Roost TOSV Wireless Battery User Manual

Roost Inc. Wireless Battery Users Manual

Users Manual

10/13/2015 GetstartedwithRoostSmartBattery 1/7(index.html)GETSTARTEDWITHROOSTInmostcases,setuptakesminutes!WelcometoRoost!It'seasytogetgoingwithyourSmartBattery,andthispagewilltakeyouthroughsetupstepbystep.Youdon’tneedanytoolsorhubs–youjustneedafewthingstogetstartedwithyourSmartBattery:orjustfollowthe3stepguidebelow.Asmokealarmthatusesa9voltbatteryforbackuporprimarypowerAniOSorAndroidsmartphoneAWiFi®network(andpasswordifyouhaveone)WA TC HOU RSETU PVIDEO(H TTPS://WWW.YOU TU BE.COM/WATCH?V=LBWWC XZE0_ 0)Help
10/13/2015 GetstartedwithRoostSmartBattery 2/7Step1:GettheRoostappandcreateyouraccountEnableLocationCreateAccountGettheRoostappDownloadandinstalltheRoostmobileappbysearchingfor"RoostSmartBattery"intheiTunesorGooglePlayappstore.YoucansearchdirectlyfromtheappstoreonyoursmartphoneorclickbelowtoaddtheappropriateRoostapp.Next,opentheRoostappandfollowtheinstallationinstructionswithintheapp.Questions?PleasevisitourTroubleshootingpage.DownloadforiOS(smartbattery/id975933208?mt=8)DownloadforAndroid(
10/13/2015 GetstartedwithRoostSmartBattery 3/7Step2:ConnectyourSmartBatteryDefineaLocationConnecttoWiFiSetupConnectionAddaSmartBatteryAfteryou’vecreatedyouraccount,youarereadytosetupyourSmartBatteryandconnectittoWiFi.Beforeyoustart,makesurethatyoursmartphoneisconnectedtoyourhomeWiFi.Togetstarted,pullthecleartaboutofyourSmartBattery.YouwillhearanaudiowelcometoneindicatingthatyourSmartBatteryhaspoweredon.Thenselect“AddNow”intheRoostapptosetupanewSmartBattery.AddASmartBattery
10/13/2015 GetstartedwithRoostSmartBattery 4/7Step3:InstallandTesttheSmartBatteryinyourSmokeAlarmTestAlarmInsertBatteryRemoveyourold9Vbattery.ThenremovetheclearprotectivecapatthetopofyourSmartBattery.Youcanreusethistosafelydisposeofyourcurrent9Vbatterybysimplysnappingitontheterminalsoftheold9Vfordisposal.InstallyourSmartBatteryinyoursmokealarm,insertingitjustasyouwouldaconventional9Vbattery.Congratulations,you’vesetupyourSmartBattery!Roostcannowhelpyouremotelymonitorandprotectyourlovedonesinyourhome.InsertBattery
10/13/2015 GetstartedwithRoostSmartBattery 5/7GetmoreassurancewithotherRoostSmartBatteryappfeaturesEmergencycontactsCheckingStatusAlertnotificationsWhathappenswhenIreceiveanalertnotificationonmysmartphone?Mostofthetime,yourSmartBatterywillbesilentlyandreliablyworkingtomonitoryourhome'ssmokealarm.Inthecaseofalert,you'llreceiveanotificationonyoursmartphone.Youwillalsobeabletoopentheapptosilenceyouralarm,seewhichofyourinvitedmonitorsarenearthealarm,orcallemergencycontacts.WhenyourSmartBatterydetectsanalertfromyoursmokeorCOalarm,youwillreceiveaAlertNotifications
10/13/2015 GetstartedwithRoostSmartBattery 6/7notificationonyoursmartphone.Ifyoutaponthisnotification,it'llopenuptheRoostappandrevealseveraloptions:CallEmergencyContactViewMonitorsSnoozeAlarmWhenyouSnoozeAlarm,thiswillsilenceyouralarmforalimitedamountoftime.Thisisespeciallyhandywhenyouhaveafalsealarm(say,burnthetoast).Pleasenotethatthisfeatureonlyworkswithalarmsthatareonlypoweredby9VbatteriesandarenothardwiredtoA/Cpower.SnoozetheAlarm
10/13/2015 GetstartedwithRoostSmartBattery 7/7(additionalhelp?GototheHelpCenterContact(contact.html) / Jobs(roostjobs.html) / Blog(blog.html) /Support( /PressKit( Buy(©2015AllRightsReservedbyRoost,Inc.Privacy(privacy.html)/Terms(terms.html)
Roost Important Information©  2015  Roost,  Inc.  All  rights  reserved.  TheRoost™ word mark and logo are trademarks ofRoost, Inc. The Wi-Fi Certified Logo is a logo ofWi-Fi Alliance®. All other logos and trademarksare the property of their respective owners.See for a list ofapplicable patents and/or patent applications.No  part  of  this  publication  may  be  stored,reproduced, transmitted or distributed, in whole orin part, in any manner, electronic or otherwise,whether  or  not  for  a  charge  or  other  or  noconsideration, without the prior written permissionof Roost, Inc. Requests for permission to store,reproduce, transmit or distribute materials may bemade to the following address:Roost, Inc.955 Benecia AvenueSunnyvale, CA 94085User Guide Version: 1.0Publication date: September 1, 2015support@getroost.com1) CompatibilityThe Roost Smart Battery is compatible onlywith smoke and CO alarms that use a 9-voltbattery, including those hard-wired with 9Vbattery backup.Requires  iOS 7  or  Android  4.2  (or  higher)devices, Wi-Fi®access and installation of freeRoost iOS or Android app.2) FCC NoticeThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCCRules. Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions: (1) this device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device mustaccept  any  interference  received,  includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.CAUTION:Changes  or  modifications  to  this  unit  notexpressly approved by Roost, Inc. could voidthe user’s authority to operate this equipment.Note:  This  equipment  has been  tested andfound to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designed to providereasonable  protection  against  harmfulinterference in a residential installation. Thisequipment  generates  uses  and  can  radiateradio frequency energy and, if not  installedand used in accordance with the instructions,may  cause  harmful  interference  to  radiocommunications.  However,  there  is  noguarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment doescause  harmful  interference  to  radio  ortelevision reception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on, the useris encouraged to try to correct the interferenceby one or more of the following measures:– Reorient or relocate the Roost Smart Battery– Consult for help3) Safety InformationWARNING: Do not expose this Smart Batteryto excessive heat, direct sunlight, or fire. Donot  expose  to  excessive  humidity,  rain,moisture or other liquids.Store battery at room temperature between40 and 80 degrees F for best results.Do not attempt to recharge smart battery with aLithium Polymer/Li-ion, NiMH or NiCd charger.The Roost Smart Battery is not rechargeable. Do  not  store  in close  proximity with  otherbatteries.  Do  not  let  the  battery  terminalstouch the terminals of other batteries.Insert battery properly to the positive (+) and thenegative  (-)  terminals.  Installing  the  batteryincorrectly could lead to leakage or explosions.4) Disposal InformationBattery Must be Recycled or Disposed of Properly.When  the  Roost  Smart  Battery  is  no  longerfunctional,  please  dispose  of  the  replaceablelithium ion battery pack properly, followingthe  guidelines  in  accordance  with  applicableregulations for your country. In most countries,lithium ion batteries must be recycled.You  can  purchase  replacements  for the 9Vlithium battery in your Roost Smart Battery Do not attempt to replace yourbattery with a battery from another manufacturer. 5) No Lifesaving Uses of the ServicesThe Roost Smart battery app (including mobileand web applications), the smart battery device,and the smart battery device software may becollectively referred to as the “Services”.The Roost Smart Battery is not an alarm. Theapps and device software are intended to beaccessed and used for non-critical informationand control of the smart battery. You will notrely on the Services for any health, lifesaving,or  emergency  purposes.  Under  nocircumstances should  you  enter into a life-threatening  environment.  The  Services  (ontheir own or in combination with third-partyproducts  or  services)  are not  a third-partymonitored emergency notification system andare  not  certified  for  emergency  response.Roost will not dispatch emergency authoritiesto your home in the event of an emergency.Mobile  notifications  are  provided  forinformational purposes only and are not asubstitute  for  a  third-party  monitoredemergency  notification  system.  In  caseswhere it is critical for health, life safety, orother  purposes,  accessing  informationthrough or in connection with the Servicesis  not  a  substitute  for  obtaining  theinformation  from  observing  the  situationdirectly.  Roost  makes  no  warranty  orrepresentation that use of the Services (aloneor with any third-party product or service) willaffect or increase safety. The company cannotand does not provide specific information onwhat to do in an emergency situation in yourhome or elsewhere. It is your responsibility toeducate  yourself on  how  to  respond  to  anemergency and to respond according to thespecifics of your situation.Roost cannot and does not guarantee thatyou will receive notifications within a certaintime  or  at  all.  While  Roost  aims  for  theServices to be highly reliable and available,Roost does not offer any specific  uptimeguarantee for the Services and the Servicesare not intended to be reliable or available100%  of  the  time.  The  apps  and  devicesoftware  may  be  suspended  temporarilywithout notice for security reasons, systemfailure,  maintenance  and  repair,  or  othercircumstances. The Services are subject tosporadic  interruptions  and  failures  for  avariety  of  reasons  beyond  Roost’s  control,including issues related to electrical or batteryfailure,  wireless  connectivity  and  serviceprovider and carrier uptime. You will not beentitled  to  any  refund  or  rebate  for  suchsuspensions, interruptions or failures. Roostis not responsible for (and you are responsiblefor)  any  damages  allegedly  caused  by  thefailure or delay of the apps or device softwareto reflect current status or notifications.The  apps  or  device  software  will  not  beaccessible without: (i) always-on broadbandInternet access and a working Wi-Fi networkin your home that communicates reliably withthe Company’s products; (ii)  mobile clientssuch as a supported phone or tablet; and (iii)other  hardware  or  software  that  may  bespecified by Roost. It is your responsibility toensure that you have  all  required hardwareand  software  and  that  such  hardware  andsoftware  are  compatible  and  properlyconfigured.  The  Services  may not  work asdescribed  when  the  requirements  andcompatibility  have  not  been  met.  You  areresponsible  for  all  fees  charged  by  theproviders  of such  hardware  or  software  inconnection with your use of the Services.6) Roost Smart Battery Limited WarrantyPlease note: All claims made under the RoostSmart Battery One-Year Limited Warranty willbe  governed  by  the  terms  set  out  in  thiswarranty document.Roost, Inc. (“Roost”) warrants to the originalpurchaser only that the Roost Smart Battery(“Product”)  shall  be  free  from  defects  inmaterials and workmanship under normal usefor a period of ONE (1) YEAR from the date oforiginal retail purchase (“Warranty Period”).RoostImportantInformation
1. REMEDIES.If a defect in materials or workmanship arisesand a valid claim is received by Roost during theWarranty Period, Roost, at its option and to theextent permitted by law, will (1) repair theProduct  at  no  charge  using new  parts orpreviously used parts that are equivalent to newin performance and reliability, or (2) exchangethe  Product  with  a  product  with  equivalentfunctionality formed from new and/or previouslyused  parts  that  are  equivalent  to  new  inperformance and reliability or, with your consent,a product that is at least functionally equivalentto the product it replaces. If Roost is unableto provide a replacement and repair is notcommercially practicable or cannot be timelymade, Roost may refund the original purchaseprice you paid for the Product. In the event of adefect, to the extent permitted by law, these areyour sole and exclusive remedies. Shipping andhandling charges may apply except whereprohibited by applicable  law. This LimitedWarranty is valid only in jurisdictions where theProduct is sold by Roost itself or through itsauthorized reseller or agent, and is valid to theextent  permitted  by  applicable  laws  of  suchjurisdictions. Any replacement Product will bewarranted for the remainder of the originalWarranty  Period  or  for  thirty  (30)  days,whichever is longer, or for any additionalperiod of time that may be applicable in thejurisdiction in which purchaser resides.2. HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE.To obtain warranty service, you must obtain aReturn Material Authorization (RMA) from ourcustomer service team. For specific informationon how to obtain warranty service on yourProduct, contact Roost using the informationdescribed at Whenyou contact Roost via telephone, you may berequired to pay call charges depending on yourlocation. Please contact your network operatorfor details. Proof of purchase may be required toverify eligibility. If Roost determines that yourProduct is eligible for mail-in service, Roost willprovide you with an RMA and send you prepaidwaybills and applicable packaging material, sothat you may ship your Product to Roost. Roostwill pay for shipping to and from your location ifyou follow Roost’s instructions regarding themethod of packaging and shipping the Product.Otherwise, you  will be  required  to reimburseRoost for shipping to and from your location. Byreturning the Product to Roost, you agree totransfer ownership to Roost. Any Productreturned to Roost without a valid warranty claimor without a RMA may be rejected, returned atyour cost (subject to prepayment) or kept forthirty  (30)  days  for  your  pick-up  and  thendisposed of in Roost’s sole discretion.3. EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS.This Limited Warranty applies  only  to  theProduct manufactured by or for Roost that canbe identified by  the “Roost”  trademark, tradename or logo affixed to it. The Limited Warrantydoes not apply to any (a) Roost products andservices other than the Product, or (b) the Roostmobile  application  and  the  related  servicesprovided by Roost that are enabled via the Roostmobile application or the Product. Please referto  the  Terms of  Service  that  accompany  theRoost mobile application for details regardingyour rights with respect to its use.This Limited Warranty excludes normal depletionand wear or tear, unless failure has occurred dueto  a  defect  in  materials  or  workmanship.  Inaddition, this Limited Warranty does not applyto: (a) damage caused by use with non-Roostproducts;  (b)  damage  caused  by  abuse,accident, modifications, unauthorized repairs orother causes that are not defects in materials andworkmanship; (c) damage caused by operatingthe Product outside the permitted or intendeduses  described  by  Roost  or  with  impropervoltage or power supply; (d) damage caused byexposure  to  excessive  heat,  humidity,  rain,moisture or other liquids or handling, storage oruse  of  the  Product  in  a  manner  contrary  toRoost’s user instructions; or (e) damage causedby service performed by anyone who is not arepresentative of Roost. This warranty is void ifa Product is returned with removed, damaged,or tampered labels or any alterations (includingunauthorized removal of any external cover).No  Roost  reseller,  agent  or  employee  isauthorized to make any modification, extensionor addition to this Limited Warranty.In no event shall Roost be liable for (a) loss ordamage, which as of the product’s purchasecannot  be  regarded  as  being  caused  byRoost’s breach of these warranty terms; or (b)losses caused by the user’s fault.4. IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS.EXCEPT  TO  THE  EXTENT  PROHIBITED  BYAPPLICABLE LAW, ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIESAND CONDITIONS  (INCLUDING WARRANTIESAND  CONDITIONS  OF  MERCHANTABILITYAND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE)SHALL  BE  LIMITED  IN  DURATION  TO  THEDURATION OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. Somejurisdictions do not allow limitations on theduration of an implied warranty or condition,so the above limitation may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights,and you may also have other rights that varyfrom state to state.5. LIMITATION OF DAMAGES.EXCEPT  TO  THE  EXTENT  PROHIBITED  BYAPPLICABLE  LAW,  ROOST  SHALL  NOT  BELIABLE  FOR  ANY  INCIDENTAL,  INDIRECT,SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ORFOR  ANY  LOSS  OF  PROFITS  REVENUE  ORDATA,  RESULTING  FROM  ANY  BREACH  OFEXPRESS  OR  IMPLIED  WARRANTY  ORCONDITION  OR  UNDER  ANY  OTHER  LEGALTHEORY, EVEN IF ROOST HAS BEEN ADVISEDOF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES ANDREGARDLESS  OF  THE  FORM  OF  ACTION,WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDINGNEGLIGENCE)  OR  ANY  OTHER  LEGAL  OREQUITABLE THEORY. Any limitations of liabilityin this warranty document shall not apply to(i) death or personal injury pursuant toany mandatory law on product liability; (ii)fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; (iii)intentional misconduct or gross negligence; (iv)or  a  culpable  breach  of  major  contractualobligations. Some jurisdictions do not allow theexclusion  or  limitation  of  special,  indirect,incidental or consequential damages, so the abovelimitation or exclusion may not apply to you. 6. GOVERNING LAW.This Limited Warranty shall be governed bythe  laws  of  the  State  of  California,  USA,without giving effect to any conflict of lawsprinciples that may provide for the applicationof the law of another jurisdiction.7. SEVERABILITY.If any term is held to be illegal or unenforceable,it shall be severed from this Limited Warrantyand the legality or enforceability of the remainingterms shall not be affected.8. NATIONAL STATUTORY RIGHTS.Consumers in some jurisdictions may have legalrights under applicable national legislationgoverning the sale of consumer goods, including,without limitation, national laws implementingEC Directive 99/44. These rights are not affectedby the warranties in this Limited Warranty.For Australian consumers: The rights described inthis warranty are in addition to the statutory rightsto  which  you  may  be  entitled  under  theCompetition and Consumer Act 2010 and otherapplicable Australian consumer protection lawsand regulations. Our goods come with guaranteesthat  cannot  be  excluded  under  the  AustralianConsumer Law. You are entitled to a replacementor refund for a major failure and for compensationfor  any  other  reasonably  foreseeable  loss  ordamage. You are also entitled to have the goodsrepaired or replaced if  the  goods fail to  be ofacceptable quality and the failure does not amountto a major failure. Repair of the goods may resultin loss of data. Goods presented for repair may bereplaced by refurbished goods of the same typerather than being repaired. Refurbished parts maybe used to repair the goods.For Canadian Consumers: Residents of Quebecare  governed  by  that  province’s  consumerprotection legislation.For purchases made by consumers in the UnitedKingdom and Ireland: If a product is defectiveconsumers may, in addition to any other rightswhich they may have under consumer law in theUK and Ireland, avail themselves of the rightscontained in: for products purchased in Ireland:the  Sale  of  Goods  Act,  1893  (in  particularSections 12, 13, 14 and 15), the Sale of Goodsand  Supply  of  Services  Act,1980  and  theEuropean Communities (Certain Aspects of theSale  of  Consumer  Goods  and  AssociatedGuarantees)  Regulations  2003  (S.I.  No.11/2003); for products purchased in the UK: theSale of Goods Act 1979 (in particular Section12), the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982(in particular Section 2) and the Sale and Supplyof Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002.

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