Ricoh PRSP201NW1 Printer User Manual BBP PRSP201NW1

Ricoh Company Ltd Printer BBP PRSP201NW1


BBP-PRSP201NW1_User Manual

TABLE OF CONTENTSHow to Read This Manual.................................................................................................................................7Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................7Legal Prohibition.............................................................................................................................................7Disclaimer........................................................................................................................................................7About IP Address............................................................................................................................................8Differences in Performance/Functions between Different Models.............................................................8Differences in Performance/Functions between Different Models.............................................................8Model-Specific Information.............................................................................................................................10Important Safety Instructions   (alt="Region A icon" title="")......................................................11User Information on Electrical & Electronic Equipment.............................................................................11Environmental Advice for Users..................................................................................................................12Note for the Battery and/or Accumulator Symbol (For EU countries only)............................................13Notes to Users of Facsimile Unit.................................................................................................................13NOTICE TO USERS (NEW ZEALAND).....................................................................................................13Important Safety Instructions   (alt="Region B icon" title="")......................................................15Notes to Users in the State of California....................................................................................................15ENERGY STAR Program..................................................................................................................................161. Guide to the MachineGuide to Components......................................................................................................................................19Exterior..........................................................................................................................................................19Exterior..........................................................................................................................................................21Exterior..........................................................................................................................................................22Interior...........................................................................................................................................................23Control Panel................................................................................................................................................24Control Panel................................................................................................................................................25Initial Setup.......................................................................................................................................................28What is Smart Organizing Monitor?..............................................................................................................29Configuring Network Settings.........................................................................................................................30Switch the LAN Type...................................................................................................................................30Configuring the IP Address Settings Using the Control Panel...................................................................30Configuring the Wireless LAN Settings Using the Control Panel.............................................................33Configuring Network Settings.........................................................................................................................39Switch the LAN Type...................................................................................................................................391Draft 2013/03/07
Configuring the IP Address Settings Using the Web Image Monitor.......................................................39Configuring the Wireless LAN Settings......................................................................................................402. Loading PaperSupported Paper..............................................................................................................................................45Non-Recommended Paper Types...................................................................................................................47Print Area..........................................................................................................................................................48Loading Paper..................................................................................................................................................51Loading Paper into Tray 1...........................................................................................................................51Loading Paper into Bypass Tray.................................................................................................................55Specifying Paper Type and Paper Size Using Control Panel...................................................................56Specifying Paper Type and Paper Size Using Smart Organizing Monitor.............................................58Placing Originals..............................................................................................................................................60About Originals............................................................................................................................................60Placing Originals on the Exposure Glass...................................................................................................62Placing Originals in the Auto Document Feeder.......................................................................................633. Printing DocumentsBasic Operation...............................................................................................................................................65Printing on Both Sides of Sheets..................................................................................................................66Canceling a Print Job...................................................................................................................................67If a Paper Mismatch Occurs............................................................................................................................69Continuing Printing Using Mismatched Paper...........................................................................................69Continuing Printing Using Mismatched Paper...........................................................................................69Continuing Printing Using Mismatched Paper...........................................................................................70Resetting the Print Job..................................................................................................................................70Resetting the Print Job..................................................................................................................................71Resetting the Print Job..................................................................................................................................714. Copying OriginalsCopier Mode Screen.......................................................................................................................................73Basic Operation...............................................................................................................................................74Canceling a Copy.......................................................................................................................................75Basic Operation...............................................................................................................................................76Canceling a Copy.......................................................................................................................................77Making Enlarged or Reduced Copies............................................................................................................782Draft 2013/03/07
Specifying Reduce/Enlarge.......................................................................................................................79Specifying Reduce/Enlarge.......................................................................................................................79Combining Multiple Pages..............................................................................................................................81Specifying Combine for Copying...............................................................................................................82Copying Both Sides of an ID Card onto One Side of Paper........................................................................84Copying an ID Card....................................................................................................................................84Copying an ID Card....................................................................................................................................87Making 2-sided Copies...................................................................................................................................89Specifying 2 Sided Copying.......................................................................................................................90Specifying the Scan Settings...........................................................................................................................92Adjusting Image Density..............................................................................................................................92Adjusting Image Density..............................................................................................................................92Selecting the Document Type According to Original...............................................................................935. Scanning OriginalsScanner Mode Screen.....................................................................................................................................95Registering the Scan Destination.....................................................................................................................96Registering the Scan Destination................................................................................................................96Basic Operation...............................................................................................................................................99Scan to E-mail/FTP/Folder.........................................................................................................................99Basic Operation for Scan to USB.............................................................................................................100Specifying the Scan Settings.........................................................................................................................101Specifying the Scanning Size According to the Size of the Original....................................................101Adjusting Image Density...........................................................................................................................101Specifying Resolution................................................................................................................................102Scanning from a Computer...........................................................................................................................104Using TWAIN scanner..............................................................................................................................104TWAIN Scanning......................................................................................................................................104Basic Operation for WIA Scanning.........................................................................................................1066. Sending and Receiving a FaxFax Mode Screen..........................................................................................................................................107Setting the Date and Time.............................................................................................................................108Entering Characters.......................................................................................................................................109Registering Fax Destinations.........................................................................................................................1103Draft 2013/03/07
Registering Fax Destinations.....................................................................................................................110Modifying or Deleting Fax Destinations..................................................................................................111Configuring Fax Destinations Using Smart Organizing Monitor...........................................................111Sending a Fax................................................................................................................................................113Selecting Transmission Mode...................................................................................................................113Basic Operation for Sending a Fax.........................................................................................................114Specifying the Fax Destination.................................................................................................................116Useful Sending Functions..........................................................................................................................120Specifying the Scan Settings.....................................................................................................................122Using the Fax Function from a Computer (PC FAX)....................................................................................124Basic Operation for Sending Faxes from a Computer...........................................................................124Configuring Transmission Settings............................................................................................................125Configuring the PC FAX Address Book....................................................................................................126Editing a Fax Cover Sheet........................................................................................................................127Receiving a Fax..............................................................................................................................................128Selecting Reception Mode.......................................................................................................................128Lists/Reports Related to Fax.........................................................................................................................1317. Configuring the Machine Using the Control PanelBasic Operation.............................................................................................................................................133Copier Features Settings...............................................................................................................................134Fax Features Settings.....................................................................................................................................137Scanner Features Settings.............................................................................................................................143Address Book Settings...................................................................................................................................146System Settings...............................................................................................................................................147Printing Lists/Reports.....................................................................................................................................153Printing the Configuration Page................................................................................................................153Types of Report..........................................................................................................................................153Printer Features Settings.................................................................................................................................155Network Settings............................................................................................................................................1568. Configuring the Machine Using UtilitiesUsing Web Image Monitor...........................................................................................................................161Displaying Top Page.................................................................................................................................161Changing the Interface Language...........................................................................................................1624Draft 2013/03/07
Menu..........................................................................................................................................................162Changing the Machine Settings...............................................................................................................164Settings List.................................................................................................................................................165Using Web Image Monitor...........................................................................................................................174Displaying Top Page.................................................................................................................................174Changing the Interface Language...........................................................................................................176Menu..........................................................................................................................................................176Changing the Machine Settings...............................................................................................................178Settings List.................................................................................................................................................178Using Smart Organizing Monitor.................................................................................................................187Checking the Status Information...............................................................................................................187Checking the Status Information...............................................................................................................188Checking the Status Information...............................................................................................................189Checking the Status Information...............................................................................................................190Checking the Status Information...............................................................................................................191Configuring the Machine Settings............................................................................................................192Printing the Configuration Page................................................................................................................193Updating the Firmware.............................................................................................................................1949. Maintaining the MachineReplacing the Print Cartridge........................................................................................................................195Cautions When Cleaning..............................................................................................................................197Cleaning the Inside of the Machine.............................................................................................................198Cleaning the Exposure Glass........................................................................................................................200Cleaning the Auto Document Feeder...........................................................................................................20110. TroubleshootingCommon Problems.........................................................................................................................................203Paper Feed Problems.....................................................................................................................................204Removing Printing Jams.............................................................................................................................205Removing Scanning Jams.........................................................................................................................210Print Quality Problems...................................................................................................................................212Checking the Condition of the Machine..................................................................................................212Printer Problems.............................................................................................................................................213Print Positions Do Not Match Display Positions......................................................................................2145Draft 2013/03/07
Copier Problems............................................................................................................................................215Scanner Problems..........................................................................................................................................216Fax Problems..................................................................................................................................................217Error and Status Indicate on the Control Panel...........................................................................................220Messages on the Screen...........................................................................................................................220Codes on the Screen.................................................................................................................................226Error and Status Messages Appear on the Smart Organizing Monitor...................................................228Error and Status Messages Appear in the PC FAX Window......................................................................23011. AppendixNotes About the Toner..................................................................................................................................231Moving and Transporting the Machine.......................................................................................................232Disposal......................................................................................................................................................232Where to Inquire.......................................................................................................................................232Consumables..................................................................................................................................................233Print Cartridge............................................................................................................................................233Specifications of the Machine......................................................................................................................234General Function Specifications..............................................................................................................234Printer Function Specifications..................................................................................................................236Copier Function Specifications.................................................................................................................237Scanner Function Specifications...............................................................................................................238Fax Function Specifications......................................................................................................................239Trademarks.....................................................................................................................................................240INDEX...........................................................................................................................................................2436Draft 2013/03/07
How to Read This ManualIntroductionThis manual contains detailed instructions and notes on the operation and use of this machine. For yoursafety and benefit, read this manual carefully before using the machine. Keep this manual in a handyplace for quick reference.Legal ProhibitionDo not copy or print any item for which reproduction is prohibited by law.Copying or printing the following items is generally prohibited by local law:bank notes, revenue stamps, bonds, stock certificates, bank drafts, checks, passports, driver's licenses.The preceding list is meant as a guide only and is not inclusive. We assume no responsibility for itscompleteness or accuracy. If you have any questions concerning the legality of copying or printingcertain items, consult with your legal advisor.DisclaimerContents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, in no event will the manufacturer be liable for anydamages whatsoever arising out of failures of this machine, losses of the registered data, or the use ornon-use of this product and operation manuals provided with it.Make sure that you always copy or have backups of the data registered in this machine. Documents ordata might be erased due to your operational errors or malfunctions of the machine.In no event will the manufacturer be responsible for any documents created by you using this machine orany results from the data executed by you.For good output quality, the manufacturer recommends that you use genuine toner from themanufacturer.The manufacturer shall not be responsible for any damage or expense that might result from the use ofparts other than genuine parts from the manufacturer with your office products.Two kinds of size notation are employed in this manual.Some illustrations or explanations in this guide may differ from your product due to improvement orchange in the product.opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104806_eng.xml 7Draft 2013/03/07
FiO,PAbout IP AddressIn this manual, "IP address" covers both IPv4 and IPv6 environments. Read the instructions that arerelevant to the environment you are using.FiODifferences in Performance/Functions between Different ModelsThe differences in main performance/functions between different models are as follows:Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4Model SP 203SFSP 204SFSP 203SFNSP 204SFNSP 202SNSP 204SNSP 203SFNwSP 204SFNwFax Available(Standard)Available(Standard)Not Available Available(Standard)Ethernet Port (Network) Not Available Available(Standard)Available(Standard)Available(Standard)Scanner Functions AccessibleUsing the Control Panel andSmart Organizing MonitorNot Available Available Available AvailableScan to E-mail/FTP/Folder/USB Not Available Available Available AvailableWeb Image Monitor Not Available Available Available AvailableWireless LAN Not Available Not Available Not Available AvailablePDifferences in Performance/Functions between Different ModelsThe differences in main performance/functions between different models are as follows:Type 1 Type 2 Type 3Model SP 200 SP 200N SP 200NwEthernet Port (Network) Not Available Available(Standard)Available(Standard)Web Image Monitor Not Available Available Available8opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104806_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3(Standard)Wireless LAN Not Available Not Available AvailableType 1 Type 2Model SP 201N SP 201NwWireless LAN Not Available Availableopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104806_eng.xml 9Draft 2013/03/07
Model-Specific InformationThis section explains how you can identify the region your machine belongs to.There is a label on the rear of the machine, located in the position shown below. The label containsdetails that identify the region your machine belongs to. Read the label.ctt110.pdf (alt="Machine rear view illustration" title="")CTT110The following information is region-specific. Read the information under the symbol that corresponds tothe region of your machine. (alt="region-a" title="") (mainly Europe and Asia)If the label contains the following, your machine is a region A model:• CODE XXXX -27• 220-240V (alt="region-b" title="") (mainly North America)If the label contains the following, your machine is a region B model:• CODE XXXX -17• 120V• Dimensions in this manual are given in two units of measure: metric and inch. If your machine is aRegion A model, refer to the metric units. If your machine is a Region B model, refer to the inchunits.10 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104807_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Important Safety Instructions (alt="Region A icon" title="")User Information on Electrical & Electronic EquipmentUsers in the countries where this symbol shown in this section has been specified innational law on collection and treatment of E-wasteOur Products contain high quality components and are designed to facilitate recycling.Our products or product packaging are marked with the symbol below.weee01.pdf (alt="image" title="")The symbol indicates that the product must not be treated as municipal waste. It must be disposed ofseparately via the appropriate return and collection systems available. By following these instructionsyou ensure that this product is treated correctly and help to reduce potential impacts on the environmentand human health, which could otherwise result from inappropriate handling. Recycling of productshelps to conserve natural resources and protect the environment.For more detailed information on collection and recycling systems for this product, please contact theshop where you purchased it, your local dealer or sales/service representatives.All Other UsersIf you wish to discard this product, please contact your local authorities, the shop where you bought thisproduct, your local dealer or sales/service representatives.For Users in IndiaThis product complies with the "India E-waste Rule 2011" and prohibits use of lead, mercury,hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls or polybrominated diphenyl ethers in concentrationsexceeding 0.1 weight % and 0.01 weight % for cadmium, except for the exemptions set in Schedule 2of the Rule.opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104808_eng.xml 11Draft 2013/03/07
Environmental Advice for UsersUsers in the EU, Switzerland and NorwayConsumables yieldPlease refer to either the User’s Manual for this information or the packaging of the consumable.Recycled paperThe machine can use recycled paper which is produced in accordance with European standardEN 12281:2002 or DIN 19309. For products using EP printing technology, the machine can printon 64g/m2 paper, which contains less raw materials and represents a significant resourcereduction.Duplex printing (if applicable)Duplex printing enables both sides of a sheet of paper to be used. This saves paper and reducesthe size of printed documents so that fewer sheets are used. We recommend that this feature isenabled whenever you print.Toner and ink cartridge return programToner and ink cartridge for recycling will be accepted free of charge from users in accordance withlocal regulations.For details about the return program, please refer to the Web page below or consult your serviceperson. efficiencyThe amount of electricity a machine consumes depends as much on its specifications as it does onthe way you use it. The machine is designed to allow you to reduce electricity costs by switching toReady mode after it prints the last page. If required, it can immediately print again from this mode.If no additional prints are required and a specified period of time passes, the device switches to anenergy saving mode.In these modes, the machine consumes less power (watts). If the machine is to print again, it needsa little longer to return from an energy saving mode than from Ready mode.For maximum energy savings, we recommend that the default setting for power management isused.Products that comply with the Energy Star requirement are always energy efficient.12 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104808_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Note for the Battery and/or Accumulator Symbol (For EU countries only)battery.pdf (alt="image" title="")In accordance with the Battery Directive 2006/66/EC Article 20 Information for end-users Annex II,the above symbol is printed on batteries and accumulators.This symbol means that in the European Union, used batteries and accumulators should be disposed ofseparately from your household waste.In the EU, there are separate collection systems for not only used electrical and electronic products butalso batteries and accumulators.Please dispose of them correctly at your local community waste collection/recycling centre.FiONotes to Users of Facsimile Unitm010.pdf (alt="label" title="")Declaration of ConformityNotice to Users in EEA CountriesThis product complies with the essential requirements and provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC ofthe European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment andtelecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity.Notice to Users Accessing Analog PSTN in EEA CountriesThis product is designed to be able to access analog PSTN in all EEA countries. Local PSTNcompatibility is dependent on software switch settings. Please contact your service representative ifrelocating this product to another country. In the event of problems, please contact your servicerepresentative in the first instance.The CE Declaration of Conformity is available by accessing the URL: and selecting the product applicable.FiONOTICE TO USERS (NEW ZEALAND)• The grant of a Telepermit for any item of terminal equipment indicates only that Telecom hasaccepted that the item complies with minimum conditions for connection to its network. It indicatesno endorsement of the product by Telecom, nor does it provide any sort of warranty. Above all, itprovides no assurance that any item will work correctly in all respects with another item ofopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104808_eng.xml 13Draft 2013/03/07
Telepermitted equipment of a different make or model, nor does it imply that any product iscompatible with all of Telecom's network services.• This equipment is not capable, under all operating conditions, of correct operation at the higherspeeds for which it is designed. Telecom will accept no responsibility should difficulties arise in suchcircumstances.• Devices connected to the telephone port may lose their memory if this fax machine is on line forextended periods. To prevent this, such devices should have the facility for battery or similarbackup of memory.• This device may be subject to ringing or bell tinkle when certain other devices are connected to thesame line. If this occurs, the problem should not be referred to the Telecom Faults Service.• This equipment should not be used under any circumstances that may constitute a nuisance to otherTelecom customers.• Telepermitted equipment only may be connected to the auxiliary telephone port. The auxiliarytelephone port is not specifically designed for 3-wire connected equipment that may not respond toincoming ringing when attached to this port.14 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104808_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Important Safety Instructions (alt="Region B icon" title="")Notes to Users in the State of CaliforniaPerchlorate Material - special handling may apply. See: 15Draft 2013/03/07
ENERGY STAR ProgramENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for Imaging Equipmentenestar-black.pdf (alt="label" title="")The ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for Imaging Equipment encourage energy conservationby promoting energy efficient computers and other office equipment.The program backs the development and dissemination of products that feature energy savingfunctions.It is an open program in which manufacturers participate voluntarily.Targeted products are computers, monitors, printers, facsimiles, copiers, scanners, and multifunctiondevices. Energy Star standards and logos are internationally uniform.This machine is equipped with the following Energy Saver modes: Energy Saver mode 1 and EnergySaver mode 2. The machine recovers from Energy Saver mode when it receives a print job, prints areceived fax, or when any key is pressed.Energy Saver mode 1This machine automatically enters Energy Saver mode 1 about 30 seconds after the last operationis completed.Energy Saver mode 2This machine automatically enters Energy Saver mode 2 1 minute after the last operation iscompleted.SpecificationsEnergy Saver mode 1 Power Consumption*1MF40 W or lessP36.6 W or lessDefault Interval 30 secondsRecovery Time*1 10 seconds or less16 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104810_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Energy Saver mode 2 Power Consumption*1MF3.9 W or lessP3.1 W or lessDefault Interval 1 minuteRecovery Time*1 17 seconds or less*1 Recovery time and power consumption may differ depending on the conditions and environment of themachine.opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104810_eng.xml 17Draft 2013/03/07
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1. Guide to the MachineGuide to ComponentsThis section introduces the names of the various parts on the front and rear side of the machine andoutlines their functions.FiOExterior• Type 1 models do not come with an Ethernet port and USB Flash Disk Port.• Type 3 models do not come with Line and TEL Port.ctt111.pdf (alt="Exterior illustration numbered callout illustration" title="")CTT11128163745910111413121615171. Exposure GlassPlace originals here sheet by sheet.2. Control PanelContains a screen and keys for machine control.3. Front CoverOpen this cover to replace consumables or clear a paper jam.opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104812_eng.xml 19Draft 2013/03/07
4. Stop FencesRaise this fence to prevent paper from falling off.5. Bypass TrayThis tray can hold one sheet of plain paper.6. Tray 1This tray can hold up to 150 sheets of plain paper.7. USB Flash Disk PortInsert a USB flash disk to store scanned files using the Scan to USB function.8. Power SwitchUse this switch to turn the power on or off.9. Power ConnectorConnect the power cord to the machine here. Insert the other end of the cable into a nearby wall outlet.10. Auto Document Feeder (Exposure Glass Cover)The ADF is integrated with the exposure glass cover. Open this cover to place documents on the exposureglass.11. Input Tray for the ADFPlace stacks of originals here. They will feed in automatically. This tray can hold up to 15 sheets of plainpaper.12. ADF CoverOpen this cover to remove originals jammed in the ADF.13. Rear CoverOpen this cover to deliver sheets face up or remove jammed paper.14. Line and TEL Port• Upper port: Port for external telephone connection.• Lower port: G3 (analog) line Interface port for telephone line connection.15. USB PortUse this port to connect the machine to a computer using a USB cable.16. Ethernet PortUse this port to connect the machine to network using an Ethernet cable.17. Tray CoverAttach this cover when you extend the tray.1. Guide to the Machine20 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104812_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
TiOExteriorctt069.pdf (alt="Exterior illustration numbered callout illustration" title="")129451036 87 CTT06911121. Exposure GlassPlace originals here sheet by sheet.2. Control PanelContains a screen and keys for machine control.3. Exposure Glass CoverOpen this cover to place originals on the exposure glass.4. Stop FencesRaise this fence to prevent paper from falling off.5. Front CoverOpen this cover to replace consumables or clear a paper jam.6. Bypass TrayThis tray can hold one sheet of plain paper.7. Tray 1This tray can hold up to 150 sheets of plain paper.8. Power SwitchUse this switch to turn the power on or off.9. Power ConnectorConnect the power cord to the machine here. Insert the other end of the cable into a nearby wall outlet.Guide to Componentsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104812_eng.xml 21Draft 2013/03/07
10. Rear CoverOpen this cover to deliver sheets face up or remove jammed paper.11. USB PortUse this port to connect the machine to a computer using a USB cable.12. Tray CoverAttach this cover when you extend the tray.PExterior• Type 1 models do not come with an Ethernet port.ctt108.pdf (alt="Exterior illustration numbered callout illustration" title="")CTT10821934567810111312141. [Job Reset] keyPress this key to cancel an ongoing print job.2. [Start] keyPress this key to print a test page. (By holding down the key for two seconds, the network setting list can beprinted.) You can also use this key to print on the back of paper in duplex printing and to execute forcedprinting.3. Power IndicatorThis indicator lights up blue when the machine is turned on. It flashes when a print job is received and whileprinting is in progress.1. Guide to the Machine22 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104812_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
4. Alert IndicatorThis indicator lights up red when the machine runs out of paper or consumables, when the paper settings donot match the settings specified by the driver, or when other errors occur.5. Stop FencesRaise this fence to prevent paper from falling off.6. Front CoverOpen this cover to replace consumables or clear a paper jam.7. Bypass TrayThis tray can hold one sheet of plain paper.8. Tray 1This tray can hold up to 150 sheets of plain paper.9. Power SwitchUse this switch to turn the power on or off.10. Power ConnectorConnect the power cord to the machine here. Insert the other end of the cable into a nearby wall outlet.11. Rear CoverOpen this cover to deliver sheets face up or remove jammed paper.12. USB PortUse this port to connect the machine to a computer using a USB cable.13. Ethernet PortUse this port to connect the machine to network using an Ethernet cable.14. Tray CoverAttach this cover when you extend the tray.Interiorctt065.pdf (alt="Interior illustration numbered callout illustration" title="")CTT0651Guide to Componentsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104812_eng.xml 23Draft 2013/03/07
1. Print CartridgeA replacement consumable that is required to make prints on paper. It needs to be replaced afterapproximately every 1,500 or 2,600 pages printed. For details about replacing the cartridge, see page 195"Replacing the Print Cartridge".FiOControl Panel• The actual control panel may look different from the illustration below, depending on the country ofuse.• Depending on the model, the position of the keys may differ.• Type 1 models do not have the [Scanner] key.• Type 3 models do not have the [Facsimile] key and [Speed Dial] key.• Type 3 models have the [ID Card Copy] key instead of the [ID Card Copy/On Hook Dial] key.ctt133.pdf (alt="Illustration of control panel numbered callout illustration" title="")123 4 5 6 7 891011121314CTT1331. [Facsimile] KeyUse this key to switch the machine to fax mode.2. [Copy] KeyUse this key to switch the machine to copier mode.3. [Speed Dial] KeyUse this key to send a fax using a registered speed dial number.4. [ID Card Copy/On Hook Dial] KeyWhen the machine is in copier mode, use this key to perform an ID copy or modify ID copy settings.When the machine is in fax mode, use this key to perform on-hook dialing.5. [User Tools] KeyPress to display the menu for configuring the machine's system settings.1. Guide to the Machine24 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104812_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
6. [OK] KeyUse this key to confirm settings and specified values, or move to the next menu level.7. [Stop/Clear] KeyUse this key to cancel or stop a print job, document copying, scanning, fax transmission/reception, and otheractions in progress.8. [Start] KeyUse this key to start fax transmission/reception, scan or copy.9. [Scanner] KeyUse this key to switch the machine to scanner mode.10. Power IndicatorThis indicator lights up blue when the machine is turned on. It flashes when a print job is received and whileprinting, scanning, or fax transmission/reception is in progress.11. ScreenDisplays current status and messages.12. Alert IndicatorThis indicator lights up red when the machine runs out of paper or consumables, when the paper settings donot match the settings specified by the driver, or when other errors occur. It flashes slowly when the machine isrunning out of toner.13. Scroll KeysPress these keys to move the cursor in each direction.14. Number KeysUse to enter numerical values when specifying settings such as fax numbers and copy quantities, or enterletters when specifying names.TiOControl Panel• The actual control panel may look different from the illustration below, depending on the country ofuse.Guide to Componentsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104812_eng.xml 25Draft 2013/03/07
ctt134.pdf (alt="Illustration of control panel numbered callout illustration" title="")CTT13456213478910111. Original Type IndicatorDisplays the original type in three levels.The original type is indicated by which segment is lit on this indicator.Upper: Text/PhotoMiddle: TextLower: Photo2. Original Type keyUse this key to select the type of original.3. Density IndicatorDisplays the copy density in three levels.The print density is indicated by which segment is lit on this indicator.• Left: Lighter than normal• Middle: Normal density• Right: Darker than normal1. Guide to the Machine26 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104812_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
4. [Density] KeyUse this key to adjust the copy density.5. [ID Card Copy] KeyUse this key to perform an ID copy.6. ScreenShows the number of copies and the error code.7. [Number of copies] KeyUse this key to change the number of copies.8. [Stop/Clear] KeyWhen the machine is online, press this key to cancel an ongoing print job.9. [Start] KeyUse this key to start copying.10. Power IndicatorThis indicator lights up blue when the machine is turned on. It flashes when a print job is received and whileprinting or scanning is in progress.11. Alert IndicatorThis indicator lights up red when the machine runs out of paper or consumables, when the paper settings donot match the settings specified by the driver, or when other errors occur. It flashes slowly when the machine isalmost out of toner.Guide to Componentsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104812_eng.xml 27Draft 2013/03/07
FiOInitial SetupWhen you turn this machine on for the first time, you must set the following items. Select each settingusing the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")], [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")], or number keys, and thenpress the [OK] key.• [Language]• [Country Code]• [Year]• [Month]• [Day]• Date format• Time format• [Hour]• [Minute]• The Type 3 model does not have the Initial Setup function.1. Guide to the Machine28 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104813_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
What is Smart Organizing Monitor?Install this utility on your computer from the included CD-ROM before using it.Smart Organizing Monitor provides the following functions:• Displays the status of the machineDisplays paper jam messages and other error messages.• Paper size and type settingsDisplays the settings for paper sizes or types available on this machine.• Print test and configuration pagesPrints List/Report to check the list of settings for this machine and other information.•FiOModify the IPv4 AddressFiOUse to specify the IPv4 address.•PModify the IPv4 AddressPUse to specify the IPv4 address.• Modify the system settingsUse to change custom paper size settings and other settings on this machine.•TiOModify the printer settingsTiOUse to change print settings such as [Error Skip:] and [I/O Time Out:] on this machine.•PModify the printer settingsPUse to change this machine's print settings such as [Error Skip:] and [I/O Time Out:].•TiOModify the copy settingsTiOUse to change the machine’s copy settings, such as [Reduce / Enlarge:] and bypass traysettings.•FiOModify the network scannerFiOUse to add, change, or delete the scanner destination or change the server's properties.•FiOModify the Speed DialFiORegister, change, or delete Speed Dial settings.•FiOModify the wireless LAN settingsFiOConfigure the wireless LAN settings manually.•PModify the wireless LAN settingsPConfigure the wireless LAN settings manually.For details about basic instructions on how to use Smart Organizing Monitor, see page 161"Configuring the Machine Using Utilities".What is Smart Organizing Monitor?opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104814_eng.xml 29Draft 2013/03/07
FiOConfiguring Network SettingsThis section describes configuring the settings required to use the machine on a network.• Ethernet and wireless LAN settings cannot be enabled at the same time.Switch the LAN TypeYou can select either [Ethernet] or [Wireless LAN].• You only need to configure this setting for the Type 4 model.1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User Tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Network Settings], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [LAN Type], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Ethernet] or [Wireless LAN], and then press the [OK] key.After a setting is changed, the machine automatically restarts.Configuring the IP Address Settings Using the Control PanelThe procedure for configuring network settings differs depending on whether IP address information isassigned automatically by the network (DHCP), or manually.The IP address can also be configured via Web Image Monitor. For details about configuring the IPaddress, see page 161 "Using Web Image Monitor".1. Guide to the Machine30 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104815_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Setting the machine to receive an IPv6 address automatically• A DHCP server is required on the network for the machine to receive an IPv6 addressautomatically.• Check that [LAN Type] is set to [Ethernet] in [Network Settings].• Make sure [DHCPv6] is set to [Enable] in [IPv6] in Web Image Monitor. For information about howto launch Web Image Monitor, see page 161 "Using Web Image Monitor".1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User Tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Network Settings], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Machine IPv6 Address], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Use IPv6], and then press the [OK] key.5. Make sure [Use IPv6] is set to [On].After a setting has been changed, the machine automatically restarts.Assigning the machine's IPv6 address manually• The IPv6 address assigned to the machine must not be used by any other device on the samenetwork.• Make sure [DHCPv6] is set to [Disable] in [IPv6] in Web Image Monitor. For information abouthow to launch Web Image Monitor, see page 161 "Using Web Image Monitor".Configuring Network Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104815_eng.xml 31Draft 2013/03/07
1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User Tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Network Settings], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Machine IPv6 Address], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Use IPv6], and then press the [OK] key.5. Make sure [Use IPv6] is set to [On].If this setting is changed, the machine will reboot automatically before the procedure is complete.When this happens, wait for the reboot to finish, repeat Steps 1 to 3, and then proceed to the nextstep.6. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Manual Config. Add.], and then press the [OK] key.7. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [IP Address], and then press the [OK] key.8. Enter the machine’s IPv6 address using the number keys.9. Enter the values in all fields, and then press the [OK] key.If this setting is changed, the machine will reboot automatically before the procedure is complete.When this happens, wait for the reboot to finish, repeat Steps 1 to 3, and then proceed to the nextstep.10. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Prefix Length], and then press the [OK] key.11. Enter the prefix length using the number keys, and then press the [OK] key.After a setting is changed, the machine automatically restarts.• Install the driver after configuring the IPv6 address. For details about installing the driver, see theSoftware Installation Guide.1. Guide to the Machine32 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104815_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
• For details about configuring the IPv4 address, see the Software Installation Guide.Configuring the Wireless LAN Settings Using the Control Panel• Check that [LAN Type] is set to [Wireless LAN] in [Network Settings].Configuring the communication modeYou can select infrastructure mode or ad-hoc mode.• Infrastructure ModeSelect this to communicate via an access point.For details about configuring infrastructure mode, see Wi-Fi Settings Guide.• Ad-Hoc ModeSelect this to connect directly to a device equipped with wireless LAN (such as a laptop).In Ad Hoc mode, configure the following settings to match those of the host computer.• IP address• SSID• Password• Channel Number1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User Tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Network Settings], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Wi-Fi Settings], and then press the [OK] key.Configuring Network Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104815_eng.xml 33Draft 2013/03/07
4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Communication Mode], and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Infrastructure Mode] or [802.11 Ad-Hoc Mode], and then press the [OK] key.After a setting has been changed, the machine automatically restarts.Ad-hoc mode• In Ad Hoc network, every device must be manually assigned an IP address for TCP/IP if there is noDHCP server.• Make sure [Communication Mode] is set to [802.11 Ad-Hoc Mode].Entering the SSID1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User Tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto select [Network Settings], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto select [Wi-Fi Settings], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto select [SSID], and then press the [OK] key.5. Enter the SSID, and then press the [OK] key.The characters that can be used are ASCII 0x20-0x7e (32 characters).After a setting has been changed, the machine automatically restarts.Setting Security MethodYou can select either "WEP", "WPA", or "WPA2" as the Security Method.1. Guide to the Machine34 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104815_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User Tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto select [Network Settings], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto select [Wi-Fi Settings], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto select [Security Method], and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto select the security method, and then press the [OK] key.When this happens, wait for the reboot to finish, repeat Steps 1 to 3, and then proceed to thenext step.6. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto select [WEP/WPA/WPA2 Setting], and then press the [OK] key.7. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto configure [Key Length] and [Key Format].The maximum number of characters that can be entered in [WEP Key/Passphrase] dependson the [Key Length], and [Key Format] settings. Specify settings in accordance with thefollowing table:Security Method Key Length Key Format WEP Key/Passphrase(Maximum character)Open System -None*1- - -Open System - WEP 64 bit ASCII 5 charactersHexadecimal 10 characters128 bit ASCII 13 charactersConfiguring Network Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104815_eng.xml 35Draft 2013/03/07
Security Method Key Length Key Format WEP Key/Passphrase(Maximum character)Hexadecimal 26 charactersShared Key - WEP 64 bit ASCII 5 charactersHexadecimal 10 characters128 bit ASCII 13 charactersHexadecimal 26 charactersWPA-PSK - AES*2 - ASCII 8-63 charactersHexadecimal 64 charactersWPA2-PSK - AES*2 - ASCII 8-63 charactersHexadecimal 64 characters*1 The key length, key format, and WEP key/passphrase cannot be configured.*2 The key length cannot be configured.8. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto select [WEP Key/Passphrase], and then press the [OK] key.9. Enter the password (WEP key/Passphrase).After a setting is changed, the machine automatically restarts.If [Wi-Fi Status Report] is set to [On], a report confirming the completion of wireless LAN setupis printed.Setting Channel Number1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User Tools key illustration" title="")CTT1291. Guide to the Machine36 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104815_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
2. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto select [Network Settings], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto select [Wi-Fi Settings], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto select [Channel Number], and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keyto select the channel number, and then press the [OK] key.After a setting has been changed, the machine automatically restarts.FiOConfiguring the Ad-Hoc Mode Using the Smart Organizing Monitor1. On the [Start] menu, click [All Programs].2. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series].3. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series Status].4. If the machine you are using is not selected, click [Select Device...], and then select themachine's model.5. Click [OK].6. On the [User Tool] tab, click [Printer Configuration].7. On the [Wi-Fi] tab, set [Communication Mode:] to [802.11 Ad-hoc Mode].8. In [SSID:], enter the SSID.The characters that can be used are ASCII 0x20-0x7e (32 characters).9. Select [Security Method:].10. In the [Channel Number] box, enter the channel number.11. Specify the appropriate settings in [WEP / WPA / WPA2 Settings].The maximum number of characters that can be entered in [WEP Key / Passphrase (PSK):]depends on the [Key Length:], and [Key Format:] settings. Specify settings in accordance with thefollowing table:Security Method Key Length Key Format WEP Key/Passphrase(Maximum character)Open System - None*1 - - -Open System - WEP 64 bit ASCII 5 charactersHexadecimal 10 charactersConfiguring Network Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104815_eng.xml 37Draft 2013/03/07
Security Method Key Length Key Format WEP Key/Passphrase(Maximum character)128 bit ASCII 13 charactersHexadecimal 26 charactersShared Key - WEP 64 bit ASCII 5 charactersHexadecimal 10 characters128 bit ASCII 13 charactersHexadecimal 26 charactersWPA - PSK - AES*2 - ASCII 8-63 charactersHexadecimal 64 charactersWPA2 - PSK - AES*2 - ASCII 8-63 charactersHexadecimal 64 characters*1 The key length, key format, and WEP key/passphrase cannot be configured.*2 The key length cannot be configured.12. Enter [WEP Key / Passphrase (PSK):].13. Click [OK].14. Click [Close].If [Wireless LAN Status Report:] is set to [On], a report confirming the completion of wireless LANsetup is printed.1. Guide to the Machine38 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104815_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
PConfiguring Network SettingsThis section explains how to configure network settings.• Ethernet and wireless LAN settings cannot be enabled at the same time.• You can configure the IPv4 address easily by installing the driver using Quick Install for networks inthe CD-ROM menu. For details about installing the driver, see the Software Installation Guide.Switch the LAN TypeYou can select either [Ethernet] or [Wireless LAN].• You only need to configure this setting for the Type 3 model.• You only need to configure this setting for the Type 2 model.1. Launch the Web browser.2. In the address bar, enter "http://(machine's IP address)/".3. Click [Log in].4. Enter the administrator password, and then click [Log in].If you are logging in for the first time, enter "admin133" as the password.5. Click [Interface Settings].6. Set [LAN Type] to [Ethernet] or [Wireless LAN].7. Click [OK].Configuring the IP Address Settings Using the Web Image MonitorSetting the machine to receive an IPv6 address automatically• A DHCP server is required on the network for the machine to receive an IPv6 addressautomatically.• Check that [LAN Type] is set to [Ethernet] in [Interface Settings] in Web Image Monitor.Check that [IPv6] and [DHCPv6] are set to [Enable] in [IPv6] in Web Image Monitor. If [DHCPv6] is setto [Enable], the machine can automatically obtain the IP address.Configuring Network Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104816_eng.xml 39Draft 2013/03/07
Assigning the machine's IPv6 address manually• The IPv6 address assigned to the machine must not be used by any other device on the samenetwork.• Check that [LAN Type] is set to [Ethernet] in [Interface Settings] in Web Image Monitor.1. Launch the Web browser.2. In the address bar, enter "http://(machine's IP address)/".3. Click [Log in].4. Enter the administrator password, and then click [Log in].If you are logging in for the first time, enter "admin133" as the password.5. Click [IPv6].6. Set [IPv6] to [Enable].7. Set [DHCPv6] to [Disable].8. Specify the IP address in [Manual Configuration Address].9. Specify other settings if necessary.10. Click [OK].• For details about configuring the IPv4 address, see the Software Installation Guide.Configuring the Wireless LAN Settings• Check that [LAN Type] is set to [Wireless LAN] in [Interface Settings] in Web Image Monitor.Configuring the communication modeYou can select infrastructure mode or ad-hoc mode.• Infrastructure ModeSelect this to communicate via an access point.For details about configuring infrastructure mode, see Wi-Fi Settings Guide.• Ad-Hoc ModeSelect this to connect directly to a device equipped with wireless LAN (such as a laptop).In Ad Hoc mode, configure the following settings to match those of the host computer.• IP address1. Guide to the Machine40 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104816_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
• SSID• Password• Channel NumberSetting the Communication Mode (Using Smart Organizing Monitor)1. On the [Start] menu, click [All Programs].2. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series].3. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series Status].4. If the machine you are using is not selected, click [Select Device...], and then selectthe machine's model.5. Click [OK].6. On the [User Tool] tab, click [Printer Configuration].7. On the [Wi-Fi] tab, set [Communication Mode:] to [Infrastructure Mode] or [802.11Ad-hoc Mode].8. Click [OK].9. Click [Close].Configuring the Communication Mode1. Hold down the [Job Reset] key.Holding the key down for two seconds or longer makes the power indicator flash.2. To select Infrastructure mode, press the [Start] key. To select Ad-Hoc mode, press the[Job Reset] key.The alert indicator flashes.• If you connect the machine to a network via USB when [LAN Type] is set to [Wireless LAN],the communication mode is automatically set to Infrastructure mode.Ad-hoc mode• In Ad Hoc network, every device must be manually assigned an IP address for TCP/IP if there is noDHCP server.1. Connect the machine and computer with a USB cable.2. On the [Start] menu, click [All Programs].3. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series].4. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series Status].Configuring Network Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104816_eng.xml 41Draft 2013/03/07
5. If the machine you are using is not selected, click [Select Device...], and then select themachine's model.6. Click [OK].7. On the [User Tool] tab, click [Printer Configuration].8. On the [Wi-Fi] tab, set [Communication Mode:] to [802.11 Ad-hoc Mode].9. In [SSID:], enter the SSID.The characters that can be used are ASCII 0x20-0x7e (32 characters).10. Select [Security Method:].11. In the [Channel Number:] box, enter the channel number.12. Specify the appropriate settings in [WEP / WPA / WPA2 Settings].The maximum number of characters that can be entered in [WEP Key / Passphrase (PSK):]depends on the [Key Length:], and [Key Format:] settings. Specify settings in accordance with thefollowing table:Security Method Key Length Key Format WEP Key/ Passphrase(Maximum character)Open System - None*1 - - -Open System – WEP 64 bit ASCII 5 charactersHexadecimal 10 characters128 bit ASCII 13 charactersHexadecimal 26 charactersShared Key – WEP 64 bit ASCII 5 charactersHexadecimal 10 characters128 bit ASCII 13 charactersHexadecimal 26 charactersWPA - PSK - AES*2 - ASCII 8-63 charactersHexadecimal 64 charactersWPA2 - PSK - AES*2 - ASCII 8-63 charactersHexadecimal 64 characters*1 The key length, key format, and WEP key/passphrase cannot be configured.1. Guide to the Machine42 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104816_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
*2 The key length cannot be configured.13. Enter [WEP Key / Passphrase (PSK):].14. Click [OK].15. Click [Close].If [Wireless LAN Status Report:] is set to [On], a report confirming the completion of wireless LANsetup is printed.Configuring Network Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104816_eng.xml 43Draft 2013/03/07
1. Guide to the Machine44 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104816_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
2. Loading PaperSupported PaperPaper Size• A4• 81/2 " × 11 " (Letter)• 81/2 " × 14 " (Legal)• B5• 51/2 " × 81/2 " (Half Letter)• 71/4 " × 101/2 " (Executive)• A5• A6• B6• 16K (197 × 273 mm)• 16K (195 × 270 mm)• 16K (184 × 260 mm)• Custom Paper SizeThe following paper sizes are supported as custom paper sizes:• WidthTray1: Approximately 100-216 mm (3.9-8.5 inches)Bypass Tray: Approximately 90-216 mm (3.6-8.5 inches)• LengthApproximately 148-356 mm (5.8-14 inches)Paper Type• Plain Paper (65-99 g/m2 (17-26 lb.))• Recycled Paper (75-90 g/m2 (20-24 lb.))• Thin Paper (52-64 g/m2 (14-17 lb.))• Thick Paper (100-130 g/m2 (26.6-34 lb.))Paper Capacity• Tray1150 sheets(70 g/m2, 19 lb.)opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104818_eng.xml 45Draft 2013/03/07
• Bypass Tray1 sheets(70 g/m2, 19 lb.)2. Loading Paper46 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104818_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Non-Recommended Paper TypesDo not use the following types of paper:• Ink-jet printer paper• GelJet special paper• Bent, folded, or creased paper• Curled or twisted paper• Wrinkled paper• Damp paper• Dirty or damaged paper• Paper that is dry enough to emit static electricity• Paper that has already been printed onto, except a preprinted letterhead paper.Malfunctions are especially likely when using paper printed on by other than a laser printer(e.g.monochrome and color copiers, ink-jet printers, etc.)• Special paper, such as thermal paper and carbon paper• Paper weighing heavier or lighter than the limit• Paper with windows, holes, perforations, cutouts, or embossing• Adhesive label paper on which glue or base paper is exposed• Paper with clips or staples• When loading paper, take care not to touch the surface of the paper.• Even if paper is adequate for the machine, poorly stored paper can cause paper misfeeds, printquality degradation, or malfunctions.Non-Recommended Paper Typesopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104819_eng.xml 47Draft 2013/03/07
Print AreaThe diagram below shows the area of the paper that the machine can print on.From the printer driverchz904.pdf (alt="Illustration of print area" title="")CHZ9042331441. Print area2. Feed direction3. Approx. 4.2 mm (0.2 inches)4. Approx. 4.2 mm (0.2 inches)• The print area may vary depending on the paper size and printer driver settings.•FiOAdjust the print position by specifying [Registration] in [System Settings].•TiOTo adjust the print position, specify [Tray1: Registration] or [Bypass Tray: Registration]on the [System] tab in Smart Organizing Monitor.•PTo adjust the print position, specify [Tray1: Registration] or [Bypass Tray: Registration] onthe [System] tab in Smart Organizing Monitor.2. Loading Paper48 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104820_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
MFCopier functionMFchz904.pdf (alt="Illustration of print area" title="")CHZ9042331441.MFPrint area2.MFFeed direction3.MFApprox. 4 mm (0.2 inches)4.MFApprox. 3 mm (0.1 inches)MF•MFThe print area may vary depending on the paper size.Print Areaopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104820_eng.xml 49Draft 2013/03/07
FiOFax functionFiOchz904.pdf (alt="Illustration of print area" title="")CHZ9042331441.FiOPrint area2.FiOFeed direction3.FiOApprox. 4.2 mm (0.2 inches)4.FiOApprox. 4.2 mm (0.2 inches)FiO•FiOThe print area may vary depending on the paper size.2. Loading Paper50 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104820_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Loading PaperLoad a stack of paper for printing in the input tray.• When loading paper, be sure to configure the paper size and paper type for the bypass tray andTray 1. When printing a document, specify the paper size and paper type and select the papertray in the printer driver so that the settings configured when paper is loaded can be used forprinting.•PIf you print test pages when the bypass tray is loaded, the paper in the bypass tray is fed first.•FiOTo print on paper fed from Tray 1, remove the paper loaded in the bypass tray. Otherwise,the paper in the bypass tray is fed first.•TiOIf you print test pages or copy when the bypass tray is loaded, the paper in the bypass trayis fed first.• Do not load paper in the bypass tray when the machine is warming up.• Do not load paper in the bypass tray when Energy Saver mode is enabled.Loading Paper into Tray 11. Pull Tray 1 out slowly, and then remove it using both hands.ctt062.pdf (alt="Tray 1 illustration" title="")CTT062Place the tray on a flat surface.Loading Paperopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104821_eng.xml 51Draft 2013/03/07
2. Pinch the clips on the side paper guides and slide them to match the standard size.ctt073.pdf (alt="Tray 1 illustration" title="")CTT0733. Pinch the end paper guide and slide it inward to match the standard size.ctt074.pdf (alt="Tray 1 illustration" title="")CTT0744. Fan the paper before loading it in the tray.5. Load the new paper stack print side down.Make sure paper is not stacked higher than the upper limit marked inside the tray.ctt075.pdf (alt="Tray 1 illustration" title="")CTT0752. Loading Paper52 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104821_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
6. Carefully push Tray 1 straight into the machine.ctt029.pdf (alt="Tray 1 illustration" title="")CTT029To avoid paper jams, make sure the tray is securely inserted.To deliver the sheets face up, open the rear cover.ctt094.pdf (alt="Rear cover illustration" title="")CTT094Extending Tray 1 to load paper1. Pull Tray 1 out slowly, and then remove it using both hands.2. Release the extender locks on both sides of the tray, and then pull out the extender.ctt077.pdf (alt="Tray 1 illustration" title="")CTT077Loading Paperopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104821_eng.xml 53Draft 2013/03/07
Make sure the extender's inner surface and the scale are aligned.You can adjust the length of the extender in three steps. When using A4 or Letter size paper, adjustthe length to the position indicated by the mark "  (alt="2" title="")" in the tray.3. Pull out the extender and lock it.ctt076.pdf (alt="Tray 1 illustration" title="")CTT0764. Follow Steps 2 to 6 in "Loading Paper into Tray 1".5. Attach the tray cover.ctt095.pdf (alt="Tray cover illustration" title="")CTT095•  (alt="Region A icon" title="")Legal paper or custom-size paper longer than A4 must beloaded without attaching the tray cover.2. Loading Paper54 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104821_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Loading Paper into Bypass Tray1. Open the bypass tray.ctt063.pdf (alt="Bypass tray illustration" title="")CTT0632. Slide the side guides outward, load paper with the print side up, and then push in until itstops against the machine.ctt032.pdf (alt="Bypass tray illustration" title="")CTT0323. Adjust the side guides to the paper width.ctt033.pdf (alt="Bypass tray illustration" title="")CTT033To deliver the sheets face up, open the rear cover.Loading Paperopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104821_eng.xml 55Draft 2013/03/07
ctt094.pdf (alt="Bypass tray illustration" title="")CTT094FiOSpecifying Paper Type and Paper Size Using Control PanelSpecifying the paper type1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [System Settings], and then press the [OK] key.To specify the type of paper in the bypass tray, select [Copier Features], and then press the [OK]key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Tray 1 Ppr Settings], and then press the [OK] key.To specify the type of paper in the bypass tray, select [Bypass Ppr Settings], and then press the[OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Paper Type], and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the paper type, and then press the [OK] key.2. Loading Paper56 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104821_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
6. Press the [User Tools] key to return to the initial screen.Specifying the standard paper size1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [System Settings], and then press the [OK] key.To specify the size of paper in the bypass tray, select [Copier Features], and then press the [OK]key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Tray 1 Ppr Settings], and then press the [OK] key.To specify the size of paper in the bypass tray, select [Bypass Ppr Settings], and then press the[OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Paper Size], and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the paper size, and then press the [OK] key.6. Press the [User Tools] key to return to the initial screen.Loading Paperopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104821_eng.xml 57Draft 2013/03/07
Specifying a custom paper size1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [System Settings], and then press the [OK] key.To specify the size of paper in the bypass tray, select [Copier Features], and then press the [OK]key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Tray 1 Ppr Settings], and then press the [OK] key.To specify the size of paper in the bypass tray, select [Bypass Ppr Settings], and then press the[OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Paper Size], and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Custom], and then press the [OK] key.6. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [mm] or [inch], and then press the [OK] key.7. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key tospecify the width, and then press the [OK] key.8. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key tospecify the length, and then press the [OK] key.9. Press the [OK] key.10. Press the [User Tools] key to return to the initial screen.Specifying Paper Type and Paper Size Using Smart Organizing MonitorThe procedure in this section is an example based on Windows 7. The actual procedure may varydepending on the operating system you are using.2. Loading Paper58 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104821_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Specifying the paper type and paper size1. On the [Start] menu, click [All Programs].2. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series].3. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series Status].4. If the machine you are using is not selected, click [Select Device...], and then select themachine's model.5. Click [OK].6. On the [Status] tab, click [Change...].TiOTo specify the type and size of paper in the bypass tray, click [Printer Configuration] on the[User Tool] tab, and then click the [Copy] tab.7. Select the paper type and paper size, and then click [OK].8. Click [Close].Changing the custom paper size1. On the [Start] menu, click [All Programs].2. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series].3. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series Status].4. If the machine you are using is not selected, click [Select Device...], and then select themachine's model.5. Click [OK].6. On the [User Tool] tab, click [Printer Configuration].7. On the [System] tab, select [mm] or [inch] in the [Measurement Unit:] list.TiOTo specify the size of paper in the bypass tray, click the [Copy] tab, and then select [mm] or[inch] in the [Measurement Unit:] list.8. In the [Horizontal: (100 to 216 mm)] box, enter the width.TiOTo specify the size of paper in the bypass tray, enter its width in the [Horizontal: (90 to 216mm)] box.9. In the [Vertical: (148 to 356 mm)] box, enter the length.10. Click [OK].11. Click [Close].FiO,P• You cannot specify the settings of the paper in the bypass tray via Smart Organizing Monitor.Loading Paperopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104821_eng.xml 59Draft 2013/03/07
MFPlacing OriginalsThis section describes the types of originals you use set and how to place them.About OriginalsRecommended size of originalsExposure glass• Up to 216 mm (8.5 ") in width, up to 297 mm (11.7 ") in lengthFiOADF•FiOPaper size: 105 to 216 mm (4.1 " to 8.5 ") in width, 127 to 356 mm (5.8 " to 14 ") inlength•FiOPaper weight: 60 to 90 g/m2 (16 to 24 lb.)FiOUp to 15 sheets of an original can be placed in the ADF at once (when using paperweighing 80 g/m2, 21.3 lb.).FiOTypes of originals not supported by the Auto Document FeederIf placed in the ADF, the following types of originals might be damaged, become jammed, or result ingray or black lines appearing on prints:• Originals larger or heavier than the recommended amount• Stapled or clipped originals• Perforated or torn originals• Curled, folded, or creased originals• Pasted originals• Originals with any kind of coating, such as thermal fax paper, art paper, aluminum foil, carbonpaper, or conductive paper• Originals with perforated lines• Originals with indexes, tags, or other projecting parts• Sticky originals such as translucent paper• Thin, highly flexible originals• Thick originals such as postcards• Bound originals such as books• Transparent originals such as OHP transparencies or translucent paper2. Loading Paper60 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104822_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
• Originals that are wet with toner or white outUnscannable image areaEven if you correctly place originals, margins of a few millimeters on all four sides of the original may notbe scanned.Margins when using exposure glasschz916.pdf (alt="Illustration of scan area" title="")CHZ916FiOCopier, FaxTiOCopier1. Approx. 4.1 mm (0.2 inches)2. Approx. 3 mm (0.1 inches)3. Approx. 4 mm (0.2 inches)FiOScanner (Scan to E-mail, Scan to FTP, Scan to Folder, Scan to USB)1.FiOApprox. 1 mm (0.05 inches)2.FiOApprox. 1 mm (0.05 inches)3.FiOApprox. 1 mm (0.05 inches)Placing Originalsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104822_eng.xml 61Draft 2013/03/07
FiOMargins when using ADFFiOchz919.pdf (alt="Illustration of scan area" title="")CHZ919FiOCopier, Fax1.FiOApprox. 4.1 mm (0.2 inches)2.FiOApprox. 3 mm (0.1 inches)3.FiOApprox. 4.3 mm (0.2 inches)FiOScanner (Scan to E-mail, Scan to FTP, Scan to Folder, Scan to USB)1.FiOApprox. 1 mm (0.05 inches)2.FiOApprox. 1 mm (0.05 inches)3.FiOApprox. 2 mm (0.08 inches)Placing Originals on the Exposure Glass• Do not place originals until all correction fluid or toner becomes completely dry. Doing so maycreate marks on the exposure glass that will appear on copies.1. Lift the exposure glass cover.2. Loading Paper62 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104822_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
2. Place the original face down on the exposure glass. The original should be aligned to therear left corner.ctt023.pdf (alt="Exposure glass illustration" title="")CTT0233. Lower the exposure glass cover.Hold down the cover with your hands when using thick, folded, or bound originals and when thecover cannot be lowered completely.FiOPlacing Originals in the Auto Document Feeder• Do not place originals mixed with different in the ADF all at once.• To prevent multiple sheets from being fed at once, fan the bundle of your original before placingthem in the ADF.1. Open the input tray for the ADF.ctt035.pdf (alt="ADF illustration" title="")CTT035Placing Originalsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104822_eng.xml 63Draft 2013/03/07
2. Adjust the guides according to the size of the originals.ctt036.pdf (alt="ADF illustration" title="")CTT0363. Place the aligned originals face up in the ADF. The last page should be on the bottom.ctt037.pdf (alt="ADF illustration" title="")CTT0372. Loading Paper64 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104822_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
3. Printing DocumentsBasic OperationUse the printer driver to print a document from your computer.1. After creating a document, open the [Printing Preferences] dialog box in the document'snative application.opal-001.tif (alt="Driver screen illustration numbered callout illustration" title="")2. Change any print settings if necessary.The following print settings can be specified using the printer driver:• Printing multiple pages on a sheet• Splitting a single page across multiple sheets• Printing on both sides of sheets• Not having blank pages printed• Having prints sorted• Saving printer driver settings as a file• Recalling and deleting saved printer properties settings• Printing on a custom size paper• Printing a large paper size document on smaller size paper• Reducing and enlarging a document size• Changing the print resolution• Saving on toner when printing• Changing the dithering pattern• Having text stamped on printsFor details about each setting items, click [Help].opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104824_eng.xml 65Draft 2013/03/07
3. When setting changes are completed, click [OK].4. Print the document using the print function in the document's native application.•MFIf a paper jam occurs, printing stops halfway. Open the front cover, remove the printcartridge, and then remove the jammed paper. If the paper cannot be removed in this way, removeit by opening the fusing cover. Printing will resume automatically once the cover is closed.•PIf a paper jam occurs, printing stops halfway. Open the front cover, remove the print cartridge,and then remove the jammed paper. If the paper cannot be removed in this way, remove it byopening the fusing cover. Printing will resume automatically once the cover is closed.Printing on Both Sides of Sheets• This function cannot be available with the bypass tray.1. After creating a document, open the [Printing Preferences] dialog box in the document'snative application.2. On the [Setup] tab, in the [Duplex:] list box, select how you want to open the boundoutput.3. After making any additional settings, click [OK].4. Start printing.The machine prints only the one sides of pages first, and then displays on Smart OrganizingMonitor screen a message to reload the outputs turned over.5. Take out all of the prints from the output tray and place them in Tray 1.To print on the reverse side of the prints, turn them over so that the blank side faces down andplace them in Tray 1.Portraitctt009.pdf (alt="Illustration of both sides of sheets" title="")CTT0093. Printing Documents66 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104824_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Landscapectt010.pdf (alt="Illustration of both sides of sheets" title="")CTT0106. Press the [Start] key.• If the rear cover is open, the paper is delivered face up from the rear. Rearrange the printed sheetsin the correct order.Canceling a Print JobYou can cancel print jobs using either the machine's control panel or your computer, depending on thestatus of the job.Canceling a print job before printing has started1. Double-click the printer icon on the task tray of your computer.2. Select the print job you want to cancel, click the [Document] menu, and then click[Cancel].• If you cancel a print job that has already been processed, printing may continue for a few pagesbefore being canceled.• It may take a while to cancel a large print job.Basic Operationopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104824_eng.xml 67Draft 2013/03/07
FiOCanceling a print job while printing1. Press the [Stop/Clear] key.ctt130.pdf (alt="Illustration of stop reset key" title="")CTT1302. Press the [1] key.To cancel printing, press the [1] key (1: Yes). To continue printing, press the [2] key (2: No).TiOCanceling a print job while printing1. Press the [Stop/Clear] key.ctt118.pdf (alt="Illustration of stop reset key" title="")CTT118PCanceling a print job while printing1. Press the [Job Reset] key.3. Printing Documents68 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104824_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
If a Paper Mismatch OccursIf the paper size or type does not match the print job's settings, the machine reports an error. There aretwo ways to resolve this error:Continue printing using mismatched paperUse the form-feed function to ignore the error and print using mismatched paper.Reset the print jobCancel printing.FiOContinuing Printing Using Mismatched PaperIf the paper is too small for the print job, the printed image will be cropped.1. If the error message is displayed, press the [Start] key.ctt131.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT131TiOContinuing Printing Using Mismatched PaperIf the paper is too small for the print job, the printed image will be cropped.If a Paper Mismatch Occursopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104825_eng.xml 69Draft 2013/03/07
1. If the error code is displayed, press the [Start] key.ctt120.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT120PContinuing Printing Using Mismatched PaperIf the paper is too small for the print job, the printed image will be cropped.1. If the error message is displayed on Smart Organizing Monitor, press the [Start] key.FiOResetting the Print Job1. If the error message is displayed, press the [Stop/Clear] key.ctt130.pdf (alt="Stop/Crear key illustration" title="")CTT1303. Printing Documents70 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104825_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
TiOResetting the Print Job1. If the error code is displayed, press the [Stop/Clear] key.ctt118.pdf (alt="Stop/Crear key illustration" title="")CTT118PResetting the Print Job1. If the error message is displayed on Smart Organizing Monitor, press the [Job Reset] key.If a Paper Mismatch Occursopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104825_eng.xml 71Draft 2013/03/07
3. Printing Documents72 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104825_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
4. Copying OriginalsFiOCopier Mode ScreenStandby mode screenctt090.pdf (alt="Operation panel screen illustration" title="")• First line:Displays the function and paper size specified on the machine. The following five functions areavailable:• Copier, ID Card Copy, Sort, 2 Sided Copy, 2 Sided/Sort• Second line:Displays the copy magnification ratio or combine setting ([2 on 1] or [4 on 1]), documenttype, and the number of copies.Settings that can be specified for the current jobBy pressing the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key in theStandby mode screen, you can specify the following settings for the current job.• Tray Paper Settings (paper size)• Sort• Original Type• Density• Reduce/Enlarge• Combine• 2 Sided Copy• The start-up mode can be specified in the [Function Priority] setting under [System Settings].• If paper is loaded in the bypass tray, the paper size specified in [Bypass Ppr Settings] appears(except for Sort and 2 Sided Copy).opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104827_eng.xml 73Draft 2013/03/07
FiOBasic Operation• The original in the ADF takes precedence over the original on the exposure glass if you placeoriginals both in the ADF and on the exposure glass.• To print on paper fed from Tray 1, remove the paper loaded in the bypass tray. Otherwise, thepaper in the bypass tray is fed first.• [Sort] and [2 Sided Copy] cannot be used with the bypass tray.• When making multiple copies of a multi-page document, you can select whether copies are outputin collated sets, or in page batches in the [Sort] setting under [Copier Features].1. Press the [Copy] key.ctt124.pdf (alt="Copy key illustration" title="")CTT1242. Place the original on the exposure glass or in the ADF.3. To make multiple copies, enter the number of copies using the number keys.4. Press the [Start] key.ctt131.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT1314. Copying Originals74 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104828_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
• If a paper jam occurs, printing stops halfway. Open the front cover, remove the print cartridge, andthen remove the jammed paper. If the paper cannot be removed in this way, remove it by openingthe fusing cover. Printing will resume automatically once the cover is closed.• If there is a paper jam in the ADF, open the ADF cover, and then remove the jammed paper.Specify the copy setting again from the page where the paper jammed.Canceling a CopyIf copying is canceled while scanning an original placed on the exposure glass, copying is canceledimmediately and there is no printout. If copying is canceled while scanning a multiple-page originalplaced in the ADF, scanning stops halfway at the current page.1. Press the [Stop/Clear] key.ctt130.pdf (alt="Stop reset key illustration" title="")CTT1302. Press the [1] key.To cancel printing, press the [1] key (1: Yes). To continue printing, press the [2] key (2: No).Basic Operationopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104828_eng.xml 75Draft 2013/03/07
TiOBasic Operation• If you print test pages or copy when the bypass tray is loaded, the paper in the bypass tray is fedfirst.1. Place the original on the exposure glass.2. To print multiple copies, press the [Number of copies] key until the number of copies youwant to print is displayed.ctt119.pdf (alt="Number counter key illustration" title="")CTT119Holding down the [Number of copies] key increases the number in increments of 10.3. Press the [Start] key.ctt120.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT120• If a paper jam occurs, printing stops halfway. Open the front cover, remove the print cartridge, andthen remove the jammed paper. If the paper cannot be removed in this way, remove it by openingthe fusing cover. Printing will resume automatically once the cover is closed.4. Copying Originals76 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104829_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Canceling a CopyIf copying is canceled while the machine is scanning the original, copying is canceled immediately andthere is no printout.If copying is canceled during printing, the photocopy process is canceled after the current page hasbeen printed out.1. Press the [Stop/Clear] key.ctt118.pdf (alt="Stop reset key illustration" title="")CTT118Basic Operationopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104829_eng.xml 77Draft 2013/03/07
MFMaking Enlarged or Reduced CopiesThere are two ways to set the scaling ratio: using a preset ratio or manually specifying a customizedratio.Preset ratioces103.pdf (alt="image" title="")CES103 (alt="Region A icon" title="")(mainly Europe and Asia)50%, 71% A4   (alt="" title="") A5, 82% B5 JIS   (alt="" title="") A5, 93%, 122% A5   (alt=""title="") B5 JIS, 141% A5   (alt="" title="") A4, 200% (alt="Region B icon" title="")(mainly North America)50%, 65% LT   (alt="" title="") HLT, 78% LG   (alt="" title="") LT, 93%, 129% HLT   (alt=""title="") LT, 155% HLT   (alt="" title="") LG, 200%Custom ratioces106.pdf (alt="image" title="")CES10625% to 400% in 1% increments.4. Copying Originals78 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104830_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOSpecifying Reduce/Enlarge1. Press the [Copy] key.ctt124.pdf (alt="Copy key illustration" title="")CTT1242. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key in thestandby mode screen to select [Reduce/Enlarge], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the ratio, and then press the [OK] key.If [Zoom: 25-400%] has been selected, enter the ratio using the number keys, and then press the[OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Left arrow key" title="")] key to return to the initial screen.• To apply the specified setting to all jobs, specify [Reduce/Enlarge] in [Copier Features].TiOSpecifying Reduce/EnlargeUse this procedure to specify the reduction or enlargement ratio for the current job from SmartOrganizing Monitor.The procedure in this section is an example based on Windows 7. The actual procedure may varydepending on the operating system you are using.1. On the [Start] menu, click [All Programs].2. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series].3. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series Status].4. If the machine you are using is not selected, click [Select Device...], and then select themachine's model.5. Click [OK].6. On the [User Tool] tab, click [Printer Configuration].Making Enlarged or Reduced Copiesopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104830_eng.xml 79Draft 2013/03/07
7. On the [Copy] tab, select the ratio in the [Reduce / Enlarge:] list.If [Zoom: (25 to 400%)] has been selected, enter the ratio.8. Click [OK].9. Click [Close].4. Copying Originals80 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104830_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOCombining Multiple PagesThis section describes how to set the machine to combine multiple pages (2 or 4 pages) of an originalonto a single page.• To use this function, the paper size used for printing copies must be set to A4 or Letter.2 on 1You can copy two pages of an original onto a single sheet of photocopied paper. Depending onthe orientation of the original, the printout format can be selected from the following:• Portraitces033.pdf (alt="Illustration of portrait" title="")CES033• Landscapeces034.pdf (alt="Illustration of landscape" title="")CES0344 on 1You can copy four pages of an original onto a single sheet of photocopied paper. Depending onthe orientation of the original, the printout format can be selected from the following:• Portrait: L to Rces035.pdf (alt="Illustration of portrait row" title="")CES035• Portrait: T to BCombining Multiple Pagesopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104831_eng.xml 81Draft 2013/03/07
ces036.pdf (alt="Illustration of portrait column" title="")CES036• Landscape: L to Rces037.pdf (alt="Illustration of landscape row" title="")CES037• Landscape: T to Bces038.pdf (alt="Illustration of landscape column" title="")CES038Specifying Combine for Copying1. Press the [Copy] key.ctt124.pdf (alt="Copy key illustration" title="")CTT1242. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key in thestandby mode screen to select [Combine], and then press the [OK] key.4. Copying Originals82 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104831_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [2 on 1] or [4 on 1], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the printout format, and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [  (alt="Left arrow key" title="")] key to return to the initial screen.6. Place the original on the exposure glass or in the ADF.7. To make multiple copies, enter the number of copies using the number keys.8. Press the [Start] key.ctt131.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT131When you place the original on the exposure glass, perform the following steps to scan thesubsequent pages of the original.9. When the current page is scanned, place the next page on the exposure glass, and thenpress the [Start] key.10. Repeat Step 9 until all the pages of the original are scanned.• To apply the specified setting to all jobs, specify [Combine] in [Copier Features].Combining Multiple Pagesopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104831_eng.xml 83Draft 2013/03/07
MFCopying Both Sides of an ID Card onto OneSide of PaperThis section describes how to copy the front and back sides of an ID card or other small documents ontoeither side of a sheet of paper.When copying onto A4 paper, you can copy documents that are smaller than A5. Likewise, whencopying onto Letter size paper, you can copy documents that are smaller than Half Letter size.• To use this function, the paper size used for printing copies must be set to A6, A5, A4, Half Letter orLetter.ces165.pdf (alt="image" title="")CES165FiOCopying an ID Card1. Press the [Copy] key.ctt124.pdf (alt="Copy fax key illustration" title="")CTT1244. Copying Originals84 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104832_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
2. Press the [ID Card Copy/On Hook Dial] key.ctt126.pdf (alt="ID copy hook key illustration" title="")CTT1263. To make multiple copies, enter the number of copies using the number keys.4. Place the original front side down with the top to the rear of the machine on the exposureglass.ctt169.pdf (alt="Exposure glass illustration" title="")CTT169The location to place the original depends on the paper size.Position the card so that it is centered at the intersection. (The same position applies to both the frontand back of the ID card.)Copying Both Sides of an ID Card onto One Side of Paperopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104832_eng.xml 85Draft 2013/03/07
cxp112.pdf (alt="Exposure glass illustration" title="")LTHLTLTHLTA6A5Half LetterA4LetterCXP1125. Press the [Start] key.ctt131.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT1316. Within 30 seconds, place the original back side down with the top to the rear of themachine on the exposure glass, and then press the [Start] key.• In the ID card copy screen, you can press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Uparrow key" title="")] key to change the paper size.4. Copying Originals86 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104832_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
TiOCopying an ID Card1. Press the [ID Card Copy] key.ctt121.pdf (alt="ID copy key illustration" title="")CTT1212. To print multiple copies, press the [Number of copies] key until the number of copies youwant is displayed.ctt119.pdf (alt="Number counter key illustration" title="")CTT1193. Place the original front side down with the top to the rear of the machine on the exposureglass.ctt169.pdf (alt="Exposure glass illustration" title="")CTT169The location to place the original depends on the paper size.Copying Both Sides of an ID Card onto One Side of Paperopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104832_eng.xml 87Draft 2013/03/07
Position the card so that it is centered at the intersection. (The same position applies to both the frontand back of the ID card.)cxp112.pdf (alt="Exposure glass illustration" title="")LTHLTLTHLTA6A5Half LetterA4LetterCXP1124. Press the [Start] key.ctt120.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT1205. Within 30 seconds, place the original back side down with the top to the rear of themachine on the exposure glass, and then press the [Start] key.4. Copying Originals88 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104832_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOMaking 2-sided Copies• To use this function, the paper size used for printing copies must be set to A4 or Letter.• This function cannot be available with the bypass tray.You can select top-to-top or top-to-bottom binding, in either portrait or landscape orientation.Top to Topces125.pdf (alt="Illustration of portrait" title="")CES125ces126.pdf (alt="Illustration of landscape" title="")CES126Top to Bottomces127.pdf (alt="Illustration of portrait" title="")CES127ces128.pdf (alt="Illustration of landscape" title="")CES128Making 2-sided Copiesopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104833_eng.xml 89Draft 2013/03/07
Specifying 2 Sided Copying1. Press the [Copy] key.ctt124.pdf (alt="Copy key illustration" title="")CTT1242. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key in thestandby mode screen to select [2 Sided Copy], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Top to Top] or [Top to Bottom], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the orientation, and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [  (alt="Left arrow key" title="")] key to return to the initial screen.6. Place the original on the exposure glass or in the ADF.7. To make multiple copies, enter the number of copies using the number keys.8. Press the [Start] key.ctt131.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT131When you place the original in the ADF, all the pages are automatically scanned and then only thepages on one side are copied sequentially. Proceed to Step 10.When you place the original on the exposure glass, perform the following steps to scan thesubsequent pages.4. Copying Originals90 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104833_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
9. When the current page is scanned, place the next page on the exposure glass, and thenpress the [Start] key.10. Take out all of the prints from the output tray and place them in Tray 1.To print on the reverse side of the prints, turn them over so that the blank side faces down andplace them in Tray 1.Portraitctt009.pdf (alt="Illustration of both sides of sheets" title="")CTT009Landscapectt010.pdf (alt="Illustration of both sides of sheets" title="")CTT01011. Press the [Start] key.• If the rear cover is open, the paper is delivered face up from the rear. Rearrange the printed sheetsin the correct order.• To apply the specified setting to all jobs, specify [2 Sided Copy] in [Copier Features].Making 2-sided Copiesopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104833_eng.xml 91Draft 2013/03/07
MFSpecifying the Scan SettingsMFThis section describes how to specify image density and scan quality for the current job.FiOAdjusting Image DensityThere are five image density levels. The higher the density level, the darker the printout.1. Press the [Copy] key.ctt124.pdf (alt="Copy key illustration" title="")CTT1242. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key in thestandby mode screen to select [Density], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the density level, and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Left arrow key" title="")] key to return to the initial screen.• To apply the specified setting to all jobs, specify [Density] in [Copier Features].TiOAdjusting Image DensityThere are three image density levels. The higher the density level, the darker the printout.4. Copying Originals92 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104834_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
1. Press the [Density] key until the density level you want is displayed.ctt122.pdf (alt="Density key illustration" title="")CTT122The print density is indicated by which segment is lit on this indicator.• Left: Lighter than normal• Middle: Normal density• Right: Darker than normalSelecting the Document Type According to OriginalThere are three document types:TextSelect this when the original contains only text and no photographs or images.PhotoSelect this when the original contains only photographs or images. Use this mode for the followingtypes of original:• Photographs• Pages that are entirely or mainly composed of photographs or images, such as magazinepages.Text/PhotoSelect this when the original contains both text and photographs or images.Specifying the Scan Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104834_eng.xml 93Draft 2013/03/07
FiOSpecifying the Original Type1. Press the [Copy] key.ctt124.pdf (alt="Copy key illustration" title="")CTT1242. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key in thestandby mode screen to select [Original Type], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the document type, and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Left arrow key" title="")] key to return to the initial screen.• To apply the specified setting to all jobs, specify [Original Type] in [Copier Features].TiOSpecifying the Original Type1. Continue to press the Original Type key until the indicator next to the appropriate originaltype lights up.ctt123.pdf (alt="Original type key illustration" title="")CTT1234. Copying Originals94 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104834_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
5. Scanning OriginalsFiOScanner Mode ScreenStandby mode screenctt109.pdf (alt="Operation panel screen numbered callout illustration " title="")• First line:Displays the current machine status.• Second line:Displays a message prompting you to enter the destination.Settings that can be specified for the current jobBy pressing [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] on the screenthat appears after entering the destination, you can specify the following settings for the current job:• Resolution• Original Size• Density• The start-up mode can be specified in the [Function Priority] setting under [System Settings].opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104836_eng.xml 95Draft 2013/03/07
FiORegistering the Scan DestinationRegistering the Scan DestinationUse this procedure to register scan destinations from Smart Organizing Monitor.1. On the [Start] menu, click [All Programs].2. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series].3. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series Status].4. If the machine you are using is not selected, click [Select Device...], and then select themachine's model.5. Click [OK].6. On the [User Tool] tab, click [Printer Configuration].7. On the [Scanner] tab, select the number you want to register, and then click [Modify...].8. In [Name:], register the name.9. From the [Type:] List, select [Scan to E-mail], [Scan to Folder], or [Scan to FTP].10. In [Address:], specify entries for using Scan to E-mail, Scan to Folder, and Scan to FTP.To use the Scan to E-mail function, enter the destination e-mail address.To use the Scan to Folder function, enter the SMB server's IP address, host name, or computername.To use the Scan to FTP function, enter the FTP server's IP address or host name.11. Specify other settings if necessary, and then click [OK].When using Scan to E-mail, specify [Title:], [Sender Name:], [E-mail Address:], and [E-mailNotification].• [Title:]Enter the subject of the e-mail.• [Sender Name:]Enter the name of the sender.• [E-mail Address:]Enter the e-mail address of the sender or the e-mail address for [E-mail Notification].• [E-mail Notification]If [E-mail Notification] is selected, the scan result is sent to the sender specified in [E-mailAddress:].When using Scan to Folder, specify [User Name:], [Password:], and [Directory:].• [User Name:]5. Scanning Originals96 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104837_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Enter the user account name for accessing the SMB server or shared computer.• [Password:]Enter the password for accessing the SMB server or shared computer.• [Directory:]Enter the path to the shared folder.When using Scan to FTP, specify [User Name:], [Password:], [Directory:], [E-mail Address:], and[E-mail Notification].• [User Name:]Enter the login user name for accessing the FTP server.• [Password:]Enter the password for accessing the FTP server.• [Directory:]Enter the path to the FTP server.• [E-mail Address:]Enter the e-mail address of the sender or the e-mail address for [E-mail Notification].• [E-mail Notification]If [E-mail Notification] is selected, the scan result is sent to the sender specified in [E-mailAddress:].[Scan Mode:], [Resolution:], [File Format:], [Density:], and [Document Size:] can be specified.12. To use Scan to E-mail, click [Server Properties...], specify the [SMTP], [POP before SMTP],[SNTP], and [POP3] settings, and then click [OK].13. Click [Apply].14. Click [OK].15. Click [Close].• If you are using Scan to Folder, create the destination folder on the computer's hard drive andmake it a shared folder. For details, see your operating system's documentation.Modifying or deleting scan destination1. On the [Start] menu, click [All Programs].2. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series].3. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series Status].4. If the machine you are using is not selected, click [Select Device...], and then select themachine's model.Registering the Scan Destinationopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104837_eng.xml 97Draft 2013/03/07
5. Click [OK].6. On the [User Tool] tab, click [Printer Configuration].7. On the [Scanner] tab, select the number you want to register, and then click [Modify...].To delete a destination, select its registration number, and then click [Delete].8. Modify the destination, and then click [OK].To delete a destination, and then click [Yes].9. Click [Apply].10. Click [OK].11. Click [Close].5. Scanning Originals98 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104837_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOBasic OperationScanning using the control panel allows you to send scanned files via e-mail (Scan to E-mail), to an FTPserver (Scan to FTP), to the shared folder of a computer on a network (Scan to Folder), or to a USB flashdisk (Scan to USB).The Scan to E-mail, Scan to FTP, and Scan to Folder functions are available only through a networkconnection. No network connection is required for the Scan to USB function; you can send scanned filesdirectly to a USB flash disk inserted into the front of the machine.Scan to E-mail/FTP/Folder• When using the Scan to E-mail, Scan to FTP or Scan to Folder function, you must first register thedestination.• To use the Scan to E-mail function, it is necessary to specify [Server Properties...] in SmartOrganizing Monitor. For details, see the Smart Organizing Monitor Help.• Mac OS X 10.7 does not support the Scan to Folder function. Also, Mac OS X does not supportthe function that is used in an IPv6 environment.1. Press the [Scanner] key.ctt128.pdf (alt="Scanner key illustration" title="")CTT1282. Place the original on the exposure glass or in the ADF.3. Using the number keys, enter the number of a registered scan destination.For details, see page 96 "Registering the Scan Destination".4. Press the [OK] key.5. Press the [Start] key.• When using the exposure glass, place the next original on the exposure glass, and then pressthe [1] key. Repeat this step until all originals are scanned.Basic Operationopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104838_eng.xml 99Draft 2013/03/07
When all originals have been scanned, press the [2] key to start sending the scanned file.• If you are using Scan to Folder, create the destination folder on the computer's hard drive andmake it a shared folder. For details, see your operating system's documentation.• To cancel scanning, press the [Scanner] key, and then press the [Stop/Clear] key.Basic Operation for Scan to USB• This machine does not support the use of USB flash drives connected to external USB hubs. Insertyour USB flash drive directly into the USB flash drive port located at the top left corner of themachine.1. Press the [Scanner] key.2. Insert your USB flash drive into the USB flash drive port.ctt112.pdf (alt="" title="")CTT112The message "To USB Memory" appears on the display.3. Place the original on the exposure glass or in the ADF.4. Press the [Start] key.• To cancel scanning, press the [Stop/Clear] key.• When using the exposure glass, place the next original on the exposure glass, and then pressthe [1] key. Repeat this step until all originals are scanned.When all originals have been scanned, press the [2] key to start sending the scanned file.5. Confirm that "Sending..." appears on the display.The scanned file is created in the root directory of the USB flash drive.6. Remove the USB flash drive from the machine.5. Scanning Originals100 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104838_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOSpecifying the Scan SettingsSpecifying the Scanning Size According to the Size of the Original1. Press the [Scanner] key.ctt128.pdf (alt="Scanner key illustration" title="")CTT1282. Using the number keys, enter the number of a registered scan destination.For details, see page 96 "Registering the Scan Destination".If you are using Scan to USB, proceed to Step 4.3. Press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Original Size], and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the original size, and then press the [OK] key.6. Press the [  (alt="Left arrow key" title="")] key to return to the initial screen.Adjusting Image DensityThere are five image density levels. The higher the density level, the darker the scanned image.Specifying the Scan Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104839_eng.xml 101Draft 2013/03/07
1. Press the [Scanner] key.ctt128.pdf (alt="Scanner key illustration" title="")CTT1282. Using the number keys, enter the number of a registered scan destination.For details, see page 96 "Registering the Scan Destination".If you are using Scan to USB, proceed to Step 4.3. Press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Density], and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the density level, and then press the [OK] key.6. Press the [  (alt="Left arrow key" title="")] key to return to the initial screen.Specifying ResolutionThere are three resolution settings. The higher the resolution, the higher the quality but greater the filesize.1. Press the [Scanner] key.ctt128.pdf (alt="Scanner key illustration" title="")CTT1285. Scanning Originals102 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104839_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
2. Using the number keys, enter the number of a registered scan destination.For details, see page 96 "Registering the Scan Destination".If you are using Scan to USB, proceed to Step 4.3. Press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Resolution], and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [150 × 150dpi], [300 × 300dpi] or [600 × 600dpi], and then press the [OK] key.You can select [600 × 600dpi] only if the original type is set to B&W.6. Press the [  (alt="Left arrow key" title="")] key to return to the initial screen.Specifying the Scan Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104839_eng.xml 103Draft 2013/03/07
MFScanning from a ComputerScanning from a computer (TWAIN scanning and WIA scanning) allows you to operate the machinefrom your computer and scan originals into your computer directly.ctt174.pdf (alt="Illustration of scanning from a computer" title="")CTT1741. Your Computer (TWAIN driver already installed)Instruct the machine to start scanning the original that is set on the machine.2. This MachineThe original that is set on the machine is scanned, and its data is sent to a client computer.Using TWAIN scannerThis section describes the preparations and procedure for using the TWAIN scanner.• To use the TWAIN scanner, you must install the TWAIN driver, which is on the supplied CD-ROM.• To use the TWAIN scanner, a TWAIN-compliant application must be installed.To use the machine as a TWAIN scanner, first do the following:• Install the TWAIN driver.• Install a TWAIN-compliant application.TWAIN ScanningTWAIN scanning is possible if your computer is running a TWAIN-compatible application.1. Place the original.2. Open the properties dialog box for this machine using a TWAIN-compatible application.3. Configure the scan settings as required, and then click [Scan].5. Scanning Originals104 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104840_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Settings you can configure in the TWAIN dialog boxctt177.pdf (alt="Application screen illustration numbered callout illustration" title="")CTT177123467581. Select ModeUp to ten scan settings can be saved. The default value is applied when [Default] is selected.2. Scan Mode:Select from [Full Color], [Grayscale], [Photo], [Text], or [Text/Photo].3. Resolution:Select a resolution from the list.If [Text], [Text/Photo], or [Photo] is selected in [Scan Mode:], the scan resolution cannot be set 1200 dpi ×1200 dpi or higher.4. Original Size:Select the scanning size. If you select [Custom Size...], enter the scanning size directly in the edit box.5. Interface Type...You can select the type of interface.6. Original TypeAccording to your original, select a setting from the list of options detailed below.• [Standard] (Auto change to Full color, 200dpi × 200dpi)• [Photo] (Auto change to Full color, 600dpi × 600dpi)• [Filing] (Auto change to Text, 200dpi × 200dpi)• [OCR] (Auto change to Text, 400dpi × 400dpi)Scanning from a Computeropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104840_eng.xml 105Draft 2013/03/07
7. Original Scan MethodSpecify the method to scan originals.FiOIf [ADF] is selected in [Original Scan Method], specify the orientation of the original.8. Image Quality AdjustmentYou can adjust the image quality. The scan settings that can be adjusted are as follow: Rotation, Brightness/Contrast, Sharpness, Curves, Levels, Color Balance, and Hue/Saturation. When [Auto] is selected, the defaultvalues will be applied to all settings. When [Manual] is selected, all settings can be adjusted as required.• For details, see the TWAIN driver help.Basic Operation for WIA Scanning1. Place the original.2. On the [Start] menu, click [Devices and Printers].3. Right-click the icon of the printer model you want to use, and then click [Start scan].4. Configure the scan settings as required, and then click [Scan].5. Click [Import].5. Scanning Originals106 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104840_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
6. Sending and Receiving a FaxFiOFax Mode ScreenStandby mode screenctt183.pdf (alt="Operation panel screen illustration" title="")• First lineDisplays the current month and date.• Second lineDisplays the current resolution settings and time.Settings that can be specified for the current jobBy pressing the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key in theStandby mode screen, you can specify the following settings for the current job.• Resolution• Density• The start-up mode can be specified in the [Function Priority] setting under [System Settings].opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104842_eng.xml 107Draft 2013/03/07
FiOSetting the Date and Time1. Press the [User Tools] key.2. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [System Settings], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Set Date/Time], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Set Date], and then press the [OK] key.5. Enter the current year using the number keys, and then press the [OK] key.6. Enter the current month using the number keys, and then press the [OK] key.7. Enter the current day using the number keys, and then press the [OK] key.8. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect date format, and then press the [OK] key.9. Press the [  (alt="Left arrow key" title="")] key.10. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Set Time], and then press the [OK] key.11. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the time format, and then press the [OK] key.If you have selected [24 hours], proceed to Step 13.12. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [AM] or [PM], and then press the [OK] key.13. Enter the current hour using the number keys, and then press the [OK] key.14. Enter the current minute using the number keys, and then press the [OK] key.15. Press the [User Tools] key to return to the initial screen.6. Sending and Receiving a Fax108 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104843_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOEntering CharactersTo enter characters, use keys as follows:To enter a digitPress a number key.To delete a characterPress the [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key for one second.To enter a fax number• To enter a numberUse the number keys.• To enter characters other than digits"  (alt="Asterisk" title="")": Press the [  (alt="Asterisk" title="")] key."  (alt="Sharp" title="")": Press the [  (alt="Sharp" title="")] key."P"(Pause): Press the [ID Card Copy/On Hook Dial] key.To enter a nameLetters, numbers, and symbols can be entered using the number keys.To enter two characters that use the same number key successively, press the [  (alt="Down arrowkey" title="")] key after entering the first character.chz903.pdf (alt="Illustration of character table" title="")CHZ903Space: Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] key for one second.Entering Charactersopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104844_eng.xml 109Draft 2013/03/07
FiORegistering Fax DestinationsThis section describes how to register fax destinations in the Address Book using the control panel.The Address Book can also be edited using Smart Organizing Monitor. For details, see the SmartOrganizing Monitor Help.• The Address Book data may become damaged or lost unexpectedly. The manufacturer shall not beheld responsible for any damages resulting from such data loss.Registering Fax Destinations1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Address Book], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Fax Speed Dial Dest.], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the Speed Dial number, and then press the [OK] key.5. Enter the fax number using the number keys, and then press the [OK] key.6. Enter the fax name using the number keys, and then press the [OK] key.7. Press the [User Tools] key to return to the initial screen.6. Sending and Receiving a Fax110 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104845_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Modifying or Deleting Fax Destinations1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Address Book], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Fax Speed Dial Dest.], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the Speed Dial number, and then press the [OK] key.5. Modify the fax number using the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")], [  (alt="Up arrowkey" title="")], and number keys, and then press the [OK] key.To delete the fax destination, use the [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key to delete all numbers,and then press the [OK] key. Proceed to Step 7.6. Modify the fax name using the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")], [  (alt="Up arrowkey" title="")], and number keys, and then press the [OK] key.7. Press the [User Tools] key to return to the initial screen.Configuring Fax Destinations Using Smart Organizing Monitor1. On the [Start] menu, click [All Programs].2. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series].3. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series Status].4. If the machine you are using is not selected, click [Select Device...], and then select themachine's model.5. Click [OK].6. On the [User Tool] tab, click [Printer Configuration].7. Click the [Fax] tab.Registering Fax Destinationsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104845_eng.xml 111Draft 2013/03/07
8. To add a fax destination, specify [No.: (00 to 99)], [Destination:], and [Fax Number:],and then click [Apply] in the [Speed Dial] area.9. To modify a fax destination, select the destination in [Speed Dial Destination List:], andthen modify [Destination:] or [Fax Number:]. To apply the changes, click [Apply] in the[Speed Dial] area.10. To delete a fax destination, select the destination in [Speed Dial Destination List:], andthen click [Delete].11. Click [Apply] located in the lower part of the window.12. Click [OK].13. Click [Close].6. Sending and Receiving a Fax112 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104845_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOSending a Fax• It is recommended that you call the receiver to inquire if they received the fax you send importantdocuments.A fax number can contain 0 to 9, pause, "  (alt="Asterisk" title="")", and "  (alt="Sharp" title="")".If necessary, insert a pause in the fax number. The machine pauses briefly before it dials the digitsfollowing the pause. You can specify the length of the pause time in the [Pause Time] setting under faxtransmission settings.To use tone services on a pulse-dialing line, insert "  (alt="Asterisk" title="")" in the fax number. "(alt="Asterisk" title="")" switches the dialing mode from pulse to tone temporarily.If the machine is connected to a telephone network through a PBX, be sure to enter the outside lineaccess number specified in [PBX Access Number] before the fax number.• No separator characters or spaces can be entered before the fax number.Selecting Transmission ModeThere are two transmission modes: Memory Transmission and Immediate Transmission.Memory TransmissionIn this mode, the machine scans several originals into memory and sends them all at once. This isconvenient when you are in a hurry and want to take the document away from the machine. In thismode, you can send a fax to multiple destinations.In Memory Transmission mode, a single job can contain up to 10 pages, and the maximum of 5jobs (include PC Fax job) can be stored in the machine.Immediate TransmissionIn this mode, the machine scans the original and faxes it simultaneously, without storing it inmemory. This is convenient when you want to send an original quickly. In this mode, you can onlyspecify one destination.Sending a Faxopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104846_eng.xml 113Draft 2013/03/07
1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Fax Features], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [TX Settings], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Immediate TX], and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Off], [On], or [Next Fax Only], and then press the [OK] key.For Memory Transmission, select [Off].For Immediate Transmission, select [On] or [Next Fax Only].6. Press the [User Tools] key to return to the initial screen.Basic Operation for Sending a Fax1. Press the [Facsimile] key.ctt125.pdf (alt="Fax key illustration" title="")CTT1252. Place the original on the exposure glass or in the ADF.6. Sending and Receiving a Fax114 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104846_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
3. Enter the fax number using the number keys.If the machine is connected to a telephone network through a PBX, be sure to enter the outside lineaccess number specified in [PBX Access Number] before the fax number.4. Press the [Start] key.ctt131.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT131Depending on the machine's settings, you may be prompted to enter the fax number again if youmanually entered the destination fax number. If the fax numbers do not match, go back to Step 3.When you place original on the exposure glass and Memory Transmission mode is enabled,perform the following steps to scan the subsequent pages of the original.5. If you have more originals to scan, press the [1] key within 60 seconds, place the nextoriginal on the exposure glass, and then press the [OK] key. Repeat this step until alloriginals are scanned.6. When all originals have been scanned, press the [2] key to start sending the fax.• When using the exposure glass for Immediate Transmission, you can only send one page at a time.• If Memory Transmission mode is enabled, the machine's memory may become full while scanningthe originals. If this happens, the screen prompts you to cancel the transmission or to send only thepages that have been scanned successfully.Canceling a faxFollow the procedure below to cancel sending a fax.When in Memory Transmission modeIf you cancel sending a fax while the machine is scanning the original, the machine will not sendthe document.If you cancel sending a fax during transmission, the fax transmission process is canceledimmediately. In this case, an error is displayed on the other party's machine.Sending a Faxopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104846_eng.xml 115Draft 2013/03/07
When in Immediate Transmission modeIf you cancel sending a fax while the machine is scanning the original, the fax transmission processis canceled immediately. In this case, an error is displayed on the other party's machine.1. Press the [Stop/Clear] key.ctt130.pdf (alt="Stop reset key illustration" title="")CTT1302. Press the [1] key.To cancel sending a fax, press the [1] key (1: Yes). To continue sending a fax, press the [2] key (2:No).• If you cancel sending a fax while broadcasting, only the fax to the current destination is canceled.The fax will be sent to the subsequent destinations as normal.• Using [Del. TX Standby File] in [Fax Features], you can delete files waiting to be sent. Select [DeleteFile] to delete the corresponding file. You can also delete a file currently being sent. Select [DeleteAll Files] to delete all files waiting to be sent. This will not affect the file currently being sent.Specifying the Fax DestinationOther than entering the destination fax number using the number keys, you can specify destinationsusing the following functions:• Using Speed Dial• Using the Redial function• Using the Broadcast function6. Sending and Receiving a Fax116 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104846_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Specifying the destination using Speed Dial1. Press the [Facsimile] key.ctt125.pdf (alt="Fax key illustration" title="")CTT1252. Place the original on the exposure glass or in the ADF.3. Press the [Speed Dial] key.ctt127.pdf (alt="Speed dial key illustration" title="")CTT1274. Enter the Speed Dial number using the number keys, and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [Start] key.ctt131.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT131Sending a Faxopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104846_eng.xml 117Draft 2013/03/07
When you place original on the exposure glass and Memory Transmission mode is enabled,perform the following steps to scan the subsequent pages of the original.6. If you have more originals to scan, press the [1] key within 60 seconds, place the nextoriginal on the exposure glass, and then press the [OK] key. Repeat this step until alloriginals are scanned.7. When all originals have been scanned, press the [2] key to start sending the fax.Specifying the destination using the redial functionThis function saves time when you are sending to the same destination repeatedly, as you do not have toenter the destination each time.1. Press the [Facsimile] key.ctt125.pdf (alt="Fax key illustration" title="")CTT1252. Place the original on the exposure glass or in the ADF.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Redial], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [Start] key.ctt131.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT1316. Sending and Receiving a Fax118 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104846_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Specifying the destination using the broadcast functionYou can send a fax to multiple destinations simultaneously.1. Press the [Facsimile] key.ctt125.pdf (alt="Fax key illustration" title="")CTT1252. Place the original on the exposure glass or in the ADF.3. Add a destination by using one of the following methods:To add a Speed Dial destination1. Press the [Speed Dial] key.ctt127.pdf (alt="Speed dial key illustration" title="")CTT1272. Select a destination using the number keys, and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [OK] key.To add a manually-specified destination1. Enter the destination fax number using the number keys.2. Press the [OK] key.4. Go back to Step 3 to add further destinations.5. Press the [Start] key.Sending a Faxopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104846_eng.xml 119Draft 2013/03/07
Useful Sending FunctionsYou can check the status of the other party's machine easily before sending a fax by using the On HookDial function. If you have an extra telephone, you can talk and send a fax in one call.Sending a fax using On Hook DialThe On Hook Dial function allows you to check the destination's status while listening to the tone from theinternal speaker. This function is useful when you want to ensure that the fax will be received.• To send faxes using the exposure glass, be sure to first remove any originals loaded in the ADF.1. Press the [Facsimile] key.ctt125.pdf (alt="Fax key illustration" title="")CTT1252. Place the original on the exposure glass or in the ADF.3. Press the [ID Card Copy/On Hook Dial] key.ctt126.pdf (alt="ID copy hook key illustration" title="")CTT1264. Add a destination by using one of the following methods:To add a Speed Dial destination1. Press the [Speed Dial] key.6. Sending and Receiving a Fax120 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104846_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
ctt127.pdf (alt="Speed dial key illustration" title="")CTT1272. Select a destination using the number keys, and then press the [OK] key.To add a manually-specified destination1. Enter the destination fax number using the number keys.5. If you hear a high pitched tone, press the [Start] key.ctt131.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT1316. If the original is placed on the exposure glass, press the [1] key (1: TX).Sending a fax after a conversationAn external telephone or handset allows you to send a fax after finishing your conversation, withouthaving to disconnect and redial. This function is useful when you want to ensure that the fax will bereceived.• To send faxes using the exposure glass, be sure to first remove any originals loaded in the ADF.1. Place the original.2. Pick up the handset of the external telephone.3. Specify the destination using the external telephone.4. When the other party answers, ask them to press their fax start button.Sending a Faxopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104846_eng.xml 121Draft 2013/03/07
5. Press the [Start] key.ctt131.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT1316. If the original is placed on the exposure glass, press the [1] key (1: TX).7. Replace the handset.Specifying the Scan SettingsAdjusting image densityThere are five image density levels. The darker the density level, the darker the printout.1. Press the [Facsimile] key.ctt125.pdf (alt="Fax key illustration" title="")CTT1252. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key in thestandby mode screen to select [Density], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the density level, and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Left arrow key" title="")] key to return to the initial screen.6. Sending and Receiving a Fax122 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104846_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
• To apply the specified setting to all jobs, not just the current one, specify [Density] in [Fax Features].Specifying the resolutionStandardSelect this when the original is a printed or typewritten document with normal-sized characters.DetailSelect this when the original is a document with small print.PhotoSelect this when the original contains images such as photographs or shaded drawings.1. Press the [Facsimile] key.ctt125.pdf (alt="Fax key illustration" title="")CTT1252. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key in thestandby mode screen to select [Resolution], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the resolution settings, and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Left arrow key" title="")] key to return to the initial screen.Sending a Faxopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104846_eng.xml 123Draft 2013/03/07
FiOUsing the Fax Function from a Computer (PCFAX)This section describes how to use the fax function of the machine from a computer.You can send a document directly from a computer through this machine to another fax machine,without printing the document.Basic Operation for Sending Faxes from a ComputerThis section describes the basic operation for sending faxes from a computer.You can select a destination from the PC FAX address book or enter a fax number manually. You cansend faxes to up to 100 destinations at one time. (However, if [Attach a Cover Sheet] on the [CoverSheet] tab is checked and [Use Address Book] in the [To:] list is selected, you can send faxes to up tofive destinations at a time.)The procedure in this section is an example based on Windows 7.• Using PC FAX, you can send up to ten pages (including the cover sheet) at a time.1. Open the file you want to send.2. On the [File] menu, click [Print...].3. Select the PC FAX driver as the printer, and then click [Print].4. Specify a destination.• To specify a destination from the PC FAX address book:You can click the [Address Book] tab and select from three previously-used address books inthe [Address Book File Path:] list. Also, you can click [Browse...] to download the addressbook (CSV file). Select a destination in the [Address List:], and then click [Set as Destination].Repeat this step to add more destinations.• To enter a fax number directly:Click the [Specify Destination] tab, and enter a fax number (up to 40 digits) in [Fax Number:],and then click [Set as Destination].Repeat this step to add more destinations.5. If you want to attach a fax cover sheet, click [Cover Sheet] tab.6. Click [Send].• For details, see the PC FAX driver help.6. Sending and Receiving a Fax124 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104847_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
• A fax number can contain 0 to 9, "P" (pause), "T" (tone), "  (alt="Asterisk" title="")", and "(alt="Sharp" title="")".• To use tone services on a pulse-dialing line, insert "T" in a fax number. "T" switches the dialingmode from pulse to tone temporarily.• To delete an entered destination, select the destination in [List of Destinations:], and then click[Delete from List].Canceling a faxYou can cancel sending a fax using either the machine's control panel or your computer, depending onthe status of the job.Canceling while the machine is receiving a fax from the computerIf the machine is shared by multiple computers through a print server, be careful not to cancelanother user's fax.1. Double-click the printer icon on the task bar of your computer.2. Select the print job you want to cancel, click the [Document] menu, and then click[Cancel].Canceling a fax using the control panelCancel the fax using the control panel.1. Press the [Facsimile] key.2. Press the [Stop/Clear] key.3. Press the [1] key.To cancel sending a fax, press the [1] key (1: Yes). To continue sending a fax, press the [2]key (2: No).Configuring Transmission SettingsThis section describes how to configure transmission settings in the PC FAX driver's properties.Properties are set separately for each application.1. On the [File] menu, click [Print...].2. Select the PC Fax driver as the printer, and then click a button such as [Preferences].PC FAX driver properties dialog box appears.3. Configure settings as necessary, and then click [OK].Using the Fax Function from a Computer (PC FAX)opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104847_eng.xml 125Draft 2013/03/07
Configuring the PC FAX Address BookThis section describes the PC FAX address book. Configure the PC FAX address book on the computer.The PC FAX address book allows you to specify PC FAX destinations quickly and easily.The PC FAX address book can contain up to 100 entries, including individual destinations and groups ofdestinations.Opening the PC FAX address bookThis section describes how to open the PC FAX address book.1. On the [Start] menu, click [Devices and Printers].2. Right-click the PC FAX driver icon, and then click [Printing Preferences...].3. Click [Edit Address Book...].Registering destinationsThis section describes how to register destinations in the PC FAX address book.1. Open the PC FAX address book.2. Enter the destination information.You must enter a contact name and fax number.3. Click [Add].The destination is added to the destination list.To change the registered information, select the destination you want to change, and then changethe information. After this, click [Update].4. Click [OK].5. If you make changes to a destination, a confirmation message appears. To save thechanges, click [Yes].Registering groupsThis section describes how to register groups of destinations.A group can contain up to 100 individual destinations.1. Open the PC FAX address book.2. Click [Edit Group...].3. Click [New...].6. Sending and Receiving a Fax126 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104847_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
4. Enter the group name, and then click [OK].Select the destination you want to include in the group from the [Address List:] area, and then click[Add to Group].To delete a destination from a group, select the destination you want to delete from [GroupMembers List:], and then click [Delete Member].5. Click [OK].6. Click [OK].7. If you make changes to a destination, a confirmation message appears. To save thechanges, click [Yes].Editing a Fax Cover SheetThis section describes how to edit a fax cover sheet in the PC FAX driver's properties.1. On the [File] menu, click [Print...].2. Select the PC FAX driver as the printer, and then click [Print].3. Click [Cover Sheet] tab.4. Configure settings as necessary.Using the Fax Function from a Computer (PC FAX)opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104847_eng.xml 127Draft 2013/03/07
FiOReceiving a Fax• When receiving an important fax, we recommend you check the contents of the received fax withthe sender.• The maximum number of fax pages that can be received and stored in the machine’s memory is100 pages (50 jobs).• An external telephone is required to use this machine as a telephone.• You can also use the handset as an external telephone.• Only A4, Letter, or Legal size paper can be used for printing faxes.Selecting Reception ModeThe reception modes are as follows:When using the machine only as a fax machine• Auto modeIn this mode, the machine automatically answers all incoming calls in fax reception mode.When using the machine with an external phone• Manual modeIn this mode, you must answer calls with an external telephone. If a call is a fax call, you haveto start the fax reception manually.• Auto modeIn this mode, the machine automatically answers all incoming calls in fax reception mode.You can answer the call before the machine switches to the fax reception mode by picking upthe external phone's handset while the phone is ringing. If you hear a fax calling tone or nosound, receive the fax manually.6. Sending and Receiving a Fax128 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104848_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keys toselect [Fax Features], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keys toselect [RX Settings], and then press the [OK] key.4. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keys toselect [Switch RX Mode], and then press the [OK] key.5. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] keys toselect the reception mode, and then press the [OK] key.6. Press the [User Tools] key to return to the initial screen.Receiving a fax in Manual mode• To receive faxes, be sure to first remove any originals loaded in the ADF.1. Pick up the handset of the external telephone to answer the call.Receiving a Faxopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104848_eng.xml 129Draft 2013/03/07
2. When you hear a fax calling tone or no sound, switch to fax mode using the [Facsimile]key, and then press the [Start] key.ctt131.pdf (alt="Start key illustration" title="")CTT1313. Press the [3] key.To receive a fax, press the [3] key. (3: RX)4. Replace the handset.Receiving a fax in Auto modeWhen the reception mode is set to Auto mode, the machine automatically answers all incoming calls infax reception mode.• You can specify the number of times the external phone rings before the machine starts to receive afax in the [Number of Rings] setting under [Fax Features].• You can answer the call before the machine switches to the fax reception mode by picking up theexternal phone's handset while the phone is ringing. If you hear a fax calling tone or no sound,receive the fax manually.6. Sending and Receiving a Fax130 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104848_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOLists/Reports Related to FaxThe lists and reports related to the fax function are as follow:• Fax JournalPrints a fax transmission and reception journal for the last 100 jobs.• TX Status ReportPrints out the latest Transmission result.• TX Standby File ListPrints a list of unsent fax jobs remaining in the machine's memory.• Power Failure ReportPrints a report when the machine's power has been interrupted while sending or receiving a fax, orimages stored in the machine's memory have been lost due to the machine being turned off for aprolonged period of time.• Fax Speed Dial ListPrints a list of Speed Dial entries.• PC FAX Error ReportPrints any errors that occur during transmission of jobs from the computer to the machine.Lists/Reports Related to Faxopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104849_eng.xml 131Draft 2013/03/07
6. Sending and Receiving a Fax132 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104849_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
7. Configuring the Machine Using theControl PanelFiOBasic Operation• Type 1 models do not have [Scanner Features] and [Network Settings].• Type 3 models do not have [Fax Features] and [Address Book].• With certain models, some settings do not appear.1. If you want to configure the machine's system settings, press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect the settings you want to use.The machine’s default settings are grouped into the following eight categories:• [System Settings], [Printer Features], [Copier Features], [Fax Features], [Address Book], [PrintList/Report], [Scanner Features], [Network Settings]3. To confirm setting items and values displayed, press the [OK] key.4. To go back to the previous item, press the [  (alt="Left arrow key" title="")] key.• To return to the initial screen, press the [  (alt="Left arrow key" title="")] key the same amount oftimes as the number of selected items, or press the [User Tools] key once.opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104851_eng.xml 133Draft 2013/03/07
FiOCopier Features SettingsSortConfigures the machine to sort the output pages into sets when making multiple copies of a multi-page document (P1, P2, P1, P2...).Default: [Off]• On• OffOriginal TypeSpecifies the original type to optimize the copy quality.Default: [Text/Photo]• TextSelect this when the original contains only text and no photographs or images.• PhotoSelect this when the original contains photographs or images. Use this mode for the followingtypes of original:• Photographs• Pages that are entirely or mainly composed of photographs or images, such asmagazine pages.• Text/PhotoSelect this when the original contains both text and photographs or images.DensitySpecifies the image density for photocopying.Default:   (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(Lightest)•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(Darkest)Reduce/EnlargeSpecifies the percentage by which copies are enlarged or reduced.Default: [100%]7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel134 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104852_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
 (alt="Region A icon" title="") (mainly Europe and Asia)50%, 71% A4   (alt="" title="") A5, 82% B5 JIS   (alt="" title="") A5, 93%, 122% A5   (alt=""title="") B5 JIS, 141% A5   (alt="" title="") A4, 200%, Zoom: 25-400% (alt="Region B icon" title="") (mainly North America)50%, 65% LT   (alt="" title="") HLT, 78% LG   (alt="" title="") LT, 93%, 129% HLT   (alt=""title="") LT, 155% HLT   (alt="" title="") LG, 200%, Zoom: 25-400%CombineSelect this to photocopy two or four pages of an original onto a single sheet of paper.Default: [Off]• Off• 2 on 1• Portrait• Landscape• 4 on 1• Portrait: L to R• Portrait: T to B• Landscape: L to R• Landscape: T to BFor details, see page 81 "Combining Multiple Pages".2 Sided CopySets the machine to make 2-sided copies by copying single-sided documents onto the front andback sides of each sheet.Default: [Off]• Off• Top to Top• Portrait• Landscape• Top to Bottom• Portrait• LandscapeFor details, see page 89 "Making 2-sided Copies".Toner SavingReduces toner consumption when printing. When this setting is enabled, print quality may bedegraded.Copier Features Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104852_eng.xml 135Draft 2013/03/07
Default: [Off]• Off• OnBypass Ppr SettingsPaper SizeSpecifies the paper size.Default: (alt="Region A icon" title="") (mainly Europe and Asia)[A4] (alt="Region B icon" title="") (mainly North America)[LT (81/2 × 11)]• A4, B5 JIS, A5, B6 JIS, A6, LG (81/2 × 14), LT (81/2 × 11), HLT (51/2 × 81/2), EXE(71/4 × 101/2), 16K (197 × 273mm), 16K (195 × 270mm), 16K (184 × 260mm),CustomPaper TypeSpecifies the paper type.Default: [Plain Paper]• Plain Paper, Recycled Paper, Thick Paper, Thin Paper7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel136 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104852_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOFax Features SettingsTX SettingsImmediate TXSets the machine to send a fax immediately when the original is scanned.Default: [Off]• OffSelect this when using Memory Transmission.• OnSelect this when using Immediate Transmission.• Next Fax OnlySelect this when using Immediate Transmission for the next transmission only.ResolutionSpecifies the resolution to use for scanning originals.Default: [Standard]• StandardSelect this when the original is a printed or typewritten document with normal-sizedcharacters.• DetailSelect this when the original is a document with small print.• PhotoSelect this when the original contains images such as photographs or shaded drawings.DensitySpecifies the image density to use for scanning originals.[Erase Background] is not available, when [Resolution] is set to [Photo].Default: [Erase Background]• (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(Lightest)•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(Darkest)• Erase BackgroundFax Features Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104853_eng.xml 137Draft 2013/03/07
Pause TimeSpecifies the length of pause time when a pause is inserted between the digits of a faxnumber.Default: 3 seconds• 1 to 15 seconds, in 1 second incrementsAuto RedialSets the machine to redial the fax destination automatically when the line is busy or atransmission error occurs.Default: [On]• Off• OnPrint Fax HeaderSets the machine to add a header to every fax you send. The header includes the current dateand time, user fax name and number, Session number, and page information.Default: [On]• Off• OnRX SettingsSwitch RX ModeSpecifies the reception mode.Default: [Auto]• AutoThe machine automatically answers all incoming calls in fax reception mode.• ManualThe machine rings when it receives incoming calls. The machine receives faxes onlywhen you manually operate the machine to receive faxes.Auto ReductionSets the machine to reduce the size of a received fax if it is too large to print on a single sheetof paper.Note that the machine only reduces the size down to maximum by 74%. If further reduction isrequired to fit the fax on a single sheet, it will be printed on separate sheets without beingreduced.Default: [On]• Off• On7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel138 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104853_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Number of RingsSpecifies how many times the external telephone or handset must rings before the machinestarts to receive a fax when [Switch RX Mode] is set to [Auto].Default: 3 times• 3 to 5 times, in increments of 1If you have set [Country Code] to [Japan], you can specify it from 1 to 5 times. The default is1 times.Add FooterSets the machine to add a footer to every fax you receive.Default: [On]• Off• OnDel. TX Standby FileDeletes unsent fax jobs remaining in the machine's memory.This function is only performed when selected.• Delete FileTo delete a fax job, select the job you want to delete.• Delete All FilesTo delete all fax jobs.Comm. SettingsECM TransmissionSets the machine to automatically resend parts of the data that are lost during transmission.Default: [On]• Off• OnECM ReceptionSets the machine to automatically receive parts of the data that are lost during reception.Default: [On]• Off• OnDial Tone DetectSets the machine to automatically detect a dial tone before dialing the destination.• Detect• Do not DetectFax Features Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104853_eng.xml 139Draft 2013/03/07
The default depends on the [Country Code] setting.Transmission SpeedSpecifies the transmission speed for the fax modem.Default: [33.6 Kbps]• 33.6 Kbps• 14.4 Kbps• 9.6 Kbps• 7.2 Kbps• 4.8 Kbps• 2.4 KbpsReception SpeedSpecifies the reception speed for the fax modem.Default: [33.6 Kbps]• 33.6 Kbps• 14.4 Kbps• 9.6 Kbps• 7.2 Kbps• 4.8 Kbps• 2.4 KbpsDial/Push PhoneSpecifies the line type of the telephone line.To configure this setting, contact your telephone company and select the setting based onyour telephone line. Selecting the wrong setting may result in transmission errors.If you have set [Country Code] to [Australia], [New Zealand] or [Singapore], [Dial/PushPhone] does not appear because the default is [Push Phone].Default: [Push Phone]• Push Phone• Dial Phone (10PPS)• Dial Phone (20PPS)[Dial Phone (20PPS)] appears only if [Country Code] is set to [Japan] or [Thailand].PSTN / PBXSets the machine to connect to a public switched telephone network (PSTN) or a privatebranch exchange (PBX).Default: [PSTN]7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel140 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104853_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
• PSTN• PBXPBX Access NumberSpecifies the dial number to access the external line when the machine is connected to a PBX.Make sure that this setting matches your PBX settings. Otherwise, you may not be able to sendfaxes to external destinations.Default: 9• 0 to 999Fax No. ConfirmationIf this setting is enabled, when trying to send a fax by manually entering a fax number, theuser will be prompted to re-enter the number for confirmation. If the numbers do not match,the fax cannot be sent.Default: [Off]• Off• OnReport Print Set.TX Status ReportSets the machine to print a transmission report automatically after a fax transmission.Default: [Error: With Image]• Error OnlyPrints a report when a transmission error occurs.• Error: With ImagePrints a report with an image of the original when transmission error occurs.• Every TXPrints a report for every fax transmission.• EveryTX: With ImagePrints a report with an image of the original for every fax transmission.• Do not PrintFax JournalSets the machine to print a fax journal automatically for every 100 fax jobs (both sent andreceived).Default: [Auto Print]• Auto Print• Do not Auto PrintFax Features Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104853_eng.xml 141Draft 2013/03/07
PC FAX Error ReportSets the machine to print PC FAX error reports automatically.Default: [Auto Print]• Auto Print• Do not Auto Print7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel142 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104853_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOScanner Features SettingsScanning ModeSelect a scan type for the original. This setting is only applied to Scan to USB.Default: [Color : Text/Photo]• B&W : Text• B&W : Text/Photo• B&W : Photo• Gray Scale• Color : Text/PhotoResolutionSpecifies the resolution for scanning the original. This setting is only applied to Scan to USB.Default: [300 × 300dpi]• 150 × 150dpi• 300 × 300dpi• 600 × 600dpiOriginal SizeSpecifies the scanning size according to the size of the original. This setting is only applied to Scanto USB.Default: (alt="Region A icon" title="") (mainly Europe and Asia)[A4] (alt="Region B icon" title="") (mainly North America)[LT (81/2 × 11)]• A4, B5 JIS, A5, A6, LG (81/2 × 14), LT (81/2 × 11), HLT (51/2 × 81/2), EXE (71/4 ×101/2), CustomDensitySpecifies the image density for scanning originals. This setting is only applied to Scan to USB.Default:   (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(Lightest)•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")Scanner Features Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104854_eng.xml 143Draft 2013/03/07
•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(Darkest)File FormatSetting File format for B&W and Grayscale/ Color. This setting is only applied to Scan to USB.• B&WDefault: [Multi-page: TIFF]• Single Page: TIFF• Single Page: PDF• Multi-page: TIFF• Multi-page: PDF• Gray Scale/ ColorDefault: [Multi-page: PDF]• Single Page: TIFF• Single Page: JPEG• Multi-page: PDFIf [File Format] is set to [Multi-page: TIFF] or [Multi-page: PDF], [Divide & Send Email] will remain[Off] even if you set it to [On (per page)].CompressionYou can select the data compression method from [MH], [MR], or [MMR].Default: [MH]• MH• MR• MMRMaximum Email SizeSpecifies the maximum size of a file that can be sent by e-mail.Default: [No Limit]• 1 MB• 2 MB• 3 MB• 4 MB• 5 MB• No Limit7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel144 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104854_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Divide & Send EmailSelect whether or not an image exceeding the size specified in [Maximum Email Size] should bedivided and sent using more than one e-mail.Default: [Off]• On (per size)• On (per page)• OffDelete Scanner FileDeletes unsent scanner jobs remaining in the machine's memory.• Delete File• Delete All FilesScanner Features Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104854_eng.xml 145Draft 2013/03/07
FiOAddress Book SettingsFax Speed Dial Dest.Fax numbers and names can be registered in the speed dial list. Up to 100 entries can beregistered.For details, see page 110 "Registering Fax Destinations".7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel146 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104855_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOSystem SettingsTray 1 Ppr SettingsPaper SizeSpecifies the paper size.Default: (alt="Region A icon" title="") (mainly Europe and Asia)[A4] (alt="Region B icon" title="") (mainly North America)[LT (81/2 × 11)]• A4, B5 JIS, A5, B6 JIS, A6, LG (81/2 × 14),LT (81/2 × 11), HLT (51/2 × 8 1/2), EXE(71/4 × 101/2), 16K (197 × 273mm), 16K (195 × 270mm), 16K (184 × 260mm),CustomPaper TypeSpecifies the paper type.Default: [Plain Paper]• Plain Paper, Recycled Paper, Thick Paper, Thin PaperAdjust Sound VolumeSpecifies the volume of the sounds produced by the machine.Select the setting for each item from [Off], [Low], [Middle], or [High].Panel Key SoundSpecifies the volume of the beep sound when a key is pressed.Default: [Middle]Alarm VolumeSpecifies the volume of the alarm sound when an operation error occurs.Default: [Middle]On Hook ModeSpecifies the volume of the sound from the speaker during On Hook mode.Default: [Middle]Copy Job End ToneSpecifies the volume of the beep sound when a copy job is complete.Default: [Off]Copy Job Error ToneSpecifies the volume of the beep sound when a copy job error occurs.System Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104856_eng.xml 147Draft 2013/03/07
Default: [Middle]Print Job End ToneSpecifies the volume of the beep sound when a print job is complete.Default: [Off]Print Job Error ToneSpecifies the volume of the beep sound when a print job error occurs.Default: [Middle]Scan Job End ToneSpecifies the volume of the beep sound when a scan job is complete.Default: [Off]Scan Job Error ToneSpecifies the volume of the beep sound when a scan job error occurs.Default: [Middle]Fax TX End ToneSpecifies the volume of the beep sound when a fax transmission is complete.Default: [Middle]Fax TX Error ToneSpecifies the volume of the beep sound when a fax transmission error occurs.Default: [Middle]Fax RX End ToneSpecifies the volume of the beep sound when a fax reception is complete.Default: [Middle]Fax RX Error ToneSpecifies the volume of the beep sound when a fax reception error occurs.Default: [Middle]Set Date/TimeSet DateSets the date of the machine’s internal clock.• Year: 2000 to 2099• Month: 1 to 12• Day: 1 to 31• Date Format: YYYY/MM/DD, MM/DD/YYYY, or DD/MM/YYYY7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel148 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104856_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Set TimeSets the time of the machine’s internal clock.• Time format: 12-hour Format, 24-hour Format• AM/PM stamp: AM, PM (for 12-hour Format)• Hour: 0 to 23 (for 24-hour Format), or 1 to 12 (for 12-hour Format)• Minute: 0 to 59Program Fax Info.Specifies the user information for sending a fax.• Own Fax NumberSpecifies the fax number of the machine using up to 20 characters, including 0 to 9, space,and "+".• Own NameSpecifies the name of the machine using up to 20 characters.Function PrioritySpecifies the mode that is activated when the power is turned on.Default: [Copier]• Copier• Facsimile• ScannerEnergy Saver ModeSets the machine to enter Energy Saver Mode, Energy Saver Mode 1 or Energy Saver Mode 2, toreduce power consumption. The machine recovers from Energy Saver Mode when it receives aprint job, prints a received fax, receives TWAIN scan directions from the computer, or when anykey is pressed.Energy Saver Mode 1The machine enters Energy Saver Mode 1 if the machine has been idle for about 30 seconds.It takes less time to recover from Energy Saver Mode 1 than from power-off state or EnergySaver Mode 2, but power consumption is higher in Energy Saver Mode 1 than in EnergySaver Mode 2.Default: [Off]• Off• OnEnergy Saver Mode 2The machine enters Energy Saver Mode 2 after the period of time specified for this setting haspassed. The machine consumes less power in Energy Saver Mode 2 than in Energy SaverSystem Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104856_eng.xml 149Draft 2013/03/07
Mode 1, but it takes longer to recover from Energy Saver Mode 2 than from Energy SaverMode 1.• EuropeDefault: [1 minute]The time can be set from 1 to 30 minutes.• Countries other than European countriesDefault: [On] (1 minute)• On (1 to 240 minutes, in 1 minute increments)• OffLanguageSpecifies the language used on the screen and in reports.Default: [English]• English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish,Portuguese, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Portuguese (BR), TurkishCountry CodeSelects the country in which the machine is used. The country code you specify determines the timeand date display format and the default values of the fax transmission-related settings.Make sure to select the country code correctly. Selecting a wrong country code may cause failuresin fax transmissions.Default: [USA]Fixed USB PortSpecifies whether the same driver can be used for multiple machines or not under USB connection.Default: [Off]• OnThe same driver you have installed on your computer can be used with any machine otherthan the one originally used for installation as long as the machine is the same model.• OffYou must install the driver separately for individual machines, because a machine that is notthe original will be recognized as a new device upon USB connection.Print CartridgeDisplays information about consumables. This information is displayed only if [Toner End Option]has been set to [Stop Printing].•  (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="") (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="") (New)7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel150 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104856_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
•  (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="") (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="")•  (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="") (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="")•  (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="") (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="")•  (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="") (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="")•  (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="") (alt="Remaining life" title="")  (alt="Remaining life" title="") (Needs replacing)If [Toner End Option] is set to [Continue Printing], "**" is displayed instead of the indicator above.Toner levels are not displayed for Type 3 models.Toner levels are always displayed for Type 3 models.Low Humidity ModeWhen the machine is used in a low humidity environment, black stripes with a few millimeters widthmay appear. Selecting [On] should prevent such black stripes from appearing.Default: [Off]• On• OffRegistrationAdjusts the position of the input tray. Adjust the value by using the [  (alt="Down arrow key"title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key.To check the registration, print a test page.Tray 1Adjusts the position of Tray 1.Default: [0]• Horizontal (-6 to +6 mm, in 1 mm increments)• Vertical (-6 to +6 mm, in 1 mm increments)Bypass TrayAdjusts the position of the bypass tray.Default: [0]• Horizontal (-6 to +6 mm, in 1 mm increments)• Vertical (-6 to +6 mm, in 1 mm increments)Adjust Image DensityAdjusts the density of printing.System Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104856_eng.xml 151Draft 2013/03/07
Default:   (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="") (Lightest)•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")(alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="") (Darkest)Toner End OptionThis setting is used to monitor the toner level.Default: [Stop Printing]• Stop PrintingMonitoring the toner level is enabled. The remaining toner level can be checked in the controlpanel and on the Smart Organizing Monitor.• Continue PrintingThe machine no longer monitors the toner level. Even when the toner runs out, printing willcontinue and no messages will be displayed.• [Toner End Option] is not displayed for Type 3 models.• For details about print cartridge and toner, see page 231 "Notes About the Toner".Reset Settings• Reset All SettingsResets all settings to the factory default, except for the language, date and time, and faxSpeed Dialing settings.• Clear Address BookDeletes all fax speed dial entries.7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel152 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104856_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOPrinting Lists/ReportsPrinting the Configuration Page1. Press the [User Tools] key.ctt129.pdf (alt="User tools key illustration" title="")CTT1292. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect [Print List/Report], and then press the [OK] key.3. Press the [  (alt="Down arrow key" title="")] or [  (alt="Up arrow key" title="")] key toselect types of report, and then press the [OK] key.Types of Report• Reports other than the test page are printed using the paper loaded in Tray 1. The test page can beprinted using the paper loaded in the bypass tray.• When printing the test page, set the paper size to A4 or Letter. When printing other reports, set thepaper size to A4, Letter, or Legal.Configuration PagePrints the machine’s general information and current configuration.Test PageChecks the results of print position adjustment.Fax JournalPrints a fax transmission and reception journal for the last 100 jobs.TX Status ReportPrints the latest transmission report.Printing Lists/Reportsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104857_eng.xml 153Draft 2013/03/07
TX Standby File ListPrints a list of unsent fax jobs remaining in the machine's memory.Fax Speed Dial ListPrints a list of Speed Dial entries.Scanner Dest. ListPrints a list of scan destinations.Scanner JournalPrints a scanner journal for the last 100 Scan to E-mail, Scan to FTP, and Scan to Foldertransmissions.Network Setting ListPrints the MAC address and IP address.In the case of the Type 4 model, you can check the wireless LAN settings.7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel154 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104857_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOPrinter Features SettingsI/O TimeoutTimeout: USBSpecifies how many seconds the machine waits for print data if the data is interrupted whilebeing sent from the computer via USB. If the machine does not receive any data within thespecified time, the machine only prints the data it has received.Default: [60 sec.]• Off• 15 sec.• 60 sec.• 300 sec.Auto ContinueSets the machine to ignore errors on paper size or type and continue printing. The printing stopstemporarily if an error is detected, and resumes automatically after the specified time, dependingon the settings specified in the control panel.Default: [0 sec.]• Off• 0 sec.• 10 sec.• 30 sec.Sub Paper SizeSets the machine to print onto paper of another size if the specified paper is not loaded in the tray.Alternative sizes are preset to A4 and Letter.Default: [On]• On• OffPrinter Features Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104858_eng.xml 155Draft 2013/03/07
FiONetwork SettingsLAN TypeSelect whether to connect to the network via wireless LAN or Ethernet.Default: [Wireless LAN]• Ethernet• Wireless LANMachine IPv4 Address• DHCP ActivatedSets the machine to receive its IPv4 address, subnet mask, and default gateway addressautomatically from a DHCP server.When DHCP is used, you cannot specify the IPv4 address, subnet mask, or default gatewayaddress manually.Default: [On]• On• Off• IP AddressSpecifies the machine's IPv4 address when DHCP is not used.Use this menu to check the current IP address when DHCP is used.Default:• Subnet MaskSpecifies the machine's subnet mask when DHCP is not used.Use this menu to check the current subnet mask when DHCP is used.Default:• Gateway AddressSpecifies the machine's default gateway address when DHCP is not used.Use this menu to check the current default gateway address when DHCP is used.Default: IPv6 Address• Use IPv6Select whether to enable or disable IPv6.Default: [On]• On• Off7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel156 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104859_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
• Link-local AddressDisplays the IPv6 link local address.• Stateless Address 0-4Displays the IPv6 stateless addresses obtained from a Router Advertisement.• Stateful AddressDisplays the IPv6 stateful address.• Manual Config. Add.Specifies the machine's IPv6 address when DHCP is not used.• IPv6 Gateway AddressSpecifies the IPv6 address of the default gateway.MAC AddressDisplays the MAC address.Wi-Fi SettingsWi-Fi Connection• Search SSIDSelect the wireless LAN access point or router identified by the SSID and enter thepassword. If the password is correct, a network connection will be established.• WPS (PBC)WPS can be performed by push-button configuration (PBC).• WPS (PIN)WPS can be performed using the personal identification number (PIN).Machine IPv4 Address• DHCP ActivatedSets the machine to receive its IPv4 address, subnet mask, and default gateway addressautomatically from a DHCP server.When DHCP is used, you cannot specify the IPv4 address, subnet mask, or defaultgateway address manually.Default: [On]• On• Off• IP AddressSpecifies the machine's IPv4 address when DHCP is not used.Use this menu to check the current IP address when DHCP is used.Default: Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104859_eng.xml 157Draft 2013/03/07
• Subnet MaskSpecifies the machine's subnet mask when DHCP is not used.Use this menu to check the current subnet mask when DHCP is used.Default:• Gateway AddressSpecifies the machine's default gateway address when DHCP is not used.Use this menu to check the current default gateway address when DHCP is used.Default: IPv6 Address• Use IPv6Select whether to enable or disable IPv6.Default: [On]• On• Off• Link-local AddressDisplays the IPv6 link local address.• Stateless Address 0-4Displays the IPv6 stateless addresses obtained from a Router Advertisement.• Stateful AddressDisplays the IPv6 stateful address.• Manual Config. Add.Specifies the machine's IPv6 address when DHCP is not used.• IPv6 Gateway AddressSpecifies the IPv6 address of the default gateway.Signal StrengthDisplays the signal strength.•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="") (strong)•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")•  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="")  (alt="" title="") (weak)• DisconnectedCommunication ModeSpecify the communication mode of the wireless LAN.7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel158 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104859_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Default: [Off]• Off• Infrastructure Mode• 802.11 Ad-Hoc ModeSSIDEnter the SSID (name of the wireless network) to identify the network.Security MethodSpecify the encryption of the wireless LAN.Default: [Open System – None]• Open System – None• Open System – WEP• Shared Key – WEP• WPA-PSK – AES• WPA2-PSK – AESChannel NumberSpecify the channel to use when [802.11 Ad-Hoc Mode] has been selected. Set the channelthat matches the type of the wireless LAN being used.Default: [0]WEP/WPA/WPA2 SettingYou can specify [Key Length], [Key Format], and [WEP Key/Passphrase].• Key LengthSelect 64 bit or 128 bit.• 64 bit• 128 bit• Key FormatSelect ASCII or Hexadecimal.• ASCII• Hexadecimal• WEP Key/PassphraseEnter the password.PIN CodeDisplay PIN Code.Network Settingsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104859_eng.xml 159Draft 2013/03/07
Wi-Fi Status ReportYou can specify whether or not, after the wireless LAN has been configured, the Wi-Fi statusreport is automatically printed.Default: [On]• On• Off7. Configuring the Machine Using the Control Panel160 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104859_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
8. Configuring the Machine UsingUtilitiesFiOUsing Web Image Monitor• Some items can also be configured using the control panel.Available operationsThe following operations can be performed remotely using Web Image Monitor on a computer:• Displaying the machine’s status• Configuring the network settings• Setting the administrator password• Resetting the machine's configuration to the factory defaultSupported Web browsers• Internet Explorer 6 or later• Firefox 3.0 or laterDisplaying Top PageWhen you access the machine using Web Image Monitor, the top page appears in your browser'swindow.1. Launch the Web browser.2. In the Web browser’s address bar, enter “http://(machine’s IP address)/” to access themachine.If a DNS server is used and the machine’s host name has been specified, you can enter the hostname instead of the IP address.The top page of Web Image Monitor appears.Top pageEvery Web Image Monitor page is divided into the following areas:opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104861_eng.xml 161Draft 2013/03/07
ctt135.pdf (alt="Web Image Monitor numbered callout illustration" title="")132CTT1351. Menu areaIf you select a menu item, its content will be shown.2. Header areaThe dialog box for switching to the user mode and administrator mode appears, and each mode's menuwill be displayed.Click [Refresh] button at the upper right in the work area to update the machine information. Click theWeb browser's [Refresh] button to refresh the entire browser screen.3. Basic Information areaDisplays the basic information about of the machine.• If you use an older version of a supported Web browser or the Web browser has JavaScript andcookies disabled, display and operation problems may occur.• If you are using a proxy server, configure the Web browser settings as necessary.• The previous page may not appear even if the back button of the Web browser is clicked. If thishappens, click the refresh button of the Web browser.Changing the Interface LanguageSelect the display language you want use, and then click [Switch].MenuThis section explains the items in the Web browser menu.8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities162 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104861_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Guest ModeIn the guest mode, machine status, and settings can be viewed, but the machine settings cannot bechanged.wim009.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration numbered callout illustration" title="")1. Interface SettingsThe interface setting appears.2. IPv4The IPv4 configuration appears.3. IPv6The IPv6 configuration appears.4. Machine InformationThe machine information appears.Administrator ModeIn the administrator mode, you can configure various machine settings.Using Web Image Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104861_eng.xml 163Draft 2013/03/07
wim010.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration numbered callout illustration" title="")1. Interface SettingsYou can change the interface setting.2. IPv4You can change the IPv4.3. IPv6You can change the IPv6.4. SNMPYou can change the SNMP.5. Administrator SettingsYou can change the administrator password.6. Restore DefaultsYou can reset the administrator password and other network settings.7. Machine InformationThe machine information appears.Changing the Machine SettingsTo change the machine settings, log in to the machine as the administrator.FiO• The control panel cannot be used during log in.8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities164 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104861_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
1. Launch the Web browser.2. In the address bar, enter "http://(machine's IP address)/".3. Click [Log in].4. Enter the administrator password, and then click [Log in].If you are logging in for the first time, enter "admin133" as the password.5. In the menu area, select the setting you wish to specify.6. Specify the machine settings.7. Click [OK].The specified settings are transmitted to the machine.Settings ListThis section explains the Web Image Monitor settings.Checking the System InformationOn the top page, you can check the current system information such as the device information, papertray status, toner status, and total counter.wim001.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")Item DescriptionStatus Displays the icon indicating the device status.Toner Displays the remaining toner level.Toner levels are not displayed for Type 3 models.Total Counter Displays the total counter.Paper Displays the size and type of paper loaded in Tray 1 and the bypass tray.Using Web Image Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104861_eng.xml 165Draft 2013/03/07
Configuring the Interface SettingsClick [Interface Settings] to display the page for configuring the interface settings.wim002.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")Item DescriptionLAN Type Switch the interface between Ethernet and wireless LAN. This is available only ifthe device supports both interfaces.Network Displays Ethernet operation status.MAC Address Displays the MAC address (Media Access Control Address) of the networkinterface board.I/O timeout(Network)Select whether or not to apply a timeout limit if the machine takes longer than aspecified time to process a job.Ethernet Speed Ethernet communication speed. For normal use, select Auto Select. This allowsthe device to select the optimum speed.If communication with the device fails, select 10Mbps Full Duplex, 10MbpsHalf Duplex, 100Mbps Full Duplex, or 100Mbps Half Duplex.Configuring the IPv4 settingsClick [IPv4] to display the page for configuring the IPv4 settings.8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities166 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104861_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
wim003.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")IPv4Item DescriptionIPv4 Indicates that IPv4 is enabled.EthernetItem DescriptionHost Name Enter the host name you want to set for the network interface board or wirelessLAN interface unit, using up to 63 characters. The default is RNP, followed bythe MAC address of the active interface board. If you change the name to otherthan the default, the new name cannot begin with "RNP" or "rnp".DHCP Select [Enable] to automatically configure the network settings using the DHCPserver. Select [Disable] to manually configure the network settings.Domain Name Specify whether to use the domain name obtained from the DHCP server, or thedomain name set for the device.• "Auto-Obtain (DHCP)" selectedWhen using DHCP, the domain name obtained from the DHCP server isused. If the domain name cannot be obtained from the DHCP server, thedomain name set for the device is used.• "Specify" selectedThe domain name set for the device is used. Enter the domain name, usingup to 63 characters. Spaces cannot be used.IPv4 Address Enter the IPv4 address of the network interface board or wireless LAN interfaceunit.At DHCP operation, the address obtained from the DHCP server is used.Subnet Mask Enter the sub-net mask of the network interface board or wireless LAN interfaceunit. The sub-net mask is a part of the IP address used as a network address.Using Web Image Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104861_eng.xml 167Draft 2013/03/07
Item DescriptionWhen using DHCP, the sub-net mask obtained from the DHCP server is used.DDNS Select whether DDNS (Dynamic DNS) name resolution for the network interfaceboard or wireless LAN interface unit is active or inactive.When active, the DNS database is immediately updated.DetailsItem DescriptionDefault GatewayAddressEnter the default gateway address.The default gateway address is the IP address of the host or router used as thegateway when communicating (printing or exchanging information) with acomputer on another network.When using DHCP, the default gateway address obtained from the DHCPserver is used. If the address cannot be obtained from the DHCP server, thedefault gateway address set for the device is used.DNS Server Select whether to use the DNS server obtained from the DHCP server, or theDNS server set for the device.LPR Select to enable network printing using LPR/LPD.RAW Select to enable network raw printing.IPP Select to enable network printing using Internet Print Protocol.Configuring the IPv6 settingsClick [IPv6] to display the page for configuring the IPv6 settings.wim004.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities168 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104861_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
IPv6Item DescriptionIPv6 Select whether IPv6 is active or inactive.EthernetItem DescriptionHost Name Enter the host name you want to set for the network interface board or wirelessLAN interface unit, using up to 63 characters. The default is RNP, followed bythe MAC address of the active interface board. If you change the name to otherthan the default, the new name cannot begin with "RNP" or "rnp".Domain Name Enter the name of the domain to which the device belongs, using up to 63alphanumeric characters.Link-local Address Displays the link-local address of the network interface board or wireless LANinterface unit.The link-local address applies only within the local network (local segment) andbegins with "fe80::", followed by an identifier generated from the MAC addressof the active interface board.Stateless Address Displays the stateless address for router.ManualConfigurationAddressIn the left box, enter the IPv6 address assigned for the network interface boardor wireless LAN interface unit.In the right box, enter the prefix length of the IPv6 address, using a valuebetween 0 and 128. The default is 64.• The following addresses cannot be set:Link-local addresses, multicast addresses, loopback addresses, IPv4-compatible addresses, and IPv4-mapped addressesDHCPv6 Select [Enable] to use the DHCPv6 server to automatically configure thenetwork settings. Select [Disable] to manually configure the network settings.DDNS Select whether DDNS (Dynamic DNS) name resolution for the network interfaceboard or wireless LAN interface unit is active or inactive.When active, the DNS database is immediately updated.Using Web Image Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104861_eng.xml 169Draft 2013/03/07
DetailsItem DescriptionDefault GatewayAddressEnter the default gateway address.The default gateway address is the IP address of the host or router used as thegateway when communicating (printing or exchanging information) with acomputer on another network.When using DHCP, the default gateway address obtained from the DHCPserver is used. If the address cannot be obtained from the DHCP server, thedefault gateway address set for the device is used.DNS Server Select whether to use the DNS server obtained from the DHCP server, or theDNS server set for the device.DHCPv6 Mode Select an operation mode for DHCPv6.• DHCPv6Operates in DHCPv6 mode.Obtains the IPv6 address and other parameters.• DHCPv6-liteOperates in DHCPv6-lite mode.Obtains parameters except the IPv6 address.IAID IAID is ID to identity IPv6 address and it is needed for acquiring reserved IPv6address.LPR Select to enable network printing using LPR/LPD.RAW Select to enable network raw printing.IPP Select to enable network printing using Internet Print Protocol.Configuring the SNMP SettingsClick [SNMP] to display the page for configuring the SNMP settings.8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities170 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104861_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
wim005.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")SNMPItem DescriptionSNMP Select whether SNMP is active or inactive for the interface board(s).SNMPv1,v2 SettingItem DescriptionSNMPv1 TrapCommunicationSelect whether to send SNMPv1 trap.SNMPv2 TrapCommunicationSelect whether to send SNMPv2 trap.CommunityItem DescriptionCommunity Name Enter the name of the community to which the network interface board belongs,using up to 15 characters. If the community name is different from that of thehosts, requests from the hosts will not be accepted.Access Type In the list, select the access rights to the community.• Not AccessibleNo access permitted.• read-onlyYou can read the information, but not edit it.• read-writeYou can read and edit the information.• trapUsing Web Image Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104861_eng.xml 171Draft 2013/03/07
Item DescriptionNotifies the manager with information about errors. Enter the recipient ofthe error notification in the Manager Address box.[Protocol], [Active/Inactive]Configure settings for each protocol used by the community.Manager Address Enter the host computer's address according to the protocol in use.Configuring the Administrator PasswordClick [Administrator Settings] to specify the administrator password.wim006.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")Administrator SettingsItem DescriptionCurrent Password Enter the current administrator password. The default is "admin133".New Password Enter the new administrator password. You can enter it using three to eightcharacters.Confirm Password Enter the same password again, to confirm.Resetting the Machine’s SettingsClick [Restore Defaults] to reset the network settings and administrator password.wim007.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities172 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104861_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Checking the Machine InformationClick [Machine Information] to display machine information.wim008.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")Machine InformationItem DescriptionFirmware Version Displays the version of firmware installed on the machine.Engine FW Version Displays the version of the firmware for the machine engine.Machine ID Displays the serial number of the machine.Total Memory Displays the total memory installed in the machine.Using Web Image Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104861_eng.xml 173Draft 2013/03/07
PUsing Web Image MonitorAvailable operationsThe following operations can be performed remotely using Web Image Monitor on a computer:• Displaying the machine’s status• Configuring the network settings• Setting the administrator password• Resetting the machine's configuration to the factory defaultSupported Web browsers• Internet Explorer 6 or later• Firefox 3.0 or laterDisplaying Top PageWhen you access the machine using Web Image Monitor, the top page appears in your browser'swindow.1. Launch the Web browser.2. In the Web browser’s address bar, enter "http://(machine’s IP address)/" to access themachine.If a DNS server is used and the machine’s host name has been specified, you can enter the hostname instead of the IP address.The top page of Web Image Monitor appears.Top pageEvery Web Image Monitor page is divided into the following areas:8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities174 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104862_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
ctt170.pdf (alt="Web Image Monitor screen numbered callout illustration" title="")132CTT1701. Menu areaIf you select a menu item, its content will be shown.2. Header areaThe dialog box for switching to the user mode and administrator mode appears, and each mode's menuwill be displayed.Click [Refresh] button at the upper right in the work area to update the machine information. Click theWeb browser's [Refresh] button to refresh the entire browser screen.3. Basic Information areaDisplays the basic information about of the machine.ctt184.pdf (alt="Web Image Monitor screen numbered callout illustration" title="")132CTT1841. Menu areaIf you select a menu item, its content will be shown.2. Header areaThe dialog box for switching to the user mode and administrator mode appears, and each mode's menuwill be displayed.Using Web Image Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104862_eng.xml 175Draft 2013/03/07
Click [Refresh] button at the upper right in the work area to update the machine information. Click theWeb browser's [Refresh] button to refresh the entire browser screen.3. Basic Information areaDisplays the basic information about of the machine.• If you use an older version of a supported Web browser or the Web browser has JavaScript andcookies disabled, display and operation problems may occur.• If you are using a proxy server, configure the Web browser settings as necessary.• The previous page may not appear even if the back button of the Web browser is clicked. If thishappens, click the refresh button of the Web browser.Changing the Interface LanguageSelect the display language you want use, and then click [Switch].MenuThis section explains the items in the Web browser menu.Guest ModeIn the guest mode, machine status, and settings can be viewed, but the machine settings cannot bechanged.wim009.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration numbered callout illustration" title="")1. Interface SettingsThe interface setting appears.2. IPv4The IPv4 configuration appears.8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities176 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104862_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
3. IPv6The IPv6 configuration appears.4. Machine InformationThe machine information appears.Administrator ModeIn the administrator mode, you can configure various machine settings.wim010.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration numbered callout illustration" title="")1. Interface SettingsYou can change the interface setting.2. IPv4You can change the IPv4.3. IPv6You can change the IPv6.4. SNMPYou can change the SNMP.5. Administrator SettingsYou can change the administrator password.6. Restore DefaultsYou can reset the administrator password and other network settings.7. Machine InformationThe machine information appears.Using Web Image Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104862_eng.xml 177Draft 2013/03/07
Changing the Machine SettingsTo change the machine settings, log in to the machine as the administrator.1. Launch the Web browser.2. In the address bar, enter "http://(machine's IP address)/".3. Click [Log in].4. Enter the administrator password, and then click [Log in].If you are logging in for the first time, enter "admin133" as the password.5. In the menu area, select the setting you wish to specify.6. Specify the machine settings.7. Click [OK].The specified settings are transmitted to the machine.Settings ListThis section explains the Web Image Monitor settings.Checking the System InformationOn the top page, you can check the current system information such as the device information, papertray status, toner status, and total counter.wim011.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")wim020.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities178 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104862_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Item DescriptionStatus Displays the icon indicating the device status.Toner Toner level status may not be displayed.Displays the remaining toner level.Total Counter Displays the total counter.Paper Displays the size and type of paper loaded in Tray 1 and the bypass tray.Configuring the Interface SettingsClick [Interface Settings] to display the page for configuring the interface settings.wim002.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")Item DescriptionLAN Type Switch the interface between Ethernet and wireless LAN. This is available only ifthe device supports both interfaces.Network Displays Ethernet operation status.MAC Address Displays the MAC address (Media Access Control Address) of the networkinterface board.I/O timeout(Network)Select whether or not to apply a timeout limit if the machine takes longer than aspecified time to process a job.Ethernet Speed Ethernet communication speed. For normal use, select Auto Select. This allowsthe device to select the optimum speed.If communication with the device fails, select 10Mbps Full Duplex, 10MbpsHalf Duplex, 100Mbps Full Duplex, or 100Mbps Half Duplex.Using Web Image Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104862_eng.xml 179Draft 2013/03/07
Configuring the IPv4 settingsClick [IPv4] to display the page for configuring the IPv4 settings.wim003.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")IPv4Item DescriptionIPv4 Indicates that IPv4 is enabled.EthernetItem DescriptionHost Name Enter the host name you want to set for the network interface board or wirelessLAN interface unit, using up to 63 characters. The default is RNP, followed bythe MAC address of the active interface board. If you change the name to otherthan the default, the new name cannot begin with "RNP" or "rnp".DHCP Select [Enable] to automatically configure the network settings using the DHCPserver. Select [Disable] to manually configure the network settings.Domain Name Specify whether to use the domain name obtained from the DHCP server, or thedomain name set for the device.• "Auto-Obtain (DHCP)" selectedWhen using DHCP, the domain name obtained from the DHCP server isused. If the domain name cannot be obtained from the DHCP server, thedomain name set for the device is used.• "Specify" selectedThe domain name set for the device is used. Enter the domain name, usingup to 63 characters. Spaces cannot be used.IPv4 Address Enter the IPv4 address of the network interface board or wireless LAN interfaceunit.At DHCP operation, the address obtained from the DHCP server is used.8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities180 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104862_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Item DescriptionSubnet Mask Enter the sub-net mask of the network interface board or wireless LAN interfaceunit. The sub-net mask is a part of the IP address used as a network address.When using DHCP, the sub-net mask obtained from the DHCP server is used.DDNS Select whether DDNS (Dynamic DNS) name resolution for the network interfaceboard or wireless LAN interface unit is active or inactive.When active, the DNS database is immediately updated.DetailsItem DescriptionDefault GatewayAddressEnter the default gateway address.The default gateway address is the IP address of the host or router used as thegateway when communicating (printing or exchanging information) with acomputer on another network.When using DHCP, the default gateway address obtained from the DHCPserver is used. If the address cannot be obtained from the DHCP server, thedefault gateway address set for the device is used.DNS Server Select whether to use the DNS server obtained from the DHCP server, or theDNS server set for the device.LPR Select to enable network printing using LPR/LPD.RAW Select to enable network raw printing.IPP Select to enable network printing using Internet Print Protocol.Configuring the IPv6 settingsClick [IPv6] to display the page for configuring the IPv6 settings.wim004.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")Using Web Image Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104862_eng.xml 181Draft 2013/03/07
IPv6Item DescriptionIPv6 Select whether IPv6 is active or inactive.EthernetItem DescriptionHost Name Enter the host name you want to set for the network interface board or wirelessLAN interface unit, using up to 63 characters. The default is RNP, followed bythe MAC address of the active interface board. If you change the name to otherthan the default, the new name cannot begin with "RNP" or "rnp".Domain Name Enter the name of the domain to which the device belongs, using up to 63alphanumeric characters.Link-local Address Displays the link-local address of the network interface board or wireless LANinterface unit.The link-local address applies only within the local network (local segment) andbegins with "fe80::", followed by an identifier generated from the MAC addressof the active interface board.Stateless Address Displays the stateless address for router.ManualConfigurationAddressIn the left box, enter the IPv6 address assigned for the network interface board.In the right box, enter the prefix length of the IPv6 address, using a valuebetween 0 and 128. The default is 64.• The following addresses cannot be set:Link-local addresses, multicast addresses, loopback addresses, IPv4-compatible addresses, and IPv4-mapped addressesDHCPv6 Select [Enable] to use the DHCPv6 server to automatically configure thenetwork settings. Select [Disable] to manually configure the network settings.DDNS Select whether DDNS (Dynamic DNS) name resolution for the network interfaceboard or wireless LAN interface unit is active or inactive.When active, the DNS database is immediately updated.DetailsItem DescriptionDefault GatewayAddressEnter the default gateway address.8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities182 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104862_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Item DescriptionThe default gateway address is the IP address of the host or router used as thegateway when communicating (printing or exchanging information) with acomputer on another network.When using DHCP, the default gateway address obtained from the DHCPserver is used. If the address cannot be obtained from the DHCP server, thedefault gateway address set for the device is used.DNS Server Select whether to use the DNS server obtained from the DHCP server, or theDNS server set for the device.DHCPv6 Mode Select an operation mode for DHCPv6.• DHCPv6Operates in DHCPv6 mode.Obtains the IPv6 address and other parameters.• DHCPv6-liteOperates in DHCPv6-lite mode.Obtains parameters except the IPv6 address.IAID IAID is ID to identity IPv6 address and it is needed for acquiring reserved IPv6address.LPR Select to enable network printing using LPR/LPD.RAW Select to enable network raw printing.IPP Select to enable network printing using Internet Print Protocol.Configuring the SNMP SettingsClick [SNMP] to display the page for configuring the SNMP settings.wim005.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")Using Web Image Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104862_eng.xml 183Draft 2013/03/07
SNMPItem DescriptionSNMP Select whether SNMP is active or inactive for the interface board(s).SNMPv1,v2 SettingItem DescriptionSNMPv1 TrapCommunicationSelect whether to send SNMPv1 trap.SNMPv2 TrapCommunicationSelect whether to send SNMPv2 trap.CommunityItem DescriptionCommunity Name Enter the name of the community to which the network interface board belongs,using up to 15 characters. If the community name is different from that of thehosts, requests from the hosts will not be accepted.Access Type In the list, select the access rights to the community.• Not AccessibleNo access permitted.• read-onlyYou can read the information, but not edit it.• read-writeYou can read and edit the information.• trapNotifies the manager with information about errors. Enter the recipient ofthe error notification in the Manager Address box.[Protocol], [Active/Inactive]Configure settings for each protocol used by the community.Manager Address Enter the host computer's address according to the protocol in use.Configuring the Administrator PasswordClick [Administrator Settings] to specify the administrator password.8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities184 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104862_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
wim006.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")Administrator SettingsItem DescriptionCurrent Password Enter the current administrator password. The default is "admin133".New Password Enter the new administrator password. You can enter it using three to eightcharacters.Confirm Password Enter the same password again, to confirm.Resetting the Machine’s SettingsClick [Restore Defaults] to reset the network settings and administrator password.wim007.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")Checking the Machine InformationClick [Machine Information] to display machine information.wim008.tif (alt="web browser screen illustration " title="")Using Web Image Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104862_eng.xml 185Draft 2013/03/07
Machine InformationItem DescriptionFirmware Version Displays the version of firmware installed on the machine.Engine FW Version Displays the version of the firmware for the machine engine.Machine ID Displays the serial number of the machine.Total Memory Displays the total memory installed in the machine.8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities186 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104862_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Using Smart Organizing Monitor• To use Smart Organizing Monitor, install the printer driver.FiOChecking the Status Informationctt014.pdf (alt="Illustration of Smart Organizing Monitor" title="")CTT01412341. Image areaDisplays the status of this machine with an icon.2. Status area• Paper SizeDisplays the paper size configured on the machine.• Paper TypeDisplays the paper type configured on the machine.• TonerThe remaining toner level is displayed in ten levels, when [Toner End Option] has been set to [StopPrinting]. If [Toner End Option] has been set to [Continue Printing], however, "**" is displayed becausethe remaining toner level is not monitored.• CounterDisplays the number of pages that have been printed by the machine.Toner levels are not displayed for Type 3 models.Using Smart Organizing Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104863_eng.xml 187Draft 2013/03/07
Toner levels are always displayed for Type 3 models.3. Select Device areaDisplays the name of the selected model.4. Message areaDisplays the status of this machine with a message.For details about error messages, see page 228 "Error and Status Messages Appear on the SmartOrganizing Monitor".TiOChecking the Status Informationctt015.pdf (alt="Illustration of Smart Organizing Monitor" title="")CTT01512341. Image areaDisplays the status of this machine with an icon.2. Status area• Paper SizeDisplays the paper size configured on the machine.• Paper TypeDisplays the paper type configured on the machine.• Toner"**" is always displayed because the machine does not monitor the toner level.• CounterDisplays the number of pages that have been printed by the machine.8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities188 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104863_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
3. Select Device areaDisplays the name of the selected model.4. Message areaDisplays the status of this machine with a message.For details about error messages, see page 228 "Error and Status Messages Appear on the SmartOrganizing Monitor".TiOChecking the Status Informationctt132.pdf (alt="Illustration of Smart Organizing Monitor" title="")CTT13212341. Image areaDisplays the status of this machine with an icon.2. Status area• Paper SizeDisplays the paper size configured on the machine.• Paper TypeDisplays the paper type configured on the machine.• TonerThe remaining toner level is displayed in ten levels.• CounterDisplays the number of pages that have been printed by the machine.Using Smart Organizing Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104863_eng.xml 189Draft 2013/03/07
3. Select Device areaDisplays the name of the selected model.4. Message areaDisplays the status of this machine with a message.For details about error messages, see page 228 "Error and Status Messages Appear on the SmartOrganizing Monitor".PChecking the Status Informationctt016.pdf (alt="Illustration of Smart Organizing Monitor" title="")CTT01612341. Image areaDisplays the status of this machine with an icon.2. Status area• Paper SizeDisplays the paper size configured on the machine.• Paper TypeDisplays the paper type configured on the machine.• Toner"**" is always displayed because the machine does not monitor the toner level.• CounterDisplays the number of pages that have been printed by the machine.8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities190 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104863_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
3. Select Device areaDisplays the name of the selected model.4. Message areaDisplays the status of this machine with a message.For details about error messages, see page 228 "Error and Status Messages Appear on the SmartOrganizing Monitor".PChecking the Status Informationctt114.pdf (alt="Illustration of Smart Organizing Monitor" title="")CTT11412341. Image areaDisplays the status of this machine with an icon.2. Status area• Paper SizeDisplays the paper size configured on the machine.• Paper TypeDisplays the paper type configured on the machine.• TonerThe remaining toner level is displayed in ten levels.• CounterDisplays the number of pages that have been printed by the machine.Using Smart Organizing Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104863_eng.xml 191Draft 2013/03/07
3. Select Device areaDisplays the name of the selected model.4. Message areaDisplays the status of this machine with a message.For details about error messages, see page 228 "Error and Status Messages Appear on the SmartOrganizing Monitor".Configuring the Machine SettingsSmart Organizing Monitor is used to modify the machine’s settings.1. On the [Start] menu, click [All Programs].2. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series].3. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series Status].4. If the machine you are using is not selected, click [Select Device...], and then select themachine's model.5. Click [OK].6. On the [User Tool] tab, click [Printer Configuration].7. Change the settings if necessary.8. Click [OK].9. Click [Close].Tab SettingsThis section provides a tab-by-tab overview of the machine settings that can be modified using SmartOrganizing Monitor. For more information on each setting item, see the Smart Organizing MonitorHelp.System tab• Register custom paper sizes.• Adjust the printing position or density to improve the printing quality when printed results arenot satisfactory.• Enable or disable Energy Saver Mode, and specify the amount of time that will elapse beforeswitching to it.• Update the machine firmware.PPrinter tab•PConfigure how the machine behaves when its paper size and/or type settings do notmatch those of the printer driver.8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities192 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104863_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
•PSpecify the period of time the machine waits if it fails to receive a print job.TiOPrinter tab•TiOConfigure how the machine behaves when its paper size and/or type settings do notmatch those of the printer driver.•TiOSpecify the period of time the machine waits if it fails to receive a print job.TiOCopy tab•TiOConfigure toner-saving settings.•TiOConfigure scaling settings.•TiOYou can specify the bypass tray paper size and/or type.FiOFax tab•FiOSpecify the fax name and number of the machine.•FiORegister, edit, and delete speed dial entries.FiOScanner tab•FiOYou can edit the server's properties.•FiOYou can register, edit, and delete scan destinations.FiOWi-Fi Tab•FiOYou can configure basic wireless LAN settings.•FiOYou can configure the security settings.PWi-Fi Tab•PYou can configure basic wireless LAN settings.•PYou can configure the security settings.Printing the Configuration Page• When printing the test page, set the paper size to A4 or Letter. When printing other reports, set thepaper size to A4, Letter, or Legal.1. On the [Start] menu, click [All Programs].2. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series].3. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series Status].4. If the machine you are using is not selected, click [Select Device...], and then select themachine's model.5. Click [OK].6. On the [User Tool] tab, select [Test Page] or [Configuration Page] in the [List / Test:] list.Using Smart Organizing Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104863_eng.xml 193Draft 2013/03/07
7. Click [Print].Updating the Firmware• In no event shall the company be held liable to customers for damages of any kind resulting fromuse or loss of use of this software.• The company shall also not be held liable for any disputes between the customer and third partiesresulting from any use or loss of use of this software.• To make sure that a firmware update has successfully completed, print the configuration pagebefore and after the update.•FiO,PMake sure to never disconnect the USB cable or Ethernet cable during a firmware update.•TiOMake sure to never disconnect the USB cable during a firmware update.• Disconnect any unnecessary cables from the machine when running a firmware update.• If necessary, modify power management settings on your computer in advance so that thecomputer will not enter standby or sleep mode during a firmware update.• Download the firmware from the manufacturer's Web site.To update the firmware, use the Smart Organizing Monitor from Windows.1. On the [Start] menu, click [All Programs].2. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series].3. Click [Smart Organizing Monitor for SP xxx Series Status].4. If the machine you are using is not selected, click [Select Device...], and then select themachine's model.5. Click [OK].6. On the [User Tool] tab, click [Printer Configuration].7. On the [System] tab, click [Printer Firmware Update...].8. Click [OK].9. Specify the location of the DWN file, and then click [Open].10. After a message is displayed on the Smart Organizing Monitor to indicate that thefirmware update has completed, turn the machine's power Off and then On again.8. Configuring the Machine Using Utilities194 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104863_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
9. Maintaining the MachineReplacing the Print Cartridge•TiOThis machine does not monitor the remaining toner level, and no message will be displayedto prompt the user to replace the print cartridge if the machine runs out of toner. Replace the printcartridge if the printed image suddenly becomes pale or blurred.•PThis machine does not monitor the remaining toner level, and no message will be displayed toprompt the user to replace the print cartridge if the machine runs out of toner. Replace the printcartridge if the printed image suddenly becomes pale or blurred.•FiOIf "Out of Toner" / "Print Cartridge" is displayed in the control panel, replace the printcartridge by following the procedure described below. However, this message will not bedisplayed if [Toner End Option] has been set to [Continue Printing]. Replace the print cartridge ifthe printed image becomes pale or blurred.•FiOToner levels are not displayed for Type 3 models. Replace the print cartridge if the printedimage becomes pale or blurred.• Store print cartridges in a cool dark place.• Actual printable numbers vary depending on image volume and density, number of pages printedat a time, paper type and size, and environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity.Toner quality degrades over time.• For good print quality, the manufacturer recommends that you use genuine toner from themanufacturer.• The manufacturer shall not be responsible for any damage or expense that might result from the useof parts other than genuine parts from the manufacturer with your office products.1. Open the front cover, and then carefully lower it.2. Carefully pull out the print cartridge horizontally, holding its center.ctt045.pdf (alt="Print cartridge illustration" title="")CTT045opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104865_eng.xml 195Draft 2013/03/07
3. Take the new print cartridge out of the box, and then take it out of the plastic bag.4. Hold the print cartridge and shake it from side to side five or six times.Shake the print cartridge horizontally in the direction. The first few printed pages may appearblurred or smeared if the cartridge has not been shaken properly.5. Slide the print cartridge in horizontally, and then slowly push it in all the way. Finally,push the cartridge down until it clicks into place.ctt048.pdf (alt="Print cartridge illustration" title="")CTT0486. Carefully push up the front cover until it closes.9. Maintaining the Machine196 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104865_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Cautions When CleaningClean the machine periodically to maintain high print quality.Dry wipe the exterior with a soft cloth. If dry wiping is not sufficient, wipe with a soft, damp cloth that hasbeen wrung out thoroughly. If you still cannot remove the stain or grime, use a neutral detergent, wipeover the area with a thoroughly-wrung damp cloth, and then dry wipe the area and allow it to dry.• To avoid deformation, discoloration, or cracking, do not use volatile chemicals, such as benzineand thinner, or spray insecticide on the machine.• If there is dust or grime inside the machine, wipe with a clean, dry cloth.• You must disconnect the plug from the wall outlet at least once a year. Clean away any dust andgrime from the plug and outlet before reconnecting. Accumulated dust and grime pose a firehazard.• Do not allow paper clips, staples, or other small objects to fall inside the machine.Cautions When Cleaningopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104866_eng.xml 197Draft 2013/03/07
Cleaning the Inside of the Machine1. Open the front cover, and then carefully lower it.2. Carefully pull out the print cartridge horizontally, holding its center.ctt045.pdf (alt="Print cartridge illustration" title="")CTT0453. Use a cloth to wipe the inside of the machine toward and away from yourself.ctt176.pdf (alt="Print cartridge illustration" title="")CTT176Wipe carefully so as not to touch any protrusions inside the machine.9. Maintaining the Machine198 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104867_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
4. Slide the print cartridge in horizontally, and then slowly push it in all the way. Finally,push the cartridge down until it clicks into place.ctt048.pdf (alt="Print cartridge illustration" title="")CTT0485. Carefully push up the front cover until it closes.Cleaning the Inside of the Machineopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104867_eng.xml 199Draft 2013/03/07
MFCleaning the Exposure Glass1. Lift the exposure glass cover.Be careful not to hold the input tray when lifting the exposure glass cover, for the tray might bedamaged.2. Clean the parts indicated with arrows with a soft damp cloth and then wipe the sameparts with a dry cloth to remove any remaining moisture.ctt025.pdf (alt="Machine front view illustration" title="")CTT0259. Maintaining the Machine200 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104868_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOCleaning the Auto Document Feeder1. Lift the ADF.Be careful not to hold the input tray when lifting the ADF, for the tray might be damaged.2. Clean the parts indicated with arrows with a soft damp cloth and then wipe the sameparts with a dry cloth to remove any remaining moisture.ctt026.pdf (alt="Machine front view illustration" title="")CTT026Cleaning the Auto Document Feederopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104869_eng.xml 201Draft 2013/03/07
9. Maintaining the Machine202 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104869_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
10. TroubleshootingCommon ProblemsThis section describes how to troubleshoot common problems that may occur while operating themachine.Problem Possible cause SolutionThe machine does not turn on. The power cord is notconnected properly.• Make sure that the powerplug is firmly inserted intothe wall outlet.• Make sure that the walloutlet is not defective byconnecting anotherworking device.Pages are not printed.FiO,PThe USB cable orEthernet cable is not connectedcorrectly.TiOThe USB cable is notconnected correctly.FiO,PReconnect the USBcable or Ethernet cable.TiOReconnect the USB cable.Strange noise is heard. The consumable is not properlyinstalled.Check that the consumable isproperly installed.• If any of these problems persist, turn off the power, pull out the power cord, and contact your salesor service representative.opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104871_eng.xml 203Draft 2013/03/07
Paper Feed ProblemsIf the machine is operating but paper will not feed or paper jams occur frequently, check the condition ofthe machine and paper.Problem SolutionPaper does not feed smoothly.• Use supported types of paper. See page 45 "SupportedPaper".• Load paper correctly, making sure that the paper guidesare properly adjusted. See page 51 "Loading Paper".• If the paper is curled, straighten the paper.• Take out the paper from tray and fan it well. Then,reverse the top and bottom of the paper, and put it in thetray.Paper jams occur frequently.• If there are gaps between the paper and the paperguides, adjust the paper guides to remove the gaps.• Avoid printing on both sides of paper when printingimages that contain large areas of solid color, whichconsume a lot of toner.• Use supported types of paper. See page 45 "SupportedPaper".• Load paper only as high as the upper limit markings onthe paper guide.Multiple sheets of paper are fed atone time.• Fan the paper well before loading. Also make sure thatthe edges are even by tapping the stack on a flat surfacesuch as a desk.• Make sure that the paper guides are in the right position.• Use supported types of paper. See page 45 "SupportedPaper".• Load paper only as high as the upper limit markings onthe paper guide.• Check that paper was not added while there was stillsome left in the tray.Only add paper when there is none left in the tray.Paper gets wrinkles. • Paper is damp. Use paper that has been stored properly.• Paper is too thin. See page 45 "Supported Paper".10. Troubleshooting204 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104872_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Problem Solution• If there are gaps between the paper and the paperguides, adjust the paper guides to remove the gaps.The printed paper is curled. • Load the paper upside down in the input tray.• Paper is damp. Use paper that has been stored properly.Images are printed diagonally to thepages.cer091.pdf (alt="Illustration of printimage" title="")CER091If there are gaps between the paper and the paper guides,adjust the paper guides to remove the gaps.Removing Printing Jams• Jammed paper may be covered in toner. Be careful not to get toner on your hands or clothes.• Toner on prints made immediately after clearing a paper jam may be insufficiently fused and cansmudge. Make test prints until smudges no longer appear.• Do not forcefully remove jammed paper, as it may tear. Torn pieces remaining inside the machinewill cause further jams and possibly damage the machine.• Paper jams can cause pages to be lost. Check your print job for missing pages and reprint anypages that did not print out.• Depending on how the paper is jammed, it may eject automatically by opening and closing thefront cover and turning the power off and then back on twice in a row.Paper Feed Problemsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104872_eng.xml 205Draft 2013/03/07
Removing Jammed Paper from Tray 11. Pull Tray 1 halfway out, and check for jammed paper. If there is jammed paper, remove itcarefully.ctt030.pdf (alt="Tray 1 illustration" title="")CTT0302. Carefully slide Tray 1 back in until it stops.3. Open the front cover, and then carefully lower it.ctt054.pdf (alt="Front cover illustration" title="")CTT0544. Carefully pull out the print cartridge horizontally, holding its center.ctt045.pdf (alt="Print cartridge illustration" title="")CTT045• Do not shake the removed print cartridge. Doing so can cause remaining toner to leak.10. Troubleshooting206 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104872_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
• Place the print cartridge on paper or similar material to avoid dirtying your workspace.5. Lifting the guide plate, remove the jammed paper carefully.ctt046.pdf (alt="Tray 1 illustration" title="")CTT0466. Slide the print cartridge in horizontally, and then slowly push it in all the way. Finally,push the cartridge down until it clicks into place.ctt048.pdf (alt="Print cartridge illustration" title="")CTT0487. Carefully push up the front cover until it closes.ctt055.pdf (alt="Front cover illustration" title="")CTT055If the error display continues to appear, perform the procedure described in "Opening the RearCover to Remove Jammed Paper".Paper Feed Problemsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104872_eng.xml 207Draft 2013/03/07
Removing Jammed Paper from the Bypass Tray• Since the temperature around the guide is high, wait for it to cool before checking for jammedpaper.1. If paper is jammed in the bypass tray input area, remove the jammed paper carefully.ctt034.pdf (alt="Bypass tray illustration" title="")CTT0342. Close the bypass tray.3. Follow Steps 3 to 7 in "Removing Jammed Paper from Tray 1".If the error display continues to appear, perform the procedure described in "Opening the RearCover to Remove Jammed Paper".Opening the Rear Cover to Remove Jammed Paper• Since the temperature around the guide is high, wait for it to cool before checking for jammedpaper.1. Open the rear cover.ctt041.pdf (alt="Rear cover illustration" title="")CTT04110. Troubleshooting208 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104872_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
2. Open the fusing cover.ctt079.pdf (alt="Rear cover illustration" title="")CTT0793. Push the levers on the sides down with your thumbs.ctt080.pdf (alt="Rear cover illustration" title="")CTT0804. Remove the jammed paper carefully.ctt066.pdf (alt="Rear cover illustration" title="")CTT0665. Push the levers on the sides up with your thumbs.6. Close the fusing cover.Paper Feed Problemsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104872_eng.xml 209Draft 2013/03/07
7. Close the rear cover.ctt044.pdf (alt="Rear cover illustration" title="")CTT044FiORemoving Scanning Jams1. Open the ADF cover.ctt038.pdf (alt="Input tray for the ADF illustration" title="")CTT0382. Gently pull the jammed original to remove it. Be careful not to pull the original too hard,as it may tear.ctt040.pdf (alt="Input tray for the ADF illustration" title="")CTT04010. Troubleshooting210 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104872_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
3. Close the ADF cover.ctt039.pdf (alt="Input tray for the ADF illustration" title="")CTT0394. Lift the ADF, and if there is original remaining in the ADF, gently pull the jammed originalto remove it.Be careful not to hold the input tray when lifting the ADF, for the tray might be damaged.ctt027.pdf (alt="Machine front view illustration" title="")CTT0275. Close the ADF.Paper Feed Problemsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104872_eng.xml 211Draft 2013/03/07
Print Quality ProblemsChecking the Condition of the MachineIf there is a problem with the quality of printing, first check the condition of the machine.Possible Cause SolutionThere is a problem with themachine's location.Make sure that the machine is on a level surface. Place themachine where it will not be subject to vibration or shock.Unsupported types of paper is used. Make sure that the paper being used is supported by themachine. See page 45 "Supported Paper".The paper type setting is incorrect.Make sure that the paper type setting of the printer drivermatches the type of paper loaded. See page 45 "SupportedPaper".A non-genuine print cartridges isbeing used.Non-genuine print cartridges reduce print quality and cancause malfunctions. Use genuine print cartridges only. Seepage 233 "Consumables".An old print cartridges is being used. Print cartridges should be opened before their expiration dateand used within six months of being opened.The machine is dirty. See page 195 "Maintaining the Machine", and clean themachine as required.10. Troubleshooting212 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104873_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Printer ProblemsProblem SolutionAn error occurs.If an error occurs when printing, change the computer orprinter driver settings.• Check the printer icon name does not exceed 32alphanumeric characters. If it does, shorten it.• Check whether other applications are operating.Close any other applications, as they may be interferingwith printing. If the problem is not resolved, closeunneeded processes too.• Check that the latest printer driver is being used.A print job is canceled. • Set I/O Timeout to a larger value than the currentsettings.There is considerable delay betweenthe print start command and actualprinting.• Processing time depends on data volume. High volumedata, such as graphics-heavy documents, take longer toprocess. Wait for a while.• To speed up printing, reduce the printing resolution usingthe printer driver.The whole printout is blurred.• Paper is damp. Use paper that has been stored properly.See page 45 "Supported Paper".• If you enable [Toner Save:], printing is generally lessdense.• Condensation may have collected. If rapid change intemperature or humidity occurs, use this machine onlyafter it has acclimatized.Cannot print properly when using acertain application, or cannot printimage data properly.Some characters are printed faintlyor not printed.• Change the print quality settings.The print position is misaligned.FiOSpecify [Registration] in [System Settings] to adjust theprint position.Printer Problemsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104874_eng.xml 213Draft 2013/03/07
Problem SolutionTiOAdjust the print position by specifying [Tray1:Registration] or [Bypass Tray: Registration] on the [System] tabin Smart Organizing Monitor.PAdjust the print position by specifying [Tray1: Registration]or [Bypass Tray: Registration] on the [System] tab in SmartOrganizing Monitor.Print Positions Do Not Match Display PositionsIf the position of items on the printed page differs from the position displayed on the computer screen,the cause may be one of the following.Possible Cause SolutionPage layout settings are not configured properly. Check that the page layout settings are properlyconfigured in the application.The paper size setting does not match the paperloaded.Check whether the paper size specified on theprinter driver matches that of the loaded paper.10. Troubleshooting214 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104874_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
MFCopier ProblemsProblem SolutionPhotocopied paper is blank. The original was placed with the front and back reversed.See page 60 "Placing Originals".Copied pages are too dark or toolight. Adjust the image density.Copied pages do not look the sameas the originals. Select the correct scan mode according to the type of original.Black spots appear whenphotocopying a photographic print.The original may have stuck to the exposure glass due to highhumidity.Place the original on the exposure glass, and then place twoor three sheets of white paper on top of it. Leave the exposureglass cover open when copying.A moire pattern is produced.ces163.pdf (alt="Illustration of moirepattern image" title="")The original probably has heavily lined or dotted areas.Switching the setting for image quality between [Photo] and[Text/Photo] may eliminate the moire pattern.Photocopied paper is dirty.• Image density is too high.Adjust the image density.• Toner on the printed surface is not dry.Do not touch printed surfaces immediately after copying.Remove freshly printed sheets one by one, taking carenot to touch printed areas.• The scanning part is dirty.• Before placing originals on the exposure glass, makesure that toner or correction fluid is dry.When copying from the exposureglass, the print area of the copy isout of alignment with the original.Place the original copy side down, making sure that it isaligned to the rear left corner and pressed flat against theexposure glass.The paper size setting does notmatch the paper loaded.Check whether the paper size specified on the machinematches that of the loaded paper.Copier Problemsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104875_eng.xml 215Draft 2013/03/07
MFScanner ProblemsProblem SolutionThe scanned image is dirty.• The scanning part is dirty.• Before placing originals on the exposure glass, makesure that toner or correction fluid is dry.The scanned image is distorted orout of position.The original was moved during scanning. Do not move theoriginal during scanning.The scanned image is upside down. The original was placed upside down. Place the original in thecorrect orientation. See page 60 "Placing Originals".The scanned image is blank. The original was placed with the front and back reversed.The scanned image is too dark ortoo light. Adjust the image density.10. Troubleshooting216 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104876_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOFax ProblemsWhen an error code appears on the fax journal or TX status reportThe table below describes the meaning of error codes that appear under "Status" on the fax journalor TX status report, and what to do when a particular error code appears.TX Status ReportError Code SolutionErr:1)The line was not connected correctly. The fax transmissiondid not finish successfully. There was a problem with eitherthe transmission or reception.• Check that the telephone line is properly connected tothe machine.• Disconnect the telephone line from the machine, andconnect a standard telephone in its place. Check thatyou can make calls using the telephone. If you cannotmake calls this way, contact your telephone company.• If the problem persists, contact your sales or servicerepresentative.Dial tone could not be detected.• Set [Dial Tone Detect] to [Do not Detect].Err:2)Err:3)Err:4)Dial fails when trying to send faxes.• Check that the fax number you dialed is correct.• Check that the destination is a fax machine.• Check that the line is not busy.• You may need to insert a pause between dial digits.Press the [ID Card Copy/On Hook Dial] key after, forexample, the area code.• Check that [PSTN / PBX] under [Fax Features] is setproperly for your connection method to the telephonenetwork. See page 137 "Fax Features Settings".Err:5)The [Stop/Clear] key has been pressed while transmitting/receiving faxes. Send the fax again. When the errorreoccurs even if the [Stop/Clear] key has not beenpressed, consult your service representative.Fax Problemsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104877_eng.xml 217Draft 2013/03/07
Fax JournalError Code Cause Solution0001 The recipient’s fax machine doesnot support G3 standard.Select a transmission speed supported bythe recipient fax machine, and resend thefax.0071 Memory is full. Print, send, or delete the jobs stored in thememory.0080 The recipient’s fax machine didnot respond within 35 seconds.Send the fax again. Contact the recipientand ask them to check that their faxmachine is working properly.To send a fax to an internationaldestination, enter a pause before therecipient's fax/telephone number.008D The recipient’s fax machine is outof paper.Contact the recipient and ask them to loadpaper.00A0 Sending fax was canceledmanually. Send the fax again.00A1 The original is jammed. Remove the jammed original.00FF Redialing failed.Make sure the recipient’s fax number iscorrect, and check that the telephone lineis properly connected.When other problems occurThe table below describes how to troubleshoot problems that do not produce an error code.Problem SolutionCannot send faxes. Check the error code, and then perform the appropriateprocedure to resolve the problem.Cannot receive faxes even whensending them is possible.• A print cartridge is empty. Replace the print cartridge.See page 195 "Replacing the Print Cartridge".• Tray 1 is empty. Load paper in Tray 1. See page 51"Loading Paper".• If fax reception mode is manual mode, you mustreceive the fax manually. See page 128 "Receiving aFax".10. Troubleshooting218 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104877_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Problem SolutionCannot print received faxes.• Tray 1 is empty. Load paper in Tray 1. See page 51"Loading Paper".• Tray 1 does not contain paper of the right size. Loadpaper of the right size in Tray 1.Faxes you sent appear spotty ordirty when received.• The exposure glass or ADF is dirty. See page 201"Cleaning the Auto Document Feeder".• Before placing originals on the exposure glass, makesure that ink or correction fluid is dry.A fax you sent appears blankwhen received.The original was placed upside down. Place the original inthe correct orientation. See page 60 "Placing Originals".Dirty spots may appear, or animage from the reverse side showsthrough copy received by therecipient.Image density is too high. Adjust the image density.Dial fails when trying to sendfaxes.Check the error code, and then perform the appropriateprocedure to resolve the problem.Fax Problemsopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104877_eng.xml 219Draft 2013/03/07
MFError and Status Indicate on the ControlPanelFiOMessages on the Screen• If the "Service Call: SCXXX" appears, contact your sales or service representative.• Depending on the model you are using, some error messages may not appear.Message Causes SolutionsTray 1Out of Paper Tray 1 has run out of paper. Load paper into Tray 1. See page 51"Loading Paper".Bypass TrayOut of PaperThe bypass tray has run out ofpaper.Load paper into the bypass tray. Seepage 51 "Loading Paper".Misfeed: Inner/OuterA paper jam has occurred in themachine.Remove the jammed paper. See page 204"Paper Feed Problems".Misfeed: ADFOpen Cov. Rmv.PaperAn original has been jammedinside the ADF.• Remove jammed originals, and thenplace them again. See page 204"Paper Feed Problems".• Check the originals are suitable forscanning. See page 60 "PlacingOriginals".Set Correct Size PprPress Start to PrintThe paper for printing fax is notloaded. Load the appropriate size paper.Cover Open The front cover or fusing cover isopen.Close the front cover or fusing covercompletely.Memory OverflowPress Start or StopMemory has reached capacityduring sort copy and duplex.If several originals are still to be scanned,it is recommended to start printing now,and copy the remaining originalsseparately. If originals are being scannedfrom the ADF, remove any remainingpages from the ADF.10. Troubleshooting220 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104878_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Message Causes SolutionsCannot Print FaxChange Paper SizeAn appropriate size paper forprinting faxes is not loaded.Load A4, Letter or Legal size paper in Tray1.Cannot Print ReportChange Paper SizeAn appropriate size paper forprinting Report is not loaded.Load A4, Letter or Legal size paper in Tray1.Not SetPrint CartridgeThe print cartridge has not beeninstalled.Reinstall the print cartridge. See page 195"Replacing the Print Cartridge".Out of TonerPrint CartridgeThe machine has run out of thetoner.Replace the print cartridge. See page 195"Replacing the Print Cartridge".Toner Almost EmptyPrint CartridgeThe print cartridge is almostempty. Prepare a new print cartridge.On Hook The machine has been off-hookfor an extended period of time. Replace the handset.Cannot PrintRemove BypassPaperIf you attempt to print on paperfed from Tray 1 when there ispaper loaded in the bypasstray, printing will not bepossible.Remove the paper loaded in the bypasstray.Connection Failed The line could not be connectedcorrectly.• Check that the telephone line isproperly connected to the machine.• Disconnect the telephone line fromthe machine, and connect a standardtelephone in its place. Check that youcan make calls using the telephone. Ifyou cannot make calls this way,contact your telephone company.Dial Failed The fax could not be sent.• Confirm that the fax number youdialed is correct.• Confirm that the destination is a faxmachine.• Confirm that the line is not busy.• You may need to insert a pausebetween dial digits. Press the [IDError and Status Indicate on the Control Panelopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104878_eng.xml 221Draft 2013/03/07
Message Causes SolutionsCard Copy/On Hook Dial] key after,for example, the area code.TX Comm. ErrorA transmission error occurred,and the fax could not betransmitted correctly.• If the [Auto Redial] setting is enabled,the machine will redial the numberand try again. If all attempts fail, or ifthe machine is in ImmediateTransmission mode, the fax will notbe transmitted. Try the operationagain.RX Comm. ErrorA reception error occurred, andthe fax could not be receivedcorrectly.• If possible, contact the sender of thefax and ask them to resend it.Memory Overflow1: TX 2: Cancel• If this occurs on the firstpage:The machine's memoryreached capacity whilestoring a fax in memorybefore transmission.• If this occurs on the secondor a later page:Memory has reachedcapacity while scanningthe second or later pagesof the original when tryingto send a fax in MemoryTransmission mode.• If this occurs on the first page:Resend the fax in parts as severalsmaller individual faxes, or send at alower resolution.• If this occurs on the second or a laterpage:Press the [1] key (TX) to send only thepages that have been scanned inmemory, or press the [2] key(Cancel) to cancel.RX MemoryOverflowThe memory has become full orthe maximum number ofreceivable files has beenreached during fax reception.• The received fax was too large. Askthe sender to resend the document inparts as several smaller individualfaxes, or to send at a lowerresolution.• If an error has occurred because of aproblem such as lack of paper, paperjamming, or toner running out, correctthe problem, and then finish printingthe outstanding files.10. Troubleshooting222 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104878_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Message Causes Solutions• If there is a file waiting to be sent,complete the transmission or deletethe file.Memory Data Lost Data in the memory was deleteddue to a memory fault.The machine prints Power Failure Reportand recovers from the error automatically.Cancel PrintingI/O TimeoutThe timeout period set in [I/OTimeout] expires when printingis frequently interrupted by datafrom other ports, or when theprint job is large and takes timefor processing.Set [I/O Timeout] to a larger value thanthe current setting. For details, seepage 155 "Printer Features Settings".Cannot PrintMemory OverflowThe data is too large orcomplex to print.Select [600 x 600dpi] in [Resolution:] toreduce the size of data. For details, see thePrinter Driver Help.Size Mismatch:Tray1Press Start or StopThe specified paper size of thefile does not match that of thepaper loaded in Tray 1.Press the [Start] key to begin printing, orpress the [Stop/Clear] key to cancel thejob.SizeMismatch:BypassPress Start or StopThe specified paper size of thefile does not match that of thepaper loaded in the bypasstray.Press the [Start] key to begin printing, orpress the [Stop/Clear] key to cancel thejob.Type Mismatch:Tray1Press Start or StopThe specified paper type of thefile does not match that of thepaper loaded in Tray 1.Press the [Start] key to begin printing, orpress the [Stop/Clear] key to cancel thejob.Scan DisconnectedThe USB cable or Ethernet cablewas disconnected whilescanning from a computer.Reconnect the USB cable or Ethernet cableproperly, and then try the operation again.Cannot Connect#### ServerThe connection with the FTP,SMTP, POP3, SMB, SNTP, orDNS server was lost whilesending or receiving data.If the problem involves the FTP/SMBserver, check the [Edit Network ScanDestination] setting in Smart OrganizingMonitor.If the problem involves the SMTP/POP3/SNTP server, check the [ServerProperties...] setting in Smart OrganizingMonitor.Error and Status Indicate on the Control Panelopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104878_eng.xml 223Draft 2013/03/07
Message Causes SolutionsIf the problem involves the DNS server,check its configuration using Web ImageMonitor.Cannot Obtain IP#### ServerThe machine cannot obtain anIP address from the FTP, SMTP,POP3, or SNTP server.If the problem involves the FTP server,check the [Edit Network Scan Destination]setting in Smart Organizing Monitor.If the problem involves the SMTP/POP3/SNTP server, check the [ServerProperties...] setting in Smart OrganizingMonitor.Communication Error####The connection with the FTPserver, SMTP server, SMBserver, SNTP server, or USBmemory device was lost whilesending or receiving data.If the problem involves the FTP/SMBserver, check the [Edit Network ScanDestination] setting in Smart OrganizingMonitor.If the problem involves the SMTP/SNTPserver, check the [Server Properties...]setting in Smart Organizing Monitor.If the problem involves the USB flash drive,check that it is a supported model, andthen reinsert it.Invalid Password#### ServerThe password entered to accessthe FTP, SMTP, POP3, or SMBserver is invalid.For future reference, make a note of thecorrect password and keep it safe.Failed To Connect####A connection with the FTPserver, SMTP server, POP3server, SMB server, SNTPserver, or USB memory devicehas failed.If the problem involves the FTP/SMBserver, check the [Edit Network ScanDestination] setting in Smart OrganizingMonitor.If the problem involves the SMTP/POP3/SNTP server, check the [ServerProperties...] setting in Smart OrganizingMonitor.If the problem involves the USB flash drive,check that it is a supported model, andthen reinsert it.File Over The assigned file names rangefrom SIG000101 toRemove or rename the existing file of thesame name.10. Troubleshooting224 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104878_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Message Causes SolutionsSIG999901. If the file nameassignment passes SIG999901,the naming starts over fromSIG000101. If the name of thenew is the same as an existingfile for the same destination, thenew file cannot be stored.Page Over You can only scan up to 99pages at a time. Set the number of pages to 99 or fewer.#### Server ErrorData sent from the machine hasnot been stored on the FTPserver and SMB server.Check the [Edit Network Scan Destination]setting in Smart Organizing Monitor.SMTP Server FullThe SMTP server's memoryreached capacity during e-mailtransmission.Check the SMTP server setting.Reduce the number of pages or send thefile at a lower resolution.Memory Overflow1: TX 2: CancelThe machine's memory becamefull while scanning. Send the file at a lower resolution.USB Flash Disk FullThe Scan to USB function failedbecause there was not enoughmemory on the USB flash disk.Use a USB flash disk with enough memory.Fax Job MemoryOverThe number of fax jobs inmemory has reached the limit,so new jobs cannot be stored.Wait until pending jobs have beentransmitted.No DestinationFax• No destination isregistered in theselected Speed Dial.• You have attemptedto redial, but there isno any redial data(history).FaxEnter the fax number manually.ScannerRegister the scan destination withSmart Organizing Monitor.Error and Status Indicate on the Control Panelopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104878_eng.xml 225Draft 2013/03/07
Message Causes SolutionsScannerThe selected destination isnot registered to a scandestination list.Numbers Do notMatch"Fax No. Confirmation" is set to"On", and the numbers enteredfor confirmation does not matchthe initially-entered numbers.Make sure the numbers match.Cannot CopyChange Paper SizeThe paper for combine copy,duplex copy or ID Card copy isnot loaded.Load the appropriate size paper.Cannot ScanRemove Paper InADFA6 and custom size paper arenot supported.• Load the ADF with paper other thanA6 or custom size paper.• Scan the originals using the exposureglass.Cannot ScanInsert Paper to ADF Legal paper is not supported.• Load the exposure glass with paperother than legal paper.• Scan the originals using the ADFPlease RemoveUnsupported DeviceAn unsupported USB device isconnected.Disconnect the USB device.USB Flash drives is supported.Please RemoveUnsupported USBHubUSB hubs are not supported. Disconnect the hub.TiOCodes on the Screen• If "C", "c", or "r" appears, contact your sales or service representative.Code Causes SolutionsE0 A paper jam has occurred in themachine.Remove the jammed paper. See page 204"Paper Feed Problems".10. Troubleshooting226 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104878_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Code Causes SolutionsE1 Tray 1 has run out of paper. Load paper into Tray 1. See page 51"Loading Paper".E3 The front cover or fusing cover is open. Close the front cover or fusing covercompletely.E4 The bypass tray has run out of paper. Load paper into the bypass tray. See page 51"Loading Paper".E5 An appropriate size paper for printingReport is not loaded. Load the appropriate size paper.E6 The print cartridge has not beeninstalled.Reinstall the print cartridge. See page 195"Replacing the Print Cartridge".E7 The machine has run out of the toner. Replace the print cartridge. See page 195"Replacing the Print Cartridge".E8 The print cartridge is almost empty. Prepare a new print cartridge.E9 The paper for ID Card copy is notloaded. Load the appropriate size paper.e2If paper is loaded in the bypass traywhen printing with the paper fed fromTray 1, you cannot print.Remove the paper loaded in the bypass tray.P1The specified paper size of the file doesnot match that of the paper loaded inTray 1.Press the [Start] key to begin printing, or pressthe [Stop/Clear] key to cancel the job.P2The specified paper type of the file doesnot match that of the paper loaded inTray 1.Press the [Start] key to begin printing, or pressthe [Stop/Clear] key to cancel the job.P3The specified paper size of the file doesnot match that of the paper loaded inthe bypass tray.Press the [Start] key to begin printing, or pressthe [Stop/Clear] key to cancel the job.Error and Status Indicate on the Control Panelopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104878_eng.xml 227Draft 2013/03/07
Error and Status Messages Appear on theSmart Organizing MonitorMessage Causes SolutionsPrinter Power Off(CommunicationError)• The power cable of themachine is not plugged in.• The power of the machineis not turned ON.•TiOThe USB cable is notconnected.•FiO,PThe USB cable orEthernet cable is notconnected.• Check the printer power cord.• Check the printer power switch is on.•TiOCheck the USB cable isproperly connected.•FiO,PCheck the USB cable orEthernet cable is properly connected.Out of Paper: Tray 1 Tray 1 has run out of paper. Load paper into Tray 1. See page 51"Loading Paper".Out of Paper: BypassTrayThe bypass tray has run out ofpaper.Load paper into the bypass tray. Seepage 51 "Loading Paper".Misfeed: Inner/OuterA paper jam has occurred in themachine.Remove the jammed paper. See page 204"Paper Feed Problems".Paper Size MismatchThe paper size specified on themachine and the size specifiedin the printer driver do notmatch.For details about specifying the paper sizesetting on the machine, see page 51"Loading Paper". For details aboutchanging the paper size setting in theprinter driver, see the printer driver Help.Paper TypeMismatchThe paper type specified on themachine and the type specifiedin the printer driver do notmatch.For details about changing the paper typesetting of the machine, see page 51"Loading Paper". For details aboutchanging the paper type setting in theprinter driver, see the printer driver Help.TiO,PToner AlmostEmptyTiO,PThe print cartridge isalmost empty.TiO,PPrepare a new print cartridge.TiO,POut of TonerTiO,PThe machine has run outof the toner.TiO,PReplace the print cartridge. Seepage 195 "Replacing the Print Cartridge".10. Troubleshooting228 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104879_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Message Causes SolutionsMemory Overflow The data is too large orcomplex to print.Select [600 x 600 dpi] in [Resolution:] toreduce the size of data. For details, see theprinter driver Help.Print Cartridge NotDetectedThe print cartridge has not beeninstalled.Reinstall the print cartridge. See page 195"Replacing the Print Cartridge".Messages of the Print CartridgeFiOMessage Causes SolutionsToner Almost Empty The print cartridge is almostempty. Prepare a new print cartridge.Out of Toner The machine has run out of thetoner.Replace the print cartridge. See page 195"Replacing the Print Cartridge".Error and Status Messages Appear on the Smart Organizing Monitoropal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104879_eng.xml 229Draft 2013/03/07
FiOError and Status Messages Appear in the PCFAX WindowMessage Causes SolutionsPC FAX has alreadybeen launched.Cannot launch itagain.The [PC FAX] dialog box isalready open.Quit PC FAX once, and then start it upagain.Reached maximumnumber ofdestinations.The number of destinationsspecified exceeds the maximumpossible.The maximum number of destinations thatcan be specified at one time is 100.When the setting"Attach a CoverSheet" is on and "UseAddress Book" isselected, themaximum number ofdestinations cannotbe larger than 5.If [Attach a Cover Sheet] on the[Cover Sheet] tab is selectedand [Use Address Book] in the[To:] list are selected, you cansend faxes to up to fivedestinations at a time.• Specify five or less destinations.• Change the item selected in the [To:]list to something other than [UseAddress Book].• Clear [Attach a Cover Sheet].Cannot send morethan 10 pages.You can send up to ten pagesincluding the cover sheet, at atime.Reduce the number of pages to ten orfewer.10. Troubleshooting230 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104880_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
11. AppendixNotes About the Toner• Proper operation cannot be guaranteed if any third-party toner is used.• Depending on printing conditions, there are cases where the printer cannot print the number ofsheets indicated in the specifications.•TiOReplace the print cartridge if the printed image suddenly becomes pale or blurred.•PReplace the print cartridge if the printed image suddenly becomes pale or blurred.•FiOWhen operating the machine for the first time, use the print cartridge supplied with thismachine. If this cartridge is not initially used, the following problems may occur:•FiO"Out of Toner" will be displayed before the toner runs out.•FiO"Out of Toner" will not be displayed when the toner runs out, but instead the printedimage suddenly becomes pale or blurred.•FiOTo continue printing after "Out of Toner" is displayed, set [Toner End Option] to [ContinuePrinting]. However, since any trouble caused by using this setup is outside of the scope of themanufacturer's warranty, this setup should be used with care. For details about [Toner End Option],see page 147 "System Settings".•FiOIf [Toner End Option] is first set to [Continue Printing] and then to [Stop Printing], be sure touse a new print cartridge. If a used print cartridge is installed, there will be a discrepancy betweenthe remaining toner level displayed and the actual remaining toner, and accordingly, "Out ofToner" will not be displayed at the appropriate timing.•FiOThe lifetime of the photo conductor, which is built into the print cartridge, is taken intoaccount in displaying "Out of Toner". If the photo conductor stops working before the toner runsout, "Out of Toner" may be displayed.opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104882_eng.xml 231Draft 2013/03/07
Moving and Transporting the MachineThis section provides cautions that you must follow when moving the machine both short and longdistances.Repack the machine in its original packing materials when moving it over a long distance.• Be sure to disconnect all cables from the machine before transporting it.• The machine is a precision piece of machinery. Be sure to handle it carefully when moving it.• Make sure to move the machine horizontally. Take extra caution when carrying the machine up ordown stairs.• Do not remove the print cartridge when moving the machine.• Be sure to hold the machine level while carrying it. To prevent toner from spilling, move themachine carefully.1. Be sure to check the following points:• The power switch is turned off.• The power cord is unplugged from the wall outlet.• All other cables are unplugged from the machine.2. Lift the machine using the inset grips on both sides of the machine, and then move ithorizontally to the place where you want to use it.• To move the machine over a long distance, pack it well. Take care not to tip or tilt the machineduring transit.• Toner might spill inside the machine if the machine is not kept level during transit.• For more information about moving the machine, contact your sales or service representative.DisposalAsk your sales or service representative for information about correct disposal of this machine.Where to InquireContact your sales or service representative for further information about the topics included in thismanual or to inquire about other topics not included in this manual.11. Appendix232 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104883_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
ConsumablesPrint CartridgePrint cartridge Average printable number of pages per cartridge *1Black 1,500 pages, 2,600 pages*1 The printable number of pages is based on pages that are compliant with ISO/IEC 19752 with the imagedensity set as the factory default. ISO/IEC 19752 is an international standard for measurement of printablepages, set by the International Organization for Standardization.• Unless a print cartridges is replaced before toner runs out, printing will become impossible. Tofacilitate cartridge replacement, we recommend you purchase and store extra print cartridges.• The actual number of printable pages varies depending on the image volume and density, numberof pages printed at a time, paper type and paper size used, and environmental conditions such astemperature and humidity.• Print cartridges may need to be changed sooner than indicated above due to deterioration overthe period of use.• Print cartridges are not covered by warranty. However, if there is a problem, contact the storewhere you purchased them.• The supplied print cartridge can print approximately 1,000 pages.• The supplied print cartridge can print approximately 700 pages.• This machine periodically performs cleaning. During cleaning, toner will be used to maintain printquality.Consumablesopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104884_eng.xml 233Draft 2013/03/07
Specifications of the MachineThis section lists the machine's specifications.General Function SpecificationsConfigurationDesktopPrint processLaser electrostatic transferMFMaximum paper size for scanning using the exposure glassMF216 mm × 297 mm (8.5 × 11.7 inches)FiOMaximum paper size for scanning using the ADFFiO216 mm × 356 mm (8.5 × 14 inches)Maximum paper size for printing216 mm × 356 mm (8.5 × 14 inches)Warm-up timeLess than 25 seconds (23 °C, 71.6 °F)Paper sizesA4, 81/2 " × 11 " (Letter), 81/2 " × 14 " (Legal), B5, 51/2 " × 81/2 " (Half Letter), 71/4 " × 101/2" (Executive), A5, A6, B6, 16K (197 × 273 mm), 16K (195 × 270 mm), 16K (184 × 260 mm),Custom Paper Size• The following paper sizes are supported as custom paper sizes:• WidthTray1: Approximately 100-216 mm (3.9-8.5 inches)Bypass Tray: Approximately 90-216 mm (3.6-8.5 inches)• LengthApproximately 148-356 mm (5.8-14 inches)Paper typePlain Paper (65-99 g/m2 (17-26 lb.)), Recycled Paper (75-90 g/m2 (20-24 lb.)), Thin Paper(52-64 g/m2 (14-17 lb.)), Thick Paper (100-130 g/m2 (26.6-34 lb.))Paper input capacity• Tray 111. Appendix234 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104885_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
150 sheets (70 g/m2, 19 lb.)• Bypass Tray1 sheet (70 g/m2, 19 lb.)Maximum loading height15.5 mm (0.6 inches)Paper output capacity• Output Tray50 sheets (70 g/m2, 19 lb.)• Rear1 sheet (70 g/m2, 19 lb.)FiOADF capacityFiO15 sheets (80 g/m2, 21.3 lb.)FiOMemoryFiO32 MBTiOMemoryTiO16 MBPMemory•PType 1P16 MB•PType 2, Type 3P32 MBP32 MBPower requirements (alt="Region A icon" title="") (mainly Europe and Asia)220-240 V, 5 A, 50/60 Hz (alt="Region B icon" title="") (mainly North America)120 V, 8 A, 50/60 HzPower consumption•PMaximum power consumptionP900 W•PEnergy Saver mode 1P36.6 W or less•PEnergy Saver mode 2Specifications of the Machineopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104885_eng.xml 235Draft 2013/03/07
P3.1 W or less•MFMaximum power consumptionMF900 W•MFEnergy Saver mode 1MF40 W or less•MFEnergy Saver mode 2MF3.9 W or lessMF* The power level when the main switch is turned off and the power cord is plugged into anoutlet: 1W or lessFiOMachine dimensions (Width × Depth × Height)FiO402 × 360 × 291 mm (15.8 × 14.2 × 11.5 inches)TiOMachine dimensions (Width × Depth × Height)TiO402 × 360 × 249 mm (15.8 × 14.2 × 9.8 inches)PMachine dimensions (Width × Depth × Height)P402 × 360 × 165 mm (15.8 × 14.2 × 6.5 inches)FiOWeight (machine body with consumables)FiOApproximately 9.9 kg (22 lb.) or lessTiOWeight (machine body with consumables)TiOApproximately 8.9 kg (19.6 lb.) or lessPWeight (machine body with consumables)PApproximately 6.8 kg (15 lb.) or lessPrinter Function SpecificationsPrinting speed (alt="Region A icon" title="") (mainly Europe and Asia)22 pages per minute (A4) (alt="Region B icon" title="") (mainly North America)23 pages per minute (Letter)Resolution600 × 600 dpi (maximum: 1200 × 600 dpi)First print speed10 seconds (From the completion of data processing to the completion of paper delivery)11. Appendix236 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104885_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Interface•FiOEthernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX)•PEthernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX)•FiO,PWireless LAN (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n)• USB 2.0Printer languageDDSTMFCopier Function SpecificationsFiOMaximum resolution (scanning and printing)•FiOExposure glassFiOScanning: 600 × 600 dpiFiOPrinting: 600 × 600 dpi•FiOADFFiOScanning: 600 × 300 dpiFiOPrinting: 600 × 600 dpiTiOMaximum resolution (scanning and printing)TiOScanning: 600 × 600 dpiTiOPrinting: 600 × 600 dpiFirst copy speed (A4/Letter, at 23 °C, 71.6 °F)25 seconds or lessMultiple copy speed• Countries other than European countries22 pages per minuteReproduction ratio• Fixed ratio: (alt="Region A icon" title="") (mainly Europe and Asia)50%, 71%, 82%, 93%, 122%, 141%, 200% (alt="Region B icon" title="") (mainly North America)50%, 65%, 78%, 93%, 129%, 155%, 200%• Zoom ratio:25% to 400%Specifications of the Machineopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104885_eng.xml 237Draft 2013/03/07
Copy quantity99MFScanner Function SpecificationsFiOMaximum scanning area (horizontal × vertical)•FiOExposure glassFiO216 × 297 mm (8.5 × 11.7 inches)•FiOADFFiO216 × 356 mm (8.5 × 14 inches)TiOMaximum scanning area (horizontal × vertical)TiO216 × 297 mm (8.5 × 11.7 inches)FiOMaximum resolution when scanning from the control panel (Scan to E-mail, Scan to FTP,Scan to Folder, Scan to USB)FiO600 × 600 dpiFiOMaximum resolution when scanning from a computer (TWAIN)•FiOExposure glassFiO4800 × 4800 dpi•FiOADFFiO600 × 600 dpiTiOMaximum resolution when scanning from a computer (TWAIN)TiO4800 × 4800 dpiMaximum resolution when scanning from a computer (WIA)600 × 600 dpiFiOADF throughputFiOBlack and white: 75.3 mm per secondFiOColor: 37.6 mm per secondInterface•FiOScanning from the control panelFiOEthernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX), USB2.0, Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n)• Scanning from a computerFiOEthernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX), USB2.0, Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n)TiOUSB2.011. Appendix238 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104885_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
FiOFax Function SpecificationsAccess line• Public switched telephone networks (PSTN)• Private branch exchange (PBX)Transmission modeITU-T Group 3 (G3)Scan line density8 dots per mm × 3.85 line per mm (200 × 100 dpi)8 dots per mm × 7.7 line per mm (200 × 200 dpi)Transmission time3 seconds (8 dots per mm × 3.85 line per mm, 33.6 kbps, MMR, ITU-T # 1 chart)Transfer rate33.6 kbps to 2400 bps (auto shift down system)Data compression methodsMH, MR, MMRMemory capacityTransmission: Up to 5 jobs; up to 10 pages per jobReception: Up to 50 jobs; up to 100 pages in the total of all jobsAddress book• Speed dial100 items• Number of redials for Fax1Specifications of the Machineopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104885_eng.xml 239Draft 2013/03/07
TrademarksFiOApple, AppleTalk, Bonjour, ColorSync, Leopard, Macintosh, Mac OS, Power Mac, Safari andTrueType are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.Firefox® is a registered trademark of the Mozilla Foundation.Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows Server®, Windows Vista®, and Internet Explorer® are eitherregistered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or othercountries.Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and might be trademarks of theirrespective companies. We disclaim any and all rights to those marks.The proper name of Internet Explorer 6 is Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 6.The proper names of the Windows operating systems are as follows:• The product names of Windows XP are as follows:Microsoft® Windows® XP ProfessionalMicrosoft® Windows® XP Home EditionMicrosoft® Windows® XP Professional x64 Edition• The product names of Windows Vista are as follows:Microsoft® Windows Vista® UltimateMicrosoft® Windows Vista® BusinessMicrosoft® Windows Vista® Home PremiumMicrosoft® Windows Vista® Home BasicMicrosoft® Windows Vista® Enterprise• The product names of Windows 7 are as follows:Microsoft® Windows® 7 StarterMicrosoft® Windows® 7 Home PremiumMicrosoft® Windows® 7 ProfessionalMicrosoft® Windows® 7 UltimateMicrosoft® Windows® 7 Enterprise• The product names of Windows 8 are as follows:Microsoft® Windows® 8Microsoft® Windows® 8 ProMicrosoft® Windows® 8 Enterprise• The product names of Windows Server 2003 are as follows:Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Standard Edition11. Appendix240 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104886_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Enterprise EditionMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2003 Web EditionMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2003 Datacenter Edition• The product names of Windows Server 2003 R2 are as follows:Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 R2 Standard EditionMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2003 R2 Enterprise EditionMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2003 R2 Datacenter Edition• The product names of Windows Server 2008 are as follows:Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 FoundationMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2008 StandardMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2008 EnterpriseMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2008 DatacenterMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2008 for Itanium-based SystemsMicrosoft® Windows® Web Server 2008Microsoft® Windows® HPC Server 2008• The product names of Windows Server 2008 R2 are as follows:Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 FoundationMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 StandardMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 EnterpriseMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 DatacenterMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 for Itanium-based SystemsMicrosoft® Windows® Web Server R2 2008Microsoft® Windows® HPC Server R2 2008• The product names of Windows Server 2012 are as follows:Microsoft® Windows Server® 2012 FoundationMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2012 EssentialsMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2012 StandardMicrosoft® Windows Server® 2012 DatacenterMicrosoft product screen shots reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.Trademarksopal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104886_eng.xml 241Draft 2013/03/07
11. Appendix242 opal-p1_mf1_wi-fi_user_guide_gb_00104886_eng.xmlDraft 2013/03/07
INDEX 2 Sided copy.........................................................89AAddress book......................................................146Address book (PC FAX)......................................126ADF (Auto Document Feeder)............................201Auto mode...........................................................130BBasic operation.........................65, 74, 76, 99, 133Broadcast function..............................................119CCanceling a copy...........................................75, 77Canceling a fax..........................................115, 125Changing the custom paper size.........................59Cleaning....................................197, 198, 200, 201Codes...................................................................226Combine copy.......................................................81Common problems..............................................203Condition of the machine...................................212Configuration page....................................153, 193Consumables.......................................................233Control panel..................................................24, 25Conversation.......................................................121Copier features....................................................134Copier function....................................................237Copier mode screen..............................................73Copier problems.................................................215DDate......................................................................108Density..................................................................101Differences  in  Performance/Functions  betweenDifferent Models......................................................8Disclaimer.................................................................7Duplex....................................................................66EENERGY STAR program.......................................16Enlarged or reduced copies.................................78Entering characters.............................................109Error messages...........................................220, 228Exposure glass.....................................................200Exterior......................................................19, 21, 22FFax destinations...................................................110Fax features.........................................................137Fax function.........................................................239Fax mode screen.................................................107Fax problems.......................................................217Firmware..............................................................194IID Card copy.........................................................84Image density.......................................92, 101, 122Important Safety Instructions..........................11, 15Initial setup.............................................................28Interior....................................................................23Introduction..............................................................7IP address........................................................30, 39JJob cancel..............................................................67LLegal prohibition......................................................7Lists...............................................................131, 153Loading paper.......................................................51MMachine settings.................................................192Manual mode......................................................129Messages.............................................................220Models...................................................................10Moving.................................................................232NNetwork settings.....................................30, 39, 156Non-recommended paper...................................47OOn hook dial.......................................................120Original size........................................................101Original type..........................................................93Originals................................................................60243Draft 2013/03/07
PPaper feed problems...........................................204Paper jam...........................................205, 208, 210Paper mismatch.....................................................69Pause/Redial key..................................................96PC FAX.................................................................124Placing originals..............................................62, 63Print area................................................................48Print cartridge..............................................195, 233Print quality problems.........................................212Printer features.....................................................155Printer function.....................................................236Printer problems...................................................213RReceiving a fax....................................................128Reception mode..................................................128Recommended size of originals...........................60Redial function.....................................................118Replace................................................................195Reports.........................................................131, 153Resolution....................................................102, 123SScan size..............................................................101Scan to E-mail........................................................99Scan to Folder........................................................99Scan to FTP.............................................................99Scan to USB.........................................................100Scanner features settings....................................143Scanner function..................................................238Scanner mode screen...........................................95Scanner problems...............................................216Scanning..............................................................104Sending a fax.............................................113, 114Smart Organizing Monitor...................................29Specifications....................234, 236, 237, 238, 239Specifying a custom paper size...........................58Specifying the paper type....................................56Specifying the paper type and paper size..........59Specifying the standard paper size.....................57Speed dial...........................................................117Status information.............187, 188, 189, 190, 191Status messages..........................................220, 228Supported paper...................................................45System information..............................................187System settings.....................................................147TTime......................................................................108Toner....................................................................231Trademarks..........................................................240Transmission mode..............................................113Troubleshooting......203, 204, 212, 213, 214, 215,216, 217TWAIN.................................................................104Types of originals not supported by the ADF......60UUnscannable image area.....................................61WWeb Image Monitor..................................161, 174WIA......................................................................106Wireless LAN..................................................37, 40244 EN GB  EN US  EN AU  xxxx-xxxxDraft 2013/03/07

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