, 70 readWaiters, 98 schemadir, 119 startTime, 98 totalConnections, 98 ttl, 107 currentConnections attribute, 98 currenttime attribute, 98 D database exporting, 282 348 reindexing index files, 283 database encryption nsAttributeEncryption, 194 nsEncryptionAlgorithm, 194 database files, 214 database link plug-in configuration attributes nsAbandonCount, 205 nsAbandonedSearchCheckInterval, 198 nsActiveChainingComponents, 196 nsAddCount, 204 nsBindConnectionCount, 205 nsBindConnectionsLimit, 198 nsBindCount, 205 nsBindMechanism, 202 nsBindRetryLimit, 198 nsBindTimeout, 199 nsCheckLocalACI, 199 nsCompareCount, 205 nsConcurrentBindLimit, 199 nsConcurrentOperationsLimit, 200 nsConnectionLife, 200 nsDeleteCount, 204 nsFarmServerURL, 203 nshoplimit, 204 nsMaxResponseDelay, 196 nsMaxTestResponseDelay, 197 nsModifyCount, 204 nsMultiplexorBindDn, 203 nsMultiplexorCredentials, 203 nsOperationConnectionCount, 205 nsOperationConnectionsLimit, 200 nsProxiedAuthorization, 200 nsReferralOnScopedSearch, 201 nsRenameCount, 205 nsSearchBaseCount, 205 nsSearchOneLevelCount, 205 nsSearchSubtreeCount, 205 nsSizeLimit, 201 nsslapd-changelogmaxage, 206 nsTimeLimit, 201 nsTransmittedControls, 197 nsUnbindCount, 205 nsUseStartTLS, 204 database plug-in configuration attributes cn, 188 dbcachehitratio, 178 dbcachehits, 178 dbcachepagein, 178 dbcachepageout, 178 dbcacheroevict, 178 dbcacherwevict, 178 dbcachetries, 178 dbfilecachehit, 191 dbfilecachemiss, 191 dbfilenamenumber, 191 dbfilepagein, 191 dbfilepageout, 192 description, 189 nsIndexType, 190 nsLookThroughLimit, 166 nsMatchingRule, 190 nsslapd-cache-autosize, 166 nsslapd-cache-autosize-split, 167 nsslapd-cachememsize, 180 nsslapd-cachesize, 179 nsslapd-db-abort-rate, 186 nsslapd-db-active-txns, 186 nsslapd-db-cache-hit, 186 nsslapd-db-cache-region-wait-rate, 186 nsslapd-db-cache-size-bytes, 186 nsslapd-db-cache-try, 186 nsslapd-db-checkpoint-interval, 168 nsslapd-db-circular-logging, 169 nsslapd-db-clean-pages, 187 nsslapd-db-commit-rate, 187 nsslapd-db-deadlock-rate, 187 nsslapd-db-debug, 169 nsslapd-db-dirty-pages, 187 nsslapd-db-durable-transactions, 169 nsslapd-db-hash-buckets, 187 nsslapd-db-hash-elements-examine-rate, 187 nsslapd-db-hash-search-rate, 187 nsslapd-db-home-directory, 170 nsslapd-db-idl-divisor, 171 nsslapd-db-lock-conflicts, 187 nsslapd-db-lock-region-wait-rate, 187 nsslapd-db-lock-request-rate, 187 nsslapd-db-lockers, 187 nsslapd-db-log-bytes-since-checkpoint, 187 nsslapd-db-log-region-wait-rate, 187 nsslapd-db-log-write-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-logbuf-size, 171 nsslapd-db-logdirectory, 172 nsslapd-db-logfile-size, 172 nsslapd-db-longest-chain-length, 188 nsslapd-db-page-create-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-page-ro-evict-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-page-rw-evict-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-page-size, 173 nsslapd-db-page-trickle-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-page-write-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-pages-in-use, 188 nsslapd-db-spin-count, 173 nsslapd-db-transaction-batch-val, 173 nsslapd-db-trickle-percentage, 174 nsslapd-db-txn-region-wait-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-verbose, 175 nsslapd-dbcachesize, 168 nsslapd-dbncache, 175 nsslapd-directory, 176, 180 nsslapd-idlistscanlimit, 166 nsslapd-import-cache-autosize, 176 nsslapd-import-cachesize, 176 nsslapd-mode, 178 nsslapd-readonly, 181 nsslapd-require-index, 181 nsslapd-suffix, 181 nsSubStrBegin, 192 nsSubStrEnd, 193 nsSubStrMiddle, 193 nsSystemIndex, 191 vlvBase, 182 vlvEnabled, 182 vlvFilter, 183 vlvScope, 184 vlvSort, 185 vlvUses, 185 database schema defined, 53 database-specific configuration location of, 3 db.00x files, 215 db2bak command-line shell script, 282 quick reference, 277 command-line perl script, 297 quick reference, 278 db2index, 327 command-line shell script, 283 quick reference, 277 command-line perl script, 298 quick reference, 278 db2ldif command-line shell script, 282 quick reference, 277 command-line perl script, 298 quick reference, 278 dbcachehitratio attribute, 178 dbcachehits attribute, 178 dbcachepagein attribute, 178 349 Index dbcachepageout attribute, 178 dbcacheroevict attribute, 178 dbcacherwevict attribute, 178 dbcachetries attribute, 178 dbfilecachehit attribute, 191 dbfilecachemiss attribute, 191 dbfilenamenumber attribute, 191 dbfilepagein attribute, 191 dbfilepageout attribute, 192 dbscan command-line utility examples, 275 options, 274 syntax, 274 dbverify command-line shell script, 284 quick reference, 277 deleteOldRdn, 74 description attribute, 85 distinguished names root, 50 distributed numeric assignment plug-in configuration attributes dnaFilter, 207 dnaMagicRegen, 207 dnaMaxValue, 208 dnaNextRange, 208 dnaNextValue, 209 dnaPrefix, 209 dnaRangeRequestTimeout, 209 dnaScope, 210 dnaSharedCfgDN, 210 dnaThreshold, 211 dnaType, 211 dse.ldif configuration information tree, 10 contents of, 3 editing, 9 ldif files, 4 dse.ldif.bak file, 3 dse.ldif.startOK file, 3 ds_removal quick reference, 277 ds_removal command-line utility options, 286 syntax, 285 dTableSize attribute, 98 E editing dse.ldif file, 9 encryption 350 root password, 51 specifying password storage scheme, 69 encryption configuration attributes nsSSL2, 75 nsSSL3, 76 nsSSL3ciphers, 76 nsSSLclientauth, 75 nsSSLSessionTimeout, 75 encryption configuration entries cn=encryption, 75 encryption method, for root password, 51 entriessent attribute, 98 entrydn.db4 file, 215 error log contents format, 232 LDAP result codes, 237 F files ancestorid.db4, 215 containing search filters, 252 entrydn.db4, 215 id2entry.db4, 215 locating configuration, 7 nsuniqueid.db4, 215 numsubordinates.db4, 215 objectclass.db4, 215 parentid.db4, 215 filter, 120 quick reference, 278 related configuration entry, 119 command-line perl script, 300 I id2entry.db4 file, 215 Indexes configuration of, 7 J jpeg images, 273 L LDAP modifying configuration entries, 8 LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) binary data, 273 LDAP result codes, 237 ldapdelete command-line utility additional options, 266 commonly used options, 262 SASL options, 265 ssl options, 264 syntax, 262 ldapmodify command-line utility additional options, 260 commonly used options, 256 options, 256 SASL options, 259 ssl options, 258 syntax, 256 ldappasswd command-line utility changing user password, 272, 272, 272, 272 examples, 272 generating user password, 272 options, 267 prompting for new password, 272 SASL options, 271 syntax, 267 ldapsearch command-line utility additional options, 252 commonly used options, 241 persistent search options, 244 SASL options, 247 ssl options, 245 ldif command-line utility options, 273 syntax, 273 LDIF configuration files contents of, 6 detailed contents of, 4 location of, 3 LDIF entries binary data in, 273 ldif files 00core.ldif, 4 01common.ldif, 4 05rfc2247.ldif, 4 05rfc2927.ldif, 4 10presence.ldif, 4 10rfc2307.ldif, 5 20subscriber.ldif, 5 25java-object.ldif, 5 28pilot.ldif, 5 30ns-common.ldif, 5 50ns-admin.ldif, 5 50ns-certificate.ldif, 5 50ns-directory.ldif, 5 50ns-mail.ldif, 5 50ns-value.ldif, 5 50ns-web.ldif, 5 99user.ldif, 5 dse.ldif, 4 LDIF files, 216 ldif2db command-line shell script, 286 quick reference, 277 command-line perl script, 300 quick reference, 278 ldif2ldap command-line shell script, 287 quick reference, 277 lock files, 216 log files, 217 access, 11 error, 29 log.xxxxxxxxxx files, 215 quick reference, 278 script, 302 options, 303 M memberOf plug-in configuration attributes memberofattr, 212 memberofgroupattr, 212 Meta Directory changelog retro changelog, 71 quick reference, 278 command-line script options, 308 syntax, 308 command-line script options, 306 syntax, 306 monitor command-line shell script, 288 quick reference, 277 multi-master replication changelog changelog, 71 N nbackends attribute, 99 newRdn, 74 newSuperior, 74 command-line perl script, 310 quick reference, 278 351 Index command-line perl script, 310 quick reference, 278 command-line perl script, 311 quick reference, 278 quick reference, 278 command-line perl script, 312 ns-slapd command-line utilities archive2db, 326 db2archive, 327 db2index, 327 db2ldif, 323 finding and executing, 323 ldif2db, 325 nsAbandonCount attribute, 205 nsAbandonedSearchCheckInterval attribute, 198 nsActiveChainingComponents attribute, 196 nsAddCount attribute, 204 nsArchiveDir, 115, 116 nsAttributeEncryption, 194, 195 nsBindConnectionCount attribute, 205 nsBindConnectionsLimit attribute, 198 nsBindCount attribute, 205 nsBindMechanism attribute, 202 nsBindRetryLimit attribute, 198 nsBindTimeout attribute, 199 nsCheckLocalACI attribute, 199 nsCompareCount attribute, 205 nsConcurrentBindLimit attribute, 199 nsConcurrentOperationsLimit attribute, 200 nsConnectionLife attribute, 200 nsDatabaseTypes, 115, 116 nsDeleteCount attribute, 204 nsDS50ruv attribute, 94 nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh attribute, 91 nsDS5Flags attribute, 79 nsDS5ReplConflict attribute, 80 nsDS5Replica, 123 nsDS5ReplicaBindDN attribute, 80 nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod attribute, 86 nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime attribute, 86 nsDS5ReplicaChangeCount attribute, 81 nsDS5ReplicaChangesSentSinceStartup attribute, 87 nsDS5ReplicaCredentials attribute, 87 nsDS5ReplicaHost attribute, 87 nsDS5ReplicaID attribute, 81 nsDS5ReplicaLastInitEnd attribute, 88 nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStart attribute, 88 352 nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStatus attribute, 88 nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateEnd attribute, 89 nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStart attribute, 89 nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStatus attribute, 90 nsDS5ReplicaLegacyConsumer attribute, 81 nsDS5ReplicaName attribute, 82 nsDS5ReplicaPort attribute, 90 nsDS5ReplicaPurgeDelay attribute, 82 nsDS5ReplicaReapActive attribute, 90 nsDS5ReplicaReferral attribute, 83 nsDS5ReplicaRoot attribute, 83 nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime attribute, 91 nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList attribute, 92 nsDS5ReplicaTimeout attribute, 92 nsDS5ReplicationAgreement, 124 nsDS5ReplicaTombstonePurgeInterval attribute, 83 nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo attribute, 93 nsDS5ReplicaType attribute, 84 nsDS5ReplicaUpdateInProgress attribute, 93 nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule attribute, 93 nsds5Task attribute, 85 nsds7DirectoryReplicaSubtree, 95 nsds7DirsyncCookie, 95 nsds7NewWinGroupSyncEnabled, 95 nsds7NewWinUserSyncEnabled, 95 nsds7WindowsDomain, 96 nsds7WindowsReplicaSubtree, 96 nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement, 126 nsDumpUniqId, 114 nsEncryptionAlgorithm, 194 nsExcludeSuffix, 109, 112 nsExportReplica, 113 nsFarmServerURL attribute, 203 nsFilename, 109, 112 nshoplimit attribute, 204 nsImportChunkSize, 110 nsImportIndexAttrs, 110 nsIncludeSuffix, 109, 112 nsIndexAttribute, 117 nsIndexType attribute, 190 nsIndexVLVAttribute, 117 nsInstance, 109, 112 nsLookThroughLimit attribute, 166 nsMatchingRule attribute, 190 nsMaxResponseDelay attribute, 196 nsMaxTestResponseDelay attribute, 197 nsModifyCount attribute, 204 nsMultiplexorBindDn attribute, 203 nsMultiplexorCredentials attribute, 203 nsNoWrap, 114 nsOperationConnectionCount attribute, 205 nsOperationConnectionsLimit attribute, 200 nsPrintKey, 113 nsProxiedAuthorization attribute, 200 nsReferralOnScopedSearch attribute, 201 nsRenameCount attribute, 205 nsruvReplicaLastModified attribute, 94 nsSaslMapBaseDNTemplate attribute, 99 nsSaslMapFilterTemplate attribute, 100 nsSaslMapping, 128 nsSaslMapRegexString attribute, 100 nsSearchBaseCount attribute, 205 nsSearchOneLevelCount attribute, 205 nsSearchSubtreeCount attribute, 205 nsSizeLimit attribute, 201 nsslapd-accesslog attribute, 11 nsslapd-accesslog-level attribute, 11 nsslapd-accesslog-list attribute, 12 nsslapd-accesslog-logbuffering attribute, 12 nsslapd-accesslog-logexpirationtime attribute, 13 nsslapd-accesslog-logexpirationtimeunit attribute, 13 nsslapd-accesslog-logging-enabled attribute, 13 nsslapd-accesslog-logmaxdiskspace attribute, 14 nsslapd-accesslog-logminfreediskspace attribute, 15 nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsync-enabled attribute, 15 nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsynchour attribute, 15 nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsyncmin attribute, 16 nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtime attribute, 16 nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsize attribute, 17 nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsperdir attribute, 17 nsslapd-accesslog-mode attribute, 18 nsslapd-allow-unauthenticated-binds attribute, 18 nsslapd-attribute-name-exceptions attribute, 19 nsslapd-auditlog-list attribute, 20 nsslapd-auditlog-logexpirationtime attribute, 20 nsslapd-auditlog-logexpirationtimeunit attribute, 21 nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled attribute, 21 nsslapd-auditlog-logmaxdiskspace attribute, 22 nsslapd-auditlog-logminfreediskspace attribute, 22 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsync-enabled attribute, 22 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsynchour attribute, 23 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationsyncmin attribute, 23 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationtime attribute, 23 nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationtimeunit attribute, 24 nsslapd-auditlog-maxlogsize attribute, 24 nsslapd-auditlog-maxlogsperdir attribute, 25 nsslapd-auditlog-mode attribute, 25 nsslapd-backend attribute, 79 nsslapd-cache-autosize attribute, 166 nsslapd-cache-autosize-split attribute, 167 nsslapd-cachememsize attribute, 180 nsslapd-cachesize attribute, 179 nsslapd-certmap-basedn attribute, 26 nsslapd-changelogdir attribute, 71 nsslapd-changelogmaxage attribute, 72 nsslapd-changelogmaxentries attribute, 72 nsslapd-config attribute, 27 nsslapd-conntablesize attribute, 27 nsslapd-counters attribute, 27 nsslapd-csnlogging attribute, 28 nsslapd-db-abort-rate attribute, 186 nsslapd-db-active-txns attribute, 186 nsslapd-db-cache-hit attribute, 186 nsslapd-db-cache-region-wait-rate attribute, 186 nsslapd-db-cache-size-bytes attribute, 186 nsslapd-db-cache-try attribute, 186 nsslapd-db-checkpoint-interval attribute, 168 nsslapd-db-circular-logging attribute, 169 nsslapd-db-clean-pages attribute, 187 nsslapd-db-commit-rate attribute, 187 nsslapd-db-deadlock-rate attribute, 187 nsslapd-db-debug attribute, 169 nsslapd-db-dirty-pages attribute, 187 nsslapd-db-durable-transactions attribute, 169 nsslapd-db-hash-buckets attribute, 187 nsslapd-db-hash-elements-examine-rate attribute, 187 nsslapd-db-hash-search-rate attribute, 187 nsslapd-db-home-directory attribute, 170 nsslapd-db-idl-divisor attribute, 171 nsslapd-db-lock-conflicts attribute, 187 nsslapd-db-lock-region-wait-rate attribute, 187 nsslapd-db-lock-request-rate attribute, 187 nsslapd-db-lockers attribute, 187 nsslapd-db-log-bytes-since-checkpoint attribute, 187 nsslapd-db-log-region-wait-rate attribute, 187 nsslapd-db-log-write-rate attribute, 188 nsslapd-db-logbuf-size attribute, 171 nsslapd-db-logdirectory attribute, 172 nsslapd-db-logfile-size attribute, 172 nsslapd-db-longest-chain-length attribute, 188 nsslapd-db-page-create-rate attribute, 188 nsslapd-db-page-ro-evict-rate attribute, 188 353 Index nsslapd-db-page-rw-evict-rate attribute, 188 nsslapd-db-page-size attribute, 173 nsslapd-db-page-trickle-rate attribute, 188 nsslapd-db-page-write-rate attribute, 188 nsslapd-db-pages-in-use attribute, 188 nsslapd-db-spin-count attribute, 173 nsslapd-db-transaction-batch-val attribute, 173 nsslapd-db-trickle-percentage attribute, 174 nsslapd-db-txn-region-wait-rate attribute, 188 nsslapd-db-verbose attribute, 175 nsslapd-dbcachesize attribute, 168 nsslapd-dbncache attribute, 175 nsslapd-directory attribute, 176, 180 nsslapd-ds4-compatible-schema attribute, 28 nsslapd-errorlog attribute, 29 nsslapd-errorlog-level attribute, 30 nsslapd-errorlog-list attribute, 31 nsslapd-errorlog-logexpirationtime attribute, 31 nsslapd-errorlog-logexpirationtimeunit attribute, 31 nsslapd-errorlog-logging-enabled attribute, 32 nsslapd-errorlog-logmaxdiskspace attribute, 32 nsslapd-errorlog-logminfreediskspace attribute, 32 nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsync-enabled attribute, 33 nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsynchour attribute, 33 nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationsyncmin attribute, 34 nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationtime attribute, 34 nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationtimeunit attribute, 34 nsslapd-errorlog-maxlogsize attribute, 35 nsslapd-errorlog-maxlogsperdir attribute, 35 nsslapd-errorlog-mode attribute, 36 nsslapd-groupvalnestlevel attribute, 36 nsslapd-idletimeout attribute, 37 nsslapd-idlistscanlimit attribute, 166 nsslapd-import-cache-autosize attribute, 176 nsslapd-import-cachesize attribute, 176 nsslapd-instancedir attribute, 37 nsslapd-ioblocktimeout attribute, 37 nsslapd-lastmod attribute, 38 nsslapd-ldapiautobind attribute, 38 nsslapd-ldapientrysearchbase attribute, 39 nsslapd-ldapifilepath attribute, 39 nsslapd-ldapigidnumbertype attribute, 40 nsslapd-ldapilisten attribute, 40 nsslapd-ldapimaprootdn attribute, 40 nsslapd-ldapimaptoentries attribute, 41 nsslapd-ldapiuidnumbertype attribute, 41 nsslapd-listenhost attribute, 42 nsslapd-localhost attribute, 42 354 nsslapd-localuser attribute, 42 nsslapd-maxbersize attribute, 43 nsslapd-maxdescriptors attribute, 44 nsslapd-maxsasliosize attribute, 45 nsslapd-maxthreadsperconn attribute, 45 nsslapd-mode attribute, 178 nsslapd-nagle attribute, 46 nsslapd-outbound-ldap-io-timeout attribute, 46 nsslapd-plug-in attribute, 46 nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-named attribute, 165 nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-type attribute, 164 nsslapd-pluginDescription attribute, 163 nsslapd-pluginEnabled attribute, 162 nsslapd-pluginId attribute, 163 nsslapd-pluginInitfunc attribute, 162 nsslapd-pluginLoadGlobal attribute, 164 nsslapd-pluginLoadNow attribute, 164 nsslapd-pluginPath attribute, 162 nsslapd-pluginType attribute, 162 nsslapd-pluginVendor attribute, 163 nsslapd-pluginVersion attribute, 163 nsslapd-port attribute, 46 nsslapd-privatenamespaces attribute, 47 nsslapd-pwpolicy-local attribute, 47 nsslapd-readonly attribute, 47 nsslapd-referral attribute, 48 nsslapd-referralmode attribute, 48 nsslapd-require-index attribute, 181 nsslapd-reservedescriptors attribute, 49 nsslapd-return-exact-case attribute, 50 nsslapd-rootdn attribute, 50 nsslapd-rootpw attribute, 51 nsslapd-rootpwstoragescheme attribute, 51 nsslapd-saslpath attribute, 52 nsslapd-schema-ignore-trailing-spaces attribute, 52 nsslapd-schemacheck attribute, 53 nsslapd-schemareplace attribute, 54 nsslapd-securelistenhost attribute, 54 nsslapd-securePort attribute, 54 nsslapd-security attribute, 55 nsslapd-sizelimit attribute, 55 nsslapd-ssl-check-hostname, 56 nsslapd-ssl-check-hostname attribute, 56 nsslapd-state attribute, 78 nsslapd-suffix attribute, 181 nsslapd-timelimit attribute, 57 nsslapd-versionstring attribute, 57 nsslapd-workingdir attribute, 58 nssnmpcontact attribute, 101 nssnmpdescription attribute, 101 nssnmpenabled attribute, 100 nssnmplocation attribute, 101 nssnmpmasterhost attribute, 101 nssnmpmasterport attribute, 102 nssnmporganization attribute, 100 nsSSL2 attribute, 75 nsSSL3 attribute, 76 nsSSL3ciphers attribute, 76 nsSSLclientauth attribute, 58, 75 nsSSLSessionTimeout attribute, 75 nsState attribute, 85, 120 nsSubStrBegin attribute, 192 nsSubStrEnd attribute, 193 nsSubStrMiddle attribute, 193 nsSystemIndex attribute, 191 nsTaskCancel, 107 nsTaskCurrentItem, 106 nsTaskExitCode, 106 nsTaskLog, 106 nsTaskStatus, 105, 107 nsTimeLimit attribute, 201 nsTransmittedControls attribute, 197 nsUnbindCount attribute, 205 nsuniqueid.db4 file, 215 nsUniqueIdGenerator, 110 nsUniqueIdGeneratorNamespace, 111 nsUseId2Entry, 114 nsUseOneFile, 113 nsUseStartTLS attribute, 204 numsubordinates.db4 file, 215 O o=NetscapeRoot configuration, 7 object classes nsAttributeEncryption, 195 nsSaslMapping, 128 objectclass.db4 file, 215 operational attributes passwordRetryCount, 69 opscompleted attribute, 98 opsinitiated attribute, 98 P parentid.db4 file, 215 passwordAllowChangeTime, 58 passwordChange attribute, 59 passwordCheckSyntax attribute, 59 passwordExp attribute, 60 passwordExpirationTime, 60 passwordExpWarned, 60 passwordGraceUserTime, 61 passwordHistory attribute, 61 passwordInHistory attribute, 61 passwordLockout attribute, 62 passwordLockoutDuration attribute, 63 passwordMaxAge attribute, 63 passwordMaxFailure attribute, 64 passwordMinAge attribute, 65 passwordMinLength attribute, 66 passwordMustChange attribute, 67 passwordResetDuration attribute, 68 passwordResetFailureCount attribute, 68 passwordRetryCount, 69 passwords root, 51 passwordStorageScheme attribute, 69 passwordUnlock attribute, 69 passwordWarning attribute, 70 perl scripts, 294 locating, 278 permissions specifying for index files, 178 plug-in functionality configuration attributes cn, 188 dbcachehitratio, 178 dbcachehits, 178 dbcachepagein, 178 dbcachepageout, 178 dbcacheroevict, 178 dbcacherwevict, 178 dbcachetries, 178 dbfilecachehit, 191 dbfilecachemiss, 191 dbfilenamenumber, 191 dbfilepagein, 191 dbfilepageout, 192 description, 189 dnaFilter, 207 dnaMagicRegen, 207 dnaMaxValue, 208 dnaNextRange, 208 dnaNextValue, 209 dnaPrefix, 209 dnaRangeRequestTimeout, 209 dnaScope, 210 dnaSharedCfgDN, 210 dnaThreshold, 211 dnaType, 211 memberofattr, 212 memberofgroupattr, 212 nsAbandonCount, 205 355 Index nsAbandonedSearchCheckInterval, 198 nsActiveChainingComponents, 196 nsAddCount, 204 nsBindConnectionCount, 205 nsBindConnectionsLimit, 198 nsBindCount, 205 nsBindMechanism, 202 nsBindRetryLimit, 198 nsBindTimeout, 199 nsCheckLocalACI, 199 nsCompareCount, 205 nsConcurrentBindLimit, 199 nsConcurrentOperationsLimit, 200 nsConnectionLife, 200 nsDeleteCount, 204 nsFarmServerURL, 203 nshoplimit, 204 nsIndexType, 190 nsLookThroughLimit, 166 nsMatchingRule, 190 nsMaxResponseDelay, 196 nsMaxTestResponseDelay, 197 nsModifyCount, 204 nsMultiplexorBindDn, 203 nsMultiplexorCredentials, 203 nsOperationConnectionCount, 205 nsOperationConnectionsLimit, 200 nsProxiedAuthorization, 200 nsReferralOnScopedSearch, 201 nsRenameCount, 205 nsSearchBaseCount, 205 nsSearchOneLevelCount, 205 nsSearchSubtreeCount, 205 nsSizeLimit, 201 nsslapd-cache-autosize, 166 nsslapd-cache-autosize-split, 167 nsslapd-cachememsize, 180 nsslapd-cachesize, 179 nsslapd-changelogdir, 206 nsslapd-changelogmaxage, 206 nsslapd-db-abort-rate, 186 nsslapd-db-active-txns, 186 nsslapd-db-cache-hit, 186 nsslapd-db-cache-region-wait-rate, 186 nsslapd-db-cache-size-bytes, 186 nsslapd-db-cache-try, 186 nsslapd-db-checkpoint-interval, 168 nsslapd-db-circular-logging, 169 nsslapd-db-clean-pages, 187 nsslapd-db-commit-rate, 187 nsslapd-db-deadlock-rate, 187 356 nsslapd-db-debug, 169 nsslapd-db-dirty-pages, 187 nsslapd-db-durable-transactions, 169 nsslapd-db-hash-buckets, 187 nsslapd-db-hash-elements-examine-rate, 187 nsslapd-db-hash-search-rate, 187 nsslapd-db-home-directory, 170 nsslapd-db-idl-divisor, 171 nsslapd-db-lock-conflicts, 187 nsslapd-db-lock-region-wait-rate, 187 nsslapd-db-lock-request-rate, 187 nsslapd-db-lockers, 187 nsslapd-db-log-bytes-since-checkpoint, 187 nsslapd-db-log-region-wait-rate, 187 nsslapd-db-log-write-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-logbuf-size, 171 nsslapd-db-logdirectory, 172 nsslapd-db-logfile-size, 172 nsslapd-db-longest-chain-length, 188 nsslapd-db-page-create-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-page-ro-evict-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-page-rw-evict-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-page-size, 173 nsslapd-db-page-trickle-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-page-write-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-pages-in-use, 188 nsslapd-db-spin-count, 173 nsslapd-db-transaction-batch-val, 173 nsslapd-db-trickle-percentage, 174 nsslapd-db-txn-region-wait-rate, 188 nsslapd-db-verbose, 175 nsslapd-dbcachesize, 168 nsslapd-dbncache, 175 nsslapd-directory, 176, 180 nsslapd-idlistscanlimit, 166 nsslapd-import-cache-autosize, 176 nsslapd-import-cachesize, 176 nsslapd-mode, 178 nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-named, 165 nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-type, 164 nsslapd-pluginDescription, 163 nsslapd-pluginEnabled, 162 nsslapd-pluginId, 163 nsslapd-pluginInitfunc, 162 nsslapd-pluginLoadGlobal, 164 nsslapd-pluginLoadNow, 164 nsslapd-pluginPath, 162 nsslapd-pluginType, 162 nsslapd-pluginVendor, 163 nsslapd-pluginVersion, 163 nsslapd-readonly, 181 nsslapd-require-index, 181 nsslapd-suffix, 181 nsSubStrBegin, 192 nsSubStrEnd, 193 nsSubStrMiddle, 193 nsSystemIndex, 191 nsTimeLimit, 201 nsTransmittedControls, 197 nsUnbindCount, 205 nsUseStartTLS, 204 vlvBase, 182 vlvEnabled, 182 vlvFilter, 183 vlvScope, 184 vlvSort, 185 vlvUses, 185 plug-ins configuration of, 3 distributed number assignment plug-in, 149 memberOf plug-in, 152 schema reload plug-in, 158 port numbers less than 1024, 46 pwdhash command-line shell script, 291 quick reference, 278 R read-only monitoring configuration attributes backendMonitorDN, 99 bytessent, 98 connection, 97 currentConnections, 98 currenttime, 98 dTableSize, 98 entriessent, 98 nbackends, 99 opscompleted, 98 opsinitiated, 98 readWaiters, 98 startTime, 98 totalConnections, 98 read-only monitoring configuration entries cn=monitor, 97 readWaiters attribute, 98 quick reference, 278 command-line script syntax, 313 quick reference, 278 command-line script options, 313, 314 syntax, 314 repl-monitor command-line shell script, 288 quick reference, 278 command-line perl script, 314 quick reference, 278 replication agreement configuration attributes cn, 85 description, 85 nsDS50ruv, 94 nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh, 91 nsDS5ReplicaBindDN, 85 nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod, 86 nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime, 86 nsDS5ReplicaChangesSentSinceStartup, 87 nsDS5ReplicaCredentials, 87 nsDS5ReplicaHost, 87 nsDS5ReplicaLastInitEnd, 88 nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStart, 88 nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStatus, 88 nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateEnd, 89 nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStart, 89 nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStatus, 90 nsDS5ReplicaPort, 90 nsDS5ReplicaReapActive, 90 nsDS5ReplicaRoot, 91 nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime, 91 nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList, 92 nsDS5ReplicaTimeout, 92 nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo, 93 nsDS5ReplicaUpdateInProgress, 93 nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule, 93 nsruvReplicaLastModified, 94 object classes, 85 replication configuration attributes nsDS5Flags, 79 nsDS5ReplConflict, 80 nsDS5ReplicaBindDN, 80 nsDS5ReplicaChangeCount, 81 nsDS5ReplicaID, 81 nsDS5ReplicaLegacyConsumer, 81 nsDS5ReplicaName, 82 nsDS5ReplicaPurgeDelay, 82 nsDS5ReplicaReferral, 83 nsDS5ReplicaRoot, 83 nsDS5ReplicaTombstonePurgeInterval, 83 nsDS5ReplicaType, 84 nsds5Task, 85 357 Index nsState, 85 object classes, 79 restart, 291 restart-slapd command-line shell script, 291 quick reference, 277 restarting server requirement for certain configuration changes, 9 restoreconfig command-line shell script, 292 quick reference, 277 retro changelog Meta Directory changelog, 71 retro changelog plug-in configuration attributes nsslapd-changelogdir, 206 retryCountResetTime, 70 S SASL configuration attributes nsSaslMapBaseDNTemplate, 99 nsSaslMapFilterTemplate, 100 nsSaslMapRegexString, 100 SASL configuration entries cn=sasl, 99 saveconfig command-line shell script, 292 quick reference, 277, 317 quick reference, 278 related configuration entry, 118 schemadir, 119 scripts, 277 location of perl scripts, 278 location of shell scripts, 277 perl scripts, 294 search filters specifying file, 252 search operations limiting entries returned, 55 setting time limits, 57 server restart after configuration changes, 9 setting the location of SASL plugins, 52 quick reference, 278 command-line script options, 320 syntax, 319 quick reference, 278 358 command-line script options, 318 syntax, 318 slapd.conf file location of, 7 smart referrals ldapsearch option, 252 SNMP configuration attributes nssnmpcontact, 101 nssnmpdescription, 101 nssnmpenabled, 100 nssnmplocation, 101 nssnmpmasterhost, 101 nssnmpmasterport, 102 nssnmporganization, 100 SNMP configuration entries cn=SNMP, 100 special attributes changeLog, 73 changeNumber, 73 changes, 73 changeTime, 73 changeType, 73 deleteOldRdn, 74 newRdn, 74 newSuperior, 74 targetDn, 74 special object classes changeLogEntry, 120 nsDS5Replica, 123 nsDS5ReplicationAgreement, 124 nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement, 126 start-slapd command-line shell script, 292 quick reference, 277 startTime attribute, 98 statistics from access logs, 302 stop-slapd command-line shell script, 293 quick reference, 277 suffix and replication configuration entries cn=mapping tree, 78 suffix configuration attributes nsslapd-backend, 79 nsslapd-state, 78 object classes, 78 suffix2instance command-line shell script, 293 quick reference, 277 synchronization agreement attributes nsds7DirectoryReplicaSubtree, 95 nsds7DirsyncCookie, 95 nsds7NewWinGroupSyncEnabled, 95 nsds7NewWinUserSyncEnabled, 95 nsds7WindowsDomain, 96 nsds7WindowsReplicaSubtre, 96 winSyncInterval, 96 T targetDn, 74 totalConnections attribute, 98 trailing spaces in object class names, 52 ttl, 107 U uniqueid generator configuration attributes nsState, 120 uniqueid generator configuration entries cn=uniqueid generator, 120 V command-line perl script, 321 quick reference, 277, 278 vlvBase attribute, 182 vlvEnabled attribute, 182 vlvFilter attribute, 183 vlvindex command-line shell script, 294 quick reference, 277 vlvScope attribute, 184 vlvSort attribute, 185 vlvUses attribute, 185 W winSyncInterval, 96 359 360
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