User Manual
INTREIDLIETIEIN P'D( 12 "NE'WAV rec Enmnlianl - DELUXE In: duvm: numuhas wnn ran I5 uhhn run Run: upmnun .5 sum m m runuwng twn cundmuns (n We damn may nm must: SEDURITV IrarmM rnrerlerenne, and [2) In: deuure nrusr armul any rnrerlerenne renewed rnrnumnn rmerlerenre tnat nrny reuse undesrred SECURITY SYSTEM svsrm “Wm" CAUTIIJN: Ehangas nr mndnficahnns nm expressn apprnved by rEssunncs nne Baum vmd the user‘s aunmrrn m uperate nus dawns NINE: Um anunmrem nas been mm and hrund m rnmmy wnn me nnrns «nr 3 EMS: Bdrgnan damp pursuant m Fart I5 ni rne FEE Runes These mm: are desngned m urnvnde reasunaune prnlectmn agans: narmrun rmerrerenee unen me equipment rs uperatad m a cummerma‘ enwrenment Tins eqmnmenl generates uses and can radrate radru frequency energy and n nut ms|aHed and used m annurdancn wnn «nu mstrummn manua‘ may enuse narmM rmerrmnu |n radm anmumcahnns Dpurmrun uf ms nqurpmem m a resrnenha‘ area rs hku‘y m pause harmlu‘ m|urleruncu m whrch cm 0“: user M“ be remnred (a curred (he mtur‘eruncu a| In: nwn expense TflHlE [If EDNTENTS EUNERMULM‘UNS un yuur shame BF 3 ErrmaStupper Remnta Sarurrty Syslem Thrs buuklel nuntams 3” (ha \mrndumrnn 7 necessary infurmaliun fur mug and manntaming ynur securiwsys1em.|fanyques1mns shuu‘d arnse Human Remme Farms and Bakery Replacgmgm 3 yuur mstal‘atmn iamhly ur thank nut Ihe Knuwledge Base at www.crnmesluupemflm. System Demand and VaM Made 4'5 Barrack Mndes a New Tnyg s and snm Sensnr 7 French 943 Suamsh IME SAFETY E SEBURITY Warranw 2n [:1 [mm IJWNER’S MANUAL 1 REMEITE PAIRINE/ BATTERY REPLACEME Pairing a Remnte tn the System Set tnu eunntt emit MUTE: enee yet enter ereeranmme nede tt Wt” erase ah et the ether retnetes eatred te the system theretere we retemntend hattne ah remetes ter the system ready te eatr erter te enttrme eetrtnt mndt: thtmueen hetr he te t rtmetes the Ltyttmde/ereeremmtne hetten tett nan uwahy he mm at the tanttttrtt ttt the dash heat the IIIBIII h pnrt at near the fittest“: shte tdse eanet h yee need hete tetattne thts hetten etease tentatt the tnstahatten taethty that mstahed want VEItll‘ securtty system I Tttrn the tgntttcn tn the UN pesttten stttttt 2 Press the hyerrtde/ereertm hetten h ttmes tet tyth hneh yet «re tn eetrtne mede enae the system "thtres" the stren and hashes the eerhtne hehts Itttmes that“ 3 IJnce tn ustrtng rncde press Ettttttn dt ur the tIJEK/ARM httttun at the first remete yett wahttu tearn Vett yyth kttnwthat the remete has hatred when the eertttte hthts hash tyttce tndtaattne that the system ts ready ter the next retnete New eress tetten #t er lflEtt/ thh hetten et the next remete the eerhtne hghts tyth hash 3 tttnes tndtaattne the system ts rcadyterthc nextrcmete Ecnttnttcthtsttntttyctthaveeddcdattettheremutcsyettwtsh tn atttt tn centrnt |he system at up tn4t‘emntes t ttter yee hate ereerammed ah etyeer remetes extt ereeramnntne hy ttrntne the tenttten teDFFecstttun Replacing the Battery In reflect: the battery m the remete: yet: wttl heed the remete the 4 screws en the Deck at the remete Unce ah at the screws are remnved yett nah separate the remete New shde net the (3) ERVZIJtE hattertes hem the back at the ctrctttt heard, Stack the new hattertes en the at each etherwtth the etes stgntactng up and shde them tnte the hntder an the ctrctttt heard Ptace the remete pteces hack teqether and retnsert the screws hetdtnq the case tngether Es caretttt ttt nct nverttghteh the screws as tt ctttttd strtp cttt and net hetd the ease teeether SYSTEM CEIMMANDS [EEK/ARM (Antive Arming) , Tn arm the securtty system and tuck the dent-s. press Bettuh m (LDEK) art the remete Vett wth hear a stnttte thtrh trem the system and the earthy hghts tyth hash nhce the system wh arm, the deers eh test and the starter tnh he dtsehted tt these nuttenet teetdres have been tnstetted ttterthe shcrt SaSU secend detay ttt shew the vehtcte end etectrentcs tn settte, the system wh he temetetety armed the atartn states tte tn the yehttte tyth heetn hashtne. lINLIJCK/IJISARM (Antive Diserm) , Tit htsat‘m the senhrtty svttem and uttthnk the ththrs, tlI‘EVS httttnh Z (UNlIJEK) M the rehmte Vntt wttt hearzthtres trenn the system and the earhtne hehts yth hash tthE the [ED tyth stee hashtne the deers tyth tmhtckttthe yehttte‘s newer tucks are cnnnectedte the system Silent Arming , te shenhy armthe atarm, tress tetten he (SILENT) en the remetethe earttne hehts mhhesh ene ttme andthe system wth arm Stlent Btsarm , thh the system atreatty armed usmg StlENT ARM press Bettnh #3 (SttENTt and the system wth thsarm and flash the eerktng hghts tWtce eassttte ermine , hereeremmed easstye (attemettt) Artntne ytth eseer tn seeends aher the tgnlttun ts terned IJFF and the test deer has heen chested the the wth heetn te hesh reetdty tthhe cetnttne then h e deer trunk, heed ts teettened the system ttth watt ter the deer trunk and heed te ttese hetere armtne the entt ytth hash the earttne hehts enae Aattve Reaermttteathe tettye reertntnttteetereehemthe system tt reertn ttsehhn teeentts ttterhetnt dtstrmetttytth theremete h a deer has netyet heen eeened thts ts handy ttthe yehttte ts etetdentatty dtsarmed tea the remete tn yeer tethet) tyttheetyet tnewme tt thts teattre can he terned nh er IJFF tnthe ereeremmtne Emergunnyflisirm/System neerttdea hyee haye testthe retnete ertt has steeeed werhtne ter any reasenandtheyehtate ts armed yett wttt nced te uerterrh an Emergency Uterrttts te dtserm the etarrn In de thts vett whl necd te ttnteckthe vchtctc wtththe kcy tn thc deer thts tyth nettynte the harm the stren wht amend and the hetttng huhts wht Flash tnsert the key tnte the Iuhtttflh end tern tt te the [IN eesttten Atter the temtten ts hh dress and hetd the uterrtde/ereeratnmtne httten ter has seaends er enttt the atarm stees thts wth dtsarm the atarm SYSTEM EEIMMANDS lgiiitieii l:iiiitriillea lliier laelis , ll this leatere is eiiahleit iii the iirhgi-ammmg the tltltlrs wlll autnlnallrally that when the igiiiiihh is lurned UN and hill ehleetwheh the igmtiim is turned UFF lhls leature Eal’l be tttrnell [IN er fill in the pl‘l‘lgl‘all’ll’lllllg Trunk Release , lg release the trtllllt (it |his rlptlens is applicable and installed) press Batten Wt thLlNKl lin |he rernlite llir at least 4seeunlls ll “disarm with trunk release” has lzeen disabledi the trunk WlLL epen withntlt aetlvatlllg the alarm when using the relnnte eiily but the system wlll remain armed Alariii triggering , llthere is an lrltrttslllrl mtii the tehiale er a hard lrnpatt tn the they the alarm hill sllltnll and hash the parklng lights lnrtis SELDlldS tltnrhfi seeeiiits the siren and the flashing parking lights wlll step the alarm will l‘umalll nrrllud arid eenliiiite te nienltlirthe WhlElEV ll an intruder lelt |he lllier lipell, the llnlt will cycle at seclind tlnle el 45 serends anll then rentlnile tli nlenltgr the remaimhg Ltl'l'lal'llpal‘ed znnes at the vehicle Finis/Vehiele Finder , Te snltnd the alarm with |he renilite press anll held Butten #l (LEIEKl llir at least 3 serends er until the siren suttlllts Tu shut all the relnute palllc press Euttull tfl (LDEK) and the alarm will reset VALET MEIDE Valet useratiiiii , lhls hill tisatle the alarm system whlle stlll allaitihg the teyless ehtry iiariiim ta still hart til applleahlel lhterihglaletllatlerltm the igmtiimtathe UN istisitiim Press and hell |he Uverl'lde/Frllgraln ttitarhirta seemas ulItll the alarm LED tttrns UN saht and the system shiriis the siren pnce Exltillg Valet Mnde slurrthe igmtitm tnthe UN aasitim Press are held the [lverrlde/F‘regranl hltttnn lar Hi seeamls until the alarm LED tttrns urrahethe system nhlrpsthe sireh thiae EARJAEK MEIDES NflTE' lhls leahtl‘e wlll lleetl tn he ehallletl thl‘nugh |he prngrhlllhllllg ml the sys|elh Dnhstllt |he llls|allatlnll lllalluhl ur lllsthllhtlnh laellltv that installed ynltr system Active Cariaelt , lhis leattre grayiaes triiye Cariaet prlltectllln and mm be mailed telare tse threttgh the alarm prngrarnlnlng. la aetitate wllll the igmtieh lllt press etitah llz (UNLUCK) The iiarhhg lights Will hash thiee ta :llnfirln Earlack cuttl'llduwrl has hegth Alter EEI seeeiiits the em! will hegm the Earlatk cytle EnllSlsllllg et pl‘ewarlllllg chimes lur 2D seeehds then turlllllg lntu a tell system alai~ih aetiyatiiih With the siren alld gartiiig lithis nashiiig liirs miiietes la reset the native Eariaet him the igmtiiih tethe Ellt hesitieh aht press ehttah llz (LlltlflClt) agaih Passive nariaeli , lhls leatiire prnvllles Fasswe Etriaet prnlectllln aht MUS] he emtlal helllre use thrllttgh the alarm prrlgralnnllllg lg activate, the lgnltlnn has lli be [IN and a diner llltJSl lze lipened The parking lights will llash twice tn cpnhrlll Earlaek :littntdewn has begun After Ell] seeunds the unit will begin the Earlack EVElE cullslstlng nl prerwarnlng chlrps lur 2|] seeunds then turning lntu a full system alarm aetlyatlnn wlth |he slrell and parking llghts llashlnu lllr 5 nllnu|es ln reset the Fasstve Earlaek [ll'DlEBllDll turll |he ignitinn [Ill with the dners ElUSED. |hell press the Uverrlde/Prligrarn buttnn 3 tlnles Fullrtime Barjaekr Ftlll'llme Dariaet male shtiiltl thlytetseitm extremeetmtiiiths lhlsleeture pl‘tt‘tltleslull'lll'lle [larl'eltltpl‘ulectllln and MUST be enabled helm-e use thrlittgh the alarm pregranlrnlllg Every tlnle the lgnltlell lstttrnelt [Ill er a diner is npened.the Earlack cnltntltuwll will he initiated The parking lights will l'lash twice tn cullllrlll the Earlaek :nuntduwn has hegtlll Alter Ell] secnllds the tllllt Wlll tiegihthe Eargaek eyele emisistmg lllprewarlllng thirps lurZIJ seeimds and thelittlrmiig ililii atull system alarm antitatiuhwtth the siren and parking lights l'lashlllg llirfi rnlntttes Vim MUST reset the unit every time the lgnltliin is turned [Ill er a deer is npened lg reset the Fttll-tllne Carlaekleattlrei the lgnltlun nlltst he [IN anllthe denrs nlltst lle clnsell,thell press the [lyerrlde/Prugrarn huttlin 3 times llnlesaelereyatareatileta enterValet meta iiragram ahyaiitieharremetesyatMUSlresetthe tmll everytlme the ighitiimis turned IJN er a gear is anllEtl when lltllrtllne cariaat male is actlve lt is always aEtlvE eaah time the igmtieh is turned nll amt/er a tear is upened With the igiiitimi IJN ALARM TRIEEERS ttartn Triuner Diaunnstics (thts tenttre ts tmty nyettette n/trttte Renrm tnattett tt ttte systetn was trtnqerre when yutl wpre away tretn yeet yrtttete, the system th ntye t rhtres etnt hashes tram the netttttty tttyhts ythen ynu dtsarm the system ttter yet utsarm the system the LED Wt” ttash a sequence glwlg ynu tyhteh (rtggar was aettyatett the graph hetnw th shew what the dtfi‘arantflashes represent - tttesh a Iglttttutt was tttrltmi nh - EFtasttPSannr HuudurTruttktrtqur ' 1» Hashzs , Shack Sensnr ttartn Trigger Reset , Atter the ntnt-tn hns been trtggerad yet th neet tn reset the system by [wrung the tgtttttnn tn the IJN nestttntt then \ttrrttrtg the Igmhnlt tn the IJFF enstttrtn nnee yet rearm the tehtrte at etthe trtggar: yttt he reset Shack Sensnr , Thts system due: cums wtth a duat stage shark sansur What thts means ts that tt th uflar Imtlt a want away as weH as M atarm wtth dttterent tmpact senstttvtty WarnAwa , thts tster ttght tmuanls syeh as semerne htsttng a ttre nnee a want away Impact ts regtsterett, the system th rhtrethe strum 5 ttmns and flash the parktttg Itgms um tn atm amynnn tn the area Fttll Alarmrthts tstnr heavy tmeaets such as dnnrwtttdnw hetng brake" nneeatettatermtmrasthesheenregtsteret the system nttt trtntyer the tytt stren and tlttJHttllE narktnu ttght tteshes FELIEITATIHNS attr vnlre ehntx tt‘ttn Systeme fl: assume a teteenmtnanne crimesmnpen. Em: hnaenttre rnnttent tntttes tea inturmutinna necessutrea pnut- utitiaer at maintenir vntre system: tte securite. En m d: queatinn, :nntactez untre tucitite d’instntlstinn et eaneuttez la base dtz ennnatseenaes n www.crimlxtnpparmm. canrartnite FEE ne eertehertree est rentermeata Partte IE tes teetements d2 ta FEE sen tenettennement est sets reserye aes dzux :nrtdtttt‘trts sttyantes 10 re dtspestttt ne pant pruvunuar te hrutttHagE nttstate et (2) re dtspestttt dutt anczntzrtnut hrntttHagE rert y :t‘tmnrts hruutHagE rtsnuant rte prnynquerttmtnttattnmmementnnmsntthatte; ATTENTIflN - nes rhangrments ntt mntttneattnns nnn etytresstment atarnttyes ytar ttssnrttns tnr t'tnttrratartt annttter t‘stttnrtssttan tte t‘tttthsattttnatttttserretettteement NflIE: te matertet a ete teste etttte ernterme ayt ttmttes a'tn ttsersttttnymertrye te utasset aenhtrmementa ta tame th des ttegtements de ta FEE ces ttmttes sttnt desttnees a assyrer yne rrnteettttn ratsttnnaate enntre tes tnterterenees nytsttetes qttarttt t‘arrarett est tttttse tans yne tnstattatten enmmeretate Ea matertet etedytt utthsa etueyt rayenner yne enerete des treneenees rattttn et rtsntte. s t n‘est na: tnstatte et yttttse eentnrmement a ne made mm :12 urnvnquer tm hrretttage netstate aux anmuntnattnns Padtn t‘yttttsattnn :12 net apparett darts yne tttstattattenresttenttttteetettntretntrtestnterttretteesttetsthtns ttsnetttrsdtyrntttttterermgtesayyttatstet‘etthsateyr INTRDDUCTIDN LIAISDN DE TELECDMMANDE / REMFLACEMENT DES FILES CDMMANDES SVSTEME liaisnn d'unelfllcnmminde an xvslém: mmmwm VERRIJUILLABE/ARMEMENT [Armumunl aulii) , FDLH‘ armer ‘2 systems de senume at verraner ‘5: games aunwez sur ‘5 am" um um: Una m: m vnus amrez an made d9 prngr‘ammauum ce‘a ENacera mums \es awe: MMMLLAEE) :ur \a macaw/“and: Vnus mm: w 32M mp du system: a ‘25 (aux a: staunnnemem nhgnuternm m «ms [2 systems (e‘ecnmmandes Megs an systems nay cnnsenuenn nuns recnmmandnn: qua mums \es te‘ecnmmande; s‘m‘mcra ‘2: MINES SE VENDIMHEWM El In MAM/WW SEN dflsanlwfl sw BEE lnunhmmams uuhmmcllns am “A VIM-HMS Aurbs ‘2 ”MM de puw‘e svstemexmemnretexaEirehenseventd‘emrzrenmndedehamnn LESFVHJZpemmg m dufirzflAuLquuxwm‘pm‘mum‘uuuvfi‘uw‘uulduxnumuusmx uLtrumwuxduxuvugu‘armv mWmsmummemmnme mun mmummandmammmn Lchnmnndz newahsahun/prngrammahnn mtruwn gantra‘mm an m” “tatd'a‘armudans‘evéhlw‘ucnmmencuraénhgnnter has du mum dc hm prbs du um nan u an pm: .1“ paunnau dc (mm mm du ”WW a W“ I]EVERREUILLAEE/DESARMEMENT(Desarmemanlantif)rPuurdésarmzflz sysflmzdzsécurméEtdévzrr‘nm‘lar‘zspnrtzs appwmm wusavezImamd‘awdupuur‘uuahuruhuutun,meezunntaLlEr‘aHUMEd‘mslaHatmnumalnuaHé Enutnnn"7(DEVEWUU‘LMEE)sur‘a‘é‘énummanda VnusEMEndrEIdzuxhm:flusys‘émaEl\zs‘auxd2stahnnnementchgnmzrnmdzuflms vmrzsysfimadzsécwlé LaIJELs‘amS radarhgnntpr Ln:puma:VPdfiwrranEruntsw\PvPrmmHaga mmanvp'mummcmmausys ma 1 Maugham.WWW WWW) 5““ Armlmlnl silencizux , PW armpr sflanrwusamam mm» mm wr ‘2 Rm" n“ a Lsmmmmn w la wmmmam, w»: m up. 1 Appwaz sur \2 human dz namrahsanun/prngrammanun a a rEpHsEs Vnus :aural qua vnus mm s‘atmnnemem chunmernm uneflns at ‘2 systems sera arms mus: Désirmlmlnl suanuim Ave: ‘9 systems ma arms a We d9 \AHMLMENI S‘LLNU‘EUX aupuyez sm‘ ‘2 Human n" a (mmmm at \e “um sera flessrme at ‘95 m :12 stannnnemem chgnmernm mm m: 3 um“ an made dz hmsnn, apmwez sm‘ we man u" | an ‘2 mm VERRUU‘LLEN/ARMER mg \a Armmmpmi s‘ urngramme \‘armemempassfl (amnmauqume uruduva anmnme: we: we we unmamsmtflemlemue \a dermere uremwerem‘ecnmmandequevnussnuhaweflnrmer Vnussaurezqualale‘ecnmmandggnhgg nurteamétefarmée Laflflnnmmenceraachgnmerramdemenlnendam\Ennmmearebnurs Swunepmz unnuursuuunLaansn/vtmwerts, mm ‘25 mm mummm chgnmem a deuxrepnse: W mdmuer we ‘5 We,“ as. \a mum mm mm m purm, \a mum n \n zapnlsn Mummy!avaull‘armmmu mm «m nhgnum ‘25 «m d2 munmmmcm mm «ms uré‘ pnur Ia ‘é‘ecnmmande xuwaMe Mamtznam appuyel 5w ‘2 Human n" ‘ nu xur he human VERRDU‘LLER/ARMER de \a [g‘ennmmande Rfiarmamam In!" , LA fwmmmmhll': duv v‘mumuul JEN pm‘mut {m WHEN”: dc H.‘ Um“ 4|] :uuwdus AWE: uvuu‘ ull: dus ‘n E4 s an mndw «a ham m m qua la sysv'ma m « ramnhr » L1 wimp man nhgnmar has 4m I12 smmnnement 34 reunses swam Les rm d1: sunnnnumnm nhgnnmnm a 3 renmns puur mmqunr am: \n system: um um pnur \a [Mccnmmandc swarm: te‘écnmmande s‘ urw purl: n‘a pas mm 2 nwurl! I]! am an prahnue 3‘ ‘2 vi mm m acmduanumum disarmé {w m écnmmande Ennmmcz mm :2 we vnus aynz mum mm m: [Munnmaudes we ms snuhmtzz mum uuuv nmurnmv \c symmz an my dans vnlre unnhe) sans nu! van: \a 5mm Em human pautétra achvéz nu dészntwéz flan: \a prugrammam mummum ammuumnmuus Desarmzmenl d'urgenu/Mamrallsatmn du systlm: , En ta: d2 nzrlz d2 \a lé‘énnmmanda nu SI ”HE,” s‘arrm d2 Cunchunnzr puur a Apré:avmrprugrammé[nulusvusté‘énnmmgndus Mm\mmpmgrmamw Mann! mmunpnsmmummm we ram quz‘cnnuuw Pt am! Is véhmu‘z m armfi a van: Cam mum" W nzmrahcatmn d‘urgm pnur disarmr mam Fm :2 fan H mus Caudra dwprranpr ha vfihmu‘w mm \a He dams \a puma Em amwara Harm» \a mrfina rmrmra n has fwux m: stannnnpmpm "WWW" m PM :hunmernm \mrndmsezvmra m dansle mm Manama" pusmnn nu Una fins ‘9 mm aHumEVauuuyez W \e human nmrahsatmn/ Pnur remn‘acer \a We din: \es \E‘écnmmandes \\ vans fiandra rehrer \es 10 VI: snr \E fin: de \a macnmmande Una (ms “was ‘2: w: renrées prngrammannn at NEWEHEZ \e Wanna pendant/t fisecnndes nu Jusqu‘a :2 we \‘a‘arme s‘arréte Eem dasarmera \‘a‘arme vnus auuvez saumr \a te‘ecnmmande Mamtenam «am my ‘95 (3) We: Emma flu dus «u mmm mum Emma ‘25 We: neuves les unessuflesamresave:was-gneumsmamauevarswehamenamwesghssarnanswemagnum\mmummma Hemeneflespames de \a te‘ennmmande meme 3 remserez les w: an mammnam we mm Ensemkfle Fame: anemmn de ne pas mm serrer ‘2: w: car EH6: unmem Se fausser a me as: mm ‘25 parties flu mm Buss/“Me CDMMANDES SYSTEME SErrnrei dd puma nnmmandées nil‘ l'allnmiue , 3‘ 22th mm." 251 mm dens dd pmgrammddmd \Es panes dd VENflmHEFuM amumatmuumEM mm ‘2 mutant us! aHdnm a! in dflvnrrumHnrnm mm ‘2 numanl us! New! Euue dummy pm mm mm nu ddsamwudauslaprngrammazmn Tadarnuvunura dd anra , Fum uer we dmru dd mm dduud m duddddmd dd mum Wm m d mud n“ 4 (IIIJURE) sur dd «dddcdmmadd»denddndadmdmsdsmndes sddamamqdewwavenddddddrdddcdwmd élédésantwéu dudwres‘nwmmsm antwar“a‘arma‘ursd2“uhhsahnndaIa[élénnmmandaumquzmzntmadslasvstémarasmraarmé ueddznndzmm d‘alarm: , En dds d'mdmsmn flan: \z ddmdd dd d‘dn dmpant ddr :ur dd :addssm Harms rzlanhra at was 6m dd «dndmmm n‘dgnnwrnm pandamds Sannndn dd hnmdp as muddd da mud n d»: dddx dd slatmnanPm rhgnnlants <‘arritarnm, ‘a‘irmaFES‘EFEfirméEE‘EanuEraNESHFVE‘HEF‘EVEWEINE SHINWU‘USi‘a‘SSE‘flDnHEmeHE d‘dnddeddcnderadndyddddds smndes duedemmeddsedcandmddrammasdwadddrddszdnesnnnddereesresddmdsduddmcddd Punique/RechercnededzmuddmyWerecemdd‘ddmdavecdaddemmmamddddpdydzmleuddddnw(vwmummmmamam ddEmmadanddmddmumsamums:ddddsddacdddedamnereams Pddrmmdaidnmdndaquedddedecdmmdndd EWWEZSW‘ dd Baum H" d (VERRMLAEE) all‘alarme Se rémmallsera MEIDE VEIITIJRIER Funclmnnemem vnilurilr , [lam desanwera dd svsmme d‘darme mm an permauam a \a WWW! demree sans d2 d9 “MEWS ddmddnner (dd y a Man) Emré: an mud: Vnimrier - Memz d2 Eflnlam 2n pusmnn nu (mam) pryez 5W dz mm neuKrahsahun/prngrammahun at madunezdz mm punddnms munddsdddqdd ad add dd DEL d‘ddrmd s‘dudmd an mm M m dd system rad mmmda WEM m «ms fluimr Is mud! Vniluriur , Mann ‘2 mm an pnsmnn IJN Auuuycz SW ‘2 human rmdimhsahuu/prngmmmahuu a! mamdmmzda minus: ddnddnwa saddndddddsqdd ca we dd DEL d‘ddrm yew» Elude d2 :yslimu L155! mm” dd swine duuxhns MDDES ANTI DARJADKINE NEITE : Cane Innnlmn devra Eire anlwea nerds mad: de \a urngrammatmn du system Ennsuhez \E manned d‘mxtaHatmn an \a famhlé d‘mstaHahun am a mum dd system: Amirca nking mil , Emu fdnmmn nm‘fl WE w‘mznhuu nntmardankuvu anm m DIJIT me acme avaul duhsazmu m \a prugmmmahuu d‘ddmm Pdm uutwur awn: dd ddduudmd apuuyuz m dd mm. HDUUEVERRUUMER) Lu: rddxdd aldhmmummlt Lhyvmlm'wt :1 dm mm:dddrmdfimerddedudmpddgranddsd‘dm. ardackmgacnmmenné ddddmddanmdndds d'dnddmmmdnddrdde:yded‘ d Carjacking Ennsdstamdz hm:pré'averhssamantpandant msecdndas sa transdurmand ansuda Emma acdwaudnd‘adarmzda sysdm mmpddta ave: da mud dd dz: rm dd s|ahnnn2mzn| :hgnnlanl pendant 5 mmmas Pddr rémmahser vammackmg and, mettzz dd :nmau En nnsmun IJN dadddydz wr dz Emmm m (nEvmnnmuEn) a mum Ami-:ar‘iackinn uassx‘l , Ilene hmcnnn ufi‘re Hue urmechnn antrcardackmg unsswe at DUN We acme avam dmhsannn wa \a nrngrammahun d‘adarme Pnur scum \e amen dad are an unsmnn IJN at me unrde dud eve nuverde les deux de stilmnnemem :hnnmernm a deux revuses uddrmnnrmerdde dd CnmufE a WWW: d‘dnmdrdackmd a EUMMEHEE Ad mm d2 HU sacnnfles‘ Hume CWYWEHEEVE ‘2 cyde fl‘anhrcaflarkmg EnnsdstaM de hm: waravertdssemem usndam ZIJ secnndes se dransimmam Enswe an we amvadmn d‘adarme de sys|eme summede aver: \a sureneeflexlauxde slahnnnementchgnnlantuendamfimmules Fndrmnmahserda nrntemmnanurcardackmgnaswe mettezlecuntanten pdsmun UN aver: dds anfls rEnMEts pms apflwfil SW ‘1: human Mutrahsalmn/nrngrammalmn d 3 mime: Add“ Inking ulsin mm , Ln Nada amanadkmq pm dams M mm mm mm dun: d2: nundmnns cxlrbmns Emu mound um um urutuLth dIVU'Lm'juEMHg Mum mm at DENT ”In: dudwd av momma" VM h. pruymmnmtmvl d‘dddmm Auhddud rm W! m mm m dudmd dd mug and! m mm Id mm a rubnurs d‘dm. cardankmg 5w mmé Les im dd slalmnnlmlM chgnnmrunl a dam ruprdsus dddrcdnfirmerddz dd cdmddd a rahuurs d‘anh'cardztkmg a mmmd dd ddm dd an sannndas mm :nmmannzra d2 add: d‘amdcaqadkmd Edmund dd hm: prdaddmssmm dandam 1n szcdndds :2 dransrdrmam znsmtz an we amdandn d‘dam dz mum :dmdm ave: dd K me P! dd: [m d» sladmnmmw rhgnntam pendant 5 mm duds DEVH rfimmahwr \‘uth'. a manna in we dd “mam m dudma dd qn‘nne nude as! warm Fmdr rémmahser \a urmechnn amcardackwg p‘em (amp; ‘2 award rlmt étre aHnmé at ‘25 names derméesv ums auwyez sur ‘2 human "emrahsalmn/prnqrammatmn a 3 reumses NIJIE :Addm de WWW‘ away an mfldEVflWNEF dd pmgrammmddm WW" dd «ddacdmmandd VmAS uw remmahserd‘dndd a madam: qde le damn maudme nu Emma puma an nuvene made le mndeamadadkmd m and H Esnnwmdrsanma made «ms we de man an alldme ed/nd qd‘dne pane esd nuverle am \e unmacd aHume rzucnnclnuzs pnr mum un ximma rammn as nunridid CrimESinnper. El mum unnliene um: I: infurmicidn nucesarii pari uslr y m mamammianln 5 sn xinaml a: xlguridud. s: surge mm prlgnnlu. :nmunluneu can an mm a: insmunian n :nmpruah: I. hasl d: cunnnimismns an www.crimlnnpplrmm. Eumpla can Ins nnrmus d2 \- m: Em mspusm :ump‘z :nn‘asnnrmas dz warms dz ‘5 FEB La nperamnzsté mm a \asdns Eundmmnzs swam: u) Em mspnsm rm pm; :ausar \ntar‘zrznma nnnva y (1) am mspnsmvu [\an qua mum tummy mmrmma ramblda mdmda \a mmrmma qua Wm namar 9‘ §unmnnamwmn rm dawadn PREEAUDIGN: Lus Eambms y \as mnmficmnes Que m1 haven sum axnresameme auruhadns unr IESSIJMES \nc nudm’in anu‘ar \a amnndad m usuirm a usar Esta mspusmvn mm: 32 ha mum Esta Eqmun y se dem‘mmn we owe can \ns mm d9 Am msunsllwu mm mm da acuerdn a \a game m d2 ‘3: reg‘as de la run Ems mm man msenadns m urnnnrmnnar armecmnn raznnah‘e cnntra la mterlerenma dams cuandu Se qura ex eqmpu an unambmme nnmerma‘ Em Enumn gem usa y unede Wadwarener‘gwa d2 radmirecuenmay sw nasamsta‘ay usacnrrmamentede anunrdn a‘ mum d2 mstruumnzs punde uausar mmrlcrcnma nnnwa a \as nnmumnamnnns mm; Es pmbabm m m npnmmnn .m numpn an arm rcmdmma‘us mm mmimm unmva: an own casn m mumcrn m u‘ usuamn Emma m mmrmuma unr mama de‘ mm IL ADDF'LAMIENTD DEL CDNTRDL REMDTD/CAMBID DE LA BATERIA Auquumiamu «a un numrnl remain can an xinema WNW mm mm: Una vez qua mgrese an 9‘ mndn ua unqunanaanun Dnrrara tndus his was cnmmflas remnms annu‘adns a‘ smema pm hi (amn naaunnanuumus (ener mdn: his Emma‘s: remnm: para 6‘ smema hsmsuaraacuu‘aramesdeEwan/12‘mudndeamn‘ammmu E‘xmemaSFVHIIZuuedeacnu‘arhasta Mmdadns un namru‘rnmnlu Nurma‘mzmnsnpundnnnnnmmrn‘ hmnn Anu‘ar/Frngramarcn‘aparm m" nnunuu dz‘ mum da msmnmntns anuqu dz‘ puma nan H u ncrna dc‘ uann‘ qn iuunuxas dc‘ \adu du‘ mm uunduulur Snnaumaayudauaraanuuntranasta humn Lumunmueseuun le‘uenlru damstu‘amfin qua \nsta‘fi su suaannu ua saqunuuu 1 En‘unuzz‘znnzndwdnanIanusmmndza:twadu“flN“ “'9“ z Praslunp a uuuas 2‘ hnmn Anu‘ar/prngramar usuau sahré qua sa anuuanunu an an nuuu da "W must arnn‘amwmn unn W uuu 2‘ wtama annnn sunnquu qa \u suanu y uuunauan 4 qauuu ‘aV Mina: «a asruaunumnanqu 3 Una qaz qua asqa an al nquu ua uuumumnanau wasmne 2‘ Immn nu h: aI Imum BLDUUEAR/ ARMAR an a‘ unman cnmm‘ remmnwe nmera aunanqan Usted uuunu qua e‘ cnmrn‘ remmn ua nu uuqmuqu quunqu des(eHen dns qaqas ‘3: Mme: de asuuanunamuanm mdmandn qua an smema ma him uuna 2‘ pnuxnnu cnmrn‘ remain Frzsmne ahnra 2‘ hmnn nq \ u 2‘ hmnn ELDDUEAR/ARMAR de‘ nnmrnl remain anunanua Las Me: an estanmnammmn dzsleHamn a vanes mdmandn qua aI snszannn ma Insln uunu n‘ qununm mmutn unguunza Sngn nun Esta ham quu naqa agr-zgadn Indus \n: cmm‘u‘us remain: quu quuun uqnnqau nuna wumflar N mum u hum 4 nurm‘u‘ns mums 4 Duspué:uwhayanruyruquuludu::uscuntru‘esramum:aalgude\qprugramamfinLu‘uuanduManuendwduun‘anus nunuaauaquuu (DFH Eimlfin a. la bazaar: paranamhw‘ahawrw’aan‘nsmmrn‘asramnmsdaharfiax‘raar‘nsfllnrmHnwnP‘rE .nuuqulunnnulnumunn Unavwnuawhayanmmadn mdns‘nstrannsnenE unesEuarar‘asdus [zines de‘mnlrn‘ remmn naunaaanurq nuau aluera‘asfli] baterlas mum «a \q uunuauusuanun de‘mrcmmwmuresn Auna \as uuuanuu una unnua nu ma can an swmhn‘nunsuwn en‘remadn nuanu arnhavdeshce‘as an an manna de‘ anaquq nnunauu En‘nqua \as plaza: de‘ cnmm‘ remum wMas nuavamame v rannsanua \n: mrmHns uusuannanuu umda \a auqu Ianqu cmfladn qa nu aw‘etar uanuuauu \ns |urmHns was pndma qauuannunuuu nu snstendrian umda \a caja BBMANDDS DEL SISTEMA ELflflUEfl/ARMADH (Armidn iclwn) , Fara unnnun 2‘ manna de segumdad y b‘nquear \a: puanuuu prawn: 2‘ hmnn nu \(munum) an e‘ mmrn‘rnmnln Esnunhamumsn‘nsnmdnde‘swslcmay‘as‘unusdnmamnnammnlndestuHamnunavnz Saannunuaxunsmnu sch‘uqunaran \as warm y in desaclwam u‘ .wancadur an uu nun msta‘adu mas uunuauansnaas numuna‘m nuspuus nu unu Lnuuu dmvmm an s a an uaqqnuquuunuuannnnnquaua ualnhflu u‘vuhiLu‘uyw: Lumuuuuutu: u‘uLtrI’mmu: u‘swstuumuslm wmu‘lmnunlunrwdu H LEDduuxtudu HEHENEMMDMEM' udestuHar DESElflflHEAR/DESARMAR (nasuaanuuu Aauqu) , Fara uasuanan 2‘ smema ua saqunuau y dashhmuzar \as nuaflas, nresmna 2‘ uumnz (DESELDHUEAR)Enz‘mntrulramnm [scuthara’dussumdusda‘swstzmay‘as‘unzsdzEs|amnnamwznludastzflara'ndusvzczs mznqaqanuua Nastar SPdach‘nqwara'n‘aspwrmssw\aVnarralmrasP‘firmraswta'nrnnwrvadasahwstama Aqmadu snIanaiqsq , Para urmqn unananuuanaanra \a unanmu, unasnuna 9‘ bnmn nu WM) an al mnmfl nanqqu, \as unaas qa Es|acmnamlenm desteHarin unavezyse armara 9‘ snsuanu nauurnnuuq unlananqsu , L'nn aI snsuamu ya unmuqu uuanuu sum ARM uresmna aI ham 3 (sum) y :9 flesarmara 9‘ unuuamu u damHara damn:\as\ucesdeesmmnnamwenm Armidnpaswn SnEstanrngramadn.e\armadauaswntamnmahcn]unurrnraéflsegundnsdesuuesnuesehavaapagadanFn‘encendmv qua ua naqa aunnuuq \a mum puma a LED nnmcnzara u dnschar naumunnanu munznus Inuna unu mama rngrnswa sn sa wnM u uunn una puma Emma mum unsunnu nsumra uquu \apuma much ynapnscmrmuaulcsdcnrmavse Launmnqquuuum unavaz‘ashmns dl: uuldmmmmmnlu naamuuu anivn , Lu caramerw’stma ua nuannnauu achvn uannnua qua 2‘ Emma 3a naunnna a if nnsunu 4n segundns uusuuus ua nuuansa dzsarmadnnun2‘cuntrn‘rEmutn:HndavIannszhaahmrmunapuEHa {suuasmuuumsnsauauanmauuunuanmmanuaaxqanruuxumauununux remmn an EU uuxsnuunsnn qua usuau \u szpa Sapuzdzznnzndarvapagaranacaraclzrw‘shna(UNyEFF)duranlz‘aprnqramacmn DesarmaflndzzmzrgznnIa/flnulamflnflzl:IstzmarSwhanurdwflnP‘rnntrn‘ramntnnSnmay“dafunmnnarpnrma‘nuwrmmwnyz‘vamru‘n ma unmqnu \Endrfi qua Emmar nna ununuanun «a amaruanann uqnn qasunnnnn \q a‘arma Fara nuaan Esm \Endrfi qua daslflnquear 9‘ VENEMU usandnlaHavEeMauuena Esmanwara‘aalarma snnara\aswan:ydesteHiran\as‘ucesdeesticmnimwemn \nsanelaHavaene‘encanmdu ygv‘ea‘aunsmmnfleancendldHUN) nasuuasquaaxanqanqnquasqauuwuuu(umunasnunaynuncanqaunasnunauuawuuuununqwar/vnuqnumun durante q u a saqunuuu u ham qua sa demga \a a‘arma Esta desarmara \a a‘arma CDMANDDS DEL SISTEMA narraaupaa d2 Iaa puanaa :nmrnlaflix nnr aI anaanmdn , 5‘ :2 mm aaua naraner‘shca durante ‘a urngramacmn 52 D‘nqueara auuqmauaamama‘aapumaaquamqumam(UN)a‘amaamqauusaqaan‘pquaamuamduaaapaquamma‘auaamam Seuucdnnnnnndury auaga“ ma nammvrshca (IJN y IJFF) durum ‘a urnuramammv Apanuaaaalaaajualaavmuuurm ‘uuuuua‘u(mau aupummaaaumup‘aamuuuualammaua‘uuaa) wusmuuu‘hutu’anEMUELA)uHu‘um‘lv‘u‘ rummn duranw par ‘2 menu: 4 segundns S‘ :2 ha dusactwadu "dusarmar can ‘a ‘whuramfin fly ‘a :aluu‘a” :2 AER‘RA ‘a EH‘UE‘d sm anhvar ‘a z‘arma a‘ usar sa‘amamua 2‘ cnntru‘ ramaup para 2‘ aauama permanznzré armada Displ‘n tie ‘a alarma , s‘ aau uma mlrus‘rin am 2‘ uamau‘a a um mpaaua hertz snhra ‘a :arrnnzr‘a sunaré ‘a a‘arma q aaauauaram ‘as ‘uaaa aa Nanlnnamwmn auramua 45 aaqumam uaapuaa aa 45 aaqumam <2 apaqaram ‘a amama u ‘as ‘uaaa aa Psvarmnam‘anm dwatallantas ‘a a‘arma u2rman2c2ra armada ‘1 52mm mummr2andu 2‘ v2hrcu‘u 5‘ un ‘mrusn am ‘a puma abI2r\a. ‘a umdal‘ 212mm un cmlu d2 ‘5 s2uum‘ns par s2uum‘a v21 v‘ueun s2umra mnmmr2andn ‘as was an a“2radas d2‘v2‘ucu‘u Pinicn/Kusndur dEI veh‘culu , Fave “202“ save“ ‘2 a‘awv‘u arm 2‘ cn‘vlm‘ remn‘n, w2s‘m‘2 V ‘Haul2‘mfi um‘nuadn 2‘ bum" ‘m ‘(E‘IJEIUEAF‘J duv umlu our ‘u mum!) 3 xuuuudux u ‘v-nlu WI awm: ‘4 summ Pay u: wanna 2‘ 0(1ku ‘umulu urux‘mm 2‘ mm“ (ELUHUEAR‘V :2 vuwndra ‘u u‘urmu MEIDD VALET flperlcifin aa Valau , ma flesactwara 2‘ :‘smma d2 a‘arma mantras qua :Igue pammuamua qua hmmnn2 ‘a nar|2 aa ‘ngresn Sm “ave ‘5‘ curresnnnde) Innraxn anal maaanIauacu‘uqua 2‘ encenmdnen ‘a pnsmmn aa aaumaup' N" Praammaumamamqa presmnadu 2‘ humnAnu‘ar/Frngramar auramuaA a a Segundns hnsla qua 52 mm (am an LED :12 a‘arma 5m pawadnary m s‘smma haga 3mm Mummy: ‘21 mm mm v21 Sn‘idn dul mndn Valau , En‘nqun a‘ amaumqmu am ‘a ppaamm qa anwndn "rm“ Pmmuu u mamamua presuu‘mdn a bum Anu‘ar/Frngvamar dmumtula u a sugmvdua muum uuq ua apuqua (mm a‘ LEI] ua A‘umalu u u‘ mum ‘myu Suv‘m'bkummtu 2 mm qua vuuus MDDDS CARJADK NDTA: $2 d2b2ra hahw‘uar ESKB BaractEr‘xtma med‘ame ‘a umgramanmn de‘ s‘stema Ennsu‘te 2‘ manua‘ d2 msta‘anmn n can 2| 52mm 112 msta‘amnn mm msln‘n su 3mm Carjaakuaumaiaua aamuamsaqa ‘2 urnpumu‘m prmummv aauuuaqa Ear‘ankysn ‘a BEBE maumzarumuaa dauammaqmmua ‘a prngramammv d2 ‘1 u‘mum P' uhwr le 2‘ unLund‘du aalwudu [UN] musmuu u‘ hulL‘m nu 7(DESELEIIIIL‘EAR] Lax ‘UEL‘: d2 ustumunuvmm‘tu dualu‘hran dns uaaaa para camarmar we numunzfi ‘a auamua rugruswa aa namaak Despué: aa an aaqumapa ‘a umaaa :nmnuré a‘ :m‘n namaak qua :nnsma am snmdns aa praaaaumamma durantzl‘] sagundusy ‘uaqa camb‘a a uma actwacmn :ump‘zta aa‘ muama aam ‘aamama u ‘a: ‘uaaaqa Estamunam‘znmdzsw‘hndnduramzSm‘nmns Pararapamara‘caqaakaauma :n‘nquazlannznd‘duzn‘apns‘mfindza:hvadn”|:|N"ypr25mn2 nuwammw 2‘ hmr‘ml ‘DESELE‘DL‘EMJ Dariauk naswn , Esta :aramr‘snca vrnpurmuna nrmmmn I‘2 Car‘ack Daswn v BEBE 2s|ar ham‘nada an|2s d2 nsar memanw ‘a nrngramacm’n d2 ‘a a‘arma Para amwar. 2‘ 2nc2ndldn d2‘72 2star 2n UN (acuvadn) y d2h2 ha‘mr una uu2na ab‘2na [as lur2s d2 2s|amnnaml2nm I‘2st2“aran qua vanes para cnnfirmar qua unmenzn ‘a auama regreswa d2 L‘ar‘ack naapuas d2 an segundns ‘a umaaa cumenzara 2‘ c‘c‘n d2 ‘Janack qua cnns‘s‘e am pumps :12 ur23dv2n2nma duraMeZU segundnsv ‘uegn camb‘a a una amvacmn cumu‘fla aa‘ smema :nn ‘aamama v‘as ‘ucesde estacmnam‘emn deste“andn durante a mmmns Fara rappnar‘a prmencmn d2 Eamaakpaamq cn‘nque 2‘ amaamqmpam ‘a pqammmqa amaamaqu (IJM) can ‘a: puma: EERRADAS ‘uaqp prcmunn 3 um: a‘ humnAnu‘ar/Frugmmar Cur-jack a uampp cnmp‘lm , human: :2 data usm 2‘ mndn Earmk a zmmpa upmplauu an aummmpma mamas Esta ammamauma prupmmmm uv‘utuummv numuuk u (mku aump‘auu u BEBE ualm'hdh‘hludu amaa uu usuv mudmmu ‘a wuywmuufin du ‘u a‘umma mum quu aaaamua(nma‘amaammaaaaaapraumapuarua swmma aauamuaraqraamaaanamaak Las‘unusdeeslamunammmndust!“ar1§ndusv2:25 para apmh‘rmar qua cnmznzufi ‘a auamua regreswa d2 namaak naapuaa aa an szgundns ‘a umaaq Enmzmaré 2‘ amp naqaak qua cuns‘slz am aamaaa aa praaaqvamammaquramazn aaqumaaa u ‘uzgn camh‘a a uma aaumamamaamp‘aua aa ‘aa‘armada‘ s‘stzmacnn ‘aamamaq ‘as ‘uczsda aauaammammmm d2atz“am‘n I‘uranw s "mums L‘atad I‘ENE qua rapamar ‘a umaaq aaaa v21 qua aa amwa 2‘ amaammaa (IJN) .. qua W ama uni Puma Para rapaner ‘a :aranar‘snca Car‘ick a “27min cnmp‘am 2‘ 2nc2nl‘u‘n d2|72 mar amwan‘n (DN‘ v ‘as Dumas I‘2h2n mar :2rral‘as ‘u2un ur2smn2 3 VEEES 2‘ mm Anu‘ar/Prnuramar mm: Am: :12 qua puada Entrar‘ am 2‘ maqp Va‘au urngramar a‘quma apamm p :nmm‘es remnms med um rapuner ‘a umaaa cada v21 qua :2 aauma mm 2‘ enn2nfl‘dn a s2 abr2 uma puana cuandn 2| mndu Izaqaak a (‘Emnn Enmn‘em Esta actwn X‘emnre Esta acmn cada v21 qua aa antwa (UN) 2‘ Encend‘du y/n 52 abre una mama can 2| Encend‘dn actwadn [UN] LIMITED WARRAN erkwd[Innmmmeh-rm\mlmwarmmvnm“ wwNn'vnprmumaxmm‘mMMandnn'mr‘hmnglr'm In sum PRHHHL‘VS LawlhDVWa'rnlv Wm SEEUflW-nd mun sum punnums szflthVWwawl‘l menwwm urmszwm W‘r‘zuau I/rwpmdz'mhwmudflnm“ awwpanb‘u w»- m rt'urbxxhed vuMudmw waauufluusaq: [um Mum mm mm H mhch u w: my na‘ v mskHu pm and mm mm ‘5 murnnd m mum :Nuung mm m annnmpan m by a mu: :zu m m Wm mus nmm W m mm luddu‘emwlauuuq lheLumw: um mm mamwmw m uth Kenn mum u mumwm mwm wkuudwnde um nhmurmhzh mnmum mmmmw:mmmmcmmm m:uflHqhuhnHmmdlnrlmzm: :nlmnnandhvrruuarn:zvmflhyazrzynarwananwhm mmrm gmmm nuwummmm Huuru mummMum“-wn-n4ermmam-m mm mumm magnum: mewwrrmy mm mm" Emmy-Sunny mmm: mm mmm a, mhn'wfl Emmasmznn mm mm um 5m "1 mm mm, mm: m :mmm rm ”mommy: msmum mam manwlh:r.1wlrwrt .m 2dmv‘vbvfival:uumw‘lflu'xmlur mmmecurwm Whnllllnnrnd thswmrrnlyrrv‘r:rm,fihrnngm‘nur'wmnHfl'nM'nnv-rurrflut gunnmmmmmwnxmmpwmw \nnrflnmrrrwrv'wtc wpvthascrmm maymmcurmmmnmpyurm: ‘wma‘u‘u mmmmqm mmmmm Mmm Mun-mmmaamrwrmm PmuumMu-u a! drh'fiwcflunnglh‘wrlnamvummM\ht”‘prn-rcu‘rrrflwmayumr1dccmcdmhrmmNrn'mNn'dnrflswh‘dwn-lmn mm I: Mm Emu-Id unammmmm ahux: \mzrnnrmxlahhm Imam“ Nam and'ml Any-mmrnlrun‘awdmm-rlmwhrr-mlaHaumMpr/mm mm McMamiuh:xmi‘numbardakzzd mm zrrlmmad Kuthmldamaqpnmhwampmlrk Ammamawmmmanw-rnmdunnamnpparaaaxgr [mm "H lmnhzd erunhu any mamweranwmmmm,wanmmesMess-mammmmm . med mdua'mnm'?! uermd 1~ A was:wzrranlyseflnrmam! hmulam dn m flaw \m lahnnx m m: mm at ar mm war'an'v in W: mm" nv m 3W v N: Drrsrn siulhmzrd m axsum: (n RnMnrd Enrvnrilmr m nlhzr mm m cmmaumnwwhlhzsa‘anfihevmdm m In "III-m Sum an m 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Source Exif Data:
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