User Manual

This audio system supports devices with Android 4.1, Jelly Bean and higher.
For device with a lower Android version, refer the operation manual of the device for recommended app (application).
Thank you for purchasing this SHARP product. To obtain the best performance from this product, please read this
manual carefully. It will guide you in operating your SHARP product.
14E R MW 1
The following accessories are included.
Remote control x 1
(RRMCGA357AWSA) FM antenna x 1
AM loop antenna x 1
Explanation of Graphical Symbols:
The lighWning Àash wiWh arrowhead s\PEol wiWhin
an eTuilaWeral Wriangle is inWended Wo alerW Whe user
to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage”
within the products enclosure that Pa\ Ee of suf¿-
cient Pagnitude to constitute a risN of electric shocN
to persons.
The e[claPation point within an eTuilateral triangle is
intended to alert the user to the presence of iPpor-
tant operating and Paintenance servicing instruc-
tions in the literature accoPpan\ing the appliance.
For users in U.S.
This proGXct is classi¿eG as a CLASS 1 LASER
Caution - Use of any controls, adjustments or
procedures other than those speci¿ed herein may result
in hazardous radiation exposure.
This eTuipPent has Eeen tested and found to coPpl\ with the
liPits for a &lass % digital device pursuant to 3art 1 of the
F&& Rules. These liPits are designed to provide reasonaEle
protection against harPful interference in a residential instal-
lation. This eTuipPent generates uses and can radiate radio
freTuenc\ energ\ and if not installed and used in accordance
with the instructions Pa\ cause harPful interference to radio
coPPunications. +owever there is no guarantee that interfer-
ence will not occur in a particular installation. If this eTuipPent
does cause harPful interference to radio or television reception
which can Ee deterPined E\ turning the eTuipPent off and on
the user is encouraged to tr\ to correct the interference E\ one
or Pore of the following Peasures
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation Eetween the eTuipPent and re-
&onnect the eTuipPent into an outlet on a circuit different
froP that to which the receiver is connected.
&onsult the dealer or an e[perienced radioT9 technician
for help.
Warning: &hanges or Podi¿cations to this unit not e[pressl\
approved E\ the part\ responsiEle for coPpliance could void the
users authorit\ to operate the eTuipPent.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
This device coPplies with the liPits for a &lass % digital device
pursuant to 3art 1 of the F&& Rules. It Pust not Ee co-located or
operating in conMunction with an\ other antenna or transPitter.
2peration is suEMect to the following two conditions
1. This device Pa\ not cause harPful interference and
. This device Pust accept an\ interference received including
interference that Pa\ cause undesired operation.
This eTuipPent should Ee installed and operated with a Pini-
PuP distance of  cP Eetween the radiator and persons
IC Radiation Exposure Statement (For Users In Canada)
This &lass % digital apparatus coPplies with the &anadian
I&ES- &lass % speci¿cations.
This device coPplies with Industr\ &anada license-e[ePpt RSS
2peration is suEMect to the following two conditions
1. this device Pa\ not cause interference and
. this device Pust accept an\ interference including interfer-
ence that Pa\ cause undesired operation of the device.
This eTuipPent should Ee installed and operated with a Pini-
PuP distance of  cP Eetween the radiator and persons Eod\.
e[cluding e[trePities hands wrists feet and anNles.
Note to CATV system installer:
This rePinder is provided to call the &AT9 s\steP installers
attention to Article 8 of the National Electrical &ode that
provides guidelines for proper grounding and in particular
speci¿es that the caEle ground shall Ee connected to the
grounding s\steP of the Euilding as close to the point of
caEle entr\ as practical.
For \our assistance in reporting this unit in case of loss or theft
please record Eelow the Podel nuPEer and serial nuPEer
which are located on the rear of the unit. 3lease retain this in-
Model number ..............................
Serial number ..............................
Date of purchase ..............................
Place of purchase ..............................
Supply of this product does not convey a license nor imply any right to distribute content created with this product in
revenue-generating broadcast systems (terrestrial, satellite, cable and/or other distribution channels), revenue-generating
streaming applications (via Internet, intranets and/or other networks), other revenue-generating content distribution
systems (pay-audio or audio-on-demand applications and the like) or on revenue-generating physical media (compact
discs, digital versatile discs, semiconductor chips, hard drives, memory cards and the like). An independent license for
such use is required. For details, please visit http://mp3licensing.com
MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
Special notes
Electricit\ is used to perforP Pan\ useful functions Eut it can
also cause personal inMuries and propert\ daPage if iPproperl\
handled. This product has Eeen engineered and Panufactured
with the highest priorit\ on safet\. +owever iPproper use can
result in electric shocN andor ¿re. In order to prevent potential
danger please oEserve the following instructions when install-
ing operating and cleaning the product. To ensure \our safet\
and prolong the service life of this product please read the fol-
lowing precautions carefull\ Eefore use.
1 Read these instructions.
 .eep these instructions.
 +eed all warnings.
4 Follow all instructions.
 'o not use this apparatus near water.
6 &lean onl\ with dr\ cloth.
 'o not ElocN an\ ventilation openings. Install in accordance
with the Panufacturers instructions.
8 'o not install near an\ heat sources such as radiators heat
registers stoves or other apparatus including aPpli¿ers
that produce heat.
 'o not defeat the safet\ purpose of the polari]ed or ground-
ing-t\pe plug. A polari]ed plug has two Elades with one wid-
er than the other. A grounding t\pe plug has two Elades and
a third grounding prong. The wide Elade or the third prong
are provided for \our safet\. If the provided plug does not
¿t into \our outlet consult an electrician for replacePent of
the oEsolete outlet.
1 3rotect the power cord froP Eeing walNed on or pinched
particularl\ at plugs convenience receptacles and the
point where the\ e[it froP the apparatus.
11 2nl\ use attachPentsaccessories speci¿ed E\ the Panu-
1 Use onl\ with the cart stand tripod EracN-
et or taEle speci¿ed E\ the Panufacturer
or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is
used use caution when Poving the cartap-
paratus coPEination to avoid inMur\ froP tip-
1 Unplug this apparatus during lightning storPs or when un-
used for long periods of tiPe.
14 Refer all servicing to Tuali¿ed service personnel. Servicing
is reTuired when the apparatus has Eeen daPaged in an\
wa\ such as power-suppl\ cord or plug is daPaged liTuid
has Eeen spilled or oEMects have fallen into the apparatus
the apparatus has Eeen e[posed to rain or Poisture does
not operate norPall\ or has Eeen dropped.
Additional Safety Information
1 3ower Sources - This product should Ee operated onl\ froP
the t\pe of power source indicated on the ParNing laEel. If
\ou are not sure of the t\pe of power suppl\ to \our hoPe
consult \our product dealer or local power coPpan\. For
product intended to operate froP Eatter\ power or other
sources refer to the operating instructions.
16 2verloading - 'o not overload wall outlets e[tension cords
or integral convenience receptacles as this can result in a
risN of ¿re or electric shocN.
1 2EMect and /iTuid Entr\ - Never push oEMects of an\ Nind
into this product through openings as the\ Pa\ touch dan-
gerous voltage points or short-out parts that could result in
a ¿re or electric shocN.
To prevent ¿re or shocN ha]ard do not e[pose this appli-
ance to dripping or splashing. No oEMects ¿lled with liTuids
such as vases shall Ee placed on the apparatus.
18 'aPage ReTuiring Service - Unplug this product froP the
wall outlet and refer servicing to Tuali¿ed service personnel
under the following conditions
a. When the A& cord or plug is daPaged
E. If liTuid has Eeen spilled or oEMects have fallen into the
c. If the product has Eeen e[posed to rain or water
d. If the product does not operate norPall\ E\ following the
operating instructions. AdMust onl\ those controls that are
covered E\ the operating instructions as an iPproper ad-
MustPent of other controls Pa\ result in daPage and will
often reTuire e[tensive worN E\ a Tuali¿ed technician to
restore the product to its norPal operation
e. If the product has Eeen dropped or daPaged in an\ wa\
f. When the product e[hiEits a distinct change in perfor-
Pance - this indicates a need for service.
1 ReplacePent 3arts - When replacePent parts are reTuired
Ee sure the service technician has used replacePent parts
speci¿ed E\ the Panufacturer or have the saPe character-
istics as the original part. Unauthori]ed suEstitutions Pa\
result in ¿re electric shocN or other ha]ards.
 Safet\ &hecN - Upon coPpletion of an\ service or repairs
to this product asN the service technician to perforP safet\
checNs to deterPine that the product is in proper operating
1 Wall or ceiling Pounting - When Pounting the product on a
wall or ceiling Ee sure to install the product according to the
Pethod recoPPended E\ the Panufacturer.
 3ower /ines - An outside antenna s\steP should not Ee
located in the vicinit\ of overhead power lines or other
electric light or power circuits or where it can fall into such
power lines or circuits. When installing an outside antenna
s\steP e[trePe care should Ee taNen to Neep froP touch-
ing such power lines or circuits as contact with theP Pight
Ee fatal.
 3rotective AttachPent 3lug - The product is eTuipped with
an attachPent plug having overload protection. This is a
safet\ feature. See Instruction Manual for replacePent or
resetting of protective device. If replacePent of the plug
is reTuired Ee sure the service technician has used a re-
placePent plug speci¿ed E\ the Panufacturer that has the
saPe overload protection as the original plug.
4 Stand - 'o not place the product on an unstaEle cart stand
tripod or taEle. 3lacing the product on an unstaEle Ease
can cause the product to fall resulting in serious person-
al inMuries as well as daPage to the product. Use onl\ a
cart stand tripod EracNet or taEle recoPPended E\ the
Panufacturer or sold with the product. When Pounting the
product on a wall Ee sure to follow the Panufacturers in-
structions. Use onl\ the Pounting hardware recoPPended
E\ the Panufacturer.
Important Safety Instructions
SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION warrants to the first consumer purchaser that this Sharp brand product (the
"Product"), when ship in its original container, will be free from defective workmanship and materials, and agrees that it will,
at its option, either repair the defect or replace the defective Product or part thereof with a new or remanufactured equivalent
at no charge to the purchaser for parts or labor for the period(s) set forth below.
This warranty does not apply to any appearance items of the Product nor to the additional excluded item(s) set forth below
nor to any Product the exterior of which has been damaged or defaced, which has been subjected to improper voltage or
other misuse, abnormal service or handling, or which has been altered or modified in design or construction.
In order to enforce the rights under this limited warranty, the purchaser should follow the steps set forth below and provide
proof of purchase to the servicer.
The limited warranty described herein is in addition to whatever implied warranties may be granted to purchasers by law.
limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.
Neither the sales personnel of the seller nor any other person is authorized to make any warranties other than those
described herein, or to extend the duration of any warranties beyond the time period described herein on behalf of Sharp.
The warranties described herein shall be the sole and exclusive warranties granted by Sharp and shall be the sole and
exclusive remedy available to the purchaser. Correction of defects, in the manner and for the period of time described
herein, shall constitute complete fulfillment of all liabilities and responsibilities of Sharp to the purchaser with respect to the
Product, and shall constitute full satisfaction of all claims, whether based on contract, negligence, strict liability or otherwise.
In no event shall Sharp be liable, or in any way responsible, for any damages or defects in the Product which were caused
by repairs or attempted repairs performed by anyone other than an authorized servicer. Nor shall Sharp be liable or in any
way responsible for any incidental or consequential economic or property damage. Some states do not allow the exclusion
of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.
Model Specific Section
Your Product Model Number & Description:
Warranty Period for this Product:
Additional Item(s) Excluded from Warranty Coverage
(if any):
Where to Obtain Service:
What to do to Obtain Service:
(Be sure to have this information available when you need
service for your Product.)
One (1) year parts and labor from the date of purchase.
Non-functional accessories, supplies, and consumable
At a Sharp Authorized Servicer located in the United States.
To find a location of the nearest Sharp Authorized Servicer,
call Sharp toll free at 1-800-BE-SHARP.
Ship prepaid or carry in your Product to a Sharp Authorized
Servicer. Be sure to have Proof of Purchase available. If
you ship the Product, be sure it is insured and packaged
1 Sharp Plaza, Suite 1, Mahwah, NJ 07495-1123
For U.S. customer only
The Bluetooth word ParN and logos are registered tradeParNs owned E\ %luetooth SI* Inc. and an\ use of such
ParNs E\ S+AR3 is under license. 2ther tradeParNs and trade naPes are those of their respective owners.
;/-+F1% +i Fi &oPponent S\steP consisting of ;/-+F1% Pain unit and &3-+F1 speaNer s\steP.
Special Notes
Front panel
1. Remote sensor
2. Timer indicator
3. Disc Tray
4. Volume Control
5. ON/STANDBY Button
6. FUNCTION Button
7. USB Terminal
8. Audio In Jack
9. Headphone Jack
10. Pairing Button
11. Tuner Preset Down, CD/USB Skip Down Button
12. Tuner Preset Up, CD/USB Skip Up Button
13. Disc/USB/Bluetooth Stop Button
14. Disc/USB/Bluetooth Play or Pause Button
15. Disc Tray Open/Close Button
791110 12 13 14 15
2 3
.eep \our eTuipPent at least 4” 1 cP of free space
along the sides top and EacN for proper ventilation.
4” 1 cP 4” 1 cP
4” 1 cP
4” 1 cP
Use the unit on a ¿rP level surface free froP viEration.
3lace the speaNers at least 1 cP awa\ froP an\
&RT T9 to avoid color variations across the T9 screen.
If the variations persist Pove the speaNers further awa\
froP the T9. /&' T9 is not prone to such variation.
.eep the unit awa\ froP direct sunlight strong Pag-
netic ¿elds e[cessive dust huPidit\ and electronic
electrical eTuipPent hoPe coPputers facsiPiles etc.
which generate electrical noise.
'o not e[pose the unit to Poisture to tePperatures
higher than 14F 6& or to e[trePel\ low tePpera-
If the unit does not worN properl\ unplug and plug it in
again. Then turn on the unit.
In case of an electrical storP unplug the unit for safet\.
+old the A& power plug E\ the head when rePoving
it froP the A& outlet as pulling the cord can daPage
internal wires.
'o not place an\thing on top of the unit.
The A& power plug is used as a disconnect device and
shall alwa\s rePain readil\ operaEle.
Do not remove the outer cover, as this may result
in electric shock. Refer internal service to your lo-
cal SHARP service facility.
This unit should onl\ Ee used within the range of 41F
- F & - &.
The voltage used Pust Ee the saPe as that speci¿ed on this
unit. Using a higher voltage is dangerous and Pa\ result in
a ¿re or other t\pe of accident causing daPage.
S+AR3 will not Ee held responsiEle for an\ daPage result-
ing froP such usage.
Volume control
The sound level at a given voluPe setting depends on
speaNer ef¿cienc\ location and various other factors. It is
advisaEle to avoid e[posure to high voluPe levels which
occurs while turning the unit on with the voluPe control
setting up high or while continuall\ listening at high vol-
uPes. E[cessive sound pressure froP earphones and
headphones can cause hearing loss.
Controls and indicators
Controls and indicators (continued)
Remote control
1. Remote Control Transmitter
2. Open/Close Button
3. Bluetooth Play / Pause Button
4. USB Play / Pause Button
5. Pairing Button
6. CD/USB/Bluetooth Stop Button
7. Eco Button
8. Sleep Button
9. Treble Button
10. X-Bass Button
11. Bass Button
12. Folder Button
13. Tuning Down, Skip Down, Fast Reverse,
Time Down Button
14. Memory Button
15. Tuner Preset Down Button
16. ON/STANDBY Button
17. CD Play / Pause Button
18. Tuner/Band Button
19. Audio/Line (Input) Button
20. Display Button
21. Mute Button
22. Dimmer Button
23. Volume Up Button
24. Volume Down Button
25. Clear Button
26. Play Mode Button
27. Tuner Preset Up Button
28. Tuning Up, Skip Up, Fast Forward,
Time Up Button
29. Enter Button
30. Clock/Timer Button
1. USB Indicator
2. CD Indicator
3. MP3 Indicator
4. WMA Indicator
5. RDM (Random) Indicator
6. MEM (Memory) Indicator
7. Repeat Indicator
8. Play/Pause Indicator
9. Tuning FM/Bluetooth status Indicator
10. FM Stereo Mode Indicator
11. Stereo Station Indicator
12. Muting Indicator
13. X-bass Indicator
14. Title Indicator
15. Artist Indicator
16. Folder Indicator
17. Album Indicator
18. File Indicator
19. Track Indicator
20. Daily Timer Indicator
21. Once Timer Indicator
22. Disc Indicator
23. Total Indicator
24. Sleep Indicator
1 3 4 5 6
9 1011
24232220 2119181514 1716
Speaker system
1. Tweeter
2. Woofer
3. Bass ReÀex Duct
4. Speaker cable 2
Make sure to unplug the AC power cord before making any connections.
System connections
Antenna connection
Supplied FM antenna:
&onnect to the FM  2+MS MacN and position it where
reception is Eest.
External FM antenna:
Use an e[ternal FM antenna  ohPs coa[ial caEle for
Eetter reception. 'isconnect the supplied FM antenna wire
Eefore use.
Supplied AM loop antenna:
&onnect to the AM terPinal and position it where reception
is Eest. 3lace it on a shelf etc. or attach it to a stand or a
wall with screws not supplied.
Installing the AM loop antenna
< Attaching to the wall >< AssePEling >
wall Screws not
.eep the antenna awa\ froP the unit or A& power cord to
avoid noise picNup.
Speaker connection
+ speaker terminal red wire
- speaker terminal ElacN wire
Use speaNers with an iPpedance of 6 ohPs or Pore
as lower iPpedance speaNers can daPage the unit.
'o not PistaNe the right and the left channels. The
right speaNer is the one on the right side when \ou
face the unit.
'o not let the Eare speaNer
wires touch each other.
'o not allow an\ oEMects to fall
into or to Ee placed in the Eass
reÀe[ ducts.
'o not stand or sit on the
speaNers. <ou Pa\ Ee inMured.
Bluetooth standby mode
The ¿rst tiPe the unit is plugged in it will enter the
Bluetooth standE\ Pode. “Bluetooth StE\” will Ee dis-
To cancel the Bluetooth standE\ Pode press the E&2
Eutton rePote control during power standE\ Pode.
The unit will enter the low power consuPption Pode.
To return to the Bluetooth standE\ Pode press the
Eutton again.
AC power connection
After all connections have Eeen Pade correctl\ plug the
A& power cord into the A& outlet.
Unplug the A& power cord froP the A& outlet if the unit will
not Ee in use for a prolonged period of tiPe.
To select Line In function:
3ress FUN&TI2N Eutton Pain unit or AU'I2/INE IN-
3UT Eutton rePote control repeatedl\ until /ine in is
No sound is heard froP the suEwoofer without a Euilt-
in aPpli¿er.
SuEwoofer 3re-out audio signal P9 1N ohPs
at  +].
AC outlet
(AC 100 -240 V ~
50/60 Hz)
To T9 audio
output MacN.
input MacN
Audio caEle
not supplied
For U.S. and &anada Podel
/aEel is located at the EottoP of the unit.
The speci¿cation laEel illustration Pa\
Ee different froP the actual laEel used.
Installing the
supplied FM
AM loop
Remote control
General control
Battery installation
Use 1 “AA” size battery (UM/SUM-3, R6, HP-7 or similar).
Battery is not included.
1 2pen the Eatter\ cover.
2 Insert the Eatter\ according to the terPinal indicated in
the Eatter\ coPpartPent. When inserting or rePoving
the Eatter\ push it toward the ± Eatter\ terPinals.
3 &lose the cover.
RePove the Eatter\ if the unit will not Ee used for a
long period of tiPe. This will prevent potential daPage
due to Eatter\ leaNage.
'o not use rechargeaEle Eatter\ nicNel-cadPiuP Eat-
ter\ etc..
Installing the Eatter\ incorrectl\ Pa\ cause the unit to
%atteries Eatter\ pacN or Eatteries installed shall not
Ee e[posed to e[cessive heat such as sunshine ¿re
or the liNe.
Notes concerning use:
Replace the Eatter\ if the operating distance is reduced
or if the operation EecoPes erratic.
3eriodicall\ clean the transPitter on the rePote control
and the sensor on the unit with a soft cloth.
E[posing the sensor on the unit to strong light Pa\
interfere with operation. &hange the lighting or the di-
rection of the unit if this occurs.
.eep the rePote control awa\ froP Poisture heat
shocN and viErations.
Test of the remote control
The rePote control can Ee used within the range shown Eelow
RePote sensor
8” - ¶
. P - 6 P
To turn the power on
3ress the 2NSTAN'%< Eutton to turn the power on or off.
Display brightness control
3ress the 'IMMER Eutton rePote control.
Dimmer 1
Dimmer 2
Dimmer off
'ispla\ is diP.
'ispla\ is Eright.
'ispla\ gets diPPer.
Volume auto fade-in
If \ou turn off and on the Pain unit with the voluPe set to
 or higher the voluPe starts at 16 and fades in to the
last set level.
Volume control
Turn the voluPe NnoE toward 92/UME ± Pain unit or
press 92/ ± rePote control to increase or decrease
the voluPe.
To Pute the voluPe press the Eutton rePote control.
3ress again to restore the voluPe.
Direct key power on function
When \ou press an\ of the following Euttons the unit turns
control): Selected function is activated.
(main unit): The unit turns on and playback of the last
function will start (CD, USB, BLUETOOTH, AUDIO IN,
Auto power off function
The Pain unit will enter the standE\ Pode after 1 Pinutes
of inactivit\ during
Audio/ine In No detection of input signal.
&' In the stop Pode or no disc.
US% In the stop Pode or no Pedia.
Bluetooth In the pause Pode or not connected condition.
X-Bass control
When the power is ¿rst turned on the unit is in the e[tra
Eass Pode. “;-%ASS” indicator appears. To cancel this
Pode press the ;-%ASS Eutton rePote control.
Bass or Treble control
1 3ress the %ASS or TRE%/E Eutton to select “%ass” or “Tre-
Ele” respectivel\.
2 Within seconds press the 92/UME  or ± Eutton to ad-
Must the Eass or treEle.
- 5 - 4........↔ + 4 ↔ + 5 - 5 - 4........↔ + 4 ↔ + 5
3ress the FUN&TI2N Eutton repeatedl\ to select desired
Line In Audio In
The EacNup function will protect the PePori]ed function
Pode for a few hours should there Ee a power failure or
the A& power cord EecoPes disconnected.
Listening to Bluetooth enabled devices
Bluetooth wireless technology is a short-range radio
technology that enables wireless communication between
various types of digital devices, such as mobile phone or
computer. It operates within a range of about 10 meters (30
feet) without the hassle of having to use cables to connect
these devices.
This unit supports the following:
Communication System: Bluetooth Specification version
2.1 Bluetooth + Enhanced Data Rate (EDR).
Support Profile : A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile)
and AVRCP (Audio/Video Remote Control Profile)
Notes when using unit with a mobile phone
This unit cannot Ee used to talN over the telephone even
when there is a Bluetooth connection Pade to a PoEile
3lease refer to the operating Panual supplied with the
PoEile phone for details on operation of \our PoEile
phone while transPitting the sound using a Bluetooth
Pairing Bluetooth devices
Bluetooth devices need to Ee initiall\ paired ¿rst Eefore the\
can e[change data. 2nce paired it is not necessar\ to pair
theP again unless
pairing is Pade with Pore than  devices. 3airing can
onl\ Ee Pade one device at a tiPe. This unit can Ee
paired to a Pa[iPuP of  devices. If suEseTuent de-
vice is paired the oldest device paired will Ee deleted
and replaced with the new one.
this unit is reset. All pairing inforPation is deleted when
unit is reset.
pairing inforPation is deleted while re-pairing etc.
Indicator Condition Bluetooth status
Blinks In waiting or pairing Pode
Lights up &onnected
No indication Unconnected
+owever the indication status is not displa\ed during
Bluetooth standE\ Pode.
Pairing with other Bluetooth source devices
1 3ress the 2NSTAN'%< Eutton to turn the power on.
2 3ress the FUN&TI2N Eutton Pain unit repeatedl\ or
%/UET22T+ Eutton rePote control to select Blue-
tooth function. “%luetooth” appears on the displa\.
3 3ress and hold the 3AIRIN* Eutton for seconds or
Pore. “Start 3airing” appears on the displa\. The unit
is now in pairing Pode and is read\ to Ee paired with
other Bluetooth source device.
4 3erforP pairing procedure on the source device to
detect this unit. “;/-+F1% S+AR3” will appear in
the detected devices list if availaEle in the source
device. Refer the source device operating Panual for
3lace the devices to Ee paired within feet 1 Pe-
ter of each other when pairing.
SoPe source devices are unaEle to displa\ lists of
detected devices. To pair this unit with the source
device refer to the source device operating Pan-
ual for details.
5 Select “;/-+F1% S+AR3” froP the source list. If
3asscode is reTuired enter “”.
3asscode Pa\ Ee called 3IN &ode 3assNe\ 3IN
nuPber or Password.
6 &onnected” appears on the displa\ once the unit is
successfull\ paired with the source device. 3airing
inforPation is now PePori]ed in the unit. SoPe au-
dio source devices Pa\ connect with the unit auto-
Paticall\ after pairing is coPpleted otherwise follow
the instructions in the source device operating Panual
to start connection.
7 3ress the pla\ Eutton on Pain unit rePote control or
source device to start Bluetooth streaPing pla\EacN.
If a device such as Picrowave oven wireless /AN card
Bluetooth device or an\ other device that uses the
saPe .4 *+] freTuenc\ near the s\steP soPe sound
interruption Pa\ Ee heard.
The transPission distance of the wireless signal Ee-
tween the device and the Pain unit is aEout 1 P  µ
Eut Pa\ var\ depending on \our operating environPent.
If a steel concrete or Petallic wall is Eetween the device
and the Pain unit the s\steP Pa\ not operate at all
Eecause the wireless signal cannot penetrate Petal.
If this unit or the source device is turned off Eefore
Bluetooth connection is coPpleted pairing will not Ee
coPpleted and the pairing inforPation will not Ee PeP-
ori]ed. Repeat step 1 onward to start pairing again.
To pair with other devices repeat steps 1 - for each
device. This unit can Ee paired to a Pa[iPuP of  de-
vices. If suEseTuent device is paired the oldest device
paired will Ee deleted and replaced with the new one.
2nce a device is ousted or deleted froP the pairing list
the pairing inforPation for the device is also deleted. To
listen to the sound froP the device again it needs to Ee
re-paired. 3erforP steps 1 - to pair the device again.
Listening to the sound
Check that:
The source device Bluetooth functionalit\ is 2N.
3airing of this unit and the source device is coPpleted.
Unit is in connected Pode.
1 3ress the 2NSTAN'%< Eutton to turn the power on.
2 3ress the FUN&TI2N Eutton to select Bluetooth func-
3 Start the Bluetooth connection froP the Bluetooth
stereo audio source device.
4 3ress the %/UET22T+ Eutton.
If the source device has an e[tra Eass function or
eTuali]er function set theP to off to avoid sound dis-
MaNe the Bluetooth connection again if the source device is
not turned on or its Bluetooth functionalit\ is off or is in sleep
To disconnect the Bluetooth device
3erforP an\ of the followings.
'isconnect the Bluetooth connection on the audio source
device. Refer the operating Panual supplied with the
Turn off the Bluetooth stereo audio source device.
Turn off this unit.
The voluPe of this unit Pa\ not Ee controlled as intended
depending on the device.
Auto power on
'uring Bluetooth standE\ Pode the unit will autoPaticall\
power on when the Bluetooth connection has Eeen set up
Eetween the Pain unit and \our device and the\ rePain
This function is not applicaEle during Bluetooth standE\
Pode off.
Listening to Bluetooth enabled devices (continued)
Listening on Android™ devices
Introduction : Open Accessory
2pen Accessor\ support allows e[ternal US% hardware
an Android US% accessor\ to interact with an Android-
powered device in a special accessor\ Pode. When an
Android-powered device is in accessor\ Pode the con-
nected accessor\ acts as the US% host powers the Eus
and enuPerates devices and the Android-powered device
acts in the US% accessor\ role. Android US% accessories
are speci¿call\ designed to attach to Android-powered
devices and adhere to the 2pen Accessor\ 3rotocol that
allows theP to detect Android-powered devices that support
accessor\ Pode.
1 Insert the connector to the device.
2 &onnect the device to the Pain unit via US% connector.
US% connector
not supplied
Android device playback
1 3ress the 2NSTAN'%< Eutton to turn the power on.
2 3ress the US% Eutton rePote control or FUN&TI2N
Eutton repeatedl\ Pain unit to select US% function.
3 &onnect the device SPartphoneTaElet to the unit.
“US% Media” will Ee displa\ed.
4 3ress the pla\ Eutton on Pain unit rePote control or
If the source device has an extra bass or equalizer
function, set them to off. If these functions are on,
sound may be distorted.
Incoming calls will pause the playback/application.
Once the calls are answered, the conversation can only
be heard through the built-in speaker of the cellular
device. Turn on the device speaker or disconnect the
device to start conversation.
To disconnect the Android device
1 4uit the application apps.
2 'isconnect the device froP the US% terPinal.
Various functions
Function Remote control Operation
3ress in the pla\EacN or
stop Pode.
If \ou press the Eutton
in the stop Pode press
the Eutton to start the
desired tracN.
3ress and hold down in
the pla\EacN Pode.
Release the Eutton to
resuPe pla\EacN.
If non-compatible device is detected, “Dev No Support”
will be displayed.
Controls (play/pause/skip up/skip down) will function
based on actual Applications (Apps) controls used on
Android devices.
Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
Listening to a CD or MP3/WMA disc
Disc playback
1 3ress the 2NSTAN'%< Eutton to turn the power on.
2 3ress the &' Eutton on the rePote control or FUN&TI2N
Eutton repeatedl\ on the Pain unit to select &' function.
3 3ress the 23EN&/2SE Eutton to open the disc coPpart-
4 3lace the disc on the disc coPpartPent laEel side up.
5 3ress the 23EN&/2SE Eutton to close the disc tra\.
6 3ress the &'   Eutton to start pla\EacN.
To stop playback:
3ress the Eutton.
'o not place two discs in one-disc-tra\.
'o not pla\ discs of special shapes heart octagon
etc. It Pa\ cause Palfunctions.
'o not push the disc tra\ while it is Poving.
If the power fails wait until the power is restored.
If T9 or radio interference occurs during &' operation
Pove the unit awa\ froP the T9 or radio.
%e sure to place 8 cP  disc in the Piddle of the
disc tra\.
'ue to the structure of the disc inforPation it taNes
longer to read an M3WMA disc than a norPal &'
appro[iPatel\  to  seconds.
Note for CD or MP3/WMA disc:
RewritaEle Pulti-session discs with un¿nished writing
can still Ee pla\ed.
Various disc functions
Function Main
Play 3ress in the stop Pode.
Pause 3ress in the pla\EacN
Pode. 3ress the
Eutton to resuPe
pla\EacN froP the
paused point.
Stop 3ress in the pla\EacN
3ress in the pla\EacN or
stop Pode.
If \ou press the Eutton
in the stop Pode press
the Eutton to start
the desired tracN.
3ress and hold down in
the pla\EacN Pode.
Release the Eutton to
resuPe pla\EacN.
Random play
To random play all tracks:
3ress 3/A< M2'E Eutton on the rePote control repeatedl\
until “RandoP” appears. 3ress the &'   Eutton.
To cancel random play:
3ress the 3/A< M2'E Eutton again. “R'M” indicator will
If \ou press the Eutton during randoP pla\ \ou
can Pove to the tracN selected ne[t E\ the randoP
operation. +owever the Eutton does not allow \ou
to Pove to the previous tracN. The Eeginning of the
tracN Eeing pla\ed will Ee located.
In randoP pla\ the unit will select and pla\ tracNs auto-
Paticall\. <ou cannot select the order of the tracNs.
Listening to a CD or MP3/WMA disc (continued)
Repeat play
Repeat pla\ can pla\ one tracN all tracNs or a prograPPed se-
Tuence continuousl\.
To repeat one track:
Select desired tracN using the
3ress the 3/A< M2'E Eutton repeatedl\ until “Repeat 2ne” ap-
pears. 3ress the &'   Eutton.
To repeat all tracks:
3ress the 3/A< M2'E Eutton repeatedl\ until “Repeat All” ap-
pears. 3ress the &'   Eutton.
To repeat desired tracks:
3erforP steps 1 - in “3rograPPed pla\” section on this page
and then press the 3/A< M2'E Eutton repeatedl\ until “Repeat
All” appears.
To repeat one folder:
While in Folder mode on (MP3/WMA), press PLAY MODE button
repeatedly until “Repeat Folder” appears. Press the &'  
To cancel repeat play:
3ress the 3/A< M2'E Eutton repeatedl\ until “NorPal” appears
and “ ” disappears.
After perforPing repeat pla\ Ee sure to press the Eutton.
2therwise the disc will pla\ continuousl\.
Programmed play (CD)
1 While in the stop Pode press the MEM2R< Eutton on the
rePote control to enter the prograPPing save Pode.
2 3ress the or Eutton to select the desired tracN.
Selected tracN nuPEer
3 3ress the MEM2R< Eutton to save the tracN nuPEer.
4 Repeat steps - for other tracNs. Up to  tracNs can Ee
prograPPed. If \ou want to checN the prograPPed tracNs
press the MEM2R< Eutton repeatedl\. To clear the pro-
graPPed tracNs press the &/EAR Eutton.
5 3ress the &'   Eutton to start pla\EacN.
Programmed play (MP3/WMA)
1 While in the stop Pode press the MEM2R< Eutton to
enter the prograPPing save Pode.
2 3ress the 3RESET or Eutton on the rePote con-
trol to select the desired folder.
Then press the or Eutton rePote control to se-
lect the desired tracNs.
3 3ress the MEM2R< Eutton to save the folder and tracN
4 Repeat steps ± for other foldertracNs. Up to 
tracNs can Ee prograPPed.
5 3ress the &'   Eutton to start pla\EacN.
To cancel the programmed play mode:
'uring prograPPed stop Pode press the Eutton. The
displa\ will show “MePor\ &lear” and all the prograPPed
contents will Ee cleared.
Adding tracks to the program:
If a prograP has Eeen previousl\ stored the “MEM” indi-
cator will Ee displa\ed. 3ress the MEM2R< Eutton. Then
follow steps - to add tracNs.
When the disc coPpartPent is opened the prograP is
autoPaticall\ canceled.
If \ou press the 2NSTAN'%< Eutton to enter the
standE\ Pode or change the function froP &' to an-
other the prograPPed selections will Ee cleared.
'uring the prograP operation randoP pla\ is not pos-
Procedure to playback MP3/WMA disc
with folder mode on
To pla\ EacN &'-RRW.
1 3ress the &' Eutton on the rePote control and load
an M3WMA disc. 3ress the F2/'ER Eutton and
disc info will Ee displa\ed.
M3 indicator
Total nuPEer of ¿les
T2TA/ indicatorWMA indicator
Total nuPEer of folder
2 3ress the 3RESET or Eutton to select desired
pla\EacN folder. Folder Pode on
F2/'ER nuPEer First tracN nuPEer in
the folder
3 Select desired ¿le to Ee pla\ed EacN E\ pressing the
or Eutton.
4 3ress the &'   Eutton. 3la\EacN will start and
¿le naPe will Ee displa\ed.
Title Artist and AlEuP naPe are displa\ed if the\
are recorded on the disc.
In case of pla\EacN with the folder Pode on press
the 3RESET or Eutton and the folder can
Ee selected even though it is in pla\EacNpause
Pode. It will continue pla\EacNpause Pode in the
1st tracN of the selected folder.
'ispla\ content can Ee changed E\ pressing the
'IS3/A< Eutton.
Title displa\&ounter displa\
AlEuP displa\
Folder displa\File naPe displa\
Artist displa\
If “Not Support” is displa\ed it Peans “&op\right protected
WMA ¿le” or “Not supported pla\EacN ¿le” is selected.
Listening to USB mass storage device/MP3 player
This product is not coPpatiEle with MT3 and AA& ¿le s\s-
tePs froP US% Pass storage device or M3 pla\er.
To play back USB/MP3 player with folder
mode on / off
1 3ress the US% Eutton rePote control or FUN&TI2N
Eutton Pain unit repeatedl\ to select US% function.
&onnect the US% PePor\ device that has M3WMA
forPat ¿les on the unit. When the US% PePor\ is con-
nected to the Pain unit the device inforPation will Ee
To pla\EacN with folder Pode on follow step Eelow.
To pla\EacN with folder Pode off sNip to step Eelow.
2 3ress the F2/'ER Eutton and press the 3RESET or
Eutton to select desired pla\EacN folder. To start pla\-
EacN go to step 4. To change the pla\EacN folder press
the 3RESET or Eutton to select another folder.
3 Select desired ¿le to Ee pla\ed EacN E\ pressing the
or Eutton.
4 3ress the US%   Eutton. 3la\EacN will start and
the ¿le naPe will Ee displa\ed.
Title Artist and AlEuP naPe are displa\ed if the\
are recorded in the US% PePor\ device.
'ispla\ content can Ee changed E\ pressing the
'IS3/A< Eutton.
To pause pla\EacN
3ress the US%   Eutton.
To remove USB memory device
1 3ress the Eutton to stop pla\EacN.
2 'isconnect US% PePor\ device froP the US% terPinal.
S+AR3 will not Ee held liaEle for the loss of data while the
US% PePor\ device is connected to the audio s\steP.
Files coPpressed in M3 andor WMA forPat can Ee
pla\ed EacN when connected to the US% terPinal.
This US% PePors forPat supports FAT 16 or FAT .
S+AR3 cannot guarantee that all US% PePor\ de-
vices will worN on this audio s\steP.
US% caEle is not recoPPended for use in this audio
s\steP to connect to US% PePor\ device. Use of the
US% caEle will affect the perforPance of this audio
This US% PePor\ cannot Ee operated via US% huE.
The US% terPinal in this unit is not intended for a 3&
E[ternal +''-storage cannot Ee pla\ed EacN via US%
If the data inside the US% PePor\ is large it Pa\ taNe
longer tiPe for the data to Ee read.
This product can pla\ WMA and M3 ¿les. It will au-
toPaticall\ detect the ¿le t\pe Eeing pla\ed. If unpla\-
aEle ¿le is pla\ed on this product “Not Support” is in-
dicated and the ¿le will Ee autoPaticall\ sNipped. This
will taNe a few seconds. If aEnorPal indications appear
on the displa\ due to the unspeci¿ed ¿le turn off the
unit and then turn it on again.
This product relates to US% Pass storage devices
and M3 pla\ers. It Pa\ however face soPe irregu-
larities due to various unforeseen reasons froP soPe
devices. Should this happen turn off the unit and then
turn it on again.
'uring &' function M3 pla\er will not Ee charging.
The following functions are the same as CD operations:
Various disc functions .................................................11
Random play .................................................................11
Repeat play .................................................................. 12
Programmed play (MP3/WMA) ................................... 12
If US% PePor\ device is not connected “US% No Me-
dia” will Ee shown on the displa\.
Fast forwardreverse is invalid when pla\ing EacN a
variaEle Eitrate ¿le.
This unit onl\ supports “M3E*-1 Audio /a\er-” for-
Pat. SaPpling FreTuenc\ is  44.1 48N+]
3la\EacN order for M3 ¿les Pa\ differ depending on
the writing software used during ¿le download.
%itrate which is supported E\ M3 is a NEps
WMA is 64a16 NEps.
Files without M3WMA forPat cannot Ee pla\ed EacN.
3la\lists are not supported on this unit.
This unit can displa\ Folder NaPe or File NaPe up to
 characters.
Total nuPEer of folders read is  including folder
with non-pla\aEle ¿le. +owever the displa\ shows
onl\ folder with M3WMA ¿les.
The displa\ pla\EacN tiPe Pa\ not Ee displa\ed cor-
rectl\ when pla\ing EacN a variaEle Eitrate ¿le.
WMA Peta tag also supports title artist and alEuP
naPe which are recorded in WMA ¿les. &op\right pro-
tected WMA ¿les cannot Ee pla\ed EacN.
1 3ress the 2NSTAN'%< Eutton to turn the power on.
2 3ress the TUNER Eutton rePote control or
FUN&TI2N Eutton Pain unit repeatedl\ to select FM
Stereo FM Mono or AM.
3 Manual tuning:
3ress the TUNIN* or Eutton repeatedl\ to
tune in to the desired station.
Auto tuning:
3ress and hold the TUNIN* or Eutton. Scanning
will start autoPaticall\ and the tuner will stop at the ¿rst
receivaEle Eroadcast station.
When radio interference occurs auto scan tuning Pa\
stop autoPaticall\ at that point.
Auto scan tuning will sNip weaN signal stations.
To stop the auto tuning press the TUNIN* or
Eutton again.
To receive an FM stereo transmission:
3ress the TUNER Eutton to select stereo Pode. “ST”
indicator will Ee displa\ed. “ ” and “ ” will appear
when an FM Eroadcast is in stereo.
If the FM reception is weaN press the TUNER Eutton
to extinguish the “ST” indicator. The reception changes
to Ponaural and the sound EecoPes clearer.
Memorising a station
<ou can store 4 FM and AM stations in PePor\ and re-
call theP at the push of a Eutton. 3reset tuning
1 3erforP steps - in “Tuning”.
3ress the MEM2R< Eutton.
3 Within  seconds press the 3RESET or Eutton
to select the preset channel nuPEer. Store the stations
in PePor\ in order starting with preset channel 1.
4 Within  seconds press the MEM2R< Eutton to store
that station in PePor\. If the “MEM” and preset nuPEer
indicators disappear Eefore the station is PePori]ed
repeat the operation froP step .
5 Repeat steps 1 - 4 to set other stations or to change
a preset station. When a new station is stored in the
PePor\ the station previousl\ PePori]ed for that
preset channel nuPEer will Ee erased.
The EacNup function protects the PePori]ed stations for a
few hours should there Ee a power failure or the A& power
cord EecoPe disconnected.
To recall a memorized station
3ress the 3RESET or Eutton to select the desired
To scan the preset stations
1 3ress and hold the 3RESET or Eutton until the
preset nuPEer Àashes. The prograPPed stations will
Ee tuned in seTuentiall\ for seconds each.
2 3ress the 3RESET or Eutton again when the
desired station is located.
To erase entire preset memory
1 3ress the 2NSTAN'%< Eutton to turn the power on.
2 3ress the FUN&TI2N Eutton Pain unit repeatedl\
or TUNER Eutton rePote control to select Tuner
3 In Tuner function press and hold the &/EAR Eutton
rePote control until “Tuner &lear” appears.
Listening to the radio
Setting the clock (Remote control
In this exaPple the clocN is set for the 1-hour AM 1
1 3ress the 2NSTAN'%< Eutton to turn the power on.
2 3ress the &/2&.TIMER Eutton.
3 Within 1 seconds press the ENTER Eutton. To adMust
the da\ press the or Eutton and then press the
ENTER Eutton.
4 3ress the or Eutton to select 4-hour or 1-hour
displa\ and then press the ENTER Eutton.
The 12-hour display will appear.
(AM 12:00 - PM 11:59)
The 12-hour display will appear.
(AM 0:00 - PM 11:59)
The 24-hour display will appear.
(0:00 - 23:59)
5 To adMust the hour press the or Eutton and then
press the ENTER Eutton. 3ress the or Eutton once
to advance the tiPe E\ 1 hour. +old it down to advance
6 To adMust the Pinutes press the or Eutton and
then press the ENTER Eutton. 3ress the or Eutton
once to advance the tiPe E\ 1 Pinute. +old it down to
advance the tiPe E\ Pinutes interval.
To con¿rm the time display:
3ress the &/2&.TIMER Eutton. The tiPe displa\ will ap-
pear for aEout seconds.
When power suppl\ is restored after unit is plugged in again
or after a power failure reset the clocN.
To readjust the clock:
3erforP “Setting the clocN” froP step 1. If the “&locN” does
not appear in step  step 4 for selecting the 4-hour or 1-
hour displa\ will Ee sNipped.
To change the 24-hour or 12-hour display:
1 &lear all the prograPPed contents. >Refer to “Factor\
reset clearing all PePor\” on page 1 for details.@
2 3erforP “Setting the clocN” froP step 1 onward.
Timer and sleep operation (Remote
control only)
Timer playback:
The unit turns on and pla\s the desired source &'
TUNER US% AU'I2 IN /INE IN at a preset tiPe.
This unit has 2 types of timer: ONCE TIMER and DAILY
Once timer (“ ” indicator):
2nce tiPer pla\ worNs for one tiPe onl\ at a preset tiPe.
Daily timer (“DAILY” indicator):
'ail\ tiPer pla\ worNs at the saPe preset tiPe ever\ da\
that we set. For exaPple set the tiPer as a waNe-up call
ever\ Porning.
Using the once timer and daily timer in combination:
For exaPple use the once tiPer to listen to a radio
prograP and use the dail\ tiPer to waNe up.
1 Set the daily and once timer (pages 15 - 16).
1 Pinute or Pore
'ail\ tiPer 2nce tiPer
Stop StartStart Stop
Timer playback
Before setting timer:
&hecN that the clocN is set to the correct tiPe. If it is
not set \ou cannot use the tiPer function.
For tiPer pla\EacN 3lug in US% or load discs to Ee
1 3ress the 2NSTAN'%< Eutton to turn the power on.
2 3ress and hold the &/2&.TIMER Eutton.
3 Within 1 seconds press the or Eutton to select
2nce” or “'ail\ and press the ENTER Eutton.
4 Within 1 seconds press the or Eutton to select
“TiPer Set” and press the ENTER Eutton.
5 To select the tiPer pla\EacN source &' TUNER
US% AU'I2 IN /INE IN press the or Eutton.
3ress the ENTER Eutton.
When \ou select the tuner select a station E\ pressing
the or Eutton and then press the ENTER Eut-
ton. If a station has not Eeen prograPPed “No 3reset”
will Ee displa\ed and tiPer setting will Ee canceled.
6 To adMust the da\ press the or Eutton and then
press the ENTER Eutton.
7 3ress the ENTER Eutton to adMust the hour. 3ress the
or Eutton and then press the ENTER Eutton.
8 To adMust the Pinutes press the or Eutton and
then press the ENTER Eutton.
9 Set the tiPe to ¿nish as in steps and 8 aEove.
AdMust the voluPe using the 92/UME control and then
press the ENTER Eutton.
11 3ress the 2NSTAN'%< Eutton to enter the power
standE\ Pode. “TIMER” indicator lights up.
Timer and sleep operation (Remote control only) (continued)
12 When the preset tiPe is reached pla\EacN will start. The
voluPe will increase graduall\ until it reaches the preset
voluPe. The tiPer indicator will ElinN during tiPer pla\-
13 When the tiPer end tiPe is reached the s\steP will
enter the power standE\ Pode autoPaticall\.
Once timer:
The tiPer will Ee canceled.
Daily timer:
The tiPer operates at the saPe tiPe ever\ selected
da\. &ancel the dail\ tiPer when it is not in use.
When perforPing tiPer pla\EacN using another unit
connected to the US% terPinal or AU'I2 IN MacN se-
lect “US%” or “AU'I2 IN” or “/INE IN” in step . This
unit will turn on or enter the power standE\ Pode au-
toPaticall\. +owever the connected unit will not turn
on or off.
To stop the tiPer pla\EacN follow step “Cancelling
the timer setting” of this page.
Checking the timer setting:
1 Turn the power on. 3ress and hold the &/2&.TIMER
2 Within 1 seconds press the or Eutton to select
2nce” or “'ail\ and press the ENTER Eutton.
3 Within 1 seconds press the or Eutton to select
“TiPer &all” and press the ENTER Eutton.
Cancelling the timer setting:
1 Turn the power on. 3ress and hold the &/2&.TIMER
2 Within 1 seconds press the or Eutton to select
2nce” or “'ail\ and press the ENTER Eutton.
3 Within 1 seconds press the or Eutton to select
“TiPer 2ff” and press the ENTER Eutton. TiPer will Ee
canceled the setting will not Ee canceled.
Reusing the memorized timer setting:
The tiPer setting will Ee PePori]ed once it is entered. To
reuse the saPe setting perforP the following operations.
1 Turn the power on. 3ress and hold the &/2&.TIMER
2 Within 1 seconds press the or Eutton to select
2nce” or “'ail\ and press the ENTER Eutton.
3 Within 1 seconds press the or Eutton to select
“TiPer 2n” and press the ENTER Eutton.
4 3ress the 2NSTAN'%< Eutton to enter the power
standE\ Pode.
Sleep operation
The radio disc US% Audio In and /ine In can all Ee
turned off autoPaticall\.
1 3la\ EacN the desired sound source.
2 3ress the S/EE3 Eutton.
3 Within seconds press the S/EE3 Eutton repeatedl\
to select the tiPe.
“Sleep  “Sleep 8” ... “Sleep 1
“Sleep Off”
4 “S/EE3” indicator will appear.
5 The unit will enter the power standE\ Pode
autoPaticall\ after the preset tiPe has elapsed. The
voluPe will Ee turned down 1 Pinute Eefore the sleep
operation ¿nishes.
To con¿rm the remaining sleep time:
1 While “S/EE3” is indicated press the S/EE3 Eutton.
To cancel the sleep operation:
3ress the ONSTAN'%< Eutton while “S/EE3” is indicated.
To cancel the sleep operation without setting the unit to the
standE\ Pode proceed as follows.
1 While “S/EE3” is indicated press the S/EE3 Eutton.
2 Within seconds press the S/EE3 Eutton repeatedl\
until “Sleep Off” appears.
To use timer and sleep operation together
Sleep and timer playback:
For exaPple \ou can fall asleep listening to the radio and
waNe up to &' the next Porning.
1 Set the sleep tiPe see aEove steps 1 - .
2 While the sleep tiPer is set set the tiPer pla\EacN
steps -  page 1.
Sleep tiPer
setting TiPer pla\EacN
'esired tiPe
1- Pinutes
Sleep operation will
autoPaticall\ stop TiPer pla\EacN start
End tiPe
Enhancing your system
The connection cord is not included. 3urchase a coPPer-
ciall\ availaEle cord as shown Eelow.
Audio caEle not supplied
3ortaEle audio
pla\er etc.
Listening to the playback sounds of
portable audio player, etc.
1 Use a connection cord to connect the portaEle audio
pla\er etc. to the AU'IO IN MacN.
2 3ress the ONSTAN'%< Eutton to turn the power on.
3 3ress the AU'IO/INE IN3UT Eutton rePote con-
trol or FUN&TION Eutton repeatedl\ Pain unit to
select AU'IO IN function.
4 3la\ the connected eTuipPent. If voluPe level of the
connected device is too high sound distortion Pa\
occur. Should this happen adMust the voluPe of the
connected device.
To prevent noise interference place the unit awa\ froP
the television.
'o not set the voluPe on to PaxiPuP at switch on.
Excessive sound pressure froP earphones and head-
phones can cause hearing loss.
%efore plugging in or unplugging the headphone re-
duce the voluPe.
%e sure \our headphone has a 18” . PP diaPeter
plug and iPpedance Eetween 16 and  ohPs. The
recoPPended iPpedance is  ohPs.
3lugging in the headphone disconnects the speaNers au-
Troubleshooting chart
If soPething is wrong with this product checN the following
Eefore calling \our authori]ed S+AR3 dealer or service
Symptom Possible cause
The clocN is not set to
the correct tiPe. A power failure occurred.
Reset the clocN. Refer
page 1
When a Eutton is
pressed the unit does
not respond.
Set the unit to the power
standE\ Pode and then
turn it EacN on.
If the unit still
Palfunctions reset it.
Refer page 1
No sound is heard. The voluPe level set to
The headphones are not
The speaNer wires are not
The unit is too far froP the
Bluetooth stereo audio
source device.
The unit is not paired with
the Bluetooth stereo audio
source device.
Remote control
Symptom Possible cause
The rePote control
does not operate. The A& power cord of the
unit is not plugged in.
The Eatter\ polarit\ is
The Eatter\ is dead.
The distance or angle is
The rePote control sensor
receives strong light.
Symptom Possible cause
No sound is heard. The unit is too far froP the
Bluetooth stereo audio
source device.
The unit is not paired with
the Bluetooth stereo audio
source device.
Bluetooth sound
is interrupted or
The unit is too near to
a device that generates
electroPagnetic radiation.
There is an oEstacle
Eetween the unit and the
Bluetooth stereo audio
source device.
Open Accessory
Symptom Possible cause
No sound is
produced. The device is not pla\ing.
The device is not properl\
connected to the unit.
The A& power cord of the
unit is not plugged in.
'evice will not
charge. The device is not PaNing
full contact with the US%
CD player
Symptom Possible cause
3la\EacN does not
3la\EacN stops in
the Piddle or is not
perforPed properl\.
The disc is loaded upside
The disc does not satisf\
the standards.
The disc is distorted or
3la\EacN sounds are
sNipped or stopped in
the Piddle of a tracN.
The unit is located near
excessive viErations.
9er\ dirt\ disc has Eeen
&ondensation has forPed
inside the unit.
Symptom Possible cause
'evice cannot Ee
detected. Is there an\ M3WMA ¿le
Is the device properl\
Is it an MT3 device"
'oes the device contain
AA& ¿le onl\"
3la\EacN does not
start. Is it a cop\right protected
WMA ¿le"
Is it a false M3 ¿le"
Wrong tiPe displa\.
Wrong ¿le naPe
Is 9ariaEle %itrate ¿le
Eeing pla\ed EacN"
Is the File NaPe written
in &hinese or -apanese
Symptom Possible cause
The radio PaNes
unusual noises
The unit placed near a T9
or coPputer.
The FM antenna is not
placed properl\. Move the
antenna awa\ froP the A&
power cord if it is located
Sudden tePperature changes storage or operation in an
extrePel\ huPid environPent Pa\ cause condensation
inside the caEinet &' picNup etc. or on the transPitter
on the rePote control. &ondensation can cause the unit to
Palfunction. If this happens leave the power on with no
disc in the unit until norPal pla\EacN is possiEle aEout 1
hour. Wipe off an\ condensation on the transPitter with a
soft cloth Eefore operating the unit.
If problem occurs
When this product is suEMect to strong external interfer-
ence Pechanical shocN excessive static electricit\ aE-
norPal suppl\ voltage due to lightning etc. or if it is oper-
ated incorrectl\ it Pa\ Palfunction.
If such a problem occurs, do the following:
1 Set the unit to the standE\ Pode and turn the power
on again.
2 If the unit is not restored in the previous operation unplug
and plug in the unit again and then turn the power on.
If neither operation aEove restores the unit clear all the
PePor\ E\ resetting it.
Troubleshooting chart (continued)
Troubleshooting chart (continued)
Factory reset, clearing all memory
1 3ress the ONSTAN'%< Eutton to turn the power on.
2 3ress FUN&TION Eutton Pain unit repeatedl\ or
AU'IO/INE IN3UT Eutton rePote control to enter
Audio In Pode.
3 3ress Eutton Pain unit once.
3ress and hold Eutton Pain unit until “RESET” appears.
This operation will erase all data stored in PePor\ includ-
ing clocN tiPer settings and tuner preset.
Before transporting the unit
RePove all devices connected to the unit. Then set the
unit to the power standE\ Pode. &arr\ing the unit with
other devices left connected or discs left inside Pight daP-
age the unit.
Care of discs
'iscs are fairl\ resistant to daPage. +owever PistracNing
can occur due to accuPulation of dirt on the surface.
'o not ParN on the non-laEel side of the disc froP which
signals are read.
.eep \our discs awa\ froP direct sunlight heat and
excessive Poisture.
Alwa\s hold the discs E\ the edges. Fingerprints dirt
or water on the &'s can cause noise or PistracNing.
&lean it with a soft dr\ cloth wiping straight out froP the
center along the radius.
Cleaning the cabinet
3eriodicall\ wipe the caEinet with a soft cloth and a diluted
soap solution then with a dr\ cloth.
'o not use chePicals for cleaning gasoline paint thin-
ner etc.. It Pa\ daPage the caEinet.
'o not appl\ oil to the inside of the unit. It Pa\ cause
Cleaning the CD pickup lens
In order to ensure proper operation of the &' pla\er
preventative Paintenance cleaning of the laser picNup
lens should Ee perforPed peridicall\. /ens cleaners are
coPPerciali availaEle. &ontact \our local &' software
dealer for options.
As part of our polic\ of continuous iPprovePent S+AR3
reserves the right to PaNe design and speci¿cation chang-
es for product iPprovePent without prior notice. The per-
forPance speci¿cation ¿gures indicated are noPinal val-
ues of production units. There Pa\ Ee soPe deviations
froP these values in individual unit.
Power source A& 1 - 4 9 a 6 +]
consumption 3ower on  W
Dimensions Width 8 - 116 PP
+eight - 46 PP
'epth 11 - 14” 8 PP
Weight 4.6 lEs. .1 Ng
frequency band .4*+] - .48*+]
Bluetooth Pro¿le A'3 Advanced Audio 'istriEution
3ro¿le A9R&3 Audio9ideo
RePote &ontrol 3ro¿le
Bluetooth .1 E'R
Output power RMS: Total 50 W (25 W per
channel into 6 ohms at 1
kHz, 10% T.H.D.)
FTC: 19 W minimum RMS per
channel into 6 ohms from
20 Hz to 20 kHz, 1% T.H.D.
Output terminals SpeaNers 6 ohPs
+] - N+]
SuEwoofer 3re-out audio signal
 P91 N ohPs at  +]
+eadphones 16 -  ohPs
recoPPended  ohPs
Input terminals Audio In audio signal
 P94 N ohPs
/ine in Analogue input
 P94 N ohPs
CD player
Type Single disc Pulti-pla\ coPpact disc
Signal readout Non-contact -EeaP
sePiconductor laser picNup
D/A converter Multi Eit 'A converter
response  -  +]
Dynamic range  d% 1 N+]
USB host
interface &oPplies with US% 1.1 Full
Speed. Mass Storage
Support %ulN onl\ and &%I
Support ¿le M3E* 1 /a\er
Bitrate support M3  a  NEps
WMA 64 a 16 NEps
Other MaxiPuP total nuPEer of M3
WMA ¿les is 6.
MaxiPuP total nuPEer of
folders is  IN&/USI9E of
root director\.
The I'TA* inforPation
supported are TIT/E ARTIST
and A/%UM onl\.
Supports I'TA* version 1 and
version 2.
File system
support Support US% devices with
Microsoft Windows'OSFAT
12FAT 16 FAT 2.
2 NE\te ElocN length for sector.
Frequency range FM 8. - 18. M+]
AM  - 11 N+]
Preset 4 FM and AM station
Type 2-wa\ t\pe speaNer s\steP
2”  cP tweeter
4” 1 cP woofer
Maximum input
power  W
Rated input power
2 W
Impedance 6 ohPs
Dimensions Width -12” 1 PP
+eight 1-8” 264 PP
'epth 6-16” 14 PP
Weight .1 lEs. 1. Ngeach
Speci¿cations (continued)

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