RS900 GRAM (FZWA-n BROWN —<+) STARTER GRAY —— (+) ACC (+) 12V DC (+) 12V DC PINK — <+) IGNITION wnrnz—-— (+) PARKING LlGHT(12 Amp) BLUE __ UNLOCK(-] Only for some cm in» 2 lgmliml w|r¢~ RED (+) l 2 VDC Installer must list a 50mm]; rt-lny for z" ignitim Also GM car with wits". m ignition z for "van; by GREEN_ LOCK“ pm" siyials, YELLOW—""— (-)lGNlTION z —’ YELLOWNVHITE _ (_) ACCZ" For mic elu'lns 2 ACC (wmprme. and FAN “pantie lnltnller mun u" u 30Amp May for 2‘“ A(.‘('. BLACK GROUND YELLOW/BLACK — (<)KlLL/ANTI GRIND (Stan Killer output) TAN _ (-)500mA AUXILIARY OUTPUT (TRUNK) GREEN —— TRlGER(-) T0 START/STOP ENGlN GRAY HOOD lN'l’UT (-) PlNK———— GLOW PLUG(+) INPUT (Diesel engine only) PURPLE _ PEDAL BRAKEH) RESET INPUT ORANGE/BLACK — OEM DISARM ORANGE _ OEM REARM RED/WHlTE T0 TACHOMETER (SKIN OFF TACHUMIZTER wnn-z AND CONNECT TOGETHER) ; ATT: Do not connect Red/White wire to 3 tachometer, if decide to use TACH less engine monitor. (smart sensor) A _ IGNITION con. * : Whenever connect Red/White wrre to tachometer, This system automatically turn to “TACH-Learning" mode. OVERRlDE SWlTCH 1. Before use “TACH less monitor mode” to remote start the car afier installation, make sure turn on Head nght of car over 10 seconds. (only at 1“ time afler installation) 2. this system has TACH less engine monitor feature, even without connect any detection wire, still will have smart cranking ability, cranking time auto-adjust depends on voltage changing v Remote Start Unit Operational Description/Request 3/5/99 Inputs Power 1 +12 Volts for Starter and Lights Power 2 + 12 Volts for Ignition 1 and 2 Brake + 12 Volt for brake pedal switch Hood ~ Grounding input for hood switch Glow Plug Grounding input for diesel vehicles Tach . Positive/Negative pulse input (engine monitor) Program button (+) 2 pin plug-in pushbutton switch Start Trigger Negative trigger to activate Remote Start without Tx. Ground Chassis ground Outputs Ignition 1 On-board relay, 30 Amp (Use as Ignition Input Also) Ignition 1 500mA negative Ignition 2 (Ace) On-board relay, 30 Amp Lights On—board relay, 12-15 Amp Lock 500 mA. Negative/positive Unlock 500 mA Negative/positive Starter On-board relay, 30 Amp Trunk Pop _ 500 mA. negative / OEM Disarm 500 mA. negative OEM Re-arm 500 mA. hegative Kill/Anti-Grlncl 500 mA. negative " See attached drawing of our current Remote Start Unit to use as reference for input/output connections. Tx Button Functions Button 1 Lock Button 2 Unlock Button 3 Remote Start Engage/Disengage Button 4 Trunk pop (Aux.) Encoding/Decoding Format Random code transmission (32 bit minimum). Door lock/unlock 075 or 3.5 seconds Lock with Tx lock button Lock upon Remote Start Request Lock 2 seconds after started wlkey Lock 4 seconds after Remote Start Abort (if programmed) Unlock with Tx unlock button nun... Kill/Anti-Grind Engage . When locked wITx. - Upon Remote Start. 5 . 4 seconds after engine starts with key‘ Disengage - - When unlocked w/Tx (unless remote started) . Upon Brake Reset (unless engine running wlkey). . 2 seconds after turning Ignition key off (except in idle-down mode). KilIIAnti-Grind Reset Reset Kill/Anti-Grind with Ignition on and program button pressed for 4 seconds (Lights flash 2 times for confirmation). This feature is needed if system cannot be unlocked with Tx in the event it has been lost or has a weak battery. Ignition lock/unlock (programmable) - Lock doors one time only when brake released from depressed position after engine started with key (unless door open). - Lock doors when brake released from depressed position if remote started AND Ignition key on. - Unlock doors after Ignition switch turned off and brake released from depressed position. - Unlock doors in Idle-Down when brake released from depressed position. Double unlock pulse (programmable) Upon disarm w/ Tx button 2, pulse driver’s door unlock twice with 0.5 second delay between end of first pulse and beginning of next pulse. OEM Re-arm (programmable) When system aborts remote start, wait 2 seconds and activate this output for 4 seconds. Look doors in the middle of this pulse. This simulates the vehicle door being open while locking which is required to arm some OEM Alarms. Tachless Engine Monitor Mode We would like to have a mode available that requires no physical connection to an RPM reference source. This may consist of monitoring the vehicle's battery voltage before and after a remote start attempt to determine if the voltage has increased due to the engine starting. There may be other methods that you might know of. We would like to have your input on this. We would also like to be able to use a pro-determined crank time for the starter output in either the tachless or tach mode which is described in this document. Tach Finder Mode: Note: The purpose of this mode is to help the installer locate a valid engine monitor source which is used to disengage the starter once vehicle is running Open hood, start vehicle with key and press program button. 0 Lights come on solid to confirm tach finder mode enabled. When valid pulses are detected on tech wire, flash parking lights. if pulses are not valid, lights stay on solid until hood closed. . In vacuum mode flash lights if tach input is active (high) and tach finder mode engaged. if tach input is low in vacuum mode, lights stay on solid. , - When lights are flashing in tech mode, pressing program button again will learn and store tach pulses (not required in Vacuum or Timed Start mode). Confirmation consists of parking lights on solid while button is pressed. Lights resume flashing when button released or after 4 seconds of continuous button press. . Abort tach finder mode and turn offiights when hood closed or ignition turned off. Remote Start Sequence 1. Activate 1/2 second pulse (OEM disarm). 2. Turn parking lights on. St Turn on Kill/Anti-Grind output. 4. After OEM'disarm pulse, turn on both ignition 1‘s and Accessory, 5. Three (3) seconds after ignition on, engage starter and turn lights and Accessory off. 6. Upon detection of valid engine monitor or completion of timed starter output, or low to high transition of vacuum signal (depending on which is programmed), disengage starter and turn on lights and Accessory. 7. MINIMUM STARTER CRANK TIME = ‘/z SECOND 8. MAXIMUM STARTER CRANK TIME = 8 SECONDS! 9. 2 seconds after successftil start, lock doors ((Programmable) . 10. Allow vehicle to run forjg, _2_0_ or 5g minutes (Programmable) 11.Abor1 remote start without further automatic attempts upon expiration of run time, 1/z second brake press, loss of engine monitor or Tx button #3 press. 13. Leave Kill/Anti—Grind output on after Remote Start abort if valid tach pulses still present from Ignition key. Diesel Input If diesel input active, suspend starter output until inactive. Maximum hold time of 45 seconds. If diesel input still active after 45 seconds, abort remote start. Idle-down It started with Ignition key, pressing the remote start transmitter button allows key to be removed while engine continues to run. Except for no starter activation , this mode is identical to remote start mode after successful start. Pulse driver’s door unlock when brake released from depressed position after engaging idle-down (if option 3 enabled). Reset motor with 1/2 second active brake pedal or Tx request. Run time should match programmed run time for Remote Start, Infinity mode Engage idle-down mode and within 4 seconds activate remote start Tx button a second time. Parking lights flash continuously. Engine will run indefinitely. After 10 minutes, parking lights stay on solid until remote start aborted (brake pedal activation, Tx request or loss of engine monitor) Self-Start Mode Engage remote start with Tx button #3. Continue holding button down 4 seconds until parking lights flash. Within 10 seconds, press Tx button 1 from 1 to 4 times. Parking lights will pause with each press. After 10 second programming period expires. lights will flash same number of times Tx button 1 was pressed, confirming vehicle will start by itself every 1 to 4 hours. If 10 second programming period is exceeded without receiving signal from Tx button #1, vehicle will start as normal and no timed start feature will have been programmed Run time is 10, 20 or 40 minutes as programmed. Remote Start Abort/Reset - Abort instantly wltransmitter request 0 Reset 1 sec. after engine monitor loss (Re»attempt 2 X) Hood Safety ‘ if hood open when engaging remote start, pulse lights and siren 3 times and abort remote start and re-attempts until requested with Tx. Brake Reset v . Abort remote start w/o further automatic attempts if brake pressed for V: second. . lf brake on when engaging remote start, pulse lights and siren 4 times and do not remote start, Tach Mode When programmed for tech mode, the tech wire is connected to the ignition coil‘s negative terminal or to another source of pulses indicating the vehicle is running (such as the vehicle’s ECM or PCM modules), The starter will crank until the tach wire indicates a value with reference to the programmed RPM that assumes the vehicle is running. The starter turns off at this point . The tach pulses are monitored continually to determine if the vehicle’s engine has stopped. it so, abort remote start and attempt two more times. Timed Crank Mode In this mode. the starter is engaged for a pre-programmed period of time (default = 0.75 seconds) The tach input starts monitoring 1 second after starter disengages and is looking for pulses that represent a "vehicle running" condition. “Vehicle running“ is assumed when 2 or more pulses are present within a 1 second period. If less than 2 pulses are detected at any time, abort remote start and attempt Remote Start 2 more times. Vacuum Mode When programmed for vacuum mode, the tech wire is connected to a vacuum switch which shows ground when the engine is not running Upon remote start, if tach wire is at ground activate starter until the tech wire goes high (maximum crank = 8 seconds). Auxiliary Output (Trunk Pop) Pressing and holding Tx button #4 for ’/z second activates trunk pop output which stays on as long as the button is held down. Programming Learning Transmitter Code 4 With ignition on and hood opened, press program button 4 times within 5 seconds. Lights flash 4 times to confirm Tx program mode engaged. Press button #1 of up to 4 transmitters during this program period to learn codes. Lights_flash 2 times whenever a code is learned. Program mode aborts after 30 seconds or when ignition is turned off. Changing Program Ogtions 1. Turn Ignition on and open hood. 2. Press program button 5 times within 5 seconds. 3. Lights flash 5 times to confirm system in program mode. W4. Press program btn. 1-7 times within 10 seconds to select option from list. 5. Lights confirm selected option by flashing the same amount of times that the program button was pressed, 6. Select option value by either pressing one of the Transmitter buttons or by pressing the brake pedal as indicated below. Selecting with Transmitter Button 1 = Change to new option value (oonfirm wl1 light flash). Button 2 = Go back to default option value (confirm w/2 light flashes). Buttons 3 and 4 are only used to select option values with options 1 and 4. Option 1: Tx btn. 1= 10 min. (1 light flash), Tx btn. 2= 20 min. (2 light flashes), Tx btn. 3: 40 minutes (3 light flashes). Option 4: Tx btn. 1= .75 Seconds. (1 light flash), Tx btn. 2: 1.0 Seconds (2 light flashes), Tx btn. 3= 1.25 Seconds (3 lightflashes) Tx btn. 4: 1.5 Seconds (4 light flashes. Selecting with Brake Pedal Toggle between option values with each press of brake pedal. When selecting Options 1 or 4 each press of the brake increments to the next value. Confirmation light flashes are the same as above. Example: Change option #4 from default (75 Seconds) to 1.50 Seconds... Open hood and turn ignition on. Press override/program button 5 times within 5 seconds, Lights flash 5 times (system now in program mode). Press override/program button 4 times (for option #4) within 5 seconds Lights flash 4 times to confirm option #4 was selected. PPN.“ If program with Transmitter, press button #4. Lights flash 4 times and programming is complete. If programming with brake pedal: 3. Press brake pedal one time. b. Lights flash 2 times (crank time now set for 1.0 second). 0. Press brake pedal again. d. Lights flash 3 times and crank time is set for 1.25 seconds. e. Press brake pedal again. f. Lights flash 4 times and crank time is set for 1.50 seconds, 9, Turn ignition off or wait 30 seconds without pressing program button to end program mode (lights will flash 5 times). Option 8. Tx btn. 1 or 1“ brake pedal press ts Current Option Settings Tx btn. 2 or 2“ press of brake pedal 9; Default Options Ahort program mode when Ignition turned off. Option # Feature (buttin 1) Default (buttonZ) 1. Ignition Look/Unlock On 2. .75 or 3.5 seconds Lock/Unlock .75 Sec 3. Double Door Unlock Pulse Off 4. Learning TACH ————— 5. 10/20/20140 minute run time (button 1-4) 20Min 6. Option Reset ————— Power Down Memory The Following items must remembered when power is removed and re-connected to the system: 0 All Option programming 0 TACH reference How To Program To Learning TACH (From Tachometer) Turn ignition on by key, start the car and wait until into idling. Open hood. press program button 5 times within 5 seconds & light flash 5 times to confirm. Press program button 4 times within 10 seconds. Press button 1 of TX or Press pedal break as indicated below, Now the TACH of the car were learned into the s s P‘PP’Nr‘ 1)THIS DEVICF ‘AAY NOT CAUSE 2)THIS DEVICI I UL INTERFERENCE AND RFERENCE RECEIVED. INCLUDING 1'~3"€ « CAUSE UNDESRIED OPERATION.
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