STMicroelectronics NFC05A1 NFC Card Reader Board User Manual UM2252

STMicroelectronics NFC Card Reader Board UM2252

User manual

  July 2017 DocID030806 Rev 2 1/26   UM2252 User manual Getting started with the X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 NFC card reader expansion board based on ST25R3911B for STM32 Nucleo   Introduction The X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 NFC card reader expansion board is used to evaluate functions based on the ST25R3911B, designed for the expansion of STM32 Nucleo boards. It is compatible with the Arduino™ UNO R3 connector and can be plugged to any STM32 Nucleo board together with other expansion boards to evaluate different devices. It features:   On-board NFC card reader IC: ST25R3911B   47 mm x 34 mm, four turns, 13.56 MHz inductive antenna etched on PCB and associated tuning circuit   Six general purpose LEDs   ISO 18092 (NFCIP-1) active P2P   ISO 14443A and ISO14443B   ISO 15693  FeliCa™   VHBR  6.8 Mbit/s AFE and PCD to PICC framing   3.4 Mbit/s PICC to PCD framing   Up to 1.4 W output power with differential antenna   Possibility of driving two antennas in single ended configuration   Inductive and capacitive wake-up   Automatic antenna tuning system   Transparent and Stream modes to implement MIFARE™ Classic compliant or other custom protocols
Getting started UM2252  2/26 DocID030806 Rev 2   Figure 1: X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board
UM2252 Contents   DocID030806 Rev 2 3/26  Contents 1 Getting started ................................................................................. 6 1.1 Hardware requirements ..................................................................... 6 1.2 System requirements ........................................................................ 6 2 Board setup ..................................................................................... 7 3 Hardware .......................................................................................... 8 3.1 Host interface and GPIO connection ................................................. 9 3.2 X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board component placement ..... 10 4 Component description ................................................................ 11 4.1 ST25R3911B device ....................................................................... 11 4.2 Schematic diagrams ........................................................................ 11 4.2.1 USB connectivity and power supply ................................................. 11 4.2.2 ST25R3911B schematic diagram ..................................................... 13 4.2.3 Antenna and matching network components ................................... 15 4.3 PCB Layout ..................................................................................... 17 4.3.1 PCB layers ........................................................................................ 17 4.3.2 Top layer ........................................................................................... 17 4.3.3 Mid layer 1 ........................................................................................ 18 4.3.4 Mid layer 2 ........................................................................................ 18 4.3.5 Bottom layer ..................................................................................... 19 5 Bill of materials .............................................................................. 20 6 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Industry Canada (IC) compliance ........................................................................ 23 6.1 FCC Compliance Statement............................................................ 23 6.1.1 Part 15.19 ......................................................................................... 23 6.1.2 Part 15.21 ......................................................................................... 23 6.1.3 Part 15.105 ....................................................................................... 23 6.1.4 FCC ID .............................................................................................. 23 6.2 Formal notices required by Industry Canada (“IC”) ......................... 23 6.2.1 Compliance Statement ..................................................................... 23 6.2.2 Declaration de Conformité ................................................................ 23 6.2.3 IC ID.................................................................................................. 24 7 Revision history ............................................................................ 25
List of tables UM2252  4/26 DocID030806 Rev 2   List of tables Table 1: Interconnections between the X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board and the Nucleo-L476RG board (left side) ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Table 2: Interconnections between the X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board and the Nucleo-L476RG board (right side) ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Table 3: Matching variant ......................................................................................................................... 15 Table 4: X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 bill of materials ....................................................................................... 20 Table 5: Document revision history .......................................................................................................... 25
UM2252 List of figures   DocID030806 Rev 2 5/26  List of figures Figure 1: X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board ..................................................................................... 2 Figure 2: X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 component placement .......................................................................... 10 Figure 3: STM32 Nucleo connector schematic diagram ........................................................................... 12 Figure 4: ST25R3911B schematic diagram .............................................................................................. 14 Figure 5: Matching circuit schematic diagram .......................................................................................... 16 Figure 6: PCB layout top layer .................................................................................................................. 17 Figure 7: PCB layout mid layer 1 .............................................................................................................. 18 Figure 8: PCB layout mid layer 2 .............................................................................................................. 18 Figure 9: PCB layout bottom layer ............................................................................................................ 19
Getting started UM2252  6/26 DocID030806 Rev 2   1  Getting started Connect the X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 to an STM32 Nucleo-64 development board. The PC USB port has to be capable of delivering at least 300 mA at 5 V supply. A demo software is available for download at to be programmed onto the STM32 Nucleo. 1.1  Hardware requirements The X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board is designed to be used with any STM32 Nucleo board, although complete testing has been performed using the NUCLEO-L476RG hosting the STM32L476RG microcontroller. The STM32 Nucleo firmware and the related documentation are available at 1.2  System requirements To use the STM32 Nucleo boards with the X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board the following software and hardware are required:   an STM32 Nucleo-64 development board   a Windows® PC to install the firmware package   a USB type A to Mini-B USB cable to connect the Nucleo board to the PC   unit must be supplied by a safety extra low voltage (SELV) limited power source through the USB port, the source should not exceed 60Vdc / 8A / 100VA To install the board firmware package (order code: X-CUBE-NFC5) the PC must have:   128 MB of RAM   40 MB of free hard disk space The X-CUBE-NFC5 firmware and the related documentation are available at
UM2252 Board setup   DocID030806 Rev 2 7/26  2  Board setup To set up the board; 1 Connect the X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board to the STM32 Nucleo board from the top through the Arduino® UNO R3 connectors 2 Power the STM32 Nucleo board using a Mini-B USB cable 3 Program the firmware on the STM32 Nucleo board using the provided example 4 Reset the MCU using the reset button available on the STM32 Nucleo board. The evaluation kit is ready to be used.
Hardware UM2252  8/26 DocID030806 Rev 2   3  Hardware The X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board allows the user to test the functionality of the ST25R3911B ICa, which supports the reader/writer modeb.   Program the microcontroller on the STM32 Nucleo board.  The ST25R3911B IC module and the STM32 Nucleo board are connected through CN5, CN6, CN8 and CN9 connectors (see the tables below). Table 1: Interconnections between the X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board and the Nucleo-L476RG board (left side) Signal Connector Pin number Nucleo-L476RG X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 NC CN6 Power 1 - - IOREF 2 - 3V3 (VDD_IO) RESET 3 - - 3V3 4 - 3V3 (VDD_IO) 5V 5 - 5V (VDD) GND 6 - GND GND 7 - GND VIN 8 - - A0 CN8 Analog 1 PA0 IRQ_MCU A1 2 PA1 MCU_LED1 A2 3 PA4 MCU_LED2 A3 4 PB0 MCU_LED3 A4 5 PC1 - A5 6 PC0 -  Table 2: Interconnections between the X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board and the Nucleo-L476RG board (right side) Signal Connector Pin number Nucleo-L476RG X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 D15 CN5 Digital 10 PB8 - D14 9 PB9 - AVDD 8 AVDD - GND 7 GND GND D13 6 PA5 CLK_MCU                                                       a For the chip complete feature list refer to the ST25R3911B datasheet. b For further details on the supported features, refer to this user manual introduction.
UM2252 Hardware   DocID030806 Rev 2 9/26  Signal Connector Pin number Nucleo-L476RG X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 D12 5 PA6 MISO_MCU D11 4 PA7 MOSI_MCU D10 3 PB6 /SS_MCU D9 2 PC7 - D8 1 PA9 - D7 CN9 Digital 8 PA8 MCU_LED6 D6 7 PB10 - D5 6 PB4 MCU_LED4 D4 5 PB5 MCU_LED5 D3 4 PB3 - D2 3 PA10 - D1 2 PA2 - D0 1 PA3 -  3.1  Host interface and GPIO connection The X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board contains the ST25R3911B-AQFT chip and is powered by the STM32 Nucleo board. The ST25R3911B is driven by the microcontroller via SPI interface. The six LEDs indicate the detected technology (for example ISO14443 Type A).
Hardware UM2252  10/26 DocID030806 Rev 2   3.2  X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board component placement Figure 2: X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 component placement
UM2252 Component description   DocID030806 Rev 2 11/26  4  Component description 4.1  ST25R3911B device The ST25R3911B-AQFT is a highly integrated NFC initiator/HF reader IC embedding:   the analog front end (AFE) and a highly integrated data framing system for:   ISO 18092 (NFCIP-1) initiator   ISO 18092 (NFCIP-1) active target   ISO 14443A and B reader (including high bit rates)  FeliCa™ reader The implementation of other standard and custom protocols (like MIFARE™ Classic) is possible by using the AFE and implementing framing in the external microcontroller (Stream and Transparent modes). 4.2  Schematic diagrams 4.2.1  USB connectivity and power supply  The X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board can be connected via Arduino® UNO R3 connectors to the STM32 Nucleo board. A green LED indicates if the 5 V supply is present on the X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board. The six status LEDs are controlled via MCU. Additional components are placed for the 5 V supply filtering. Several solder jumpers enable an alternative connection of SCLK_MCU and /SS_MCU to the STM32 MCU.
Component description UM2252  12/26 DocID030806 Rev 2   Figure 3: STM32 Nucleo connector schematic diagram
UM2252 Component description   DocID030806 Rev 2 13/26  4.2.2  ST25R3911B schematic diagram The ST25R3911B is directly connected to the filtered 5 V USB supply. There are additional supply filtering components placed close to the NFC/HF reader IC. Jumper JP200 can be used to measure the chip supply current. If this measurement is performed, the ferrite beat L301 has to be removed. Capacitors 200 to 203 provide additional filtering of the ST25R3911B supply. During layout all decoupling capacitors have been placed as close as possible to the ST25R3911B chip. Special care has been taken for C209, C201, C213 and C200 since these decoupling capacitors are used for the high power driver stage. To demonstrate the capacitive wake-up feature, two capacitive electrodes are placed on the PCB. Additional electrodes can be connected using the P200 and P201 UFL connectors. For SPI cross-connecting another reader PCB, the resistors R200 to R204 can be removed. J201 allows to bypass the internal VSP_RF regulator in case the output current is > 200 mA and needs to be supported.
Component description UM2252  14/26 DocID030806 Rev 2   Figure 4: ST25R3911B schematic diagram
UM2252 Component description   DocID030806 Rev 2 15/26  4.2.3  Antenna and matching network components This schematic diagram contains the matching network and the automatic antenna tuning capacitors as well as the alternative NFC Forum matching components. In the default configuration, the X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board is populated with a VHBR tuning, which allows communication to speed up to 3.4 Mbps. The Q-factor is doubled and bitrates up to 848kbps are supported, by switching the components listed in the following table. Table 3: Matching variant VHBR Matching NFC Forum Matching C302 C302_NFCF C309 C309_NFCF R300 R300_NFCF R301 R301_NFCF  To support VHBR bit rates, the antenna is matched to a system Q-Factor of 8. By switching to the NFC Forum matching components, the system Q-Factor is increased to 16. This can increase read range by up to 20% depending on the communication technology, but limits the maximum supported bit rate to 848kbps.a. The etched PCB antenna can be easily removed from the expansion board to connect a custom antenna using the connector J300. The matching topology supports the connection of one custom differential antenna or two single-ended antennas. The two single-ended antennas can then be multiplexed in software using the single and rfo2 bits of IO Configuration Register 1.                                                       a Further information about antenna matching can be found at
Component description UM2252  16/26 DocID030806 Rev 2   Figure 5: Matching circuit schematic diagram
UM2252 Component description   DocID030806 Rev 2 17/26  4.3  PCB Layout 4.3.1  PCB layers As the ST25R3911B is a high power RF transmitter, the NFC reader layout must be done carefully. The decoupling capacitors are located as close as possible to the positive and negative power supply pins (for example VSP_RF and VSN_RF). Since the chip is using a differential output driver stage, the antenna matching network is treated as a differential network. The space between the components is kept as small as possible and the whole network is routed completely symmetrical. Via stitching and via shielding is used to maintain a low impedance and prevent short return current loops. The RF traces are protected by via stitching in combination with guard rings to create a via wall: this keeps the PCB electromagnetically 'quiet'. A via shield is used to create a vertical copper barrier through the PCB, to help reduce crosstalk and electromagnetic interference in a route carrying an RF signal. The RFI traces and AAT lanes are routed as close as possible to each other. 4.3.2  Top layer The top layer contains most of the components and PCB traces. The unused areas around the IC are filled with GND planes guarded using via stitching. The important analog traces are surrounded by GND vias. Figure 6: PCB layout top layer
Component description UM2252  18/26 DocID030806 Rev 2   4.3.3  Mid layer 1 The mid layer 1 is a pure GND plane. It provides a low ohmic DC path for the GND connection. Figure 7: PCB layout mid layer 1  4.3.4  Mid layer 2 Mid layer 2 is used for power distribution. It contains the power planes for the ST25R3911B 5 V supply and the 3.3 V to communicate with the STM32 Nucleo board. Figure 8: PCB layout mid layer 2
UM2252 Component description   DocID030806 Rev 2 19/26  4.3.5  Bottom layer The bottom layer is mainly GND plane. Some traces are routed through the bottom plane. Figure 9: PCB layout bottom layer
Bill of materials UM2252  20/26 DocID030806 Rev 2   5  Bill of materials Table 4: X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 bill of materials Item Q.ty Ref. Part/Value Description Manufacturer Order code 1 0 C202  DNM   2 0 J300  DNM   3 0 J301  DNM   4 0 JP200  DNM   5 0 C303, C306  DNM   6 0 J200, J202  DNM   7 1 C100 0402, 0.01 µF, 25 V, ± 10%, X7R  AVX 0402YC101KAT2A 8 5 C101, C208, C209, C210, C211 0402, 0.01 µF, 25 V, ± 10%, X7R  AVX 04023C103KAT2A 9 0 P200, P201  DNM HRS (HIROSE) U.FL-R-SMT-1(10) 10 1 LED100  Green LED Lite-On LTST-C190KGKT 11 6 LED101, LED102, LED103, LED104, LED105, LED106  Blue LED Lite-On LTST-C190TBKT 12 2 C201, C203 0402, 0.1 µF, 10 V, ± 10%, X5R,   MULTICOMP MC0402X104K100CT 13 2 C301, C310 0603, 10 pF,  50 V, 1%, C0G / NP0  MULTICOMP MC0603N100F500CT 14 4 J100, J101, J302, J303   MULTICOMP MC00625W040210R 15 1 Y200  Crystal MURATA XRCGB27M120F3M00R0 16 2 C200, C215 0402, 1 µF,  16 V, ± 10%, X5R,  MURATA GRM155R61C105KA12D 17 2 C206, C207 0402, 8.2 pF, 50 V, ±  0.25 pF, C0G / NP0  MURATA GRM1555C1H8R2CA01D
UM2252 Bill of materials   DocID030806 Rev 2 21/26  Item Q.ty Ref. Part/Value Description Manufacturer Order code 18 2 C300, C311 82 pF ±1%  50 V C0G, NP0 0603  MURATA GRM1885C1H820FA01D 19 2 C302, C309 180 pF ±2%  50 V C0G, NP0 0603  MURATA GRM1885C1H181GA01D 20 2 C302_NFCF, C309_NFCF 120 pF ±2%  50 V C0G, NP0 0603  MURATA GRM1885C1H121GA01D 21 2 C304, C308 680 pF ±2%  50 V C0G, NP0 0603  MURATA GRM1885C1H681GA01D 22 2 C305, C307 56 pF ±2%  50 V C0G, NP0 0603  MURATA GRM1885C1H560FA01D 23 2 C314, C315 5.6 pF ±0.5 pF 50 V C0G, NP0 0402  MURATA GRM1555C1H5R6DA01D 24 2 C318, C319 27 pF ±2%  50 V C0G, NP0 0402  MURATA GRM1555C1H270GA01D 25 2 C320, C321 56 pF ±2%  50 V C0G, NP0 0402  MURATA GRM1555C1H560GA01D 26 2 L300, L301 270 nH  260 mA  2.42 Ohm Max 0603, SFR@1.25 GHz, Q>24@100 MHz" Unshielded Wirewound Inductor MURATA LQW18ANR27G80D 27 3 L100, L101, L200   MURATA BLM18EG471SN1D 28 4 C102, C212, C213, C214 0402, 2.2 µF, 6.3 V, ± 20%, X5R  MURATA GRM155R60J225ME15D 29 4 C204, C205, C316, C317 12 pF ±2%  50 V C0G, NP0 0402  MURATA GRM1555C1H120GA01D
Bill of materials UM2252  22/26 DocID030806 Rev 2   Item Q.ty Ref. Part/Value Description Manufacturer Order code 30 8 R101, R102, R103, R104, R105, R106, R205, R206 1 kohm, 50 V, 0402,  >100 mW,  ± 5%  Panasonic ERJ2GEJ102X 31 1 CN5  Header 10X1_Female Samtec SSQ-110-03-L-S 32 1 CN8  Header 6X1_Female Samtec SSQ-106-03-L-S 33 2 CN6, CN9  Header 8X1_Female Samtec SSQ-108-03-L-S 34 1 U200   ST ST25R3911B-AQFT 35 2 R300_NFCF, R301_NFCF 1.96 Ohm ±1% 0.1 W, 1/10 W 0603  Chip Resistor Vishay Dale CRCW06031R96FKEA 36 1 R100 680 Ohm ±5% 0.063 W,  1/16 W 0402 Chip Resistor Yageo RC0402JR-07680RL 37 2 R300, R301 5.6 Ohm ±5% 0.1 W, 1/10 W 0603  Chip Resistor Yageo RC0603FR-075R62L 38 5 R200, R201, R202, R203, R204 220 Ohm ±5% 0.063 W,  1/16 W 0402  Chip Resistor Yageo RC0402JR-07220RL
UM2252 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Industry Canada (IC) compliance DocID030806 Rev 2 23/26 6  Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Industry Canada (IC) compliance 6.1  FCC Compliance Statement 6.1.1  Part 15.19 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 6.1.2  Part 15.21 Any changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by STMicroelectronics may cause harmful interference and void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. 6.1.3  Part 15.105 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  —  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. —  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. —  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. —  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. 6.1.4  FCC ID FCC ID: YCPNFC05A1 6.2  Formal notices required by Industry Canada (“IC”) 6.2.1  Compliance Statement This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 6.2.2  Declaration de Conformité Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Industry Canada (IC) compliance UM2252  24/26 DocID030806 Rev 2   tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement. 6.2.3  IC ID IC ID: 8976A-NFC05A1
UM2252 Revision history   DocID030806 Rev 2 25/26  7  Revision history Table 5: Document revision history Date Version Changes 06-Jul-2017 1 Initial release 31-Jul-2017 2 Added Section 6.1.3: "Part 15.105"
 UM2252  26/26 DocID030806 Rev 2    IMPORTANT NOTICE – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY  STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, enhancements, modifications, and improvements to ST products and/or to this document at any time without notice. Purchasers should obtain the latest relevant information on ST products before placing orders. ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale in place at the time of order acknowledgement.   Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection, and use of ST products and ST assumes no liability for application assistance or the design of Purchasers’ products.  No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property right is granted by ST herein.  Resale of ST products with provisions different from the information set forth herein shall void any warranty granted by ST for such product.  ST and the ST logo are trademarks of ST. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.  Information in this document supersedes and replaces information previously supplied in any prior versions of this document.  © 2017 STMicroelectronics – All rights reserved

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