Remotec Technology BW6091TX-00 434MHz Transmitter for Remote Control User Manual

Remotec Technology Limited 434MHz Transmitter for Remote Control Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document ID227581
Application IDmvo08tn6ei7bLieCboq6MQ==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize23.56kB (294510 bits)
Date Submitted2002-02-25 00:00:00
Date Available2002-02-22 00:00:00
Creation Date2002-02-20 08:56:24
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2002-02-22 16:31:58
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

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I1. Safety instructions
If the Power Commander RH 901 is handled Incorrectly
there is a risk of injury from electric shock.
The following instructions must be
followed, in order to avoid any risk of injury or damage,
and the operating instructions must also be adhered to.
It is never allowed to open the plug—in mains adapter
Only a properly qualified technician is allowed to check and
inspect the system.
The system is only ever to be operated in dry. indoor rooms.
Avoid high atmospheric humidity and extreme ambient
Should any fault occur in the power supply the system
should be taken out of operation at once. Never replace
elective parts with anyming other than original spare pans.
there is any danger of aghunderslorm, it is a good
precaution to separate the SYSEm iron-n the mains network in
order to protect it from lightning. The same applies if the
system is to be out or action for any Iengln at time.
Power must be supplied at the correct rating at all times.
This applies in particular to the operating voltage in the
system and the mains adapter,
If there is ever any malflmotion. the dealer from whom the
system was acquired must be asked to sand it back to the
manufacturer for inspection.
— Under the enviroment wiih highl+l~8kV) electrostatic
discharge, the product may not be operated as normal
condition, The user may require to raset the unit.
2. General description
Correct and proper use
The Fewer Commander RR 901 is designed lnr use in dry, indom- mama
The power supply is provlded by the mains adapter enclosed. Please
only ever use this mains adapter.
I! is not allowed to alter or modify any pan of the system.
The safety and installation imlructions must be oboerved.
There shall he no guaramee cove.- againstdamage resulting from any
failure to observe these operating instructions. and no legal liability for
any resultant consequential damage.
- Main Features
- Tabletopn-landneld design with prolessional Av equipment finishing.
- Replace up to 3 mfferzntAudionao oqulpment's Infrared ferrule
4 Reprogrammed with command sets for hundreds at AV equip-
- Powerful learning function to copy additional commands from otlw
Infrared remotes
- LCD display provides useful menwdriven operanion and lan'llrarea
user convenience.
- Kay RENAME and MOVE lunclicn enable you in setup the
Powersornrnander Fleim ln your own preference.
- 4 individual Marcus, each with ll) steps can perform sequence or
commands by simply pressing one key.
4 EL backlignting over the Keys end LCD display for ease or use in
- Hemote dupliflliofl allows setting to be transferred to me other set
cl Powercommander mam wt-Jlout runner setup.
- Rechargeable batteries andchager includes, which pmidg power-
(ul and life nperalion all day long.
page or

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