Ryobi 720R User Manual WEEDWACKER Manuals And Guides L0806900
RYOBI Line Trimmers/Weedwackers, Gas Manual L0806900 RYOBI Line Trimmers/Weedwackers, Gas Owner's Manual, RYOBI Line Trimmers/Weedwackers, Gas installation guides
User Manual: Ryobi 720R 720R RYOBI WEEDWACKER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your RYOBI WEEDWACKER #720R. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Ryobi Parts:Ryobi WEEDWACKER Manual
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THANK YOU Thank you for purchasing this quality product. This modern outdoor power tool is designed to provide you with many hours of useful service. You will find it to be a great laborsaving device. This manualprovidesyou with easy-to-understand operatinginstructions.Read the entire manualand followall of the maintenance and service proceduresto keep your newoutdoorpowertool in top operatingcondition. PRODUCT SYMBOL MEANING WARNING: REFERENCES, ILLUSTRATIONS THE PURPOSE OF SAFETY SYMBOLS IS TO ATTRACT YOUR ATTENTION TO POSSIBLE DANGERS. THE SAFETY SYMBOLS. AND THE EXPLANATIONS WITH THEM, DESERVE YOUR CAREFUL ATTENTION AND UNDERSTANDING. THE SAFETY WARNINGS DO NOT BY THEMSELVES ELIMINATE ANY DANGER, THE INSTRUCTIONS OR WARNINGS THEY GIVE ARE NOT SUBSTITUTES FOR PROPER ACCIDENT PREVENTION MEASURES. AND SPECIFICATIONS NOTE: All information, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on the latest product information available at the time of printing, We reserve the right to make changes at any time without notice. SERVICE INFORMATION Service on this unit both within and after the warranty period should be performed only by an authorized and approved service dealer. Dial 1-800-345-8746 Failuretoobey a safety warningcan resultin injury to yourselfand others. Advises you of information or instructions vital to me operation or maintenance of the equipment. WARNING Always follow the safety precautions to reduce the risk ot tire_ electric shock and personal injury, in the United States or 1-800-265-8778 in Canada to obtain the listing of the authorized service dealer nearest you. Make sure this manual is carefully read and understood before starting or operating this equipment. Do not return the unit to the retailer. Also refer to the operator's manual of the power unit for additional safety warnings. 2 w SPECIAL SAFETY WARNINGS FOR ELECTRIC TRIMMERS AND LAWN EDGERS IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS! BEFORE OPERATION: Carefully read and understand the operator's manual of the unit that powers this attachment. Inspect the area to be edged before starting the unit. Remove all debris, and hard and sharp objects such as rocks or glass, which may be thrown by the blade. WHILE OPERATING: Always wear safety goggles!glasses at all times when using the unit. They provide protection against flying objects and dust. Wear a dust mask if use will create a dust laden environment. * = * . Dress properly. Avoid wearing clothing with loose strings, chains, ties, era. Keep blade and guard clear of debris. Keep clothing and body parts away from the cutting edger blade. Do not edge near other people, The edger could propel small objects at high speed, causing injury. Never attempt to clear the blade and guard of debris with the engine/motor running. Never operate the edger without the blade cover in place and properly secured in working order. Stay clear of the rotating blades. Maintain blade condition, Keep hands and feet away from cutting area. After striking a foreign object, stop the engine and inspect the edger for damage and repair before restarting it. Use the edger only in a well-ventilated area, Keep bystanders, especially children, and pets at least 30ft (9.1 m) away. Look behind and use care when backing up. Never operate without good visibility or light, Exercise caution to avmd slipping or falling, AFTER :3o not use n rain. Avoid dangerous environments - never operate edger n damp or wet conditions. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not expose the unit to ram or operate unit on wet ground. Always unplug the unit and allow it to cool before putting it into storage. Store indoors. Always unplug the unit when not in use_and before performing any maintenance or repairs. SPECIAL SAFETY WARNINGS FOR GAS TRIMMERS AND LAWN EDGERS Avoid spilling the fuel when mixing the oil. Do not smoke while fueling the power unit. Fuel the power unit in a well-ventilated area. Move away from the fueling area when starting the unit. Do not smoke while operating the unit. Store n an area free of potential fuel vapor gnitio_ sources such as open fIamas (pilot lights) or electrical sparking devices (switches, electric motors). Turn off the engine and let it cool before refueling or before putting the unit in storage. OPERATING: Only qualified personnel should perform any repairs or maintenance procedures that are not described in this manual. 3 SAFETY AND INTERNATIONAL SYMBOLS This operator's manual describes safety and international symbols and pictographs that may appear on this product. Read the operator's manual for complete safety, assembly, operating and maintenance and repair information. SYMBOL SIGNIFICATION SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL, Indicates caution, warning, or danger. May be used in conjunction with other symbols or pictographs. READ OPERATOR'S MANUAL, Failure to follow operating instructions and safety precautions in operator's manual can result in serious injury. Read operator's manual before starting or operating this unit. WEAR EYE AND HEARING PROTECTION. Warning. Thrown objects and loud noise can cause severe eye injury and hearing k:_. Wear ear and eye protection when operating this unit, 0 = FOR SERVICE INFORMATION, USA: 1=800-345-8746 CANADA: 1-800-265-6778 4 CALL: BOOM COUPLrR Jl Your unit may or may not be completely assembled. If it is not assembled, use the following instructions, Loosen the 2 cover wing screws and swivel cover. Install the carriage bolt through the housing and secure the wheel bracket assembly with the adjustment knob and flat washer. Make sure the carriage bolt is properly seated mrough the housing (Fig. 1). 1. Loosen the wing screws of the Split Boom ®coupler. This will allow the lower (attachment} boom to be inserted into the coupler (Fig. 4). The edger is designed to cut deep edges along paths, driveways, rockeries etc. It may be necessary to first dig a smell trench along the edge so the blade can rotate at speed. By regularly edging the path. the trench will be maintained and the blade will cut effectively. 2, 3, Fig. 4 2. f 3, Fig. 1 2. Pull the flex shaft out of the boom about 51 "am {2 inL Insert the shaft into the square hole in the housing (Fig. 2), Remove the protective coverfrom the {owerboom and oush it intothe coupler(Fig 5). The illustration below shows the typical operating position. Edge along paths, driveways, gardens (Fig. 7). Before locking the release button into the coupler, rotate the boom 90 oegrees; then rotate the lower boom back 90 degrees. This will ensure the drive shafts in both the upper and lower booms are engaged, Fig. 7 / / Coupler Wing Screw Fig. 5 4. Fig. 2 3. Do not force the unit into deep overgrown edges because this may cause damage to the blade or drive mechanism. Back out the anti-rotation screw ana push the boom assembly into the casting, Rotate until the hole in the boom is aligned with the hole in the casting, Install the anti-rotation screw and tighten the clamp screw (Fig. 3). 4. To adjust the blade cutting depth. loosen the adjustment knob above the wheel. Slide the bracket into the desired position and retighten the knob (Fig. 8). Locate and lock the release button into the hole in the coupler (Fig. 5). Check the sight hole to make sure both ends of the boom are together (Fig. 6). Tighten me wing screws before using. 5. To remove the attachment, loosen the wing screws, push the release I_uttonand pull the lower boom straight out of the coupler (Fig, 6), Wing Fig. 8 Coupler Fig, 3 Fig. 6 5¸ I BLADE CLEANING/ REPLACEMENT If you do not have a torque wrench, thread the lock nut onto the brush blade by hand as tightly as possible (Fig. 12). Using an open-ended wrench, rotate the nut 1/4-1/2 of afullturn (Fig, 13). The torque of the nut should be within the required specifications of 225-250 in.lb (25.3-28.1 N.m). Grease Plug WARNING Always wear gloves while installing or handling the blade. Fig. 14 ! sPEc, ,cAIioNs 1, To clean or replace the blade, with engine/motor turned off. loosen the 2 wing screws and the swivel cover (Fig. 9). Operating Weight Fig, 11 5.25 Ibs. (2.36 kg) Fig. 12 Fig. 9 2. qamova the blade by inserting the locking rod tool into the blade driver slot and loosen the lock nul clockwise with a wrench, Remove the nut, retainer washer and blade (Fig. 10). Fig. 13 5. Fig. 10 3_ 4_ 6 Install the blade, retainer washer and lock nut. Insert the locking rod tool into the slot or blade driver. Proper care should be taken to ensure that the blade stays in its _roper position, If you have a torque wrench. tighten the lock nut to 225-250 inoib (25.3-28.1 N.m), while holding the locking rod in the locking rod slot (Fig. 11), Checkthe gear housing for lubricant every 50 hours of operation, Remove the grease fill plug to check the lubricant level, it should be up tb the bottom edge of check hole. If low, bring up to. but not over, the bottom edge with a good quality, lithium-based. #2. multi-purpose grease, Securely t_ghtenthe fill plug to prevent leakage (Fig, 14). of Attachment: PARTS LIST - MODEL LE720r i Serial no. 407061541 and greater. PART NAME 1 2 3 4 612605 180199 180198 684067 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 613216 684068 613217 684069 613218 613219 684070 684071 Hanger Drive Shaft Housing Assembly Drive Shaft Assembly Gear Box Assembly (includes items 7, 14 and 15) Wheel Wheel Mounting Bolt Assembly Driver, Blade Adjustment Knob Assembly Deflector Guide Bracket Mounting Boll AsSembly, Set Mounting Boll Set, Cover ITEM 13 14 15 16 17 180103 613221 613222 180064 613224 613226 180014 Cover Retaining Nut Retaining Washer Blade Guard Looking Rod Blade Retainer Kit (item,s 14 & 15) not shown 7 Limited Two-Year RYOBI AMERICA CORP. w=ffards esch new RYOBI Product for two (2) yeirs according to the fo,o_ng terms, TIhls warranty extends to the original retail pL_chas_t on ty and commences of c_iginel retail I_Chese. on the date Any pad _ the RYOB Productrnanofanturedct supplied by RYOBI and foundin the reasoners judgement of RYOBI to he defective In m_edaJ or worktl_anshlpw_lDe ret:_dtedot rel_aCedbyin autpodzed RYOBIservicedealerwithourchirge _r _ _d labor. The RYOGI Product liY:lldl_aW dlf6._lve plrl m,ll be r¢umiKI to =n m_r_ori=_ II'.'!_'l_ d_r "oth]n the warr e_y I_i_t, The e_4_,lmx of d_l,'er_g the RY_I product to the deBler _r w_rsi_ _ and _ _ of r_ucnlng I! I:_k to ihe owner I_er _r or mpI_m_l "_11he pold f_ bythe ow. RY_Ps r _l_n_Nl_ In m_ to €_l_ _ _ed to r_hlng U_ _lulrpo ml:_sl_s or _l_lmt,,ts and no claim of b_=i_ of w_'s_ shell be _u_ f_ _UOIon or r_i_o_ of the _ntr_ of sa!e _ _ deale_ ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE TWO (2) YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD OR NINETY (90) DAYS FOR PRODUCTS USED FOR ANY COMMERCIAL PURPOSE. ACCORDINGLY, ANY SUCH IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE, ARE DISCLAIMEOIN THEIR ENTIRETYAFTER THE EXPIRATIONOF THE APPROPRIATE TWO-YEAR OR NINETY DAY WARRANTY PERIOD. RYOB_'S OBLIGATIONUNDER THISWARRANTY,I_ STRICTLY AND EXCLUSWELYLIMITED TO THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENTCF DEFECTIVEPARTE.AND ROP DOES NOT ASSUME OR AUTRORIZE ANYONE TO ASSUME FOR THEM ANY OTHER OBLIGATION. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITA_ONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPUED WARRANTY LASTS. SO THE ABOVE UMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. RYOEI ASEUME_ NO RESPONEII_UTY FOR INCIDENTAL. CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER 3AMAGE_ INCLUDING. EUT NOT LIMITED TO EXPENSE OF RETURNING THE RYOBI PRODUCT TOAN AUTHORIZED SERVICE DEALERAND EXPENEEOF OEUVERING IT BACK TO THE OWN E R. MECHANIC'S TRAVEL TIME. TELE pHONIE OR TELEGRAM CHARGEE. RENTAL OF A LiKE PRODUCT DURING THE TIME WARRANTY _ERVICE IE BEING PERFORMED. TRAVEL¸ LOSS OR DAMAGE TO PERSONAL PROPERTY. LOSS OF REVENUE. LOSE CF USE OP THE PRODUCT. LOSS OF TIME. OR INCONVENIENCE. SOME STATE_ DO NOT ALLOW THE This warranty Is Itrded to nl_ety {90) d=ys from fhe d=e ot or;glnil rntlnt p_se fo{ iny RYOBI Produnt thai _ used foerettt_l or corra'r_tc{al pu_poses.o¢ any omer income* producing purpose. This wtirranty does no_ oover =ny RYOEI Pmdu= thld has been SUb_ to nl_Me, negle_, tlegllgeflce, or ilcc_, or thid has been opet nted In in)* way contr=Pj to the opetaung InStruction= as _ified _'1the RYOEI Opor_dofs Man_aL This weffmnly _oes notepplytoanyo_m_ge tothe RYOBI Produ_ that Isthe ruult of ImProper rnsmten_nce or 1oiny RYOBI Product that has blen altered or modified 1o as to _'ve_d:_ reflect the WOOU_ operattom, mertormmP_ or dgr=bil_y or thmt he= been mitered o¢ mod_ _ _ to chatv3e it.sIntended use. Th= waa'm r_ does not exter_ to _POk$ made neoe_P/ by nmmmlWear or by the uw of _ or _ _leh sm e_her I_ll_e with the RYOBI Warranty Ploduct o_ adversely affect P_ operstb_t. _ertorrt_tt_ In iddiEo_, this war,Tartly does not cover: A. Tune-ups - Spark Plug_ Ce_u_or A_llU_mems, B, We_r _er_ - Bumt_ Knobs, Outer Spools, _arter Rope_ EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION SC THE ABOVE LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR EXCLUSION OR CON_EOUENTIAL OAMAGE$. MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. This warranty gives you specific legal ttghts, and you may also have other rights which vi_*_yfrom st_de t_ slate, This warranty apples to _III RYOEI Un_ed States sod Cana_. Prc_unts ma_ufec_ured by RYO8I To locate your _mst selvlee dealer dl=d 1-800-345 1.800-265-677E in Canod=. and sold In the 8746 in the Utlitod Stat_s or or durabl_y. =l#em Cutting Line, Inne_ Reels, 5tarter PuI_y, RYO_I tesetw*s me ngrd to Change or Improve the design of any RYOEI P iod_ct wit hOUl a_umtng any obl_llon to modi_ eny product ptevk_sly rr_ttur_u_eo RYOBI AMERICA CORP. 5201 Psarman Dairy Rd Anderson. SC 29622-1207 U,S.A. RYOBI CANADA iNC. 275 industrial Rd Cambridge, Ontano NIR 6K2 CANADA OPERATOR'S MANUAL PART NO. 180936 PRINTED IN U.S,A, REV. A 9/94 ENGINE PARTS - MODEL 720r t_m P_ 1 180349 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 180350 180351 180352 180353 180984 682048 180092 610675 883974 180354 11 12 13 !4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 147573 180022 612115 180026 682041 610309 610308 812134 147580 180000 147290 682039 145308 153520 683078 180929 145918 180535 613102 180930 61 t061 180035 610300 2 i llll, i i Carbureter/Air Cleaner Cover Assembly (includes item 2) Air Cleaner Filter Carburetor MountingScrew Assembly Wavey Washer Choke Lever and Plate Carburetor Assembly WiLimiter Caps Throttle Adjustment Assembly (Walbro) Throttle Adjustment Assembly (Zama) Carburetor Gasket (10 peck) Primer and Hose Assembly Carburetor Mount Assembly (includes items 11 and 13) Reed Assembly Power Shaft Assembly Carburetor Mount Gasket (10 pask) Crankcase Service Assembly (items 12, 14-17) Inner Bearing Assembly Seal Outer Bearing Assembly Rear MounlJng Pad Fuel Tank Assembly (includes items 20-22) Fuel Cap Assembly Return Line Assembly Fuel LineAssembly Front Mounting Pad Shroud Assembly Shroud Extension and Stand Flywheel Assembly Spacer Recoil Pulley Assembly Recoil Spring Pulley Retainer Assembly Rope Guide Switch Assembly Pull Handle tt_m 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 613103 180101 153591 153592 612468 683601 145888 183597 180036 683390 610311 180980 180119 147575 180063 147012 610674 180034 180011 153308 180090 153309 180091 180530 18OO27 610678 147544 180986 Rope Starter Housing Assembly Clutch Rotor Assembly Clutch Drum Assembly Spring Clutch Cover Assembly Clutch Cover Screw Assembly Upper Clamp Assembly Wire Lead Module Assembly Spark Plug Exhaust Gasket Muffler Assembly Muffler Mounting Boll Assembly Cylinder Assembly Piston and Rod Assembly Cylinder Gasket (10 pack) Engine Hardware Kit Engine Gasket Kit O,E.M Carburetor Repair Kit 0NaJbre) O.E.M Carburetor Repair Kit (Zama) Gasket-Diaphragm Repair Kit (WaJbro) Gasket-Diaphragm Repair Kit (Zama) Piston Ring Short Block Assembly (items 12, 14-17, 48-50) Flywheel Key (10 pack) Starter Housing Screw Set Carburetor Limiter Cap Set not shown The above part numbers are for senal numbers 503136551 and greater. BOOM & TRIMMER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 180981 61O314 180975 180021 180127 180339 683295 612021 612381 180687 683605 683606 683607 180340 153597 683608 145570 145567 153312 180531 683274 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 145569 682061 153313 153619 145566 610660 610317 153600 153066 PARTS - MODEL 720r .......... Thmttie Housing and Trigger Assembly Throttle Trigger Spring Throttle Trigger Throttle Cable Housing Assembly Throttle Cable Upper Drive Shaft Housing Assembly Handle Bracket Assembly Tube Closure Grip J-Handle Assembly (includes items 8 & 9) Split Boom Coupler Coupling Bolt Assembly Adjustment Knob Set Lower Drive Shaft Housing Assembly Lower C_amp Assembly Lower Flexible Drive Shaft Retaining Ring Washer Bushing Housing Assembly Guard Mounting Screw Assembly Guard and Blade Assembly (includes item 23) Anti-Rotation Screw Blade Assembly Spool Shaft Outer Spool and Eyelet Assembly Eyelet Retainer (10 pack) Spring Inner Reel Bump Head Knob Assembly OPtional Accessories 610375 Monoflait Cutting Line, 50 ft. 153577 Spool and Line Assembly 147823 Complete Cutting Head Assembly (includes items 15, 17-30) 682075 Shoulder Strap Assembly 147541R Ryobi 2-Cycle Oil (48 4-oz bottles) not shown 3 Replacement Brushcatter B_ade Fits 284,740r, 750r, 780r, 780re, 780rb, 790r, 865r, 885r, 990r Shoulder Strap Assembly Fits al! gas and electric models Brusheutter Kit includes J-Handle, Blade and Hardware For model 865r only P/N 145873r PIN 682075r PIN 500795 8made Retaining Kit Fits LE720, 780r, 780re 780rb, 790r, 885r, 885r and 990r 81ade Retaining Kit Fits 284, 740r, 750r 2oCycMeEngine Oi! All 2-cycle models Faam Filter All gas models except 865r and 885r Edger Blade For LE72Or, 720Er and 780re PtN 180014r P/N 180015r PIN147543r P/N180350r P/N 813223r Fits alt 2=cycle models except 780r, 780rb, 780re, 790r, 865r and 885r Head Assembly for 740r and 750r PIN i53780r © RyobJ America Corp. 1994 RYOBI AMERICA CORP, 520i Pearman Dairy Road, Suite 1, Anderson, SO 29625°8950 Head Assembly Fits 130r, !35r, 700r, 71Or, 720r, 760r, 765r, 770r, 920r, 960r, 970r, CS720r, P/N 188897r Form No. 6316 rev. A Ii ii .665 Single Line Cartridge Fits baitary tdmmars 140r, 150r. .065 Due{ Line Cartridge Fits electric trimmers 109r and 125r, ,080 DUal Line Cartridge Fits 130r, 135r, 790r, 710r, 720r, 740r, 750r, 760r, 765r, 770r, 920r, 960r, 970r, CS720r end SS720r .080 Trimmer Line Loop wEth59 feet, Fits 130r, 135r, 790r, 7t0r, 729r, 740r, 750r, 760r, 765r, 779r, 920r, 960r, 970r, CS720r and SS720r .995 DUel Line Cartridge Fits 789r, 789rb, 789re 790r, 865r, 885r and 990r Loop with 50 ft. Fits780r, 780rb, 789re, 790r, 865r, 885r Sod PIN 180292r PIN i80522r PIN 153577r PiN 619375r PIN 1473&St PiN189129r Bump Head Knob Assembly Fits "190_125r, 130r, 135r, 7_r, 710r, 729r, 749r, 750r, 760r, 765r, 770r, 920r, 960r and 970r Bump Head Knob Assembiy (Large) Fits 780r, 799r, 865r, 985r and 990r inner Reel Spring Fits 100r, 125r, 139r, 135r, 799r, 719r, 729r, 740r, 759r,760r, 765r, 770r, 920r, 990r and 970r Inner Reel Spring Fits 780r, 780rb, 780re, 790r, 865r, 885r, 990r BInde Retaining Nut Fits LE720r, 780r, 780rb, 780re, 790r, 865r, 885r and 990r Blade Retaining NUt Fits 2_, 740r and 759r PiN 153066r P/N 180814r PIN 619317r P/N 0106,36r PiN347491r PiN 145895r Spark Plug Fits all 2-cycle gas models except 865r end 885r Feel Csp Aeserably Fits all gas models, Spark Plug Fits all 4-cycle gas models. OH Plug Fits all 4-cycle gas models Wing Screws Fit e,_iTitmmerPlas models. PIN 610311r PIN t 8O0OOr PIN 189852r PIN I81822r PIN 683607r CALIFORNIA: FLORIDA: !-800-597-9624 1-800-345-4889 GEORGIA: 1-800-447-2192 ILLiNOiS: MASS.: MINNESOTA: ol-800-310-2581 1-800-717-3657 1-800-276-0801 NEW JERSEY: TEXAS: WASHINGTON: 1-80o.847.s 1-80b-345-7880 1-890-807-8898 National Parts Distributor Network Rdseau Des Distributeurs Nationaux De Pibces Red Nacional De Distribuidores De Repuestos 1. SPENCER ofJACKSONVILLE Jacksonville, FL (600)33C-277S (N) (904)262-5667 8. GARDNERENGINES Columbus, OH (800)848-8.946 (N) 2; AUTOELECTRIC CO.ofAL INC. Dothan, AL (800)476-4143(N) (205)792-4144/ 7924143 9, GARDNER EAST S. Brunswick,NJ (BOO) _-6290 (N) (609)86c_BoBo 3; AUTOELECTRIC,INC. Clearwater, FL (800)282-3479(N) (813) 448-3061 10. GUNTHER'S SERM.& SUPPLY 4, BEBCO Birmingham, AL (BOO) 239-5190(N) (2O5)2556160 11. HANCEDISTRIBUTING Plymouth, MN (800)535-1184(N) (812)5852299 _. BILUOU'S Porlerville, CA (BOO) 245-5466(N) (209)784-41O2 1Z HENRYW.O_EILL&ASSOC. _c_5 NY _00)724-3145(N) _16)92_7900 6, CENTRAL FLORIDAENG. Odando,FL (4O7)841-430! !3. MARRBROTHERS, INC. Dallas,TX (800)627-7276(N) (214)948-7387 7. DIXIESALESCOI_PANY Greensboro, NC (800)753-4943(N) (919)375-7500 (614) ,_B-7_I KansasCity, MO (800) 397-1952 (N) (816) 523-1952 14.MEDARTFEN[ON Fenton,MO (BOO) SBS-7181 (N) (314)343-051S 15.MEDARTMEMPHIS,INC. Memphis, TN (800)765-4365(N) (901)795-4385 22. RYOBIFACTORY SVCCTR Newton,MA (800)717-3657(N) (617)630-2703 16,MEDARTTULSA Tulsa,OK (800)999-6426(N) (918)627-1448 23.SMALLENGINEDIST.,tNC, Hi_eeh,FL (80O)433-2Ot4(N) (306)558-57t6 17,OESTEDISTRIBUTING INC. Phoenix,AZ (800) 467-8113(N) (602)272-1129 24.SOUTHWEST POWER SUPPLY,INC. Ft,Myers,FL (8!3) 936-6272 18.OSCARWILSON ENG.&PARTS O'Fatlon, MO (BOO) 873-6722 (N) (314)978-1313 25.SPENCERENGINES Tampe,FL (80O)_5-4_1(N) (613)25I_869 19. ROMAR AGENCIES RioPlod{as,PR (8O9)720-5959 26.SPiTZERIND.PRODUC'IS Thomtor_CO (BOO) 348-0O27 (N) (303)287-3612 20. RYOBICANADAINC. Cambridge,Ontedo,Canada (BOO)265-6778 (N) (519) 850-3022 21. RYOBIFACTORY SVCCTR#527 Seattle,WA (BOO) BOT-B698 (N) (206) 368-7050 27,TRI-STATEAIR COOLEDENG. Johnson City,TN (600}33,_65(N) (815)928-/107 Factory Service Centers Centres de Service Apr_s-vente de L'usine Centros de Servicio de la Fdbrica GEORGIA 1964 N+ Alma School Rd. #10 Chandler, AZ 85224 (800) 66O-7776 (602) 899-5807 CALIFORNIA 9699 Chapman Ave. Garden Grove. CA 92641 (800) 597-9624 (714) 539-3170 Akers Mill Square 2969 J Cobb Pkwy. Atlanta, GA 30339-5909 (800) 447-2192 (404) 953-6979 Colonial Square Mall 299 Route 22 E. Green Brook, NJ 08812 (800) 847-5993 (908) 752-9052 ILUNOIS TEXAS 4334 Fox Valley Center Dr. Aurora, IL 60504 (800) 310-2561 (708) 820-0776 2403-W. Airport Hwy+ Irving, TX 75062 (800) 345-7880 (214) 594-6682 FLORIDA WASHINGTON 965-967 Semoran Blvd. Casselberry, FL 32707 (800) 345-4889 (407) 260+2009 188 Needham St. Newton, MA 02164 (800) 717-3657 (617) 630-2703 MINNESOTA 2519 W. 79th St. Bloomington, MN 55431 (800) 276-0801 (612) 888-5591 Form No. 6331 Printed in U.S.A. Rev. B 5/95 14725 Aurora Ave, North Suite A9 (rear of bldg) Seattle, WA '96133 (800) 807-8898 (206) 368-7050 i:i_ii_i_ _i I_IY_! ii_i_i__iii_'_i_!_ III
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