SK Global SA-3500 Security Device Transmitter User Manual users manual
SK Global Security Device Transmitter users manual
users manual
g User’s Manual i ~wmwmw4 SK Giobal SK Global FCC ID: OSBSA—3500 JOB #: 300ZKO EXHIBIT #: 5 l l 1. During operatton, SAVSSOD uses PtFt and magnefic sensors to detect 2. When any movtng Objects are delected, SAX-3500 tmmedtetety dials your mooite intruston. phone, pager or lelephone; you can also hear adual sound [tom the scene. Remote cunttnt Built—Si ul mm.» Unmet 3. Powertut siren, whlch is eettyateo aller 4. SA»3500 otters tfié best protection tor the firsl noltltcation. IS enough to drive both the otttoe and home, any mtmoer away zr-t cntttng ”can” from the scum ‘ , g Magnetic Itm: Nettrtcuttuu sucker A KLA SK Global FCC ID: OSBSA-3 500 JOB #: 3OOZKO EXHIBIT #: _}—Q2_ RESET KEV xii/PAD (MODEKEV) LED ‘ALARM mun/1mm ' mm SENSOR Magneficwmm ' isiepboneine connedor / “WW“ Adaptenennmi ' ' Bafieny companmenr e 5K (jeans The Rear The Front I Made Key lem — Chime Bell , Clear modtl - Alnvnn Mode : T0110 sound OCCUIS four limes | , , , , I - Clumc BC“ Mode: Dim; dmlg sound ~ (,Ici|r Mode : Tone sound . Power Source D AC/l)C 9V/600mA Ad npier (no! included) / Back-up lmllcry ‘ c: Adnnter ndnpier is (TOUIHA / W. (9-9—6 Ell lhc same time, SAABSOO Operates wiih inc hullcry pnwcr is engaged - The smudard , When using udnpler and hnuerics power rnnn me ndnpier. ln ense or power (iulurc, iiulonmlicdny. - LIED lamp "inside the s detecting movement. cusm' window dix‘pluys rcd for me power on nnd flickeis for i: linuery (Buck-up) — 9V, Icu - Bnucry is for buck up only [Do nut rBuHcly Wflrks for 41mm when me ninin power is off. usc (his us a nmin power sourccl Sin/Weighl : 70mm x IZXmm x 49.5mm / 230g iv ‘ 1 Dulccling Sensor 1 NR seiner (I’yroclcclric inrnned Rny Seumr) th Detecting s m“ : magnetic sensor (Dom/Window open) Detecting angle 1 ”Uri/mum] : Ul)’ . Vcrliczil : 30" Detecting Range 1 WM Sire . Up 10 I5 (inchiilingcxlenml snen) 1 90m; re. I0 Seconds 5 Nllmhcr nf Extensible Sensn } l’rugrummalylc minne Ninnhers: Up lo 5 numbers Vl’n’wc’ (inc Minnie: (w, 600mm), |5ack41|>l7d|w|y (w, 115A) 5 Open-LingTeinpei-ntnre : , no“ ~ 4()"(‘ ~ 5 SK Global 5 FCC ID: OSBSA>3500 ‘ JOB #: 300ZKO EXHIBIT $3: bt/ . Before installing -Scl Ihe uni! inlo "Clem" mmlc . Inslallnlion (u ,_M_"_ (D Plflcc Ilm bulckcl on (2) Slide the Hun imo Ihc (5) Adjmx angle and the wall bracket ol place the unil (lucction for on (he desk / (able for crfccuvc dclccliox) cffcclivc dcmclinn mulcmwirfk 7 Arm. selling Ihc uui(, connr‘cl smsoo cold and (clcphonc jack m the nwfl‘lijnck. 11m“ plug um.) the wall mum. f Opcmnon Wm bcgm in 30 seconds aflm vcmng (he mm mu) “Alarm" mode. I On (he. wall: l’osllion (hc uni! over 1.5m high from II|C floor I Plucc lhc unil rm l||c from pzm ofdcsk or rahlc to ensure dclccliqn range § \ Siren y. 4,» I .\usc Sccurily Code Numeric message 9m pager ®+o~e+ (memory Iocahon) f I Input the 1“ number 0041+ l tnpul (he 2“ number arena t Iephune number SK Global FCC ID: O8BSA-3500 JOB #: BOOZKO EXHIBIT# 225 2 . Use key Q to input numeric message to! pager o-«e-mm wewmmm 3. Telephones connected to PBX (Private Branch Exchange) - Use key Qaller input extension number ®rQ~® + OrQ+ (memory location) (ext number) m. input Security Code » Use key 0 to insert 4 digit security code (u s Q + 0000 + @ (security code) . Security code is needed lor outside control by telephone — Input numbers within 10 seconds 5. How to check the programmed numbers » Checking should be done within 10 seconds at "Clear” mode. — Press the memory location key I 0 ~ 6 i one alter another. - Tone sound occurs as many as telephone numbers, For "123—4567" in location " Q “. press number “ Q" in “Clear" mode ——» Tone sound occurs 7 times. i — -—J » Quick tone sound will be heard 4 times tor empty location key. [ml (“w 6. How to delete and Pie-enter numbers ® 4 0 r m :De|ete memorized numbers in location 0 Q + Q 4 @ :Delete memorized numbers in location 6 - Tone sounds occurs twice H when the numbers are deleted 7. Siren Mode On/Ofl . Siren by using Key 6) — Change the mode within 10 seconds at "Clear" mode - Press key 0 : Tone sounds occurs three times [- — — j / Siren On — Press key 0 one more time ‘ Tone sound occurs once [~] / Siren Oll SK Global FCC ID: OXBSA~3500 JOB #: 300ZKO EXHIBIT #: fig l. Cnili g from outside I > Make it ntiene entt to the number or sit-3500, 2) Autonutticnlly answers nrtcr It) dial tunes. 3) After tone sound 1-1, press 4 digit security eette, , Tone sountl occurs 5 times [ ----- | for wrong security cotlc. w Autmnntieutty disconnected when nuts ttnee times. 4) Tune sound occtns 3 times t f , , 1 for the correct security code 5) Use control key For outside cmumltscc picture A) 6) Security Ct)th is changeable only from the main unit 2. Button Control. I Use the buttons on the telephone or mobile phone tlcsctibetl below tot ouls'idc conttol _ @ Mnue on n ’3 (Mat Mute nt-tt wt, en) t , G) Metre ("time Sins" (lot ll) we)‘ “W lnnc Snund) 0~ r, o LNM Intlm at W (for 45 wtollds ® , - 0 DUI control niette 3 (min tutu "Alert" nmtte) tzw Sim, emnrnunuuuu 0 ‘l t cpltonc nutnnei met ' V my (two w‘ leg} Resct the lunnlvcl' in lucatitni .‘ Q to 0 + Tetenltenennnttier t 0 (TOHL' sounds nr mnny us the tncnmriwd nninnen) t (Rusetmitntrte nptolocnlion Q 3. Caution for cxtcrnul control function — Sincc SAJSOO Iuts tttttonuttic receiving function, (1101155) ask your local dcztlcr when connect the unit to lax or telephone which has automatic answering I'ttnctitm — SA~3500cotlt|cClctl to telephone line which is bound to PBX might not be able for cxtcrnitl control; Please ask your locnl dealer for more details Lw t lixtenml Siten 777 Mztgncltc Scnstn ~ —-—~* , MA w tziiieryeney nuttun / ) ' Mégrflc Senior 3 1. Where to install 2. installation Any dctcclnmlllttcr icncy Switch not included) - Emits iron and rliuls for emergency (mo) Rcruolc (5011le » Bulroufi) works its morlc button ~ Works silt!!!) as the mode key on the side of the unit , Bullou (aworks us zui emergency button , Emits siren and ilinls up , Use this hultou for emergency only It "flfllu‘rflgvj » Power — llnllcly duration I23A, |2V Alkaline] : for about 2 years — (‘llzmgc battery when LIED llunp is off Q Memor Dura on \ Memory Durillion 4 nnnr m [lush mommy keeps all the memorized inl'ornmtion cvcn (lisconncctctl From main powel, SK Global FCC ID: OSBSA~3500 JOB #: 300ZKO EXHIBIT it: Mr Please tell the reason why SAQSOO does not detect anything just alter turning it on. 'Il|is is to allow you some limo I'm rnxlullulinn turd Icuvc lhc house/stoic, How can we distinguish the calls between SA—3500 and a normal phone? Call from SA—350l) has "beeping" sound every four second, which is easily distinguished from phones. Is it possible to install more magnetic Sensors except the supplied one? Yes, you czut |nuchnxc lho cxlrn innguclic extension puck l‘mni llic local dealer, and connect it to tho umguelic line at the hack ol‘lho Unit. There are two ways of connecting it. First, insert two lincs from the each magnetic scnsm into the cxlcmcl sensor terminal, and [ix it firmly, The other way ol‘ connecting is to connect only rho Inst magnetic sensor to SA-IlStX) zlflcl connecting from one inzlgnclic sensor to the other. l Do not install in me following places. —near a power line and neon Sign -|lxc plucc with tho high lCI’lMO" wires or |)O.\Sll)lc thunder strike. —on a steel panel and magnetic material —lhe place that has strong v|brntion and movement —ll\€ place (lull has the possflnllly orpccring off the Cover or the connecting wlrc (eg. between doors/windows) ‘ To install al more than two places, should the user buy two SA—GSOO? Yes, Il'nol, the user can use many magnetic sensors llowcvcr, ifmorc inl‘rtucrl sensors are IlSCthd for spatial reason, the user should buy more SA—SSOO. 3’ [Even with one phone line, multiple phone sets can cnch be connected to them, I} .> .> The phone in use has extension number system. However, although pager number dialed with extension number, no alert occurs after detection. What should be done? In this case, the switcher iii use is an old model. Push extension number first, then push the PAUSE key and the phone number to call. It should be checked first whether local call, long distance call or a call to mobile phone tue possible with the phone connection to SA—SStK). Can pet birds or small insects like cockroaches be detected? SA— 500 u. s l’lR sensor. it means SA—35tXi detects moving objects with treat detecting sensor. 'llief‘ef0re, it detects not only lzu'ge aniirials but also small pct dog, liirtl and mouse. But in rse’nf small animal like a mouse, it is possible that tl|C sensor fails to detect iI it isn‘t right in front ol'llie sensor. (cockroaches can't be detected) i It an obstacle obscures SA~3500, can it still detect an intruder? Since it detects the heat of a living creature, ifcoriduction of heat is hampered the detection will be difficult. Therefore special care should be taken in order for any object not to obscure the sensor. And it will be effective if provided magnetic sensors are used for doors (windows) Where detection rue expected to be difficult. is it possible to detect in dark places? AS it detects the heat of a living creature, it can detect in dark place. is it possible to install magnetic sensor at steel door? As it is already known, magnetic sensor has magnetism. in case of steel door, the iriagiietisiii will be directed to the door, which will keep the sensor from functioning properly. '1hcrefore, it is wise to avoid installing sensor at a steel door but in an inevitable case, a pad (cardboard, two~way sticky tapes, wood piece) Should be laid at the steel door. ,> What is the talse alarm prevention program explained in the manual? The false alarm prevention program is designed to prevent an instant sensor detection due to external factors by letting it alert to user if sanic sensor detection occurs twice. It is programmed in case external factors like wind and strong light affect detection. in case of listening to site sound, is the listening time shortened according to how late the user picks up the phone? Our product is programmed with Motorola chip and is activated only within the struidardAappioved time frame. 'llierefoie, all products will be activated with the same time frame, 'llie later the user picks up the phone, die shorter the listening tilnc gets. (For example, if the user picks up cell phone after five rings, the listening time will be 45scconds minus I5seeonds(tlic ringing time). Can siren sound be turned up? The siren level is (will). (when measured lM away from it.) It is for indoor usage only and such level tllCt’IiIS that the shut ctttt be hcttt-ti rtpm hallway witli door closed in rpm strutttc rm apartment. This it enough to Scitlc an intruder . at home and office. Rtu. Itg siren level is up to the design of other parts like i output and speaker. it is desirable to Set propel“ sitctt level relative to the product t size. Can it detect it I put it on a TV or a relrigerator instead ol wall? This product takes the foriii of beam with the detection distance of 8 meters, detection range of 80 degrees in horizon. 20 degrees in vertical. llencc, it can detect even ifyou install it on a desk with the height of 75 em on the average. But please note that the detection degree of vertical direction can be decreased ifyou install deep inside of table and desk. SK Global '* FCC ID: OSBSAASSOO JOB v: 3002140 EXHIBIT #: __3_l—\; What is included in an extension pack ol magnetic sensor? A. 2 magnetic sensors zrntl connecting lines tire included. You may use it by cutting it as much us you wturi. if you rreetl more magnetic sensors, you rrriry prirehnse nit extension prick. For your reference, our rruignetie sensor IS n product of "AMSECO" in USA that has been wiilely recognized of its excellent quality worldwrtle. Of course, it is much more expensive compared with other products. In ntlrli on, we spL itilly mirmrt' 111m connecting lines tor white color. White connecting line is not thtIihlbli: in the mtu'kel, You ctur pirrclrnse u only tit the llcillul' you bought SA-3500 Q. In case oi magnetic sensor connection, does infrared sensor also detect? A. Attention should be given in tnslnllirrg magnetic sensor so tIrnl llrey lienil rownril same direction tltlti two sensors mind not npnrl entrh ollter by more ilrtrrr 5mm. ll" the wrong installation remains incor't‘eetetl nntl the riser goes outside, bollr the sensors Will not l'rinctierr. Q. In case at magnetic line connection, can normal electric cord or phone wire be used? A. Yes Brit il’ wire is too thick, an installation job cnn be difficult anti more electricity will be wusleil. Wherefore reconrirrendetl Wlf’CgsiIOtliLl be used, \ SK Global K FCC ID: OSBSA-SSOO , 3OOZKO w r, 4 T on mi pli nit-tn at'twct lrt'all rvgister, 0! exposed in iilltcl runiigiii, ennui, nr nmgmin inr m Avoid cit-ewe lulu: and yr: vllwmltorl. l’lnee “AMI: Mints. A; llloe ‘ng illesenmi'will , ,. 'lililinirrrrcelitirrrcell i‘ sit, littrritl)loweiilcluting iirnnc/w ii- M “b, “y r u it Lsxplim Never'nrtxlily your SA—slblll r) i - - ~- ‘ ' I ‘ n nnr lnsl ill the to when, ) pets irtinr ulllerlng Not Allowed ltrr rirt- Willi perrrlirle Llrtltlgus ilelL‘ulrrg Hinge n ioticlr plrone I ‘pttltlllcl is not tin zititi»llrel'i st. Ill y syi em lixit tin til . A ttrnr system to check tin entry/exit. Complete tintlers ntlirrg ol’tlris product will ensure proper iisnge WW was Qpfifiadai arm 00. kr SK Bldg, 199715, Ulcl‘lm 27Ga‘ Chung-Gm Seoul Korea SK Global | . Tel.8272a’1738~3763/3788—3616 mug-24715755 www,skglo)ml com Ermaxlzskyoun2©skglobaLcom / ‘ User's Manual } SK Giobal ' SK Global FCC m: osBSA-asoo W 105 a; 300mm
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