Rocky Mountain Radar D02 Radar Detector User Manual fccmanual

Rocky Mountain Radar Radar Detector fccmanual


..ACCESSORIES  ,:;7) Feature Memory  Accessories  are available  as follows:  ~The  RMR-D312  will  automatically  "Remember"  your  settings Windshield mount  ...,  ,.,.,  ,..,  ".,."",..."",.".".."'$  5.00when the unit is turned off or removed from the  power. Power  Cord  "'."""""".'.""  """"'.'..'..."'$  5.00All features  selected  are  retained  in memory-Dim/Dark,  "Suction cups(set of two)"  ,  ",.  $ 2.00audio  tone,  City/Highway,  VG2  and  mute.  -"  .  ,2amp  fuses(two  ea,)  """,'  ""  $ 2.00  r~-"  ;,~;,,;LReplacement  owner's  manual  ,.,."  ,  ""  $3.50- ""  8) VG2 Select~.':"";;';  . HokJ down the City button for three seconds.  Add  $10.00  shipping  and  handling  per shipmentThe RMR-D312  wi  disengage  VG2 featll"e  with beep  SOO1d.. Press C~ button again for three seconds.  ,'-';"',  "The RMR-D312  ~  ~  VG2 feature with three beeps.. Factory default is  "VG2 ())"  ,9) Feature  Engage  Confirmation  CAUTIONEach  time  a button  is pressed  two  beeps  confirm  feature  "on", T'  , h'ampenng Wit  unitone beep confirms feature "off". will result  in a  $ 75.00  repair  fee!,,;  ";i,,~ ,  WE 00  NOT ACCEPT COD SHIPMENT:'-'ROCKY MOUNTAIN RADAR6469 OONIPHAN DRIVE  .EL PASO,  TX 79932915.587.0307915.587.64O8(FAX)I::~"  12  13;  -,WarrantyWARRANTY  M E M 0This unit guaranteed against defects in workmanship and materialsfor one year,  Should you experience any difficulty with the RMR-0312  during this time, the unit will be repaired or replaced at nocharge.  Should you desire to have your unit checked, there will be  "no  additional  charge  other  than  postage  and  handling.  After  the  ,warranty  period  expires,  the  unit  may  be  returned  for  service  and  itwill  be  reconditioned  for  $  25.00~~'-.;.~FCC  Information,~;:';.::oc{  This  product  has  been  designed  and  certified  to'.:,:.';::  comply  with  Part  15 of  the  FCC  Rules. Any  changes  .~,X;~(#  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  Rocky'",",  '~~:~:  Mountain  Radar  may void  your  authority  to  use this  '.~-J.-;:::,  product.  Operation  is  subject  to  the  following  two  ,..;:.':~'  conditions:  (I)  this  device  may  not  cause  harmfulE'"'-t~~"  interference, and  (2)  this  device must  accept any  ",..  . '5:;  interference received, including interference that may'~;;:";c  cause undesired operation.C",:'~~  ~., 17 18  ':;1~  c."",.  ".,~~,"""",_"r_",..,""'.";c."

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