Roland 410511F Amplifier User Manual

Roland Corporation Amplifier


User Manual

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Document ID1476927
Application IDI3zByYTTdawTJsiFyzathg==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize60.15kB (751878 bits)
Date Submitted2011-06-03 00:00:00
Date Available2011-06-03 00:00:00
Creation Date2011-05-31 09:09:51
Producing SoftwareDocuCentre-III C4405
Document Lastmod2011-05-31 09:09:51
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorDocuCentre-III C4405

Owner’s Manual
Portable Amplifier
Great Sound Anywhere Indoor or Outdoor a
HIgh-quality wireless mic is included. Two—way power—use battenes or AC adaptor
Digirzl wireless (mnsmissicn 9.4 EHI digiran minimizes Batwy life is approximately 5 hoursallolwing 7
loss of audio qualny. canvenlent use anywhere. indoors in outdoors.
. . . 1:
Place Vertlcally for a Speech ; Place Horlzontally for Mu5lc 5.
When the uni: is placed vertically Ir wlll enrer menu > when rne uni! Is placed lrurlzonralry n wlll enter "2
made, and the audio will be optimlz-ed fumaxlmum ' stereo mode, and the audio wlll be optimized far 3
projecxlon dls-nceThls is ideal for spmhes. « muslc.
Anti-Feedback Function 7 Z Mic Echo z
Reduces mlc feedback (UMIM or howl). - It‘s easy In apply an echo that’s Ideal for karaoke. g
' 5
Before using this unit, Lilalully lead the sections enlilled: 'USINGTHE UNIT SAFELV'(p. Z), and 'IMPORTANT NOTES' (p. 4).These sections
provide lmpcmnt information concemlng the proper operation otrhe unlr. Mdltlartolly, in order toiecl assured that you have gained a
good gtmp ofeveryteature ptiwided hy your new unit, Owners rnanual should he read in its entiretythe manual should he saved and
kept on hand as a convuiient reference
AboutAWARNING and ACAU'HON Notices
About the Symbols
Used iotlnsuuctlons Intended to alemhe
user to the riskof death or severe injury
should the unit he used improperly.
Used (or instmct’ions Intended to alert the
user to the tlsk otlnjury or material
damage should the unit be used
~ Material darnage refersto damage or
other adverse elfecls caused with
respect to the battle and all its
fumishlngs, as well to domestic animals
or pets,
The Asymbol alerts the user to Importantlnsttucdons or
wamings'rhe specific meaning afthe symbol Is
A determined by the design contained within the triangle. In
the use ofthe symbol it left, It Is used lot general
cautionswamings. or alerts to danger.
The ®syntlaol alerts the userto items that must neverlae
carried out (are {arhiddetufrhe specific thing that must
® tint he done is indicated by the design contained withln
the dKle. In the case dfl’le symbol at left, It tnearns That
the unit mustnever be dlussembled.
The .symbol alerts the usertothings that must he
mm’ed auntie specific tiring that must he done ls
indimted by the design contained within the circle in the
case ofthe symbol atleft. it means thatthe power-(Md
plug mnstbe unplugged from the outlet.
na noropenlorrnodiiyin anywayotne unltorltsACadoptw. ®
Do not attempt to repair die unit, or replace pans within it (except
when this manual provides specific irlrsmlctims directing you
to do so). Referzill servicing to yourretailer, the nearest Roland ®
Service Center, or atl authorized Roland distributor. as listed on the
Never install Ihz unit In any ofthefnllowing locations.
. Subject to temperature extremes (ega direct sunlight in an
enclosed vehicle, near a I'teao‘ng duct, on top of heat-generating
equipment; or are
~ Damp lag, baths, washroomson welflwts); or are
-larposedrosream orsmokemrare ®
- subject to salt exposure: or are
~ Humid; or are ®
- Exposed to rain; or are
. Dustyor sandy; or are
- Subject in high levels ofvihmfiun and shakiness,
This unit should tae used onlywilti a tackutsland that is recom- o
mended by Roland
When using the unit with a rack or stand recommended by Mend,
the lack or stand must be (awfully placed 50 it is level and sure lo
lentaln stable. Ifnol uslng a still need to make
sure that any location you choose tar placing the unit provides a 0
level surface that will properly support the unit, and keep it from
Be sure to use onlythe Ac adamnr supplied with the unit. Also,
make sure the linevoltage at the installation matches the input
voltage specified on the ac adaptnr‘s body. Other NZ adaptors 0
may use a dltfetetttpolarlty, at be designed ter a diirerent voltage,
so their use could [Suit In damage, malfunction, of Elgar]: shock.
Use mlylhe attached panel—supply cold. Also, the supplied 0
power cord must not be used with anyother device.
Do not excessively twist or bend the power cord, not place heavy
objects on it, Doing so can damage the cord. producing severed
elements and shorrclrcults Damaged cards are fire and shock ®
This unit. either alone or in (ambinatiart with an amplifier and
speakers, may he capable oi producing sound levels thatoeuld
cause permanent hearing loss. Do notopetate for a long period of
time at a high valume level, or at a level that is uncomfortable If ®
you experience any hearing loss or ringing in the ears, you should
immediately Swp using the ‘ and consult an audiologisi.
Do not place containers containing Ilqul on this product Never
allow fnrelgn objects (ego flammable objects. coins. wiles) or
liquids leg. water or juice) to enterthis product. Doing so may ®
cause short circuits, faulty operation, or other malfunctions
Immediately turn the power Off. remove the AC adapter (mm the
sullen anti request servicing by your retaller. the nearest Roland
Service Center, or an authorized Roland distributor, as listed on the
”Informatlan'page when:
- the ac adaptor. the pnwef—supplywrd, or the plug has been
damaged. or
- ifsmoke or unusual odor occurs
. objects have mien inmnirliquid has been spilled orrtothe unit:
~ The unit has been exposed to rain (anthem/he has became
wet); or
- The unit does not appear to operate normally or exhibits a
marked change in performance.
in householoswirh small children, an adtlltshwld provide
supervision until the child is mpable othnliowing all the rules A
essential for the sale operation dfthe unit,
Protectthe unit irom strong lmpacL ®
(Do not drop ill)
06 not tome the unit’s power—supply cord to share an wtlet with
an unreasonable number brother devices Be especlally careful
when using extension cords—tire total power used byail devices
you have connected to the extenslort card‘s outlet must never
aimed the power rating (walls/ampeisl tor the extension cord.
Excesslve leads can catise the insulation on the mid to heat up
and eventually melt through
The unlt and the AC adapter should be located so melr Incaflon or
position does not interfere with their proper ventilation, A
Thls mA—SS) for use only with Roland stand ST-AQS. Use with other
stands is capable oiresuiting in lnmblligcausing possible injury. A
Evert ifyou observe the cautions given in the owners manual,
certain types or handling may allowttris produetm fall from the
stand, or cause the stand to overturn. Please be mindful bratty
safety issues before using this pmdum.
Atwaysgrasp only the plug on the ac adaptor cord when plugging
into, tar unplugging lrom,an outietorthls urrlr.
Al regular intervals, you should unplug the Arc adaptor and clean it
by using a dry cloth to wipe all dust and other accumulations away
iron. its prongs Also, disconnect the power plug from the power
butletwlrenevertheunitismremain unused fbranextended 0
period amine Anyaocurnulation ordust between the power plug
and the power outlet can result in peer insulalimt and lead in fire
Try to preverrteords and cables from becoming entangled. Also,
all (urds and tables should be plated so Iheyzle our offlle readl
Neverciintb ontop or, norplace heavyobiectsort the unit. ®
Never handle the AC adaptor or its plugs with wet hands when ®
plugging into, or unplugging from. an outlet or this unit.
Before moving Ihe unit. disimttnecl |he AC adapter and all cards 0
coming from external devices
aerate usingthe unitina foreign country, wtsnitwith your
retailer, the neangt itolanrl Sen/Ice Center, oran authoriled Roland A
distributor, as listed on the~iniormatton~pagc
Batteries musl never be recharged, heated, taken aparL cirthtown
into fire or water. ®
Never expose benefits to excessive healsuch as sunshinefire at A
die like
incorrect handling ofbatteries, rechargeable Nl-MH battery, or a
battery charger can cause leakage, overheating fire, or explosion.
before use, you must read and strictly observe all orthe precau-
tions that aemnvpany the batteries, rechargeable Ni—Ml-l battery or
ammonia. , 0
When usirtg rechargeable Ni-MH battery and a charger, use only
the combination ofrechargealate Ni-Mi—l battery and charger
specified by the battery manuacturer,
Before cleaning the unIL turn oifthe power and unplug them 0
adaptortrom the outlet in 10L
whenever you suspect the pusslbfllly oriightning in yourarea, 0
disconnect the AC adapmr fmm the nuflet.
if used lmpruperly, batteries may uplade or leak and muse
damage or injury, in the interest arsatety, please read and observe
the following pretautians (u 9L
- Carefully lolluwtl‘le lnslallaflon Insminlonsfur batteries, and
make sure you observe the correct polarity.
~ Avald using new batterles together with used Ones. In additifln,
avoid mixing dilferent types of batteries.
- Remove the batterieswhenever the unlt [5 to rertlaln unused icr
an extended period otrirne A
. ira barteryhasieaited useasorrpleceofciotirdrpaper ®
towel to wipe all remnants oftlte dischargeirem the battery
(amparmlerlLThen install new baraeriecro avoid inflammation
of the skirt, make sureflrat none oltlre battery dlschalge gets
onto your hands or sldrt.
Exercise the utmost caution so that none of the discharge gets
near your eyes. immediately rinse the airecteu area with running
water lfany of the discharge has entered the eyes.
- riever keep batteries together with metalllcobiects sudr as
ballpoint pens, necklaces, hairpins. err.
Used batteries must be dispersed of in mmpiianne with whatever
regulationsfortheirorie dbposri that may be observed in the 0
region in which you live.
Barberies may reach a high temperauire, please be carerul mavoid ®
bumlng yourself.
\ sanfinuod I mums;
Power Supply
- Do not connect this unit to same electrical outlet that is being
used by an electrimi appliance that lsconoolled by on Inverter
(sudi as a refrigerator, washing machine, microwave oven, or alr
condidaneri, or dtatcontalns a motor. Depending on the way in
which the electrical appliance Is used, power supply noise may
cause this unitto malfunction or may produce audible noise.
If it is not practical to use a separate electrical outlet, connect
a pawersupply nnise filter between this unit and the electriml
- The ac adaptor will begin to generate heat after long hoursof
consecuth usetThiS is normal, and is not a Cause fur contem.
. Before connecting this unit to other devils, turn off the power
in all unitsThis will help prevent malfunctions and/or damage
to speakers or other devices.
Power Supply: Use of Batteries
. When installing or replacing batteries, always turn ottthe
power on this unit and disconnect any other devices you may
have connected.l'hls way, you can prevent malfunction and/or
damage to speakers or other devices.
- Batteries are suppned with the uniLTlte life oithese batteries
, may belimiocdmovrever, since meirprimarypurpose wasin
' enable testing.
- lflhe batteries run extremely low, the sound may distort or
interruptions in the sound mayoccur at high volume levels.
but this does not indicate a mollunctlon. Ifthls occurs, please
replace live batteries or use the included AC adaptor.
. ltoperating this product on batteries. please use alkaline
batteries or rechargeable Ni-MH battery.
. Using the unit near power amplifiers (or other equipment
containing large power transformers) may induce humTo
alleviate the problem, change the orientation of this unit, or
move itramher away from the source of interference.
- This device may interfere with radio and television reception DO
not use this device in the vicinity of such receivers
~ Noise may be produced irwireiess communications devices,
such as (ell phones, are operated in iheviclnityorthis unit, Such
noise could ocour when receiving or initiating a cell, orwhlie
conversing. should you experienoe such problems, you should
relocate such wireless devices so they are at a greater distance
from this unit, or switch them off.
- Do not expose the unitto direct sunlight, place it near devices
that radiate heat, leave It Inside an enclosed vehicle, or
oihenirise subject it to temperature extremes. Also, do not allow
lighting devices that normally are used while their light source
is very close to the unit (such as a piano llghd. or powerful
spmlighfl: to shine upon the same area orthe unit for extended
i periods ortlme. Excessive heat can deform or discolor the unit.
- when moved from one location to anotheiwhere the
temperature and/01 humldlty is very different, water droplets
(condensation) mayform inside the unit. Damage or
malfunction may result lfyou attempt to use the unit in this
conditionsnterefere, before using the unit. you must allow ltto
stand for several hours, until the condensation has compierery
- Do not allow rubber, vlnyi, or similar materials to remain on
this unit for long periods ortime, Such objects can discolor or
orhervnse harmiully affect the finish.
~ no not paste stidters, decals, or the like to thls instrument.
Peeling sud’l matter of! the instrument may damage the exterior
- Depending on the material and temperature of the surface on
which you place the unit, its rubber feet maydiscolur or mar the
Vou can piece a piece ofleitcr cloth under the rubberfeetto
prevent this from happening. lfyou do so, please make sure that
the unit will notslip or move accidentally
- Do not put anything that contains water (egsflowervases) on
this unit Also, avoid the use of insecticides, perfumes, alcohol,
nail polish, spray cans. etc. near the unit. Swiftly wipe awayany
liquid that spills on the unit using a dry, soft cloth.
~ To dean the unit, use a dry, soft doth; or onethat Is slightly
dampenedrryto wipe the entire surface using an equal
omourttof strength, Rubbing too hard In the same area can
damage lhefinlsh.
- Never use henflne, thinners, alcohol or mittens ufany kind, to
avoid the posslbllity nfdlscolnratiori arid/or deformation.
Additional Precautions
- Use a reasonable amount orcare when using the unit’s
buttons, sliders, or purer controls; and when using itsjacks and
connectors. Rough handling an lead to mail'unflinns.
~ When connecting / disconnecting all ables. grasp the
connector itself—never pull on the cabie.Tlris wryyou will
avoid causing shorts, or damage 00 the table‘s internal elemenu.
- To avoid disturbing your neighbors, try to keep the unit's
volume at reasonable levels.
e When you need to transport the unit, package it in the box
(induding padding) that it came i it possible. Otherwise, you
will need to use equivalent packaging materials
- same connection cables contain resistors Do not use cables
that incorporate resistors for connecting to this uniLThe use
ofsuch cables can muse the sound level to be extremely low,
air impossiblcto hear For information on cable specifications,
contactrhe manuaciurer attire cable.
‘ MMP (Mame Miaapuxesiar Portfolio) refers to a patent
portfolio concerned with microprocessor araritecture which
was developed byrechnoiogy Properties Limited fl'PLi. lioland
has licensed this technologytrorn them Group.
Panel Demiptiuns .
Amp Unit
ertlfis Mlcmphonelnli—wmssl .
Gating Ready . . .
Prepallng (he wuss.
lnsmlllng Bil-(eds.
Connezfing the AC adapmr. ..
Switching me Fewer On and on,
Preparing the Wlieless Mlc. ...
Installing mm”
Using a Mi: . . .
Using a Mreless M
Pairing .. .
Uslng me MI:
Using a “fired Mi:
Using an Audlo Pllyerorlnnrumenl. ..
playing the BA-SS In swan
Using an Audio Player.
Uslng an instrument...
Convenient Funniom ..........
Applylng Echo to the ers Sound.
Adjusllng lheTonaI Character (Equaflzen ...
Preventing Feedback (AMI-Feedback).
Sounding a Chime ...
Playing Svund Thrnugh Annihefsystem. ,. .
AutomuflcallyTumlng (he PawerfflAulu Power on
Mounting thp EA-ES on me Dedlcaied Stand. ...
Examples usting the EA—SS .
Main Specifications ...
’ spuepapaN | sanfinuod | [ogedsa ‘ oue||ex| I s|z§ueu | qasmaa
J I Panel Descriptions
~ All illumumsaflhe mum appearlng in this manual depict the black model.
Front Raar
Panel Destrigtions
0 WIRELESSZindicator 0 [AUTO POWEROFF] Switch
Lights when a signal {ram I!!! wirelessmizz is being received (n 12). This switches file mar-mmrvallon feawlawhe'n set m'oN,’
me BA-ss will aummarirallylurn aflafrzr no operailun has been
. . ed fn I ' I (h ofl’ 1 6
9 POWER indicator ”mm "(a a'" ”"g ' "m“ ’
‘I'hiswill light iflhe pow! ism.
0? [POWER] Switch
9 WIRELESS 1 indicator This swiraiesme power on and offlp. n)
Ligltsvdrenaslgnalfremmewireless ml: 1 15 being received (an). A '
@ MIC input Jack
° WIRELESS 1 [VOLUME] knob Von ran canned a wired mix in filisjack (p. |!).
Adjusts the volume nfthe wireless mi: I (p 11).
Q LINE AUDIO Input Jack: RCA PIN type
9 WlRELESS 1 indicator {Sign connect a CD player or digiral audio player in ("salads D
ughrs when a signal (mm the wireless mi: | isbeing received (p. 1 2L 5
. . 9 LINE AUDIO lnputlack: Stereo mini type 9
o ANTI‘FEEDBACK "mun" ‘Iau an connect a CD phyet nr dlglinl audio playerm thesejacks
Lighrs when me anfifiedback runciion (pr is) is operaring. (pl w —
AdjusislhevolumeahhevflrelessmchDrawired mizmnneaed Thesearm1l4'plwnelnpmlad‘sr 5
w are ”Clank {p' ' 3" Ynu (an connect demonic musiml insuurnenrs here. Use me u
MoNojadr ifywre making a monaural mnectkm (p. ulr —
0 WIRELESS z inditator
Lighrswhenasignalfiam(hewllelessml:2isbelngrec=Wed(p.12). @ LINE OUT jack 5.2
Van can connect a recording device ro rhmjacks, or mined them 3
e AUDIO/INST [VOLUME] knob m enema] powered speakers to expand your sysiern
Adjuslsflle Mumeufthedzvim connected tome LINEjacks(p.|‘). a _
DC IN (AC Adaptor) Jack
® [CHIME] button Conneclmelnduded ACadapwr here (um). jail
Plessthisbunmmsoundachimtpfls). g.
6 Storage compartment "
0 CHIME [LEVEL] knob The Included wireless mic ana AC adapmrcan be stored here he 16),
Ad sts lh | of!!! h' (1). IS).
I“ m “m u m Q Battery Case g
. e
Q [ECHO] knob E33: same; “$27 singe 1iafrrerymsecan be removed and E.
Adjusrsmeamcunmiecho appliedinihe mic(l>1SL “‘
9 E0 (EQUALIZER) [HIGH] knob z
Adjusmhe raneorrne hignfrequencyrange (p15). g
Adjusts the mne ofrhe law—frequenq range (p. ls). —
© STEREO indicator
Lights when rhe BA—SS Is in stem) mode (la 14).
@ POWER indicator
This will light ihhe power [5 an.
Panel Descriptions
reless Microphone( R WMSS)
The BA-SS (an use Iwc dedlcsled whales mlrs a! [he sameflme. Use lhe Included ml: or a sepamlely sold ml: [Roland DR-WMSS). Commerdall'y
available wireless mics cannat be used.
[ECHO OFF] switch
Thls tum; affllle echo Ihat applies to the wireless ml: (a BL
[ECHO ON] switch
This turns on m echo th applles m the wireless ml: (p. 15).
If the panel’s [acne] knob is in (he on pasIKIon, (here wlil be no
emoevm lfyou press the [ECHO on] switch.
Power indicator
This wlll Ilght when lhe wlmless ml: is szlched an (p. u).
Power switch
This mmsme wireless mlts power on/olfip. 13x
Getting Ready
eparing the BA-SS
This unltcan operate using its AC adaptor or an bareries Use
the A: adaptor iryou're indoors or nearan electrical outlet. Use
batteries ilyotrre ouidaors or ifan electrical outlet is unavailable
Loosen the screws
lrom these two
Remove the battery
compartment (aver.
insert battefies,
taking care to observe
the correct polarity
About batteries
Batteries that can be used wifll the EMS
and the DR—WMSS wireless mic
- Alkallne battery (AA. LRS) x a
- Rechargeable new battery (M, Htol x s
Vrfireless MioaphonetDn-wmssi
r Alkaline battery (AA, Lire) x 2
- Rechargeable NlMH battery (AA. HR6) x 2
- Rechargeable NI—MH batteries cannot be recharged bythe
BA—SS itselquu’lI need In use a commerdallyavailable
battery charger.
- when operating on battery power only, the unit‘s Indicator
will became dirn when battery power gets too low, Replace
the battery as soon as possible,
- file wireless mic's power indicate]! will blink when the mic
batteries run low. Replace the battery as soon as possible.
Expected battery life under continuous use:
Type of battery
Alkaline battery (AA. Lilo)
rechargeable NlMH battery (AA, HM)
Wireless Mluaphone (DR-WMSS)
typ- nfbmry
Alkzllne battery w, LR6)
neeh-rgsabie mun bane-yam HM)
Removing the battery case
Although it Is possibleto replete the batteries without removing
the battery use, battery replacement wni be easier iryau remave
the battery use.
Loosen the screws
from these two
Remove the battery
" We recommend that you keep bamrla Installed in the unit
even though you‘ll be pawevlng It with the AC adaptor.That
way, you'll be able to contrnue a performance even irthe cord or
the AC adapter gets accidently disconnected from the unit.
‘ To prevent malfunction and speaker damage. make sure tn
switch olfthe BA-Ss's power beforeyau insert or replace its
batteries, and before connecting it to other devices.
* Take care that no metal objetttouches the contacts ofihe
battery flucThls an short-dralltflie bamrles. causing the
case to overheat or burn.
Caution regarding batteries
~ incorrect handling ofhmerles, rechargeable Ni—MH battery,
or a battery charger can cause leakage, overbearing fire, or
explosion. before use, you must read and srricriyohserva
all of the precautions that accompanythe batteries,
rechargeable NI-MH battery, or battery charger,
when using rechargeable Ni—MH batteries and a charger, use
only the combination afrechargeabie Ni—MH battery and
charger specified by the battery manufacturer.
Carefully follow the Installation instructions for batteries. and
make sure you observe the correct polarity.
Avoid using new batteries together with used ones. in
addition, avoid mlxlng different types orbatrerlea
Careluily read and observe the cautions and handling
Instructions that accompany the batteries
Remuve the batteries whenever the Unltls w remalrl unused
for an extended period oftirne.
ira hattewy has leaked, use a sort piece orcioth or paper
towel to wipe all remnantsofibeclischargelrorn the
battery moanmenrrThen install new baneriesTo avoid
inflammation ofthe skin, make sure that none of the battery
discharge gets once your hands or sklnc
Exercise the utrnostcauiion so that none or the discharge
gets near your eyes. immediately rinse the alrectea area with
running water ifany ofthe dismarge has entered the eyes.
Never keep barteriesrogetherwith metallic objects such as
ballpoint pensmedrlates, hairpins. etc
when using rechargeable Ni—MH batterles, please be aware
that the battery life will normally shorten each time they are
smueu bpslnaa
‘ sanfimlod
fConnecting the AC adaptor
wlqu a
Pmsthe lower part ofthe
[POWER] switth to turn off
the power.
Connect the Included AC
iSWltchlng the Power Oliand Off
‘ Once lheconriecflens have been cempleled(o,13,o14)tum on
power m yaurvarinlus devices in the order specified. By turning
on devices in the wrong enter, you risk musing mallunctinn
and/ordamage m speakers and otheraei/lces,
1. Make sure that the power to all equipment istumed off.
2. Set each ofthe BA-Ss‘s [VOLUME] knobs to o.
nineteen. wiPflH§1| Lnlnimsv
m»: mute
3. Connect any external devicessuch as an audio playerar
electronic musiml instrument.
4. Switch on the pvwerto any external equipment
connected tothe LINE Inpuljacki
5. Press the upper part ofthe [rowan] switch mtum on the
BA—Ss‘s puwer.
- This unit is equipped with a protection circuit. A brief interval
[a few seconds) aftet pawer up is required before the unit will
ope'me normally
* Before switching the power oil/Off, always he sure to turn the
voiume dawn Even with the voiumetumed duwn,you might
hear some sound when switching the puwer art/air, However,
this is nannal aha does net indicate a malfunction.
6. Swltch on any equipment connected to the LINE OUYjazk
Switching the Power Off
Turn the power atihyieverslng (he order in which yeu timed the
Preparing the Wireless Mic
Here's how to get the Included wireless mic (DRcWMSS) readyfof
flnstalllng Batteries“
1. Turn ofithe mies power switch.
2. Turn the grip in the direction ofthe arrow to remove it.
3. Insert the batteries, making sure that the palarityls
I spuepepaN | sanfimlad | |ouedsg | uueueu | siefiueu I unsinaa
Using a Mic
Usmg a Wireless Mic
Here's huwm pmduce suund using rhe DR-WMSS wireless mic
fi’airing :
We, ,, e," ,, , , , , W e _, ,,, sewer
When using the Included wireless ml: for (he first time, (he M65
musl (mm the mic ydu're usingThis process is filled ‘pairlng.’
Once (he Wilda; mic has been pailed, (he Lanrlecliun will be
remembered even whlle the BA-SS'S power ls swlldled off. The next
time you film an the pnwer, the mic will already be paired,
Pairing to the WIRELESS 1 channel
When shipped rrurn lhe finnryllhe included wireless mic is already
paired lo (he WIREBS 1 channel. lfycu wanr to redo (he pairing.
or iryou wanna pair 3 different mlcman he currently paired hilt.
proceed as follows.
1. Turn on the pawermhe BA~55 while holding dawn the
[CHIME] button (p. i 1).
2. Hold dawn the [CHIME] button umiltherRELESS I
indicator blinks.
The BA—SS will enter pairing mode in [his exampiewe’ii pair ihe
wireless mlc wlih ihe WIRELESS I channel.
3. Turn on the power swltch nnhe wireless mlc while
holding dawn the [ECHO ON] swltch.
The BA-ss will automatically densmhe wireless micWhen the
cunnecrlon has been established, die bllnklng will change so
sreadliyiir. Palilng is now campieie.
When pairing is compiered, pairing mode will be cancelled and die
system will remrn m nnrmzl operating made.
* Pairing mode will be cancelled if pair g is not accomplished
whhln 30 seconds from Ihe lime that lhe WIRELESS 1 indium!
swans blinkingr
Pairing the second mic
Here 5 how lo pair the semnd mic In the WIRELES 2 dlannel.
1 . Turn on the BA—SS‘S power while holding dawn file
[CHIME] button (p. 11).
2. Hold down the [CHlME] button until theWIRELESS1
indicator bllnkss
The Bus will enler pairing mode.
3. Press the [CHIME] button once again.
nievwiisisss 2 indiesmr will biinic in this enmpleweii palrll’ie
wireless mil: with the WIRELES 2 (hannal.
4. Turn on the power switch ofthe second wireless mil: while
holding dawn the [EU-lo ON] switch.
The EA-SS will automatizally delecl the wireless mir. when the
mnnecrian has been established. the biinking will change to
sleadiiy Ill.
when pairing is completedl pairing made wlll be cancelled and the
syslem will rerum ro normal apeialing mode.
* Pairing modewlll be cancelled lfpalrlng is nor acwmplished
wilhin 30 secbnds from the lime rhar rheWIRELESS 2 Indicator
slam blinking.
[fismg the Mic
Once pairing has been mmpleted, you can sun using me mizwiLh
(he BA—SS.
1 . Turn an the power switch ofdie DR~WMS§.
2. while speaking inm the mic, use the MIC [VDLUMEI knob
to adjumhe valume.
To adjust the volume (1me firstwlmless mic, use (heWIRELFSS 1
[VOLUME] knnth adjusfi the volume of the second wirelass mic,
use meWIRELES 1 [VOLUME] knob.
rim mi: mud mi: N
/ _
“ Ifyuu leave the wimless mic pwered on, Its power wIlI
automatically tum olfiwo hours afler the last operatic".
Usin aM (
Usmg a Wired Mlc
Yau can use a (ummcldally avallabie wlred ml: with (he BA-SS.
1 . Connect yourmlcrnphnne lathe MIC inputJacki
Ifme mic has a swluhflum the switch on.
XLR type
”V" -—> wafx‘
2. Switch on the BA-Ss's pawer(p.11).
3. While speaking int» the mic, use the WIRELESS 2
[VOUJMEI knob to adjust the vulume.
" misinsnumem is equipped with balanced (xmniisnype
1am. Mrlng diagramsfoi thesejackc are shcwn helm. Make
connecfitms nfier first checking the wiring d'mgmms ofnither
equipment yen imend to connect.
|: GND
2 ’ 2: HOT
I— ulna: mu)
* ifihe second wireless mic is on, no suumi imm the wired mic
will be ouipui.
- Thlsjackdues namippiy phanwn pm.
| spuepapaN l sanfinuod | weds; ‘ oue||21| | sieiuw k qzsmaa
Using an Audio Player or Instrument
ayingt BA 55 In St
The BA-SS contains two speakerawheh the unit is plated vertically,
llwlll play back in manaulal mode. When the BA>55 is placed
hotlmnlally, It wlll autumatlcally enter stereo made; the two
speakers will uperate as left and right tun) sterner speakers.
In stereo mode the BA»ss's audio quality will be optimum far
musl: playbaclehIs ls Ideal when you‘ve (annecled a CD player
or digital audio player to play buk musk. or when you’re playing a
musical iimtument
1 . Place the IRA—55 horlzontally, so the rubber feet on its side
are In Contact with the floor.
Stereo Made hubberfom’
Mann Made
habblrleat nualaerrarn
The STEREO Indimlur on lhe balk panel (p. 7) will light.
* When placing the unit horizontally, handle with are to ayaid
dropping it, or allowing II to fall prup over.
illhs ng_an Audjo Player“ __
Here‘s hawto connect an audio player suth asa CD playerur gital
audio player fur playback.
' Tn pvevenl malfunninn and/or damage to speakers or otter
devices. always turn dawn the volume and tum alt the power
on ail (levies before maklrlg any connections.
‘ when (inflection cables with rslstors are used, lfle volume
level of equipment connected In the Inputs (INPUTJacks) may
be low. lrinis happens, use connem’nn tables that do not
coma-In reslstorsa
1. Place the BA—ss horizontally.
it will aummallcally enter stereo mode.
2. Connect the output iaeks afyour cu player or digltal
audio playerto the BA-Ss’s LlNE AUDIO input jack
' As appropriate for the type of table yml’re uslng, you can use
eithet the stereo miniphune Jack or the RCA phonaiatka
3. Set the AUDIO/INTI” [VOLUME] to D.
4. switch on your audio player's pawer.
5. Switch on the EA-Ss's power (p. 11).
6. Raise the volume nfynur audln player.
7. Play buk music on your audio player.
8. Use the AUDIO/INST [VOLUME] knnh to adjust the
5 ,__ ________________ _____ww._j
lUsmg an Instrument J
Here‘s homo connect a lteypoardtothe LINE lNSl' irlpuljadtsfu!
1 . Place the BA-SS horizontally.
lt will automatkally enter stereo made
2. Connect yuurkieyboard to the uus lusr input jacks. Use
the LIMONDjackifyou're making a monaurai (onneclicn.
' milliliiiilliliiliiuill
3. Setthe AUDIO/INN [VOLUME] to 0.
4. Switch on the keyboard's power.
5. Switch on the BA-ss's puwer(p. 11).
6. Raise the valume of the keyboard
7. Use the AUDlO/INST [VOLUME knob to adjust the
Convenient Functions
Applying Echo to the Mic S nd Preventing Feedback (Anti-
Here‘s hnwm add echo (reverhemionlmme sound afihe mil; Feedback)
Thls Suppltsses acoustic feedback (3 whlne of howl) mused by the
Whatis acousticfeedhgck’
Turning ihe ECHO [LEVEL] knub remand the light will gradually "3 mic is painted at the Speaker. or Nth! System Is warned an
Increase the reverberafion,Tne left halfaf me knab’s range (OFF high volume. an unpleasant osdllafiw (whine ur howl) may om";
cemerl applies a nmumisounding reveib, and lhe fight halfof this IS railed feedback
the range (caller 7 MAX) applies a repealing edm that’s ideal far The BA-SS provides an amHeedbackmnciin-i (harsupplesses
karaoke. ieedbaciahe anti—faedhad: function will nperaleemnmafieeiiy
inhe BA-SS is In stereo mode, an even mare spacious echo effen when my time MIC [VOLUME knobs are Iumed m the right
will be pmduted.
The ANTFFEEDEACK indiminr will light when (he anti-feedback
function I; amflngi Ifbolh ohhe MIC [VOLUME] lambs are set
to u, the anti-feedback runnion wiil be olf.
Theedmwified byihis my; setting cenbemmed onlolfuslng WE“-
(he mic's [ECHO ON] swllch and [ECHO OFF] switch.
. inheamimdbammncuonisnaienoughwsuppm
feedbacklakethefollmflng steps
~ Change the direcfion of lhe mincphnne
- ane me microphone awayfmm the speakers
- Edie Is appiled only no mg ml: input. It won’t be appIIed m . We,“ volume
sound that is input via the LINEJacks
Adjusting the naICharacter und gaChime
. Achimewillsnund whet-you plasma [CHiMEI bimniThIsIsan
(Eq U a I 129. I) Ideal way io get me menllon orihe audience at an went hefme
making an announcement.
Hale’s how [in adjust the tonal charafleroflhe sound woduced by
me speakers.
Turning the [HIGH] kncb (mrd“+'will boost. the uppe! range,
making ihe sound brighter.
Iflhe sauna Is muffled, mining Ihls knob (Millard "+"wIII make the
wund (lealel. Iflh! sound Is hl'shy (ulnlng (his knob inward “—"will
make the sound mole mellow
mlnlng [10W] knob toward '+'wi'II boost the law lmquencies,
giving the Snund mole depth.
inhe sound lacks depih, mming thls kmb toward ”+“w1ll make the
sound rlcher. Iflfle sound Is muddy, turning the knob mm "-'w|||
make the saund dealer.
l spuepapaN | sanfinuod | [cuedsa nuEI|ElI | S|E5uElj | qaslnaa
Convenient Funcfions
Playing Sound Through Another
The BA-SS pravides UNE OlJTjacks which you can connect tn 3
mlw or recorder.
Using thesejacksfihe sound being played through the MS can
also be played ihraugn anauler in system, ar rararaea.
Playing sound through another PA system
Automatically Turning the Power Off
(Auto Power Off)
Storlng t
The BA—Ss has an automatic powermffunenon, which
auramausally mms off me puwer wnen (he unlr has not been
operated fora certain period chime
lithe [AUTO powen OFF] swlnrn is an, the aura pawer nfffilnclicln
will be enabled; the pawer will Ium nifaulumaticallyiffilele has
been no operanan ar sound produced for apploliimateiyZ hours.
(when lhe EA-Ss is shipped item the iamryme alum power of!
funnion is turned on.)
Ifyou warn us turn the power on again, set me [POWER] swiKh to
(he ofiposlllon and men (um the puweron,
Mlc and AC Adaptor
The nix—55's rear panel has a smmge mmpamnem for holding the
Included wireless mi: and AC adaprm.
To detach the wmpamnem raver, loosen the M0 screws shown in
the Illustration.
The wllelessmlc and AC adaptor can be slured in the mmpartmenL
v serene
smuge cmpnmmn!
Mounting the BA-SS on the
Dedicated Stand
By using a speahe! stand (Option: sT—ASShyau can mount the BA.-
55 at the optimal height for use as a monitor speaker or simple PA
~ Always have at least one other person assist youwrten
mounting the BA-ES on a spuker stand. mwhen adjusting the
height ofthe stand whlle the BA-ss remains mounted on It.
- Be careful notto pinchyuur fingers, when you assemble,
neightaajustment knob
tripod inioh
1. Loosen tripod knob and open the tripod.
Arter opening the tripod, lighten the tripod knob again.
“ The dlstance between lower ends ollhe ("pod should be9S
em as shown In figures on the below. tithe (rlpod Is not opened
wide enough, the stand may be unstable.
thsprndfikm —>
or more tau/r)
2. Loosen heightadlustmentknnh and make uppertube
(onvenient Functions
3. Set up uppertube atthe required heightartd insert the
stopper into the hole in uppermbe.
‘ Use the Si—Ass only With the stopper inserted into upper lube.
4. Tighten helght adjustment knob.
5. Fitthe hole on the BA—SS onto upper tube.
9! cm or more mam
- The BA-ss ls designed to be used only In combination with a
Roland-manufactured speaker stand (ST-ASS).
Do not use ilwllh any ethei stand.
- As shown In the lllumflon bdow, adjust thespeaker stand toa
height of no more than 130 cm, and open the tripod w a spread
of 95 cm or more.
- Adjusting the speaker stand to a height greater than 130 (m or
the trlpod to a spread ofless than 98 cm may allow the system
to fall over, resulting in damage or personal Injury.
, Ifyou use the BA—ss Mill a speaker stand, do not place il on an
unstable or tilted lomtlon.
Vuu must place the system on a stable, horizontal location
- Cables connected (0 the BA-SS should have Enough slatk, so
that they wlll not cause an uddent if someone trlps over them.
~ To prevent accldems caused byfalllng objects, do not place
anything on top of a BA—ss that is mounted on a speaker stand.
I spueuapaN ‘ sanamrod I weds; | oue||ex| I slebueu
Examples of Using the BA—55
U 55
Van mn use the wireless mic la dallver lecturesol mesematims in a small hill of meeting room.
Seminar or lecture
- Place the BM; venimlly an a mule orsmnd.
~ Usefl'lerRELBS‘I [VOLUME knob to adjust (he vulumz 07th:
wireless mlr.
You (an use a second wlreles mic to conduct a question-and-
answel sssiun with the audience Use IhQWlIlELESS 2 [VOLUME]
knobm adjust (hevolume tithe audience mic
'Uslngaereless Mi{(p. 12)
- Place (he BA-ss vem‘nllyonz table or stand
- Use theWIREIJSS 1 [VOLUME] knob to adjustme volume af'he
wlrelss mu:
. mm audin amp“! mm campuler you’re uslng to Show me
presenfilicn ls connected tn the M4553 lINE AUDIO inputjack.
me sound from the computer can also be played through the
Use the AUBIUIINFl [VOLUME] knub to adjust (hevolume oflhe
audio from lhe mmyuur.
~ “Using a Wireless map. 12)
. ”Using an Audio Player or lnslrmenl’lp. 14)
Exam Ies of Usin the BA-SS
Background music {mm a digital audin phyar (an ha played Ihruugh Ihe BA—SS for cthdren‘k games or for spans lessons You can also use {he wireless
ml: m provlde gumam for instrucfian.
ical games for child_ren
Sports instruction
. Carmen yuur digilal audio playev or CD player m the BA-sss LINE
Use (he AUDIO/INST [VOLUME] knob to adjusi KM vulume.
"Using anAudla Mayer-m 14)
‘ Use Ihe WIRELESS 1 [VOLUME] knob to adjust lhe Voiume oflhe
Wireless mlr.
~ Cmmeclthedlgltal audio piayef or CDpiayer produdng the
background muslcm Ihe EA—SS's LINE Input jacks.
Use the AUDIO/INSTIVOIJJME] knob to adjust
the vdume.
"Using an Audio Player’m M)
\ spuzpapaN 1 sanbnuod | "weds; ‘ ouz||zz| | sleflueu ‘ qasmaa
Exameles of U 5 the BA-SS
You can use the BA-ss in stereo made to deliver high-quality musie for a street dance, or connectan demonic muslml Instrument (sum as a
keyboard) and use it wllh the wfrllss micfm a small-scale live perfnrmanca
Street dance
Instrumental perfo
- Plamlhe BA—Ss hovizonlallysothatit npmnes in germ mndL
~ Emmett me digital audin player providing lhz badgmund music
to me BA-55's LINE lnpuljacki
Use the AUDIO/INST [VOLUME knob m adjust (hevnlume.
- 'Using an Audio Player’(p. M)
- 'Play1ng thg BA—SS In Stereo' (9. 14)
~ Plxe (he BA-SS horizmlly so that ll operam In new; mode
~ Connect ynur Elenmnk lnsnumenl w (h: LINE [NSF inpuljacks.
"you‘re using a mammal insxrument such as a gunman-nae: it
- Use (he WIRELESS1 [VOLUME] knob w adjust “we Vduma ofthe
wireless mlf.
- "you're using awimd mfg connect llmthe Mic Input 1m.
Use (“WIRELESS 2 [VOLUME] knub [a adjusi the volume Offlie
wired mlc.
. [1 you want (0 apply a naluraI-soundlng mm to lhe vocal, set
the [ECHO] knob between OFF and the semi! puslfloni
- "Playing the EA»SS in Slereo“(p. 14)
- ‘Using an Instrument'ip 14)
~ 'Using aWIred Micflp. is)
- 'App|ying know (he was Saund‘(p. 15)
Examples of Using the EMS
Al a party, me master afcaemunies -n use the wireless mir. prle can also enjny singing karaoke along wiui background music.
Outdoor party
- Place the BA-SS mrlmmally so mam operates In smut: mode.
~ Connect lhedlgltal audln player pmvldlng me karaoke or
backgruund music we the mass LINE inpuljads.
Use the AUDIO/INST lvoLUMEl lamb Io adjust the volume.
- Use the WIRELES 1 lVOLuMEl knob no adjust the volume oflhe
wireless min
- "you warmo apply an emo suitable for karaoke m vmls from
the mingle! (he [ECHO] knob between the centerpasidm and
~ “Playan the us In Swee'lp, 14)
. ‘Uslngan Aualo Flames 14)
- "Applying Echntome Mlc's Sound'm 15)
- Use me WIRELESI [VOLUME] knob m adjust the volume ofthz
wireless mlr.
"Using a wireless mega 12)
l spuepapaN k sgnflnuod | louedsg | oue||zm| | slesuizu | qasmau
Ifflle system does not work as you expect. chukme lollowlng palms first
| 9mm Came Aztlan by. ' |
Zn”w'l'gnz’mvgm‘md‘“cmm'm“cm Plugtha ACmrd mmlylmmeuaaapm. 9. la
hthem:udwmflywnnmndloanlcom1fi7 Pluglthcmrduculelylr-xollullcmlen p10
anfy mm (M hamrks are lmlled In xhe mum
Pwnrwll mum an “WWW"-
m we hm“ mum “may, The BA—Ss’s powm Irldkmorwil! dlmwhen [he mm
C Id m ' h I v I m" hw‘ “9
‘x‘ “mm“ a“ '““ "“" mm mmlllresh bananas
The wfielgs miz’s power imfinmrwill blinkwhen mg ml:
mm m Inw. Raphm the balleryas scan is pusslble.
. Vallfy lhe Iype olzannxmnnd plug, 1nd make the
I; ma enamel lamp-mm mnnened mflxfiy? ( mnnmms. p I}, p. u
. Tum each 07th Buss VotUM k m rd m l lu
AlethmUMflkrmbadjunedcmacfly? “magnum“ I E‘ M ”a "9 p.|3,pll
The BA-SS'E POWER indimmvwill dim when the batteries
llm [mm Iftfle bunnies "In even lower. m rowan
Cunld the bansiesnfme BM; itself, nrnftllewireless “mm“w‘“ “M“ 9
“mm michm mnlwll mmmulfmh balmles ‘1
The wildmsmfi pnwerirldifamrw'lll bllnkwhen (he mil:
bananas run low. neplamhe banery as soon as pmlbla
Has the wireless mil: been piied'! Pailhewireless min 9. 12
- . Eldwrlumme pdwe'rollflgflln,mmmofflhe[kl."0
Camd Ihe mm pmunlffimnmn be npmnngz m cm ‘ . . p. |6
when ushg a Mud mm (nuldyml he”! “mud m the “I!“ nfllhe wlreless Ink that’s pairedwllh Ihe WIRELSS
wirelesmklhnl[smiMdWHfithelMRELBSZdumlefl “mm P"
mm the wimlus m7: be can fit away lmm fihz BA—SS? Mwe «he wlmlm mi: clown: the wss. -
slum-1 uhhurliuless mlc ls “mm" “3“ “MW“ ”d“ “ "'"'“" mm” Mwe thg wlrdtss mk elm no me BA—SS, »
lmmupmi ’ ""
Al: there ollm devices llm use the 24 G‘szind, such as Temporarily mwe those mm mm or mlwe me _
- wireless LAN or . mlnmme men? wireless m|c closer m m: nus.
Tum ugh NuwMEl kmbmwaldthe szna film the
Could ml. NOWMEI knobbe nlsed “mainly? Mum ”New!” p at p u
Soundlsdmfldgrmq Ismampmlmlfiomtfiemmeaed defianppraprmfl uwazhevnlume Mmewnnxmd mm. ”3,514
lithe humus mnrxlmvle‘lylmrhuwndmayd'lsmn ,
or Inwmmflonx m (h: sauna may cum! “high volume in?“ m “W‘s “m” “mm" “1 a ll
kvelx, buuhls «as m indlule - mallunmlwl. '
mm ml. afthe BA-Ss's wowmsl knobs mm the light
Areeodl momma kmhadjuxlzdmnmly'! mnimhewlmm M341”
|s xhe |np|rl level fiom lb: (”new d=vke wmpm: Rake me volume nl m (uh-mm devils. n l 3, p, M
hsumdemmm 1h; BA-Ssk rowan lndlmu will dim when m bmavlzs
mum the hawk; oldhe BA—SS mall, or affine wimlm m'l: ""' "m
have m low? Pleiseinsrzll flesh hurrah: p. 9
The wireless mlt‘s pawn lndlniolwill Mink when the ml:
bat-ans nm le. Replm me bmeryns soon as pcssiblf.
Main Specifications
Fumble Amplifier: BA~55
mud mm mm
Nomimllnpln We"! kHz!
Nemimloulpul Lwel n kHz)
10W + 1 ow
cHzMIc (XLRIypek-Sfldflu
AUDIO/INST {RCA phem lype): -|o dun
AUDIO/INST 15mm miniature phone Wu): -zc dau
Aunlonusr (1/"pimng lype):-M as“
LINE our. ads"
(6 rm [65 lad-es] x 2
Winks: Reuefllirm Melhcd Edam Orlghm (fut miy m—wmss)
vowsn Switch
wuuem VOLUME Knob
mamvowme Knob
CRIME 5mm" E
Eqmllur man Knob
Equafiur law Knnh
Inelawr —'
MIC 1an jacks mu type, 1/4'TRSpMM type)
lnpuq'acls Ewes mix-1mm phone type)
Inpuljazlcs (RCA phmu Iype} _
cam-am lusrlnpanpck L/MBNOflll'phanuype) %
DlsThpuliaszUlA'phanelypfl 3
LINE 0mm m phmotype)
DCIN 1m *
PmrSflpply DC l2V: Allah": battery MA, LIE] x B. Redmgsbie NI-MH bxneryM HRS) K 8, AC Mama!
Omen! an AID mA ' 5",
Enpened mam undercmtinucus Alkihne umryaw ms): appmsnms 5
ussflhesefigunswfllvavydependlng u_
m m! mm] mm”; on“) Rxhargeaifle m-Mu bakery (AA, rmsmwmx. 5 Mars
. xsswnxusmnmnnmm
Dimenslnns —
9 Icy 3
might 19 ms 14 a a»
(Excluding Emery) g
Amman“ Whales; MquR-Wme I,M!:Holden(LPWerCMdJKAd-moncwneflMmu-I *
npfinns (snld sepinlaly] Speaker Stand (Sr-AQEMMve‘IeSs MIC DRJWMSS)
~ ndnu 0.775 Vums f
* In the interest nf pmdun impravement, (he spedfimlans and/er appearance of this unit are subjm (a change wuhom prior natlze, 3
All ilghls mama. No pm av mus publlmtinn may be reproduced In any form wilhcut file wrmen permlsslan of ROLAND conwonmon.
Roland Is a rngslefed lradamark of Roland Corpomtlan In me Unilfld Slates and/or other countries.

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