Robert Bosch SMARTRA32 CAR IMMOBILIZER User Manual

Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty Ltd CAR IMMOBILIZER

Users Manual

Immobilizer SystemCircuit DiagramSHDBE6543LDescriptionThe immobilizer system will disable the vehicle unlessthe proper ignition key is used, in addition to the currentlyavailable anti-theft systems such as car alarms, theimmobilizer system aims to drastically reduce the rate ofauto theft.1. Encrypted SMARTRA type immobilizer- The SMARTRA system consists of a passiviechallenge - response (mutualauthentication)transponder located in the ignitionkey, an antenna coil, a encoded SMARTRA unit,an indicator light and the PCM(ECM).- The SMARTRA communicates to the PCM(ECM)(Engine Control Module) via a dedicatedcommunications line. Since the vehicle enginemanagement system is able to control enginemobilization, it is the most suitable unit to controlthe SMARTRA.- When the key is inserted in the ignition andturned to the ON position, the antenna coil sendspower to the transponder in the ignition key. Thetransponder then sends a coded signal backthrough the SMARTRA unit to the PCM(ECM).- If the proper key has been used, the PCM(ECM)will energize the fuel supply system. Theimmobilizer indicator light in the cluster willsimultaneously come on for more than fiveseconds, indicating that the SMARTRA unit hasrecognized the code sent by the transponder.- If the wrong key has been used and the code wasnot received or recognized by the PCM(ECM) theindicator light will continue blinking for about fiveseconds until the ignition switch is turned OFF.- If it is necessary to rewrite the PCM(ECM) tolearn a new key, the dealer needs the customer'svehicle, all its keys and the Hi-scan (pro)equipped with an immobilizer program card. Anykey that is not learned during rewriting will nolonger start the engine.- The immobilizer system can store up to eight keycodes.- If the customer has lost his key, and cannot startthe engine, contact Hyundai motor service station.
SFDBE8404LComponents OperationsPCM (Power Train Control Module)1. The PCM(ECM) (A) carries out a check of the ignitionkey using a special encryption algorithm, which isprogrammed into the transponder as well as thePCM(ECM) simultaneously. Only if the results areequal, the engine can be started. The data of alltransponders, which are valid for the vehicle, arestored in the PCM(ECM).ERN (Encrypted Randorn Number) value betweenEMS and encrypted smartra unit is checked and thevalidity of coded key is decided by EMS.SEDBE7547LENCRYPTED SMARTRA unit (A)The SMARTRA carries out communication with thebuilt-in transponder in the ignition key. This wirelesscommunication runs on RF (Radio frequency of 125kHz). The SMARTRA is mounted behind of the crash padclose to center cross bar.The RF signal from the transponder, received by theantenna coil, is converted into messages for serialcommunication by the SMARTRA device. And, thereceived messages from the PCM(ECM) are convertedinto an RF signal, which is transmitted to the transponderby the antenna.TheSMARTRAdoesnotcarryoutthevaliditycheckofthe transponder or the calculation of encryptionalgorithm. This device is only an advanced interface,which converts the RF data flow of the transponder intoserial communication to the PCM(ECM) and vice versa.SFDBE8221LTRANSPONDER (Built-in keys)The transponder has an advanced encryption algorithm.During the key teaching procedure, the transponder willbe programmed with vehicle specific data. The vehiclespecific data are written into the transponder memory.The write procedure is once only; therefore, the contentsof the transponder can never be modified or changed.SHDBE6540D
Antenna coilThe antenna coil (A) has the following functions.- The antenna coil supplies energy to the transponder.- The antenna coil receives signal from thetransponder.- The antenna coil sends transponder signal to theSMARTRA.It is located directly in front of the steering handlelock.SEDBE7541LTeaching Procedures1. Key Teaching ProcedureKey teaching must be done after replacing adefective PCM(ECM) or when providing additionalkeys to the vehicle owner.TheprocedurestartswithanPCM(ECM)requestforvehicle specific data (PIN code: 6digits) from thetester. The "virgin" PCM(ECM) stores the vehiclespecific data and the key teaching can be started.The "learnt" PCM(ECM) compares the vehiclespecific data from the tester with the stored data. Ifthe data are correct, the teaching can proceed.If incorrect vehicle specific data have been sent tothe PCM(ECM) three times, the PCM(ECM) will rejectthe request of key teaching for one hour. This timecannot be reduced by disconnecting the battery orany other manipulation. After reconnecting thebattery, the timer starts again for one hour.The key teaching is done by ignition on with the keyand additional tester commands. The PCM(ECM)stores the relevant data in the EEPROM and in thetransponder. Then the PCM(ECM) runs theauthentication required for confirmation of theteaching process. The successful programming isthen confirmed by a message to the tester.If the key is already known to the PCM(ECM) from aprevious teaching, the authentication will be acceptedand the EEPROM data are updated. There is nochanged transponder content (this is impossible for alearnt transponder).The attempt to repeatedly teach a key, which hasbeen taught already during the same teaching cycle,is recognized by the PCM(ECM). This rejects the keyand a message is sent to the tester.The PCM(ECM) rejects invalid keys, which arepresented for teaching. A message is sent to thetester. The key can be invalid due to faults in thetransponder or other reasons, which result fromunsuccessful programming of data. If the PCM(ECM)detects different authenticators of a transponder andan PCM(ECM), the key is considered to be invalid.The maximum number of taught keys is 8If an error occurs during the Immobilizer ServiceMenu, the PCM(ECM) status remains unchanged anda specific fault code is stored.If the PCM(ECM) status and the key status do notmatch for teaching of keys, the tester procedure willbe stopped and a specific fault code will be stored atPCM(ECM).NOTICEWhen teaching the 1st key, Smartra regists at thesame time.
SFDBE8405L1) PCM(ECM) learnt status.SHDBE8002NSHDBE8003NSHDBE8004N
SHDBE8005NSHDBE8006NSHDBE8007NSHDBE8008N2) PCM(ECM) virgin status.After replacing new "PCM(ECM)" scantooldisplays that PCM(ECM) is virgin status in KeyTeaching mode."VIRGIN" status means that PCM(ECM) has notmatched any PIN code before.SHDBE8009NSHDBE8015N
SHDBE8010NSHDBE8016NSHDBE8017N2. User Password Teaching ProcedureThe user password for limp home is taught at theservice station. The owner of the vehicle can select anumber with four digits.The user password teaching is only accepted by a"learnt" PCM(ECM). Before first teaching of userpasswordtoanPCM(ECM),thestatusofthepasswordis"virgin"Nolimphomefunctionispossible.The teaching is started by ignition on, with a validkey(learnt key) and sending the user password bytester. After successful teaching, the status of theuser password changes from "virgin" to "learnt"The learnt user password can also be changed. Thiscan be done if the user password status is "learnt"and the tester sends authorization of access, eitherthe old user password or the vehicle specific data.After correct authorization, the PCM(ECM) requeststhe new user password. The status remains "learnt"and the new user password will be valid for the nextlimp home mode.If wrong user passwords or wrong vehicle specificdata have been sent to the PCM(ECM) three timescontinuously or intermittently, the PCM(ECM) willreject the request to change the password for onehour. This time cannot be reduced by disconnectingthe battery or any other actions. After reconnectingthe battery, the timer starts again for one hour.1) User password teachingSHDBE8011N
SHDBE8012NSHDBE8013NSHDBE8014NSHDBE8036N※In case of putting wrong password, retry fromfirst step after 10 seconds.2) User password changingSHDBE8018NSHDBE8019N
SHDBE8020NSHDBE8021NSHDBE8022NSHDBE8023NLimp Home Function1. LIMP HOME BY TESTERIf the PCM(ECM) detects the fault of the SMARTRAor transponder, the PCM(ECM) will allow limp homefunction of the immobilizer. Limp home is onlypossible if the user password (4 digits) has beengiven to the PCM(ECM) before. This password canbe selected by the vehicle owner and is programmedat the service station.The user password can be sent to the PCM(ECM) viathe special tester menu.Only if the PCM(ECM) is in status "learnt" and theuser password status is "learnt" and the userpassword is correct, the PCM(ECM) will be unlockedfor a period of time (30 sec.). The engine can only bestarted during this time. After the time has elapsed,engine start is not possible.If the wrong user password is sent, the PCM(ECM)will reject the request of limp home for one hour.Disconnecting the battery or any other action cannotreduce this time. After connecting the battery to thePCM(ECM), the timer starts again for one hour.
SHDBE8029NSHDBE8030NSHDBE8031NSHDBE8032N2. LIMP HOME BY IGNITION KEYThe limp home can be activated also by the ignitionkey. The user password can be input to thePCM(ECM) by a special sequence of ignition on/off.Only if the PCM(ECM) is in status "learnt" and theuser password status is "learnt" and the userpassword is correct, the PCM(ECM) will be unlockedfor a period of time (30 sec.). The engine can bestarted during this time. After the time has elapsed,engine start is not possible. After a new passwordhas been input, the timer (30 sec.) will start again.After ignition off, the PCM(ECM) is locked if the timerhas elapsed 8 seconds. For the next start, the inputof the user password is requested again.
ReplacementProblems And Replacement Parts:Problem Part set Scan to-ol requir-ed?All keys have been l-ost Blank key (4) YESAntenna coil unit do-es not work Antenna coil unit NOECM does not work PCM(ECM) YESIgnition switch doesnot workIgnition switch withAntenna coil unit YESUnidentified vehiclespecific data occurs Key, PCM(ECM) YESSMARTRA unit doesnot work SMARTRA unit YESReplacement Of Ecm And SmartraIn case of a defective ECM, the unit has to be replacedwith a "virgin" or "neutral" ECM. All keys have to betaught to the new ECM. Keys, which are not taught to theECM, are invalid for the new ECM (Refer to key teachingprocedure). The vehicle specific data have to be leftunchanged due to the unique programming oftransponder.In case of a defective SMARTRA, it needs teaching thesmartra. A new SMARTRA device replaces the old oneand smartra need teaching.1. Things to remember before a replacement(PCM(ECM))SEDBE7592L2. Things to remember before a replacement (Keys &Additional registration)SFDBE8406LNOTICE1. When there is only one key registered and youwish to register another key, you need tore-register the key which was already registered.2. When the key #1 is registered and master key #2is not registered, Put the key #1 in the IG/ON orthe start position and remove it. The engine can
be started with the unregistered key #2.(Note that key #2 must be used within 10seconds of removing key #1)3. When the key #1 is registered and key #2 is notregistered, put the unregistered master key #2 inthe IG/ON or the start position.The engine cannot be started even with theregistered key #1.4. When you inspect the immobilizer system, referto the above paragraphs 1, 2 and 3.Always remember the 10 seconds zone.5. If the pin code password are enteredincorrectly on three consecutive inputs, thesystem will be locked for one hour.6. Be cautious not to overlap the transponderareas.7. Problems can occur at key registration or vehiclestarting if the transponders should overlap.Neutralising Of ECMThe PCM(ECM) can be set to the "neutral" status by atester.A valid ignition key is inserted and after ignition on isrecorded, the PCM(ECM) requests the vehicle specificdata from the tester. The communication messages aredescribed at "Neutral Mode" After successfully receivingthe data, the PCM(ECM) is neutralized.The ECM remains locked. Neither the limp home modenor the "twice ignition on" function, is accepted by thePCM(ECM).The teaching of keys follows the procedure described forthe virgin PCM(ECM). The vehicle specific data have tobe unchanged due to the unique programming of thetransponder. If data should be changed, new keys with avirgin transponder are requested.This function is for neutralizing the PCM(ECM) and Key.Ex) when lost key, Neutralize the PCM(ECM) then teachkeys.(Refer to the Things to do when Key &PIN Code thePCM(ECM) can be set to the "neutral" status by ascanner.If wrong vehicle specific data have been sent toSMATRA three times continuously or intermittently, theSMATRA will reject the request to enter neutral mode forone hour. Disconnecting the battery or othermanipulation cannot reduce this time. After connectingthe battery the timer starts again for one hour.NOTICE• Neutralizing setting condition- In case of PCM(ECM) status "Learnt" regardlessof user password "Virgin or Learnt"- Input correct PIN code by scanner.- Neutralizing meaning .:PINcode(6) user password (4) deletion.: Locking of ECM (except key teachingpermission)• Neutralizing meaning:-PINCode(6) User P/Word(4) deletion- Locking of EMS(except Key Learning permission)SFDBE8407LSHDBE8024N
SHDBE8025NSHDBE8026NSHDBE8027NSEDBE7577LNeutralising Of SmartraTheEMScanbesettothestatus"neutral"bytesterIgnition key (regardlss of key status) is inserted and afterIGN ON.If receiving the correct vehicle password fromGST, SMARTRA can be neutralized.The neutralization ofSMARTRA is possible if DPN is same as the valueinputted by GST.In case that the SMARTRA status is neutral, the EMSkeeps the lock state. And the start is not possible by"twice ignition".In case of chaging the vehicle password, new virgintransponder must be only used. And in case of virgin key,after Learning the key of vehicle password, it can beused.If wrong vehicle specific data have been sent toSMATRA three times continuously or intermittently, theSMATRA will reject the request to enter neutral mode forone hour. Disconnecting the battery or othermanipulation cannot reduce this time. After connectingthe battery the timer starts again for one hour.NOTICE• Neutralizing Setting condition :- In case of "SMARTRA status", "Learnt"- Input correct Pin code by tester• Neutralizing meaning :- Vehicle password(DPN Code) SEK Codedeletion.- Permission of New DPN Learning.
Immobilizer Control UnitRemoval1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery terminal.2. Remove the crash pad. (Refer to the Body group -"Crash pad").3. Disconnect the 5P connector of the SMARTRA unitand then remove the SMARTRA unit (A) and bracket(B)after loosening a shear bolt (C).NOTICE- Punch the shear bolt using a centering punch.- And drill its head off with a drill bit.- Becarefull not to damage the SMARTRA unit.SHDBE8041NInstallation1. Install the immobilizer control unit and bracket afterconnecting the unit connector.NOTICE- Tighten the shear bolt until the bolt head breakoff.2. Install the crash pad.
Antenna CoilRemoval1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery terminal.2. Remove the steering clumn upper and lower shrouds(A). (Refer to the ST group - "Steering column andshaft").SHDBE6590L3. Disconnect the 6P connector of the coil antenna andthen remove the coil antenna (A) after loosening thescrew.SHDBE6591LInstallation1. Install the coil antenna and connect the 6Pconnector.2. Install the steering column upper and lower shrouds.  FCC Compliance Statement  This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.   These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.   This product generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction manual, may cause harmful interference with radio communications.  Operation of this product in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case you will be required to correct the interference at your own expense.  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  1) This device may not cause harmful interference.  2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Notice: The FCC regulations provide that changes or modifications not expressly approved by EMC Corporation could void your authority to operate this equipment.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a non-residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference with radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  • Reorient or relocate the antenna of the radio/television receiver. • Increase the separation between this equipment and the radio/television receiver. • Plug the equipment into a different outlet so that the equipment and the radio/television receiver are on different power mains branch circuits. • Consult a representative of EMC Corporation or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. For more information about FCC rules and their applicability to the Smartra 3.2 (I001)
Diagnosis Of Immobilizer Faults- Communication between the ECM and theSMARTRA.- Function of the SMARTRA and the transponder.- Data (stored in the ECM related to the immobilizerfunction.The following table shows the assignment of immobilizerrelated faults to each type:Immobilizer Related Faults Fault types Diagnostic codesPCM(ECM) fault 1. Non-Immobilizer-EMS connected to an Immobilizer P1610Transponder key fault 1. Transponder not in password mode2. Transponder transport data has been changed.P1674(Transponder status error)Transponder key fault 1. Transponder programming errorP1675(Transponder programmingerror)SMARTRA fault 1. Invalid message from SMARTRA to PCM(ECM) P1676(SMARTRA message error)SMARTRA fault1. Virgin SMARTRA at learnt EMS2. Neutral SMARTRA at learnt EMS3. Incorect the Authentication of EMS and SMARTRA4. Locking of SMARTRAP169A(SMARTRA Authentication f-ail)SMARTRA fault1. No response from SMARTRA2. Antenna coil error3. Communication line error (Open/Short etc.)4. Invalid message from SMARTRA to PCM(ECM)P1690(SMARTRA no response)Antenna coil fault 1. Antenna coil open/short circuit P1691(Antenna coil error)Immobilizer indicator lamp f-ault 1. Immobilizer indicator lamp error (Cluster) P1692(Immobilizer lamp error)Transponder key fault1. Corrupted data from transponder2. More than one transponder in the magnetic field (Ante-nna coil)3. No transponder (Key without transponder) in the magn-etic field (Antenna coil)P1693(Transponder no responseerror/invalid response)PCM(ECM) fault1. Request from PCM(ECM) is invalid(Protocol layer violation- Invalid request, check sum err-or etc.)P1694(PCM(ECM) message error)PCM(ECM) internal perman-ent memory (EEPROM) fault1. PCM(ECM) internal permanent memory (EEPROM) fa-ult2. Invalid write operation to permanent memory (EEPROM)P1695(PCM(ECM) memory error)Invalid key fault1. Virgin transponder at PCM(ECM) status "Learnt"Learnt(Invalid) Transponder at PCM(ECM) status "Learnt"(Au-thentication fail)P1696(Authentication fail)Locked by timer 1. Exceeding the maximum limit of Twice IGN ON (⊇32 t-imes)P1699(Twice IG ON over trial)

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