ST Engineering Telematics Wireless FP310RAM-X Non-multilateration ASTM mini reader User Manual FP100RA Reader

Telematics Wireless Ltd. Non-multilateration ASTM mini reader FP100RA Reader


user manual

 PROPRIETARY  Note: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  WARNING! Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by Telematics Wireless Ltd. could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  The digital portion of the transceiver has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential  installation.  This  equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is  encouraged  to  try  to  correct  the  interference  by  the following measure: -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. The antenna and therefore the unit, used for this transmitter must be installed to normally provide minimum separation distance of at least 2 meters from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Table of Contents PROPRIETARY  ii        FP310RAM-X  Mini Reader User Manual  Version 1.1        Telematics Wireless Ltd. 26 Hamelacha St., POB 1911  Holon, 58117  Israel  Phone:  +(972)3-5575717 Fax:   +(972)3-5575713    March 2010       This  document  contains  proprietary  information,  which  is  the  sole property  of  Telematics-Wireless.  The  document  is  submitted  to  the recipient  for  his  use  only.    By  receiving  this  document  the  recipient undertakes not to duplicate or to disclose in part of, or the whole of, any of the information contained herein to any third party without receiving before hand, written permission from the submitting company.
Table of Contents PROPRIETARY  iii   Table of Contents  Page Chapter ‎1 ...................................................................................................................... 1-1-2 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1-1-2 1-1. Scope ............................................................................................................. 1-1-2 1-2. General Description ....................................................................................... 1-1-3 1-2.1 Purpose and Use ............................................................................... 1-1-3 1-2.2 Main Technical Characteristics ........................................................ 1-1-3 1-2.3 Host Utility ....................................................................................... 1-1-3 1-2.4 Additional Equipment Needed .......................................................... 1-1-3 1-2.5 FP310RAM-X vs. FP300RA ............................................................ 1-1-4 1-3. Physical Description ...................................................................................... 1-1-4 1-4. Functional Description .................................................................................. 1-1-5 1-4.1 Normal Mode .................................................................................... 1-1-5 1-4.2 Mute Mode ........................................................................................ 1-1-5 1-4.3 Maintenance Mode ........................................................................... 1-1-5 1-4.4 Host Communication ........................................................................ 1-1-5 Chapter ‎2 ...................................................................................................................... 2-2-1 Installation ................................................................................................................... 2-2-1 2-1. General........................................................................................................... 2-2-1 2-2. Installation Requirements .............................................................................. 2-2-1 2-2.1 Integration in Systems ...................................................................... 2-2-1 2-2.2 Safety Considerations ....................................................................... 2-2-1 2-2.3 Mechanical Data ............................................................................... 2-2-2 2-3. Installation Guidelines ................................................................................... 2-2-2 2-3.1 Power Requirements ......................................................................... 2-2-2 2-3.2 Antenna ............................................................................................. 2-2-2 2-3.3 Communication Cables ..................................................................... 2-2-3 2-3.4 Grounding and Lightning Protection Requirements ......................... 2-2-3 2-4. Installation Procedure .................................................................................... 2-2-3 2-4.1 Tools and Materials .......................................................................... 2-2-3 2-4.2 Preparation for Installation ............................................................... 2-2-3 2-4.3 FP310RAM-X Installation Procedure .............................................. 2-2-4 Chapter ‎3 ...................................................................................................................... 3-3-1 Operation ..................................................................................................................... 3-3-1 3-1. Scope ............................................................................................................. 3-3-1 3-2. Power-Up ....................................................................................................... 3-3-1  Appendix ‎A .................................................................................................................. A-1 Connection Data .......................................................................................................... A-1 A-1. Antenna Connector .......................................................................................... A-1 A-2. Power Input Connector .................................................................................... A-1 A-3. Host Interface Connector ................................................................................. A-1 A-4. I/O Connector .................................................................................................. A-1
Table of Contents PROPRIETARY  iv   List of Illustrations Figure ‎1-1. FP310RAM-X, General View ....................................................................................... 1-1-3 Figure ‎1-2. FP310RAM-X, Host Side Panel .................................................................................... 1-1-4 Figure ‎1-3. FP310RAM-X, Antenna Side Panel .............................................................................. 1-1-4 Figure ‎2-1. FP-310RA Connections ................................................................................................. 2-2-1 Figure ‎2-2. FP310RAM-X Mechanical Data ................................................................................... 2-2-2      List of Tables Table ‎1-1. FP-310RA Connectors, Indicators and Controls ............................................................. 1-1-5 Table ‎A-1. DC IN Connector, Pin Functions ...................................................................................... A-1 Table ‎A-2. HOST Connector, Pin Functions for RS-232 Interface ..................................................... A-1 Table ‎A-3. I/O Connector .................................................................................................................... A-1
 PROPRIETARY 1-1           Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION      Contents 1-1. Scope ............................................................................................................. 1-1-2 1-2. General Description ....................................................................................... 1-1-3 1-2.1 Purpose and Use ............................................................................... 1-1-3 1-2.2 Main Technical Characteristics ........................................................ 1-1-3 1-2.3 Host Utility ....................................................................................... 1-1-3 1-2.4 Additional Equipment Needed .......................................................... 1-1-3 1-2.5 FP310RAM-X vs. FP300RA ............................................................ 1-1-4 1-3. Physical Description ...................................................................................... 1-1-4 1-4. Functional Description .................................................................................. 1-1-5 1-4.1 Normal Mode .................................................................................... 1-1-5 1-4.2 Mute Mode ........................................................................................ 1-1-5 1-4.3 Maintenance Mode ........................................................................... 1-1-5 1-4.4 Host Communication ........................................................................ 1-1-5
Scope PROPRIETARY  1-2    Chapter ‎1 Introduction 1-1.  Scope This  manual  covers  the  characteristics,  applications,  installation,  configuration  and  maintenance  of  the FP310RAM-X mini reader, an advanced and flexible roadside component offered by Telematics Wireless for use in electronic Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) systems.  The information included in this manual is organized as follows: Presents the manual scope and organization, and describes the FP310RAM-X mini reader functions and capabilities.  Chapter 1 – Introduction Provides the information needed to plan the FP310RAM-X installation, and detailed installation instructions. Chapter 2 – Installation  Provides information on the FP310RAM-X operating modes. Chapter 3 – Operation  Presents the information needed to connect to the FP310RAM-X. Appendix A –  Connection Data      For additional information on the FP310RAM-X technical specifications, its systems integration, help in interfacing  to  the  FP310RAM-X,  and  other  issues  regarding  utilization  of  FP310RAM-X  advanced characteristics, contact Telematics Wireless.
General Description PROPRIETARY  1-3  1-2.  General Description 1-2.1  Purpose and Use  The FP310RAM-X mini reader offered by Telematics Wireless is a versatile, compact and reliable unit that serves as the reader component of a vehicle identification system. Figure ‎1-1 shows a general view of the FP310RAM-X.  Figure ‎1-1. FP310RAM-X, General View The  Telematics  Wireless  Mini  Reader  FP310RAM-X  is  a  reduced  version  of  Telematics  Wireless FP300RA road  side reader.  The mini reader is a  versatile, compact, and reliable unit that serves as  an integral part of a vehicle identification system and may be used to read and write data to and from TDMA tags and to activates the tag's driver alert signal.  The FP310RAM-X mini reader can be used for traffic load monitoring, gate pass applications, tag testing at point of sale and service and more.  The FP310RAM-X may be operated from DC sources in the range of 9 to 30 VDC. It has low power drain (less than 0.3 W) and very compact size. 1-2.2  Main Technical Characteristics The  FP310RAM-X  supports  two-way  communications  with  in-vehicle  transponders  (“tags”)  using  the ASTM  V6  Slotted-Aloha  Time  Division  Multiple  Access  (TDMA)  protocol.  The  physical  layer  is compatible with ASTM PS111-98. The FP310RAM-X communicates with transponders that enter its communication zone at speeds of up to 125 mph (200 kph). The communication uses fixed transmit and receive frequency within the ISM band is used (915 MHz); the data rate is 500 kbps, with ASK modulation. The FP310RAM-X can use many types of antennas, to match the spatial resolution needed in the desired operation mode. 1-2.3  Host Utility Telematics Wireless offers a dedicated reader host utility for the FP310RAM-X that can be installed on any PC running Microsoft® Corp. Windows 2000 or XP. The FP310RAM-X connects to one of the free serial  communication  ports  of  the  PC  using  a  straight  modem  cable  (9  pin  to  9  pin).  The  host  utility provides full control over FP310RAM-X. 1-2.4  Additional Equipment Needed The only additional accessories that have to be provided are:  Antennas of a type suitable for the specific installation requirements, and the required coaxial cables for connecting to the antennas.
Physical Description PROPRIETARY  1-4   DC source capable of providing the required supply voltage (9 to 30 VDC) at maximum 0.3 W.  Means for communicating with the host (serial asynchronous communication link). 1-2.5  FP310RAM-X vs. FP300RA Telematics Wireless FP300RA road side reader became the dominant roadside equipment in the ASTM CVO market place. The following table summarizes the major differences between the FP300RA and the FP310RAM-X.  Function FP-300RA FP310RAM-X RF Support lanes Up to 4 1 Tx power output Software controlled Fixed Rx sensitivity Software controlled Fixed Protocol Report tag found Yes Yes Report tag lost Yes Yes Read/Write to tag Multiple tags simultaneously Multiple tags simultaneously Agency programming Yes No Lists Active list 128 20 Hot lists 20 None Tags in hot lists 40,000 None Auto function Multi level None  Interfaces 3 UARTs (Host, Maintenance and Aux) 1 UART (Host only)  Digital I/O 7 outputs / 8 inputs 2 output / 2 inputs  Input sense On all inputs No  Real time clock Yes No 1-3.  Physical Description Figure  ‎1-2  and  Figure  ‎1-3  show  the  components  located  on  the  FP310RAM-X  (see  Figure  ‎1-1  for orientation). The functions of the various components are described in Table ‎1-1.  Figure ‎1-2. FP310RAM-X, Host Side Panel  Figure ‎1-3. FP310RAM-X, Antenna Side Panel
Functional Description PROPRIETARY  1-5  Table ‎1-1. FP310RAM-X  Connectors, Indicators and Controls Side Item Function Host DC IN Connector  3-pin connector used to connect the DC input voltage. RESET Push-button Internal push-button used to initiate cold restart of the FP310RAM-X.  IND Indicator  Status indicator, provides the following indications:   Flashing green: normal operation, no tags detected   Flashing orange: normal operation, tags detected   Flashing red: mute mode (transmission disabled)   Blinking red: Test mode HOST Connector  9-pin D-type female connector includes a serial asynchronous RS-232 DCE interface used for connection to the host computer. Antenna ANT Connector  SMA connector for connection to the main antenna. I/O I/O connector CPA connector 1-4.  Functional Description The FP310RAM-X has three operating modes, Normal mode, Mute mode and Maintenance mode. 1-4.1  Normal Mode The functions performed by the FP310RAM-X during operation in the normal mode are as follows:  Report the transponders that are passing through its communication zone  Maintain  a  list  of  the  transponders  that  are  currently  detected  within  the  reader's communication zone (active list)  Perform various functions on transponders in response to host requests: o Read/write transponder internal or external memory o Operate transponder driver interface o Send transponder to sleep mode 1-4.2  Mute Mode In mute mode the reader will not transmit any RF signal. 1-4.3  Maintenance Mode In maintenance mode the reader can be command to activate various RF test function and to upgrade the reader's software. 1-4.4  Host Communication The FP310RAM-X supports communication with a host. Two types of messages are used:  FP310RAM-X initiated message used to report events, e.g., a new transponder  Messages sent in response to host requests.
 PROPRIETARY         Chapter 2 INSTALLATION      Contents 2-1. General........................................................................................................... 2-2-1 2-2. Installation Requirements .............................................................................. 2-2-1 2-2.1 Integration in Systems ...................................................................... 2-2-1 2-2.2 Safety Considerations ....................................................................... 2-2-1 2-2.3 Mechanical Data ............................................................................... 2-2-2 2-3. Installation Guidelines ................................................................................... 2-2-2 2-3.1 Power Requirements ......................................................................... 2-2-2 2-3.2 Antenna ............................................................................................. 2-2-2 2-3.3 Communication Cables ..................................................................... 2-2-3 2-3.4 Grounding and Lightning Protection Requirements ......................... 2-2-3 2-4. Installation Procedure .................................................................................... 2-2-3 2-4.1 Tools and Materials .......................................................................... 2-2-3 2-4.2 Preparation for Installation ............................................................... 2-2-3 2-4.3 FP310RAM-X Installation Procedure .............................................. 2-2-4
 PROPRIETARY   Chapter ‎2 Installation 2-1.  General This Chapter provides the information needed to install FP310RAM-X mini readers. The information presented in this Chapter is organized as follows:  Installation requirements – Section ‎2-2.  Installation guidelines – Section ‎2-3.  Installation procedures – Section ‎2-4. Before starting the installation  procedures, make sure to review  the  Safety  Information  section at the beginning of this chapter.  2-2.  Installation Requirements 2-2.1  Integration in Systems Figure ‎2-1 shows the connections needed to integrate an FP310RAM-X unit in a typical electronic vehicle identification  system.  Use  the  information  appearing  in  Chapter  1  and  Appendix  A  that  covers  the FP310RAM-X  interface  characteristics  and  connection  data,  to  prepare  cables  in  accordance  with  the specific requirements of each location.  i/o          To i/o DEVICE DC IN HOST          FP-300RAM-X To Host Computer To DC Power Source  (9 - 30V) Antenna ANT  Figure ‎2-1. FP-310RA Connections 2-2.2  Safety Considerations In addition to the electrical connections shown in Figure ‎2-1, the FP310RAM-X case must be connected to protective grounding.  Protective devices, complying with the applicable international standards and the national and local regulations, must be used on all the lines connected to the FP310RAM-X, to protect against lightning discharges and accidental contact with high-voltage lines.
Installation Guidelines     2-2   2-2.3  Mechanical Data Figure ‎2-2 provides mechanical data for planning the installation of an FP310RAM-X unit.  Figure ‎2-2. FP310RAM-X Mechanical Data 2-3.  Installation Guidelines The FP310RAM-X is intended for installation in protected cabinets that prevent direct exposure to sun radiation, rain, dust and dirt. It does not require forced air cooling. The unit does not have any surge protection units inside. 2-3.1  Power Requirements The FP310RAM-X operates on 9 to 30 VDC (nominal operation at 12Vdc), at an average power drain of 0.1W with instantaneous peak power of 0.3W. A suitable power source must be provided as part of the installation.  The FP310RAM-X does not have an ON/OFF power switch, and will start operating as soon as power is connected. Therefore, it is recommended to install a circuit breaker, which will also serve as an ON/OFF switch, to protect the supply line of each FP310RAM-X. 2-3.2  Antenna The type of  antenna  to  be used  with  the  FP310RAM-X  is generally  determined by the  FP310RAM-X application and communication zone requirements. The positioning of the antenna must be carefully set to achieve  the  required  communication  zone  pattern.  Contact  Telematics  Wireless  if  you  need  help  in
Installation Procedure     2-3   selecting suitable antennas.  Note The  antenna  (ANT)  connector  of  the  FP310RAM-X  must  always  connected  to antenna or be terminated in matched (50) loads.    2-3.2.1  FP310RAM-X-to-Antenna Cabling The  maximum  distance  between  the  FP310RAM-X  and  its  antenna  is  limited  by  cable  signal  loss. Generally, the total signal loss between the antenna and the FP310RAM-X must be less than 3 dB. Any losses on antenna patch panels must also be taken into consideration. Cable routes should be carefully planned, to ensure they follow the shortest path yet are far from sources of strong electrical interference such as electrical motors, air conditioning equipment, two-way radios, etc. Make sure that cables are physically protected, for example, by routing them within cable ducts: sharp bends, distortion of the cable outer shield, etc., may increase the attenuation by an unpredictable amount. 2-3.3  Communication Cables The  cables  connecting  the  FP310RAM-X  host  port  must  be  shielded.  Communication-grade  cables consisting of twisted pairs with external shield should be used, and the shield must be grounded at one end. Cables should be run through grounded conduits, to minimize external interference.  2-3.4  Grounding and Lightning Protection Requirements All  the  FP310RAM-Xs,  antenna,  mounting  pole,  cabinet,  cable  conduits  and  cables  must  be  properly grounded  in  accordance  with  the  applicable  regulations,  to  prevent  injury  to  personnel  or  damage  to equipment from lightning or other high voltage sources.  Ground bonding points must be free of paint and corrosion. Star washers should be placed on screws to ensure good electrical contact. For installations where  a complete bonded  ground connection is  not possible for the entire antenna-to-FP310RAM-X cabling, a separate lightning arrester must be installed at a point near the RF connection to the FP310RAM-X cabinet. 2-4.  Installation Procedure  2-4.1  Tools and Materials Huber + Suhner 74Z-0-0-21 -  SMA wrench with fixed torque. Torque screwdriver to close the screws used to mount the FP310RAM-X unit to the cabinet. 2-4.2  Preparation for Installation Refer to the site installation plan, and make sure all the required components, cables, and accessories are available. Identify the prescribed physical location of each system component, and find the grounding points. Before  installing  any  item  (FP310RAM-X,  cabinet,  mounting  accessory,  antenna,  cable  conduit,  etc.), thoroughly clean the surface on which it will be mounted.
Installation Procedure     2-4   2-4.3  FP310RAM-X Installation Procedure 2-4.3.1  Physical Installation  Use the following general procedure to install the FP310RAM-X in the prescribed location: 1. Identify the exact location and position of the FP310RAM-X. 2. Mark the 6 holes to be drilled in accordance with the information appearing in Figure ‎2-2, and then drill using an appropriate drill tip for #8x32 screw.  3. Thoroughly clean the surface on which the FP310RAM-X will be mounted.  4. Insert  a  star  washer  and  a  flat  washer  on  each  of  the  4  or  6  fastening  bolts.  Prepare additional flat washers and star washers for insertion under the nuts (if 4 are used, then place them on each of the corners). 5. Place the FP310RAM-X on the mounting position, and fasten it with 4 or 6 bolts and nuts using a torque screwdriver set to 0.35 – 0.53 lb/inch. 2-4.3.2  Cable Connections  Caution The  FP310RAM-X  does  not  have  an  ON/OFF  power  switch,  and  will  start operating as soon as power is connected. Make sure that no power is supplied until authorization to start operations is received.  1. Identify  the  cables  to  be  connected  to  the  FP310RAM-X  in  accordance  with  the  site installation plan. 2. Visually inspect the connectors for any signs of damage: do not attempt to connect if shell or pins are bent. Thoroughly clean using a soft, clean brush to remove dirt and foreign matter. 3. Route each cable to the prescribed connector and mate the connectors. For each D-type connector,  secure  the  connection  by  tightening  the  two  screws;  use  SMA  wrench  with torque (see 2-4.1) to tighten RF connectors. Do not exert excessive force. 4. Four cable tying points are provided around the FP310RAM-X: use cable ties to secure the cables. To prevent stress caused by bending, make sure to leave enough slack. 2-4.3.3  Final Inspection 1. Visually inspect the installation for proper execution, good workmanship and compliance with the applicable practices and regulations. 2. Check cable connections, and check their routes. Make sure that cables are securely routed and fastened. 3. Inspect the installation of the other system components in accordance with the applicable instructions. 4. Correct any problems detected during the inspection.  5. After  the  inspection  is  successfully  completed,  refer  to  Chapter  3  to  continue  with  the preliminary configuration.  Warning Do  not  apply  power  to  the  FP310RAM-X  before  explicit  authorization  is received  from  the  person  in  charge.  The  FP310RAM-X  may  start transmitting as soon as power is applied, resulting in possible exposure of personnel working near the antenna to microwave radiation.  The FP310RAM-X must not be allowed to transmit without being connected to an antenna, or to other matched (50) load.
Installation Procedure     2-5           Chapter 3 OPERATION    Contents 3-1. Scope ............................................................................................................. 3-3-1 3-2. Power-Up ....................................................................................................... 3-3-1 Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.
 PROPRIETARY 3-1       Chapter ‎3 Operation 3-1.  Scope This  Chapter  provides  the  information  needed  to  prepare  a  new  FP310RAM-X  for  operation  in  your system, using the FP310RAM-X host utility provided by Telematics Wireless. 3-2.  Power-Up Before performing the other activities described in this Chapter, power up the FP-310RA and connect it to the PC running the host utility.  Warning Do  not  apply  power  to  the  FP310RAM-X  before  explicit  authorization  is received  from  the  person  in  charge.  The  FP310RAM-X  may  start transmitting as soon as power is applied, resulting in possible exposure of personnel working near the antennas to microwave radiation.  The FP310RAM-X must not be allowed to transmit without being connected to antenna, or to a suitable (50) load.   To apply power to the FP310RAM-X: 1. Check that power may be applied to the FP310RAM-X.  2. Apply power and monitor the FP310RAM-X IND indicator: it should start flashing in green.  Notes  Orange flashing indicates that transponders have been detected within the communication zone of the FP310RAM-X. This is possible only when the FP310RAM-X is connected to antennas.  Red flashing indicates that transmission has been disabled (muted) or the reader in test mode. This is a normal indication. However, steady red means that a malfunction has been detected: press the RESET push-button of the FP310RAM-X and check that the problem disappears after the FP310RAM-X restarts. If the indicator lights steadily in red, service is required.
Power-Up PROPRIETARY 3-2   To connect the FP310RAM-X to the host PC: 1. Identify the serial COM port of the PC that is configured for communication with the FP310RAM-X. 2. Connect a straight DB9 to DB9 modem cable between the host PC COM port and the host connector of the FP310RAM-X. 3. Start the host utility. 4. After  the  PC  establishes  communication  with  the  FP310RAM-X,  the  monitoring window  of  the  host  utility  should  show  the  information  retrieved  from  the FP310RAM-X.
 PROPRIETARY         Appendix A CONNECTION DATA         Contents A-1. Antenna Connector .......................................................................................... A-1 A-2. Power Input Connector .................................................................................... A-1 A-3. Host Interface Connector ................................................................................. A-1 A-4. I/O Connector .................................................................................................. A-1
 PROPRIETARY A-1   Appendix ‎A Connection Data A-1.  Antenna Connector The FP310RAM-X has one SMA female antenna connector. A-2.  Power Input Connector The FP310RAM-X has one 3-pin connector, designated DC IN, and used to connect the DC input voltage. Table ‎A-1 lists the pin functions. Table ‎A-1. DC IN Connector, Pin Functions  Pin Function  1 Input voltage 2 Ground 3 N.C. A-3.  Host Interface Connector The  host  interface  connector  is  9-pin  D-type  female  connector.  The  connector  includes  a  serial asynchronous DCE interface used for connection to the host computer RS-232 interface @38400 baud. Table ‎A-2. HOST Connector, Pin Functions for RS-232 Interface  Pin Designation Function Pin Designation Function 1 N.C.  6 N.C.  2 TxD Transmit data output (going out from the reader) 7 N.C.  3 RxD Receive data input (coming in to the reader) 8 N.C.  4 N.C.  9 N.C.  5 GND Signal ground    A-4.  I/O Connector The I/O connector is 9-pin D-type female connector. Table ‎A-3. I/O Connector  Pin Function Pin Function  1 GND 5 GND 2 Output 1 6 Input 1 3 GND 7 GND 4 Output 2 8 Input 2 1 1 8    6    4    2 7    5    3    1

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