SANWA BT28BK Bluetooth Keyboard User Manual

SANWA LIMITED Bluetooth Keyboard

User Manual

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Document ID4108286
Application IDTlGCTsdWkf9tAQIzws9oWg==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize151.74kB (1896729 bits)
Date Submitted2018-12-18 00:00:00
Date Available2018-12-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2018-12-07 10:00:33
Producing SoftwareAdobe Acrobat 11.0 Image Conversion Plug-in
Document Lastmod2018-12-07 10:00:45
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 11.0

GSKBBT28BK_manual  [ANENEze Ee z5
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@11 devc use a 2 Gte aquercy bonk
Buwioth i ho samo aueney bard s 24 G ao asomeant and
wwesiess LAN eaviment and may tlect otver wavoment t ues te
same fcuensy ind
Warnings Regarding Hoalth
Overng the maure vacbal.and Revaearsfolog perode of me can
lead to pan o numbness in hands, ams, nesk,shouces, es. Serous
gamans may bncurd 1 such use s repoted
Iyou folpain or nurtoness whie prsing the mesae o keboar, sp
w immedatay and consut  docter i nocessay
Toke ropsar brests hm daly computor workto avod strin on ands,
El Opening sns nc stoulders rc
Trakjoufo sushosng tho Bueronth Kevtou wit TtlatSard
recvutions Comabie Pronaifes Zegis Nes1 oc a anewrows ts
(@5no ts dvice is peted y lbctia, ho is ctnce tatitmay Ni 1 2 Aizics fs in uies snn o tomi t
ignto In o vlialy evet tat the daves amits smoke o a stargo gflg;:f::‘e 105 Mc 08 Andit Wndons
aml un offthe power n the device and conrectd PC or other 4
ems:contit t tore whersmurchase o our otios. Bigesa] se‘ Marin
@00 otalow lasdi, metals, or any foman anicts id h daven
Ahs cevie maycouse eecr atock,fre or matunctin:
@nitiin im aiocing the dovcn t stong vivaton o mpoct
lt cevice maycouse restngo ordamage
(@Loss of ats ond mogams that may oo whio using t covee se
#1:Modis o which t Buetnoth adere is comectod / mt
#3:todals wah buten Blatooth mocuos

retundervaranty (ier thys 1tm ]
Advcaseake messcrusto erotect dat sch as becking un cate on a [Euterte__ | fopon Te rous Emssn
perodc ass [5re |Wro@rzodnmm __________|
@Vhen claaing ths cavce, retain fom uning mroties tat conmin (wog |#1opiexciingbateren _________|
yltle orginc sotverts such as perzanine o thinner
A avo damege o th sfi or maturcton wie wthasignty 
damo don [Goniinsisimiad | Bueroom ¥or3 0 |
wite n etoile iommnniotin dtesinn [FennianDewr us o mores. n Hecontng on impe emmement
ecssnse emiament tasoraten matorent o in w pene‘ 6
are in caran orwena hancoren t tayis eairec Th cencor wl [Iiminisononait| issz
rotaenmeremorsoaty lorcmnage noomd naveo esoahon, se
Tndint Miemiay mm im snn i porir
#Operaton contents may ifer devecing 08 vanion
C te keyrond as shown in me
folowne petwe, ten i can on
used on mord
To stow ie sund.flow te procedue in revese ote
xt cai wne nancting thesand Handing thestand rougny ond
wit sverct) may e in sarage
Pairing Metho
(iim on the Bimot ftlony on t 26 uid o anatghone
tam ie paver amio n t wl h davee to on
P reas h foncton kay and parny sntch buton emalanecual, hn
yovemaloots e ating snn Siher vie se ane ol e on
Forrn, e paeng L2b 19 uit bink io bus sory
saen sutontuton
seltea£0 . conerswich
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otcisinto plice
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um s ropnoimmnne
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Annunc meujons / sany / marby morina
pame— d igzoges
beainiadnidendls .. _2lC20G
wurmemrmn w
Canynsmnd ap m w
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weemne comonm minsnteries
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cunosmummnuniin annemnerennes ceumicrt
Svvasy oo wai minso
tewe meavoure
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‘Feom nmesamonneroumce mitmonscnmins t
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sns o sn n t n on mc mt cniond ce fraw s hn
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ons uevem jo sconnuen) arsg y
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El Name of oach part /Table of Shorteut Keys
in haytuncton k) ®
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of e paiing D 1—3wildinicimo Sue mt Th the patngerannel
jou anvetnd wilonte paiing made
(6obet "SANIWA KBD S129" o ts dapiyed on the Shetooth soting
@ramma‘s corsored
(7Mtna regsting muticle ces or sutcing devices to e used you
ein swith eaaly 5y possng m ineton hy ma the pang antcn
button s e same tre
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whhen prsing rumber hays on ts deven, d rurvbors are nat
dapared on ie saven
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Purrbers e ortered nearctyorthe atotad ome passes,comecton
0 0 0 c ®— pemateo lewBareytt®
Android ios Windows
deanscroen | ukn scuen |carn scroon
bghto scoan rgiin sroo orghton scroon
seuch seuch seach
home rome evensage
Fott noune det| N/A ht mouse ced
Pm eiex . NA back
peovias song.|oroviussong |rghtoick
usosy _ |pousehlay _ |pmesobay
hostsong _ |noxsong _ |resorg
®@ [*.) |mcs ie m
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@fnd [L.). |otin cramal oring crarna Irangctama
nds 3 4) |ouing chamet patny carra pangctarna2
uin shametloarno crarreleaingcharnn3
B osa
l cant ertorusing me toys
Avon i th power sioh is "on‘, ho kesboort wil ontr soon moda
ueloss is manpuited requlary, Th kevtco un b recered horn
saep mote oy cidling ary hay. Opersion may be unsutle
mmmesitay ster rstuming om soep mode
O When usig hi daven, t Bluroem mc isimamoted
AWhen sing Bhetothcomostbla Neadshons, Naadses orsposters
wih t davic, masand wicus may by ntoruased
Aln e cason, o tng may uk. t ccus, tm the pomerto"of on
thisdeven and pedtrm paiino oe—ators aoain
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100 the mona us doew SNWA ETKEYRONRO: Blatoot en
—> Slisot sotings weddon > SANHA KoD Tz
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3 0n the Rople meny,cice System mrefores setings > Erey
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5 Ghose t ‘Powa acator t tho chack tm o fo "Do net
atow the comsuterto soop avtomatealy wan desly is of"
wwehack th other chcitors.
6 Recetom paring ceatins to the k toot
en paiooun
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stonums on Somogo)a o natgn s conend sany 204 ut ost ue i sduue n op .
snmusint ow ammodo o firoune ow a por prcssounpdus 3 rgivodi d n t povidd Awart o soonnypou m sobangp
doun vesuipn njome provndo ve o mrop snaniies:
rovawus» i oninar on on on woy 1e ow e vo sc ue o wouc now n rowe5—
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namnct Bunmaiac smojio wavong
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Snawon sconeaununion perosaxusc in rywreyanre fsswwoonnsa ag vam axurpams u pan pu poyena 10 y ue ABaua Ovantog
oerampes ue poe sai atencad waszinso aus uantirin enimpma e nsm njury wante uonssiolagioirarapaoi t aatrop
on surormut sapy ansouost ind o wemind ‘wnup ib a ied e ) ut un uin Adio» on pure oo poa wo s sooucinbe us
sseujsng ino ereusfec0y
¥ MA N V S —
Bluetooth Keyboard
User‘ s Mantal
ree io: eamsugrasgx
oio: pessase
GSKBBT28BK_manual . IAWINEzie BEe =5
suben, SMcamnanS, mbmomtroae.
B sere=a
ernachanee. shmpnes. afa0, smm
i# wetdo mm m o nidee mt i en tem, cenoim
exnsan. enenmc\sani.
acemnieim i. aon, hie.
on nemanarman.
actneriemt ie + it
ensomirtonmuntas, namanm.
a inz t Ion d 9 h RD N.
mene, enenememiens ie eminenininn.
adoemen dn durioe, nvibeibmrstiemt.
G sasewre
ocmsc ie
anin® "mer sn
ToR 9714 hA v EMBE #Blustootn®—1t~ tds
RinkifWcRa BMickbnkSediist.
ermasesonsiransroo m esnsennr s —anine
aunbi es amenomaL cae c ovemmeminem in
roavornexs mircommcren,
ecnanitcat exndonmithoenencurcran
asm eanzonmcsecesnner.
anmmorm o7 #enenconnensntensccren,
exnnontanersiecs oofve0+—zeominemmne
amommiicecknnnin. BCiE mb oatt
_ _
exnnotnaree. snbsans. omn. amean
an e se ieiessepenin c tuan, ced in mt
sanamenmmeint. HHnRermmnitAn®
. Aduen®. smecntc.
a o ue me corn in 5xm ANNEnN, KnE nn®
wonehns. neruneetrn. eemucinne
mm treind. dobieei n ue rais. ihit
amlsomeun tespiemiek, Rebidiat®. +NEA
amzankt. i. meeennenuminehnine,
reuesteins s min.
nmae] HorwiPad. ApicifioiT, Andodiieet — amaknt.
HBWndows (D0S\) AJ id > e it es
iWRAI 105. Mac0S. Android. Windows
esnc emans
a1: comizanzces.
«: absshoneenshon, betknsiraien.
#3: (ouieitbluetoth i iikiinet

@ 769 — 9mm
aso on en
4rooin td

arik Sluetooth Ver30
resm iAmontnennernnam
mne Tsz
wiamosmconm, innieenscin
Canaran meane
ammae, bmensbsmnt.
se ann o en e ie,
en rotrne uen te.
ciase rmemerine, nraknnemen.
anmeninmeimetcomi~smemmiin d in
muvae rauosr
exnacsean s—menvan nornan amaneanstone
cmoom mm adneiman e omm enmeniee xmb
oms meniiemancersts.choomnicendedish. Aon
i nempseusieocomunneentonmnany.
Bustcoinse «on m im anme enomantarenn, ow
nnesanrenonaitiena cce ns
quncmr omm
vorehournt—1. +—nt— eanmaives, somen. Rovicans
wnomoanemtscennnier. coinien sR chae oi
socominnneiakcrensenny.v0a0r—it~ remnmcate
lerromne ons mste yc L l chRiteittt ec ow
snmorvovam cemnncrnend s emen, muamcnnin
Fereir Jece n iracine—Torvradorhie.
MBR |viniomiit OOSN N27 2700b3
Inbazal 5 lc 0t mntio Wederm |
ons _ |mnsie ]
an surcoty a70 eR —roar—icoame.
12 dueouit—1C eoam ce aimanicenann ie cms ow
i9 Buenotiets im n co n
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mesmenen |
watexDiptxiit mm |
mymenin ]

mawe Succomvesn ]
mere momonenencrnnevin |
waw Gan> |
woson—>ovice) amnanamensendever.
advrequnt amnsositen s cotan.
amiche Anemamrenitishay.
esd tik
(WWaz#FL h AY—ba x>0!Bluetooth e Movs
@iink—harvsoneaioverninue <7)>7¢e
#n eantielad aReasenry>7iep1—sowf hi
AzuvieD @EatYF
Inz— arusonsy
B @esn— rmunce
0 0 ® mmwor wne
fise nitun heo | one
amrn weme am
esmmtrnenmne (B—#) . demmmer
ceoensanineck. ds ol redies.
@emnedominecnmd ie roawakeostas) .
masezTsses, maukeis, aimgrmunzen
weiromenn, metwainide.
xorh u: WADJERN, Motrarenneeat
armaienmen, zeea. cemeai, m
aieed mae en o e 2.
#H0#he u a—hiy h — td
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nt—Gryhvezk~) GO® — aA¢—A*—
amaror aant—
(OKEfnt—kearizunthy( [3 00) emoicinie 7
v>HLEp | ~dou8 hh BlcdaL P Y>tF vvely
(S)@miodluetootnB tz "SANWA KD aTz8 t e
on nemur, ehewe uie se e umt —ank
oc i veeenncite se ic dn im omacia on
yo—himmrackicnttotirr en her
yonuino M t e Un aiiiie Abs hcwa ce
mana n Sm nfenn uo e n imaticscinicr
© Aryy/z me wermic
Android i8 Windows
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um NA
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Ed w in nc it
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e (*.) mm wak gate
waus wutis
Esn resin Exi
rxame reatier rntage
ratmins rxtiains rtains
EJ osa
Avenupxnrnnis, n—hmatenense, en
mteasn, eeemncems.
Cerans, RFBAbmiN.
norpaminnn mm s ne — AndAE: mmdemed
mm emenksen, mwee.
Anowng ramenmdtnine. micaiuaxas.
w natcmceriite.
1ipiMacearem — w1 ‘saniakonetae‘ .
30 meembrieme > tiem.
aan e and, Rannan.
san amins ant. thd c
wAme‘ .
mmmaie, ic
miGa—b) hi Ga—+)
amerus |ametis |ameti/o
anekrs |afieis |mmeiie
areck |ervsarect |rrorcns
Android i08 Windows
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@nt[L] owzrean vwrrean |ovwrrman
®nt 1. |ensrrmane enperrmze errremine
@ink LJ |vermean ewarmasevzrmand
A RRG ># MONO M en —remRE 1t ~ e iL Ants
xon—ritv—emmern al—7c— khstmlar.
ce t in omcs a c es oc
oAuR&iERIY s : dutconiBoneenns.
AMBBluctoothtliiOAo Wtc oz iez h A€—A—
nelomes n mive enc d Ur sn Aace en net
A ccenkariy7canyasensnnr uOm
0. #—1(—ittMacctestomien.
A. M ropmrenmUchaw
1. X=a—/t—®!Blustooth? 1 291 >!Bluetooth t
©—000—+. ‘sANWA Ksd BTegeniRLa3
2. Buetooth#—1—KORMEOFFEUET
3. Appletca——rooramintis hexue—se
4. U070—57€000 E007 a,0000 307 270
s. enry75,97enie r s A7ANgoeaieay
FavbtHiH. 20007 —»0iy 7207 »v) UE
6. minr—il—Kopupo ezern BLas.

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