SMART Technologies BT Smart Bluetooth Dongle User Manual Operating instructions

SMART Technologies Inc. Smart Bluetooth Dongle Operating instructions


Operating instructions

SMART Technologies Inc.Suite 6001177 - 11th Avenue SWCalgary, ABCANADA T2R 1K9Tel. 403.245.0333Fax 403.228.2500Technologies Inc.Bluetooth Operating InstructionsDate:  May 10, 2002Document:  Bluetooth Functional SpecificationAuthors:  Wallace Kroeker, Manager, Software DevelopmentSMART Technologies Inc.Functional SpecificationOverviewThe SMART Bluetooth device provides a way for users of a SMART Board to replace the serial cable thatconnects the SMART Board to a computer.  On front projection systems this cable must run across thefloor in front of the SMART Board to the user’s computer creating a possible safety issue if the cable isnot properly covered.  There are two possible modes of operation of the SMART Bluetooth device: apaired set of devices or a single device.  Once in place the solutions provide a Bluetooth RadioFrequency serial data (RFCOMM) connection running at 9600 baud.   This may be increased in the futureas the Cambridge Silicon Radio technology that is being used is rated to run up to 115200 baud for serialdevices.Paired SMART Bluetooth devicesThe paired SMART Bluetooth devices are two identical devices configured in the factory to only recognizeeach other. No other Bluetooth devices are allowed to connect to these devices. A SMART Board userinstalls one device on the SMART Board and the other device on the computer connected to a serial portvia a short cable. Power is then supplied to both Bluetooth devices and they find each other and establishan RFCOMM connection. With the RFCOMM connection established, the SMART Board user can use theequipment just as they would have with a regular serial cable connection.Single SMART Bluetooth deviceThe single SMART Bluetooth device allows the user to establish an RFCOMM connection through apreexisting industry standard Bluetooth device on the computer. The SMART Board user must follow theinstruction provided by the manufacturer of the Bluetooth device (e.g. USB, PC-Card or built-in) on theircomputer to establish the connection. Generally the steps are as follows:•  Locate the SMART Bluetooth device.  The SMART Bluetooth device has a recognizable namesuch as SMART SC7B.•  Determine which virtual serial COM port on their computer is used to establish serial RFCOMMconnections via the computer Bluetooth device.•  Specify this COM port in the SMART Board software.  When this is specified the manufacturersoftware usually gives a list of Bluetooth devices and the user selects the SMART Bluetoothdevice from the list.•  With the RFCOMM connection established the SMART Board user can use the equipment justas they would have with a regular serial cable connection.Note that this is a general description of the connection establishment process and will vary betweenmanufacturers of the computer Bluetooth devices.

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