Rheem 36406 User Manual RHEEN CORP GAS WATER HEATER Manuals And Guides WA000484
RHEEM Water heater, Gas Manual WA000484 RHEEM Water heater, Gas Owner's Manual, RHEEM Water heater, Gas installation guides
User Manual: Rheem 36406 36406 RHEEM RHEEN CORP GAS WATER HEATER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your RHEEM RHEEN CORP GAS WATER HEATER #36406. Home:Plumbing Parts:Rheem Parts:Rheem RHEEN CORP GAS WATER HEATER Manual
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ResidentialGas Water Heater USE & CARE MANUAL WrTH INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CONTRACTOR The purpose of this manualis lwofeld: for the installing contractor, to provide requirements &ndrecommendations for the proper installation _mdadjustment of the water heater, and for the owner-operator,to explainthe features,operation,safetyprecautions,maintenanceand troubleshootingof the water heater.This manualalso inciudes a parts list It is imperative that all persons who are e×3ected to instal], operate or adjust this water healer read the instructions carefully so that they may understand how to do so. Any questions regarding the opera[ion, maintenance, service or warranty of this water hearer shouldbe directed to Ihe entity from whom Jtwas purchased, If additional information is required, refer to the aecgon on How to 0brain Service Assistance. Do Not Destroy this Manual. Please read carefully and keep in a safe place for Future Reference. ,_k ._ Recognize this symbol esan Indication of Important Safety Information[ WARNING: If the informationin these instructionsare not followedexactly,e fire or explosion may result causing propertydamage, personalinjury or death. FOR YOUR SAFETY! -- Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors or liquids or other combustible materia{s in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. To do so may result in an explosion or fire. -- WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS • Do not try to light any appliance. Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building. PrnredinU._ e Immediately call your gee supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas aupplier'a instructions. If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. ® Do not returnto your home untilauthorized by the gas supplier or fire department. -- Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cauee injury, property damage or death. Refer to this manual, Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier. AP8839-9 I&98) General Safety Precautions Be sure to read and unde_sand he en _reLse & Care f_laaualbefe e altempLng to natalie 0pe atethswaterhea er PaypartloU' ratte_tlOn LOthe following 3eneraESafety PrecauPansFailure ie follow these_vamingscould result [na fire ar explosion causing pr0pedy 3_mage. bedSTOP and get .... dymMry0rdesth .... Shou[dyouhaveaEyproblems unders andmgtheinstructlonslnLhismanual " ' lepf am aquahfledmstaller or _erv!¢e eChnlClan or the gas supphe WARNING J Gasoline, as well as other flammable materials and ]iq_ids (adhesives, solvents, etc.), and the vapors they produce, are extremely dangerous. DO NOT handle, use or store gasoline or other flammable or combustible materials anywhere near or in the vicinity of a water heater. Be sure to read and follow the warning label pictured below and other labels on the water heater, as well as the warnings printed In this manual. Failure to do so can result in property damage, bodily injury, or death. Failure to install the draft hood and properly vent the water heater to the outdoors as outlined in the Venting Section of this manual can result in unsafe operation of the water heaten To avold the risk of fire, explosion, or asphyxiation from carbon monoxide, never operate fhis water heater unless it is properly vented and has an adequate air supply for proper operagon. Be sure to inspect the vent system for proper installation at initial start-upl and at least annually the_after. Refer to Maintenance seetion of this manual for more information regarding vent system inspections. IF- ! W ' " LIQUEFIEDPETROLEUMMODELS -- Propane,or LP gas, must be used w_thgreat taut'on. • It is heavier than air and will collect first in lower areas making if hard to detect at nose level. • Make sure to look and smell for LP leaks before attempting to light appliance. Use a soapy solution to check aJl gas fittings and connections. B_bbiing at a connection indicates a leak that must be corrected. When smelling to detect an LP leak, be sure to sniff near the floor too. , Gas detectors are recommended in LP applications and their installation should be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and/or local laws, rules, regulations or customs. • It is recommended that more than one method be used to detect leaks in LP applications. IF LP GAS IS PRESENT OR SUSPECTED: • • • • • DO MOT attempt to find the cause yourself; DO NOT try to light any appliance; DO NOT touch any electrical switch; DO NOTuse any phone in your building, Leave the house immediately and make sure your family and pets leave also. • Leave the doors open for ventilation and contact the gas supplier, a qualified service agency or the fire department, • Keep the area clear until the service call has been made, the leak ]s corrected, and a qualified agency has determined the area to be safe. I WARNINGI Vapors ttom flammable Wmer healer has a main liquids wilt explode and catch fire causing death or burner and pUot flame. The pilot flame: severe 2. will ignite flammable burns 1, I_ on all the lime arid DO rtc3t U£O or s_ore flsmmable VapQrS. ptOducls Vapor_; _UOh _9 gas aline* solvents or add ¢,_ive_ It1tha 1. carlnoL be seen, 881TB 2. are heavier W_lter rtt o_ri3 Or a_ hBB_JB _ Ileal tile Keep f lamnlal_lo products; 1. tar _ay h_ter, fcom i _,_ i1 _l[r, 3. go a long way on the [io_ r _d 4. _n _ _r r16_ from 2. in appl oved contaiRers_ other learns 3, tightly _l_sed and flame by air curT_ats. 4.outofchildren's reach, Ir_sLa[lation: Do not irtst,311W_to_ ho_teT where tlarn r_a hie produ_ will be stored or user1 tJnl_s the main burner artd pil_L flam£_ Both LP and natural gas have an odorant added to help detection, Some people may not physically be able to smell or recognize this odorant. It unsure or unfamigar about the smell associated with LP or natural gas, ask the gas supplier. Other conditions, such as "Odorant Fade", which causes the odorant to "fade", or diminish ]n intensity can also hide or camouflage a gas leak. to the pilot are at least 119"above the floor, This will reduce, but not elimina_e_ [he ri_k Of VapOr_ being ignited by the main burner _r ]=ilc)tflame. Read and t_l[ow water boule=warnings _nd ir_a_ca ons. h*owners manual is mlSSlng_ o:¢t_act the reta_r or manufacturer. Water heaters utilizing Liquefied Petroleum gas {LP) are different from nafural gas models. A natural gas heater will not function safely on LP gas and vice versa. No attempt should ever be made to convert a heater from natural gas to LP gas. To avoid possible equ[pmest damage, personal injury or fire', DO NOT connect this water heater to a fuel typeno m accodancewth umtdataplate.Propane for propane units. Natural gas for natural gas units. These units are not certh'iedfor any other type fuel, WARN]NG I LP appliances should not be installed below-grade (for examp e, n a basemen ) d such nstenat on s prod bged by federal, state and/or local laws, rules, regulations or customs, _o __ < ill _ °_ _ _ o_ o °°° _ o_ _ _ _°__°_ o_o _ Supplement Sheet The Use & Care Manual supplied with this water heater details the Installation and proper Operation and Maintenance, aswel[ as replacement parts infermation for the following Montgomery Ward Residential Gas Water Heaters: 1000 Series 100 Series "Energy Saver .... SRM-3330t SRM-34301 500 Series Energy Saver .... SRM-33305 SRM-33405 SRM-34305 3RM-34405 SSM-g6405 800 Series 5nergy Saver" SRM-33408 SRM-g3508 SRM-34408 SRM-34508 800 Series 'Special Edition .... SRM-33480 SRM-34480 "Heavy Duty Energy Saver" SRM-33410 SRM-33510 SRM-34410 SRM-34510 Be sureto read and understandthe entire Use&CareManualbeforeattemptingtoinstal]oFoperatethlswaterheater. PaY particular attention to theGeneratSafety Precautions included intheUse &CareManuaI. Failuretofollowthosewarningscouldresultin afire erexplosion, causing property damage, bodily injury or death.Shouldyouhaveany problemsunderstanding the instructions in the manual, STOP, and gethe[pfromaqualifiedinsta]lerorservicetechnicianorthegassuppliet. A&11r/g8 (1i93) General Safety WATER TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT - Safety and energy conservation are factors to be considered when selecting the water temperature sening of water heater's thermostat. Water temperatures above 125°F. can cause severe burns or death from scalding. Be sure to read and foltew tbe warnings outlined on the label pictured below. Precautions The fo[iow]ng chart may be used as a guide in determining the proper water temperature for your home, TIME iTEMPERATURE RELATIONSH[PS IN SCALDS 120_F. NOTE: Households with small children, disabled, or elderly persons may require a 120°F, or lower thermostat setting to prevent contact with "HOT" water. 125_F _1=2t02 rn nule_ 130_F. About33seconds 135° F A_ut 10$e3onds 140_F Les_than5 seconds 145_F Lessthan3 sec0nd_ 150=F Ab0ut P/2sec0nds 155_P Ab0L_I second The temperature of the water in the heater can be regulated by setting the temperature diaJ on front of the thermostat. To comply with safety regulations the thermostat was set at its lowest setting before water heater was shipped from the factory• The iPustration be[ow details the approximate water temperature for each mark on the Thermostat Temperature Dial. "Danger Range" I "Safety Range" • 120_F [Approx) • 11fJF (Apptex) Water temperature over 125°F can cause severe burns instantly or death from scalds. • B0°F IApp[o× ] Children, disabled and elderly are at highest risk of being scalded. • 73_F. (Appm×.! See instruction manual before setting temperature at water heater. -_O=K lap prox.i Feel water before bathing or showering, Temperaturelimitingvalvesare available, see manual. There Is a Hot Water SCALD Potential if the thermostat J Maximum water temperatures occur just alter burner has shut off. To find hot water temperature being delivered, turn on a hot water faucet and place a thermometer in the hot water stream and read the thermometer. is set teo high. Mixing valves for reducing point of use water temperature by mixing hot and cold water in branch water nnes are available. Contact a licensed plumber or the local olumbino authodtv for further information. COMPONENTS OF YOUR WATER HEATER -- So that you may better understand the operation of your new water heater, the following section g]ustrates the basic components of a typicM water heater, 1. Tnermo_:aLi: GasValve 2. GasCockKnob 3. RedBugon 4. Tlermo_tht Tempera'ureDial 5 k_aalBurner g. PilotBurner 7. T_ermocouple 20121 / 3 18 9. UlasslinedTank 10 Insulator] 11 Jaokct 12 JacketDoor t3 InnerDoor f4. F,oorShield 19 17 \ 6 Fig, 2.--Thetmostat and Burner 15 14 16 InternalFluewap 17 FlueBaffle 18. DipTube(baldWaferInle;) lg. Arode 20. ReliefValveOpening{OnTop) 21. WaterConnecitons (OnTop) 22. Draf_Heed 13 Fig. 1.-- Basic Gas Water Heater Introduction IA WARNING I WARNING1 Readand Reviewthis entire Manualwith special emphasis on the VentingSecgon(Pages6 - 7) and OperationSection(Pagesg - tO) prior to anyinstallationwork The locationchosenfor the cJsterheatermustlake thfooonsihetadon the following: LOCALINSTALLATION REGULATIONS This v_ter heatermJal be installedin accordancewith theseinstructions, local codes,utili_ companyrequirements,and/orin theabsencect local cedes,the latestedhienel the AmericanNotional8tendard/ NatenalFuel GasCode A copycanbepurchasedfromeitherAmericanGasAssociation, 1515_krllson Bird, Arlington.VA22200as beolcct72.231or NationalFire PreventionAssociataln, BaiterymarchPark,Quincy,MA02269as boo,at NFPANo.54 If a locationin a garageis the only alternative,the gas waterheater should be Installedso thatthe open flameof thepilot and mainburner are no less than18 inchesabovethe garagefloor, unless specifically exemptedfrom this by aliBI code,rule,regulationor custom.RaisinS the gas fired waterheaterwillreducebut not ellmthate the possibility of IEghting the vapordi anyflammableliquidswhichmay be improperly storedoraccidentallyspilled The waer h_ter mustbe locatedor prefected sa it is not suitjeetto physicaldamage,forexample,by moalnitvehicles,a"eafloodingetc BrandKhsto raisethewaterheatertqe required 18"_boveIhe floorare avaithbthfrom the distributoror store where the waterbeater was purchasedRequest'Standale Pa_:NumberAS29061" B. T'_ewaterheatershouldbeinstalledas cb_ as practicalto thegasven_ or chirnaey.Longhot water lines sh_]d be insulated to c_serve wateT ard energyThewaterheatelandwaterlinesshouldbe protectedfforrj LOCATION A, A gas fired water beater should not be insured iea epeoe where [[quids whieitgiveoff fL_nma_evaporsare to be usedorstoredSuchliquids ir_lude gasaline, LP gas (but alia and brobarth, paint or adhesives aid _he_r th[nrters, solvents arremovers, Becauseof_aluraiairrtel,ameeri_a room or olher eno[oBeit s p&oe, eammahle vapors can be c_rded some dialancefrom'_heretheir liquidsare beingusedorstored.The open flarae el the water heater's pilot Ight or main burner can ignite these capers causing an axplosio'l or {ire wlteh may reSLlitin Severe hums or death le those in range as wall as pro3e'_g damage For those re_s instellalion of agasfiredwaterheaterina garagE} is nothesheblg. hethrooms,bedrooms,any oOsubi_Jrooms _orrr_lle itebt closed, o' th Outdoor Unb_a_ed _6_. Minimum elea_an_ from oon/bualJbleoon_ruc_ionis 1 inch _id_s and rear, 1 inch lrom fteqt o" c£nlrOl;12 incites top.it clearancesalathd on Instructior_%_aralngI£bal, located on front of heater, dSler from the install heater _oco_alg to the clearances statedor] _e InsLructior_Wamicg label The water heatermay be installed must be installedon c_taeting=alace a metal or wood banal beneath Introduction all directions,fi the waterheateris instafiedin an alcoveor dosct,the enteq6our musl be coveredby the panel•A minirrumof 24 inches I_WARNJNGI "Comhutslhleconstruction" refersto adjacentwallsand ceilings, and should net he contused withcombustibleor garllmableproductsand materials.Combustibleand/orflammable product_andmaterialsshould neverbe storedinthe vicinityofthis or anygas appliance. [_, CAUTION] The waterheatershould notbe Iocate_in an areawhereleakageof the tank or connections will r-_uq Indar_ageto the areaadjacentto It or to lower floors of the structure.Whensuchareascannotbe avoided,it is recommended that a suitable catch pan, adequatety drained, he installed under the water heater, The pan MUST NOT restrict combustion air flowto bettorrof waterheater, provsienafor this ar mustbe made.A coofinadspaceis one herinfia volume of lessthan50cubicMCtparDO0 BTUHof the egg-agateMpat of allappliances wtihinteatspaceThe air mustbe supplied_hroJghtwo pa_anert openingsct equalarea.oneofwhichis tobe locatede.ieen12 inchesabovethe floor anti the atber is to be locatedwithn 12 inches bebwtheceilingTherr!ofmumnetfreeareaofeactiopeningmustbenot lessthanevesquareinchper1COO BTUHo' thetotalinputratingofallthe appliancesinthe enclosure(butnot lessthanlOg squareinches),ifeach openingcommunicates wtihotherunoonfined areasinsipathe building. Buildingsof unusuallytight conetruetion shallvavethe combustionand ventilationair suppliedf'om outdoo'sor a freelyveotHsted a_teor crawl space If air is suppiieqf'om outdoors,directlyor throughver_calducts, theremusthe two obenlngslocatedas spaNfiedaboveand eachmust BTUHofthetolMinputratingofalltheappliancesintheencl_ure fi ho_zoofa[ouotsareusedto communicate withthe outdoors,however, eachopen_ngmusth_vea rrinimumnet Neeareaol not less1Nanone souareinchoet2OOO ETUHofthetotalinputratingofallleeapplrknces in theenclosure•tiductsareused.theminimumdimenswhof rectangular ad ductsshellbenotlessthan3 inuhes NOTE: if the openingsate to be coveredwitha protective screenor grill, the net tree area of the covering rraterts] must be used tn determining the siz_ of the openings, as cteted above¸ Protective screening for the openings MUST NOT he smaller th_n 1/4 inah mesh to preventc{oggtegby lint _r otherdebris _ _ DJ2nlarargf _alar he_te, _ Provislensfor cornhva_onand _nfiladon tar r7uMcomply_th roferenced coJes and stsndatda.See LocalIns'agalwhRegutsSonsSection¸ 2" rl_n_ prc_r d_nage, CORROSIVE ATMOSPHERES --The water heater should not be Figure 8.-- Aux[dary Catch installed near an air supply containing hategenatedhydrccalheas For Pan NOTE:Auxiliarycatchpaninstoftetion MUSTconformto localcodes, CatchPanKiMare available[n 16",lg", 22", 24', and 26,_"diameters frorrihe diMfibctor orstarewqerethew_r_rhe_.ter waspurchased. E. COMBUSTION & VENTILATIONAIR-- Properoperationofthe water heaterrequiresair for cnrrbusSanendvenStdtbnrfthe waterheateris instetod[nan uno_ined spacewithina buildingofeonven#oqal lralte, masonryor mete[construction,in6qrationair is normallyadequatefor propercompes:ionandventilation.However,if the spaceis confined, e_ample,tbe air !n beauty shops, drycisa_isg etdablishr7eets_paoto processing labs, and storageareas for liquid and oowtie_d bleachesor swimpact chemicals ohen contain such hydrocarbons. The air thare maybesafe to tee_the,but whenit passesthrougha gas _a'ne, corrosive elements are released thet wh! sherten the Me of any gas burning apaltenae, Propellants Irom common eqr_ cans o_ gas leaks fron7 refrige_on equipmectare highlycorro_vea_ar passing througha fiane The iimhadwarrantyiswh_d when tei]uraof water aeteel is due to a sorr_slve atmosphere¸ jReterence is made to the Ibeitsd warranty fo' compMtetermsand oondfilens) Installation 1. INSPECTSHIPMENT--Inspetdwaterheete_tar posstotoshipptofi damageChechthe marNngofthe ratingplateof thewaterheaterto be eedainthe typeof gasbeingfurrishedcorresponds tothatfor ,_hichthe waterheaterLS equipped. v.tderay_terr.A closedsystemprewn[sthe water88[. ISbeingneared. fro'n expangirg ti_ckintothe coldwatersupplyline•Press3recan build up withinthe hetdercau_tegthe reliefvak,eto o3ertse dusnga Seating cycle.ThisexcessNeeparatoncancauseprernaMeteiisreof the whef 2, WATERSUPPLYCONNECTIONS-Referto Fig.4 fer suggested tyF4cal intsaJlation Theins:allation ct unionsortiexiblecopperconnectors is recommended on be HOTandCOLDwater[i_es,sothatthewater heatermayheeasilydisconnected for se_dwhg ti necessary. ]])e HOT andCOLDwate_ connections _reele_cy marked. valveandpo_Jbly 1heheater itseli. Installa aNts-ofvalvein[hecoldwaterlinenearwateraetser. Determine ti _ere is a check valve in ihe cold vr&tersuppJyline It may have bean ias_alleq _s a seqartde component or ti may be part at a pras_te reducing valve, ,eater meier or water scttenar A checkvalvefoaled in thecoldwaterMet Ifnecancausea 'closed" Replacingthe relief valvewtil not correctthe problem.A methodei preventingpressurebuild-deis t3 installan expansiontank n the cold watersupplyline be:weanthe heaterandtheshackvalve.Cen_ctyour installing cotdrastor,watersupplier,localplurrbinginspectoror p]Jmwhg supplyhouseforassistance IMPORTANTgDo nat apply heatto thecold watersupplyfiring If sweatconnections aze_s_d,sweattubingto adapterMaturefitting adapterto cold waterInlet of heater,Any heat appttedto the cctd waterinletwifipermanentlydamageS7edip tube, Installation IA WARNINGI TankMUSTbe fullof waterbeforewaterheateristurned on.]_e water heater'swarranty de,as notcoverdamageorfail_reresultingfrom operationwith an emptyorpp_ally emptytank (dryfi_). 5 GASSUPPLY--TheMarchgassupplylineto_e ,raterheaterakoUdbe joint unionor ANSI design certified semi-rigidor rlexibat gas aDplutnce unionThemanualgasshaFohf vaJveshoul_beal least5 teatabovethe resislanttothe ac_onofliquefiedpetioleumgas Usecompound spaakgy oq malethr_&dsonly.Do notuseexcessivefarce(over31.5F_.Lgs._ir tigh_ntegtee pipejoinl at the thermos_inlet,gardeulahg il _fior pipe compoundisused¸asthe vaalebodymaygedarns.path Theinletgas pressu,eto the waterheatermute_1o'exceed14"wc for Naturalor LR. gas Forpurposesof inputedjus_enl,tee minimuminlet plate.If highor lowgasp-e,._ures arepresent,contactyourgassuitor tarcorrectioq. I ,WARN'NO1 Air Gap Figure 4. -- Typical Installation 3. RELIEFVALVE--Anewcombinationpressureandtemperaturerelief ShutoffDevicesfo_Hot WaterSupplySystems,ANSIZ2122, mustbe tetealledin the openingprovidedor"the waterheatebat the time of insaklatio_.(Raterto Frg 4 ) NOvalveof anylppe shouldbeinstelte(_ betweenthe tellervalve a'_dthe tank. Localcodesshall governthe insL_llakon of reliefvalves The pressure rating of the relief valve must net exceed 150 PSI, the maximumworkllg pressureat the water heater as harked on the rating plate. ofthewaterheaterasmarkedon Is ratingplate CoPnect_e outletof tile relief'raveIo a suitableopendrain.Pipingused shouldbeof a _pp _pprovedforhatwaterdisldlcution Thedalcha_eline fromthe valveto allowcempattedrainage(by gre_,ity) ofthe laliefvaMe anddischargeline.Theenpofthe dis_arge lineshouldnotbethreaded or concealedandshoJIdbe p_cted klo'r freezingNOvalveof any[y_, restdctioa or _dueercouplingshouldbe ins:alaldinthedischargelin6. 4, TO FILL WATER HEATER--Maha cedaJnd'ate valve is dosed, Open shutioffvalve in oald watersupplyline¸ Opene_cg hotwaterfaucetslowly to allow a_rte volt from the water heater and piping. R steady Pewof watertramtee hotwaterfau_t(sj tedicates8.full v._:er heate_ ¸, DOnotattemptto _onvedthis water dearerfor usewith a differenttype of gas otbertha_the type _hownon _e ratatg plate.8u_ conversion couldresult inhazardousoperatingconditions, & LEAKTF..STING---he waterhealeranditsgasco_ne_onsmustbe leak ;estedat normalopefatir_ procures beforedisplacedinoperationTurn Usea sce:cywatersoluloq1otestfor leaksatal conneegons andgttings Eubhles fogrgatea gas leak tha_mt_s_be corrected¸The factory connections to the [hermoataf should also be leak tested after the water heaterkl placedinnperagen WARNING] Neveruseopen flameto test for gas leaks,as bedgyinjury, properly damageordeathcould resatk PRESSURETESTINGTHE GAS SUPPLYSYSTEM--The water "_e_r ant gsmanualgasshut-offvalvernus_be dis33nneated Reinthe gassupply#pingsystemduhnganyhighpressuretestingof teatsystem at pressuresine:{cessof_ psi(14"WO.). Thewaterheatermustbe=sol,.ted fromthegaspipingsystemby cal_ing the manua;gas shut-offvalve(Referto Fig. 4}, during any pressure testingof '.hegassupplyp_ng at pressureseuualto orlessth&qg psi [_4"WC.). 7. VENTING--This waterheatermustbe installed _th the tacforgsapplied draffhoodin place (R_ertoFig 4) Ventcunneaters "rustbe attachedto the drag good outet to connectthewater beaterto the gas ventor chimneyTheventconnaelorsmustbe the samesize{diamete')as the insatllationsa lazgeryard connectorsize nay be negded. Cor)stetVent Tables in Appendix "G" of _helatest version of tee N_tenal Fuel Gas CodeJANSIbooklet2223.1 or NFPA bookle154) Installation Honzoota]vent connectorsmustbe pitchedupwaid"_ the e_imneyat from adjacenlunprotectedcomhesthie sudaoes.Jointof vent connectors skeukJ be securelyfastened by sheet metal screws or other approved method¸ CAU'r,o. I Agplicabonof any external insulationto this waterheaterwig require caratulattentionto the following= 90 not applyInsulationto topofwaterheater,asthis willinterfere Failureto installthedrafthoodand properlyventthe waterheaterto the outdoorsas oatlinedabovecan result in unsafeoperationof the water heatercausingbodgyinjury,e:_losion, fda or death.To avoid the risk of fire, expntsidn, or_sghyxlaltonfrom carbonmonoxide,NEVERoperate tWswaterdearerunlessIt Is properlyventedand has an adequateair supplyfor properoperation. Besuretoinspecttheventsystemforproperins_,llalion at inrn_start-up; andat leaotannuallythereaher.Referto Maintenancesc¢,tionof this manual'ormoreintorrl_tionregarding ventsysteminspedians, I_ withthesafeoperation ofthedrafthood. Do not coverburner access panel, thermostaVgasvalve or pressure ned thmpertours regefvalve. DOnot cover Operating instructionsor warninglabels attached to the water heater nor attempt to rerpcatethem on the exterior of the insulidionbl_nkid, WARNING] The manufacturer'swarrantydoes not oover any damage or defect causedby Insteltatten,attaohmeid or useof anytype el energysaving or other unappreved devices(other than those authorizedby the man_facterer}i£te,ontoorin conjuncbonwiththewaterheater.Theuse of ur_uthodzedenergysavingdevicesmayshortenthelife of ida water heaterandmayendangerlifeandproperty.Themanufacturerdisclaims anyresponsibilityforsuchlossorinjuryrestatingfrom theuseof such unauthorizeddavice_ g tecal codes reouireexternal applicationof ins_let;onblanket kits. the inetruotions iqclJd_=d whgthe kit must becarefcl[yfollowed¸ Installation A WaterHeaidrLocation Closeto areac#veal • Do not applyinsulation to bottom or the 2" spacebetweenthe bottom pan of the widerheaterand thefloor, as this area mustbe unobstructedso as nottorestrietcombusttea airltow to theburner. • Do inspectthe insulation blanket frequeidtyto makecertainit has not saggedand isresthcting the combuatlon air to thebottom of the widerheater,asthiscotedresultid anunsafeoperatingcondition, Check List 0 Approvedpipejointcompoundused. [] Soapandwide_solutionusedtocheckallconns4ionsandtir_ags forpass'ate gasleak. _1 Indoorsanc ptntecte_fromfreezingtemperatures [] GasCompanyinspectedin,talisman (ifrecuheaO 0 proper clearancefromcombustiblesurfacesobservedand water heaternot iletalledo_ carpeted_loor D. RedefValve Q Su_ieientltesg _irsupply for p_pe_ opeedionof waterheater. [] Air supplyfree el corrosiveelementsand flammablev_pors. D Provisionsma_eto protectarea fromwater damage¸ [] Temperature andPressureReliefValvepropedyinstalledand dlsekergelinerunta opendrain O Dis_argeiineprotectedl_m lteezing [] Sugiotentroar1te so,ice hssten E. Venting B. WteerSupply Q Fluebaffleproperlyhungintopof BeateOs flue. Q Wabr hestereemptteeJy filed withwtee_ [] Draghoodpro#editinstalled [] Wcterheaterandpipingairvented. [q Waterconne_ionstightard freeof leaks C. GasSupply trap. [] Ventconnector(s} ptcheeupwaidtochimney(_'=perfootof lengthmtsimura). [q Ventconnector(s} securelyfastenedtegethelwithscrews. [] Singlewa!lre'it connecter(s) at east 6"fromcomhusEble matehel. Operation Before operating this water heater, be sure to read and follow the instructions on the label pictured below and aB other labels on the water heater, as well as the warnings printed in this manual. Failure to do so can result in unsafe operation of the water heater resulting in property damage, bodily injury, or death. Should you have any problems reading or following the instructions in this manual, STOP, and get held from a quaBfied person. 1, LIGHTINGPROCEDURE - Lighting proceduresareoutlinedon thelabe!picturedbelow,TCtSlabelis alsolocatedonthewaterbeaternearthethermostat f READBEFOREOPERATING WARN NG: Ifyou do not follow these instructions exactly, afire or explosion may resu t causing property damage, personal n ury or loss of life. I I A. This appliance has a uilot which must be lighted by hand. When lighting the pilot, follow theseinstructions exactly If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call tbe fire depodment g. BEFORB PUTTING THIS APPUANCE INTOSERVlCE Smell all around tl'e appliance area for gas, Be sure to 8moll ne);t_o thegoor beDs.use some g_sis heavier than air and will settle Olqthe Boor. g Use only your hand tolurnthegascontrelknab Never use tools, If the knob will not turn by band, don'i try to repair ih calla qualified service technician. Force or sttempleb repair may result in fire OT6xplosion WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS: • Do not try toJightlhe appliance o DOnottouch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building. o Immediatel, _.lt your g,_esuppher from a netghbor's phone Foiiowthegessupp ersins ruoions D, Do not use this appliance if any part has been under water. Imrn edM.t 81g Pail a qualiEed service technician to inspect the appliance and foreplaceanypar_ollbe control system and any_as valv_ that h_s he_n under water, OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS 1. STOP! READTHE SAFETYINFORMATION ABOVE ONTHIS LABEL. 2. TURN GAS COCK KNOBOLOGKW]SETO "_ "OFF' POSITION. G&SCOOK REDSUTTON INOE× TEMPE_'URE _OB D:AL 7, TURNTHEGAS DOCKKNOBCOUNTERCLOCKWISE _f TO 'PILOT" POSITION. 8. PUSH DOWNON THE "RED BUTTON' UNTIL]T COMES TO REST ON THE TOP OF CONTROL. IT MUSTCLEAR THENOTCHPROVIDEDINTHE "GASCOCKKNOB'. HOLD 'RED BUTTON" DOWNAND LIGHT THE PILOT WiTH A MATCH.CONTINUETO HOLDTHE"REDBUTTON"IN FOR ASOUTONE {1)MINUTE AFTER THE PILOT IS LIT. RELEASE BUTTON AND IT WILL POP BACK UP, PILOT SHOULDREhlA!NLIT.[FITGOESOUT, REPEAT STEPS 2THROUGH B ° IF THE BUTTONDOES NOT POP BACK UP WHEN RE3 TURN TEMPERATURE DIAL SOUNTER CLOCKLEASED, STOPAND IMMEDIATELYCALLYOUR SERWISE TO LOWESTSETTING WOETECSNIGIANORGASSUPPLIER. 4 WAITFIVE (5) MINUTESTO BLEAROUTANY GAS, IF YOU SMELL GAS, STOP! FOLLOW"B"[NTHESAFE' IF THE PILOT WILL NOT STAY LIT AFTER SEVERAL TY INFORMATION ABOVE ON THIS LABEL. IF YOU TRIES, TURN THE "GAS COCK KNOB" TO "OFF' AND DON'T SMELLGAS, GO TO THE NEXTSTEP. CALL YOUR SERVICE TECHNICIAN OR GAS SUPPLIB. REMOVEBOTHTHEINNERDOORANDOUTERDOOR ER. FROMTHE WATER HEATER. 8, FOLLOW THE METAL TUBES FROMGAS CONTROL 9, REPLACEINNER AND OUTERDOORS. THRUDOOROPENINGS.THE PILOT rl_ PILOT IS LOCATED ON THE TH_eMOCOUPLE 3URNER IO. TURN"GASCOCKKNOB"COUNTERCLOCKWISETO _" 'ON' 11.TURN ER). THE TEMPERATURE DIALTOTHE DESIRED gET= TING. L_ TO TURN OFF GAS TO APPLIANCE I TURN TEMPERATURE DIALCOUNTERCLOCKWISE {" TO LOWEST SETTING. B TURN GASCOCKKNOB OLOCKWISE "_ TO "OFF POSITION, J 8 Operation SAFETYPRECAUTIONS A, Do turn oR manual gas shut-off vatee if water heater has been subjected to over heating,fire,flood, physical damageor if gas supplyfallstoshutof. E. Do not tstsw combushhle materials such as rewspaper, rags or mops to 8CeLlmulat6rlear water ha&tar F. If there is any difficulty in understandingor tello_r g the OPERATION B, DONot thinonwaferheaterunlessi'isfiliedwtewater or MAINTENANCEintsruations, it is recomm_ndndthor a qualgiad personor servicemandehe_ the work. C. Do Not turn on water heater if cold water supply sndt_ff valve is closed. O, DO Not store or LISagasoline or oth_r fatmmable vapors and liquids, such _s _dhesives or palal thirlner,in vicinityof this or any other appliance. It _lJchgammables must de u_d, open doors and windo_',sfor VeofllotMn,and eli gas burnteg appliances in vicinity should he shot off, inoatdatg their pilot lights, to avoid vaper_ igniting NOTE: Flammablevaporsmay be drBwnby air currentsfrom surroundin 0 areasto the waterheater. 2 WATERTEMPERA'FJHE SE'n'ING--_e [emperatureo' the wateri£ _hsheate_canhe regulatedbysetsngthe tempe_ur_dialonnd_ of the thermoteat (Referto Fig E.)TO complywithsafetyregulatiorla the _harmosatt wassetat itsIc_,vesl s_ng beforewaterheaterwasshipped Reint_e feciofy.A sat[lagof 12(YF.,or lowerif IoaaJcodasrequire,is recommended as a sta_[iag p_ot. Hydrogengascan be producedtha hot watersystemservedby this water heater thaf has net been used for a long period of time (generally two weeksor more). HYDROGENGASIS EXTREMELY FLAMMABLEP TOdissipate such gasaratto reducerisk of injury,it is recommendedthat the hot water faucet be opened for several minutes at the kitchensink before usingany electrical appbanoe connected to the hotwatersystem.If hydroger1 is present,therewig probablybe an unusualsoundsuchas air escapingthroughthe pipe as the waterbeginstoflow.Do not smokeor usean openflamenear thefaucet atthetime it ]sopen. TIME / TEMPERATURE Ter3perature RELATIONSHIPS IN SCALDS 'Rmeto ProduceEel]ou_Burn 12_ F. 125_F. 11/2to2 nlinul_ 13_' F. k_ut 30 seconds 135_ F f_ut 140_ F. _ss _arl 5 so.riot 1_ Less_]an 3 seconds F. 10$e=,or_s 15C_ F. A_out 1V2sec_nd_ 155_ F, ,_bout1second T_l_eco,_e_telShdr_r_B_ Ir=lilUte Thereisa HotWaterSCALDPoteotiMifthethermostatissettoo high, NOTE: Householdswith small ch]ldre_ or invMfas may require a 120_F.or lower thermostatsettingto preventcontact with "HOT" water. Figure E -- Thermostatic Gas Valve. The wide rethrencemark near "Warm"on dm of temperaturedial, repr_serltean approximate watertemperatureM 120°F.The longwide referencemark tothe left,representsan _pproxmatewatertempe_ure Mf 30°F.Eachreferencemarkaboveorbelowthesepeinteindicatesan approximate changeof1O°F. Safetyand energyconservabonare factors to he consideredwhen seleatingthewrk.ertemperatere settingofwaterheater'sthermoslal.The lowerths setting the greaterthe sMMy and s_tsgs in energy and oper_nhCOM. Maxmum watertemperatures occurjust aherburnerhas shatoff. To findhat watertemperaturebeingdeqvered, furn ona hot waferfaucet and place a thermometsrin the hot water stream and read the thermometer M[xJrlgvanes for reducingpein of use water Lemperature by mixing hot and cold water it1branch water li'=esare available.Contact a licensed 3. ADJUSTMENTS--There are no ussr adiuatmeats(otherthanwater temperatureselec:ion)requiredon _is waterheater.The thermostatic valveis equippedte_totalregulationof Ihe mainburnera_dpilot gas pressures. Theburnerdoesnot ,equdeadjustment Operation HIGHALTITUDE-- Ratings of gas app[iances are based on sea feve[operation and need nat be changed for installations at aleradons upto 2,000 feet, For inatalfetfens above 2,000 feat, the foput must be reduced per the National rue! Gas Code tar each 1,OOO feetabove sea level Contaofthelocal gas supgriertar more information. NOTE:Referto HydrogenGasCaution,in SafetyPrecautions _stion onpageg. Af,er a ver_long shot-downgodod,the waterheaters operationand controls shouldhe checkedbyqualifiedserv_ personnelMakecehoin the waterhetherisf,lledbeforeagainpiaclngit inpperaken. , OR.IN,NG W T,,RE TE,-- 4, SAFETY CONTROLS-- The thermostatis constructedwitha built in sotaty_utoff devise designedto shut offthe g_s supplyto the eqmer in the went the pilotflame is extinguishedfor _ reason.The thermoatatis alsoequippedwithsingle use gasshuPoffeevi;e tact.will shut oil the gas supply to the aumer. It the water in the water heuter exceeds normal oga_fog temperatures.Refer Io the Troubleshooting Eeerionof this m_nual,or conatatyourhealeric¢s_ice r.,_CAUTION] Shutoff gasat thermostat gas cockorsupplyline manualshut-offvalve beforedrainingwaterfrom thewaterheater. In o'horto drainwater,turnelf coldwatersupply,Iheait [snecessaryto opena hotwaterfaucetor I_ theltaeqleOntherelief_Ive to admitagto thetank.Attacha gardenhosetothedrain_lve onthe waterheaterand direct thestreamofwafertoa dr_ whereif willdonohomage. 5. EMERGENCY SRUTDOWN-- I,t WARNINGI Shouldoverheatingoccur or thegassupplytailto shutoff,turnoff the manualgasconatal valvetothe appliance, It wuterheaterhasbeensubj_led to lira,fbod, or pays!sotdamageturn the manualgascentral(shoboff)valve,anddo not operatethe water henforagainunNIth_s_n checkedby qua_lteq personnel¸ Thewaterdrainedffomthe t_nk maybehotenoughto presenta SCALD HAZERI) and shouldbedgeofedto a auhobJe drainto preventinjuryor damage, NOTE:Replaceany part of t_e gascontrolsystemwhichhasbeen underwater, 9 ANODE-- Tltis waterheater is equippedwig]an ar_rbe roddesignedut prolong the liM of the glass _neqatnh. Refer to Rg 4 for I_toatn. ]he 6. CONDENSATION-Condalsaltoncan formon tltetankwhenit is first filledwith coldwater¸The condensation mightalsooccurwith8,heavy wot_ drawandvery.coldinfetwofenDropsofwatertailingon the burner canpm_ucea _zz!atgor pingingsound,andwaferm_ also be seen beneaththewaterhea_ Thisconditionisnot unusual,andwill disappear _er the waterin foe w_er hButerbecomesheated¸fi, however,the conQltaln is continuous, examine_e pipingandltt_ppsforpossibleleaks¸ anode rod is slowly consumed ¢athoriically, thereby e[iminadng or minimizingcorrosiono_the glass linedatn_ Watersometimescontainsa high sufiate and/or mineral content and together with the cathoffio protectionprocesscanproltu_ea hydrogensulfide or rottenegg odor in the heated _at_ Chlorinationof the water s_pply _haaidminimizethe problem. NOTE: Do not removethe anode-rodfrom the water heater's tank, exceptfor insgaclfenand/orreplacement, as permanentremovar wgl 7, VACATIONANDLONGTIMESHUT-DOWN--If thewaterbeateris to rennin idleforan exthndedpokedof time,the gassdeuMbelurnsdoffto co.errs energy._e waterheatere_l pipingshouldbe d_hke il they migh!bes_bjeated tof_ezingatmparatures. shortenthe life of the glass lined tank and effect the water heater warrant, Maintenance Propeqymaintained,yourwater heate_wilt gro_de y_aI_of hopendabJe troublefree so,vice. It is suggestedthai a regular routinem_'stenance program_ established andfalbweqby the user.it is fudhertecommenderi that a periodicinppeotfonof thetherrnoatat, burner,reliefva]vthinternal fiuewayandventingsltstemshouJdbe madebyse,_ce personnelqualrled in gaseqpli_c_ r_ir. Replace any corroded through vent connector and remove any obstrucltoninvent _nneat or el chimney¸ B. Wsusallyinpp_olthe homerannuallywhiJefiringandpilotburnerkeme with mainhomeroff (Referto Figure6 Mrnormalfalr_ gadem.)fi any unusualburnerppelahonis rated the waterhoafershouldde shut off unltlqualified_ervicaas_istan(>s c_nbeobtained. 1. ROUTINEPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE For cleaning, remove the burner from the water he_.teL A vacuum cieaner can be u_eq on the eqmer and floor shield irlalde the water A. Thewaterhoaatr'£imernalfluemustbe Isapeateq annuallyto be certain i1is dean by removingthe dra_hood andflue b_e, (Refer_oFig,1.) Whenreisstalthgthe flue b_le makesedan it Is hungsecurelyby hangerat thetog oftheltu_way. Removeanyscalethatmayhavefallen onthe eqmerorltoorshield.Re_ot_lthedrafthood¸Inspect11as venfing systemto makecertainvent connectorfrom drafthoodto chimneyis property positioned and securely attached and inspect chimney. heaten_e burnercan Nso becatanedby scrubbingwdlt milddetergent C. The area near the water heater must be kept free of ltammable ligaJds such as gasaline or paint thinners,adhesives and ofh_r combustible nioteriais. 10 Operation The water releasedshouldbe directedto a suiMble drainto prevent iniuryordamage. NOTE:If the temperature andpressurereliefvalveon thewaterheater dischargesperiodJcatly, this may be due to thermalexpansionin a "Closed" watersystem.Contactthe watersuppkeror your plumbing contractoron howto correctthis.DONOTplug therelief valveoutlet. A waterheaters tank car acl as a satfliag basinfor solids suspendedin the water I1is, therefore, n_ uncommon tar hard wate_ deposlte to accumstalein _hebodemof the tank. DepositsshoLfldnat _e allowed to accumulate as this can affect the sen4ce Iith el the water heater. It is suggestedthat a few qLartsof water be drainedfrom the water heaters tank every raonta If sufficient hard water deposits accumulate, a rumblingor poundingsoundcanoccur.There is no danger invalvedand Figure IA 6. -- Main Burner and Pilot Flame Pattern the e_ciency of [he water healer is not sehauslyaffected,but the nose can be annoying Your plumbngcanister shouldbe contestedto clean CAUTION the tankof thesedeagsite. Foryoursafety,cleaningof mainburner shouldbegedotmedONLYby qualifiedservicepersonnel,as it thvolvesdisconnection of gas piping andleaktesting. Ragd closingof faucetsor solenoidvalves in automaticwater using appliancescar_cause a pounding"water hammer' sound, rggater hammek'can be describedas a bangingnoise heardin a water pipe followingan abruptaherationof the fbw withresultingpressuresurges Sfrategicallylocated risersin the water pipe systemcan be used to minimizethe problem.Alsowaterhammerarteslingdevicesareusually availablefromy_r #umberor [o_l olumbingsupplystore. g. Foradequatecombustion(properburneroperahon)andventilation,make certaintheflowel airtothewaterheateris notobstructed. E At leastoncea year,liftandreleasethe leverhandleon the temperature ceffain the valve operates freely and allow _evsrat gallons to flush throughdischargeline¸ Make certainthe dischargedwater is directedto an eden drain, ANODE ROD INSPECTION--The anodemd shouEd be mmevadfrom the ,_aterheater'stankannuallyfor inspacSon and[agtecedwhenmore th_ng"atcorewde"sexposedateitherendofther_d Raterto Fig.4 for anod_rod location,Makecertaincoldwatersupplyis tamedoffbefore r_mcviag anoderod. Beforemanuallyoperatingthereliefvalve,makecertainno oneagl[ be exposedtothedangerof comingin contactwit_ thehotwater released bythis valve.Thewatermaybe hot enoughto createa SCALDhazard. How to Obtain Service Assistance 1 Shouldyouhaveany questionsaboutyour newwaterheater,or if it Whencontactingthe manatacatrer, tae follo,,Hag informadonshouldbe madeavailable: requiresadjustmentrepair,or routinem_gntenance, b is suggestedthz,t you ti_ contactyour inthatke,plumbingco_r'_storor previouslyagreed upon service agency in the event thai the iirm 3_,smoved, or is Modeland sehal numbersof the water heat£r as shown on the ,atng unavailable,reiertothe telephoneoge_#rycommerciallistin_ or local plateattachedto thejac_ of the heater. 2. Addresswherewaterheateris locatedand can be seen. 3. Nameand address of installerand ely se_ee agency whoperformed sent_,eon thewateTheater. 4. Dateof originalinsitelat]onand datesany service_.orkwas _erferrned 2. Shau[dyour crab]sinnot bs solvedto yourcompletesatistastion,you 5. De[ail_of the prool_mas you can bestdeschbethem¸ 6. List of people, with dates, who have been contacted regarding your officeclosestto your location as lated below or tha National Se"ede problem¸ Departmental 1-800432-8373 26eOGunterParkDnve k_ontgomery.AL36109 1_341279_93e 5887GlerlridgeRaac, Suile_O Atlerla, GA 30328 14041256_586 6800Sou[hBeltOi_eDdve 8ed_)rdFark, lLe0638 1708}594-41co 11 1180-113thSt. GrandPr_irie,TX75050 1214)660-32_3 11HartsL,_ne-SuiteC 14,300AIondraE_vd EastBIunswick, NJ08816 LaMiradB, CAe063_ (908)238-3636 171at523-7029 Replacement Parts List instructionsforp[acinga PartsOrder; 30, 40 & 50 Gallon Models Natural or LP Gas Addresspartsordersto thedistribut_orstorefromwherethe heaterwaspurchased Allp_,_ orders s_ouldinclude: 1. MoodnumberandSenalnumberd beater(fromratingplale). 2. Specil_, typeofgas(NAl_ralorLP)as listerlon r&tingplata. 3 PartDescripti_(asnotedb_Jovtlandrlumberofpar_desired. R_. I,$ _. No. Part Description Req'd 1. Thermostat 1 2. Pilot Supply Tube 1 3. Thermocouple 1 4, 5. Bumer Supply Tube Burner Odfice 1 1 6. Burner 1 7. Pilot Burner 1 8. Dra[t_Valve Shroud 1 9. Drain Valve 1 10. Jacket Door 1 11. Inner Door 1 12. Rue Baffle 1 12A Flue Baffle Hanger 1 13. Anode Rod 1 14. Dmff Hood 1 15. Dip Tube 16. 17. Dip Tube Gasket T&P Relief Valve [A cAur,o.7 Foryoursafety,DONOTattemptrepairof gasplptag,thermostat,burners,vent¢o_nectos o othersafetydevices,Refer_ep_Js to qualifi_ service personnel, 12 Trouble Shooting Guide NATURE OF TROUBLE Unaoe to tigte pilot POSSIBLE CAUSE SERVICE 1. Gas knobdial not correctly positioned 2. Pilot orificeclogged 3. Pilot tubo pinchedor clogged 4. Air in gas ;ine Follow lighting instructions *' Clean or replace *" Clean, repair or replace "' Purgeair from gas line Pilot does not stay lit 1. LooseThermoeouple when red button is released 2, ThermooouplePreakdown 3 Safety magnetbreakdown 4, Thermostats single use gas shut-off device has opened ** *{ *' ** Not enoughhot water 1 Heaterundersized 2 Lowgas pressure Reducerate of hot water usage '* Checkgas supply pressureand manifaldpressure 1 Thermostatsettingtc_ high or low 2, Thermostatoutof calibration 3. High w&tettemperaturefollowed by pilot outage I. Scale on top of burner 2. Combustionair inletsor flueway restricted 3. Not enoughcombustionor venglagon air suppliedto the room Changesetting as required ** Replace ** Thermostat out of calibration,replace Water toe hot or not ; hot enough Yetiowflame Sooting Tightenconnectionat thermostat Replace Replacethermostat Replacethermostat Shotoff heater and removescale Removelint or debris andin_pect air inJteopening for restriction Referto Sac. E in introduction sec_onof this manual I 1. Scaleor sedimentin tank Clean tank - See Maintenance,Sac 1F CAUTION] *' For your safety, DO NOT attempt repair of thermostat, burners or gas piping, Refer repairs to qualiffett service personneb NOTES Model No. Serial No. Date of InstatiatJon 13 Installed By:-- Supplemental Instructions for Gas Water Heaters Installed in Potable/ Space Heating Applications The Installation Instructions in this Use & Care Manual should be fo[Iowed in add tion to the to owing Supplemental Instructions for the special application. NOTE- LocaIDodeaor Plumbing AuthorityrequHement$ may wry fro_ the irlstruclioas ordiagrams pro. vided on this sheet, and take precedent aver these in. strucNo_s. Meter to L.oca[Codes, Plumbing Authority end gse & DaTeDan ua!_upplieb with water heater be. fete starting any InslelIagon work. Gas WaLerHe, hr. MeierIOInstall_on Sectionb Ibis maaLelI_: details regardin£iteproper end asf_ inSlalla_on Figure 1, - Typical Piping Diagram for Combination Potable / Space Heating ]nstallatlon. _ HotWaterSupplytoHouse _ao Fdti3gmusLbe insured 8S Sho','mTNS insuresIhal any ar in the*waterIres wl!l be pur;ed through the domsstlc ware; _3B_S{_a_d _oweF3 _ VERTICAL FromHOToutlet Onv_tSF_eSt_r HOTWATER SUPPLY LIN_8 HotWater _u_ly From HOToMb_ f3 House On W_l_r WARN'NG I When this System requireswater for space heating at elevatedtemperatures{above 125_ F), a m x ng or empe mgva vernus be ms ailed m he hot wate supply Ine to the house n o de to reducethe SCALDHAZARDpotential. WARN,NGI If this water heateris insta]led in an application intended to supply domestic hot water needs and hot waterfor spaceheatmg pu poses,DONOTconnoct theheaterto anexistingHsatin g Unit or cornponentsof a heaing systemthat havepreviouslybeen usedw=tha non potable rater system. Toxicchemicalssue_ as thoseuse_ orbo_er tea men may bop esenta_dwlllcontaml. nae he ]_oabe wa er supplycausmgpossiblehealth "sks. h_lgr Ifthiswater heaterisiastalledinan application intended to supply domestic hot water needs and hotwater for spaceheating purposes,NEVERintroducetoxicchemicals,suchas thoseused fo_ bo_lertreatment,into this system. TeeF _i8 mgm the tab da CAUTION I _h w i_sme_ that ar6, aJ{ i3 the water Imes Anyplpingo ¢omponensusebm heins alia onofthswate heats na;omb'natlonpotahle and space hea mg app ca 'on MUSTbe su tablefo use w th potable v ater. laL_31_and show9l$. HORIZONTAL HOTWATER SUPPLY LJN_$ 14
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