SZ DJI TECHNOLOGY OAS11709 DJI OcuSync Air System User Manual DJI Goggles RE QSG



Users Manual

Racing Edition
Quick Start Guide
DJI Goggles Racing Edition
DJI Goggles Racing Edition (hereafter abbreviated as “DJI Goggles”)are equipped
with high-performance displays and an ultra-low latency video downlink for use
with DJITM aircraft, giving you a real-time aerial First Person View (FPV) experience.
DJI Goggles can also be used to display HD videos, bringing you an immersive
high-definition viewing experience. DJI Goggles support head tracking, allowing
aircraft and gimbal to be controlled using head movements, introducing a new
style of flying.*
The DJI Goggles Racing Editionfeatures the advanced OCUSYNCTMvideo
transmission, supporting both theAnalog Video Downlink and 2.4 / 5.8GHz
dual-band Digital Video Downlink, providing a high video downlink performance
with as low as 50ms latency and up to 2km transmission distance, a variety of
Antennas can be usedfor more application scenarios. For third-party racing aircraft,
DJI OcuSync Air Unit can be used directly with DJI Goggles to provide you with
acamera, video transmission, controls and displays integrated, high-quality racing
flight experience.
1. Touch Panel
2. Headband
3. Charging Status Indicator
4. Micro USB Port
5. Headband Knob
6. Speaker
7. Power Button
8. Battery Level Indicators
9. Back Button
10. Function Button
11. Link Button
12. Linking Status Indicator
13. IPD (Interpupillary
Distance) Knob
14. Lens
15. Proximity Sensor
16. Headband Buckle
17. Heat Vent
18. Micro SD Card Slot
19. 3.5 mm Audio Port
20. HDMI Type-D Port
21. Speaker
22. SMAAntenna Port
1. Camera Port
Connect with the DJI OcuSync Camera. Note
that both this port and the camera connector
plug are customize Type-C interface and they
are not compatible with third-party equipment.
2. SBUS Port
Connect with the 3 in 1 Cable(power, S.Bus,
UART), and connect to power, flight controller
and the OSD port based on the sequence
RED: Power
GRAY: UART RX(Connects toOSD)
WHITE: UART TX (Connects toOSD)
YELLOW: SBUS(Connects toFlight Controller
3. Micro SDCard Slot
Insert Micro SD Card to store the video
4. Antenna Ports
Used to attach the Air Unit antennas.
5. Micro USB Port
Connects to your PC for firmware
upgradesthrough the DJI Assistant 2.
6. PPM Port
Connects to the aircraft’s gimbal with the
PPM Cable to control the aircraft or gimbal by
DJI Goggles. (supported later)
7. Link Button
Press this button to link the DJI OcuSync Air
Unit with the DJI Goggles.
8. Linking Status Indicator
Indicate the linking status of the DJI OcuSync
Air Unit and the DJI Goggles.
Module Connections
Analog Video Downlink
Install the pagoda antenna (SMA interface) to the SMA Port of DJI Goggles directly.
The provided pagoda antenna (SMA interface) also support two-way
digital transmission.A directional antenna with higher gain can be used
for better analogue transmission performance,.
Digital Video Downlink
When using the Digital Video Downlink, In addition to install the pagoda antenna
(SMA interface) to the SMA Port of DJI Goggles, you will also need to install the DJI
OcuSync Air System on a third-party racing aircraft to work with DJI Goggles. Refer
to the below connection illustration and then mount the modules onto the aircraft.
z It is recommended to use a lighter dipole antennawithin a short
distance flight, while a pagoda antenna (SMA interface) or a
cylindrical antenna is recommended when the flight distance is 100 m
or more.
z It is recommended to mount the DJI OcuSync Air Unit with its screw
side facing down.
z The SBUS Port and the PPM Port on the Air Unit are only used when
transmitting the remote control signal, these ports are not need to be
connected if only video downlink is used.
z Place the two antennas on the Air Unit in a mutually vertical manner
and with at least 30mm apart. Note that avoidinggood conductor
block at the antenna level, and keep the bottom of the antennafrom
the good conductor (cable, carbon fiber frame, battery and metal,
etc.) at least 25mm.
You can connect the coach port of a third-party remote controllerand the audio
port onDJI Gogglesthrough the coach cable to transmit the control signal to the
racing aircraft when using the Digital Video Downlink
Installation and Wearing
Check the Battery Level and Charging
Press once to check the battery level.
Press once, then again and hold to turn on/off.
The Battery is fully charged when the Charging Status Indicator or the BatteryLevel
Indicators turn off.
Charge time: ~ 4 hours Maximum run-time: ~ 6 hours
Activation and Connection
First-time activation is required before using your new DJI Goggles.
Ensure all devices are powered on and that the Aircraft is linked with the Remote
Controller. Make sure both are updated to the latest firmware versions.
Video Play
OCUSYNCTM Micro USB cable HDMI cable HDMI cable
Press the Link
Buttons on the
Mavic Pro and DJI
Goggles, or enter
Tools > Setting >
Linking Setting
* Prepare an OTG
cable and connect it
to the Micro USB port
of the remote
Live view only.
Follow the steps below to link with the third-party racing aircraft.
1. Power on the DJI OcuSync Air Unit, press the link button on the air unit with an
appropriate tool when the linking status indicator is solid green, the indicator
will turn solid red when the air unit is waiting for linking.
2. Power on the DJI Goggles, directly press the link button with an appropriate
tool in the main menu, or swipe downward with two fingers on the touch panel
to enter the shortcut menu and select RacingDrone (Digital)> Linking Settings.
3. Make sure the distance between DJI Goggles and the Air Unit is within 2m, both
the two linking status indicators will turn solid green when successfully linked,
and the video will be normally displayed.
Single Finger Touch /
5D Button*
z Swipe to scroll on
the menu
z Tap to confirm
Two Fingers Touch
Swipe forward/backward to
unlock/ lock the touch panel
Swipe upward/downward to
exit/enter the shortcut menu
Somatic Control
DJI Goggles support
head tracking,
allowing aircraft and
gimbal to be
controlled using head
movements. Multi
Intelligent Flight
Modes are also
Back Button / C2
Press to return to the
previous menu, or exit
the current Intelligent
Flight Mode.
Function Button / C1 Button*
Press to show the focus cursor,
swipe forward/backward with
one finger to zoom in or zoom
out. Move your head then tap the
touch panel to define the focus
Only support:
MAVIC Series
Phantom 4 Series
Inspire 2
* When connected with Mavic series aircraft, the 5D, C1, and C2
buttons on the remote controller will be used to control the DJI
Goggles and their original function is disabled.
Model DJI Goggles:G1P;DJI OcuSync Air Unit:OAS1
Weight (Typical) DJI Goggles Body: 495 g
Headband: 500 g
Screen Size 5 inch×2
Screen Resolution 3840 × 1080 (single screen: 1920 × 1080)
Communication Frequency 2.4GHz/ 5.8GHz
Transmitter Power (EIRP) DJI Goggles
2.4 GHz: 31 dBm (FCC); 19 dBm (SRRC)
5.8 GHz: 26 dBm (FCC); 19 dBm (SRRC)
DJI OcuSync Air Unit
2.4 GHz: 26 dBm (FCC); 19 dBm (SRRC)
5.8 GHz: 26 dBm (FCC); 23 dBm (SRRC)
Live View Modes 1080p30,960p50,720p60,480p50
Battery Capacity 9440 mAh
Operating Temperature Range 32° to 104° F (0° to 40° C)
Charger Input: 100-240 VAC, 50 / 60 Hz, 0.5 A
Lenses: 195×155×110 mm
Strap(Folded): 255×205×92 mm
Operating Frequency Band (RF) : 2.4G
10M: 2405.5-2477.5MHz(TX/RX)
20M: 2410.5-2472.5MHz(TX/RX)
10M: 5730.5-5844.5MHz(TX/RX)
20M: 5735.5-5839.5MHz(TX/RX)
Max. Of Transmit power: 2.4G
10M: 18.72dBm
20M: 18.88dBm
10M: 12.71dBm 20M:12.80dBm
20M: 12.8dBm
DJI OcuSync Air Unit CE freuency band
frequency band
Compliance Information
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with th e limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interferencein a residential installation. This
equipment g enerates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the in structions , may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmf ul interference to radio or television re ception, which
can be deter mined by tur ning the equipment off and on, the user is encour aged to try t o
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
y Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
y Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
y Connect the equipment into an outlet on a ci rcuit dif ferent fro m that to w hich the
receiver is connected.
y Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
RSS Regulatory Statement
This device complies with ISEDC license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is
subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause interference, and
(2) this devi ce must a ccept any interfer ence, in cluding inter ference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme au x CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils
radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
SAR tests are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC/ISEDC with the
goggles transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands, although
the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the goggles
while operating can be well below the maximum value.
Before a new model goggles is a available for sale to the public, it must be tested and certified to
the FCC/ISEDC that it does not exceed the exposure limit established by the FCC/ISEDC, Tests for each
goggles are performed in positions and locations (e.g. at the ear and worn on the body)as
required by the FCC/ISEDC.
For body worn operation, this model goggles has been tested and meets the FCC/ISEDC RF exposure
guidelines when used with an accessory designated for this product or when used with an accessory that
Contains no metal.
Non-compliance with the above restrictions may result in violation of RF exposure guidelines.
For OcuSync Air Unit ,the equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set
forth for an uncontrolled environment .This equipment should be installed and
operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator& your body.
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doi t accepter tout brouillage radi oélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
EU Compliance Statement: SZ DJI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. hereby declares that this
device is in compliance with the essential requi rements and other relevant provisions of
the RED Directive.
A copy of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available online at
presentedeclara que este dispositivo cumple los requisitos básicos y el resto de
provisionesrelevantes de la Directiva.
Hay disponible online una copia de la Declaración de conformidad UE en
EU-verklaring van overeenstemming: SZ DJI TECHNOL OGY CO., LTD. verk laart
hierbijdat dit appara at voldo et aan de e ssentiële ver eisten en and ere relevante
bepalingen vanRichtlijn.
Declaração de conformidade da UE: A SZ DJ I TECHNOL OGY CO., L TD. dec lara,
atravésdeste documento, que es te dispositivo está em c onformidade com os requisites
essenciais e outras disposições relevantes da Diretiva.
Dichiarazione di conformità UE: SZ DJI TECHNOLOGY CO., L TD. d ichiara c he il
presentedispositivo è conforme ai requisiti e ssenziali e alle altre disposizioni rilevanti
Déclaration de conformité UE: Par la p résente, SZ DJ I TECHNOLOGY CO., L TD
declare que cet apparei l est confor me aux pr incipales exigences et au tres clause s
pertinentesde la directive européenne.
EU-Compliance: Hiermit erklärt SZ DJI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD., dass dieses Gerätden
EU contact address: DJI GmbH, Industriestrasse. 12, 97618, Niederlauer, Germany.
Environmentally friendly disposal
Old electrical appliance must not be disposed of together with the residual waste,
but have to be deposed of separately. The disposal at the communal collection point
via private person is for free. The owner of old appliance is responsible to bring the
appliances to these collecting point or to similar collection points. With this little personal
effort, you contribute to recycle valuable raw materials and the treatment of tox ic
KCC Warning Statement
NCC Warning Statement
根據 NCC 低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法規定:
NBTC Warning Statement
IFETELWarning Statement
“La operación de este equipo está sujeta a la s siguientes dos condiciones: (1) es posible
que este eq uipo o dispositivo no cause interfer encia per judicial y (2) este equipo o
dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier i nterferencia, incl uyendo la que pu eda causar su
operación no deseada.”

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