SEGI REH500-1WAM Security/Remote control transmitter User Manual
SEGI LIMITED Security/Remote control transmitter
User manual
F m RSTE E H, L L E. aaoaucmooooooo FCC This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1 ) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance dpuld void the user's authority to operate this device. IC This device complies with Industry Canada licenceexempt RSS standardfs). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1 ) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le present appareil est conforme aux CNR d'lndustrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)1'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) |'uti|isateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, méme si Ie brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. F I” RETEEH.L L I:- QUICK START CARD 8102REUCL000300 // Fl- lW Guide REV] —/ 1 WAY 4 BUTTON REMOTES E: GT 6:!" 7,3 (a+ as) (63+ :43) «:0 (than (65w?) ld‘t‘al Top the lock Button to lock your doors and/or arm your vehicle. Hold this button for 3.5 seconds to odivote panic/vehicle locater. Top the Unlock Button to unlock your doors and/or disarm your vehicle. Hold this button tor 2.5 seconds to pop your trunk. It not equipped, ask yourAuthorized Dealer tor details on how to get it. Hold this button tor 2.5 seconds to start your vehicle. Your vehicle's parking lights wrll llosh once and/or Siren wrll chirp once tor conlimiation. Repeat and your vehicle WI" shut oll. Aurelia 1: Press and hold Trunk + Start Buttons lor 2.5 seconds and then tap the Trunk release utton. Cuxduary 2: Press and hold Trunk + Start Buttons tor 2.5 seconds and then top the Start utton. Top these two buttons at the some time to turn Valet Mode oft. Turn Ignition On and top these two buttons to turn on. Hold them for 2.5 seconds to turn your FT-DAS or Shock Sensor on or ell. Top these two buttons at the some time to turn the horn or siren chirps on or oft. Tap these two buttons to activate Passive locking/arming. Your system will lock/arm after 30 seconds if ambled. Fufiedn, LlC. \ l F ”l RETECHrL L E- QUICK START CARD —// 1 WAY 4 BUTTON REMOTES ALARM LED CODES START ERROR CODES lf you have an alarm and optlonal LED(s) installed, It will flash once FARM - HG UGHT “ASHES REMOTE START “OR a second it armed. If your alarm is triggered then the LED(s) will flash E more than once until it is disarmed. See the table below for what 3 ”‘9" l ‘3 M°l°r waning each LED code represents. 3 than 2 2: Key in ignition on position 3 men 3 3; Door open ALARM TRIGGER EVENT lED FLASH“ (manual ,mnsmlssmn only) Door, Hood, trunk, or Ignition On triggered 2, Pause, Then Repeat 3 than 4 4: Trunk open Full triggered shock sensor 3, Pause, Then Repeat 3 lhe" 5 5: F00, brake 0“ Optional sensor triggered 4, Pause, Then Repeat 3 the" 6 6: Hood Open Panic Mode 5, Pause, Then Repeat 3 men 7 7: Reservaton off (manual transmission only) Valet Mode: It your remote start is not working, you may be in Valet 3 "‘8” 8 Mode. Your parking lights will also not flash. Your doors will still lock and unlock. To exit Valet Mode, tap the Lock and Trunk buttons or turn the lgnition On and then tap the foot brake 10 times or 3 ”'9" l0 l0: 5N9“ is 5" V°lel MOdB reprogram your remote(s). 8: Tach or voltage sensing failure 3 then 9 9: FT—DAS sensor shutdown Register online at Within 10 days of To reprogram your remote first cycle the key in the ignition 5 times purchase to activate your new remote's warranty. within 7 seconds. Parking lights will flash. Alter that tap the Lock Questions/comments? Contact us at 888-820-3690 from 8 button on your remote. Repeat for any additional remotes. It you AM to 5 PM PST Also please V‘s" WWW compustarcom for a receive two parking light flashes, your system has exited remote complete user’s manual programrrung mode and you must retry. Fimtech, LL C. ‘ 2 F R5TE:H,L L :. CARTE DE MISE EN ROUTE RAPID! —.// réLécomNoEs UNIDIRECI’IONNELLES A 4 neurons Plus-zlohomonmouill pourvumoillukspoflfinsd/wodimhmfimcdofiuufléd. mm.Tmzmm°69;bmnonpmdoM3,5mpowodiwhbndmdcponiquo adobooliwfionduv‘h‘cvh. d‘ Pressez lo bouion do dé’verrovlllage pout déverrovlller vos pod-bros eO/ou désaclwer Io sysiéma de sécun'é do vein véhlculo, Tom! plus‘ a boulon pondunf 2,5 ”cud-I pourowril vain wan. S'il n‘d pa: iquipé do as”. opfion, dumndu a vain d‘hilkml aubrin‘ pour plus do “ails an In Moon 6. l'oH-niv. Tent: pressé co bouion pendcni 2,5 secondos pour démcmr voIra véhlcule. les leux de 60 sIahonnemen’ a. voIre véhlcvle chgnoremno une $0.5 eo/ou la suéne émeflra un bup pour confirmav. Répédez I'opérahon e! le meteor de voire véhlcule s'arréiera‘ (“+53’ Awdicinlzmdmmwm'ksbumfln+dm pondanl2,5acondud a «“15th loboubn d’ouvadun do coin. (a + =43) mama 2: new a, mamoenez pressé Ies bouions cof‘re + démavruge panda!!! 2,5 secondes e‘ c-o snsulla prasssz la bouion ammo” MmdwxbwmfimuthmMpourfiudivakmodovaHdumvoh ”sumo. Tourmz ‘6 + a) koonioddpnuu In Mommrallumu. Tum-IaMponchZfimbdupouradivor ou démdivorvoln Mon vohdMurd‘impud. (6 + d ) Pram: ass deux bouions sumvlkmémenl pour adwer ou désudlver l9 kluxon on has up: 69 la meme. Mmmm racfivulemodaeonfldovmwil dd'odivdiondutywhmo‘ do (6+6) MVmmeithwMuuwwmmopfimdm. Furnech, llC | 3 F ”L R5TECH,L L I:. CAR‘I'E DE MISE EN ROUTE RAPIDE —/ TELECOMMANDES UNIDIREUIONNELLES A 4 Bourous CODES DEI. DE L'ALARME CODES D'ERREUR DE DEMARRAGE 8- Vans avez Inslallé une ulcrme el des DEL opfionnelle(s), cells-cl clxgnoiero mammal: MD! M , une fois par seconds s. 19 sysiéme as: armé‘ s. voire alarms as? déclenchée, " mm mumlm . , . ,. ‘ . , , les DEL clngnoier'onl plus d one ions Iusqu 0 ce que le sysieme sol! desorme. 3 ensune 1 I: Moveur allumé Vemllez vous réferar nu fableuu cirdessous pour voiré quoi correspond chuque code DEL. 3 emufle 2 2: Clé duns le canted en position ON . 3: Portiére ouvefle 3 ensulie 3 . . Mum DE llfidflldlflll' Immune moments on. (””"m'" 'mnsm'ssw" "‘°““‘-‘"=) 3 ensuiie 4 4: Cofine owed 'I h 0d I'll” , L, H II ,Pu , ’0 ' '0 Decenc emen 9 p0 ere capo co re ou a Umage 2 use ensule repe 91 3 ensufle 5 5: Pe'dale du frein presse’ Doclanchemeni uolnplel du ddsdeur d Impad 3, Pause, ensuie rapeiel 3 ensuile 6 6: Cam De'clenchement du dé‘edeur opfionnel 4, Pause, ensufle répé'ez 3 . 7 7: Mode ,ésewé démdwé Mode Wm“ 5 “me mm W “5‘" e (seulemem mnsmIsSIon monuelle) , ‘ 3 . 8: Edlec de déIedion du lodvymé-ne Mode va|ef : s: volre demurruge a dasionce ne {ondlonne pas, II esl possuble emu-ta 8 on du ”We que la mode vale? son gdwa Vosyfeux dg slatmnnemenf n2 chgnoiemno 3 “We 9 9: Ana: do wed” FTDAS pus non plus. Le venomllage ei deverrou-lluge de pomere oonilnueronv de fondionner. Pour sodir du mode valet pressez les boufons venouilluge el 3 ensuile IO 10: Le sysfime es! en mode valel coHre ou allumez [e mofeurl elf ensufle pressez la pédale de hem l0 ions ou Pour reprogrammer volre iélécpmmande, en premier bumez Ia reprogrammez ”"9 (V05) felecommande(s). clé dons le confocf 5 ions é I’mIe'neur de 7 secondes. Aprés celc, Enreguslrez vofire achai dans les dix [ours sur www.compusfancom pour udwer Pressez le bouion de venouillage sur vofre félécommande. Répé'ez Ia garcmile de vohe iélécommande. I’opérahon pour cheque féléoommande addfllonnelle. SI vous recevez Des queshons/commenfuires? Coniadez-nous au 888-820-3690 de BhOO deux c'lgnoLemen's des feux de s’ohonnemen', vo're vélécommande a moo HNP. Visflez uussi wwwcompusfuncom pour consuliev la version es' sort du mode Progvummahon de lo félécommande er vous devez compléfe dv monuel de l’usager. essoyer <3 nouvecu. Furslech, LLC. \ 4 F m RSTE CH, |_ |_ |:, mum as INICIO RAPIDo —// CONTROL lEMO'I'O UNIDEIECCIONAL DE 4 BOTONES 65‘ Woundbok'indndunpemcnnerleupoeflesoenuegawgy/oemrnlnidmdnuegufided dusuvoMculo. ’ ushboiéiiduraniu , undoopemediverlau adorns mam/WWWW ”9 Presuone el boién de epndure pare abnr les puedas y/o desannav el sustnma dn sngundad de su vehl’culo, Panniennndnbeléndurenin 2,5 angundou pom ebrirw mldntefii "0an provide, WmewnpmnMeMnemmdopemméuddeIhudneémoeMui-Io. Pmsionn ash boién duranin 2,5 se?undos para emancer su vehiculo. Les luces d9 pom-6n dn su vnhl'culo perpednerén une vex y/o e sunne emlhvé un pillde pure confirmer. Repik: le operoclén y nl moior sn deiendré, Auxiliarlzpnuiom membsbelamdulmhbroydnamnqundmnh2§ asundeuy W pinion. nILdén dn epndune del “More. Auiuliov 2: pmsono y manoenga los batons: dnl melninro y do ammqun dumnOn 2,5 Segundo: y después cl bow" d9 ermnqun. medubdomimflémmwmdwfivernlnwdowumwdm.Endendu domfledoypnfimbuhdempemmmmfiigebspmdoudmmz5agundou pemedmrodnoecfiverwwodunsordoimpedo. Pinsbonneflosdosbdonesamufleneemenhperuudivurydesodwurleboomolosp-hdosdebslm. mmdabdumpauefiudnndopeimdudundehngmdnhwmdd mhungufledfiauflumcunélmwémd-wngudmindeopdmuhedmde. Fusiech, llC | 5 Fm RETEEH , L L :. TARJE‘I‘A DE INICIO RAPIDO —// CONTROL REMOTO UN DERECC ONAL DE 4 BO‘I’ONES CéDIGOS LED DE LA ALARMA CéDIGOS DE ERROR DE ARRANQUE s: Ud. «erre insiulados ona ulurma y LED(s) opclona|(es), és‘le parpadearé m “we“ n: una vez por Segundo si el sieverna esca armada. Si 50 ularma se disparara, mu wumam el LED(s) parpaaeara mas de una vez husia que el slsiemu sea dasarmcldor 3 deswés 1 1, Mom encendldo Rairérase aI cuudro aau; ubalo pom saber qué lepresenlu coda cédlgo LED. ’ 3 daspués 2 2: Have en el ocnIudo an poddbn ON mu: mm! mm warm» 3 des ués 3 3: Pueno obneda p (fronsmlslén manual solamenve) Achvacién de puena. cupé, moleiero o enoendido 2, Pause, depués replla 3 és 4 4. Muletam abieflo Adivodén compls‘u del sensor de impudo 3, Pousa, depués napikl 3 después 5 5: Pedal de freno present: do Adivauén del sensor opCIonul 4, Pause, depués '9le 3 demés 6 6: Cnpé ubiedo Mode phi-so 5, Pause, depués mpila ( 7: Mode reservado desuchvodo 3 despues 7 Mod 1 . . d s, f , I' d (transmlslén munuul solamente) 0 Va a a SI su arronque a l uncle no uncuonum, qu|za as e an me o 8: Folk: de d ” del ‘ucémeiroo valet. Sus Iuces de poslclén 1ampaaa parpaaearan. El cierve y aperrara de 3 dame; 8 M ”We Ios segurcs de Ias puedas seguiré funcionando. Para sulir del mode valer, presione Ios wanes de cierre y del ma'eiero o arranque eI marar y enseguidc 3 “59"“ 9 9: ““9“" de' 59"“ "“5 presnone el pedal de hem 10 veces o vuelva 4: progromur su(s) contro|(esfi 3 después IO I0: El sighs-nu add an made valet 'eme‘sl Para reprogramur su conirol remofo, pnmero glre Ia Have an e1 Regisarese en ll'neu en www.compusiancom denim de los 10 dies de la «Mach 5 veces en 8' m'enor de 7 segundoa las 'vces de posmén compru de su sislema para adivar la gararm'a de su nuevo conirol remo'oe Parpodeamnr Despuesr P'eSIone e‘ bob" d9 Gene en 5" coniwl remolor Repna Ia operacién para cada comral remote adlcinnal. s. éPregunfas/comenfanos? Coniédenos al 888-820-3690 de 8h00 a l7h00 reelbe dos porpodeos de lus Inces de posvc-én, su conlrol remofio ha hora esk'mdcr el Pacifico. Tambaén wsiie www.compusloncom para consulfor Ia salido dal modo de prosramamén del conhol remcub y deberél Volver vevsién complefi: del manual del usuorio. a mienlarlo. gamed” LLC_ ‘ 6
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