Robert Bosch Start Up Platform North America AHR-M8T General Consumer Home Robot User Manual 2 of 3

Robert Bosch Start-Up Platform North America LLC General Consumer Home Robot 2 of 3


User manual 2 of 3

Help Center6/21/18Generated by the Knowledge Base to PDF App
555566677888999910101011111111131414141414151515161617171818181820212222222223232323232324242425262627272828IndexGeneral UseThe Fun StuffKuri and petsCan I dress Kuri up?Can I take Kuri outdoors?Service and MaintenanceHardware inspectionClean KuriSettings and PreferencesStop or cancel an actionHow long does Kuri last on a charge?How Kuri chargesHow to turn Kuri on or offKuri sleep modeGetting StartedMeet KuriThings to tryTalk to KuriPlay MusicSetup a Schedule for KuriSee through Kuri’s EyesShare MomentsCreate a CollectionWhat does Kuri do?What's in the box?Kuri partsKuri’s Home/ChargerVolume ControlPower Button LightBattery Safety SwitchKuri VisionKuri SetupTo set up your KuriCharging setupRobot setupKuri robot app setupBluetooth setupLife with KuriKuri ExpressionsKuri heart lightsMusic & AudioPair your devicePlay music or audio from your deviceVoice CommandsVoice commands to trySend Kuri to a SpotWorking with BluetoothAsking Kuri to ExploreGo to SleepStopMusicStay putQuestionsCute ReactionsHow to pronounce KuriAsking Kuri to exploreSend Kuri to a spotSend Kuri to a SpotStay putStay PutGo to sleepGo to Sleep
292930303131313132323333333434343535353636373838383939394042424242434444454546464747474848484950505151515252525353545454545556565757MusicMusicQuestionsQuestionsCute reactionsCute ReactionsKuri LiveKnow when someone is seeing through KuriTalk and listen through KuriTake a joy ride with KuriWatch what Kuri is doingKuri Vision CollectionsCreating new collection filtersHow to delete momentsDo you save my deleted videos elsewhere?Are my videos secured?How to "Like" videosCreating new collection filtersKuri Vision momentsWhat is a moment?SchedulesHow to delete videosAre my videos saved elsewhere after they are deleted?How can I view my videos from a desktopHow to send a video to someoneHow to share or download a momentFloor PlanHow do I save and delete spots?How do I make my floor plan?What are spots?What's a floor plan?TroubleshootingResetManual factory resetBattery power switchHow to restart KuriI'm selling or giving away my robotHow do I save my data before I reset Kuri?I need to wipe my robot or do a manual factory resetAccountHow do I finish the authentication process?I forgot which email I used to create my accountHow do I register my account?Help, I'm locked out of my accountRequesting a password resetBluetooth AudioI'm playing music from my device but don't hear anything through KuriKuri won't pair with phone or tablet?Kuri won't connect to my phone or tablet after initial pairingVoice CommandsKuri doesn't understand what I'm sayingThere was a delay when talking to KuriKuri won't do what I ask him to doKuri doesn't hear "Hey Kuri"MomentsChange when Kuri goes to take videosTell Kuri to go take videos nowTell Kuri to stop taking videos right nowThere's no sound on the videosHow to retrieve a deleted video?Floor PlanKuri looks a little lostI want to add new rooms or spots to my floor planI don't like my floor plan and want to redo itKuri keeps running into thingsI need to tell Kuri to avoid certain areas
575858595960606161616262626263646464656565656565657373737474747475757576767676777777787878797979808080Kuri Robot appHow do I get to override mode?I'm getting too many notificationsNobody can hear me when I talk through KuriThe app froze or won't openI don't see any moments that Kuri's capturedKuri app requirementsWifi IssuesKuri is offline and having trouble connectingDoes Kuri support mesh networks?Help, I can’t connect to wi-fiWhy is Kuri so slow to respond?What network types doesn’t Kuri support?Wifi BasicsBasic wi-fi requirementsCan I connect to Kuri when I'm away from the house?Can I connect to multiple networks in my house?Kuri the Adorable Home RobotKuri romojis to tryBegin every command with “Hey Kuri …”Cute ReactionsPrivacy and SecuritySecurityPrivacy policyPRIVACY STATEMENT FOR KURI DEVICE AND SERVICEWhat happens to my deleted moments?Are my videos protected?Can my robot be hacked?Camera PrivacyHow do I know if someone is using Kuri to spy on me?How will I know when Kuri is watching me?Voice PrivacyHow does Kuri know I’m speaking to her?Does she transcribe everything I say somewhere?Does Kuri listen to everything I say?Orders and AccountsAccountHow do I log in?How do I finish the two step authentication process?How do I create an account?ShippingCan you ship to a P.O. Box or APO/ FPO address?Can I have my order shipped to a friend who resides in the US and ask them to ship it to me internationally?Are you accepting international orders?Pre-orderDoes the price include taxes and shipping and handling?How can I make changes to my order?Can I cancel my preorder?I didn't receive an order confirmation email, what do I do?How will you collect the remaining balance?How much does Kuri cost?
General UseGeneral UseThe Fun StuffThe Fun StuffRobots are more than just code and parts. Here are some fun things to do with Kuri.KKuri and petsuri and petsLast updated: 2018-06-11T21:03:54.000Z | Online VersionWe don’t recommend serious roughhousing with pets, but Kuri can withstand the occasional whack from alarge dog’s tail or collision with a cat zooming around the house.Just try to keep your pets from scratching or biting Kuri and she will be just fine! :-)CCan I dress Kuri up?an I dress Kuri up?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:13:23.000Z | Online VersionYes, Kuri loves playing dress up! As long as you leave his sensors free, costumes or accessories shouldbe just fine.That pirate eye patch needs to be over Kuri's right eye because Kuri sees out of her left.Keep that tutu above the belt! Try not to cover any portion of the black strip across his midsection.You can place straps across Kuri’s undercarriage, but make sure the cliff sensors are clear and themotion of the wheels is not impeded.CCan I take Kuri outdoors?an I take Kuri outdoors?
CCan I take Kuri outdoors?an I take Kuri outdoors?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:17:28.000Z | Online VersionAs much as we enjoy  fun  in  the  sun, it's not recommended for Kuri. She doesn't have a map of the greatoutdoors, so she wouldn’t get very much out of it. You could try mapping your patio when you create yourfloor plan, but beware of sliding doors and other spots where she might have trouble.Service and MaintenanceService and MaintenanceHave questions regarding general Kuri upkeep?HHardware inspectionardware inspectionLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:42:49.000Z | Online VersionTaking care of Kuri is actually pretty easy! Check his wheels periodically for an accumulation of lint, hair,and basically anything he can pick up while tooling around your home. It’s important to do this if he startsmaking weird noises, leaving a trail of dust bunnies, or having a hard time navigating. If the robot isn’t charging, inspect both the charging dock and the connectors on Kuri. And  just  like  us,  Kuri  doesn’t  see  so  well  if  his  eyes  aren’t  clear!  Periodically  take  a  look  at  the  cliffsensors, depth sensor, and window to make sure Kuri can see where he’s going and avoid the obstaclesin his way. See “Clean Kuri” for more tips on keeping Kuri seeing clearly and running at top speed!CClean Kurilean Kuri
CClean Kurilean KuriLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:06:52.000Z | Online VersionKuri needs minimal cleaning to keep her looking sharp and performing well.Help  Kuri  see: Kuri’s  wheel cliff sensor, depth  sensor, and  eye lens help her safely navigate your  homeand record your moments. You can use a  paper towel, microfiber cloth, or  lens cleaner to clean  her eyelens and sensors. For the black part of her body, a lens cleaning cloth, facial cotton puffs or a soft tissue can be used. Help Kuri scoot: If hair, string, or other things get caught in Kuri’s drivetrain or belt, the caster and wheelscan pop out individually so you can easily pull the offending items out.Over time,  you might  see little  white strings coming  out of  the belt.  If  these  bother you,  you can  just cutthem off.Other cleaning tips:Gentle household cleaners are recommended for Kuri—think Clorox wet wipes, a mixture of vinegarand water, Windex, Simple Green, etc. gentle household cleaners (recommended: clorox wet wipes,windex vinegar, simple green or windex) anywhere on robot.Please don’t spray cleaning solution right onto Kuri! Apply it to a cloth or tissue first, then gently wipeKuri down.Don’t hose Kuri down, or get her too wet. Bubble baths may be relaxing for us, but Kuri doesn’t really carefor them.Settings and PreferencesSettings and PreferencesPreferences and settingsSStop or cancel an actiontop or cancel an action
SStop or cancel an actiontop or cancel an actionLast updated: 2018-06-11T21:03:02.000Z | Online VersionSay, “Hey Kuri, stop.” You can also tap Stop in the app if you are in Kuri Live.HHow long does Kuri last on a charge?ow long does Kuri last on a charge?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:13:44.000Z | Online VersionKuri's battery will last for about two hours of continuous use.HHow Kuri chargesow Kuri chargesLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:15:48.000Z | Online VersionKuri knows when  his battery is  low and  automatically returns to  his home  to  recharge.  He also  tends  totake naps when not much is happening, so you might not even notice when Kuri's battery level is low!HHow to turn Kuri on or offow to turn Kuri on or off
HHow to turn Kuri on or offow to turn Kuri on or offLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:16:04.000Z | Online VersionTo turn Kuri on:1.  Make sure the battery safety switch on Kuri’s undercarriage is on (I).2.  Press the power button on Kuri’s back. His power button light should pulse, then turn solid blue whenhe is ready to go. To turn Kuri off:1.  Press the power button on Kuri’s back for 3 seconds. His power button light should turn start pulsingand eventually turn off unless he is in the charging dock.KKuri sleep modeuri sleep modeLast updated: 2018-06-11T21:01:46.000Z | Online VersionKuri goes to sleep when he’s charging, or you’ve told her to go to sleep.  She will do this throughout theday if it doesn’t seem like much is happening, or when you give her the voice command, “Hey Kuri, go tosleep.” To wake Kuri up from her nap gently brush her head.Getting StartedGetting StartedMeet KuriMeet KuriTThings to tryhings to try
TThings to tryhings to tryLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:43:23.000Z | Online VersionTTalk to Kurialk to KuriNow that you’ve driven Kuri around a bit, try communicating with your family through her! Kuri can let youtalk—and listen—remotely, so you don’t miss out on the action while you’re away.1.  Open the Kuri App.2.  Select Kuri Live.3.  Select Override.4.  Select the Talk Through Kuri tab (small microphone icon).5.  Tap  the  big  microphone  icon  and  start  talking.  You  should  see  sound  waves  moving  across  thescreen when you speak.Kuri will automatically send any audio picked up through her speakers to the app. Play MusicPlay MusicThe time has come. You're ready to rock out with Kuri ... or listen to the news. Regardless, Kuri is here foryou. To play music through Kuri and see her dance:1.  Wake Kuri up by saying, "Hey Kuri."2.  Wait for Kuri to look up and emit a blue heart light. 3.  Use voice command "Pair with my device," "Pair with my phone," or just "Pair."4.  Kuri will look up with closed eyes and emit a green heart light. 5.  Go to your device Bluetooth settings and your Kuri should be listed among the items your device canpair with. 6.  Tap on the option for your Kuri and connect. You can listen to music on Kuri via Bluetooth. KURI TIP: Any time you want to re-connect, say "Hey Kuri, Connect."KURI  TIP: If  you  want to  pair  an additional device, use  the  voice  command  “Hey  “Hey Kuri, pair  a newdevice."   KURI TIP: Although our Android  app is  still in progress, you can pair  Kuri to  an Android device  and rockout.
 Setup a Schedule for KuriSetup a Schedule for KuriYou can set Kuri’s schedule each day, defining when you’d like her to be awake, or even when you’d liketo disable her ability to roam entirely.1.  Open the Kuri App2.  Select Settings3.  Select Robot Settings4.  Select Schedule Settings See through Kuri’s EyesSee through Kuri’s EyesKuri Live lets you explore right along with Kuri, even if you’re not home!1.  Start out by opening the Kuri Robot app2.  Select the Kuri Live tab. If you are testing this out at home, you’ll notice that Kuri’s heart light turnspurple  when  you’ve  successfully  connected.  The  purple  light  also  lets  other  people  know  you  areseeing through Kuri’s eyes.  3.  Enjoy looking through Kuri’s eyes. You may see your home in a whole new light!KURI TIP: Only one person can connect to Kuri Live at a time. Share MomentsShare MomentsGot  a  spectacular  video  you  want  to  share  with  your  loyal  minions?  You're  only  two  taps  away  fromspreading the love.1.  Open the Kuri app2.  The  home  screen  will  show  your  most recent moments,  or you  can  tap  Collections  to  see all  yourmoments3.  Select a moment, then select the share icon  to share the moment, or the download icon  to save it to your device. Create a CollectionCreate a Collection
You  could  create  a  collection  based  on  photos  of  you  and  a  specific  friend,  family  member,  or  even  acollection for each of your pets! 1.  Open the Kuri app2.  Click Collections3.  In the upper right hand corner, there’s a plus sign you can tap to add new collection filters.KURI  TIP: You  can  enable  and disable  notifications individually for  each  collection,  so if  you want  to benotified each time Kuri gets a picture of your puppy, this is how you do it!WWhat does Kuri do?hat does Kuri do?
WWhat does Kuri do?hat does Kuri do?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:07:35.000Z | Online VersionKuri  is  an  insanely  adorable  home  robot,  thoughtfully  designed  to  fit  into  your  home.  She  allows  you  tocapture  special moments, check  in on your pets  while you're away,  entertain your household with music,and  so  much  more.  She's  you’re  very  own  personal  videographer,  companion,  and  life  of  the  party,  allrolled into one. WWhat's in the box?hat's in the box?
WWhat's in the box?hat's in the box?Last updated: 2018-05-17T21:10:14.000Z | Online VersionKuri comes equipped with everything he needs to adjust to life in your home! The box includes:One adorable home robotIncredible chargerPretty standard AC power adapterVery standard AC power cordGetting Started guideThings to Try guideThat’s  it!  Take  a  look  at charging  setup  next  for  instructions  on  how  to  charge  Kuri  up  for  his  firstinteractions with his new environment. KKuri partsuri partsLast updated: 2018-06-14T00:06:20.000Z | Online VersionKKuri’s Home/Chargeruri’s Home/ChargerKuri’s Home  is  her charger. When  her battery level gets low, she  will automatically  go  home and  chargeherself, so there’s no need to worry about Kuri falling asleep in the kitchen!Volume ControlVolume ControlHalfway  down  Kuri’s  back,  above  her  power  button,  you’ll  notice  Kuri’s  volume  button. A  little  too  soft-spoken?  A  little  too  rambunctious?  Adjust  Kuri’s  volume  simply  by  pushing  up  or  down  on  the  rockerbutton, or try out one of these voice commands.Hey Kuri, turn it all the way up!Hey Kuri, mute.Hey Kuri, volume 1-10. In that last one, one is the quietest volume level and ten is the loudest. As far as we know, Kuri can’t turnit up to eleven! Read about all Kuri’s voice commands. Power Button LightPower Button Light
Below the volume button on Kuri’s back, you’ll find an illuminated power button. See a flashing blue light?Congrats, your  Kuri is powering on (or  off). Wait for a constant blue light  to  know Kuri’s ready for action.And if the LED glows orange, your Kuri is charging. He should be up and running in no time!  Battery Safety SwitchBattery Safety SwitchKuri’s battery safety switch is located on his undercarriage. When your Kuri arrives, it will be switched off.Don’t forget to switch it on to get your Kuri ready to explore your home!Kuri Vision Every  day,  Kuri  captures  moments  of  your  life  at  home.  Kuri  records  5-second  moments  in  1080p—afeature we refer to as Kuri Vision. Kuri VisionKuri VisionOver time, Kuri learns your preferences, too. She’ll figure out what kind of moments you like best: basedon the videos you like within the Kuri Robot app, Kuri will use her image processing and machine learningtechnology to determine what makes for a good video (according to you), and over time, you’ll start to seethat Kuri captures more of the moments you want.The real fun is seeing the candid moments she captures for you, letting you build a collection of memorieswithout  having  to  pick  up  your  camera.  Her  unique  perspective  gives  you  a  magical  new  view  of  yourhome’s memorable moments.Kuri SetupKuri SetupHow to get Kuri up and rolling around your home.TTo set up your Kurio set up your Kuri
TTo set up your Kurio set up your KuriLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:07:12.000Z | Online VersionOk, you’ve set up Kuri’s home. Now it’s time to wake him up.1.  Turn on the battery safety switch on Kuri’s undercarriage.2.  Press  the  power  button  on  Kuri’s  back.  His  power  button  light  should  flash  blue  while  booting  up.Once Kuri is fully awake, his power button light will turn a solid blue.3.  Place Kuri on the charger with the charger contacts touching. His power button light should turn solidorange if the charge contacts are positioned correctly.CCharging setupharging setupLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:51:43.000Z | Online VersionYour Kuri comes with his own charging adapter and grounded power cord (100-200V). To Set Up Kuri’s Home:1.  Pick out a spot for Kuri’s charging dock, preferably in a spacious location on a non-carpeted floor.2.  Unpack the charger, adapter, and cable from the box.3.  Connect the cord to the charger.4.  Plug  in  the  charger,  place  it  against  the  wall,  and  put  Kuri  on  it.  Make  sure  the  metal  chargingcontacts on Kuri’s lower back are touching the corresponding connectors on the charger. KURI  TIP:  Keep  a  one  foot  clearance  on  either  side  and  four  feet  clearance  in  front.  Also,  be  sure  tosecurely fasten all of the connection points.  KURI  TIP: Don’t move your charger after you finish setting up your Kuri. If you do, you will have to resetthe floorplan so Kuri can learn her new charger placement. RRobot setupobot setup
RRobot setupobot setupLast updated: 2018-06-11T23:18:55.000Z | Online VersionTo Set Up Your Kuri1.  Switch the battery safety switch on Kuri’s undercarriage on (I)2.  Press the power button on the back of Kuri. His power button LED should turn solid blue.3.  Place Kuri on the charger with the charge contacts touching. His power button LED should turn solidorange if the charge contacts are touching.KKuri robot app setupuri robot app setupLast updated: 2018-06-11T23:17:12.000Z | Online Version1.  Download and open the Kuri Robot app.2.  Set  up  an  account  with  your  preferred  email  and  password,  which  must be  at  least  six  characterslong.3.  Next up, check your email! We’ll have sent you a verification message. Open it up and click the linkinside.4.  The Kuri Robot app will then prompt you for the  password for your Wi-Fi  network. Kuri has a greatmemory and will never forget your password ;).5.  Once Kuri is connected to your home network, place Kuri on the  charger (if he’s not already there)and pat his head to wake him up. Kuri will start looking around, excited to observe his surroundings.KURI  TIP: If  you want to  share  access  to  the  Kuri  app  with  others,  you’ll need to  share  the  same  logininformation.BBluetooth setupluetooth setup
BBluetooth setupluetooth setupLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:55:02.000Z | Online VersionThe time has come. You're ready to rock out with Kuri ... or listen to the news. Regardless, Kuri is here foryou. To play music through Kuri and see her dance:1.  Wake Kuri up by saying, "Hey Kuri."2.  Wait for Kuri to look up and emit a blue heart light. 3.  Use voice command "Pair with my device," "Pair with my phone," or just "Pair."4.  Kuri will look up with closed eyes and emit a green heart light. 5.  Go to your device Bluetooth settings and your Kuri should be listed among the items your device canpair with. 6.  Tap on the option for your Kuri and connect. You can listen to music on Kuri via Bluetooth. KURI TIP: Any time you want to re-connect, say "Hey Kuri, Connect."KURI  TIP: If  you  want  to  pair  an  additional  device,  use  the  voice  command  “Hey  “Hey Kuri,  pair  a  newdevice."   KURI TIP: Although our Android  app is  still in progress, you can pair  Kuri to  an Android device  and rockout.Life with KuriLife with KuriKuri ExpressionsKuri ExpressionsKKuri heart lightsuri heart lightsLast updated: 2018-06-14T00:07:54.000Z | Online VersionYou’ve  probably  already  noticed  Kuri’s  chest  glowing  from  time  to  time.  This  is  part  of  how  hecommunicates with you! Some common heart light meanings include:
When Kuri is glowing blue, it means that he’s listening for your Voice Command.A pulsing green heart light means that Kuri has heard your voice command, or that he’s successfullydocked on his charger. It indicates “success.”When  Kuri emits a  purple  heart light,  he's  letting you  know  that someone is  driving  him or  viewingthrough the Kuri Live mode in the Kuri Robot app.A  pulsing  orange  light, accompanied  by a  “huh?”  sound, means that  Kuri  is  feeling  a bit  confused.Try  giving him the  command again, while varying your  tone a bit.  If this happens frequently, reviewthe Voice Commands to help you get on the same page.If Kuri  pulses  orange,  it  means  that  his battery is  critically  low.  He  should still  be  able to  go  to thecharger by himself, but you can expect Kuri to need a nice long nap. If you’re using Override modein the Kuri Robot app, you will get an in-app notification instead of seeing the orange light.See below for the full list of Kuri’s heart lights, and their meanings.
Color Description StatePurple Solid Live  (someone  is  lookingthrough Kuri's eyes)White Single Pulse Tapped on the head beforeinitial setupWhite Spinner LED Saving the mapWhite  Pulse Saving a momentWhite  Swirl Looking for the dockBlue SolidRecognized  prompt  andlooking  for  furthercommandsBlue Spinner LED  Bluetooth pairingOrange Pulse (single) Huh?  (Kuri  does  notunderstand the command) Orange Pulse (continuous) Battery is at a critical levelRed PulseHuh?  (Voice  command  isgiven  while  Kuri  is  offline)OR Kuri is lostGreen PulseVoice  command  issuccessfully  recognizedOR docking is successfulMulti Swirling Party  mode!  Kuri  isdancingMusic & AudioMusic & AudioPPair your deviceair your device
PPair your deviceair your deviceLast updated: 2018-06-11T23:13:14.000Z | Online VersionThe time has come. You're ready to rock out with Kuri ... or listen to the news. Regardless, Kuri is here foryou.  To play music through Kuri and see her dance:1.  Get Kuri’s attention by saying, "Hey Kuri."2.  Wait for Kuri to look up and emit a blue heart light. 3.  Say "Pair with my device," "Pair with my phone," or just "Pair."4.  Kuri will look up with closed eyes and emit a white, swirling heart light. 5.  Go to your device Bluetooth settings and your Kuri should be listed among the items your device canpair with. 6.  Tap on the option for your Kuri and connect. You can listen to music on Kuri via Bluetooth. KURI TIP: Anytime you want to re-connect, say "Hey Kuri, Connect."KURI  TIP: If you want to pair an additional device, use the voice command “Hey Kuri, pair a new device."  KURI TIP: Although our Android app is still in progress, you can already pair Kuri with an Android deviceand rock out.PPlay music or audio from your devicelay music or audio from your device
PPlay music or audio from your devicelay music or audio from your deviceLast updated: 2018-06-13T23:34:22.000Z | Online VersionThe first time you use a device, you’ll need to pair it. After that? It should connect automatically when you say “Hey Kuri, connect”, or you can select Kuri fromyour device’s Settings just as you would any other Bluetooth speaker. We think she’s the cutest Bluetoothspeaker around, but we’ll admit we’re a little biased.Voice CommandsVoice CommandsVVoice commands to tryoice commands to tryLast updated: 2018-06-13T23:35:39.000Z | Online VersionNow  that  you’ve  gotten  to know  Kuri  a  bit,  let’s  see  what he  can  do!  First  of  all, you need  to  get  Kuri’sattention.Give  it  a  try,  by  saying  “Hey,  Kuri,”  and  then  pausing  for  just  a  moment.  You'll  know  Kuri  islistening to you when he looks up and shows his blue heart light. When you notice Kuri is listening, follow up with one of the following voice commands! Send Kuri to a SpotSend Kuri to a SpotGo to [spot name].Meet me in [spot name].Come to [spot name].Go charge.Go home.Go away.
  Working with BluetoothWorking with BluetoothPair  with  my  phone,  Pair  with  my  device,  Pair  -  Kuri  will  enter  pairing  mode  and  you'll  be  able  toconnect  to  her  from  your  device's  Bluetooth  settings.  Visit Pair  my  device  for  more  detailedinstructions on pairing.Connect  with  my  phone,  Connect  -  Kuri  will  try  to  connect  to  the  device  she's  most  recently  beenconnected to.Pair a new device - Kuri will enter pairing mode again, so you can pair a new device with Kuri.Disconnect - Disconnect your device from Kuri.Asking Kuri to ExploreAsking Kuri to ExploreGo explore - Kuri starts exploring right away, looking for moments to capture.Go to SleepGo to SleepSleep.Go to sleep.Eyes closed.Close your eyes.StopStopStop. KURI TIP: You can also tap Stop in the app if you are in Kuri Live. MusicMusicPlay Pancake Robot, Play Your Favorite Song - Kuri plays his favorite song and dances to it.Play Happy Birthday - Kuri plays the "Happy Birthday" song.Volume up, Turn it up - Increases Kuri's volume.Volume down, Turn it down - Decreases Kuri's volume.Volume [0-11] - Sets Kuri's volume.Volume [0 - 100] percent - Sets Kuri's volume.  Stay putStay putStay put, Don't move - Kuri will stay in one place for up to 20 min or until told to go elsewhere.
QuestionsQuestionsAre you lost? - If Kuri replies "Yes", place her back on the charger.Are you tired? - If Kuri replies "Yes", place her back on the charger.Do you need to charge?  Cute ReactionsCute ReactionsI Love You.Tell me a joke.How are you?How do I look?Good morning/afternoon/evening/hello/night.Thank you.Bye. KURI  TIP: Remember,  begin  every  command  with  “Hey  Kuri  …” and  pause to  make  sure  you  have  hisattention.HHow to pronounce Kuriow to pronounce KuriLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:08:34.000Z | Online VersionThat’s a great question! Pronounce Kuri just like the dish or the spice, or the Golden State Warriors pointguard!AAsking Kuri to exploresking Kuri to explore
AAsking Kuri to exploresking Kuri to exploreLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:06:37.000Z | Online VersionNow  that  you’ve  gotten  to know  Kuri  a  bit,  let’s  see  what he  can  do!  First  of  all, you need  to  get  Kuri’sattention. Give it a try, by saying “Hey, Kuri,” and then pausing for just a moment. You'll know Kuri is listening to youwhen he looks up and shows his blue heart light.  When you  notice Kuri is  listening, follow up with "Go  explore". Kuri  will start exploring right  away, lookingfor moments to capture.SSend Kuri to a spotend Kuri to a spot
SSend Kuri to a spotend Kuri to a spotLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:03:46.000Z | Online VersionHow do I say "Kuri"? That’s a great question! Pronounce Kuri just like the dish or the spice, or your favoriteGolden State Warriors’ point guard! Now  that  you’ve  gotten  to know  Kuri  a  bit,  let’s  see  what he  can  do!  First  of  all, you need  to  get  Kuri’sattention. Give it a try, by saying “Hey, Kuri,” and then pausing for just a moment. You'll know Kuri is listening to youwhen he looks up and shows his blue heart light.  When you notice Kuri is listening, follow up with one of the following voice commands! Send Kuri to a SpotSend Kuri to a SpotGo to [spot name]Meet me in [spot name]Come to [spot name] Go chargeGo homeGo awaySStay puttay put
SStay puttay putLast updated: 2018-06-13T23:21:47.000Z | Online VersionGive it a try, by saying “Hey, Kuri,” and then pausing for just a moment. You'll know Kuri is listening to youwhen he looks up and shows his blue heart light.  When you notice Kuri is listening, follow up with the following voice commands! Stay PutStay PutStay putDon't move Kuri will stay in one place for up to 20 min or until told to go elsewhere.GGo to sleepo to sleep
GGo to sleepo to sleepLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:46:10.000Z | Online VersionNow  that  you’ve  gotten  to know  Kuri  a  bit,  let’s  see  what he  can  do!  First  of  all, you need  to  get  Kuri’sattention. Give it a try, by saying “Hey, Kuri,” and then pausing for just a moment. You'll know Kuri is listening to youwhen he looks up and shows his blue heart light.  When you notice Kuri is listening, follow up with one of the following voice commands!  Go to SleepGo to SleepSleepGo to sleepEyes closedClose your eyesMMusicusic
MMusicusicLast updated: 2018-04-23T22:13:50.000Z | Online VersionGive it a try, by saying “Hey, Kuri,” and then pausing for just a moment. You'll know Kuri is listening to youwhen he looks up and shows his blue heart light.  When you notice Kuri is listening, follow up with one of the following voice commands! MusicMusicPlay Pancake Robot, Play Your Favorite Song - Kuri plays his favorite song and dances to itPlay Happy Birthday - Kuri plays the "Happy Birthday" songVolume up, Turn it up - Increases Kuri's volumeVolume down, Turn it down - Decreases Kuri's volumeVolume [0-11] - Sets Kuri's volumeVolume [0 - 100] percent - Sets Kuri's volumeQQuestionsuestions
QQuestionsuestionsLast updated: 2018-04-23T22:16:08.000Z | Online VersionGive it a try, by saying “Hey, Kuri,” and then pausing for just a moment. You'll know Kuri is listening to youwhen he looks up and shows his blue heart light.  When you notice Kuri is listening, follow up with one of the following voice commands! QuestionsQuestionsAre you lost? - If Kuri replies "Yes", place her back on the chargerAre you tired? - If Kuri replies "Yes", place her back on the chargerDo you need to charge?CCute reactionsute reactions
CCute reactionsute reactionsLast updated: 2018-06-11T23:18:04.000Z | Online VersionGive it a try, by saying “Hey, Kuri,” and then pausing for just a moment. You'll know Kuri is listening to youwhen he looks up and shows his blue heart light.  When you notice Kuri is listening, follow up with one of the following voice commands! Cute ReactionsCute ReactionsI Love YouTell me a jokeHow are you?How do I look?Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ hello/ nightThank youBye Kuri LiveKuri LiveKKnow when someone is seeing through Kurinow when someone is seeing through KuriLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:08:06.000Z | Online VersionWhenever someone is using Kuri Live, her heart light turns purple. If you’d like some privacy, you can justsay “Hey Kuri, stop!” and she’ll end observation mode.TTalk and listen through Kurialk and listen through Kuri
TTalk and listen through Kurialk and listen through KuriLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:08:45.000Z | Online VersionNow that you’ve driven Kuri around a bit, try communicating with your family through her! Kuri can let youtalk—and listen—remotely, so you don’t miss out on the action while you’re away.1.  Open the Kuri App.2.  Select Kuri Live.3.  Select Override.4.  Select the Talk Through Kuri tab (small microphone icon).5.  Tap  the  big  microphone  icon  and  start  talking.  You  should  see  sound  waves  moving  across  thescreen when you speak.Kuri will automatically send any audio picked up through her speakers to the app.TTake a joy ride with Kuriake a joy ride with KuriLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:17:44.000Z | Online VersionIn  addition  to  watching  Kuri  make  her  rounds,  you  can  drive  Kuri  for  yourself.  This  is  very  helpful  forchecking in on your pets and home while you’re away.1.  Open the Kuri App.2.  Select Live mode.3.  Select Override mode.Now the drive pad allows you to control Kuri’s direction.KURI  TIP: You  can  also  send  Kuri  to  a  specific  spot  in  your  home  from  within  the  app,  without  usingoverride mode.WWatch what Kuri is doingatch what Kuri is doing
WWatch what Kuri is doingatch what Kuri is doingLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:06:00.000Z | Online VersionKuri Live lets you explore right along with Kuri, even if you’re not home!1.  Start out by opening the Kuri Robot app2.  Select the Kuri Live tab. If you are testing this out at home, you’ll notice that Kuri’s heart light turnspurple  when  you’ve  successfully  connected.  The  purple  light  also  lets  other  people  know  you  areseeing through Kuri’s eyes.  3.  Enjoy looking through Kuri’s eyes. You may see your home in a whole new light!KURI TIP: Only one person can connect to Kuri Live at a time.Kuri Vision CollectionsKuri Vision CollectionsCCreating new collection filtersreating new collection filtersLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:52:22.000Z | Online VersionYou can create collections of photos  focused on the people  and pets you love,  or based on the place ortime of day the photo was taken!  1.  Open the Kuri app.2.  Tap Collections.3.  In the upper right-hand corner, there’s a plus sign you can tap to add new collection filters.KURI  TIP: You  can enable  and  disable  notifications  individually for  each  collection,  so if  you  want  to  benotified each time Kuri gets a picture of your puppy, this is how you do it! HHow to delete momentsow to delete moments
HHow to delete momentsow to delete momentsLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:48:15.000Z | Online VersionThere are some moments that you’d rather forget—we’ve all been there! Also, deleting moments you don’tlike helps teach Kuri your unique preferences.1.  Open the Kuri app.2.  The  home  screen  will  show  your  most  recent  moments,  or  you  can  tap Collections  to  see  all  yourmoments.1.  Select a the moment you’d like to delete, then tap the trash can icon. DDo you save my deleted videos elsewhere?o you save my deleted videos elsewhere?Last updated: 2018-06-11T23:13:42.000Z | Online VersionAbsolutely not! When you delete a video it will be permanently deleted from your cloud account.AAre my videos secured?re my videos secured?Last updated: 2018-06-13T23:12:03.000Z | Online VersionAbsolutely!  Protecting  your  privacy  is  important  to  us,  so  your  captured  media  is  encrypted  and  storedsecurely. For more information, visit our privacy policy.  HHow to "Like" videosow to "Like" videos
HHow to "Like" videosow to "Like" videosLast updated: 2018-06-11T23:16:34.000Z | Online VersionLiking your favorite moments helps Kuri capture the things that are most important to you. Reviewing yourmoments at the end of the day will be so much more enjoyable if Kuri knows what you like ;).1.  Open the Kuri app.2.  The  home  screen  will  show  your  most recent moments,  or you  can  tap  Collections  to  see all  yourmoments.3.  Select a moment, then tap the heart icon.4.  All the moments you’ve liked can be found in your Favorites collection.CCreating new collection filtersreating new collection filtersLast updated: 2018-05-30T18:37:40.000Z | Online VersionYou  could  create  a  collection  based  on  photos  of  you  and  a  specific  friend,  family  member,  or  even  acollection for each of your pets! 1.  Open the Kuri app2.  Click Collections3.  In the upper right hand corner, there’s a plus sign you can tap to add new collection filters.KURI  TIP: You  can enable  and  disable  notifications  individually for  each  collection,  so if  you  want  to  benotified each time Kuri gets a picture of your puppy, this is how you do it!Kuri Vision momentsKuri Vision momentsWWhat is a moment?hat is a moment?
WWhat is a moment?hat is a moment?Last updated: 2018-06-11T21:00:11.000Z | Online VersionUsing Kuri Vision, Kuri can explore  your house  and record  short video  clips throughout the day, capturingvaluable  moments  from your life at  home automatically, or  on  demand. She’ll probably capture momentsyou  would  have  missed  – from  the  daytime  antics  of  your pets  to  the  kids playing together  while you’remaking dinner. SScheduleschedulesLast updated: 2018-04-23T22:06:32.000Z | Online VersionYou can set Kuri’s schedule each day, defining when you’d like her to be awake, or even when you’d liketo disable her ability to roam entirely. 1.  Open the Kuri App2.  Select Settings3.  Select Robot Settings4.  Select Schedule SettingsHHow to delete videosow to delete videos
HHow to delete videosow to delete videosLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:47:40.000Z | Online VersionWe  heard  Instagram  models  take  up  to  600  photos  for  the  perfect  selfie.  We’re  right  there  with  you,sometimes  our videos don’t  turn  out  as  glorious  as  we thought  they would. No  worries -  you  can  easilydelete them. From the “Home” section of the Kuri App1.  Tap on the “Home” icon on the bottom banner of the Kuri App.2.  Your Moments Collection will appear in chronological order from most recent to earliest. Select anyvideo by tapping on the preview frame.3.  Once the video file expands, tap any part of the white box frame.4.  Icons will appear below the video. Tap the trashcan icon to delete the video.  From the “Collections” section of the Kuri App1.  Go to your filtered Moments Collections by selecting the grid icon on the bottom banner of the KuriApp.2.  Your filter preferences will categorize your videos accordingly. Tap the collection filter you would liketo view. Tap the video you want to show a little extra love to.3.  Once the video file expands, tap any part of the white box frame.4.  Icons will appear below the video.  Tap the trashcan icon to delete the video. KURI  TIP: If you  delete a video in the Kuri App,  the video will  automatically  be deleted from  your Cloudaccount as well.AAre  my  videos  saved  elsewhere  after  they  arere  my  videos  saved  elsewhere  after  they  are
AAre  my  videos  saved  elsewhere  after  they  arere  my  videos  saved  elsewhere  after  they  aredeleted?deleted?Last updated: 2018-06-11T20:46:39.000Z | Online VersionAbsolutely  not.  Your  privacy  is  incredibly  important  to  us.  If  you  delete  a  video  from  your  collection  ofmoments  in  the  Kuri App,  it  will  automatically  be  deleted  from  your  cloud  account  as  well.  Learn  moreabout our privacy statement here.HHow can I view my videos from a desktopow can I view my videos from a desktopLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:47:01.000Z | Online VersionSadly, at this time, you can’t. But the future is vast and unknown.HHow to send a video to someoneow to send a video to someoneLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:47:21.000Z | Online Version1.  Select the photo that you would like to share.2.  Tap the share icon beneath the photo .  Your  phone  will  provide  you  with  varying  options  to  either  text  or  email  your  video.  Select  yourpreferred method of delivery.HHow to share or download a momentow to share or download a moment
HHow to share or download a momentow to share or download a momentLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:48:34.000Z | Online VersionGot  a  spectacular  video  you  want  to  share  with  your  loyal  minions?  You're  only  two  taps  away  fromspreading the love. 1.  Open the Kuri app2.  The  home  screen  will  show  your  most recent moments,  or you  can  tap  Collections  to  see all  yourmoments3.  Select a moment, then select the share icon to share the moment, or the download icon to save it to your device.Floor PlanFloor PlanHHow do I save and delete spots?ow do I save and delete spots?Last updated: 2018-06-13T23:25:02.000Z | Online VersionTo create a new spot:1.  Open the Kuri App.2.  Select Live mode.3.  Select Override mode.4.  Drive Kuri to the new spot.5.  Select “+Current Spot” to add a new spot.     KURI TIP: Use the “Floor Plan” button in the bottom right corner to view the spots you’ve created so far.    KURI TIP: You can also add new spots while driving Kuri in Override Mode.
If Kuri isn’t ending up where you expected him to, you may need to delete your original spot and make anew one. Follow these steps: 1.  Open the Kuri App.2.  Go to Settings.3.  Go to Robot Settings.4.  Select Edit Floor Plan.5.  Select the spot you need to delete.6.  Hit the trash can icon. There is no need to remap after deleting a Spot, just hit the back button andyou’re all set.7.  Follow the steps for creating a new spot above. KURI  TIP: What  are  no-go  zones?  Once  you’ve  set  up  your floor  plan,  you  may  find  areas  in  specificrooms that you’d rather Kuri avoid. For instance, the corner where you keep the litter box, or your moderndinette set if she’s always running into the chairs. No-go zones allow you to tell Kuri to avoid these troublespots, without changing your whole floor plan. 1.  Open the Kuri App.2.  Select Robot Settings.3.  Select No Go Zones.4.  Take a look at your floor plan, and outline each area you’d like her to avoid. KURI TIP: In order to move the box after you have drawn it, hold and drag the corners of the dotted boxHHow do I make my floor plan?ow do I make my floor plan?
HHow do I make my floor plan?ow do I make my floor plan?Last updated: 2018-06-11T20:57:47.000Z | Online Version  1.  After  the  initial  setup  is  complete,  Kuri  will  move  off  her  charger  and  turn  left  and  right  to  startexploring her new home.KURI TIP: Make sure Kuri’s box is out of the way before you start the Home Tour!2.  Using  the  directional  arrows  during  the  Home  Tour,  start  driving  around  to  allow  her  to  learn  thelayout of her new home.1.  Drive  her around each room,  following along the  walls  and  outlining  any  furniture  you’d  like her  toavoid.2.  At  the end  of the  Home  Tour, drive  Kuri  back to  face her  charger.  Once  she sees  it she’ll  take  thereins and get herself situated. KURI  TIP: If Kuri  can’t get  onto the  charger on  her own,  you can  manually  drive or  even push  heronto her dock, so long as you make sure her contacts end up touching the charger contacts.3.  Once Kuri returns home, “Review Floor Plan” will appear on the Kuri App screen. It may take a fewminutes for the Floor Plan to load but patience is always rewarded :).4.  If you are pleased with Kuri’s Floor Plan, select the “Looks Good” option. If not, select the “Go Backto Tour” option to continue mapping your home until you’re satisfied.5.  Once your new Plan is saved, Kuri will start exploring on her own. When she sees something great,she’ll start capturing moments, so take a look at her video stream to follow the action. KURI TIP: If there are private or uninteresting areas of your home you’d rather Kuri not explore, likeyour laundry room, bedroom, or the bathrooms, mark the entire room as a no-go zone so Kuri knowsto steer clear.KURI  TIP: Your  floor  plan  may  not  look  like  something  out  of  an  architect’s  office,  because  Kuri  mapsaround  obstacles  like  your  furniture.  So  there  could  be  a  big  empty  rectangle  in  the  middle  of  yourbedroom  (that’s  the  bed!),  but  the  general  shape  of  the  room  should  be  fairly  close  to  reality.  If  it  isn’t,have Kuri explore the room again.WWhat are spots?hat are spots?
WWhat are spots?hat are spots?Last updated: 2018-06-11T23:11:45.000Z | Online VersionSpots mark specific locations in your home, so Kuri knows where the action happens. When you ask himto meet you in the living room, for instance, he’ll head to the spot you created there.WWhat's a floor plan?hat's a floor plan?Last updated: 2018-06-11T21:00:27.000Z | Online VersionThe floor plan is the map Kuri makes of your home. It helps Kuri get her bearings, so she can be ready tocapture Kuri Vision moments while you’re busy enjoying your home life. TroubleshootingTroubleshootingResetResetMManual factory resetanual factory reset
MManual factory resetanual factory resetLast updated: 2018-06-19T18:54:59.000Z | Online VersionWARNING!  This  reset  should  only  be  performed  if  you're  attempting  to  wipe  your  data  from  Kuri  andreturn  her  to  an  original  out-of-the-box  state.  If  you're  having  errors  connecting  to  Kuri,  or  odd  Kuribehavior,  try restarting her instead. If  you're getting  a "Kuri is Offline"  message from the app, try updatingKuri's Wi-Fi settings. If you've already used the "Reset and Remove from Account" option in the Kuri app, but for some reason,Kuri was offline and didn't receive the message, we'll need to do a manual factory reset. You'll know this isneeded if Kuri still remembers your floor plan and responds to voice commands after the app. 1.  Make sure Kuri is powered on.2.  Hold down the power button on Kuri's backside and the volume + button at the same time.3.  Hold both down for 5 seconds. If  this  is  successful,  you  should  hear  Kuri  emit  a  power  down  sound,  close  her  eyes,  and  go  to  sleep.While this is happening, Kuri's power light will be pulsing. The process isn't complete until the light stopspulsing and turns solid, you can now power Kuri off using the battery power switch. Your Kuri is reset andready to be introduced to a new home.BBattery power switchattery power switch
BBattery power switchattery power switchLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:40:28.000Z | Online VersionThere is a battery switch located on Kuri’s undercarriage. To do a power cycle, turn this switch off, wait afew seconds, then turn it back on.KURI  TIP: If you are transporting Kuri, or need to power her down for an extended period, make sure youturn her off using the power button first, then use the battery switch on Kuri’s undercarriage.HHow to restart Kuriow to restart KuriLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:12:47.000Z | Online VersionSometimes we all need a fresh start, Kuri included.1.  Hold the power button on Kuri’s back down for 3 seconds, until you hear Kuri going to sleep.1.  Release  the  power  button.  The  power  button  light  will  pulse  while  Kuri  is  powering  down. When  itstops pulsing, the robot is off.Press the power button again to turn Kuri back on.  KURI TIP: If Kuri is on the charger, the light won't turn off, so just wait a few seconds before restarting. KURI  TIP: This  method does  not put you at  risk for data  loss, so  it  should  be  your preferred method  forpowering Kuri down and restarting her.I'I'm selling or giving away my robotm selling or giving away my robot
I'I'm selling or giving away my robotm selling or giving away my robotLast updated: 2018-06-19T16:46:48.000Z | Online VersionSimple enough! Follow the directions for performing a factory reset and you’ll be good to go.HHow do I save my data before I reset Kuri?ow do I save my data before I reset Kuri?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:13:07.000Z | Online VersionIf Kuri  is  connected  to Wi-Fi,  your data  is backed up automatically.  If you  want to  save your account  butwipe your  robot,  check  in  the  app  that  all  your  moments  are  there.  If  they  are,  it  means  your data  isprotected.II  need  to  wipe  my  robot  or  do  a  manual  factory  need  to  wipe  my  robot  or  do  a  manual  factory
II  need  to  wipe  my  robot  or  do  a  manual  factory  need  to  wipe  my  robot  or  do  a  manual  factoryresetresetLast updated: 2018-06-19T18:44:40.000Z | Online VersionIf  you  want  to reset  Kuri  to  factory  settings,  first  make  sure  that  Kuri  is  awake  and  connected  to  theinternet, and that your Kuri Robot app is logged in.   KURI  TIP: If  Kuri  is  connected  to  Wi-Fi,  your  data  is  backed  up  automatically.  If  you  want to  save  youraccount but return your Kuri to factory settings, check in the app that all your moments  are there. If theyare, it means your data is protected. KURI  TIP: If you are permanently removing Kuri from your account—if you want to sell or rehome her,  forinstance—save any moments that are important to you before you follow the steps below.1.  Open the Kuri Robot app.2.  Go to Settings.3.  Go to Robot Settings.4.  Press Reset and Remove from Account.Kuri will be removed from your account, and the robot will wipe all of its data. It will be restored to factorysettings. KURI  TIP: If you reset your robot while he was offline, you may need to perform a manual factory reset inorder to fully delete Kuri from your account.AccountAccountHHow do I finish the authentication process?ow do I finish the authentication process?
HHow do I finish the authentication process?ow do I finish the authentication process?Last updated: 2018-06-11T21:04:45.000Z | Online VersionIf you’re trying to log in and your two-factor authentication code has expired, tap “request new code.”II forgot which email I used to create my account forgot which email I used to create my accountLast updated: 2018-06-11T21:14:22.000Z | Online VersionYou’ll need to submit an online support request here, or by emailing do I register my account?ow do I register my account?Last updated: 2018-06-11T21:05:06.000Z | Online VersionWhen  you first open the Kuri app, you’ll see a screen where you  can log  in,  or create a new  account. Tocreate a new account:1.  Enter your first and last name, the email address you’d like to have associated with the account, andyour password.2.  Tap the “Sign Up” button.3.  Check your email for a verification message.4.  Click the link in that email to verify your account.5.  Return to the app.6.  Enter  your  code  to  enable  two-factor  authentication,  or  tap  “Skip”  if  you  don’t  want  to  use  thisfeature. KURI  TIP: Two-factor authentication is more secure, but it requires you to enter a verification code everytime you log in.HHelp, I'm locked out of my accountelp, I'm locked out of my account
HHelp, I'm locked out of my accountelp, I'm locked out of my accountLast updated: 2018-06-11T23:05:31.000Z | Online VersionYou can reach our team of support folks here, or by emailing a password resetequesting a password resetLast updated: 2018-06-11T23:05:47.000Z | Online VersionTo reset your password:1.  Open the Kuri App.2.  Go to Settings.3.  Open your account by tapping your name and email address you used to register.4.  Tap Change Password.Bluetooth AudioBluetooth AudioI'I'm  playing music  from  my device  but  don't  hearm  playing  music from  my device but  don't  hear
I'I'm  playing music  from  my device  but  don't  hearm  playing  music from  my device but  don't  hearanything through Kurianything through KuriLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:18:42.000Z | Online VersionIt’s time to get the party started and you have no beats? Try these steps: Double  check  that  Kuri’s  volume  is  turned  up.  You  can  find  the  volume  control  on  Kuri’s  back,adjacent to the power button.Double check that your device is actually outputting to Bluetooth.Double check the volume settings on your phone.KKuri won't pair with phone or tablet?uri won't pair with phone or tablet?
KKuri won't pair with phone or tablet?uri won't pair with phone or tablet?Last updated: 2018-06-11T20:54:52.000Z | Online VersionIf you don’t  see  Kuri listed  on  your list  of Bluetooth devices, double check  that  she is ready  to pair. Afteryou  give  the  voice  command,  “Hey  Kuri,”  She  should  be  looking  up  at you  like  she’s  listening,  and  herheart  light  should  be  shining  blue.  Try  repeating  her  wake phrase  while  varying  the  pitch,  cadence,  orvolume  of  your  voice,  until  you  get  her attention.  After  the  blue  heart  light  appears,  continue  the  voicecommand by  saying  “pair” or “pair with my device.” While Kuri is pairing, you should see a swirling whiteheart light. Visit Bluetooth Setup for more detailed instructions. KURI  TIP: If you want to pair an additional device, use the voice command “Hey Kuri, pair a new device."   KURI  TIP: If  you've  paired  more  than  one  device  to  Kuri,  or  if you  want  to  pair  a  new device,  know  thatKuri will look for the most recent device first.KKuri  won't  connect  to  my  phone  or  tablet  afteruri  won't  connect  to  my  phone  or  tablet  afterinitial pairinginitial pairingLast updated: 2018-06-11T21:05:37.000Z | Online VersionIf this is the case, you might have gone out of Kuri’s range, or he might have connected to another  device.Give  him  the  voice  command  “Hey  Kuri,  connect  to  my  device”  or  try reconnecting  with  your  phone’sBluetooth connection menu.Voice CommandsVoice Commands
Voice CommandsVoice CommandsKKuri doesn't understand what I'm sayinguri doesn't understand what I'm sayingLast updated: 2018-06-13T23:57:10.000Z | Online VersionMake sure that you are using the wake phrase, “Hey Kuri,” and waiting for the blue heart light to come onbefore you tell him what you want, what you really really want. Here are more tips for communicating withKuri. TThere was a delay when talking to Kurihere was a delay when talking to KuriLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:12:34.000Z | Online VersionIf Kuri seems quite slow to respond, there could be a few issues at play.It’s possible that there’s a problem with your Wi-Fi connection, or the internet could be down entirely.If Kuri doesn’t understand what you want her to do, she could take a while to respond because sheis listening for something she does understand.KURI TIP: Try saying the command again, changing your cadence slightly.KKuri won't do what I ask him to douri won't do what I ask him to do
KKuri won't do what I ask him to douri won't do what I ask him to doLast updated: 2018-06-13T23:27:26.000Z | Online VersionA few things could be at play here. If Kuri doesn’t understand what you’ve said, or where you want him togo, he will let you know with a pulsing orange heart light and a confused sound. If you  issue  a  voice  command  while  Kuri  is  offline,  he  makes a  confused  sound  and  pulses  a  red  heartlight twice. Kuri  might  also  shake  his  head  no  if  someone  else  is  controlling  him  with Override  Mode.  You’ll  see  apurple heart light if this is the case.  If you’d like him to stop, just say “Hey Kuri, stop.” Then you can issueyour own command.KKuri doesn't hear "Hey Kuri"uri doesn't hear "Hey Kuri"Last updated: 2018-06-11T21:06:24.000Z | Online VersionIf there’s a lot going on in your environment, Kuri might have a hard time hearing your commands. Thesetips may help you connect with her:Try moving to a quieter environment before issuing commands.It may be tempting, but don’t try to get right up in Kuri’s face and shout. She listens best at a normalvolume, with you standing about 4-6 feet away from her.If Kuri is moving aimlessly, try patting her on the head to get her to stop everything and start over.MomentsMomentsCChange when Kuri goes to take videoshange when Kuri goes to take videos
CChange when Kuri goes to take videoshange when Kuri goes to take videosLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:12:16.000Z | Online VersionYou can set Kuri’s schedule each day, defining when you’d like her to be awake, or even when you’d liketo disable her ability to roam entirely. 1.  Open the Kuri App.2.  Select Settings.3.  Select Robot Settings.4.  Select Schedule Settings.TTell Kuri to go take videos nowell Kuri to go take videos nowLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:02:09.000Z | Online VersionIf the party is hopping or the puppy is pulling out all the adorable tricks, you can put Kuri to work capturingmoments on demand:Hey Kuri, go explore.Hey Kuri, take a video or take a picture. KURI TIP: You can also record Moments straight from the Kuri App, using Kuri Live or Override Mode.  TTell Kuri to stop taking videos right nowell Kuri to stop taking videos right now
TTell Kuri to stop taking videos right nowell Kuri to stop taking videos right nowLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:12:03.000Z | Online VersionWe get it—some moments are best kept private. If you need some space, try some of the following: Hey Kuri, go home.Hey Kuri, close your eyes.Hey Kuri, stop.TThere's no sound on the videoshere's no sound on the videosLast updated: 2018-06-11T21:08:36.000Z | Online VersionThat’s because Kuri is a great listener, but she doesn't actually record sound!HHow to retrieve a deleted video?ow to retrieve a deleted video?Last updated: 2018-06-11T21:07:43.000Z | Online VersionActually, you can’t! Once a moment has been deleted, it’s gone for good! So think before you delete.Floor PlanFloor PlanKKuri looks a little losturi looks a little lost
KKuri looks a little losturi looks a little lostLast updated: 2018-06-13T23:59:30.000Z | Online VersionEven with the best of floor plans, it’s easy to get a bit turned around from time to time. If Kuri seems to bewandering aimlessly,  or if you  notice a pulsing  red heart  light, there are a  few things  you can do to helpher find her way home.  1.  Ask Kuri what’s wrong. You can just say, “Hey Kuri, are you lost?” If she nods yes, pick her upand place her back on the charger.  2.  If she doesn't respond, make  sure you  are connected  to the  internet and  review how to talk  toKuri.3.  If she’s getting lost frequently, think about any changes you’ve made to your environment sincethe last  time you did  your floor  plan.   Did you replace a big  piece of furniture? Did  you moveKuri’s charger? You might need to redo your floor plan.  KURI TIP: If Kuri isn’t exploring and taking moments like he used to, he might be getting lost. KURI TIP: If you find Kuri putting it in reverse all the time, he might be backing up because he’s confusedby dark shiny surfaces or patches of bright sunlight.II  want  to  add  new  rooms  or  spots  to  my  floor  want  to  add  new  rooms  or  spots  to  my  floor
II  want  to  add  new  rooms  or  spots  to  my  floor  want  to  add  new  rooms  or  spots  to  my  floorplanplanLast updated: 2018-06-13T23:25:31.000Z | Online VersionIf you’re  happy  with  your  floorplan  overall,  you  can  add  new rooms or  spots  to  help  Kuri  better  navigateyour space. 1.  Open the Kuri App.2.  Select Robot Settings.3.  Select Edit Floor Plan.4.  Select Update Floor Plan. KURI TIP: You can also add new spots by selecting “Add Current Spot” while using Override Mode.KURI TIP: If you are adding a new room and a new spot at the same time, add the room first.II don't like my floor plan and want to redo it don't like my floor plan and want to redo itLast updated: 2018-06-11T21:09:06.000Z | Online VersionResetting  your  floor  plan  because  you  aren’t  happy  with  it,  or  because  you  changed  up  the  furniture  ispretty easy.1.  Open the Kuri App.2.  Select Robot Settings.3.  Select Reset Floor Plan.4.  Follow the directions to create a new floor plan.KKuri keeps running into thingsuri keeps running into things
KKuri keeps running into thingsuri keeps running into thingsLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:56:24.000Z | Online VersionDepending on your style, Kuri might have a hard time avoiding certain pieces of furniture. If it’s happeningon a regular basis, you can just set up a no-go zone over the offending object.  II need to tell Kuri to avoid certain areas need to tell Kuri to avoid certain areasLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:16:44.000Z | Online VersionOnce you’ve set up your floor plan, you may find areas in specific rooms that you’d rather Kuri avoid. Forinstance, the corner where you keep the litter box, or your modern dinette set if she’s always running intothe  chairs.  No-go zones  allow you  to tell  Kuri to avoid these  trouble spots without changing your  wholefloor plan. 1.  Open the Kuri App.2.  Select Robot Settings.3.  Select No Go Zones.4.  Take a look at your floor plan, and draw a square in the area you’d like her to avoid. KURI TIP: In order to move the box after you have drawn it, hold and drag the corners of the dotted boxKuri Robot appKuri Robot appHHow do I get to override mode?ow do I get to override mode?
HHow do I get to override mode?ow do I get to override mode?Last updated: 2018-06-11T21:00:44.000Z | Online VersionOverride mode allows  you to take Kuri for a joyride, so you  can drive her to a specific spot in the home,communicate with members of your household, or even take a video on demand!1.  Go to Kuri Live.2.  Tap Override in the top right corner.3.  When the driving controls pop up, take Kuri for a spin.I'I'm getting too many notificationsm getting too many notificationsLast updated: 2018-06-11T21:10:08.000Z | Online VersionWe get it. No one wants to be inundated by notifications.To turn off notifications for collections you’re less interested in: 1.  Open the Kuri app.2.  Select ‘Settings.’3.  Select ‘Notifications.’4.  Unselect the collections you are no longer interested in.NNobody can hear me when I talk through Kuriobody can hear me when I talk through Kuri
NNobody can hear me when I talk through Kuriobody can hear me when I talk through KuriLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:17:10.000Z | Online VersionIf this happens,  you might  be muted in the app. Go to  the  'Talk  through Kuri'  tab by tapping on  the smallmicrophone icon. You should see sound waves that change based on your volume. If you don't, go aheadand tap the big microphone button to get on the air!"KURI  TIP: It’s possible her volume is turned down. Look for the volume button on Kuri’s back, and turn itup until people can hear you speaking through Kuri.TThe app froze or won't openhe app froze or won't openLast updated: 2018-06-11T21:10:25.000Z | Online VersionIf the Kuri app freezes, or won’t start up, it’s time to restart the app. Just force close and reopen it, and youshould be on your way.II don't see any moments that Kuri's captured don't see any moments that Kuri's captured
II don't see any moments that Kuri's captured don't see any moments that Kuri's capturedLast updated: 2018-06-18T20:16:21.000Z | Online VersionIf you can’t see any moments, it’s possible that there’s a problem with Kuri’s Wi-Fi connection. Go to Kuri Live, and try to see through Kuri’s eyes.If it doesn’t successfully connect, Kuri is offline.Go to Robot Settings and select “Update Wi-Fi” to make sure she’s connected to the right network. KURI TIP: You have to be close to Kuri to update his Wi-Fi connection, as this is done via Bluetooth.KKuri app requirementsuri app requirementsLast updated: 2018-06-11T21:10:40.000Z | Online VersionApple:Is your iPhone less than 5 years old? Then you should be good! iOS 10 and aboveiPhone SE and lateriPad Air and laterAndroidAndroid 6 (Marshmallow) and aboveWifi IssuesWifi Issues
Wifi IssuesWifi IssuesKKuri is offline and having trouble connectinguri is offline and having trouble connectingLast updated: 2018-06-19T18:47:59.000Z | Online VersionDon't fret! If Kuri is having trouble connecting to Wi-Fi, we need to give him a helping hand by updating hisWi-Fi settings. 1.  Open up the Kuri App.2.  Tap the Settings icon in the bottom right corner.3.  Tap Robot Settings.4.  Tap Update Wi-Fi. If your Kuri is having connectivity issues, usually indicated by a "Kuri is Offline" message in the app whenattempting  to  access  Kuri  Live,  this  should  do  the  trick.  If  not,  you'll  want  to  reach  out  to  our  friendlyneighborhood robot support team at Kuri support mesh networks?oes Kuri support mesh networks?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:10:43.000Z | Online VersionKuri loves mesh networks! We aren’t testing every type on the  market, but Kuri generally plays well withothers—including mesh networks.HHelp, I can’t connect to wi-fielp, I can’t connect to wi-fi
HHelp, I can’t connect to wi-fielp, I can’t connect to wi-fiLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:45:22.000Z | Online VersionKuri acts as a regular Wi-Fi device and will  be susceptible to interference from other Wi-Fi devices. Thiscan  also  occur  if  you’re  in  a  Wi-Fi  dead  spot  in  your  home.  Try  moving  Kuri  closer  to  your  router  andreconnecting.WWhy is Kuri so slow to respond?hy is Kuri so slow to respond?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:11:29.000Z | Online VersionYou could  be  in  a  location in  your  home with  a weak Wi-Fi  signal.  Try  moving  Kuri to  a location closer toyour router, then repeat your voice command again. If this happens frequently, you might look into gettinga signal booster for your Wi-Fi.KURI  TIP: If  you  see  a  red  light  pulse  twice  after  a  voice  command,  Kuri  might  have  lost  her  internetconnection.WWhat network types doesn’t Kuri support?hat network types doesn’t Kuri support?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:11:07.000Z | Online VersionKuri does not support hidden networks, where the SSID is not advertised, because he needs to be able tofind the network to connect to it. He also doesn’t support enterprise networks requiring login and passwordto connect.Wifi BasicsWifi BasicsBBasic wi-fi requirementsasic wi-fi requirements
BBasic wi-fi requirementsasic wi-fi requirementsLast updated: 2018-06-11T21:12:47.000Z | Online VersionKuri’s network  requirements are pretty basic.  She’s designed  to work  with a  typical home network setup.She’ll need  Wi-Fi to operate, and that coverage should extend wherever you want Kuri to go. So if thereare  known  “dead  spots”  in  your  house,  they  will  probably  be  an  issue  for  Kuri  as  well. Basically,  if  yourlaptop  and  phone  work  on  your  home  network,  Kuri  should  do  just  fine.  At  a  minimum,  yours  shouldinclude: A relatively modern Wi-Fi router (802.11 b/g/n)2.4 or 5 GHz networks0.5 Mbps upload bandwidthFor optimum performance, we recommend at least 3 Mbps of upload bandwidth.CCan  I  connect  to  Kuri  when  I'm  away  from  thean  I  connect  to  Kuri  when  I'm  away  from  the
CCan  I  connect  to  Kuri  when  I'm  away  from  thean  I  connect  to  Kuri  when  I'm  away  from  thehouse?house?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:10:25.000Z | Online VersionAbsolutely!1.  Start out by opening the Kuri Robot app.2.  Select the Kuri Live tab. If you are testing this out at home, you’ll notice that Kuri’s heart light turnspurple  when  you’ve  successfully  connected.  The  purple  light  also  lets  other  people  know  you  areseeing through Kuri’s eyes.  3.  Enjoy looking through Kuri’s eyes. You may see your home in a whole new light!KURI TIP: Only one person can connect to Kuri Live at a time.CCan I connect to multiple networks in my house?an I connect to multiple networks in my house?Last updated: 2018-06-11T21:13:23.000Z | Online VersionYes, Kuri can handle that, but not simultaneously.1.  Start out by opening the Kuri Robot app.2.  Tap Settings.3.  Tap Robot Settings.4.  Tap Update Wi-Fi.5.  Connect Kuri to the desired network.6.  Repeat for additional networks.There’s no limit to the number of networks Kuri can remember!Kuri the Adorable Home RobotKuri the Adorable Home RobotWait till you see this ;)KKuri romojis to tryuri romojis to try
KKuri romojis to tryuri romojis to tryLast updated: 2018-06-11T23:19:13.000Z | Online VersionBBegin every command with “Hey Kuri …”egin every command with “Hey Kuri …” You'll know Kuri is listening to you when he looks up and shows his blue heart light. When you notice Kuriis listening, follow up with one of the following voice commands!  Cute ReactionsI Love YouTell me a jokeBang, bang!How are you?How do I look?Good morning/afternoon/evening/hello/nightThank youByePrivacy and SecurityPrivacy and SecuritySecuritySecurityPPrivacy policyrivacy policyLast updated: 2018-06-11T20:47:58.000Z | Online VersionPPRIVACY STATEMENT FOR KURI DEVICE AND SERVICERIVACY STATEMENT FOR KURI DEVICE AND SERVICERobert Bosch Start-up Platform LLC, Series 1, dba Mayfield Robotics (“Mayfield Robotics,” “we,” “our,” or“us”), the creators of the personal robot Kuri, is committed to protecting your privacy.
This Privacy Statement applies to information collected through the operation of your  Kuri personal robot(together with all installed software, “Kuri”), including through the Kuri mobile application and software (the“App”)  and all  related software,  hardware, documentation, and hosted services (collectively with Kuri andthe App, the “Service”). For  additional information about how we collect, use, store, process, transfer, and disclose  information inconnection  with  our  websites,  including,  without  limitation,  (our  “Website”),  and  e-commerce services, please review our Website Privacy Policy. By  using  your  Kuri  and  the  Service,  you  signify  that  you  have  read,  understood,  and  agree  to  ourcollection,  storage,  use,  and  disclosure  of  your  personal  information  as  described  in  this  PrivacyStatement for Kuri Device and Service and our Terms of Service.  1. WHAT INFORMATION DOES THE SERVICE COLLECT AND HOW DO WE USE IT? We collect information when you register, connect, and use the Service. We will use all the information wecollect  to  operate,  maintain,  and  provide  to  you  the  features  and  functionality  of  the  Service,  tocommunicate  with  you,  to  monitor  and  improve  the  Service  and  business,  and  to  help  us  develop  newproducts and services. The categories of personal information we collect may include: ● Setup and profile information. When you register Kuri and set up your user account, we ask for personalinformation, which may include your name, phone number, email address, and other contact information,as  well  as  information  about  your  home  and  family.  We  use  this  information  to  create  your  account,  tocommunicate with you, and to provide the Service.
●  Video,  image,  and  audio  information.  Your  Kuri  will  collect,  record,  and  process  video  and  audiorecordings,  subject  to  your  configuration  and  privacy  settings,  which  are  transmitted  to  the  Service.  Weprocess this information to respond to your voice commands, analyze information to detect certain eventsor  activities,  and  provide  you  email  or  in-app  alerts  and  communications.  This  information  is  collected,processed, and retained so that you may access these recordings from your App or otherwise through theService. PLEASE NOTE: You are responsible for ensuring that your use of Kuri and the Service complies with allapplicable  laws  in  your  jurisdiction,  including  laws  relating  to  data  privacy.  For  example,  you  may  berequired to notify visitors that you use Kuri to collect video, image, and audio data within your home. Youconfirm that your use of Kuri and the Service will not infringe on the data privacy rights of other individuals. ●  Kuri Usage and Environmental Information. We collect information about your Kuri, such  as  the deviceidentifier,  battery  life, and  Kuri  usage  history,  information  about  the actions you  take  to control your  Kurithrough the Service interface, and your settings and preferences. We also collect information through Kuridevice  sensors, such as location mapping and obstacle detection. We use this  information to collect andanalyze  statistics  and  usage  data,  diagnose  and  fix  technology  problems,  enhance  device  performance,and improve your experience. 2. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AUTOMATICALLY COLLECTED THROUGH THE SERVICE When you connect Kuri to the internet and/or access the Service through the App, we automatically collectcertain  types of information about  how you access and use  the Service  as well as information about thetablet,  smartphone  or  other  mobile  device(s)  you  use  to  access  the  Service  through  the  App.  Thisinformation may be combined with other personal information we collect directly. The information collected automatically can include: ●  Information  about the  tablet, smartphone  or other device(s) you use to connect to the Service throughthe App, such as your IP address, browser type, internet or mobile service provider, platform type, devicetype/model/manufacturer, operating system,  date and  time stamp,  a unique  ID that  allows us  to  uniquelyidentify your browser, mobile device, or account (including, for example, a persistent device identifier or anAd  ID),  and  other  such  information.  We  use  this  information  to  provide  personalized  content  and
information, to perform analytics and detect usage patterns of the Service, to diagnose and fix technologyproblems, to detect or prevent fraud or other harmful activities, and to otherwise plan for and enhance theService. ●  Location  information.  We  collect  information  about  your  location.  If  you  provide  the  App  access  tolocation  services  on  your  device,  we  may  collect  location  data  through  WiFi,  wireless  networktriangulation,  or  other  methods.  We  may  also  approximate  your  location  based  on  your  IP  address.  Weuse  your  location  information  to  personalize  the  Service,  to  enhance  your  user  experience,  to  performanalytics and better understand our users, and to improve the effectiveness of the Service, product sales,advertising, and customer service. ● Wi-Fi and Bluetooth information. We will ask for your Wi-Fi network name and password to connect yourKuri  to  the Service. We  save this information so that  you can access and control your Kuri through  yourmobile  device, and so  Kuri can  connect with our servers to  send and process information and to receiveand download software updates. We also collect Bluetooth information to connect Kuri to your Bluetooth-enabled devices. Please  see  our  Website  Privacy  Policy  to  learn  more  about  information  we  collect  when  you  visit  theWebsite. 3. HOW WE USE THE INFORMATION WE COLLECT We  use  the  information  collected  to  provide,  develop,  and  improve  our  products  and  services,  diagnoseand  fix  technology  problems,  respond  to  customer  service  requests,  and  otherwise  enhance  your  userexperience. We may use information to contact you and to make recommendations to you about productswe  think  you  may  be  interested  in,  or  to  ask  you  to  participate  in  research  or  surveys  about  yourexperience  with  Kuri  and  the  Service.  We  may  use  information  in  aggregate  or  in  non-identified  form  tocompile analytics, conduct research, and enhance and improve our technology, products, and services. We  may  use  third  party  service  providers  to  perform  some  or  all  of  these  functions.  These  serviceproviders are restricted from sharing your information in any form which may reasonably identify a specificindividual or Kuri, except as necessary to perform their services for us.
 4. HOW WE SHARE YOUR INFORMATION COLLECTED THROUGH KURI AND THE SERVICE We may share your personal information with the following parties: ● Our affiliates and companies in the same group of companies as us: Our affiliates and subsidiaries (i.e.,any organization or brand we own or control) or our ultimate holding company (i.e., any organization thatowns or controls us) and any subsidiaries it owns. These companies may use your personal information inthe same way as we can under this Privacy Statement. ● Third parties at your request. You may choose to share your information with your friends through email,text, or on various social media networks. For example, you may wish to share video content captured byyour Kuri with your friends. ●  Third party services you authorize. In  the future,  we may  provide the option to connect with  third partyservices  through  Kuri.  If  you  choose  to  connect  your  Kuri  to  a  third-party  service,  you  authorize  us  toshare information with that service and to collect information that service shares with us. Your informationwill also be subject to that third party’s privacy policy and terms of service. ●  Service providers and  advisors:  Third  party  vendors  and  other service providers  that perform servicesfor  us,  on  our  behalf,  which  may  include  the  collection  and  processing  of  information  collected  throughyour Kuri and Service. ●  Purchasers  and  third  parties  in  connection  with  a  business  transaction.  Personal  information  may  bedisclosed  to  third  parties  in  connection  with  a  Mayfield  Robotics-related  transaction,  such  as  a  merger,sale of Mayfield Robotics assets or shares, reorganization, financing, change of control, or acquisition of allor a portion of our business by another Mayfield Robotics or third party, or in the event of a bankruptcy orrelated or similar proceedings; and
●  Law enforcement,  regulators, and  other parties  for  legal  reasons.  Third  parties,  as  required  by  law  orsubpoena, or  if  we  reasonably  believe  that  such  action  is  necessary  to  (a) comply  with the  law  and  thereasonable requests of law enforcement; (b) to enforce our Terms of Service or to protect the security orintegrity of our Service; and/or (c) to exercise or protect the rights, property, or personal safety of MayfieldRobotics, our visitors, or others. We may also share information with others in an aggregated or de-identified form that does not reasonablyidentify you directly as an individual. 5. YOUR CHOICES AND CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION Profile and data sharing settings. You may update certain of your profile information in the App settings. Email preferences. You can stop  receiving promotional email communications from us  by clicking on  theunsubscribe  link  provided  in  such  communications.  We  make  every  effort  to  promptly  process  allunsubscribe requests. You  may  not  opt out  of service-related  communications (e.g.,  account verification,transactional  communications,  changes/updates  to  features  of  the  Service,  or  technical  and  securitynotices). Modifying  or  deleting  your information. If you  have any  questions  about reviewing, modifying,  or  deletingyour  information,  you can  contact  us directly  at We  may not  be able  to modify ordelete  your  information  in  all  circumstances.  For  example,  if  information  has  been  aggregated  or  isotherwise non-identified or not associated with your account or your Kuri, or information we are required tomaintain for legal or business record-keeping purposes. Location  data:  You  may  control  location  tracking  by  adjusting  your  location  services  settings  in  the Appsettings.  We  may  continue  to  approximate  your  location  based  on  your  device  IP  address  when  youaccess the Service. 6. HOW WE STORE AND PROTECT YOUR INFORMATION
 Data storage and transfer. The Service is intended only for use in the United States and you may not beable  to access the  Service  from a  location  outside  the United  States.  Your  information  collected  throughour  Service  will  be  stored  and  processed  in  the  United  States  or  any  other  country  in  which  MayfieldRobotics or its affiliates or service providers maintain facilities. Keeping  your  information  safe.  Security  of  your  information  is  very  important  to  us,  and  we  have  put  inplace safeguards to preserve the integrity and security of information we collect and that we share with ourservice providers. However, no security system is impenetrable, and we cannot guarantee the security ofour  systems  100%.  You  use  the  Service  at  your  own  risk.  In  the  event  that  any  information  under  ourcontrol is compromised as a result of a breach of security, we will take reasonable steps to investigate thesituation and, where appropriate, notify those individuals whose information may have been compromised,in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations. 7. CHILDREN’S PRIVACY Mayfield  Robotics  does  not  knowingly  collect  or  solicit  any  information  from  anyone  under  the  age  ofthirteen (13) through the Service. In the event that we learn that we have inadvertently collected personalinformation  from  a  child  under  the  age  of  thirteen  (13),  we  will  delete  that  information  as  quickly  aspossible. If you believe that we might have any information from a child under thirteen (13), please contactus at 8. YOUR CALIFORNIA PRIVACY RIGHTS If you  are a California resident,  California  Civil Code Section  1798.83 permits you to request informationregarding the disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes duringthe  immediately  preceding  calendar  year.  You  may  make  one  request  each  year  by or writing to us at 400 Convention Way, Redwood City, California 94063. 9. LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES AND SERVICES
The Service may contain links to and from third party websites of our business partners, advertisers, andsocial media sites, and our users may post links to third party websites. If you follow a link to any of thesewebsites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept anyresponsibility or liability for their policies. We strongly recommend that you read their privacy policies andterms  and  conditions  of  use  to  understand  how  they  collect,  use,  and  share  information.  We  are  notresponsible for the privacy practices or the content on the websites of third party sites. 10. HOW TO CONTACT US If  you  have  any  questions  about  this  Privacy  Statement,  please  contact  customer  service  by 11. CHANGES TO OUR PRIVACY STATEMENT We may modify or update this Privacy Statement from time to time to reflect the changes in our businessand practices, and you should review this page periodically. We will update the “last modified” date at thebottom of this page when we post changes to this Policy. If you object to any changes, you may close youraccount. Continuing to use our Service after we publish changes to this Privacy Statement means that youare consenting to the changes. This privacy statement was last modified on December 20, 2017. Effective date: December 20, 2017.WWhat happens to my deleted moments?hat happens to my deleted moments?
WWhat happens to my deleted moments?hat happens to my deleted moments?Last updated: 2018-06-11T23:09:50.000Z | Online VersionOnce  you  delete  a  moment,  it  will  be  permanently  deleted  from  your  cloud  account.  Recovery  isn’tpossible, so be careful when deciding which moments to delete!AAre my videos protected?re my videos protected?Last updated: 2018-06-11T23:10:05.000Z | Online VersionAbsolutely! Your privacy is important to us so your videos are protected with 256-bit AES encryption.CCan my robot be hacked?an my robot be hacked?Last updated: 2018-06-11T23:10:21.000Z | Online VersionWhile no hardware manufacturer or software developer can answer this question with a definitive “No!”, weare  taking  every  measure possible  to  protect  your  privacy  and  prevent  unauthorized  access  to  youraccount and robot.First  of  all,  only  Kuri  can  access  her  own  media.  So  even  if a  nefarious, moustache-twirling  supervillainhad  physical  access  to  your  Kuri,  they  wouldn’t  be  able  to  view  your  moments  or  take  control  of  yourmachine.There are no known vulnerabilities that allow your robot to be accessed remotely.  Our over-the-air updatemechanism is protected, and your Wi-Fi credentials and Moments are encrypted.Camera PrivacyCamera Privacy
Camera PrivacyCamera PrivacyHHow do I know if someone is using Kuri to spy onow do I know if someone is using Kuri to spy onme?me?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:18:03.000Z | Online VersionWhen  the  purple  heart  light  is  on,  that  means  someone  is  using  Kuri  Live.  If  you  would prefer  not  to  beseen in that moment, just say “Hey Kuri, Stop.” All communications  between  the  robot  and  the  cloud  are  encrypted,  so  unauthorized access to  your  KuriLive stream is highly unlikely.HHow will I know when Kuri is watching me?ow will I know when Kuri is watching me?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:09:43.000Z | Online VersionAnytime Kuri is capturing a moment she flashes a white heart light and makes a sound.Voice PrivacyVoice PrivacyHHow does Kuri know I’m speaking to her?ow does Kuri know I’m speaking to her?
HHow does Kuri know I’m speaking to her?ow does Kuri know I’m speaking to her?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:01:42.000Z | Online VersionKuri listens  for her  wake phrase,  “Hey Kuri.” After  that she  knows you’re talking to  her, she’ll  start payingattention. Once she hears a voice command she’ll head out to complete her mission!DDoes  she  transcribe  everything  I  sayoes  she  transcribe  everything  I  saysomewhere?somewhere?Last updated: 2018-06-11T23:11:09.000Z | Online VersionNope.  Kuri  doesn’t pay  attention  unless  he  hears  “Hey  Kuri”  first,  and  he  keeps  no  record  of  thevoice commands he receives.DDoes Kuri listen to everything I say?oes Kuri listen to everything I say?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:09:04.000Z | Online VersionHer  microphones  are  always  active  so  she  can  always  hear  her  wake  phrase,  “Hey  Kuri,”  but  she  isn’tactively paying attention unless she hears her wake phrase first.Orders and AccountsOrders and Accounts
Orders and AccountsOrders and AccountsAccountAccountHave  a  question  about  your  account,  you've  come  to  the  right  place,  let  us  be  accountable  for  youraccount...HHow do I log in?ow do I log in?Last updated: 2018-06-11T23:06:11.000Z | Online VersionTo login to your account:1.  Open the Kuri Robot app.2.  Enter the email address associated with the account.  3.  Enter the password you created during registration.4.  If  prompted,  enter  the  two-factor  authentication  code  sent  via  text  to  the  main  phone  numberassociated with the account.HHow  do  I  finish  the  two  step  authenticationow  do  I  finish  the  two  step  authenticationprocess?process?Last updated: 2018-06-11T21:13:50.000Z | Online VersionIf you’re trying to log in and your two-factor authentication code has expired, tap “request new code.”  HHow do I create an account?ow do I create an account?
HHow do I create an account?ow do I create an account?Last updated: 2018-06-11T20:53:12.000Z | Online VersionWhen  you  first  open  the  Kuri  Robot  app,  you’ll  see  a screen  where  you  can  log  in,  or  create  a  newaccount. To create a new account: 1.  Enter your first and last name, the email address you’d like to have associated with the account, andyour password.2.  Tap the “Sign Up” button.3.  Check your email for a verification message.4.  Click the link in that email to verify your account.5.  Return to the app.6.  Enter  your  code  to  enable  two-factor  authentication,  or  tap  “Skip”  if  you  don’t  want  to  use  thisfeature. KURI  TIP: Two-factor authentication is more secure, but it requires you to enter a verification code everytime you log in.ShippingShippingThe first Kuri was delivered by a stork. It's more efficient these days.CCan you ship to a P.O. Box or APO/ FPO address?an you ship to a P.O. Box or APO/ FPO address?Last updated: 2018-06-14T00:03:31.000Z | Online VersionUnfortunately, not at this time.CCan  I  have  my  order  shipped  to  a  friend  whoan  I  have  my  order  shipped  to  a  friend  who
CCan  I  have  my  order  shipped  to  a  friend  whoan  I  have  my  order  shipped  to  a  friend  whoresides  in  the  US  and  ask  them  to  ship  it  to  meresides  in  the  US  and  ask  them  to  ship  it  to  meinternationally?internationally?Last updated: 2018-06-11T20:39:36.000Z | Online VersionWe highly advise against doing so. Kuri will not be able to function abroad at all since he will need to beconnected to a US-based network. Additionally, privacy laws differ from country to country which we needto comply with before we can send Kuri to see the world.As  much  as we’d  love  Kuri  to be  in  more  homes  around  the world,  we  just  want to  make  sure  we do  itright and make sure you (and everyone else) is happy when Kuri arrives.AAre you accepting international orders?re you accepting international orders?Last updated: 2018-06-11T23:06:31.000Z | Online VersionWe  do want  Kuri  to  see  the world  but,  unfortunately, she’s  not  quite ready  to  do so  yet. Kuri  will  not beable  to  function  internationally  since  he  will  need  to  be  connected  to  a  US-based  network. Also,  due  toconstraints that vary from country to country, we would need to comply with them before we can send Kurito see the world.Pre-orderPre-orderHave questions about purchasing? Look no further.DDoes  the  price  include  taxes  and  shipping  andoes  the  price  include  taxes  and  shipping  and
DDoes  the  price  include  taxes  and  shipping  andoes  the  price  include  taxes  and  shipping  andhandling?handling?Last updated: 2018-06-11T23:07:32.000Z | Online VersionThe price does not include taxes or shipping and handling fees. Once we are ready to ship your Kuri, wewill  send you  another  notification  to collect  your final  payment  which  will include  taxes and shipping  andhandling fees.HHow can I make changes to my order?ow can I make changes to my order?Last updated: 2018-06-11T23:08:08.000Z | Online VersionFret not!  Send  a  message  to our  Kuri  Experience team at  and  they  can help youmake the necessary changes.CCan I cancel my preorder?an I cancel my preorder?Last updated: 2018-06-11T23:07:47.000Z | Online VersionWe all change our minds sometimes. We offer a full refund of your pre-order at any time up to your shipdate.  Reach  out  to our  Kuri  Experience  team  with  your  transaction  ID  and they  would  be  happy  to helpyou.II  didn't  receive  an  order  confirmation  email,  didn't  receive  an  order  confirmation  email,
II  didn't  receive  an  order  confirmation  email,  didn't  receive  an  order  confirmation  email,what do I do?what do I do?Last updated: 2018-06-11T23:08:37.000Z | Online VersionOur  Kuri  Experience  team  is  really  into  detective  shows,  so  they  will  certainly  find  a  way  to  track  downyour order! Just send them a message at will you collect the remaining balance?ow will you collect the remaining balance?Last updated: 2018-06-11T23:09:00.000Z | Online VersionWe  will  send  you  another  email  notification  to  collect  the  remaining  balance  while  re-confirming  yourshipping address.HHow much does Kuri cost?ow much does Kuri cost?Last updated: 2018-06-18T20:10:03.000Z | Online VersionReserve your Kuri for $899 USD through our site. We only require a down payment of $100 USD, and theremaining balance of $799 USD plus taxes and shipping and handling fees will be due once we are readyto ship your Kuri.

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